IRC Log from 2008-10-15
00:00:14 <KevinPorter> I can see that, pabot. ;)
00:00:43 <powerjuce> lol
00:00:57 <DaveDixonII> Haha.
00:02:19 <Gizmokid||Movie> KevinPorter: I concur too
00:05:58 *** Suiseiseki is now known as Suiseiseki|food
00:06:28 *** Suiseiseki|food is now known as FoodFood|food
00:15:15 *** FoodFood|food is now known as FoodFood
00:15:40 *** FoodFood is now known as Suiseiseki
00:19:25 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ()
00:28:36 *** Lonerider has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
00:29:07 *** Lonerider ( has joined #portableapps
00:29:57 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
00:29:58 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
00:30:10 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
00:33:10 <Bensawsome> PatrickPatience what hapened? o_0
00:37:21 *** kai_62656 (i=475ee278@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:38:10 <kai_62656> .def kai_62656
00:38:10 <pabot> kai_62656: I have no idea who or what kai_62656 is.
00:38:18 <kai_62656> .def pabot
00:38:18 <pabot> kai_62656: I have no idea who or what pabot is.
00:42:16 <Wes|IT|Afk> O.o
00:42:36 <Wes|IT|Afk> .tell rmccue you dont have a def for pabot!?!?!
00:42:37 <pabot> Wes|IT|Afk: I'll pass that on when I next see rmccue.
00:42:59 <kai_62656> .tell rmccue to setup a def for me
00:43:00 <pabot> kai_62656: I'll pass that on when I next see rmccue.
00:44:07 <DaveDixonII> I love spirit week. We get to bend the rules. :D pajama's.
00:44:11 <DaveDixonII> :))
00:44:47 <kai_62656> :-P
00:45:07 <Bensawsome> has anyone gotten an update for windows which takes 10 hours just to reach 3%??!?!?!?!?!?!
00:45:16 <Wes|IT|Afk> kai_62656: go to #rmccue and set it up
00:45:25 <Wes|IT|Afk> nope
00:45:34 <DaveDixonII> Clay 257 per Hour
00:45:34 <DaveDixonII> Iron 257 per Hour
00:45:39 <Bensawsome> o_0
00:46:08 <Wes|IT|Afk> just u Bensawsome
00:46:26 <Bensawsome> maybe i should tell it to check for updates manually :/
00:47:01 <Bensawsome> DONT STOP!
00:47:05 <Bensawsome> BELEIVING!
00:47:21 <kai_62656> .def kai_62656
00:47:21 <pabot> kai_62656: I have no idea who or what kai_62656 is.
00:47:22 *** DaveDixonII has quit ("Leaving")
00:48:08 *** kai_62656 has parted #portableapps ()
00:48:18 *** kai_62656 (i=475ee278@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:48:19 <pabot> kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles like Bensawsome too and is developing two programs.
00:48:21 <Bensawsome> .def kai_62656
00:48:22 <pabot> Bensawsome: kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles like Bensawsome too and is developing two programs.
00:48:24 <Bensawsome> :)
00:50:13 * Gizmokid||Movie is Hammy (kudos to anyone who gets the reference)
00:50:53 <kai_62656> .def kai_62656
00:50:54 <pabot> kai_62656: kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles and is currently developing two programs.
00:51:44 *** Jacobm002 (i=d8684284@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:51:52 *** Jacobm002 has quit (Client Quit)
00:51:58 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
00:54:08 *** DaveDixonII (n=scrapii4@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
00:54:47 <Wes|IT|Afk> kai_62656: what two program are you making
00:54:57 *** Wes|IT|Afk is now known as Wes|IT
00:55:36 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Client Quit)
00:56:21 <kai_62656> gotta go sorry
00:56:25 <Wes|IT> kai_62656?
00:56:26 *** kai_62656 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
00:58:38 *** dbdii407 (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
01:01:14 <dbdii407> I HATE That!
01:01:19 <dbdii407> Brb. (again)
01:01:24 *** dbdii407 has parted #portableapps ()
01:01:27 <Wes|IT> huh
01:01:35 <Wes|IT> ?
01:01:53 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
01:02:09 <Wes|IT> .tell kai_62656 are you making anope portable ???
01:02:10 <pabot> Wes|IT: I'll pass that on when I next see kai_62656.
01:03:37 * Wes|IT slaps DaveDixonII *should'a had a v8*
01:05:03 <Wes|IT> WOW i finally get to see a pic of a girl i met on youtube O.o
01:05:39 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: Your the expert of xChat
01:05:41 <Wes|IT> dam dave u took my cheezburger
01:05:57 <DaveDixonII> Can we change the pics of the modes? +v +h +o etc?
01:08:30 *** KevinPorter has parted #portableapps ()
01:12:28 <DaveDixonII> I cannot beleave this:
01:12:45 *** rbrt13 ( has joined #portableapps
01:12:45 <pabot> rbrt13 is Robert. He scripts php for fun and usually manages his site daily a bit too much ;) And... He likes potatos :D
01:12:51 <rbrt13> hello
01:13:43 <DaveDixonII> Your late
01:15:17 * Wes|IT slaps DaveDixonII dam u
01:15:31 <Wes|IT> not all people can control there day
01:15:39 <Wes|IT> im ashamed of you :-/
01:16:02 <DaveDixonII> <-- someone copied my stuff! (well at least they noted the source)
01:17:04 <Wes|IT> i cant visit
01:17:06 <Wes|IT> stupid upload
01:18:35 <Wes|IT> who was the couple :-p
01:20:02 <DaveDixonII> That was a long time ago tweet
01:20:06 <DaveDixonII> Start reading. :P
01:20:34 <Wes|IT> cant
01:20:46 <Wes|IT> to slwo internet plus big upload = X|
01:20:52 <Wes|IT> slow*
01:22:22 <Wes|IT> holy ***** bbl tons of abul;ances and fire trucks
01:22:24 <Wes|IT> TONS
01:22:31 <Wes|IT> like 40 passed
01:24:43 <Wes|IT> bk
01:24:45 <Wes|IT> parent took the ca r
01:24:45 <Wes|IT> dammit
01:24:49 <Wes|IT> DaveDixonII: Dave Dixon II dbdii407 Padlock_large This person has protected their updates.
01:25:06 <DaveDixonII> Duh. I just locked it
01:25:18 <DaveDixonII> Sign into twitter to see my updates
01:25:22 <Wes|IT> can i view if a login?
01:25:32 <Wes|IT> kk
01:26:21 <Wes|IT> i take it, it was you and asley?
01:26:25 <Wes|IT> ashley*
01:26:57 <DaveDixonII> No you retard
01:27:13 <Wes|IT> :|
01:27:20 <Wes|IT> well u nvr explained
01:27:24 * Wes|IT sighs
01:27:34 <DaveDixonII> I did. You just were not here that day
01:28:10 <Wes|IT> pm me an explaination while i borrow dads truck
01:28:21 <Wes|IT> bbl
01:28:57 <DaveDixonII> Sence when can you drive?
01:29:19 <Wes|IT> dam its locked
01:29:19 <Wes|IT> holy shit
01:29:27 <Wes|IT> its right behind our 3 acre yard
01:29:32 <Wes|IT> sry for cussing
01:29:34 <Wes|IT> bbl
01:31:40 <rbrt13> david, do you have any homework?
01:31:58 <rbrt13> wow, no ChanServ
01:38:58 <DaveDixonII> You have homework?
01:39:04 <DaveDixonII> Ok, im done with the spanish
01:40:57 *** kai_62656 (i=475ee278@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:40:57 <pabot> kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles and is currently developing two programs.
01:42:19 <kai_62656> .def kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles and is currently developing Lincity-NG and LMarbles Portable.
01:42:20 <pabot> .def manipulation is only allowed in #rmccue
01:43:27 <kai_62656> .def
01:43:32 <kai_62656> or
01:43:36 <kai_62656> .def kai_62656
01:43:36 <pabot> kai_62656: kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles and is currently developing Lincity-NG and LMarbles Portable.
01:43:40 <kai_62656> there
01:44:10 <DaveDixonII> Por favor kai, yo tengo tarea. :P
01:44:15 <rbrt13> yay, the upside down question mark
01:45:47 <kai_62656> :-DDD
01:47:18 *** TimClark (i=8087e327@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:47:33 <DaveDixonII> Hello TimClark
01:47:48 <kai_62656> hi TimClark
01:47:48 <TimClark> hello dave
01:47:55 <TimClark> and kai
01:48:08 <kai_62656> :-P
01:48:34 <rbrt13> i can do better than the upside down question mark
01:48:50 <rbrt13> i can make every ASCII character known to english
01:48:51 <TimClark> i assume you are smiling kai, i have images turned off
01:49:06 *** ChrisMorgan (i=cb2d06b9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:49:07 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is the (BP)Bible guy, and an official Developer, with BPBible Portable out and GVim, Subcommander etc. in the works
01:49:26 <rbrt13> hello
01:49:32 *** chlorpromazine (i=46f5d0c9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:49:38 <rbrt13> hello
01:49:43 <TimClark> Hey, that sounds like a great idea for #portableapps-ot rbrt13 :p
01:49:45 <kai_62656> 25!
01:49:47 <chlorpromazine> howdy
01:49:59 <DaveDixonII> Yo tengo hacer tarea. Por favor, tranquilo. Gracias. :)
01:50:03 <ChrisMorgan> Hello all you lot :-)
01:50:11 <chlorpromazine> hi Chris
01:50:16 <kai_62656> hi chrismorgan
01:50:26 <chlorpromazine> quick question, folks.....
01:50:46 <chlorpromazine> what's the best 2 or 4 Gb usb drive to use for portableapps?
01:51:01 <DaveDixonII> I dont think it matters really.
01:51:09 <ChrisMorgan> Which country do you live in, chlorpromazine?
01:51:13 <kai_62656> that depends how much you want to put on it
01:51:16 <chlorpromazine> USA
01:51:28 <kai_62656> Me Too
01:51:33 <ChrisMorgan> ok, I'll step out of the way :P
01:51:37 <chlorpromazine> I'm using a 2 gig Kingston USB drive, and it's quite slow
01:51:45 <chlorpromazine> it was a cheapie, though
01:51:48 <Wes|IT> i ran through 10 acres
01:51:55 <Wes|IT> 3 of mine 7 of neighbors
01:51:57 <rbrt13> if given the choise, id get the 4GB, but id prefer (so long as i did not have to pay) the 64GB
01:52:00 <TimClark> I like sandisks myself
01:52:05 <Wes|IT> and in the end only 3 pics out of 12 turned out good
01:52:07 <ChrisMorgan> For Australia, I'd have recommended Centre Com with the Transcend JetFlash drives :-)
01:52:16 <Wes|IT> that what i get for using my mom crappy auto camera
01:52:28 <TimClark> shush Wes|IT
01:52:31 <ChrisMorgan> Wes|IT: please don't swear...
01:53:12 <ChrisMorgan> Well, good news for me: on this Windows 98 machine, I can now use my USB disk :-) This means proper testing of my apps under Win98 :-)
01:53:22 <kai_62656> :-D
01:53:22 <DaveDixonII> ChrisMorgan: That is not a sware word really.
01:53:29 <kai_62656> really?
01:53:33 * kai_62656 sighs
01:53:46 <chlorpromazine> I mainly use my drive to surf the web at work, and it was so slow that I began using ramdisk.exe to create a ramdisk and copy my portable firefox folder to it. It works very fast, but I'd like to avoid installing anything to my work computer
01:53:53 <ChrisMorgan> yes it is. But let's not go into it; it can cause offence, so don't use it.
01:54:46 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
01:54:46 <pabot> alpha1beta is MikeFitz, who's site,, now has a corrupt a wish game there
01:54:48 <Wes|IT> ChrisMorgan: i did not swear
01:54:53 <alpha1beta> hi guys
01:54:56 <DaveDixonII> hi mike.
01:55:05 <ChrisMorgan> Interesting... running gVim Portable and I get a message box; Vim Initialisation: Cannot load registered type library. Do you want to register Vim now? (Yes/No)
01:55:06 <Wes|IT> hello alpha1beta
01:55:09 <kai_62656> hi alpha1beta
01:55:15 <alpha1beta> hi dave, hey wes, and kai
01:55:29 <kai_62656> :-)
01:55:48 <alpha1beta> and ChrisMorgan, it's been a while
01:56:05 <Wes|IT> TimClark: shush me :-p
01:56:26 <Wes|IT> oh support sry
01:56:26 <chlorpromazine> so I've seen Transcend JetFlash and Sandisc... any other recommendations from you folks for a USB drive that would lend itself to running FF smoothly?
01:56:28 <ChrisMorgan> Yeah... about that, I'm just testing on Windows 98 with my USB drive working... finally!
01:56:32 <Wes|IT> twaz a little disy from running
01:56:41 <kai_62656> twas?
01:56:46 <kai_62656> twaz?
01:56:58 <Wes|IT> red neck for for was
01:57:01 <Wes|IT> word*
01:57:05 <Wes|IT> bbl shower
01:57:11 <chlorpromazine> later man
01:57:17 *** Wes|IT is now known as Wes|IT|Adk
01:57:24 *** Wes|IT|Adk is now known as Wes|IT|Afk
01:57:38 <kai_62656> 26 users
01:58:04 <ChrisMorgan> Well, when I press the "No" button, gVim Portable 7.2 works fine :-)
01:58:10 *** kai_62656 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
01:59:10 <ChrisMorgan> Sum total of Mibbit users (plus kai who just left): ChrisMorgan, TimClark, chlorpromazine, Wes|IT|Afk, Chrn83|DInner, pa_1517... 6. That's a lot. :-)
01:59:36 <TimClark> Wes|IT you cannot type in pm while you are away, it brings you /back in mibbit, it is being looed at
01:59:55 <chlorpromazine> this is a nice interface for a web irc client
01:59:56 <Chrn83|DInner> TimClark, are you there?
02:00:01 <TimClark> yes
02:00:01 *** Chrn83|DInner is now known as Chrn83
02:00:05 <Chrn83> Hi!
02:00:11 <chlorpromazine> wb
02:00:12 <TimClark> it worked for me
02:00:12 <Chrn83> I was hoping you would share what happened.
02:00:54 <TimClark> took forever to download the file, move all the zip to where i told you, ran mplayerport and opened the file
02:01:09 <TimClark> no problems at all
02:01:12 <Chrn83> I can't understand how that could be. :( I made a Windows XP virtual machine with zero codecs installed. I downloaded MPlayer Portable, and the same thing happened (inside the virtual machine).
02:01:24 <Chrn83> OKay.
02:01:24 <ChrisMorgan> Well, Subcommander (2.0.0 Beta 4 and 1.2.4) doesn't work under Win98 - Error Starting Program: The E:\PORTABLEAPPS\SUBCOMMANDERPORTABLE\APP\SUBCOMMANDER\SUBCOMMANDER.EXE file expects a newer version of Windows. Upgrade your Windows version.
02:01:32 <TimClark> i never said use a vertual machine ?
02:02:06 <TimClark> ChrisMorgan: Chrn83 is now getting support
02:02:32 <Chrn83> I used a virtual machine to provide a sterile environment for testing. It was a clean install of XP SP2 with nothing installed, no codecs what-so-ever. This way, other variables are eliminated.
02:03:06 <TimClark> i should state that i am using the version of Mplayer and codecs that i have had for about a year
02:03:37 <TimClark> i ran it on an xpsp3 machine and it just worked
02:03:41 <Chrn83> I am going to try again. Please bear with me while I make sure I do this right: 1) Download and extract MPlayer Portable. 2) Extract the full package of files to \MPlayerPortable\App\mplayer 3) Play file.
02:03:53 <Chrn83> Is that correct?
02:04:09 <TimClark> no, get codecs zip file
02:04:24 <Chrn83> Sorry, by "full package of files" I meant the codecs archive.
02:04:29 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:04:31 <TimClark> put it in the \MPlayerPortable\App\mplayer dir
02:04:39 <Chrn83> Right.
02:04:42 <TimClark> that's all i do
02:04:52 <Chrn83> What version of MPlayer Portable are you using? I am going to try and match what you did.
02:05:02 <TimClark> moment
02:05:08 *** chlorpromazine has parted #portableapps ()
02:05:17 *** alpha1beta has quit ("Leaving.")
02:06:06 <Bensawsome> .def kai
02:06:12 <Bensawsome> .def kai_62656
02:06:18 <Bensawsome> pabot!
02:06:19 <TimClark> i think the mplayer itself is, checkin the launcher
02:06:22 <Bensawsome> .....
02:06:25 <TimClark> Bensawsome: stop
02:06:36 <Bensawsome> what? i trying to get it to respond to me
02:06:48 <Bensawsome> and kai put my name in his def whcih is annoying :/
02:06:49 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
02:06:50 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: I had to stop my homework cause of you
02:06:54 <TimClark> i think
02:06:59 <DaveDixonII> Stop messing with the bot and let tim talk
02:07:06 <Bensawsome> and may i ask why?
02:07:20 <DaveDixonII> A user is asking for support
02:07:22 <TimClark> becuse i told you to please
02:07:35 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello Everyone!
02:07:37 *** Nathan9222 ( has joined #portableapps
02:07:50 <Wes|IT|Afk> !!!!!!
02:07:55 <Wes|IT|Afk> i upload a 100 mb file
02:08:01 <DaveDixonII> Wes: Not now
02:08:03 <Wes|IT|Afk> takes 3 hours
02:08:07 <TimClark> ok, launcher is the number abouve was the gui
02:08:13 <Chrn83> What's the best place to grab that version?
02:08:16 <DaveDixonII> Everyone be quiet! TimClark is helping somone
02:08:17 <Wes|IT|Afk> then with 20 mins left i unplug the router
02:08:20 <Chrn83> Is it archived on the sight?
02:08:22 <Wes|IT|Afk> oh sry
02:08:24 <Chrn83> *site
02:08:28 <TimClark> Chrn83: what version do you have
02:08:32 <DaveDixonII> Brb. Finishing tarea
02:08:46 <Chrn83> Checking.
02:08:51 <TimClark> i am checking my installaer
02:09:10 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
02:09:11 <Mir> YARR
02:09:34 <TimClark> my installer is MPlayer_Portable_1.0_RC1.paf.exe i think
02:09:35 <Chrn83> MPUI = 1.1.10 build 33 MPlayer = 1.0rc2-4.2.1
02:10:03 <Chrn83> Is that the current one on the site?
02:10:04 *** Wes|IT|Afk is now known as Wes|IT|Asleep
02:10:14 <TimClark> but the one i just mentioned is on my flash drive
02:10:22 <TimClark> moment please
02:10:31 <Chrn83> Okay.
02:10:51 * TimClark is on a modem
02:11:53 <TimClark> 1.0 rc 2 is the one on the site
02:11:55 * rbrt13 is too
02:12:00 <Mir> you poor thing
02:12:05 <rbrt13> 28.8 Kb/s
02:12:06 * Mir isnt
02:12:10 <Mir> >:)
02:12:19 * rbrt13 hate LA
02:12:20 <TimClark> support is occureing, STOP
02:12:22 <PatrickPatience> I has no voice?
02:12:26 <PatrickPatience> Oh noes.
02:12:28 *** powerjuce ( has joined #portableapps
02:12:29 <PatrickPatience> I just see no icon.
02:12:32 <rbrt13> ij
02:12:37 <rbrt13> ok*
02:12:43 <rbrt13> hello
02:12:49 <Nathan9222> yo
02:12:55 <powerjuce> wassup all
02:12:56 <Nathan9222> i havent been here in a long time
02:13:01 <TimClark> Chrn83: i am sorry, i can not work this way
02:13:01 <Nathan9222> :D
02:13:31 <TimClark> this site is not qualified to offer you support you might need to go to the fourm
02:13:53 <Chrn83> Okay, that sounds good. I appreciate your time and your downloading that file to help me.
02:13:57 <TimClark> i am ashmed of us, i really am, i appoligize for the interferece
02:14:03 <Chrn83> I'll try the forum from here on out.
02:14:20 <powerjuce> bots?
02:14:26 <TimClark> again, i am sorry, but i can't work this way
02:14:26 <Chrn83> Well, the Internet can get like that sometimes.
02:14:38 <TimClark> too often in here
02:15:15 <TimClark> as the room cannot behave, i am taking support to PM :-(
02:15:23 <powerjuce> palogbot: help
02:15:23 <palogbot> I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to:
02:15:39 * Wes|IT|Asleep is ashed of his self and everyone else
02:15:43 <Bensawsome> powerjuce TimClark just said to be quiet :/
02:15:48 <Wes|IT|Asleep> ashamed sry TimClark
02:15:51 <Bensawsome> sry tim
02:15:57 <Wes|IT|Asleep> he took it to pm
02:15:57 *** TimClark is now known as TimClarkIsInPM
02:16:11 <powerjuce> no one told me
02:16:12 <Mir> heh
02:16:16 <Mir> i didnt know support wqas going on
02:16:21 <Mir> same here
02:16:30 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i did 3 lines then saw it
02:16:33 <Bensawsome> ....
02:16:36 <Nathan9222> *cough* is it cool if I ask a question.. probably one directed to developers
02:16:41 <Mir> i stoped after being told to
02:16:41 <Wes|IT|Asleep> someone *aham* kept on
02:17:00 <Wes|IT|Asleep> Nathan9222: #portableapps-dev
02:17:03 <Bensawsome> brb guys changing settings which requires restart :/
02:17:08 <Wes|IT|Asleep> im going to bed
02:17:08 <Wes|IT|Asleep> gn all
02:17:45 <Bensawsome> nite Wes|IT|Asleep
02:17:50 *** Bensawsome has quit ("t3h 1337 h4X0R sT4t80t h42 QuiT")
02:17:54 *** StatBot has quit (Client Quit)
02:18:43 *** StatBot (n=StatBot@unaffiliated/bensawsome/bot/bensbots) has joined #portableapps
02:18:45 *** StatBot_ (n=StatBot@unaffiliated/bensawsome/bot/bensbots) has joined #portableapps
02:18:56 <Nathan9222> there is like nobody in that channel, #portableapps-dev
02:19:30 *** StatBot_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:19:39 <Wes|IT|Asleep> just ask in here
02:19:46 <Nathan9222> k
02:19:47 <powerjuce> guys wat the hell
02:19:49 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i have to wait till my mom looks over my room ugh
02:20:01 <powerjuce> there was support going on and u all kept talking
02:20:15 <Nathan9222> I have a question specifically with 7z the command line version
02:20:17 <DaveDixonII> powerjuce: Yea i know
02:20:25 <DaveDixonII> Err
02:20:26 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
02:20:34 <powerjuce> that was ridiclius and the crappiest thing i hav ever seen
02:20:37 <DaveDixonII> Command line version of 7z?
02:20:45 <Nathan9222> I seem to be having problems with what is going on in my script that is in ahk
02:20:57 <Nathan9222> I do this
02:20:58 <Nathan9222> RunWait, %A_ScriptDir%\App\7za.exe a -o"%SelectedFile%" %name%.7z "%SelectedFolder%" -mx=5,, Hide
02:20:58 <powerjuce> palogbot: help
02:20:58 <palogbot> I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to:
02:21:02 <Nathan9222> but
02:21:07 *** pabot has quit (Connection timed out)
02:21:13 <Bensawsome> Nathan9222 NO
02:21:16 <Bensawsome> lol
02:21:18 <Bensawsome> jk
02:21:18 <Wes|IT|Asleep> Tim: when you see this why dont we start using the channel #portableapps-help for support
02:21:25 <Nathan9222> I cant seem to get the file to output to the directory I want it to go to
02:21:26 <Bensawsome> Wes|IT|Asleep no
02:21:31 <Bensawsome> #PortableApps-Support
02:21:36 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: Be quiet!
02:21:40 *** pabot ( has joined #portableapps
02:21:40 <Bensawsome> Wes|IT|Asleep and its been discussed MANY times
02:21:43 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("FALCON PAWNCH!!!!")
02:21:46 <Wes|IT|Asleep> ill set you as channel owner and let you set +v to everyone who deserves it
02:21:47 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII U SHUT UP IM NOT EVEN PINGING U OR ANYTHING!
02:21:50 <DaveDixonII> This channel is for support and you know it Bensawsome.
02:21:54 <DaveDixonII> Sorry Nathan
02:21:58 <powerjuce> Wes|IT|Asleep: that was decided against
02:21:59 <Nathan9222> its cool
02:22:08 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII i didnt do anything so u shut up
02:22:11 <powerjuce> we hoped that we could get this room to stop messing around
02:22:21 <Bensawsome> plus TimClark got tried of it and took it to pm
02:22:22 <Wes|IT|Asleep> ahh ok powerjuce its just seemed sensable
02:22:24 <Gizmokid||Movie> Bensawsome, Wes|IT|Asleep, DaveDixonII, SHUT UP unless youa re helping
02:22:25 <powerjuce> DaveDixonII and Bensawsome plase take this 2 pm
02:22:26 <Gizmokid||Movie> SERIOUSLY
02:22:27 <Gizmokid||Movie> NOW
02:22:31 <Wes|IT|Asleep> anways gn
02:22:31 <Wes|IT|Asleep> mom done
02:22:33 <powerjuce> Gizmokid||Movie: 2 late
02:22:35 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i cleaned i to good XD
02:22:49 <Nathan9222> does anyone have any experience with the 7z command version, what about the developer of toucan?
02:23:00 <powerjuce> u guys better apologize 2 tim when he gets back
02:23:04 <DaveDixonII> SteveLamberton?
02:23:05 <Gizmokid||Movie> Nathan9222: that would be steve lamerton
02:23:12 <DaveDixonII> Lamerton*
02:23:17 <Nathan9222> k, anyone know where I can contact him?
02:23:19 <powerjuce> Nathan9222: wat do u need 2 do with 7z?
02:23:20 <Gizmokid||Movie> and you would have a better chance getting him in the mornings (at least Eastern time)
02:23:25 <Gizmokid||Movie> or in the forum
02:23:29 <DaveDixonII> Try the forums if you want to contact Steve
02:23:56 <Nathan9222> well, It is necessary for my fileinpic program
02:23:58 <Nathan9222>
02:24:07 *** Cassie_ has quit ()
02:24:09 *** Gizmokid||Movie is now known as Gizmokid2005
02:24:20 <Nathan9222> but it works to some extent but then it starts doing some weird stuff
02:24:29 <Gizmokid2005> Nathan9222: then post a request for his help on the forum, that would be the best bet with what you want to do
02:24:53 <powerjuce> Nathan9222: if u hav a specific question about 7z i can help
02:25:34 <Nathan9222> how do u get it to add an archive, but have it save it to a specific diretory?
02:25:45 <Nathan9222> and also the same with extracting an archive
02:25:59 <powerjuce> u mean create a archive and put that in a specific directory?
02:26:09 <Mir> have you tried reading the instructions at 7zip?
02:26:47 *** JMastel (i=42a9fb30@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:26:55 <JMastel> Hello All
02:27:04 *** JMastel is now known as JacobMastel
02:27:06 <Mir> shh support
02:27:18 <powerjuce> ok one sec Nathan9222
02:27:23 <rbrt13> anyone know how to make the command prompt accept user input?
02:27:34 *** JacobMastel is now known as Guest47357
02:27:36 <DaveDixonII> rbrt13: Not now please
02:27:43 <rbrt13> ok
02:27:57 <rbrt13> got to go
02:27:58 <rbrt13> bye
02:28:03 *** rbrt13 has parted #portableapps ()
02:28:09 *** Guest47357 is now known as JacobMastel-NoPa
02:28:13 <powerjuce> Nathan9222: respond if what i am saying is correct
02:28:16 *** JacobMastel-NoPa has quit (Client Quit)
02:28:35 <powerjuce> you want to create an archive and save it in a specific location?
02:28:59 <Nathan9222> yes, the specific location is stored in a variable
02:29:29 <powerjuce> ok here u go
02:30:34 <powerjuce> Nathan9222: can we go 2 pm?
02:32:22 <PatrickPatience> Peace dudes.
02:32:30 *** PatrickPatience has quit ("Leaving.")
02:32:39 <DaveDixonII> I guess that is a yes to the pm?
02:32:45 <Nathan9222> yup
02:32:53 <DaveDixonII> Ok thanks you two. :)
02:33:13 <DaveDixonII> Channel is now available for talking.
02:33:36 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII how did i interupt ur homework?!?!?!
02:33:48 <Bensawsome> i didnt even ping u!
02:34:14 <DaveDixonII> DaveDixonII: Blah blah blah
02:34:16 <DaveDixonII> jk
02:34:29 <DaveDixonII> my screen kept flickering with messages
02:34:40 <DaveDixonII> All i saw really was your nick
02:34:49 <Bensawsome> and how is that disrupting ur homeowrk?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
02:35:03 <DaveDixonII> think about it
02:35:04 <Bensawsome> turn the notifications off and concetrate on ur homeowrk
02:35:24 <DaveDixonII> Err um they are off?
02:36:01 <Bensawsome> well then concentrate on ur homeowrk and stop blaming me for u being distracted
02:36:11 <DaveDixonII> Any futher conversation about this should go to pm
02:36:25 <Bensawsome> lol i need to go anyways
02:36:30 <Gizmokid2005> You guys....
02:36:32 <Gizmokid2005> I can't believe you
02:36:50 <DaveDixonII> Gizmokid2005: Omg yea i know. :|
02:37:11 <Bensawsome> me.... huh....... im not the one who yelled at someone just because there nick was on the screen when i was supposecd to be doing homeowrk :?
02:37:34 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
02:37:34 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and will rain a world of hurt upon you if you cross him.
02:37:37 <Gizmokid2005> No, I don't think you do. had i been op, both of you would've been kicked's not that hard to pay attention to whats going on if you are going to be in here...
02:37:44 <JohnTHaller> hi all
02:37:46 <Gizmokid2005> hello JohnTHaller
02:37:48 <Bensawsome> hey JohnTHaller :D
02:37:55 <Bensawsome> anyuways nite guyses :)
02:38:03 <JohnTHaller> gnight Bensawsome
02:38:07 <Gizmokid2005> bye Bensawsome
02:38:08 <Bensawsome> :) ty
02:38:13 <DaveDixonII> JohnTHaller: My teacher is making the transfers for the shirt somwhere inbetween this or next week
02:38:21 <JohnTHaller> cool
02:38:36 <DaveDixonII> He is gonna attempt the gradient
02:38:37 *** Bensawsome has quit ("ZOMG IS TEH WAFFLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! IAMA CHARGIN MAI LAIZER!!!!!")
02:39:06 <powerjuce> JohnTHaller: have u taken a look at RegFromApp?
02:39:09 <DaveDixonII> The logo will look different though. :/
02:39:32 <JohnTHaller> how so
02:40:31 <DaveDixonII> idk really. The teacher said he was gonna try his best to make it with a gradient and try to match the colors. ( i doubt we can )
02:41:46 <DaveDixonII> Why is everyone using road runner now for internet?
02:41:55 <powerjuce> DaveDixonII: who is everybody?
02:42:02 *** Chrn83 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:42:14 <DaveDixonII> John and wes use road runner
02:42:17 <DaveDixonII> :/
02:42:23 <powerjuce> so tat is 2?
02:42:23 <Gizmokid2005> DaveDixonII: I use cable, but RR isn't in my area
02:42:24 *** TimClarkIsInPM is now known as TimClark
02:42:28 <TimClark> You .. Guys ... SUCK ... Sooo ... BAD, That was embrassing support, I am Ashamed, I am so OUT of here!
02:42:37 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
02:42:49 <Gizmokid2005> Sadly, I agree wholeheartedly with Tim.
02:43:12 <powerjuce> JohnTHaller:
02:43:26 <powerjuce> to see what tim was talking about
02:43:48 <powerjuce> i am actually disappointed
02:43:59 <powerjuce> i though we were doing so well with the maturity thing
02:44:11 <Gizmokid2005> as a whole, the room is....that's the sad thing.
02:44:24 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i had to check
02:44:28 <Wes|IT|Asleep> was some of that my fault'
02:44:30 <powerjuce> timclark should return
02:44:35 <Wes|IT|Asleep> did i talk while support
02:44:37 <powerjuce> Wes|IT|Asleep: YES
02:44:43 <Wes|IT|Asleep> except those 3 lines i did
02:44:56 <Wes|IT|Asleep> powerjuce: tim took it to pm when i started talking
02:45:12 <Wes|IT|Asleep> wait
02:45:18 <powerjuce> 01:52:28 <TimClark> shush Wes|IT
02:45:18 <JohnTHaller> Everything else in NYC besides road runner sucks
02:45:22 <Wes|IT|Asleep> after he took it to pm i started talking*
02:45:34 <Wes|IT|Asleep> yes that was 3 lines then i saw support
02:45:42 <Wes|IT|Asleep> then i quit untill he took it to me
02:45:58 <Wes|IT|Asleep> pm*
02:46:23 <powerjuce> 01:56:05 <Wes|IT> TimClark: shush me :-p
02:46:30 <powerjuce> Wes|IT|Asleep: that was twice
02:46:37 <Wes|IT|Asleep> 22:27 TimClark too often in here 22:27 TimClark as the room cannot behave, i am taking support to PM :-( 22:27 powerjuce palogbot: help 22:27 palogbot I'm a Python IRC logging bot. Source: Logging to: 22:28 Wes|IT|Asleep is ashed of his self and everyone else 22:28 Wes|IT|Asleep ashamed sry TimClark 22:28 Bensawsome powerjuce TimClark
02:46:46 <Wes|IT|Asleep> powerjuce: then i saw that he was in support
02:46:53 <powerjuce> ok
02:46:54 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i just thought it was you guy talking
02:46:58 <powerjuce> and there is this
02:47:06 <powerjuce> 02:07:50 <Wes|IT|Afk> !!!!!!
02:47:06 <powerjuce> 02:07:55 <Wes|IT|Afk> i upload a 100 mb file
02:47:06 <powerjuce> 02:08:01 <DaveDixonII> Wes: Not now
02:47:17 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i thought he was shushing me cause i said crappy
02:47:26 <Wes|IT|Asleep> but then he pm'ed me
02:47:31 <Wes|IT|Asleep> powerjuce: thats is when i saw
02:47:47 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i seen it powerjuce
02:47:53 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i stoped when isaw support
02:47:55 <DaveDixonII> When someone is in the room asking for help you dont chat about anything else!
02:48:04 <Wes|IT|Asleep> well actually when i saw dave shishing me
02:48:05 <powerjuce> Wes|IT|Asleep: there were 3 indences
02:48:13 <DaveDixonII> You wait till they go to PM or the problem is solved.
02:48:15 <powerjuce> tim shushed u once
02:48:23 <powerjuce> DaveDixonII shushed u the second time
02:48:47 <Wes|IT|Asleep> then i finally saw
02:48:55 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i dont look at the screen while typing
02:49:05 <powerjuce> yea and that was 15 mins 2 late
02:49:10 <Wes|IT|Asleep> in total i interupted only one period
02:49:31 <Wes|IT|Asleep> .def palogbot
02:49:31 <pabot> Wes|IT|Asleep: palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
02:49:53 <Wes|IT|Asleep> brb
02:50:10 <Wes|IT|Asleep> DaveDixonII: i dont wanna hear it, you interrupt support all the time
02:50:22 <Gizmokid2005> alright, powerjuce, Wes|IT|Asleep STOP. both of you. The fact of the matter is, it happened.
02:50:22 <powerjuce> and the other one was chris
02:50:28 <Gizmokid2005> period.
02:50:37 <powerjuce> Gizmokid2005: i was going 2 stop
02:50:52 <powerjuce> he just thought he was right, but i should hav taken it 2 PM sry
02:51:01 <DaveDixonII> Ok listen. The support is over. Pass it by and ignore it.
02:51:17 <Gizmokid2005> it's alright. but the constant bickering between people in here, is getting quite irritating
02:51:47 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
02:51:47 <pabot> alpha1beta is MikeFitz, who's site,, now has a corrupt a wish game there
02:52:05 <alpha1beta> hola
02:52:10 <DaveDixonII> hola
02:52:11 <Wes|IT|Asleep> powerjuce: it took me one min to see it then i stopped
02:52:11 <alpha1beta> hey Dave, John
02:52:19 <alpha1beta> hi wes
02:52:19 <Wes|IT|Asleep> hello alpha1beta
02:52:37 <DaveDixonII> END IT! The support is over. END IT
02:52:39 <alpha1beta> what's going on
02:52:49 <DaveDixonII> alpha1beta: bickering....
02:53:04 <Wes|IT|Asleep> sry i did not read before i looked
02:53:05 <alpha1beta> ahh lovely, over what?
02:53:10 <Wes|IT|Asleep> alpha1beta: we interupted support
02:53:27 <alpha1beta> what do you mean...?
02:53:30 <Wes|IT|Asleep> and DaveDixonII is fussing although he interupts it all the time :-p
02:53:42 <Wes|IT|Asleep> we were just talking
02:53:46 <alpha1beta> ahh
02:53:47 <Wes|IT|Asleep> did not know support was going on
02:53:49 <DaveDixonII> For the last time. ITS OVER! END IT.
02:53:58 <alpha1beta> gents, calm down
02:54:01 <Wes|IT|Asleep> till some of us saw
02:54:09 <DaveDixonII> Stop pointing fingers.
02:54:09 <Wes|IT|Asleep> but it happened more than once
02:54:18 <Wes|IT|Asleep> tim got a little upset
02:54:25 <alpha1beta> Wes, Dave, cut it please, it's over with
02:54:38 <Wes|IT|Asleep> i am
02:54:47 <Wes|IT|Asleep> DaveDixonII: is just in a bad mood :-.
02:54:50 <Gizmokid2005> Wes|IT|Asleep: No you aren't. Stop. If you two want to argue, take it to PM
02:54:51 <Gizmokid2005> NOW
02:54:52 <Wes|IT|Asleep> :-/*
02:55:15 <Wes|IT|Asleep> gizmo im not arguing :-/
02:55:19 <DaveDixonII> There is an op in this room if anyone hasnt noticed yet..
02:55:23 <Wes|IT|Asleep> just imforming alpha
02:55:43 <alpha1beta> guys, cut it out
02:56:06 <Wes|IT|Asleep> kk sry alpha1beta and Gizmokid2005
02:56:15 * Wes|IT|Asleep is a little out of it tonight
02:56:24 *** Wes|IT|Asleep is now known as Wes|IT
02:56:43 *** Suiseiseki is now known as Suiseiseki|away
02:56:54 * Wes|IT wonders if tim wil come back
02:57:18 <DaveDixonII> TimClark is not on the server.
02:59:13 *** Suiseiseki|away has quit ("sleep")
02:59:18 <DaveDixonII> Im going to bed all.
02:59:20 <DaveDixonII> Good night
02:59:23 *** Lonerider has quit ("Leaving")
02:59:27 <Wes|IT> .tell TimClark sry for my interupting, it was my fault for not looking, and i dont excuse myself from it. please forgive me.
02:59:28 <pabot> Wes|IT: I'll pass that on when I next see TimClark.
02:59:29 <alpha1beta> night
02:59:32 <Wes|IT> back to bed
02:59:32 *** DaveDixonII is now known as dbdii-gone
02:59:36 <Wes|IT> nn dave
02:59:41 <alpha1beta> gotta restart brb
02:59:49 *** Wes|IT is now known as Wes|IT|Asleep
02:59:55 *** alpha1beta has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
03:00:38 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
03:00:38 *** Nathan9222 has parted #portableapps ()
03:06:17 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
03:12:34 *** Wes|IT|Asleep is now known as Wes|IT
03:12:44 <Wes|IT> im not getting any sleep
03:12:51 *** Nathan9222 ( has joined #portableapps
03:13:06 *** Nathan9222 has parted #portableapps ()
03:25:15 *** pa_1127 (i=4ba6e025@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
03:25:49 <Gizmokid2005> I'm off to bed now, I have to get off my mac, sign into the pc and go away
03:25:49 <Gizmokid2005> ttyl
03:26:11 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
03:26:11 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a Moderator and Developer (
03:26:14 <Wes|IT> kk
03:26:14 <Wes|IT> bye
03:26:20 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit ("Gizmo is out.")
03:26:26 <Wes|IT> hello pa_1127 need help?
03:26:43 <pa_1127> erm
03:26:48 <pa_1127> yeah
03:27:03 <Wes|IT> fire away
03:27:16 <pa_1127> is there any possible way to add a shortcut to the suite menu?
03:27:38 <PatrickPatience> pa_1127: Hey. Unfortauntely not at the moment.
03:27:44 <pa_1127> aww :/
03:27:51 <PatrickPatience> However...
03:28:11 <PatrickPatience> Any executable file (appname.exe) in a subdirectory of the 'PortableApps' folder will show up in the menu.
03:28:23 <pa_1127> okay
03:28:32 <PatrickPatience> Furthermore, check out the Menu Md R34 Patched at
03:28:41 <PatrickPatience> It features adding external apps, categories, etc.
03:28:45 <pa_1127> cool, thank :D
03:28:57 <PatrickPatience> Hopefully most of that good stuff will be in the next release.
03:29:21 <pa_1127> all right, thanks! bye everyone
03:29:28 *** pa_1127 has quit (Client Quit)
03:29:35 <Wes|IT> darn you PatrickPatience im in the middle of typing and u interupt :-p
03:30:21 <Wes|IT> so whats up PatrickPatience
03:31:12 <PatrickPatience> Just got in from work.
03:31:16 <PatrickPatience> Tired, oh so tired.
03:31:17 <PatrickPatience> You?
03:31:21 <Wes|IT> :-/
03:31:26 <Wes|IT> ahh ok'
03:31:37 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
03:31:38 <pabot> Gizmokid2005 is the in-house pidgin expert (usually).
03:31:56 <Wes|IT> inturupted in the middl of support with the others when i saw i stoped
03:32:04 <Wes|IT> timclark stormed out
03:32:09 <Wes|IT> im waiting for him to come back
03:32:14 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|zz
03:32:22 <Gizmokid2005|zz> Wes|IT: btw - tim most likely won't be back tonight.
03:32:31 <Wes|IT> gn Gizmokid2005|zz
03:32:36 <Gizmokid2005|zz> gn
03:32:46 <Wes|IT> yeah i know
03:32:50 <Wes|IT> just cant go to sleep
03:32:54 <Wes|IT> not tired
03:33:16 <Wes|IT> PatrickPatience: i know the feeling i was exhasted after work today
03:33:50 <Wes|IT> middle* it i*
03:33:55 <PatrickPatience> Heh, stormed out?
03:34:15 <Wes|IT> well
03:34:44 <Wes|IT>
03:34:44 <Wes|IT> start there
03:34:48 <Wes|IT> read down
03:36:44 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
03:36:44 <pabot> alpha1beta is MikeFitz, who's site,, now has a corrupt a wish game there
03:36:48 <Wes|IT> he left here
03:36:48 <Wes|IT>
03:36:49 <alpha1beta> hello
03:37:02 <Wes|IT> hey alpha1beta
03:37:09 <PatrickPatience> Haha. Fun stuff.
03:37:12 <alpha1beta> hey wes, what's new
03:37:18 <Wes|IT> why'd u leave earlier?
03:37:25 <alpha1beta> I had to restart
03:37:25 <PatrickPatience> I never once saw Tim ask everyone to stop talking...
03:37:32 <alpha1beta> I have
03:37:34 <Wes|IT> alpha1beta: nithin much
03:37:46 <alpha1beta> tim often tell us all to STFU
03:37:49 <Wes|IT> nothin*
03:38:07 <Wes|IT> i just dont likt the way he stormed out
03:38:11 <Wes|IT> like*
03:38:53 <PatrickPatience> What the hell?
03:38:58 <Wes|IT> anyways
03:39:04 <Wes|IT> lets get off of that
03:39:11 <PatrickPatience> Interesting.
03:39:12 <Wes|IT> what PatrickPatience?
03:39:19 <PatrickPatience> You guys suck?
03:39:24 <PatrickPatience> Seriously?
03:39:24 <alpha1beta> lol
03:39:33 <PatrickPatience> Oh, I read it wrong.
03:39:38 <PatrickPatience> You guys suck so bad. ;)
03:39:46 <alpha1beta> true that
03:40:03 <PatrickPatience> It's not like anyone was a huge nuisance... right?
03:40:09 <PatrickPatience> Did I miss something in that conversation.
03:40:19 <Wes|IT> lol what made me mad was powerjoice fussing at me like it was my fault
03:40:30 <PatrickPatience> A few people made some comments (me included), without realizing Tim was helping omeone.
03:40:42 <Wes|IT> then dave started fussing at me!!!
03:40:49 <PatrickPatience> Haha, saw that.
03:40:54 <Wes|IT> dave aka the one who interupts all the time
03:40:55 <PatrickPatience> Meh.
03:41:03 <PatrickPatience> Whatchya gonna do.
03:41:07 <Wes|IT> something is going on witgh dave and ben
03:41:19 <PatrickPatience> You are a genius. :P
03:41:32 <Wes|IT> they've been augmentative lately
03:41:36 <alpha1beta> no shit sherlock
03:41:42 <alpha1beta> it must be a full moon
03:41:56 <Wes|IT> im going to straighten dave out tomorrow thats what im gonna due
03:42:04 <Wes|IT> then im going to take care of ben
03:42:08 <Wes|IT> do*
03:42:19 <alpha1beta> can I take care of ben?
03:42:24 <PatrickPatience> Good luck sir, good luck.
03:42:30 <PatrickPatience> I spoke to David last night.
03:42:33 <Wes|IT> no cause i help him a lot
03:42:35 <PatrickPatience> We'll see how that goes down.
03:42:45 <Wes|IT> O.o /me listens
03:42:49 <Wes|IT> lol
03:42:55 <alpha1beta> fine, but I'm at least gonna watch/log
03:43:16 <Wes|IT> ill be staying on
03:43:38 <Wes|IT> i have a very big upload anyways
03:44:22 <Wes|IT> we had a bad crash
03:44:23 <PatrickPatience> It's election day.
03:44:32 <alpha1beta> in canada?
03:44:35 <Wes|IT> that part of when i interupted
03:44:36 <PatrickPatience> Yep.
03:44:47 <alpha1beta> your not old enough to vote are you?
03:44:52 <PatrickPatience> Minority Government for the Conservatives... that was a given.
03:44:55 <PatrickPatience> And no, which is lame.
03:45:00 <alpha1beta> 18?
03:45:05 <PatrickPatience> It's like that episode of Boston Legal last week.
03:45:06 <PatrickPatience> Yeah.
03:45:18 <Wes|IT> PatrickPatience: they are voting for mayor november the forth in my city, i have to be at the wukela party after it
03:45:18 <alpha1beta> you watch boston legal? I love that show
03:45:22 <Wes|IT> im the sound guy
03:45:31 <Wes|IT> AGAIN
03:46:00 <Wes|IT> i dont watch boston legal
03:46:12 <alpha1beta> that was @ Patrick
03:46:14 <Wes|IT> wish i could, dont have time
03:46:28 <Wes|IT> oh i see
03:46:32 <Wes|IT> sry
03:46:37 <alpha1beta> it's no on Ion (channel 19 for me) weeknights at 8
03:46:41 <alpha1beta> no prob wes
03:47:00 <PatrickPatience> alpha1beta: Yeah man. Did you see it which Shirley's granddaughter voting?
03:47:09 <Wes|IT> alpha1beta: thats the last straw
03:47:13 <Wes|IT>
03:47:47 <alpha1beta> no, I missed that 1, bloody long ass yearbook meeting
03:48:02 <Wes|IT> ill send moma kat if you dont quit stealing my CHEEZBURGER
03:48:11 <Wes|IT> sry im board :-/
03:48:28 <Wes|IT> ill let u two guys chat
03:48:32 <alpha1beta> I'm more or a hamburger guy than cheeseburgers :P
03:48:49 <Wes|IT> :-p
03:48:50 <PatrickPatience> I prefer cheesburgers.
03:48:56 <PatrickPatience> Not a fan of garnishes.
03:49:28 <Wes|IT> its spelled cheezburgers
03:49:32 <Wes|IT> :-p
03:49:46 <alpha1beta> *smack*
03:50:09 <PatrickPatience> Nice,
03:50:13 <Wes|IT> i put this on my older sisters door, because a lot of noise comes from there
03:50:23 <Wes|IT> she bangs the wakk at night
03:50:27 <Wes|IT>
03:50:27 <Wes|IT> wall*
03:51:43 <alpha1beta> I got to smash a broken mouse into a bazillions pieces in school today :D
03:51:49 <Wes|IT> and the girls at the lawfirm (place i work at) gout a kick out of this one << becuase we have to keep our lips shut to everything that goes on in there
03:51:51 <PatrickPatience> Rofl.
03:52:00 <Wes|IT> wow what did u do XD
03:52:02 <PatrickPatience> I don't even know what that could mean, but it was funny.
03:52:16 <PatrickPatience> (12:02:55 AM) Wes|IT: she bangs the wakk at night
03:52:19 <alpha1beta> Wes, that looks like my dog
03:52:20 <PatrickPatience> Awesome.
03:52:33 <Wes|IT> wall*
03:52:33 <Wes|IT> lol
03:53:02 <Wes|IT> sry for the missplelling tonight, im in my bed
03:53:10 <Wes|IT> and to tired to go to desk
03:54:08 <PatrickPatience> I'm in my bed.
03:54:12 <PatrickPatience> Speling is A-OK.
03:54:45 <Wes|IT> lol dude im like in a position were u will make mistakes
03:54:53 <alpha1beta> I'm a an engineers desk thingy, I wheel it around me room
03:54:54 <Wes|IT> i need ti sit up O.o
03:54:59 <Wes|IT> to*
03:55:06 <Wes|IT> i need to go to bed O.o
03:55:08 <PatrickPatience> I'm lying down.
03:55:11 <alpha1beta> anyone have a account?
03:55:13 <PatrickPatience> 'A-OK'.
03:55:14 <Wes|IT> lol
03:55:23 <PatrickPatience> Nope, I should.
03:55:25 <Wes|IT> im under covers
03:55:34 <Wes|IT> hiding from mom
03:55:35 <alpha1beta> Patrick, yes you should!
03:55:42 <Wes|IT> im susposed to be in bed
03:55:42 <alpha1beta> I created a portableapps users group
03:56:03 <Wes|IT> i dont understand why a 15 year old with a part job should be in bed right now but anyways
03:56:12 <alpha1beta> you have a bedtime?
03:56:22 <Wes|IT> 10 PM
03:56:28 <Wes|IT> SUCKS!!!!
03:56:29 <alpha1beta> ouch
03:56:34 <alpha1beta> that's rather gay
03:56:40 <Wes|IT> its 12 now
03:56:48 <Wes|IT> even parents are in bed XD
03:56:56 <PatrickPatience> Wes|IT: Baha?
03:57:00 <Wes|IT> hopefull asleep
03:57:07 <PatrickPatience> Wes|IT: How old are you?
03:57:09 <Wes|IT> *hopefully*
03:57:09 <alpha1beta> we know Patrick doesn't have a bedtime, I wonder if he ever sleeps
03:57:20 <Wes|IT> 15
03:57:38 <Wes|IT> most people think im 18 or 20 XD
03:58:04 <Wes|IT> mose people on this channel just thought i was till now O.O
03:58:05 <alpha1beta> I would've said at least 16
03:58:18 <Wes|IT> ill be 16 in feb
03:58:27 <Wes|IT> i dont care about ages
03:58:36 <Wes|IT> its how old people act :|
03:58:38 <alpha1beta> they only matter for arbitary reasons
03:59:00 <Wes|IT> lol
03:59:10 <Wes|IT> having a fob right now is kinda iffy
03:59:19 <Wes|IT> job*
03:59:35 <alpha1beta> how so
03:59:44 <Wes|IT> we just hope no one says anything till feb
04:00:06 <Wes|IT> 15 year old working at the law firm
04:00:09 <alpha1beta> lol
04:00:16 <Wes|IT> not a good idea to most people
04:00:23 <alpha1beta> yea, I see why
04:00:39 <Wes|IT> but im so gorwn up in the outside world and so tall XD everyone thins im 17 anyways
04:00:44 <alpha1beta> I'm 18 so I don't have to worry about that anymore
04:00:48 <Wes|IT> grown*
04:00:52 * Wes|IT sits up
04:01:22 <Wes|IT> and having facial hair also help with the age
04:01:54 <alpha1beta> tell Patrick about that :P
04:02:23 <Wes|IT> at 14 people let me in the 16 years or older part of the hospital aka floor 3 at the time
04:02:25 <PatrickPatience> Least I'm not some creep that thinks he's cool because he has a small bit of facial hair that looks like a pedophile 'stash.
04:02:32 <Wes|IT> now floor 3 is th baby depeartment
04:02:49 <alpha1beta> damn...
04:03:13 <Wes|IT> PatrickPatience: i dont care about the hair, it just aids in how old i look
04:03:19 <PatrickPatience> Lol, noobs:
04:03:24 <PatrickPatience> Wes|IT: (12:14:26 AM) alpha1beta: tell Patrick about that :P
04:03:41 <alpha1beta> :D
04:03:52 <Wes|IT> lol
04:03:58 <alpha1beta> couldn't resist :/
04:04:13 <PatrickPatience> I don't get it:
04:04:15 <Wes|IT> wow
04:04:19 <Wes|IT> they need new servers
04:04:30 <PatrickPatience> Maybe because he stumbled upon it from Google or search and didn't realize the age...
04:05:20 <PatrickPatience> Clearly he searched after his other topics: v
04:05:21 <PatrickPatience>
04:05:31 <Wes|IT> i dont either
04:06:07 <PatrickPatience> Second time I've seen John make that response in the past week.
04:06:13 <Wes|IT> seems like mix is back
04:06:21 <Wes|IT> he ever visit the irc
04:06:34 <Wes|IT> .seen Mix
04:06:34 <pabot> Sorry, I haven't seen mix around.
04:06:46 <Wes|IT> .def logging
04:06:47 <pabot> Wes|IT: logging is done by palogbot. palogbot's logs are at . Statistics are generated by StatBot and are available at
04:08:10 <Wes|IT> i need internet upgrade *BAD*
04:10:03 <Wes|IT> in most referensed nicks
04:10:07 <Wes|IT> bensawsome is first
04:10:11 <Wes|IT> O.o
04:10:20 <Wes|IT> referenced*
04:11:15 <Wes|IT> those are old
04:11:19 <Wes|IT> he needs to update them
04:11:39 <Wes|IT> anyways
04:11:47 <Wes|IT> gn PatrickPatience and alpha1beta
04:11:52 <alpha1beta> night Wes
04:12:08 <Wes|IT> be on tomorrow
04:12:23 <alpha1beta> I'll be on all day, no school!
04:12:24 <Wes|IT> wonder if my app will be published by then
04:12:37 <Wes|IT> kool :D
04:12:41 <alpha1beta> :D
04:12:41 <PatrickPatience> Night.
04:12:48 <Wes|IT> anyways bye
04:12:57 *** Wes|IT is now known as Wes|IT|Asleep
04:12:58 <alpha1beta> bye byes
04:15:20 <PatrickPatience> "dbdii407 - Pajama day is tomorrow people!!! Woot! - about 4 hours ago from web"
04:15:30 <PatrickPatience> He's.... he's in high school...rrr.... right?
04:15:37 <alpha1beta> yes, sadly
04:15:54 <alpha1beta> he's a frosh, I push frosh around, today the tech club made 1 cry :D
04:17:02 <PatrickPatience> *high five*
04:17:31 <alpha1beta> *high fives back*
04:17:37 <alpha1beta> she came in with a broken tablet, we told her, "good news, we have a spare, bad news, I'll be $1600. to replace the old 1"
04:18:47 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
04:18:59 <alpha1beta> she started tearing up and all, got all worried, it was awesome
04:19:52 <alpha1beta> I call that a full day :D
04:23:59 <PatrickPatience> :(
04:24:25 <alpha1beta> that's kinds gay
04:25:59 <alpha1beta> PatrickPatience:
04:26:16 <PatrickPatience> Finally stupid Audiobook Cutter people stopped redirecting it to their commercial site., that is.
04:26:18 <PatrickPatience> I will, soon.
04:26:21 <PatrickPatience> As in, a few weeks,
04:26:26 <PatrickPatience> Don't ask why.
04:26:29 <alpha1beta> lol
04:26:41 <alpha1beta> they have a app for iphone!
04:26:47 <PatrickPatience> I know.
04:40:49 <alpha1beta> Patrick, this is Rob Lord, CEO of POTI, sound familiar? take a look at the 1 group he belong to, funny as hell
04:41:43 <PatrickPatience> Songbird>
04:41:44 <PatrickPatience> ?
04:42:16 <alpha1beta> yep
04:42:37 <alpha1beta> POTI also worked on winamp
04:43:21 <PatrickPatience> I knows.
04:43:30 <PatrickPatience> I've spent a day or two on these internets.
04:43:44 <alpha1beta> lol
04:43:46 <PatrickPatience> "b0bg0d is in 26 groups"
04:44:00 <PatrickPatience> Or is it indie sex?
04:44:11 <alpha1beta> lol
04:44:20 <PatrickPatience> Wheird.
04:44:27 <alpha1beta> it use to be worse when the group photos were bigger
04:48:20 <PatrickPatience> Night dude.
04:48:31 <alpha1beta> later Patrick
05:04:11 *** upnPAD ( has joined #portableapps
05:04:11 <pabot> upnPAD wants Code::Blocks, Inkscape, XChat, X-Moto, and Chris Morgan Portable. His website is
05:05:06 <alpha1beta> hey upnPAD
05:06:40 <upnPAD> allo alpha
05:07:03 <alpha1beta> what's up
05:07:51 <upnPAD> nothing much
05:08:04 <upnPAD> i finally tried to get sdl and codeblocks working last night :P
05:08:23 <upnPAD> not the portable one though, as far as i know the one with MinGW isn't the one thats PAF'ed
05:08:30 <alpha1beta> nice
05:08:32 <alpha1beta> oh,
05:08:42 <alpha1beta> I only use the portable one for while coding on the run
05:09:49 <upnPAD> O.O OpenOffice 3!
05:10:26 <alpha1beta> yep :D
05:10:33 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:17:01 *** alpha1beta has quit ("Leaving.")
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06:08:11 <rmccue> pabot!
06:08:28 *** pabot has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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06:09:13 <rmccue> pabot!
06:09:14 <pabot> rmccue!
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07:29:11 <upnPAD> reckon a tab size of 4 or 2 looks better/reds better
07:29:13 <upnPAD> *reads
07:54:42 <upnPAD> .calc The Meaning of Life.
07:54:44 <pabot> The Meaning of Life. = ?
07:54:53 <upnPAD> calc The meaning of life
07:54:56 <upnPAD> bah
07:55:02 <upnPAD> .calc The meaning of life
07:55:04 <pabot> The meaning of life = The life meaning of
07:55:53 <TaffinFoxcroft> .calc upnPAD
07:55:56 <pabot> upnPAD = upnPAD (?)
07:56:02 <upnPAD> o.o
07:57:37 <upnPAD> .def TaffinFoxcroft
07:57:38 <pabot> upnPAD: I have no idea who or what TaffinFoxcroft is.
07:57:54 <upnPAD> .def TaffinFoxcroft is better than rmccue.
07:57:54 <pabot> .def manipulation is only allowed in #rmccue
07:57:59 <upnPAD> :O
07:58:19 <TaffinFoxcroft> .def TaffinFoxcroft
07:58:20 <pabot> TaffinFoxcroft: TaffinFoxcroft is better than rmccue. and is better than rmccue.
07:58:27 <upnPAD> o.o
07:58:54 <upnPAD> .def TaffinFoxcroft
07:58:55 <pabot> upnPAD: TaffinFoxcroft is better than rmccue.
08:12:31 *** xenoterracide_ (n=xenoterr@ has joined #portableapps
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09:08:36 *** MaienM (i=59cdb943@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
09:08:36 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats that. He is fairly good at PHP, and is learning C++ atm. Oh, and he'll help you if its needed, too.
09:10:24 <MaienM> gmornin guys
09:29:14 *** uggi ( has joined #portableapps
09:29:39 <uggi> help!
09:29:39 <pabot> uggi: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
09:29:59 <MaienM> what is your problem uggi?
09:29:59 <uggi> hi there, anyone alive?
09:30:53 <uggi> well, there was some updates from microsoft, and now every portable app fails :p
09:31:29 <MaienM> damn microsoft:P
09:31:35 <MaienM> you getting any errors?
09:32:10 <uggi> asycfilt.dll
09:32:18 <uggi> something about that dll
09:32:59 <MaienM> hmm....
09:34:08 <MaienM> so, ALL pa apps are failing, but the normal apps work fine?
09:34:09 <uggi> i've got 7zip, dosbox, infrarecorder, lbreakout2, firefox, notepad++, putty and winscp installed on a usb memory stick, and they all stopped working
09:34:41 <MaienM> you tried them on another pc yet?
09:34:45 <uggi> the portableapps menu runs fine, but starting applications wont
09:34:49 <uggi> nope
09:35:05 <MaienM> hmmm
09:35:17 <MaienM> you got firefox (for example) installed localy too?
09:35:33 <MaienM> if so, can you confirm that that version still works?
09:35:36 <uggi> they worked fine a hour ago, and there was some automatic updates on the lunch break
09:36:03 <MaienM> ah, so very recent updates?
09:36:49 <uggi> the updates were kb957095, kb956803, kb956390, kb954211 and kb956841
09:36:54 <uggi> on win xp pro
09:38:32 <uggi> i'm at school's computer, so can't install firefox locally
09:39:01 <uggi> but can install stuff on virtual pc
09:39:18 <MaienM> ah k...
09:39:57 <MaienM> well then the system manager might have specifically blocked PA apps, though I'm not entirely sure why/how he would do that....
09:40:48 <MaienM> or one of the updates broke the apps....
09:41:11 <MaienM> regardless, I don't have a quick solution/fix for you ATM
09:41:21 <MaienM> though you could try to reinstall the apps.....
09:42:31 <MaienM> and asside from that, I would't know..... sorry I cannot be of more assistance :(
09:42:41 <uggi> weird, but now they seem to work again :o
09:43:08 <TaffinFoxcroft> it appears that asycfilt.dll is used by OLE, so i cant imagine why that should affect your portableapps, unless NSIS has an issue with it
09:43:34 <TaffinFoxcroft> but i run portables on XP Pro (very restricted) and they work fine
09:43:59 <uggi> i've never had problems with portableapps before
09:44:02 <MaienM> well, I seem to have worked around most of the restricions at school:P
09:44:10 <MaienM> but they all work fine for me....
09:46:03 <TaffinFoxcroft> your admin could be using some sort of policy in order to stop nsis scripts running, seeming how they are install scripts
09:46:11 <uggi> yep, they seem to work fine again. weird indeed.
09:48:59 *** dbdii-gone is now known as dbdii407
09:50:43 <MaienM> well, glad its working again.....
09:52:11 <uggi> i have no idea why the applications were crashing
09:54:23 <dbdii407> oh crap
09:55:05 <dbdii407> xenoterracide: You might get a message about me logging in. I accidently pressed the ghost button
09:55:11 <dbdii407> Sorry.
09:55:54 <uggi> gotta go. thanks for the help :)
09:56:27 *** uggi has quit ("leaving")
10:04:56 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit ("XChat Portable ftw!")
10:13:12 *** pa_8056 (i=dcf42825@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:13:43 <pa_8056> hey there
10:14:06 <MaienM> hello pa_8056
10:14:33 <pa_8056> i'd like to ask if the window system doesn't run the platform when i plug it in
10:14:41 <pa_8056> what should i do?
10:15:32 <MaienM> you want the system to NOT to ask to run the menu?
10:15:50 <pa_8056> yap
10:16:04 <MaienM> thats simple
10:16:18 <MaienM> delete Autorun.ini
10:16:25 *** Gizmokid2005|zz has parted #portableapps ()
10:16:36 <pa_8056> just like that?
10:16:37 <MaienM> and that should do.
10:16:53 <MaienM> yup
10:17:05 <MaienM> just delete it, and it should work....
10:17:17 <pa_8056> whoa...thank you
10:17:37 <MaienM> np;)
10:19:13 <pa_8056> btw, is it possible to set a password so that each time someone wants to open the disk must enter it?
10:19:36 <MaienM> not exacly
10:19:45 <MaienM> but you can encrypt all files
10:20:02 <MaienM> which requires you to insert a password to use any of the files....
10:20:46 <pa_8056> what should i do exactly?
10:21:46 <MaienM> wait a bit, searching for the app....
10:22:28 <MaienM> and this requires admin access on the pc you use it on, or else it wont work and you cannot access your apps
10:23:35 <pa_8056> i'am?????....
10:23:57 <pa_8056> alright
10:24:06 <pa_8056> then i think don't bother
10:24:26 <MaienM> its better to just keep your usb safe:P
10:24:53 <pa_8056> ya...i guess your right
10:25:07 <pa_8056> thinks again for your help;)
10:25:14 <MaienM> np;)
10:25:39 *** pa_8056 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
10:26:13 <dbdii407> Wow. Google does a sucky job at translating twitter
10:26:35 <MaienM> translation shit is crap:P
10:27:20 <dbdii407> Its
10:27:28 <dbdii407> You have homework? I have no homework
10:27:38 <MaienM> lol:P
10:27:53 <MaienM> thats the problem with multiple posibilities for words:P
10:28:27 <dbdii407> Job and work have a diff. word.
10:28:37 <dbdii407> idk wtf is up with google
10:29:08 <MaienM> dunno, never use translation shit for more then a few words:P
10:29:26 <MaienM> but well, allmost never need it anyway:P
10:30:31 <MaienM> tarea is homework?
10:30:48 <dbdii407> Spanish is a sextist language. Thats why they have so many words for the and have. :| only certain haves to with certain worsd
10:30:51 <dbdii407> words
10:30:52 <dbdii407> correct
10:31:09 <MaienM> yay, now I know exacly 1 spanish word....
10:31:21 <dbdii407> el chico (the boy) la chica (the girl)
10:32:17 <MaienM> I only speak/know english, dutch, some german and french, and very very little latin, italian and japanese
10:32:37 <dbdii407> los chicos (the boys) las chicas (the girls)
10:32:52 <MaienM> kinda sounds like a lot now I sum it up like that:P
10:33:02 <dbdii407> Lol
10:33:23 <dbdii407> el and los are for the guys and la and las are for the girls
10:33:24 <dbdii407> :|
10:33:40 <MaienM> hmm, kinda like french
10:33:55 <dbdii407> They have thier simaliaritys
10:34:08 <MaienM> el and la are for one person, los and las for more then one, correct?
10:34:22 <MaienM> uhh, makes me think of latin.... hated that:P
10:34:23 <dbdii407> My highschool teaches spanish, frence, and some more
10:34:31 <dbdii407> wrong!
10:34:35 <dbdii407> el and los are for the guys and la and las are for the girls
10:34:48 <MaienM> yes yes you said that
10:35:13 <dbdii407> el chico y los chicos (the boy and the boys) la chica y las chicas (the girl and the girls)
10:35:31 <MaienM> yeah I meant that:P
10:35:42 <dbdii407> Lol. I gotta get ready
10:35:54 <MaienM> el = singe male, los mutiple male, right?
10:35:58 <MaienM> and same for female
10:36:33 <MaienM> ah, hf then;)
10:36:41 <dbdii407> Well sorta. you see some words you gotta match the ending 'las chicas' look at the ends
10:37:04 <dbdii407> and la chica
10:37:07 <MaienM> ah yes
10:37:16 <MaienM> makes sense.... kinda
10:37:19 <dbdii407> Ok. now i gotta go. :P
10:37:20 <dbdii407> Lol
10:37:21 <dbdii407> See ya
10:37:25 <MaienM> hf;)
10:37:27 <dbdii407> Pajama day here i come! :D
10:37:29 <MaienM> cya
10:37:51 *** dbdii407 is now known as dbdii-gone
11:03:38 *** MaienM has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
11:04:24 *** MaienM (i=59cdb943@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
11:04:25 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats that. He is fairly good at PHP, and is learning C++ atm. Oh, and he'll help you if its needed, too.
11:09:40 *** wescooldude3 (i=6219584f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
11:10:07 *** wescooldude3 is now known as Wes|IT
11:10:47 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
11:10:47 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
11:12:27 <Wes|IT> i got a bone to pick with u ben
11:12:51 <Wes|IT> im gonna wait till l8r though, when dave is on
11:14:39 *** Wes|IT has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
11:17:38 *** Wes|IT ( has joined #portableapps
11:17:39 <pabot> Wes|IT is Wesley aka windows[] || Wes irc Operator || Php Master || Suse n00b || UnrealIRCD Portable Dev || Portableapp's Support ||
11:19:19 <Bensawsome> Wes|IT WTF ARE U TALKING AOBUT?@!?!?!?!?!
11:19:32 <Bensawsome> lulz
11:19:41 <Wes|IT> you'll sein
11:19:47 <Bensawsome> NO TELL ME NOW XD
11:19:51 <Wes|IT> in about 7 hours
11:19:52 <Bensawsome> please?
11:19:55 <Wes|IT> no :-/
11:20:03 <Bensawsome> aww... i don wanna wait that long T_T
11:20:08 <Bensawsome> did i do something wrong/bad
11:20:35 <Bensawsome> Wes|IT did i?
11:20:37 <MaienM> ofc you did!!!
11:21:31 <Bensawsome> MaienM WHAT DID I DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
11:21:33 <Bensawsome> ZOMG T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
11:22:29 <MaienM> lol......
11:22:44 <Bensawsome> Wes|IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:23:06 * Wes|IT breaks out the slapping rod and looks sternly at Bensawsome
11:23:21 * Bensawsome slaps Wes|IT and demands he tell me
11:27:02 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
11:27:02 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a Moderator and Developer (
11:29:53 <Wes|IT> wb PatrickPatience
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11:30:16 *** Zarggg has quit (
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11:31:11 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
11:31:11 *** MaienM (i=59cdb943@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
11:31:11 *** xenoterracide_ (n=xenoterr@ has joined #portableapps
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11:31:11 *** dbdii-gone (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
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11:31:11 *** recipro ( has joined #portableapps
11:31:11 *** Mir ( has joined #portableapps
11:31:11 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a Moderator and Developer (
11:31:13 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
11:31:15 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats that. He is fairly good at PHP, and is learning C++ atm. Oh, and he'll help you if its needed, too.
11:31:18 <pabot> StatBot is a bot which logs what we say for statistics purposes. Opt out by private messaging Bensawsome or if he is not on then private message StatBot. The Stats pages are at
11:31:20 <pabot> recipro knows ancient Chinese secret: One who does not visit first, has indeed not read the freaking manual
11:31:21 <pabot> Mir is Mir, a lurker whom likes emulators. oh please will you give him some.
11:32:33 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Remote closed the connection)
11:39:32 <Wes|IT> i hate irc splits
11:43:56 *** LOGAN (n=LOGAN@unaffiliated/logan) has joined #portableapps
11:43:56 <pabot> LOGAN is a person that's crazy over fun portable stuff.
11:44:09 <LOGAN> yay blender 2.48 is out now :P
11:48:12 *** StatBot has quit (
11:48:12 *** Bensawsome has quit (
11:48:12 *** LOGAN has quit (
11:48:12 *** Mir has quit (
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11:48:40 *** LOGAN (n=LOGAN@unaffiliated/logan) has joined #portableapps
11:48:40 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
11:48:40 *** Lonerider ( has joined #portableapps
11:48:40 *** StatBot (n=StatBot@unaffiliated/bensawsome/bot/bensbots) has joined #portableapps
11:48:40 *** Zarggg ( has joined #portableapps
11:48:40 *** Mir ( has joined #portableapps
11:48:42 <pabot> LOGAN is a person that's crazy over fun portable stuff.
11:48:42 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
11:48:45 <pabot> StatBot is a bot which logs what we say for statistics purposes. Opt out by private messaging Bensawsome or if he is not on then private message StatBot. The Stats pages are at
11:48:47 <pabot> Mir is Mir, a lurker whom likes emulators. oh please will you give him some.
11:52:31 <LOGAN> ah everyone's asleep
11:52:31 <LOGAN> :)
11:52:31 <LOGAN> new blender requires python 2.52
11:52:32 <LOGAN> wow
11:52:32 <LOGAN> netsplit
11:53:56 <MaienM> I'm not asleep:P
11:56:40 <LOGAN> well
11:56:46 <LOGAN> who knows lol
12:00:40 *** LOGAN has quit ("Leaving.")
12:02:01 <Wes|IT> hello MaienM
12:02:32 <Wes|IT>
12:06:05 <MaienM> lol....
12:13:25 *** MaienM has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
12:13:27 *** MaienM (i=59cdb943@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
12:13:27 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats that. He is fairly good at PHP, and is learning C++ atm. Oh, and he'll help you if its needed, too.
12:13:45 <Wes|IT> O.o
12:13:52 *** Wes|IT is now known as Wes|IT|Afk
12:20:15 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
12:20:15 <pabot> OliverK is a PortableApps.Com Developer, went to IMTS 2008, and is very excited to has a sticky!
12:21:15 <MaienM> hello OliverK
12:21:28 <OliverK> hell MaienM
12:24:40 *** Wes|IT|Afk is now known as Wes|IT
12:24:44 <Wes|IT> hey Oliver
12:26:40 <OliverK> sup?
12:26:51 <Wes|IT> trying to diable dep in vista
12:29:18 <Wes|IT> you?
12:30:03 <OliverK> not much
12:30:30 <OliverK> catching up from yeserday, reading up on some things, I gotta get working on some other stuff in a bit
12:30:55 *** MaienM has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
12:33:03 <Wes|IT> lol
12:43:57 <OliverK> logs
12:44:00 <OliverK> logging
12:44:02 <OliverK> ach
12:44:05 <OliverK> .def logging'
12:44:05 <pabot> OliverK: I have no idea who or what logging\' is.
12:44:20 <OliverK> .def logging
12:44:20 <pabot> OliverK: logging is done by palogbot. palogbot's logs are at . Statistics are generated by StatBot and are available at
12:48:05 *** Cassandra^ (n=cassandr@ has joined #portableapps
12:56:02 <OliverK> boredom
12:56:09 <OliverK> the final frontier
12:56:23 <OliverK> duh-duh-dah, dee dah deeee dooo DAAAHH!
12:56:25 <OliverK> gorsh
13:05:51 <OliverK>
13:06:54 *** MaienM (i=59cdb943@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
13:06:55 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats that. He is fairly good at PHP, and is learning C++ atm. Oh, and he'll help you if its needed, too.
13:12:40 <Wes|IT> sry in the middle of halo
13:12:48 *** Wes|IT is now known as Wes|IT|Afk
13:27:11 *** MaienM has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
13:31:49 <Wes|IT|Afk> Bensawsome, i need help
13:32:13 <Wes|IT|Afk> oh well
13:32:16 <Wes|IT|Afk> ben if you can help
13:32:20 <Wes|IT|Afk> sign on to yahoo and pm me
13:32:29 <Wes|IT|Afk> i mean buzz me
13:38:45 <OliverK> is it ben specific- or think I can help?
13:59:23 <Wes|IT|Afk> ahh i got it
13:59:28 <Wes|IT|Afk> playing halo trail
13:59:34 <Wes|IT|Afk> remind me of the old days
14:01:41 * OliverK is goofing off at Jamendo- CC music FTW!!!
14:02:22 * OliverK really wishes he could afford a MP3 player :(
14:03:28 * OliverK is skipping 2 gb and going straight for the expandable 8 gb or 16 gb
14:03:40 * OliverK needs to stop emoting everything
14:09:28 * OliverK is wodnering where everyone is at . . . .
14:09:31 <OliverK> PABOT!
14:09:38 <OliverK> loggign sucks :p
14:10:10 *** OliverK has parted #portableapps (""He voted for George McGovern for president . ..")
14:23:09 *** Simeon (n=simeon@ has joined #portableapps
14:23:10 <pabot> Simeon is a Developer at
14:23:15 *** Simeon has parted #portableapps ()
14:24:48 <Wes|IT|Afk> O.o
14:24:54 <Wes|IT|Afk> im all alone
14:25:12 <Wes|IT|Afk> Bensawsome: get your homework done early tongiht
15:01:53 *** iBog ( has joined #portableapps
15:05:44 <Wes|IT|Afk> hello iBog
15:05:59 <Wes|IT|Afk> need anything
15:07:55 <Wes|IT|Afk> guess not
15:07:58 <Wes|IT|Afk> back to halo
15:42:06 *** SteveLamerton (n=steve@ has joined #portableapps
15:42:07 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
15:42:11 <SteveLamerton> Hello all
15:53:37 *** MaienM ( has joined #portableapps
15:53:37 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats that. He is fairly good at PHP, and is learning C++ atm. Oh, and he'll help you if its needed, too.
15:53:47 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Studying
15:54:28 *** MaienM|Studying is now known as MaienM
15:54:58 <Wes|IT|Afk> sry
15:55:06 <Wes|IT|Afk> hello MaienM and SteveLamerton
15:55:09 <Wes|IT|Afk> gtg though
15:55:13 <Wes|IT|Afk> got home work O.o
15:55:16 <Wes|IT|Afk> l8r all
15:55:20 *** Wes|IT|Afk has quit (" HydraIRC -> <- The professional IRC Client :D")
16:00:44 *** ZachThibeau ( has joined #portableapps
16:00:45 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a True Blue Canadian like Patrick Patience
16:00:54 <MaienM> hello ZachThibeau
16:01:01 <ZachThibeau> hi guys
16:01:18 <SteveLamerton> Hey
16:01:25 <ZachThibeau> whats new
16:02:07 <SteveLamerton> Nothing that I know of
16:02:19 <ZachThibeau> cool
16:02:31 <ZachThibeau> I got my desktop computer back finally
16:02:33 <ZachThibeau> :D
16:02:43 <ZachThibeau> I can use it as a server pc now :D
16:04:04 <SteveLamerton> Sounds like good news to me :)
16:04:32 <ZachThibeau> :)
16:09:49 *** kaeos ( has joined #portableapps
16:11:21 <ZachThibeau> kaeos: howdy there
16:12:12 <kaeos> not know what do howdy mean sorry
16:12:56 <kaeos> uff it seems I'm worst each day with english
16:13:04 <ZachThibeau> kaeos: Howdy means hello
16:13:20 <kaeos> you mean like "how you doing"
16:13:27 <SteveLamerton> And it is a nasty American word ;)
16:13:29 <ZachThibeau> kaeos: yeah kind of like that :)
16:13:32 <kaeos> Hello you all too
16:13:49 <SteveLamerton> Hello :)
16:13:50 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: Now Now, I know some Brits that say it too :P
16:14:05 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: and I'm not American, I'm Canadian
16:14:05 <SteveLamerton> Then they ought to be hunted down ;)
16:14:11 <SteveLamerton> Ahh sorry about that
16:14:34 <ZachThibeau> no problems :P
16:32:24 <ZachThibeau> seems like learning2laugh is back after being gone for some time
16:32:47 <SteveLamerton> Dont think I remember?
16:35:05 <ZachThibeau> :O
16:35:28 * SteveLamerton shrugs, back from how long ago?
16:35:41 <ZachThibeau> about a year
16:36:16 <SteveLamerton> Pah, I have many other things to remember ;)
16:36:50 <ZachThibeau> :P
16:36:52 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
16:36:52 <pabot> Gizmokid2005 is the in-house pidgin expert (usually).
16:37:00 <SteveLamerton> Hello Gizmokid2005
16:37:15 <Gizmokid2005> Hello SteveLamerton
16:37:40 <SteveLamerton> How are you today good sir?
16:37:43 <Gizmokid2005> hello ZachThibeau
16:37:47 <Gizmokid2005> Well, that depends...
16:38:09 <ZachThibeau> Gizmokid2005: I got my old PC back :D I got a main server now :D
16:38:29 <Gizmokid2005> First off, I'm still quite irritated with a few members of this room...
16:38:35 <ZachThibeau> :O
16:38:45 <Gizmokid2005> I have almost no voice...and I"m working customer service this afternoon for the next 4 hours
16:38:45 * ZachThibeau hopes it isn't him
16:38:57 <Gizmokid2005> awesome ZachThibeau!! and no, it isn't you
16:39:04 <ZachThibeau> :P
16:39:18 <Gizmokid2005> so if I leave today with a voice in tact still...I'm going to be very surprised
16:40:24 <SteveLamerton> Well good luck!
16:40:53 <Gizmokid2005> thanks SteveLamerton, I'm gonna need it
16:40:54 <Gizmokid2005> lol
16:49:34 <SteveLamerton> Time to go guys, bye!
16:49:35 *** SteveLamerton has parted #portableapps ()
16:49:53 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Away
16:55:38 *** LOGAN (n=LOGAN@unaffiliated/logan) has joined #portableapps
16:55:38 <pabot> LOGAN is a person that's crazy over fun portable stuff.
17:01:54 <Gizmokid2005> hello LO
17:01:55 <Gizmokid2005> *LOGAN
17:04:56 <Bensawsome> hi
17:07:09 *** zxt-capture ( has joined #portableapps
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17:09:14 <LOGAN> hello Gizmokid2005
17:09:21 <LOGAN> hi Bensawsome
17:12:20 <Bensawsome> hey :)
17:15:40 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachThibeau|away
17:20:07 *** purple (i=purple@ has joined #portableapps
17:23:34 <Bensawsome> hello purple :D
17:23:43 <Gizmokid2005> hello purple
17:24:08 <Bensawsome> wazzup?
17:25:17 <Bensawsome> hey purple :D me gots my own irc server <3
17:30:09 *** Roamer ( has joined #portableapps
17:30:10 <pabot> Roamer is roamer in the forums, and is starting to work with C++. Wish him luck.
17:33:05 <Gizmokid2005> hello Roamer
17:33:26 <Roamer> hi Gizmokid2005
17:33:38 <Roamer> nothing going on right now?
17:33:42 <Gizmokid2005> nope
17:35:54 *** kaeos has quit ()
17:38:57 <Gizmokid2005> Guys, quick question...any good OSS video editors out there?
17:39:05 <Bensawsome> omg.... its taken almost 1.5 days for the windows updates to download 11%..... WTF
17:39:16 <Bensawsome> Gizmokid2005 what about the one has?
17:39:22 <Gizmokid2005> VirtualDub?
17:39:25 <Gizmokid2005> not really an editor...
17:39:25 <Bensawsome> ya
17:39:28 <Bensawsome> ...
17:39:31 <Gizmokid2005> I mean, a little
17:39:35 <Gizmokid2005> but not many features
17:39:38 <Gizmokid2005> that was my first guess
17:39:48 <Bensawsome> lol
17:40:01 <Bensawsome> OMG PA>COM IS OFFLINE THE HORROR!!!!
17:40:09 <Gizmokid2005> no it's on
17:40:14 <Bensawsome> few now it is on :D
17:40:25 <Bensawsome> i gots to go to work byby
17:40:36 <Roamer> WHA?
17:40:46 <Roamer> is offline?
17:40:58 <Gizmokid2005> Roamer: no
17:40:59 <Gizmokid2005> its fine
17:41:02 <Gizmokid2005> ben is just weird
17:41:07 <Roamer> I know.
17:41:26 * Roamer was in the forums when he said that
17:42:25 *** PatrickPatience (i=d1faaa5f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:42:26 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a Moderator and Developer (
17:42:37 <Gizmokid2005> hello PatrickPatience
17:42:45 <Roamer> hi PatrickPatience
17:43:27 <PatrickPatience> Hey.
17:43:37 *** xenoterracide_ is now known as xenoterracide
17:53:01 *** SteveLamerton (n=steve@ has joined #portableapps
17:53:01 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
17:53:09 <Gizmokid2005> wb SteveLamerton
17:53:12 <SteveLamerton> Hello again all
17:53:14 <SteveLamerton> Hey Gizmo
17:53:20 <Gizmokid2005> always here lol
17:53:28 <SteveLamerton> So it seems :)
17:53:33 <Gizmokid2005> haha
17:53:33 <Gizmokid2005> yeah
17:53:49 <Gizmokid2005> about the only time I'm not, is when I'm driving, pidgin crashes, or I have my ext. hdd with me
17:56:01 <PatrickPatience> I want the Pidgin developer site back so bad.
17:56:08 <PatrickPatience> It's like a drug addiction.
17:56:17 <Gizmokid2005> PatrickPatience: I concur
17:56:23 <Gizmokid2005> does ANYBODY have any clue what's going on?
17:56:37 <PatrickPatience> Something happened with the hosting.
17:56:43 <PatrickPatience> No idea what.
17:56:57 <Gizmokid2005> it's like they've fallen off the face of the planet
17:57:34 <PatrickPatience> Mhms.
17:57:42 <Gizmokid2005> and that's kinda scary
17:57:54 <Gizmokid2005> because pidgin needs to make quite a few fixes still :(
17:58:04 <Gizmokid2005> I'm almost to the point of jumping ship (and I can't believe I'm saying it)
18:08:33 <PatrickPatience> You sicken me.
18:08:52 <Roamer> lol
18:09:22 <Gizmokid2005> PatrickPatience: I am sorry, I sicken myself too
18:09:29 <Gizmokid2005> but the crashes and the yahoo issue, is quite annoying
18:09:38 <Gizmokid2005> you can't tell me you don't feel the same
18:09:41 <Gizmokid2005> honestly
18:10:58 <PatrickPatience> Actually, my worst Pidgin experiences were back around 2.3.
18:11:13 <PatrickPatience> When they had the bug where is crashes upon recovering from standby.
18:11:16 <PatrickPatience> Stupidest thing.
18:11:46 *** SteveLamerton has quit (Remote closed the connection)
18:12:08 <Gizmokid2005> I don't recall issues back then with me...I remember hearing you having them though
18:12:34 <PatrickPatience> Gotta go.
18:12:35 <PatrickPatience> Cheers.
18:12:39 *** PatrickPatience has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
18:23:30 *** zxt-capture ( has joined #portableapps
18:24:05 <Roamer> hi zxt-capture
18:27:37 *** SteveLamerton (n=steve@ has joined #portableapps
18:27:37 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
18:27:43 <SteveLamerton> Hello (again) all
18:28:03 <Roamer> wb SteveLamerton
18:28:25 <SteveLamerton> Hello Roamer
18:28:53 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
18:28:53 <pabot> OliverK is a PortableApps.Com Developer, went to IMTS 2008, and is very excited to has a sticky!
18:29:39 <Roamer> hello OliverK
18:29:45 <OliverK> hey
18:29:55 <SteveLamerton> Hello OliverK
18:30:08 <OliverK> sup?
18:31:01 <SteveLamerton> Not a lot
18:31:30 <OliverK> ahh
18:32:36 <OliverK> at least nobodies trying to bull you about what they did to their FFPE
18:32:38 <OliverK> :(
18:33:07 <SteveLamerton> What did you do?
18:35:42 <Gizmokid2005> hello OliverK
18:35:52 <OliverK> hey gizmo
18:36:44 <SteveLamerton> Ahh OliverK, ignore my last post, I completely misread yours!
18:36:55 <OliverK> ?
18:36:58 <OliverK> oh, haha
18:37:00 <OliverK> yeah
18:42:27 *** Simeon (n=simeon@ has joined #portableapps
18:42:27 <pabot> Simeon is a Developer at
18:42:38 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
18:42:39 *** Simeon has quit (Client Quit)
18:47:51 *** dbdii-gone is now known as DaveDixonII
18:48:02 <DaveDixonII> I found a way to update my twitter at school! :D
18:48:12 <Roamer> with a text message?
18:48:15 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome kept yappin. :P
18:48:17 <DaveDixonII> Computers
18:49:05 <DaveDixonII> Twitter isnt blocked on the computers. You just can't sign in cause of the port 433
18:49:05 <Roamer> I just use a text message to update it (and in turn my facebook with the twitter app)
18:49:09 <DaveDixonII> I found a way around that. :D
18:49:13 <Roamer> lol
18:49:24 <DaveDixonII> i signed in threw .xml
18:49:25 <DaveDixonII> XD
18:49:44 <DaveDixonII> then just went to and i was signed in
18:49:44 <DaveDixonII> :D
18:49:49 <Roamer> wow, epic IT fail on your school
18:50:21 <DaveDixonII> If you have me as a student at your school. You lost, period! i WILL (i WILL!!) find a way around
18:50:22 <DaveDixonII> :P
18:51:12 <Roamer> sounds like 1/3 of my IT classes (including me)... Our school hates that 1/3 of the IT students. :P
18:51:21 <DaveDixonII> Lol
18:51:37 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: "And also YOU DON'T LIKE PIZZA?!?!?" i didnt mention a thing about pizza on twitter. :/
18:51:47 <DaveDixonII> JK
18:51:50 <Roamer> lol
18:52:14 <Roamer> I need to update my twitter, come to think of it...
18:52:18 <DaveDixonII> "Pizza for lunch" (end of sentence) "Ehhh. 2 more hours to go"
18:52:43 <DaveDixonII> dbdii407 OMG! I just signed into twitter from school! I'm freaking out! about 5 hours ago from web
18:52:56 <Roamer> lol
18:53:29 <DaveDixonII> Comunication services not allowed. Comunication = Twitter and My blog
18:53:38 <DaveDixonII> I havent gotten in trouble yet
18:53:39 <DaveDixonII> :/
18:54:13 <Roamer> you will if they check for it... *cough* doubtful *cough*
18:54:32 <DaveDixonII> Yea i know. ;)
18:55:23 <OliverK> how does that work?
18:55:30 <DaveDixonII> What?
18:55:33 <OliverK> the .xml part, I'm confused
18:55:39 <DaveDixonII> ahh
18:55:45 <OliverK> isn't xml genrally used as a stroage system?
18:55:48 <OliverK> storage*
18:56:16 <Roamer> i think he's just telling us half of what he did :P
18:56:25 <DaveDixonII> (replace user with your nick) sign into your twitter threw there, and after successful login, go to and you are there. :D
18:56:31 <OliverK> I'm guessing he used a piece of PHP to send it
18:56:37 <OliverK> ah
18:56:46 *** ZachThibeau|away is now known as ZachThibeau
18:56:55 <ZachThibeau> back\
18:57:05 <SteveLamerton> Hello Zach
18:57:05 <OliverK> I don't actually have a twitter, but I'm curious anyway
18:57:13 <OliverK> hey ZachThibeau
18:57:29 <DaveDixonII> I am a computer geek. I WILL find a way around there stupid firewall
18:57:55 <Gizmokid2005> *their
18:57:55 <DaveDixonII> And eh, its just twittering. :|
18:57:57 <OliverK> heh
18:58:08 <OliverK> yeah, I can understand that
18:58:18 <OliverK> my college isn't to much of a pain about that
18:58:28 <ZachThibeau> DaveDixonII: You will find away? heh I know a way around without trying :P
18:58:30 <OliverK> thought they do track your internet usage
18:58:38 <OliverK> TOR!
18:58:41 <OliverK> :D
18:58:46 <DaveDixonII> No exe's allowed
18:58:49 <DaveDixonII> They will not run
18:58:52 <Roamer> firewall + bucket of digital water (code) = no firewall :P
18:59:08 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII ya u did......
18:59:09 <ZachThibeau> OliverK: Jap it's a proxy based application that uses Java
18:59:38 <OliverK> how can they block exes? what the heck?
18:59:47 <Bensawsome> " Pizza for lunch. Ehh. 2 More hours to go. about 3 hours ago from web "
18:59:48 <Bensawsome> :P
18:59:56 <DaveDixonII> i said jk ben
18:59:57 <DaveDixonII> read. :P
19:00:01 <OliverK> that's okay, just rename the program explorer.exe :D
19:00:06 <OliverK> I dare them to block that :p
19:00:14 <DaveDixonII> OliverK: We dont have access that
19:00:20 <Roamer> yeah you do
19:00:28 <DaveDixonII> The network is all one computer
19:00:29 <OliverK> the rename function?
19:00:34 <DaveDixonII> We have clients (students)
19:00:37 <OliverK> great . . .
19:00:44 <OliverK> i'm confused . . .
19:01:09 <Roamer> you log in from a computer, roght DaveDixonII?
19:01:13 <Roamer> *right
19:01:26 <DaveDixonII> I log into the network threw a client machine.
19:01:34 <DaveDixonII> The network is just once computre
19:01:35 <DaveDixonII> computer
19:02:06 <Roamer> that is stupid... if it is what I think your describing...
19:02:13 <Roamer> and easy to crash...
19:02:17 <Roamer> hmmm...
19:02:45 * Roamer is developing an evil plan to tell DaveDixonII in pm (jk)
19:02:53 <DaveDixonII> (client tower) -------------(network line)------------------- (main computer) ---------------- (internet) ------------------- (main school district)
19:03:12 <Gizmokid2005> (random) *I think I'm going to try Miranda...*
19:03:26 <Roamer> lol
19:03:42 <OliverK> Gizmokid2005: you're switching over to miranda?
19:03:55 <SteveLamerton> Wow Gizmokid, if you manage to set it up well I would love to hear about it
19:04:10 <OliverK> miranda? I have one setup that runs :D
19:04:22 <OliverK> I used to use it for everything before I switched to XChat
19:04:30 <Gizmokid2005> OliverK: I'm not switching over...I just want to mess with it..
19:04:39 <Gizmokid2005> the install that I have has all the clients (almost) that I use on it...
19:04:46 <Gizmokid2005> I will never make a switch, as I like pidgin...
19:04:47 <Gizmokid2005> but
19:04:49 <Gizmokid2005> we'll see
19:04:52 <Gizmokid2005> I'm just curious
19:05:13 <Roamer> that's what she said... :P
19:05:28 <Roamer> that was stupid
19:05:28 <OliverK> Gizmokid2005: TabsSRMM :D
19:06:57 <OliverK>
19:07:08 <OliverK> i uses it, all I needed to convince me to make the switch
19:07:17 <OliverK> wish stupid google worked from it though :(
19:07:22 <OliverK> has AOL! :D
19:08:08 <DaveDixonII> AOHELL
19:08:11 <DaveDixonII> Sorry. :P
19:09:43 <Roamer> lol, i know what you mean DaveDixonII, i used to have AOL (dial up) but as soon as I heard about peoplepc, swiched it. peoplepc is cheaper. (still slow though :( )
19:09:54 *** Havvy (i=a9ccd474@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:10:03 <Roamer> hi Havvy
19:10:46 <Gizmokid2005> .hello Havvy
19:11:39 <Havvy> Hi
19:12:36 <OliverK> i used it . . .
19:12:46 <OliverK> till it stopped being free :D
19:13:59 * Roamer would really like to have a DSL connection...
19:16:28 * OliverK agrees
19:16:36 <OliverK> think of all the fun I'll have with jasager
19:16:44 <OliverK> in return the internet stole my soul . . .
19:16:46 <OliverK> :(
19:16:47 * Gizmokid2005 loves his cable connection :D
19:16:55 <OliverK> T3 guys!
19:17:01 <OliverK> at least, at my college
19:17:21 <OliverK> when it doesn't get cut- I had that happen yesterday, the knocked it out for the morning
19:17:26 <OliverK> they*
19:17:26 <Roamer> ...
19:17:43 <OliverK> construction company messed up and broke the line :(
19:18:00 <Gizmokid2005> OliverK: do you know the BW on a T3?
19:18:08 <OliverK> ?
19:18:19 <Roamer> alot?
19:18:22 <Gizmokid2005> the bandwidth
19:18:29 <OliverK> alot
19:18:35 <Gizmokid2005> it depends
19:18:36 <OliverK> uhm, according to task manager . . .
19:18:37 <Gizmokid2005> remmeber that
19:19:02 <OliverK> Local Area Connection 100 Mbps
19:19:09 <Gizmokid2005> that's not the bandwidth of the connection
19:19:21 <Gizmokid2005> that's just the bandwidth between the PC and the nearest network equipment
19:19:33 <Gizmokid2005> a T3 is 45Mb/s
19:19:58 <OliverK> k
19:20:04 <OliverK> i'm not sure what the bandwith is
19:20:09 <Gizmokid2005> that is what it is...
19:20:23 <Gizmokid2005> ~5.4MB/s
19:20:24 <OliverK> fine
19:20:30 <Gizmokid2005> I get 1.2MB/s which is 10Mb/s
19:20:42 <OliverK> doens't help when the download gets throttle down to 21.7
19:20:50 <Gizmokid2005> 21.7KB/s?
19:20:51 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
19:20:55 <Gizmokid2005> hello rmccue
19:21:12 <Roamer> hi rmccue
19:21:22 <OliverK> rayan!
19:21:25 <rmccue> Bye :P
19:21:32 <OliverK> heh
19:21:34 <Gizmokid2005> =-O
19:21:40 *** rmccue has parted #portableapps ()
19:22:03 <Roamer> well... that was... odd...
19:22:17 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
19:22:17 <pabot> Oni-Neoxes is a PA Gamer and likes to Falcon Punch people. Also, check out his Youtube Videos here:
19:22:41 <Roamer> hi Oni-Neoxes
19:23:00 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello Everyone!
19:23:29 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick_@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
19:23:30 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a Moderator and Developer (
19:24:00 <Roamer> hi PatrickPatience
19:24:02 <Gizmokid2005> hello PatrickPatience
19:24:47 *** SteveLamerton has quit (Nick collision from services.)
19:25:30 <OliverK> hey patrick
19:26:48 <PatrickPatience> HI there.
19:27:12 <PatrickPatience> Anyone up for a quick app test? Make sure it runs, functions, saves, etc?
19:27:46 <Oni-Neoxes> Whats the name?
19:30:01 <OliverK> maybe
19:30:06 <OliverK> whazzit called
19:30:32 <OliverK> scratch me, I've GOT to study
19:30:39 <OliverK> I should have xchat turned off :(
19:30:52 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
19:32:36 <Oni-Neoxes> "Don't Stop Me Now - Queen" Good song :D
19:33:19 <Roamer> lol
19:33:22 *** pa_8554 (i=46a86c6a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:33:37 <Roamer> hellp
19:33:41 <Roamer> *hello
19:34:00 <pa_8554> Hi, Does anyone know if Toucan works on Windows 98?
19:35:47 <Roamer> i do not know if it does, i think it may, i'm just not positive on that.
19:36:05 <Gizmokid2005> pa_8554: Yes, it should.
19:36:11 <Gizmokid2005> System Requirements: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista
19:36:13 <Gizmokid2005> from the toucan page
19:36:29 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
19:38:12 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("FALCON PAWNCH!!!!")
19:38:16 *** kai_62656 ( has joined #portableapps
19:38:17 <pabot> kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles and is currently developing Lincity-NG and LMarbles Portable.
19:38:32 <Roamer> hi kai_62656
19:38:43 <kai_62656> :-P
19:38:47 *** kai_62656 has quit (Client Quit)
19:39:13 *** kai_62656 ( has joined #portableapps
19:39:13 <pabot> kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles and is currently developing Lincity-NG and LMarbles Portable.
19:39:26 <kai_62656> :-DD
19:39:29 <Roamer> wb kai_62656
19:39:33 <Roamer> lol
19:39:37 <kai_62656> XD
19:39:42 <Roamer> wrong button?
19:39:47 <kai_62656> yep
19:40:14 <Roamer> i've done that... just not recently... :P
19:40:23 <kai_62656> really huh?
19:40:27 <kai_62656> well XD
19:40:29 <PatrickPatience> Oh, right.
19:40:37 <PatrickPatience> It's Task Coach.
19:40:46 <PatrickPatience>
19:40:56 <pa_8554> when I attempt to launch Toucan on the Win98 machine after installation nothing happens, i.e. the app does not launch. Anyone seen this before?
19:41:40 <PatrickPatience> pa_8554: Toucan page says that OS is supported?
19:41:57 <PatrickPatience> Yes it does.
19:42:14 <PatrickPatience> Hmm. pa_8554: Have you checked the Toucan forums at all?
19:42:23 <PatrickPatience> Unfortauntely the developer isn't here right now.
19:43:12 <PatrickPatience> This is all I found so far:
19:43:17 <PatrickPatience> Which means it ahould be supported.
19:43:42 *** pa_6304 (i=401ac77d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:43:59 <DaveDixonII> Hello pa_6304. Whats up? Need anything?
19:44:52 *** kai_62656 has quit (" HydraIRC -> <- In tests, 0x09 out of 0x0A l33t h4x0rz prefer it :)")
19:44:53 <pa_6304> I'm looking to convert already portable apps to the Portal Apps format, is there a guide for that?
19:45:20 <DaveDixonII> Not that i know of. :/
19:45:27 <pa_6304> Specifically exe and u3
19:45:41 <Roamer> pa_8554: were there any error messages on the screen?
19:45:42 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6304: u3 can't be converted
19:45:52 <OliverK> nah, not that I know of- but you can take a look at the Notepad++ wrapper
19:46:08 <OliverK> pa_6304: do you mind hopping into #portableapps-dev?
19:46:16 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6304:
19:46:17 *** kai_62656|away ( has joined #portableapps
19:46:18 <pa_6304> So if I like some of the apps in u3 and some of the apps in portable apps I have to use both launchers?
19:46:24 <OliverK> yeah
19:46:39 <pa_6304> k
19:47:44 *** pa_6304 has quit (Client Quit)
19:48:04 <OliverK> later guys I gotta get, take care of pa_6304 for me
19:48:11 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
19:59:28 <kai_62656|away> pabot!
19:59:28 <pabot> kai_62656|away!
19:59:32 *** kai_62656|away has quit (Nick collision from services.)
19:59:35 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
19:59:35 <pabot> KevinPorter is just an all-around geek. Ask him a question, he'll know it. If not, he'll make up something that sounds right. His blog is at
19:59:51 <DaveDixonII> Heelllloo KevinPorter! :D
19:59:57 <KevinPorter> Hey DaveDixonII. :)
20:00:00 <KevinPorter> What's up?
20:00:12 *** kai_62656|away ( has joined #portableapps
20:00:19 *** kai_62656 ( has joined #portableapps
20:00:19 <pabot> kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles and is currently developing Lincity-NG and LMarbles Portable.
20:00:58 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: Im happy as heck right now. Read my twitter
20:00:59 <DaveDixonII> :D
20:01:08 <DaveDixonII> the Top 6
20:01:17 <KevinPorter> .twitter dbdii407
20:01:18 <pabot> dbdii407 has not yet updated or doesn't exist.
20:01:26 <KevinPorter> Did I misspell or something?
20:01:30 <DaveDixonII> its private
20:01:33 <KevinPorter> Oh.
20:01:35 <DaveDixonII> you gotta sign in
20:02:32 *** kai_62656 has quit (Client Quit)
20:02:39 <KevinPorter> :D
20:02:45 <KevinPorter> You can use Twitter at school?
20:02:56 <DaveDixonII> .tell rmccue Make pabot say this: user has not updated, doesnt exist, or is set to privage
20:02:56 <pabot> DaveDixonII: I'll pass that on when I next see rmccue.
20:02:58 <DaveDixonII> omg
20:02:58 <DaveDixonII> omg
20:03:04 <DaveDixonII> .tell rmccue private*
20:03:04 <pabot> DaveDixonII: I'll pass that on when I next see rmccue.
20:03:08 <DaveDixonII> Stupid me
20:03:13 *** kai_62656|away has quit (Client Quit)
20:03:49 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
20:03:49 <pabot> alpha1beta is MikeFitz, who's site,, now has a corrupt a wish game there
20:03:56 <alpha1beta> hello
20:03:58 <DaveDixonII> (change username to your nick) sign into twitter threw there and then go to
20:04:07 <DaveDixonII> your signed in. :D
20:04:25 <ZachThibeau> .twitter ZachThibeau
20:04:25 <KevinPorter> Wow. :D
20:04:26 <pabot> ZachThibeau: Packing to go back to College Campus at 3:30am to go to 8am class and a busy school schedule for that day XD
20:05:41 <DaveDixonII> If you have me at your school, your threw. Period!
20:06:00 <DaveDixonII> i WILL (WILL!!!) find a way
20:06:02 <DaveDixonII> and i did. :D
20:06:07 *** kai_62656 ( has joined #portableapps
20:06:07 <pabot> kai_62656 is here, and he likes waffles and is currently developing Lincity-NG and LMarbles Portable.
20:07:09 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: i done it twice already today. ;)
20:07:18 <KevinPorter> Lol.
20:07:38 <KevinPorter> I can just change my school's DNS.
20:07:39 <KevinPorter> Lol.
20:07:54 *** MaienM (i=53522791@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
20:07:55 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats that. He is fairly good at PHP, and is learning C++ atm. Oh, and he'll help you if its needed, too.
20:07:59 <DaveDixonII> Well i cant. So i found a way around. :D
20:08:29 <KevinPorter> My school can't block any crap. I'm only worried that my computer lady will find see what I'm doing (through SynchronEyes).
20:08:34 <MaienM> hello guys
20:09:01 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: An app that watches the clients screen?
20:09:03 <KevinPorter> Hi MaienM.
20:09:18 <KevinPorter> MaienM: /kick MaienM|a
20:09:26 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: An app that watches the clients screen?
20:09:28 <KevinPorter> *MaienM|away
20:09:33 <KevinPorter> DaveDixonII: Yeah.
20:09:44 <KevinPorter> Can post messages on the screen too.
20:09:56 <KevinPorter> My method is to kill it before the network is connected. :D
20:10:09 <DaveDixonII> Oh your chicken. :P My teacher has an app like that. :P idc
20:10:31 <KevinPorter> Lol.
20:10:36 <MaienM> you really need to kick my home pc?
20:11:00 <KevinPorter> MaienM: I just wasn't sure whether that was supposed to be here.
20:11:08 <kai_62656> pabot!
20:11:08 <pabot> kai_62656!
20:11:14 <KevinPorter> I meant to put a question mark in there... :P
20:11:30 <KevinPorter> DaveDixonII: Yeah, thing is, she's never around either.
20:11:31 <MaienM> it's my home pc, I'm at family now
20:11:32 <MaienM> ah, k:P
20:11:32 <KevinPorter> Lol.
20:11:40 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: He can lock, watch, and control our computers. And yet. Hes a dumb @$$
20:11:59 <DaveDixonII> Not to watch the computers that is. ;)
20:12:34 <KevinPorter> Lol.
20:12:46 <DaveDixonII> Ehh, he can see what im typing. (aka: passwords) idc
20:12:55 <KevinPorter> I'm going to work on getting a proxy on one of the computers at some point.
20:14:15 <DaveDixonII> Im trying to IRC from school. :D
20:14:26 <kai_62656> :-D
20:14:35 <KevinPorter> Lol. Good luck.
20:14:58 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: All i need is SSH Client. Which i have. Then i just gotta launch Irssi
20:15:00 <DaveDixonII> ;)
20:16:05 <KevinPorter> My school doesn't even block the command prompt. :D
20:16:25 <DaveDixonII> Mine does. :|
20:16:26 <DaveDixonII> Novell
20:17:19 <kai_62656> :-|
20:17:19 <alpha1beta> my school blocks it, but ninja command portable runs
20:17:26 <kai_62656> ninja?
20:17:37 <KevinPorter> alpha1beta: When did you get in here? :P
20:17:59 <alpha1beta> i've been here quite a while, just messing with opensuse
20:18:05 <Roamer> a backhand way for command prompt. (kai_62656)
20:19:14 <kai_62656> :-)
20:19:52 <ZachThibeau> :D
20:19:56 <KevinPorter> ZachThibeau: Nice. :D
20:20:08 * KevinPorter likes the Christian rock.
20:20:18 <ZachThibeau> it's a plugin for x-chat :D
20:20:38 * KevinPorter uses Pandora.
20:20:41 <ZachThibeau> Ohh btw I'm almost done my Portable application :P
20:20:47 <DaveDixonII> Tim is on
20:20:50 <alpha1beta> sweet
20:20:51 <DaveDixonII> Yea!
20:21:10 <alpha1beta> Zach, i created a portableapps group on join or die!
20:21:20 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: Not until my project is done
20:21:32 <alpha1beta> fine :/ be that way
20:21:35 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: once it is I will
20:21:45 <alpha1beta> :D
20:22:10 *** Roamer has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]")
20:22:45 <DaveDixonII> MemoServ- timclark has read your memo, which was sent at Oct 15 03:11:10 2008
20:22:54 <DaveDixonII> Where are you Tim buddy?
20:22:56 <DaveDixonII> :(
20:23:00 <alpha1beta> pm him
20:23:11 <DaveDixonII> I dont want to anger him
20:23:20 <alpha1beta> ...again
20:23:29 <DaveDixonII> PM him with permission. Which i cant ask..
20:23:49 <ZachThibeau> :P
20:23:49 <KevinPorter> alpha1beta: I joined.
20:23:49 <DaveDixonII> Cause he is not in the room
20:24:04 <ZachThibeau> DaveDixonII: you actually can :)
20:24:14 <ZachThibeau> DaveDixonII: I've done it before
20:24:26 <alpha1beta> KevinPorter goog boy!
20:24:30 <KevinPorter> :)
20:24:31 <ZachThibeau> DaveDixonII: back when chanserv banned me
20:24:47 <DaveDixonII> Which wasn't an accident.
20:25:13 <ZachThibeau> yeah, I pmed ryan to get that fixed
20:25:56 <alpha1beta> "porterkm hasn't made any friends on yet."
20:26:06 <alpha1beta> Kevin has no sympathies
20:26:18 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: uhmmm He's my friend
20:26:42 <DaveDixonII> Im kevin's friend (kevin feel loved. :P) XD
20:26:49 <alpha1beta> oh? doesn't say so :P
20:26:54 <KevinPorter> alpha1beta: I don't use I use Pandora. :P
20:27:06 <KevinPorter> I just have that account for when Pandora dies.
20:27:19 <DaveDixonII> My computer teacher uses pandora (he added britney spears to his list. X_x)
20:27:32 <alpha1beta> i use both, mostly
20:27:39 <DaveDixonII> But, i use youtube
20:27:40 <DaveDixonII> :P
20:28:02 <alpha1beta> of the users, whp uses what to scobble?
20:28:29 <ZachThibeau> Well in politics in Canada it's yet another Conservative Minority Government
20:30:48 <KevinPorter> I just use the desktop thing to scrobble iTunes and my iPod
20:31:00 <alpha1beta> ahh
20:38:13 <DaveDixonII> Xampp for linux is installed
20:38:22 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
20:38:41 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: You do know that redirect to where ever i host my site now right. ;)
20:39:08 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
20:39:38 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
20:39:38 <pabot> Gizmokid2005 is the in-house pidgin expert (usually).
20:40:56 <KevinPorter> Hello Gizmokid2005. :)
20:41:05 <Gizmokid2005> hello KevinPorter
20:41:06 <KevinPorter> DaveDixonII: Good.
20:41:07 <KevinPorter> :P
20:41:08 <Gizmokid2005> daily pidgin crash...>.>
20:41:21 <KevinPorter> Oh, I didn't even notice you leave... ;)
20:41:29 <DaveDixonII> Same here
20:41:30 <DaveDixonII> :/
20:42:19 <Gizmokid2005> :P lol
20:43:49 <Gizmokid2005> but is time to leave this thing called..."work"
20:44:18 <Gizmokid2005> bye DaveDixonII, KevinPorter, PatrickPatience, Bensawsome, Cassandra^, kai_62656
20:44:27 <DaveDixonII> See ya.
20:44:28 <KevinPorter> Bye Gizmokid2005.
20:45:08 *** Gizmokid2005 has parted #portableapps ()
20:49:36 *** kai_62656 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:52:37 *** iBog has parted #portableapps ()
21:05:53 <ZachThibeau>'s getting too quiet here...
21:06:17 <ZachThibeau> I need to go :S
21:06:20 <ZachThibeau> brb
21:06:24 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
21:09:18 <Bensawsome> man.... what was up with all those netsplits b4 :/
21:14:23 <DaveDixonII> I see no netsplits
21:15:20 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII it was earliers
21:15:30 <DaveDixonII> When?
21:16:07 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? x-demon has quit (
21:16:07 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? palogbot has quit (
21:16:07 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? Wes|IT has quit (
21:16:07 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? pabot has quit (
21:16:07 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? wingot has quit (
21:16:08 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? recipro has quit (
21:16:10 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? MaienM has quit (
21:16:12 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? xenoterracide_ has quit (
21:16:14 <Bensawsome> [08:01:22] ? dbdii-gone has quit (
21:16:18 <Bensawsome> [08:04:37] <LOGAN> ah everyone's asleep
21:16:18 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: Stop.
21:16:20 <Bensawsome> [08:04:39] <LOGAN> :)
21:16:22 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? recipro ( has joined #portableapps
21:16:24 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? dbdii-gone (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
21:16:25 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? xenoterracide_ (n=xenoterr@ has joined #portableapps
21:16:27 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: STOP.
21:16:28 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? MaienM (i=59cdb943@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:16:31 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? Wes|IT ( has joined #portableapps
21:16:33 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? wingot (n=wingot@pdpc/supporter/base/wingot) has joined #portableapps
21:16:35 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? pabot ( has joined #portableapps
21:16:38 <DaveDixonII> PASTEBIN!
21:16:40 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? palogbot (n=palogbot@unaffiliated/rmccue/bot/palogbot) has joined #portableapps
21:16:40 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] ? x-demon ( has joined #portableapps
21:16:41 <Bensawsome> [08:05:05] * ChanServ gives voice to dbdii-gone
21:16:43 <Bensawsome> then :)
21:16:53 *** Bensawsome has parted #portableapps ()
21:17:00 <KevinPorter> I warned him. :(
21:17:05 *** StatBot has quit (Client Quit)
21:17:10 <DaveDixonII> Pastebin would've been better.
21:17:12 <DaveDixonII> :|
21:17:23 <MaienM> pff, he allways takes statbot with him....
21:17:34 *** StatBot (n=StatBot@unaffiliated/bensawsome/bot/bensbots) has joined #portableapps
21:17:34 <pabot> StatBot is a bot which logs what we say for statistics purposes. Opt out by private messaging Bensawsome or if he is not on then private message StatBot. The Stats pages are at
21:18:00 <DaveDixonII> Brb. I need to relogin
21:18:10 *** DaveDixonII has quit ("Leaving")
21:20:50 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
21:20:50 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
21:20:56 <Bensawsome> ty :/ sry kevin
21:28:18 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
21:28:40 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
21:33:11 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
21:33:11 <pabot> Oni-Neoxes is a PA Gamer and likes to Falcon Punch people. Also, check out his Youtube Videos here:
21:35:37 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit (Client Quit)
21:38:08 *** KevinPorter has parted #portableapps ()
21:44:12 *** PatrickPatience has quit ("Leaving.")
22:19:30 *** MaienM has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
22:20:40 <DaveDixonII> This is killing me! goes to /xampp but does to. ERR
22:21:47 <Bensawsome> o_0
22:21:54 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII what is your isp?
22:22:04 <DaveDixonII> Caviler
22:22:09 <Bensawsome> o_0
22:22:34 *** MaienM (i=53522791@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:22:34 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats that. He is fairly good at PHP, and is learning C++ atm. Oh, and he'll help you if its needed, too.
22:23:18 <Bensawsome> have u checked their TOS to see if you are allowed to "host" stuff. Because I have checked mine and it says I am not allowed to host any type of web, ftp, or other type of server :/ and my friend says that most isp's do that
22:23:29 <Bensawsome> TOS= Terms of Servicer
22:23:33 <Bensawsome> *service
22:23:39 <DaveDixonII> There are no contracts
22:24:09 <Bensawsome> .... ur telling me there are no terms of service or anything?
22:24:21 <Bensawsome> nothing that u had to agree to? NOTHING?!?!?!
22:24:25 <DaveDixonII> Caviler has no contracts!
22:24:36 <Bensawsome> ...
22:24:50 <Bensawsome> is this their site:
22:24:59 <DaveDixonII> Wouldn't they block the ports if i couldnt
22:25:00 *** pa_8554 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
22:25:05 <Bensawsome> and u have dsl?
22:25:26 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII no not neccesarily but its the dsl right?
22:25:39 <DaveDixonII> Why does it have to deal with my service provider. Its something with xampp
22:25:41 <DaveDixonII> :/
22:26:01 <Bensawsome> what state u live in?
22:26:09 <DaveDixonII> The mitten
22:26:13 <Bensawsome> ...
22:26:15 <Bensawsome> what state u live in?
22:26:17 <Bensawsome> XD
22:26:23 <DaveDixonII> The Mitten state. :P
22:26:39 <Bensawsome> what is the Offical NAME of the state
22:26:55 <DaveDixonII> If you dont know what the mitten state is, thats kinda sad.
22:26:57 <DaveDixonII> :/
22:27:03 <Bensawsome> damnit....
22:27:52 <Bensawsome> MICHIGAN?
22:27:57 <DaveDixonII> Thank you!
22:28:02 <Bensawsome> god.....
22:28:51 <DaveDixonII> I mean seriously, it looks like a mitten. :/
22:29:24 <DaveDixonII> And my Xampp and PHPMyAdmin are in spanish. :/
22:29:51 <DaveDixonII> Brb. gettin some cerial
22:31:49 <DaveDixonII> bk
22:36:50 <Bensawsome> i havent looked at michigan since geography in 8th grade DaveDixonII how the heck am i supposed to know that :/
22:37:06 <DaveDixonII> It looks like a mitten. :/
22:37:12 <Bensawsome> hey DaveDixonII eat this: Customer also agrees not to compete with Cavalier in providing any Internet access or Internet-related services, including but not limited to providing Internet dial-up access, xDSL services, electronic mail, Web space, domain hosting, ISDN lines, T1 lines, or other bandwidth provision,
22:37:29 <Bensawsome> thats from cavilier's "Internet Access and Internet-Related Services Agreement"
22:37:42 <Bensawsome> so ha ur not allowed to ;D
22:38:15 *** Nathan9222 ( has joined #portableapps
22:38:27 <DaveDixonII> If they havn't figured out yet they are dumb
22:38:27 *** Nathan9222 has parted #portableapps ()
22:38:30 <DaveDixonII> :P
22:38:36 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII lol just saying ;)
22:39:09 <DaveDixonII> Why are we talking about there crappy services anyways? its xampp
22:39:11 <DaveDixonII> :
22:39:15 <DaveDixonII> :|
22:39:16 <Bensawsome> lol :P
22:39:20 <Bensawsome> so whats wrong?
22:39:35 <DaveDixonII> do i have to repeat myself... :|
22:39:44 <DaveDixonII> This is killing me! goes to /xampp but does to. ERR
22:40:03 <Bensawsome> dude no it doesnt :/
22:40:14 <Bensawsome> i went to and it brought me to ur blog XD
22:40:19 <DaveDixonII> This is killing me! goes to /xampp but goes to. ERR
22:40:23 <DaveDixonII> Errr
22:40:33 <Bensawsome> i went to and it brought me to ur blog XD
22:40:49 *** Roamer ( has joined #portableapps
22:40:50 <pabot> Roamer is roamer in the forums, and is starting to work with C++. Wish him luck.
22:41:05 <DaveDixonII> it must be because im the computer hosting it
22:41:07 <DaveDixonII> can i see a pic?
22:41:08 <Bensawsome> hey Roamer go to on the internet and tell us what u see ;)
22:41:10 <Bensawsome> ok
22:41:53 <Bensawsome>
22:41:54 <Bensawsome> :)
22:41:55 <DaveDixonII> As far as im conserned, cavalier can bite me. :P
22:42:23 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII lulz and as far as cavilier is concerned, they can shut off ur internet if u dont follow the terms ;D
22:42:36 <Bensawsome> wwwith no warning or anything :P
22:42:42 <Roamer> i'll look at it, Bensawsome
22:42:53 <DaveDixonII> Its been what? 4 months
22:42:55 <DaveDixonII> :P
22:42:55 <Bensawsome> Roamer :) tell DaveDixonII the results its his blog ;)
22:43:01 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII lulz just saying ;D
22:43:07 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII u got the pic?
22:43:13 <Roamer> lol, :P
22:43:22 <DaveDixonII> I got the pic of you and your stupid mac bensawsome, yes. :P
22:43:25 <Bensawsome> :P
22:43:38 <Bensawsome> Roamer u see daves blog?
22:44:11 <Roamer> loading
22:44:17 <Roamer> loading
22:44:23 <Roamer> lagging
22:44:48 <Roamer> I see a XAMPP server!
22:44:50 <Roamer> lol
22:44:50 <Bensawsome> Roamer O YA! dial up XD
22:44:54 <Bensawsome> Roamer lol....
22:44:58 <Bensawsome> gues im the only one XD
22:45:01 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
22:45:01 <pabot> Oni-Neoxes is a PA Gamer and likes to Falcon Punch people. Also, check out his Youtube Videos here:
22:45:05 <Roamer> The favicon gives it away
22:45:15 <Bensawsome> lulz i can haxors ur xampp DaveDixonII ;)
22:45:20 <DaveDixonII> Is it showing a blog?
22:45:36 <Bensawsome> mine is for both / and /index.php :/
22:45:44 <Bensawsome> wierd :/
22:45:45 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello Everyone :D
22:45:49 <Bensawsome> hi Oni-Neoxes :/
22:45:50 <Bensawsome> XD
22:45:53 <DaveDixonII> Roamer: Do you see a blog?
22:46:06 <Roamer> yeah.
22:46:06 <Oni-Neoxes> I actually got back on XFire O:
22:46:15 <Roamer> now for the ip...
22:46:18 <DaveDixonII> Ok then.
22:46:20 <Roamer> :P
22:46:22 <Roamer> jk
22:46:36 <Bensawsome> hey DaveDixonII i dont need no stinking xampp i gots me a free cpanel hosting <3
22:46:55 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: i can blog your ip. :P
22:46:57 <DaveDixonII> block
22:46:58 <DaveDixonII> RAWR
22:47:02 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII huh?
22:47:10 <Bensawsome> what u mean blog my ip?
22:47:16 <Bensawsome> like put it in ur blog?
22:47:24 <DaveDixonII> Is that dude stupid of what?
22:47:27 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: i can blog your ip. :P
22:47:28 <DaveDixonII> RAWR
22:47:31 <DaveDixonII> block
22:47:32 <Bensawsome> i dont care..... it changes like every few days........
22:47:51 *** pa_7278 (i=42bd68fe@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:47:59 <Bensawsome> hello pa_7278 need anything?
22:48:14 <pa_7278> i was wondering how to uninstall a program
22:48:24 <DaveDixonII> Just delete the folder
22:48:35 <DaveDixonII> X:/PortableApps/AppNamePortable
22:48:37 <pa_7278> thanks
22:48:38 *** pa_7278 has quit (Client Quit)
22:48:43 <Bensawsome> or not.... XD
22:48:53 <Bensawsome> that was nice and quick <3
22:49:06 <DaveDixonII> Translation: o no..... XD
22:49:10 <Bensawsome> XD
22:49:14 <Roamer> DaveDixonII: I see you password blocked the xampp folder
22:49:27 <DaveDixonII> Duh..... :/
22:49:27 <Bensawsome> Roamer XD
22:49:50 <Roamer> I did that when I had to use xampp for a school server. I didn't care, but my teacher does.
22:49:53 <DaveDixonII> Roamer: I am not stupid.
22:49:59 <Roamer> lol
22:50:20 <DaveDixonII> Ben might but thats him for ya.
22:51:26 <MaienM> damn this, I'm going to bed
22:51:26 <MaienM> night all
22:51:43 <DaveDixonII> Yo tengo hacer tarea en un momento. :/
22:51:45 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII thats not nice DaveDixonII :P
22:51:48 <Bensawsome> nite maienM
22:51:51 *** wescooldude3 (i=6219584f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:51:55 <Bensawsome> wescooldude3! HI!
22:51:56 <Bensawsome> XD
22:52:01 <wescooldude3> hello
22:52:08 *** wescooldude3 is now known as Wes|IT
22:52:21 <Wes|IT> im stuck doing homework O.o
22:52:31 <Wes|IT> i got a break while i emailed pics
22:52:44 <Bensawsome> lol
22:53:13 <Wes|IT> u?
22:53:19 <Bensawsome> me too Wes|IT me too.... o and i emailed the guy who made the pastebin software about the mysql errors i see if he emails back :D
22:53:45 <Wes|IT> ahh lol
22:53:50 * Wes|IT wants to pley halo
22:53:53 <Wes|IT> play*
22:54:34 <Bensawsome> lol so ur comp did have good enough specs ;D
22:54:52 <Wes|IT> it did
22:54:58 <Wes|IT> it was just the game itself
22:55:04 <Wes|IT> proboly dragged when the made it
22:55:07 <Bensawsome> i mean come on i got the slowest ass computer ever and i was able to play it :/ my computer just meets the requierments :/
22:55:07 <Bensawsome> and it still runs fairly good ;D
22:55:09 <Wes|IT> it was just a movie part
22:56:23 <Bensawsome> lol
22:56:34 <Bensawsome> brb guys problem with xchat and restarting it :/
22:56:38 *** Bensawsome has quit ("t3h 1337 h4X0R sT4t80t h42 QuiT")
22:56:39 *** StatBot has quit (Client Quit)
22:57:05 <DaveDixonII> .tell bensawsome i beleave ya
22:57:06 <pabot> DaveDixonII: I'll pass that on when I next see bensawsome.
22:57:36 *** StatBot ( has joined #portableapps
22:57:40 <pabot> StatBot is a bot which logs what we say for statistics purposes. Opt out by private messaging Bensawsome or if he is not on then private message StatBot. The Stats pages are at
23:01:24 *** MaienM has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
23:04:54 *** Havvy (i=43a0aaa7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:05:04 <Roamer> hi Havvy
23:05:54 <Havvy> Hi.
23:06:15 *** LOGAN has quit ("Leaving.")
23:07:48 *** Wes|IT is now known as Wes|IT|Afk
23:08:59 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("FALCON PAWNCH!!!!")
23:12:32 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
23:12:32 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
23:12:32 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and also has a site at
23:19:35 *** Darthinator (i=44befd3d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:19:59 <Roamer> hello Darthinator
23:20:06 <Darthinator> Hello
23:23:27 <Darthinator> :)
23:24:08 <Bensawsome> hello :)
23:24:11 <Bensawsome> nice name :D
23:24:22 <Darthinator> Thank You
23:25:53 *** Darthinator has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
23:26:32 <Roamer> well...
23:29:01 <Bensawsome> lol
23:37:03 <Wes|IT|Afk> anyone wanna play halo online mutiplayer?
23:37:34 <Wes|IT|Afk> O.o
23:37:51 <Wes|IT|Afk> oh well
23:37:54 <Wes|IT|Afk> guess nto
23:37:56 <Wes|IT|Afk> not*
23:37:58 <Havvy> You are in
23:37:59 <Roamer> I would, but being cheap (and on dial up)... I can't... It's the thought that counts.
23:38:05 <Havvy> the Portable Apps channel
23:38:33 <Roamer> Wes|IT|Afk: ask in #pagamesclan
23:38:34 <Havvy> What % of people do you think have large filesize games around?
23:38:46 <Roamer> lol
23:40:56 <Bensawsome> Havvy TONS XD
23:41:37 <Roamer> we just don't take them with us :P ('less we got our laptops)
23:41:43 <Bensawsome> :P
23:46:43 <Havvy> Ah;
23:47:13 <DaveDixonII> Whats the diff between 8.04 and 8.10 xUbuntu? (besides the app updates)
23:50:38 <Bensawsome> waffles :P
23:50:55 <DaveDixonII> cookies :P
23:52:51 <Roamer> ham :P
23:53:04 <DaveDixonII> *barf*
23:53:05 <Roamer> DaveDixonII: I'll get you an article
23:53:07 <Bensawsome> WAFFLES DAMNIT!
23:53:09 <Bensawsome> lol
23:54:14 <Roamer> HAM!!!
23:54:25 <DaveDixonII> *barf*
23:57:27 <Roamer> DaveDixonII