IRC Log from 2009-06-02

00:11:25 *** rbrt13 ( has joined #portableapps
00:12:53 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
00:12:56 <pabot> Gizmokid2005 is the in-house pidgin expert (usually), and is working on KVIrc Portable: AND RSSOwl Portable:
00:14:38 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid|Mac
00:16:25 <JohnTHaller> alright... dinnertime...
00:16:30 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
00:18:50 *** rbrt131 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
00:32:57 *** Havvy (i=473be61f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:36:51 *** rbrt13 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
00:44:38 *** Was1ePotato has quit (Remote closed the connection)
00:52:14 *** rbrt13 ( has joined #portableapps
01:00:22 *** AppGuy (n=AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
01:00:43 *** rbrt131 ( has joined #portableapps
01:14:33 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
01:16:33 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
01:16:33 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
01:18:34 *** AppGuy has quit ("Leaving")
01:18:46 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
01:18:46 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
01:20:15 <powerjuce> hey all
01:20:33 <powerjuce> u kno what i hate, freenode does not hav an ssl connection :(
01:20:35 <excid3> hello powerjuce
01:20:52 <excid3> yeah, that has always surprised me
01:21:04 <excid3> of all places, you would think they would have SSL
01:21:23 <powerjuce> the testbed server has ssl
01:21:26 <powerjuce> but not the main
01:22:39 <excid3> odd
01:23:55 *** dbdii407 has quit (
01:23:55 *** TheWarden has quit (
01:23:55 *** tarbo has quit (
01:24:14 *** rbrt13 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
01:24:21 *** Suiseiseki has quit (
01:24:21 *** Bensawsome has quit (
01:24:30 *** dbdii407 (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
01:24:46 *** TheWarden ( has joined #portableapps
01:24:46 *** tarbo (n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has joined #portableapps
01:25:06 *** tarbo has quit (SendQ exceeded)
01:25:27 *** Suiseiseki (i=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
01:25:27 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
01:25:28 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
01:25:29 <pabot> Suiseiseki is desu
01:25:33 *** excid3 has parted #portableapps ()
01:27:39 *** powerjuce has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:27:42 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
01:27:42 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
01:27:57 *** rbrt131 is now known as rbrt13
01:28:24 *** tarbo (n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has joined #portableapps
01:28:34 <rbrt13> hello
01:34:31 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
01:45:17 *** Res2216firestar has quit ("BOOM!!!")
01:50:29 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
01:50:46 *** Havvy (i=473be61f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:59:58 *** powerjuce is now known as powerjuce|away
02:02:08 *** Don_Miguel (n=MichaelW@ has joined #portableapps
02:05:01 *** raremold2010 ( has joined #portableapps
02:06:17 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
02:06:17 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
02:16:13 *** raremold2010 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:22:42 *** dzjepp ( has joined #portableapps
02:24:09 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
02:24:09 <pabot> Whibo is a user
02:31:58 *** Whibo has quit ()
02:44:23 *** raremold2010 ( has joined #portableapps
02:51:21 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
02:51:22 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable at and is also developing musicplay3000 the open-source media player inspired by foobar2000
02:55:10 *** Gizmokid|Mac is now known as Gizmokid|Mac|AFK
02:55:29 *** Gizmokid|Mac|AFK is now known as Gizmokid|Mac
02:55:33 *** Gizmokid|Mac has quit ("Gizmo has left the room! :)")
02:58:51 *** rbrt13 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
03:04:14 *** powerjuce|away has quit ("peace out all")
03:05:32 *** dabossbv1 ( has joined #portableapps
03:14:16 *** raremold2010 has parted #portableapps ()
03:22:23 *** dabossbv has quit (Connection timed out)
03:27:16 *** daBomb69 has quit ("Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)")
03:47:02 *** Don_Miguel has quit (Success)
03:47:25 *** Don_Miguel (n=MichaelW@ has joined #portableapps
04:08:42 *** raremold2010 ( has joined #portableapps
04:11:29 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
04:11:30 <pabot> Gizmokid2005 is the in-house pidgin expert (usually), and is working on KVIrc Portable: AND RSSOwl Portable:
04:12:12 *** Gizmokid2005 has parted #portableapps ("No matter how dark the night, somehow the Sun rises once again")
04:12:59 *** Gizmokid|Mac ( has joined #portableapps
04:24:34 *** Jeremified_ ( has joined #portableapps
04:25:09 *** Jeremified has quit (Nick collision from services.)
04:25:12 *** Jeremified_ is now known as Jeremified
04:29:48 *** dabossbv1 has quit (
04:30:33 *** dabossbv ( has joined #portableapps
04:31:30 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
04:33:43 *** raremold2010 has parted #portableapps ()
04:33:50 *** raremold2010 ( has joined #portableapps
04:35:40 *** dabossbv1 ( has joined #portableapps
04:39:51 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
04:47:21 *** dabossbv1 has quit (No route to host)
05:20:09 *** pa_3196 (i=4b47e2dc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
05:20:55 <pa_3196> help! Cant connect to Tor. Any suggestions?
05:23:40 <Gizmokid|Mac> pa_3196: we don't support nor use Tor
05:23:44 <Gizmokid|Mac> we can't help you with that.
05:25:50 <pa_3196> Know where I can go?
05:28:34 *** pa_9037 (i=4b47e2dc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
05:28:57 *** pa_9037 has quit (Client Quit)
05:29:45 *** pa_3335 (i=4c04139a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
05:29:58 <pa_3335> Hello
05:30:08 *** pa_3196 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
05:30:40 <raremold2010> hi
05:30:44 <pa_3335> can someone help me please
05:30:49 <raremold2010> whats up?
05:31:41 <pa_3335> I just signed up for the aps and i did not receive an email
05:31:57 <pa_3335> apps sorry
05:32:41 <raremold2010> they don't sent the email regularly like one would expect
05:33:14 <pa_3335> how long shouldi wait to confirm my login info
05:33:20 <pa_3335> should I
05:34:16 *** sancas has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
05:34:50 <pa_3335> r u real busy at this time
05:35:01 <raremold2010> not really
05:35:14 <raremold2010> well i dont work for portable apps...
05:35:21 <pa_3335> so how long should
05:35:36 <pa_3335> I wait to confirm my login info??
05:35:42 <raremold2010> i just kind of am on here to to help out people with problems if i can
05:36:01 <pa_3335> thanks
05:36:11 *** pa_3335 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
05:36:14 <raremold2010> your welcome?
05:39:54 *** Gizmokid|Mac has quit ("Gizmo has left the room! :)")
05:50:42 *** Suiseiseki has quit ("/quit screw google, use oxysearch, the concentrated formula (TM)")
05:51:59 *** Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
05:51:59 <pabot> Suiseiseki is desu
05:52:39 *** Suiseiseki has quit (Client Quit)
05:53:57 *** dzjepp has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
06:23:07 *** upnPAD ( has joined #portableapps
06:23:08 <pabot> upnPAD wants official releases of Code::Blocks, Inkscape, and Chris Morgan Portable. His website is
06:33:18 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
06:50:47 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
06:53:39 *** Bjorn_H ( has joined #portableapps
06:56:38 *** ChrisMorgan (i=724c2e1c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
06:56:39 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more
06:59:28 <ChrisMorgan> Is it just me, or has this channel been a lot quieter the past few days than normal?
07:10:25 *** BjornH has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
07:10:41 *** Jeremified has quit ("Good night.")
07:24:45 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" Get BPBible Portable!")
07:51:24 *** inked ( has joined #portableapps
07:52:03 <inked> I always thought people knew me through my reputation
07:52:09 * inked snaps fingers
08:03:07 <raremold2010> nope...sry
08:03:56 *** raremold2010 has parted #portableapps ()
08:35:51 *** inked has parted #portableapps ()
08:49:49 *** Don_Miguel has quit ("Ex-Chat")
09:00:52 *** Bjorn_H has quit ("Leaving")
09:14:54 *** inked ( has joined #portableapps
09:34:52 *** MaienM|Sleep has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
09:37:26 *** Guest81384 has quit ("ZNC -")
09:55:48 *** inked is now known as inked_
09:55:53 *** inked_ is now known as inked
10:15:45 *** inked has parted #portableapps ()
10:18:42 *** Flametail (i=48174a7b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:18:49 <Flametail> hello?
10:19:16 <dbdii407> Hello.
10:19:22 <dbdii407> Need anything? :)
10:19:29 <Flametail> yes
10:19:49 <dbdii407> Break a leg. :)
10:19:52 <Flametail> anything that accesses the internet on my portable drive can't
10:20:07 <Flametail> firefox, ie, outlook
10:20:36 <Flametail> they just aren't using my computers internet
10:20:41 <dbdii407> IE is having the problem too?
10:20:46 <Flametail> yes
10:20:55 <Flametail> and so is one of your apps
10:21:19 <Flametail> so its not IE's problem
10:21:32 <dbdii407> therefore it isn't ours either.
10:22:01 <Flametail> but firefox, which came from you, is having the same issue
10:22:21 <dbdii407> If IE is having the same problem along with Outlook, it isn't our problem. ;)
10:22:25 <dbdii407> You'll have to check your computer's internet settings to fix this.
10:22:39 <dbdii407> Or contact your ISP.
10:22:39 <Flametail> ?
10:23:00 <Flametail> my computer works fine as you should be abl to see
10:23:13 <Flametail> just not your software
10:23:35 <dbdii407> IE and Outlook cannot access the internet?
10:23:52 <Flametail> yep and neither can firefox
10:24:12 <Flametail> I put IE and outlook onto my portable drive
10:24:37 * Flametail [sad]
10:24:42 <dbdii407> Well since you put IE on your flash drive and outlook, it's considered illegal.
10:24:59 <Flametail> it says I can put my apps on there
10:25:14 <Flametail> it's a legal copy
10:25:42 <dbdii407> Feel free to add your apps. But agents the Microsoft License, you cannot do anything to it's products unless noted.
10:26:15 <Flametail> ok, forget IE and outlook, firefox had the same problem
10:26:23 <dbdii407> But as i said, it isn't our fault. You'll have to check your computers internet settings to fix this.
10:27:22 <Flametail> I see how that helps, would you happen to have a how-to guide on that?
10:28:45 <Flametail> because if its an internet setttings problem surely everyone has the same problem?
10:28:55 <dbdii407> We've had this problem before a while back with another user. Unfortunately, there's no guide to fixing this problem that i'm aware of.
10:29:20 <Flametail> is the user still use this site?
10:29:32 <Flametail> I could ask him/her
10:29:58 <dbdii407> Eh not really. Most of us can use these apps right out of the box. ;) And the asked a long time ago. Probually 4 months in the past.
10:30:07 <dbdii407> the user asked*
10:30:38 <Flametail> arg
10:31:16 <Flametail> any clue how said user fixed the problem? or did he/she just stop using portable apps?
10:31:46 <dbdii407> We have no clue what he/she did after he left our channel. :(
10:32:19 <dbdii407> after he/she left*
10:32:21 * Flametail [(sad)]
10:32:26 <Flametail> bummer
10:32:47 <Flametail> and nobody else has a clue?
10:33:36 <dbdii407> Well, i might be the only actual active one on this channel at the moment since most of us are sleeping.
10:33:48 <Flametail> maybe
10:34:02 <Flametail> it's not that early where I live
10:34:14 <dbdii407> But if you can come in later during the day, i'm sure you can talk to some others to see if they know anything. :)
10:34:21 <Flametail> ok
10:35:13 <dbdii407> I'm sorry that i cannot help you any further Flametail. But not i must be getting to my bus stop. :(
10:35:24 <dbdii407> But i must*
10:35:25 <Flametail> ok then
10:35:45 <dbdii407> Feel free to hang around and ask later during the day. :)
10:35:46 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
10:36:04 <Flametail> rmccue: hello
10:36:13 <Flametail> dbdii407: ok
10:36:36 <Flametail> rmccue: can you help?
10:37:25 <Flametail> brb
10:44:19 <Flametail> help!!
10:45:04 <Flametail> Ryan McCue eh?
10:45:16 <Flametail> I've seen you on the forums
10:45:17 <rmccue> ?
10:45:31 *** dbdii407 is now known as DaveDixonII
10:45:31 <Flametail> can you help!!
10:45:43 <Flametail> oops
10:45:46 <rmccue> With?
10:45:58 <Flametail> internet connection
10:46:17 <Flametail> to programs within the portable apps platform
10:46:19 <rmccue> Maybe.
10:46:47 <Flametail> the issue is simple, nothing will connect to the internet
10:47:15 <Flametail> i've tried firefox, IE, outlook in that order
10:48:08 <rmccue> Can any program connect to the internet?
10:48:13 <Flametail> nope
10:48:27 <rmccue> Something with your computer, I dunno then.
10:48:47 <Flametail> hoped you would
10:49:14 <Flametail> so do the suites has fixes for previous bugs or are they all the same?
10:49:50 <rmccue> The suite is just a bundle.
10:49:52 <Flametail> I was just thinking, because I am using the basic platform
10:50:55 <Flametail> I mean, i don't think it is my computer because ceedo work a few weeks back
10:51:16 *** inked ( has joined #portableapps
10:54:35 <Flametail> hello inkspotted
10:57:19 <Flametail> any1?
10:57:45 <inked> ?
10:58:07 <Flametail> you know anything about internet connection probs?
10:58:23 <Flametail> where nothing will connect to the internet?
10:59:01 <Flametail> :(
10:59:43 *** Flametail has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
11:00:22 *** Flametail (i=48174a7b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
11:00:46 <Flametail> hello?
11:01:04 <Flametail> any1?
11:01:12 <Flametail> its sooo quiet
11:03:05 <Flametail> bet is I say, I put IE on my drive, every1 wil start talking
11:04:27 *** Flametail is now known as [hola]
11:04:34 <[hola]> hola
11:04:46 <[hola]> any1
11:05:06 *** [hola] is now known as Flametail
11:08:55 <Flametail> bueno bye luego
11:09:02 *** Twinkletoes|W ( has joined #portableapps
11:09:32 *** Flametail has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
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11:12:07 *** Twinkletoes|W (n=chatzill@ has joined #portableapps
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11:24:06 *** Twinkletoes|W ( has joined #portableapps
11:31:47 *** Flametail (i=48174a7b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
11:32:24 <Flametail> Fixed my prob
11:32:34 <Flametail> you should take note
11:33:07 <Flametail> restart computer
11:33:22 <Flametail> I never restart unless I have to
11:33:32 <Flametail> thats where the prob came from
11:33:37 <Flametail> thanks anyway
11:33:39 <Flametail> bye
11:33:40 *** Flametail has quit (Client Quit)
11:39:31 *** rmccue has quit ("The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"")
11:56:10 *** Res2216firestar (i=res@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #portableapps
12:04:12 *** mobileink ( has joined #portableapps
12:20:22 *** mobileink has quit (Remote closed the connection)
12:25:06 *** Res2216firestar has quit ("Off to IT class")
12:59:58 *** dragonmage (i=newdrago@ has joined #portableapps
12:59:58 <pabot> dragonmage is a skinner, who mostly just ports other's skins to different apps. Beta tester, Feature Suggester, and pretty much an idea man.
13:41:49 *** Gizmokid|Mac ( has joined #portableapps
14:27:00 *** MaienM (n=MaienM-F@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
14:27:04 <pabot> MaienM is developing The Mana World Portable, and would like people to test it:
14:46:19 *** MaienM has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
14:53:20 *** Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
14:53:21 <pabot> Suiseiseki is desu
15:07:19 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
15:07:24 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable at and is also developing musicplay3000 the open-source media player inspired by foobar2000
15:12:32 *** pa_8819 (i=3e26f6cc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
15:12:56 <pa_8819> help pls?
15:16:07 <ZachThibeau> pa_8819: how can I assist you
15:16:24 <pa_8819> hi
15:16:31 <pa_8819> a couple of things..
15:16:39 <ZachThibeau> ok
15:16:49 <pa_8819> i needed to make folders on the app suite..
15:16:54 <pa_8819> possible?
15:17:19 <ZachThibeau> folders like Documents link etc?
15:17:54 <pa_8819> folders for many apps like games etc..
15:18:27 <ZachThibeau> ahh you mean categorization then, thats not available yet but it will be soon
15:18:45 <pa_8819> ok..
15:18:46 <ZachThibeau> soon is when ever John Haller finishes coding that :)
15:19:28 <pa_8819> would there be any problem to just copy all the suite with the apps etc and paste it on my pc?
15:19:40 <pa_8819> go john!! :)
15:20:25 <ZachThibeau> pa_8819: no not at all :) if you find it easier to work from your own hard drive than a usb flash drive go right ahead :)
15:21:09 <pa_8819> so there won't be any missing paths etc?
15:21:22 <pa_8819> i ask because..
15:21:41 <ZachThibeau> no the launchers actually compensate for that automatically :)
15:21:56 <ZachThibeau> we think of everything at ;)
15:22:04 <pa_8819> some apps that i downloaded from different sites got installed on my pc then i moved them to the usb..
15:22:05 <ZachThibeau> when it comes to that :P
15:22:20 <ZachThibeau> ahh so not apps from then
15:22:42 <ZachThibeau> well then there might be some issues then, all depending on how the application functions
15:23:07 <pa_8819> i see..
15:23:23 <pa_8819> i should better install them separatelly huh?
15:23:57 <ZachThibeau> well you can try it first and see what happens and if not then you decide what you want to do :)
15:24:39 <pa_8819> tx man.. go push john a little huh? :)
15:24:42 <pa_8819> bye
15:24:54 <ZachThibeau> later man and take c are
15:25:03 *** pa_8819 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
16:09:56 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
16:10:18 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
16:10:20 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable at and is also developing musicplay3000 the open-source media player inspired by foobar2000
16:40:58 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
16:41:57 *** dragonmage has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: )")
16:43:22 *** Bjorn_H ( has joined #portableapps
16:45:12 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
16:52:10 *** ZachThibeau (i=zachthib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
16:52:11 <pabot> ...
16:54:43 *** dabossbv has quit ("Leaving.")
16:59:45 *** Res2216firestar ( has joined #portableapps
16:59:55 *** BjornH has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
17:09:59 *** abc528 ( has joined #portableapps
17:19:07 *** dabossbv ( has joined #portableapps
17:21:17 *** Jeremified ( has joined #portableapps
17:28:37 *** TheWarden_ ( has joined #portableapps
17:29:44 *** TheWarden_ is now known as TheWarden[AFK]
17:31:26 *** TheWarden has quit (Nick collision from services.)
17:31:42 *** TheWarden[AFK] is now known as TheWarden
17:33:07 *** abc528 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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17:35:38 *** Bjorn_H has quit ("Leaving")
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17:55:47 *** Res2216firestar has quit ("BOOM!!!")
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18:08:51 <Gizmokid|Mac> wow...
18:09:11 <Gizmokid|Mac> Fiber cut located out side of Cleveland Ohio..Affecting 2 oc192's and an oc48 <-- that's a LOT of internet....21.7gb/s to be exact, that's out.
18:19:45 *** ZachThibeau is now known as zz_ZachThibeau
22:16:27 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
22:16:27 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the support channel. Visit us at | If you need assistance, just say "help!" | Please keep things polite and avoid any discussions of illegal software | This channel is logged: | Please do not PM anyone without prior permission.
22:16:27 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot @Gizmokid2010 Not_a_pie excid3 MaienM|Sleep @JohnTHaller daBomb69 gluxon Bjorn_H TheWarden Jeremified dabossbv +ZachThibeau Suiseiseki Twinkletoes|W inked tarbo Bensawsome dbdii407 Mir @Gizmokid2005|AFK Zarggg StatBot +pabot SergentSiler
22:16:28 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
22:18:58 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
22:20:19 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
22:20:21 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
22:23:50 *** AppGuy (n=AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
22:25:03 <AppGuy> Is there a reason that the new notepad++ portable you can't download?
22:26:37 *** Not_a_pie has quit ("BOOM!!!")
22:26:52 <Gizmokid2010> AppGuy: try a different mirror
22:27:03 <Gizmokid2010> JohnTHaller: just put it up so it might not have propagated the mirrors yet
22:28:51 *** Gizmokid2010 is now known as Gizmokid|Mac
22:29:00 <AppGuy> it just sends me to the portableapps project page:
22:29:16 <ZachThibeau> actually it's redirecting me to the project page for portableapps and the notepadportable release shows it's in april
22:30:06 <Gizmokid|Mac> ZachThibeau: AppGuy:
22:30:36 *** Bjorn_H has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
22:30:49 <AppGuy> yeah just saw that is was uploaded
22:30:50 <JohnTHaller> it should be there shortly... my fault
22:31:13 <AppGuy> don't worry since it up now
22:32:46 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK has quit (
22:35:42 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK ( has joined #portableapps
22:38:42 <JohnTHaller> alright guys... gotta run to dinner
22:38:47 <JohnTHaller> back in a bit with pidgin and more
22:38:51 <Gizmokid|Mac> cya JohnTHaller
22:38:53 <Gizmokid|Mac> yay :)
22:39:05 <AppGuy> awesome man cya :P
22:39:10 <ZachThibeau> later JohnTHaller
22:39:15 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
23:19:07 <gluxon>!cr@so%23t.html
23:19:08 <gluxon> :D
23:20:34 <daBomb69> lol
23:22:16 <gluxon> :D
23:22:30 <gluxon> M!cr@so#t = BAD!!! SWEARING!!!! LOSERS!!! :D
23:22:34 <AppGuy> that is some funny stuff
23:24:08 <gluxon> :D
23:24:14 <gluxon> IT REALLY HAPPENED!!! :D
23:24:30 <gluxon> I'm lucky I thought twice before I clicked the refresh button :D
23:24:55 <daBomb69> lol
23:25:03 <Gizmokid|Mac>
23:25:52 <ZachThibeau> and
23:26:01 <ZachThibeau> :P
23:26:05 <Gizmokid|Mac> :D
23:26:15 <Gizmokid|Mac> thanks ZachThibeau, only because they had my account suspended
23:26:17 <Gizmokid|Mac> fuckheads
23:26:19 <Gizmokid|Mac> erm...
23:26:21 <Gizmokid|Mac> bad michael
23:26:32 *** Gizmokid|Mac ( has joined #portableapps
23:26:35 <Gizmokid|Mac> that is SO bad...
23:26:37 <Gizmokid|Mac> :(
23:26:44 <daBomb69> Did Gizmokid|Mac just kick himself?
23:26:48 <Gizmokid|Mac> yes
23:26:59 <daBomb69> y?>
23:27:09 <Gizmokid|Mac> because I swore inchan.
23:27:17 <gluxon> :D
23:27:26 <Gizmokid|Mac> and that's not allowed.
23:27:38 <gluxon> Might wanna ghost Gizmokid2005|AFK
23:27:40 <daBomb69> oh
23:27:42 <daBomb69> lol
23:27:50 <Gizmokid|Mac> no, he's still on
23:28:11 <daBomb69> btw, Gizmokid|Mac when did u get a mac?
23:28:22 <Gizmokid|Mac> daBomb69: about 2.25 years ago
23:28:25 <ZachThibeau> :P
23:28:30 <daBomb69> oh
23:28:53 <Gizmokid|Mac> I just typically use my desktop for everything, and right now i"m on my mac..
23:29:05 <Gizmokid|Mac> which reminds me, I need to call them again...they still haven't fixed my laptop...
23:29:12 <ZachThibeau> daBomb69:
23:30:04 <daBomb69> ZachThibeau, what the fudge...
23:30:09 <ZachThibeau> :D
23:30:37 <ZachThibeau> can't touch this bah duh duh duh xD
23:30:56 <AppGuy> that was hard to watch
23:39:57 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
23:40:23 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
23:40:26 <pabot> ...
23:49:18 * daBomb69 has noticed an interesting anomaly
23:49:47 <daBomb69> @ , 2 people say there's illegal stuff in the beta testing, yet, neither of them give any examples when askes...
23:49:50 <daBomb69> *asked
23:50:01 <Gizmokid|Mac> dait's typical
23:50:20 <daBomb69> Gizmokid|Mac, srsly?
23:50:40 <Gizmokid|Mac> daBomb69: yeah, people are stupid
23:50:59 <daBomb69> Ya, true :(
23:57:11 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
23:57:12 <pabot> powerjuce knows all