IRC Log from 2008-10-13

01:47:19 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
01:47:19 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
01:47:19 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot +TimClark kai_62656 wingot upnPAD +DaveDixonII Bensawsome pabot +rmccue +PatrickPatience StatBot Gizmokid2005 LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir IRSeekBot3
01:47:32 <PatrickPatience> palogbot: help
01:47:32 <palogbot> I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to:
01:47:50 <rmccue> Logs are LIVE!
01:47:54 <rmccue>
01:48:07 <PatrickPatience> Nice sir.
01:48:13 * rmccue wonders if he should put formatting on the nicknames.
01:48:15 <kai_62656> wow
01:48:17 <TimClark> kill StatBot and IRSeekBot3
01:48:26 <PatrickPatience> Yes.
01:48:27 <kai_62656> Yes
01:48:29 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: Yes.
01:48:37 <kai_62656> lets see him do it
01:48:42 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: StatBot stays for now, doesn't he?
01:48:48 <kai_62656> ?
01:48:49 <Bensawsome> PatrickPatience yes
01:48:55 <kai_62656> Your bot
01:49:00 <kai_62656> Bensawsome
01:49:02 <Bensawsome> just get rid of IRSeekBot3 he was our old log bot XD
01:49:03 <Bensawsome> lol
01:49:11 <kai_62656> ...
01:49:17 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|afk
01:49:18 <PatrickPatience> We need to optout.
01:49:25 <kai_62656> ?
01:49:44 <PatrickPatience> *opt out
01:49:53 <kai_62656> get out?
01:49:55 <kai_62656> opt?
01:50:28 <TimClark> don't forget to update the bot page rmccue|afk so people know
01:50:29 <Bensawsome> PatrickPatience u wanna opt out?
01:50:52 <Bensawsome> wh owants to opt out? im confused >_<
01:50:54 <PatrickPatience> Think Ryan may need to do that.
01:51:19 <kai_62656> live on just #portableapps
01:51:21 <Bensawsome> <_>
01:51:21 <kai_62656> ?
01:51:53 <TimClark> kai_62656: what are you asking
01:52:02 <upnPAD> Try formatting the logs to look decent :)
01:52:13 <TimClark> do you mean, is this the only channel with palogbot
01:52:20 <kai_62656> Yes.
01:52:33 <TimClark> good question, up to rmccue|afk i guess
01:52:44 <kai_62656> are you thinking of putting in that bot in other a channels?
01:52:55 <kai_62656> oops, the a
01:53:06 <kai_62656> %_%
01:53:19 <TimClark> he is away from his keyboard right now, wait for him to go live again kai_62656
01:53:54 *** rmccue|afk is now known as rmccue
01:54:02 <rmccue> Okay, boo.
01:54:13 <kai_62656> boo?
01:54:20 <rmccue> Who?
01:54:27 <kai_62656> Halloween?
01:54:27 <TimClark> he is saying he is live now kai_62656
01:54:36 <kai_62656> oh
01:55:14 <TimClark> kai_62656: wants to know if palogbot will be in other channels rmccue
01:55:25 <rmccue> Nope.
01:55:29 <kai_62656> how bout IRSeekBot3?
01:55:34 <rmccue> He's a one channel bot.
01:55:37 <kai_62656> is he "wanted"?
01:55:43 <rmccue> And I just opted out of IRSeek.
01:55:48 <kai_62656> is he gonna stay here?
01:56:04 <rmccue> Until he
01:56:08 <rmccue> * he's removed.
01:56:18 <TimClark> be clear kai_62656 as to which "he" you are refering to palogbot or IRSeekBot3 ?
01:57:05 <TimClark> rmccue: do you think palogbot is stable or will it take time to tell
01:57:10 <kai_62656> IRSeekBot
01:57:32 <rmccue> He's stable.
01:58:18 <TimClark> ok, all you lurkers, you can tell you masters that you can be allowed to sleep now, full logs are available now
01:58:37 *** kai_62656 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
01:58:42 <TimClark> channel will drop to 5 members in the next 10 minutes :P
01:58:53 <rmccue> .def logging
01:58:54 <pabot> rmccue: logging is done by StatBot for statistics purposes and IRSeek. StatBot's generated statistics pages are at and IRSeek logs are at (search for portableapps)
01:59:17 <TimClark> omg, kai was a lurker bot :O
02:00:14 <rmccue> .def logging
02:00:14 <pabot> rmccue: logging is done by palogbot. palogbot's logs are at . Statistics are generated by StatBot and are available at
02:00:25 <rmccue> Muchos betteros.
02:00:30 <Bensawsome> aw.... i like being first :(
02:00:45 <rmccue> Too bad.
02:00:53 <Bensawsome> and you do know it would be better to do it on the site "
02:00:58 <Bensawsome> lol just saying XD
02:01:11 <rmccue> Not happening.
02:01:19 <TimClark> lets see we can lose recipr0, wing0t, x-dem0n, xen0terracide, zxt-c and who else :p
02:02:05 <TimClark> oh, and L0GAN :p
02:02:18 <rmccue> And TimClark :D
02:02:36 <TimClark> i am not a bot, i talk
02:02:37 <rmccue>
02:03:18 <rmccue> TimClark: What're you going to do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk?
02:03:33 <rmccue> What say I give IRSeekBot3 a little nudge? :)
02:03:34 <Gizmokid2005> *sigh* you and your logbots.
02:03:38 <Gizmokid2005> I want to!!!!
02:03:41 <Gizmokid2005> PLEEEEASE?!?!
02:03:41 <Gizmokid2005> lol
02:03:47 <Bensawsome> lol
02:03:49 <rmccue> No :P
02:03:51 <Gizmokid2005> awww
02:03:53 <Gizmokid2005> shucks
02:03:55 <Gizmokid2005> *hangs head*
02:03:56 <rmccue> :D
02:04:04 <TimClark> it might be nice to just ask his owner to remove him
02:04:10 <TimClark> now StatBot !!!!
02:04:20 <Bensawsome> ?
02:04:25 <rmccue> TimClark: I already opted out.
02:04:28 <Bensawsome> no :P
02:04:33 <rmccue> Bensawsome: Say goodbye :D
02:04:33 <TimClark> light the torches, deat to StatBot :P
02:04:38 <Bensawsome> rmccue ok.......
02:04:39 * rmccue kids
02:04:45 <Bensawsome> ok good XD
02:05:07 <TimClark> Bensawsome: can't you get states from the new palogbot ?
02:05:09 * rmccue likes the timestamp permalinks.
02:05:15 <rmccue> TimClark: Nope.
02:05:26 <Bensawsome> TimClark no because it splits the logs into different days :/
02:05:34 <TimClark> ahhh
02:05:35 <Bensawsome> and it need to be in one big log file XD
02:05:50 <rmccue> Bensawsome: Just concatenate them :D
02:05:56 <Bensawsome> rmccue huh?
02:06:05 <TimClark> yeah, merge them into one
02:06:07 <Bensawsome> witno does concatenate them eman?
02:06:12 <TimClark> yeah, merge them into one
02:06:16 <rmccue> .wik Concatenation
02:06:18 <pabot> "In computer programming, string concatenation is the operation of joining two character strings end to end." -
02:06:23 <Bensawsome> them make me a script XD
02:06:27 <TimClark> sorry for the big words Bensawsome :P
02:06:39 <rmccue> $+
02:06:43 <Bensawsome> cause i cant do it without ht script and i cant make scripts for shit
02:06:58 <Bensawsome> $+?
02:07:04 <TimClark> ben just copy and paste
02:07:21 <rmccue> $+ is the mIRC concatenation operator, work from there :P
02:07:30 <rmccue> TimClark: He needs to rewrite the timestamps though.
02:07:46 <Bensawsome> TimClark no that i am not doing >:(
02:07:47 <TimClark> ahh, the non-dev does not know these things
02:08:12 <TimClark> death to StatBot , his master is lazy :P
02:09:01 <rmccue> Bensawsome: Then, shoo! :P
02:09:12 <Bensawsome> -_-
02:09:44 <TimClark> Bensawsome: you could learn to do it, i'm sure you could, you smart :D
02:10:16 <Bensawsome> omg not with coding.....yet.....
02:10:29 <Bensawsome> and also i dont know ANY language....
02:10:42 <Bensawsome> and also i dont have the time rite now to LEARN any language -_-
02:10:42 <TimClark> ok, let DaveDixonII do it and take all the credit
02:11:11 <TimClark> just become his slave and i'm sure he'd be willing
02:13:06 <TimClark> rmccue: something is wrong with the log !!!!
02:13:13 <rmccue> ?
02:13:33 <rmccue> How so?
02:13:42 <TimClark> look at the last 5 lines on your screen and compare to the log
02:14:13 <rmccue> Looks the same to me.
02:14:18 <TimClark> Bensawsome: Bensawsome Bensawsome TimClark TimClark
02:14:28 <Bensawsome> lol...?????
02:14:30 <Gizmokid2005> WARNING!!! Random off-topic rant: STUPID WINDOWS SERVER!!! I went to reboot it...5 mins ago...and it's still not responding to RD...*sigh*
02:14:44 <Bensawsome> lol
02:14:47 <rmccue> TimClark: Yah, and?
02:15:00 <TimClark> they are not in sync
02:15:34 <rmccue> TimClark: You mean these lines?
02:15:46 <Gizmokid2005> holy crap...have you ever seen a ping like that?
02:15:48 <Gizmokid2005> C:\Documents and Settings\Michael>ping
02:15:48 <Gizmokid2005> Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
02:15:48 <Gizmokid2005> Reply from bytes=32 time=-5ms TTL=128
02:15:48 <Gizmokid2005> Reply from bytes=32 time=-6ms TTL=128
02:15:48 <Gizmokid2005> Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
02:15:49 <Gizmokid2005> Reply from bytes=32 time=-6ms TTL=128
02:15:51 <Gizmokid2005> Ping statistics for
02:15:51 <rmccue> (Also, the duplicate timestamp thing is a known bug)
02:15:53 <Gizmokid2005> Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
02:15:55 <Gizmokid2005> Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
02:15:57 <Gizmokid2005> Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = -5ms, Average = 1073741819ms
02:15:59 <Gizmokid2005> OMG...sorry for the flood :(
02:16:05 <rmccue> Gizmokid2005: Only on local networks.
02:16:13 <Gizmokid2005> with that BS average and maximum?
02:16:28 <rmccue> Haha, fail.
02:16:31 <TimClark> so if two folks have the same time stamp the convo might seem out of order rmccue
02:16:31 <Gizmokid2005> yeah
02:16:33 <Gizmokid2005> tell mea bout it
02:16:48 <rmccue> TimClark: Nope, the permalinks will be the same, but:
02:17:13 <rmccue> TimClark: You saw your message first because you posted it. The server received Bensawsome's first.
02:17:25 <Bensawsome> ??????
02:17:27 <rmccue> I saw it in the same order that palogbot did.
02:17:37 <TimClark> ahhh, sorry rmccue, that makes sense now
02:17:42 <rmccue> :)
02:17:44 <Bensawsome> ur ping ios bad :P
02:17:54 <rmccue> It's a shortcut thing that pretty much all clients do.
02:17:56 <PatrickPatience> Hey, rmccue.
02:17:58 *** rbrt13 ( has joined #portableapps
02:17:59 <pabot> rbrt13 is Robert. He scripts php for fun and usually manages his site daily a bit too much ;) And... He likes potatos :D
02:18:01 <rbrt13> hello
02:18:02 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Mmm?
02:18:03 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
02:18:05 <PatrickPatience> I have a query.
02:18:19 <PatrickPatience> Nevermin.
02:18:21 <rmccue> A query string, like ?t=2008-10-13? :P
02:18:23 <PatrickPatience> I need to take care of that.
02:18:26 <PatrickPatience> Lmao.
02:18:26 <rmccue> Ask me now.
02:18:42 <PatrickPatience> No. It's me. The links.
02:18:54 <PatrickPatience> I want
02:19:00 <PatrickPatience> I wanna see if I can work that out.
02:19:19 <JacobMastel> I need a free webhost. Anyone know of one?
02:19:48 <TimClark> well guys have fun, got to go, i'll check the logs tomorrow, so be good :P
02:20:00 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Complicated rewrite rules.
02:20:02 <PatrickPatience> Haha, later Tim/.
02:20:13 <PatrickPatience> PatrickPatience: I'd assume so.
02:20:25 * rmccue mumbles something about untested waters, survey and parrots.
02:20:33 <rmccue> *scurvy
02:20:38 <rmccue> JacobMastel: Patrick? :P
02:20:47 <JacobMastel> huh?
02:20:48 *** TimClark has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:20:59 <Gizmokid2005> ....this is not comforting...:(
02:21:05 <JacobMastel> No for a website
02:31:43 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
02:31:43 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
02:31:43 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Zarggg rbrt13 wingot upnPAD +DaveDixonII Bensawsome pabot +rmccue +PatrickPatience StatBot Gizmokid2005 LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
02:31:45 <PatrickPatience> Now.
02:31:46 <Gizmokid2005> k
02:31:47 <PatrickPatience> Heh.
02:33:27 <rmccue> Why did he crash?
02:34:11 <PatrickPatience> Hit a wall.
02:34:47 <rmccue> ^_-
02:35:22 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
02:36:44 *** Jwyanze ( has joined #portableapps
02:36:45 <pabot> Jwyanze is not here and is sometimes here and is here now
02:43:48 <Bensawsome> HI JWYANZE!
02:45:30 <rmccue> If the mouse pointer goes off the left hand side of the screen it will reappear on the right, and vice-versa. If it goes off the top or bottom, it will go and corrupt some memory.
02:45:30 *** Jwyanze has quit (Remote closed the connection)
02:47:06 <Gizmokid2005> what's the command to see the open ports on an XP box in cmd?
02:47:19 <Gizmokid2005> nvm
02:47:22 <Gizmokid2005> netstat -ao :)
02:53:11 <Bensawsome> lol
02:53:34 <Bensawsome> i did it for teh lulz ;)
02:53:44 <Gizmokid2005> just won't connect...period
02:53:48 <Gizmokid2005> like an update killed it...
02:53:50 <Bensawsome> lol
02:54:15 * rmccue wonders if he can implement a script to kick anyone who says "for teh lulz"
02:54:24 <Gizmokid2005> rofl
02:54:24 <Gizmokid2005> !
02:54:31 <Bensawsome> lol
02:54:47 <Bensawsome> auto rejoin ftw <3
02:55:20 <Bensawsome> come on kick me :D
02:55:24 <Bensawsome> i shows u :P
02:59:17 *** MikeFitz (n=alpha1be@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
02:59:18 <pabot> MikeFitz is alpha1beta :P
02:59:22 <MikeFitz> hello
03:00:20 <rmccue> Bensawsome: Okay.
03:00:48 <rmccue> Noob.
03:00:49 <Gizmokid2005> <3 rmccue
03:00:57 <MikeFitz> nice
03:01:02 <MikeFitz> thank you ryan
03:01:13 <StatBot> that not cooll...............
03:01:19 <StatBot> please unban me :(
03:01:21 <MikeFitz> kick the bot!
03:01:23 <Gizmokid2005> StatBot: you said it can't be done :P
03:01:25 <rmccue> StatBot: No talking for you.
03:01:27 <Gizmokid2005> ./kick StatBot
03:01:41 <rmccue> Noob.
03:01:44 <MikeFitz> what did he do that was so bad?
03:01:52 <rmccue> (1:06:39 PM) Bensawsome: auto rejoin ftw <3
03:01:53 <rmccue> (1:07:12 PM) Bensawsome: come on kick me :D
03:01:53 <rmccue> (1:07:16 PM) Bensawsome: i shows u :P
03:02:03 <MikeFitz> ahh ;)
03:02:04 <rmccue>
03:04:58 *** NinJew (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
03:04:59 <pabot> NinJew is Bensawsome's new 1337 nick <3
03:05:05 <MikeFitz> kick it
03:05:18 <NinJew> lol
03:05:50 <NinJew> :P
03:06:10 <NinJew> lul
03:06:28 <NinJew> hmmmm i wonder :/
03:06:32 *** NinJew is now known as Bensawsome
03:06:40 <MikeFitz> rmccue!
03:06:47 *** Bensawsome has parted #portableapps ()
03:06:55 *** NinJew (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
03:06:56 <pabot> NinJew is Bensawsome's new 1337 nick <3
03:06:58 <NinJew> there we go
03:07:46 <rmccue> Noob.
03:08:22 *** NinJew (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
03:08:23 <pabot> NinJew is Bensawsome's new 1337 nick <3
03:08:23 <NinJew> *spor
03:08:28 <NinJew> *spore
03:08:28 <rmccue> WTF?
03:08:32 <NinJew> LOL
03:08:34 <NinJew> fun :)
03:08:35 <MikeFitz> ban the ninjew
03:08:37 <NinJew> please stop though
03:08:59 <rmccue> I'm leaving +q on StatBot though.
03:09:12 <NinJew> ok thats fine atleast i wont mistakjenly do it now either :/
03:10:43 <rmccue> Yah, noob.
03:11:32 <NinJew> poor StatBot hes mad at you and sad now that he been banned from talking XD
03:11:38 *** NinJew is now known as HebrewHammer
03:12:17 <rmccue> HebrewHammer: Also, stay as Bensawsome, otherwise you will die.
03:12:32 <HebrewHammer> how will i die? its my nick :/
03:12:44 <MikeFitz> well ban you, your ip, and all your nicks
03:13:02 <HebrewHammer> MikeFitz changes his. so does DaveDixonII, PatrickPatience and several other people. i dont see why i shouldnt be able to
03:13:28 <PatrickPatience> Hmm?
03:13:36 <PatrickPatience> I what?
03:13:39 <HebrewHammer> sry PatrickPatience didnt mean to ping you -_-
03:13:44 <MikeFitz> I don't change mind, I have 2, I've used that all day, never changed
03:13:45 <PatrickPatience> I changed my nick once.
03:13:52 <PatrickPatience> From PatrickJPatience to PatrickPatience
03:13:56 <PatrickPatience> Did I cause extreme annoyance?
03:13:58 <PatrickPatience> My apologies.
03:14:04 <HebrewHammer> lol no i just making a point
03:14:18 <PatrickPatience> Well your point is invalid.
03:14:23 <MikeFitz> and stupid
03:14:26 <PatrickPatience> As my change constituted a permanent nick change.
03:14:45 <HebrewHammer> several people are allowed to change theirs i dont see why i cant change mine. i have only changed mine 2 times 2day and the first was because rmccue banned my normal name
03:14:56 <PatrickPatience> As for David and Mike, they happen to have a couple alternate nicks they change to one in a very rare while.
03:15:05 <PatrickPatience> I haven't seen Mike change his in weeks, personally.
03:15:12 <MikeFitz> thank you
03:15:19 <HebrewHammer> ya and i havent done mine ina while either.......
03:15:21 <rmccue> And their nicks aren't stupid ones either.
03:15:25 <MikeFitz> :D
03:15:29 <PatrickPatience> Yeah, for sure.
03:15:40 <rmccue> Fo sho.
03:15:50 <HebrewHammer> fo shizzle she gizzle ;)
03:16:04 <rmccue> Ehm.
03:16:06 <rmccue> No.
03:16:07 <HebrewHammer> im so discriminated against T_T lol
03:16:27 <HebrewHammer> lol jk jk
03:16:45 <rmccue> We didn't say otherwise :P
03:17:30 <HebrewHammer> no but seriously you guys only seem to pick on me about all this crap :(
03:22:52 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
03:22:52 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
03:22:52 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot HebrewHammer +MikeFitz Zarggg rbrt13 wingot +DaveDixonII pabot @rmccue +PatrickPatience StatBot Gizmokid2005 LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
03:22:52 <PatrickPatience> 1
03:22:53 <PatrickPatience> 0
03:22:56 <PatrickPatience> I'm good.
03:23:00 <HebrewHammer> OOOO just off by 2 seconds XD
03:23:08 <PatrickPatience> (11:35:01 PM) Patrick Patience: 0
03:23:09 <PatrickPatience> (11:35:01 PM) palogbot [] entered the room.
03:23:09 <Gizmokid2005> HebrewHammer: he was dead on by my log
03:23:27 <HebrewHammer> PatrickPatience> 2
03:23:27 <HebrewHammer> ? palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
03:23:27 <HebrewHammer> <PatrickPatience> 1
03:23:27 <HebrewHammer> <PatrickPatience> 0
03:23:27 <HebrewHammer> <PatrickPatience> I'm
03:23:30 <HebrewHammer> :P
03:23:34 <PatrickPatience> But issue is, I close the session, and he dies.
03:23:37 <HebrewHammer> lol
03:23:40 <HebrewHammer> Gizmokid2005 what?
03:23:41 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: ?
03:23:46 <HebrewHammer> no apaerntlty not
03:23:47 <HebrewHammer> :/
03:23:54 <Gizmokid2005> HebrewHammer: he came in at the same time as PatrickPatience said 0
03:24:05 <HebrewHammer> lol not by mine o_0
03:24:11 <Gizmokid2005> you have lag
03:24:12 <Gizmokid2005> that's why
03:24:12 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Don't know, seems like you need a persistent session.
03:24:14 <HebrewHammer> he camer in after 2
03:24:18 <HebrewHammer> i dont call that lag
03:24:23 <HebrewHammer> i cal that anti lag
03:24:24 <rmccue> (1:34:41 PM) PatrickPatience: 1
03:24:24 <PatrickPatience> Apparently.
03:24:24 <rmccue> (1:34:42 PM) palogbot [] entered the room.
03:24:26 <Gizmokid2005> (11:34:58 PM) palogbot [] entered the room.
03:24:26 <Gizmokid2005> (11:34:58 PM) PatrickPatience: 0
03:24:29 <PatrickPatience> I'm going to boot up Ubuntu.
03:24:35 <PatrickPatience> I'll try it while I'm there.
03:24:37 <MikeFitz> yay
03:24:40 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: But, palogbot will die!
03:24:46 <PatrickPatience> He'll be back.
03:24:49 <PatrickPatience> Cheers.
03:24:50 <HebrewHammer> LOOK
03:24:51 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
03:54:25 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
03:54:25 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
03:54:25 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot HebrewHammer +MikeFitz Zarggg rbrt13 wingot +DaveDixonII pabot @rmccue StatBot Gizmokid2005 LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
03:54:27 <HebrewHammer> rmccue:
03:54:31 <HebrewHammer> lol
03:54:50 <rmccue> HebrewHammer: Very unlol.
03:54:52 *** PatrickPatience ( has joined #portableapps
03:54:53 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a Moderator and Developer (
03:55:01 <HebrewHammer> PatrickPatience u figure it out? :D
03:55:14 <PatrickPatience> Did he make it?
03:55:19 <HebrewHammer> ya
03:55:37 <PatrickPatience> Rmccue: how?
03:55:40 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Close your SSH connection, see if it does it again.
03:55:56 <PatrickPatience> I ran him off my iPhone. :-P
03:56:11 <PatrickPatience> Turning off iPhone
03:56:24 <HebrewHammer> omg.....
03:56:38 <HebrewHammer> THATS FRAEKING AWSOME
03:57:30 <PatrickPatience> Ha. Yeah, there's a mobile terminal after jailbreaking.
03:57:50 <HebrewHammer> lol nice.....,..
03:57:53 <PatrickPatience> There's also an official SsH client.
03:58:26 <PatrickPatience> Finally,my BIOS is working.
03:58:36 <PatrickPatience> Check if he dies.
03:58:38 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Client Quit)
03:58:50 * rmccue waits
03:58:53 * rmccue waits
03:58:57 * rmccue laughs
03:59:15 <HebrewHammer> lulz
04:01:03 <rmccue> palogbot: help
04:01:03 <palogbot> I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to:
04:01:18 <Gizmokid2005> rmccue: my logbot is a java bot :)
04:01:24 <Gizmokid2005>
04:02:05 <rmccue> Gizmokid2005: I have a Java bot too,
04:02:11 <Gizmokid2005> :D
04:04:57 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
04:04:58 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a Moderator and Developer (
04:05:06 <PatrickPatience> Whoa.
04:05:09 <PatrickPatience> He stayed?
04:05:10 <PatrickPatience> Really?
04:05:18 * PatrickPatience snuggles iPhone
04:05:31 <rmccue> How'd you do it?
04:06:09 <PatrickPatience> Just ran it like I did last time.
04:06:30 <rmccue> Weird.
04:06:34 *** MikeFitz has quit (Nick collision from services.)
04:07:12 <rmccue> I was going to say run "screen -t loggy 0 python"
04:07:15 <PatrickPatience> Uh oh.
04:07:18 <PatrickPatience> Hang on.
04:07:24 <rmccue> :/
04:07:26 *** MikeFitz (n=alpha1be@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
04:07:27 <pabot> MikeFitz is alpha1beta :P
04:07:27 <PatrickPatience> My iPhone terminal is still running, I tinks.
04:07:33 <PatrickPatience> Let me turn it off completely.
04:47:46 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
04:47:46 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
04:47:46 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot +ChrisMorgan upnPAD HebrewHammer +MikeFitz @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot @rmccue StatBot Gizmokid2005 LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
04:47:47 <PatrickPatience> Here he comes.
04:47:47 <MikeFitz> hey ChrisMorgan
04:47:48 <PatrickPatience> For now, anywho.
04:47:57 <HebrewHammer> omg palogbot is back :D
04:48:10 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Can you run a daemon or not?
04:48:20 <PatrickPatience> Can you tell me how to. :P
04:48:27 <PatrickPatience> Logging is not my priority.
04:48:31 <PatrickPatience> Tangoing my iPhone is. :P
04:48:31 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... PatrickPatience, rmccue, both op. Something new?
04:48:41 <ChrisMorgan> palogbot!
04:48:44 <rmccue> palogbot: help
04:48:44 <palogbot> I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to:
04:48:51 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Pshh.
04:48:58 <rmccue> And I don't know, it's your server :P
04:48:59 <ChrisMorgan> nascent-project! :o
04:49:16 <ChrisMorgan> Cd:
04:49:17 <Gizmokid2005> rmccue: if it's that much of an issue...I can load it in mine...and just let it run
04:49:19 <ChrisMorgan> *Cn
04:49:24 <rmccue> pabot: de "gesicht"
04:49:31 <rmccue> pabot: de "gesicht"?
04:49:32 <pabot> rmccue: "face" (de to en,
04:50:06 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue: pabot PMed me to say something once for each channel I entered...
04:50:19 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: It'll do that.
04:50:26 <ChrisMorgan> I know!
04:50:33 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: Ahh. I see, Python is supposed to run per-session.
04:50:38 <ChrisMorgan> It's way of saying "Hello ChrisMorgan" :P
04:51:10 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Mmm.
04:51:11 <ChrisMorgan> HebrewHammer: Bensawsome, BensawsomeBot, StatBot, ARGH!
04:51:23 <rmccue> .title
04:51:25 <MikeFitz> I know, to many of them
04:51:28 <PatrickPatience> rmccue:
04:51:49 <HebrewHammer> o shut up ChrisMorgan XD
04:51:51 <ChrisMorgan> *AwsomeBot
04:52:08 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Do it.
04:53:37 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
04:53:37 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
04:53:37 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot +ChrisMorgan upnPAD HebrewHammer +MikeFitz +PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot @rmccue StatBot Gizmokid2005 LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
04:53:43 <PatrickPatience> Nice.
04:53:51 <PatrickPatience> Nice.
04:53:52 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Eh?
04:53:53 <PatrickPatience> I logged out.
04:53:53 <ChrisMorgan> I think it should be a case of, kill it unless you can provide justification.
04:53:56 <PatrickPatience> Done. :)
04:54:00 <rmccue> Cool.
04:54:02 <PatrickPatience> nohup
04:54:13 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: StatBot can't generate logs from palogbot's logs.
04:54:31 <HebrewHammer> EXACTLy so shut up and deal with it ChrisMorgan
04:54:48 <HebrewHammer> ur already ignored ChrisMorgan
04:54:54 <HebrewHammer> err on the stats
04:55:04 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue: why do we need StatBot's logs at all, though?
04:55:22 <HebrewHammer> STATS
04:55:32 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: The logs themselves aren't public, only the statistics generated from them.
04:55:35 <ChrisMorgan> WHY?
04:55:40 <PatrickPatience> Ben: Chill out dude.
04:55:51 <HebrewHammer> PatrickPatience THEN TELL CHRIS TO CHILL OUT AND I WILL
04:55:56 <PatrickPatience> Because they're gathered from XChat.
04:56:00 <PatrickPatience> HebrewHammer: He was... chill.
04:56:05 <PatrickPatience> (1:06:03 AM) ChrisMorgan: I think it should be a case of, kill it unless you can provide justification.
04:56:06 <ChrisMorgan> I know, but it does put out quotes. And it's just more clutter in the channel. None of which is necessary.
04:56:09 <HebrewHammer> PatrickPatience no... he wasnt.....
04:56:13 <PatrickPatience> He didn't seem outraged to me.
04:56:26 <ChrisMorgan> I'm merely getting exasperated :P
04:56:31 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
04:56:39 <HebrewHammer> PatrickPatience he keeps mentioning it
04:56:44 <rmccue>
04:57:40 <HebrewHammer> lol
04:57:42 <ChrisMorgan> Poll: who here reckons StatBot should stay? Who reckons it should go? Who doesn't care?
04:57:48 * ChrisMorgan says go
04:57:50 <rmccue> I don't care.
04:58:17 <PatrickPatience> I think it's cool to have.
04:58:32 <HebrewHammer> thank you :)
04:58:33 <PatrickPatience> Perhaps in the future we can figure out a way to have it read these logs.
04:58:37 <PatrickPatience> But it's really a neat system.
04:58:51 <HebrewHammer> yes that we need to figure out but until then ChrisMorgan SHUT UP ABOUT IT
04:58:53 <ChrisMorgan> PatrickPatience: now the prosecutor asks, why is it cool to have? What benefit does it provide?
04:59:26 <PatrickPatience> ChrisMorgan: We're not like some hardcore professional channel. There's no issue with having it. It provides some neat things to learn about the channel.
04:59:42 <ChrisMorgan> All it does is provide /completely/ useless stats, some of which may be e.g. incriminating, through bad language stat.
04:59:48 <rmccue> Like who is most hated :D
05:00:04 <ChrisMorgan> Yeah. Et cetera.
05:00:25 <HebrewHammer> if the HEAD of the channel wants me to disable anything then the HEAD of the channel will tell me. otherwise GIVE IT UP ChrisMorgan
05:00:53 <PatrickPatience> HebrewHammer: Chill. Chris Morgan is totally free to give input.
05:00:55 <PatrickPatience> I'm listening.
05:01:05 <ChrisMorgan> So far: +1 = digg, 0 = don't care, -1 = bury (:P). 2x+1, 1x0, 1x-1 :P
05:01:05 <HebrewHammer> and yes most if not all of these options can be disabled
05:01:09 <ChrisMorgan> Sum total, +1 :-(
05:01:21 <HebrewHammer> i +1 too
05:01:24 <ChrisMorgan> The reason we are trying to remove bots is to declutter the channel.
05:01:24 <HebrewHammer> so know +2
05:01:34 <PatrickPatience> ChrisMorgan: Understood.
05:01:37 <ChrisMorgan> HebrewHammer: PatrickPatience, you. +2, then subrtract one for me.
05:01:41 <ChrisMorgan> = +1
05:01:45 <HebrewHammer> o lol ok
05:02:43 <HebrewHammer> o and earth to ChrisMorgan we said about 10 times b4 we are trying to get palogbot combined with StatBot so until then SSSXHHHHHH
05:02:44 <ChrisMorgan> If StatBot provided a useful purpose, like pabot does, or like logging may for support purposes, then I would not be against it. As it is, I can't see any use in it. That is all there is to my argument.
05:03:24 <PatrickPatience> Is seekingtruth stupid or just asking too many questions? 39.6% lines contained a question!
05:03:24 <PatrickPatience> horusofoz didn't know that much either. 37.2% of his/her lines were questions. The loudest one was MrElchbau, who yelled 13.7% of the time!
05:03:24 <PatrickPatience> Another old yeller was Espreon, who shouted 12.5% of the time! It seems that kai's shift-key is hanging: 11.2% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
05:03:24 <PatrickPatience> For example, like this:
05:03:24 <PatrickPatience> <kai_62656> :-DD
05:03:26 <PatrickPatience> Bensawsome just forgot to deactivate his Caps-Lock. He wrote UPPERCASE 11.0% of the time. powerjuce is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 8 times.
05:03:30 <PatrickPatience> Bensawsome can't control his aggressions, either. He picked on others 8 times.
05:03:32 <PatrickPatience> Chris is right about bad things.
05:03:52 <HebrewHammer> PatrickPatience you want me to disable them i will..... just tell me already.....
05:04:07 <Gizmokid2005> I'm off to bed
05:04:09 <HebrewHammer> so we can get on with our lives
05:04:13 <PatrickPatience> Night Mike.
05:04:16 <HebrewHammer> nite Gizmokid2005
05:04:21 <Gizmokid2005> night
05:04:35 <PatrickPatience> HebrewHammer: I'm just trying to figure out the best solution.
05:04:41 <PatrickPatience> Chris has convinced me a fair bit.
05:04:42 <Gizmokid2005> since I have to fight with this server, in safe mode to copy over the tersmsrv.dll
05:04:42 <PatrickPatience> But I dunno.
05:04:44 <ChrisMorgan> Have lots of sleep... computer people seem to often go without enough...
05:04:48 <ChrisMorgan> gn giz
05:04:55 <Gizmokid2005> since whatever horked it, called it termsrv.original...and there was no DLL
05:04:55 <Gizmokid2005> so
05:04:57 <Gizmokid2005> I'm done
05:05:01 <Gizmokid2005> it's 1:17AM
05:05:05 <Gizmokid2005> and I have to be up at 6:45AM
05:05:05 <Gizmokid2005> so
05:05:07 <Gizmokid2005> thanks guys
05:05:19 <Gizmokid2005> good night rmccue, ChrisMorgan, DaveDixonII, MikeFitz, PatrickPatience, HebrewHammer
05:05:31 <rmccue> Night Gizmokid2005.
05:05:31 <ChrisMorgan> Good night Gizmokid2005! It's 4:17PM :P
05:05:32 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|Zzz
05:05:39 <Gizmokid2005|Zzz> .t edt
05:05:40 <pabot> Mon, 13 Oct 2008 01:18:04 EDT
05:05:40 <Gizmokid2005|Zzz> ;)
05:05:44 <ChrisMorgan> .t AEST
05:05:44 <Gizmokid2005|Zzz> night
05:05:45 <pabot> Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:18:10 AEST
05:05:46 <ChrisMorgan> ;-)
05:05:47 <PatrickPatience> bots?
05:05:47 <MikeFitz> night giz
05:05:47 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: Stupid DST.
05:06:01 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: What happened with bots?
05:06:02 <PatrickPatience> bots?
05:06:03 <ChrisMorgan> .t +1100
05:06:04 <pabot> Mon, 13 Oct 2008 16:18:29 +1100
05:06:09 <PatrickPatience> help!
05:06:13 <ChrisMorgan> ok, that's more accurate :-(
05:06:15 <HebrewHammer> pabot!
05:06:16 <pabot> HebrewHammer!
05:06:20 <ChrisMorgan> help?
05:06:20 <HebrewHammer> lol......
05:06:21 <PatrickPatience> .def logging
05:06:22 <pabot> PatrickPatience: logging is done by palogbot. palogbot's logs are at . Statistics are generated by StatBot and are available at
05:06:22 <ChrisMorgan> help
05:06:31 <rmccue> pabot: reload portableapps
05:06:32 <pabot> rmccue: <module 'modules.portableapps' from 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\phenny\modules\portableapps.pyc'> (version: 2008-09-26 13:35:58)
05:06:34 <rmccue> bots?
05:06:34 <pabot> rmccue: See for our policy on bots.
05:06:40 <HebrewHammer> there we go XD
05:06:50 <PatrickPatience> Thanks.
05:07:19 <ChrisMorgan> ol, palogbot is of type "loggy" - how cute :P
05:07:39 <rmccue> Every morning, when Alaskans wake up, one of the first things they do, is look outside to see if there are any Russians hanging around. "And if there are, you gotta go up to them and ask: 'What are you doing here?' And if they can't give you a good reason, it's our responsibility to say, you know, 'Shoo! Get back over there!'
05:07:40 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: I'll look for something to restart palogbot does he die.
05:07:57 <PatrickPatience> Unless nohup does that.
05:08:05 *** MikeFitz has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
05:08:08 <ChrisMorgan> PatrickPatience: how do you start it? batch script type thing?
05:08:21 <HebrewHammer> lool.....
05:08:22 <PatrickPatience> It's a python file, so through the shell.
05:08:23 <ChrisMorgan> (shell script under *nix, I spose...)
05:08:31 <ChrisMorgan> Do you start it manually?
05:08:36 <rmccue> "nohup python irc://"
05:08:51 <ChrisMorgan> What is nohup?
05:09:05 <PatrickPatience> No hangup.
05:09:19 <ChrisMorgan> You could do something like a shell script which runs it and then skips back to the start, meaning if it dies, it goes back to the start and starts it again...
05:09:20 <PatrickPatience> Allows something to continue running in the background and not be terminated by a session logout.
05:09:21 <PatrickPatience> .wik nohup
05:09:21 <rmccue> He's running it from a SSH connection, it stops it from dying each time he closes the connection.
05:09:24 <pabot> "nohup is a Unix command that is used to run another command while suppressing the action of the HUP (hangup) signal, enabling the command to keep running after the user who issues the command has logged out." -
05:09:27 <ChrisMorgan> ah.
05:10:03 <PatrickPatience> So what's the best solution to start it if the server goes down for a moment or something?
05:10:06 <ChrisMorgan> So ... you could nohup a shell script which would restart it as necessary, until the shell script was killed manually?
05:10:15 <PatrickPatience> Yeah.
05:10:26 <PatrickPatience> ChrisMorgan: Any ideas on where to find resources about writing that?
05:10:34 <ChrisMorgan> I don't know anything about labels in shell scripts, though :-(
05:10:45 <ChrisMorgan> I'm an ignorant, Windows-centric loser... :-(
05:11:03 <ChrisMorgan> Well, I've used Linux a bit, know my way around, and have used OS X a fair bit...
05:11:05 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: You realise that's logged, right? :P
05:11:18 <ChrisMorgan> uh oh... :P
05:11:19 <HebrewHammer> ChrisMorgan os x ftw <3
05:11:43 <ChrisMorgan> For the logs: please note, you're not allowed to quote me on that :P
05:12:10 <HebrewHammer> lol u already said it ;)
05:12:17 <ChrisMorgan> :P
05:12:44 <HebrewHammer> ur point?
05:13:03 <HebrewHammer> lol u still said it. nows its on the internets FOREVER XD
05:13:03 <ChrisMorgan> There's a link to it... but remember, you're not allowed to quote me on it :P
05:13:10 <HebrewHammer> lol u still said it. nows its on the internets FOREVER XD
05:13:16 <ChrisMorgan> Not necessarily forever...
05:13:26 <HebrewHammer> welll a really long time :P
05:13:29 <ChrisMorgan> In fact, it's highly unlikely that it'll remain there for more than, say, 10 years...
05:14:00 <rmccue> Note to self: put on the Internet Archive :D
05:14:43 <ChrisMorgan> Ah, but then I can claim you rigged it :P
05:15:07 <ChrisMorgan> ... except I'm an honest, hardworking, ... ignorant Windows-centric loser :P
05:15:09 <HebrewHammer> rmccue true dat ;)
05:15:21 <HebrewHammer> i was thkn the same rmccue :D
05:15:51 <ChrisMorgan> - $800 MacBook? Sounds good...
05:16:05 <ChrisMorgan> Does anyone here know anything about WINE for OS X?
05:16:20 <ChrisMorgan> In theory you can get it, but in practice, it doesn't seem to be available?
05:18:15 <ChrisMorgan> I found something...
05:18:43 <PatrickPatience> Darwine?
05:18:52 <PatrickPatience> Oh.
05:18:56 * ChrisMorgan shrugs
05:18:56 <PatrickPatience> Yeah, it's on that page. :P
05:20:20 <ChrisMorgan> PatrickPatience/rmccue: It suddenly occurred to me, while writing a response to that BPBible's Pre-Release thread hasn't been locked... could you please do it?
05:20:34 <PatrickPatience> Yeah.
05:20:39 <ChrisMorgan> Thanks.
05:20:48 <PatrickPatience> I wasn't voiced?
05:21:00 <ChrisMorgan> It would appear not... you were only opped, thanks to rmccue?
05:21:05 <PatrickPatience> Oh.
05:21:08 <PatrickPatience> Wheird.
05:21:08 <PatrickPatience> Done.
05:21:14 <ChrisMorgan> So when he deopped you, you were left with nothing :-(
05:21:59 <PatrickPatience> That bitch!
05:22:01 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
05:22:03 <pabot> TaffinFoxcroft is going to make empong portable... eventually.
05:22:06 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: You're the PHP guy.
05:22:11 <rmccue> ?
05:22:19 <PatrickPatience> Wanna help me check if the script it running, if not, start it.
05:22:22 <ChrisMorgan> PatrickPatience: please keep language clean...
05:22:47 <PatrickPatience> It's funny, because I've like never sworn in here.
05:22:55 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Mmm.
05:23:02 <PatrickPatience> Can ya help?
05:23:12 <PatrickPatience> Mmm = yes?
05:23:26 <rmccue> Mmm.
05:23:38 <ChrisMorgan> if (user = "rmccue") Mmm = yes
05:23:40 <ChrisMorgan> ;-)
05:24:07 <ChrisMorgan> IfEqual, user, rmccue
05:24:07 <ChrisMorgan> Mmm = yes
05:24:11 <ChrisMorgan> :P
05:24:30 <rmccue> Try writing it in an Excel formula :/
05:27:06 *** HebrewHammer has parted #portableapps (" omg trying something")
05:27:44 *** HebrewHammer (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
05:27:54 <HebrewHammer> pabot is scrweed again rmccue
05:27:56 <HebrewHammer> :/
05:28:00 <HebrewHammer> o wait...
05:28:02 <rmccue> Nah uh.
05:28:04 <HebrewHammer> .def bensawsome
05:28:05 <pabot> HebrewHammer: bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
05:28:11 <HebrewHammer> i dont have a def under this nick XD
05:28:44 *** HebrewHammer has parted #portableapps ()
05:28:44 *** HebrewHammer (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
05:28:45 <pabot> HebrewHammer is Bensawsome's other 1337 new nick <3
05:28:46 <HebrewHammer> <3
05:31:29 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue: value of A1 and A2 are irrelevant, but I've set them to "User =" and "Mmm =". B1 is the username, e.g. "PatrickPatience". As for B2, this is the main thing - =IF(B1="rmccue", "yes", CONCATENATE("Well, seeing as the user isn't rmccue, but instead is """, B1, """, Mmm could mean just about anything!"))
05:31:31 <ChrisMorgan> :D
05:32:00 <HebrewHammer> ...
05:32:18 <ChrisMorgan> :D
05:32:37 <HebrewHammer> ^_^
05:32:40 <ChrisMorgan> :D
05:32:46 <HebrewHammer> ^_^
05:32:56 <ChrisMorgan> btw PatrickPatience thanks for locking that thread
05:33:06 <HebrewHammer> ???? what thread :D
05:33:19 <ChrisMorgan> Read your logs ;-)
05:33:26 <ChrisMorgan> This one -
05:34:05 <HebrewHammer> ...
05:34:55 *** rmccue1 (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
05:35:19 <HebrewHammer> o hey rmccue and rmccue1
05:35:26 * rmccue1 mentions something about a fscking BSOD, again.
05:35:38 *** rmccue has quit (Nick collision from services.)
05:35:41 *** rmccue1 is now known as rmccue
05:35:41 * HebrewHammer eats some gefilte fish
05:35:45 <ChrisMorgan> uh oh... even worse than pabot going haywire is other users going haywire...
05:35:59 <rmccue> pabot? Haywire?
05:36:09 <HebrewHammer> lol.....
05:36:19 <ChrisMorgan> Attribute it to nervous breakdowns...
05:36:36 <ChrisMorgan> ... unsurprising, seeing as he has to be here all the time ...
05:36:40 * rmccue eats ChrisMorgan.
05:36:54 <rmccue> In Soviet Russia, crunchy tastes YOU!
05:37:15 * HebrewHammer eats CIA-XX
05:37:23 <ChrisMorgan> uh oh, CIA-* violates the IRC Bots Policy...
05:37:36 <ChrisMorgan> bots?
05:37:38 <pabot> ChrisMorgan: See for our policy on bots.
05:37:39 <rmccue> We make exception for CIA.
05:37:50 <ChrisMorgan> pabot: you violate that with "bots?"! :o
05:37:52 <HebrewHammer> In the US for overusing a joke people punch YOU
05:37:56 <HebrewHammer> XD
05:38:07 <ChrisMorgan> help
05:38:08 <pabot> ChrisMorgan: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
05:38:10 <rmccue> Lucky I ain't in the US then, eh?
05:38:21 <ChrisMorgan> ARGH! A bot that answers when not spoken to! :o
05:38:28 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: stfu.
05:38:31 * ChrisMorgan kicks pabot, CIA-* :P
05:39:38 <HebrewHammer> OMG rmccue can you fix the page on ur site about irc bots to make the bot type from "mIRC CLient" to "X-Chat Client"
05:39:50 <rmccue> HebrewHammer: Do it yourself.
05:40:11 <HebrewHammer> ....
05:40:33 <HebrewHammer> ... i cant.......
05:40:34 <rmccue> Hehe:
05:40:35 <ChrisMorgan> Or better yet... you know what's coming!
05:40:37 <HebrewHammer> do i need to register?
05:40:52 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue: part of the meal?
05:41:12 <rmccue> Heh.
05:41:14 <rmccue> HebrewHammer: Yes.
05:42:05 <HebrewHammer> omg rmccue u give us a password or...
05:42:20 <HebrewHammer> ooo ya
05:43:13 <HebrewHammer> ru sure rmccue cause im not getting no email :/
05:43:32 <ChrisMorgan> Patience, Patrick :P
05:43:37 <ChrisMorgan> Patience, Have Some :P
05:43:48 * ChrisMorgan remembers the good old days of "Have Some Patience" :P
05:44:15 * HebrewHammer think ChrisMorgan is hopeless
05:44:59 <ChrisMorgan> Were you there when Patrick Patience had the username "Have Some Patience"?
05:45:14 * rmccue was.
05:45:33 <ChrisMorgan> But was HebrewHammer?
05:45:51 <HebrewHammer> yes
05:46:41 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue: is there any way that pabot and palogbot could be combined, or not without serious redesigning of one or t'other or both? I note that they're both Python, which is a start...
05:46:51 <rmccue> Nope.
05:47:07 <HebrewHammer> dont u think he would have mentioned it by now with all your complainging ChrisMorgan?
05:47:42 <ChrisMorgan> I was just wondering, mainly whether they used similar frameworks or such.
05:48:24 <rmccue> Kinda not really.
05:48:49 <ChrisMorgan> ok, I was just wondering
05:49:06 *** Wyvr ( has joined #portableapps
05:50:51 <TaffinFoxcroft> palogbot: help
05:50:51 <palogbot> I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to:
05:51:46 <ChrisMorgan> So, made by the same guy as Phenny?
05:51:48 <PatrickPatience> Looks who's back:
05:52:01 <TaffinFoxcroft> rmccue: you should be able to adapt palogbot to act as a phenny module, shouldn't you?
05:52:21 <rmccue> TaffinFoxcroft: Nope.
05:52:26 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: Yah.
05:52:32 <TaffinFoxcroft> rmccue: why not?
05:53:04 <rmccue> TaffinFoxcroft: The way phenny works won't allow it.
05:53:26 <ChrisMorgan> The way it accepts such and such a command, but not everything?
05:53:37 <ChrisMorgan> Does it match regular expressions?
05:53:49 <ChrisMorgan> If so, I dunno, maybe you could get it to match .*?
05:54:02 * ChrisMorgan is ignorant... as we've seen before :-(
05:54:09 <TaffinFoxcroft> you could essentially take the base logging code out and put it into a module using a wildcard rule
05:54:36 <ChrisMorgan> PatrickPatience: ReneL?
05:55:09 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: Yeah, you can do a wildcard regex, but it doesn't have everything.
05:55:17 <rmccue> Plus, it's easier to maintain a smaller bot.
05:56:25 <ChrisMorgan> Yep, I see your point :-)
05:57:15 <ChrisMorgan> .t AEDT
05:57:16 <pabot> Mon, 13 Oct 2008 17:09:41 AEDT
05:57:28 <ChrisMorgan> :o rmccue, AEDT is it!
05:57:45 <rmccue> .t AEST
05:57:45 <pabot> Mon, 13 Oct 2008 16:10:10 AEST
05:57:56 <ChrisMorgan> See? :-)
06:03:12 *** HebrewHammer is now known as Bensawsome
06:03:36 <rmccue> Finally.
06:04:24 <Bensawsome> hehehehe
06:06:21 <PatrickPatience> Is he dead?
06:06:22 <PatrickPatience> Awww.
06:06:41 <rmccue> palogbot: ping
06:06:41 <palogbot> rmccue: pong
06:06:44 <rmccue> :)
06:06:50 <PatrickPatience> Now?
06:06:50 <ChrisMorgan> Someone hit him on the head with a hammer :P
06:07:36 * Bensawsome hits ChrisMorgan on the head with a hammer
06:07:49 * ChrisMorgan dodges, successfully!
06:08:19 * Bensawsome thinks ChrisMorgan is crazy its only one of those blow up hammers that you get from the fair :/
06:08:51 <PatrickPatience> Why won't you die!?
06:08:55 * ChrisMorgan sticks a pin into it... that's the end of that lot. Now back to sanity.
06:09:11 <Bensawsome> ?
06:13:14 *** palogbot2 ( has joined #portableapps
06:13:14 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:13:14 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot2 Wyvr +rmccue Bensawsome TaffinFoxcroft +ChrisMorgan upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:13:18 <PatrickPatience> Nice.
06:13:22 <rmccue>
06:13:23 <PatrickPatience> The index.php will run it.
06:13:28 <rmccue> Told you so :P
06:13:37 <PatrickPatience> .def palogbot
06:13:38 <pabot> PatrickPatience: I have no idea who or what palogbot is.
06:13:46 <ChrisMorgan> .def pabot
06:13:47 <pabot> ChrisMorgan: pabot is a little annoying robot designed by Ryan McCue (rmccue) and is a fan of disco dancing, is cool, and doesn't like people fiddling with his def, so keep clear!
06:14:18 <PatrickPatience> .def palogbot Is the logging bot for #portableapps. Logs are found at If he dies:
06:14:24 <PatrickPatience> Wow.
06:14:26 <PatrickPatience> Butchered the name.
06:14:36 <PatrickPatience> And not in here.
06:14:36 * ChrisMorgan thinks of an improvement to the defs module - locked defs, for e.g. pabot, palogbot,, #portableapps
06:14:37 <PatrickPatience> Heh.
06:14:39 <PatrickPatience> I'm awesome.
06:14:56 <ChrisMorgan> awsome?
06:14:59 <ChrisMorgan> :D
06:15:02 <PatrickPatience> .def palogbot2
06:15:02 <pabot> PatrickPatience: I have no idea who or what palogbot2 is.
06:15:05 <PatrickPatience> Oops.
06:15:08 <PatrickPatience> .def palogbot
06:15:08 <pabot> PatrickPatience: I have no idea who or what palogbot is.
06:15:13 <PatrickPatience> I hate you.
06:15:29 <PatrickPatience> paobt: help
06:15:29 <ChrisMorgan> Gotta use lower case is, and not in #portableapps
06:15:32 <PatrickPatience> pabot: help
06:15:32 <pabot> PatrickPatience: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is rmccue.
06:15:45 <PatrickPatience> Lowercase?
06:15:54 <ChrisMorgan> And put a space between #portableapps and the fullstop, and the links and fullstops, please
06:15:58 <ChrisMorgan> Probably
06:16:17 <ChrisMorgan> .def palogbot Is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:16:17 <PatrickPatience> .def palogbot
06:16:18 <pabot> PatrickPatience: I have no idea who or what palogbot is.
06:16:20 <ChrisMorgan> .def palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:16:21 <pabot> .def manipulation is only allowed in #rmccue
06:16:36 <ChrisMorgan> .def palogbot
06:16:37 <pabot> ChrisMorgan: palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:16:40 <ChrisMorgan> :-)
06:17:02 <ChrisMorgan> As a matter of fact, def manipulation is allowed anywhere /except/ for #portableapps - even through PMs once more
06:17:20 *** Bensawsome has quit ("t3h 1337 h4X0R sT4t80t h42 QuiT")
06:17:24 <rmccue> .def stfu
06:17:25 <pabot> rmccue: stfu is
06:17:47 *** StatBot (n=StatBot@unaffiliated/bensawsome/bot/bensbots) has joined #portableapps
06:17:48 <pabot> StatBot is a bot which logs what we say for statistics purposes. Opt out by private messaging Bensawsome or if he is not on then private message StatBot. The Stats pages are at
06:18:08 <ChrisMorgan> :-(
06:20:45 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
06:20:46 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
06:21:06 <PatrickPatience> Awesome:
06:21:44 <Bensawsome> and ChrisMorgan GET OFF IT -_-
06:22:01 * ChrisMorgan looks innocent
06:22:14 * Bensawsome sees everything :P
06:22:53 <ChrisMorgan> PatrickPatience: @+#portableapps
06:23:17 <Bensawsome> paddy ur still opped
06:23:39 <ChrisMorgan> "@"
06:23:51 <Bensawsome> ChrisMorgan :P
06:24:19 <ChrisMorgan> .seen JohnTHaller
06:24:20 <pabot> Sorry, I haven't seen johnthaller around.
06:27:44 * PatrickPatience regrets entering top into the shell.
06:27:57 <PatrickPatience> But also noticed Jacob is running a process?
06:29:16 <ChrisMorgan> top?
06:29:45 <PatrickPatience> Lists all running processes, apparently.
06:30:24 <ChrisMorgan> ah
06:30:36 <rmccue> Heh.
06:32:08 <Bensawsome> omg rmccue i try to register to change that thing in ur wiki but i still havent recived the stupid email -_-
06:32:23 <rmccue> Bensawsome: How about you stfu, that'll work.
06:33:09 <ChrisMorgan> How about you both clean your language, please
06:33:24 <Bensawsome> ChrisMorgan i wasnt swearing so why u say both
06:33:31 <rmccue> .def stfu
06:33:32 <pabot> rmccue: stfu is
06:33:53 <Bensawsome> rmccue:
06:33:55 <Bensawsome> lol
06:33:59 <Bensawsome> i love commands <3
06:35:55 *** palogbot2 ( has joined #portableapps
06:35:55 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:35:55 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot2 Bensawsome StatBot Wyvr +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft +ChrisMorgan upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:35:59 <Bensawsome> ...
06:36:00 <PatrickPatience> Doh?
06:36:03 <Bensawsome> lol
06:36:04 <PatrickPatience> That was my bad.
06:36:10 <rmccue> I knew it'd do that :P
06:37:29 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:37:29 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:37:29 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Bensawsome StatBot Wyvr +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft +ChrisMorgan upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:37:30 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:37:34 <Bensawsome> :D
06:37:37 <Bensawsome> yay he back
06:37:40 <Bensawsome> HI PALOGBOT!
06:38:07 <Bensawsome> lol PatrickPatience and/or rmccue u might want to register that nick......
06:38:14 <PatrickPatience> Meh.
06:38:18 <ChrisMorgan> So the if he dies link starts him?
06:38:23 <PatrickPatience> Yep.
06:38:24 <rmccue> Bensawsome: How about you stfu?
06:38:34 <rmccue> ChrisMorgan: Yah, thanks to the magic of PHP's exec() command.
06:38:44 <ChrisMorgan> :-)
06:38:53 <Bensawsome> fine when someone else registers him dont come crieing to me ;)
06:39:31 <rmccue> When it's you that does it, I will.
06:39:39 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Can has palogbot death now?
06:39:48 <PatrickPatience> Whyso>
06:39:58 <rmccue> I wanna register him.
06:43:41 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:43:41 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:43:41 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Bensawsome StatBot Wyvr +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:43:42 <PatrickPatience> 4.
06:43:43 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:43:43 <PatrickPatience> 3.
06:43:45 *** palogbot1 ( has joined #portableapps
06:43:47 <PatrickPatience> Close enough. :P
06:43:49 <rmccue> NAW!
06:43:55 <PatrickPatience> No.
06:43:57 <palogbot1> I'm gonna group it.
06:43:58 <PatrickPatience> We need cloak.
06:43:59 <PatrickPatience> Teehee.
06:45:20 <Bensawsome> lol
06:45:53 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:45:53 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:45:53 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot palogbot1 Bensawsome StatBot Wyvr +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:45:54 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:46:15 <PatrickPatience> Really?
06:46:24 <rmccue> Eh?
06:47:45 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:47:45 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:47:45 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot Wyvr +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:47:46 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:47:52 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: palogbot now has a cloak.
06:47:54 <TaffinFoxcroft> rmccue: Ownt.
06:48:03 <PatrickPatience> That's a lie.
06:48:15 <rmccue> It needs to identify to get it though.
06:48:38 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:48:38 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:48:38 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot Wyvr +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:48:39 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:48:42 <PatrickPatience> How we do so?
06:48:43 <PatrickPatience> Grr.
06:48:46 <PatrickPatience> Who does that?
06:52:03 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:52:03 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:52:03 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot Wyvr +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:52:04 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:52:11 <rmccue> palogbot: identify
06:52:24 <rmccue> Tada.
06:52:33 <PatrickPatience> You amaze me sir.
06:52:56 <rmccue> Actually, /me has idea.
06:52:58 <PatrickPatience> But, he cannot identifies when he comes in?
06:53:04 <PatrickPatience> Because we see my server.
06:54:36 <rmccue> Okay, kill 'im.
06:55:55 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:55:55 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:55:55 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot Wyvr +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:55:56 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:56:06 <PatrickPatience> Graaa.
06:56:11 <rmccue> Hmm, didn't identify soon enough.
06:57:27 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:57:27 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:57:27 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:57:28 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:57:41 <rmccue> Hmm.
06:57:49 <PatrickPatience> Kill?
06:59:02 <rmccue> Try it.
06:59:49 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
06:59:49 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
06:59:49 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
06:59:50 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
06:59:58 <rmccue> Gah?
07:04:03 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
07:04:03 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
07:04:03 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
07:04:04 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
07:04:30 <LOGAN> hello
07:04:30 <PatrickPatience> I didn't.
07:04:33 * LOGAN yawns
07:04:44 <rmccue> I has 404 :(
07:04:49 <rmccue> Hello LOGAN.
07:04:50 <PatrickPatience> I had once.
07:05:07 <rmccue> Well, it's working now.
07:05:38 <LOGAN> seen oliverK today?
07:05:58 <LOGAN> i got some of the lost apps he was looing for
07:06:03 <rmccue> .seen OliverK
07:06:03 <pabot> Sorry, I haven't seen oliverk around.
07:07:30 <LOGAN> actually i found all the apps :)
07:07:33 <PatrickPatience> .seen rmccue
07:07:34 <pabot> PatrickPatience: I last saw rmccue at 2008-10-13 07:18:29 UTC on #portableapps
07:07:41 <rmccue> .seen stfu
07:07:42 <pabot> Sorry, I haven't seen stfu around.
07:07:54 <LOGAN> but best bet is to put it on sourceforge :)
07:07:55 <rmccue> .seen yo momma
07:07:55 <pabot> Sorry, I haven't seen yo around.
07:08:00 <rmccue> Damn :P
07:11:46 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
07:11:46 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
07:11:46 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft ChrisMorgan|away upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
07:11:47 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
07:17:42 <PatrickPatience> Haha, this is good:
07:17:47 <PatrickPatience> I saw the /actual/ news report though.
07:17:51 <PatrickPatience> The guys like a reverend.
07:20:20 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: You realise it's a generator right? :P
07:20:30 <PatrickPatience> I'm not an idiot.
07:20:39 <PatrickPatience> "(3:29:57 AM) Patrick Patience: I saw the /actual/ news report though."
07:20:44 <PatrickPatience> Well.
07:20:50 <PatrickPatience> I'm not an idiot in that respect.
07:21:55 <rmccue> Noobasaur.
07:23:15 *** ChrisMorgan|away is now known as ChrisMorgan
07:23:35 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue: please don't swear... from about 15 minutes ago...
07:24:09 <rmccue> Link?
07:24:19 <PatrickPatience> Grr:
07:24:21 <rmccue> palogbot: pointer
07:24:21 <palogbot>
07:24:22 <ChrisMorgan> No.
07:24:23 <PatrickPatience>
07:24:29 <PatrickPatience> I found that like 3 days ago.
07:24:55 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: URI should be
07:29:43 <PatrickPatience> ?
07:30:45 <PatrickPatience> That doesn't make sense.
07:30:48 <PatrickPatience> palogbot: help
07:30:48 <palogbot> I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to:
07:31:00 <PatrickPatience> Logging to:
07:31:01 <PatrickPatience> ?
07:31:08 <PatrickPatience> Would take them nowhere.
07:31:10 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: It does for the pointer command.
07:31:17 *** Ariel_Eran ( has joined #portableapps
07:31:21 <PatrickPatience> But there is none.
07:31:36 <PatrickPatience> Quick, hide palogbot!
07:31:40 <rmccue> lol
07:31:54 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: It takes them somewhere now.
07:32:33 <PatrickPatience> What's the different though?
07:32:39 <PatrickPatience> If ?t= is blank.
07:32:50 <rmccue> It'll display the homepage.
07:33:39 <PatrickPatience> So will /logs, no?
07:33:58 <rmccue> Yeah, but this way the pointer command works.
07:34:13 <PatrickPatience> Okay.
07:36:05 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
07:36:05 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | Please note, this channel should be kept G-rated at all times | This channel is logged. Try "bots?" or ".def logging" for more information
07:36:05 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Ariel_Eran StatBot +rmccue TaffinFoxcroft +ChrisMorgan upnPAD @PatrickPatience wingot +DaveDixonII pabot Gizmokid2005|Zzz LOGAN x-demon zxt-capture xenoterracide recipro Mir
07:36:06 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
07:36:15 <PatrickPatience> palogbot: help
07:36:15 <palogbot> I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to:
07:36:28 <rmccue> Good bot.
07:36:32 <rmccue> palogbot: uri
07:36:32 <palogbot>
07:36:33 <PatrickPatience> Fix the def.
07:36:42 <rmccue> The def is fine.
07:37:45 <PatrickPatience> I follow.
07:38:01 <PatrickPatience> Whoops.
07:38:09 <PatrickPatience> Pretends that's not there.
07:38:28 <ChrisMorgan> :/
07:39:00 <rmccue> That's what she said.
07:39:23 <PatrickPatience> Speaking of which.
07:39:30 <PatrickPatience>
07:40:33 <rmccue> Ah, Americans and their detention slips.
07:40:50 <rmccue> We just have a notice in the daily bulletin with a list of names, they save paper that way.
07:42:35 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
07:42:39 <PatrickPatience> Digg comment: "Restores my faith in the next generation."
07:43:17 <rmccue> .g "Restores my faith in the next generation."
07:43:20 <pabot> rmccue:
07:43:24 <rmccue> :D
07:44:05 <PatrickPatience> Aha: ""These inappropriate comments are made too often." ...that's what she.... oh wait."
07:44:10 <PatrickPatience> Lmao.
07:44:14 * PatrickPatience pets pabot.
07:44:53 <rmccue>
07:46:17 <PatrickPatience> RHCP makes awesome music videos.
07:46:20 <PatrickPatience> And music, at that.
07:47:33 <PatrickPatience> Bahahahaha!
07:47:44 <PatrickPatience> The description by MrBabyMan: "He's gonna be thinking long and hard about what he's done..."
07:48:43 <rmccue> "This kid's really having a hard time. "
07:48:52 <rmccue> "I'm surprised he lasted that long. I've always been a satisfied customer."
07:48:58 <rmccue> "You set it up, but I refuse to go along with it. Haha"
07:49:14 <rmccue> "It's not rape. It's surprise sex."
07:49:46 <rmccue> "I had a young Australian girl teaching an upper level management class when a student retaliated against something she said with "that's what she said." Had the whole auditorium laughing, professor included."
07:50:43 <rmccue> "And if you screwed up twice in a day, we also had detention in the mornings."
07:52:39 <rmccue> "i just want to know who is this girl that every one keeps quoting and how many std's is she up to by now?"
07:53:57 <TaffinFoxcroft> rmccue: (off topic)got bored and wrote a logging module for phenny.(/off topic)
07:54:04 <rmccue> TaffinFoxcroft: Meh.
07:54:17 <PatrickPatience> Good.
07:54:18 <PatrickPatience> Night.
07:54:19 <rmccue> TaffinFoxcroft: The point was to have it a separate bot so that it can run off PatrickPatience's server.
07:54:23 <rmccue> Night.
07:54:39 <rmccue> "These inappropriate comments are made too often."
07:54:39 <rmccue> That's what she said.
07:54:46 <TaffinFoxcroft> i know that, but it was to further my experience with python.
07:54:51 <PatrickPatience> (3:56:14 AM) Patrick Patience: Aha: ""These inappropriate comments are made too often." ...that's what she.... oh wait."
07:55:04 <rmccue> TaffinFoxcroft: Cool.
07:55:10 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Link to log instead ;P
07:55:13 <rmccue> s/;/:/
07:57:47 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
08:00:12 <PatrickPatience> Goodnight for realisies.
08:00:16 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
08:00:24 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
08:00:25 <pabot> Simeon is a Developer at
08:00:34 *** Simeon has quit (Client Quit)
08:07:25 <upnPAD> gimp is taking a while to start up :/
08:09:22 <ChrisMorgan> It always does...
08:09:41 <upnPAD> like 5 minutes?
08:10:33 <upnPAD> and it's still loading =_=
08:10:38 <ChrisMorgan> sometimes... first run especially
08:10:41 <upnPAD> woot its done
08:10:44 <upnPAD> yeah, first run
08:10:52 <upnPAD> well, after installing the latest
08:12:57 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|afk
08:15:04 *** Trikster ( has joined #portableapps
08:15:05 <pabot> Trikster is writing a bot written in AutoHotkey, and this def is a demonstration of a feature suggestion
08:15:13 <ChrisMorgan> ARGH! It's Trikster!
08:15:13 <Trikster> XD
08:15:21 <Trikster> It's still there!
08:15:29 <Trikster> hai der
08:15:31 <ChrisMorgan> Of course pabot's here... where else would it be?
08:15:40 <Trikster> pabot> Trikster is writing a bot written in AutoHotkey, and this def is a demonstration of a feature suggestion
08:15:41 <Trikster> That
08:15:42 * ChrisMorgan is about to go...
08:15:50 <Trikster> :(
08:16:16 <ChrisMorgan> Nah, I'll just go away.
08:16:21 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|away
08:16:33 <Trikster> Bad chansevv!
08:16:39 <Trikster> chanserv*
08:18:12 <Trikster> .head
08:18:17 <pabot> Trikster: 200, text/html, 2008-09-10 23:26:18 UTC, 12468 bytes
08:18:46 <Trikster> .calc 0xffffff**0xffffff
08:18:48 <pabot> 0xffffff**0xffffff = ?
08:19:02 <Trikster> .calc 2**36
08:19:04 <pabot> 2**36 = ?
08:19:07 <Trikster> :(
08:19:19 <Trikster> Ah
08:19:23 <Trikster> 2^36
08:19:30 <Trikster> .calc 2^36
08:19:32 <pabot> 2^36 = 68719476736
08:19:37 <Trikster> o.O
08:19:48 <Trikster> ChrisMorgan|Away, how many bits is his math?
08:19:51 <upnPAD> .calc 2^9000
08:20:08 * Trikster waits for a response
08:20:09 *** pabot has quit (Excess Flood)
08:20:12 <Trikster> lol
08:20:13 <upnPAD> lololololol
08:20:40 *** pabot ( has joined #portableapps
08:20:49 <Trikster> .calc 2^40
08:20:52 <pabot> 2^40 = 1099511627776
08:20:54 <upnPAD> 2^7
08:21:00 <upnPAD> .calc 2^7
08:21:02 <pabot> 2^7 = 128
08:21:04 <Trikster> .calc 2 >> 16
08:21:04 <upnPAD> woo
08:21:06 <pabot> 2 >> 16 = ?
08:21:09 <Trikster> >.>
08:21:12 <upnPAD> .calc E
08:21:14 <pabot> E = E (?)
08:21:18 <upnPAD> MC^2
08:21:20 <upnPAD> =_=
08:21:43 <upnPAD> pabot, help calc?
08:21:44 <pabot> upnPAD: Use the Frink online calculator.
08:21:44 <pabot> e.g. .calc 5 + 3
08:21:47 <Trikster> .calc e^2
08:21:49 <pabot> e^2 = 7.38906
08:21:53 <Trikster> There
08:21:55 <Trikster> .calc e
08:21:57 <pabot> e = 2.71828
08:22:16 <Trikster> .calc 2^50
08:22:18 <pabot> 2^50 = 1125899906842624
08:22:20 <Trikster> Hm..
08:22:20 <TaffinFoxcroft> .calc 22/7
08:22:21 <pabot> 22/7 = 22/7
08:22:25 <Trikster> lol
08:22:32 <upnPAD> .calc 24/7
08:22:33 <pabot> 24/7 = 24/7
08:22:36 <Trikster> Do you guys think it can do a google plex?
08:22:36 <upnPAD> :O
08:22:41 <Trikster> .calc 100^100
08:22:43 <pabot> 100^100 = 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
08:22:48 <Trikster> :(
08:22:49 <upnPAD> .calc 1^9000
08:22:51 <pabot> 1^9000 = 1
08:22:53 <upnPAD> :O
08:23:01 <upnPAD> .calc 1^99999999999999999999999999999
08:23:02 <Trikster> .calc (2^100)^0
08:23:03 <pabot> 1^99999999999999999999999999999 = 1
08:23:08 <upnPAD> :O
08:23:22 <Trikster> 2^1000
08:23:29 <Trikster> .calc 2^1000
08:23:41 <Trikster> Oh noes
08:23:46 <Trikster> He's gonna crash again :(
08:23:59 <pabot> (2^100)^0 = 1
08:24:02 *** upnPAD has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
08:24:04 <pabot> 2^1000 = 10715086071862673209484250490600018105614048117055336074437503883703510511249361224931983788156958581275946729175531468251871452856923140435984577574698574803934567774824230985421074605062371141877954182153046474983581941267398767559165543946077062914571196477686542167660429831652624386837205668069376
08:24:16 <Trikster> o.O
08:24:24 <Trikster> That's amazing lol
08:24:28 <Trikster> infinite bit math
08:24:49 *** Guest39575 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
08:24:58 <TaffinFoxcroft> hi upnpad
08:24:58 <Trikster> .calc pi
08:25:06 <pabot> pi = 3.14159
08:25:09 <Trikster> Wow
08:25:11 <Trikster> He's lagging
08:25:17 <Trikster> Should be reset him? XD
08:25:17 <TaffinFoxcroft> .lag
08:25:23 <TaffinFoxcroft> lets do it.
08:25:30 <Trikster> .calc 2^9000
08:25:39 <TaffinFoxcroft> .calc 2*pi*7^9
08:25:39 *** pabot has quit (Excess Flood)
08:25:44 <TaffinFoxcroft> :P
08:25:47 <Trikster> lol
08:25:58 <TaffinFoxcroft> Guest39575 = upnPAD
08:26:04 <Trikster> haha
08:26:10 *** pabot ( has joined #portableapps
08:26:15 <Trikster> Maybe you should identify next time.
08:26:16 *** rmccue|afk is now known as rmccue
08:26:23 <Trikster> .calc 2^100
08:26:25 <pabot> 2^100 = 1267650600228229401496703205376
08:26:30 <rmccue> No more.
08:26:31 <Trikster> y hai dir rmcuue
08:26:32 <Trikster> :(
08:26:37 <TaffinFoxcroft> i sense a kicking
08:26:47 <Trikster> On meh? nonsense!
08:27:29 <Trikster> rmccue: pabot won't divide :(
08:27:40 <TaffinFoxcroft> rmccue: do it! do it! do it!
08:27:46 <Trikster> lol
08:27:51 <Trikster> No! No! No!
08:27:55 <rmccue> .calc 2/3
08:27:57 <pabot> 2/3 = 2/3
08:28:01 <rmccue> Eh.
08:28:06 <rmccue> .calc 4/2
08:28:07 <pabot> 4/2 = 2
08:28:28 <TaffinFoxcroft> .calc 22/7 = pi
08:28:29 <pabot> 22/7 = pi = ?
08:28:37 <TaffinFoxcroft> .calc 22/7
08:28:38 <pabot> 22/7 = 22/7
08:29:03 <rmccue> It'll leave things as improper fractions if they're irregular numbers.
08:29:21 <TaffinFoxcroft> 0_o
08:29:49 <Trikster> That's not cool..
08:32:01 <rmccue> Not my fault.
08:32:04 <rmccue> pabot: help calc
08:32:05 <pabot> rmccue: Use the Frink online calculator.
08:32:06 <pabot> e.g. .calc 5 + 3
08:32:08 <Trikster> Yes it is
08:32:13 <rmccue> .g frink online calculator
08:32:16 <Trikster> It's all your fault!
08:32:22 <pabot> rmccue:
08:32:27 <Trikster> He's lagging?
08:32:48 *** pa_3589 (i=59baf4e0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
08:33:07 <TaffinFoxcroft> hi pa_3589
08:33:09 *** pa_3589 has quit (Client Quit)
08:33:12 <Trikster> lol
08:33:21 <TaffinFoxcroft> i'm good at that :D
08:33:32 <Trikster> lol, sure seems like it.
08:40:44 <rmccue> .twitter rmccue
08:40:45 <pabot> rmccue: The hell? The @twhirl scrollbar changes size while dragging :/
08:40:53 <rmccue> ^_-
08:45:43 *** Trikster is now known as _Ian
08:57:47 *** _Ian is now known as Trikster
09:02:01 <Trikster> .cakc 2^256
09:02:08 <Trikster> .calc 2^256
09:03:53 *** Trikster has parted #portableapps ("Leaving")
09:10:05 *** Stone3l31 (i=57e23b0c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
09:10:23 <Stone3l31> Hi all ... Anyone Alive ?
09:11:38 <Stone3l31> help!
09:11:38 <Stone3l31> ^)
09:15:02 *** StatBot has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
09:15:41 *** rmccue has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
09:16:34 *** pabot has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
09:16:49 <Stone3l31> Ohh seems noone here at th moment ^(
09:16:53 <TaffinFoxcroft> i am
09:17:07 <Stone3l31> Oh nice
09:27:28 *** Guest39575 has quit ("oi na")
09:35:34 *** ChrisMorgan|away is now known as ChrisMorgan
09:35:47 <ChrisMorgan> And I'm back now, in case you need any help, Stone3l31?
09:35:54 <ChrisMorgan> If you do, please ask away :-)
09:46:16 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
09:46:29 <DaveDixonII> Hola Rmccue
09:46:36 <rmccue> Stupid connection.
09:46:38 * rmccue leaves now.
09:46:56 *** rmccue has parted #portableapps ()
09:47:47 <TaffinFoxcroft> hi dave
09:49:34 <DaveDixonII> Hola.
09:49:47 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" Get BPBible Portable!")
09:59:22 * TaffinFoxcroft wonders why its quiet network wide
10:03:27 *** Simeon (n=simeon@ has joined #portableapps
10:03:36 *** Simeon has quit (Client Quit)
10:12:21 *** rmccue1 (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
10:12:50 <TaffinFoxcroft> rmccue1 is back!
10:22:52 * DaveDixonII is back
10:23:01 <DaveDixonII> Prepair to die. >:D
10:23:07 <DaveDixonII> (JK)
10:23:25 <rmccue1> Stupid Pidgin.
10:23:36 *** rmccue1 has parted #portableapps ()
10:43:20 *** DaveDixonII is now known as dbdii-school
11:08:19 *** windows[] ( has joined #portableapps
11:08:37 <windows[]> mornin all
11:08:46 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit ("XChat Portable ftw!")
11:24:59 *** Gizmokid2005|Zzz has parted #portableapps ()
11:26:11 *** pa_9176 (i=4c4a4566@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
11:27:14 <pa_9176> no ops or voice?
11:27:50 *** pa_9176 has quit (Client Quit)
11:34:01 <windows[]> i need a v :|
11:44:21 <LOGAN> voice? thats just a cosmetic thing
11:44:30 <windows[]> there, now i should be alerted when someone talks
11:44:58 <windows[]> well if i had a voice i would have got pinged, he proboly would have asked me to help
11:46:23 <windows[]> but, since he did not call my name or ping me, i did not know he need help
11:55:55 <windows[]> brb moving to windows so i can bug test my pa
11:56:01 *** windows[] has quit ("Leaving")
11:58:48 *** windows[] ( has joined #portableapps
12:07:56 *** Stone3l31 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
12:08:42 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
12:09:19 <windows[]> hello Gizmokid2005
12:09:32 <Gizmokid2005> hello windows[]
12:10:31 <windows[]> O.o
12:11:54 <windows[]> O.O
12:28:18 <Mir> holy smack
12:28:33 <Mir> 21000 acre wildfire
12:28:44 <Mir> in less than 24 hours
12:28:46 <Mir> O__O
12:29:19 <Mir> i would trade any one their rain or nor' easters for these santa anna's
12:29:21 <Mir> :)
12:29:32 <Mir> up to 95MPH winds here
12:29:36 <Mir> X__x
12:31:34 <windows[]> :[
12:32:01 <windows[]> WINTO Mir is talking O.o
12:32:02 <windows[]> brb
12:39:02 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
12:40:48 <Mir> OliverK
12:40:49 <Mir> :D
12:40:53 <windows[]> ,orning OliverK
12:40:56 <OliverK> hey Mir
12:40:59 <windows[]> morning*
12:41:02 <OliverK> moring windows[]
12:41:09 <Mir> take our fine southern califoirnia weather please
12:41:15 <OliverK> ?
12:41:18 <Mir> its nice sunny and warm :)
12:41:44 <OliverK> logan!
12:41:47 <OliverK> :D
12:43:02 <OliverK> ah, it'll be sunny and warm today here to, I think
12:43:20 <OliverK> yesterday was a wonderful day for working on a car
12:46:08 <windows[]> lol
12:48:45 <OliverK>
12:48:46 <OliverK> :D
12:48:51 <OliverK> that's a new one
12:50:14 <Mir> heh
12:56:34 <OliverK>
12:56:46 <Gizmokid2005> old one OliverK :P
12:57:39 <OliverK> hadn't seen it before.
12:58:24 <windows[]> OliverK: XD
12:58:57 <windows[]> beta test 3 is out\
12:59:01 <windows[]> beta test 3 is out
13:00:07 <windows[]> ty for helping me the other day OliverK
13:00:13 <OliverK> no problem
13:01:40 <OliverK>
13:01:56 <OliverK> it's only half coded :(
13:02:43 <OliverK> pastebin butchered the code :(
13:02:45 * OliverK cries
13:03:04 <windows[]> kool
13:06:27 <Gizmokid2005> *sigh* I have to fight with my server tonight :(
13:07:01 <Gizmokid2005> and I actually have to get connections to it...I can't do it via RD or anything :(
13:08:01 <windows[]> why? u mess it up :/
13:08:52 <Gizmokid2005> well, it was running fine, had an uptime of 42 days...but it needed to reboot to finish installing MS updates
13:09:05 <Gizmokid2005> and I figured, what they hey, it's not actually being used by anything right now so I"ll reboot it
13:09:06 <Gizmokid2005> well
13:09:15 <OliverK> oops
13:09:22 <Gizmokid2005> I can' remote desktop into it anymore. The only way I can get into it is LogMeIn
13:09:23 <Gizmokid2005> because
13:09:39 <Mir> come on
13:09:48 <Gizmokid2005> one of the updates renamed termsrv.dll to termsrv.original in both Windows\system32 AND Windows\System32\dllcache
13:10:00 <Mir> why do people think windows executables will work on a pocketPC
13:10:01 <windows[]> ahhh
13:10:02 <Mir> WHY
13:10:19 <windows[]> id just use logmein :|
13:10:35 <Gizmokid2005> windows[]: I don't like to, there are times when I need the full feedback including sound from RD
13:10:48 <windows[]> ahh u dont have logmein it tech
13:10:51 <Gizmokid2005> I prefer RD over LMI for stuff like that
13:11:26 <Mir> later d00dz
13:11:32 <windows[]> bye Mir
13:11:34 <Gizmokid2005> bye Mir
13:15:43 <windows[]> Gizmokid2005:
13:17:04 <windows[]> you can do most stuff from the control O.o
13:17:17 <Gizmokid2005> windows[]: yeah, but I don't have the $$ to buy that stuff, I know it rocks though :)
13:18:04 <windows[]> file sharing, process management, drivers, registry, copmmand prompt, user managment, service management, etc.....
13:18:21 <windows[]> command* lol work funds mine.
13:19:55 <windows[]> $70 a year for one cp
13:20:11 <Gizmokid2005> yeah, exactly
13:20:14 <windows[]> thats about $5 a month
13:20:26 <Gizmokid2005> almost $6/mo
13:20:26 <Gizmokid2005> right
13:20:30 <Gizmokid2005> but it's coming up with the $70
13:20:35 <Gizmokid2005> when I don't need all of the features...
13:20:38 <windows[]> lol XD
13:21:05 <windows[]> trust me, people at work dont like me messin with their pc, i can do most stuff withought them knowing
13:21:24 <windows[]> thats why we got that for me and the other it tech's
13:21:54 <windows[]> well tech* we are down to me and my top it tech
13:25:38 <windows[]> ill be the only one when John Takes a vacation after the voting for mayor is over, my bosses son aka john's brother is running for mayor
13:40:46 *** StatBot (n=StatBot@unaffiliated/bensawsome/bot/bensbots) has joined #portableapps
13:44:25 <windows[]> hello ben
13:52:20 <OliverK>
13:52:32 <OliverK> does anybody else get a funny error from that?
13:52:36 <OliverK> bots
13:52:38 <OliverK> :(
13:53:14 <windows[]> huhm
13:55:33 <windows[]> lol error
13:58:17 <OliverK> wow, I went to post a reply and PortableApps is goofy looking- text only
13:58:25 <OliverK> and the defualt drupal icon :(!
13:59:29 <LOGAN> OliverK: i got those apps you are looking for
14:03:40 <windows[]> yay new hard drive
14:03:40 <windows[]> brb
14:05:04 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
14:05:25 <PatrickPatience> bots?
14:05:35 <PatrickPatience> Oh.
14:05:42 <PatrickPatience> Short a pabot.
14:05:48 <PatrickPatience> Good thing palogbot is more reliable.
14:10:26 <PatrickPatience> palogbot: uri
14:10:26 <palogbot>
14:12:21 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:12:32 <windows[]> new egg is SERIOUS about packing, penuts, buble wrap, alumiunum shieth, and moisture packets XD
14:13:40 <OliverK> yeah, they use alot of packing penut
14:13:52 <OliverK> I got a 8 1/2 by 11 box for my thermal paste
14:14:33 <windows[]> lol XD
14:16:20 <windows[]> now finally
14:16:30 <windows[]> i can install xp on the server
14:19:48 <windows[]> my cd drive sounds like its gonna die any minute now O.O
14:20:34 <OliverK> hehe
14:21:21 <OliverK>
14:21:30 <OliverK> alright fellows, time to go away for a bit
14:21:34 <OliverK> see ya'll later
14:21:36 <OliverK> :D
14:22:21 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
14:24:02 <windows[]> brb
14:24:05 *** windows[] has quit (" HydraIRC -> <- *I* use it, so it must be good!")
14:24:26 *** windows[] ( has joined #portableapps
14:26:08 *** Simeon (n=simeon@ has joined #portableapps
14:26:11 <Gizmokid2005> hello Simeon
14:26:20 <Simeon> HI GizmoKid2005
14:30:19 *** Zach_Hudock ( has joined #portableapps
14:30:37 <Zach_Hudock> hello
14:30:42 <Simeon> HI
14:30:51 <windows[]> good thing i burned a backup of my cp cd ugh
14:31:00 <windows[]> hello Simeon and Zach_Hudock
14:31:05 <windows[]> xp cd*
14:31:56 <Gizmokid2005> hello Zach_Hudock
14:34:46 *** Zach_Hudock has parted #portableapps ()
14:36:59 * windows[] needs one more person to test his app, and then it will be ready for affical release
14:37:03 <windows[]> offical*
14:38:26 <windows[]> opps official*
14:44:25 <Simeon> which App?
14:45:37 <windows[]>
14:46:52 <Simeon> ah.
14:47:04 <Simeon> I have no use fot that one...
14:47:13 *** Havvy (i=a9ccd474@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
14:47:17 <windows[]> lol but mind testing?
14:47:23 <windows[]> hello Havvy
14:47:43 <Havvy> Hi;
14:47:45 <Simeon> no. but i dont have the time right now :(
14:48:40 <windows[]> that ok
14:52:47 *** vv (i=a9ccd474@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
14:52:51 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
14:52:56 <Simeon> hi vv
14:52:59 *** vv is now known as Havv
14:53:14 *** Havv is now known as Havvy
14:53:19 <Simeon> ah its you :)
14:56:09 *** SteveLamerton (n=Steven@ has joined #portableapps
14:56:29 <SteveLamerton> Hello all
14:56:35 <Gizmokid2005> Hello SteveLamerton
14:57:00 <SteveLamerton> Hey Gizmokid2005 :)
14:57:08 <Gizmokid2005> hey is for horses, sir
14:57:37 <Simeon> :)
14:57:40 <Simeon> hi Steve
14:58:06 <SteveLamerton> Why I do apologise, kindest greetings to you sir!
14:58:12 <SteveLamerton> Hello Simeon
14:58:58 <Gizmokid2005> SteveLamerton: :) thanks for going along with it :D
14:59:03 <Gizmokid2005> thanks for the greetings :)
15:05:05 <windows[]> that was a good idea, xp was in the middle of copying files, and it was going slow as christmas. so i ejected the cd, inserted it back in and bang!!!
15:05:45 <windows[]> no its doing it again, anyone have a clue as to what is causing this
15:05:58 <Simeon> no
15:06:13 <Gizmokid2005> the drive is probably bad windows[]
15:06:32 <windows[]> k
15:07:05 <windows[]> might be power, cause it just started when i pus this new hard drive in, and it needs more power
15:07:16 <Simeon> maybe
15:07:37 <windows[]> put* nope its not the power huhm...
15:09:10 <windows[]> oh
15:09:24 <windows[]> it would help if i plugged both power cords in O.o
15:09:28 <Gizmokid2005> sounds like a possible pebkac to me
15:09:55 <SteveLamerton> Defintely ;)
15:10:19 <windows[]> well idk what it is now, it finished coping beforei could plus the second plug in, which i dont think it was a power problem
15:10:27 <Gizmokid2005> liek I said...
15:10:31 <Gizmokid2005> *like I said
15:11:14 <windows[]> plug* im cant type standing up :|
15:11:23 <windows[]> i* !@#$%
15:13:42 <windows[]> huhm Gizmokid2005 which would u think would be a better server for web hosting
15:14:12 <Gizmokid2005> I'm partial to the AMD system
15:14:16 <Gizmokid2005> plus it's got better specs
15:14:34 <Gizmokid2005> I would do it, double the RAM
15:15:16 <windows[]> im getting a rack, since we got a couple other rack server at work
15:16:23 <SteveLamerton> Swapping to Linux, be right back
15:16:36 <Simeon> I'm already there :)
15:17:43 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving.")
15:20:51 *** SteveLamerton (n=steve@ has joined #portableapps
15:21:00 <SteveLamerton> Hello again all :)
15:21:55 <SteveLamerton> The joys of a virtual machine ;)
15:23:07 <windows[]> not all
15:23:19 <windows[]> esecially linux on windows
15:23:31 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
15:23:43 <SteveLamerton> I am running Ubuntu on Vista ;)
15:35:54 *** TimClark (i=808737e1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
15:36:01 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
15:36:02 <SteveLamerton> Hello TimClark
15:36:13 <TimClark> hello SteveLamerton
15:36:58 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
15:37:08 <Simeon> Hi Tim
15:37:12 <Simeon> Hi Oliver
15:37:49 <OliverK> hi Simeon
15:38:15 <TimClark> hi Simeon and OliverK
15:38:22 <OliverK> hey tim
15:42:08 <SteveLamerton> Hello OliverK
15:42:18 <OliverK> hello steve
15:48:55 <OliverK>
15:49:00 *** BrianAll ( has joined #portableapps
15:49:30 <BrianAll> hello everyone
15:50:12 <OliverK> hey brian!
15:50:40 <SteveLamerton> Hey Brian
15:51:12 <BrianAll> hi steve & oliver
15:51:30 <BrianAll> happy thanksgiving
15:51:33 <BrianAll> oops
15:51:47 <BrianAll> not for you i assume... ;)
15:52:24 <SteveLamerton> Not I ;)
15:52:34 <OliverK> nah, its columbust day though
15:52:51 *** TimClark has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
15:53:05 <BrianAll> thanksgiving is early in canada.
15:53:09 <windows[]> gtg guys
15:53:13 <windows[]> be on at work
15:53:19 <BrianAll> bye
15:54:00 *** windows[] has quit (" HydraIRC -> <-")
15:55:41 *** Simeon has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
15:57:21 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
16:00:02 <OliverK>;_ylt=AkFRN8es64V6ZhI0xsTNK14SH9EA
16:01:14 <OliverK>
16:01:15 <OliverK> :D
16:01:23 <OliverK> Gizmokid2005: how'd you get voice?
16:01:31 <Gizmokid2005> the ghost of PA
16:01:54 <OliverK> hehe
16:03:13 <OliverK>
16:04:08 <Gizmokid2005> jeez OliverK. OLD ONES lol
16:04:17 <OliverK> dude, I'm just getting to them :(
16:04:20 <OliverK> I'll stop
16:04:20 <Gizmokid2005> lol
16:04:25 <Gizmokid2005> you need to move faster
16:04:26 <Gizmokid2005> lol
16:04:39 <OliverK> I don't have the net at home, I get stuck without the interwebs for 2 days :(
16:04:53 <Gizmokid2005> lol
16:04:56 <Gizmokid2005> I know
16:04:57 <Gizmokid2005> I don't blame you
16:05:00 <Gizmokid2005> I know how that feels
16:05:05 <Gizmokid2005> I used to be like that
16:05:43 <LOGAN> OliverK: <- added all the 'orphaned' portable applications
16:05:53 <OliverK> thanks
16:06:13 <Gizmokid2005> AWESOME! :)
16:06:29 <BrianAll> great
16:08:41 *** Simeon (n=simeon@ has joined #portableapps
16:09:12 *** Simeon has quit (Client Quit)
16:09:41 <LOGAN> might take some time for it to reach all servers :)
16:15:38 *** Zach_Hudock ( has joined #portableapps
16:15:44 <Zach_Hudock> hello
16:15:50 <BrianAll> hey Zach
16:16:10 <Gizmokid2005> hello again Zach_Hudock
16:17:11 <Zach_Hudock> just found, and they provide instructions, as well as precompiled binaries + installers for Evolution mail client for windows....I know there have been several requests for Evolution in the forums, and this is the first site that looks like a legitimate build of Evolution for Windows
16:17:38 <BrianAll> cool
16:18:17 <Zach_Hudock> the site was actually linked to from the GNOME-office/evolution official site
16:20:45 <BrianAll> I think it will give portableapps some more recognition if we add some alternative apps.
16:20:59 <Zach_Hudock> i agree
16:21:20 <Zach_Hudock> i dont have the free time to take on a project like Evolution, but it may be worth mentioning in the forums
16:21:53 <BrianAll> I have heard people say "oh, we don't need another browser/PIM because we already have the mozilla apps" but people like to have a choice.
16:22:06 <Zach_Hudock> right
16:22:56 <BrianAll> mabey an announcement in the request apps forum, just tol let everyone know.
16:23:08 <BrianAll> someone might pick it up.
16:28:57 *** ameo (n=Crazy@ has joined #portableapps
16:29:03 <ameo> hey all
16:29:13 <ameo> how to open FFP in safe mode?
16:29:14 <BrianAll> hello ameo
16:30:15 <ameo> any idea?
16:30:34 <ameo> -safe-mode doesn't work
16:31:27 <BrianAll>
16:31:53 <BrianAll> did you use -safe mode on FirefoxPortable.exe?
16:32:39 <ameo> yes
16:32:47 <ameo> and didn't work
16:32:57 <BrianAll> hmm
16:34:26 <ameo> ok worked now
16:36:46 *** pa_5141 (i=4aff3c43@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:37:03 <BrianAll> great.
16:37:23 <BrianAll> hello pa_5141
16:37:42 <Gizmokid2005> hello pa_5141 is there something we can help you with?
16:38:05 <pa_5141> how do i remove the portable app suite
16:38:17 * ameo wonder why didn't Gizmokid2005 asked him that question!? :D
16:38:20 <Gizmokid2005> just delete the folder called PortableApps
16:38:30 <ameo> pa_5141: Shift+delete
16:38:32 <Gizmokid2005> and it will remove the ENTIRE suite including applications and ata
16:38:33 <Gizmokid2005> *data
16:38:35 <OliverK> just delete StartPortableApps.exe, Documents folder, and PortableApps folder
16:38:52 <pa_5141> i keep try but it won't delete
16:38:56 <OliverK> but you could kep the documents folder
16:38:58 <Gizmokid2005> does it give you an eerror?
16:38:59 <OliverK> ah . . .
16:39:00 <Gizmokid2005> *error
16:39:26 <ameo> .g unlocker
16:39:29 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
16:39:50 <LOGAN> of course the menu should not be running at the moment of trying to delete it
16:39:54 <OliverK>
16:40:07 <pa_5141> never mind i got by deleting each one piece by piece
16:41:54 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving.")
16:42:34 <ameo> ok, I have a weird situation here
16:42:51 <BrianAll> what is it?
16:43:07 <OliverK> i gotta run and get luanch
16:43:08 <OliverK> BRBR
16:43:12 <ameo>
16:43:13 <BrianAll> see ya
16:43:14 <Gizmokid2005> hb OliverK
16:43:20 <ameo> bye OliverK
16:43:45 <ameo> any one upgraded to the latest noscript?
16:44:12 <BrianAll> i think i did.
16:44:25 <ameo> did you got these errors?
16:44:48 <ameo> when loading images!
16:46:22 <BrianAll> no, but at the moment i'm using chromium.
16:47:08 <ameo> I'll start using chromium when google removes "Google" from the taskbar
16:47:28 <BrianAll> does it work with noscript off?
16:47:45 *** Zach_Hudock has parted #portableapps ()
16:47:45 <ameo> I just disabled it to try
16:47:58 *** pa_5141 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
16:48:25 <BrianAll> k, let me load up FF
16:50:21 <BrianAll> No, it worked in firefox with noscript on and blocking scripts from that site.
16:51:22 <ameo> that is the part I hate about firefox, when it starts falling apart nothing can fix it
16:51:22 *** OliverK has quit (Nick collision from services.)
16:51:25 <ameo> I'll have to check ALL my addons one by one
16:52:02 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
16:52:39 <OliverK> back
16:52:50 <Bensawsome> i did it for teh lulz <3
16:56:39 <Bensawsome> so how is everyone
16:58:42 <ameo> I'm screwed
16:59:18 <Gizmokid2005> hello Bensawsome, I am ornery...thanks for asking though
16:59:26 <Gizmokid2005> oh, and grumpy, and mad at technology
17:00:45 <BrianAll> :(
17:00:50 <ameo>
17:00:55 <BrianAll> where has pabot been?
17:00:59 <ameo> the images issue were solved
17:01:10 <BrianAll> he was here yesterday
17:01:21 <BrianAll> ameo: what was the problem?
17:01:21 <ameo> now each time I reload some pages it asks me that question!
17:01:53 <Bensawsome> Gizmokid2005 lol ok :/ hope you fix your technology
17:02:11 <Gizmokid2005> eh, I will, eventually
17:02:35 <ameo> BrianAll: I have no idea, I closed ff yesterday and this morning all these errors kept popping up
17:02:47 <BrianAll> weird.
17:03:19 <BrianAll> list off some of your extensions.
17:03:26 <ameo> one minute
17:04:46 *** windows[] ( has joined #portableapps
17:04:57 <windows[]> hello all
17:05:04 <ameo> adblock, agent switcher, scribefire, imageshack, noscript,
17:05:09 <ameo> hi windows[]
17:05:21 <windows[]> hey ameo
17:05:22 <ameo> clipping, Stumblepon
17:05:37 <ameo> greasemonkey
17:05:55 <ameo> ie tab
17:06:09 <ameo> and 7 more
17:07:45 <Bensawsome> Gizmokid2005 thats good :)
17:07:51 <windows[]> kool << linuc plugin
17:07:56 <windows[]> linux*
17:09:05 <Bensawsome> windows[] :)
17:09:19 <Bensawsome> wazzup
17:09:20 <windows[]> now if they only had a linux logmein server version
17:09:24 <windows[]> nm
17:09:28 <Bensawsome> OMG THEY TOOK THE SMILIES OUT OF the forusm T_T_T_T_T
17:09:40 <windows[]> ?
17:09:57 <Bensawsome> windows[] graphic smilies are disable :'(
17:09:59 <Bensawsome>
17:10:04 <Bensawsome> see my comment im sad T_T
17:10:27 <BrianAll> I dunno ameo.
17:11:22 <ameo> it's ok BrianAll I've already disabled my extensions
17:12:04 <BrianAll> tha's weird. try using another instance of FF like FFP.
17:13:09 <ameo> I found the extension that was making all these troubles
17:13:19 <Gizmokid2005> ameo: what was it?
17:13:47 <ameo> .g content preference
17:14:08 <ameo> papbot
17:15:01 <ameo>
17:15:15 <ameo> just disabled it and everything is back to normal
17:15:18 <windows[]> pabot has been gone, rmcue's connection is unstable
17:16:24 <Bensawsome> lol true dat windows[] :/
17:18:51 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
17:18:59 <alpha1beta> howdy guys
17:19:19 <alpha1beta> looks like OO.o 3.0 is out
17:19:43 <windows[]> ?
17:19:47 <BrianAll> it has been for a few days, they just didn't officially announce it.
17:20:11 <alpha1beta> oh rly?!
17:20:20 <alpha1beta> I was on like Friday and it was RC4 then
17:20:31 *** zxt-capture has parted #portableapps ()
17:20:47 <Bensawsome> O rly?
17:29:21 <OliverK> teachers voice is so freaking annoying :(
17:29:37 <OliverK> talks so proper and everything
17:29:44 <OliverK> gets on my nerves :(
17:30:07 <ameo> back in 2 hours
17:30:09 *** ameo has parted #portableapps ()
17:34:12 *** Lonerider2010 ( has joined #portableapps
17:36:08 * BrianAll is away: I'm away/busy now.
17:36:31 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
17:36:40 <OliverK> got any good names for a geek club?
17:36:51 <Bensawsome> 1337H4x0r
17:36:54 <Bensawsome> lol
17:36:56 <Gizmokid2005>
17:36:57 <OliverK> I'm really not interested in using the one good name I cam up with- NerdHerd
17:36:58 <Gizmokid2005> ROFL!!!
17:37:03 <Gizmokid2005> stupid canadians (No offense)
17:37:12 <Bensawsome> lol.?
17:37:26 <OliverK> wonderfull can opener :D
17:38:34 <OliverK> Tech Heck?
17:38:50 <Bensawsome> THE WAFFLATOR XD
17:39:21 <windows[]> bbl
17:39:24 *** windows[] has quit ("Leaving")
17:42:58 <Bensawsome> hey Gizmokid2005 which hard drive do you think would be better for gaming/graphic arts? 300gb@4200 rpm , 250gb@5400 rpm, or 200gb@7200 rpm?
17:43:21 <Gizmokid2005> the higher rpm the better
17:43:25 <Gizmokid2005> faster access times
17:43:29 <Gizmokid2005> and read/write times
17:43:34 <Gizmokid2005> a 4200rpm drive would kill you
17:43:38 <Gizmokid2005> you want a 7200 or better
17:43:58 <Bensawsome> ok cool ty :) i was thinking that same thing because i think i gonna get a external one anyways so....
17:44:49 <BrianAll> hey! >:\
17:45:02 <Bensawsome> lol.... $3,895.00 come the total.... and thats without the external monitor i want o_0
17:45:13 <BrianAll> Gizmokid2005: more like stupid walmart!
17:45:48 <Bensawsome> ...
17:45:53 <Gizmokid2005> lol yeah
17:46:23 <BrianAll> }>8}|
17:46:55 <BrianAll> *angry face with a unibrow and moustache*
17:47:11 * Bensawsome eats some waffles and walks away......
17:48:10 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
17:48:39 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Remote closed the connection)
17:48:42 <Bensawsome> ...
17:49:24 *** Lonerider2010 has quit ("Leaving")
17:49:25 <Bensawsome> no waffles for u :P
17:50:35 * OliverK is bored
17:50:45 * OliverK wants to take a nap
17:50:49 *** OliverK is now known as zzzzzzzzzzz
17:52:19 *** Bensawsome is now known as IM666
17:52:21 <IM666> :)
17:52:25 *** IM666 is now known as Bensawsome
17:52:44 <zzzzzzzzzzz>
17:53:19 <Bensawsome> zzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!
17:53:24 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
17:54:00 *** zzzzzzzzzzz is now known as OliverK
17:54:20 <Bensawsome> lol
18:00:18 *** Lonerider ( has joined #portableapps
18:02:28 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Remote closed the connection)
18:06:01 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
18:07:12 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Remote closed the connection)
18:09:26 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
18:10:43 <PatrickPatience> Comical:
18:11:00 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Remote closed the connection)
18:11:57 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
18:12:33 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello Everyone!
18:12:44 <Gizmokid2005> hello Oni-Neoxes
18:13:08 <Oni-Neoxes> Whats up
18:13:16 <Gizmokid2005> everything above eye level
18:13:49 <Oni-Neoxes> lulz, something new XD
18:13:57 <Gizmokid2005>
18:13:58 <Gizmokid2005> yup
18:14:01 <Gizmokid2005> and I agree with patrick on that
18:14:03 <Gizmokid2005> thta's comical
18:14:07 <Gizmokid2005> *that's
18:14:30 <Oni-Neoxes> I was just loading that site too :O
18:14:37 <Oni-Neoxes> Server is kinda bad
18:14:46 <Gizmokid2005> yup
18:15:49 <Oni-Neoxes> just got back from playing SimCity4 (I suck at the game but it's oddly addicting)
18:15:56 <Gizmokid2005> Oni-Neoxes: yeah, that it is
18:16:23 <Oni-Neoxes> None of my friends never like simcity except me D:
18:20:09 <Lonerider> OOo: now they tell: Apologies - our website is struggling to cope with the unprecedented
18:20:09 <Lonerider> demand for the new release 3.0 of The technical teams are
18:20:09 <Lonerider> trying to come up with a solution.
18:20:09 <Lonerider> Thank you for your patience.
18:20:27 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
18:26:19 <Oni-Neoxes> "God created the world, except Netherlands which we had to create ourselves." -- Popular Dutch Saying.
18:26:22 <Oni-Neoxes> XD
18:26:27 <Gizmokid2005> lol
18:29:33 *** BrianAll has quit ("Later, all.")
18:43:30 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("FALCON PAWNCH!!!!")
18:43:56 <Mir> .wik LR6
18:44:27 <Mir> pabot
18:48:07 *** Lonerider has quit ("Leaving")
18:48:35 *** Lonerider ( has joined #portableapps
18:50:03 *** TimClark (i=808737e1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
18:51:18 <TimClark> so Mir what did you want us to know about it
18:52:00 <Mir> i already know a lot about it
18:52:07 <Mir> i wanted a link for a friend
18:52:15 <Mir> got one
18:52:18 <TimClark> 18:43:56 <Mir> .wik LR6 I can only assume there is something about that battery type that you thought would be of use to us
18:52:42 <Mir> i thought the chan went dead
18:52:45 <Mir> :|
18:53:09 <TimClark> everything is logged now, you don't have to be here to keep up
18:53:19 <OliverK> have we the link?
18:53:23 <OliverK> please?
18:53:25 <TimClark> moment
18:53:30 <OliverK> thanks
18:53:43 <TimClark>
18:54:08 <Mir> didnty i opt out?
18:54:12 <Mir> <__<
18:54:15 <Mir> hmm
18:54:15 <TimClark> and it is live, if you refresh the page you see what has occured
18:54:25 <TimClark> you can't op out of this one Mir
18:54:40 <Mir> 2345678!
18:54:43 *** dbdii-school is now known as DaveDixonII
18:54:57 <TimClark> this is a straight content
18:55:14 <Mir> <-- too lazy to use the shift key
18:56:19 * DaveDixonII used to use it every word. Lol
18:56:48 <Mir> WhY wAs tHat?
18:57:28 <Mir> O__O
18:57:38 <Mir> there goes part of our roof
18:57:44 <Mir> 8|
19:00:01 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
19:00:07 <gluxon> Hello All :D
19:00:38 <Gizmokid2005> hello gluxon
19:02:13 *** LOGAN has quit ("Leaving.")
19:04:53 <OliverK> Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00
19:04:57 <OliverK> hmm . . . .
19:08:19 * TimClark is gone , but palogbot is not ;)
19:08:22 *** TimClark has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
19:10:04 <Bensawsome> hey DaveDixonII i didnt have any school today :P
19:10:31 <DaveDixonII> I didnt have school friday. :P
19:10:37 <DaveDixonII> 1/2 day last thursay
19:10:37 <DaveDixonII> :P
19:10:57 <Bensawsome> i didnt have school friday either :P
19:11:07 <Bensawsome> u only got 3.5 days off i got 4 :P
19:11:45 <gluxon> ....
19:11:50 <gluxon> 4 days off?
19:11:55 <gluxon> For what reason?
19:11:56 <Bensawsome> :P
19:12:05 <Bensawsome> thosee parent teacher meetings :/
19:12:09 <gluxon> ah...
19:12:14 <Bensawsome> and also the monday holiday :P
19:12:18 <gluxon> Lucky Duckys.....
19:12:21 <Bensawsome> :P
19:12:43 <gluxon> Yeah, What day is it? Saint Christopher day or something?
19:12:56 <Bensawsome> .......
19:12:58 <Gizmokid2005> Columus day
19:13:00 <Gizmokid2005> *Columbus
19:13:03 <Bensawsome> exactly XD
19:13:11 <DaveDixonII> I found a pain in the butt that would be would be great friends with TimClark
19:13:14 <DaveDixonII> Lmao.
19:13:15 <Bensawsome> saint christopher day..... XD
19:13:23 <gluxon> Who?
19:13:30 <gluxon> ah, Columbus day :P
19:13:30 <DaveDixonII> Its on mibbits server
19:13:50 <Bensawsome> TEH MIBBITZ?
19:13:54 <gluxon> :(
19:14:04 <gluxon> I hate the MIBBITZ.
19:14:06 <gluxon> :(
19:14:22 <gluxon> They ruin all the fun with their horrible nicks.
19:15:00 <gluxon> Com'on :) isn't a nick like mib_12345 ugly? :D
19:15:27 <Bensawsome> lol
19:21:10 *** BrianAll ( has joined #portableapps
19:21:29 <BrianAll> hello all
19:21:39 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
19:22:23 <KevinPorter> Good afternoon. :)
19:22:35 <BrianAll> hi kevin
19:22:37 <Bensawsome> ello
19:22:47 <KevinPorter> Hi BrianAll, Bensawsome.
19:22:53 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter left my server. :(
19:23:03 <Bensawsome> lulz
19:23:09 <KevinPorter> DaveDixonII: I did?
19:23:13 <KevinPorter> Whoops. :P
19:23:13 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII i gots my own server :D
19:23:22 <DaveDixonII> Oh, if anyone wants me to link thier IRC Channel on my blog, just PM me now the channel
19:23:37 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: Im not going on yours, you dont go on mine. :P
19:23:45 <BrianAll> hey dave, what's your server again?
19:23:49 <Bensawsome> lol....
19:23:54 <Bensawsome> i sometimes do :P
19:23:57 <DaveDixonII> #lobby
19:24:02 <BrianAll> k
19:24:07 <BrianAll> just a sec...
19:24:19 <DaveDixonII> Anyone want me to add thier channel to my blog?
19:27:01 *** OliverK has quit (Nick collision from services.)
19:27:19 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
19:31:08 *** gluxon has parted #portableapps ()
19:31:41 *** windows[] ( has joined #portableapps
19:31:45 <windows[]> ck
19:31:49 <windows[]> bk*
19:32:05 <windows[]> hello DaveDixonII
19:32:17 <windows[]> join #windows[] please
19:32:58 <OliverK>
19:33:03 * OliverK drools
19:33:21 <windows[]> my internet is slow O.o
19:33:29 <OliverK>
19:33:35 <KevinPorter> Whoa that's cheap.
19:33:36 <DaveDixonII> hi windows
19:35:30 <OliverK> make me want to order one :(
19:35:39 <windows[]> hey KevinPorter
19:36:27 <KevinPorter> Hi windows[].
19:38:52 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: You have a channel?/
19:39:03 <KevinPorter> #kevinporter
19:39:21 <windows[]> Gizmokid2005, u on?
19:39:29 <Gizmokid2005> windows[]: yup
19:39:47 <windows[]> you pay monthly on logmein
19:39:52 <windows[]> they charge you monthly
19:39:52 <Gizmokid2005> Nope.
19:40:06 <windows[]> Next, click on the Pricing link at the top of the page, choose the product you wish to purchase and select the monthly subscription. This way your subscription will renew monthly and your credit card will be charged for each month.
19:40:09 <windows[]> i emailed
19:40:22 <Gizmokid2005> windows[]: that's still not my point
19:40:37 <windows[]> kk
19:40:38 <Gizmokid2005> the only thing I use LMI for is to log into computers that I can't RD into
19:40:41 <Gizmokid2005> and to help friends and family
19:40:45 <windows[]> kk
19:40:52 <windows[]> i thought the problem was with the $$
19:40:55 <windows[]> i remember now
19:40:58 <Gizmokid2005> yeah
19:41:00 <Gizmokid2005> that too
19:41:03 <Gizmokid2005> but
19:41:03 <windows[]> lol
19:41:06 <windows[]> i know
19:41:07 <windows[]> brb
19:41:09 <Gizmokid2005> it's a moot point considering I wouldn't use it
19:43:47 *** TimClark (i=808737e1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:44:09 <TimClark> so DaveDixonII, what's the pain in the butt you found ?
19:44:16 <Gizmokid2005> hello TimClark
19:44:41 <DaveDixonII> Lol, he was on mibbit. I forgot his username. But you would've loved him. XD
19:44:50 <DaveDixonII> You to act the same. :P
19:44:50 <TimClark> doubt it
19:44:59 <TimClark> in what way
19:45:18 <DaveDixonII> Stubbornness...
19:45:36 <TimClark> i am not stubborn
19:46:11 <TimClark> if we ever made you op in here you would be enforcing the rules more than i do, trust me
19:47:00 <DaveDixonII> I wish i could that to ya. :P
19:47:25 <TimClark> you wish you could "what" to me ?
19:48:11 <DaveDixonII> <TimClark> if we ever made you op in here you would be enforcing the rules more than i do, trust me (i wish i could prove i could. but i cant. ;))
19:49:20 <TimClark> DaveDixonII: in some ways i think you could be a good op in that you would enforce order, then you would learn how i feel, that it's not always fun
19:49:50 <DaveDixonII> Lol.
19:50:01 <DaveDixonII> <-- List of IRC Channels are on the side. :D
19:50:06 <TimClark> trust me, when we have more ops i intend to step back a bit and let them take the heat for a while
19:50:53 <DaveDixonII> I would love to help ya TimClark, But i can't. :(
19:53:07 <TimClark> you could DaveDixonII, it would just take a couple of months for you to improve your rep
19:53:50 <DaveDixonII> Watch, you wont see any improvment within the next few months. ;)
19:56:27 <TimClark> you actually have improved lately, but perhaps i should tell you that, if you didn't know you might try to undo it :P
19:56:39 <TimClark> should not tell *
19:57:11 <DaveDixonII> Ehh. Brb
19:57:13 <DaveDixonII> Getting a pop
19:57:22 <Gizmokid2005> *sigh*
19:57:27 <Gizmokid2005> you guys
19:57:30 <windows[]> *ditto*
19:57:54 <Bensawsome> TimClark u r too stuborn :P
19:58:07 <Bensawsome> lol jk
19:58:22 <windows[]> Bensawsome, that was uncalled for :|
19:58:27 <Bensawsome> :P
19:58:28 <TimClark> what is the matter Gizmokid2005 and windows[]
19:58:35 <Bensawsome> everything :P
19:58:37 <Gizmokid2005> you guys
19:58:38 * windows[] = tired with suse
19:58:50 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: what about us?
19:59:03 <Gizmokid2005> Your bickering back and forth
19:59:23 <Gizmokid2005> (you can just ignore me, I'm having one of those days today)
19:59:37 <windows[]> to me it looks like yout as younge as Dave, tim
19:59:43 <TimClark> "I" was not bickering, I was giving him positive feed back and encouragement !
20:00:01 <Gizmokid2005> and I quote "but perhaps i should tell you that, if you didn't know you might try to undo it "
20:00:10 * windows[] practices speeling
20:00:22 * Bensawsome eats some waffles
20:00:22 <windows[]> spelling*
20:00:24 <TimClark> that was an obvious joke Gizmokid2005 and you know it :P
20:00:26 <Gizmokid2005> windows[]: you need a LOT of practice...
20:00:29 <Gizmokid2005> TimClark: I know ;)
20:00:32 <Gizmokid2005> I'm giving you a hard time
20:00:35 <Bensawsome> LULZ
20:00:38 <Gizmokid2005> I've been very quiet in here today
20:00:43 <DaveDixonII> I find it kinda creapy and scary that you guys are fighting over me. :/
20:00:46 <Gizmokid2005> who better to give crap than you two?
20:00:52 <Bensawsome> i havent >_>_>_>_>_>
20:00:52 <TimClark> /kick Gizmokid2005 for being an a$$
20:01:03 * windows[] :|
20:01:12 <Gizmokid2005> TimClark: please, do the honors :P
20:01:22 * windows[] watches kiddies fight
20:01:28 * Bensawsome eats a waffle
20:01:29 <Gizmokid2005> I'm always an @$$ though, so that wouldn't do a whole lot of good
20:01:32 <Gizmokid2005> ;)
20:01:35 <Bensawsome> Gizmokid2005 ;D
20:01:42 <TimClark> no, my foot might get caught in your large butt Gizmokid2005
20:02:18 <Gizmokid2005> TimClark: yeah, I don't want to visit a proctologist due to your lack of pre-emptive thought
20:02:22 <windows[]> it seems to me that gizmo has stole my personality for the momment and i his O.o
20:02:36 <Bensawsome> lol..........
20:03:03 <Gizmokid2005> windows[]: no, this is me, just in rare form. I usually keep it toned down in here...I'm just having some day fails and I"m trying to make light of it
20:03:15 <windows[]> ahhh kkk
20:03:22 * windows[] slaps Gizmokid2005
20:03:24 <Bensawsome> okey dokey artichoke :D
20:03:30 * windows[] wants to go back to bed O.o
20:03:35 * Bensawsome makes some popcorn for the fight
20:03:44 * Gizmokid2005 knocks windows[]'s lights out.
20:03:54 <windows[]> ty Gizmokid2005 just in time to go to bed
20:03:55 <Gizmokid2005> (at least I"m doing you a favor)
20:03:59 <windows[]> XD
20:04:07 <TimClark> guys, lets not flood, the logs will be hard to read
20:04:11 <windows[]> its drank in here o.O
20:04:21 <windows[]> dark, kk mr tim
20:04:35 <Gizmokid2005> TimClark: we aren't flooding, we are having meaningful conversation )
20:04:36 <Gizmokid2005> :)
20:04:45 <Bensawsome> lol..........
20:04:50 <Gizmokid2005> Now, if I acted liek ben and started typing my thoughts out, one word per line at a time...
20:04:51 <Gizmokid2005> *like
20:04:52 <BrianAll> meanigful my @$$
20:05:07 <Bensawsome> Gizmokid2005 :P
20:05:07 * windows[] slaps BrianAll stay out of it :-p
20:05:08 <Gizmokid2005> BrianAll: I don't want to hear about that...tyvm
20:05:45 <DaveDixonII> BrainAll: Your channel is added to the list
20:05:54 <BrianAll> great, thanks.
20:06:23 * Bensawsome makes some more popcorn
20:06:46 <DaveDixonII> Thanks bensawsome. :D
20:06:56 <windows[]> what with you nick ben, what did u see?
20:06:57 * Bensawsome hands some out to everyone
20:07:10 <Bensawsome> windows[] NOOOOOOOOOO IT IS BEN IS AWSOME DAMNIT
20:07:15 <Bensawsome> lol
20:07:20 <windows[]> O.O
20:07:29 <TimClark> Bensawsome: don't do that please
20:07:30 <windows[]> sry, dont get all pissy
20:07:36 <BrianAll> Ben Saw Some... some of what?
20:07:44 <TimClark> old one BrianAll
20:07:45 <Gizmokid2005> Bensawsome: if you are going to be inappropriate, at least spell it correctly. >.>
20:07:48 <windows[]> BrianAll, please dont start
20:07:50 <BrianAll> i know.
20:07:51 <Bensawsome> Gizmokid2005 :P
20:07:59 * BrianAll is away: I'm away/busy now.
20:08:12 <Bensawsome> BrianAll turn that stupid notification thing off
20:08:31 <TimClark> ben you too would make a good op if you could stay calm
20:08:47 <Bensawsome> lol ty TimClark :)
20:08:51 <Gizmokid2005> Ok, I'm done being a pain now.
20:08:57 * Gizmokid2005 goes back to lurking
20:08:58 <windows[]> Bensawsome - personality = great op :|
20:09:07 <windows[]> :D *\
20:09:08 * Bensawsome thinks darn the fights over i cant sell tickets >_>
20:09:30 <Bensawsome> windows[] lol
20:09:47 * windows[] has been op's in many irc's
20:09:54 <Bensawsome> lets analyze the fragmentation of my hard drive XD
20:10:03 <windows[]> eventually every falls apart :|
20:10:05 <Bensawsome> cya later dudes and dudettes
20:10:16 <windows[]> usually because everyone loses interest in the irc
20:10:35 <Bensawsome> windows[] lolz
20:10:37 * TimClark still thinks life would be better if we spent most of our time talking int -ot , and did work in here, or talked in here and had -support, that was only work
20:10:46 <Bensawsome> and the other good thing is that i know most of the commands too :D
20:10:56 <Bensawsome> i know many commands muahahahaha!
20:11:07 * Bensawsome somewhat agrees with TimClark
20:11:08 * windows[] thinks timclrak shoud join -ot
20:11:15 <Bensawsome> LOL spelling fail
20:11:16 <windows[]> clark*
20:11:27 * windows[] goes back to spelling program
20:11:41 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
20:11:46 <OliverK>
20:11:49 <TimClark> if you all took this type of convo there and left this room clean, i would windows[]
20:12:09 <Bensawsome> lol nice OliverK :D
20:12:15 * TimClark is now in -ot
20:12:17 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello :D
20:12:20 <OliverK> think I could put the link up?
20:12:21 * Bensawsome thinks this is what TimClark means XD
20:12:34 <Oni-Neoxes> Thanks you OliverK! Just what I need too XD
20:12:40 <windows[]> Oni-Neoxes, join -ot
20:12:41 <OliverK> ?
20:12:49 <OliverK> images for VTi?
20:12:53 <Oni-Neoxes> Yes
20:12:57 <Oni-Neoxes> <3
20:13:40 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:15:07 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
20:15:31 <Bensawsome> lol
20:19:39 *** BrianAll has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:27:23 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Leaving.")
20:39:37 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
20:40:08 <KevinPorter> Hello. :)
20:40:14 *** TimClark is now known as TimClarkIsAway
20:40:22 <Oni-Neoxes> Konnichiwa Kevin-San
20:40:38 *** windows[] has quit ("Leaving")
20:41:19 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
20:46:11 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("FALCON PAWNCH!!!!")
20:47:21 *** Gizmokid2005 has parted #portableapps ()
20:58:24 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
21:06:08 *** TimClarkIsAway is now known as TimClark
21:07:25 <TimClark> General Chat is now occurring in #portableapps-ot , join us :D
21:07:40 <Bensawsome> OMG PEOPLE TALKING XD
21:07:46 <Oni-Neoxes> lul XD
21:08:00 <TimClark> stop it Bensawsome, really, it's annoying
21:08:02 <Bensawsome> Oni-Neoxes its lulz
21:08:06 <KevinPorter> Lol.
21:08:06 <Bensawsome> gawd
21:08:19 <Bensawsome> is TEH lolcat speex :D
21:08:28 <Oni-Neoxes> I can put it lul, back to OT!
21:08:38 *** kai_62656 (i=475c9b92@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:10:35 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
21:12:47 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:14:51 <KevinPorter> Lmao TimClark. :D
21:15:01 <TimClark> not funny KevinPorter
21:15:13 <KevinPorter> I thought it was. :(
21:15:21 <TimClark> the're gonna bring that crap in here
21:15:24 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
21:15:33 <gluxon> Hello All :D
21:15:34 <Bensawsome> omg people are coming back here now o_0
21:15:38 <gluxon> ....
21:15:42 <KevinPorter> I just thought it was funny that you left. I know they're not going to talk like that in here.
21:15:48 <gluxon> MY DRIVE IS FINALLY FIXED!!!
21:15:50 <TimClark> because Bensawsome is fuck
21:15:51 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello gluxon.
21:15:56 <KevinPorter> If they did, they'd be gone in a heartbeat.
21:16:00 * gluxon jumps up and screams
21:16:04 <Bensawsome> TimClark :OOOOOOO
21:16:05 <KevinPorter> TimClark: Language.
21:16:07 <Bensawsome> omg TimClark said a bad word :O
21:16:12 *** dbdii407 (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
21:16:18 <gluxon> Bensawsome: what did you do this time......
21:16:19 <Bensawsome> iz tEH badness lol
21:16:24 <Oni-Neoxes> o_o wow Ima go stay in the OT then
21:16:26 <Oni-Neoxes> cya
21:16:34 <TimClark> sorry, he just pisses me off when he act like a retard
21:16:37 <Bensawsome> gluxon i didnt do anything TimClark just mad i not talking a language he can understand :/
21:16:43 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: Say it again, and you're gone.
21:16:46 <KevinPorter> :(
21:17:01 <gluxon> ...
21:17:24 <TimClark> the room is english only
21:17:51 <Bensawsome> TimClark it is english just a different form of it and also what about all the people who come in here for support who dont speek english HUHUHUH!
21:18:02 <gluxon> ...
21:18:16 <KevinPorter> I think you know what he meant Ben.
21:18:20 *** PatrickPatience1 (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
21:18:24 <TimClark> any gluxon there is general chat going on in -ot now, or at least there was
21:18:32 <KevinPorter> Hi PatrickPatience1.
21:18:35 <KevinPorter> :)
21:18:38 <gluxon> ?this like speaking you were what
21:18:49 <dbdii407> Wow. Patrick is in yellow and hes using pidgin
21:18:52 <dbdii407> Why is he yellow?
21:18:58 <gluxon> ....
21:19:08 <gluxon> Patrick is yellow?
21:19:19 <dbdii407> I have the updated pidign
21:19:22 <dbdii407> pidgin
21:19:29 <dbdii407> For Linux
21:19:40 <KevinPorter> To what version?
21:19:43 <Bensawsome> KevinPorter he the one who said english only i dont see any other wsay u could interpret it :/
21:19:44 <TimClark> PatrickPatience1: we had a nice experiment going where we were all taking in -ot about all kinds of stuff, it worked for a while
21:19:53 <PatrickPatience1> Heh.
21:20:01 <KevinPorter> That was an organized experiment TimClark?
21:20:10 <TimClark> not really
21:20:24 <KevinPorter> Oh. Lol.
21:20:38 <TimClark> it was just something i've thought about, invite people in there and take part in the convo
21:20:40 <Bensawsome> PatrickPatience1 and aparently TimClark gets pissy efvery time someone speeks a language he doesnt understan d :/
21:20:43 * PatrickPatience1 pets palogbot.
21:20:50 <PatrickPatience1> Bensawsome: Stop dude.
21:20:51 <Bensawsome> *every
21:20:59 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
21:20:59 <PatrickPatience1> I'm tired of your attitude and language.
21:21:04 *** PatrickPatience1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:21:06 <Bensawsome> PatrickPatience1 ME?
21:21:10 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
21:21:19 <Oni-Neoxes> Ouch...
21:21:20 <Bensawsome> TimClark i on autorejoin :/ sry
21:21:28 <TimClark> Bensawsome: turn off auto rejoin
21:21:44 <dbdii407> Bensawsome: Yes you. He was talking to you in the first place.
21:21:44 <Bensawsome> i dont know how to my friend did it for me :/
21:22:01 <TimClark> i have just been pmed the ban command, if i kick you again i will use it
21:22:02 <Bensawsome> and dbdii407 i wasnt swearing or anything so be quiet
21:22:18 <dbdii407> I was just saying. :/
21:22:20 *** PatrickPatience1 (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
21:22:30 <PatrickPatience1> We have a ban command.
21:22:38 <TimClark> Bensawsome: i do not belive you, you are not stupid, you can turn it off
21:22:46 <PatrickPatience1> Auto-rejoin?
21:22:48 <PatrickPatience1> Yes, totally.
21:22:51 <PatrickPatience1> He's using X-Chat.
21:22:58 <Bensawsome> TimClark no i searched forever trying to find it...... and couldnt... and my friend did it in a sec
21:22:59 <PatrickPatience1> Simply ban him before kicking.
21:23:22 *** PatrickPatience1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:23:32 <TimClark> anyway, lets drop this, just don't give me an excuse to kick you and it wont matter
21:23:36 <Bensawsome> I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE. why are we getting worked up over a stupid internet language
21:24:05 <KevinPorter> :(
21:24:09 <Oni-Neoxes> PatrickPatience1: What happened to your other name?
21:24:15 <TimClark> :-(
21:24:22 <KevinPorter> I didn't want to do that. :(
21:24:33 <gluxon> .... if you want him gone I don't see why you don't ban him for a while.
21:24:37 <TimClark> i dindn't either
21:24:39 <KevinPorter> Exactly.
21:24:44 <TimClark> gluxon: shhhh
21:24:56 <OliverK> i don't see why you did that :(
21:25:11 <gluxon> OliverK: thank you!
21:25:23 <TimClark> in the final ananlysis he was giving the op lip
21:25:31 <OliverK> and . . . .
21:25:52 <OliverK> he was giving you lip because you were shouting at him to turn off auto-rejoin
21:25:59 <TimClark> in the final analyis that is good enough reason in most of the irc
21:26:09 <OliverK> huh
21:26:13 <OliverK> uh huh
21:26:34 *** Zarggg ( has joined #portableapps
21:26:35 <TimClark> when the op says something you do it, i just usually let you guys walk all over me
21:26:56 <Oni-Neoxes> Today was a horrible day for the IRC
21:27:35 *** kai_62656 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
21:27:48 <gluxon> What if he talks through StatBot? You can't exactly kick/ban StatBot.
21:28:06 <dbdii407> gluxon: We are working onit
21:28:19 <gluxon> ..... oh.
21:28:44 *** PatrickPatience1 (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
21:28:53 *** kai_62656 (i=475c9b92@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:28:56 <PatrickPatience1> Outrgageous. I hate bug fixes.
21:29:05 <PatrickPatience1> Task Coach 0.71.0 came out yesterday.
21:29:09 <PatrickPatience1> I download, update, and upload.
21:29:12 <PatrickPatience1> I just had to make the post.
21:29:12 <gluxon> Welcome back kai_62656 :P
21:29:19 <PatrickPatience1> Now 0.71.1 is out.
21:29:20 <PatrickPatience1> Grrr.
21:29:24 <kai_62656> ...
21:29:39 *** PatrickPatience1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:29:50 <KevinPorter> ?
21:29:56 <dbdii407> SEcure is on
21:30:00 <dbdii407> *sigh*
21:31:33 <dbdii407> Idiot
21:31:37 <dbdii407> You forgot the %
21:31:44 <KevinPorter> ?
21:31:48 <dbdii407> % = Quiet
21:31:53 <KevinPorter> Lol.
21:31:55 <KevinPorter> Whoops.
21:32:50 <dbdii407> Zz
21:33:11 <gluxon> dbdii407: Did you just call Kevin an Idiot? :P
21:33:17 <KevinPorter> Yes he did. :P
21:33:20 <dbdii407> Eh, Yea/
21:33:53 *** dbdii407 has quit ("Leaving.")
21:33:55 <gluxon> Can somebody answer a quick question?
21:34:02 <KevinPorter> Shoot.
21:34:06 <gluxon> Please *puppy eyes*
21:34:21 <KevinPorter> "Shoot" as in, "go ahead." ;)
21:34:27 <OliverK> go, man :D
21:34:29 <gluxon> oh.
21:34:32 <KevinPorter> Lol.
21:34:57 <gluxon> okay.... linux has command prompts right?
21:35:06 <KevinPorter> Called the bash.
21:35:08 <KevinPorter> Yes.
21:35:23 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
21:35:32 <DaveDixonII> Well i got op, i lost it though. :/
21:36:25 <gluxon> okay, can it open batch files?
21:36:41 <DaveDixonII> Its just that rmccue doesnt like other trustful people having it. :/
21:36:51 <OliverK> hm, I wouldn't think so- bat is command prompt
21:36:56 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
21:37:29 <OliverK> simply logic
21:37:41 <gluxon> ....
21:37:41 <Oli