IRC Log from 2008-12-28

00:00:12 <Bensawsome> i do stats for like 10 different channels so......
00:00:55 <rmccue> "Currently on: #portableapps-dev #portableapps "
00:01:05 <Bensawsome> rmccue thats cause StatBot is +i :P
00:01:25 <Bensawsome> if you look on you will see around 10 different channels listed :P
00:01:43 <Bensawsome> ok 8 channels :P
00:01:44 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
00:01:45 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
00:01:56 <rmccue> *** ChanServ has set mode +stfu on Bensawsome
00:01:59 <Bensawsome> :P
00:01:59 <gluxon> Hi
00:02:01 <TimClark> hello gluxon
00:02:32 <TimClark> rmccue: speaking of stfu, you debate with chrism was .... interesting
00:03:13 <TimClark> i'm glad you and patrick helped him to realize he needs to give a little bit too
00:03:42 <rmccue> Heh.
00:03:54 *** ZachThibeau (n=zachthib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
00:03:57 <Bensawsome> hello ZachThibeau
00:04:04 <gluxon> Hey Zach!
00:04:16 <ZachThibeau> :S
00:04:20 <ZachThibeau> ohh noes
00:04:21 <Bensawsome> and i know when you come online... even if you not in the channel =_=
00:04:21 <TimClark> but to the best of my knowledge he has never abused op with it, he just asks folks
00:04:22 <Bensawsome> lol
00:04:22 * ZachThibeau hides
00:04:36 <Bensawsome> you cannot hide from me ZachThibeau :P
00:04:38 <ZachThibeau> huh?
00:04:40 <Bensawsome> [19:27:36] * Notify: ZachThibeau is online (Freenode).
00:04:45 <TimClark> guys, i'm trying to have a real talk here, STOP
00:04:47 <gluxon> ...
00:04:49 <Bensawsome> :P friends list featurre in xchat
00:04:52 <Bensawsome> oh sry TimClark
00:04:54 <rmccue> Bensawsome: "^_^ wrote an average of 13.75 words per line. "
00:04:59 <rmccue> TimClark: You are? :P
00:05:07 <TimClark> as i was saying ...
00:05:11 <TimClark> but to the best of my knowledge he has never abused op with it, he just asks folks
00:05:13 <rmccue> TimClark: The point is that he complains.
00:05:16 <ZachThibeau> TimClark: who are you talking about (sorry nosey person here)
00:05:26 <TimClark> true rmccue
00:05:36 <TimClark> ZachThibeau: needs to read logs :P
00:05:36 <rmccue> ZachThibeau: Chris.
00:05:47 <gluxon> Chris? Morgan?
00:05:50 <ZachThibeau> TimClark: I'm lazy atm :P
00:06:09 <rmccue> ZOMG:
00:06:12 <TimClark> he was reminded that his views on language are not the same as others
00:06:34 <TimClark> rmccue: you think i would click on a link that looked like that :O
00:06:41 <Bensawsome> rmccue omg its a pokemon! O_O
00:06:55 <Bensawsome> lol nice... like..... a horror movie XD
00:07:03 <gluxon> rmccue: isn't that a pokemon?
00:07:23 <ZachThibeau> rmccue: WITNO :/
00:07:29 <ZachThibeau> gluxon, no it's a beaver
00:07:29 <Bensawsome> it vertainly is gluxon... ._>
00:07:32 <Bensawsome> lol
00:07:33 <rmccue> gluxon: I don't know. Keep watching, it speeds up.
00:07:48 <gluxon> I'm pretty sure it's a bedoff :P
00:07:54 <Bensawsome> lol
00:08:11 <TimClark> it's flash :-(
00:08:23 <Bensawsome> TimClark :P
00:08:33 <ZachThibeau> not only that it display's an annoying ad :(
00:08:39 <gluxon> Who cares...
00:08:42 <Bensawsome> ZachThibeau ad?
00:08:44 <TimClark> might as well link to silverlight :O
00:08:49 <Bensawsome> i see no ad >_>
00:08:51 <Bensawsome> TimClark EVIL!
00:09:04 <ZachThibeau> one that slides in front of the flash file :/
00:09:10 <gluxon> I see one too, da ad.
00:09:15 <Bensawsome> i dont see it....
00:09:21 <Bensawsome> lol ff adblock ftw :D
00:09:35 <Bensawsome> and/or noscript :D
00:09:51 <TimClark> Bensawsome: NoScript for the win, it blocked EVERYTHING :D
00:09:54 <gluxon> FF takes too long to load.
00:09:58 <gluxon> :(
00:09:59 <Bensawsome> TimClark :D i know ^_^
00:10:06 <ZachThibeau> rmccue: :D
00:10:12 <gluxon> And I don't feel like cutting down on addons :P
00:10:32 <TimClark> gluxon: FF does not take too long to load, your brain is just too fast :D
00:10:45 <rmccue> ZachThibeau: Seen it ;P
00:10:49 <rmccue> s/;/:/
00:10:49 <Bensawsome> omg... ZachThibeau nice
00:10:50 <ZachThibeau> I like it :P
00:11:17 <gluxon> TimClark:... yeah! cause I'm smart :P
00:11:29 <rmccue>
00:11:41 <TimClark> ZachThibeau: wasllia, ak ???
00:11:51 <ZachThibeau> huh?
00:12:05 <TimClark> read the link you gave
00:12:31 <rmccue> TimClark: It's Palin's home town, if I remember correctly.
00:12:38 <TimClark> running for pres in 2010 and how is baby formed
00:13:03 <TimClark> ahhh, AK is alaska, got it
00:13:10 <ZachThibeau> :P
00:13:11 <Bensawsome> yes rmccue correct....
00:13:28 <Bensawsome> i remember because i had to do a huge freakin project on the elections.....
00:13:31 <TimClark> i thought it was Arkansas , what can i say
00:13:34 <rmccue> Hehe, how is babby formed?
00:13:38 <Bensawsome> lol this one guys:
00:13:39 <rmccue> how is babby formed
00:13:43 <gluxon> rmccue: oh great, not another pokemon :P
00:13:46 <rmccue> how girl get pragnent
00:13:55 <rmccue>
00:14:11 <TimClark> rmccue: i can't answer that question for you , the room is G
00:14:16 <rmccue> (Zufall = random, FYI)
00:14:21 <rmccue> TimClark: Haven't seen that video?
00:14:23 <TimClark> and i can only expalin it in :R:
00:14:28 <Bensawsome> rmccue lol ya
00:14:28 <rmccue> .g how is babby formed
00:14:30 <pabot> rmccue:
00:14:47 <TimClark> rmccue: i don't do flash online
00:15:07 <rmccue> TimClark: Just this one.
00:15:18 <gluxon> TimClark: What's wrong with flash?
00:15:32 <TimClark> rmccue: how big is it
00:15:42 <rmccue> TimClark: Erm, not very? :P
00:15:50 <rmccue> It's like 10 seconds long.
00:15:54 <Bensawsome> TimClark i make flash vids/animations :D
00:15:58 <TimClark> downloading
00:16:10 <gluxon> Bensawsome: well, so can I!!! I've got Adobe flash :D
00:16:16 <TimClark> gluxon: flash can be dangerous, not always, but it can be
00:16:17 <Bensawsome> gluxon lol :P
00:16:38 <Bensawsome> gluxon but did you get the adobe cs3 Master collection for free?
00:16:39 <Bensawsome> :P
00:16:44 <TimClark> i do not allow media to play in the browser
00:17:17 <gluxon> Bensawsome: I didn't. My uncle bought it for my dad. and I use it.
00:17:21 <Bensawsome> hmmm lets see if i cant dig out one of my oldest flash animations...
00:17:26 <gluxon> Any way, it's dinner time.
00:17:28 <gluxon> later.
00:17:29 <TimClark> passed clamwin
00:17:30 <Bensawsome> gluxon :P ya my friend gave it to me
00:17:30 <Bensawsome> :D
00:17:36 *** gluxon is now known as gluxon|dinner
00:17:39 <TimClark> passed mcafee
00:17:43 <TimClark> watching
00:17:50 <gluxon|dinner> hold on... I thought you use a mac?
00:17:54 <TimClark> but only cause rmccue asked :D
00:17:55 <Bensawsome> TimClark hmmm? what passed?
00:18:00 <Bensawsome> gluxon|dinner me?
00:18:18 <Bensawsome> im on my mac.....
00:18:27 <rmccue> Anyone epileptic? If so, do not look:
00:19:06 <Bensawsome> .... ya that difently works rmccue... especially since it will show up in that stats......
00:19:11 <Bensawsome> *definetly
00:19:20 <Bensawsome> good thing i can ignore links.....
00:19:30 <TimClark> rmccue: it was NOT funny :-(
00:20:12 <TimClark> Bensawsome: the .swf was passed by my antivirus, but it did not pass my standards, it was not funny at all
00:20:34 <rmccue> There's a way I can make pabot give the last link someone gave, I think.
00:20:51 <Bensawsome> oh TimClark >_>
00:20:58 <Bensawsome> rmccue........
00:21:13 <Bensawsome> anyways i ignored that link so no one sues anyone... XD
00:22:02 <ZachThibeau> brb need to restart xchat :D
00:22:06 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Ex-Chat")
00:22:51 <Bensawsome> .seen oliverk
00:22:52 <pabot> Sorry, I haven't seen oliverk around.
00:23:03 <Bensawsome> :( oliver hasnt been on in a while :(
00:23:25 <Bensawsome> i hope he ok...
00:25:17 <TimClark> Bensawsome: do the stats tell you when folks were last here ?
00:25:37 <Bensawsome> TimClark ya but only from the time i last regenerated them
00:25:43 <Bensawsome> so it isnt as accurate
00:26:14 <TimClark> ahh, i did not realize accuracy was a factor in your stats :P
00:26:26 <TimClark> joke, joke, joke
00:26:33 <Bensawsome> TimClark :P lol
00:26:51 <Bensawsome> TimClark actually i think i found this thing which it could regenerate every 15 minutes :D
00:27:10 <rmccue> Is it called cron? :D
00:27:18 <rmccue>
00:27:28 <Bensawsome> rmccue :D yes ^_^
00:28:05 <Bensawsome> maybe you can help me with that in a bit ._>
00:28:17 <TimClark> rmccue: i assume the link had nothing to do with "cron" ?
00:28:35 <rmccue> TimClark: Not at all.
00:28:37 <rmccue> .wik cron
00:28:40 <pabot> "cron is a time-based scheduling service in Unix-like computer operating systems. 'cron' is short for 'chronograph'.[1]|" -
00:28:46 <Bensawsome> ^_^
00:28:54 <TimClark> could you at least tell us what your linking to so we know to not waste our time :-(
00:29:07 <rmccue> TimClark: They are random videos :P
00:29:12 <rmccue> They're all time wasters.
00:29:29 <MaienM> pretty weird videos, I'd say xD
00:29:41 <rmccue> Bensawsome: "Most active nicks: 1 - Bensawsome" Biased?
00:29:44 <TimClark> obviously i could not tell as it came right after the cron coment :P
00:29:44 <Bensawsome> and MaienM speaks :D
00:29:49 <Bensawsome> rmccue no i just talk alot :P
00:29:55 <Bensawsome> im on like... all day
00:30:04 <rmccue> Bensawsome: No, it's because StatBot isn't around when you aren't :P
00:30:09 <Bensawsome> rmccue :P
00:30:22 <MaienM> anyway, off to bed
00:30:26 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
00:30:31 <TimClark> Bensawsome: how many nicks is dave upto now , now that we also have dave-wii ? :P
00:30:48 <Bensawsome> TimClark omg.... like 50... and im not even kidding...
00:30:55 <Bensawsome> i can give a list of all of them if you want :S
00:31:00 <TimClark> NO
00:31:06 <Bensawsome> lol didnt think so :P
00:31:11 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
00:31:13 <TimClark> thanks anyway, i can go look
00:31:19 <Bensawsome> and speak of the devil
00:31:24 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: No
00:31:52 <TimClark> someone be reading logs maybe ?
00:32:04 <rmccue> I have the maximum amount of grouped nicks.
00:32:19 <rmccue> I cleaned a few out though.
00:32:20 <Bensawsome> TimClark like you :P
00:32:23 <Bensawsome> rmccue me too...
00:32:32 <rmccue> ​/msg nickserv info rmccue
00:32:34 <DaveDixonII> Same here.
00:32:35 <TimClark> Bensawsome: what, i admit it freely
00:32:48 <Bensawsome> rmccue it doesnt show the nicks...
00:32:49 <rmccue> This is Bensawsome:
00:32:52 <Bensawsome> only for yourself
00:32:56 <rmccue> (10:56:11 AM) NickServ: (notice) Nicks : rmccue rmccue|afk rmccue|ncis rmccue|movie [redacted] rmccue1 rmccu1 RyanDMcCue JohnHaller
00:32:56 <rmccue> (10:56:11 AM) NickServ: (notice) Nicks : RyanMcCue rmccue|busy rmccue|idle skynet1 rmccue|gaming rmccue|food rmccue|coding
00:32:56 <rmccue> (10:56:11 AM) NickServ: (notice) Nicks : flickr rmccue|ZED
00:33:07 <Bensawsome> lol
00:33:08 *** Seth_Hikaru ( has joined #portableapps
00:34:19 <DaveDixonII> Nice. :P
00:34:22 <TimClark> hmmmm, 18:56 rmccue> This is Bensawsome: should i or should i ??? P
00:34:31 <TimClark> naah
00:34:32 <rmccue> This is TimClark:
00:34:34 <Bensawsome> lol TimClark its fine :S
00:34:44 <rmccue> (Trying to use modern technology :P)
00:34:49 <Bensawsome> rmccue LOL nice
00:34:54 <TimClark> if it's flash it's not fine Bensawsome :P
00:36:15 <Bensawsome> :P
00:36:28 <TimClark> rmccue: hot link not allowed, click here to open !!!! :O
00:36:37 <rmccue> ^_-
00:36:38 *** gluxon|dinner is now known as gluxon
00:36:44 <gluxon> ahh, that was a good dinner :P
00:36:51 <gluxon> Tacos :D
00:37:20 <rmccue> TimClark: I added a password to #rmccue temporarily, can you try "/join #rmccue,0" please? (0 = password)
00:37:28 <TimClark> sure
00:37:41 <TimClark> but only for you
00:37:43 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
00:37:50 <rmccue> palogbot: uri
00:37:50 <palogbot>
00:38:12 *** rmccue is now known as flickr
00:38:27 *** TimClark (i=8087e362@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:38:52 <TimClark> what the hell did you just do rmccue :(
00:39:44 <TimClark> this was not a good command rmccue "/join #rmccue,0"
00:40:02 <flickr> Try it again, it works for me.
00:40:27 <Bensawsome> TimClark it bascially makes you quit/part the server :S
00:40:28 <TimClark> no, unless the ,0 is explained to me
00:40:39 <TimClark> i should have been told that
00:41:10 <flickr> Tehehe.
00:41:10 <Bensawsome> TimClark people are dumb asses when they do that... someone did it to me once :S
00:41:12 * flickr is sorry.
00:41:17 * flickr hugs TimClark
00:41:37 <TimClark> who is flickr ?
00:41:44 <Bensawsome> flickr is rmccue
00:41:47 * flickr = rmccue
00:41:57 *** flickr is now known as [redacted]
00:42:47 <TimClark> rmccue: if you want me to trust that it is safe for me to do what you ask me to do, you need to not play with me
00:43:03 <[redacted]> )`:
00:43:17 <TimClark> and i genrally do trust you
00:43:47 * Bensawsome chuckles
00:43:51 <TimClark> this is why i do not use random commands that folks give me when i'm op
00:44:42 *** [redacted] is now known as rmccue
00:44:46 <TimClark> I hate it when folks do things like "Hit Alt-F4" [do not do that !!!]
00:44:59 <gluxon> Hold on, so if you use the /join #gluxon,09
00:45:11 * gluxon slaps himself
00:45:23 <rmccue> TimClark: If you want to kick someone off the channel, try "/quit Bensawsome" to quit Bensawsome off the server.
00:45:26 * rmccue sniggers
00:45:32 <gluxon> Ignore my previous comment.
00:45:33 * rmccue slaps himself too
00:45:35 <Bensawsome> rmccue:
00:45:37 *** Guest98672 ( has joined #portableapps
00:45:53 <TimClark> rmccue: i can guess what that would do :-(
00:46:04 <Bensawsome> rmccue currently fails :P
00:46:13 <rmccue> TimClark: I know :P
00:46:17 * rmccue waves to wildrot
00:46:23 <Bensawsome> rmccue's current state: fail
00:46:23 *** Guest98672 is now known as wildrot
00:46:28 <TimClark> i may be new at this, but when my suspiions are arosed i am careful
00:46:30 *** gluxon has parted #portableapps ()
00:46:31 <Bensawsome> hello wildrot :)
00:46:36 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
00:46:36 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
00:46:40 <wildrot> hello Bensawsome
00:46:48 <Bensawsome> need any help?
00:46:48 * rmccue wonders why wildrot followed him in here
00:46:50 <gluxon> Hello?
00:46:52 <rmccue> Bensawsome: No ;P
00:46:58 <rmccue> s/;/:/
00:47:03 <Bensawsome> rmccue did i ask you :P
00:47:04 <DaveDixonII> gluxon: I am getting ScrapIRC up. My Linux crashed and would not start back up.
00:47:04 <wildrot> i wanted to play a prank on your fellow guys.
00:47:11 <Bensawsome> wildrot lol
00:47:20 <rmccue> Is it more ? :D
00:47:26 <gluxon> DaveDionxII: horray :P!
00:47:33 <Bensawsome> gluxon spelling fail
00:47:35 <TimClark> wildrot: what kind of prank to you want to do that will not get you banned :P
00:47:35 * rmccue wonders why he's not opped.
00:47:43 <DaveDixonII> rmccue: Cause you are you
00:47:50 <wildrot> no, it's more /join #mychannel,0 :p
00:47:54 <TimClark> now you are
00:47:55 <Bensawsome> wildrot :P
00:47:58 <rmccue> We already did that :P
00:48:02 <Bensawsome> rmccue already tried that
00:48:03 * rmccue high-fives wildrot
00:48:04 <wildrot> i know.
00:48:05 <wildrot> *g*
00:48:05 <Bensawsome> exactly ;D
00:48:11 * gluxon wonders why he isn't opped... oh yeah.... that's why :P
00:48:13 <rmccue>
00:48:14 <Bensawsome> XD
00:48:23 <Bensawsome> TimClark that not nice... he didnt do anything.....
00:48:25 <DaveDixonII> Oh come on TimClark!
00:48:36 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: Yea. He didn't do nothing.
00:48:45 <TimClark> tricking folks into parting is not funny
00:48:46 <Bensawsome> it was rmccue who did it.....
00:49:01 <Bensawsome> TimClark do it to rmccue... he the one who did it to you :S
00:49:19 <TimClark> and now i know what it will do, i did not then
00:49:54 <rmccue> TimClark: I figured you should learn what it does. Think of it as an initiation :)
00:50:08 <Bensawsome> wow....
00:50:21 <gluxon> TimClark: Didn't you think that it was suspicious that rmccue wanted you to enter his room with a password to private chat instead of just regular pming?
00:50:28 <TimClark> discribe the syntax please , if you reall want me to understand it
00:50:44 <TimClark> gluxon: i trust rmccue
00:50:50 <rmccue> Hehe,
00:50:51 <Bensawsome> TimClark you just add ,0 onto the end of the channel name :S
00:50:54 <Bensawsome> and it does that
00:51:08 <gluxon> What if you enter an 1?
00:51:13 <gluxon> Or a 2?
00:51:16 <Bensawsome> gluxon dunno.....
00:51:16 <rmccue> gluxon: Try it :P
00:51:17 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
00:51:18 <pabot> excid3 is lead dev of Keryx, computer security phreak and hosts a blog at
00:51:21 <Bensawsome> ya try it XD
00:51:24 <Bensawsome> hey excid3 :)
00:51:26 <TimClark> so ,0 means part current channel Bensawsome ?
00:51:34 <Bensawsome> TimClark yep
00:51:36 <gluxon> Probably.
00:51:37 <TimClark> ty
00:51:43 <excid3> hey Bensawsome :P
00:51:46 <gluxon> okay... one does nothing...
00:51:54 <rmccue> TimClark: You put a comma in there to separate channels, but the client can't join channel "0" and /join 0 becomes /part, I believe.
00:51:59 <Bensawsome> i think there is also one that makes you quit but i dont want to test it out :P
00:52:27 <TimClark> now i have learned a lesson, but you TOLD me it was the password :-(
00:52:42 <wildrot> *waves at everyone*
00:52:43 <TimClark> and you wanted me to help you test it :-(
00:52:51 <wildrot> i guess i'm gonna leave you alone.
00:52:52 <Bensawsome> and also rmccue an initiation to what? the prankster guild :P
00:52:52 *** wildrot has parted #portableapps ()
00:52:55 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter finally added me to his wii! :D
00:53:21 <excid3> DaveDixonII: i thought you said his will...i was like hes planning on dying already? :P
00:53:31 <Bensawsome> lol
00:54:02 <DaveDixonII> Oh yea sure... :P
00:54:09 <rmccue> TimClark: "JOIN with 0 as a parameter makes you Part all channels."
00:54:18 <rmccue> Bensawsome: No, to IRC
00:54:27 <Bensawsome> lol
00:54:36 <DaveDixonII> "/join #,0" Would be better. :P
00:54:42 <Bensawsome> TimClark oh ya all channels.. not just the current one >_>
00:54:58 <rmccue> Actually, crap.
00:55:04 <rmccue> I think I found a pabot bug.
00:55:09 <DaveDixonII> Yay! :D
00:55:09 <rmccue> .join 0
00:55:15 *** pabot has parted #portableapps ()
00:55:19 <rmccue> Yep.
00:55:21 <Bensawsome> ......
00:55:24 <Bensawsome> lol
00:55:41 *** pabot (n=pabot@unaffiliated/rmccue/bot/pabot) has joined #portableapps
00:55:44 <Bensawsome> .join 0
00:55:45 <Bensawsome> XD
00:55:53 <Bensawsome> lol good thing us people cant do it :D
00:56:11 <rmccue> Yeah.
00:56:22 <rmccue> It's limited to bot admins in #rmccue or in PM.
00:56:34 <TimClark> Bensawsome: stop
00:56:45 <DaveDixonII> what did Bensawsome do now?
00:56:50 <Bensawsome> TimClark i knew it wouldnt work... im not an admin of the bot
00:57:05 <TimClark> you tried to do it, what if the bug let you ?
00:57:19 <rmccue> TimClark: It's not a bug, it's documented IRC protocol.
00:57:21 <DaveDixonII> *sigh*
00:57:29 <Bensawsome> rmccue ty....
00:57:31 <rmccue> When I said bug, I meant an unexpected feature. :P
00:57:38 <Bensawsome> lol
00:57:50 <TimClark> i hear noise in the peanut gallery :P
00:57:51 <DaveDixonII> Gosh. Talk about over reacting over something so small. :/
00:57:59 <TimClark> shush
00:58:01 <rmccue> DaveDixonII: Also, "/join 0" works.
00:58:29 <rmccue> Anyone use BitTorrent or Limewire? (Or other P2P networks) In which case, you are a pirate:
00:58:51 <rmccue> TimClark: Don't talk about the plebs like that :D
00:59:00 * rmccue <3 subtle history references
00:59:07 <Bensawsome> rmccue i use utorrent... but only to dl linux distributions... XD
00:59:42 <Bensawsome> lol nice rmccue ;D
00:59:45 <rmccue> Bensawsome: Sure :P
00:59:51 *** Guest65174 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
00:59:54 * rmccue is downloading GTA IV ;)
00:59:58 <Bensawsome> hey upnpad :)
01:00:06 <rmccue> ...through Steam! Legally! :D
01:00:11 <rmccue> Hey upnPAD.\
01:00:12 *** ZachThibeau (n=zachthib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
01:00:35 <gluxon> Hey Zach!
01:00:36 <Bensawsome> hey ZachThibeau :)
01:00:42 <ZachThibeau> back :D
01:00:51 <TimClark> zachthibeau you need to restart things alot you know, Bensawsome do you have stats on parts and joins for restarting clients and OS's :P
01:00:57 <Guest65174> heyo
01:01:04 <Guest65174> gah guest again
01:01:10 <DaveDixonII> Guest65174: Hi UpnPAD
01:01:15 <Bensawsome> TimClark i think so :P
01:01:15 <ZachThibeau> just fixed a few things for kde to make gtk look kde like :D
01:01:21 <Bensawsome> oh not client and os's
01:01:24 <rmccue>
01:01:29 <rmccue> Errr.
01:01:30 <Bensawsome> but it shows how many times they restarrted
01:01:34 <excid3> ZachThibeau: dont fake that, you know gnome is better :P
01:01:35 <rmccue>
01:01:36 <Bensawsome> err parted and joined
01:02:36 <rmccue> Poor Bensawsome, nobody likes him. He was attacked 9 times.
01:02:41 <Bensawsome> rmccue :P
01:02:54 <ZachThibeau> excid3: gnome is still my favourite ;) just trying out kde4 to see if it's really the hype people are saying it is
01:02:55 * excid3 attacks Bensawsome so that he has an even number
01:02:55 <rmccue> No surprises there :P
01:02:57 <rmccue> JohnTHaller wrote the longest lines, averaging 61.4 letters per line.
01:03:02 <rmccue> None there either.
01:03:03 * Bensawsome eats excid3
01:03:09 <Bensawsome> NOM NOM
01:03:18 <rmccue> ZachThibeau seems to be sad at the moment: 7.6% lines contained sad faces. :( 
01:03:23 <rmccue> Yep, sounds like him.
01:03:30 <excid3> ZachThibeau: yeah, i think that they have some interesting features, but i can't stand the windows style interface :P
01:03:43 <ZachThibeau> excid3, I know :O
01:04:00 <excid3> gnome has been adding some pretty cool features i have to admit :D
01:04:05 <gluxon> Ben was attacked nine times? Does it say who? :P
01:04:14 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
01:04:14 <DaveDixonII> rmccue seems bossy at the moment. 14% of text entered by him had anger.
01:04:15 <rmccue> No :P
01:04:17 <Bensawsome> hey JacobMastel
01:04:19 <excid3> i think they are feeling left behind with all the cool stuff KDE4 has added since KDE3
01:04:21 <ZachThibeau> excid3: I know :D
01:04:23 <JacobMastel> Hello again
01:04:27 <Bensawsome> lol
01:04:28 * JacobMastel smiles and waves
01:04:30 <TimClark> rmccue: because john know how to write in full sentences :P
01:04:31 <excid3> heyoh JacobMastel
01:04:48 <rmccue> TimClark: Exactly :P
01:05:01 <rmccue> Bensawsome: Why am I "RyanMcCue" and not "rmccue"?
01:05:22 <Bensawsome> rmccue you want it to be just rmccue?
01:05:29 <TimClark> Are we Ryan, or are we dancer ?
01:05:35 <JacobMastel> TimClark: I got Pidgin working again! Turns out when I updated pidgin I failed to update GTK witch caused a ton of problems.
01:05:50 <TimClark> JacobMastel: yes, i know :P
01:05:50 <Bensawsome> JacobMastel: which
01:06:24 <JacobMastel> TimClark: you do?
01:06:38 <rmccue> Bensawsome: rmccue, please.
01:06:40 <TimClark> Bensawsome: can you check StatBot 's pm please
01:06:47 <rmccue> TimClark: Hah. You ruined that song.
01:06:52 <Bensawsome> rmccue ok
01:07:03 <Bensawsome> oh! by the way rmccue i wanna tell you something in pm in a sec...
01:07:10 <rmccue> Yay.
01:07:13 <Bensawsome> just need to check something....
01:08:08 <JacobMastel> If any of you are interested in web dev GiveAwayofTheDay has a cool toy for making buttons.
01:08:20 <Bensawsome> JacobMastel i saw it :D
01:12:54 *** qen has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
01:17:07 * TimClark has just reentered -ot , he did not realize he had been /parted for "some" reason :-(
01:17:27 <TimClark> and from all his other channels
01:17:29 <Bensawsome> TimClark ya........ it makes you part *all* channel
01:18:01 <TimClark> yes, i see that, inspite of what some might think it is not a nice trick
01:18:42 *** JacobMastel has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:18:55 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Remote closed the connection)
01:19:04 <gluxon> bye?
01:20:20 *** excid3 has quit ("later")
01:23:04 <gluxon> Okay, I'm going to restart pidgin, to see if the aspell installation worked.
01:23:09 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
01:23:12 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
01:23:27 <Bensawsome> hey again JacobMastel
01:23:28 <Bensawsome> lol
01:24:21 <TimClark> does anyone know who " gen " is/was ?
01:24:30 <JacobMastel> No I don't
01:24:47 <JacobMastel> (5:48:14 PM) NickServ: (notice) Information on gen (account gen):
01:24:47 <JacobMastel> (5:48:14 PM) NickServ: (notice) Registered : Nov 26 07:02:49 2004 (4 years, 4 weeks, 4 days, 18:45:28 ago)
01:24:47 <JacobMastel> (5:48:14 PM) NickServ: (notice) Last seen : (about 54 weeks ago)
01:24:47 <JacobMastel> (5:48:14 PM) NickServ: (notice) Flags : HideMail, Private
01:24:47 <JacobMastel> (5:48:14 PM) NickServ: (notice) *** End of Info ***
01:25:01 <DaveDixonII> JacobMastel: Pastebin?
01:25:10 <TimClark> that was not needed, as it does not answer the question :(
01:25:42 <JacobMastel> Well look at the last seen...
01:25:47 <JacobMastel> 54 weeks ago?
01:25:57 <Bensawsome> JacobMastel actually it was qen
01:26:06 <Bensawsome> its not registered
01:26:10 <JacobMastel> oh lol
01:26:12 <JacobMastel> Sorry
01:26:20 <Bensawsome> here is the whowas: * [qen] (n=user@ *Unknown*
01:27:03 <TimClark> anyway, it's not a big deal, i was just curisous
01:29:33 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
01:29:34 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
01:29:49 <gluxon> awww :( It didn't work :(
01:30:31 <Bensawsome> gluxon hmm?>
01:33:50 *** Seth_Hikaru has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
01:35:09 *** pa_5560 (i=4aa64bcd@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:36:11 <pa_5560> Hello. I love portable apps. Is there an easy way of checking to see which of my downloaded apps has an update on Right now, I start each one up, check the help->about for the version number and then look on Is there an automatic way?
01:36:21 *** Seth_Hikaru ( has joined #portableapps
01:36:33 <DaveDixonII> pa_5560: There is an update app.
01:37:35 <pa_5560> What's it called? I don't see it on the applications webpage or maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing.
01:37:42 <DaveDixonII>
01:37:48 <rmccue> .pa updater
01:37:52 <pabot> rmccue: Updater 1.0 Beta 1 (outdated) -
01:37:54 <gluxon> It's still in development.
01:38:00 <TimClark> currently in beta
01:38:03 <DaveDixonII> Updated Link:
01:38:21 <gluxon> That's why it's not in the applications list.
01:38:35 <pa_5560> Thanks! You guys are awesome. These portable apps make life so easy for me.
01:38:51 <DaveDixonII> pa_5560: No problem.
01:39:13 <gluxon> pa_5560: It was getting boring in here anyway :P
01:39:39 <DaveDixonII> gluxon: :/
01:40:09 <gluxon> Well it was :P
01:40:33 <gluxon> Can't act like you weren't :P
01:40:50 <DaveDixonII> Not appropriate during support.
01:40:56 *** pa_7418 (i=4ac3cd67@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:41:10 <DaveDixonII> pa_7418: Hello! what do you need?
01:41:25 <rmccue> pa_7418: How may we help you? :)
01:41:34 <pa_7418> maybe i just haven't searched well enough, but is there a way to keep the menu from closing after clicking an app?
01:42:08 <rmccue> I believe it's coming in a future version :)
01:42:29 <pa_7418> i see. thanks that's all I wanted to know
01:42:36 <gluxon> pa_7418: Yeah that's annoying :P
01:43:39 *** pa_7418 has quit (Client Quit)
01:44:09 <gluxon> Wow 2 people coming in for support in 10 minutes... must be a record :P
01:45:13 *** gluxon is now known as gluxon|gone
01:45:47 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
01:51:42 *** pa_5560 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
01:53:00 <Bensawsome> hello again ZachThibeau :P
01:53:08 <ZachThibeau> :P
01:53:28 <Bensawsome> :"P
01:54:47 <rmccue> Weird nose. :P
01:55:18 <TimClark> i think he is licking his toes
01:56:01 *** gluxon|gone is now known as gluxon
01:56:08 * gluxon is back :P
01:56:33 <TimClark> hardly worth being /away gluxon
01:57:15 <gluxon> I was barely missed :'(
01:57:27 <TimClark> nope, not missed at all :P
01:58:45 <gluxon> Meany :P
01:59:01 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
01:59:22 <TimClark> hey, i put a smiley in there :D
01:59:50 <gluxon> But it's the text that matters :P
02:01:04 <TimClark> if you say so, but we had fun with Bensawsome 's smiley with no text at all
02:03:28 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
02:03:28 <pabot> KevinPorter is Kev Mike Bellhop!
02:03:51 <TimClark> hello KevinPorter
02:04:00 <KevinPorter> Evenin' TimClark. :)
02:07:02 * rmccue wonders if KevinPorter got rmccue's pun
02:07:32 *** KevinPorter is now known as KevinPorter|away
02:09:05 <TimClark> he got it i think, he's crying in -ot
02:09:22 <TimClark> just kidding
02:11:00 <JacobMastel> Anyone ever forget to run CCleaner for like ever and realize they had 3gigs worth of crap built up in there comp?
02:11:10 <JacobMastel> *their
02:11:46 <TimClark> nope, i do my own cleaning, only let CCleaner do special things
02:12:07 <JacobMastel> I just make sure I check all the boxes before running it
02:12:14 <JacobMastel> opps
02:12:15 <rmccue> Bensawsome: ping
02:12:29 <JacobMastel> Check meaning look at them not checking as in activating all of them :P
02:13:43 <TimClark> listening to Armin "Only" so i may get spacey
02:13:50 <TimClark> Armin is hot
02:13:50 <JacobMastel> Armin?
02:14:01 <JacobMastel> hot = boy band?? :P
02:14:06 <TimClark> an artist that john turned me on to
02:14:19 <JacobMastel> Searching for
02:14:33 <TimClark> Armin van Buuren
02:14:39 <JacobMastel> Thanks
02:14:49 <JacobMastel> Sounds like a motzart kina guy
02:14:57 <TimClark> he does dj remix type suff
02:15:09 <JacobMastel> Like Weird Al Yankovich?
02:15:42 <TimClark> dont know
02:15:59 <rmccue> .o lastfm
02:16:02 <pabot> Last played Hurricane by Something Corporate from the album Leaving Through the Window -
02:16:45 * TimClark is spacing , ping only if needed
02:16:59 <JacobMastel> PARTY!!! :D
02:18:01 <gluxon> hehe.
02:18:13 <JacobMastel> Does anyone remember the URL of Fx's config option?
02:18:23 <JacobMastel> I know there's a special command for it....
02:18:33 <rmccue> about:config ?
02:18:33 <TimClark> expalin your question please
02:18:38 <gluxon> Gizmokid is gone... Kevin's away... and Tim Clark just left :P
02:18:58 <JacobMastel> Thats it rmccue
02:18:59 <JacobMastel> Thanks
02:19:08 <gluxon> ...
02:19:11 <TimClark> gluxon: i have not left, i am just listening to music and not paying close attention
02:19:18 <rmccue> And I JIZZED IN MY PANTS!
02:19:20 * rmccue sings
02:19:27 <rmccue> .o lastfm TimClark
02:19:28 <gluxon> Fx confused me :P How was I suppose to know that meant FF?
02:19:29 <pabot> Last played Late Last Night by MxPx -
02:19:49 <gluxon> JacobMastel: Type in about:mozilla
02:20:28 <rmccue> TimClark: You has a Lastfm?
02:20:31 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter|away lost my server ping! D:
02:21:19 <TimClark> rmccue: me has nothin you can use to track me
02:22:15 <TimClark> gluxon: Mozilla Firefox guru's use Fx, PortableApps Guru's use FF
02:22:30 <rmccue> .o youtube jizz in my pants
02:22:32 <rmccue> Wait.
02:22:33 <pabot> <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Try using the full URI as an arg -->
02:22:34 <rmccue> Oops.
02:22:41 <rmccue> .g jizz in my pants
02:22:43 <pabot> rmccue:
02:22:48 <TimClark> of course true Mozilla Firefox guru's know how to get into config :P
02:22:53 <DaveDixonII> Why are you people stuck on this subject?
02:23:24 <TimClark> which subjuct FF or jizz in pants ?
02:24:18 *** JacobMastel is now known as JacobMastel-Away
02:24:24 <DaveDixonII> jizz
02:24:27 *** KevinMPorter ( has joined #portableapps
02:24:27 * TimClark does not know what Jizz in Pants is but assumes it is a musical group
02:25:02 *** KevinPorter|away has quit (Nick collision from services.)
02:25:05 <TimClark> for young adolescent boys who find the name of the group suggestive of their lives
02:25:07 *** KevinMPorter is now known as KevinPorter
02:25:34 <KevinPorter> TimClark: I'm not going to ask where this is coming from. :P
02:25:59 <rmccue> TimClark: It's a song by The Lonely Planet
02:26:08 <rmccue> TimClark: They do SNL shorts.
02:26:11 <TimClark> rmccue: brought up "jizz in pants" and i was saying i think it's a music group
02:26:30 <rmccue> .o youtube
02:26:31 <pabot> - Jizz In My Pants (2:33, 12,201,139 views, 4.88/56,839)
02:26:42 <TimClark> rmccue: ahh, well i did say i "think"
02:26:44 <rmccue> .o
02:26:44 <pabot> rmccue: Try for details.
02:27:38 <TimClark> I do not think i like Jizz In My Pants :(
02:29:05 <rmccue> It's an awesome song.
02:29:18 <rmccue> "I jizz in my pants everytime you're next to me"
02:29:25 <rmccue> KevinPorter: Did you get my pun
02:29:29 <TimClark> i can't download it till monday,
02:29:32 <rmccue> s/pun/pun\?/
02:29:38 <KevinPorter> rmccue: I think so.
02:29:42 <TimClark> and thanks for the offer rmccue , but i will pass
02:30:01 <rmccue> .wik Porter (doorman)
02:30:06 <pabot> "An ostiarius, a Latin word sometimes anglicized as Ostiary but often literally translated as porter or doorman, originally was a servant or guard posted at the entrance of a building." -
02:30:09 <rmccue> (I think)
02:30:24 <rmccue> .wik Bellhop
02:30:26 <pabot> "A bellhop, also bellboy (pronunciation (help·info)) or bellman, is a hotel porter, who helps patrons with their luggage while checking in or out." -
02:30:29 <rmccue> Heh.
02:30:33 <TimClark> KevinPorter: guards the door to papps :D
02:30:46 <KevinPorter> Hmm. I think that's a good thing. :P
02:31:04 <TimClark> and rmccue likes jizz in my pants :-(
02:31:08 <rmccue> Then how did he let Patrick or me in? ;P
02:31:11 <rmccue> s/;/:/
02:31:28 <KevinPorter> Hehe.
02:31:59 <TimClark> rmccue: he is the gatekeeper, You are the key bearer :O
02:32:00 *** purple (i=purple@ has joined #portableapps
02:32:20 <rmccue> KevinPorter: THERE IS ONLY ZOOL!
02:32:38 <KevinPorter> TimClark: Don't give him any sense of importance, it all goes downhill from there. ;P
02:32:58 <rmccue> Impotence?! I am not!
02:33:09 *** purple has quit (Client Quit)
02:33:09 <rmccue> .o lastfm
02:33:13 <pabot> Last played Hurricane by Something Corporate from the album Leaving Through the Window -
02:33:14 * rmccue sways
02:33:18 <rmccue> -_-
02:33:21 <KevinPorter> rmccue: Add an "r" in there. ;)
02:33:27 <TimClark> i don't think rmccue can get any lower than "I like Jizz in my pants" :O
02:34:08 * rmccue is listening to Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of by U2
02:34:26 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
02:34:41 <TimClark> rmccue: try "Living in a moment [I would die for ] by ty herdon
02:34:51 <rmccue> No. :P
02:34:56 * rmccue only likes U2
02:35:01 <TimClark> why, i try your crap
02:35:04 <KevinPorter> Lol.
02:35:14 * TimClark likes U3 :D
02:35:15 <KevinPorter> rmccue is rather closed-minded. :D
02:35:20 <rmccue> You tried my crap? That's your problem, not mine :P
02:36:49 <KevinPorter> Lol.
02:37:44 * TimClark wonders if rmccue likes "Crap In his pants" too :
02:37:56 <TimClark> :O
02:38:02 <rmccue> -_-
02:38:17 <TimClark> and what does that smiley mean ?????
02:38:33 <TimClark> should i hide ?
02:39:31 <rmccue> It's the face you make when you sigh.
02:40:01 <TimClark> oh, sorry, did not want to make you sigh
02:41:15 <rmccue> :P
02:41:21 <TimClark> rmccue: are you sure, Bensawsome does it a lot and i don't think he's sighing ?
02:41:23 <rmccue> You need to be less serious :P
02:41:32 <rmccue> Yes, I'm sure.
02:41:46 <TimClark> Bensawsome: sighs a lot then
02:41:58 * KevinPorter sighs.
02:42:02 <KevinPorter> :P
02:42:51 <TimClark> too me that face says, careful, i'm gonna get you -_-
02:43:14 <TimClark> my cat looks at me like that when she wants a snack
02:43:50 <KevinPorter> Lol.
02:44:11 <Bensawsome> TimClark -_- means your sleeping.........
02:44:13 <TimClark> KevinPorter: did you read that stuff i linked too?
02:44:27 <KevinPorter> Some of it. Slow reading, I'm a little distracted right now.
02:44:53 <TimClark> Bensawsome: sleeping, you sleep a lot then
02:45:44 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
02:47:22 <Bensawsome> lol TimClark :P
02:47:32 <Bensawsome> well or it means your bored :P
02:47:34 <Bensawsome> lol
02:47:57 <TimClark> ahh, ok , that works, it's like saying, NOT funny
02:48:05 <Bensawsome> ya exactly :D
02:48:13 *** JacobMastel-Away is now known as JacobMastel
02:48:52 <TimClark> so too me it would be, "that was not funny, i am going to get you for it"
02:48:58 <JacobMastel> I love that Google is recommending Fx and Chrome over IE :P
02:48:59 <Bensawsome> lol
02:49:20 <rmccue> .o lastfm
02:49:22 <pabot> Last played Hurricane by Something Corporate from the album Leaving Through the Window -
02:49:28 <rmccue> What the?
02:49:32 <JacobMastel> rmccue: why do you keep doing that?
02:49:34 <TimClark> why are they not recommending Chrome over FF :P
02:49:44 <Bensawsome> ...
02:50:19 <rmccue> JacobMastel: It's not updating.
02:50:25 <TimClark> he is showing us somebodies play list i thing
02:50:44 <JacobMastel> rmccue: can you test in #rmccue?
02:51:04 <rmccue> JacobMastel: No, I was trying to show what song I was listening to, but it's broken.
02:51:13 <TimClark> if you are being cute you should use a smiley, if not, well ...
02:51:29 <Bensawsome> rmccue you do .o lastfm <lastfmusername>
02:51:37 <Bensawsome> .o lastfm Bensawsome
02:51:39 <pabot> Last played Right Here, Right Now by Fatboy Slim from the album You've Come a Long Way, Baby -
02:52:13 <rmccue> Bensawsome: I know, but if you omit the username, it uses your nick.
02:52:24 <Bensawsome> yep...
02:52:28 <Bensawsome> how is that broken?
02:52:49 <Bensawsome> it works fine for me :P
02:53:46 <rmccue> .o lastfm rmccue
02:53:48 <pabot> Last played Hurricane by Something Corporate from the album Leaving Through the Window -
02:53:55 <KevinPorter> .o lastfm porterkm
02:53:56 <rmccue> I have newer songs listened to.
02:53:57 <pabot> Last played Better Than Drugs by Skillet -
02:54:05 <KevinPorter> Hmm, not really, but okay.
02:54:21 <Bensawsome> mine works :P
02:54:34 <Bensawsome> well... maybe thats cause i only played one song so far....
02:54:56 <rmccue> KevinPorter: That's because you haven't been scrobbling.
02:55:05 <rmccue> I have been, but it appears there's a server side cache.
02:55:57 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
02:56:07 <KevinPorter> I honestly never use anymore. I always use Pandora.
02:56:15 <ZachThibeau> back :)
02:56:17 <KevinPorter> I just scrobble just in case Pandora dies someday.
02:56:20 <rmccue> Pandora is US only.
02:56:22 <KevinPorter> Evenin' ZachThibeau. :)
02:56:31 <KevinPorter> rmccue: I feel bad for you. ;)
02:56:57 <Bensawsome> hey KevinPorter what your im username and what protocol (if you dont mind me asking/knowing)
02:56:57 <rmccue> KevinPorter: I have a US proxy for Hulu though :P
02:57:03 <Bensawsome> lol rmccue :P
02:57:26 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: I have multiple services, which ones? :P
02:57:38 <KevinPorter> rmccue: You should try Pandora. It's awesome. :D
02:57:39 <Bensawsome> hmmm i have basically all the major ones :P
02:57:43 <KevinPorter> Lol.
02:57:50 <Bensawsome> aim icq msn yahoo
02:57:53 <Bensawsome> gtalk
02:58:07 <KevinPorter> I don't have ICQ, ironically.
02:58:08 <KevinPorter> Anyhow.
02:58:10 <Bensawsome> lol
02:58:25 <Bensawsome> also xfire....
02:58:41 <rmccue> I woke up in a car.
02:58:44 <KevinPorter> ptrkm477 (AIM [don't ask where that came from]),,,
02:58:55 <Bensawsome> okey dokey :)
02:59:16 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta just showed me this clip :D
03:00:04 <Bensawsome> ok added them all KevinPorter :P
03:03:59 <rmccue> .o lastfm
03:04:02 <pabot> Last played Hurricane by Something Corporate from the album Leaving Through the Window -
03:04:13 <rmccue> Ironically, I'm listening to that again :P
03:04:26 <Bensawsome> lol
03:04:27 <ZachThibeau> .o lastfm zachthibeau
03:04:29 <pabot> No tracks found.
03:04:31 <Bensawsome> XD
03:04:36 <ZachThibeau> :P I should get back on :P
03:04:52 <Bensawsome> lol ya
03:06:17 *** JacobMastel has parted #portableapps ()
03:06:53 <KevinPorter> .o lastfm porterkm
03:06:55 <pabot> Last played Better Than Drugs by Skillet -
03:07:02 <KevinPorter> *sigh*
03:07:38 <rmccue> KevinPorter: That's the last thing you scrobbled.
03:07:50 <KevinPorter> Not according to my profile. :P
03:08:07 <rmccue> Well, it *was* :P
03:08:13 <rmccue> There's a cache of some sort.
03:08:37 <KevinPorter> .o lastfm porterkm
03:08:38 <pabot> Last played Better Than Drugs by Skillet -
03:08:43 <KevinPorter> Lol.
03:08:46 <KevinPorter> I give up.
03:09:13 <Bensawsome> lol
03:09:29 <rmccue> .o lastfm
03:09:30 <pabot> Last played Hurricane by Something Corporate from the album Leaving Through the Window -
03:09:57 <rmccue> -_-
03:10:11 <rmccue> .o lastfm rmccue Bensawsome porterkm
03:10:13 <pabot> No tracks found.
03:10:16 <rmccue> -_-
03:11:06 <Bensawsome> lol
03:11:08 <Bensawsome> .o
03:11:09 <pabot> Bensawsome: Try for details.
03:11:11 <Bensawsome> .o lastfm
03:11:12 <pabot> Last played Right Here, Right Now by Fatboy Slim from the album You've Come a Long Way, Baby -
03:11:23 <Bensawsome> that is correct ^_^
03:17:36 <TimClark> good night all, have a great night with your music
03:17:49 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
03:23:52 <ZachThibeau> .o lastfm thibeaz
03:23:55 <pabot> Last played Lord, I Lift Your Name on High by Petra from the album Petra Praise 2: We Need Jesus -
03:24:02 <ZachThibeau> :D
03:24:46 *** Seth_Hikaru has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
03:24:47 <rmccue> .o lastfm
03:24:48 <pabot> Last played Hurricane by Something Corporate from the album Leaving Through the Window -
03:24:50 <rmccue> -_-
03:25:10 <rmccue> .o refresh
03:25:12 <pabot> rmccue: Okay, found 32 services.
03:25:15 <rmccue> .o lastfm
03:25:16 <pabot> Last played Hurricane by Something Corporate from the album Leaving Through the Window -
03:25:23 <rmccue> Yep, server side cache.
03:28:59 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|afk
03:29:03 *** rmccue|afk is now known as rmccue|food
03:31:20 * ZachThibeau is working on Last.fmPortable :)
03:32:08 <gluxon> Hey guys
03:32:09 <rmccue|food> You mean the scrobbler?
03:32:22 *** rmccue|food is now known as rmccue
03:32:37 <ZachThibeau> rmccue: sort of :P there is a client from called :)
03:32:51 <rmccue> ZachThibeau: Yeah, it's the scrobbler.
03:32:52 <ZachThibeau>
03:33:10 <ZachThibeau> their client is Open-Source :P
03:33:39 <rmccue> I know.
03:33:52 <Bensawsome> ZachThibeau :D
03:33:57 <Bensawsome> lets make it portyable :D
03:34:05 <ZachThibeau> Bensawsome: fail
03:34:06 <rmccue> Portyable!
03:34:16 *** Seth_Hikaru ( has joined #portableapps
03:34:16 *** Seth_Hikaru has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
03:34:20 <Bensawsome> lol
03:34:34 *** Seth_Hikaru ( has joined #portableapps
03:34:44 <gluxon> Hi?
03:34:45 <rmccue> .wik ffs
03:34:47 <pabot> "The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff, a 'Stuff Pack' for The Sims 2." -
03:34:52 * rmccue waves to gluxon
03:34:59 * rmccue read the topic
03:35:29 <rmccue> .wik Facial feminization surgery
03:35:31 <pabot> "Facial feminization surgery (FFS) refers to surgical procedures that alter the human face to bring its features closer in shape and size to those of an average female human." -
03:36:10 <ZachThibeau> rmccue: you stalking Michael Jackson again?
03:36:55 <KevinPorter> Lol.
03:37:18 * KevinPorter resists a good joke.
03:37:25 * rmccue wants to hear it.
03:37:26 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: do tell :D
03:37:39 <rmccue> "No, but he's stalking me"?
03:37:50 <rmccue> .wik Chondrolaryngoplasty
03:37:52 <pabot> "Chondrolaryngoplasty (commonly called tracheal shave) is a surgical procedure in which the thyroid cartilage is reduced in size by shaving down the cartilage through an incision in the throat, generally to aid transwomen in achieving a passable female appearance, and [...]" -
03:38:07 <rmccue> KevinPorter: These links are in case you want to be a real boy :)
03:38:09 <ZachThibeau> :/
03:38:19 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: rmccue is scaring me :/
03:38:25 <KevinPorter> rmccue: >_>
03:38:27 * ZachThibeau thinks rmccue has issues
03:38:38 <rmccue>
03:38:43 <rmccue> *
03:38:46 * ZachThibeau thinks it's deep issues with ryan
03:38:47 <rmccue> Track them.
03:38:57 <KevinPorter> ZachThibeau: And you realized this when?
03:39:18 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: I knew of them but I didn't realize it was that deep
03:39:59 <KevinPorter> Meh.
03:40:00 *** upnPAD|2 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
03:40:01 <KevinPorter> I suspected it.
03:40:05 <ZachThibeau> upnPAD|2: huh?
03:40:09 <ZachThibeau> :S
03:40:19 <KevinPorter> ZachThibeau: You can kinda tell. You mix Aussie with bad issues and you get, er, Ryan.
03:40:29 <rmccue> No need to mix.
03:40:36 <upnPAD|2> wut
03:40:50 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: he likes it shaken not stired ;)
03:41:00 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|food
03:41:02 <rmccue|food> FOOD!
03:41:06 <ZachThibeau> :S
03:41:20 <KevinPorter> ZachThibeau: I again ignore an opportunity for a dirty joke. :-/
03:41:35 <ZachThibeau> :P
03:43:58 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: this here is a work of art that ptmb and I put together :D
03:44:23 * KevinPorter gapes.
03:44:29 <KevinPorter> That's pretty awesome. :D
03:44:30 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: and this is the work of art ported to wordpress (port not yet complete)
03:45:00 <DaveDixonII> That looks awesome! :D
03:45:02 <KevinPorter> Cool. :)
03:45:05 <ZachThibeau> ty :)
03:45:13 <ZachThibeau> I'm doing a phpbb3 port of it :D
03:46:07 *** MaienM|Sleep is now known as MaienM
03:46:24 <KevinPorter> ZachThibeau: With that kind of theme, even phpBB will look pretty awesome. ;)
03:46:31 <ZachThibeau> ty :P
03:46:41 <ZachThibeau> MaienM: your awake O_o
03:46:46 <MaienM> yesh
03:46:53 <ZachThibeau> YAY!
03:47:08 <MaienM> ^_^
03:47:45 <DaveDixonII> Get ready ya die. :P
03:47:50 <DaveDixonII> .t
03:47:50 <pabot> Sat, 27 Dec 2008 23:11:32 EST
03:47:54 <DaveDixonII> :D
03:47:56 <MaienM> .t MaienM
03:47:57 <pabot> Sun, 28 Dec 2008 05:11:38 CET
03:49:27 <KevinPorter> ;)
03:49:30 <ZachThibeau> :P
03:49:33 <ZachThibeau> good
03:49:56 *** Seth_Hikaru_ ( has joined #portableapps
03:50:12 <ZachThibeau> .o lastfm thibeaz
03:50:15 <pabot> Last played Lord, I Lift Your Name on High by Petra from the album Petra Praise 2: We Need Jesus -
03:50:20 <ZachThibeau> :/ thats not it
03:50:25 <KevinPorter> Let's see if finally refreshed.
03:50:29 <KevinPorter> .o lastfm porterkm
03:50:30 <pabot> Last played Better Than Drugs by Skillet -
03:50:33 <KevinPorter> *sigh*
03:50:37 <ZachThibeau> I'm listening to Gone by tobymac
03:50:39 <ZachThibeau> :(
03:50:48 <ZachThibeau> good song I think though :P
03:50:55 * KevinPorter listened to about 40 or so songs since then.
03:51:25 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: skillet is teh awesome
03:51:33 <KevinPorter> Yes. :D
03:51:35 *** Seth_Hikaru has quit (Nick collision from services.)
03:51:36 *** Seth_Hikaru_ is now known as Seth_Hikaru
03:52:55 <KevinPorter> ZachThibeau: Do you have a favorite artist?
03:53:10 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: rebecca st james is an aussie :O
03:53:20 <ZachThibeau> KevinPorter: it's apologetiX :D
03:53:35 <KevinPorter> She is? :O
03:53:39 <KevinPorter> Wow. I couldn't tell. :P
03:53:43 <ZachThibeau> yeah :O I know
03:53:54 <KevinPorter> My opinion of her has lowered. :P
03:53:56 * KevinPorter jokes.
03:53:59 <ZachThibeau> lol
03:54:09 <ZachThibeau> .o lastfm thibeaz
03:54:11 <pabot> Last played Lord, I Lift Your Name on High by Petra from the album Petra Praise 2: We Need Jesus -
03:54:17 <ZachThibeau> darn still not ready
03:54:34 <ZachThibeau> I'm listening to Switchfoot Meant to live :P
03:55:14 <KevinPorter> Maybe there's something wrong with there North American servers.
03:55:24 <KevinPorter> That's my only decent explanation. :P
03:55:40 <ZachThibeau> probably the aussie servers are still good >:(
03:55:44 <ZachThibeau> :P
03:55:45 <ZachThibeau> jk
03:56:11 <KevinPorter> Lol.
03:56:21 <KevinPorter> Ryan is the only one it's working for. :-/
03:56:58 *** rmccue|food is now known as rmccue
03:57:02 <rmccue> KevinPorter: It's not.
03:57:21 <gluxon> bye guys :P
03:57:26 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
03:57:36 <KevinPorter> rmccue: Who else is it working for? The Russians? :P
03:59:07 *** Guest65174 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
03:59:51 <ZachThibeau> the afghans? (no offence to any afghans that maybe here)
04:00:10 <rmccue> What?
04:00:16 * rmccue is confused
04:00:30 <ZachThibeau> rmccue: read the log
04:00:37 <rmccue> I did.
04:00:47 <rmccue> You are referring to, right?
04:00:53 <ZachThibeau> yes
04:15:05 * DaveDixonII needs a nice simple blue wallpaper. >_>
04:15:40 * MaienM found some nice new wallpapers yesterday
04:15:53 <MaienM> 1680x1050 ones are kinda rare though
04:16:00 <rmccue> DaveDixonII: I have one with an Apple logo :D
04:16:10 <DaveDixonII> D:
04:16:20 <DaveDixonII> Apple logo != simple :P
04:16:26 <rmccue> MaienM: I think I know where you can get some awesome ones.
04:16:47 <rmccue> MaienM: should have them in your size.
04:17:26 <rmccue> The awesome thing about that site is that they come in dual and triple screen formats too.
04:18:00 <MaienM> hmm nice, they even noticed what format I use :D
04:18:23 <MaienM> I want to connect my second screen too ._. (my old one)
04:18:27 <rmccue> Yeah, I know the guy that did that site, it's awesome.
04:18:33 <MaienM> but my pc only has once connection ._.
04:19:47 <MaienM> most of the wallpapers on that site are members only tho :(
04:20:27 <rmccue> There are a heap of free ones.
04:20:35 <rmccue> Not to mention that the price is fairly cheap.
04:21:19 <MaienM> well I'm broke so even though cheap I won't be able to pay for it :P
04:21:29 <DaveDixonII> Awesome! :D
04:21:48 <MaienM> indeed :O
04:22:41 * MaienM now has 11 wallpapers
04:22:47 <DaveDixonII> That ones a keeper. :D
04:23:01 <MaienM> edit, 10 :P
04:24:44 <Bensawsome> lol this is my favorite wallpaper :P
04:25:37 <rmccue> DaveDixonII: Looks like the Gorillaz' film clips.
04:25:40 <MaienM> more like "iDowngraded from" [/os bash]
04:25:55 <Bensawsome> MaienM :P
04:26:16 <Bensawsome> its better then windows...
04:26:24 <DaveDixonII>
04:26:30 <rmccue> I've currently got this:
04:28:49 <DaveDixonII> rmccue: It does. Doesn't it?
04:29:59 <rmccue> DaveDixonII: I'd say it probably is based on them.
04:33:41 * DaveDixonII forgot!
04:37:55 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|away
04:38:02 *** ZachT|away is now known as ZachT|ZzZz
04:39:56 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
04:42:07 * rmccue wishes ChrisMorgan was here.
04:42:19 <Bensawsome> rmccue:
04:42:26 <Bensawsome> lol jk rmccue just testing something >_>
04:42:31 <Bensawsome> Bensawsome:
04:42:32 <Bensawsome> :D
04:42:37 <rmccue> Link doesn't work :(
04:42:52 <Bensawsome> ?
04:43:02 *** Allen ( has joined #portableapps
04:43:06 <Bensawsome> the is that a spammer one?
04:43:10 <rmccue> Both.
04:43:14 <rmccue> Hello Allen.
04:43:31 <Allen> hi -- i need to change my password -- how do i do it
04:43:44 <rmccue> Bensawsome: Actually, they both do now.
04:43:55 <Bensawsome> rmccue ::D
04:43:59 <rmccue> Allen: On the forums? Go onto a forum page and look at the sidebar on the left.
04:44:06 <rmccue> Allen: Click on My Account, then Edit.
04:44:13 <Allen> ok, thanks much.
04:45:47 *** Allen is now known as asandl
04:46:01 <asandl> i found out how to change it...thanks...
04:46:29 <asandl> actually i meant nickname and i said password
04:48:12 <rmccue> Oh, I don't believe you can change your nickname.
04:48:35 <asandl> i am using chatzilla and it appears to allow it...have just downloaded chatzilla...
04:49:02 <DaveDixonII> asandl: You are talking about IRC yes?
04:49:13 <asandl> yes, irc...
04:49:23 <KevinPorter> /nick <newname>
04:49:42 <DaveDixonII> Oh. Okay. This is the chatroom and when you said the stuff before you may have confused rmccue.
04:50:44 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers")
04:51:31 *** PatrickPatience_ (n=Patrick@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
04:51:45 <rmccue> Oh, haha.
04:52:07 <Bensawsome> lol fail rmccue :P
04:52:20 *** PatrickPatience_ is now known as PatrickPatience
04:52:33 <DaveDixonII> rmccue: trying to download lilina and its all d:
04:52:35 <DaveDixonII> D:*
04:53:09 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
04:53:16 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Client Quit)
04:53:27 <asandl> ok, i have a couple of questions...i have a thumb drive that i've just loaded portable apps onto...i tried with my company computer to use firefox off of the thumb drive...but it wouldn't i just being blocked?
04:53:55 <Bensawsome> asandl some companies dont allow any applications other then their approved ones to execute...
04:53:59 <rmccue> Quite possibly, yes.
04:54:03 <Bensawsome> so ya that is most likely your problem
04:54:10 <rmccue> Try it on another computer as well, to confirm.
04:54:29 *** alpha1beta (n=Michael_@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
04:54:35 <alpha1beta> hello gents
04:54:40 <ZachT|ZzZz> howdy alpha1beta
04:54:48 <Bensawsome> alpha1beta shhhh support :P
04:54:51 <alpha1beta> yo zach what's up
04:54:56 <alpha1beta> hi and ok ben
04:54:57 <rmccue> alpha1beta: What about Bensawsome? :P
04:54:58 <asandl> ok, i will try that...thanks for the info. my next question is that i tried to set up an account with portable apps and they aren't sending my any newsletter...does it take a few days..
04:55:06 <Bensawsome> rmccue:
04:55:16 <rmccue> asandl: The newsletter is updated once every couple of months.
04:55:16 <JacobMastel> The newsletter is currently non existant
04:55:20 <alpha1beta> rmccue, do you rly want to know?
04:55:23 <Bensawsome> asandl lol ya.....
04:55:33 <Bensawsome> it does not exist yet ><
04:55:48 <DaveDixonII> Bensawsome: I recieved one along time ago
04:55:57 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII ya but that was a long time ago
04:56:05 <Bensawsome> it hasnt been updated as there is no one to
04:56:11 <asandl> oh, well that makes sense...that's why i'm not getting it! how about a confirming email about my account....did you get that when you created an account...
04:56:13 <Bensawsome> so right now it doesnt exist....
04:57:48 <DaveDixonII> I don't think you need to confirm your account.
04:57:59 <DaveDixonII> Unless something has changed to the registration.
04:58:48 <rmccue> I don't believe there's a confirmation email, although I could be wrong.
04:58:49 <asandl> well tonite it wouldn't let me sign on....i finally filled in my username and the response was that i would get an email...which i haven't received...
04:59:09 <Bensawsome> asandl you might have put in the wrong email then :S
04:59:51 <asandl> yeah, i just downloaded an extension for firefox called lastpass...have you heard of it...i may have messed up on the password...but it's a really good program...
05:01:13 <rmccue> Make sure you check your spam folder to make sure it hasn't been put in there accidentally.
05:01:50 <asandl> i did check that...nothing there but thanks for reminding me!
05:04:09 <JacobMastel> asandl: I have used lastpast and I don't recommend it. It can be extremely glitchy
05:04:28 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
05:04:38 *** alpha1beta (n=Michael_@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
05:05:14 <asandl> jacob: oh really...yes sometimes it is...i had roboform but got a new computer and didn't want to buy some ways lastpass is better (in my opinion) than roboform and it's free!
05:05:55 <alpha1beta> or these free open source and portable keepass
05:06:03 <JacobMastel> asandl: I would recommend Keepass
05:06:13 <JacobMastel> alpha1beta: beat me to the draw :P
05:06:28 *** purple has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
05:06:30 <alpha1beta> :)
05:06:32 <asandl> alpha and jacob: thanks, i'll check out keepass
05:06:48 <JacobMastel> You can store all the files in an encrypted database and then use a hotkey to autofill in the detail
05:06:58 <alpha1beta> sure thing, it's pretty awesome, the only thing better is kwallet but that's linux only
05:07:30 <asandl> you guys are very knowledgeable -- thanks for the suggestions!
05:08:12 <JacobMastel> If you need a specialized forms keepass can do those too just read the help file to see what the format in the notes section is.
05:08:49 <JacobMastel> I'm off for the night
05:08:52 <JacobMastel> Good night all
05:09:12 <alpha1beta> later jacob
05:09:12 *** JacobMastel has parted #portableapps ()
05:09:35 <asandl> thanks...i'm signing out too! good night and thanks again. alpha and jacob.
05:09:53 *** asandl has parted #portableapps ()
05:10:04 <alpha1beta> your welcome
05:17:04 <rmccue> ROFL:
05:19:31 *** SETH_HIKARU_ ( has joined #portableapps
05:19:34 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
05:19:35 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a moderator and developer (
05:19:59 <alpha1beta> ello Patrick
05:20:26 *** rmccue has quit (Excess Flood)
05:20:37 <alpha1beta> ha!
05:20:40 <MaienM> xD
05:20:50 <alpha1beta> wonder who he was spamming
05:20:58 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
05:21:00 <DaveDixonII> * rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has left #rmccue ("'I spent the entire day being normal, now that I'm home, I just want to duct tape fuzzy green pipe cleaners to my head, turn o")
05:21:04 <DaveDixonII> :/
05:21:09 <alpha1beta> who'd ya spam ryan?
05:21:16 <rmccue> Stupid close button.
05:21:23 <alpha1beta> (quit: Excess Flood).
05:21:35 <rmccue> O RRY?
05:21:38 <alpha1beta> yepp
05:21:44 <PatrickPatience> Unban me!
05:21:47 <alpha1beta> SPAMMER! kick him
05:21:50 <rmccue> I didn't actually say anything.
05:21:54 *** SETH_HIKARU_ has quit (Client Quit)
05:21:55 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: From?
05:22:04 *** SETH_HIKARU_ ( has joined #portableapps
05:22:40 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Nvm, removed all bans.
05:26:54 <PatrickPatience> Mmm, the last crusade.
05:30:03 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|afk
05:30:48 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
05:31:18 *** Seth_Hikaru has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
05:32:32 *** rmccue|afk is now known as rmccue
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05:40:39 *** upnPAD|3 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
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05:46:40 *** SETH_HIKARU_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
05:46:52 *** upnPAD (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
05:46:53 <pabot> upnPAD wants Code::Blocks, Inkscape, XChat, X-Moto, and Chris Morgan Portable. His website is
05:48:44 *** upnPAD|2 has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
05:49:54 <rmccue> .twitter JohnTHaller
05:49:56 <pabot> JohnTHaller: is wishing everyone a merry one.
05:52:08 <PatrickPatience> A merry what? A merry WHAT!?
05:53:03 <rmccue> A merry one.
05:53:12 <rmccue> As opposed to a merry two or a merry three.
05:53:43 *** SETH_HIKARU__ has quit ("Leaving")
05:53:55 *** SETH_HIKARU_ ( has joined #portableapps
05:55:00 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: I only just realised that his previous one was a reference to Anchorman.
05:55:05 * rmccue failed John :(
05:55:28 <rmccue>
05:56:50 * Bensawsome laughs at rmccue :P
05:57:17 * Bensawsome wonders if he is alone >_>
05:57:19 <rmccue> Did anyone else get it?
05:58:29 *** SETH_HIKARU has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
06:05:01 *** upnPAD|3 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
06:05:47 *** SETH_HIKARU_ is now known as SETH_HIKARU
06:20:46 *** rmccue has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
06:21:05 *** pabot has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
06:24:09 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
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06:26:08 *** ZachT|ZzZz has quit ("Leaving")
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06:26:44 *** SETH_HIKARU has quit (Nick collision from services.)
06:26:45 *** SETH_HIKARU__ is now known as Seth_Hikaru
06:27:08 *** SETH_HIKARU_ has quit (Client Quit)
06:27:13 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: You here?
06:29:17 <rmccue> Yah.
06:30:31 <PatrickPatience> In Tile World, it will display accents and ~ on characters, but not umlauts... any solutions?
06:30:46 <PatrickPatience> It replaces umlauts with ÷
06:30:57 <rmccue> Weird.
06:31:07 <rmccue> Probably a codepage fail.
06:33:06 <PatrickPatience> Any ideas? I tried various methods of inserting them, what would you do?
06:33:36 <rmccue> Work out if it's a codepage fail.
06:33:51 <rmccue> If so, recommend to the authors to use Unicode.
06:34:53 <PatrickPatience> It's currently undeveloped.
06:34:58 <PatrickPatience> Any other solutions?
06:37:11 <rmccue> Nope.
06:37:38 <MaienM> fix it yourself?
06:38:01 <rmccue> MaienM: Converting something to Unicode is a large task.
06:38:21 <MaienM> or just don't use umlauts ;)
06:38:36 <PatrickPatience> Lmao, Hitler signs the diary.
06:38:45 <PatrickPatience> I think I'll just remove the umlauts....
06:38:46 <PatrickPatience> HOWEVER.
06:39:52 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: If it's ö, make it oe, etc.
06:40:08 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Check if they work with esszetts too.
06:40:30 <PatrickPatience> I just made this problem so much more confusing.
06:40:45 <PatrickPatience> It only happens on u's and o's, not a's.
06:40:58 <PatrickPatience> And the Title dispalys fine in the program, and in the title bar with umlauts.
06:41:18 <rmccue> "a"s don't often have umaluts.
06:41:33 <rmccue> And e and i never do.
06:41:46 <PatrickPatience> The umlauted u's are replaced with an accented y. :S
06:42:01 <rmccue> Ow.
06:42:12 * rmccue smells another codepage fail
06:42:16 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
06:42:20 <PatrickPatience> I guess you're right.
06:42:31 <PatrickPatience> You're sure there's no other solutions for inserting them?
06:42:46 <rmccue> Well, in German, ö becomes oe, etc.
06:43:00 <rmccue> An esszett simply becomes a double s instead.
06:43:14 <rmccue> And that's all the German special characters you need to worry about.
06:44:06 <PatrickPatience> I never brought esszett's into this, dammit!
06:44:41 <rmccue> I know!
06:44:48 <rmccue> But you should test with them anyway.
06:45:07 <rmccue> Like, with Straße
06:46:09 <Bensawsome> orly rmccue?
06:47:09 <rmccue> Ja, wirklich.
06:48:36 <PatrickPatience> I may have a plan.
06:49:23 <Bensawsome> does it invlove many shenanigans?
06:49:32 <Bensawsome> *involve
06:51:39 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Yes?
06:52:08 <PatrickPatience> Just sit ther!
06:52:37 <Bensawsome> so it does involve shenanigans :D
06:52:57 <PatrickPatience> Awe... solution failed.
06:53:15 <Bensawsome> i think we will shenan-again :P
07:20:21 <Bensawsome> i like that joke :P
07:21:20 <PatrickPatience> He chose... poorly.
07:22:34 <Bensawsome> :P
07:28:32 *** pabot (n=pabot@unaffiliated/rmccue/bot/pabot) has joined #portableapps
07:34:31 *** rmccue has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
07:35:13 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
07:35:31 <rmccue> 'I spent the entire day being normal, now that I'm home, I just want to duct tape fuzzy green pipe cleaners to my head, turn on the strobe, take off my clothes, and IRC.'
07:37:13 <PatrickPatience> It's weird how I missed those four men with machine guns behind you.
07:37:47 <rmccue> I love lamp.
07:38:22 <PatrickPatience> I love LAMPP.
07:39:15 <rmccue> s/PP/P/
07:39:46 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
07:42:27 <PatrickPatience> Is it Perl or Python?
07:42:31 <PatrickPatience> If it's Perl then meh.
07:42:41 <PatrickPatience> It's Perl, isn't it?
07:42:53 <rmccue> P = Perl, Python or PHP.
07:43:03 <rmccue> I personally use LAMB.
07:43:15 <rmccue> Linux, Apache, MySQL and Brainf*ck.
07:43:27 <rmccue> (Stupid G-rated channel)
07:54:18 *** upnPAD|2 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
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08:06:32 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: ping
08:06:36 <PatrickPatience> What's wrong with this code?
08:06:37 <PatrickPatience> ReadINIStr $0 "$EXEDIR\Data\settings\TileWorldPortableSettings.ini" "TileWorldPortableSettings" "Language"
08:06:37 <PatrickPatience> StrCmp $0 "" CheckForEnvVar
08:06:37 <PatrickPatience> StrCpy $0 "$APPLANGUAGE"
08:06:37 <PatrickPatience> Goto SetAppLanguage
08:06:42 <rmccue> Pong pong pong.
08:06:55 <PatrickPatience> It's not grabbing the result, apparently.
08:07:07 <rmccue> StrCpy around the wrong way?
08:07:58 <PatrickPatience> Ahh, thank you. :)
08:08:12 <PatrickPatience> Wel.
08:08:16 <PatrickPatience> Wait, perhaps no.
08:08:41 <PatrickPatience> Oh, so it was.
08:08:43 <PatrickPatience> THanks.
08:09:27 <PatrickPatience> Hurrah.
08:22:04 *** SETH_HIKARU_ ( has joined #portableapps
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08:48:47 *** SETH_HIKARU_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
09:13:55 <PatrickPatience> Night night.
09:14:09 <rmccue> Auf Wiedersehen.
09:15:55 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
09:17:58 <rmccue> .ety penis
09:18:00 <pabot> "1676, perhaps from Fr. pénis or directly from L. penis 'penis,' earlier 'tail' (cf. Eng. tail in both senses, the sexual one slang), from PIE *pes-/*pesos- 'penis' (cf. Skt. pasas-, Gk. peos, posthe 'penis,' probably also O.E. fæsl 'progeny, offspring,' O.N. fösull, [...]" -
09:18:06 <rmccue> :D
09:18:07 * rmccue hides
09:22:05 <rmccue> .o lastfm rmccue
09:22:09 <pabot> Now playing Better Off Dead by Matthew Ebel -
09:25:22 <rmccue> .o twitter
09:25:25 <pabot> <@rmccue> @jeremyvisser Why? (
09:36:10 <rmccue> .o Gandhi
09:36:10 <pabot> rmccue: Sorry, no such service. See
09:44:15 *** joerg_ ( has joined #portableapps
09:48:43 *** nslater ( has joined #portableapps
09:48:51 <nslater> where is the phenny?
09:48:58 <nslater> .o twitter
09:49:00 <pabot> <@nslater> Twitter is IRC without the good bits. (
09:49:02 <rmccue> pabot: help
09:49:03 <pabot> rmccue: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is rmccue.
09:49:05 <nslater> ooh, haha, ace!
09:49:13 <nslater> .o
09:49:15 <pabot> nslater: Try for details.
09:49:17 <rmccue> I need to keep pabot better updated
09:49:27 <nslater> hmm, thats interesting - using the default services too
09:49:38 <rmccue> There used to be one at #brisbanecreative, but whimpeybot faded away.
09:49:40 <nslater> glad to know people find it useful!
09:49:47 <rmccue> pabot is in a few channels.
09:50:01 <nslater> .o eric
09:50:01 <rmccue> 8 at current count.
09:50:03 <pabot> A Turing machine running some arbitrary program P with finite input I will stop whenever ESR damn well tells it to.
09:50:18 <rmccue> s/I will/will/
09:51:14 <rmccue> nslater: Compare:
09:51:18 <rmccue> .o twitter rmccue
09:51:20 <pabot> <@rmccue> @jeremyvisser Why? (
09:51:21 <rmccue> .twitter rmccue
09:51:23 <pabot> rmccue: @jeremyvisser Why?
09:51:53 <nslater> if you guys want to collaborate with me and add stuff to the phenny-ws hosted app engine stuff, you can just ask and ill add you to the project
09:52:05 <nslater> then you get to do cool stuff like add special casing for your irc nick
09:52:08 <nslater> .o lastfm
09:52:10 <pabot> Last played Laisse Tomber les Filles by April March from the album Paris in April -
09:52:21 <nslater> (i.e. my lastfm username is "noahslater"
09:52:30 <rmccue> It's all open source though, I could just submit patches :P
09:54:10 <nslater> you could do - but im not very responsive :)
09:55:08 <rmccue> Haha.
09:55:18 <rmccue> Well, I'm cubegames if you wish to add me :)
09:55:55 <nslater> well, i would hope you'd say "hey, i wanna add the dwim service - add me plskthx" first, and then i would be all like "cool, sure thing lol"
09:56:37 <rmccue> Add services? I was merely planning to look at them and then delete them :P
09:57:32 <nslater> haha
10:01:23 *** joerg has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
10:05:52 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
10:05:53 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
10:05:58 <SteveLamerton> Morning all
10:06:17 <MaienM> morning SteveLamerton
10:06:41 <SteveLamerton> Morning MaienM
10:09:38 *** rmccue is now known as [redacted]
10:11:24 *** [redacted] is now known as rmccue
10:12:08 *** rmccue is now known as [redacted]
10:16:26 *** [redacted] is now known as rmccue
10:41:08 *** clintoy (n=clintoy@ has joined #portableapps
10:45:25 <clintoy> hello
10:45:47 <clintoy> im a newbee
10:45:52 <rmccue> Hello clintoy. How may we help you?
10:45:53 <SteveLamerton> Hello clintoy
10:46:23 <clintoy> id like to know how to make portable apps paf format
10:46:34 <clintoy> ive already tried thinstall
10:46:55 *** upnPAD|3 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
10:47:06 <rmccue> Check out the documentation on
10:47:34 <rmccue> It's pretty much all we have at the moment, although the real development page might be of some help:
10:48:24 <clintoy> ive read but prettty much an overview for me
10:49:17 <rmccue> Other than that, check out NSIS itself and then grab an existing launcher and hack at it.
10:49:18 <clintoy> im not really into programming but so far as application testing and reshacking ive done
10:50:15 <clintoy> the launcher is what i cant get so far...
10:51:07 <rmccue> Well, that's really the heart of portable applications.
10:51:14 <rmccue> ResHacking isn't really useful at all.
10:53:01 <clintoy> so far what i have understood is i'll write something like the nsi template and use nsis to compile it??
10:53:10 <rmccue> Yep.
10:53:43 <clintoy> so nsis compiles it and makes it into a launcher or exe?
10:53:50 <rmccue> Yep.
10:53:53 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving.")
10:53:56 <clintoy> uhh
10:54:13 <rmccue> Bye Steve :P
10:54:29 <clintoy> so i grab the changes using total uninstaller?
10:54:43 <clintoy> changes==registry entries?
10:54:47 <rmccue> Well, most of us use RegShot or Process Monitor.
10:55:05 <clintoy> ic
10:55:20 <clintoy> i have regshot though
10:55:42 <rmccue> Yes, but there can also be file system changes in %APPDATA%
10:57:09 <clintoy> is there a converter to make reg shots into nsis?
10:57:19 <rmccue> Nope.
10:58:23 <clintoy> oh
10:58:34 <rmccue> It's all pretty manual at the moment.
10:58:43 <clintoy> ic
10:59:07 <clintoy> like how many entries normally is there?
11:00:22 <rmccue> Could be 100, for all we know.
11:00:27 <clintoy> normally=usually
11:00:37 <rmccue> There's usually only one master key that you have to export though.
11:00:58 <clintoy> master key?
11:02:52 <rmccue> e.g. There might be an entry at HKCU\Software\WinMerge\x, but the "master" would be HKCU\Software\WinMerge, as it's what contains everything else.
11:05:33 <clintoy> ic
11:07:50 *** upnPAD|2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
11:09:57 <clintoy> ive been wanting to make my illustrator portable. is it doable?
11:10:42 <rmccue> Most likely not.
11:10:51 <clintoy> why so?
11:11:21 <rmccue> Firstly, all the Adobe programs are huge and tied to the system extensively.
11:11:31 <clintoy> ic
11:11:51 <rmccue> Secondly, it would also be extremely slow.
11:12:38 <clintoy> im actually saving it to a hard drive
11:12:53 <rmccue> Ah.
11:13:12 <clintoy> what i like about portables is that i could easily change systems without having to wait for install times
11:14:34 *** nslater has parted #portableapps ("")
11:33:40 <clintoy> ive used thinstall on illustrator. it works but its quite large
11:34:03 <rmccue> I'd say that's your best option at the moment.
11:36:55 <clintoy> i guess so...but ive seen photoshop ported
11:38:30 <rmccue> Illegally :)
11:39:09 <clintoy> oh
11:42:38 <clintoy> thanx for the help
11:44:14 <rmccue> You're welcome :)
11:46:05 *** clintoy has quit ("Java user signed off")
12:38:34 *** upnPAD|3 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
12:50:39 *** Havvy (i=47c19c2d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
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13:41:49 *** ggcs (i=3a6ca8d0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
13:42:00 <ggcs> hey all
13:49:06 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
13:49:07 <pabot> KevinPorter is Kev Mike Bellhop!
13:50:12 <rmccue> Hey ggcs.
13:50:16 <rmccue> (And KevinPorter)
13:50:30 <KevinPorter> I knew that would come back to get me someday.
13:50:33 <KevinPorter> :P
13:51:20 <rmccue> ggcs: How can we help you?
13:57:25 *** KevinPorter has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:11:28 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
14:11:28 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
14:11:28 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot ggcs Neoman qen Havvy joerg +DaveDixonII @rmccue pabot MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK StatBot Bensawsome tarbo Mir recipro
14:11:29 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
14:11:32 <ggcs> ok i got a question if any1 could answer it i have a program i would like to put in an installer for "installation" of a folder to a portable apps apps folder is there a way i can just select the folder and it turn into a installer :)
14:11:45 <rmccue> Nope.
14:12:22 <ggcs> so not posibile or way to hard better off with the nsis installer from zip option?
14:14:07 * rmccue is off to bed.
14:14:19 <ggcs> sry im really board its 12:37 am and ive been looking online for somthing anything to do for a few hours so when i came acros one of my old vb apps i thaught i might as well make it portable and attach an installer for my own entertainment
14:14:29 *** rmccue has parted #portableapps ("'I spent the entire day being normal, now that I'm home, I just want to duct tape fuzzy green pipe cleaners to my head, turn )
14:15:58 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
14:16:08 *** rmccue has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:34:57 *** ggcs has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
14:51:24 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
15:17:56 <DaveDixonII> We need ta talk peeps!
15:25:48 <DaveDixonII> I guess i'm on watch until gizmo comes back. :/
15:38:17 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
16:09:44 *** ptmb has quit ("Bye!")
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16:49:25 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
16:49:54 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
16:49:55 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
16:50:08 <gluxon> Hey quick question :D
16:50:36 <ptmb> yesh? :D
16:50:41 <Bensawsome> orly?
16:50:43 <Bensawsome> lol
16:50:43 <gluxon> Uira (another app I plan on making a launcher for) has it's own splash screen. Should I disable it or leave it as it is with two splash screens
16:51:00 <gluxon> On from the launcher and on from the actual app.
16:51:14 <ptmb> well, can you change the apps splash screen?
16:51:15 <Bensawsome> gluxon leave it
16:51:22 <ptmb> modify it?
16:51:24 <Bensawsome> i have seen a few other apps
16:51:29 <ptmb> like Gimp's one?
16:51:31 <Bensawsome> and you leave it and DO NOT modifiy
16:51:36 <Bensawsome> ptmb yes like that one
16:51:43 <gluxon> Yeah, the Uira splash works like the GIMP one.
16:51:45 <Bensawsome> but DO NOT MODIFIY IT
16:51:51 <Bensawsome> gluxon dont modify it
16:51:54 *** kai_62656 ( has joined #portableapps
16:51:55 <pabot> kai_62656 is here. He's developing Lmarbles, Lincity-NG, WinHTTrack Website Copier Portable.
16:51:57 <gluxon> So leave it as it is with 2 splashes?
16:52:01 <Bensawsome> gluxon yes
16:52:03 <Bensawsome> just like gimp
16:52:15 <ptmb> Bensawsome, Gimp only has 1 splash
16:52:18 <kai_62656> hello
16:52:20 <gluxon> Or maybe I should just replace the old splash with the pa one.
16:52:31 <gluxon> Like what John did with GIMP
16:52:36 <ptmb> hi kai_62656
16:52:40 <gluxon> Hello kai_62656 :P
16:52:55 <kai_62656> hi gluxon :P
16:52:57 <gluxon> Hey kai_62656: What do you think?
16:52:59 <gluxon> (12:14:29 PM) gluxon: Uira (another app I plan on making a launcher for) has it's own splash screen. Should I disable it or leave it as it is with two splash screens
16:52:59 <gluxon> (12:14:29 PM) Bensawsome: lol
16:52:59 <gluxon> (12:14:45 PM) gluxon: On from the launcher and on from the actual app.
16:53:07 <ptmb> that is what I think it should happen. The default app's splash modifioed to have the PA logo and stuff
16:53:08 <kai_62656> Hmm
16:53:08 <Bensawsome> gluxon: *one
16:53:22 <gluxon> ptmb: so like the GIMP one?
16:53:27 <Bensawsome> ptmb no......
16:53:28 <ptmb> yes
16:53:32 <Bensawsome> gluxon do what gimp does
16:53:49 <ptmb> Bensawsome, what I said is what GIMP does
16:53:53 <Bensawsome> XD
16:53:54 <Bensawsome> lol
16:53:58 <ptmb> :P
16:54:14 * Bensawsome eats ptmb
16:54:16 <kai_62656> I think you should disable the launcher splash and keep the program splash as long as you put the logo and stuff...
16:54:20 * Bensawsome digests ptmb
16:54:23 <gluxon> ptmb: oh so have to default one modified? that's actually not such a bad idea.
16:54:41 <gluxon> ptmb: Isn't that what Kevin did to Stellarium?
16:54:46 <kai_62656> Yep
16:54:59 <kai_62656> and Celestia Portable
16:55:00 <gluxon> kai_62656: That's what ptmb says :P
16:55:03 * ptmb says from inside Bensawsome stomach: the GIMP that John packaged doesn't have the NSIS splash screen, but has the GIMP splash screen modified
16:55:06 <kai_62656> hmmhmm
16:55:15 <Bensawsome> lol
16:55:18 <kai_62656> XD
16:55:19 <ptmb> to include the PA splash screen
16:55:21 <ptmb> :D
16:55:23 <gluxon> ... well, Bensawsome: Sorry, you've been out ruled :P
16:55:31 <Bensawsome> lol
16:55:32 <gluxon> by 2 people at 2 apps :P
16:55:34 <Bensawsome> gluxon i know :P
16:55:43 <Bensawsome> i just saud "do what gimp does" at then end
16:55:45 <Bensawsome> *the
16:55:53 <Bensawsome> so no i started agrreeing :P
16:55:53 <gluxon> Maybe I should just ask John when it goes into pre-release.
16:56:03 <Bensawsome> gluxon what the app do?
16:56:07 <gluxon> For now I'll do ptmb's idea.
16:56:09 <ptmb> ok Bensawsome, I don't like to loose to, so I agree that you said that and was what you meant :D
16:56:10 <Bensawsome> or linky to site
16:56:18 <Bensawsome> ty ptmb :D
16:56:22 <gluxon> It makes flash animations!!! But open source unlike adobe flash!!!!!!!!
16:56:30 <gluxon> It's awesome!!!
16:56:30 <Bensawsome> gluxon HOLY SHIT
16:56:33 <ptmb> linky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:56:34 <Bensawsome> gluxon LINK NOW
16:56:35 <Bensawsome> gluxon HOLY SHIT
16:56:42 <ptmb> LINK LINK LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:56:47 <gluxon> Hold on let me find it.
16:56:48 <Bensawsome> LINK!!!!!!!!!
16:56:59 <gluxon> It's still in beat and currently a dead project though.
16:57:22 <gluxon> find it...
16:57:25 <Bensawsome> :(
16:57:35 <Bensawsome> then it cant become an offical app T_T
16:57:58 <ptmb>
16:58:01 <gluxon> Why not?
16:58:10 <Bensawsome> ...
16:58:13 <gluxon> It's still awesome!!!
16:58:17 <Bensawsome> gluxon it is a dead project yhou said
16:58:17 <kai_62656> yeah but
16:58:23 <kai_62656> you cant do that
16:58:25 <ptmb> "UIRA is an acronym for UIRA Isn't a Recursive Acronym." --from Wikipedia
16:58:27 <gluxon> And they're just giving out the source for somebody to take it and continue what they started.
16:58:44 <kai_62656> but
16:58:44 <gluxon>\
16:58:51 <kai_62656> \?
16:58:51 <gluxon> There, direct link.
16:59:02 <gluxon> IT'S AWESOME!!!
16:59:04 <kai_62656> the "\" at the end?
16:59:17 <gluxon> oh, chromium must have done that.
16:59:21 <ptmb> it means it is aa download page and not a download link
16:59:25 <Bensawsome> here is the real link:
16:59:40 <Bensawsome> or not :S
16:59:41 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
16:59:49 <gluxon> Computing reasearch guide?
17:00:01 <gluxon> Is that really the app's homepage?
17:00:09 <Bensawsome> aaaa here is is:
17:00:11 <Bensawsome> :)
17:00:24 <gluxon> I like that uira acronyn, by the way :P
17:00:48 <gluxon> UIRA Isn't a Recursive Acronym
17:01:20 <gluxon> Cornice was a dead project, John still did it.
17:01:43 <ptmb> but it never came out of beta testing, I think
17:01:44 <kai_62656> But
17:01:47 <ptmb> and brb
17:02:03 <kai_62656> haha maybe Ill do it
17:02:08 <gluxon> NOOOO
17:02:12 <Bensawsome> ptmb cornice? its an offical app...
17:02:12 <kai_62656> :P
17:02:14 <gluxon> This is too grat :P
17:02:23 * gluxon hogs uira to himself.
17:02:29 <Bensawsome> kai_62656 its gluxon's app....
17:03:10 <gluxon> kai_62656: alright first you wanted akelpad now you want uira :P
17:03:46 <gluxon> Bensawsome: *nudges* I might let him take over if I can't handle it.
17:04:27 <ptmb> back
17:04:49 *** kai_62656 has quit (
17:04:49 *** StatBot has quit (
17:04:49 *** Bensawsome has quit (
17:05:01 <gluxon>
17:05:11 <ptmb> checking
17:05:39 <ptmb> you should provide a link to the app
17:05:53 <ptmb> so people would see the utility
17:06:05 <ptmb> but it doesn't harm to make it portable
17:06:09 <gluxon> Okay.
17:06:18 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
17:06:19 <ptmb> even if it doesn't become official
17:06:28 *** Havvy (i=47c19c2d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:06:33 <gluxon> Cornice became official.
17:06:37 <gluxon> Why not Uira?
17:06:54 * gluxon smirks at the thought of how many downloads Uira would get.
17:06:59 <ptmb> check, Google Chrome for example, there are 3 versions, none of them are official, but they are there, and they are usefull
17:07:05 <ptmb> :P
17:07:20 <gluxon> iron, chromium, and google chrom right?
17:07:25 <ptmb> yup
17:07:27 <ptmb> :P
17:07:31 <gluxon> Okay, I put in the link.
17:07:39 <gluxon> Oh, don't forget the portable versions :P
17:07:41 <ptmb> 3 versions of the app on the forum protabilized
17:07:44 <ptmb> by 3 different people
17:07:48 <ptmb> :P
17:07:50 <gluxon> that makes 6 g.c
17:08:16 <gluxon> kai_62656: you sill there?
17:08:29 <gluxon> oh wait, when did he leave?
17:09:06 <ptmb> kai_62656, Bensawsome and the StatBot left awhile all in the same time
17:09:15 <ptmb> I think they were on the same server or something
17:09:22 <gluxon> ... probably.
17:09:27 <gluxon> Hold on Statbot?
17:09:35 <ptmb> yup
17:09:36 <gluxon> I don't think he's suppose to leave :(
17:09:48 <gluxon> Well be still have pa log bot
17:09:49 <ptmb> what was the restart url?...
17:09:57 <gluxon> What?
17:10:04 <ptmb> forget
17:10:12 <gluxon> okay :P
17:10:21 <ptmb> I was messing up with the palogbot
17:10:23 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
17:10:23 *** StatBot (n=StatBot@unaffiliated/bensawsome/bots/bensbots) has joined #portableapps
17:10:24 <ptmb> palogbot has a restart url so we can restart it
17:10:28 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
17:10:31 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
17:10:33 <ptmb> what happened Bensawsome?
17:10:47 <gluxon> Yeah why'd you leave?
17:10:58 <gluxon> Why's everybody leaving?
17:11:14 <Bensawsome> :D WE BACK :D
17:11:16 <ptmb> that was the other day and I think that problem was fixed
17:11:16 <Bensawsome> lol
17:11:41 <gluxon> What happened? You rarely ever leave without a goodbye :P
17:11:54 <Bensawsome> XD
17:11:54 <ptmb> I just noticed that Bensawsome made the StatBot, so their servers must have been sharing the server that logged them out suddently
17:11:57 <Bensawsome> ptmb netsplit
17:12:09 <ptmb> that works too :P
17:12:11 <Bensawsome> lol
17:12:30 <Bensawsome> arent netsplits fun XD
17:12:35 <ptmb> :P
17:12:41 <Bensawsome> im all alone on verne :(
17:13:37 <gluxon> what are netsplits?
17:14:28 <Bensawsome> gluxon when two servers disconnect from eachother
17:14:32 <Bensawsome> .wik netsplit
17:14:34 <pabot> "In computer networking, specifically Internet Relay Chat (IRC), netsplit is a term used to describe the disconnection of a given node from the previously established network or between two nodes." -
17:14:46 <Bensawsome> that also ^
17:20:45 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
17:20:45 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
17:20:45 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot +DaveDixonII StatBot Bensawsome Havvy gluxon ptmb qen joerg pabot MaienM WastePuree wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK Mir recipro
17:20:46 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
17:20:51 <ptmb>
17:21:02 <ptmb> there it is the restart commands
17:21:16 <Bensawsome> ptmb just do .de palogbot
17:21:20 <Bensawsome> *def
17:21:22 <Bensawsome> .def palogbot
17:21:23 <pabot> Bensawsome: palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
17:21:31 <Bensawsome> notice the last sentence
17:21:36 <gluxon> is anybody going to do it?
17:22:08 <ptmb> I never handled well pabot, so there are 3 link hre for restsrting palogbot, from what I see
17:22:19 <gluxon> Com'on people!!! We have a dying robot!
17:22:25 <ptmb> 21:16:13 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: what is the preferred/canonical link to restart palogbot ?
17:22:25 <ptmb> 21:16:39 <TimClark> he was down for a long time
17:22:25 <ptmb> 21:18:08 <PatrickPatience>
17:22:25 <ptmb> 21:18:11 <PatrickPatience>
17:22:25 <ptmb> 21:18:15 <PatrickPatience>
17:22:27 <gluxon> we wo we wooo
17:22:41 <ptmb> I typed the first and palogbot restarted
17:22:46 <ptmb> so we should keep using that one
17:22:49 <ptmb> I think :P
17:22:55 <gluxon> Go ahead.
17:23:02 <Bensawsome> ptmb USE PASTEBIN FOR THAT
17:23:03 <Bensawsome> lol
17:23:09 <ptmb> ok :P sorry, forgot totally
17:23:12 <Bensawsome> lol
17:23:24 <ptmb> at least it is well pointed out on the logs now :D
17:23:32 <gluxon> Bensawsome: How could you be laughing!!! We have a dying bot!!!
17:23:46 <Bensawsome> gluxon it died once
17:23:52 <Bensawsome> now dont worry about it
17:23:56 <gluxon> :'(
17:23:58 <Bensawsome> unless it dies again
17:24:06 <ptmb> no gluxon, it is a bot that passes out and we need to inject adrenaline for it to wake up :D
17:24:10 <Bensawsome> then jsut go back to the link......
17:24:17 <Bensawsome> lol exactly ptmb :P
17:24:41 <gluxon> HIT THE LINK!!!
17:24:50 <Bensawsome> gluxon no dont.... its fine now :S
17:24:53 <Bensawsome> palogbot: uri
17:24:53 <palogbot>
17:24:57 <Bensawsome> see its fine?
17:25:06 <Bensawsome> err see? its fine
17:25:11 <ptmb> :P
17:25:13 <Bensawsome> now chill out
17:25:56 <ptmb> Bensawsome, did you bookmark the restart uri as TimClark said 27th December 2008 at 9:22pm?
17:25:57 <ptmb> :D
17:26:30 <Bensawsome> lol yes :P
17:26:54 <ptmb> then why didn't you type the right url for it to restart? :D
17:27:15 <Bensawsome> lol cause i was busy with something...
17:27:21 <Bensawsome> parents were houdning me :S
17:28:04 <ptmb> ok, officially, from now on, the official url for restarting palogbot is . Remmember to only click that link in case palogbot is offline, he isn't now :D
17:28:21 <gluxon> Hey, how'd he come back?
17:28:29 <ptmb> I restarted it :D
17:28:42 <Bensawsome> ptmb or do .def palogbot
17:28:45 <Bensawsome> .def palogbot
17:28:45 <pabot> Bensawsome: palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
17:28:50 <Bensawsome> see the link is right there
17:28:53 <ptmb> how do I edit defs?
17:28:54 <gluxon> But.... how come there's no *** palogbot entered the room
17:29:13 <ptmb> gluxon, just see under pabot :P
17:29:22 <ptmb> it is there
17:29:32 <gluxon> ...
17:29:38 <ptmb> and Bensawsome, that link on the def is wrong
17:29:46 <Bensawsome> .........
17:29:50 <Bensawsome> ptmb then fix it...
17:29:58 <Bensawsome> you know how to do defs right? ;D
17:29:59 <ptmb> then how do I edit defs?
17:30:14 <gluxon> go into rmccue...
17:30:28 <ptmb> rmccue channel?
17:30:40 <gluxon> You can only edit defs in his channel.
17:32:43 <Bensawsome> wow fail ptmb ...
17:32:49 <Bensawsome> gluxon do it plz... im really busy
17:34:36 <ptmb> .def palogbot
17:34:36 <pabot> ptmb: palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
17:34:42 <gluxon> HOrray!
17:35:18 <gluxon> This is a cause for celebration!!!
17:35:46 <ptmb> :P
17:36:11 * ptmb gets champagne and starts distributing champagne glasses to everybody
17:37:00 * Bensawsome eats the champagne and their glasses
17:37:03 <ptmb> :P
17:37:06 <Bensawsome> =_= no drinks in this room
17:37:13 <ptmb> I was thinking to make a .def for myself too
17:37:19 <ptmb> what do you think of "ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programer that uses Linux and frequents You can see ore about him at"
17:37:26 <Bensawsome> eh ok :P
17:37:38 <ptmb> I am asking if you like the deef
17:37:40 <ptmb> I mean
17:37:45 <ptmb> the .def
17:38:12 <gluxon> ..... and he's a Open Source fananic :P
17:38:29 <gluxon> Who hates pirated copies of adobe photoshop :P
17:38:36 <ptmb> :P
17:38:38 <ptmb> true :P
17:38:48 <ptmb> how about "ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programmer that uses Linux and an OSS fanatic too. You can see more about him at"
17:39:17 <gluxon> Okay, that's fine.
17:39:47 <ptmb> .def ptmb
17:39:47 <pabot> ptmb: ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programmer that uses Linux. He is an OpenSource fanatic too. You can see more about him at
17:39:54 <ptmb> :D
17:41:06 <Bensawsome> ptmb do it in #rmccue....
17:41:12 <Bensawsome> u flooding =_=
17:41:20 <ptmb> ok
17:41:23 <ptmb> I am done too :P
17:41:40 *** TimClark (i=0c49f243@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:41:52 <ptmb> Hi TimClark
17:41:58 <TimClark> thanks to ptmb, gluxon, and bensawsome :D
17:42:07 <MaienM> hello TimClark
17:42:09 <Bensawsome> TimClark hmm?
17:42:12 <Bensawsome> oh ya XD
17:42:13 <TimClark> for restarting the bot,
17:42:16 <Bensawsome> lol
17:42:18 <ptmb> :D np
17:42:36 <gluxon> ... Hi TimClark?
17:42:49 <TimClark> now ptmb, play with your def in #rmccue :P
17:42:56 <TimClark> morning MaienM
17:43:06 <ptmb> doing it there
17:43:14 <gluxon> .. .doing what here?
17:43:31 <ptmb> the .def stuff
17:43:45 <gluxon> You can't... remember?
17:43:46 <ptmb> actualyl, I was doing that .def stuff there, now i ended that stuff :D
17:43:57 <ptmb> what?
17:43:58 *** WastePuree is now known as WastePotato
17:44:04 <ptmb> forget :P
17:44:11 <gluxon> Okay, well I need to figure out where Uira is storing it's settings.
17:44:21 * gluxon gluxon|busy
17:44:27 *** gluxon is now known as gluxon|busy
17:44:31 <TimClark> as a side note, patrick would normally be the one to change palogbot 's def, but under the circumstances it was ok
17:44:38 <gluxon|busy> Why do I alwasy enter the wrong commands?
17:44:47 <Bensawsome> gluxon|busy cause you do :P
17:44:48 <TimClark> you type too fast
17:45:04 <Bensawsome> there is no such thing as typing too fast :P
17:45:29 <TimClark> so how is everyone today ?
17:46:13 <TimClark> has Gizmokid2005 been AFK for a while?
17:46:14 <ptmb> great, but I have to go now
17:46:15 <ptmb> bye
17:46:17 <ptmb> see you later
17:46:24 *** ptmb has quit ("Bye!")
17:46:27 <Bensawsome> TimClark a long time XD
17:46:35 <Bensawsome> im good TimClark ... how about you?
17:46:54 <TimClark> ok, guess i am OP on duty for a while, :Worhsip Me !!
17:47:33 * Bensawsome ignores TimClark's worshiping commands :P
17:47:35 * MaienM worships TimClark :P
17:47:38 * TimClark wonders if they can worship someone who can't type :-(
17:47:44 *** gluxon|busy has quit ("Leaving.")
17:47:52 <Bensawsome> lol
17:48:47 <TimClark> so, who is still here that is awake , don't ping anyone else please
17:49:02 <TimClark> unless you know they are active
17:49:36 <TimClark> looks like me, Bensawsome , and MaienM to me?
17:50:06 <TimClark> Hi Mir ................... o/
17:50:15 <MaienM> that seems to be the case...
17:51:06 * TimClark wanted to make MaienM Portable, but could not figure out what it does :O
17:51:35 <MaienM> nothing at all, just like the non-portable version. :P
17:52:16 <TimClark> Bensawsome: Portable will flood your channel with random crap to annoy your friends so you don't have to :D
17:52:23 <MaienM> though I doubt it would be possible to portablize me, with the mess I leave behind:P
17:53:03 <MaienM> MaienM Portable would be coding then, I guess :P
17:53:46 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005 Portable is still on hold till we can figure out how to get it to stay connected to the Keyboard :P
17:54:14 <MaienM> and what about TimClark Portable?
17:55:04 <TimClark> It just randomly says, "No, Stop, Don't do that " :p
17:55:55 <MaienM> does it also read logs?
17:56:11 <TimClark> no, it just skims for good stuff
17:56:55 <MaienM> I doubt I even want to know what rmccue portable would do :P
17:57:00 <Mir> hehe
17:57:08 <Mir> how'd you know i was alive
17:57:16 <MaienM> posting random links or something like that I guess:P
17:57:31 <TimClark> Something to do with "Jizz in it's pants" i haven't figured it out yet MaienM
17:57:44 <TimClark> Mir: :D , i just guessed
17:58:10 <TimClark> >_>
17:58:41 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
17:58:41 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a moderator and developer (
17:58:51 <MaienM> hello PatrickPatience
17:59:30 <TimClark> good morning PatrickPatience the .def for palogbot has been chnaged to have the right restart link, please confirm
17:59:35 <Mir> good guess
17:59:54 <Mir> moin PatrickPatience
18:00:44 <PatrickPatience> .def palogbot
18:00:45 <pabot> PatrickPatience: palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
18:00:50 <PatrickPatience> Mhm.
18:01:51 <TimClark> MaienM: [Dave]Portable has been withdrawn since we can't settle on a name :P
18:02:31 <TimClark> and PatrickPatience Portable has died due to a complete lack of interest :O
18:02:36 <MaienM> :P.... hmm, and what about JohnTHaller Portable?
18:02:52 <TimClark> it will be ready when it's ready :D
18:03:10 <TimClark> thanks for the set up for that one MaienM
18:03:11 <MaienM> sounds good ^_^
18:06:47 <TimClark> greetings Havvy :D
18:07:32 <PatrickPatience> You know you wanna:
18:08:17 <TimClark> looks good PatrickPatience :D
18:08:30 <TimClark> i have been following the topic
18:12:49 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: It's a pre-release, you should try it. :-)
18:13:16 * MaienM starts up his WinXp VM to try it
18:14:41 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: as it has just been uped i will wait a few days if that's ok with you
18:15:46 <TimClark> I don't even upgrade FF you 24 hours, remember 0.0.19 -> 0.0.20 :D
18:16:01 <TimClark> for 24 hours *
18:16:07 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: I hate you I hate you I hate you! :P
18:16:35 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: nothing personal, but i am very cautious
18:17:58 * MaienM does not care if his VM crashes and burns to the ground (virtually)
18:18:13 <PatrickPatience> Yeah, I loaded it up with viruses and porn this time. It's just more fun that way, you know?
18:18:27 <MaienM> yay :D xD
18:18:58 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: :O , i am not worried about getting viruses and porn from you, but little glitches can happen
18:19:41 <TimClark> remember the one from jth that changed you trash bin settings , permantly :D
18:20:52 <TimClark> I do upgrade CWP right away as i consider myself an official tester for that
18:21:17 <TimClark> but i know what it does and how, so i know what to look for
18:22:45 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: and you Have had a revision or 2 ;)
18:22:57 *** kai_62656 ( has joined #portableapps
18:22:58 <pabot> kai_62656 is here. He's developing Lmarbles, Lincity-NG, WinHTTrack Website Copier Portable.
18:23:55 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: Yeah, for improvements and pointless fixes. Read the changelog, noob. :P
18:24:44 * TimClark goes to the cowardly non-dev noob corner
18:26:09 <MaienM> PatrickPatience: it does not work if the full dir name (in my case, "C:\Program Files\Tile...") contains spaces... probably a issue in the program itself, but still something worth mentioning
18:26:13 * TimClark worships PatrickPatience 's Mod/Founder/OP/Dev/All round great guy Butt :P
18:26:22 <Bensawsome> lol
18:27:00 <TimClark> MaienM: papps should never be put in "C:\Program Files\" :O
18:27:08 <TimClark> invalid test if you do
18:27:12 <Bensawsome> O_O
18:27:30 <MaienM> TimClark: the place you put them SHOULD not matter......
18:27:45 <TimClark> Windows deals with files put in that directory differently
18:28:34 <MaienM> well the error I got was simply it could not find the folder "C:\Program", which to me looks like its the space that is giving problems....
18:28:46 <Bensawsome> lol
18:28:49 <TimClark> c:\ , C:\Windows, C:\Program Files are "special places" to windows
18:29:14 <MaienM> Copied it to "C:\Test Folder\Tile....", and the issue remains
18:29:23 <MaienM> copying it to C:\ fixes it
18:29:24 <TimClark> but you are right about the space being a possilbe problem anyway
18:29:30 <Bensawsome> TimClark portableapps should work anywhere
18:29:39 <MaienM> so the space is giving the problem in this case ;)
18:29:52 <Bensawsome> whether its in c:\ the program files directory or the C:\windows directoy...
18:29:58 <TimClark> Bensawsome: JTH himself says you should not use c:\program files
18:30:23 <Bensawsome> i dont see why...
18:30:27 <Bensawsome> they are portableapps
18:30:49 <Bensawsome> they are supposed to be able to run from anywhere....
18:30:55 <TimClark> it is a magic directory to windows, anything deleted is backup in system restore
18:31:12 <TimClark> thus leaving things behind
18:31:17 <Bensawsome> lol
18:31:26 <Bensawsome> but they can still run and stuff from there right?
18:31:30 <TimClark> they still work, but more remains on the harddrive then you might want
18:31:38 <MaienM> well in this case the problem remains even outside the magic folder, so its not the cause of the problem
18:31:53 <TimClark> MaienM: granted
18:32:18 <TimClark> Bensawsome: remember the key to papps is more than they "just run"
18:32:34 <Bensawsome> TimClark also the only time anyone would put them on a c:\ drive anyways would be if it was their own computer....
18:32:54 <Bensawsome> so it would matter if it left stuff behind on ur own comp...
18:33:30 <TimClark> Bensawsome: please don't argue just to argue, c:\program files and c:\windows should not be used for testing
18:33:41 <Bensawsome> im not.... but im just saying....
18:34:14 <TimClark> and of course I think they require Admin Privs
18:34:44 <TimClark> it is important to test with admin privs, but also with limited user
18:35:14 <TimClark> and you can't do both using those locations
18:35:23 <PatrickPatience> MaienM: Thanks, I'll look into that.
18:36:13 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: that seems to be a recurrent issue, we should make testing with directoires with spaces in the name a standard test
18:36:16 <Bensawsome> :D
18:36:17 <Bensawsome> lol
18:36:26 <Bensawsome> oh shoot sry wrong channel >_>
18:39:02 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
18:39:08 <Bensawsome> hello ZachThibeau :D
18:39:22 <ZachThibeau> D:
18:39:26 <ZachThibeau> sup guys :P
18:39:32 <MaienM> hello ZachThibeau :)
18:39:45 <Bensawsome> T_T so mean :P
18:39:47 <kai_62656> hello ZachThibeau
18:39:59 <kai_62656> (<_<)
18:40:28 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: what do you think of my idea ?
18:41:48 <ZachThibeau> TimClark: what do you think of this post? kind of selfpromotion don't you think?
18:41:51 <PatrickPatience> MaienM: Yeah, once the release team finally gets set up.
18:42:06 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
18:42:12 <JacobMastel> Hi all
18:42:13 <MaienM> what release team?
18:42:14 <PatrickPatience> MaienM: The program itself (tworld.exe) runs fine with spaces, so it must just be me.
18:42:16 <TimClark> ZachThibeau: was about to ask PatrickPatience about that
18:42:19 <kai_62656> hello JacobMastel
18:42:33 <JacobMastel> TimClark: It was an idea John had a while ago that never really happened
18:42:46 <PatrickPatience>
18:42:52 <JacobMastel> They were supposed to be able to release apps just like John does kind agiving the stamp of approval but it never came around :(
18:43:01 <PatrickPatience> JacobMastel: It will.
18:43:06 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: is this spam or selfpromotion , the link goes to the general page with nothing portable obvious
18:43:07 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
18:43:08 <pabot> ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programmer that uses Linux. He is an OpenSource fanatic too. You can see more about him at
18:43:18 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: Is that the Nifty thing?
18:43:27 <ptmb> Hi PatrickPatience
18:43:34 <JacobMastel> PatrickPatience: yes
18:43:48 <Bensawsome> hey TimClark plus it costs money....
18:44:21 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: I don't even see a portable version.
18:44:23 <PatrickPatience> Hey ptmb.
18:44:23 <Bensawsome> so its definetly self promotion =_=
18:44:38 <TimClark> JacobMastel: you are moaning again
18:45:04 <Bensawsome> oh PatrickPatience it says beta version... :S
18:45:14 <Bensawsome> so you need to email him to get it :S
18:45:36 <Bensawsome> wait moaning?
18:46:06 <kai_62656> What?
18:46:15 <ZachThibeau> :/
18:46:22 <kai_62656> :O
18:46:30 <Bensawsome> wait a sec... PatrickPatience and TimClark... that nifty stats thing is a web based program.........
18:46:31 <PatrickPatience> You guys need to stop butting in on other peoples conversations.
18:46:45 <TimClark> ty PatrickPatience
18:46:50 <PatrickPatience> If you're not being addressed, it likely doesn't concern you.
18:47:00 <ZachThibeau> aye I agree with that.
18:47:03 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: so what do you think, is it spam ?
18:47:03 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachTAFK
18:47:08 *** ZachTAFK is now known as ZachT|AFK
18:47:11 * ZachT|AFK is away: I'm not around at the moment please pm me and I'll get back to you asap
18:47:14 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: I'm thinkin' so.
18:47:30 <TimClark> go get fella, you have the honors
18:47:31 <PatrickPatience> Bensawsome: So that's pointless. :P
18:47:37 <Bensawsome> lol PatrickPatience ya..........
18:51:09 <PatrickPatience>
18:52:03 <TimClark> looks good
18:52:05 *** JacobMastel is now known as JacobMastel-Away
18:52:25 *** ZachT|AFK is now known as ZachThibeau
18:53:59 <TimClark> guys, really, if you not the op on duty and are going to be away for less than 10 minutes stat changes/nick changes are really not needed
18:54:14 <JacobMastel-Away> TimClark: I'm getting ready to leave the house.
18:54:33 <TimClark> it was a general statement
18:56:05 <TimClark> some folks will drop their voice, go to /away, change their nick, and then /part 2 minutes later :(
18:56:28 <TimClark> TMI :O
18:57:23 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: so what did the software the guy want to push even do ???
18:57:25 <ZachThibeau> TimClark: I don't really care about away nick changes. I personally thought I was going to be away longer though :(
18:59:14 *** SETH_HIKARU ( has joined #portableapps
18:59:50 <TimClark> ZachThibeau: i understand, but the combinations i listed above happen much more than they should, usually because someone has written a script to do it and thinks it's fun, oh, and did i leave out, after all that , joining again in 5 minutes
19:00:34 <ZachThibeau> TimClark: I understand where you are coming from but I seriously did thought I would longer with my errend than originally thought
19:00:38 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: Web site stats?
19:00:47 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: ty
19:02:12 <TimClark> By the way, let me confess that one of the reasons it bothers me is that I feel like i'm the one who started it with my scripts, but i think i usually use it very judiciously as i am often the op on call
19:06:55 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
19:06:57 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
19:07:09 <SteveLamerton> Hello all
19:07:14 <TimClark> hello SteveLamerton
19:07:17 <ptmb> Hi SteveLamerton
19:07:33 <SteveLamerton> Hi TimClark, ptmb
19:07:51 <kai_62656> hello SteveLamerton
19:08:06 <SteveLamerton> Hello kai_62656
19:10:03 <TimClark> SteveLamerton Portable has been delayed because people had such respect for it that no one wanted to touch it :P
19:10:18 * SteveLamerton laughs, love it TimClark
19:10:50 <kai_62656> ;)
19:14:56 <ZachThibeau> howdy SteveLamerton
19:15:17 <SteveLamerton> Heya ZachThibeau
19:15:31 <ZachThibeau> how's the toucan Development :)
19:17:17 <SteveLamerton> Not back thanks, took a break over christams, now I think I shall try and fix the open bugs and go for a release
19:18:06 <ZachThibeau> :P
19:18:35 <PatrickPatience> I love you, Sennheiser.
19:19:44 <kai_62656> gotta go bye
19:19:49 *** kai_62656 has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
19:20:44 <TimClark> is that a default message for miranda, just wondering
19:20:58 <PatrickPatience> Yeah.
19:21:08 <SteveLamerton> Annoying isnt it
19:21:37 <TimClark> i wonder if it's like with mibbit, were if you part gracefully it does not happen
19:22:32 <PatrickPatience> qen: You here?
19:23:15 <TimClark> the url doesn't bother me, but i thought kai might have put in the "Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier" himself
19:31:22 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
19:31:23 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and "is kind of a big deal"
19:31:55 <Bensawsome> hello JohnTHaller :D
19:32:01 <JohnTHaller> hola
19:32:16 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
19:32:37 <SteveLamerton> Hello JohnTHaller
19:32:44 <JohnTHaller> how goes it?
19:32:45 <Bensawsome> how ru JohnTHaller?
19:32:47 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: "X:\Portable Apps\TileWorldPortable)" does not show a space in the topic for me, the line breaks at "portable"
19:32:47 <Bensawsome> lol
19:32:51 <Bensawsome> it goes good :)
19:32:57 <JohnTHaller> bit tired
19:33:04 <JohnTHaller> flew back this am
19:33:10 <Bensawsome> :S
19:33:21 <Bensawsome> JohnTHaller did you get what you want for the holidays? ;)
19:33:32 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: i know it's my display, but i thought i would mention it
19:34:57 <JohnTHaller> got to spend them with my family and then my girlfriend's family, so yea
19:35:03 <Bensawsome> :) nice
19:35:20 <TimClark> hello JohnTHaller , welcome
19:35:32 <Bensawsome> me too :) and i got a gps so im pretty happy.... (fyi i suck at directional things....)
19:36:27 <TimClark> BensawsomeGPS Portable released, let's you know when you are getting too close to Bensawsome :D
19:36:37 <Bensawsome> :P
19:36:49 <ptmb> I need 250 please :D
19:36:49 <Bensawsome> TimClark tell jth about jth portable :P
19:36:58 <Bensawsome> ptmb huh?
19:36:59 <Bensawsome> lol
19:37:06 <TimClark> It will be ready when it's ready :P
19:37:10 <Bensawsome> XD
19:37:10 <ptmb> I need 250 BensawsomeGPS Portable :D
19:37:14 <Bensawsome> lol ptmb :P
19:37:39 <SteveLamerton> Right, time to go, might be back in a while if not see you tomorrow guys
19:37:58 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving.")
19:38:25 <TimClark> now that is a nice , simple , part message :D
19:38:40 <Bensawsome> simple yes, nice no :P
19:38:43 <ptmb> mine is even simpler, it is "Bye"
19:38:57 <TimClark> ah, wait, i guess i mean quit message, they are different
19:39:00 <Bensawsome> some people have no part message :O
19:39:03 <Bensawsome> lol
19:39:08 <ptmb> :P
19:39:19 <ptmb> I have no idea of the diference between the 2 :P
19:39:53 <TimClark> again, ptmb , i refer to the whole line, not just the "Leaving" or in your case "Bye"
19:40:32 <ptmb> oh :P
19:40:41 <Bensawsome> well either way it is going to put out that line..........
19:41:10 *** Neoman has quit ("Later!")
19:41:38 <Bensawsome> svbfdsryjkdtu5rjyyfnxth rbrebthhhhbd v xc sgrnw ns
19:41:47 <Bensawsome> .... darnit sry guys...
19:41:53 <Bensawsome> i have to go kill my brother.....
19:42:02 <ptmb> :P
19:42:53 <Bensawsome> ok nice and dead ^_^
19:45:01 <TimClark> JohnTHaller: someone was asking about those image links at the bottom of pages that point to PA.c , and how you felt about them, i told him I thought you were ok with them and we pointed him to the connect page, they are recalled referrer images/links or something like that, you don't mind them right ?
19:45:24 <TimClark> contact page *
19:45:33 <JohnTHaller> oh you mean like the firefox one we have?
19:45:33 <Bensawsome> aaaa what would be cool if we could get a referrer program going like mozzilla has :D
19:45:42 <TimClark> JohnTHaller: yes
19:45:47 <JohnTHaller> yeah. maybe someone should register
19:45:53 <JohnTHaller> yeah, it's cool
19:45:59 <Bensawsome> JohnTHaller that would be awesome!
19:46:00 <TimClark> thought so
19:46:08 <JohnTHaller> I already own it :-)
19:46:34 <Bensawsome> JohnTHaller nice ^_^
19:46:40 <ptmb> yay! cool!
19:46:48 <Bensawsome> now we just need to set up a refferer thing like mozilla has :D
19:47:08 <TimClark> Bensawsome: try to give a user a chance to reply to the person who asked a question before you jump in pleas
19:47:24 <Bensawsome> ...
19:48:14 <Bensawsome> but mozilla's uses drupal right?
19:48:26 <TimClark> JohnTHaller: do we have some image links we can give them to use, he was going to make his own, and that was his concern
19:48:36 <JohnTHaller> Bensawsome: yes, they do. but they had a custom module created to handle the referrers. it isn't open sourtce
19:48:36 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
19:48:45 <Bensawsome> JohnTHaller darn..........
19:48:53 <Bensawsome> it should be open source =_=
19:49:09 <JohnTHaller> TimClark: we don't yet sadly. there's a dicussion of some in the forums... i lost it though
19:49:35 <TimClark> JohnTHaller: so it is ok if they make there own in the mean time ?
19:49:41 <JohnTHaller> sure
19:49:45 <TimClark> ty
19:50:56 <Bensawsome> hmmm JohnTHaller im sure there are some php scripts out there that do refferring...
19:51:33 <JohnTHaller> yeah. it shouldn't be too hard. i already have a way to auto-generate the links based on our user numbers in drupal and be able to display them.
19:51:38 *** kai62656 ( has joined #portableapps
19:51:48 <Bensawsome> nice JohnTHaller :)
19:51:53 <kai62656> hello
19:51:57 <TimClark> This is of course all beyond me :-( , i would think that a image on a page that was a simple link to our homepage would be enough
19:52:01 *** kai62656 is now known as kai_62656
19:52:19 <Bensawsome> TimClark but we wont know who referred them there :D
19:52:32 <Bensawsome> see who gets pa.c the most new users :D
19:52:59 <TimClark> Bensawsome: i guess that could be useful, but again, beyond the scope of the question the user was asking
19:53:09 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
19:53:11 <pabot> KevinPorter is the inventor of the anti-memristor.
19:53:11 <Bensawsome> JohnTHaller so the script or whatever would tie into the current user system?
19:53:15 <Bensawsome> hey KevinPorter :)
19:53:17 <JohnTHaller> Bensawsome: yea
19:53:23 <Bensawsome> :)
19:53:26 <kai_62656> hello KevinPorter
19:53:34 <KevinPorter> Afternoon Bensawsome, kai_62656. :)
19:53:34 <Bensawsome> sounds like fun JohnTHaller XD
19:53:45 <JohnTHaller> TimClark: it's part of a larger discussion on setting up referals and page badges
19:53:54 <TimClark> understood
19:54:30 <TimClark> hello KevinPorter , ok , i must ask, what is "the anti-memristor" ?
19:54:41 <Bensawsome> lol ya... i asked him that in ot..
19:54:55 <KevinPorter> TimClark: I have no idea. I'm guessing it has to do with Ryan. :P
19:55:31 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
19:55:31 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
19:55:31 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot @KevinPorter kai_62656 @JohnTHaller SETH_HIKARU ptmb JacobMastel-Away +ZachThibeau @PatrickPatience @TimClark +DaveDixonII StatBot Bensawsome qen joerg pabot MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK Mir recipro
19:55:32 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
19:55:36 <ptmb> ok
19:55:43 <Bensawsome> lol palogbot been dieing alot today......
19:55:51 <ptmb> :P
19:56:11 <Bensawsome> err should i say fainting and us needing to inject adreniline into him :P
19:56:30 <TimClark> you know it's easier for someone to just restart him then having dialogs about it
19:56:34 <ptmb> that remembers me, we injected the adrenaline today, so it is time to celebrate!!!!
19:56:55 <Bensawsome> ptmb no champagne for you =_=
19:57:06 <kai_62656> gotta swich clients
19:57:09 *** kai_62656 has quit ("If you tell the truth you donff74t have to remember anything. -- Mark Twain")
19:57:13 * ptmb gets other champagne bottle and other champagne glasses from the ones Bensawsome didn't eat and some soda for the youger ones
19:57:20 * Bensawsome eats them
19:57:25 <Bensawsome> :P
19:57:39 <ptmb> come on, it was to share!
19:57:41 *** kai_62656 (i=42bd996d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:57:42 <pabot> kai_62656 is here. He's developing Lmarbles, Lincity-NG, WinHTTrack Website Copier Portable.
19:57:43 <Bensawsome> :P
19:57:48 <kai_62656> :O
19:57:48 <DaveDixonII> That eating thing is honeslty retarded. :/
19:57:52 <kai_62656> jk
19:57:56 <DaveDixonII> kai_62656: ScrapIRC is up.
19:58:02 <kai_62656> ok
19:58:09 <Bensawsome> DaveDixonII like you :P
19:58:15 *** JacobMastel-Away has quit ("Leaving.")
19:58:18 <DaveDixonII> Yup. Like me.
19:58:20 <kai_62656> anyway to connect ScrapIRC by mibbit widget?
19:58:23 <kai_62656> oops\
19:58:31 <DaveDixonII> kai_62656:
19:58:35 <DaveDixonII> there is a widget on there
19:58:40 <DaveDixonII> like on the left. :/
19:59:01 <TimClark> YOU have a MIBBIT widget :O
19:59:20 <Bensawsome> omg..... there is an nes emulator that runs in firefox.....
19:59:49 <Bensawsome>
19:59:50 <KevinPorter> Just one more way to try to get Firefox to crash.
20:00:05 <ptmb> KevinPorter: true :P
20:00:13 <DaveDixonII> TimClark: Sí. Tengo un widget de Mibbit. :P
20:00:26 <Bensawsome> KevinPorter lol
20:01:00 <TimClark> Rad tebya videt diib [pm] AKA DaveDixonII [am] dbdii407 [whenever] CrapIRC DaveDixon DavidDixon Dave etc...
20:01:06 <KevinPorter> What's the point of an NES emulator in your browser? *mutters*
20:01:31 <Bensawsome> lol i dunno KevinPorter :P
20:02:24 <KevinPorter> Exactly.
20:02:30 * KevinPorter hates pointless things like that.
20:02:39 * KevinPorter is done with his rant now.
20:02:45 <Bensawsome> lol
20:03:31 <DaveDixonII> TimClark: Necesitas que fijar el comando :/
20:04:09 <TimClark> Nevazhna
20:04:13 * ptmb percebe Español, pero no percebe mucho :P
20:04:23 <DaveDixonII> ptmb: Lol.
20:05:13 <ptmb> :D Now I know I could start speaking and only the ones that mastered Spanish veeeery well could understand due to the slight similarities :D
20:05:20 <Bensawsome> leh lehizdayan.........
20:05:32 * ptmb didn't understood that :P
20:05:34 <KevinPorter> DaveDixonII: If the English word "commando" is anything like the Spanish word "comando," I don't want to know. :P
20:05:42 <Bensawsome> lol ptmb its hebrew :P
20:05:44 <TimClark> ptmb: if we stuck with english we would ALL be better off
20:05:45 <DaveDixonII> comando = command. :P
20:05:50 <KevinPorter> Phew.
20:05:59 <ptmb> comando can aslo be = remote
20:06:05 <ptmb> *also
20:06:08 <DaveDixonII> Yup. :D
20:11:25 *** kai_62656 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
20:13:24 *** qen has quit (Connection reset by peer)
20:14:22 <TimClark> still no idea who qen is yet
20:14:38 <Bensawsome> TimClark i thinks its a logbot...
20:14:48 <Bensawsome> but PatrickPatience said to wait a day to see if he responds >_>
20:15:15 <TimClark> it's not a problem, i'm just curisous that's all
20:15:40 <Bensawsome> having an unkown person logging us isnt a problem? ok...
20:16:32 <KevinPorter> Lol.
20:16:37 <TimClark> we don't know they are "logging" us anymore than when any member is not here but is still HERE
20:17:01 <Bensawsome> lol
20:17:02 <TimClark> and our logs are public
20:17:25 <Bensawsome> ... i mean logs like what palogbot does....
20:18:34 <KevinPorter> ;)
20:19:48 <DaveDixonII> :/
20:19:50 <TimClark> you guys know that that usage of [off] encourges private logs don't you
20:20:01 <DaveDixonII> Yes TimClark. We know
20:20:17 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
20:20:21 <SETH_HIKARU> Hey
20:20:25 <alpha1beta> hi everyone
20:20:27 <SETH_HIKARU> Bensawesome
20:20:35 <ptmb> hi alpha1beta!
20:20:46 <alpha1beta> hey ptmb long time no see
20:20:48 <DaveDixonII> alpha1beta: Hola! Como estas?
20:21:00 <KevinPorter> Afternoon alpha1beta. :)
20:21:00 *** SETH_HIKARU is now known as Seth_Hikaru
20:21:03 <alpha1beta> nice themeing with Zach BTW it looks awesome
20:21:21 <alpha1beta> bein y tu Dave?
20:21:38 <ptmb> DaveDixonII, porque não falas em Inglês? (for the untrained eye it is not spanish, it is Portuguese, and I said "why don't you speak in english")
20:21:53 <alpha1beta> hey KevinPorter, still gonna use live search?
20:22:23 <KevinPorter> Yeah.
20:22:30 <DaveDixonII> ptmb: I noticed it wasn't spanish because of the em :P
20:22:33 <TimClark> guys, lets' stick with english please
20:22:42 <KevinPorter> alpha1beta: It seems to be working pretty well for me.
20:22:59 <Seth_Hikaru> Hey.
20:23:04 <Bensawsome> Seth_Hikaru?
20:23:19 <alpha1beta> I've never liked it, yahoo has been getting better, google is still the best, cuil doesn't have as much, but has the best quality results I think
20:23:33 <KevinPorter> I'll have to try Cuil again then.
20:23:43 <KevinPorter> As long as I'm not using Google. :-/
20:24:05 <alpha1beta> I would still say cuil is a beta, it needs more results, but it's the best looking search engine out there
20:24:23 <alpha1beta> and "looks are everything"-PP
20:24:44 *** kai62656 (i=42bd996d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
20:24:52 <ptmb> Cuil, the last time I sw, had some incredibly small amount of search results, I think they still don't have so many bots around as they should
20:25:08 <KevinPorter> I actually really like the look of Live search.
20:25:21 <KevinPorter> I'm not so sure about Cuil.
20:25:40 <alpha1beta> cuil will hopefully get better, but for now I use it and google
20:27:23 <ptmb> also, for good looks there is always the stylish addon for firefox and :D
20:27:52 <alpha1beta> I know your big into that ptmb :)
20:28:13 <ptmb> I now am hosting some styles there too :P
20:28:44 *** Seth_Hikaru has quit ("Leaving")
20:29:05 <alpha1beta> seen your name around there many times ptmb :P
20:29:55 <ptmb> :D
20:30:05 <ptmb> my userstyles profile is in
20:31:10 *** kai62656 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
20:31:24 <alpha1beta> not a bad little collection
20:31:38 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: :D
20:31:52 <alpha1beta> howdy Zach, what's new
20:34:44 <ZachThibeau> not much :P
20:35:19 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
20:35:19 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
20:35:19 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot alpha1beta @KevinPorter @JohnTHaller ptmb +ZachThibeau @PatrickPatience @TimClark +DaveDixonII StatBot Bensawsome joerg pabot MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK Mir recipro
20:35:19 <Bensawsome> WE ARE FREE XD
20:35:21 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
20:35:23 <Bensawsome> lol
20:36:13 <TimClark> 14:59 Bensawsome> [off] and now we not T_T didn't work Bensawsome :P
20:36:22 <Bensawsome> darnit TimClark =-=
20:36:28 <Bensawsome> lol it did
20:36:39 <Bensawsome> but you are being mean and showing anyways :P
20:37:02 <alpha1beta> TimClark, I do the same thing to him :)
20:37:02 <TimClark> again, when you do that you encourage private logging
20:37:15 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
20:37:43 <alpha1beta> hey jacob
20:37:44 <TimClark> if you want to say things you don't want logged it is better to go to pm
20:37:50 <Bensawsome> hey jacob ^_^
20:37:56 <JacobMastel> Hi
20:38:02 <Bensawsome> TimClark what if you want everyone to see them though :P
20:38:04 <JacobMastel> I just bought a Zune! :D
20:38:08 <Bensawsome> its not good to mass pm someone
20:38:10 <KevinPorter> JacobMastel: Nice! :D
20:38:13 <Bensawsome> JacobMastel
20:38:22 <Bensawsome> wow..... JacobMastel...
20:38:25 <Bensawsome> just....
20:38:26 <JacobMastel> Bensawsome?
20:38:27 <Bensawsome> wow.............
20:38:33 <Bensawsome> no zunes are not good....
20:38:41 <JacobMastel> I like them :(
20:38:43 <ZachThibeau> neither are IPODs :P
20:38:56 <Bensawsome> especially since the fact that you cant use them to put portableapps on :(
20:38:59 * JacobMastel hates Ipods.
20:39:04 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: Zune is the best!
20:39:10 <Bensawsome> especially since the fact that you cant use them to put portableapps on :(
20:39:14 <JacobMastel> KevinPorter: YES
20:39:20 <Bensawsome> KevinPorter not according to portableapps users....
20:39:22 <KevinPorter> That's what we have flash drives for Bensawsome. :P
20:39:28 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
20:39:34 <Bensawsome> KevinPorter lol i would use my ipod for portableapps :P
20:39:39 <Bensawsome> when i get one :P
20:39:41 <alpha1beta> look at that, you guys scared John off!
20:39:54 <Bensawsome> lol
20:39:55 <JacobMastel> I noticed but decided not to comment :P
20:40:19 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
20:40:19 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
20:40:19 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot +JacobMastel alpha1beta @KevinPorter ptmb +ZachThibeau @PatrickPatience @TimClark +DaveDixonII StatBot Bensawsome joerg pabot MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK Mir recipro
20:40:20 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
20:40:26 <Bensawsome> wow palogbot is major failing....
20:40:48 <ptmb> palogbot needs to see Doctor House :D
20:41:13 <Bensawsome> lol ya ptmb :P
20:45:40 <ZachThibeau> later guys
20:45:41 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
20:49:49 <PatrickPatience> palogbot: Cut it out.
20:50:00 <PatrickPatience> Tile World Portable Pre-Release 3:
20:50:13 <alpha1beta> tell it to drop dead, it might listen to that command
20:50:30 <KevinPorter> /kick palogbot
20:50:35 <KevinPorter> :P
20:51:04 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
20:51:19 <Bensawsome> lol KevinPorter do it :P
21:01:15 <TimClark> guys, if palogbot goes down while i am here, let me do the restart please, i need to test something, ok
21:01:26 <alpha1beta> sure
21:01:31 <TimClark> obviously if i am not here go ahead and restart it
21:03:19 <TimClark> i will be back in a minute, i need to do a reconnect, you may or may not see something
21:04:02 <JacobMastel> lol
21:04:08 <JacobMastel> Feel free
21:06:48 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
21:06:48 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
21:06:48 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Neoman +JacobMastel alpha1beta @KevinPorter ptmb @PatrickPatience @TimClark +DaveDixonII StatBot Bensawsome joerg pabot MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK Mir recipro
21:06:49 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
21:07:35 <TimClark> of course now my irc screen is messed up :(
21:08:25 *** JacobMastel has parted #portableapps ()
21:08:41 <Bensawsome> what TimClark?
21:09:14 <TimClark> oh, if i cut the connection with mibbit open sometimes it messes up my screen
21:09:30 <TimClark> i will part and join when the test is done
21:13:16 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
21:13:16 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged:
21:13:16 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Neoman alpha1beta @KevinPorter ptmb @PatrickPatience @TimClark +DaveDixonII StatBot Bensawsome joerg pabot MaienM WastePotato wingot_ @Gizmokid2005|AFK Mir recipro
21:13:17 <pabot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
21:13:21 <TimClark> thanks guys for the help
21:13:34 <DaveDixonII> Who touched him?
21:13:39 <PatrickPatience> I did.
21:13:51 <alpha1beta> oh yea, your telling a bunch of kids 'don't touch' :P
21:14:07 <DaveDixonII> That will so lure them in. :/
21:16:00 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: is going to restart the log himself in a controled enviorment to test for a certain response
21:21:15 <DaveDixonII> Well that made no sence to me. :/
21:23:37 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
21:25:43 <TimClark> it ok, if you were in -ot you would have understood, we have been discussing it
21:28:48 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers")
21:29:21 <alpha1beta> ''''''''
21:31:40 <TimClark> alpha1beta: is that an image link , i can't click on it ?
21:32:08 <alpha1beta> no,cleaning why keyboar and accidentally clicked this window
21:32:10 <alpha1beta> sorry bout tha
21:33:22 <TimClark> ahh, it is a bunch of " ' ' ' ' ' ' '' :P
21:33:30 <alpha1beta> lmao
21:33:51 <JacobMastel> anyone know of an app that will convert .flv files to .wmv or mpeg?
21:33:57 <TimClark> well, close together they look like a small grey image
21:34:02 <alpha1beta> avidemux
21:34:16 <alpha1beta> jacobmacgyver?
21:34:33 <Bensawsome> lol
21:34:43 <Bensawsome> there are plenty of online ones JacobMastel
21:34:46 <alpha1beta> should be space there lol
21:35:05 <JacobMastel> Bensawsome: I don't have the fastest internet. I dont' want to upload and then download it
21:35:13 <Bensawsome> lol ok :P
21:46:28 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: are you on call if i go, Gizmokid2005 is AFK ?
21:48:41 <TimClark> Patrick is /away, alpha1beta you have the floor :D
21:49:00 <alpha1beta> yep I gotit
21:49:47 <alpha1beta> I'm here,mostly on my other computer, ping if you need me
21:52:58 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
21:53:45 <ptmb> have to go, bye
21:53:49 *** ptmb has quit ("Bye!")
21:53:49 <alpha1beta> byes
22:05:19 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
22:05:19 <pabot> excid3 is lead dev of Keryx, computer security phreak and hosts a blog at
22:05:24 <alpha1beta> t
22:05:36 <alpha1beta> hi exci3
22:05:51 <excid3> hey alpha1beta, hows it goin?
22:06:03 <excid3> hello everyone else :P
22:06:05 <alpha1beta> good and you?
22:06:30 <excid3> just woke up from a 3 hour nap :P
22:06:38 <alpha1beta> lucky...
22:06:42 <excid3> trying to find some aggravating bug in keryx now...
22:07:28 <Bensawsome> lol
22:07:40 <Bensawsome> hey excid3
22:07:51 <excid3> hey Bensawsome :D
22:08:03 <Bensawsome> ^_^ how is keryx going >_>
22:08:12 <DaveDixonII> excid3: I have heard about your bug. :)
22:08:28 <excid3> was looking great, until i realized it isnt gonna work on ubuntu
22:08:36 <excid3> DaveDixonII: where from? :P
22:08:42 <DaveDixonII> excid3: Your twitter. :P
22:08:50 <excid3> ah yeah :P
22:09:28 <excid3> driving me up a wall...and now for some reason python decided to start putting the bugs to some win32trace thing which i have absolutely no idea what that means...but now i cant debug my problems
22:11:13 <DaveDixonII> .tell zachthibeau I found my wallet! :D
22:11:14 <pabot> DaveDixonII: I'll pass that on when I next see zachthibeau.
22:13:12 <DaveDixonII> You will not believe where i found it. :/
22:14:23 <excid3> do we want to know? :P
22:14:55 <DaveDixonII> Only if you want to.
22:15:12 <excid3> where at, im curious now :P
22:15:39 <DaveDixonII> My alarm clock. :/
22:15:59 <excid3> haha
22:16:20 <DaveDixonII> I haven't touched that machine in over a week.
22:17:15 <excid3> yeah i havent used my alarm clock since finals were over
22:17:41 *** JacobMastel has parted #portableapps ()
22:17:58 <DaveDixonII> Gonna see if my sis is done with her Wii Browsing.
22:17:59 <DaveDixonII> Brb
22:20:54 <excid3> wtf, i think AT&T is down...
22:23:37 <Bensawsome> excid3 fail for att :P
22:23:42 <Bensawsome> att sucks anyways....
22:24:03 <excid3> i agree
22:24:05 <Bensawsome> aynwho im going off to game >_>
22:24:17 <excid3> ttyl Bensawsome
22:28:06 *** Neoman has quit (Connection reset by peer)
22:37:05 <alpha1beta> kl;'
22:37:37 <alpha1beta> sorry,ignore that
22:37:49 <excid3> ill see waht i can do alpha1beta :P
22:38:07 <alpha1beta> lol
22:38:45 <excid3> channel is ded today
22:38:48 <excid3> *dead
22:39:04 <alpha1beta> yea, rly, it was alive earlier
22:39:41 <alpha1beta> i' not talking much, cleaning my keyboard, so I have a crummy rol up keyboard to type with, not fun
22:39:54 <excid3> ah, i was going to buy one of those
22:39:59 <excid3> got a saitek eclipse 2 instead
22:40:22 <alpha1beta> sweet
22:40:29 <alpha1beta> saitek is nice
22:40:49 <DaveDixonII> My mom made two homemade pot PIES
22:40:51 <DaveDixonII> :/
22:41:06 <excid3> DaveDixonII: i used to hate those
22:41:12 <excid3> still not a big fan
22:42:05 <DaveDixonII> There okay.
22:42:13 <alpha1beta> it got thiskeyboard for$10 at staples, it's pretty decent
22:42:24 <DaveDixonII> $10 D:
22:42:30 * DaveDixonII goes to staples
22:43:30 * excid3 thinks he will go as well
22:43:32 <excid3> race ya
22:43:38 <excid3> ok im back :P
22:44:24 * DaveDixonII wasn't paying attention. Please return your item and wait for him to finish his pot PIE
22:44:53 <excid3> lmao
22:48:53 <DaveDixonII> Ehh. It's basically the left overs of the 25th's dinner. :)
22:49:32 <DaveDixonII> all in a pie. :D
22:49:46 <excid3> its good to go :P
22:50:01 <excid3> now ur making me hungry
22:50:03 <excid3> :P
22:50:27 <DaveDixonII> Go grab some DQ. :)
22:51:06 <excid3> man, now im really hungry :P
22:51:12 <excid3> i love their chicken strip basket :D
22:52:48 <excid3> over 1 hour to download a 20mb file...i hate this
22:53:00 *** TimClark (i=0c4a1680@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:57:19 <PatrickPatience> Wow:
22:57:35 <PatrickPatience> One year ago.
22:57:38 <PatrickPatience> *sniffle*
22:58:30 <TimClark> almost PatrickPatience , almost :P
22:58:42 <TimClark> shows how slow you work :D
22:59:14 <excid3> lol
22:59:17 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
22:59:35 <PatrickPatience> I've been workin' pretty fast on this recent Tile World release, however. :P
22:59:43 <TimClark> think will have it by the real, one year anniversary
22:59:46 <PatrickPatience> Which application should I do next? X-Chat? Deluge? Tennix?
23:00:10 <TimClark> is Xchat not portable yet ?
23:00:27 <alpha1beta> deluge
23:01:44 <excid3> xchat
23:01:46 <excid3> :D
23:01:46 <PatrickPatience> Deluge is iffy as SourceForge and others are being sued by the stupid RIAA.
23:02:04 <PatrickPatience> X-Chat just needs some support for Perl paths and stuff. Ruby, etc...
23:02:18 <PatrickPatience> However, X-Chat is also iffy on development of a free version.
23:02:25 <PatrickPatience> And we need to rename it as well.
23:02:46 <PatrickPatience> Tennix is quick and easy once I get a splash.
23:04:01 <excid3> PatrickPatience: they just came out with the free win version and it works great
23:04:04 <excid3> right?
23:06:51 <alpha1beta> idk xhat is ugly
23:07:17 <TimClark> idok alpha1beta is ugly :P
23:08:03 <excid3> xchat is the best :P
23:08:17 <alpha1beta> TimClark, look in the mirror lately? :P
23:09:04 <TimClark> no, i like my mirror and don't want it to break
23:09:15 <alpha1beta> fail....
23:09:50 <TimClark> actually this old man wishes he looked at good as alpha1beta
23:10:00 <TimClark> or was that Gizmokid2005, i forgot
23:10:01 <alpha1beta> lol
23:10:21 <TimClark> the one who's called mike :O
23:10:32 <alpha1beta> nope, def not gizmo :P
23:10:38 <alpha1beta> I'm mike, he's michael
23:10:52 <TimClark> it was a joke alpha1beta , i know that
23:10:55 <alpha1beta> :P
23:11:24 <PatrickPatience> excid3: Say what?
23:11:34 * TimClark starts plucking his grey hairs out :-(
23:12:15 <excid3> PatrickPatience: hmm?
23:12:26 <PatrickPatience> Who came out with a free version?
23:12:35 <PatrickPatience> There's a few free builds, but the development is iffy and behind.
23:12:46 * TimClark makes warm tea and bundles in his old man blanket
23:12:49 <PatrickPatience> No one is up to date with the current Windows release.
23:12:51 <excid3> um, no this is like official i think
23:13:00 <PatrickPatience> excid3: I just looked, saw nothing. :S
23:13:01 <excid3> it was very recent
23:13:17 <excid3> hmmm
23:13:31 <PatrickPatience> Hook a brotha up w/ a link? :-)
23:13:49 <excid3> i cant find it
23:13:51 <excid3> lol
23:14:14 <excid3> i wonder why xchat is so hard tocompile on windows...
23:14:29 <PatrickPatience> excid3: Ditto. If I had the compiler, I'd give it a shot.
23:14:34 <excid3> they should just port xchat to wxWidgets
23:15:20 <PatrickPatience> I love wxWidgets, but GTK+ and Tango is where it's at for me.
23:15:38 <excid3> which you can do using wxWidgets ;)
23:15:50 <excid3> it just chooses the win32api first if you are on windows :P
23:16:06 <excid3> i wonder if there is a way to setup wxWidgets to for GTK on windows if it is installed. now that would be cool
23:17:21 <TimClark> Bensawsome: have you seen my reply to your reply yet, in the forums ?
23:19:05 <PatrickPatience>
23:19:18 <PatrickPatience> He's got straight-forward instructions, but I still lack a compiler.
23:21:29 <excid3> PatrickPatience: ...sounds like a whole lot of fun...
23:23:09 <PatrickPatience> excid3: Haha, yeah I know eh?
23:23:24 <TimClark> i think someone was asking about this earlier AT&T Wireless Outage
23:23:44 <excid3> TimClark: yeah that was me
23:24:10 <TimClark> ah, but now you know it wasn't JUST you :P
23:24:44 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
23:24:57 <excid3> yeah i was hoping they didn't mark my number as a terrorist line or something ;)
23:25:02 <TimClark> rmccue: is here :D
23:25:09 <rmccue> Morn'.
23:25:19 <TimClark> worship him :P
23:25:55 * excid3 just waves instead of bows
23:25:55 <TimClark> \o/
23:25:56 * rmccue goes off to get breakfast
23:25:57 <excid3> :P
23:26:14 * TimClark humbles himself
23:26:23 <PatrickPatience> If only this wasn't .NET...
23:26:27 <PatrickPatience> It's coming along nicely.
23:26:59 * rmccue is back
23:27:06 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
23:27:18 <purple> hi
23:27:52 <TimClark> that was a quick breakfast rmccue , what is it , a bagel with cream cheese ?
23:28:02 <rmccue> No, nothing :P
23:28:47 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Remote closed the connection)
23:29:54 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
23:29:55 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a moderator and developer (
23:31:16 <rmccue> .o internet Patrick Patience
23:31:21 <pabot> posted by Patrick at 11:59 PM
23:31:22 *** PatrickPatience2 (n=PatrickP@ has joined #portableapps
23:31:47 *** PatrickPatience2 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
23:32:29 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Client Quit)
23:33:07 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
23:33:08 <pabot> ...
23:33:23 <alpha1beta> problems patrick?
23:34:29 <purple> hi alpha1beta
23:35:01 <alpha1beta> hey purple what's happening?
23:35:29 <purple> nothing much, getting stoned :)
23:35:39 <alpha1beta> lmao what!?
23:35:51 *** mib_yu6o62 (i=42bd996d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:36:07 <alpha1beta> hi mib_yu6o62 can we help you?
23:36:18 <mib_yu6o62> not reslly
23:36:18 <mib_yu6o62> really
23:36:23 *** mib_yu6o62 is now known as kai_62656
23:36:27 <alpha1beta> ahh
23:36:29 <alpha1beta> hi kai :P
23:36:39 <kai_62656> hello alpha1beta
23:36:39 * rmccue shakes fist at kai_62656
23:36:47 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
23:36:54 <kai_62656> hi Kevin!
23:36:58 <alpha1beta> hey KevinPorter what's up
23:37:13 <KevinPorter> Evenin' alpha1beta, kai_62656.
23:37:16 <excid3> hey guys
23:37:25 <KevinPorter> alpha1beta: Finished my blog post, if you didn't see. ;)
23:37:29 <kai_62656> Yea?
23:38:00 <alpha1beta> didn't see it yet, but it should should up on RSS soon enough
23:38:18 <KevinPorter>
23:38:31 <alpha1beta> oh god
23:38:43 <KevinPorter> Heh.
23:38:50 <kai_62656> :P
23:39:06 <rmccue> KevinPorter: I must say, I like that design better than your face.
23:39:09 <rmccue> Much better.
23:39:37 <KevinPorter> Thank you very much.
23:39:46 <alpha1beta> ouch!
23:40:21 <TimClark> KevinPorter: "This question has come up for the first time within the past year" says who, i have been asking the question for Years, but of course i have the answer
23:40:24 <KevinPorter> rmccue: It's quite a nice design, although too minimalistic for me.
23:40:27 <alpha1beta> ok, read it. Ill prepare my own retort on my site soon enough
23:40:50 <KevinPorter> TimClark: It's been a lot more discussed among everyone.
23:41:12 <rmccue> KevinPorter: You stay to your Bryan Veloso then :P
23:41:24 <TimClark> well, they are slow KevinPorter , what can i say :P
23:41:26 <KevinPorter> Lol. One of the "related" links is a previous post of mine.
23:41:29 <Bensawsome> TimClark lol
23:41:41 <Bensawsome> TimClark:
23:41:48 <KevinPorter> TimClark: Would you please forgive me for trying to promote Google to you? :P
23:41:57 <Bensawsome> lol
23:43:38 <TimClark> KevinPorter: you cannot be forgiven for asking a question that intellectual people have been asking all along :P
23:43:43 <Bensawsome> lol
23:43:48 <KevinPorter> :P
23:43:51 <Bensawsome> oh sry but ya TimClark i replied :P
23:43:54 * KevinPorter repents! :P
23:43:58 <TimClark> and making it seem like something has changed over night
23:44:34 <TimClark> Everything in that post and yes i read it should have been thought of a year ago
23:45:01 <KevinPorter> Well, the whole deal with DoubleClick really brought it to light for me.
23:45:07 <TimClark> sorry, a year ago at least
23:45:33 <alpha1beta> I blocked doubleclick and most other ad sites in my router, I don't get ads
23:45:35 <TimClark> KevinPorter: has seen the light :D [about time :P ]
23:45:52 <alpha1beta> I prefer being cuil :)
23:45:52 <KevinPorter> Hehe. I don't even use Google for search anymore.
23:45:57 <Bensawsome> lol i block all ad sites.....
23:46:16 <KevinPorter> Although I can't give up my Gmail. Gmail is still the best webmail available IMO.
23:46:32 <Bensawsome> yep ^_^
23:46:33 <alpha1beta> yessir, I will not switch my google apps
23:46:34 * KevinPorter just uses Adblock Plus.
23:46:41 * Bensawsome does too
23:47:05 * TimClark has never understood why folks have worshiped at the PortaPotty of Google, did it take Chrome going after FF to make them realize ?
23:47:37 <TimClark> they want to own everything, including your soul
23:47:54 <Bensawsome> lol they do....
23:47:55 <alpha1beta> google does a lot of good, do you see AM$ releasing semi open source anything
23:48:17 <alpha1beta> no TimClark, they just want info on everything, and a bug up your ass, M$ wants your soul
23:48:37 <KevinPorter> TimClark: They already own my life. :-/
23:48:37 <alpha1beta> google is big brother's big brother :)
23:48:50 <TimClark> google does good for google, they want money and control, just like MS, they are no worse or better
23:49:06 <KevinPorter> No. I actually trust Microsoft.
23:49:16 <TimClark> i'll stick with the devil i know
23:49:24 <alpha1beta> omg he did not just say that
23:49:40 <rmccue> I only use Google :)
23:49:41 <KevinPorter> alpha1beta: What has MS ever done to make you not trust them?
23:49:56 <rmccue> KevinPorter: What has Google ever done to make you not trust them?
23:50:07 <rmccue> I personally trust them both.
23:50:08 <alpha1beta> lets see, the most recent incident, was their messed up "patch" that took out a bunch of xboxes
23:50:28 <KevinPorter> So bugs make you not trust them?
23:50:42 <TimClark> KevinPorter: i trust MS to basically be honest, not bright, not smart, but honest
23:50:43 <KevinPorter> rmccue: The DoubleClick merger. The ads in email. The parkers in web results. I could go on. ;)
23:50:51 <KevinPorter> TimClark: Agreed.
23:50:58 <alpha1beta> they released a PATCH that had HUGE bugs which KILLED hundreds of xboxs
23:51:11 <TimClark> alpha1beta: that is stupid, not dishonest
23:51:13 <alpha1beta> a month later and my friend still can't play online
23:51:16 <rmccue> KevinPorter: Microsoft always had ads in Hotmail.
23:51:35 <KevinPorter> rmccue: But they don't base the ads by the content of your email. ;)
23:51:40 <rmccue> alpha1beta: That's stupidity, not inherent evilness.
23:51:42 <Bensawsome> witno... someone just ddos'd the shell server i use....
23:51:43 <alpha1beta> but you trust them to actually PATCH stuff, not F it up
23:51:49 <rmccue> KevinPorter: They actually experimented with that.
23:51:55 <TimClark> MS has never said they were good guys, give them that
23:52:01 <KevinPorter> Lol.
23:52:09 <alpha1beta> gents lets take this to OT
23:52:13 <KevinPorter> rmccue: They don't still do it, correct?
23:52:46 <TimClark> alpha1beta: is correct [well about one thing :p ] -ot for bashing google
23:53:13 <TimClark> i will just watch and laugh as the noobs finally learn
23:53:14 <alpha1beta> yea, and I don't want to get kicked for cursing in the main room, or bashing Microsuck windblows
23:53:28 <alpha1beta> opps did I say all that outloud lol
23:53:39 <rmccue> KevinPorter: No, because Google patented the technology and tried to sue MS.
23:53:56 <KevinPorter> That's what I thought happened.
23:54:00 <KevinPorter> At least they don't still do it.
23:54:21 <TimClark> KevinPorter: can i link to you article [but backdate it 2 years so you don't look foolish :P ]
23:54:57 <KevinPorter> Lol, sure.
23:57:16 <rmccue> KevinPorter: Because they can't legally. :P
23:57:41 <KevinPorter> Meh.
23:58:21 <TimClark> rmccue: get you google butt kissing lips into -ot with the rest of us "P
23:58:26 <rmccue>
23:58:42 <rmccue> (Who designs a CMS with a URL like that?)
23:59:21 <TimClark> i won't click on it :P