IRC Log from 2008-12-26
00:00:26 <excid3> merry christmas ZachThibeau! :D
00:00:37 <Havvy> Merry Chrismas to all Christians, Atheists, Agnostics, or whatever your affiliation is.
00:01:16 <Havvy> Hmm, I've been spelling Christmas wrong and pasting it into four channels now. Whoops! Either way...
00:01:34 *** kai_62656 has quit ("Leaving.")
00:01:52 <excid3> Havvy: nice job :P
00:01:55 <ZachThibeau> lol it's ok Havvy :P
00:02:05 <excid3> everyone must have felt too bad to say anything ;)
00:03:20 <Havvy> :P
00:06:55 <ZachThibeau> excid3: here is a new style that I'm working on with ptmb :P site layout by me and coding done by ptmb now I have done some fixes (trying to get it to wrap on different screen resolutions but ptmb css is a little messy :/)
00:11:02 <ZachThibeau> excid3: you there?
00:11:10 <ZachThibeau> :/
00:12:23 <ZachThibeau> damn it's quiet here :/
00:14:03 <gluxon> I know :P
00:14:10 <ZachThibeau> :P
00:14:22 <gluxon> Okay I'm almost done with the app!!!
00:14:26 <gluxon> WOO WOO.
00:14:31 <ZachThibeau> btw I saw your site... it needs a template desparetly
00:14:33 <gluxon> Making apps are so fun :P
00:17:31 <ZachThibeau> lol
00:17:38 <ZachThibeau> try making applications from scratch :P
00:17:46 <ZachThibeau> like C coding :D
00:18:23 <gluxon> okay, I got this far.
00:18:39 <gluxon> I'm going to have the app delete the wallpaper key.
00:18:50 <gluxon> value not key gluxon!!!
00:19:07 <gluxon> And make a new vaule.
00:19:16 <gluxon> But I don't know what type of value.
00:19:22 <gluxon> The choices are...
00:19:33 <gluxon> REG_SZ (e.g. String #1) same as WriteRegStr
00:19:33 <gluxon> REG_EXPAND_SZ (e.g. %WINDIR%\notepad.exe) same as WriteRegExpandStr
00:19:33 <gluxon> REG_MULTI_SZ (e.g. First$\nSecond$\nThird)
00:19:33 <gluxon> REG_DWORD (e.g. 1234567890) same as WriteRegDWORD
00:19:33 <gluxon> REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN (e.g. 1234567890)
00:19:33 <gluxon> REG_BINARY (e.g. 591B0000451F) same as WriteRegBin
00:19:35 <gluxon> REG_NONE (e.g. 591B0000451F)
00:19:37 <gluxon> REG_LINK (e.g. 591B0000451F)
00:19:39 <gluxon> REG_RESOURCE_LIST (e.g. 591B0000451F)
00:19:41 <gluxon> REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR (e.g. 591B0000451F)
00:19:43 <gluxon> REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST (e.g. 591B0000451F)
00:19:45 <gluxon> REG_QWORD (e.g. 591B0000451F)
00:19:49 <gluxon> ...
00:19:51 <gluxon> I didn't think it would be that long...
00:20:12 <gluxon> ZachThibeau: Anyway, what type should I make it?
00:20:29 <gluxon> ping me when you're ready to tell me!!! :P
00:20:31 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: please use
00:20:48 <ZachThibeau> makes things easier to read
00:21:18 <ZachThibeau> and use 7-ZipPortable as a guide for registry changes
00:21:23 <gluxon> oh yeah, pastebin!!!
00:21:32 <gluxon> I fogot about that :P
00:22:11 <excid3> ZachThibeau: sorry im back now, i was just making an archive of Keryx for win32 :D
00:22:28 <ZachThibeau> excid3: did you see my test site layout :D
00:22:47 <excid3> just looking at it right now, i love that style :D
00:22:52 *** LOGAN has quit ("Leaving.")
00:22:52 <excid3> simplicity :D
00:23:13 <ZachThibeau> :D
00:23:49 <excid3> if only you could spell "Buch of stuff"
00:24:00 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
00:24:30 * rmccue waves
00:24:50 * excid3 tries to wave but hits his hand on the ceiling
00:25:14 <rmccue> excid3: Try coming out of the closet
00:25:29 <excid3> i prefer to stay inside :P
00:25:42 <excid3> i have to admit, that was a good burn rmccue :P
00:26:27 <rmccue> Heh.
00:26:30 <ZachThibeau> howdy rmccue :D
00:26:53 <rmccue> Hola senor.
00:27:08 <ZachThibeau> Hola Senorita
00:27:10 <ZachThibeau> :P
00:27:19 <ZachThibeau> now thats a burn
00:27:44 <gluxon> It's almost DONE!!!!
00:27:49 <gluxon> HORRAY!!!
00:33:49 <ZachThibeau> yay?
00:35:13 <excid3> ZachThibeau: did anyone ever respond to my comment on that windows updates downloader thing?
00:35:20 <ZachThibeau> dunno
00:35:23 <excid3> ive checked a few times but i didnt see any replies
00:35:23 <ZachThibeau> didn't check
00:37:06 <excid3> "Need a last minute gift?" <- at the top of amazon's those are real procrastinators ;)
00:37:59 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
00:38:06 <rmccue> Last minute? It's Boxing Day! :P
00:38:08 <rmccue> .t
00:38:08 <pabot> Fri, 26 Dec 2008 11:01:33 AEST
00:38:14 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
00:38:14 <excid3> :P
00:38:26 <excid3> why hello ZachThibeau, long time no see :P
00:38:44 <ZachThibeau> wow xchat fail :O cleared my log it did and quit
00:38:48 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|coding
00:39:03 <ZachThibeau> actually it's windows :O
00:39:08 <ZachThibeau> need to reboot brbr
00:39:22 <excid3> kk :P
00:39:32 <excid3> who could guess windows has issues?
00:39:37 <ZachThibeau> actually it seemed to fix it self :/
00:39:38 <gluxon> The App is ready to compile!!!
00:39:51 <gluxon> Cross your fingers that there won't be errors!
00:40:01 * excid3 crosses fingers AND toes
00:40:22 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: we don't neccessarily need your commentary on your app every time :P but yeah hope it works for you
00:41:01 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
00:41:06 <gluxon> Bye?
00:44:24 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
00:47:38 <ZachThibeau> excid3: yeah reboot needed :P
00:47:49 <excid3> ;)
00:48:05 <excid3> if its on for more than 4 consecutive hours...its almost a requirement :P
00:51:24 <ZachThibeau> excid3: this is the first time really :P I ran this laptop for 4 days straight without reboot and it ran fine till today :D
00:52:03 <excid3> not bad actually
00:52:15 <excid3> my computers are on 24/7 ;)
00:52:19 <ZachThibeau> I think so :)
00:52:30 <excid3> don't run into issues like that cuz they run real operating systems
00:53:27 <ZachThibeau> excid3: I do that for my desktop server :P
00:54:10 <excid3> :P
00:55:26 <excid3> ZachThibeau: you have ubuntu installed?
00:55:37 <ZachThibeau> Linux Mint :P Ubuntu based :D
00:55:49 <excid3> can you cat /etc/ ?
00:56:05 <ZachThibeau> dunno don't have my server with me :/
00:56:10 <excid3> ah
00:56:14 <excid3> can you SSH to it?
00:56:47 <ZachThibeau> nope in my dorm I had to disconnect everything
00:57:05 <excid3> ah ok
00:57:11 <excid3> wait nvm, this should work for linux mint
00:57:13 <ZachThibeau> yeah
00:57:16 <excid3> :D
00:57:49 <excid3> if u dont mind, when you can, could you test Keryx out for me? ive got a win32 binary built and need some testers :D
00:58:08 <ZachThibeau> sure
00:58:53 <excid3> just got the windows exe built today
00:58:57 <ZachThibeau> :D
00:59:21 <excid3> working on a debian package for it as well, might be submitting it to the Ubuntu repositories as well, just want to get some extra testing on it done first
01:00:06 <ZachThibeau> excid3: I have the time right now :D
01:00:16 <ZachThibeau> send it right over :D
01:00:23 <excid3> ok :D
01:00:36 <excid3> im going to upload the archive onto my forums and ill send you the link
01:00:39 <ZachThibeau> :P
01:01:24 <excid3> ill be creating a PA launcher later tonight as well :D
01:01:47 <ZachThibeau> D:
01:01:53 <ZachThibeau> I was going to :P
01:02:06 <ZachThibeau> well it's your app :P
01:02:29 <excid3> you can do it if you want, there literally is nothing to do but launch it though :P
01:02:34 <ZachThibeau> :D
01:02:36 <ZachThibeau> ok :D
01:02:38 <excid3> i dont have any config files yet :P
01:02:42 <ZachThibeau> lol
01:02:51 <excid3> going to start adding that stuff later ;)
01:02:55 <ZachThibeau> kk
01:03:51 <excid3> ill make sure to make it extremely complicated for you to make a launcher later on ;)
01:03:55 <ZachThibeau> lol
01:04:26 <ZachThibeau> don't make it too complicated :P
01:04:48 <excid3> its gonna require you to uninstall windows and install ubuntu :P
01:04:52 <ZachThibeau> do stuff like lamer does with pnotes by allowing something like command line paramerters
01:05:12 <ZachThibeau> I don't think users would like that too much :P
01:05:40 <excid3> yeah im going to do that, stuff like specifying the config file, etc
01:05:43 <excid3> the usual
01:05:52 <excid3> right now i couldnt even think of any options to add :P
01:06:04 <ZachThibeau> :P
01:06:13 <ZachThibeau> ok is the binary almost ready?
01:06:23 <excid3> ...
01:06:25 <excid3> i thought it was
01:06:30 <ZachThibeau> :/
01:06:46 <excid3> but guess what, The connection was reset while the page was loading.
01:07:17 <ZachThibeau> ouch :/
01:07:23 <excid3> u know the issue *might* be that im going over the file size limit on my forums
01:07:35 <excid3> nope...10240kb max and this is 5mb
01:07:39 <excid3> this is gonna take ages to upload...
01:08:25 <excid3> doing an FTP upload now
01:08:31 <excid3> 28 minutes remaining
01:08:33 <excid3> lmao
01:09:34 * rmccue|coding is transferring photos from camera to PC.
01:12:31 <ZachThibeau> excid3: dialup right?
01:14:06 <excid3> yeah
01:14:37 <excid3> fun fun
01:14:40 <excid3> lol
01:14:44 <ZachThibeau> D:
01:14:44 <excid3> i need to get some screenshots up of this latest version :P
01:14:47 <ZachThibeau> :P
01:15:03 <excid3> well ill be back in 30 mins or so
01:15:03 <ZachThibeau> don't upload until your done ;) might time you out :P
01:15:12 <excid3> yeah hahaha
01:15:20 <ZachThibeau> ttyl
01:15:21 *** excid3 is now known as excid3|random
01:15:27 <excid3|random> bbl
01:41:10 <excid3|random> ZachThibeau: :D
01:41:16 *** excid3|random is now known as excid3
01:41:25 <ZachThibeau> :D
01:41:34 <excid3> gotta go now though, watching the Untouchables with my dad :D
01:41:51 <excid3> you can post your results here for me,23.msg137.html#msg137
01:42:10 <excid3> thanks so much for testing :D
01:43:27 <excid3> bye
01:43:28 *** excid3 has quit ("Leaving.")
01:43:45 *** alpha1beta (n=Michael_@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
01:43:59 <alpha1beta> hello and Merry Christmas all
01:44:16 <rmccue|coding> Merry Christmas alpha1beta, though you're a day behind :P
01:44:32 <alpha1beta> no, your just a freak from the future
01:44:50 <rmccue|coding> :P
01:45:08 <alpha1beta> are there flying cars yet?
01:45:59 <rmccue|coding> No.
01:46:04 <rmccue|coding> Ask again in the future.
01:46:26 <alpha1beta> are there flying cars yet?
01:47:09 <rmccue|coding> I mean, when you're in the future.
01:47:17 <alpha1beta> :D
01:47:33 <alpha1beta> so Mir I am :D
01:47:43 <alpha1beta> to*
01:56:07 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: :D
01:56:44 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: ptmb and I are making a site layout with my design I made :D
02:00:28 <alpha1beta> pretty sweet
02:00:47 <alpha1beta> for WP?
02:01:09 *** upnPAD|2 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
02:01:19 <alpha1beta> wow upnPAD is named for once :P
02:01:30 <ZachThibeau> :P
02:01:40 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: not wordpress yet but soon :P
02:01:59 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
02:02:05 <ZachThibeau> howdy purple :D
02:02:14 <purple> cant sleap
02:02:27 <purple> swallowed a nice tiny sleeping pill
02:02:38 <purple> waiting to start working :)
02:02:40 <alpha1beta> lol nice, and hi purple
02:02:51 <purple> hi all
02:03:07 <upnPAD|2> why'd i dc :s
02:04:26 <purple> ZachThibeau, whats ur time?
02:04:34 <ZachThibeau> .t AST
02:04:35 <pabot> Thu, 25 Dec 2008 22:28:01 AST
02:04:36 <purple> 3:27AM here :\
02:04:45 <ZachThibeau> 10:27am :D
02:04:49 <purple> oh
02:04:52 <purple> USA?
02:04:54 <ZachThibeau> Canada
02:05:03 <purple> oh x2
02:05:07 <purple> double Oh
02:05:11 <ZachThibeau> :O
02:05:14 <ZachThibeau> :P
02:05:23 <alpha1beta> O' Canada...
02:05:41 <rmccue|coding> :O Cana:Da
02:05:58 <ZachThibeau> :/
02:06:04 <ZachThibeau> >:/
02:06:23 <purple> oh crap, this really starting to blast my ass off :\
02:06:32 <purple> i'll sleep in a few minutes i hope
02:07:09 <purple> viva la sleepy-deepy pills :)
02:08:12 <purple> anyone recommend some TV viewing app which doesnt suck at GUI
02:08:38 <alpha1beta> MediaPortal
02:08:41 <alpha1beta> myth Tv\
02:09:27 <purple> mediaportal is a whole bloatware
02:09:38 <purple> and its media center
02:09:43 <purple> something minimalistic pls
02:09:50 <alpha1beta> windows or linux?
02:10:08 <purple> xp
02:10:29 <alpha1beta> you got a hauppague Tuner?
02:11:58 <purple> no, ASSus TV/FM SAA7135
02:12:06 <purple> ..with phillips chipset ;|
02:12:40 <alpha1beta> tversity?
02:13:01 <PatrickPatience> Miro sucks at GUI?
02:13:20 <purple> miro?
02:14:04 <alpha1beta> I think he means real Tv, as in a tuner, not internet tv
02:14:06 <gluxon> NO it doesn't!!!
02:15:02 <alpha1beta> xbox media center? idk if that works or not
02:15:20 *** gluxon has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:15:23 <purple> :|
02:16:05 <purple> what tversity is?
02:17:35 <purple> oh shit, im stone, went to sleep, cyas tomorrow ;\
02:17:37 <purple> zya
02:17:40 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
02:17:58 <PatrickPatience> The Torrent Episode Downloader is great for finding shows.
02:18:53 *** upnPAD has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
02:22:49 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
02:22:49 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
02:33:29 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Nick collision from services.)
02:33:34 *** PatrickPatience1 (n=Patrick@ has joined #portableapps
02:33:48 *** PatrickPatience1 is now known as PatrickPatience
02:35:22 <PatrickPatience> rmccue|coding: Wanna unban me from #portableapps-meta?
02:35:27 <alpha1beta> ha
02:35:28 <PatrickPatience> I don't know how that happened again.
02:35:32 <rmccue|coding> PatrickPatience: You're banned? :P
02:36:08 <diib> alpha1beta: :D
02:36:17 <rmccue|coding> PatrickPatience: It's because you rejoined as PatrickPatience1
02:36:21 <alpha1beta> merry christmas diibs
02:36:23 <diib> I gotta wii! :D
02:36:30 <rmccue|coding> diib: Eww.
02:36:31 <diib> with like 7 games. :D
02:36:40 <rmccue|coding> PS3 > all
02:36:43 <alpha1beta> I don't like the wii
02:36:50 <diib> rmccue|coding: It' schristmas shut your pipes. :P
02:36:56 <ZachThibeau> Mario Galaxy is a pretty good game for the wii also Twilight Princess too :)
02:36:56 <diib> fail! :D
02:37:00 <alpha1beta> but you can use the wiimote on your computer, via bluetooth
02:37:09 <rmccue|coding> diib: Not for 11 hours it isn't :P
02:37:10 <diib> alpha1beta: I got the wii on the wifi
02:37:29 <alpha1beta> yea, but the wiimote is bluetooth
02:37:29 <diib> i just got to get opera.... err hacz...
02:37:47 <alpha1beta> if you have a bluetooth pc, you can use the wiimote as a joystick
02:39:17 <alpha1beta> check it out diibs
02:39:20 <rmccue|coding> Or, even better, use it for motion tracking like Johnny Lee has demonstrated.
02:39:42 <rmccue|coding>
02:41:58 <gluxon> ???
02:42:08 <gluxon> You can use the wii romote on you computer?
02:42:14 <alpha1beta> yep
02:42:17 <diib> yea...
02:42:19 <diib> :/
02:42:25 <alpha1beta>
03:02:52 <PatrickPatience> So, what did everyone get?
03:04:18 <alpha1beta> ryan
03:04:32 <alpha1beta> s eternal grace
03:04:42 <alpha1beta> and praise :P
03:07:05 <rmccue|coding> Ha!
03:07:21 * rmccue|coding is uploading pictures from his new camera to his website right now
03:07:36 <alpha1beta> ohh we finally get to see that thing you call a face? :P
03:10:40 <PatrickPatience> Haha, I doubt that.
03:10:49 <PatrickPatience> And honestly, you don't want to.
03:11:03 <alpha1beta> that bad eh?
03:11:07 <PatrickPatience> I'm paying for music... it's intense.
03:13:01 <gluxon> okay this is weird...
03:13:27 <rmccue|coding> alpha1beta: No, I'm only uploading photos of the scenery.
03:13:46 <rmccue|coding> alpha1beta: All the other ones are staying on my computer for now :P
03:14:13 <alpha1beta> good we didn't,scratch that, couldn't stand to look at the others
03:15:27 <alpha1beta> my brothers all have computers with webcams now, and gmail, which I set up with the plugin, so they've been calling each other and stuff with the webcams, it's rather scary..just when you thought they could never get any uglier...
03:16:38 <rmccue|coding> I have a webcam, but I leave it unplugged unless I'm using it.
03:16:57 <rmccue|coding> I also have a microphone on this headset, but turn it off while I'm not using it.
03:17:05 <alpha1beta> oh, these are all built in
03:17:29 <alpha1beta> they got 2 nice Hp 15.6" laptops
03:28:59 <ZachThibeau> :D done my template
03:28:59 <ZachThibeau>
03:32:28 <gluxon> ZachThibeau: Are you using a web server or a web hoster for that sie?
03:32:28 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: It sucks.
03:32:52 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: you can't have a web server without a web hoster
03:33:00 <gluxon> Really?
03:33:04 <ZachThibeau> yes
03:33:06 <gluxon> :(
03:33:20 <ZachThibeau> the web hoster provides the server
03:33:22 <gluxon> I have a lot to learn... :-/
03:33:30 <alpha1beta> if you don't have a webhost you get a ID10T error :P
03:33:45 <gluxon> Not all web hosters support apache do they...
03:33:46 <rmccue|coding> And also, you can't have a web host without a web server.
03:33:59 <rmccue|coding> gluxon: There are other servers.
03:34:21 <gluxon> ZachThibeau: What language is your site in!!!
03:34:31 <ZachThibeau> rmccue|coding: you don't understand beauty :P
03:34:42 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Yes, I do.
03:34:58 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: this template is html but going to be in php soon as I am going to turn it into a wordpress theme for my site :)
03:35:04 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Tone the scan lines down a bit.
03:35:12 <ZachThibeau> rmccue|coding: design ;)
03:35:15 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Give the titles more padding.
03:35:17 <gluxon> Still!!! Are you going to tell me what language it's in/
03:35:26 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: read what I said I just told you
03:35:31 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Add padding to the content too.
03:35:37 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Remove rounded corners.
03:35:44 <ZachThibeau> screw you rmccue|coding
03:35:45 <ZachThibeau> :P
03:35:51 <ZachThibeau> I love my rounded corners
03:36:19 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Tone down the background, make it washed out; it has too much contrast at the moment and conflicts with the other elements.
03:36:36 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: You're trying to get people to focus on your content, not on the background.
03:37:49 <ZachThibeau> anyways I need sleep
03:37:52 <ZachThibeau> night all
03:37:53 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
03:37:58 <alpha1beta> night Zach, cool theme
03:38:03 <rmccue|coding> Pshh.
03:38:14 <rmccue|coding> He understands nothing about colour and design theory.
03:38:38 <alpha1beta> and you do?
03:38:46 <alpha1beta> your site is fulgy
03:38:52 <rmccue|coding> I'm aware.
03:39:09 <rmccue|coding> I've got a redesign coming at some point.
03:39:17 <alpha1beta> this year?
03:39:21 <rmccue|coding> But, unlike Zach, I actually read books on design theory.
03:39:38 <rmccue|coding> alpha1beta: is the framework.
03:39:57 <alpha1beta> I took a class on graphic (mostly website) design (ideas mostly)
03:40:11 <rmccue|coding> If it's mostly ideas, then it's theory :P
03:40:32 <rmccue|coding> We don't do enough theory in Visual Arts at school, so I buy books.
03:40:55 <alpha1beta> no, it's supposed to be a real class, but the teacher was an idiot
03:41:02 <rmccue|coding> Haha.
03:41:27 <alpha1beta> needs some color but the new site isn't half bad
03:42:50 <rmccue|coding> I'm thinking of using the background colour off on there too.
03:43:10 <gluxon> rmccue|coding: your are picky!!!
03:43:26 <rmccue|coding> (That's a theme test blog, FYI, so there's no content)
03:43:29 <rmccue|coding> gluxon: :P
03:43:43 <rmccue|coding> gluxon: It's just that there was a lot wrong with it :D
03:44:10 <rmccue|coding> Final picture uploading now. Score!
03:44:21 <alpha1beta> that's kinda cool
03:44:33 <alpha1beta> simpleistic, minimal, but still cool
03:46:06 <rmccue|coding> I just reminded myself, I was planning to buy another book.
03:46:10 * rmccue|coding attempts to find
03:49:01 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
04:11:15 <alpha1beta> you get anything cool rmccue?
04:21:03 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
04:43:43 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
04:54:09 *** alpha1beta has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
05:00:24 <diib> Good night everyone.
05:04:17 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
05:10:38 <rmccue|coding> Hmm, I probably should have compressed these photos.
05:10:47 <rmccue|coding> Well, anyway:
05:13:22 *** Havvy (i=47c19c2d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
05:13:53 <PatrickPatience> rmccue|coding: Where's the kangaroos?
05:14:02 <rmccue|coding> PatrickPatience: Get out.
05:18:07 <PatrickPatience> Out hooouse had the biggest patio.
05:18:42 <PatrickPatience> Wow, horrible typo.
05:18:50 <ZachThibeau> :O
05:19:00 <PatrickPatience> *OUR
05:19:43 <ZachThibeau> PatrickPatience: what do you think of my wordpress theme in progress :D
05:19:45 <ZachThibeau>
05:20:51 <PatrickPatience> Can I be honest?
05:21:00 <PatrickPatience> I don't like it. :P Mainly the header.
05:21:09 <rmccue|coding> PatrickPatience: I was brutally honest.
05:21:28 <ZachThibeau> yes he was as bad as his taste in design is (considering his blog theme :P)
05:22:02 <PatrickPatience> I love his blog design. :P
05:22:13 <PatrickPatience> It's unique... it's not some sexy blog... but it's pretty cool.
05:22:19 <PatrickPatience> Nice homepage setup as well.
05:22:39 <ZachThibeau> unique it is but not what I would say as attractive for me
05:25:03 <ZachThibeau> I has a new host :D for $1 I got 15 gigs of space, Unmetered Bandwidth and unlimited features such as mysql Databases :D
05:25:38 <PatrickPatience>
05:26:06 <PatrickPatience> rmccue|coding: That's hot you got your campera?
05:26:12 <PatrickPatience> *camera
05:26:50 <ZachThibeau> ROFL Campera :P nice one PatrickPatience
05:26:58 <rmccue|coding> PatrickPatience: Camera is teh rule.
05:27:16 <ZachThibeau> rmccue|coding: :) picture resolution looks very nice :)
05:27:35 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Each photo is more than 2MB :P
05:27:51 <ZachThibeau> rmccue|coding: thats nothing :P mine is about 5 megs :D
05:28:02 <rmccue|coding> The res is 3264 x 2448 px
05:28:39 <ZachThibeau> hold on going to check my camera rez again as I forgot what it is :P
05:28:51 <rmccue|coding> I have the manual :P
05:29:07 <ZachThibeau> mine is about 1 year old :P
05:29:16 <rmccue|coding> Heh.
05:30:03 <PatrickPatience> Oh, it's your bi-yearly blog post.
05:30:37 <ZachThibeau> mine is 2569x1920
05:30:51 <ZachThibeau> but high quality 5 mega pixel camera I have though :)
05:32:00 <rmccue|coding> PatrickPatience: stfu
05:32:03 <PatrickPatience> Mmm... 9 megapixel.
05:32:05 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Mines an 8.1 :)
05:32:09 <ZachThibeau> :O
05:32:16 <ZachThibeau> the holy grail
05:33:27 <ZachThibeau> wow windows live messenger beta fail :/
05:34:02 <ZachThibeau> I sign in and then it signs me out 5 seconds flat at least 20 times now :O
05:34:12 <PatrickPatience> I want:
05:34:17 * ZachThibeau reports bug to Micro$oft
05:34:28 <PatrickPatience> ZachThibeau: Ewww, WLM?
05:34:49 <ZachThibeau> PatrickPatience: testing :P the new beta has some nice features like making your own animated avatar :D
05:35:07 <PatrickPatience> I think I may get it.
05:35:15 <PatrickPatience> The camera, not WLM.
05:35:19 <ZachThibeau> lol :P
05:36:24 <ZachThibeau> I personally want a Nikon SLR
05:36:31 <PatrickPatience> Nevermind, I want this:
05:36:37 <PatrickPatience> I have 160 for Best Buy.
05:37:00 <ZachThibeau>
05:39:24 <PatrickPatience> Hmm... snazzy.
05:39:26 <PatrickPatience> I
05:39:28 <PatrickPatience>
05:39:39 <PatrickPatience> I was gonna get an external HD, but a camera is tempting.
05:39:47 <PatrickPatience> As the iPhone camera sucks.
05:47:59 *** ChrisMorgan (i=7aa9dd2c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
05:48:00 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is an #portableapps op and a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more and is away from home in other countries - he must have found an internet connection! :-)
05:49:22 <rmccue|coding> ChrisMorgan!
05:49:31 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue|coding!
05:49:41 <rmccue|coding> Merry Boxing Day!
05:49:52 <ChrisMorgan> Watching some cricket?
05:54:16 <rmccue|coding> Nope, listening :P
05:55:11 <ChrisMorgan> :P
06:01:46 <ZachThibeau> howdy ChrisMorgan :D
06:03:08 <ChrisMorgan> howdy ZachThibeau :D
06:03:35 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: I just noticed something :P we have the same amount of Characters in our nick XD
06:07:09 * ChrisMorgan calls the funny farm...
06:09:04 <ZachThibeau> :/
06:09:13 <ZachThibeau> crap and I just escaped from there
06:09:16 <ZachThibeau> :P
06:09:24 <ZachThibeau> ohh goodness :X
06:09:28 <ZachThibeau> sorry ChrisMorgan
06:09:41 * ZachThibeau slaps himself on the wrist
06:12:29 <ChrisMorgan> There...
06:13:08 <ChrisMorgan> Now to test a nifty menu alias I just created for Mibbit...
06:13:10 <ChrisMorgan> Hello, ZachThibeau! How can we help you today?
06:13:16 <ChrisMorgan> :-)
06:13:24 <ZachThibeau> :P
06:13:32 <ChrisMorgan> Hello, Havvy! How can we help you today?
06:13:38 <ChrisMorgan> :D
06:14:15 <Havvy> Umm, oh, an alias.
06:14:26 <ChrisMorgan> :D
06:14:31 <ChrisMorgan> Menu item, anyway
06:17:16 <ChrisMorgan> Traceback (most recent call last):
06:17:16 <ChrisMorgan> File "", line OverflowError, in check_is_ok
06:17:16 <ChrisMorgan> ConscienceError: Aliases
06:17:20 * ZachThibeau is jaming to Hillsong United :D
06:17:21 <ChrisMorgan> (I got that with /conscience Aliases are good.... aren't they!)
06:17:27 <ChrisMorgan> Whoops... $1-, not $1
06:17:45 <ChrisMorgan> Traceback (most recent call last):
06:17:45 <ChrisMorgan> File "", line OverflowError, in check_is_ok
06:17:45 <ChrisMorgan> ConscienceError: Aliases are good.... aren't they!
06:18:06 <ChrisMorgan> line OverflowError :D
06:20:18 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
06:21:10 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
06:21:11 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a moderator and developer (
06:28:05 <ZachThibeau> AroraPortable Dev Test 1 released for testing :D
06:28:26 <ChrisMorgan> Which reminds me... who's tested Inkscape Portable?
06:28:28 <ZachThibeau> rmccue|coding: you should like this :P by default it has xkcd bookmarked :P
06:28:28 <ChrisMorgan> :D
06:29:01 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: what is Arora?
06:29:04 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: uhmmm... once but I was never really an inkscape fan so I didn't use it after :/
06:29:32 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: Arora is a web browser using QTWebkit and it's decent small and only 10 000 lines of code :D
06:29:40 <ChrisMorgan> Size?
06:29:49 <ZachThibeau> 21.9megs installed
06:29:59 <ZachThibeau> I would compress but it breaks the app
06:30:17 <ChrisMorgan> hmm...
06:30:21 <ZachThibeau> kind of has a firefox look to it :P
06:30:31 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: Your link has :P
06:30:38 <ZachThibeau> oops :/
06:30:44 <rmccue|coding> ChrisMorgan: Watching the sailing? :D
06:30:59 <ZachThibeau> fixed :P
06:31:10 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue|coding: huh?
06:31:18 <rmccue|coding> ChrisMorgan: Sydney to Hobart.
06:32:03 <ChrisMorgan> :/
06:32:12 <ChrisMorgan> Arora logo... :/
06:32:19 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue|coding: no!
06:32:21 <rmccue|coding> ChrisMorgan: I think it's sleeping :P
06:32:23 <ChrisMorgan> Why would I?
06:32:31 <rmccue|coding> Why wouldn't you?
06:33:00 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: yup thats the logo
06:33:04 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: have you asked anyone in #arora why it won't compress?
06:33:43 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: not yet will tomorrow :P and I think it's with most qt based apps that don't like being compressed with upx
06:33:53 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm...
06:34:05 <rmccue|coding> Qt apps should compress.
06:34:14 <rmccue|coding> I remember Pencil did.
06:34:49 <ZachThibeau> rmccue|coding: remember what settings you used?
06:34:49 <ChrisMorgan> And a Google search for Qt UPX doesn't scream "IT DON'T WORK!" at me ;-)
06:35:00 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: App Compactor 1.0?
06:35:15 <rmccue|coding> ChrisMorgan: It was before that time.
06:35:17 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: thats what I used and it wouldn't launch after it was compressed
06:35:20 <rmccue|coding> ZachThibeau: No idea.
06:35:30 <ChrisMorgan> Should be NRV2E... if that doesn't work, try it *without* recompressing JARs and ZIPs.
06:35:46 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue|coding: I know... I was asking him
06:36:16 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: Thats what I did...
06:36:44 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... have you tried keeping the UPX window open and looking for any telltales?
06:36:53 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Nick collision from services.)
06:36:58 *** PatrickPatience1 (n=Patrick@ has joined #portableapps
06:37:12 *** PatrickPatience1 is now known as PatrickPatience
06:37:45 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: yes I have. I may try using strip and see if that will work too
06:38:05 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: I mean it compresses fine without errors just won't launch :S
06:38:19 <ChrisMorgan> I find with apps like UPX that use coloUring (;-)) it can be easier to sort through then
06:38:28 <ChrisMorgan> Sometimes it'll break something, and tell you so.
06:39:04 <ChrisMorgan> Sometimes a directory listing of files only will be different afterwards (e.g. file killed off)
06:39:08 <ZachThibeau> I know UPX 101
06:39:50 <ChrisMorgan> Ha ha... well I did UPX 102 ;-) :P
06:39:52 <ZachThibeau> huh I just upx'd it again and it's working :/
06:40:00 <ZachThibeau> odd...
06:40:05 <ChrisMorgan> Good!
06:40:06 <ZachThibeau> must be my computer
06:40:15 <ChrisMorgan> Time for Arora Portable DT2 :-)
06:40:23 <ZachThibeau> :P
06:40:25 <ChrisMorgan> Preferably Arora Portable, rather than AroraPortable
06:40:40 <ZachThibeau> nahh I'll keep it as Dev Test 1 ;)
06:41:05 <ChrisMorgan> Or to do it someone's way, DT 1½... :/
06:41:09 <ChrisMorgan> I reckon that it's a major change. I vote DT2.
06:41:21 <ChrisMorgan> And also renaming it from AroraPortable to Arora Portable.
06:41:28 <ZachThibeau> it's not really a major change really :/
06:41:41 <ZachThibeau> at least for me
06:41:49 <ChrisMorgan> How big is it, installed?
06:41:58 <ZachThibeau> compressed?
06:42:08 <ChrisMorgan> yes
06:42:09 <ZachThibeau> 8.7megs
06:42:22 <ChrisMorgan> How big was it, installed? 21.9MB.
06:42:25 <ChrisMorgan> What's the difference?
06:42:30 <ChrisMorgan> .calc 21.9 - 8.7
06:42:30 <ChrisMorgan> :P
06:42:32 <pabot> 21.9 - 8.7 = 13.2
06:42:35 <ChrisMorgan> :D
06:42:43 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: your lazy :P
06:42:44 <ChrisMorgan> .calc 8.7 / 21.9
06:42:46 <pabot> 8.7 / 21.9 = 0.39726
06:42:59 <ChrisMorgan> So, it's down to under 40% of the size... good! :-)
06:43:34 <ChrisMorgan> I reckon it warrants DT2... makes it seem more mature... so long as people don't read the release notes ;-)
06:44:50 <ZachThibeau> lol
06:45:00 <ZachThibeau> well I'll do it anyway against what I think
06:45:19 * ChrisMorgan shrugs
06:45:30 <ChrisMorgan> It's a change. That's why I reckon it should get a bump.
06:47:42 <ZachThibeau> updated :)
06:47:57 <ZachThibeau> anybody willing to give it a whirl?
06:48:11 <ChrisMorgan> oo... you can upload fast!
06:48:23 <ZachThibeau> :P
06:48:30 <ZachThibeau> it isn't a big file mate
06:49:12 <ChrisMorgan> uh... ?
06:49:17 <ZachThibeau> ?
06:49:25 <ChrisMorgan> Shouldn't that be Arora_Portable_4.5_Development_Test_2.paf.exe ?
06:49:26 <ZachThibeau> I thought I updated the file in the post
06:49:40 <ZachThibeau> h/o
06:49:50 <ChrisMorgan> I'm not seeing any update to the page
06:49:51 <ChrisMorgan> h/o?
06:50:28 <ZachThibeau> h/o means hold on
06:50:36 <ZachThibeau> ok updated :)
06:50:42 <ZachThibeau>
06:50:43 <ChrisMorgan> Now update the link text to DT2 (still says DT1)
06:51:15 <ChrisMorgan> That should really be *_DevELOPMENT_Test_N.paf.exe... look in the official (draft) specs
06:51:25 <ChrisMorgan> ah well... I'll download it anyway :P
06:51:42 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: refresh it doesn't say DT1 it says Development Test 2
06:51:46 <ChrisMorgan> Report back in maybe an hour or so? Depends on how the connection is... it'll be slow however it is.
06:52:40 <ZachThibeau> sure :)
06:53:07 <ChrisMorgan> Lunch now... maybe it'll be done when I get back
06:53:28 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|away
06:57:50 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Nick collision from services.)
06:57:54 *** PatrickPatience1 ( has joined #portableapps
06:58:08 *** PatrickPatience1 is now known as PatrickPatience
07:19:39 <ZachThibeau> good grief :/
07:32:01 *** ChrisMorgan|away is now known as ChrisMorgan
07:32:16 <ChrisMorgan> Not sure what happened... but my download is gone :/ so I try again...
07:33:09 <ChrisMorgan> Cn: it /is/ here... I was doing a dir listing on au* rather than ar*...
07:42:29 <PatrickPatience> Mmm.
07:42:50 <ZachThibeau> :/
07:43:51 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: writing a reply now.
07:44:06 <ZachThibeau> kk
07:45:22 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: where has this 4.5 version number come from?
07:45:30 <ZachThibeau> from the site
07:45:57 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... XP SP2, arora crashed straight off.
07:46:01 <ChrisMorgan> :-(
07:46:25 <ZachThibeau> :/ It's running fine with XP SP3 and Vista SP1 and Sp2 Beta
07:46:38 <ChrisMorgan> Did you base your thing on Arora Snapshot (10-7-2008) Installer.exe?
07:46:49 <ChrisMorgan> (btw, 4.5 is the Qt version - /not/ the Arora version!)
07:47:46 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: yes and no I know 4.5 is the QT version but the about box says Version 4 I'm guessing the .5 came from the app code I borrowed from :/
07:48:18 <ChrisMorgan> 0.4 I think it should be
07:48:53 <ZachThibeau> I don't give a care at the moment :/ it's 4:11am
07:49:34 <ZachThibeau> my time that is
07:49:44 <rmccue|coding> .t ZachThibeau
07:49:44 <pabot> rmccue|coding: Sorry, I don't know about the 'ZachThibeau' timezone.
07:49:47 <rmccue|coding> :O
07:49:51 <ZachThibeau> .t AST
07:49:52 <pabot> Fri, 26 Dec 2008 04:13:21 AST
07:51:57 *** Scriptdaemon ( has joined #portableapps
07:52:07 <ZachThibeau> morning Scriptdaemon
07:52:08 <ChrisMorgan> Hey Scriptdaemon
07:52:24 <ZachThibeau> Scriptdaemon: whats new Kenny :)
07:52:27 <Scriptdaemon> It's actually midnight here, but eh, close enough.
07:52:59 <ZachThibeau> Scriptdaemon: when it's midnight then it is morning ;)
07:53:03 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: uh... 12:13AM for you?
07:53:04 <Scriptdaemon> Did you all have a nice holiday?
07:53:17 <ZachThibeau> I got clothes :P
07:53:20 <Scriptdaemon> Yes, but I assumed it was later in the morning for you.
07:53:32 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: for /me/ it is 2:13 PM.
07:53:37 <ZachThibeau> yeah like
07:53:38 <ZachThibeau> .t AST
07:53:39 <pabot> Fri, 26 Dec 2008 04:17:08 AST
07:53:45 <ChrisMorgan> .t IST
07:53:46 <pabot> Fri, 26 Dec 2008 13:47:15 IST
07:53:48 <Scriptdaemon> Ah.
07:53:52 <ChrisMorgan> :/
07:53:58 <ChrisMorgan> rmccue|coding: one hour out for IST...
07:54:06 <ChrisMorgan> pabot on DST or something like that?
07:54:15 <ChrisMorgan> .t ChrisMorgan
07:54:16 <pabot> Fri, 26 Dec 2008 18:17:45 AEST
07:54:23 <ChrisMorgan> Still AEST for me :P
07:54:30 * ChrisMorgan is in India though
07:54:31 <Scriptdaemon> I wish I could use my mouse while it was on its recharger.
07:54:47 <ZachThibeau> Wireled MICE FTW :D
07:54:59 <ZachThibeau> wow spelling fail :/
07:55:07 <Scriptdaemon> lol
07:55:38 <ZachThibeau> Wired Mice I meant :P
07:56:29 <Scriptdaemon> I wish everything was wireless. I have so many wires behind my desk I don't even know what for anymore.
07:56:32 <rmccue|coding> ChrisMorgan: No, we decided to remove IST all together because it can refer to multiple timezones.
07:56:51 <rmccue|coding> .wik IST
07:56:52 <pabot> "Ist (band), an English band" -
07:57:02 <Scriptdaemon> lol
07:57:14 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
07:57:25 <ZachThibeau> :/
07:57:32 <ZachThibeau> .wik rmccue
07:57:35 <rmccue|coding> Indian Standard Time, Iran Standard Time, Irish Standard Time and Israel Standard Time.
07:57:36 <pabot> "My name is Ryan McCue, I am 13 and I am a moderator on" -
07:57:38 <rmccue|coding> :D
07:57:43 <ZachThibeau> :P
07:57:48 <rmccue|coding> Been a while since I updated that.
07:57:52 <ZachThibeau> lol
07:57:55 <ZachThibeau> .wik thibeaz
07:57:59 <pabot> Can't find anything in Wikipedia for "thibeaz".
07:58:03 <ZachThibeau> good :)
07:58:15 <Scriptdaemon> .wik scriptdaemon
07:58:19 <pabot> "Interarchy (originally known as Anarchie) is a file transfer application for Mac OS X. It is engineered by Nolobe Pty Ltd." -
07:58:26 <Scriptdaemon> Wtf?
07:58:27 <Scriptdaemon> lol
07:58:28 <ZachThibeau> last time I had an account there... there was some unpleasant things sent to me :/
07:59:12 <ZachThibeau> I mean stuff you wish you didn't have to see at all :/
07:59:45 <Scriptdaemon> The kind of stuff you can't unsee?
08:00:15 <ZachThibeau> stuff that will make you remember that you don't want to remember
08:00:53 <ZachThibeau> so I never logged into my wikipedia account ever again
08:01:04 <Scriptdaemon> lol
08:04:31 <ZachThibeau> .wik ZachThibeau
08:04:35 <pabot> Can't find anything in Wikipedia for "ZachThibeau".
08:04:40 <ZachThibeau> .wik Zach Thibeau
08:04:45 <pabot> "Article" -
08:04:48 <ZachThibeau> :/
08:05:19 <ZachThibeau> not me at all
08:05:29 <ZachThibeau> .wik PatrickPatience
08:05:32 <rmccue|coding> .wik stfu
08:05:33 <pabot> "The result of the debate was Speedy Delete as copyvio --Lenticel |(talk)| 02:26, 26 June 2008 (UTC)" -
08:05:35 <pabot> "Shut The Fuck Up, a vulgar form of Shut up — see Internet slang." -
08:05:38 <rmccue|coding> :D
08:05:46 <Scriptdaemon> That's not very g-rated/
08:05:46 <rmccue|coding> Naughty pabot! :D
08:05:48 <Scriptdaemon> .*
08:05:55 <ZachThibeau> .wik WITNO
08:05:59 <pabot> Can't find anything in Wikipedia for "WITNO".
08:06:05 <ZachThibeau> D:
08:07:56 <ZachThibeau> .wik MaienM
08:08:00 <pabot> Can't find anything in Wikipedia for "MaienM".
08:14:53 *** Scriptdaemon has quit ("Leaving")
08:30:25 *** ChrisMorgan (i=7aa9dd2c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
08:30:25 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is an #portableapps op and a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more and is away from home in other countries - he must have found an internet connection! :-)
08:31:20 <ChrisMorgan> personally, I'd say naughty... RMCCUE|CODING! :o
08:33:37 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: My copy of Firefox with my comment in it - mostly finished - was closed for no reason, when I let someone use this computer to check email etc. :-(
08:39:26 * rmccue|coding ?
08:39:34 <rmccue|coding> What did /me do? :P
08:39:53 <ChrisMorgan> ****
08:46:17 <PatrickPatience> ChrisMorgan: Please don't use that language in here. :P
08:47:27 <ChrisMorgan> PatrickPatience: :o
08:47:35 <ChrisMorgan> Have some patience... :P
08:49:52 <PatrickPatience> Heh.
08:56:56 <PatrickPatience> G'night.
08:57:10 *** PatrickPatience has quit ("Peaceout.")
08:57:22 *** upnPAD|3 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
08:58:13 <ChrisMorgan> upnPAD|2, upnPAD|3: what's happening with you two?
08:58:24 <upnPAD|3> :s
08:58:32 <upnPAD|3> wow i keep dc'in
08:58:41 <upnPAD|3> maybe cause im connected to a dif router
08:58:49 <ChrisMorgan> can upnPAD|2 go?
08:58:56 <upnPAD|3> ya
08:59:01 *** upnPAD|3 is now known as upnPAD
08:59:04 <ChrisMorgan> Thanks :-)
08:59:26 * ChrisMorgan got to kick someone, ChrisMorgan got to kick someone... :P
08:59:31 <upnPAD> :S
09:00:26 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: wow... Arora Portable (4.5... I think it should be 0.4) is "the portable file archiver", eh?
09:00:27 <ChrisMorgan> help.html
09:00:54 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
09:18:20 *** rmccue|coding is now known as rmccue
10:11:42 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
10:15:57 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
10:16:26 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
10:45:26 * MaienM is back
11:12:28 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
11:16:14 <ChrisMorgan> Hey Neoman
11:29:07 <Neoman> hello there ChrisMorgan
11:29:12 <Neoman> Merry Christmas
11:30:22 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|away
11:38:11 *** joerg ( has joined #portableapps
11:38:13 <joerg> hi
11:40:23 <Neoman> hi joerg
12:32:42 *** ChrisMorgan|away has quit (" Get BPBible Portable!")
12:47:54 *** MaienM has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
12:49:00 *** MaienM ( has joined #portableapps
12:49:00 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats all. He is working on learning C++ atm, and even made a IRC bot in it. Love him or hate him, it's your choice.
12:56:40 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
12:57:44 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
13:21:07 *** RetLaw ( has joined #portableapps
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13:44:56 <geoslake> hi
13:45:01 <ptmb> hi
13:45:07 <geoslake> someone fluent in nsis scripting ?
13:45:19 <geoslake> need help
13:45:21 <geoslake> :)
13:47:07 *** pa_9488 (i=5068cdc9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
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13:53:00 *** LOGAN (n=LOGAN@unaffiliated/logan) has joined #portableapps
13:53:00 <pabot> LOGAN is a person that's crazy over fun portable stuff.
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14:11:34 *** rmccue has parted #portableapps ("'I spent the entire day being normal, now that I'm home, I just want to duct tape fuzzy green pipe cleaners to my head, turn )
14:18:33 *** ptmb has quit ("Bye!")
14:55:19 *** pa_3030 (i=7da14bb0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
14:55:33 <pa_3030> hello
14:57:08 <pa_3030> after installing lots of portable apps, the menu list becomes longer, is it possible to group the apps, example office apps or audio apps
14:57:59 <pa_3030> ?
14:58:22 <pa_3030> help!
14:58:22 <pabot> pa_3030: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
15:02:14 *** ChrisMorgan (i=7aa9dd2c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
15:02:15 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is an #portableapps op and a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more and is away from home in other countries - he must have found an internet connection! :-)
15:05:25 <ChrisMorgan> Anyone here used BPBible Portable 0.4? Trying to diagnose a problem...
15:12:33 <ChrisMorgan> No? :-(
15:14:51 <pa_3030> what kind of problem are you facing?
15:14:53 <pa_3030> i am downloading one at the moment
15:15:08 <ChrisMorgan> Oh, hello pa_3030 :-)
15:15:24 <ChrisMorgan> Just looking into a problem reported -
15:15:36 <pa_3030> i see
15:15:37 <ChrisMorgan> And I haven't yet finished downloading it...
15:16:30 <pa_3030> i suppose we'll just have to install and see how it is
15:16:47 <ChrisMorgan> So, pa_3030, have you been in here before?
15:16:56 <pa_3030> btw it is a great program! :) excellent work!
15:17:10 <ChrisMorgan> It's my brothers' program mainly.
15:17:16 <ChrisMorgan> I just do BPBible Portable :-)
15:17:20 <pa_3030> nope just today, i was looking for a solution to grouping the menu together... to avoid scrolling down
15:17:30 <ChrisMorgan> ok... /finally/ finished downloading it...
15:17:49 <pa_3030> yupe... i saw your name in the site, very useful tool! :D
15:17:50 <ChrisMorgan> well, you won't find an official one yet. Wait till probably about new year.
15:18:28 <ChrisMorgan> John T. Haller was going to release Alpha 1 of the Platform v2 mid November, but big deals with big companies have put that off a bit :-)
15:18:54 <pa_3030> new year is days away... i wish it's all go well :)
15:19:17 <ChrisMorgan> I hope so too...
15:20:00 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
15:23:27 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
15:23:54 <ZachThibeau> Neoman: hola Neoman
15:24:10 <Neoman> hola ZachThibeau
15:24:20 <Neoman> Merry Christmas
15:24:43 <ZachThibeau> Happy Boxing Day here :P
15:25:10 <Neoman> lol
15:26:19 *** Roamer (i=4aea8370@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
15:26:20 <pabot> Roamer is a linux geek cursed to use windows until he gets his own laptop.
15:27:00 <Neoman> does Firefox Optimizer really Works?
15:27:08 <Neoman> i never tried it but i'm wondering!
15:27:59 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: yes, UPX broke DT2.
15:28:03 <ChrisMorgan> DT1 works.
15:28:05 <ChrisMorgan> DT2 doesn't.
15:28:08 <ChrisMorgan> :-(.
15:28:24 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: hmm odd as DT1 is working for me :/
15:28:30 <ZachThibeau> sa is DT2
15:28:33 <ChrisMorgan> DT1 is working for me too.
15:28:34 <ZachThibeau> **as
15:28:35 <ChrisMorgan> DT2 is not.
15:28:48 <ChrisMorgan> And two other people have reported the same thing about 2...
15:29:13 <ChrisMorgan> And yes, I checked the version numbers in the about box. Qt 4.5. Arora 0.4.
15:29:18 <ChrisMorgan> So it's Arora 0.4.
15:29:19 <ZachThibeau> I still have DT1 on my server :P I'll rename it as DT3 and see what people say
15:29:46 <ZachThibeau> it will have to be after lunch though :P
15:29:53 <ChrisMorgan> Build Arora_Portable_0.4_Development_Test_3.paf.exe with all my suggestions fixed...
15:30:08 <ChrisMorgan> help.html - it's "the portable file archiver" is it?
15:30:18 <ZachThibeau> :P sure
15:30:24 <ChrisMorgan> App\appinfo - rename to AppInfo :P
15:31:03 <ChrisMorgan> appicon - the shadow is dithered for 256-colour version. Try replacing it with
15:31:26 <ChrisMorgan> AppInfo.ini -> [Details] -> Category - shouldn't be "Utilities", should be "Internet"
15:32:09 <ChrisMorgan> Other\Source\readme.txt - The version number should no longer be included in the first line. John's copyright should be up to 2008, not 2006. Directory structure: your launcher will only accept the first directory structure. The others require AroraPortable.ini configuration, so remove them from there. You might as well scrap the final Firefox attribution bit - all the other (non-Mozilla-app) launchers do.
15:32:52 <ChrisMorgan> help.html - scrap the AroraPortable-Specific Issues bit and replace it with the generic one (e.g. from BPBible Portable)
15:33:00 <ChrisMorgan> Only the main apps get their own help sections
15:33:12 <ChrisMorgan> Too many is too much for translators, sez John
15:33:22 <ChrisMorgan> Launcher: add yourself to the copyright bit
15:33:39 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: I only add that to the final version ;)
15:33:55 <ChrisMorgan> Which bit?
15:34:10 <ChrisMorgan> And also, always Arora Portable in text, not AroraPortable.
15:34:22 <ZachThibeau> the readme text :P
15:34:41 <ChrisMorgan> Which bit of the readme text?
15:34:50 <ZachThibeau> Actually the firefix attribution was taken from the 7-ZipPortable readme txt file :P
15:34:56 <ChrisMorgan> I think I've given you enough to be going on with though ;-)
15:35:03 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: none of the new apps have it.
15:35:14 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: thats where you kind of wrong ;)
15:35:22 <ZachThibeau> your right but kind of wrong :P
15:35:35 <ZachThibeau> the latest Version of 7-Zip Portable has it
15:35:44 <ChrisMorgan> It's departed far enough away from the original code, let alone the code which was being attributed. The code being attributed is Mozilla-specific. So 7-Zip doesn't need it AT ALL!
15:35:46 <ChrisMorgan> :D
15:35:54 <ZachThibeau> I don't care
15:35:56 <ZachThibeau> :P
15:36:02 <ZachThibeau> less work for me
15:36:15 <ChrisMorgan> Also, change to and 4.5 to 0.4 everywhere :D
15:36:28 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: you already stressed that :/
15:36:34 <ZachThibeau> enough already
15:36:36 <ZachThibeau> :P
15:37:15 <ChrisMorgan> Line 35 of PortableApps.comInstallerConfig.nsh should read `!define FILENAME "Arora_Portable_0.4_Development_Test_3"` for your next release :P
15:37:16 <ChrisMorgan> :D
15:37:22 <ChrisMorgan> pa_3030: that's how things happen around here :P
15:37:35 <ChrisMorgan> Well really, ZachThibeau, you did ask for it... :P
15:37:44 <ChrisMorgan> What do you think about the icon bit though?
15:37:54 <ChrisMorgan> For Windows 2000, it will make it look better.
15:38:22 <ChrisMorgan> IcoFX uses >50% for opaque, <50% for transparent. Whatever you used dithers.
15:38:32 <ChrisMorgan> So in IcoFX, the shadow just vanishes :-)
15:38:34 <ZachThibeau> well the icon bit is fine It's in full Windows XP Icon format (didn't bother with the 256 Vista png compressed icon :/) and I don't like IcoFX
15:39:11 <ChrisMorgan> The full alpha format is pretty much the same. It's the 256 colour version that I fixed up.
15:41:41 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: got all those?
15:41:58 <ZachThibeau> unfortunetly :P
15:42:06 <ZachThibeau> yes
15:42:18 <ChrisMorgan> ok, then I'll ditch my comment on the page :-)
15:42:28 <ZachThibeau> what page?
15:42:32 <ZachThibeau> ;)
15:42:46 <ZachThibeau> no actually really what page
15:42:58 <ChrisMorgan> Your DT page
15:43:08 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... should I include a link to the IRC logs?
15:43:15 <ChrisMorgan> palogbot: logs?
15:43:21 <ChrisMorgan> .logs
15:43:45 <ChrisMorgan> ah well, I can't remember the syntax :P
15:43:46 <ZachThibeau> palogbot: uri
15:43:46 <palogbot>
15:43:48 <ChrisMorgan> .def logs
15:43:48 <ZachThibeau> ;)
15:43:48 <pabot> ChrisMorgan: I have no idea who or what logs is.
15:43:53 <ChrisMorgan> ah, that!
15:43:56 <pa_3030> hi ChrisMorgan the bpbible 0.4 portable works fine
15:43:56 <ChrisMorgan> thx
15:43:56 <ZachThibeau> yup
15:44:34 <ChrisMorgan> pa_3030: thanks... which OS are you using?
15:44:49 * ChrisMorgan tried it with XP SP2 (32-bit) and didn't get that problem...
15:44:57 <pa_3030> xp sp2
15:45:00 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: I'll link to for the logs :-)
15:45:46 <ChrisMorgan> ok
15:45:52 <ChrisMorgan> 32-bit I presume?
15:46:08 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: have you used BPBible Portable 0.4?
15:46:20 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: all the time :)
15:46:26 <ChrisMorgan> :-)
15:46:31 <ChrisMorgan> No problems with it?
15:46:35 <ZachThibeau> not yet :D
15:46:48 <ChrisMorgan> such as those reported at ?
15:47:08 <ZachThibeau> no problems at all period :)
15:47:20 <ChrisMorgan> Good :-)
15:47:21 <ChrisMorgan> OS?
15:47:52 <ZachThibeau> Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, VIsta SP2 beta, Linux Mint :D all stable for me
15:47:54 <pa_3030> probably that happens with xp3?
15:48:01 <ChrisMorgan> Oh yeah, those people reading these logs because of my comment at, I've finished nitpicking now ;-) You can stop reading :P
15:48:03 <ChrisMorgan> :D
15:48:58 <ChrisMorgan> I dunno what the problem is. My Dad uses BPBible 0.4 (non-portable) on Vista Ultimate 64-bit on his MacBook Pro. It's for some reason very slow, but it doesn't crash.
15:51:01 <ZachThibeau> didn't move slow for me :P
15:51:05 <ChrisMorgan> Also it turns out that when Ben built BPBible Portable 0.4 (I was in Sri Lanka at the time, and he at home with it) he didn't do the python compressing & bundling bit :-( Which is why BPBible Portbale 0.4 is so large :-(
15:51:13 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: 64-bit?
15:51:19 <ChrisMorgan> That may well be the key to it.
15:51:22 <ZachThibeau> 32 bit
15:51:31 <ChrisMorgan> Yeah.
15:51:31 <ChrisMorgan> :D
15:51:32 <ChrisMorgan> ;-)
15:51:38 <ZachThibeau> 64 bit is too unstable I think
15:51:49 <ZachThibeau> from my experience anyways
15:51:50 <ChrisMorgan> :o
15:51:55 <ChrisMorgan> Not at all!
15:52:11 <ZachThibeau> it is for me
15:52:30 <ChrisMorgan> Sure, Dad's software doesn't work properly, but that seems to be a Vista thing, not a 64-bit thing.
15:53:13 <ChrisMorgan> To do with embedding Adobe SVG viewer in an MSHTML component - and "security" on local files (/me rolls his eyes :P)
15:53:39 <ChrisMorgan> But Dad hasn't got anyone with Vista 32 to test it, but it probably wouldn't work.
16:04:48 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" Get BPBible Portable!")
16:04:55 <pa_3030> chao everyone, best wishes for the new year!
16:07:36 *** pa_3030 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
16:10:10 *** joerg_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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16:18:07 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
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16:26:45 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
16:26:45 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a moderator and developer (
16:31:34 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|AFK
16:40:45 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
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16:43:37 <PatrickPatience> Mmm, Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
16:51:22 <Roamer> They had a concert the other day, you know?
16:52:00 *** simon_0815 (i=5d8471bc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:55:48 <simon_0815> Hi guys, every time when I start the portable apps menu, OO draw starts, too. Is there any autostart folder, which I could have used by accident?
17:03:16 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
17:07:01 <PatrickPatience> Hey simon_0815.
17:07:07 <PatrickPatience> That's odd.
17:07:15 <PatrickPatience> You just installed the suite and nothing else?
17:08:25 *** Roamer has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
17:10:38 *** kai_62656 (n=Steve_In@ has joined #portableapps
17:10:39 <pabot> kai_62656 is here. He's developing Lmarbles, Lincity-NG, WinHTTrack Website Copier Portable.
17:17:09 *** ZachT|AFK is now known as ZachThibeau
17:18:55 <kai_62656> hi
17:19:11 <ZachThibeau> howdy kai_62656
17:19:19 <kai_62656> howdy ZachThibeau
17:21:37 <ZachThibeau> whats new lai
17:21:41 <ZachThibeau> ** kai_62656
17:22:00 <kai_62656> not much
17:22:34 <kai_62656> which...
17:23:55 <ZachThibeau> which what :/
17:24:01 <kai_62656> gotta go
17:24:04 <ZachThibeau> kk
17:24:06 <ZachThibeau> have fun
17:24:10 <kai_62656> ok
17:24:19 <kai_62656> ill be back in a while
17:24:21 *** kai_62656 has quit ("Leaving.")
17:24:22 <ZachThibeau> :)
17:25:03 <ZachThibeau> LOGAN: I need your opinion on my site template I am working on
17:32:05 <Mir> heh
17:32:10 <Mir> i got something cool
17:32:20 <Mir> a 16GB thumb drive
17:32:25 <Mir> FOR FREE :D:D:D:D:D:D
17:32:44 <Mir> so whatcya up to Zach
17:32:59 <Mir> making a Sega portable app :D
17:33:11 <Mir> IE sega emulator ^o^
17:33:27 *** PatrickPatience has quit ("Peaceout.")
17:34:25 <simon_0815> Hi Patrick, I didn't change the installation. But some days ago,it didn't start.
17:42:27 <Mir> he's gone d00d
17:48:27 *** Roamer (i=4aea8370@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:48:27 <pabot> Roamer is a linux geek cursed to use windows until he gets his own laptop.
17:50:01 <Mir> linux geek my %*^&
17:50:29 *** simon_0815 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
17:50:29 <Mir> if he was a linux geek he'd use a live CD instead of worrying about winblowz
17:50:42 * Mir lurks off
17:50:47 <Roamer> I'm working on using a live flash drive distro
17:50:53 <Mir> AWSOME
17:51:15 * Roamer chases mir and throws a live cd at his head.
17:51:34 <Mir> i found that my new laptop will not get a linux distro installed due to some power issues with my perticular laptop
17:51:58 <Mir> my new laptop is not ACPI compliant
17:52:12 <ZachThibeau> D:
17:52:19 <Roamer> odd. I bet you can put linux on it... Your probably just to lazy to try... :P
17:52:21 <Mir> and thus the processor runs at 100% power
17:52:25 <Mir> nope
17:52:29 <Mir> i have tried
17:52:33 <Mir> ACPI off
17:52:44 <Mir> then everything heats up to all hell
17:52:50 <Roamer> Yikes.
17:52:51 <Mir> and i cannot shutdown
17:52:55 <ZachThibeau> D:
17:53:11 <Mir> ZachThibeau :D
17:53:18 <ZachThibeau> Mir: :D
17:53:29 * Roamer gets the fire extinguisher and gives it to Mir as a late Christmas present.
17:53:46 <ZachThibeau> Mir: here is a nice emu ;)
17:53:54 <ZachThibeau> called Legend of Mir 2 Diamond Emulator
17:53:57 <ZachThibeau> :P
17:54:45 <ZachThibeau> Mir: what do you think?
17:54:59 <Mir> -_-#
17:55:23 <ZachThibeau> :P your a legend Mir :D
17:56:28 <Mir> -_-#
17:56:41 <Mir> on a serious note
17:56:48 <Roamer> *Da Da Da Daaaa!!!* (Legend of Zelda, lol)
17:56:56 <Mir> Zach do you think you could make Kega portable
17:56:56 <ZachThibeau> :D
17:57:16 <ZachThibeau> maybe not Kega but maybe Gens as that is license under the GNU GPL :)
17:57:21 * Mir is listening to Opening by Koji Kondo on The Legend of Zelda [Amarok]
17:57:23 <Mir> :p
17:57:32 <Mir> ahh
17:57:44 *** Scriptdaemon ( has joined #portableapps
17:57:55 <ZachThibeau> Mir: is Gens acceptible for as an alternative :D
17:58:10 <Mir> yup
17:58:13 <ZachThibeau> :D
17:58:16 <Roamer> lol
17:58:18 <ZachThibeau> I'll work on it asap :D
17:58:42 <Roamer> meaning when he finally decides to... :P
17:58:44 <Mir> thanks d00d
17:59:05 <Mir> i have a few friends who wioll help test
17:59:07 <Mir> :D
17:59:11 <ZachThibeau> Roamer: nope :) I actually intend to work on it this afternoon (more in the evening probably :D)
17:59:43 * Mir is listening to In The Evening by Led Zeppelin on Led Zeppelin Boxed Set (Disc 4) [Amarok]
17:59:50 <Mir> hehe
18:00:00 <Roamer> lol. Wish I could work on getting Linux native on my flash drive but I go to work in 3 hours... :(
18:00:41 <Roamer> I had one going, but I didn't like it as much...
18:01:04 * ZachThibeau is listening to Howard Shore Album The Fellowship of the Ring from the Lord of the Rings Sound Track :D
18:02:19 * Roamer is listening to Pandora web radio because he's too broke to buy more music and to lazy to steal it.
18:02:41 <Mir> xD
18:02:47 <Mir> i just rip mine
18:03:31 <ZachThibeau> Mir: I do to :D (then I rip my friends cd with their permission :P)
18:03:31 <Roamer> I spent $100 alone just to get 5 daft punk CDs. Good band... in fact... (Gets daft punk playing on Pandora...)
18:06:35 <Roamer> Dang it! The irony... I accidentally closed the tab with pandora in it...
18:08:25 <LOGAN> ZachThibeau: nice site and I recognise the text
18:08:32 <ZachThibeau> :P
18:08:51 <ZachThibeau> I worked hard on the layout. it's still not complete. but it's getting there :)
18:09:23 <LOGAN> still working on this
18:09:38 <ZachThibeau> I'm going to port it to wordpress
18:12:40 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
18:12:44 <ZachThibeau> ptmb: :D
18:12:50 <ptmb> Hi Zach!
18:12:58 <ptmb> I saw the logs earlier today btw :P
18:13:19 <ZachThibeau> yeah your css I had to start fresh with :P
18:13:22 <ptmb> I've developed a little more my css, and comented it, so you understand it :P
18:13:43 <ZachThibeau> I can give you the css file if you want :)
18:14:04 <ptmb> I saw
18:14:08 <ptmb> so don't worry
18:14:10 <ptmb> I saw it
18:14:19 <ptmb> I saw the css
18:14:21 <ZachThibeau> what do you think of the modifications I made :)
18:14:32 <LOGAN> now clean the sawdust
18:14:33 <ptmb> lemmie just re-see it :P
18:15:29 <ZachThibeau> the css file I modified from another style I found but made with major modifications too it :P
18:15:57 <ptmb> it is nice, I actually used a layout similar to your when I gave up on another (for the multi collumns)
18:16:02 <ptmb> just some tips
18:16:09 <ptmb> instead of pixels
18:16:13 <ptmb> use ems
18:16:24 <ZachThibeau> I prefer pixels. easier for me to code with
18:16:26 <ptmb> you saw those "0.5em" "1em"
18:16:30 <ptmb> it is messy
18:16:39 <ptmb> but it is better for assecibility
18:17:07 <ZachThibeau> not for me :(
18:17:10 <ptmb> with ems your text will always have a size based on the default size
18:17:31 <ptmb> you know some users make their browser text size bigger than 16px
18:17:38 <ptmb> so they can see the text better
18:17:55 <ptmb> with specific pixels they would have to increase the text even more
18:18:26 <ptmb> I did tried to see your layout on a webkit based browser and ire
18:18:28 <ptmb> I mean
18:18:29 <ptmb> IE
18:18:48 <ptmb> and I found that they didn't quite worked as they should for some reason
18:18:59 <ZachThibeau> I viewed it from there too :) looked fine to me :P
18:19:10 <ptmb> it looked?
18:19:15 <ptmb> lemmie see it again
18:19:40 <ptmb> oh
18:19:45 <ptmb> ie has a minor glitch
18:20:17 <ptmb> and now midori is working as it should... :P
18:20:23 <ZachThibeau> :P
18:20:44 <ptmb> I am now styling inline elements like the a tags and stuff
18:20:50 <ZachThibeau> nice
18:21:47 <ptmb> also, I am using some code to hide layout from older browsers that don't code in css as they should
18:21:56 <ptmb> so in those browsers only fonts and collors will appear
18:34:39 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
18:34:39 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
18:34:39 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot ptmb Scriptdaemon Roamer joerg_ +ZachThibeau joerg LOGAN RetLaw MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK StatBot Bensawsome pabot +diib tarbo Mir recipro
18:34:39 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
18:39:16 *** Roamer has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
18:40:08 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
18:40:08 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
18:40:17 <ZachThibeau> :/
18:41:09 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: orly?
18:43:41 <ptmb> ZachThibeau, the design is almost done
18:43:45 <ptmb> it is good for upload
18:44:13 <ptmb> gonna package it and replace the previous file I had uploaded, so it will be the same link
18:44:30 <ptmb> wait
18:44:33 <ptmb> something broke :P
18:48:01 <Scriptdaemon> Hmm, I'm not sure why my launcher doesn't check if the program is already running anymore.
18:51:25 <ptmb> ZachThibeau, regression fixed, I forgot IE is idiot and adds margins and paddings outside the width :P
18:51:35 <ZachThibeau> :P
18:52:32 *** rbrt13 ( has joined #portableapps
18:52:33 <pabot> rbrt13 is Robert. He scripts php for fun and usually manages his site daily a bit too much ;) And... He likes potatos :D
18:52:36 <ZachThibeau> howdy rbrt13
18:52:39 <rbrt13> hello
18:52:46 <rbrt13> i am happy
18:52:50 <ZachThibeau> :P
18:52:51 <rbrt13> i have a new webcam
18:52:54 <ZachThibeau> :D
18:53:01 <ptmb> cool
18:53:16 <ptmb> ZachThibeau, remmeber the link I gave you yesterday? Down from it again :P
18:53:54 <ZachThibeau> done :)
18:54:04 <ptmb> good ;)
18:54:20 <ptmb> as you can see the css is all filled with comments explaining each step
18:54:41 <ptmb> added a footer, placed some links, and I think it is all working fine
18:55:20 <ptmb> fixed the titles out of place in ie too
18:55:27 <ZachThibeau> ptmb: I suggest adding in the footer add my name to it as it's basically my style that you coded :P
18:55:41 <ptmb> I added random stuff :P
18:55:49 <ptmb> you write whatever you want on it :P
18:55:59 <ZachThibeau> :P
18:56:45 <ptmb> how about "Design made by <a href="">Zach Thibeau</a> and coded by <a href="">PTMblogger</a>."
18:56:49 <ptmb> :D
18:56:56 <ZachThibeau> works for me :P
18:57:08 <ZachThibeau> I already added it though :P
18:57:14 <ptmb> :P
19:02:17 <gluxon> Wow, how'd you support the snowflakes!!!
19:03:56 <ptmb> that is javascript, the javascript creates objects with the snowflake imeg on them, and updates their position every once in awhile
19:04:06 <ptmb> *snowflake images
19:04:22 <ptmb> I donno how to code in javascript tough :P
19:06:17 <gluxon> wow :P
19:14:57 <ptmb> Understanding the CSS, ZachThibeau?
19:15:04 <ZachThibeau> yeah :)
19:15:10 <ptmb> cool :)
19:15:25 <ZachThibeau> just adding a css img logo :D
19:15:30 <ptmb> cool
19:15:41 <ptmb> one thing tough
19:15:52 <ptmb> intead of adding an img tag inside the header
19:16:06 <ptmb> add something like a span, or an anchor tag, and leave the text inside
19:16:18 <ptmb> I teach you some easy ways to hide the text
19:16:30 <ptmb> and then you add the image as background text
19:16:37 <ptmb> I mean
19:16:42 <ptmb> background image of the tag
19:18:23 <ptmb> if you want, give me the link for the image, and I'll leave you some code on pastebin
19:22:13 <ZachThibeau> I'm actually doing it all css :P aka the div tag :D
19:22:19 <ptmb> cool
19:22:29 <ZachThibeau> not working so well :P
19:22:48 <ptmb> yeah, because I had made the height of the header trough margins and paddings :P
19:22:50 <gluxon> Bye.
19:22:50 <ZachThibeau> but I think I can get it working just need some coffee
19:22:54 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
19:22:55 <ptmb> :P
19:23:27 <ptmb> as you are using an image, in here I already advice using pixel units for heights, and forgetting margins and paddings
19:24:07 <ZachThibeau> ptmb I am using pixels :P using this as a guide :)
19:25:27 <ptmb> oh, you are making so that the logo also appears on print
19:25:28 <ptmb> nice
19:26:00 <ZachThibeau> :P yeah unfortunetly it isn't appearing properly :S
19:26:38 <ptmb> gonna use your old logo to try some styling, and then I give you some stuff for you to work with
19:26:56 <ZachThibeau> I got a new one made :P much simplistic in design :)
19:27:00 <ptmb> btw, you want the logo to appear when rpinting, right?
19:27:10 <ptmb> cool
19:27:12 <ZachThibeau> but the old one maybe be good too ;)
19:27:32 <ptmb> it will be just for testing, then you can replace it with whatever you want :P
19:31:13 <ZachThibeau> works for me :P
19:32:37 <ptmb> got a working solution
19:33:26 <ZachThibeau> you do :O
19:34:00 <ptmb> writing it on pastebin and sending solution in a sec
19:34:03 <ZachThibeau> :D
19:35:26 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
19:35:26 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
19:35:26 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot rbrt13 ptmb Scriptdaemon joerg_ +ZachThibeau joerg LOGAN RetLaw MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK StatBot Bensawsome pabot +diib tarbo Mir recipro
19:35:27 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
19:36:14 <ptmb>
19:36:51 <ptmb> replace everything on it
19:37:11 <ptmb> remember to change the height and padding according to the theight of your image
19:37:36 <ZachThibeau> kk :)
19:38:19 <ptmb> I will later do a print stylesheet too :P
19:39:33 <ZachThibeau> :O your my hero
19:41:11 <ptmb> thank you :D
19:41:18 <ZachThibeau> lol :D
19:41:36 <ptmb> forgot to place code for a favicon :P
19:41:51 <ZachThibeau> don't worry :P I use a straight favicon.ico file :P
19:42:01 <ptmb> :P
19:42:31 <ZachThibeau> :D
19:43:48 <ptmb> I hope you can make the wordpress theme (and hopefulle the phpBB theme too) soon without problems
19:43:55 <ZachThibeau> :P ty
19:43:55 <ptmb> *hopefully
19:44:22 *** TimClark (i=8087e359@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:44:40 <ptmb> Hi TimClark!
19:44:54 <TimClark> hello all, happy holiday's to you all :D
19:45:17 <TimClark> Thought for the day: When disparaging someone else's client, OS, choice of software, "It sucks" is not very informative or productive :-(
19:46:07 <ptmb> true, unless we back it up with reasons, for example "IE sucks, why? Because it interprets the CSS box model worng, and doesn't pass the Acid 2 test"
19:46:08 <ptmb> :D
19:46:20 <ptmb> that way it is productive and informative :D
19:46:38 <TimClark> and ptmb, some of like and use U3 with papps :D
19:46:57 <ptmb> :P
19:47:05 <ptmb> need to check the log to remeber what I said :P
19:47:10 <TimClark> it does what it needs to do, it does not need to be compared with our stuff
19:47:31 <ZachThibeau> howdy TimClark :D
19:47:35 <ptmb> wait, that was the other guy that was getting help that said :P
19:47:43 <ptmb> or did I say something too? :P
19:48:12 <TimClark> not important
19:48:32 <TimClark> how is you holiday going :D
19:48:40 <ptmb> great!
19:48:58 <ptmb> I had a new chair (a good one :D )
19:49:06 <ptmb> a laser printer...
19:49:08 <ptmb> I mean
19:49:09 <ptmb> I got
19:49:23 <ptmb> and there were some crazy parties here :P
19:49:25 <TimClark> one line please :)
19:49:29 <ptmb> ok :P
19:49:33 <TimClark> ty
19:50:19 <TimClark> hope the parties were not too crazy, how old are you
19:50:23 <ZachThibeau> anyways need to go :) family time
19:50:25 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
19:50:52 <ptmb> not too crazy, but I am the borderline age so that they in few time can be extreemely crazy
19:51:41 <ptmb> It was a party with family, but my family members are crazy (including me :P ) so it had music, and dancing, and crazy stuff :P
19:51:46 <TimClark> a 16 year old crazy party and an 18 year old crazy party can be quite different !
19:51:54 <ptmb> I know :P
19:52:31 <ptmb> I am going to do 16 in march, so I am very close to some crazy parties :P
19:52:37 <TimClark> "OMG i had so much fruit punch that i will be running to the bathroom all night" :O
19:52:42 <Scriptdaemon> Rofl.
19:52:52 <ptmb> lmao.
19:52:57 <TimClark> crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy!
19:53:46 <TimClark> /checking PA.c for a while, standby mode here
20:00:35 <TimClark> Beware: Christmas Ecard Malware scams:
20:01:41 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
20:01:49 <ptmb> Eeech, that seems bad. Lucky me Firefox comes with an anti-malware filter :D or sort of :P
20:01:58 <ptmb> Hi KevinPorter!
20:02:06 <KevinPorter> Afternoon ptmb. :)
20:02:34 <TimClark> ptmb: these kind of alerts are new, the malware filters might not be up to date yet, be careful
20:02:38 <TimClark> KevinPorter: :D
20:02:49 <KevinPorter> TimClark: Afternoon. :D
20:03:13 <TimClark> happy holiday's for you KevinPorter ?
20:03:31 <KevinPorter> Christmas was good, yes. :)
20:03:33 <KevinPorter> How about you?
20:03:33 <ptmb> @KevinPorter: night KevinPorter. :D @TimClark: I don't run any software of those anyway :D
20:03:42 <TimClark> fine
20:04:22 <TimClark> ptmb: what software's are you referring to, my link concerned e-mail attacks
20:05:58 <ptmb> yes, and I mean when a site asks me to run software, it is better it has a good reason to do so, or else I wont run it. Also, I am on Linux, and unless I was running firefox under WINE (which I don't usually do) I am !!almost!! imune to virus.
20:06:37 <TimClark> glad you know to say !!almost!! :D
20:06:42 <ptmb> :D
20:07:53 <TimClark> i know some folks who think that if they use FF or TB that they can't be attacked, very foolish
20:08:39 <TimClark> FF is Safer, but you still need to use your brain, and other precautions for those who don't have one "P
20:09:08 <ptmb> Exactly!
20:09:11 <KevinPorter> If you're a dumb user, nothing can save you.
20:09:47 <TimClark> KevinPorter: be nice, sometimes the attacks are so new and tricky that even smart people can get hit
20:09:50 <ptmb> I've already heard of WIndows users that were able to not to use Antivirus safelly, just by being carefull (id still keep a firewall tough :P )
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20:10:35 <KevinPorter> TimClark: Oh, I wasn't saying that only dumb users get attacked, I'm just saying that even the state-of-the-art virus protection software can't prevent you from getting a virus if you do stupid things.
20:11:29 <TimClark> I knew of a guy who did not use any protection and said he never had problems, it turned out he had had a keylogger on his system for months, but since it did not damge his system , he did not know :O
20:11:51 <ptmb> :P
20:11:52 <KevinPorter> Yep.
20:11:54 <TimClark> not all malware "SHOWS" itself
20:12:17 * KevinPorter hates those Flash games that ask for admin passwords.
20:12:38 <KevinPorter> My brother plays those all the time, and he gets pissy whenever I tell him I won't enter my admin password.
20:13:00 <TimClark> why should i damage you system and give myself away, when i can collect all your passwords and bank information :O
20:13:20 <ptmb> rofl! Btw, I am sooo carefull, that when I am logged in on some site, I don't go to other sites :P
20:13:23 <KevinPorter> That's the worse kind of attack.
20:13:51 <ptmb> true
20:14:33 <ptmb> how many of you as already set up Gmail to use https connections? I did :D
20:14:36 <TimClark> 1. Patches, 2. Firewall, 3. AntiVirus/AntiSpyware, 3. Limited user accounts, 4. Don't click on EVERYTHING :o
20:15:27 <ptmb> TimClark, exactly! that is what I do. but you forgot one thing: Don't accept the install of "codecs" from pr0n sites! :D
20:15:36 <TimClark> AND of course, Backups, just in case !!!
20:15:41 *** rbrt13 is now known as wolvesbane
20:16:00 <TimClark> ptmb: don't accept "codecs" from ANY sites
20:16:12 *** wolvesbane is now known as wolvesbot
20:16:25 <TimClark> i don't need your fancy new video format , thank you :O
20:16:25 <ptmb> I was just saying pr0n sites because they are the ones that most usually request those codecs :D
20:16:39 *** wolvesbot is now known as rbrt13
20:16:50 <TimClark> sounds like the voice of experience ptmb :O
20:17:42 <ptmb> someone else's experience probably, I never happened to get such kind of virus, luckily, but once a link from a youtube's video description lead to a site requesting that, didn't accept obviously :P
20:18:05 <TimClark> /going to RDT, back shortly
20:18:26 <KevinPorter> ptmb: Even before Gmail had the option, I always used https. :D
20:18:50 <KevinPorter> I used the Better Gmail Firefox extension.
20:20:16 <ptmb> I odn't use the web interface anyway, I have all stuff sent trough imap, that way a link to another site can't steal me information :D
20:21:16 <ptmb> actually, with some cool addons, I have thunderbird always on and not annoying me.
20:22:15 <ptmb> I use the minimize to tray on windows and firetray on linux, and then I had it to the startup options, and it is always working, when I get a message I see it on the tray, and I don't have to be checking the windows every 5/10/20 mins
20:23:09 <KevinPorter> Cool. I never really liked Thunderbird a whole lot.
20:24:01 <ptmb> I have been thinking of using Evolution togheter with the alltray application, that can place any program on the tray. I don't use MS Outloook or Outlook Express tough
20:24:36 <ptmb> Outlook shoould be called lookOut
20:24:37 <KevinPorter> I love Evolution.
20:24:37 <ptmb> :D
20:24:40 <KevinPorter> Lol.
20:24:55 <KevinPorter> Personally, the web interface for Gmail is best for me.
20:25:05 * KevinPorter notes how redundant that sentence sounded.
20:25:31 <ptmb> I have been trying to make some mozilla css to make it look more native to the system, and I plan to use Prism to have it on the desktop
20:25:53 <ptmb> but as I have more than 1 account, it isn't praticall to me
20:26:10 * KevinPorter has all his email accounts forward to Gmail.
20:26:37 <ptmb> yeah, but I have 2 gmail account I want to keep appart, or else I would just redirect one to the other :P
20:27:02 <KevinPorter> Yeah.
20:27:38 <ptmb> I already have some filters for subscriptions to pass the inbox and be labeled automatically
20:27:49 <ptmb> (doesn't work always tough :P)
20:28:51 <ptmb> who has already tried thunderbird 3? I am trying it (with no email accounts :P ) and it is AWSOME (at least on linux :P )
20:30:02 <KevinPorter> I'll have to try it. On my Linux box that is. I don't like mucking up my Windows PC when I don't have to.
20:30:19 <ptmb> I have to go for a little
20:30:54 <TimClark> who is using FFP 3 right now that can answer some questions for me
20:31:42 <KevinPorter> I use 3.1, but it's basically the same.
20:32:04 <TimClark> what is the size of the malware database at the momemnt
20:32:55 <TimClark> \FirefoxPortable\Data\profile\urlclassifier3.sqlite
20:33:31 <KevinPorter> Let me see.
20:34:59 <ptmb> back
20:35:29 <KevinPorter> Mine is 4.35MB.
20:35:34 <ptmb> and what I meant about Tbird 3 is that on Linux the widgets are now more native. It still needs a native theme tough
20:35:45 <TimClark> ptmb: support is occuring
20:35:54 <ptmb> ok
20:36:08 <TimClark> KevinPorter: that does not make any sense, mine is 16MB
20:36:22 <TimClark> i thought it was supposed to be like 52MB
20:36:30 <KevinPorter> Well, I'm in 3.1, and I might have it disabled or something.
20:36:33 <ptmb> mine is 16.5Mb on locally installed Firefox if it helps
20:36:48 <KevinPorter> I generally disable the malware stuff on FFP.
20:36:59 <TimClark> yes ptmb that helps, it matches mine, but i thought it was supposed to be bigger
20:37:20 <ptmb> on firefox 3.2 alpha it is 19.6Mb tough
20:37:28 <TimClark> when FF3 fist came out it was definatly like 52MB
20:37:36 <ptmb> strange...
20:38:02 <TimClark> if it has changed, no one is talking about it, which is a surpize
20:39:35 <TimClark> what i want to try is get the full database on my work machine [highspeed] and try trasnfering it to the home machine [modem] but can't really test till i think i have the full database
20:39:52 <TimClark> it may not work of course, but i want to try
20:44:42 <joerg> don't you have christmas in the US?
20:44:43 <joerg> :D
20:45:09 <TimClark> joerg, ? explain
20:45:17 <joerg> well
20:45:25 <joerg> the sourceforge people seem to work...
20:45:30 <TimClark> and in one line if you can :P
20:45:35 <joerg> got a mail from them a couple of hours ago
20:47:07 <TimClark> in the us it is the day after christmas
20:47:59 <joerg> ok
20:48:05 <joerg> we still have christmas here :P
20:48:10 <joerg> 25./26.
20:48:27 <TimClark> you can say all of that in one line you know
20:52:13 <ptmb> brb later
20:52:30 <TimClark> bye
20:55:26 <TimClark> KevinPorter: were you able to check those settings
20:55:45 <KevinPorter> I didn't know you wanted me to. :P
20:55:46 <KevinPorter> Hold on.
20:57:16 <TimClark> if you do have the malware protection turned off i would be curious as to why btw ?
20:57:47 <TimClark> it was supposed to be the bib selling point of FF3 i thought
20:59:13 <KevinPorter> Well, for some people it's a selling point.
20:59:29 <KevinPorter> For me, it's just a nuisance. I generally know what I'm doing.
20:59:40 <KevinPorter> And I turned it off.
21:00:01 <KevinPorter> Mainly because when it scans downloaded files it takes painfully long.
21:00:41 <TimClark> it should not be scanning downloads, it should be checking the sites you are going to
21:00:56 <TimClark> it is a list of dangerous sites, not a malware checker
21:01:14 <KevinPorter> Hmm. I'm talking about a different feature then.
21:01:28 <KevinPorter> It does have a builtin scanner, which I find annoying.
21:01:38 <KevinPorter> Yeah, I have the malware protection on.
21:01:44 <ptmb> back
21:02:05 <TimClark> could you link to information about "a builtin scanner" ?
21:02:47 <TimClark> a default FF does not have a built in scanner that i am aware of
21:03:25 <ptmb> it doesn«'t, it uses the av on the pc to scan
21:03:35 <KevinPorter> Yeah.
21:03:52 <KevinPorter> Well, I chose my words wrong, eh.
21:11:18 <TimClark> joerg and joerg_ are you having users problems
21:19:44 <TimClark> joerg as you last spoke as joerg i will assume that joerg_ is a ghost of some sort and will remove it in 2 minutes
21:27:24 *** rbrt13 has parted #portableapps ()
21:28:40 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
21:28:55 <ptmb> Hi again ZachThibeau!
21:29:08 <ZachThibeau> howdy ptmb
21:30:47 <ZachThibeau> ptmb: know of anymore webkit based browser besides arora and that other one?
21:31:07 <ZachThibeau> and besides Chromium :P
21:31:18 <ptmb> besides arora, midori and the famous ones? no
21:31:25 <ZachThibeau> :/
21:31:28 <TimClark> hi ZachThibeau :D
21:31:37 * ZachThibeau thinks it's time to build my own webkit web browser :D
21:31:43 <ZachThibeau> howdy TimClark :D
21:31:56 * ptmb thinks it is time to learn how to compile midori on windows :D
21:32:14 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
21:33:14 <ZachThibeau> I like arora :) firefox like in looks
21:33:26 <ptmb> midori looks almost like arora
21:33:50 <ptmb> and seems more stable in my opinion
21:34:31 <ZachThibeau> well sometimes ports to another operating system can introduce some new bugs ;)
21:34:41 <ptmb> true :P
21:34:42 <TimClark> /going into RDT session for a few, ping if needed
21:35:25 *** mpfalg (i=723a5ed1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:35:48 <mpfalg> hallo
21:35:57 <ZachThibeau> howdy mpfalg
21:36:02 <ZachThibeau> how can we help you today
21:36:48 <mpfalg> can i save your site banner to my site
21:37:22 <ZachThibeau> well you should email John T Haller for that as it is a trademarked image
21:37:47 <ZachThibeau> you can contact John through here
21:40:38 <mpfalg> i can't see john contact, busines development or press relations
21:41:16 <TimClark> mpfalg: this topic seems to indicate that john would not have a problem with it:
21:42:05 <TimClark> i would think given what you want to do you could use the press relations link and just explain that it seemed closest to what you wanted
21:42:22 <mpfalg> ok, thanks to information,
21:44:20 *** mpfalg has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
21:46:29 <TimClark> KevinPorter: are you available to the channel if needed
21:47:43 <KevinPorter> I'll be around for another 20 minutes.
21:48:25 <TimClark> ok, i'm going to be timed out on this connection soon, i should break and return soon
21:48:41 <ZachThibeau> anyways later guys
21:48:43 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
21:49:20 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
21:49:42 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
21:56:11 <ptmb> gonna go
21:56:11 <ptmb> bye
21:56:17 *** ptmb has quit ("Bye!")
22:01:27 *** JacobMastel (i=42a9f8b8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:01:36 <JacobMastel> Hi all
22:02:08 <JacobMastel> Everyone have a good christmas?
22:03:01 <KevinPorter> Yessir. How about you JacobMastel? :)
22:03:12 <TimClark> hello JacobMastel , merry christmas, did you really think the drive had 8GBs or was is a different issue ?
22:03:15 <JacobMastel> Mine was good.
22:03:26 <JacobMastel> TimClark: It is an 8gig drive
22:03:40 <JacobMastel> But because of formating it dops down the size like any hard drive
22:03:43 <JacobMastel> Or other flash
22:03:51 <JacobMastel> But for some reason PAM is rounding it down to 8
22:03:58 <TimClark> but what do you think 8 gig drive means
22:04:02 <JacobMastel> The larger the drive the more space you lose to formating
22:04:36 <JacobMastel> Well 8gigs means total space including what's lost to the formating
22:04:43 <JacobMastel> For example:
22:05:19 <JacobMastel> I have a 500gig hard drive. But I only have like 496 gigs of usuable space. (I'm not at home so this is what I think is right I might be off by a gig or two)
22:05:36 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> yeah, my 750GB hdd is actually 690GB after formatting
22:05:39 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> now I'm off again, bye :)
22:05:51 <TimClark> 8GB to a drive manufacture mean 8Billion bytes, but when you do the dividing by 1024 you lose a lote
22:06:27 <TimClark> windows thinks in terms of a kb as 1024, not 1000
22:06:51 <JacobMastel> I know
22:06:53 <TimClark> it's not just the formating, it's what you count as a GB
22:07:20 <JacobMastel> But I would still like PAM to agree with what my drive has labeled on it. It makes it better looking and more professional.
22:07:32 <TimClark> my 80GB harddrive has 74.4 GB
22:08:01 <TimClark> i do not think of that as an error
22:08:05 <MaienM> my 750 GB has ~690
22:08:24 *** RickJ (i=3f1ad314@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:08:28 <JacobMastel> Hi RickJ
22:09:25 <RickJ> help! Hard drive pseudo-renamed to PortableApps
22:09:57 <TimClark> did you install it in the root of the drive ?
22:10:35 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
22:11:24 <RickJ> Probably. The details are lost from memory. I've tried manually cleaning disks & registry, Where is this "name" hiding?
22:11:59 <TimClark> x:\Autorun.inf
22:12:10 <TimClark> Label=PortableApps
22:12:35 <TimClark> it should be in the root of your drive
22:12:49 <RickJ> Thanks!
22:13:50 <TimClark> either change the "label" to what you want, or get rid of the autorun.inf [Warning, if you get rid of the file the menu will not attempt to try to start itself ]
22:14:34 <TimClark> you will need to remove the drive or reboot the computer afterwards
22:14:36 *** RickJ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
22:19:50 <TimClark> JacobMastel: you drive has 7.2759576141834259033203125 to windows, i don't think John will or should change that
22:20:40 <JacobMastel> Wrong windows says it has 7.49gigs of usable space :P
22:20:45 <TimClark> now it should show 7.28, not 7 i agree with that , but not *
22:21:22 <JacobMastel> I could accept that.
22:21:23 <TimClark> wrong is such a heavy word cosidering i'm aproximating
22:21:40 <TimClark> and i suck at math
22:22:28 <JacobMastel> Sorry didn't mean it to sound harsh
22:22:42 <TimClark> oh, and the * above should have been but not 8 [i shifted :-( ]
22:23:37 *** KevinPorter is now known as KevinPorter|afk
22:27:06 <TimClark> john, seems to agree that it should not round to the nearest whole digit, so the next version should be closer to 7.28/7.59/7.5 depending on how many digits he uses
22:31:56 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
22:34:52 <JacobMastel> Anyone in here us AutoIt?
22:43:26 *** kai_62656 ( has joined #portableapps
22:43:26 <pabot> kai_62656 is here. He's developing Lmarbles, Lincity-NG, WinHTTrack Website Copier Portable.
22:45:11 <kai_62656> hello
22:46:36 <TimClark> hello ka
22:46:42 <TimClark> kai_62656:
22:47:01 <kai_62656> hello TimClark
22:59:46 *** DaveDixonII (i=4b770137@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:00:10 <DaveDixonII> Hi everyone! I'm on my wii! :D
23:00:38 <JacobMastel> DaveDixonII: EWW!!
23:00:43 <JacobMastel> :p
23:01:29 <JacobMastel> DaveDixonII: Christmas present?
23:01:31 <DaveDixonII> Omg! This thing needs adobe flash......
23:01:40 <KevinPorter|afk> It has Flash.
23:01:45 <DaveDixonII> Yes... :D for me and my sister
23:01:55 <KevinPorter|afk> I love my Wii.
23:02:04 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter: It only works on youtube. :/
23:02:04 <KevinPorter|afk> Please, no dirty jokes about that. :P
23:02:16 <KevinPorter|afk> It works on Pandora and such for me.
23:02:31 <DaveDixonII> It works on pandora?!?!?! Really? :D
23:02:33 <KevinPorter|afk> As I recall it has Flash 8.
23:03:02 <DaveDixonII> Yea needs adobe 9 :/ any clue when they plan on updating that?
23:03:39 <KevinPorter|afk> Probably never, knowing Nintendo. :-/
23:04:04 <DaveDixonII> My sister is sitting here with me thinking just sitting here and talking to people is dumb... :P (she needs a life)
23:04:15 <kai_62656> Yeah
23:04:25 <kai_62656> Maybe
23:04:36 <DaveDixonII> (at sister) Ouch... That hurt...
23:04:43 <kai_62656> lol
23:05:04 <kai_62656> Well, maybe she needs a life (maybe)
23:05:18 <DaveDixonII> My mom had to pay $10 dollars just to get the $5 dollar browser working... :(
23:05:25 <JacobMastel> DaveDixonII's Sister: OH OH hit him again!!!
23:05:31 <kai_62656> HAHA
23:05:38 <kai_62656> XD
23:05:48 <DaveDixonII> JacobMastel: Now she wants to hit you. :P
23:06:04 <kai_62656> maybe she really needs a life
23:06:08 <kai_62656> or,
23:06:10 <DaveDixonII> She's at your window.... Watching... >_>
23:06:31 <DaveDixonII> with the joker... (she adds)
23:06:34 <kai_62656> <_<
23:06:38 <JacobMastel> So Dave's Sister where do I live??
23:06:40 <JacobMastel> :P
23:06:43 <kai_62656> :P
23:06:47 <kai_62656> HA
23:07:01 <DaveDixonII> You live with your family. :P (sis)
23:07:28 <JacobMastel> In what state?
23:07:46 <kai_62656> Grants Pass, OR?
23:07:51 <JacobMastel> ???????
23:07:55 <kai_62656> i got that from your ip
23:08:00 <DaveDixonII> You mean you dont know what state you live in? Shame on you. (sis) Lol (me)
23:08:03 <kai_62656> JacobMastel
23:08:15 <JacobMastel> HOw did you get that of my IP?
23:08:26 <kai_62656>
23:08:38 <kai_62656> I live kinda close to there
23:08:42 <DaveDixonII> JacobMastel: He haz da sykic power. :D
23:09:06 <kai_62656> wow i goto Grants Pass sometimes
23:09:14 <kai_62656> or Medford?
23:09:20 <KevinPorter|afk> DaveDixonII: *psychic
23:09:27 <JacobMastel> kai_62656: where do you live?
23:09:28 <DaveDixonII> (sis) JacobMastel: Oragon?
23:09:35 <KevinPorter|afk> *Oregon
23:09:39 <JacobMastel> Yes
23:09:42 <kai_62656> check MY ip then
23:09:52 <KevinPorter|afk> People can't see my IP. :D
23:10:04 <kai_62656> about 80 miles from Grants Pass
23:10:10 <kai_62656> where i live :P
23:10:19 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter|afk: She can't spell. :P¿
23:10:28 <kai_62656> Who?
23:10:30 <KevinPorter|afk> How old is she?
23:10:37 <KevinPorter|afk> Sorry if that's a little personal.
23:10:37 <JacobMastel> kai_62656: Cresent City?
23:10:40 <JacobMastel> That's not that close
23:10:42 <kai_62656> Yep
23:10:45 <kai_62656> well
23:10:49 <DaveDixonII> Hmm.. 14-2=Blah?
23:10:50 <kai_62656> but, really
23:11:02 <kai_62656> But, hey
23:11:07 <KevinPorter|afk> DaveDixonII: LOL. My siblings are 12 as well. Twins. >_>
23:11:17 <kai_62656> :P
23:11:17 <DaveDixonII> kai_62656: Hey
23:11:27 <kai_62656> DaveDixonII: What?
23:12:10 <kai_62656> DaveDixonII: = Highland Park, MI?
23:12:34 <DaveDixonII> Feliz Navidad! :D (yesterday)
23:12:45 <kai_62656> yesterday... :S
23:12:52 <DaveDixonII> kai_62656: Epic Failage (sis)
23:12:57 <kai_62656> lol
23:13:29 <KevinPorter|afk> Lol.
23:13:36 <kai_62656> maybe i can get Gizmo's
23:13:55 <DaveDixonII> So... JacobMastel. What is the picture next to my nick look like? I can't see it on this TV. :/
23:14:19 <KevinPorter|afk> DaveDixonII: USB keyboard?
23:14:42 <DaveDixonII> Really? It doesn't show a wii or anything? :(
23:14:45 <JacobMastel> You on mibbit?
23:14:59 * kai_62656 got Mir's "place"?
23:15:02 <JacobMastel> It looks like a hard drive with a remote sticking out the top?
23:15:03 <JacobMastel> :P
23:15:07 <DaveDixonII> (sis) Dur..... Yes.
23:15:13 <kai_62656> sis?
23:15:15 <kai_62656> oh
23:15:28 <KevinPorter|afk> Lol.
23:15:32 <KevinPorter|afk> kai_62656: Slow much? :P
23:15:37 <kai_62656> Slow?
23:15:44 <kai_62656> ?
23:15:56 <KevinPorter|afk> Slow meaning slow to learn, slow to get it, etc.
23:15:58 <KevinPorter|afk> Lol.
23:15:59 <DaveDixonII> kai_62656: My sis is laughing at you. :)
23:16:03 <JacobMastel> DaveDixonII Sis: why don't you get online with your own nick? That way we know whether or not dave's just being an idiot?? :P
23:16:16 <kai_62656> Yeah Good idea :S
23:16:28 <KevinPorter|afk> JacobMastel: Lol.
23:16:28 <kai_62656> lol
23:16:47 <DaveDixonII> JacobMastel: (me) Because my dad is using my computer and my mom is paying bills. :(
23:16:57 <kai_62656> Oh.
23:17:19 <JacobMastel> Library :P
23:17:33 <KevinPorter|afk> Lol.
23:17:47 <JacobMastel> Anyways I'm off for now
23:17:50 <JacobMastel> Type at ya later
23:18:07 *** JacobMastel has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
23:18:24 <kai_62656> bye
23:19:16 <DaveDixonII> .tell JacobMastel Our library is like closed today..... and its pitch dark outside. :/
23:19:16 <pabot> DaveDixonII: I'll pass that on when I next see JacobMastel.
23:20:10 <kai_62656> lol
23:20:22 * DaveDixonII and Emily are going to sit here, watch you all, and eat pizza. :D (sis ->) In your face. :P
23:20:42 * kai_62656 /me /me /me !
23:21:11 <TimClark> the wii symbol looks like a joystick in mibbit
23:21:44 *** KevinPorter|afk is now known as KevinPorter
23:21:56 * KevinPorter hates iTunes even more now.
23:22:15 <kai_62656> KevinPorter: Why?
23:22:27 <KevinPorter> It just mucks up everything I try to do.
23:22:32 <KevinPorter> And it's so slow.
23:22:43 <KevinPorter> And the store is absolutely atrocious.
23:22:52 <KevinPorter> Bittorrent is faster and simpler. :P
23:24:30 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
23:24:31 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
23:24:39 *** KevinPorter is now known as KevinPorter|food
23:24:45 <kai_62656> hello gluxon
23:24:49 <DaveDixonII> My sister's mind has been disconfigured from watching Batman The dark Knight all because she LOVES the joker... (save me... meh) (sis ->) O.o
23:24:51 <gluxon> Hey kai_62656
23:24:58 <kai_62656> Hey gluxon
23:25:02 <kai_62656> lol
23:25:13 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
23:25:13 <gluxon> DaveDixonII: I like the new joker too :P
23:25:20 <gluxon> ... bye Tim?
23:25:29 <kai_62656> He left :P
23:26:18 <gluxon> kai_62656: I always go into scrapirc. Usually before portableapps.
23:26:29 <gluxon> Unless in rare cases when I'm on mibbit.
23:26:33 <DaveDixonII> gluxon: (sis) Yay! A joker fan. ^_^
23:26:52 <kai_62656> gluxon:
23:27:14 <gluxon> What?
23:27:22 <DaveDixonII> gluxon: Thanks. :D Now how to get onto my network... from here. :/
23:28:02 *** RetLaw has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
23:28:03 <gluxon> What?
23:32:40 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
23:32:40 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
23:32:40 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot gluxon +DaveDixonII kai_62656 Neoman @KevinPorter|food joerg LOGAN MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK StatBot Bensawsome pabot diib tarbo Mir recipro
23:32:41 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
23:32:51 <kai_62656> there, rebooted him
23:33:03 *** DaveDixonII has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
23:35:10 <kai_62656> there are no "active" ops or voices
23:36:57 *** ZachThibeau ( has joined #portableapps
23:37:25 <ZachThibeau> evening all
23:38:17 <kai_62656> evening ZachThibeau
23:40:21 <ZachThibeau> whats new
23:40:39 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> I'm just idling :)
23:40:53 <gluxon> .tell DaveDixonII: Is there a reason you pinged me?
23:40:53 <pabot> gluxon: I'll pass that on when I next see DaveDixonII.
23:40:59 <ZachThibeau> Gizmokid2005|AFK: :D
23:41:00 <gluxon> Hello ZachTheibeau.
23:41:05 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> playing CS:S
23:41:06 <ZachThibeau> howdy gluxon
23:41:09 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> and just generally not at the PC
23:47:17 *** alpha1beta (n=Michael_@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
23:47:23 <alpha1beta> sup guys?
23:47:34 <ZachThibeau> Mir: is this you :/
23:51:07 <kai_62656> hmm
23:51:15 <kai_62656> gotta fo
23:51:16 <kai_62656> go
23:51:20 *** kai_62656 has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
23:53:58 *** KevinPorter|food is now known as KevinPorter
23:54:10 <alpha1beta> WB Kevinporter
23:54:17 <KevinPorter> Thanks alpha1beta.
23:54:27 <alpha1beta> whatcha get for Christmas?
23:54:45 <KevinPorter> Not much. But I did get a nice new watch. :D
23:54:50 <KevinPorter> Citizen.
23:54:54 <alpha1beta> ohh nice
23:56:54 <KevinPorter> How about you?
23:57:37 <alpha1beta> got a nice new chair for my computer...mesh
23:57:50 <alpha1beta> which is good considering my old one had 3 of it's 5 wheels
23:58:08 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: only a Citizen watch :P I got a rolex watch ;) (in my dreams that is)
23:58:40 <alpha1beta> Zach has dreams of grandiose things
23:58:51 <alpha1beta> that he'll never get :P
23:59:08 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: I don't know :P I dreampt of getting a laptop and then I got it :D
23:59:25 <alpha1beta> lol
23:59:41 <alpha1beta> I dream of getting a life..