IRC Log from 2009-02-01

00:04:10 <DaveDixonII> rmccue everyone. :)
00:04:45 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
00:04:50 <SergentSiler> DaveDixonII, :O
00:04:56 <SergentSiler> u predict the future!
00:05:15 <DaveDixonII> Sure.... :/
00:05:27 <rmccue> Morn'.
00:05:36 <SergentSiler> heyooo rmccue
00:05:50 <TimClark> hello rmccue
00:06:15 <TimClark> will you be active for a while rmccue ?
00:06:21 <rmccue> Yep.
00:06:55 <TimClark> the other ops are slacking :P
00:07:16 <DaveDixonII> Heh. They have a life. :P
00:07:29 <SergentSiler> XD
00:07:42 <TimClark> as do i, that's why i want to know that is ok to leave you kids alone
00:07:48 <TimClark> :P
00:07:56 <DaveDixonII> 14 != Kid
00:08:01 <DaveDixonII> Thank you very much. :P
00:08:16 <DaveDixonII> 14 == Teenager
00:08:17 <SergentSiler> 17 !!=kid :D
00:08:20 <TimClark> 18<=kid
00:08:41 <MaienM> 18< underage
00:08:57 <DaveDixonII> 6-13 = Kid | 14-17 = Teen | 18+ Adult
00:09:00 <DaveDixonII> :P
00:09:23 <upnPAD> 4=kid damnit.
00:09:33 <TimClark> loosely speaking 18<=kid, and that's real years, we won't even talk about behavior :P
00:09:35 <DaveDixonII> 1-5 = Baby
00:09:35 <DaveDixonII> :P
00:09:42 <SergentSiler> TimClark, XD
00:09:43 <DaveDixonII> Wait
00:09:53 <upnPAD> TimClark, you just said a kid is equal to or greater than 18
00:09:55 <DaveDixonII> 1-3 = Baby 4-5 = Todler?
00:09:57 <MaienM> on the internet, behavior is more important then age :P
00:10:10 <rmccue> 0-12 = Child, 13-18 = Adolescent/Teenager, 18+ = Adult.
00:10:10 <upnPAD> 3 is toddley innit
00:10:13 <upnPAD> *toddler
00:10:17 <SergentSiler> i can act my age when the time calls for it :P
00:10:20 <TimClark> upnPAD: thanks, i always get that messed up
00:10:34 <DaveDixonII> > Greater than < Less than
00:10:35 <DaveDixonII> :)
00:10:48 <DaveDixonII> .o twitter
00:10:49 <pabot> <@DaveDixonII> Hello everyone. :) (
00:10:52 <SergentSiler> "the aligator eats the big number..."
00:10:58 <MaienM> 1>2 is correct, 1<2 isn't
00:11:05 <upnPAD> er
00:11:13 <DaveDixonII> 1 is not bigger than 2
00:11:14 <MaienM> ehm, reverse
00:11:19 <MaienM> my bad xD
00:11:20 * TimClark needs to go back to math class
00:11:25 <SergentSiler> MaienM, phail
00:11:26 <upnPAD> YAY MATHS
00:11:29 * MaienM needs to fail less
00:11:31 <rmccue> I only remember it because of HTML.
00:11:35 <ptmb> :P
00:11:36 <SergentSiler> MAtthzzzz
00:11:38 <rmccue> &lt; &gt; :D
00:11:40 <DaveDixonII> rmccue: Same here. :)
00:11:44 <MaienM> 2>1 is correct, 2<1 isn't
00:11:44 <SergentSiler> rmccue, FTW!
00:11:45 <ptmb> rmccue: exactly!
00:11:53 <MaienM> I remember it because of programming :P
00:12:13 <SergentSiler> i remember it because of.... :O a fuzzeh shiny ball! (^_^)
00:12:15 <DaveDixonII> &aacute;
00:12:22 <MaienM> quite simple actually tho, the size with the biggest opening has the biggest value :P
00:12:34 <SergentSiler> <SergentSiler> "the aligator eats the big number..."
00:12:44 <MaienM> yup
00:12:46 <DaveDixonII> Phail
00:12:50 <TimClark> SergentSiler: i stand corrected, "Super Bowl's Greatest Commercials" 7pm CST
00:12:54 <ptmb> MaienM: I always distinguished them mathmatically like that :P
00:12:58 <SergentSiler> TimClark, nice
00:13:02 <DaveDixonII> SergentSiler: alligator
00:13:09 <SergentSiler> spelling phail :P
00:13:21 <rmccue> DaveDixonII: &aacute; is a completely different letter. :P
00:13:34 <DaveDixonII> &aacute; = á
00:13:40 <ptmb> exactly
00:13:45 <ptmb> which is é?
00:13:46 <rmccue> Yes, but that has 0 relevance.
00:13:53 <DaveDixonII> &eacute; = é
00:13:56 <rmccue> &eacute;
00:13:59 <ptmb> I tough so :P
00:14:03 <DaveDixonII> &iacute; = í
00:14:11 <ptmb> &oacue = ó
00:14:13 <ptmb> right?
00:14:17 <DaveDixonII> &uacute; = ú
00:14:18 <rmccue> And &egrave; is with a grave accent.
00:14:19 <DaveDixonII> Yep
00:14:25 <MaienM> &qacute; = &qacute;
00:14:34 <ptmb> the grave accents, so long I don't use them :P
00:14:39 <rmccue> ptmb: &oacute;, you forgot the t. :P
00:14:44 <ptmb> yup :P
00:15:08 * SergentSiler starts eating crumb cake and OJ
00:15:19 * MaienM starts eating.... something
00:15:26 <DaveDixonII> Crackers??
00:15:29 <SergentSiler> XD
00:15:32 <rmccue> And &auml; is ä, etc.
00:15:44 * DaveDixonII goes to grab of crackers
00:15:45 <DaveDixonII> brb
00:15:45 <MaienM> pudding :P
00:15:50 <DaveDixonII> remove "of"
00:15:54 <MaienM> wasn't sure what the english word was xD
00:16:53 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter|away: Now GnomeDo wont even launch a pidgin window. :P
00:17:01 <DaveDixonII> .wik GnomeDo
00:17:05 <pabot> Can't find anything in Wikipedia for "GnomeDo".
00:17:12 <DaveDixonII> Well, cause... you suck
00:17:12 <DaveDixonII> brb
00:17:13 <SergentSiler> .g GnomeDo
00:17:14 <pabot> SergentSiler:
00:17:23 <TimClark> 11 days till the end of analog TV [except for MaienM : ]
00:17:23 <DaveDixonII> bk
00:17:44 <SergentSiler> TimClark, Cable FTW!
00:17:55 <TimClark> * 17 days, sorry
00:18:17 <MaienM> what/
00:18:44 <rmccue> Oh.
00:18:44 <rmccue> My.
00:18:47 <rmccue> God.
00:18:53 <TimClark> MaienM: in the US we are switching to Digital TV on the 17th
00:18:55 * rmccue <3 RapidShare
00:19:08 <TimClark> oh, wait, rmccue is not in the US either, i forgot
00:19:10 <rmccue> TimClark: They're keeping analog up until June now.
00:19:18 <MaienM> sounds good :D
00:19:25 <TimClark> did that pass rmccue ? when?
00:19:29 <MaienM> we don't even have analog atm :(
00:19:42 <rmccue> TimClark: Not sure, I saw it on Slashdot though.
00:19:50 <TimClark> ahhh, ty rmccue
00:20:13 <TimClark> that's going to mess things up :(
00:21:14 <TimClark> some of our local stations are not going to Full Power until they drop their analog signal
00:21:50 <SergentSiler> ouch
00:22:16 <TimClark> our channel 2 is pretty bad digital
00:22:23 <rmccue> Ah, nvm, Congress appears to have rejected it.
00:22:40 <rmccue> Err, * House of Representatives
00:22:41 <ptmb> gonna go now
00:22:42 <ptmb> bye
00:22:45 <rmccue>
00:22:45 <SergentSiler> bye ptmb
00:22:46 <rmccue> Bye ptmb
00:22:53 *** ptmb has quit ("Leaving.")
00:23:22 <TimClark> rmccue: that's what i thought
00:23:40 <TimClark> but i thought you might have breaking info
00:27:03 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Remote closed the connection)
00:30:17 *** KevinPorter|away is now known as KevinPorter
00:30:55 <TimClark> welcome back KevinPorter :D Slacker :P
00:31:05 <SergentSiler> KevinPorter@
00:31:06 <KevinPorter> Thanks TimClark. :P
00:31:08 <SergentSiler> XD
00:31:10 <SergentSiler> !*
00:31:16 <KevinPorter> SergentSiler!
00:31:24 <SergentSiler> (^_^)
00:33:03 <TimClark> KevinPorter: are you set for the switch to digital TV ?
00:33:19 <KevinPorter> Been for years TimClark. ;)
00:33:29 <SergentSiler> Cable FTW!
00:33:49 <KevinPorter> Well actually I was speaking of the fact that I have all digital TVs, but yeah, that too.
00:33:51 <TimClark> i figure most geeks are ready
00:34:09 <SergentSiler> brb
00:36:08 <TimClark> KevinPorter: /me only has a box :-(
00:36:29 <KevinPorter> My condolences TimClark. :(
00:36:37 <TimClark> well, actually my DVD recorder pick up digital stations too :D
00:37:23 <TimClark> KevinPorter: it's not really bad, the converter works quite well
00:37:35 <KevinPorter> HD is absolutely awesome. I can hardly live without it.
00:37:45 <KevinPorter> That's an exaggeration, but you get my point.
00:37:47 <rmccue> We have digital.
00:37:51 <rmccue> HD too.
00:38:03 <KevinPorter> rmccue: Good for the Aussies.
00:38:09 <rmccue> But I download most shows these days from the net. :P
00:38:12 <TimClark> i have a perfectly good 27 inch that i am not throwing out
00:38:56 <KevinPorter> rmccue: Same here, but the news in HD is unbeatable.
00:38:59 * SergentSiler has Orange Juice and crumb cake (^_^)
00:39:18 <rmccue> TimClark: Why not just get a set-top box and plug it in via AV?
00:39:53 <rmccue> Woo, new ep. of Psych downloaded!
00:40:03 <TimClark> that's what i'm doing rmccue , that's the convertor i was referring to
00:40:16 <rmccue> Ay!
00:40:29 <KevinPorter> rmccue: How do you fare with downloading everything and your bandwidth caps?
00:41:16 <rmccue> KevinPorter: Shows are usually ~370mb each (for 1h), and I've got 25GB/month, so it works pretty well.
00:41:38 <rmccue> I'm only downloading Bones, Psych and 24 at the moment though.
00:41:42 <KevinPorter> Ah. I guess that's not so bad.
00:42:09 <MaienM> 25gb/month? :O
00:42:17 <SergentSiler> D:
00:42:33 <rmccue> And only half the bandwidth is counted at night, so I set uTorrent to download then and cap it the rest of the time.
00:42:37 <SergentSiler> AT&T FTW! Unlimited/month :D
00:42:50 <rmccue> SergentSiler: gtfo. :P
00:42:55 <SergentSiler> :D
00:42:56 <KevinPorter> rmccue: I've heard worse stories, like 5GB a month. I sometimes download that much every day.
00:43:10 <rmccue> KevinPorter: I used to have 200MB/month.
00:43:16 <TimClark> /southpark voice "Torrents are ... baaad :-( "
00:43:16 <MaienM> I dled 25 gm last 2 days xD
00:43:18 <SergentSiler> :O
00:43:20 <MaienM> *gb
00:43:36 <KevinPorter> rmccue: I download that much every... hour. :|
00:43:40 <SergentSiler> TimClark, Torrents FTW
00:43:43 <rmccue> KevinPorter: I'm on a 1.5Mb/s ADSL connection though, so 5GB takes a day or two.
00:43:57 <KevinPorter> Mm.
00:44:10 <MaienM> last speedtest I did, I was more around 1.5 MB/s :D
00:44:21 <TimClark> SergentSiler: you could have least have said it in a funny voice :P
00:44:41 * KevinPorter gets around 3Mbps.
00:44:44 <SergentSiler> /steve hawking Torrents FTW!
00:44:45 <MaienM> /helium voice Torrents!!!!
00:44:49 <TimClark> /stewie voice "Torrents, Victory is MIne "
00:44:58 <SergentSiler> XD
00:44:59 <KevinPorter> MaienM: I am jealous of your interwebs.
00:45:32 <MaienM> running a test now :P
00:45:38 <rmccue> Don't make me do /base
00:45:41 <rmccue> I'll do it.
00:45:43 <SergentSiler> de ja vu
00:45:56 <SergentSiler> didnt we do this last night? :P
00:46:01 <MaienM> yep xD
00:46:08 <MaienM> but I didn't save the links :P
00:46:16 <SergentSiler> me either :P
00:46:20 <MaienM> oh, this one beat the only of last night, big time :D
00:46:22 <MaienM>
00:46:38 <rmccue> KevinPorter: I'm considering changing ISPs, because Internode has unmetered to 1) their game servers; and 2) Steam downloads
00:47:01 <rmccue> MaienM: gtfo. :P
00:47:15 <KevinPorter> I'm sure you guys can't get anything completely unlimited over there rmccue?
00:47:15 <MaienM> "your global rank: better then 95% of the connections" :D
00:47:43 <MaienM> I don't think I have bandwith limits..... never reached them :P
00:48:05 <SergentSiler>
00:48:07 <KevinPorter>
00:48:19 <rmccue> KevinPorter: Absolutely sure. The most expensive business plan we can get gives 250GB/month, which is what those Americans complained about on their home connections.
00:48:36 <KevinPorter> rmccue: Ouch.
00:48:40 <SergentSiler> my upstream is exelent :D
00:48:42 <rmccue> Quite.
00:48:57 <KevinPorter> SergentSiler: Did you see mine? :P
00:49:00 <SergentSiler> yep
00:49:08 <MaienM> nice upload SergentSiler
00:49:11 <SergentSiler> only 100Kib/s less thant urs :D
00:49:34 <MaienM> compared to your download, very nice :D
00:49:43 <SergentSiler> :P
00:50:06 <MaienM> lol, according to, the dutch average is about the double of the global average :D
00:50:16 <SergentSiler> D:
00:50:18 <SergentSiler> lucky
00:50:44 <MaienM> I wanna be able to delete my first test tho....
00:50:45 <rmccue> Yes, but the average Dutch IQ is half the global average :P
00:50:58 <MaienM> it saves the results, and that test was with out old connection :P
00:51:05 <MaienM> so it takes my average down :(
00:51:23 <MaienM> rmccue: luckily my IQ isn't average :P
00:51:27 <rmccue> MaienM: You can, read their FAQ.
00:51:53 <MaienM> I know that
00:52:06 <MaienM> but it will still use them in the calculation of the average results
00:52:45 <rmccue> Facebook fail: "Ryan McCue wrote at 10:52am tomorrow"
00:53:04 *** iamronaldo ( has joined #portableapps
00:53:04 <rmccue> MaienM: No, it will remove them permanently, I did that after I changed connections.
00:54:10 <MaienM> it does not do that for me :O
00:54:25 <MaienM> I hid all but the last one, but my average didn't change....
00:58:03 <rmccue> Weird.
01:04:31 <TimClark> who wants to reply to a post, being nice, and not mentioning "search" until the end, and in a welcoming and matter of fact way ?
01:04:49 <SergentSiler> im out (^_^)
01:04:50 <MaienM> ehm, sure
01:04:58 * SergentSiler hates n00bs
01:05:04 <MaienM> I'll give it a shot ;)
01:05:13 <rmccue> "Hi, welcome to Next time, &*@#ING SEARCH FIRST!"
01:05:22 <SergentSiler> rmccue, FTW!
01:05:48 <TimClark> rmccue: fails, i've given it to MaienM :P
01:09:07 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@ has joined #portableapps
01:09:36 <SergentSiler> heyooo DaveDixonII
01:09:59 <DaveDixonII> Who says that anymore? :P
01:10:01 <DaveDixonII> Lol. Hi
01:10:07 <SergentSiler> i do DaveDixonII :P
01:11:08 <rmccue> LoI
01:12:48 <upnPAD>
01:12:49 <upnPAD> !
01:13:12 <DaveDixonII> .title
01:13:16 <pabot> DaveDixonII: Read at Work
01:13:18 <TimClark> care to tell us about it upnPAD ?
01:13:21 <DaveDixonII> O_o
01:13:23 <upnPAD> visit it?
01:13:27 <DaveDixonII> Yea. Lol
01:13:31 <DaveDixonII> upnPAD: ;)
01:13:36 <TimClark> not if you don't tell first :P
01:13:38 <upnPAD> just go to it
01:13:39 <rmccue> Very blue.
01:13:42 <upnPAD> omg
01:13:44 <upnPAD> itll ruin it
01:13:53 <TimClark> ahh, gotcha
01:13:55 <DaveDixonII> upnPAD: Then don't tell us
01:13:57 <SergentSiler> tat id awzome!
01:14:07 <DaveDixonII> OMG!
01:14:07 <rmccue> Awesome.
01:15:19 <iamronaldo> crap I can't see it, need the new flash player D:
01:15:20 <TimClark> " requires you to have Adobe flash player version 9 installed." i have the latest flash installed, doesn't mean i'm going to turn it on :P
01:15:38 <MaienM> it crashed my firefox.......
01:15:38 <DaveDixonII> Well i guess you are all out of luck. :P
01:15:48 * DaveDixonII is running it fine
01:22:27 *** riking7 ( has joined #portableapps
01:24:34 <riking7> hi. just had a question concerning portable wikis. Is this the right place to ask?
01:25:01 <TimClark> are you trying to make portable wikis ?
01:26:26 <riking7> Kind of. I've just been reviewing a number of those available to use at work (user docs) and see there are a few that don't require a server - they're just smart html files
01:27:23 <TimClark> Any one care to answer some questions about a possible Portable Wiki ???
01:28:09 <TimClark> Well, actually Any one feel qualified to answer some questions about a possible Portable Wiki?
01:29:17 <rmccue> I know of one, but I can't remember it off the top of my head.
01:29:31 <rmccue> TiddlyWiki, that's it.
01:29:38 <riking7> If any one is able to answer, my question just concerns security. I'm not sure if these represent any sort of security risk to the network? I'm referring to these html file wikis.
01:29:57 <rmccue> If you're using something like TiddlyWiki, then no.
01:30:06 <riking7> Yes - tiddly wiki and wiki on a stick are the two I've been looking at
01:30:42 <rmccue> Neither of those should pose any security risk, as they aren't actual servers, just HTML files.
01:31:24 <riking7> thanks - I didn't think they would be but thought it prudent to at least ask. appreciate the answers - cheers & ciao
01:32:14 <TimClark> take care
01:32:14 <iamronaldo> has a guide for mediawiki, but it's probably too much than for what you need
01:34:56 <riking7> thanks iamronaldo - I did review mediawiki that but am concerned that the 'sniffers' will shut it down as it runs apache and mysql - work is a little paranoid about that type of thing (probably with good cause!) I'll give the html based wikis a go. thanks again for the answers
01:35:22 *** riking7 has parted #portableapps ()
01:39:39 *** Sancas (n=Sancas@ has joined #portableapps
01:40:07 <MaienM> any comment on this guys? I'm afraid I might be making it too complicated:
01:42:50 * DaveDixonII will look
01:43:42 * DaveDixonII doesn't knowq
01:43:44 * DaveDixonII doesn't know*
01:44:23 <MaienM> I'm more concerned that I'm making it to complicated for him, you think my explanation/solution is clear enough?
01:44:56 <DaveDixonII> Am i sure 4 lines are clear enough?
01:44:57 <DaveDixonII> Hmm
01:45:31 <DaveDixonII> I guess... :/
01:45:50 <MaienM> thats good.... I guess :/ :P
01:49:03 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|Shower
01:50:01 <DaveDixonII> SrgSiler|Shower: Thanks for the info
01:50:15 <SrgSiler|Shower> :/.
01:54:35 <DaveDixonII> .o twitter dbdii407
01:54:37 <pabot> <@dbdii407> Thanks to @GnomeDo, I have removed the whole menu applet and the whole entire bottom panel! :D (
02:08:07 *** Sancas has quit ("Saliendo")
02:08:08 *** SrgSiler|Shower is now known as SergentSiler
02:14:15 <SergentSiler> KevinPorter, check twitter :P
02:14:35 <SergentSiler> if u r there that is >_>
02:24:54 <TimClark> back in a bit
02:25:03 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
02:26:47 <SergentSiler> lets see if my net will hold up while watching bandwith intense video
02:33:14 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
02:33:22 <MaienM|Sleep> night guys
02:33:31 <SergentSiler> night MaienM|Sleep
02:36:02 *** Aerobender ( has joined #portableapps
02:36:03 *** Aerobender has parted #portableapps ()
02:36:58 *** KevinMPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
02:37:16 <Bensawsome> lol
02:37:18 <Bensawsome> hey guys...
02:37:20 <Bensawsome> back :D
02:37:32 <Bensawsome> .
02:37:35 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|Rev3
02:37:36 <Bensawsome> sry :S
02:37:41 <DaveDixonII> Oh goody. :P
02:37:52 *** KevinPorter has quit (Nick collision from services.)
02:38:07 *** KevinMPorter is now known as KevinPorter
02:38:17 *** KevinMPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
02:38:56 <DaveDixonII> KevinMPorter: I did a boo-boo
02:40:28 <KevinPorter> Forgive the extra, my other PC was inadvertently logged in.
02:40:57 <DaveDixonII> Ok
02:41:21 <KevinPorter> And I obviously have no access to it. :P
02:46:36 *** GGD ( has joined #portableapps
02:48:38 *** pa_4554 (i=75c7901e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:48:39 *** GGD has parted #portableapps ()
02:49:10 <KevinPorter> Hi pa_4554. What can we do for you?
02:49:16 <pa_4554> i want to know how can i remove a particular portable app not the whole software?
02:49:31 <upnPAD> delete the folder in F:\PortableApps\
02:49:43 <KevinPorter> Just delete the folder of the app you wish to remove from the X:\PortableApps folder.
02:49:55 <upnPAD> where F: is the drive where portableapps is instlled
02:50:11 <pa_4554> ok, so this will remove that program from my portable apps menu?
02:51:18 <pa_4554> ok, so this will remove that program from my portable apps menu?
02:51:28 <upnPAD> yeah
02:51:33 <upnPAD> when you refresh the icons
02:51:57 <pa_4554> ok, thank you very much for your time and the support provided.
02:52:57 <pa_4554> ok, thank you very much for your time and the support provided.
02:53:01 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
02:53:06 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable and is a Developer at and also a long standing member of for 2 years now
02:53:08 <Bensawsome> no prob and please dont repeat we heard you ;)
02:53:42 <pa_4554> ok, bye
02:53:48 <Bensawsome> cya :)
02:54:04 *** pa_4554 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:54:11 <iamronaldo> I'm out too boys. got a few late nights coming up, 'n' I need the sleep.
02:54:33 <ZachThibeau> later iamronaldo
02:55:21 *** TimClark (i=0c49f074@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:57:26 <KevinPorter> Evenin' TimClark. :)
02:58:00 <TimClark> ty KevinPorter , hi all
03:08:11 *** help (i=7d3cf899@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
03:08:41 *** help is now known as Guest53570
03:11:40 *** iamronaldo has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
03:12:07 *** Guest53570 has quit (Client Quit)
03:12:58 *** KMPorter (n=KevinPor@ has joined #portableapps
03:13:26 *** KevinMPorter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
03:13:47 <KevinPorter> Nice. :|
03:13:47 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|tv
03:15:48 *** KevinPorter has quit (Client Quit)
03:18:08 *** KMPorter is now known as KevinPorter
03:18:32 <TimClark> wb KevinPorter and good bye
03:19:04 <TimClark> you have the floor
03:19:06 <KevinPorter> Thanks TimClark, and goodbye. :)
03:19:16 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
03:23:04 *** Bensawsome has quit ("The awsome is gone :(")
03:24:01 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
03:24:01 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
03:25:25 *** JacobMastel (i=44746e58@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
03:25:26 <pabot> JacobMastel is developing stickies portable and would like you all to try it AND COMMENT about how it runs, works, purrs, etc.
03:25:36 <JacobMastel> Hi all
03:25:44 <JacobMastel> How's it going?
03:26:13 <JacobMastel> It's been dead in here a lot lately
03:28:50 *** Bensawsome has quit (Client Quit)
03:31:22 * Mir lurks off with some roap
03:31:28 * Mir lurks off with some rope
03:31:35 <JacobMastel> Mir: which one?
03:31:42 * Mir lurks off with some roap
03:31:44 * Mir lurks off with some rope
03:31:46 *** peewweeewee (n=chebon_c@ has joined #portableapps
03:31:48 <Mir> bleh
03:34:11 <JacobMastel> Hey Mir: Do you know of a good DVD Ripper?
03:34:49 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
03:34:52 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
03:35:11 <Mir> umm
03:35:30 * Mir really doesnt rip DVD's
03:35:35 <Mir> YARRRR
03:35:43 <Bensawsome> XD
03:35:44 <Mir> ([X]_ O)
03:36:26 <Mir> ([X]_ O)~ gimme a bottle of rum so i cam make some Rum sorbet
03:38:14 <Bensawsome> ....
03:44:10 *** BjornH has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
03:46:20 *** JacobMastel has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
03:53:56 *** rcmaehl ( has joined #portableapps
03:55:13 <Bensawsome> lol im on 18 servers and 60 channels XD
03:55:26 <rcmaehl> lol
03:56:02 *** peewweeewee has quit (Remote closed the connection)
03:56:16 <Bensawsome> ......
03:56:29 <Bensawsome> who the heck is that?!
04:03:16 *** rcmaehl has parted #portableapps ()
04:05:21 <DaveDixonII> O_o
04:07:47 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers.")
04:10:21 *** rcmaehl ( has joined #portableapps
04:10:36 <rcmaehl> hey guys.. how did you get your domain
04:11:55 <DaveDixonII> Payed for it
04:13:19 <rcmaehl> do you know any free domain registry sites?
04:14:12 <DaveDixonII> You cannot get a domain for free as far as i know. But there are sites that give out subdomains. Ex.
04:15:34 <rcmaehl> also how do you make a link to the irc chat
04:15:46 <DaveDixonII> On a site?
04:15:51 <rcmaehl> yes
04:16:19 <DaveDixonII> <a href="irc://">My channel</a>
04:16:24 *** pa_7578 (i=42b0f7f0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
04:16:29 <DaveDixonII> Whats your channel again?
04:16:55 <DaveDixonII> pa_7578: Need anything. :)
04:16:58 <rcmaehl> #computofix
04:17:03 <pa_7578> hi does any one know how can i make software compable with the portable app suite
04:17:10 <DaveDixonII> <a href="irc://">My channel</a>
04:17:12 <pa_7578> thanks
04:17:40 <pa_7578> hi
04:17:53 <rcmaehl> thanks
04:18:00 <DaveDixonII> Do you want to make an application portable or just add one of your apps to display on the menu?
04:18:14 <pa_7578> thats all
04:18:16 <pa_7578> thanks alot
04:18:41 <DaveDixonII> pa_7578:
04:18:48 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
04:18:48 <pa_7578> yes
04:18:50 <pabot> KevinPorter is a interesting fellow who you might see here and there, blogging about various things and Twittering a bunch.
04:18:55 <DaveDixonII> pa_7578: Do you want to make an application portable or just add one of your apps to display on the menu?
04:19:15 <pa_7578> how ca i do it
04:19:30 <pa_7578> how do i add it to the menu
04:19:35 <DaveDixonII> Ahh okay.
04:19:43 <DaveDixonII> pa_7578: Just put it in X:\PortableApps\Name\Application.exe
04:19:50 <pa_7578> ok
04:19:56 <pa_7578> ill try it
04:22:11 *** rcmaehl has parted #portableapps ()
04:23:16 <pa_7578> DaveDixonII> thanks it worked perfect
04:23:30 <DaveDixonII> Np.
04:23:38 <pa_7578> iam new to this i just got it today
04:25:34 <pa_7578> i can add any program to it right
04:25:42 <pa_7578> or just specific ones
04:26:09 <DaveDixonII> It will not make them portable, but yes.
04:26:09 <pa_7578> :)
04:26:21 <pa_7578> i have portable ones
04:26:31 <pa_7578> but from another site
04:26:38 <DaveDixonII> Then feel free to add them to your menu
04:26:47 <pa_7578> thanks bro
04:26:57 <DaveDixonII> No problemo.
04:28:07 *** rmccue|tv has quit ("The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"")
04:33:17 <pa_7578> do you know if theres a ashampoo burning studio portable
04:33:27 <pa_7578> thats a freeware software
04:36:31 <pa_7578> never mind just found it
04:37:16 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
04:38:28 *** pa_7578 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
04:39:34 *** rmccue has quit (Client Quit)
04:39:57 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
04:40:19 <KevinPorter> "Should I stay or should I go..."
04:41:10 <rmccue> Dun dun dun doo doo.
04:46:32 *** rmccue has quit ("The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"")
05:01:55 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
05:09:00 *** Havvy (i=473be3f8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
05:09:49 *** Havvy has quit (Client Quit)
05:10:25 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
05:10:40 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
05:12:41 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
05:12:41 <pabot> JacobMastel is developing stickies portable and would like you all to try it AND COMMENT about how it runs, works, purrs, etc.
05:12:55 <Bensawsome> why hello JacobMastel!@
05:13:02 <JacobMastel> Hi Bensawsome
05:13:05 <JacobMastel> What's with the @?
05:13:20 <Bensawsome> XD
05:13:43 <JacobMastel> I'll only be on for a bit tonight
05:13:59 <Bensawsome> ok >_>
05:14:18 <JacobMastel> Play anymore with the release helper?
05:14:50 <Bensawsome> no not yet >_>
05:15:07 <JacobMastel> You just fail to test all my apps don't you :P
05:17:42 <JacobMastel> .def JacobMastel
05:17:42 <pabot> JacobMastel: JacobMastel is developing stickies portable and would like you all to try it AND COMMENT about how it runs, works, purrs, etc. NOW INCLUDING PeaZip 2.5 Portable!!!
05:17:57 <JacobMastel> ZachThibeau: How's NSIS comming?
05:18:12 * JacobMastel is foaming at the mouth for it...:P
05:19:25 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers.")
05:20:08 <Bensawsome> lol
05:20:28 * Bensawsome is too but knows not to ask zach about it unlike JacobMastel :P
05:24:32 *** Seth_Hikaru_ is now known as Seth_Hikaru
05:25:09 * Seth_Hikaru is away: I'm doing stuff.
05:30:22 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
05:30:22 <pabot> Whibo is a user
05:30:51 *** alpha1beta (n=Michael@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
05:30:51 <pabot> alpha1beta is sick of support, and needs a shrink, he is also the insane admin of and if he goes nuts, blame the support!
05:30:56 <alpha1beta> hey gents
05:31:18 *** Whibo has quit (Client Quit)
05:32:34 <JacobMastel> Hi alpha1beta
05:32:41 <alpha1beta> sup?
05:33:19 <JacobMastel> Not a whole lot
05:33:31 <JacobMastel> Annoyed cause I'm dealing with moron's that won't do what they're supposed to
05:33:43 <alpha1beta> welcome to my life
05:34:42 <JacobMastel> I'm trying to plan do scout crap and they're making my life difficult :(
05:36:45 <alpha1beta> I went rock climbing with a bunch of 14 year old frosh and sophs, 2 of the came out banged up,cause they can't follow directions, and another came close to breaking an arm, cause he didn't listen to my directions and decided to try to do some fancy stuff, idiots
05:37:21 <alpha1beta> no real damage, just banged up a bit, but still, it's your first time at anything you should listen to whoever's in charge of you
05:37:22 <JacobMastel> lol
05:38:14 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
05:38:15 <pabot> Whibo is a user
05:38:26 <alpha1beta> hello whibo
05:38:58 <Mir> BLARGIO
05:42:09 <Whibo> Dadla dadla
05:42:27 <Whibo> Grosse madame
05:43:17 <JacobMastel> Night all
05:43:22 <alpha1beta> nigh
05:43:24 <alpha1beta> night*
05:43:24 *** JacobMastel has quit ("Leaving.")
05:44:08 <Whibo> SO dead channel
05:44:44 <alpha1beta> like usual
05:44:47 <Whibo> Is it always that exciting?
05:45:04 <alpha1beta> usually, at least around this time
05:45:41 <Whibo> All the online users do what?
05:47:07 <Whibo> Adieux bande de morts vivants !
05:47:23 <alpha1beta> they sleep
05:47:27 <Mir>
05:47:32 <Mir> :D
05:47:56 <Whibo> ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
05:48:11 <Whibo> TYGGYXGGK
05:48:15 <Whibo> KHOPPOKL
05:48:31 <Whibo> Bye.
05:48:34 *** Whibo has quit ("DSOrganize IRC")
05:49:53 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
05:50:17 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
06:04:44 <alpha1beta> wow the room is now dead.
06:05:02 *** khymaera (i=4711e1ac@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
06:05:36 <khymaera> is there a way to organize programs in the portable apps menu
06:07:37 <alpha1beta> not yet
06:07:52 <alpha1beta> hopefully in the next release do out sometiime this year
06:08:00 <khymaera> ok thanx,
06:08:13 <khymaera> that would be great
06:08:30 <alpha1beta> sorry, but I have no idea when, but hopefully this year :)
06:08:57 <khymaera> not sure if it is legally possible, but it would be nice if it would also support u3p files from U3 devices
06:08:58 <khymaera> r
06:09:06 <khymaera> i only want one app, Avast U3
06:09:26 <Bensawsome> evil
06:09:32 <Bensawsome> u3 is out of date though :S
06:09:36 <Bensawsome> and so is the avast app :S
06:09:44 <alpha1beta> umm there something like that around, but I think it puts the Portableapps on the u3 menu
06:10:03 <Bensawsome> JUST the menu though
06:10:06 <khymaera> i don;t like u3
06:10:06 <Bensawsome> err well
06:10:10 <alpha1beta> :D
06:10:11 <alpha1beta> good
06:10:11 <Bensawsome> lol
06:10:16 <Bensawsome> then use clamwin portable :D
06:10:24 <Bensawsome> cause you dont want an out of date virus thing :S
06:10:44 <khymaera> yeah but if you pay for the u3, it updates from their server
06:10:53 <alpha1beta> that sucks
06:10:55 <Bensawsome> ya so does clamwin...
06:11:09 <Bensawsome> and clamwin's updates are freee ;)
06:11:22 <khymaera> could be, i just trust avast that is all, used it lots before
06:11:29 <khymaera> it was fast and all
06:11:40 <Bensawsome> ya and the u3 version is out of date...\
06:11:48 <Bensawsome> i mean the app part
06:11:55 <khymaera> ok
06:12:00 <Bensawsome> which is just as good as having out opf date definitions :S
06:12:19 *** khymaera has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
06:12:31 <Bensawsome> damn u3 =_=
06:12:39 <Bensawsome> stealing our customers =_=
06:19:12 <alpha1beta> u3 is dead, lets all take a dump on it's grave
06:20:01 *** alpha1beta has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
06:20:23 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
06:20:23 <pabot> alpha1beta is sick of support, and needs a shrink, he is also the insane admin of and if he goes nuts, blame the support!
06:21:21 <PatrickPatience> Oh my gosh the new SourceForge tracker is so much better.
06:21:22 <PatrickPatience>
06:21:36 <alpha1beta> still ugly
06:22:19 <upnPAD> U.G.L.Y
06:22:29 <alpha1beta> F.U.G.L.Y.
06:22:45 <upnPAD> Hey! Hey!
06:23:09 <PatrickPatience> Honestly, how do you find that ugly?
06:23:18 <PatrickPatience> SourceForge has made some major design improvements.
06:23:35 <PatrickPatience> Google's Issue tracker has no style at all, and I like that.
06:23:41 <alpha1beta> probably it looks like patrick....
06:23:45 <PatrickPatience> This has a nice style, I don't see how you can call it ugly.
06:23:53 <PatrickPatience> What?
06:23:57 <alpha1beta> :P
06:24:59 <upnPAD> I'm with stupid ^
06:25:07 <PatrickPatience> Haha.
06:25:47 *** alpha1beta (n=Michael@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
06:25:47 <pabot> alpha1beta is sick of support, and needs a shrink, he is also the insane admin of and if he goes nuts, blame the support!
06:26:01 <alpha1beta> thanks! QUERY CURSES
06:26:15 <PatrickPatience> Kwaaat>
06:26:30 <alpha1beta> <strings of curses>
06:26:42 <alpha1beta> <strings of curses >
06:44:40 *** pa_7733 (i=cb5148c8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
06:45:08 <pa_7733> hello
06:45:12 <pa_7733> hello
06:45:15 <pa_7733> help
06:45:15 <pabot> pa_7733: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
06:46:28 <alpha1beta> hello pa_7733 sorry, I was afk a bit, can I help you?
06:48:09 <pa_7733> why these's no window xp OS in protable
06:49:00 <alpha1beta> there is
06:49:03 <alpha1beta> it's called a laptop
06:50:58 <alpha1beta> ok, without sarcasem basically it's impossible on at least 5 different levels, if you want a truly portable windows XP get yourself s netbook
06:51:17 <pa_7733> thank guy
06:52:25 <pa_7733> When will window 7 will produced?
06:52:27 <alpha1beta> yw, have a nice day, any more questions feel free to stop back or post in the forums, but search before posting, cuase we've probably answered it before, like this questoion
06:52:36 <alpha1beta> as a portableapps?
06:53:17 <pa_7733> no
06:53:17 <alpha1beta> or as a versions of windows for a home computer?
06:53:24 <pa_7733> as a version of computer
06:53:53 <alpha1beta> well it's out right now as a beta, I'm using it right now
06:54:20 <alpha1beta> but it's due out next year accoriding to M$, but I suspect, along with many others, by july
06:54:23 <pa_7733> no as full
06:54:25 <pa_7733> version
06:54:36 <pa_7733> oh so great
06:54:42 <pa_7733> i'm waiting for this
06:55:01 <alpha1beta> it's awesome!
06:55:42 <pa_7733> yep
06:55:45 <pa_7733> :)
06:56:13 <alpha1beta> the beta stops working on august 1st, so I bet they'll release it before then
06:57:08 <pa_7733> oh i see
06:57:21 *** pa_0898 (i=42b0f7f0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
06:57:37 <PatrickPatience> Hmm.
06:57:39 <alpha1beta> hello pa_0898 can we help you?
06:57:47 <alpha1beta> Wb Patrick
06:58:09 <pa_0898> do u know how to make portable software
06:58:38 <alpha1beta> yea, but your best off reading the forums, cause it takes a while, let me get you a link
06:59:02 <alpha1beta>
06:59:20 <pa_0898> thanks alot
06:59:41 <alpha1beta> that should tell you almost everything you need to know, anything else, please search the forums or stop back in here
06:59:59 <pa_0898> one more thing
07:00:04 <alpha1beta> shoot
07:00:30 <pa_0898> do you know if there a office 2007 portable
07:00:38 <alpha1beta> no, and there never will be
07:00:58 <pa_0898> i found one but i dont know if its illegal
07:01:06 <pa_0898> i found a couple
07:01:10 <alpha1beta> as I told pa_7733 anything from microsoft will never and can never be portable on about 5 different levels
07:01:25 <pa_0898> ok thanks for the help
07:01:27 <alpha1beta> Most of those are probably spyware/malware of some type and all of them are illegal
07:01:42 <pa_0898> thanks
07:01:50 <alpha1beta> there is however openoffice, which is a sweet office suite that we have
07:02:04 <pa_0898> i have it
07:02:10 <pa_0898> thanks
07:02:22 *** pa_0898 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
07:02:53 <excid3> heyoh
07:03:03 <alpha1beta> hey
07:03:15 <alpha1beta> please tell me you don't need support to :?
07:03:17 <alpha1beta> :/*
07:03:58 *** pa_7733 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
07:05:04 <PatrickPatience> What, are we fun fun happy warez channel tonight? :-P
07:05:25 <alpha1beta> apparently, n00bs!
07:05:48 * excid3 is ahlyign soem call fod tuy 4
07:05:51 <excid3> ...
07:05:56 <excid3> *playing some call ofd uty
07:06:02 * excid3 fails
07:06:05 <alpha1beta> still ain't got it!
07:06:12 <excid3> its hared to see
07:06:14 <excid3> *hard
07:06:24 <alpha1beta> if 1 more person comes in and asks for a m$ thing, I'll gonna flip on them
07:06:54 <excid3> alpha1beta, could you help me with my win8 installa?
07:07:09 <excid3> plz plz plz?
07:07:14 <alpha1beta> *smack* *bash* *beats with a baseball bat*
07:07:30 <excid3> *dodges, dikp duck dive and dodges*
07:07:34 <alpha1beta> I figured Patrick would be the one to do that
07:08:32 <alpha1beta> I love it, the one dude asked about Xp portable, and I used my favorite line, " it's called a laptop"
07:08:47 <PatrickPatience> Topic: ... | We do not promote or discuss illegal software
07:09:01 <alpha1beta> illegal and M$...
07:09:02 <PatrickPatience> Think that'll help? They seem to read the topic, seeing as they always read the "help!" stuff.
07:09:40 <alpha1beta> yes, but add M$
07:13:13 <alpha1beta> do it PatrickPatience
07:13:27 <alpha1beta> at least the illegal/warez if nothing else
07:16:25 <PatrickPatience> People don't know what warez is.
07:16:30 <excid3> we do not promote microsoftwarez
07:16:31 <excid3> :D
07:16:54 <alpha1beta> :D
07:17:01 *** PatrickPatience changed the topic to: "Welcome to the Support Channel | New Releases & Updates: | Looking for support? Try saying "help!" | This channel is G-rated | This channel is logged: | We do not discuss not endorse any kind of illegal software (Portable Photoshop / Microsoft Office)"
07:17:04 <alpha1beta> ok, then just illegal
07:17:08 <alpha1beta> There ya go :D
07:17:10 <alpha1beta> Thanks PP
07:21:07 <excid3> lawl
07:21:10 <excid3> night gutyz
07:21:17 *** excid3 is now known as excid3|zzzzzzzzz
07:21:17 <alpha1beta> later
07:21:30 <excid3|zzzzzzzzz> alpha1beta, i shoulda went rock clibming :P
07:21:46 <alpha1beta> yea, but just like beer, you feel it in the morning :P
07:21:54 <excid3|zzzzzzzzz> hahaha
07:21:57 <excid3|zzzzzzzzz> take care buddy
07:22:03 <alpha1beta> c ya ecid
07:58:39 <alpha1beta>
08:03:16 *** alpha1beta has quit ("Leaving.")
08:12:37 *** SrgSiler|Rev3 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
08:31:43 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
08:36:17 *** PatrickPatience has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
09:54:04 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
10:08:10 *** MaienM|Sleep is now known as MaienM
11:43:22 *** Havvy (i=473be3f8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
12:26:56 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
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12:56:46 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
13:17:46 *** pa_1580 (i=57b26ac6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
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13:42:04 *** MaienM has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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14:05:31 *** ToteHose has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
14:52:07 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Remote closed the connection)
14:59:49 *** Havvy has quit (Client Quit)
15:08:10 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
15:35:15 *** SergentSiler ( has joined #portableapps
15:35:15 <pabot> SergentSiler is awsome and is the most.... Hey, wait, OMG!!!! PIE!!!! <3
15:35:33 <SergentSiler> grrrr
15:35:39 <SergentSiler> my mom shut off the router :/
15:51:03 *** Havvy (i=473be3f8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:03:29 *** Sancas has quit ("Saliendo")
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16:38:52 <SergentSiler_> D:
16:39:00 *** SergentSiler_ is now known as SergentSiler
16:39:08 <SergentSiler> ai need a new reciever :?
16:39:13 <SergentSiler> :/*
16:41:14 <Mir> :<
16:41:23 <Mir> why do you need a new reciver
16:41:29 <Mir> or is that a football joke
16:41:33 <SergentSiler> :/
16:41:42 <SergentSiler> i need a new one because this one dies
16:42:07 <Mir> sadly i got rid of mine
16:42:13 <Mir> :_:
16:42:18 <SergentSiler> ._.
16:43:02 <Mir> but i found a nice McIntosh for 2 grand
16:43:06 <Mir> :D
16:43:12 <SergentSiler> :P
16:43:28 <Mir> and dont think APPLE COMPUTER
16:43:52 <Mir> i am talking about a ultra high end audio company
16:44:06 <SergentSiler> lol
16:44:14 <Mir> this thing is soooo awsome it has TUBES instead of chips
16:44:23 <SergentSiler> :O
16:44:30 *** Bensawsome has quit (Connection reset by peer)
16:44:46 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
16:44:47 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
16:45:36 <SergentSiler> damn, i need to get a PS1 :P
16:45:46 <Mir> SergentSiler: get something from them and you will NEVER need another one EVER!
16:45:46 <SergentSiler> my ps2 sux at playing my ps1 games
16:45:51 <Mir> heh
16:46:00 * Mir has a spare PSX
16:46:14 <SergentSiler> :O
16:46:21 <SergentSiler> mind sendin it to me? :D
16:46:30 <Mir> got some green?
16:46:32 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
16:46:32 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable and is a Developer at and also a long standing member of for 2 years now
16:46:41 <SergentSiler> Mir, how much? :P
16:46:51 <Mir> 80
16:46:57 <SergentSiler> psshh
16:46:59 <Mir> because its modded
16:47:01 <ZachThibeau> howdy all
16:47:07 <SergentSiler> i can get a ps1 on ebay for 35
16:47:10 <SergentSiler> hi ZachThibeau
16:47:20 <ZachThibeau> howdy SergentSiler
16:47:24 <Mir> you can get one for 10 bucks at a second hand shop
16:47:30 <SergentSiler> :P
16:47:33 <Mir> i will keep an eye out if you want
16:47:40 <SergentSiler> what is so special about ur mod?
16:47:57 <SergentSiler> (yes please btw :D)
16:48:01 <Mir> it allows for playing of burnt PSX games
16:48:06 <SergentSiler> :O
16:48:20 <SergentSiler> where did u get this mod?
16:48:21 <Mir> it allows you to play non NTSC games
16:48:33 * Mir is in the hacking community
16:48:38 <Mir> a friend did it
16:48:38 <SergentSiler> nice
16:48:46 <Mir> and charged me monies
16:48:55 <SergentSiler> :/
16:48:57 <Mir> approx 80 dollars ;>.>
16:49:03 <SergentSiler> ah
16:49:32 <SergentSiler> well keep an eye out for thoes 10 dollar ones
16:49:38 <Mir> anywho i will check goodwill this week because they had one for sale
16:49:39 <SergentSiler> preferabbly ps1
16:49:43 <ZachThibeau> hey guys name a gtk app you would like to see on windows :P
16:49:48 <Mir> PSX or PS1
16:49:51 <SergentSiler> ps1
16:49:57 <SergentSiler> but psx is cool
16:49:58 <Mir> the small one?
16:50:01 <SergentSiler> yeh
16:50:03 <Mir> PSX is better
16:50:05 <Bensawsome> lol
16:50:16 <Mir> its easier to mod and fix
16:50:19 <SergentSiler> Mir, psx doesnt support dualshock or joysticks
16:50:21 <Bensawsome> my ps2 plays ps1 games fine :P
16:50:28 <Mir> like if the belt goes bad on the motor
16:50:30 <SergentSiler> Bensawsome, GTFO
16:50:38 <Mir> PSX does support Dualshock
16:50:40 <Bensawsome> the memory cards work fine too :P
16:50:56 <SergentSiler> Mir, joysticks?
16:51:01 <Mir> anything the PSone supports the PSX supports
16:51:03 <Mir> ues
16:51:08 <Mir> yes
16:51:09 <SergentSiler> :/
16:51:21 <SergentSiler> still, i prefer ps1
16:51:27 * Mir uses a PS2 controler on his PSX and PSone
16:51:35 <SergentSiler> :P
16:51:55 <Bensawsome> i use my ps1 controler with my ps2 and it works fine :D
16:52:07 <SergentSiler> i just really miss playing Gran Turismo 2 without having to remind my ps2 to spin the disk
16:52:12 * Mir whacks SergentSiler on the head that the PSone is actualy the PSX just made smaller
16:52:13 <Bensawsome> :P
16:52:22 <SergentSiler> Mir, it looks better :D
16:52:34 <Bensawsome> oh i had the psone then :D
16:52:40 <Mir> it also has a fragile power outlet
16:52:49 <SergentSiler> but yah, i hate how i have to open and close the lid to make it work
16:52:57 <Mir> though the outlet is the same tip as the PSP, CD/Walkman
16:53:04 <SergentSiler> :P
16:53:08 <Mir> BUT
16:53:18 <SergentSiler> i have a universal adapter/transformer that works on ps1
16:53:30 <Mir> the PSX PS2 and PS3 use the same power and video cord
16:53:37 <Bensawsome> LOL
16:53:38 <SergentSiler> nope
16:53:40 <Havvy> SergentSiler: Somebody may have bugged your PS2
16:53:41 <SergentSiler> only the video
16:53:49 <Mir> actualy yes
16:53:54 <Mir> trust me
16:54:01 <Mir> i have a friend with a PS3
16:54:07 <SergentSiler> mir, i have tried using the ps1 coord on my ps2 and it doesnt work
16:54:10 <Mir> i also have a PS2
16:54:12 <SergentSiler> different voltages
16:54:21 <SergentSiler> Havvy, i dont think so
16:54:26 <SergentSiler> never been on the net
16:54:33 <Mir> you haz a slim PS2?
16:54:33 <SergentSiler> and only me and my bro use it
16:54:36 <SergentSiler> yep
16:54:40 * Havvy meant physically bug it.
16:54:42 <Mir> get a phat one
16:54:49 <Mir> thats your problem
16:54:51 <SergentSiler> nah, the drive breaks
16:54:55 <Havvy> Implanting chips can ruin hardware. :P
16:55:05 <SergentSiler> Havvy, no one but me and my bro have touched it
16:55:15 <Mir> get a older one
16:55:25 <SergentSiler> i just want a ps1 :P
16:55:30 <Mir> one that can have a hard drive
16:55:40 <SergentSiler> its also for nostalgic resons :D
16:55:43 <Havvy> Can a PS3 play a PS1 disc?
16:55:47 <SergentSiler> no
16:55:53 <SergentSiler> they took that out :/
16:55:58 <Mir> because you can soft mod it and put PSX and PS2 games on the hard drive and not have to run a CD
16:56:12 <Mir> Some PS3's can play PS1 games
16:56:17 <SergentSiler> i just want a ps1 damn it :P
16:56:29 * Mir recomends getting a better PS2
16:56:30 <SergentSiler> Havvy, the earlier ones can
16:56:56 <SergentSiler> the newer ones dont have that because having it increases $$
16:57:31 <SergentSiler> and for the last time i want a ps1 :D
16:57:54 <Mir> GET A BETTER PS2
16:58:01 <Mir> tyou can do more
16:58:14 <SergentSiler> i dont want one :P
16:58:23 * SergentSiler wants this :
16:58:34 * Mir is sending his mem card to get hacked so i can install a harddrive and run all my games from the hard drive
16:58:42 <Bensawsome> lol
16:58:51 <Bensawsome> i already am doing tyhat with my ps2 :P
16:59:26 <Mir> SergentSiler: this is what i can find for you -->
16:59:50 <SergentSiler> as long as i can use my joysticks, that is fine
17:00:00 <Bensawsome> lol
17:00:15 <Bensawsome> i hate joysticks =_=
17:00:25 * SergentSiler <3 joysticks
17:00:32 <Mir> SergentSiler: check this artical out -->
17:00:35 <SergentSiler> d-pad sux
17:00:52 <Bensawsome> unfortunetaly ps2 games dont let u use the d-pad and joystick interchangebly
17:00:58 <Mir> you will see there really isnt much of a difference other than the IO, Parellel where removed
17:01:13 <SergentSiler> :P
17:01:37 <Mir> hence the GAMESHARK PRO will not work on the PSone
17:02:26 <Mir> `oh did you know that if you have a modded PS2 you can stream video to it :D
17:02:42 <SergentSiler> :P
17:03:14 <Mir> used fat PS2's go for around 30 bucks now
17:03:21 <Mir> common
17:03:29 <Mir> your equipment will work
17:03:30 <Havvy> That's all?
17:03:32 <Mir> trust me
17:03:35 <SergentSiler> i still want a ps1/x
17:03:36 <Mir> oh!
17:04:12 <Mir> SergentSiler: if you got a PSX/one to USB adapter you could use your "joystick" with the PS3
17:04:18 <Mir> it will work
17:04:28 <Mir> trust me (~_0)
17:04:42 <SergentSiler> Mir, i want a ps1/x and that isnt goin to change, trust me (>0)
17:05:56 <Mir> ok
17:06:14 <Mir> by the way good luck finding a PSone that still works
17:06:20 <Mir> they had belt problems
17:06:22 <SergentSiler> :P
17:06:31 <SergentSiler> ps1 doesnt use belts
17:06:40 * SergentSiler has seen ps1 gutz
17:06:57 * Mir was thinking wrong
17:07:07 <Mir> its a screw i am thinking of
17:07:16 <Mir> the thing that moves the laser
17:07:19 <SergentSiler> ah
17:07:34 <Mir> they wear out because they where made of a cheap alloy
17:07:46 <SergentSiler> yah :/
17:08:06 <Mir> the Laser Lens issue involves ALL sony optical players
17:08:12 <Mir> :S
17:08:41 * Mir lurks off for food
17:12:17 <Mir> why dont you get a PSP and rip your game onto it after its been cracked?
17:12:36 <Mir> that way you can take your games EVERYWHERE :D
17:13:17 <SergentSiler> <SergentSiler> its also for nostalgic resons :D
17:14:18 <Mir> :|
17:14:41 <Mir> well if i do find a PSone i will send you my mini screen for it
17:14:52 <Mir> so you wont have to hook it up to a TV
17:14:55 <SergentSiler> :O
17:14:56 <SergentSiler> nice
17:15:01 <SergentSiler> always wanted one :P
17:15:21 <Mir> only one catch
17:15:29 <Mir> it has no power source
17:15:41 <SergentSiler> i can probably find one :/
17:15:50 <Mir> so you will need to get a spare PSone power adapter
17:16:08 <SergentSiler> i can use my universal adapter :)
17:16:12 <SergentSiler> it works on ps1
17:24:31 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
17:24:31 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
17:25:00 <gluxon> ZachThibeau: pm?
17:25:13 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: nope
17:25:18 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: I'll tell you why
17:25:24 <gluxon> okay?
17:25:37 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: I don't have the money yet so your site will be down for a couple of days or less
17:25:47 <ZachThibeau> mine is affected too
17:26:19 <gluxon> ... last time I checked it wasn't... and it still isn't.
17:26:54 <ZachThibeau> your site?
17:27:06 <gluxon> That is affected...
17:27:12 <gluxon> And I've cleared cache to be sure.
17:27:13 <ZachThibeau> it's down for sure.
17:27:20 <ZachThibeau> trust me
17:27:45 <gluxon> okay...
17:27:51 <Havvy> BTW: Mibbit widge server froze about an hour ago. Server restart done, and not waiting on long queue list.
17:28:17 <SergentSiler> ZachThibeau, ur site is uneffected
17:28:54 <Havvy> Queue list now empty on widget;
17:29:06 <ZachThibeau> SergentSiler: which one if so thats hosted by a friend
17:29:14 <SergentSiler> yep that one :P
17:29:29 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
17:29:43 <ZachThibeau> yeah that's not hosted by the server thats down
17:29:56 <Havvy> Good luck on your other server issues.
17:30:14 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
17:30:27 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
17:31:14 <gluxon> Hey Oni-Neoxes :P
17:31:31 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello gluxon :D
17:46:48 <ZachThibeau> later everone
17:46:50 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
17:48:57 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
18:00:17 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
18:07:28 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
18:07:33 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
18:16:58 *** BrianALL ( has joined #portableapps
18:16:59 <pabot> BrianALL is at
18:17:20 <BrianALL> hello everyone
18:18:02 <Bensawsome> 0ohiathar!
18:18:07 <Bensawsome> oh im off to game :D
18:18:34 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@ has joined #portableapps
18:37:38 <Mir> i had one of those game rockers in my room
18:37:48 <Mir> be careful when you buy one
18:38:43 <Mir> mine had termites, poorly soldered mobo, loose heatsinks, MOLD, leaking sandbag and possibly some flamable material
18:38:57 *** BrianALL has quit ("Later, all.")
18:39:13 * Mir goes to take a crowbar and sledge hammer to the thing
18:40:32 *** Aerobender ( has joined #portableapps
18:40:33 *** Aerobender has parted #portableapps ()
18:42:16 *** excid3|zzzzzzzzz is now known as excid3
18:52:28 *** Mensur (i=53ffd1ae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
18:52:42 <Mensur> Hi Dudes and Dudettes
18:52:56 <Mensur> I would like some support
18:53:27 <Oni-Neoxes> What seems to be the problem?
18:54:00 <Oni-Neoxes> Mensur?
18:56:19 <Mensur> When I find a software which looks cool and usefull. And I wantw to convert it to Portable Version. And I always read the legel term och aggrement. But I some softwares it just says. That if I would install this software. It is on my own risk. But It does not say anything about if I can convert it to a portable. Is it still legel to convert it to a portable?
18:58:47 <Oni-Neoxes> umm. hold on, let me get some people
18:59:09 <Bensawsome> Mensur: if it is open source you can include the app
18:59:16 <Bensawsome> if it isnt just make a launcher
18:59:17 <Oni-Neoxes> good
18:59:19 <Oni-Neoxes> saved me some time
18:59:21 <MaienM> if it is open source, and the licence does not prohobit it, it is allowed, as far a s I know
18:59:33 * MaienM returns from the dead
18:59:48 <Oni-Neoxes> aren't all open source aloud?
18:59:56 <Oni-Neoxes> aloud... Butchered x_x
19:00:24 <Bensawsome> ya
19:00:29 <Bensawsome> unless it is prohibited
19:01:28 <Havvy> allowed?
19:01:53 <Oni-Neoxes> allowed <-- Yesh
19:01:59 <Oni-Neoxes> busy playing Wolf :P
19:02:02 <Mensur> So I understand right. if it does not say anything not converting it to a portable in the legel term och aggrement. It is legel to make a portable
19:02:09 <Bensawsome> BUT
19:02:19 <MaienM> as long as it is open source...
19:02:20 <Bensawsome> if it isn't open source you cant include the actual app
19:02:32 <Bensawsome> the person has to download it and put it in the folder themselves
19:02:43 *** PatrickPatience (i=patrickp@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
19:02:46 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a moderator and developer (
19:02:54 <Bensawsome> hey PatrickPatience support >_>
19:02:56 <Mensur> But if it is a freeware not open source
19:03:27 <Bensawsome> or a commercial app for that matter >_>
19:04:54 <Mensur> Because I did get confused about it. I did not really know.
19:32:55 *** alpha1beta (n=Michael@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
19:32:55 <pabot> alpha1beta is sick of support, and needs a shrink, he is also the insane admin of and if he goes nuts, blame the support!
19:33:11 <Havvy> alpha1beta: Nice.
19:33:16 <alpha1beta> omg how has mayorpacmanjones not been banned yet?
19:33:20 <alpha1beta> hey havvy
19:35:11 <Bensawsome> alpha1beta: huh?
19:35:16 <Mensur> What's new about the next future Portableapps Menu?
19:36:00 <alpha1beta> ben, have you seen all the forums posts that moron made in under a day, all for the same thing, he wants a USB drive linux, well can he shut up already and search before posting!
19:36:10 <Bensawsome> oh XD
19:36:13 <alpha1beta> I think it hit every forum at least once
19:36:18 <Bensawsome> i think i saw that one before XD
19:36:30 <excid3> hello alpha1beta
19:36:32 <Bensawsome> o_0
19:36:43 <alpha1beta> what's up excid3?
19:36:54 <excid3> just the after effects of last night :P
19:36:57 <excid3> sup with you?
19:37:10 <alpha1beta> playing some Bf2~
19:37:24 <Oni-Neoxes> BF2 FTW
19:37:25 <excid3> man i need to reinstall that
19:37:41 <Oni-Neoxes>
19:37:44 <excid3> i dont think i have it with me...i left it at home on purpose so that i wouldnt spend all my time pklaying that game :P
19:38:10 <alpha1beta> do it!
19:38:12 <alpha1beta> brb
19:38:21 * DaveDixonII is going to kill KevinPorter
19:38:41 <excid3> DaveDixonII, how come?
19:38:49 <DaveDixonII> .o twitter KevinPorter
19:38:52 <pabot> <@KevinPorter> I really don't care who wins the Super Bowl. I probably won't even watch it. (
19:39:00 <DaveDixonII> :'-(
19:39:04 <Oni-Neoxes> I dont care about the superbowl either
19:39:05 <Bensawsome> neither do i :S
19:39:37 <DaveDixonII> Oh you are are all suckups. I don't really care either but at least im going to watch it and spend time with my family. :P
19:39:52 <Bensawsome> lol my family doesnt watch it either ....
19:39:59 <excid3> i didnt even know who was playing until the other day when i asked somebody...
19:40:08 <excid3> im going to watch it with a bunch of friends though
19:40:08 <Oni-Neoxes> No one here watches either
19:40:28 <Bensawsome> dude we are all computer geeks... why would we watch a sport? :P
19:40:43 * DaveDixonII is gonna watch it
19:40:51 * Havvy is politically against the NFL.
19:40:57 <Bensawsome> ...
19:41:01 <Bensawsome> why Havvy?
19:41:01 * Oni-Neoxes doesn't care
19:41:04 <Bensawsome> this i wanna hear >_>
19:41:19 <DaveDixonII> .o twitter dbdii407
19:41:20 <pabot> <@dbdii407> @KevinPorter Oh you are so lucky I don't live near you. You are all a bunch of Suckups. Go spend time with your family. :P (
19:41:50 <Oni-Neoxes> .o twitter pabot
19:41:50 <pabot> Could not find status 1 for pabot
19:41:51 <Havvy> They are an ad-loaded group that have everything they do under super-copyright and at the same time, give people false dreams to become jocks making less nerds in the world.
19:41:52 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
19:42:05 <Havvy> .o twitter me
19:42:06 <pabot> <@me> checking for Tunde K. (
19:42:11 <Havvy> :(
19:42:15 <Havvy> .o twitter Havvy
19:42:16 <pabot> <@havvy> Whoo! I saw sunset and sunrise this night period! (
19:43:26 <Bensawsome> .o twitter
19:43:28 <pabot> <@Bensawsome> @dbdii407 dude my family doesn't even watch football.... Most of us are computer geeks why would we watch a sport :P (
19:43:33 <Bensawsome> lol
19:43:36 * DaveDixonII is very disappointed in all of you. :'-( Brb
19:43:45 <Bensawsome> lol
19:43:50 <Bensawsome> dude who cares....
19:43:51 <Bensawsome> XD
19:44:06 <DaveDixonII> My sister is going to watch it and she doesn't even really care for it. :|
19:44:11 <Bensawsome> lol
19:44:28 <Oni-Neoxes> I would only watch the ads
19:44:29 <Oni-Neoxes> thats all
19:44:35 <DaveDixonII> Okay. Dad needs me for chicken/bbq crap. Lol
19:44:36 <Oni-Neoxes> Commercials are the best around superbowl
19:44:50 <Bensawsome> thats the only part i watch :P
19:45:05 * Oni-Neoxes highfives Ben
19:45:57 * Bensawsome high fives Oni-Neoxes back :D
19:51:05 *** TimClark (i=0c49f02c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:51:22 <TimClark> Hello All :D
19:51:36 <MaienM> hello TimClark :)
19:51:56 *** Mensur has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
19:52:31 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello TimClark :D
19:52:57 <TimClark> MaienM: and Oni-Neoxes :)
19:53:51 *** Roamer ( has joined #portableapps
19:53:51 <pabot> Roamer is a linux geek cursed to use windows until he gets his own laptop.
19:54:23 <TimClark> hello Roamer , all is quiet
19:55:02 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
19:55:02 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
19:55:03 <Roamer> hello TimClark
19:55:15 <Roamer> hello powerjuce
19:55:29 <powerjuce> hey Roamer
19:55:56 <TimClark> hello powerjuce all is quiet
19:56:08 <powerjuce> sounds good
19:57:34 <alpha1beta> hey roamer, Tim, powerjuce and anyone else who came in
19:57:45 <Roamer> hi alpha1beta
19:58:26 <TimClark> hello alpha1beta , are you a superbowl jock today
19:59:11 <alpha1beta> nope
19:59:38 <alpha1beta> might watch the halftime show cause it's the boss, but that's it
19:59:42 <WastePotato> Hi.
19:59:57 <TimClark> hi WastePotato
20:00:11 <WastePotato> Hey TimClark.
20:01:26 <Roamer> alpha1beta: I'm with you there. I'm watching House. Who needs the superbowl?
20:02:11 <alpha1beta> yep
20:02:23 <powerjuce> Roamer: same here, but i cant wait for the 'bowl
20:03:14 <Roamer> so it's established that powerjuce needs the superbowl. lol :P
20:09:51 *** Roamer has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:13:54 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("I guess i'm gone then... D:")
20:14:50 *** Roamer ( has joined #portableapps
20:14:50 <pabot> Roamer is a linux geek cursed to use windows until he gets his own laptop.
20:15:41 <SrgSiler|AFK> sup Roamer
20:15:45 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
20:15:56 <TimClark> hello SergentSiler
20:16:01 <SergentSiler> hello tim
20:16:05 <Roamer> hey SergentSiler
20:17:05 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
20:17:05 <pabot> JacobMastel is developing stickies portable and would like you all to try it AND COMMENT about how it runs, works, purrs, etc. NOW INCLUDING PeaZip 2.5 Portable!!!
20:17:27 <Roamer> hello JacobMastel
20:17:32 <TimClark> hello JacobMastel
20:17:46 <JacobMastel> Hi TimClark & Roamer.
20:17:51 <JacobMastel> How's your day going?
20:18:01 <TimClark> uneventful
20:18:42 *** powerjuce is now known as powerjuce|away
20:19:02 <JacobMastel> Well that could be good ;)
20:19:38 <Roamer> or very very bad. boredom can equal some very bad outcomes :P
20:19:56 <JacobMastel> True
20:23:53 <TimClark> back in a bit
20:23:56 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
20:31:51 <Havvy> o.0 He joined
20:33:09 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
20:33:09 <pabot> ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programmer that uses Linux. He is an OpenSource fanatic too. You can see more about him at
20:33:21 <SergentSiler> ptmb!
20:33:27 <ptmb> Hi everybody!
20:33:32 <ptmb> Hi SergentSiler :P
20:33:36 <SergentSiler> :D
20:33:44 <Havvy> And left...
20:33:48 <ptmb> :P
20:40:35 <JacobMastel> .seen rmccue
20:40:35 <pabot> JacobMastel: I last saw rmccue at 2009-02-01 04:41:25 UTC on #portableapps
20:40:43 <WastePotato> .seen WastePotato
20:40:43 <pabot> WastePotato: I last saw wastepotato at 2009-02-01 20:00:35 UTC on #portableapps
20:40:46 <WastePotato> o_O
20:40:59 *** purple has quit ("Laterz..")
20:41:03 <Roamer> .seen ZachThibeau
20:41:03 <pabot> Roamer: I last saw zachthibeau at 2009-02-01 17:47:11 UTC on #portableapps
20:41:08 <Roamer> .t
20:41:08 <pabot> Sun, 01 Feb 2009 20:41:33 GMT
20:41:10 <JacobMastel> .tell rmccue What do you mean by "ABOUT PeaZip PORTABLE" should be all uppercase (someone did a search and replace ;) ); several of these lying through readme.txt?? I'm not even sure what file your talking about....
20:41:10 <pabot> JacobMastel: I'll pass that on when I next see rmccue.
20:41:15 <Roamer> .t UTC
20:41:15 <pabot> 2009-02-01T20:41:39Z
20:41:27 <JacobMastel> Why must you suddenly play with pabot?
20:42:01 <Roamer> sorry. I was seein when zach was on last
20:42:18 <JacobMastel> :P
20:42:45 *** SergentSiler_ ( has joined #portableapps
20:42:53 <JacobMastel> Hi SergentSiler
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20:43:22 <SergentSiler> hi JacobMastel
20:44:13 <JacobMastel> You know I wish nsis had the ability to run from .nsi like AutoHotkey & AutoIt
20:44:23 *** JacobMastel has quit ("Leaving.")
20:55:57 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
20:57:09 *** powerjuce|away has quit ("peace out all")
20:58:02 *** PatrickPatience has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
20:58:52 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
20:58:53 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
21:07:10 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
21:08:29 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
21:08:30 <pabot> KevinPorter is a interesting fellow who you might see here and there, blogging about various things and Twittering a bunch.
21:21:44 *** Bensawsome has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:22:04 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
21:22:04 <pabot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
21:27:31 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
21:33:09 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers.")
21:35:15 *** Roamer has quit ("No, kitty, no! Don't chew through the power cable!!!")
21:36:43 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
21:36:44 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
21:37:30 <MaienM> hello bigh.. ehm gluxon :)
21:37:38 <gluxon> Grrr :P
21:37:40 *** TimClark (i=0c49f02c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:37:48 <gluxon> Hello TimClark
21:37:55 <MaienM> hello TimClark :)
21:38:04 <TimClark> hello gluxon and MaienM
21:38:13 <ptmb> Hi gluxon, hi TimClark!
21:38:20 <gluxon> Het ptmb :P
21:38:53 <Bensawsome> why hello TimClark!
21:39:09 <TimClark> Bensawsome: i was looking for you :P
21:39:24 <Bensawsome> orly TimClark?
21:39:26 <Bensawsome> ;D
21:39:31 <Bensawsome> im busy though now >_>
21:39:38 <TimClark> Avast for U3 is not out of date, it has a different numbering system
21:40:47 <TimClark> and they update their defs a couple of times a day, not sure how often the host based system does
21:42:59 <gluxon> Hm... OOo can't open *.pub files?
22:07:55 *** drjosef (i=55e1886c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:08:05 <drjosef> Hello
22:08:34 <drjosef> I have a ? to expertis?
22:08:35 <Bensawsome> hello drjosef. Need anything?
22:08:37 <TimClark> hello drjosef , do you need help today or just visiting
22:08:40 <drjosef> is there anyone?
22:08:58 <TimClark> drjosef: yes, Bensawsome is here to help you if he can
22:09:20 <Bensawsome> :D
22:09:28 <drjosef> Yes How can I change the name of application in the menu?
22:09:51 <Bensawsome> you cant in the current release :(
22:09:52 *** WastePotato has quit ("Reconnecting.")
22:09:54 <Havvy> With a mod, or so I've heard, or wait until the next version of PAM. One of the two.
22:09:58 <Bensawsome> it will be in a future release though :)
22:10:07 *** WastePotato ( has joined #portableapps
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22:10:37 <Bensawsome> but like Havvy there is a mod but it is "officialy" unsupported by
22:10:59 *** drjosef has quit (Client Quit)
22:11:23 <purple> hi
22:11:40 <Bensawsome> lol ok i guess he is good ;)
22:13:27 *** drjosef (i=55e1886c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:13:38 <drjosef> sorry imb
22:14:17 <drjosef> is it possible with PAM mod themes to change the name of app?
22:14:23 <Bensawsome> ya
22:14:34 <drjosef>
22:14:35 <Bensawsome> here i show you the tutorial :)
22:14:49 <Bensawsome> oh well you dont need a different theme
22:14:52 <Bensawsome> you need the whole mod
22:14:52 <drjosef> thanks and how
22:15:15 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
22:15:16 <Bensawsome> drjosef:
22:15:33 <Bensawsome> just read that and its all you need ^_^
22:16:34 <drjosef> thanks a lot
22:18:21 <gluxon> What about just recompiling?
22:18:51 <TimClark> gluxon: -ot please
22:19:56 *** Guest50134 is now known as WastePotato
22:21:32 <Bensawsome> oh and no problem drjosef ;) sorry i went away for a minute
22:31:17 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
22:32:33 <TimClark> Floor is open it seems for general papps chat
22:32:52 <purple> \
22:32:55 <purple> :\
22:35:43 *** drjosef has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
22:37:21 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
22:38:23 <excid3> how is everyone this superbowl sunday?
22:38:57 <TimClark> oh, about the same as anyother sunday
22:39:20 <excid3> im feeling the same
22:39:30 <excid3> im skipping a superbowl party tonight, im not in the mood
22:43:08 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
22:44:08 <excid3> TimClark, do you use any linux that is debian based?
22:44:45 <TimClark> the only *nix i use is at work, and it's UNIX
22:45:03 <MaienM> excid3: I do :)
22:45:13 <excid3> ok
22:45:23 <excid3> MaienM, i might need your help a little bit
22:45:36 <MaienM> k
22:45:38 <excid3> just for some testing/reconassaince
22:46:12 <excid3> either the way synaptic works or python's string comparison is throwing off how Keryx determines which packages are newer
22:46:21 <excid3> what distro are you running?
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23:05:03 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
23:05:03 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
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23:05:54 <MaienM> excid3: ubuntu (sorry was afkish for a bit)
23:06:37 <excid3> no prob, i was trying to figure something out
23:07:33 <excid3> can you get me which version of xulrunner-1.9 you have installed?
23:08:18 <MaienM>
23:08:41 <MaienM> (
23:08:49 <excid3> ok thanks i needed the long version
23:09:06 <excid3> still have synaptic open?
23:09:43 <MaienM> yes
23:11:21 <excid3> can you tell me which other verison synaptic detected?
23:12:30 <MaienM> according to synaptic thats the latest version
23:12:50 <excid3> yeah, it should, but go to properties and versions
23:13:11 <excid3> there should be something like 1.9~b5
23:14:12 <MaienM> nope
23:14:52 <excid3> odd..
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23:15:25 <excid3> well, python seems to think that ~ > . which it probably is, the thing is now i have to figure out which version of the package is the newest and is starting to get tricky
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23:39:57 *** PatrickPatience (i=patrickp@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
23:43:09 <ptmb> have to go now
23:43:10 <ptmb> bye
23:43:24 <MaienM> bye ptmb
23:43:30 *** ptmb has quit ("Leaving.")
23:44:42 <TimClark> hello PatrickPatience are you active
23:45:38 <PatrickPatience> Sure.
23:45:57 <PatrickPatience> Slash organizing my room. But I'll be here.
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