IRC Log from 2009-01-28
00:04:55 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
00:11:30 <OliverK> boy its queit
00:11:59 <TimClark> hello OliverK , yes it is
00:12:00 <MaienM|Sleep> yup, quiet indeed
00:12:04 <SergentSiler> eyup
00:12:10 <OliverK> hello TimClark!
00:12:18 <TimClark> and OliverK you spell that word worse than i do ;)
00:12:19 <OliverK> howdy MaienM|Sleep, feeling nay better?
00:12:22 <OliverK> heh
00:12:25 <OliverK> quiet
00:12:25 <SergentSiler> lol
00:12:31 <MaienM|Sleep> yeah :)
00:12:41 <OliverK> and siler, how goes the sergenting? :p
00:12:46 <SergentSiler> XD
00:12:52 <SergentSiler> it goes well OliverK
00:12:55 <SergentSiler> :P
00:13:08 <TimClark> OliverK: i always mess up with cute, quit, quiet, quite but never queit :P
00:13:24 <OliverK> heh, I just spell porley :p
00:13:41 <SergentSiler> Phail XD
00:13:45 <SergentSiler> *Poorly
00:14:28 <OliverK> SergentSiler: you phail
00:14:48 <SergentSiler> :P
00:14:59 <SergentSiler> D: my server is going insane
00:15:16 <SergentSiler> it just destroyed a cd and now it wont stop spinning the cd drive
00:15:45 <SergentSiler> and i just burned the disk too D:
00:16:02 *** powerjuce|away is now known as powerjuce
00:19:03 *** RoamerIsGone ( has joined #portableapps
00:19:16 *** pa_1235 (i=4846623a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:19:37 *** RoamerIsGone is now known as Guest67949
00:19:58 *** Guest67949 is now known as Roamer
00:20:32 *** Roamer is now known as Guest89600
00:21:24 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
00:21:38 *** Guest89600 is now known as Roamer
00:22:21 <TimClark> ZachThibeau: is back
00:22:23 <SergentSiler> hi pa_1235, anything we can do for you?
00:22:26 <pa_1235> I need to install GIMP for class on my IMAC. Professor gave vague instructions. is this the correct URL HTTP:// Also does anyone have instructions to download. Thanks John
00:23:11 *** DaveDixonII has quit ("messing up xchat more")
00:23:15 <OliverK> are you wihsing to install the portable version, or the hard-drive install version?
00:23:33 *** pa_1235 has quit (Client Quit)
00:23:46 <powerjuce> imac = apple computer?
00:24:00 <SergentSiler> powerjuce, yes
00:24:03 <OliverK> he gones :(
00:24:11 <powerjuce> so why did he come here/
00:24:13 <powerjuce> ?
00:24:26 <SergentSiler> donno :P
00:24:44 <TimClark> he probably had a connection problem and will be back
00:24:54 <OliverK> is possible
00:24:56 *** pa_5754 (i=4846623a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:25:46 <pa_5754> Need install instructions for GIMP on IMAC
00:26:00 <OliverK> download the mac version
00:26:11 <OliverK> could a mac person help, I anything but
00:26:29 <OliverK> you might try joing #gimp
00:26:36 <OliverK> they will be able to help you more than us
00:26:39 <powerjuce> pa_5754: gimp for mac is here:
00:26:40 <pa_5754> Great what is the URL
00:26:55 <ZachThibeau> pa_5754: sorry to say this but our channel is for the windows version so yeah follow the url for better help :P
00:27:26 <SergentSiler> pa_5754, <<-- GIMP for Macintosh
00:27:29 <OliverK> #invite ZachThibeau #keryx
00:27:32 <OliverK> crap
00:27:49 <ZachThibeau> OliverK: I'm already in #keryx
00:28:06 <OliverK> it appears that only a chanop can do it for #gimp
00:28:13 <OliverK> see you there in a minute
00:30:14 *** Roamer has quit ("losing power at home.")
00:30:36 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
00:31:30 *** KevinPorter|food is now known as KevinPorter
00:37:22 *** alleyoop (i=43a5ddc4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:38:07 <SergentSiler> hi alleyoop, what can we do for you?
00:40:13 <alleyoop> Hello, I wondered if anyone else had encountered this problem this past week. When ComCast upgraded to SmartZone my Thunderbird suddenly decided that it had 390+ new messages to download and I had to wait until that finished. Then after it was done and I
00:40:16 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
00:40:25 <OliverK> taffin!
00:40:32 <alleyoop> opppps, almost done!
00:41:31 *** Seth_Hikaru has quit (Connection timed out)
00:42:02 <SergentSiler> alleyoop, that would be an isp or spam problem
00:42:33 <SergentSiler> at least if there really are 390+ messages
00:42:41 <alleyoop> I'd cleaned out all the dups and what not I had 5 messages left that don't display in the main window when I select them and that I cannot delete. I logged in and tried to discuss this earlier today but got knocked off and couldn't get back in then
00:42:54 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
00:43:50 <TimClark> so you have 5 messages in TB that you cannot see or delete, is that the problem?
00:44:03 <alleyoop> No, sorry, not sure I agree w/ that SargenSiler. The messages were real and had already been sent before over the past day or two or three.
00:44:14 <alleyoop> Yes
00:44:58 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Client Quit)
00:45:49 <SergentSiler> have you tried logging into your email via a web service and deleting the messages there?
00:47:03 *** pa_5754 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
00:47:25 <alleyoop> Well, no, but that's not the current problem, after receiving them a 2nd time that's now back to working normally. The 5 messages I can't see or delete is the issue.
00:49:02 <MaienM|Sleep> well if all messages are still on the server, you COULD delete your profile.... you'd need to setup thunderbird again though, and all messages will be needed to redownloaded. Not sure whether this is a good idea/feasible though.
00:49:19 <MaienM|Sleep> it would basically cause you to start with a clean install......
00:49:46 *** Jeremified|hw is now known as Jeremified
00:49:49 <MaienM|Sleep> but the question is, is the problem of having those 5 mails worth that trouble?
00:50:39 <alleyoop> Hmmm, no I'll give that a shot.
00:51:36 <alleyoop> Thanks
00:51:47 <MaienM|Sleep> you're welcome :)
01:03:41 <TimClark> guys , got to go talk to you all later
01:03:51 <SergentSiler> bye TimClark
01:04:00 <ZachThibeau> TimClark: later friend
01:04:39 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
01:04:40 <MaienM|Sleep> meh, I'm going to attempt sleep again.... bye all
01:04:51 <SrgSiler|Sleep> bye MaienM|Sleep
01:04:52 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
01:06:33 *** Taneth (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
01:06:46 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:12:04 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers.")
01:24:22 *** airpilot (i=47ff7421@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:24:48 <airpilot> help with installer
01:26:19 <OliverK> shoot
01:26:26 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit ("Gizmo has left the room! :)")
01:26:41 <airpilot> alleyoop: can you help with an install question?
01:27:20 <OliverK> airpilot: tell us whats up with your problem
01:27:20 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
01:27:26 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
01:27:35 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Client Quit)
01:28:04 <airpilot> OliverK: When I select one of the three Portable Apps installers (the largest, standard one) I get a 30
01:28:21 <OliverK> ?
01:28:37 <airpilot> k setup file, wheich briefly opens a cmd window when I double click it - no further downloads!
01:28:57 <OliverK> currupted download most likely
01:29:09 <airpilot> over and over? I've tried several times...
01:29:12 <OliverK> have you checked the MD5 sum
01:29:19 <airpilot> what is that?
01:30:09 <Taneth> its a method of checking to see if you have the entire file
01:30:16 <OliverK> Taneth: thanks
01:30:39 <airpilot> OK, how do I do that?
01:30:46 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
01:31:42 *** Guest96028 is now known as upnPAD
01:31:50 <OliverK> download a md5 checker, there's one here:
01:31:55 <OliverK> try also using a different mirror
01:34:51 <airpilot> OK, I guess I solved my own problem - I was using a download accelerator, which delivered only 30k of the 113 mb file. I'm using Windoes downloader now, and it appears to be working OK. Thanks, anyway..
01:35:10 *** airpilot has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
01:38:43 *** purple_ has quit ("Laterz..")
01:42:08 *** Taneth is now known as TaffinFoxcroft
01:50:57 <OliverK> be back
01:51:37 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
01:52:06 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
01:52:40 *** m-p{3} ( has joined #portableapps
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01:55:15 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
01:57:17 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
02:04:35 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
02:05:55 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
02:09:24 *** Taneth (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
02:09:42 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:12:56 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
02:15:22 *** excid3|eee has quit (Remote closed the connection)
02:17:55 *** purpler (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
02:18:28 *** purpler has quit (Client Quit)
02:18:36 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
02:21:59 <powerjuce> PatrickP|Away: come back!!!
02:22:59 *** purple has quit (Client Quit)
02:23:28 *** gizmobot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:23:59 *** gizmobot ( has joined #portableapps
02:36:44 * JacobMastel pokes the silence
02:36:59 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
02:37:03 * Taneth pokes JacobMastel
02:37:09 * JacobMastel cries
02:37:09 <PatrickPatience> hi, I'm here.
02:37:14 <JacobMastel> WAAAA :'(
02:37:15 <JacobMastel> :P
02:37:19 <PatrickPatience> powerjuce: Ping.
02:37:27 <powerjuce> yay
02:37:35 <powerjuce> PatrickPatience: what is the path to the piwik folder on your server?
02:37:53 <PatrickPatience> PMing.
02:38:04 <powerjuce> ok
02:38:13 <OliverK> an a a file can't be accessed, did you change the directory paths and I missed it?
02:38:21 <PatrickPatience> OliverK: Me?
02:38:33 <OliverK>
02:38:41 <OliverK> yeah, somehow it moved :(
02:39:49 <PatrickPatience> OliverK: The horrible directory massacre...?
02:40:00 <OliverK> i don't know
02:40:00 <PatrickPatience> Pre-release 4 is in your directory... yeah.
02:40:18 <OliverK> it was working, but now its not :(
02:40:19 <PatrickPatience> You didn't update the link.
02:40:28 <OliverK> didn't know I had to
02:40:38 <PatrickPatience> Wait, what?
02:40:46 <PatrickPatience> You have a pre-release 4 in your directory.
02:40:52 <PatrickPatience> Pre-release 3 no longer exists.
02:41:16 <PatrickPatience> No, I lied.
02:41:27 <PatrickPatience> You have a pre-release 3 in your directory.
02:41:27 <PatrickPatience>
02:41:33 <PatrickPatience> PNotesPortable_Portable_4.5.106.0_PRERELEASE_3.paf.paf.exe
02:41:53 <Taneth> whats with the double .paf
02:42:03 <PatrickPatience> That's the filename. :-)
02:43:21 <PatrickPatience> Long story short OliverK, that's the only file in your directory, you're linking to a non-existent pre-release 4.
02:43:32 <PatrickPatience> Gotta go, TTYL.
02:43:41 <OliverK> dang
02:45:07 <OliverK> thanks
02:45:27 <powerjuce> PatrickPatience: btw i hate piwik
02:45:55 <Taneth> piwik?
02:46:49 <powerjuce> look it up
02:46:53 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
02:47:21 <Taneth> .wik piwik
02:47:23 <gizmobot> "Piwik is an open source web analytics system written in PHP." -
02:47:49 <Taneth> so similar to mint
02:48:13 *** Bensawsome has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:48:24 <Mir> WOW
02:48:29 <Mir> this chan filled up
02:49:38 <JacobMastel> Mir: This channel is always filled up anymore
02:49:56 <OliverK> blast
02:49:57 <Mir> not like this
02:50:05 <Mir> i have to scroll down the nick list
02:50:06 <JacobMastel> Most of the time I'm in here :P
02:50:07 <Mir> :S
02:50:07 *** TimClark (i=8087e3d4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:50:12 <JacobMastel> Hi TimClark :D
02:50:19 <OliverK> welcome back TimClark
02:50:19 <TimClark> hello JacobMastel
02:50:25 <TimClark> ty OliverK
02:50:26 <JacobMastel> WastePuree: I like the new nick :P
02:50:39 * Mir hands TimClark a cookie
02:50:59 * TimClark takes the cookie and thanks Mir
02:51:11 * DaveDixonII hands mir some fudge. :P
02:51:22 * Mir accepts ^o^
02:52:13 <ZachThibeau> howdy TimClark
02:52:24 <TimClark> hello ZachThibeau
02:53:00 * Mir goes to try some more CONTRA
02:57:44 *** JohnTHaller|away has parted #portableapps ()
03:01:36 *** Taneth is now known as TaffinFoxcroft
03:05:21 *** BjornH has quit ("Leaving")
03:05:36 *** recipro ( has joined #portableapps
03:11:36 *** Sancas has quit ("Saliendo")
03:14:14 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
03:16:05 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
03:19:19 *** Jeremified_ ( has joined #portableapps
03:19:28 *** Jeremified has quit (Nick collision from services.)
03:19:31 *** Jeremified_ is now known as Jeremified
03:19:50 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
03:20:03 <JacobMastel> What's with all the people moving in and out :P
03:20:04 *** TaffinFoxcroft is now known as Taneth
03:20:09 <OliverK> heh
03:20:15 <OliverK> had to close the lab
03:20:20 *** Taneth is now known as TaffinFoxcrofty
03:20:28 <TimClark> not sure JacobMastel ,just noticed it
03:21:01 <TimClark> don't think it looks like a net split
03:21:18 *** TaffinFoxcrofty is now known as TaffinFoxcroft
03:24:30 <OliverK> heh
03:24:34 <OliverK> alright, later guys
03:24:40 <JacobMastel> Bye OliverK
03:24:43 <Bensawsome> by OliverK :)
03:24:50 <Bensawsome> oh OliverK what about intellilaunch >_>
03:24:59 <OliverK> Bensawsome: reminds me, did you get that twitter working?
03:25:00 <Bensawsome> i havent given you a db yet >_>
03:25:06 <Bensawsome> twitter for.......
03:25:12 <JacobMastel> db = Dutch Bros?
03:25:16 <OliverK> Perl/irc/twitter
03:25:18 <Bensawsome> ..
03:25:18 <OliverK> database
03:25:21 <Bensawsome> ?
03:25:21 <JacobMastel> :p
03:25:22 <Bensawsome> oh!
03:25:27 <Bensawsome> no haventy messed with it yet
03:25:32 <Bensawsome> i tell you when though ;)
03:25:33 <OliverK> k
03:25:44 <OliverK> alright, i'm just wondering if it bloody works
03:25:45 <JacobMastel> In my area if you say your getting a db it means your getting a Dutch Bros coffee from a local chain ;)
03:25:50 <OliverK> heh
03:25:52 <JacobMastel> They're much better than starbucks
03:25:54 <JacobMastel> :P
03:26:00 * OliverK thinks JacobMastel is not geek enough
03:26:03 <OliverK> :p
03:26:13 <OliverK> Bensawsome: drupal is fine
03:26:19 * JacobMastel thinks OliverK is too geeky :P
03:26:20 <Bensawsome> kk
03:26:22 <OliverK> or whatever, I hate phpBB forums
03:26:27 <Bensawsome> although drupal is evil =_=
03:26:31 <OliverK> and then throw on the wiki
03:26:36 <OliverK> whatever :p
03:26:51 <OliverK> I need somethign I can half get around it, joomla just didn't work for me :(
03:27:06 <Bensawsome> lol
03:27:13 <OliverK> JacobMastel is probably right ;)
03:27:18 <OliverK> later guys
03:27:23 <Bensawsome> JacobMastel: will you help with drupal?
03:27:29 <JacobMastel> Bensawsome: yes
03:27:32 <Bensawsome> i dont know my way around it :'(
03:27:41 *** OliverK has parted #portableapps ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
03:31:08 <recipro> phpbb rawks
03:31:16 <Bensawsome> recipro: yes it does ^_^
03:31:23 <Bensawsome> but oliver doesnt think it does :'(
03:31:41 <recipro> well what does he know
03:32:09 <Bensawsome> lol
03:34:11 <Gizmokid2005> .tell TimClark Lookie here! :)
03:34:12 <gizmobot> Gizmokid2005: As pabot is currently down, please use MemoServ instead so no .tells are missed.
03:34:40 <Bensawsome> lol
03:35:43 <TimClark> works good gizmo
03:36:04 <TimClark> tab compleate does not work now for Gizmokid2005 :-(
03:36:56 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
03:36:59 *** Taneth (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
03:37:10 <JacobMastel> Gizmokid2005: I have a bot that runs just like pabot (same commands and all) do you want me to load that one instead?
03:37:20 <Gizmokid2005> JacobMastel: no, that's what mine is
03:37:23 <Gizmokid2005> I did that on purpose
03:37:30 <JacobMastel> Oh k
03:37:36 <Gizmokid2005> Yup, but thanks JacobMastel :)
03:37:42 <JacobMastel> No prob
03:37:55 <TimClark> we don't want .tells given to multiply bots as they will get lost
03:37:58 <JacobMastel> Hey have you ever heard of a website being incompatable for someone due to their ISP?
03:39:04 <TimClark> not sure what that means JacobMastel , got a link ?
03:39:12 <JacobMastel> Unfortunately no
03:39:18 <JacobMastel> Personal issue
03:39:36 <JacobMastel> Ment mostly for the guy that works for an ISP Gizmokid2005...
03:39:49 <TimClark> oh, sorry
03:39:59 <JacobMastel> It's a paid site they blame it on my ISP...My ISP says screw that it's them.
03:40:11 <TimClark> bummer
03:40:12 <JacobMastel> No prob TimClark feel free to interject ;)
03:40:23 <DaveDixonII> Wow what a video i just saw. xD
03:40:35 <recipro> heh
03:40:37 <JacobMastel> It's definately an odd problem.
03:40:50 <JacobMastel> They say it's because I use a wireless internet...
03:41:04 <Gizmokid2005> JacobMastel: how doesn't it work?
03:41:09 <Gizmokid2005> like...what's wrong?
03:41:09 <TimClark> speaking of video, time to watch a movie, later dudes
03:41:11 <JacobMastel> "It has something to do with the satelites...." my ISP doens't use satelites they use Cellphone towers...
03:41:31 <JacobMastel> The site is SOOOOO slow...and often kicks off the user.
03:41:40 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
03:42:16 <JacobMastel> They did a few updates to their page for me and it's more stable now....but they still say it's my ISP
03:43:06 <JacobMastel> But if they fixed the problem doesn't that mean it's their end that screwed up?...
03:43:55 <Gizmokid2005> JacobMastel: yeah...if you have it with one site, it's the site issue, not an ISP
03:44:04 <Gizmokid2005> there /could/ be some throttling, but HIGHLY unlikely
03:44:13 <JacobMastel> Anyways the website owners ended up fixing it (mostly) and credited the user $100. I was just wondering if you knew something like this from the past.
03:44:49 <JacobMastel> Anyways...I'm off for dinner.
03:44:53 <JacobMastel> bbs
03:44:56 *** JacobMastel is now known as JacobMastel-Away
03:46:23 *** gizmobot has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
03:47:03 *** GizmoBot ( has joined #portableapps
03:53:14 *** alleyoop has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
03:56:59 *** upnPAD is now known as SUPANRDZ
03:58:03 *** JacobMastel-Away is now known as JacobMastel
03:58:17 *** SUPANRDZ is now known as upnPAD
04:01:43 *** Taneth is now known as TaffinFoxcroft
04:03:18 <ZachThibeau> night all
04:03:23 <JacobMastel> Night ZachThibeau
04:03:35 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|ZzZz
04:04:09 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
04:04:56 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
04:12:08 <JacobMastel> clear
04:12:14 <JacobMastel> sorry forgot the / :P
04:13:50 <JacobMastel> Hey PatrickPatience know of a good free Tetris game? One that runs on Vista?
04:20:39 *** TaffinFoxcroft is now known as Taneth
04:20:54 *** Taneth is now known as TaffinFoxcroft
04:40:31 <PatrickPatience> JacobMastel: Hmm.
04:40:33 <PatrickPatience> Well, not really.
04:40:46 <PatrickPatience> Falling Blocks Game rocks my socks with their Jewish Polka music. ;-)
04:40:52 <PatrickPatience> But there is that 3D one as well.
04:41:35 <recipro> heh
04:44:34 <Bensawsome> lol PatrickPatience :P
04:47:02 * recipro yawns
04:47:06 <JacobMastel> PatrickPatience: and what's the name of the 3D one?
04:47:10 <sikilpaak1> Bensawsome: how can i modify the folder icons?
04:47:20 *** sikilpaak1 is now known as sikilpaak
04:47:28 <Bensawsome> oh
04:47:30 <Bensawsome> ummmm
04:47:35 <Bensawsome> one sec
04:47:41 <Bensawsome> i need to remember XD
04:48:22 <sikilpaak> can i add a custom folder to the menu?
04:50:26 *** Jeremified has quit ("G'night.")
04:51:33 <PatrickPatience> JacobMastel: I don't remember.
04:51:37 <JacobMastel> sikilpaak: to the PAM menu?
04:51:39 <PatrickPatience> sikilpaak: Unfortunately no.
04:51:51 <JacobMastel> PatrickPatience: do you mean the one that had a Dev test?
04:51:55 <PatrickPatience> However, you can try the unsupported mod of the menu:
04:52:02 <PatrickPatience> JacobMastel: Yes, that's the Jewish Polka one.
04:52:08 <JacobMastel> Oh lol
04:52:11 <JacobMastel> I did that on
04:52:19 <JacobMastel> T^3
04:52:22 <JacobMastel> That's the 3D one
04:52:35 <JacobMastel> I dropped it because it didn't have support for Vista though... :(
04:53:08 <sikilpaak> JacobMastel && PatrickPatience: :(
04:53:21 <JacobMastel> sikilpaak: ?
04:53:29 <sikilpaak> unsupported port of the menu?
04:53:31 <sikilpaak> whoa
04:53:33 <sikilpaak> who did that?
04:53:39 <JacobMastel> Several have been done
04:53:43 <JacobMastel> I think there's a total of 3
04:54:03 <JacobMastel> The new PAM alpha though will support categories.
04:54:09 <sikilpaak> which are the other two?
04:54:13 <JacobMastel> It should be any time now
04:54:16 <sikilpaak> are they all opensource?
04:54:17 <JacobMastel> .pa Geek Menu
04:54:20 <JacobMastel> Yes
04:54:26 <JacobMastel> &
04:54:31 <JacobMastel> No pa?
04:54:40 <JacobMastel> K hold on I'll get a link
04:54:52 <sikilpaak> thanks :)
04:55:08 <sikilpaak> <--- what do i do here?
04:55:57 <JacobMastel> Honestly I don't know why he gave you that link
04:55:59 <sikilpaak> themes are the different "mods"?
04:56:08 *** Zach_Hudock ( has joined #portableapps
04:56:12 <JacobMastel> Hi Zach
04:56:12 <sikilpaak> i need like, functionality, not looks :S
04:56:14 <JacobMastel> No
04:56:17 <sikilpaak> i mean thanks, but..
04:56:18 <JacobMastel> Themese are looks
04:56:18 <Zach_Hudock> hello JacobMastel
04:56:22 <sikilpaak> yeah
04:56:23 <JacobMastel> There are mods though
04:56:35 <sikilpaak> JacobMastel: you're looking for the links, right?
04:56:41 <JacobMastel> Yes
04:56:48 <sikilpaak> JacobMastel: :D!
04:56:51 <JacobMastel> Sorry trying to keep up here and with a friend at the same time...
04:57:02 <sikilpaak> JacobMastel: no problem, man
04:57:36 <PatrickPatience> JacobMastel: That link has the mod.
04:57:43 <JacobMastel> Really?
04:57:44 <JacobMastel> I didn't find it
04:57:55 <JacobMastel>
04:58:04 <JacobMastel> That one is the most popular of the "mods"
04:58:07 <JacobMastel> .t
04:58:11 <PatrickPatience> That's old.
04:58:33 <JacobMastel> Is it?
04:58:43 <JacobMastel> It's the newest I found....
04:58:45 <PatrickPatience>
04:59:13 <JacobMastel> There ya go sikilpaak
04:59:19 <JacobMastel> pat got it :P
04:59:25 <JacobMastel> I failed :'( :P
04:59:27 <sikilpaak> JacobMastel: that's the one?
04:59:29 <PatrickPatience> Oh, he updated his link in that post anywho. ;-)
04:59:29 <JacobMastel> Yup
04:59:30 <sikilpaak> JacobMastel: heh heh
04:59:47 * JacobMastel rolls his eyes at PatrickPatience
05:01:37 <sikilpaak> oh wow
05:01:45 <sikilpaak> yes, this is something i need :)
05:02:26 <JacobMastel> sikilpaak: The new menu is being made of JohnTHaller (the origional developer) and the R31 mod devs so the new menu will combine all those good features! :D
05:03:42 <JacobMastel> sikilpaak: Anything else before I log off for the night?
05:05:03 <JacobMastel> Night all
05:05:16 <JacobMastel> Good luck with the new mod sikilpaak
05:05:29 *** JacobMastel has quit ("Leaving.")
05:10:18 *** Zach_Hudock has parted #portableapps ()
05:15:39 <recipro> Blackboard >*
05:18:57 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit ("The Gizmo is gone!! =-O Never fear! He will return!")
05:44:22 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
05:57:46 <PatrickPatience> Can someone say something, I need to test. :-)
05:59:12 <upnPAD> no
05:59:56 <PatrickPatience> One more time please. Then once saying my nick. :-)
06:00:00 <sikilpaak> test test test
06:00:19 <sikilpaak> PatrickPatience: say my name, bitch!!
06:00:24 <sikilpaak> PatrickPatience: say it
06:00:28 <sikilpaak> PatrickPatience: say it!!!
06:00:30 <PatrickPatience> That's it!
06:00:31 <PatrickPatience> Thank you.
06:00:33 <PatrickPatience> Now stop. :-)
06:00:45 <sikilpaak> PatrickPatience: what's my name?
06:00:48 <sikilpaak> PatrickPatience: what's my name???
06:00:55 <sikilpaak> PatrickPatience: LOUDER!!!
06:01:11 <PatrickPatience> STOP!
06:01:25 <PatrickPatience> However, /msg PatrickPatience Test please. :-)
06:01:27 <upnPAD> SAY HIS NAME
06:01:37 <upnPAD> However, /msg PatrickPatience Test please. :-)
06:01:48 <PatrickPatience> No, copy this:
06:01:49 <sikilpaak> However, /msg PatrickPatience Test please. :)
06:01:58 <PatrickPatience> sikilpaak: Stop please.
06:02:11 <sikilpaak> PatrickPatience: sikilpaak: Stop please.
06:02:12 *** sikilpaak has parted #portableapps ()
06:02:14 <upnPAD> i Lol'D
06:02:16 <PatrickPatience> Good call.
06:02:22 <PatrickPatience> upnPAD: Can you PM me please. ;-)
06:02:25 <PatrickPatience> Just with anything.
06:16:17 *** TimClark (i=0c4a1484@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
06:22:17 *** excid3 is now known as excid3|sleep
06:25:48 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
06:27:46 <TimClark> hello rmccue
06:28:05 <rmccue> HOLA
06:29:11 <TimClark> rmccue: pabot is down, GizmoBot is here in his stead
06:32:05 <rmccue> Ah, another netsplit, eh?
06:32:31 *** recipro has parted #portableapps ()
06:32:36 <TimClark> there have been a couple i think since i spoke with you last
06:32:54 <rmccue> Coming in now.
06:32:56 *** pabot (n=pabot@unaffiliated/rmccue/bot/pabot) has joined #portableapps
06:33:16 <rmccue> .def TimClark
06:33:18 <pabot> rmccue: Database error occurred
06:33:28 <rmccue> Ah, good.
06:33:59 <rmccue> .def TimClark
06:34:00 <pabot> rmccue: I have no idea who or what TimClark is.
06:35:24 <TimClark> rmccue: i have no def currently, it is not an error
06:35:34 <rmccue> TimClark: It was originally.
06:35:53 <TimClark> i know, just making clear that the second was not
06:36:52 <rmccue> Yeah, if it was an error, it would have said "error" :)
06:37:33 <PatrickPatience> .tell Test
06:37:34 <pabot> PatrickPatience: Couldn't pass on your reminder
06:37:44 <PatrickPatience> .tell Test Test
06:37:45 <pabot> PatrickPatience: I'll pass that on when I next see Test.
06:37:53 <PatrickPatience> rmccue: Why is he allowing that?
06:38:01 <PatrickPatience> GizmoBot: .tell test test
06:38:06 <PatrickPatience> GizmoBot: help
06:38:07 <GizmoBot> PatrickPatience: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is Gizmokid2005.
06:38:07 <GizmoBot> PatrickPatience: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is Gizmokid2005.
06:38:08 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Why wouldn't it?
06:38:15 <PatrickPatience> I though it was PM only
06:38:15 <rmccue> GizmoBot: tell test test
06:38:27 <rmccue> PatrickPatience: Nope, never has been, nor will it be.
06:38:33 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: no, i said it SHOULD BE pm only
06:38:50 <PatrickPatience> Ahh, that was.def manipulation.
06:38:56 <TimClark> yes
06:39:02 <rmccue> Yep.
06:42:29 * TimClark is going to sneak out as there are 2 other living ops in the room >_>
06:42:37 * rmccue waves
06:42:45 <TimClark> o/
06:45:00 <rmccue> Bye GizmoBot :)
06:45:23 <TimClark> w/ love however, w/ love
06:46:37 *** PatrickPatience has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
06:46:55 <rmccue> TimClark: :O
06:47:32 <TimClark> what, just showing appreciation for his help, gizmo worked hard on it
06:49:53 <TimClark> good night all
06:50:06 <rmccue> Yeah, but you're leaving me alone! :P
06:50:37 <TimClark> it's almost 1 am here rmccue , i have to work tommorrow/later today
06:51:06 <TimClark> sorry
06:51:14 <rmccue> TimClark: I was kidding, have a good night :)
06:51:18 <rmccue> Err, morning ;)
06:51:19 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
06:52:32 <upnPAD> bit late
06:55:16 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
06:55:24 *** Taneth (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
06:59:41 *** MaienM ( has joined #portableapps
06:59:42 <pabot> MaienM is MaienM, and thats all. He is working on learning C++ atm, and even made a IRC bot in it. Love him or hate him, it's your choice.
07:03:37 *** MaienM|Sleep has quit (Nick collision from services.)
07:26:42 *** MaienM_ ( has joined #portableapps
07:27:56 *** MaienM has quit (Nick collision from services.)
07:27:59 *** MaienM_ is now known as MaienM
07:30:21 *** ZachT|ZzZz has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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08:03:17 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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08:04:11 *** DaveDixonII is now known as Guest46991
08:19:24 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|School
08:24:28 *** Guest46991 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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08:49:39 *** upnPAD|2 ( has joined #portableapps
09:00:10 *** Taneth has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
09:06:00 *** upnPAD has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
09:13:08 *** upnPAD|2 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
09:15:49 *** upnPAD (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
09:15:50 <pabot> upnPAD wants Code::Blocks, Inkscape, XChat, X-Moto, and Chris Morgan Portable. His website is
10:04:21 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
10:05:31 *** Dirtsa ( has joined #portableapps
10:09:03 <Dirtsa> Hi @all, why do you offer such an old version of Infrarecorder at your site?
10:10:21 <rmccue> Dirtsa: Link?
10:11:38 <Dirtsa>
10:11:52 <rmccue> Dirtsa: The version on is 0.46.1, the latest version on their site is 0.46.2
10:12:26 *** Corina (i=c18a9067@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:12:43 <Corina> Hello.
10:12:57 <rmccue> Hello Corina, how can we help you?
10:13:27 <Corina> My access to University of Bologna portal with Firefox won't work.
10:13:37 <Dirtsa> Link?
10:13:41 <Corina> i mean with Firefox portable
10:13:44 <rmccue> Does it work with normal Firefox?
10:13:49 <Corina> one moment
10:13:52 <rmccue> Dirtsa:
10:14:14 <Dirtsa> yes ok this link I know
10:14:28 <Corina> yeah, with normal firefox it works, but i need portable version, there is a pesonal accecess
10:14:37 <Dirtsa> but I mean portableapps is not actually
10:14:59 <rmccue> Corina: Hmm, how exactly doesn't it work?
10:15:19 <rmccue> Dirtsa: It's one bugfix version behind, the developer will get to it as soon as possible.
10:15:54 <Corina>
10:16:10 <Corina> it goes half the green line and then stops and never works again((
10:16:59 <rmccue> What version of Firefox Portable are you using?
10:17:18 <Corina>
10:17:46 <rmccue> What's the version of Firefox in your Firefox Portable?
10:17:46 <Corina> it used to work ok when i was in italy, and now i came to ukraine and have this prolem(
10:17:58 <rmccue> (Start Firefox Portable and then go to Help > About)
10:18:54 <Corina> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; uk; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
10:19:31 <rmccue> Hmm, that is weird. Can you access other sites correctly?
10:19:56 <Corina> i can access them from Firefox, but nt firefox portable
10:20:04 <Corina> nt=not
10:21:03 <rmccue> So, you can't access any sites at all from Firefox Portable?
10:21:39 <Corina> yeah right(
10:22:14 <rmccue> OK, that sounds like a proxy problem.
10:22:16 <Dirtsa> proxy configuration ;)
10:22:24 <Corina> aha
10:22:45 <rmccue> Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant by "green line" before.
10:22:50 <Corina> so what should be done?
10:23:00 <Corina> ok no problem, i am not so good at IT)
10:23:19 <rmccue> Try this out:
10:23:59 <rmccue> This link is probably better:
10:25:11 <Corina> ok
10:26:07 *** Corina has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
10:26:10 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|afk
10:26:17 <rmccue|afk> I'll be back in ~10 mins.
10:26:56 *** Corina (i=c18a9067@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:28:15 <Corina> i did it
10:30:19 *** Corina has quit (Client Quit)
10:35:29 *** admin11 (i=3ed65f2a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:35:35 <admin11> hi
10:35:46 *** rmccue|afk is now known as rmccue
10:35:56 <rmccue> Hello admin11, how can we help you?
10:36:30 <admin11> I would like to fade out Applications in the portable App menĂ¼
10:37:29 <rmccue> What exactly do you mean by "fade out"?
10:38:20 <admin11> I mean to hide
10:38:40 <admin11> or blind out
10:40:14 <admin11> I wanted to delete a icon in the portable apps menĂ¼
10:40:36 <rmccue> That's not currently possible in the menu at the moment, but it is planned for a future version of the menu.
10:40:46 <admin11> ok
10:40:53 <admin11> thanks for support
10:40:59 <admin11> goodbye
10:41:42 *** admin11 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
10:44:10 *** pa_7043 (i=d551bf63@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:44:38 *** pa_7043 has quit (Client Quit)
10:53:44 *** Corina (i=c18a9067@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
11:38:35 *** Corina has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
11:47:38 *** Taneth (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
11:47:45 *** Taneth has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
11:59:51 *** rmccue has quit ("The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"")
12:53:06 *** Dirtsa has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
12:55:44 *** ZachT|ZzZz is now known as ZachThibeau
12:56:15 *** ZachThibeau is now known as Guest3261
12:56:45 <Guest3261> :/
12:57:11 <Guest3261> damn can't change my nick
12:57:14 <Guest3261> brb
12:57:16 *** Guest3261 has quit ("Leaving")
12:58:06 *** ZachThibeau_ (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
12:58:20 *** ZachThibeau_ is now known as ZachThibeau
12:58:30 <ZachThibeau> there :D
12:58:54 <MaienM|School> ZachThibeau: any comments? :P
12:59:04 <MaienM|School> oh, forgot to change my status again..... *sigh*
12:59:07 *** MaienM|School is now known as MaienM
12:59:50 <ZachThibeau> MaienM|School: already saw. a little harsh but not enough to.... discourage him :P maybe you should add maybe if you want to oss it then maybe it could be considered. ;)
13:00:23 <MaienM> I tried my best not to be harsh xD
13:00:36 <ZachThibeau> I know you were not trying to be :P
13:00:51 <MaienM> but we already have a officially released calculator, why would we need another one? :P
13:01:29 <ZachThibeau> MaienM: just like we already have a web browser and yet there is QtWebPortable (soon to be Devt test 2) but it's approved by John.
13:01:36 <ZachThibeau> the more alternatives I think the better
13:01:44 <ZachThibeau> gives people a choice :)
13:01:46 <MaienM> you got a point there....
13:02:05 <MaienM> but then again, web browsers are much more different from each other then calculators :P
13:02:20 <ZachThibeau> true but still :P this one maybe smaller ;)
13:03:19 <MaienM> what about now ZachThibeau? :P
13:03:44 <ZachThibeau> looks good :P
13:05:47 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
13:07:40 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
13:08:42 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello Everyone
13:12:45 <MaienM> hello Oni-Neoxes
13:13:03 <Oni-Neoxes> I just learned how to do memoserv :P
13:13:15 <MaienM> :P
13:13:32 *** prone2b ( has joined #portableapps
13:14:01 <prone2b> hi guys,any new apps out toay
13:14:52 <prone2b> i mean today??
13:14:58 <prone2b> i mean today??
13:15:06 <prone2b> i mean today??
13:15:17 <prone2b> sorry today
13:15:19 <prone2b> sorry today
13:15:35 <MaienM> prone2b: not as far as I know.
13:15:56 <MaienM> and please don't repeat everything you say ;)
13:16:02 *** prone2b has quit ("MegaIRC v4.05")
13:16:13 <Oni-Neoxes> o_o
13:16:31 <Oni-Neoxes> <--lol
13:29:01 *** onestoploser ( has joined #portableapps
13:40:42 *** m-p{3} ( has joined #portableapps
13:41:02 <m-p{3}> hi
13:41:17 <m-p{3}> oops, forgot to disconnect from home
13:41:28 <m-p{3}> brb
13:41:34 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
13:42:14 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
13:42:27 *** m-p{3} has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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13:43:22 *** m-p{3}|steam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
13:43:28 <m-p{3}> brb
13:43:30 <m-p{3}> again
13:43:38 <m-p{3}> rebooting my server :P
13:44:00 *** m-p{3} has quit (Remote closed the connection)
13:46:08 *** m-p{3} ( has joined #portableapps
13:46:20 <m-p{3}> DOH! Did a shutdown instead of a reboot -_-'
13:49:30 <Oni-Neoxes> XD
13:52:48 *** m-p{3} is now known as m-p{3}|afk
13:55:34 *** m-p{3}|afk is now known as m-p{3}
13:58:28 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("I guess i'm gone then... D:")
13:59:15 *** ChrisMorgan (i=79f7ea2d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
13:59:16 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more
14:01:09 * ChrisMorgan just got back to Kolkata from Gosaba (in Sunderban)
14:09:52 <m-p{3}> I'll use a different server for now..
14:10:03 <m-p{3}> stupid me
14:14:57 <ZachThibeau> back y'all
14:15:05 <ZachThibeau> howdy ChrisMorgan
14:15:17 <ChrisMorgan> howdy ZachThibeau
14:15:29 <ZachThibeau> whats new?
14:15:31 * ChrisMorgan likes greeting in fashion with the greeting given :D
14:15:53 * ZachThibeau lols
14:15:54 <ChrisMorgan> Let's see... anything new for me to attend to?
14:16:00 * ChrisMorgan looks at
14:16:20 * ChrisMorgan has memorised his user id :D
14:16:33 * ZachThibeau needs to put out a new release of NSISPortable
14:16:50 * ZachThibeau also hopes John made the Pre-release style for nsis
14:17:17 <ChrisMorgan> - I've found that conime.exe on this machine is a pain (configured for Bengali or English). The Console IME keeps a handle on G:\ so I can never eject it :/
14:17:51 * ZachThibeau tells ChrisMorgan that ZachHudock couldn't work on nsisportable anymore and I felt another Zach should take over :P
14:18:09 * ChrisMorgan tells ZachThibeau that he looks at logs :D
14:18:15 <ZachThibeau> :P
14:18:20 <ChrisMorgan> ... And it's Zach_Hudock on IRC :P
14:18:31 * ChrisMorgan is taking over Code::Blocks, he thinks
14:18:35 * ZachThibeau ponders why he is talking with /me instead of first person
14:18:44 * ZachThibeau needs a life
14:18:47 * ChrisMorgan ponders also
14:18:50 * ChrisMorgan does also
14:18:56 * ZachThibeau pokes ChrisMorgan
14:19:04 * MaienM joins the ponderneeding
14:19:14 * ZachThibeau pokes MaienM
14:19:23 * ChrisMorgan sticks out his tongue at ZachThibeau --> :P
14:19:30 * onestoploser ponders why he's so tired this morning.
14:19:31 * ZachThibeau is shocked
14:19:44 * onestoploser shocks ZachThibeau
14:19:45 * ZachThibeau tells onestoploser that he didn't have his coffee yet
14:19:56 * onestoploser agrees
14:20:09 * ZachThibeau says coffee goooooooood
14:20:12 * onestoploser goes to get some.
14:20:20 * ZachThibeau goes too
14:20:26 * ChrisMorgan parts if this keeps on going too long
14:20:44 <ChrisMorgan> Hopefully with onestoploser and ZachThibeau going for coffee it'll calm down, eh MaienM?
14:21:27 <MaienM> lets hope so :)
14:21:37 <ZachThibeau> MaienM: remember John's cat typing 454545454545 :P
14:21:39 <ZachThibeau>
14:21:44 <ChrisMorgan> I saw that too...
14:21:49 <ChrisMorgan> Oscar wasn't it?
14:21:54 <MaienM> xD
14:22:04 * ChrisMorgan reads logs :D
14:27:13 <ZachThibeau> lol yo :P
14:27:17 <ZachThibeau> **yup
14:28:20 <ZachThibeau> here is a good one :P
14:29:04 *** m-p{3} is now known as drinks
14:29:13 *** drinks is now known as m-p{3}
14:29:24 * m-p{3} drinks his coffee.
14:29:36 <m-p{3}> wow, I fail this morning.
14:29:40 * ChrisMorgan groans
14:30:24 <ZachThibeau> :P
14:30:44 <ZachThibeau> m-p{3}: have a nive cup of fail? :P
14:31:02 <m-p{3}> yup
14:31:05 <ZachThibeau> lol
14:31:18 <ZachThibeau> brb guys
14:32:01 * MaienM just noticed he's been a member for over 1 year now :D
14:32:44 <ChrisMorgan> 1 year 41 weeks for me :-)
14:33:00 <MaienM> 1 year 6 weeks to be exact :P
14:33:55 <ZachThibeau> 2 years FTW :D
14:34:14 <ZachThibeau> 2 years and 35 weeks :P
14:34:24 <ZachThibeau> excid3 is older though :P
14:35:22 <ZachThibeau> he is a member of 3 years 7 weeks
14:35:28 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: but when did you create your first post? Or excid3?
14:35:43 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: hmmm
14:36:02 <ZachThibeau> h/o
14:36:23 <ChrisMorgan> ~ 3 years 6 weeks for excid3
14:36:34 <ZachThibeau>
14:36:39 <ZachThibeau> thats my first post :P
14:36:46 <ZachThibeau> I was young and naive then :P
14:40:19 <ZachThibeau> I should take up lapwing again :P
14:40:36 <ZachThibeau> I was working with steve a little while ago but gave up
14:41:59 <MaienM> hmm, qtwebportable does not work under wine that great :(
14:42:10 <ChrisMorgan> "I was young and naive then"... what are you now? :P
14:42:12 <MaienM> like, I cannot see any text xD
14:42:29 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: 20 years old with a complex :P
14:42:45 <ChrisMorgan> MaienM: report it to the WINE app compatibility stuff after verifying it, try QtWeb non-portable
14:43:08 <ChrisMorgan> Zach "20-Complex" Thibeau
14:43:20 <ZachThibeau> :P
14:43:27 <MaienM> trying to change the font first, see if that works.... ZachThibeau could you point me in the direction of where the settings for that are? :P
14:43:38 <ZachThibeau> MaienM: f2
14:43:49 <ChrisMorgan> Fonts in WINE is a known, and big, problem.
14:43:53 <ZachThibeau> opens the settings dialogue
14:43:55 <ZachThibeau> yup
14:44:19 <MaienM> ZachThibeau: and which tab would the fonts be under? :P
14:44:38 <ZachThibeau> I dunno :P I haven't used it in a couple of days
14:44:47 <ZachThibeau> h/o
14:44:53 <MaienM> I don't see any text at all, nowhere in the program :P
14:44:56 <ZachThibeau> sad isn't it :P
14:45:28 <ZachThibeau> go to the appearence tabe
14:45:34 <ZachThibeau> **tab
14:45:47 <MaienM> which tab is that? :P
14:45:54 <MaienM> like, number X from the left ;)
14:46:04 <ZachThibeau> MaienM: if you had eyes it would of bit you by now
14:46:06 <ZachThibeau> :P
14:46:19 <ZachThibeau> it's in clear lettering on top of the tab Appearence
14:46:29 <MaienM> ZachThibeau: I cannot see ANY fonts, so I cannot read the names of the tabs either :X
14:46:40 <ZachThibeau> 2nd tab
14:46:58 <ZachThibeau> MaienM: also you should install the msttcore fonts
14:47:07 <ZachThibeau> sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts
14:47:25 <ZachThibeau> installs the fonts New Times Roman and all the fonts necessary for most apps
14:47:27 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: shouldn't that be sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts?
14:47:35 <ChrisMorgan> apt-get not aptitude>
14:47:36 <ChrisMorgan> ?
14:47:39 <MaienM> works the same
14:47:46 <MaienM> afaik
14:47:48 <ChrisMorgan> Does it..?
14:47:57 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: it doesn't matter :P apt-get and aptitude are both cmd line frontends for apt
14:48:09 <ZachThibeau> both have the same function :P
14:49:06 <MaienM> ah, the fonts of the pages work now :)
14:49:14 <ZachThibeau> MaienM: so it worked then :P
14:49:14 <MaienM> but the fonts of the program itself don't
14:49:22 <ZachThibeau> hmmm
14:49:28 <ZachThibeau> odd
14:49:33 <MaienM> so I still cannot see the tab names and stuff like that :P
14:50:09 <ZachThibeau> I wouldn't doubt if it was something in qt :P
14:50:43 <MaienM> ah well, I have firefox so it doesn't really matter :P
14:51:27 <MaienM> ... those new fonts changed my firefox font :O
14:51:42 <ZachThibeau> :O
14:52:08 <ZachThibeau> how dare they
14:52:16 *** m-p{3} is now known as m-p{3}|afk
14:52:19 <MaienM> IKILLTHEM!!!! :P
15:00:04 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
15:00:50 <ChrisMorgan> Hey Oni-Neoxes
15:01:11 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello ChrisMorgan
15:19:37 *** m-p{3}|afk is now known as m-p{3}
15:20:46 *** alpha1beta (n=Michael@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
15:20:46 <pabot> alpha1beta is sick of support, and needs a shrink, he is also the insane admin of and if he goes nuts, blame the support!
15:20:52 <alpha1beta> hello
15:20:59 <ZachThibeau> howdy alpha1beta
15:21:05 <alpha1beta> hey Zach what's up
15:21:13 <ZachThibeau> support :P
15:21:14 <ZachThibeau> jk
15:21:19 <alpha1beta> lol
15:21:26 <alpha1beta> emotional support?
15:21:47 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
15:21:48 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
15:22:00 <SteveLamerton> Hello all
15:22:01 <alpha1beta> hello SteveLamerton
15:22:15 <ZachThibeau> howdy SteveLamerton
15:22:16 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
15:22:21 <ZachThibeau> howdy OliverK
15:22:24 <alpha1beta> hi OliverK
15:22:27 <SteveLamerton> Hello alpha1beta, ZachThibeau, OliverK
15:22:36 <OliverK> howdy SteveLamerton
15:23:02 <OliverK>
15:23:08 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: I'm learning to code a VisualBoyAdvance-M front end :D
15:23:15 <alpha1beta> now that the greetings are all through, what's going on everyone, snow days for you?
15:23:17 <ChrisMorgan> hello all you rowdy lot who've just come in (alpha1beta, SteveLamerton, OliverK, yes, I'm talking to you lot :P)
15:23:26 <SteveLamerton> Hello ChrisMorgan
15:23:30 <OliverK> ChrisMorgan: you're the rowdy one :D
15:23:38 <alpha1beta> Hello ChrisMorgan
15:23:59 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
15:24:04 <SergentSiler> morning all
15:24:10 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
15:24:14 <ChrisMorgan> alpha1beta: have a look at and look at the temperature in Melbourne and Adelaide - the Adelaide one will be the Melbourne one for the next day. It's not been so bad in Gosaba or back here in Kolkata...
15:24:34 * Oni-Neoxes is watchin last DB/DBZ/& DBGT episodes :P
15:24:44 * SergentSiler hi 5vs Oni-Neoxes
15:24:56 <Oni-Neoxes> You know toonami's dead now D:
15:25:02 <SergentSiler> yah
15:25:08 <ChrisMorgan> And apparently it was ~40 today
15:25:17 <OliverK> the last DB episodes?
15:25:23 <Oni-Neoxes> yea
15:25:23 <SergentSiler> Dragon Ball
15:25:26 <ChrisMorgan> 43 tomorrow, probably 44-45 the day after...
15:25:28 <alpha1beta> sites not loading Chris
15:25:29 <Oni-Neoxes>
15:25:33 <OliverK> ever? wow, never thought I would see the day
15:25:39 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
15:25:47 <Oni-Neoxes> might need to scroll up
15:26:21 <OliverK> blasted nursing students
15:28:02 <ZachThibeau> Oni-Neoxes: DB Seried FW :D
15:28:08 <ZachThibeau> **series
15:29:08 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
15:29:53 <ChrisMorgan> alpha1beta:
15:32:31 <alpha1beta> there ya go
15:32:57 <alpha1beta> you back in aussieland now?
15:35:56 <OliverK> be back in a bit, stupid nuirsing class showed up :(
15:36:01 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
15:42:33 <ChrisMorgan> alpha1beta: no, Kolkata.
15:43:22 <Bensawsome> ohaithar guyses :)
15:43:33 <Bensawsome> oh shoot breakfast burning bbiaf
15:45:12 * ZachThibeau guessing bbaif is be back in a flash
15:45:31 * ChrisMorgan wishes he could get Corsair Voyager 8GB for USD10.99 (after USD15 mail-in cashback)... but he's not in America
15:48:21 <ChrisMorgan> Or a Survivor 8GB for USD14.99...
15:48:27 <ChrisMorgan> What I'd really prefer is a Voyager GT...
15:49:05 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving.")
15:50:54 <ChrisMorgan> ... possibly a Voyager 32GB for $65 or a Voyager 64GB for $94 :P
15:51:03 <ChrisMorgan> But they don't have any GTs there atm... wonder why?
15:51:28 <ChrisMorgan> What is a Rebate Card?
15:52:09 <ChrisMorgan> Ah! A prepaid credit card... interesting...
15:52:34 <ChrisMorgan> don't think you don't get them in Australia
15:52:45 <alpha1beta> ChrisMorgan I got a 16gig surviver for $30, should come today UPS
15:53:11 <ChrisMorgan> Why a survivor?
15:53:18 <alpha1beta> cause I brake stuff
15:53:22 <ChrisMorgan> (survivOr, not Er.
15:53:22 <ChrisMorgan> )
15:53:31 <ChrisMorgan> break, I think you mean...
15:53:32 <alpha1beta> I dropped a computer on a flash drive once
15:53:35 <alpha1beta> yes*
15:53:41 <ChrisMorgan> Yeah, so what for a voyager?
15:53:45 <ChrisMorgan> Rubber casing. Strong.
15:54:09 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
15:54:29 <alpha1beta> voyagers go around $60 to start with
15:54:39 *** ChrisMorgan (i=79f7ea2d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
15:54:40 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more
15:54:59 <alpha1beta> voyagers go around $60 to start with
15:56:22 * ChrisMorgan got a Transcend® JetFlash™ V10 8GB almost a year ago now for AUD29
15:57:27 <alpha1beta> sweet!
15:57:47 <Bensawsome> ZachThibeau: be back in a few ;)
15:57:51 <ZachThibeau> kk
15:58:02 <Bensawsome> lol
15:58:11 <Bensawsome> ooooo walker texas ranger :D
15:58:23 <ChrisMorgan> The price went down... and now has come back up again.
15:58:30 <Bensawsome> :(
15:58:36 <Bensawsome> damn economy
15:58:44 <ChrisMorgan> And it's all America's fault :P
15:58:45 <alpha1beta> language ben
15:58:48 <ChrisMorgan> well, not quite all.
15:58:52 <alpha1beta> mostly!
15:59:00 <ChrisMorgan> oh yeah, thanks for reminding me alpha1beta ;-)
15:59:21 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: It's also the Canadian economy too. were are in a 45 billion dollar deficit
15:59:24 <ChrisMorgan> alpha1beta: I'd have preferred a 110 model, considerably faster than the V10, but couldn't find one at a reasonable price
15:59:36 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: we were or we're?
15:59:44 <alpha1beta> cause we're a bunch of egotistical worldly losers
15:59:53 <Bensawsome> lol ya
16:00:13 <alpha1beta> cause we're a bunch of egotistical worldly loser capitalists*
16:00:16 <alpha1beta> that's better :D
16:00:22 <ChrisMorgan> :D
16:00:28 <ZachThibeau> XD
16:00:28 <Bensawsome> im gonna go kill people in an army helicopter.. cya guys (dont worry its just gta ;))
16:00:29 <ChrisMorgan> It was all greed that started it.
16:00:31 <ChrisMorgan> Like usual.
16:00:38 <ChrisMorgan> Bensawsome: grr...
16:00:41 <Bensawsome> :P
16:00:58 <Bensawsome> what? atleast i dont do it for real :P
16:01:10 <Bensawsome> anywho im off
16:01:15 <ChrisMorgan> Why would you - phrasing inserted - kill people who are in army helicopters?
16:01:17 <ChrisMorgan> :D
16:01:22 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
16:02:23 <alpha1beta> I blow people's heads off with G3s, M203s, M16
16:02:27 <alpha1beta> all the time!
16:02:37 <ChrisMorgan> :-(
16:02:53 <alpha1beta> you don't like violence either?!
16:03:27 <alpha1beta> just curious, were you like raised in a monastery or something?
16:04:10 *** sinan (i=51d68629@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:04:24 <alpha1beta> hi sinan can we help you?
16:04:31 <sinan> yes please
16:04:44 <sinan> after installing portable apps
16:05:13 <sinan> can ı add diffrent programs to start menu
16:05:23 <alpha1beta> what program(s)
16:05:38 <sinan> which I already have as portable
16:06:02 <alpha1beta> well to show up in the menu, you have to be in this folder structure
16:06:07 <ZachThibeau> sinan: just drag the folder to X:/PortableApps/ and refresh the menu
16:06:18 <alpha1beta> ok, zach beat me to it :P
16:07:39 <sinan> I have tried it but couldn't get result
16:08:03 <ZachThibeau> you have to refresh the menu
16:08:13 <ZachThibeau> click on the options button and there is a menu that says refresh
16:08:22 <alpha1beta> the EXE is directly in the folder you moved into X:\Portableapps\ ?
16:10:02 <alpha1beta> aka X:\Portableapps\YOURAPP\YOUR APP.EXE
16:10:46 <sinan> no but I have lots of progs. and have keep them in folders like system - recovery etc.
16:11:14 <alpha1beta> ok, but they need to be in this setup
16:11:29 <alpha1beta> aka X:\Portableapps\System\system.exe and such
16:11:30 <sinan> so just moved thta folder in its directory but didin't get it in the menu
16:11:42 <alpha1beta> ok, you need to refresh the menu now
16:11:43 <sinan> yes
16:11:51 <alpha1beta> open the menu, hit options, then refresh
16:11:58 <sinan> ok
16:12:01 <sinan> thx
16:12:08 <alpha1beta> it works?
16:12:16 <sinan> trying
16:14:34 <alpha1beta> anythign?
16:16:04 *** SrgSiler|AFK has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
16:17:09 <sinan> no
16:17:17 <sinan> didn't work
16:17:21 <alpha1beta> then you did something wrong
16:17:38 <alpha1beta> can you give me the path to one of the .exe's
16:17:55 <sinan> as you have just written
16:18:03 *** SergentSiler ( has joined #portableapps
16:18:04 <pabot> SergentSiler is awsome and is the most.... Hey, wait, OMG!!!! PIE!!!! <3
16:18:11 <sinan> but many more in the same folder as well
16:18:29 <alpha1beta> can you C&P the path of any 1 exe, just to make sure we have it right
16:23:47 *** m-p{3} has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
16:24:06 <sinan> ok I have just did
16:24:32 <sinan> but can you please tell eme can't we see them in groups in the menu
16:24:56 <alpha1beta> nothing shows up in groups, that feature doesn't exist yet
16:25:35 <alpha1beta> they show up in alphbetical order
16:25:45 <sinan> thx
16:25:45 <sinan> bye
16:25:49 *** sinan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
16:26:06 <ChrisMorgan> Whoa, just came back and missed an entire support session...
16:26:10 <alpha1beta> Thank god!
16:26:25 <alpha1beta> another n00b with illegal software
16:26:40 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: Windows uses \ for paths, not /... they knew that Mibbit would interpret :/ as a smiley, but not :\ which will display properly :D
16:26:49 <alpha1beta> you can tell, they won't give you paths, they won't say app names, he's got warez
16:28:04 <ChrisMorgan> alpha1beta: no, I wasn't. I was raised by good (relative :P) Christian parents, who in turn had been raised by good (relative :P) Christian parents... well, 3 of them, not mum's dad :P
16:29:19 <alpha1beta> oh, you just remind me on this kid I once new, raised in a monastery, didn't curse, was a was the most boring person on earth
16:30:02 <alpha1beta> you 2 would get along well
16:30:41 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
16:30:47 <alpha1beta> Wb oliverK
16:31:18 *** alpha1beta is now known as Alpha1beta|Gamin
16:31:23 <OliverK> Alpha1beta|Gamin: thanks
16:35:12 <ChrisMorgan> Alpha1beta|Gamin: I am /not/ boring!
16:35:30 <Alpha1beta|Gamin> orly?
16:36:04 <onestoploser> lmao
16:36:14 <OliverK> flood time!
16:36:15 <OliverK> (1) They live here. You don't. (2) If you don't want their hair on
16:36:15 <OliverK> your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it
16:36:15 <OliverK> 'fur'-niture. (3) I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
16:36:15 <OliverK> (4) To you, they are animals. To me, they are adopted sons/daughters
16:36:17 <OliverK> who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly.
16:36:19 <OliverK> Remember, dogs and cats are better than kids because they (1) eat
16:36:21 <OliverK> less, (2) don't ask for money all the time, (3) are easier to train,
16:36:23 <OliverK> (4) normally come when called, (5) never ask to drive the car, (6)
16:36:25 <OliverK> don't hang out with drug-using people; (7) don't smoke or drink, (8)
16:36:27 <OliverK> don't want to wear your clothes, (9) don't have to buy the latest
16:36:29 <OliverK> fashions, (10) don't need a gazillion dollars for college and (11) if
16:36:31 <OliverK> they get pregnant, you can sell their children ..
16:36:33 <OliverK> hehe
16:36:42 <Alpha1beta|Gamin> I see a freenode kick coming....
16:37:15 <Oni-Neoxes> Yesh
16:37:30 <MaienM> OliverK: true, true xD
16:37:40 <OliverK> nope :D
16:37:50 <Oni-Neoxes> :O
16:38:08 <OliverK> or I'd be gone by now :p
16:42:26 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
16:47:22 *** TimClark (i=808737e1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:47:54 <MaienM> hello purple, TimClark
16:47:59 <purple> hi
16:48:05 <TimClark> hello
16:48:32 <purple> brb
16:48:33 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
16:49:52 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello Purple, TimClark
16:50:01 <Oni-Neoxes> wait, purple left :p
16:50:03 <Alpha1beta|Gamin> later all
16:50:06 *** Alpha1beta|Gamin has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
16:50:09 *** m-p{3} ( has joined #portableapps
16:50:23 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello m-p{3}
16:51:31 <TimClark> hello Oni-Neoxes and m-p{3}
16:51:34 *** pa_7157 (i=44fc5cf6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:52:01 <TimClark> entering -ot for background support if needed
16:52:15 <pa_7157> I am trying to import my portable apps bookmarks into firefox 3.05. Does anyone know where firefox portable stores its bookmarks.
16:52:36 <TimClark> checking
16:53:06 <TimClark> places.sqlite
16:53:12 <pa_7157> There are about 4 bookmarks.html within the firefoxportable app and I tried to import each of them and it didn't work
16:53:32 <TimClark> located in ...FirefoxPortable3\Data\profile
16:53:48 <MaienM> pa_7157: you can backup them by going to bookmarks > organise bookmarks > import and backup
16:54:01 <TimClark> FF3 now uses places.sqlite
16:54:10 <MaienM> and you can restore them using the same method
16:54:46 <pa_7157> I am using 3.1 beta 2. Does that make a difference where they are stored
16:55:16 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
16:55:17 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
16:55:41 <TimClark> /do
16:56:17 <pa_7157> When I backup it saves it as a .json file. Will I be able to import that into 3.05
16:56:18 *** m-p{3} has quit (Remote closed the connection)
16:56:35 <gluxon> Yep.
16:56:47 <pa_7157> Thanks for all your help.
16:56:53 <gluxon> ;)
16:57:07 <pa_7157> bye
16:57:07 <pa_7157> Bye
16:57:13 <gluxon> Later
16:57:24 *** pa_7157 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
16:58:53 *** pa_5671 (i=7aaf4444@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:59:39 <pa_5671> i have downloaded ClamWin_Portable_0.94.1_Rev_2.paf.exe
16:59:40 <MaienM> hello pa_5671, can we help you with anything?
16:59:55 <pa_5671> how to install it
17:00:06 <OliverK> double click on it
17:00:25 <pa_5671> no its not working
17:00:54 <SergentSiler> pa_5671, are you on windows, linux, or mac?
17:01:02 <pa_5671> windows
17:01:13 <pa_5671> xp
17:01:17 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
17:01:25 <SergentSiler> have you tried re downloading the file?
17:01:58 *** pa_6437 (i=7aaf4444@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:02:04 <pa_5671> no but
17:02:05 <OliverK> how large is the file?
17:02:33 <pa_5671> its 5.9 mb
17:02:55 <gluxon> pa_6437: If you're looking for help, there's another person who'es looking for help at the moment. We'll get to you after the other people ;).... Or you can pm me.
17:03:57 <SergentSiler> pa_5671, what exactly happens when you double click the file?
17:03:59 <gluxon> I think the file was probably split during download :( Yep, redownload it...
17:04:03 <purple> hi again
17:04:07 <OliverK> pa_5671: are you at work or another location where the starting of applications may be limited
17:04:08 *** pa_5671 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
17:04:09 <MaienM> gluxon: same guy :P
17:04:14 <gluxon> Really?
17:04:19 <MaienM> yes
17:04:23 *** m-p{3} ( has joined #portableapps
17:04:27 <gluxon> Soo....
17:04:52 <TimClark> guys, side comments in -ot
17:04:54 <gluxon> So pa_5671 and pa_64371 are the same?
17:04:57 <OliverK> please download and check the md5 sums so that we can confirm that you have the proper download
17:05:04 <OliverK>
17:05:29 <TimClark> pa_6437: what happens when you tires to launch the installer, error messages ???
17:06:10 <gluxon> Integry check failed or something.... right?
17:07:37 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
17:09:30 <TimClark> pa_6437: when you try to run the ClamWinPortable installer, do you get a error message? What happens?
17:11:06 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("I guess i'm gone then... D:")
17:11:24 *** pa_6437 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
17:11:36 <SergentSiler> XD
17:11:41 <OliverK> heh
17:11:42 <TimClark> he is gone, might come back ?
17:11:51 <OliverK> possible
17:11:53 <OliverK> we'll see
17:12:13 <gluxon> Or he might have figured it out by himself :P
17:12:34 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
17:12:37 <TimClark> always good to get a little more information than just , it does not work
17:13:20 <TimClark> boss needs me, be back later
17:13:23 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
17:13:38 <gluxon> ... TimClark has a boss? Or is he talking about John?
17:14:00 <OliverK> nah, i think its his real boos
17:14:01 <MaienM> gluxon: he is probably at his work ;)
17:14:18 <MaienM> you know, irl work to get money to pay for food and stuffz :P
17:14:25 <gluxon> He's on at work?
17:15:03 <OliverK> i pays money for food stuffz
17:15:05 <OliverK> howzat?
17:17:38 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" Get BPBible Portable!")
17:20:50 <m-p{3}> I'm also at work :D
17:21:15 <OliverK> m-p{3}: paying for food and stuffz and foodstuffz
17:21:23 <OliverK> techinacally, I'm working now as well
17:32:15 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
17:36:44 <OliverK> i've got to run out and get lunch
17:36:48 <OliverK> be back in a bit
17:36:54 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
17:38:00 *** m-p{3} is now known as m-p{3}|afk
17:49:01 *** excid3|sleep is now known as excid3
17:53:36 *** Aerobender ( has joined #portableapps
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17:55:40 *** OliverK has quit (Client Quit)
18:03:41 *** TimClark (i=808737e1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
18:03:57 <TimClark> stop being bad :
18:04:00 <TimClark> :P
18:05:59 <ZachThibeau> howdy TimClark
18:06:06 <gluxon> ...
18:06:11 <TimClark> hello ZachThibeau
18:06:15 <ZachThibeau> whats new
18:06:22 <TimClark> nothin
18:06:48 <TimClark> just here till oliver gets back
18:07:11 <ZachThibeau> o
18:07:15 <ZachThibeau> k
18:08:12 <TimClark> gluxon: you answer here is way too complicated don't you think ?
18:08:40 <gluxon> ... Maybe :P But how am I suppose to make it less complicated? :P
18:08:55 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
18:08:55 <gluxon> Sometimes, I think you stalk me :P
18:08:57 <pabot> Gizmokid2005 is the in-house pidgin expert (usually).
18:09:07 <gluxon> Hello Gizmokid2005! :D
18:09:11 <ZachThibeau> howdy Gizmokid2005
18:09:16 <MaienM> gluxon: you could just show a "before" and "after" of the line, instead of the whole ini.... that would help, I bet
18:09:17 <TimClark> start run x:\portableapps\firefox\firefoxportable -safe-mode
18:09:45 <Gizmokid2005> hello gluxon, ZachThibeau, TimClark
18:09:55 <onestoploser> Hi Gixmok
18:10:06 <gluxon> Wait... I know :P I'll recompile a seprate Launcher to run firefox in save mode!! :P
18:10:07 <TimClark> that should work i think gluxon , and i am not stalking you, i use the tracker and you just posted 41 min ago :P
18:10:09 <onestoploser> *Gizmokid2005
18:10:14 <gluxon> :P
18:10:52 <TimClark> guys, my start run method should work, right ?
18:11:03 <Gizmokid2005> hello onestoploser
18:11:03 <TimClark> and hello Gizmokid2005 :D
18:11:16 <Gizmokid2005> gluxon: that could work
18:11:20 <Gizmokid2005> and TimClark yes it should
18:11:22 <onestoploser> Where have you been all day? lol
18:11:29 <gluxon> :P
18:11:30 <Gizmokid2005> onestoploser: I"m STILL home sick...
18:11:35 <onestoploser> D;
18:11:37 <Gizmokid2005> i'm trying to find the train that hit me
18:11:38 <onestoploser> D:
18:11:38 <TimClark> I think it only has a problem if there are spaces in the path name
18:12:17 *** WastePuree is now known as WastePotato
18:13:47 <onestoploser> Gizmokid2005: Do you have the pukey sick?
18:15:11 <Gizmokid2005> onestoploser: I'm not so much nauseated, but I don't feel's been a sore throat, sore ears, sinuses...
18:15:32 <onestoploser> :(
18:15:41 <onestoploser> I hope you feel better
18:15:59 <Gizmokid2005> today and yesterday it's been sinuses and headache...
18:16:06 <Gizmokid2005> you know the feeling you get when you get pool water up your nose?
18:16:09 <ZachThibeau> Gizmokid2005: sounds like what I had a couple of weeks ago :(
18:16:19 <onestoploser> That's horrible
18:16:32 <gluxon> Wow... FirefoxPortable's launcher is complicated...
18:16:54 <Gizmokid2005> yup, so...yeah.
18:17:00 <Gizmokid2005> I'm just surviving right now.
18:17:04 <TimClark> gluxon: duh :P , if it was easy we would not need john :D
18:17:13 <gluxon> ... :P
18:17:32 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: you will be around for a while ?
18:17:39 <Gizmokid2005> TimClark: yeah, most likely
18:17:51 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: you have the floor, later dudes :D
18:18:05 <Gizmokid2005> k, see ya ti
18:18:09 <Gizmokid2005> TimClark*
18:18:16 <TimClark> oh, Gizmokid2005 OliverK will be back shortly i think
18:18:24 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
18:18:52 *** enduo (i=4d2ad764@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
18:19:02 <enduo> hello there
18:19:23 <Gizmokid2005> hello enduo
18:19:31 <Gizmokid2005> is there anything we can help you with today
18:19:32 <Gizmokid2005> ?
18:19:46 <enduo> mm i'm looking at an error in xamp
18:20:24 <enduo> i will give it to u just a sec
18:21:40 <enduo> can i upload you a log detail for appache start?
18:22:19 <enduo> i maked a BAT file to export all results of apache_start.bat to log.txt
18:23:33 <enduo> ??
18:24:06 <Gizmokid2005> enduo: put it in a pastebin
18:24:09 <Gizmokid2005>
18:25:10 <enduo> okay here you go
18:27:14 <enduo> also i got this by running the process myself : syntax error on line 92 of F:/xampplite/apache/conf/httpd.conf : cannot load F:/xampplite/apache/modules/ into server: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
18:27:55 <Gizmokid2005> enduo: did you install it from the website?
18:28:54 <enduo> yes twice now
18:29:20 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
18:30:44 <Gizmokid2005> enduo: what are you using to launch xampp?
18:31:15 <enduo> i just launch it myself or use the portable apps launcher on the site too but both make the same error
18:32:29 <enduo> oh i think i got it ! the file might be corrupted altho i installed it twice where can i get it from
18:32:32 <Gizmokid2005> enduo: you downloaded it from here:
18:33:10 <Gizmokid2005> <-- that link to be exact?
18:33:37 *** m-p{3}|afk is now known as m-p{3}
18:33:41 <enduo> which one is best?
18:33:59 <enduo> because i downloaded the Zip twice today
18:35:12 <Gizmokid2005> either will work
18:35:19 <Gizmokid2005> lite or the full install.
18:35:26 <Gizmokid2005> it sounds like it's trying to launch the linux files...
18:35:34 <Gizmokid2005> it should be trying to launch some type of .exe
18:35:48 <enduo> i use lite
18:36:09 <enduo> mmm okay i will download the exe now and try again
18:39:54 *** enduo has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
18:58:12 *** ZachThibeau_ (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
18:58:40 <OliverK> zachThibeau_ has problemses?
18:59:00 <ZachThibeau_> OliverK: it would seem so
18:59:02 <ZachThibeau_> h/o
18:59:09 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Nick collision from services.)
18:59:11 <OliverK> roger
18:59:14 *** ZachThibeau_ is now known as ZachThibeau
18:59:15 <OliverK> ah, drat
18:59:17 <OliverK> oh well
18:59:18 <ZachThibeau> :P
19:00:10 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as wyvr
19:00:17 *** wyvr is now known as Gizmokid2005
19:00:20 <Bensawsome> orly OliverK?
19:00:22 <Bensawsome> o_0
19:00:27 <OliverK> Bensawsome: yrly
19:00:27 <ZachThibeau> OliverK: if you were to kick I would still have to ghost my nick :P
19:00:35 <OliverK> that's true
19:00:36 <OliverK> darnit
19:00:47 <ZachThibeau> :P
19:01:52 *** Bensawesome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
19:01:53 <pabot> Bensawesome is Bensawsome when his internet went out and he rejoins
19:02:04 *** Bensawesome has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
19:02:10 <Bensawsome> grrrrr
19:02:20 <Bensawsome> how do you turn multiple instances off in xchat =_=
19:03:12 <ZachThibeau> I dunno
19:03:16 <ZachThibeau> I never have that problem
19:06:24 <OliverK> this computer is awful :(
19:14:43 *** m-p{3} is now known as m-p{3}|afk
19:14:45 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
19:14:52 <onestoploser> It's snowing like heck outside...
19:14:56 *** PatrickPatience (i=patrickp@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
19:14:59 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a moderator and developer (
19:15:18 <SrgSiler|AFK> onestoploser, snowed here, then sleet, now rain D:
19:15:31 <Gizmokid2005> onestoploser: I wish it was here
19:15:42 <onestoploser> It did that here already last night, but has now turned into heavy snow.
19:15:56 <onestoploser> Gizmokid2005: Why?
19:15:57 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
19:16:04 <Gizmokid2005> onestoploser: i love snow.
19:16:15 * SergentSiler <3 snow too
19:16:16 <onestoploser> I'm just really sick and tired of it.
19:16:22 <OliverK> i likie it two
19:16:24 <OliverK> too*
19:16:25 <SergentSiler> onestoploser, gimmie ur snow :D
19:16:31 <OliverK> im just getting tired of it
19:16:39 <onestoploser> It was really depressing flying into Pittsburgh from Houston on Sunday
19:16:43 <OliverK> SergentSiler: you want the ice on my driveway wo?
19:16:52 <SergentSiler> OliverK, u keep that
19:16:54 <SergentSiler> :P
19:16:59 <onestoploser> My car is coated with 1/2 inch ice
19:17:07 <OliverK> heh, I got a single car width to drive trhough
19:17:11 <OliverK> onestoploser: dat sucks
19:17:42 <onestoploser> lol
19:17:48 <SergentSiler> Bensawsome, YES! :D
19:17:50 <onestoploser> I'm already at work. :(
19:17:51 <Bensawsome> :D
19:17:53 <Bensawsome> lol
19:17:57 <onestoploser> lol
19:18:03 <SergentSiler> lol
19:18:10 <Bensawsome> onestoploser: me and SergentSiler live like half an hour away from eachotherr XD
19:18:17 <SergentSiler> :D
19:18:18 <onestoploser> Nice
19:18:43 <onestoploser> I wish more people I know on the internets lived near me. I'd definitely have better rl conversation.
19:18:47 <onestoploser> lol
19:19:28 <SergentSiler> i wish i had money so i could build a new comp :D
19:19:33 * onestoploser too
19:19:49 <onestoploser> My review is coming up soon. :D
19:20:09 <SergentSiler> :P
19:21:54 <SergentSiler> i need a little over $600 for all of the parts that i want :/
19:22:14 <Bensawsome> SergentSiler: parets of what o_0
19:22:15 <SergentSiler> ive got about $10
19:22:23 <onestoploser> lmao
19:22:23 <SergentSiler> Bensawsome, comp parts
19:22:25 <Bensawsome> oh comp XD
19:22:26 <Bensawsome> lol
19:23:06 <SergentSiler> Bensawsome, u phail at spelling XD
19:23:14 <Bensawsome> oh guys i am doing this project where i collect old computersfix em up, put ubuntu and openoffice on them, then give them out to.... less fortunate people >_> if anyone has any parts send em :D
19:23:14 <Bensawsome> lol
19:23:18 <SergentSiler> "parets" roflmao
19:23:22 <Bensawsome> ium creating a site for it too >_>
19:23:25 <Bensawsome> *im
19:23:27 <Bensawsome> *parts
19:23:28 <Bensawsome> ;)
19:23:33 <SergentSiler> :P
19:23:46 <Bensawsome> i also need to think of a name for my little orginization....
19:23:49 <SergentSiler> and if you dont want Bensawsome to eat dem, send em to me :D
19:24:05 <Bensawsome> -_-
19:24:09 <Bensawsome> no :P
19:24:10 <Bensawsome> lol
19:24:16 <SergentSiler> D:
19:24:24 <Bensawsome> SergentSiler: help me come up with a name :P
19:24:39 <SergentSiler> hmmmm
19:24:44 <onestoploser> Recycomp
19:24:47 <onestoploser> lol
19:24:55 <Bensawsome> onestoploser: not bad actually ;)
19:25:00 <SergentSiler> :/
19:25:13 <SergentSiler> parets recycling XD
19:25:33 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as GizmoBot
19:25:44 <onestoploser> SergentSiler: XD
19:26:01 <SergentSiler> CompuCycle
19:26:13 <OliverK> that's nice
19:26:15 <onestoploser> Computle
19:26:40 <SergentSiler> ...
19:26:51 <SergentSiler> O_o
19:26:53 <Bensawsome> ya that is nice too
19:27:03 <Bensawsome> ya i will use SergentSiler's :D
19:27:10 <SergentSiler> (^_^)
19:27:11 *** GizmoBot is now known as Gizmokid2005
19:27:11 <onestoploser> Nice
19:27:37 <Bensawsome> damnit wants me to pay for it -_-
19:27:46 <SergentSiler> D:
19:27:51 *** excid3 has quit ("Leaving")
19:28:03 <Bensawsome> maybe i should just buy the .com....
19:28:12 <SergentSiler> i dont use anymore since they only work like half the time with 000webhost
19:28:23 <SergentSiler> and the other half they dont work right
19:28:29 <Bensawsome> lol i dont use that :P
19:28:33 <SergentSiler> Bensawsome, .net :D
19:28:38 <Bensawsome> maybe >_>
19:28:59 <SergentSiler> or .biz :P
19:29:10 * onestoploser drank a LOT of caffeine today.
19:29:19 *** m-p{3}|afk is now known as m-p{3}
19:29:27 * SergentSiler gives onestoploser some Expresso
19:29:41 <onestoploser> D:
19:29:45 <SergentSiler> :D
19:29:45 * onestoploser jitters
19:29:49 <onestoploser> XD
19:29:58 <Bensawsome> lol biz is for noobs SergentSiler :P
19:30:01 * SergentSiler forces onestoploser to drink a gallon of expresso
19:30:09 <SergentSiler> Bensawsome, i was kidding with .biz :P
19:30:14 * onestoploser tweaks
19:30:24 * Bensawsome forces onestoploser to drink a gallon of pure caffiene >_>
19:30:28 * SergentSiler watches as onestoploser haz a sezure
19:30:34 <Bensawsome> *caffeine
19:30:34 * onestoploser dies
19:30:37 <Bensawsome> :D
19:30:39 <onestoploser> :(
19:30:42 <Bensawsome> lol jk ;)
19:30:43 * SergentSiler pokes onestoploser's body
19:30:48 <SergentSiler> D:
19:30:51 * Bensawsome starts eating onestoploser's legs
19:30:56 * onestoploser is now zombified
19:30:57 <SergentSiler> NOM!
19:31:08 * onestoploser munches Bensawsome's brain
19:31:12 * SergentSiler eats onestoploser's brainzzzzz
19:31:17 <Bensawsome> too late onestoploser: i already ate your legs ;)
19:31:28 <onestoploser> lol
19:31:48 <onestoploser> I may leave work early. It's really snowing hard.
19:31:50 * SergentSiler watches the dead super caffinated sombie
19:31:52 <Bensawsome> lol
19:31:57 <SergentSiler> :P
19:32:06 * onestoploser munches brains really fast
19:32:11 <SergentSiler> XD
19:32:13 <onestoploser> XD
19:32:44 * SergentSiler grabs a bag of Munchos and watches the fun :D
19:33:13 <Bensawsome> lol
19:33:28 * SergentSiler then realises it is a box of blueberry pop-tarts D:
19:33:49 <SergentSiler> with a cd in the box...
19:34:01 <SergentSiler> orginization Phail
19:34:04 <onestoploser> What's on the disc?
19:34:12 <SergentSiler> Puppy linux
19:34:15 <onestoploser> lol
19:34:20 <SergentSiler> waste of a full cd
19:34:40 <SergentSiler> but bizcard ones are like $23423423423423423423517345017
19:34:52 <onestoploser> Waste of a full cd: anything one of Nickelback's albums
19:35:03 * SergentSiler hi 5vs onestoploser
19:35:06 <onestoploser> *any
19:35:13 * onestoploser high fives and misses
19:35:18 <SergentSiler> D:
19:37:08 <Bensawsome> damn isnt available :'(
19:37:15 <SergentSiler> .net :D
19:37:19 <Bensawsome> nope :'(
19:37:23 <SergentSiler> D:
19:37:40 <SergentSiler> .org
19:37:44 <Bensawsome> nope :'(
19:37:49 <SergentSiler> D:
19:37:56 <SergentSiler> .berdigger
19:37:57 <onestoploser> Go with Recycomp FTW
19:37:57 <SergentSiler> :D
19:38:00 <Bensawsome> .us and .info are the only ones available..
19:38:08 * Bensawsome kill SergentSiler for saying berdigger
19:38:14 <onestoploser> .us isn't bad
19:38:16 <SergentSiler> Berdigger...
19:38:17 <Bensawsome> ...
19:38:26 <SergentSiler> .us is horribble
19:38:29 <onestoploser> Why?
19:38:31 <SergentSiler> worst extention ever
19:38:34 <Bensawsome> ya
19:38:35 <onestoploser> lol
19:38:43 <Bensawsome> it sounds like im from the government :S
19:38:48 <Bensawsome> WHICH IM NOT!
19:38:50 <onestoploser> Pretend like you are
19:38:52 <SergentSiler> no one uses it and it was just created for ""Pride""
19:38:56 <MaienM> :O
19:39:02 <SergentSiler> just like Freedom Frys
19:39:05 <onestoploser> see if you can get .ru
19:39:06 <onestoploser> XD
19:39:09 <SergentSiler> XD
19:39:09 * Bensawsome kills MaienM
19:39:14 <Bensawsome> NO .GOV FOR YOU!
19:39:15 <Bensawsome> lol
19:39:17 <onestoploser> lol
19:39:21 <MaienM> yay!!! :D
19:39:23 <SergentSiler> .FBI ? :D
19:39:38 <onestoploser> .cz?
19:39:48 <SergentSiler> .imworkingforthegovernment :D
19:39:54 <MaienM> .imnot
19:40:08 <onestoploser> .pwn would be pretty sweet
19:40:10 <SergentSiler> .pedofile
19:40:18 * SergentSiler hi 5vs onestoploser
19:40:28 * onestoploser high fives and misse
19:40:32 <onestoploser> *misses
19:40:35 * Bensawsome kills you all
19:40:46 * SergentSiler smacks onestoploser with a fish for missing
19:41:02 <OliverK> Bensawsome: don't be using :p
19:41:27 <Bensawsome> ;)
19:41:37 <SergentSiler> lol
19:41:39 *** Havvy (i=18141b8a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:42:10 <Bensawsome> hmmm help me come up with another domain name but i can still use compucycl3e
19:42:16 <Bensawsome> hmmm help me come up with another domain name but i can still use *compucycle
19:42:18 <SergentSiler> Bensawsome, :D
19:42:29 <SergentSiler>
19:42:47 <onestoploser> how about putersftw
19:42:49 <SergentSiler> mine id better (^_^)
19:43:00 <Bensawsome> :P
19:43:02 <SergentSiler> compucycle.ftw
19:43:05 <Bensawsome> ...
19:43:13 <onestoploser> compucycle.pwn
19:43:13 <SergentSiler> ...
19:43:14 <Bensawsome> compucycledonations?
19:43:20 <SergentSiler> sure
19:43:20 <Bensawsome> or is that too long :'(
19:43:24 <Bensawsome> hmmmmmm
19:43:33 <onestoploser> compucycler
19:43:43 <SergentSiler> :O
19:43:51 <onestoploser> compucyclersawsome
19:43:57 <Bensawsome>
19:44:00 <Bensawsome> oh!
19:44:02 <SergentSiler> lool
19:44:07 <Bensawsome> compucycler...
19:44:09 <Bensawsome> hmmmm
19:44:49 <MaienM> ?
19:44:52 <onestoploser> XD
19:45:02 * Bensawsome tortures MaienM
19:45:03 <Bensawsome> RAWR
19:45:04 <Bensawsome> lol
19:45:09 <SergentSiler> XD
19:45:22 <SergentSiler> MaienM,
19:45:36 <MaienM> lol, was that all you got? disapointing Bensawsome, disapointing ;)
19:45:56 * onestoploser zombie attacks
19:45:56 <Bensawsome> LOL
19:46:13 <Bensawsome> i have a teacher called mr. mcsweeney in virtual high schyool...
19:46:17 * SergentSiler eats MaienM's face
19:46:18 <Bensawsome> classic teacher name XD
19:46:49 <Gizmokid2005> guys, enough with the stfu links, K?
19:47:00 <Gizmokid2005> at least take them to -ot
19:47:29 <SergentSiler> Gizmokid2005, Timing FTW!
19:47:39 <Gizmokid2005> SergentSiler: actually ftl, I"m slow today
19:47:42 <OliverK> SergentSiler: BTW
19:48:18 <SergentSiler> OliverK, ...
19:48:48 *** m-p{3} is now known as m-p{3}|afk
19:48:50 <OliverK> Boot For the Win
19:48:52 <OliverK> :D
19:48:59 <SergentSiler> ...
19:49:19 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
19:49:29 <onestoploser> STW?
19:49:42 <onestoploser> Shoe for The Win?
19:49:43 <onestoploser> XD
19:50:08 <SergentSiler> IWIHTBH FTW!
19:50:26 <SergentSiler> figure it out :D
19:50:39 *** m-p{3}|afk is now known as m-p{3}
19:50:44 * Havvy throws it at onestoploser's face.
19:51:53 <SergentSiler> Guest46991, why is ur nick not DaveDixonII? :P
19:52:08 <onestoploser> I Wish I Had The Big Hat?
19:52:14 <SergentSiler> onestoploser, Phail
19:52:18 <onestoploser> lmao
19:52:23 <SergentSiler> almost got it thogh
19:52:40 <onestoploser> blue herring?
19:52:45 <SergentSiler> nope
19:52:50 <onestoploser> broken heart?
19:52:56 <MaienM> banhammer?
19:52:59 <SergentSiler> Ban HAMMAH!!! }:D
19:53:03 <onestoploser> biggest hair?
19:53:06 <SergentSiler> MaienM, FTW!
19:53:09 <onestoploser> Nice
19:53:17 <MaienM> :D
19:53:42 <SergentSiler> .g i has snow
19:53:44 <pabot> SergentSiler:
19:53:47 <SergentSiler> yay!
19:54:04 <Bensawsome> ...
19:54:23 <SergentSiler> .
19:54:26 <SergentSiler> ...
19:54:29 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
19:54:34 <SergentSiler> hi KevinPorter
19:54:39 <onestoploser> Hi KevinPorter
19:54:53 <KevinPorter> Hello SergentSiler, onestoploser. :)
19:55:35 <Bensawsome> why hello KevinPorter!
19:55:46 <KevinPorter> 'Allo Bensawsome. :)
19:56:17 <Bensawsome> ^_^
19:56:18 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
20:00:15 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
20:00:16 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
20:01:40 <Bensawsome> ohaithar excid3 ^_^
20:01:49 <SergentSiler> excid3, nice def :P
20:02:00 <onestoploser> I lol'd
20:02:00 <excid3> rawr
20:02:26 <onestoploser> Referencing Mario or Braid?
20:02:36 <excid3> mario
20:02:39 <onestoploser> Nice
20:05:57 <excid3> shweet
20:07:17 *** purple has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:08:51 <OliverK> aha!
20:14:53 <OliverK> aren't dlls installed directly to the system32 folder?
20:15:25 <Bensawsome> nope
20:15:30 <Bensawsome> in fact you dont need that folder
20:15:34 <OliverK> nevermind, that's stupid
20:15:39 <Bensawsome> just delete it and restart ;)
20:15:40 <Bensawsome> lol
20:15:56 <OliverK> there's registered to whereever their located
20:15:59 <OliverK> right?
20:16:02 <Bensawsome> ya
20:16:02 * OliverK doesn't know
20:16:11 <OliverK> *wack* *wack *WACK*!
20:16:19 <OliverK> i tink i lays down nnnooooowwwww
20:16:22 * Bensawsome thinks OliverK should delete the system32 folder and restart his comp
20:16:30 <Bensawsome> XD
20:16:35 <onestoploser> lmao
20:16:35 <OliverK> i probably could get away with it on this computer
20:16:41 <OliverK> deepfreeze :D
20:16:44 <Bensawsome> XD
20:17:14 <OliverK> Fortunately, the process of installing .DLLs is pretty easy. In a nutshell, all you need to do is copy the original .DLL file to C:\Windows\System32.
20:18:27 <Bensawsome> lol
20:18:33 <Bensawsome> hmmm should i go game some more...
20:19:29 <OliverK> so, I could do, IfFileExist, $SYSDIR\VBoxC.dl, I'm good, right?
20:20:44 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
20:24:07 <Bensawsome> nope
20:27:54 <Bensawsome> hey onestoploser what you think? or .org?
20:29:36 <KevinPorter> .com *always* Bensawsome if you can.
20:29:58 <Bensawsome> hmmm ok
20:30:08 <OliverK> whats wrong with .net?
20:30:12 <Bensawsome> EVIL!
20:30:15 <KevinPorter> Lol.
20:30:20 <Bensawsome> plus this has nothing to do with the internet :P
20:30:56 <OliverK> heh, yeah
20:31:01 <OliverK> but a .net address?
20:31:36 <Bensawsome> .net usually has something to do with the internet
20:31:45 <Bensawsome> like comcast.NET is for the isp services
20:33:19 <onestoploser> .org sounds better for a charity project
20:33:59 <Havvy> would be useful.
20:34:57 <Havvy> We have .org and .com, but no .res(idential) :/
20:38:30 <Bensawsome> lol
20:38:49 <onestoploser> or .myhouse
20:38:51 <onestoploser> XD
20:40:32 *** m-p{3} is now known as m-p{3}|afk
20:40:34 <excid3> .xxx
20:40:38 *** m-p{3}|afk is now known as m-p{3}
20:40:40 <excid3> o_O
20:41:23 <onestoploser> D:
20:42:02 *** TimClark (i=808737e1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
20:42:21 <TimClark> -ot got boring :P
20:45:26 <Havvy> .xxx would be useful so that somebody could make a firefox extension automatically switch to private browsing when a person goes to such a site.
20:45:49 <OliverK> they tried for that
20:45:52 <OliverK> it failed
20:45:59 <OliverK> TimClark: i wonder . . .
20:46:00 <OliverK> heh
20:46:07 <OliverK> i'm making progress on virtual box :D
20:46:09 <Havvy> Why did it fail?
20:46:16 <OliverK> no clue
20:46:24 <OliverK> its the buerocracy and politics of washington
20:46:27 <Bensawsome> hmmm now i just need a cms for my orginization....
20:46:36 <OliverK> anymore and we have to sojurn to OT
20:46:45 <Bensawsome> hmmmmmm this is gonna be annoying..... never run this kind of thing before.... hnmmmmmm
20:47:32 <OliverK> drupal FTW!
20:47:37 <Bensawsome> ................................................
20:47:48 <Bensawsome> OliverK: by the way did you upload drupal yet?
20:48:01 <OliverK> nah, should I?
20:48:10 <Bensawsome> lol yes plz ;)
20:48:12 <Bensawsome> err
20:48:14 <Bensawsome> acuta;;y
20:48:18 <Bensawsome> i create the db first..
20:48:20 <Bensawsome> one sec
20:48:37 <Havvy> ICANN was the group that did the vote. Politicians in Washington don't control the internet.
20:48:53 <OliverK> huh
20:50:05 <Havvy> @ .xxx;
20:50:44 <Bensawsome> i wish you could make your own custom tld's :(
20:50:53 <Bensawsome> anywho im off to gmae
20:51:03 <Bensawsome> and OliverK: upload it and i install drupal for ya :)
20:51:09 <OliverK> ?
20:51:14 <OliverK> get you the tarball?
20:53:02 <Bensawsome> ...
20:53:18 <Bensawsome> extract teh tarball and upload the files using the ftp info i gave you...
20:53:20 <Bensawsome> lol.........
20:54:07 <excid3> lol
20:54:42 <OliverK> yeah, then you go to the index and install it
20:54:47 <OliverK> i've installed drupal b4
20:55:01 <OliverK>
20:55:04 <OliverK> at least, I think that's it
20:57:41 <OliverK> i gotta switch comps
20:57:47 <OliverK> . . . .again :(
20:57:50 <OliverK> see yall in a bit
20:59:06 <KevinPorter> See ya OliverK.
20:59:13 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
20:59:49 *** m-p{3} has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:02:18 <excid3> KevinPorter, we have now
21:02:50 <KevinPorter> Haha, awesome.
21:08:04 *** Guest19057 ( has joined #portableapps
21:09:10 *** Guest19057 is now known as OliverK
21:09:52 <ZachThibeau> OliverK: I found rather an odd bug in one of pabot's function
21:09:53 <ZachThibeau> :P
21:09:55 <OliverK> heh
21:09:58 <OliverK> what is it?
21:10:00 <ZachThibeau> mo twitter
21:10:05 <ZachThibeau> :/
21:10:10 <ZachThibeau> nm
21:10:20 * ZachThibeau hides in shame
21:11:06 <ZachThibeau> yeah say it :P I know some of you are thinking it ;)
21:11:09 <ZachThibeau> epic fail right :P
21:13:03 <OliverK> what?
21:13:09 <OliverK> sorry, trouble elsewhere
21:13:19 <MaienM> actually, I was thinking "I wantz chocolate", but your idea is good too ZachThibeau :P
21:22:43 *** Guest46991 is now known as dbdii407
21:30:16 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
21:41:38 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
21:44:47 *** onestoploser has quit ("It is pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness; poverty and wealth have both failed.")
21:47:38 *** alpha1beta (n=Owner@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
21:47:39 <pabot> alpha1beta is sick of support, and needs a shrink, he is also the insane admin of and if he goes nuts, blame the support!
21:47:50 <alpha1beta> hello everyone
21:49:15 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
21:50:12 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
21:55:03 *** MaienM|Sleep is now known as MaienM
21:59:29 <alpha1beta> got my 16 gig corsair in today ^_^
21:59:54 <alpha1beta> hurry guys, i need more apps to fill it up with :D
22:03:22 <OliverK> alpha1beta: no
22:03:27 <OliverK> put linux on it, fedora :D
22:03:37 <OliverK> that'll take about 3~4 gb
22:03:49 <alpha1beta> i was gonna do kubuntu
22:04:17 *** Blade2021 (i=42a92aed@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:04:45 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
22:04:52 <alpha1beta> music and portableapps is 8 gig, docs another gig, and maybe 3 for kbuntu?
22:07:08 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
22:09:57 <OliverK> don't know
22:10:03 <OliverK> fedora has a persistant layout
22:10:09 <OliverK> I gave mine 2gbs, that's why its huge
22:10:33 <alpha1beta> fedora gnome or kde?
22:11:39 <OliverK> gnome and KDE
22:11:42 <OliverK> but I like KDE
22:11:44 *** Blade2021 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
22:11:45 <OliverK> gnome sucks :D
22:11:56 * alpha1beta high fives OliverK
22:12:02 <alpha1beta> Gnome looks like win95
22:12:06 <OliverK> agreed
22:12:19 <alpha1beta> KDE looks like win7 on steriods
22:13:08 <OliverK> speciallly 4.1
22:13:14 <OliverK> 3.5 is awful
22:13:23 <OliverK> offal ~ awful
22:13:27 <alpha1beta> it's decent, but 4.2 is the best
22:13:37 * OliverK doesn't know what it runs
22:13:45 <ZachThibeau> GNOME FTW
22:13:49 <alpha1beta> *smack*
22:13:51 <OliverK> i've been trying to get the thing to start @ 1280x800
22:14:02 <OliverK> stupid things starts at 800x600
22:14:07 <OliverK> 1280x800 FTW
22:14:11 <alpha1beta> i run open suse at 3200 by 2400
22:14:28 <alpha1beta> 512 graphics board i can do that :D
22:14:42 <OliverK> latop doesn't go that high :(
22:15:25 <Oni-Neoxes> gnome?
22:15:30 <alpha1beta> mine doesn't either, i need bigger on the laptop
22:15:31 <OliverK> period
22:15:37 <OliverK> heh
22:15:50 <ZachThibeau> reactos is coming along nice :D
22:15:52 <ZachThibeau>
22:16:05 <ZachThibeau> just reading this tells me this is coming along very nicely :)
22:18:03 *** Neurario ( has joined #portableapps
22:19:05 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("I guess i'm gone then... D:")
22:21:57 *** Bensawsome has quit ("The awsome is gone :(")
22:23:44 <OliverK>
22:24:01 * OliverK doesn't like virtualbox, to much pain in the heads :(
22:24:30 *** StatBot has quit (Client Quit)
22:24:40 *** ZachThibeau_ (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
22:25:05 * OliverK vote zachThibeau off the island
22:25:28 * alpha1beta votes rmccue off
22:25:56 <alpha1beta> hmm can't vote him off the island of aussieland, or can I>
22:26:09 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
22:26:09 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
22:26:52 <OliverK> i got my RMA for my corsair. I'm fainlly printing it out :(
22:27:17 <alpha1beta> voyager? surviver?
22:27:30 *** ZachThibeau_ has quit (Client Quit)
22:28:08 <OliverK> voyager
22:28:15 <Bensawsome> waffler?
22:28:22 <alpha1beta> sweet
22:28:24 <OliverK> i has wafflemaker :D
22:28:32 <SrgSiler|AFK> i has waffelz :D
22:28:37 * Bensawsome steals OliverK's wafflemaker :P
22:28:38 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
22:28:52 *** StatBot ( has joined #portableapps
22:28:58 * OliverK `s wafflemaker explodes, twas booby trapped :D
22:29:14 <Bensawsome> :D
22:29:19 *** pa_2584 (i=42a92aed@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:29:35 <OliverK> Hello, pa_2584. Is there something that the community can help you with today?
22:29:39 <alpha1beta> hello pa_2584 can we help you?
22:29:42 <pa_2584> what is port # for this server?
22:30:04 <OliverK> 6667, isn't it?
22:30:15 <Bensawsome> ya
22:30:18 <pa_2584> tried that and it wouldn't take it
22:30:22 <OliverK> huh
22:30:35 <Bensawsome> well then it could be blocked by the network admin
22:30:40 <Bensawsome> are you at school or work?
22:30:55 <Bensawsome> or somewhere else that you arent the admin of?
22:31:03 <pa_2584> negative
22:31:04 <pa_2584> home pc
22:31:17 <pa_2584> I'm not really good with mIRC, its been a very long time
22:31:19 <PatrickPatience> pa_2584: Which client?
22:31:20 <Bensawsome> could be your firewall
22:31:22 <PatrickPatience> Oh.
22:31:31 <pa_2584> already unblocked it
22:31:37 <alpha1beta> router?
22:31:41 <Bensawsome> dont use mirc :S xchat ftw:
22:31:42 <Bensawsome> :D
22:31:47 <Bensawsome> that is the free xchat ^_^
22:32:02 <Bensawsome> ya your router could have blocked the port also >_>
22:32:05 <alpha1beta> Bensawsome Self promotion-STFU :P
22:32:26 <pa_2584> my router has never blocked me from accessing, just from hosting
22:32:26 <Bensawsome> alpha1beta: i dont own/develop the app so its not self promotion :P
22:32:38 <Bensawsome> pa_2584: well check it ;)
22:32:40 <Bensawsome> could be so
22:32:42 <Bensawsome> pa_2584
22:32:49 <Bensawsome> err also what isp you have?
22:32:57 <pa_2584> Charter Communications
22:33:04 <pa_2584> High Speed Cable
22:33:08 <pa_2584> and its not the router
22:33:12 <pa_2584> I can connect to other servers
22:33:31 <OliverK> you can connect with mibbit correct?
22:33:45 <Bensawsome> OliverK: doesnt matter that uses a different server to connect
22:33:50 <Bensawsome> pa_2584 who else uses your connection?
22:33:54 <OliverK> heh, k
22:33:56 <Bensawsome> brother sister parents?
22:34:10 <Bensawsome> because if they ever went onto freenode you could have been banned
22:34:19 <pa_2584> hmm.... I figured out the prob
22:34:21 <alpha1beta> very doubtful ben
22:34:25 <pa_2584> lol noob issue
22:34:27 <Bensawsome> oh cool :D
22:34:29 <Bensawsome> what?
22:34:33 <Gizmokid2005> pa_2584: wrong url?
22:34:46 <Gizmokid2005> should be (main FN router)
22:35:00 <pa_2584> yah
22:35:03 <Bensawsome> ....
22:35:10 <Bensawsome> Gizmokid2005: its .net....
22:35:11 <pa_2584> forgot irc is very picky
22:35:14 <OliverK> i thought it was .net? I always use that
22:35:33 <Bensawsome> ok it works with both but....
22:35:35 <Gizmokid2005> Bensawsome: it is but it's is officially what it is
22:35:45 <Bensawsome> wow thats failish XD
22:36:18 <pa_2584> I had the /channel on the end of mine
22:36:18 <pa_2584> :P
22:36:26 <Gizmokid2005> pa_2584: :)
22:37:16 <OliverK> ah
22:39:00 <pa_2584> grr, now I remember why I quit using IRC
22:39:09 <alpha1beta> lol
22:39:10 <pa_2584> --,-- its dificult to blow off the dust
22:39:21 <OliverK> no worries
22:39:25 *** TimClark (i=808737e1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:39:30 <OliverK> welcome TimClark
22:39:43 *** Blade20 ( has joined #portableapps
22:39:51 <Blade20> haha!
22:40:02 <Blade20> ..... wrong name
22:40:04 <OliverK> haha what?
22:40:06 <Blade20> grr!!!
22:40:18 <OliverK> type /nick <desirednick>
22:40:32 <Havvy> You are the second person to grr in the channels I am on in the past 2 minutes
22:40:50 <alpha1beta> i think they're the same, just my guess
22:41:13 <Blade20> if your talking about pa_2584
22:41:15 <Blade20> then yes
22:41:31 <alpha1beta> yep
22:41:33 *** Blade20 is now known as Blade
22:41:39 <alpha1beta> ohh i'm good :D
22:41:46 *** pa_2584 is now known as Blade01
22:41:49 <Blade01> :)
22:42:11 <Blade> Alrighty
22:42:18 <Blade> now that thats tooken care of
22:42:26 <Blade> I got a question or two
22:42:31 <PatrickPatience> Bladerunner?
22:42:36 <PatrickPatience> Go for it!
22:42:58 <Blade> How long has this portableapps thing been going on? I've never heard of it till a couple of days ago
22:43:08 <PatrickPatience> Mmm, 3ish years officially.
22:43:23 <PatrickPatience> Probably about 4 in development on John's personal sites and the Mozillazine forums.
22:43:30 <TimClark> hi OliverK , sorry , distracted here at work
22:43:31 <Blade> Gezz, word must not be going out about it
22:43:41 <OliverK> TimClark: no worries, I know you to well
22:43:48 <PatrickPatience> Blade: No, we had to fire all our door-to-door soliciters.
22:43:52 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Connection timed out)
22:43:57 <Blade> lol
22:43:59 <PatrickPatience> *solicitors
22:44:06 <alpha1beta> lol\
22:44:16 <TimClark> PatrickPatience: except for alpha1beta , he looks good in pink :P
22:44:24 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
22:44:35 <alpha1beta> damn right tim :P
22:44:37 <Blade> Well since I've downloaded this portable apps thing its really impressed me
22:44:37 <Gizmokid2005> Blade: it's been featured on quite a few sites recently
22:44:47 <Blade> I reconize the layout it also
22:44:55 <alpha1beta> and Patrick likes to dress up and pretend to be me
22:44:58 <Blade> Scandisk has a layout like it
22:45:12 <PatrickPatience> Blade: Yeah, with U3.
22:45:18 <Blade> mmm hmm
22:45:28 <Blade> question is who got it first
22:45:29 <Blade> :P
22:45:31 <PatrickPatience> Ceedo has something quite similar.
22:45:45 <TimClark> before we start, u3 bashing in -ot :P
22:45:47 <PatrickPatience> Heh, obviously Sandisk, but it's a simple menu layout, not much to copyright. :-)
22:46:08 <Blade> yep, agreed
22:46:17 <PatrickPatience> That sunshine and flowers layout wasn't working.
22:46:18 <TimClark> ceedo bashing in -oh-that's-even-worse :P
22:46:28 <Blade> it has a faster "load up" time then U3 also
22:46:31 <PatrickPatience> Ceedo's an odd one.
22:46:39 <PatrickPatience> Blade: It rocks the socks right off Ceedo.
22:46:46 <PatrickPatience> I mean U3.
22:46:50 <alpha1beta> ceedo is nice
22:46:55 <PatrickPatience> Well, really... both of them.
22:46:55 <Blade> lol
22:46:58 <PatrickPatience> alpha1beta: Yes, and odd...
22:47:15 <PatrickPatience> With their whole massive platform and using local installations calling them portable.
22:47:25 <Blade> Don't suppose yall could share what scripting language the apps use?
22:47:28 <PatrickPatience> And they portabalization death machine.
22:47:37 <PatrickPatience> Blade: NSIS for the app launchers.
22:47:40 <PatrickPatience> Most of them, anyways.
22:47:43 <alpha1beta> our apps are all open source, the launchers are done in NSIS
22:47:44 <PatrickPatience> The menu is written in Delphi.
22:48:01 <Blade> mmm, research will be done then
22:48:14 <alpha1beta> bbl
22:48:15 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ()
22:48:28 <PatrickPatience> Blade: Go for it dude, it's good stuff. Almost as good as crack.
22:48:36 <Blade> O>O
22:48:43 <PatrickPatience> Okay, so it's better than crack...
22:48:48 <Blade> :)
22:48:53 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
22:48:54 <Blade> lol
22:48:56 <Blade> nice
22:49:04 <TimClark> guys, no drug jokes please, thanks
22:49:16 <Blade> :(
22:49:34 <KevinPorter> TimClark: Methinks he wasn't joking. :D
22:49:40 <Blade> oh and sorry bout the suggestions topic in the wrong forum
22:49:47 <TimClark> /kick PatrickPatience :O
22:50:03 <Blade> didn't realize yall had a request forum up till it was to late
22:50:28 <OliverK> you can move it if you want
22:50:36 <Blade> how so?
22:50:38 <PatrickPatience> KevinPorter: Haha, obviously not.
22:50:47 <OliverK> click the edit tab, there's a drop down around there
22:50:57 <PatrickPatience> I could go Ryan on this, and pretend crack was something completely irrelevant. :-)
22:51:16 <OliverK> heh
22:51:31 <OliverK> cracks are bad, they mess up the whole feng shui opf the house :p
22:51:33 <Blade> awesome
22:51:38 <TimClark> now now, we are trying to set a good example for ryan :P
22:51:48 <PatrickPatience> KevinPorter: Did you see the iPhone photo transition hack I tweeted?
22:52:03 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
22:52:21 <KevinPorter> PatrickPatience: Hmm. I don't think so.
22:52:24 <KevinPorter> I am checking now.
22:52:27 <PatrickPatience> KevinPorter: PMing.
22:53:49 <Blade> ok, back to web browers, this is giving me a headace with such blank look to it
22:53:55 *** Blade has quit ()
22:54:10 <Blade01> ahh, much better
22:54:49 *** KevinPorter is now known as KevinPorter|afk
22:55:27 <Blade01> ahh damn it, my assistance is needed on the server, I'll be back later, good chatting yall.
22:55:50 *** Blade01 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
22:57:24 <PatrickPatience> *y'all.
22:57:27 <PatrickPatience> Muah ha ha.
22:57:30 <OliverK> bye
22:57:40 <Neurario> Meep.
22:58:55 <PatrickPatience> Neurario, eh?
22:59:10 <PatrickPatience> Lovable and Huggable... hmm.
22:59:18 <Neurario> Don't mind me, just watching the channel. :P
23:02:54 *** Sancas (n=Sancas@ has joined #portableapps
23:03:31 *** pa_7060 (i=43e035c2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:06:12 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
23:10:37 <OliverK> Hello, pa_7060. Is there something that the community can help you with today?
23:11:46 <pa_7060> yes every time I install a new app it gets listed in the menu twice
23:12:11 <PatrickPatience> pa_7060: Would you mind giving us an example? Like, the application and what names are displayed?
23:12:51 <pa_7060> two apps so far, 7 zip and virtual magnifying glass
23:13:18 <PatrickPatience> Would you mind running Windows Explorer and navigating to X:\PortableApps (where X: is your drive letter).
23:13:36 *** OliverK is now known as OliverK|Chowing
23:13:36 <pa_7060> sure
23:13:41 <PatrickPatience> Thanks.
23:14:17 <pa_7060> i'm there and f: is my drive letter
23:14:42 <PatrickPatience> Alright, what folders are listed under F:\PortableApps?
23:15:10 <pa_7060> all the programs that are installed but they are only listed once
23:15:49 <PatrickPatience> Weird.
23:16:00 <PatrickPatience> Would you mind selecting Options -> Refresh app icons in the menu?
23:16:36 <pa_7060> after refresh just stays the same
23:17:00 <pa_7060> I installed the pa suite and these are the only two programs i've added
23:18:35 <PatrickPatience> Do ALL programs display twice, or just the one's you've installed?
23:18:47 <pa_7060> just the one's i've installed
23:19:18 <PatrickPatience> Could you check F:\PortableApps\VirtualMagnifyingGlassPortable
23:19:28 <PatrickPatience> Tell me what files are in there... not directories, just files.
23:19:34 <pa_7060> what do want me to look for
23:19:47 <PatrickPatience> Any files.
23:19:59 <PatrickPatience> *help.html, VirtualMagnifyingGlassPortable.exe
23:20:11 <PatrickPatience> You may not see extensions, but I just need to know what files are in there.
23:20:54 <pa_7060> App DIR Data DIR Other DIR help.html VritualMagnifyingGlassPortable application
23:21:55 <TimClark> pa_7060: do both icons launch the VritualMagnifyingGlassPortable program ?
23:22:39 <pa_7060> guess i never checked that , one launches the setup and one the app
23:23:12 <TimClark> the setup :O do you have the installer in that direcotry perhaps
23:23:13 <PatrickPatience> pa_7060: Where did you download the program installers to?
23:23:17 <TimClark> something.paf
23:23:34 <PatrickPatience> Anything in F:\PortableApps\(Directory) will show up in the menu.
23:23:37 <PatrickPatience> Be it an executable file.
23:25:11 <pa_7060> i don't see anything but folder in that DIR with the app names
23:26:27 <pa_7060> I'll have to check later, my boss is coming
23:26:29 *** pa_7060 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
23:27:38 <TimClark> clicking one of them lauched "the setup" ?? :O
23:27:52 <OliverK|Chowing> that's our problem then :D
23:27:53 <TimClark> sounds like the installer to me
23:28:38 <TimClark> but s/he did not list a *.paf* file as being there
23:30:05 <TimClark> JOHN !!:O
23:30:06 <OliverK|Chowing> who knows
23:30:09 <OliverK|Chowing> what?
23:30:10 <PatrickPatience> We need to compile a FAQ.
23:30:19 <PatrickPatience> TimClark: It was likely in another directory.
23:30:24 <PatrickPatience> Say, F:\PortableApps\Downloads
23:30:35 <TimClark> i am thinking that too PatrickPatience
23:31:01 <PatrickPatience> Anywho, we need some folks to start on a FAQ.
23:31:08 <TimClark> that's why i wanted a screen shot of the /portableapps dir if we could get one [see -ot]
23:31:27 <PatrickPatience> So many of these questions could be answered in it. And even if a user doesn't read it, we could reference it and direct them to an answer in the FAQ.
23:31:33 <MaienM|Sleep> a FAQ might be a good idea indeed.....
23:31:49 <OliverK|Chowing> the people get irretated
23:32:03 <PatrickPatience> MaienM|Sleep: Yeah, we've always wanted one, but John's always been against it because he says people won't read it.
23:32:41 <PatrickPatience> But even it people don't read it, we could reference it in case we've forgotten.
23:32:48 <MaienM|Sleep> every person that does read it and uses it, is one less we have to help ;)
23:32:51 <PatrickPatience> Thing like program icons not showing is a common one.
23:33:08 <PatrickPatience> MaienM|Sleep: Exactly. And those who don't, we can reference them to where to look in the FAQ.
23:33:16 <TimClark> yes, flash & FFP link here, adding programs to PAM link here, etc ...
23:33:19 <PatrickPatience>
23:33:32 <PatrickPatience> Their FAQ is amazing.
23:33:41 <PatrickPatience> I read it just for pleasure sometimes. ;-)
23:33:50 <OliverK|Chowing> has anybody the app for the iphone that acts like a level?
23:33:59 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> OliverK|Chowing: I did
23:34:03 <Havvy> a level?
23:34:15 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> Havvy: yup
23:34:26 <MaienM|Sleep> oh, new iphone SDK is released :P
23:34:33 <OliverK|Chowing> course, there so thin you need one hand to hold the shelf up, on hand to hold the level, and use your third hand to screw it down
23:34:35 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> and btw - I do agree with a FAG
23:34:43 <OliverK|Chowing> FAG?
23:34:54 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> *FAQ
23:34:58 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> multitasking sorry
23:34:58 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> lol
23:35:00 <TimClark> Havvy: the i phone know its location relative to up and down
23:35:05 <MaienM|Sleep> too bad cursebot wasn't here now :P
23:35:19 <Havvy> Oh, the tool that measures degrees...
23:35:37 <OliverK|Chowing> yeah
23:35:38 <TimClark> yes, so to speak, a "levaler"
23:36:04 <OliverK|Chowing>
23:36:13 <OliverK|Chowing> I has a 3 foot level, its pretty
23:36:29 <OliverK|Chowing> aluminum and peeps for the vials :D See them from the top.
23:36:42 * OliverK|Chowing used to major in wood working, but then he went to college
23:36:53 <OliverK|Chowing> all I have time for is this when I'm working
23:37:26 <PatrickPatience> I'll ask John to set us up with a hidden FAQ page.
23:37:30 <PatrickPatience> But who's interested, FTR.
23:37:42 <PatrickPatience> You can just edit it whenever you have the time... it'll be wiki style.
23:37:49 <MaienM|Sleep> count me in :)
23:37:51 <PatrickPatience> As we get new common support questions, we'll add them.
23:37:54 <PatrickPatience> MaienM|Sleep: Sweet, thanks.
23:38:08 <MaienM|Sleep> I've got plenty of time for that while asleep, as you can see :P
23:38:14 <PatrickPatience> Heh.
23:38:21 <PatrickPatience> I'll be back in like 10 miutes.
23:38:24 <OliverK|Chowing> i was gonna ask if we could have a IRC guideline wiki
23:38:26 <OliverK|Chowing> k
23:38:34 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> PatrickPatience: count me in
23:39:11 <Havvy> An IRC guideline wiki?
23:40:18 <OliverK|Chowing> yup
23:40:30 <OliverK|Chowing> so we know what the heck is kosher and what is pork and beans :D
23:40:31 <OliverK|Chowing> yum
23:41:02 <Havvy> But an entire wiki for it?
23:41:16 <TimClark> line 1.a Don't Sass the Op :P
23:41:27 <SergentSiler> lol
23:41:34 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|Halo
23:46:25 *** OliverK|Chowing is now known as OliverK
23:46:27 *** kai_62656 (i=475ee27d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:46:27 <pabot> kai_62656 is here. He's developing Lmarbles, Lincity-NG, WinHTTrack Website Copier, and Gourmet Portable.
23:46:46 <OliverK> no food in the lab, I don't want crumbs on my keyboards
23:47:02 * kai_62656 needs some help on his LinCity-NG Portable again :(
23:47:12 <kai_62656> sigh
23:48:11 * OliverK wonders what the problem is
23:48:28 <kai_62656> I get a program error
23:48:29 <kai_62656> its
23:48:44 <kai_62656> Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
23:49:03 <MaienM|Sleep> sounds bad :(
23:49:59 <kai_62656> yeah, I'm doing (testing) a new version of Lincity-NG, when It crashes and i get that message
23:50:04 <MaienM|Sleep> segmentation fault indicate (most of the time anyway) that you are trying to access something that does not exist, for example you try to use a pointer of which the original object already has been deleted.
23:50:05 <kai_62656> randomly
23:50:24 <kai_62656> :?
23:50:36 <MaienM|Sleep> its something in the program itself ;)
23:50:52 <kai_62656> Oh
23:50:57 <kai_62656> I wonder what...
23:51:07 <MaienM|Sleep> could be prety much anything.....
23:51:22 <MaienM|Sleep> are you able to reproduce the segfault under certain conditions?
23:51:23 <kai_62656> it usto work, but when i upgraded it to 2.0, it "stopped"
23:51:30 <kai_62656> MaienM|Sleep: ?
23:51:46 <MaienM|Sleep> for example, you do A, then B, and then you get the segmentation fault
23:51:57 <kai_62656> oh, no
23:52:06 <kai_62656> like a worm :P
23:52:16 <OliverK> and bloody converstions across the freaking room
23:52:19 <OliverK> what da heck?
23:52:31 <TimClark> OliverK: ?
23:52:42 <OliverK> i'm the lab assistant right?
23:52:45 <OliverK> -ot
23:53:20 <kai_62656> MaienM|Sleep: It crashes just about anywhere , so you never know when it crashes
23:53:27 <kai_62656> i mean
23:53:39 <MaienM|Sleep> does it happen for the non-portable version too?
23:53:40 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
23:53:41 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
23:53:48 <kai_62656> MaienM|Sleep: Yea
23:53:52 <kai_62656> let me check again
23:54:18 <powerjuce> wassup all
23:54:21 <MaienM|Sleep> then report it to the author of Lincity-NG, so he can fix it..... although you will need to gather a bit more information.
23:54:34 <TimClark> MaienM|Sleep: is helpin kai_62656 powerjuce
23:54:49 <MaienM|Sleep> if you can give him a case in which it always crashes, he can probably do something with that
23:55:04 <MaienM|Sleep> but a "it crashes randomly" won't help much, I'm afraid :(
23:55:05 <powerjuce> gotcha
23:55:17 <TimClark> so semi support :P
23:56:28 <kai_62656> ugh, now, when i ran it, i got the game music, went into fullscreen, and ... crashed.
23:57:54 <MaienM|Sleep> well like I said, file a bug report to the author.... he might be able to fix it ;)
23:58:16 <kai_62656> ok
23:58:24 <kai_62656> wow, look at this screenshot:
23:58:58 <Havvy> It's Russian!
23:59:14 <kai_62656> Maybe
23:59:22 <kai_62656> it has several languages in it