IRC Log from 2009-02-28

00:00:01 *** Roamer_ is now known as Roamer
00:00:43 <Roamer> Lol... Failure error.. beb posting screenshot of it. It's funny...
00:01:18 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
00:01:55 <ptmb> gonna go now, bye
00:02:01 *** ptmb has quit ("Leaving.")
00:02:20 <gluxon> Darn, I missed ptmb by a few secconds
00:11:31 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("Bye D:")
00:16:05 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
00:39:43 *** Scriptdaemon has quit ("Leaving")
00:39:45 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:41:42 *** daBomb69 (n=Compaq_O@ has joined #portableapps
00:41:59 <daBomb69> Pidgen crashed!!:-(
00:42:37 * dbdii407 will keep his trap zipped. :D
00:42:46 <Oni-Neoxes> XD
00:44:27 <gluxon> daBomb69: pidgin crashes all the time. :P
00:44:47 <gluxon> It fails, a little.
00:44:51 <daBomb69> gluxon: Sadly, ur right
00:44:54 <gluxon> But it's still awesome!!!
00:45:01 <daBomb69> :-)
00:45:02 <upnPAD> xchat is too laggy for my comp D:
00:45:07 <upnPAD> *ychat
00:45:21 <upnPAD> is there any even more lightweight client?
00:45:25 <gluxon> daBomb69: Think of it this way, pidgin is too awesome for Windows, that's why it crashes, cause Windows can't keep up with it, gets jelous, and crashes it.
00:45:34 <gluxon> :P
00:45:39 <daBomb69> :P
00:45:56 *** Roamer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
00:46:45 *** rcmaehl (i=601c5c81@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:57:00 *** rbrt13 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
00:58:35 <rcmaehl> ...
00:59:06 <Oni-Neoxes> ?
00:59:37 *** dbdii407 has quit ("Saliendo")
00:59:57 *** dbdii407 (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
01:07:44 <Oni-Neoxes> Sweet Rave Party
01:07:47 <Oni-Neoxes> unc unc unc!
01:08:09 <upnPAD> lol
01:08:11 <upnPAD> where
01:08:23 <Oni-Neoxes> Over there!
01:08:31 * Oni-Neoxes points off a cliff
01:11:01 * rcmaehl runs of cliff shouting "HEY WHERE'S THE PARTYYYYYYY....!?
01:11:24 * rcmaehl splats on ground and dies
01:11:53 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
01:11:55 <Oni-Neoxes> pwnzorz
01:12:12 <rcmaehl> i got pwnded
01:12:14 <dbdii407> #portableapps-ot please
01:12:15 <dbdii407> :)
01:12:22 *** rcmaehl has parted #portableapps ()
01:12:26 * Oni-Neoxes flys too -ot
01:12:37 <dbdii407> No parting required... O_o
01:12:47 <Oni-Neoxes> aww
01:23:23 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit (Client Quit)
01:29:44 *** excid3|away has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
01:30:23 *** excid3|away ( has joined #portableapps
01:37:24 *** gluxon has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
01:48:45 <dbdii407> .g How to remove Google Desktop On Linux
01:48:46 <dbdii407> :/
01:48:47 <pabot> dbdii407:
01:49:42 <daBomb69> dbdii407: Ur trying to remove Google Desktop?
01:50:13 <dbdii407> No. I'm trying to switch to root privilege or use sudo to run the command: rpm -e google-desktop-linux
01:50:14 <dbdii407> :P
01:50:58 * daBomb69 is confused by mention of commands line stuffs
01:51:32 <dbdii407> It tells you right on the page
01:51:35 <dbdii407> O_o
01:54:52 *** Roamer ( has joined #portableapps
01:54:54 <pabot> Roamer is one of the Linux geeks that are found here from time to time.
01:57:31 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
01:57:34 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable and is a Developer at and also a long standing member of for 2 years now
01:58:04 <ZachThibeau> howdy all
01:58:19 <daBomb69> hello ZachThieau
01:58:39 <Roamer> hi ZachThibeau
01:58:55 <ZachThibeau> did I miss much :)
01:59:17 <KevinPorter> Course not. Been absolutely silent most of the time.
01:59:30 <ZachThibeau> lol
02:05:52 <rmccue> Except for when I shouted PEANUT-BUTTER JELLY TIME!
02:06:01 <rmccue> But other than that, no. :P
02:06:09 <KevinPorter> Like I said, nothing has happened. ;P
02:06:56 <Roamer> Oh no... I sense a text song in a few seconds...
02:07:30 <KevinPorter> Roamer: Don't provoke him.
02:07:32 <KevinPorter> :P
02:07:49 <Roamer> :P
02:07:54 <rmccue> Text song, text song. You're my text song!
02:08:09 <Roamer> lol
02:10:20 <KevinPorter> .o lastfm porterkm
02:10:23 <pabot> Last played Carry Me Down by Demon Hunter from the album Storm the Gates of Hell -
02:10:44 <KevinPorter> Last played, currently playing, it's all the same thing.
02:11:13 <Roamer> KevinPorter: great band. I like their song "Ribcage"
02:12:15 <KevinPorter> Yeah, that's a great song.
02:12:41 <rmccue> .o lastfm
02:12:43 <pabot> Now playing Help I'm Alive (Radio Edit Final) by Metric -
02:13:00 * rmccue <3 this song
02:13:33 <daBomb69> has JTH released PAM 1.2 yet?
02:14:18 <ZachThibeau> daBomb69: only on IRC
02:14:21 <ZachThibeau> check the logs
02:14:28 <ZachThibeau> it's not public really
02:14:34 <ZachThibeau> just a quick test
02:14:36 <daBomb69> ok, where's the logs?
02:14:46 <ZachThibeau> look in the topic and it will show you
02:17:22 <daBomb69> ZachThibeau: I can't find it:-(
02:17:39 * rmccue is now listening to Bat out of Hell by Meat Loaf. <3
02:18:00 <ZachThibeau> palogbot: uri
02:18:00 <palogbot>
02:18:47 <daBomb69> I see a log of me asking about the log
02:18:53 * daBomb69 fails
02:18:59 <ZachThibeau> daBomb69:
02:19:29 <daBomb69> Thank you!!
02:19:41 * daBomb69 cheers for ZachThibeau
02:20:02 <ZachThibeau> you should Cheer for John really
02:20:23 * daBomb69 cheers for JohnTHaller also
02:21:09 <ZachThibeau> hmm I like the new site design he is doing :) almost like mine but his is more deep red and matches with the splash screens and the new menu style
02:21:20 *** Suiseiseki is now known as Euphonium|away
02:21:33 <ZachThibeau> daBomb69: now when installing 1.2 you need to make a new folder called and put the stuff in that
02:21:42 <daBomb69> ok
02:24:45 <daBomb69> New menu ROX!!
02:27:08 <daBomb69> Does anyone think that both the currant and the future PA.comhomepage looks sorta like an add?
02:27:16 <upnPAD> =o new PA menu
02:27:17 <upnPAD> since when :P
02:27:29 <ZachThibeau> upnPAD: since today on IRC
02:27:50 <daBomb69> wasnt JTH gonna release it to the site 2day as well?
02:28:00 <upnPAD> oh so a beta
02:28:28 <ZachThibeau> a forerunner to 1.5 basically :)
02:28:42 <daBomb69> 1.5 comes out tuesday, right?
02:29:38 <ZachThibeau> dunno
02:29:38 <upnPAD> ill just wait then
02:29:41 <upnPAD> whats new thats been added?
02:29:42 <ZachThibeau> when ever it is done
02:29:49 <ZachThibeau> well you can hide apps :)
02:30:01 <daBomb69> and, it lookes colleer
02:30:02 <ZachThibeau> done via the PortableApps.ini file in the data folder though
02:30:05 <daBomb69> *cooler
02:30:06 <ZachThibeau> at least for now
02:30:30 <upnPAD> so no auto updater yet
02:30:32 <ZachThibeau> to hide an app you can add [HideApps]
02:30:52 <ZachThibeau> DVDStylerPortable/DVDStylerPortable.exe=true
02:30:57 <ZachThibeau> and it will hide
02:31:06 <upnPAD> i c
02:31:18 <ZachThibeau> oops wrong thing it's [AppsHidden]
02:31:25 *** excid3|away has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:31:35 <ZachThibeau> you can also rename apps [AppsRenamed]
02:31:42 <ZachThibeau> firefoxportable\firefoxportable.exe=Firefox Rocks
02:31:54 <upnPAD> can you mod the menu more?
02:32:01 <upnPAD> like the gui of it
02:32:06 <ZachThibeau> 1.5 will have the configuration interface to automate it
02:32:24 <ZachThibeau> upnPAD: not like the menu mod
02:32:30 <ZachThibeau> you can set transparency too :D
02:32:36 <upnPAD> ;o
02:32:54 <daBomb69> PAM 1.5 just keeps getting cooler and cooler
02:32:56 <upnPAD> hopefully modding it and auto-updating is a priority in the future then
02:34:17 <rmccue> Ooh, "Center" works as a position.
02:34:24 <ZachThibeau> do make the menu seem more transparent look in the PortableApps.ini file again and find this line AlphaBlendMain=255 and set it too 200 and you can see the difference (requires the menu to be closed too)
02:35:21 <rmccue> Note: Center works as a horizontal position, Middle is the corresponding vertical position.
02:35:41 <ZachThibeau> cool
02:36:34 <rmccue> If you drag it, it only saves the area position, not an actual value :/
02:37:39 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
02:40:24 <daBomb69> PAM treates 251+ as like 1 with the alpha blending thing
02:45:14 *** Roamer has quit ("Look! A distraction! Wait, where? *runs off to find it*")
02:46:51 <rmccue> How does one hide an app?
02:46:57 <rmccue> Ah, =True
02:48:07 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
02:48:07 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
02:58:40 <daBomb69> hello gluxon
02:59:12 <gluxon> Hello daBomb69 :D
02:59:20 <daBomb69> XD
02:59:39 <SergentSiler> lolz
03:01:34 <gluxon> The PortableAppsMenu is driving me crazy!!!
03:01:43 <gluxon> I have to reinstall it a 3rd time now!!!!
03:01:46 <daBomb69> 1.1 or 1.2?
03:02:03 <gluxon> ?
03:02:04 <SergentSiler> :O did JTH announce the 1.5 tester yet?
03:02:05 <gluxon> 1.2 is out?
03:02:11 <daBomb69> sorta
03:02:14 <SergentSiler> er i mean 1.2
03:02:20 <SergentSiler> or whatever it is
03:02:22 <daBomb69> gluxon:
03:02:31 <SergentSiler> ty ty ty daBomb69
03:02:34 <SergentSiler> :D
03:02:40 <daBomb69> :-D
03:02:52 <gluxon> SWEEETT!!!
03:02:57 <gluxon> Where's the forum?
03:03:09 <gluxon> the node for this thing!!!
03:03:12 <daBomb69> It hasn't been forumized yet
03:03:23 <daBomb69> the only linky is that one
03:03:44 <daBomb69> just replace the stuffs in the PortableAppsMenu folder
03:04:17 <SergentSiler> OHMAIGAWD!!!!!
03:04:24 <SergentSiler> its so SHWEET
03:04:28 <rmccue> ...
03:04:30 <daBomb69> and, if u want the shortcut in the drive root to work, rename the exe from above link to portableappsmenu.exe
03:04:34 <gluxon> O.M.G!!!
03:04:41 <gluxon> THIS IS AWESOME!!!
03:04:44 <SergentSiler> gluxon, FTW
03:04:56 * SergentSiler makes hi pitched happy noises
03:05:03 <ZachThibeau> ...
03:05:04 <gluxon> Hey wait... where's the fade in and out?
03:05:05 *** Havvy (i=47ecb648@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
03:05:09 * daBomb69 throws virtual confetti
03:05:13 <SergentSiler> gluxon, manual set
03:05:18 <SergentSiler> in the ini file
03:05:27 <gluxon> :(
03:05:32 <gluxon> What are the new features?
03:05:35 <daBomb69> SergentSiler: How does one do that?
03:05:54 <daBomb69> gluxon: New look, other features r supposed 2 be out on Tuesday in PAM 1.5
03:05:55 <SergentSiler> daBomb69, you look for portableapps.ini
03:06:01 <SergentSiler> and add fade=true
03:06:11 <daBomb69> fade=true on a new line?
03:06:21 *** TimClark (i=8087e393@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
03:06:22 <pabot> TimClark thinks "We are one but we are many | And from all the lands on earth we come | We share a dream and sing with one voice | I am | You are | We are PAppsian " :D
03:06:28 <gluxon> Hello TimClark
03:06:28 <SergentSiler> daBomb69, yes
03:06:30 <SergentSiler> hi TimClark
03:06:36 <daBomb69> hello TimClark
03:06:40 <Bensawsome> >_>
03:06:41 <Bensawsome> <_<
03:06:46 <Bensawsome> hey guyses ^_^
03:06:50 <TimClark> Greetings fellow p-appsians :D
03:06:52 <daBomb69> hello Bensawesome
03:07:03 <rmccue> TimClark: Seen the new menu? :)
03:07:10 <TimClark> yes
03:07:16 <TimClark> looks cool
03:07:16 <daBomb69> it rox, right?
03:07:33 <KevinPorter> Oh, hello TimClark. :)
03:07:34 <gluxon> It's awesome!!!
03:07:34 * SergentSiler cant get it to start a second time >_>
03:07:37 <SergentSiler> D:
03:07:56 <daBomb69> SergentSiler, did u try to kill it, then restart it?
03:08:09 <SergentSiler> daBomb69, i apparently have like 6 running :/
03:08:14 <SergentSiler> no tray icons tho
03:08:29 <gluxon> ...
03:08:31 <daBomb69> perhaps Explorer is buggy, kill them all and start again
03:08:36 <gluxon> Evr head of a TAsk Manager?
03:08:47 <daBomb69> Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
03:08:50 <gluxon> On ubuntu it's called a process moniter though.
03:09:06 <SergentSiler> gluxon, duh :P
03:09:13 <SergentSiler> that is how i knew without seeing them
03:09:15 <SergentSiler> :P
03:09:21 <gluxon> Oh :P
03:09:24 <gluxon> So kill them? :P
03:09:32 <SergentSiler> yep i did
03:09:32 <Bensawsome> WTF my hard drive is being mean :(
03:09:41 * Bensawsome murders whatever gluxon is talking about
03:09:48 <SergentSiler> :O
03:09:57 <SergentSiler> Bensawsome, u kill the new papps menu D:
03:10:25 <daBomb69> Bensawesom failz
03:10:27 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|sAFK
03:10:32 <TimClark> guys, crazyness to -ot, some folks seem to want to discuss the new menu
03:10:45 * SrgSiler|sAFK is already making a theme for the new menu :D
03:11:48 *** Euphonium|away is now known as Suiseiseki
03:12:19 <daBomb69> TimClark: Does it seem to you the the homepage looks sorta like an add?
03:12:22 <gluxon> Hey, the fade thing didn't work :(
03:12:35 <daBomb69> gluxon: Ur right, it doesnt
03:12:35 <gluxon> daBomb69: Not to me.
03:12:44 <gluxon> ...
03:12:53 <gluxon> Funny, you were able to type that fast?
03:12:57 <TimClark> daBomb69: checking
03:13:20 <gluxon> daBomb69: You replied to my opion "Not to me" before I even asked it?
03:13:24 <TimClark> daBomb69: looks about the same as it always has
03:13:25 <gluxon> :O
03:13:29 <daBomb69> Really, it seems to screem "Download me!! I'm awesome!"
03:13:44 <gluxon> ...
03:13:55 <daBomb69> gluxon: I ment the fade thing
03:13:55 <gluxon> daBomb69: You have magical powers...
03:14:00 <gluxon> :D
03:14:10 <TimClark> daBomb69: well that is what most folks are there for, arn't they ?
03:14:22 <gluxon> I figured taht out like 10 seconds afterward, but I kept it going :P
03:14:31 <SrgSiler|sAFK> Ohmaigawd!!!!!! the menu supports full alpha trans!!!
03:14:47 <SrgSiler|sAFK> Theme opertunities FTW
03:14:48 <daBomb69> true, but still, don't u think it looks rather like an add?
03:15:03 <TimClark> I think it looks fine
03:17:14 <gluxon> daBomb69: hm.. now I see it :P
03:17:20 <gluxon> But..
03:17:33 <daBomb69> EXACTLY!!:P
03:17:38 <gluxon> The fact that it's free and open source changes everything around.
03:17:45 <TimClark> don't caps lock daBomb69
03:17:46 <Bensawsome> :{D
03:17:53 <gluxon> If the menu was like ceedo and costed money, then.... that would be different.
03:17:55 <daBomb69> srry
03:18:22 <TimClark> if you really want to discuss it, wait till JTH is active
03:18:43 <gluxon> daBomb69: But I still aggree a little, it does look addy.
03:18:49 <daBomb69> :-)
03:18:51 <TimClark> if you really want to discuss it, wait till JTH is active
03:19:07 *** Mir has quit (""LOL" i yelled to the cat. "Tho art truly divergent and laboriuous. My nose bleeds to your impending encounter with the froun)
03:19:10 <gluxon> We should definatly discuss it when John's in here.
03:19:18 <daBomb69> TimClark: He's been unactive for like 5 hours
03:19:48 <gluxon> daBomb69: Let's start off the debate with "We the people, feel that blah blah blah" :P
03:19:57 <daBomb69> ttly
03:19:59 <daBomb69> :P
03:20:02 <Bensawsome> hmm
03:20:12 <TimClark> Sorry, not much I can do about that, but it is not and never has been an issue, and I hope will not bug him as soon as he comes back about it
03:20:18 <Bensawsome> hey guys what extra parameters are there for the new menu >_>
03:20:26 <daBomb69> Alpha Blending
03:20:35 <Bensawsome> that on the ini
03:20:40 <gluxon> Bensawsome: THERE'S PARAMETERS FOR THE 1.2 MENU!!!
03:20:40 <Bensawsome> i mean that isnt listed
03:20:46 <Bensawsome> wasnt there something about fading?
03:20:50 *** Mir ( has joined #portableapps
03:20:50 <pabot> Mir is Mir, a lurker whom likes emulators. oh please will you give him some.
03:20:53 <daBomb69> that doesntwork
03:20:56 <Bensawsome> gluxon: i meant options in the ini file
03:21:04 <Bensawsome> ya it does daBomb69 its muting HIM only
03:21:09 <Bensawsome> not banning him
03:21:11 <TimClark> gluxon: you will be unmuted in 15 minutes, you know better :-(
03:21:30 <Bensawsome> ohaithar Mir ^_^
03:21:41 <daBomb69> Bensawesome: I nemt the fading didn't work
03:21:46 <Bensawsome> anyways wasnt there something like fading?
03:21:46 <daBomb69> *ment
03:21:47 <Bensawsome> oh
03:21:48 <Bensawsome> ok
03:21:50 <Bensawsome> *meant
03:21:53 <Bensawsome> :P
03:21:54 * Mir is not here because he's hiding from SrgSiler|sAFK
03:21:58 <Mir> :o
03:22:01 <SrgSiler|sAFK> :P
03:22:05 <Mir> AIEEEE
03:22:07 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
03:22:08 * Bensawsome pokes rmccue and says there is Mir :D
03:22:09 <Bensawsome> lol
03:22:09 <Mir> i have been caught
03:22:12 * SrgSiler|sAFK is making themes
03:22:15 <SrgSiler|sAFK> u r safe Mir
03:22:20 *** gluxon has quit (Client Quit)
03:22:20 * Bensawsome eats SrgSiler|sAFK's themes
03:22:22 <Bensawsome> NOM
03:22:25 <SrgSiler|sAFK> D:
03:22:28 <Bensawsome> :P
03:22:31 <TimClark> Bensawsome: -ot
03:22:35 <daBomb69> gluxon says he has to get off
03:22:38 <Bensawsome> ok v_v
03:22:54 <Bensawsome> i bet he is gonne come on as someone else :P
03:23:05 <TimClark> shush Bensawsome
03:23:15 <Bensawsome> what :/
03:23:16 <Bensawsome> lol
03:24:12 <Bensawsome> how do you hides apps again? i forgot what john siad :/
03:24:13 <Bensawsome> *said
03:24:37 <TimClark> path to app\nameofapp.exe=true
03:24:43 <TimClark> in the hide app section
03:24:46 <Bensawsome> >_>
03:24:58 <Bensawsome> wait of the inin?
03:25:01 <Bensawsome> *ini
03:25:20 <TimClark> yes, and try to write in one line in complete thoughts please
03:25:47 <Bensawsome> i dont see no hide app section...
03:25:52 <Bensawsome> of the ini i mean
03:26:02 <TimClark> check the log
03:26:02 <Bensawsome> in the PortableAppsMenu.ini right?
03:26:05 <Bensawsome> kk
03:26:21 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
03:26:21 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable and is a Developer at and also a long standing member of for 2 years now
03:26:33 <Bensawsome> oh there is a NEW version :D
03:26:34 <Bensawsome> lol
03:26:37 <Bensawsome> of the test i mean
03:26:55 <daBomb69> Hello ZachThibeau
03:27:02 <KevinPorter> Evenin' ZachThibeau. :)
03:27:15 <TimClark> Bensawsome: this will get you close:
03:27:20 <ZachThibeau> you act like I was gone forever :P
03:27:20 <Bensawsome> teh zach is back :D
03:27:22 <Bensawsome> thanks TimClark
03:27:31 <Bensawsome> teh zachzorz :P
03:27:44 <KevinPorter> ZachThibeau: :P
03:27:48 <TimClark> hi ZachThibeau and KevinPorter , the kids are hyper today
03:27:58 * Bensawsome twitches from hyperness
03:27:59 <ZachThibeau> yes :) and I think I found a bug in test 4
03:28:00 * daBomb69 is insulted
03:28:21 <KevinPorter> TimClark: I've been paying attention, just not talking. I didn't want to involve myself in the banter. ;)
03:28:22 <ZachThibeau> daBomb69: you have no sense of humor do you :P
03:28:37 <daBomb69> nope:P
03:28:44 <SrgSiler|sAFK> it seems that the 1.2 menu still has a few bugs :/
03:29:03 <TimClark> that's why it was put out for a pretest SrgSiler|sAFK
03:29:03 <daBomb69> really, like what?
03:29:15 <SrgSiler|sAFK> TimClark, :P
03:29:15 <ZachThibeau> yeah in test 4 when you install an app with the options menu the installer goes through but it frigs up on refreshing the menu
03:29:26 <SrgSiler|sAFK> i meant theme wise but ok
03:29:39 <daBomb69> I got it to install apps correctly
03:29:56 <ZachThibeau> daBomb69: you renamed the menu so of course it is
03:30:05 <TimClark> SrgSiler|sAFK: then tell us you meant theme wise , and tell us what bugs you are finding theme wise
03:30:25 <TimClark> are they minor or major
03:30:32 <ZachThibeau> the test was supposed to be not renamed daBomb69 so that things like what I am talking about can be tested properly
03:30:52 <daBomb69> yes, just have it released as portableappsmenu.exe instead of portableappsplatform.exe
03:31:00 <SrgSiler|sAFK> the patheme config file has an option that apparently allows you to change the transparency color and it doesnt work
03:31:04 <SrgSiler|sAFK> the default is FFFFFF
03:31:06 *** rmccue1 (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
03:31:17 <SrgSiler|sAFK> and i changed it to the norm of FF00FF
03:31:24 <SrgSiler|sAFK> and it didnt allow for it :/
03:31:45 <rmccue1> What about a #?
03:31:50 <TimClark> would you consider this minor or major SrgSiler|sAFK , and can you come back to key board please
03:31:51 *** rmccue has quit (Nick collision from services.)
03:31:53 *** rmccue1 is now known as rmccue
03:32:08 <SrgSiler|sAFK> rmccue, there wasnt a # there to begin with
03:32:13 <SrgSiler|sAFK> TimClark, its moderate
03:32:13 <ZachThibeau> daBomb69: no it's now called Platform hence the name change, and in the installer source in the refreshing platform section is said PortableAppsPlatform.exe for a reason ;)
03:32:27 <rmccue> SrgSiler|sAFK: Just try it anyway
03:32:27 *** SrgSiler|sAFK is now known as SergentSiler
03:32:30 <SergentSiler> kk
03:32:50 <TimClark> rmccue: is this case do you think it needs a # ?
03:32:50 <SergentSiler> no luck
03:33:06 <daBomb69> ZachThibeau: Yes, but, seeing as how JTH hasn't released a driveroot shortcur for it yet, it needs renaming to work with the shortcut
03:33:08 <JohnTHaller|away> anything important going on?
03:33:14 <rmccue> TimClark: No, just wondering.
03:33:26 <rmccue> JohnTHaller|away: Just talking about the platform.
03:33:26 <TimClark> understood,
03:33:29 <ZachThibeau> daBomb69: thats because it's not a full release in case you have forgotten
03:33:35 <JohnTHaller|away> The test1-4 i released was just to check for bugs. not atrue release
03:33:40 <rmccue> JohnTHaller|away: SergentSiler had a question for you.
03:33:47 <JohnTHaller|away> sorry i've been away. someone tried to mug my girlfriend
03:33:51 <SergentSiler> :O
03:33:53 <SergentSiler> ouch
03:33:59 <rmccue> Ouch, is she OK?
03:34:00 <daBomb69> :O
03:34:09 <JohnTHaller|away> on our street we live on. she's ok. she fought him. he ran
03:34:16 <SergentSiler> good for her
03:34:21 <ZachThibeau> JohnTHaller|away: when the paf installer tried to refresh the menu it's stuck on refreshing. and sorry about your girl friend
03:34:38 <daBomb69> JohnTHaller|Away: Y'd u rename it to PortableAppsPlatform instead of PortableAppsMenu?
03:34:39 <ZachThibeau> and this is with test 4
03:34:44 <TimClark> SergentSiler: the question about the theme , now is your chance to bring it up
03:34:55 <rmccue> daBomb69: It's all being renamed.
03:35:01 <daBomb69> Y?
03:35:12 <daBomb69> wat was wrong with the old name?
03:35:21 <JohnTHaller|away> ZachThibeau: stuck how? is the pa platform running and are you running it from X:\PortableApps\
03:35:28 <ZachThibeau> yes it is JohnTHaller|away
03:35:32 <rmccue> daBomb69: The menu is but one component.
03:35:33 <SergentSiler> JohnTHaller|away, in the PAtheme file, the [ButtonApplicationAll] section allows you to controll what color is used as the menu transparency color and the font color, correct?
03:35:40 <ZachThibeau> I can send a screenshot if want JohnTHaller|away
03:35:57 <JohnTHaller|away> it's always been called the PA Platform... well since post 1.0. finaly bringing all into conjunction
03:36:04 <daBomb69> oh
03:36:07 <JohnTHaller|away> SergentSiler: it's not active yet
03:36:11 <SergentSiler> ah
03:36:47 <daBomb69> JohnTHaller|Away: PAP looks really cool though
03:37:01 <SergentSiler> its shweet :D
03:37:04 <TimClark> anymore big points for john while he is here ?
03:37:15 <daBomb69> The Backup screen is cool
03:37:21 <JohnTHaller|away> ZachThibeau: you sure you have all the pieces in the correct place and installing it to the correct place?
03:37:31 <SergentSiler> i have no more things to point out
03:37:42 <ZachThibeau> yes I do JohnTHaller|away
03:37:47 <JohnTHaller|away> which installer?
03:37:48 <JohnTHaller|away> what OS?
03:37:58 <JohnTHaller|away> and if you say vista service pack beta i will smack you
03:38:08 <ZachThibeau> XP Sp3
03:38:38 <Bensawsome> lol
03:38:44 <SergentSiler> XD
03:38:52 <JohnTHaller|away> so walk me through.... you have the new test4 installed to X:\PortableApps\ you tried a pa installer to X:\PortabeAp[ps\AppnamePortable. which installer?
03:39:19 <ZachThibeau> Mozilla Firefox Portable Edition Installer just downloaded today
03:39:30 <ZachThibeau> installing it via the Platform
03:39:34 <SergentSiler> JohnTHaller|away, just a quickie, i cant seem to config the menu to fade. is this active yet or no?
03:39:44 <JohnTHaller|away> ah no.. we're testing it outside the platform right now
03:40:00 <JohnTHaller|away> i didn't disconnect the platform installer launcher from the installer yet (as in out of process) so that may hang
03:40:08 <JohnTHaller|away> It is
03:40:29 <JohnTHaller|away> SergentSiler: Set FadeMenu=true
03:40:32 <SergentSiler> ty
03:40:39 <JohnTHaller|away> in the INI and be sure no duplicate entries are there
03:40:40 <ZachThibeau> it installs then stays at refreshing Menu part and it hangs
03:40:56 <JohnTHaller|away> ZachThibeau: are you launching it directly or via Options - Add a new App
03:41:08 <ZachThibeau> <ZachThibeau> installing it via the Platform
03:41:12 <SergentSiler> JohnTHaller|away, working nicely
03:41:24 <JohnTHaller|away> ZachThibeau: read my last couple posts
03:41:37 <JohnTHaller|away> "i didn't disconnect the platform installer launcher from the installer yet (as in out of process) so that may hang"
03:41:40 <ZachThibeau> I see that
03:41:43 <JohnTHaller|away> onoly try installers directly
03:41:49 <ZachThibeau> sure
03:41:58 <JohnTHaller|away> i didn't set the menu to launch em out of process yet... so it'll hang :-(
03:42:14 <JohnTHaller|away> gonna do that for test5... but well... someone attack my girlfriend... been at the precinct
03:42:16 <daBomb69> JohnTHaller|Away: I got Miranda's installer to work w/PAP
03:43:42 <ZachThibeau> JohnTHaller|away: that would explain it. sorry about that feeling a little tired I am as I just got off of work
03:44:29 <SergentSiler> minor bug note: buttons are not like normal windows buttons as in if you press and move off of the button it clicks anyway
03:44:31 <Bensawsome> wow thats not good JohnTHaller|away :O
03:45:01 <SergentSiler> windows standard is to let the user not click if you move off of the button
03:45:26 <JohnTHaller|away> SergentSiler: It triggers on a windows button up based on the windows api. I don't think it'll be an issue
03:45:34 <JohnTHaller|away> ZachThibeau: yeah, sorry I shoulda made a note about that
03:45:42 <SergentSiler> as i said, minor. i agree
03:47:04 <JohnTHaller|away> ok, need to run and be with girlfriend... will update tomorrrow
03:47:23 <TimClark> take care JohnTHaller|away
03:47:30 <ZachThibeau> yes take care
03:47:31 <SergentSiler> JohnTHaller|away, see ya. best wishes
03:47:36 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
03:47:39 <daBomb69> goodbye JohnTHaller|Away, hope ur gf's ok
03:47:51 <Bensawsome> cya JohnTHaller|away :)
03:47:58 *** JohnTHaller|away has parted #portableapps ()
03:48:28 <SergentSiler> hmmmm, i do have some more questions about theme related questions when he gets back
03:49:35 <SergentSiler> wow
03:50:09 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|sAFK
03:50:23 <SrgSiler|sAFK> also, just FYI, sAFK = SemiAFK
03:52:06 *** pa_1888 (i=d8ef5460@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
03:52:26 <pa_1888> hi all
03:52:39 <pa_1888> downloaded amsn
03:52:47 <daBomb69> hello pa_1888, how can we help you today?
03:53:13 <pa_1888> downloade a msn
03:53:42 <ZachThibeau> you already established that, is there anything specifically with amsn you want to know about?
03:53:48 <pa_1888> not sure how it works asked if i want to allow wish application
03:53:56 <daBomb69> yes, that's amsn
03:54:12 <ZachThibeau> the wish application is the backbone of amsn
03:54:23 <ZachThibeau> just allow and it will work :)
03:54:23 <pa_1888> ok
03:54:41 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
03:54:42 <pa_1888> does it download a proram
03:54:47 <daBomb69> no
03:54:47 <ZachThibeau> nope
03:55:03 <pa_1888> any one got the program
03:55:04 <ZachThibeau> Just allows amsn to contact the msn network so you can chat with your friends
03:55:09 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
03:55:53 <pa_1888> wait ill start it
03:57:15 <pa_1888> its srated
03:57:29 <pa_1888> any wanna try it with me
03:57:41 <ZachThibeau> no thanks ;)
03:57:47 <daBomb69> sure
03:58:00 <pa_1888> i have no friens on msn
03:58:20 <daBomb69> thats very sad
03:58:25 <pa_1888> just in yahoo chat
03:58:37 <pa_1888> all areusing yahelite
03:58:44 <pa_1888> or yazak
03:59:13 <pa_1888> so no go
03:59:31 <pa_1888> i just wanna see if the client works
03:59:37 <daBomb69> it works
03:59:57 <pa_1888> ok
04:00:02 <daBomb69> g'night ya'll
04:00:06 *** daBomb69 has parted #portableapps ()
04:00:20 <pa_1888> oh yah the other day i downloaded gimp
04:00:39 <pa_1888> thats a complicated program
04:01:09 <pa_1888> then i downloaded 1 600 page pdf on torrents
04:01:18 <pa_1888> about gimp
04:02:42 <pa_1888> thanks all
04:02:50 <Bensawsome> np ^_^
04:03:00 <rmccue> .o lastfm
04:03:01 *** pa_1888 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
04:03:01 <pabot> Now playing You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth (Hot Summer Night) by Meat Loaf from the album Bat Out of Hell -
04:03:05 <rmccue> TimClark: ^^
04:03:11 <Bensawsome> lol
04:03:16 <Bensawsome> .o lastfm
04:03:18 <pabot> Last played Whatever You Like by T.I. -
04:03:22 <Bensawsome> >_>
04:03:32 <Bensawsome> .... Update!!!!!!!!!!
04:04:00 <rmccue>'s API bug.
04:04:41 <Bensawsome> *sigh*
04:11:50 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
04:17:44 *** SrgSiler|sAFK is now known as SergentSiler
04:19:10 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
04:19:50 *** Suiseiseki has quit ("Leaving")
04:21:28 <SergentSiler> hey JacobMastel
04:21:33 <JacobMastel> Hi
04:21:54 *** rbrt13 ( has joined #portableapps
04:21:55 <pabot> rbrt13 is Robert. He scripts php for fun and usually manages his site daily a bit too much ;) And... He likes potatos :D
04:22:01 <SergentSiler> hi rbrt13
04:22:06 <rbrt13> hello
04:22:31 <rbrt13> computer woukdn't let me type into the channel
04:22:38 <SergentSiler> lol
04:22:42 <rbrt13> wouldn't*
04:23:24 <rbrt13> is anyone here good with PHP, i am making PHP hangman
04:23:41 <SergentSiler> count me out :P
04:24:03 <upnPAD> i know a bit..
04:24:04 <rbrt13> it is more the logic behind it that i am working on
04:24:16 <rbrt13> i am pretty good with the actual language
04:24:38 <rbrt13> and sessions, but that cannot be too hard
04:25:17 <rbrt13> but these little things are why i installed the manual on my web server
04:29:46 *** sancas has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
04:41:40 <rbrt13> it is a pure text version of hangman, here is what the full figure will look like:
04:42:46 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
04:42:55 <rbrt13> welcome back
04:44:24 <PatrickPatience> Shanks.
04:45:21 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Brb, switching PCs.")
04:47:35 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
04:47:35 <pabot> KevinPorter is an interesting fellow who you might see here and there, blogging about various things and Twittering a bunch.
04:49:24 *** JacobMastel has quit ("Leaving.")
04:49:56 <rmccue> KevinPorter: Is there anyway I can choose *not* to see you here and there?
04:56:41 *** Scriptdaemon ( has joined #portableapps
04:58:08 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
04:59:29 <Bensawsome> lol
05:01:33 <KevinPorter> rmccue: Unfortunately, no.
05:01:44 <rmccue> :/
05:01:55 <KevinPorter> Sorry, I don't make the rules.
05:02:23 <rbrt13> with pidgin, you can ignore him, but that's about it
05:02:43 <SergentSiler> xchat as well
05:02:50 <SergentSiler> /ignore user
05:02:53 <SergentSiler> ftw
05:03:03 <Bensawsome> or you can just leave the internet >_>
05:03:04 <KevinPorter> It's kind of an IRC feature, not a client feature, FYI.
05:03:11 <rbrt13> oh
05:03:12 <Bensawsome> ...
05:03:13 <rbrt13> ok
05:03:16 <Bensawsome> no it isnt...
05:03:21 <Bensawsome> its in the client
05:03:24 <Bensawsome> not the server
05:03:33 <rbrt13> never mind
05:03:43 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: Hang on. :P
05:03:50 <rbrt13> use ignore list added to r-bot ( jk )
05:04:05 <Bensawsome> :P
05:04:09 <rbrt13> it might depend on what type of server it is
05:04:10 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: Type /help ignore on any server from any client and it's all the same.
05:04:23 <rmccue> KevinPorter: I mean everywhere.
05:04:25 <KevinPorter> Giver or take server modifications.
05:04:26 <Bensawsome> thats cause its ON UR CLIENT
05:04:39 <KevinPorter> rmccue: I liked Bensawsome's idea. (Leave the internet)
05:04:45 <KevinPorter> :P
05:05:00 * rbrt13 like the channel #!@# on dave's server
05:05:06 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: Hang on, I may be having a stupid moment. :P
05:05:08 <rbrt13> i own it
05:05:16 <Bensawsome> :P
05:05:18 <rbrt13> my mode there is !@#!@#
05:05:24 *** rmccue has parted #portableapps ("quit: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)")
05:05:31 <Bensawsome> >_>
05:05:33 <KevinPorter> Ah, there we go.
05:05:33 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
05:05:34 <Bensawsome> ...
05:05:34 <rmccue> :P
05:05:39 <Bensawsome> hey rmccue :/
05:05:40 <KevinPorter> rmccue: Didn't work out, eh? :P
05:05:41 <Bensawsome> lol
05:06:08 <SergentSiler> .o lastfm SergentSiler
05:06:11 <pabot> Now playing As the Rush Comes (Exclusive Demo mix) by Motorcycle from the album Dj Tiesto - Nyana -
05:06:17 <SergentSiler> FTW
05:06:40 <rmccue> .o lastfm
05:06:41 <pabot> Now playing Dancing In The Moonlight by Toploader from the album Onka's Big Moka -
05:08:12 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
05:08:15 <SrgSiler|Sleep> g'nite
05:08:20 <SrgSiler|Sleep> zzzZZZzzzZZZ
05:08:53 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
05:11:02 <KevinPorter> Bensawsome: Holy crap I think you're right. :P
05:11:08 * KevinPorter is such an idiot sometimes. :|
05:11:17 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("There is no place like")
05:11:36 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
05:11:39 <Bensawsome> lol KevinPorter :P
05:11:55 <rmccue> KevinPorter: * all the time
05:12:14 <rmccue> git push KevinPorter in-to-a-wall
05:12:24 <KevinPorter> Did I stutter rmccue? :P
05:15:02 *** alpha1beta (n=alpha1be@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
05:15:08 <Bensawsome> hey alpha1beta
05:15:12 <alpha1beta> hello all
05:15:16 <KevinPorter> Evenin' alpha1beta.
05:15:19 <alpha1beta> sup ben, how ya doing?
05:15:20 <TaffinFoxcroft> hi peoples/
05:15:24 <Bensawsome> alpha1beta: rmccue is gonna leave the internet :O
05:15:25 <Bensawsome> lol
05:15:29 <Bensawsome> im good you alpha1beta?
05:15:37 <alpha1beta> Hey Taffin and Kevin
05:15:44 <alpha1beta> pretty darn good ben :D
05:18:10 <JacobMastel> Hi Mike :P
05:18:57 <JacobMastel> Oh dear god please help us :P
05:19:10 <JacobMastel> Did you see that PatrickPatience?
05:19:47 <alpha1beta> duh i saw it :P
05:19:54 <rbrt13> bye for now
05:19:56 *** rbrt13 has parted #portableapps ()
05:20:04 <JacobMastel> I said PatrickPatience....:P
05:20:11 * rmccue saw it
05:20:27 * rmccue now has ban permissions ^_^V
05:20:36 * alpha1beta sucks up to rmccue
05:20:41 <alpha1beta> hey buddy....
05:21:07 * rmccue bans alpha1beta
05:21:21 <alpha1beta> except i don't go by alpha1beta there, banning alpha1beta does nothing
05:21:26 * JacobMastel gives rmccue a Cnote
05:21:30 * rmccue also kickbans alpha1beta from #portableapps, #portableapps-dev and #portableapps-ot
05:21:43 <JacobMastel> Don't forget -rt :P
05:21:47 <alpha1beta> ryan....
05:21:52 * KevinPorter goes to sleep.
05:21:54 <KevinPorter> Night everyone.
05:21:57 <alpha1beta> bye kevin
05:21:59 <JacobMastel> Good night KevinPorter
05:22:02 <JacobMastel> Sleep well
05:22:06 <KevinPorter> ;)
05:22:08 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers.")
05:22:28 <rmccue> JacobMastel: PortableApps Retweet? :P
05:22:43 <JacobMastel> ???
05:22:49 <alpha1beta> portableapps-redacted
05:23:18 *** rmccue is now known as [redacted]
05:23:21 <[redacted]> MUHAHAHA
05:23:21 <alpha1beta> portableapps-[redacted]*
05:23:26 <alpha1beta> nuts
05:24:23 <[redacted]> Mmm, nuts.
05:24:26 *** [redacted] is now known as rmccue
05:24:30 * JacobMastel registers
05:24:31 <JacobMastel> ...
05:24:31 <alpha1beta> WB rmccue
05:24:35 <JacobMastel> :P
05:24:59 <alpha1beta> that [redacted] guy...he's an oddball, eh, rmccue?
05:25:17 *** JacobMastel is now known as MrPortableApps
05:25:18 <rmccue> Yeah, I agree.
05:25:35 <rmccue> MrPortableApps: I already have [redacted], skynet1 and flickr, you cannot beat me.
05:25:47 *** MrPortableApps is now known as MySpace
05:25:54 <rmccue> Oh, and vcr-clock!
05:25:57 <MySpace> Aww...
05:25:58 *** rmccue is now known as vcr-clock
05:26:00 *** MySpace is now known as FireFox1
05:26:01 * vcr-clock blinks
05:26:03 * vcr-clock blinks
05:26:05 * vcr-clock blinks
05:26:08 * vcr-clock blinks
05:26:13 * vcr-clock pauses
05:26:20 * vcr-clock blinks, nevermind
05:26:20 <FireFox1> PatrickPatience: kick him he's spamming
05:26:21 <FireFox1> :P
05:26:24 * vcr-clock blinks.
05:26:27 *** vcr-clock is now known as rmccue
05:26:27 *** FireFox1 is now known as Mozilla
05:26:40 <rmccue> That vcr-clock, so annoying eh, with it's blinking.
05:26:43 *** Mozilla is now known as RyanMcCue
05:26:53 <RyanMcCue> :P
05:27:03 <alpha1beta> i registed RyanMcCue a while ago
05:27:06 *** RyanMcCue is now known as God1
05:27:11 <God1> Aww it's taken
05:27:13 <alpha1beta> and unregistered it later (i think)
05:27:15 <upnPAD> ;o
05:27:20 <God1> No it was registered
05:27:29 *** God1 is now known as TheAlpha
05:27:33 <alpha1beta> damn, i'll undo it later tonight
05:27:37 *** TheAlpha is now known as TheAlphaAndOmega
05:27:37 <PatrickPatience> I heard my name.
05:27:44 <PatrickPatience> No.
05:27:50 <PatrickPatience> He's just quoting
05:27:58 <PatrickPatience> :-D
05:28:28 *** TheAlphaAndOmega is now known as God1
05:28:39 <God1> I WANNA BE GOD!
05:28:42 <God1> :P
05:28:45 *** God1 is now known as Jesus
05:28:57 <PatrickPatience> I'm sorry, I totally had to.
05:29:00 *** Jesus ( has joined #portableapps
05:29:05 <PatrickPatience> *looks around for Chris*
05:29:07 <alpha1beta> you kicked jesus, go to hell :P
05:29:07 *** Jesus is now known as JacobMastel
05:29:12 <JacobMastel> Seriously.
05:29:16 <PatrickPatience> Heh.
05:29:20 <PatrickPatience> What?
05:29:21 <alpha1beta> Where's ChrisMorgan when you need him!
05:29:28 <PatrickPatience> JacobMastel: It's only cause you were Jesus.
05:29:30 <JacobMastel> You will be so far into hell even the Devil won't envy you after Revelation :P
05:29:35 <PatrickPatience> I had to display some intolerance. :-P
05:29:38 <JacobMastel> lol
05:29:41 <alpha1beta> lmao
05:29:44 *** JacobMastel is now known as TheHolySpirt
05:29:49 <TheHolySpirt> :P
05:29:52 *** alpha1beta is now known as Root
05:29:56 <Root> i beat god!
05:30:00 <TheHolySpirt> Nope
05:30:04 *** Root is now known as Alpha1beta
05:30:12 <Alpha1beta> root beats god
05:30:19 <Mir> no
05:30:23 *** TheHolySpirt is now known as USmarrines
05:30:31 <USmarrines> This beats all! :P
05:30:49 <Mir> alpha-omega IS god
05:30:52 <USmarrines> If I could spell :-\
05:30:55 <USmarrines> Mir: I know :P
05:30:57 <Mir> you are only Alphabeta
05:31:00 *** USmarrines is now known as TheAlphaAndOmega
05:31:05 <TheAlphaAndOmega> I already grouped this :P
05:31:14 <Alpha1beta> moron :/
05:31:25 *** Alpha1beta is now known as MikeFitz
05:31:42 <Mir> be careful you might piss some religious fanatic on freenode off to a trolling fenzy
05:31:53 *** TheAlphaAndOmega is now known as BarackObama
05:31:54 <Mir> into
05:32:03 <Mir> now thats just crude
05:32:08 <BarackObama> ?
05:32:08 <Mir> >:|
05:32:16 <Mir> i am offended
05:32:20 <BarackObama> why?:
05:32:33 <Mir> because i voted Nader :p
05:32:46 *** BarackObama is now known as BillO
05:32:48 *** Scriptdaemon is now known as SarahPalin
05:32:52 <SarahPalin> Did I win?
05:32:56 *** BillO is now known as BillORiley
05:32:58 <BillORiley> No I do :P
05:33:03 <MikeFitz> ok, gents cut it
05:33:04 <SarahPalin> It's registered.
05:33:05 <SarahPalin> :(
05:33:11 *** SarahPalin is now known as Scriptdaemon
05:33:29 <BillORiley> MikeFitz: Party poooper
05:33:55 <MikeFitz> yep, and so?
05:34:08 <BillORiley> Your not an opp I don't gotta listen to you! :P
05:34:26 <MikeFitz> but i am root
05:34:44 <BillORiley> And I'm...
05:34:48 *** BillORiley is now known as TheAlphaAndOmega
05:34:54 <TheAlphaAndOmega> God beats root
05:35:00 <MikeFitz> wrong
05:35:04 <MikeFitz> root beats god
05:35:14 <TheAlphaAndOmega> No your wrong!
05:35:19 * TheAlphaAndOmega stops his feat like a child
05:35:25 <MikeFitz> Patrick, who's right?
05:35:26 <Mir> you both lie
05:35:34 <Mir> Microsoft beats god
05:35:39 <MikeFitz> you are a child ryan :P
05:35:44 <Mir> SteveBalmer says so
05:35:45 *** TheAlphaAndOmega is now known as Microsoft
05:35:45 <MikeFitz> ST*U mir
05:35:55 *** Microsoft is now known as TheAlphaAndOmega
05:38:30 <PatrickPatience> Huh?
05:38:46 <PatrickPatience> root > 'G'od.
05:38:55 <MikeFitz> see, i win!
05:39:21 <PatrickPatience> Mhms.
05:39:23 <MikeFitz> .edit god.txt
05:39:56 <PatrickPatience> su root
05:39:59 <PatrickPatience> ******
05:40:05 <PatrickPatience> delete Users\God
05:40:10 <MikeFitz> WRONG PW
05:40:12 <PatrickPatience> *rm
05:40:17 <PatrickPatience> I really don't know the command.
05:40:19 <PatrickPatience> Nonetheless.
05:40:36 <MikeFitz> rmdir \home\god
05:40:49 <PatrickPatience> The user's still there.
05:40:52 <PatrickPatience> They call it a soul.
05:41:00 <MikeFitz> but his files aren't :P
05:41:06 <PatrickPatience> Ahh eff, just open up the user management GUI.
05:41:30 * MikeFitz does the same, then delete god and rmccue
05:41:58 <Mir> umm
05:42:20 <rmccue> MikeFitz: "god" is just a symlink to rmccue
05:42:25 <Mir> # sudo delete /usr/god
05:42:28 <MikeFitz> :D
05:42:59 <Mir> by pass the need for that password BS
05:43:29 <MikeFitz> quick pole, if you had to use 1, what would it be, XP, vista or win7, (vista has all the preinstalled software and lots of good extras, that XP lacks, and win7 doesn't run some programs well) what would you use?
05:43:45 <Mir> :/
05:43:54 <Mir> LINUX
05:43:58 <Mir> :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
05:44:11 <MikeFitz> using that too, but i need 1 windows version on the tablet
05:44:20 <rmccue> Vista.
05:44:20 <MikeFitz> win7 is kinda screwed up, needs a nuke
05:44:21 <Mir> oh
05:44:26 <Mir> shit
05:44:30 <Mir> umm
05:44:34 <MikeFitz> lanagague mir
05:44:41 <Mir> good luck with the skullfucking
05:44:56 * Mir lurks off to TV
05:45:22 *** TheAlphaAndOmega has quit ("Leaving.")
05:45:49 <MikeFitz> Patrick, which would you do, just curious
05:49:47 <TaffinFoxcroft> whats up with Mixx master, and why is he back asking for portable gmail?
05:50:21 <MikeFitz> cause he's a moron
05:51:27 <MikeFitz> Brian Regan -Stupid in School
05:51:58 <MikeFitz> this would be MMT
05:54:14 <TaffinFoxcroft> ZOMG
05:54:15 <TaffinFoxcroft>
05:54:28 <MikeFitz> Cat K.A.T...That's right, i know it has 2 T's
05:55:31 <PatrickPatience> Huh?
05:55:38 <MikeFitz> watch the video...
05:55:58 <PatrickPatience> What Windows OS?
05:56:08 <TaffinFoxcroft> the speech thing?
05:56:12 *** Scriptdaemon has quit ("Leaving")
05:56:30 <MikeFitz> Xp, win7, or vista, (vista has all the built in OEM stuff)
05:56:30 <PatrickPatience> I think at this point, XP still. Maybe Windows 7, and until it's released I may even try Vista again.
05:56:57 <PatrickPatience> I just reinstalled Windows and chose XP and I have my Vista OEM disk and Win 7 beta.
05:57:41 <MikeFitz> ok, cause i need to nuke the tablet, win7 won't run gimp, which i need ALOT, Xp might work, but could take a little work (upgrade from 2k) and vista is OEM resotre disk, but runs slow and is ugly
06:00:55 <MikeFitz> i like win7 the best, but i need gimp, and want to be able to play games, vista works, but is slow, has OEM stuff, and Xp doesn't have much but would run the best
06:01:13 <MikeFitz> i'm thinking vista :/
06:15:43 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
06:15:44 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
06:16:27 <excid3> hey guys
06:16:47 <MikeFitz> hey excid
06:17:22 <TaffinFoxcroft> hi
06:18:47 <excid3> whats up?
06:18:59 <Bensawsome> halo for the win ^_^
06:19:10 <excid3> heh
06:19:39 <Bensawsome> heh? NO HALO for the WIN :P
06:19:57 * excid3 is trying to learn CSS
06:20:53 * Bensawsome eats his css
06:21:05 <Bensawsome> counter strike: source :D
06:24:02 <excid3> lulz...
06:24:10 <excid3> nah im getting paid $150 to make a website theme
06:24:16 <MikeFitz> sweet
06:30:14 <PatrickPatience> THis made my night:
06:30:18 <PatrickPatience> Make sure you watch the video.
06:48:12 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
07:02:03 *** MikeFitz has parted #portableapps ()
07:02:49 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit ("XChat Portable ftw!")
08:42:35 *** Thomaz (i=3cf25205@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
08:43:04 <Thomaz> I managed to get XAMPP stuck in my Portableapps menu. Do I need to re-install or is there a way to remove it?
08:43:13 <Thomaz> help!
08:43:13 <pabot> Thomaz: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
08:45:49 *** rbrt13 ( has joined #portableapps
08:45:49 <pabot> rbrt13 is Robert. He scripts php for fun and usually manages his site daily a bit too much ;) And... He likes potatos :D
08:45:55 <rbrt13> hello
08:51:49 <Thomaz> I managed to get XAMPP stuck in my Portableapps menu. Do I need to re-install or is there a way to remove it?
08:54:27 *** Thomaz has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
09:02:56 <rbrt13> 4 AM, good night all
09:03:00 *** rbrt13 has parted #portableapps ()
09:35:30 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
09:43:49 *** upnPAD|2 (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
09:44:05 <TaffinFoxcroft> hi upnPAD|2
09:44:14 *** upnPAD has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
09:44:23 <upnPAD|2> hey
09:44:23 <upnPAD|2> sup?
09:44:45 <TaffinFoxcroft> not much. playing AQ
09:45:28 <upnPAD|2> .. adventure quest?
09:46:41 <TaffinFoxcroft> yes.
09:47:02 <TaffinFoxcroft> .o twitter TaffinFoxcroft
09:47:03 <pabot> <@TaffinFoxcroft> just had some password woes. I got locked out of all my accounts for some reason :( (
09:49:29 *** excid3 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
09:50:00 <upnPAD|2> ..
09:50:03 <upnPAD|2> adventure quest..
09:50:07 <upnPAD|2> >_>
09:50:49 <TaffinFoxcroft> next time i die i'll play deus ex
09:51:12 *** rmccue is now known as rmccue|afk
09:51:54 <upnPAD|2> adventure quest is like runescapes twin x.X
09:51:55 *** TaffinFoxcroft is now known as Taneth|DX
09:52:02 <Taneth|DX> nup
09:52:06 <Havvy> Except worse.
09:52:13 <Taneth|DX> runescape takes a lot more downloads
09:52:42 <Taneth|DX> and membership on AQ is a one-time fee
09:53:57 <upnPAD|2> but..
09:54:03 <upnPAD|2> dont you find it extremely boring =/
10:08:08 *** rmccue|afk is now known as rmccue
10:16:01 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
10:16:03 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
11:30:35 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
11:36:41 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
11:36:54 *** rmccue1 (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
11:50:07 <upnPAD|2> heyo
11:50:17 <upnPAD|2> anyone compile stuff with gcc/g++?
11:51:10 *** rmccue has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
11:52:43 *** pabot has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
12:05:34 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
12:07:01 *** rmccue1 has quit (Nick collision from services.)
12:11:09 <MaienM|Sleep> upnPAD|2: yes, I have
12:11:19 *** MaienM|Sleep is now known as MaienM
12:11:50 <rmccue>
12:23:12 *** guntbert ( has joined #portableapps
12:49:41 *** Taneth|DX has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
13:02:39 *** rmccue has parted #portableapps ("The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"")
13:03:34 *** upnPAD|2 has quit ("oi na")
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14:10:33 *** Suiseiseki (i=desurage@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
15:28:08 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
15:28:26 <ptmb> Hi everybody!
15:29:44 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
15:33:23 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
15:40:19 *** DaveDixonII (i=4b904df5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
15:40:44 <DaveDixonII> Sorry about the double. I'll make it part in a second.
15:46:19 <dbdii407> Okay. :P
15:47:37 <SergentSiler> XD
15:49:34 *** DaveDixonII has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
15:52:43 <dbdii407> Stupid library computers kill me...
15:53:17 <dbdii407> IE Froze when i said "Okay :P"
15:54:02 <SergentSiler> wow :P
15:54:14 <SergentSiler> thaaaaats a prety epic phailure
15:54:39 <Jak151> lol
15:54:39 <dbdii407> Nah.... really? :P
15:55:13 <dbdii407> This Dev is having is phail day. Lol
15:56:07 <dbdii407> See! His*
16:00:34 *** guntbert ( has joined #portableapps
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16:30:24 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
16:33:42 <gluxon> Where's apbot?
16:33:46 <gluxon> *pabot
16:36:27 <Jak151> .seen apbot
16:37:04 <MaienM> [12:52:59] * pabot has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
16:37:21 <MaienM> thats a around 5 hours ago.
16:37:30 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> it was a netsplit, I'm bringing my bot back and it'll be here
16:39:59 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
16:40:07 *** GizmoBot ( has joined #portableapps
16:48:54 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit ("The Gizmo is gone!! =-O Never fear! He will return!")
16:51:38 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
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17:00:03 <gluxon> I'm done with PhennyPortable!!!
17:00:10 <gluxon> Now I just have to test it out.
17:00:57 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
17:01:00 *** Guest68516 has quit (Client Quit)
17:02:07 *** rmccue has quit (Client Quit)
17:03:39 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
17:09:17 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
17:12:57 <SergentSiler> gluxon, 4 real?? Shweet!
17:16:14 <gluxon> SergentSiler: I need to test it on Windows XP.
17:16:23 * SergentSiler has windows xp :D
17:16:27 <gluxon> :P
17:16:32 <gluxon> Okay, I'll send you the installer.
17:16:37 <gluxon> Through Gmail
17:16:39 <SergentSiler> kk
17:16:43 <gluxon> I ZIP :P
17:16:47 <SergentSiler> :P
17:20:45 <gluxon> Hmm..
17:20:49 <SergentSiler> ?
17:20:56 <gluxon> Did John remove thos additional languages for the instllaer?
17:21:06 <SergentSiler> donno
17:21:30 <gluxon> I remember downlloading like 50 langs for the installer olike yetsday
17:24:40 *** DoctorDude (i=53ffd1ae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:26:14 <powerjuce> hello DoctorDude how can we help you today?
17:26:47 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
17:29:40 *** excid3 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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17:31:49 <DoctorDude> Hi I feel very confused. I was on » Forums » Development Forums » Beta Testing. And they were talking about making Google Chrome and GoogleEarth into a Portable. But would that be illegal, violates license issues. Why dont just use Avant Browser or Opera or Mozilla Firefox. They are allready Portable.
17:32:31 <gluxon> SergentSiler: SENT!
17:32:41 <SergentSiler> ty gluxon
17:32:50 <gluxon> DoctorDude: It's just a launcher.
17:33:03 <gluxon> So Google Chrome isn't actually included in the package.
17:33:03 *** sar3th ( has joined #portableapps
17:33:16 <sar3th> hi all
17:33:43 <DoctorDude> Just a launcher? Not really that real software
17:33:47 <gluxon> Yeah.
17:34:00 <gluxon> You have to download the actual program and put it in the right folder.
17:34:14 <gluxon> Acutally, no.
17:34:16 <gluxon> You don't.
17:34:33 <gluxon> The installer downloads Google Chrom from the Google website and puts it in the right folder for you.
17:34:43 <DoctorDude> No I dont wantw to do that. I am happy with my legel apps
17:34:58 <gluxon> DoctorDude: Acutally, it's 100% legal :P
17:35:07 <gluxon> But I don't recommend Gogle Chrome.
17:35:47 <DoctorDude> So The Portable version of Google Earth is legel?
17:36:16 <DoctorDude> confused?
17:36:29 <DoctorDude> I am
17:36:29 <gluxon> DoctorDude: Well, yes.
17:36:54 <DoctorDude> Really? Kind a hard to believe
17:36:54 <gluxon> It's legal, because of the reason that when you download, you don't download Google Chrome, you download the thing that makes it portable.
17:36:56 <gluxon> Get it?
17:37:23 <DoctorDude> Yeah
17:37:28 <DoctorDude> I think so
17:37:33 <gluxon> But then when you run the installer, it download Google Chrom from google.
17:37:42 <gluxon> Sorry for all the typos.
17:38:00 <DoctorDude> No Worry
17:38:41 <DoctorDude> But what about the Portable version of Winamp on Softpedia?
17:40:10 <ZachThibeau> not legal, they include winamp with it and it is not made by us
17:40:57 <gluxon> That was packaged by the Winamp authors.
17:41:18 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: no not that I know of
17:41:57 <DoctorDude> So which is it Legel or not legel The Portable version of Winamp on Softpedia?
17:43:16 <ZachThibeau> for one thing doesn't endorse it and doesn't even acknowledge it
17:43:39 <purple> DoctorDude,
17:43:55 <DoctorDude> I dont like that website
17:44:02 <purple> well yeah
17:44:05 <purple> its a warez
17:44:09 <gluxon> Yeah, that website its illegal.
17:44:09 <purple> and it sucks
17:44:15 <purple> but if your int othat
17:44:21 <gluxon> It isn't even portable.
17:44:28 <purple> it is
17:44:29 <purple> :)
17:44:37 <gluxon> No it isn't.
17:44:42 <purple> yeah it is
17:44:43 <purple> :)
17:44:59 <gluxon> PhotoShop portable on theirs site leaves a lot of stuff behind.
17:45:01 <DoctorDude> the evil twin of PortableApps
17:45:05 <gluxon> They even edmit it.
17:45:20 <purple> gluxon, not the latest build :)
17:45:28 <ZachThibeau> purple: please don't do that you can see Please do not discuss illegal software (e.g. Portable Photoshop, Microsoft Office) is in the title
17:45:38 <MaienM> purple: we don't provide links o illegal softwere here :(
17:46:02 <purple> ZachThibeau, we just discus wether it is actualy poertabel or not
17:46:06 <gluxon> Okay, I have to go for an hour or two.
17:46:06 <purple> *portable
17:46:18 <gluxon> purple, it isn't portable, let's leave it with that.
17:46:18 <ZachThibeau> purple: you still are linking to it and thats a no-no here
17:46:23 <gluxon> bye
17:46:26 *** gluxon has parted #portableapps ()
17:46:44 <purple> true though
17:46:45 <purple> :\
17:47:01 <DoctorDude> So I would not get problems from Google about. Using The Portable version of Google Earth
17:47:09 <DoctorDude> I just wante to be sure
17:47:31 <DoctorDude> Scary stuff
17:47:42 <ZachThibeau> no worries mate
17:47:57 <ZachThibeau> it's just a launcher, you have to provide the application yourself :)
17:48:40 <DoctorDude> Install it on Computer first?
17:49:11 <ZachThibeau> pretty much and the copy the files from the Program Directory to the launchers app folder
17:49:45 <sar3th> we should write some program which uniextracts the files from the installer xD
17:50:07 <DoctorDude> Strange. I always believed that would piss off Google.
17:51:18 <sar3th> it certainly would
17:52:06 <DoctorDude> But what about NASA World Wind?
17:52:26 <DoctorDude> Is it a open source software?
17:53:34 <purple> anyone into ePSXe?
17:53:48 <DoctorDude> What is that
17:54:01 <sar3th> ps one emulator?
17:54:17 <purple> mhm
17:54:17 <DoctorDude> Clueless?
17:54:17 <sar3th> i don't know, just a guess
17:54:24 <purple> and PS2 i think
17:56:14 <DoctorDude> Are that portable versions on softpedia legel?
17:57:16 <Mir> purple: pcsx is better
17:57:19 <Mir> >:|
17:57:28 <Mir> pcsx-dl
17:57:34 <SergentSiler> purple, ePSXe FTW
17:57:39 <Mir> LIES
17:57:45 <SergentSiler> F T W
17:57:54 * Mir has never gotten that %*&#^ to work
17:58:02 <SergentSiler> then u phail
17:58:04 <SergentSiler> :P
17:58:26 <SergentSiler> come into #silerspot and i teach u how it works :DD
17:58:26 <DoctorDude> I am gonna go now.
17:58:29 <purple> Mir, ePSXe is ENHANCED PSX
17:58:31 <purple> :)
17:58:40 <Jak151> n64 ftw
17:58:41 <DoctorDude> Have a nice day or night
17:58:51 <SergentSiler> Jak151, Project64 FTW
17:58:54 <SergentSiler> by DoctorDude
17:58:57 <Jak151> ;D
17:58:57 <SergentSiler> bye*
17:59:02 <purple> no Club 54 FTW!
17:59:04 <sar3th> pj64=<3
17:59:08 <SergentSiler> :D
17:59:13 * SergentSiler smacks purple
17:59:16 *** DoctorDude has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
17:59:23 <SergentSiler> wtf is club 54?
17:59:57 <purple> heh
18:00:01 <Mir> purple and SergentSiler why dont you whois me and see what chans i am in ~_0
18:00:03 <purple> ask wikipedia
18:00:19 <purple> Mir, why would we want to do that?
18:00:27 <SergentSiler> Mir, die >_>
18:00:38 <SergentSiler> pcsx is only good on teh linux
18:00:46 <Mir> you will see why i approve of PCSX
18:00:53 <Mir> not really
18:00:58 <SergentSiler> yarly
18:01:01 <Mir> nope
18:01:05 <SergentSiler> yes
18:01:08 <SergentSiler> >_>
18:01:10 <Mir> dont tick me off
18:01:13 <SergentSiler> <_<
18:01:18 <Mir> i am listeninig to hate musica
18:01:21 <Mir> >:D
18:01:23 <SergentSiler> :P
18:01:26 <Mir> >8D
18:01:29 <purple> i just finished my favorite PS game Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
18:01:29 <purple> :)
18:01:32 * SergentSiler changes my music to Hardtek
18:01:35 <SergentSiler> }}}}}}}}}}}}}:D
18:02:00 <Mir> try compiling a PSX emulator from scratch
18:02:03 <Mir> X___X
18:02:10 <SergentSiler> :?
18:02:27 <Mir> perticularly on a non debian machine
18:02:29 <SergentSiler> ePSXe needs no compilation :D
18:02:32 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
18:02:33 <Mir> #__#
18:02:35 <purple> i dont know any other way of compiling than from scratch :
18:03:09 <Mir> none of them do if you know how to use piratebay :D
18:03:17 <Mir> YARRRR
18:04:47 <SergentSiler> :P
18:05:00 <SergentSiler> once again, ePSXe needs no compilation :DD
18:05:11 <purple> +1
18:05:24 <purple> amd it works better :)
18:05:27 <purple> *and
18:05:30 <SergentSiler> ftw
18:05:58 <Mir> then SergentSiler i guess you dont need my PS1
18:06:04 <SergentSiler> i do :P
18:06:06 <Mir> you have a working Emu
18:06:14 <SergentSiler> i hate emu's tho
18:06:33 * Mir is listening to I'm Gonna Be Your God by Slayer on Undisputed Attitude [Amarok]
18:06:33 <sar3th> "emu's tho" ??
18:06:42 <sar3th> :P
18:06:48 <SergentSiler> :P ?
18:09:57 *** LOGAN (n=LOGAN@unaffiliated/logan) has joined #portableapps
18:12:17 *** Bryanstein has quit (" Free shell Free bnc Free eggdrop")
18:12:17 *** PatrickP|Away has quit ("Peacout!")
18:13:59 *** Bryanstein ( has joined #portableapps
18:15:15 <LOGAN> hmm did ya know KDE desktop enviroment was available for windows?
18:15:47 <LOGAN> (as it was created using QT)
18:15:52 <Mir> yup
18:16:06 <SergentSiler> rly?
18:16:12 * SergentSiler diddnt know
18:16:37 <Mir> heh
18:16:39 <LOGAN> <- but wait till march when Qt 4.5 will be out
18:16:58 * SergentSiler prefers to wait till cario shell is out :D
18:17:18 <SergentSiler>
18:17:27 <LOGAN> i still hope for a 'portable' desktop :)
18:18:41 <LOGAN> hmm will it be free?
18:18:46 <SergentSiler> yep
18:19:37 <purple> anyone using Stylish for FF3?
18:19:56 * SergentSiler is
18:20:00 <purple>
18:20:14 <SergentSiler> nice
18:22:00 <SergentSiler> it makes wikipedia load faster too :P
18:22:26 <purple> :)
18:24:09 <purple> i made onbe for YouTube too
18:24:43 <SergentSiler> schweet
18:25:33 <LOGAN> bless you
18:26:44 <purple> :)
18:29:39 <ZachThibeau> I made one for :D
18:29:47 * SergentSiler has it :D
18:29:57 * SergentSiler needs it again tho :P
18:30:05 <SergentSiler> so i can has it on my desktop too
18:30:49 <ZachThibeau> dude just go to and click on the userstyles button near the bottom of the screen and search for styles on this site
18:30:58 <ZachThibeau> mine will say new in it and then load it
18:31:04 <SergentSiler> ah
18:31:36 <SergentSiler> nice
18:31:52 <ZachThibeau> :P
18:32:00 *** SilentWalker (i=63e37354@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
18:34:01 <SilentWalker> hi ppl....does anyone know if the new manu has been released yet?
18:34:10 <SilentWalker> if so, where can i find it?
18:35:18 <SilentWalker> *menu
18:36:23 <ZachThibeau> there is a 1.2 menu but it's not fully functional yet
18:36:41 <ZachThibeau> I suggest waiting for the 1.5 release which will have settings to control the new features
18:37:22 <SilentWalker> you said that a menu was supposed to be released yesterday night....which was that?
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18:37:31 <ZachThibeau> 1.2
18:37:40 *** sar3th has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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18:38:10 <SilentWalker> and where on the site can i find it?
18:38:16 <ZachThibeau> you can't
18:38:24 <ZachThibeau> not until 1.5 is released
18:38:33 <SilentWalker> which is next week?
18:38:40 <ZachThibeau> I can't say for sure mate
18:38:45 <ZachThibeau> John works on his own schedule
18:38:45 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
18:38:57 <SilentWalker> just eager
18:39:02 <SergentSiler> SilentWalker, as John would say, its released when its done
18:39:09 <SergentSiler> :/
18:39:28 <sar3th> sounds like the duke
18:40:13 *** PatrickPatience (i=patrickp@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
18:40:19 <SilentWalker> ZachThibeau: but the link that you posted on this channel yesterday to the new menu.....thats the 1.2 right?
18:40:34 <ZachThibeau> I believe I do
18:40:38 <ZachThibeau> let me check the logs for it
18:41:18 <ZachThibeau>
18:42:16 <SilentWalker> yes...thats there any bugs in it or is it okay to use at the moment?
18:42:51 <ZachThibeau> some bugs but not major ones
18:43:09 <ZachThibeau> like don't use the installer via options atm use the paf installer outside of the menu
18:43:54 <SilentWalker> so it has the same functionality as the current official menu....or did u already implement the new features?
18:44:50 <ZachThibeau> I didn't impliment dude
18:44:54 <ZachThibeau> I don't develop it
18:45:02 <ZachThibeau> but yes there are some new features
18:45:12 <ZachThibeau> but there are no real controls to use them in the menu
18:45:27 <ZachThibeau> all have to be done via PortableApps.ini in the data folder
18:45:45 <ZachThibeau> read this log and it will show you whats new
18:45:54 <SilentWalker> thanks
18:46:27 <ZachThibeau> no worries
18:46:41 *** SilentWalker has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
18:47:18 <PatrickPatience> Mind = Blown:
18:47:44 *** Jak151 is now known as Jack|OUT
18:56:45 *** daBomb69 (n=Compaq_O@ has joined #portableapps
18:58:31 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
19:09:35 *** JohnTHaller|away ( has joined #portableapps
19:09:42 <JohnTHaller|away> hola
19:09:47 <PatrickPatience> Hola.
19:09:50 *** JohnTHaller|away is now known as JohnTHaller
19:09:53 <KevinPorter> Hey JohnTHaller. :)
19:10:03 <ZachThibeau> howdy JohnTHaller
19:10:09 <daBomb69> hello JohnTHaller
19:10:10 <JohnTHaller> how goes it
19:10:23 <KevinPorter> Btw, I just was able to test the new Platform on Vista, and everything works great. Also works well on Ubuntu a la Wine.
19:10:42 <SergentSiler> hi JohnTHaller
19:10:55 <daBomb69> I found a bug in PAP 1.2
19:11:06 <SergentSiler> as did i
19:11:34 <JohnTHaller> KevinPorter: good
19:11:39 <JohnTHaller> daBomb69: what
19:11:55 <daBomb69> when u enable the fade, when u open the menu, it blinks
19:12:08 <SergentSiler> i havent had that problem
19:12:16 <daBomb69> u havent?
19:12:20 <SergentSiler> nope
19:12:28 <daBomb69> oh
19:12:30 <MaienM> when that one setting is at 255 and you enable the fade, thats what happens
19:12:42 <SergentSiler> mine is in reguards to the fade as well as the transparency
19:12:49 <MaienM> "that one setting"..... yeah thats kinda vague I know :P
19:12:56 <daBomb69> oh, so if the Alpha isn't 255, that wont happen?
19:13:09 <SergentSiler> if the transparency is set and fade is set as well the menu doesnt become transparent untill fully faded in :/
19:13:15 <SergentSiler> EXTREMELY minor
19:13:34 <JohnTHaller> ah yes, i see
19:13:35 <MaienM> daBomb69: that seems to be the case
19:13:55 <daBomb69> ok, let me try changing the alpha and seeing if that works
19:15:48 <daBomb69> nope, changing the alpha didnt work
19:16:06 <SergentSiler> daBomb69, how old is your hardware?
19:16:44 <daBomb69> about 2yrs old.
19:17:04 <SergentSiler> computer and all?
19:17:19 <daBomb69> ya, everythin gexcept for the Flash Drive is 2yrs old
19:17:21 <MaienM> daBomb69: you should exit the menu before you edit the file, else it will not work
19:17:28 <daBomb69> I did that
19:18:30 <JohnTHaller> it is a bug
19:19:51 <gluxon> Can somebody help me with getting BartPE to my usb?
19:20:42 <gluxon> Seems that the file I have to download from MS in pe2usb.txt has been deleted :(
19:22:45 * gluxon feels lonely
19:23:29 <JohnTHaller> i don't think anyone uses bartpe dude
19:23:48 <daBomb69> uhh... wat is bartpe?
19:24:15 <ZachThibeau> .wik bartpe
19:24:16 <GizmoBot> "BartPE (Bart's Preinstalled Environment) is a lightweight variant of Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 32bit operating systems, similar to a Windows Preinstallation Environment, which can be run from a Live CD or Live USB drive." -
19:24:41 <daBomb69> oh, ok
19:24:44 <gluxon> Well, that didn't realy help.
19:24:44 <ZachThibeau> but more or less used as rescue utitlity though
19:24:45 <gluxon> :P
19:24:57 <gluxon> ZachThibeau: I just need a windows like OS
19:25:01 <daBomb69> so, it makes Windows on a stick?
19:25:07 <ZachThibeau> or a cd
19:25:10 <gluxon> daBomb69: Yeah.
19:25:16 <ZachThibeau> but not really functional though
19:25:32 <gluxon> Well, can anybody help me?
19:25:38 *** TimClark (i=8087e3e8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:25:53 <gluxon> Hello TimClark
19:25:59 <daBomb69> hello TimClark
19:26:15 <JohnTHaller> gluxon, none of us use it, so no we can't help
19:26:21 <ZachThibeau> howdy TimClark :D
19:26:29 <gluxon> Awww :(
19:26:32 <TimClark> Hello fellow p-appsians :D
19:26:45 <gluxon> Well, does anybody know where I can download Windows 2003 SP1?
19:26:55 <ptmb> Hello PAppsian TimClark
19:27:01 <daBomb69> gluxon: Google
19:27:06 <TimClark> Hi JohnTHaller , how is the testing going ?
19:27:25 <JohnTHaller> gluxon, no discussion of illegal downloads
19:27:43 <JohnTHaller> or wait, did you just want the SP
19:27:58 <gluxon> ?
19:27:59 <JohnTHaller> i just started egain. been dealing with my girlfriend getting mugged
19:28:03 <gluxon> I just want the SP1
19:28:15 <daBomb69> JohnTHaller: Isn't one allowed to possess a backup of any software they own?
19:28:22 <TimClark> JohnTHaller: I heard, hope she is ok ?
19:28:23 <gluxon> You know, the file people use to update their Windows 2003?
19:28:33 <gluxon> I don't see anything illegal about it.
19:28:46 <TimClark> daBomb69: go to microsoft's web site
19:28:55 <TimClark> Think about it :P
19:29:03 <gluxon> Oh yes, here it is :P
19:29:04 <gluxon>
19:29:11 <TimClark> duh
19:29:20 <gluxon> The link in pe2usb.txt was WAAAY outdated :P
19:30:26 * KevinPorter beings updating Stellarium Portable.
19:30:30 <KevinPorter> *begins
19:30:34 <KevinPorter> Nice spelling. :|
19:30:56 <daBomb69> Is there currantly any browser that automaticaly uses Tor (Excluding xB)?
19:31:21 *** excid3 is now known as excid3|away
19:32:42 <gluxon> daBomb69: I know some, but they're illegal distributing ff :(
19:32:57 <daBomb69> oh :-(
19:33:09 <KevinPorter> daBomb69: Just download the TorButton extension for Firefox.
19:33:17 <gluxon> Duhh.
19:33:24 <daBomb69> thnx
19:34:23 <gluxon> No wait, get proxy foxy :P
19:34:34 * daBomb69 gets both
19:35:01 <daBomb69> gluxon: It's Foxy Proxy, not proxy foxy
19:35:15 <gluxon> :P
19:35:21 <daBomb69> :P
19:35:21 <gluxon> I haven't been using lately.
19:35:46 <KevinPorter> gluxon: FoxyProxy is a bit overkill for just Tor.
19:35:59 <KevinPorter> Or so I've found.
19:36:20 <daBomb69> wats Privoxy?
19:36:27 <gluxon> But it's really really awesome :P
19:37:18 <gluxon> I have to do a dumb biography presentation on Bill Gates... :(
19:37:38 * daBomb69 laughs at gluxon's misfortune
19:37:58 <TimClark> daBomb69: i find that if you use yahoo or google you will find the answer to most of the questions you ask...
19:38:14 <TimClark>
19:38:44 <daBomb69> well, i cant get to yahoo/google/privoxy because i can't do anything with my browser untill i say wether i do or do not want to use privoxy
19:39:01 <gluxon> TimClark: but I thought you called google goo goo? :P Not that, that's bad :P
19:39:03 *** LOGAN has quit ("Leaving.")
19:39:03 <JohnTHaller> ok, anybody up for anotehr test?
19:39:04 * gluxon hates google too
19:39:12 <TimClark> shush gluxon
19:39:14 <KevinPorter> JohnTHaller: Gladly.
19:39:22 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: yup
19:39:27 * daBomb69 want to join the testing
19:39:34 <daBomb69> .def privoxy
19:39:52 <daBomb69> .wik privoxy
19:39:53 <GizmoBot> "Privoxy is a web proxy program, frequently used in combination with Tor and Squid." -
19:40:03 <TimClark> daBomb69: pabot is down, and you can do that in -ot
19:40:14 <daBomb69> oh, srry
19:40:40 <gluxon> ... I highly doubt somebody's nick is privoxy and uses pabot...
19:40:57 <MaienM> gluxon: not all .defs are actually people :P
19:41:11 <gluxon> Really?
19:41:21 <TimClark> The topic is now helping JohnTHaller do tests, take subjects not related to papps to -ot please
19:41:43 <JohnTHaller> Ok:
19:41:54 <JohnTHaller> Extract to X:\PortableApps\
19:42:01 <JohnTHaller> in an existing suite/platform setuo
19:42:35 <JohnTHaller> compared to tes4, this fixes the fade issue and now allows you to install via the options menu (and to be able to continue using the menu while the installer is running)
19:43:40 <KevinPorter> Excellent.
19:46:31 <TimClark> KevinPorter: read my -ot responses to him
19:46:56 <JohnTHaller> any new testers not know the other new features from yesterday?
19:47:12 <ZachThibeau> not that I know of.
19:48:03 <daBomb69> How do u enable the fade?
19:48:26 <JohnTHaller> FadeMenu=true in the PortableAppsMenu.ini
19:48:33 <daBomb69> ok, thnx
19:49:37 <gluxon> Sweet :P
19:53:52 <daBomb69> new menu works great now!
19:54:37 <SergentSiler> JohnTHaller, are the other theme capabilities enabled?
19:56:09 <ZachThibeau> we seem to have another user posting a name with nothing else :/
19:56:56 <daBomb69> does reikia mean something?
19:57:53 <JohnTHaller> SergentSiler: what kind of abilities?
19:58:12 <SergentSiler> the font color and image trans color ones
19:58:13 <ZachThibeau> probably Theme Switching
19:58:19 <ZachThibeau> or not
19:58:36 <SergentSiler> from the [ButtonApplicationAll] section in PAtheme
20:02:20 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Are the backup items suppose to be in the menu?
20:04:08 <daBomb69> gluxon: If you still have PAM 1.1, take it out of the Portable Apps folder
20:04:21 <daBomb69> then refreash the app icons
20:04:23 <gluxon> ..
20:04:25 <gluxon> No.
20:04:51 <gluxon> I can tell it's from the menu I just downloaded because of the new icons.
20:04:53 <gluxon> for backup.
20:05:07 <daBomb69> U dont have the menu there twice, do u?
20:05:28 <JohnTHaller> if you named the directory anything besides other things will show up
20:07:30 <gluxon> Oh.
20:07:50 <gluxon> I've got it installed to "PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu (2)"
20:08:08 <JohnTHaller> I said PortableApps\
20:08:20 <gluxon> I know, but I didn't really think it would matter :(
20:15:42 <KevinPorter> The command prompt window is gone from Stellarium 0.10.1. :D
20:19:44 *** sar3th has quit (""Our culture doesn't get smarter, it just finds new ways of being retarded."")
20:20:06 <gluxon> KevinPorter: Really? How'd you do it?
20:20:30 <KevinPorter> I didn't do it, Stellarium did it for me. :)
20:20:46 <KevinPorter> I talked about that with their developers and they were able to remove it. :)
20:21:41 <TimClark> Folks, based on things I am seeing in -ot, Follow John's instructions, don't assume that doing things other then he said will work for purposes of the test
20:23:24 *** sar3th ( has joined #portableapps
20:24:23 *** Scriptdaemon ( has joined #portableapps
20:24:44 <ZachThibeau> Scriptdaemon: :D
20:25:06 <Scriptdaemon> Hey ZachThibeau.
20:25:18 *** SilentWalker (i=63e37354@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
20:25:45 <gluxon> SilentWalker: Need help?
20:27:40 <gluxon> Well, okay :P
20:28:07 <gluxon> Can somebody help ME with picking out the right python files that are needed to run a module? (PHENNY!!!)
20:28:17 <SilentWalker> thanks.....just hanging out
20:28:20 <gluxon> Like, ONLY the right files?
20:28:41 <gluxon> Cause, all the python files together take up 50 Megs....
20:28:57 <SergentSiler> JohnTHaller, how well will the new menu support 1.1 themes?
20:29:00 <gluxon> And like, half of those files aren't even needed for phenny.
20:29:53 <gluxon> brb, tell me the files when I get back.
20:32:31 <KevinPorter> JohnTHaller: I've been playing around with the new Stellarium release, and it seems it still won't take the environment variable. Any ideas?
20:33:10 <JohnTHaller> SergentSiler: the current 1.2 build has no support for 1.1 themes
20:33:15 <SergentSiler> kk
20:34:10 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:39:45 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
20:40:41 <MaienM> gluxon: all files not on the modules/opt directory are needed, for the rest.... move them to another folder and see if it asks for them....
20:46:28 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
20:46:32 *** SilentWalker has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
20:49:32 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
20:51:00 <TimClark> Anyone got more feed back for JohnTHaller ?
20:51:13 <Oni-Neoxes> for what?
20:51:39 <SergentSiler> i would like to suggest a solution for 1.1 theme suport
20:51:48 <TimClark> Oni-Neoxes: john was having another test for the next menu
20:51:56 <Oni-Neoxes> o:
20:52:01 <Oni-Neoxes> I missed it
20:52:07 <Oni-Neoxes> darn work
20:52:21 <TimClark> SergentSiler: I don't think there is a solution, i think the newer formats need to be used
20:52:50 <SergentSiler> i was gonna suggest a line in the config that would disable the need for the extra images used in the new theme format
20:53:10 <SergentSiler> thus making it compatable with 1.1 themes
20:53:20 <TimClark> ok, that is a wish list and noted, now any other feed back
20:54:44 <ZachThibeau> yeah :D It Rocks my flash drive :P
20:55:17 <JohnTHaller> It will be backward compatible... at least partially
20:55:19 <TimClark> JohnTHaller: shall we take it that testing is done for while ?
20:55:38 *** gluxon1 ( has joined #portableapps
20:55:58 <JohnTHaller> Yes. I added one thing and I'm posting it as 1.2RC1 to the folks. i'll post it with an installer tomorrow
20:57:47 <TimClark> gluxon1: no need to reply
20:58:05 <gluxon1> Hm..
20:58:08 <gluxon1> I've got a ghost :(
20:58:20 *** gluxon has quit (Nick collision from services.)
20:58:39 *** gluxon1 is now known as gluxon
20:58:52 <gluxon> TimClark: Thanks.
20:59:44 <gluxon> Thanks, MaienM :P
20:59:52 <MaienM> yw
21:00:50 <JohnTHaller> ok, i am off for now
21:01:09 <sar3th> bye JohnTHaller!
21:01:14 <TimClark> later JohnTHaller , thanks for your hard work
21:01:26 <SergentSiler> see ya JohnTHaller
21:01:31 <gluxon> Later
21:01:38 <TimClark> Thanks to everyone who gave feed back :D
21:02:58 <gluxon> Wait, there is no modules and opt folder...
21:03:09 *** guntbert has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
21:03:53 <TimClark> gluxon: they would be "opt"ional if there were any, all else is needed seems to be the meaning
21:03:59 <JohnTHaller> yeah, thanks for testing everybody :-)
21:04:01 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
21:04:12 <gluxon> Awww.
21:04:26 <SergentSiler> gluxon, MaienM thought you were talking about un nessecary phenny modules if i am not mistaken
21:05:01 <MaienM> well all other files in in the main dir are needed, afaik from reading the source ;) (a lot)
21:05:03 <gluxon> SergentSiler: I'm talking about getting rid of files in "PortableApps\PhennyPortable\App\Python" that aren't needed for Phenny.
21:05:18 <MaienM> oh..... well then ehm idk :P
21:05:19 <SergentSiler> i know
21:05:20 <gluxon> The python dir takes up 50 Megs!!!
21:05:34 <MaienM> probably not much, since it is probable all needed for python to run....
21:05:57 <MaienM> I'd guess the portable version has all unneeded stuff taken out already?
21:06:00 *** guntbert ( has joined #portableapps
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21:06:20 <TimClark> gluxon: the answer seems to be your stuck with the 50MB, as far as folks here can tell
21:06:45 <gluxon> :(
21:07:07 *** help (i=508f74d9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:07:09 <help> hello
21:07:22 <TimClark> hello help , can we "help" you
21:07:30 <help> yes
21:07:34 *** help is now known as Guest14925
21:07:46 <Guest14925> sry but my english is not so good
21:07:49 <Guest14925> ok
21:07:50 <TimClark> what is you question help/Guest14925
21:08:29 <Guest14925> im would like when i start the app launcher that he dont hide every click or start program
21:08:31 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:08:38 <Guest14925> understand you me?
21:08:49 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
21:08:52 <TimClark> Not sure ?
21:08:57 <sar3th> Guest14925: do you speak german?
21:09:02 <Guest14925> yes
21:09:06 <Guest14925> i speak
21:09:15 <Guest14925> sar3th
21:09:20 <Guest14925> kannst du mir helfen
21:09:22 <sar3th> okay dann schreib bitte auf deutsch weiter^^
21:09:28 <Guest14925> also
21:09:38 <Guest14925> wenn ich den app launcher starte
21:09:59 <TimClark> You want the launcher/menu to not minimise when you start a program/app , is that it ?
21:10:03 <Guest14925> und ich ein programm starten will oder auf den desktop klicke schließt also verschwindet der launcher immer in die taskleiste
21:10:08 <Guest14925> yes
21:10:25 <sar3th> TimClark: exactly
21:10:26 <TimClark> Anyone know if there is a way to do that ?
21:10:49 <TimClark> Guest14925: Please stand by [wait]
21:10:50 <gluxon> TimClark: There isn't a way.
21:11:07 <TimClark> gluxon: says, no, anyone else ?
21:11:07 <Guest14925> really?
21:11:12 <gluxon> I don't know about 1.2 though. But I know there's no way to do that in 1.1
21:11:17 <TimClark> Guest14925: Please stand by [wait]
21:11:25 <SergentSiler> gluxon, was thinking of the same thing i think
21:11:49 <Neoman> hi there
21:11:52 <Guest14925> were can i download 1.2?
21:11:56 <TimClark> KevinPorter: PatrickPatience Bensawsome any ideas
21:12:10 <Neoman>
21:12:12 <Neoman> offtopic sorry!
21:12:16 <SergentSiler> TimClark, there is a line you can add to the config
21:12:17 <TimClark> Guest14925: is not ready yet
21:12:18 <Neoman> but i reinstalled win twice yesterday
21:12:32 <sar3th> Guest14925: 1.2 ist noch nicht offiziell freigegeben
21:12:37 <TimClark> Neoman: Support is now occuring with guest14925 , other topics to -ot please
21:12:44 <Neoman>
21:12:55 <SergentSiler> the line makes it so the menu doesnt disapear
21:13:03 <Guest14925> was wird nachgeholt?
21:13:11 <KevinPorter> TimClark: There is no way to do that unfortunately.
21:13:15 <gluxon> Guest14925: The beta is out, but it's got bugs and stuff.
21:13:19 <Neoman> TimClark sure, i can wait
21:13:24 <sar3th> das offizielel release
21:13:27 <sar3th> *-l
21:13:30 <SergentSiler> everyone h/o
21:13:31 <Guest14925> aso kk
21:13:34 <Guest14925> dann vielen dank
21:13:38 <sar3th> wart kurz
21:13:42 <Guest14925> k
21:13:43 <gluxon> SergentSiler: What line?
21:13:47 <TimClark> Guest14925: the answer seem to be "no" for right now
21:13:48 <guntbert> Guest14925: die Version 1.2 wird in den nächsten Tagen freigegeben
21:13:49 <Guest14925> und geile app is das :)
21:13:56 <SergentSiler> gluxon, hang on
21:13:59 <SergentSiler> lemmie find it
21:14:01 <Guest14925> ok
21:14:29 <TimClark> Guys, don't push the 1.2 before it's even out please :-(
21:14:30 <sar3th> Guest14925: es gibt anscheinend eine einstellung in der ini-datei die das verhalten des launchers kontrolliert, SergentSiler sucht grade nach ihr
21:14:43 <SergentSiler> what about me? :P
21:14:46 <Guest14925> oh danke :)
21:14:52 <Guest14925> ich warte :))
21:15:04 <sar3th> SergentSiler: you look for the line! now
21:15:17 <sar3th> that's what i told him
21:15:17 <SergentSiler> i am :P
21:16:08 <TimClark> Guest14925: are we done for now ?
21:16:26 <sar3th> TimClark: he's waiting for SergentSiler to finish
21:16:39 <sar3th> hast du sonst noch fragen, Guest14925?
21:16:43 <Guest14925> ne
21:16:46 <Guest14925> nur die eine :)
21:17:10 <TimClark> guys, his english is good enough for us to do most of this in english
21:17:11 <sar3th> TimClark: it's all he wants to know
21:17:56 <TimClark> Neoman: could you state your problem, in words, as well as pictures
21:21:16 <SergentSiler> apparently the line to add to the config file for the PAM is RemainVisible=True
21:21:43 <Guest14925> pls in deutsch :)
21:21:53 <Guest14925> kenn mich damit net so gut aus
21:22:03 <Guest14925> sar3th
21:23:01 <TimClark> sar3th: go ahead
21:23:03 <sar3th> welche version hast du, Guest14925?
21:23:15 <Neoman> yesterday i think i caught a virus that changes the double click on the drives
21:23:20 <SergentSiler> Neoman, not now
21:23:32 <SergentSiler> in -ot if you want to talk
21:23:43 <TimClark> SergentSiler: i gave him permission, so shush
21:23:58 <Neoman> thanks TimClark
21:24:04 *** andreasma ( has joined #portableapps
21:24:05 <Neoman>
21:24:21 <Neoman> i can't remove it - tried avast avira and avg
21:24:28 <Neoman> installed windows twice
21:24:31 <TimClark> Neoman: checking please standby
21:24:38 <Neoman> and formated the C: each time!
21:24:39 <Oni-Neoxes> you try safe mode?
21:24:47 <Oni-Neoxes> O-o Format?
21:24:48 <Oni-Neoxes> wow
21:24:50 <TimClark> Neoman: hold
21:25:00 <Neoman> ok
21:25:30 <Guest14925> sry
21:25:38 <Guest14925> war kurz weg
21:25:38 <Guest14925> ich?
21:25:45 <Guest14925> sar3th
21:25:49 <Guest14925> meinteste mih
21:25:50 <Guest14925> mich
21:25:52 <sar3th> ja
21:25:58 <Guest14925> k mom
21:26:07 <Guest14925> 1.1
21:26:44 <sar3th> okay, leider funktioniert es nur mit version 1.2 beta 4+, also nicht mit deiner version
21:26:56 <Guest14925> wo kann ich mir die runterladen
21:27:44 <sar3th> im moment noch nicht, weil sie eben noch eine beta ist, du musst leider warten bis sie offiziell rauskommt
21:27:52 <sar3th> leider wissen wir nicht wie lange das noch dauert
21:27:55 <Guest14925> Oo
21:28:03 <Guest14925> und woher hat silent die?^^
21:28:08 <sar3th> kann ich dir ne pm schicken?
21:28:17 <Guest14925> glaub schon
21:28:21 <Guest14925> weis net ^^
21:28:46 *** Havvy (i=47ecb648@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:29:01 <TimClark> Neoman: are you saying you have reformated your hard drive already ?
21:29:27 <Neoman> TimClark not all of it just the C: drive
21:29:51 <TimClark> and that is you main windows partiton, so you have reinstalled windows too?
21:30:08 *** Jack|OUT is now known as Jack151
21:30:16 <gluxon> Neoman, I'm pretty sure it's suppose to look like that.
21:30:47 <TimClark> gluxon: not really
21:30:59 <TimClark> and that is you main windows partiton, so you have reinstalled windows too?
21:31:34 <gluxon> Boot ubuntu, delete all partitions, make a fresh new one with full space, and then install it to that.
21:31:45 <gluxon> Oh, and just in case, make a new parititon table...
21:31:50 <TimClark> gluxon: can you wait please
21:31:56 <gluxon> Okay...
21:32:10 <TimClark> Neoman: i await you answer to my question
21:33:00 <Neoman> TimClark yes that's my windows too
21:33:22 <TimClark> is there a file in c:\ called autorun.inf
21:34:06 <Neoman> once minute please
21:36:11 <Oni-Neoxes> you might have to go to folder options and show hidden files and show system files
21:36:50 <Neoman> yes
21:37:00 <Neoman> it's there
21:37:19 <TimClark> what is in it, use edit to look inside
21:37:30 <Neoman> but this only appear in dos!
21:37:36 <Neoman> and not under windows
21:37:41 <gluxon> What do you mean?
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21:38:05 <Neoman> i delete it all in dos mode
21:38:09 <TimClark> Neoman: can you read the contents of the file
21:38:54 <Mir> who called mer
21:38:57 <Mir> me
21:39:00 <Mir> >.>
21:39:01 <Mir> <.<
21:39:05 <TimClark> later mir, support
21:39:58 <Neoman> i'll have to restart and read it
21:40:07 <Neoman> coz it doesn't show up in windows explorer
21:40:20 <Neoman> also avira tells me it's BDS/Poison.CPD
21:40:32 <TimClark> try just deleting it
21:40:36 <Neoman> i tried scanning with but nothing
21:40:53 <Neoman> i deleted it of all drives and after restart it was there again!?
21:41:39 <Oni-Neoxes> hmm
21:41:52 <Oni-Neoxes> autorun.inf? correct?
21:41:54 <TimClark> Neoman: i will tell you now, as much as folks here will want to help I really think this is going to be beyond us
21:42:17 <TimClark> You may need professional help
21:42:26 <Jack151> whats happened
21:42:27 <Jack151> ?
21:42:31 <Oni-Neoxes> Timclark: is it Autorun.inf?
21:43:16 <Neoman> is there a way to scan for malware and viruses in dos mode?
21:43:38 <TimClark> Jack151: hold off
21:43:39 <TimClark> Oni-Neoxes: seems to be part of it
21:43:46 <Oni-Neoxes> I see
21:43:46 <Jack151> Neoman do you have a vuris when you delete it come back ?
21:43:56 <Jack151> like with a driffrant name?
21:44:14 <TimClark> Neoman: if folks want to continue with a long step by step by on this I will have to insist that it be taken to a priveate room
21:44:35 <TimClark> The last attempt at this kind of support took hours
21:45:03 <Oni-Neoxes> i know a way to delete the autorun.inf and make a permenent autorun file that cannot be deleted
21:45:08 <Neoman> TimClark it's ok, thanks man.
21:45:18 <Jack151> Neoman what happened ?
21:45:20 <Oni-Neoxes> but thats entirely up to you
21:45:26 <TimClark> Neoman: do you know how to make a private room ?
21:45:28 <Neoman> thanks every one
21:45:50 <TimClark> you can make one, and those who want to help can go from here to there
21:47:39 <TimClark> Neoman: would you like to try that, making a channel where folks can join you ?
21:48:00 <Neoman> thank you TimClark i think i'm gonna reformat my whole HD
21:48:05 <Neoman> i'm out now
21:48:23 <sar3th> don't do that, try private room
21:48:28 <TimClark> good luck Neoman , really
21:49:43 <Jack151> --->> ##Pc-Help
21:50:37 <Oni-Neoxes> my last recomendation is Malware bytes and spybot: Search and Destroy
21:50:47 <TimClark> Guys, for future reference, really complex, support needs to be taken elsewhere, like a private channel, espically things like complex virus removal or reinstalling OS
21:51:39 <Oni-Neoxes> also
21:52:01 <TimClark> We are all helpful guys, but each person will have there own ideas, some dangerous, and this channel can't be held responible for wrong advise that could be given
21:52:11 <sar3th> Neoman: please join us in ##Pc-Help
21:52:17 <Oni-Neoxes> Who is jack? seems new?
21:53:13 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
21:53:26 <TimClark> Neoman: if you want to use it s a channel as been created, by Jack151 , but we are not sure who he is
21:53:53 <Oni-Neoxes> lol
21:55:00 <TimClark> Neoman: I am now moving us off this topic, again good luck, and be careful
21:55:02 *** markomlm has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]")
21:55:59 <TimClark> Guys, don't suggest, recommand, or support the new menu, until it is realeased and you have used it for a least a few days,
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22:00:59 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
22:02:15 <TimClark> Hello rmccue , how are you today
22:04:06 <sar3th> i will go to sleep now, good night everyone!
22:04:21 <TimClark> Sleep well sar3th :)
22:04:32 <sar3th> thank you TimClark!
22:04:34 <sar3th> bye
22:04:47 *** sar3th has quit ("will be back on thursday")
22:04:48 * rmccue is good
22:05:00 <rmccue> Except for the fact I have to go into school all day.
22:05:53 <TimClark> School is good for you, it will make you big and strong, as well as smart [and don't do drugs, drugs are ...baaad! ]
22:06:35 *** Suiseiseki has quit (Nick collision from services.)
22:06:55 <rmccue> It's not for school work :P
22:14:02 <TimClark> Mir: i believe the "call" was from the use of the german word mir during support :/
22:16:05 *** Neoman has quit (Connection timed out)
22:16:16 <Mir> oh
22:16:33 <TimClark> All good luck to Neoman with his problems :-(
22:20:34 *** DoctorDude (i=53ffd1ae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:23:24 <DoctorDude> Hi I wante to ask. Is there a legel portable version DVD Maker so I can edit Home DVD Movie Videos like birthday and other
22:24:11 *** pabot (n=pabot@unaffiliated/rmccue/bot/pabot) has joined #portableapps
22:24:17 <TimClark> Maker and editor are 2 differnt things, I think there might be a maker at the forums
22:24:20 <TimClark> Thank you GizmoBot for your help, and good bye
22:24:49 *** Suiseiseki (i=desurage@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
22:25:18 <TimClark> DoctorDude: or is "DVD Maker" the actual name of the app you want
22:25:56 *** excid3|away is now known as excid3
22:26:33 *** DoctorDude has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
22:26:39 <TimClark> DoctorDude: could this help you InfraRecorder Portable
22:27:08 *** DoctorDude (i=53ffd1ae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:27:22 <DoctorDude> DVD Editor
22:27:58 <DoctorDude> I dont not know that it was 2 differnt things
22:28:19 <TimClark> Have you tried a search for DVD Editor portable at yahoo or google
22:28:19 <DoctorDude> I was to believe it was the same thing
22:28:29 <DoctorDude> not
22:28:40 <DoctorDude> no
22:29:27 <DoctorDude> I was thinking maybe looking for betas on Test Releases
22:29:39 <DoctorDude> Maybe I could find something
22:30:12 <TimClark> I'm not really up on the beta's the link i gave you is the closest I know
22:30:35 <TimClark> Anybody else got an idea ?
22:31:11 <DoctorDude> Or I can just use Windows Movie Maker on my Computer
22:31:44 <rmccue> Bye all.
22:31:47 *** rmccue has quit ("The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"")
22:31:50 <DoctorDude> Bye
22:32:03 <TimClark> Oh, well if you have it and works for you I would use it, I thought you wanted "portable" for a reason
22:33:04 <DoctorDude> Yeah. maybe for future use.
22:33:10 <DoctorDude> Not now
22:35:36 *** guntbert has quit ("Don't follow me")
22:36:30 <DoctorDude> I am a friend and She wante to ask. Hi name is Arianna. And I was to ask? Can beta apps damage my USB Flash Drive?
22:36:36 <DoctorDude> I have
22:37:01 <TimClark> Beta apps can damage many things, use with caution
22:37:36 <TimClark> [note physically damage the drive itself , NO ]
22:38:16 *** upnPAD (n=upnPAD@ has joined #portableapps
22:38:16 <pabot> upnPAD wants Code::Blocks, Inkscape, XChat, X-Moto, and Chris Morgan Portable. His website is
22:39:10 <DoctorDude> So I dont need to buy a new USB Flash Drive in the soom Future because beta apps damaged my USB Flash Drive?
22:39:38 <DoctorDude> soon
22:40:20 <DoctorDude> Still Arianna here
22:40:25 <TimClark> Usually if you delete everything on the flash drive, you should be fine as far as the flash drive itself is concerned, what kind of damage are you worrried about
22:41:29 <DoctorDude> That I dont have to buy a new drive
22:41:56 <TimClark> But what kind of "damage" are you worried about ?
22:43:25 <DoctorDude> I was to believe that it just make my Flash Drive stop working
22:43:41 <TimClark> It is possible that running beta software from you flash drive could effect the main system, and removing the beta software from the flash drive would not fix that
22:44:48 <DoctorDude> But apps on Applications are they safe
22:44:53 <TimClark> If you delete eveything on the flash drive the odds are that any effects of the beta software will be gone, unless it was malicous software, intended to damage, that's an other story
22:45:54 <TimClark> All Officially released apps from our site,, are safe
22:46:06 <DoctorDude> Thanks
22:46:10 <DoctorDude> Bye now
22:46:17 <TimClark> for your system and your drive, bye
22:46:34 <DoctorDude> all the best
22:46:41 <TimClark> take care
22:48:15 <DoctorDude> I am also gonna go now. bye
22:48:25 *** DoctorDude has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
22:48:52 <gluxon> (5:45:07 PM) gluxon: Okay, anybody willing to help me fix a bug in PhennyPortable?
22:49:01 <gluxon> Anybody?
22:49:35 <Oni-Neoxes> I never used it
22:49:40 <TimClark> gluxon: i just told you most folks are asleep, it has not changed in 2 minutes
22:50:01 <Jack151> lol
22:50:09 <gluxon> But there's like, 10 more people in this room...
22:50:42 <TimClark> and they are not really here gluxon , it happens ALL the time, be patient
22:51:07 <gluxon> Alright ;)
22:51:26 <TimClark> try later when the room is more active
22:51:26 *** pa_0156 (i=53ffd1ae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
22:51:43 <TimClark> Hello pa_0156 can we help you ?
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22:53:39 <TimClark> gluxon: so, what other places have tried for help with phenny, are all the questions related to the making it portable part, or are there others
22:54:16 <gluxon> Yeah.
22:54:47 <TimClark> well, then you should try to go to a phenny site and get those questions out of the way first
22:55:11 <gluxon> No... I need help with the launcher.
22:55:15 <gluxon> Not with Phenny.
22:55:24 <gluxon> Did I say that wrong?
22:55:41 <TimClark> do you understand everything that Phenny does and how it works
22:56:11 <TimClark> have you installed it an noted the changes that it makes to your system
22:57:14 <gluxon> TimClark: ... it isn't an EXE
22:57:27 <gluxon> It's a .py designed to run in python.exe
22:57:46 <gluxon> Should I state the problem?
22:58:07 <TimClark> in order to make it portable you MUST understand what it does to the Host system before you do anything else, is what i am saying
22:58:14 <gluxon> Oh yes, I do.
22:58:51 <gluxon> All it does is create a .phenny folder in the user's profile directory, and tells you to edit $PROFILE/.phenny/
22:59:36 <TimClark> Good, so when someone is here to help you be prepared to answer all those questions, rather than going thru a line by line question and answer session
23:00:48 <gluxon> K
23:01:18 <TimClark> "I am working on Phenny Portable, I have noted it makes the following changes to my system, I need to make it do X instead of Y, I have tried the following other lauchers [a, b, c, d] but they don't seem to handle the problem
23:02:15 *** andreasma has quit ("Verlassend")
23:02:18 <TimClark> What other launchers have you tried to guide you in making it do what you want?
23:02:41 <TimClark> [launcher codes, settings, etc]
23:04:06 <gluxon> ?
23:05:17 <TimClark> I would seem to be that you would want to look at a launcher source that deals with moving "$PROFILE/.phenny/" back and forth from the user profile to the settings directory on you flash dirve for the app
23:08:34 <gluxon> Actually, Kevin showed me a System plugin that does some cool stuff.
23:08:38 <gluxon> So I don't have to do that.
23:10:41 <TimClark> Then what do you need ?
23:12:25 <gluxon> Okay, My problem is launching in PortableApps\PythonPortable\PortablePortableIDLE.exe
23:12:47 <gluxon> It complains about PortablePythonIDLE.exe not there.
23:13:26 <gluxon> And shows up with "L:\\PythonPortableIDLE.exe" as the not found file.
23:14:07 <gluxon> Oky, this is actually too complicated to explain...
23:14:16 <TimClark> so it expects PortablePythonIDLE.exe to be in a certain place and it is not there
23:14:52 <gluxon> Actually it is there.
23:14:55 <gluxon> Only it can't find it.
23:15:05 <gluxon> And I"m sure I'm entering the right path in the source.
23:15:42 <TimClark> your saying it is here "L:\\PythonPortableIDLE.exe" I thought you said it was here "PortableApps\PythonPortable\PortablePortableIDLE.exe" they are not the same
23:16:03 <KevinPorter> gluxon: Hang on, I think I know how to fix that.
23:16:05 <gluxon>
23:16:32 <gluxon> It's in "L:\PortableApps\PythonPortable\PythonPortableIDLE.exe"
23:16:40 <gluxon> And I'm pointing the launcher there...
23:16:49 <TimClark> it seems wants it to be someplace "special" L:\\PythonPortableIDLE.exe
23:16:53 <gluxon> But it's going to "L:\\PythonPortableIDLE.exe" for some reason.
23:17:00 <gluxon> No...
23:17:29 <gluxon> It's complaining that it's not there "L:\\PythonPortableIDLE.exe" But of course it's not there, cause I'm not launching it there...
23:17:35 *** dbdii407 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
23:17:49 <gluxon> Okay, This error happnens waaay before it gets to the point in which the launcher starts
23:18:01 <TimClark> I don't think you get what i'm saying, L:\\PythonPortableIDLE.exe is where wants it to be , you have to tell it it is elsewhere
23:18:01 <gluxon> So I know 100% it isn't a deal with phenny.
23:18:01 <KevinPorter> gluxon: You tried SetOutPath `L:\PortableApps\PythonPortable\PythonPortableIDLE.exe` ?
23:18:18 <gluxon> KevinPorter: But I'm not extracting anything.
23:18:37 <KevinPorter> Doesn't matter, try it. ;)
23:18:58 <KevinPorter> SetOutPath tells the launcher where it's launching the program from (i.e. what directory).
23:19:09 <TimClark> ty KevinPorter , welcome back
23:19:25 <gluxon> But I'm going to enter SetOutPath "$ROOT\$PythonDirectory\$PythonExecutable" instead.
23:19:27 <KevinPorter> No problem.
23:19:37 <KevinPorter> gluxon: Should work the same way.
23:20:09 <TimClark> though it might have been better to try KevinPorter direct idea first
23:20:30 <KevinPorter> If he's set the variables correctly, it should work fine.
23:20:41 <KevinPorter> If not, then the $ROOT variable might be set incorrectly.
23:21:07 <gluxon> $ROOT is set correctly, cause before it gave me "L:\\PythonPortableIDLE.exe"
23:21:12 *** ptmb has quit ("Leaving.")
23:21:24 <KevinPorter> Alright, just make sure each of the variables are set correctly.
23:21:32 <KevinPorter> And if the SetOutPath doesn't work, try this:
23:21:33 <KevinPorter> System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("PATH", "<enter Python path here>").r0'
23:21:41 <KevinPorter> It's a bit of a long shot, but it might work.
23:21:55 <KevinPorter> I need to be going for now though.
23:22:01 *** KevinPorter is now known as KevinPorter|away
23:22:07 <gluxon> K
23:22:15 <TimClark> and he is gone
23:25:37 *** WayneK (i=7a39ebfa@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:26:56 <TimClark> Hello WayneK , do you need some help today or just visiting ?
23:27:21 <WayneK> Hi TimClark, I need help actually :)
23:27:42 <TimClark> I am just holding down the fort, but ask you question
23:28:39 <WayneK> With the PortableApps menu, where does it read the names off the apps from? E.g. "Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition"
23:28:44 <WayneK> where does it get that text from?
23:28:48 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit (Client Quit)
23:29:00 <TimClark> the app it self
23:29:17 <WayneK> I'm creating a launcher for my app which I am in the process of PortableAppifying but it seems to just read the exe name, like "MyappPortable"
23:29:18 <TimClark> the .exe file contains it
23:30:07 <TimClark> It will read the name in the launcher's .exe
23:30:23 <gluxon> It reads whatever you states as "Name "SOME NAME" in NSIS
23:30:35 <TimClark> So you must put the name you want in the laucnher
23:31:04 <WayneK> Hmmm, I see... I didn't think of checking NSIS, let me try it...
23:31:06 <TimClark> gluxon: that assumes he hs is using NSIS
23:31:12 <WayneK> I am
23:31:17 <gluxon> He's making a launcher.
23:31:17 <WayneK> just using the instructions from the website
23:31:25 <gluxon> What else would he be using to make a Portable Launcher?
23:31:48 <TimClark> gluxon: if you don't know the answer, i will leave it at that
23:31:56 <gluxon> I do.
23:32:26 <TimClark> We use NSIS, not everyone will/does
23:34:42 <WayneK> TimClark: Looks like my NAME "" is set correctly
23:34:51 <WayneK> Still seems to be grabbing just the exe name
23:35:08 <TimClark> are you using windows
23:35:17 <WayneK> I've configured a resource on the launcher exe with ProductName, InternalName etc. which I thought it would read
23:35:19 <WayneK> yep
23:35:42 <TimClark> click on the file name in windows explorer, what does it say
23:35:55 <TimClark> on the status bar
23:36:58 <WayneK> hmmm
23:37:04 <WayneK> interesting, it doesn't show the description there
23:37:08 <WayneK> must be something wrong with my exe
23:37:26 <WayneK> Interesting thing is that it shows the description if you do a right-click properties
23:37:56 <TimClark> what does it show in the right click prop
23:38:23 <WayneK> under what specifically?
23:38:47 <TimClark> the part that you said was correct
23:38:59 <TimClark> 17:37.52 WayneK> Interesting thing is that it shows the description if you do a right-click properties
23:39:00 <WayneK> "Description: Tubecaster Portable"
23:39:37 <TimClark> what does it show in the menu {our menu, the pam}
23:39:45 <WayneK> TubecasterPortable
23:39:48 <WayneK> without the space basically
23:39:53 <WayneK> the exe is TubecasterPortable.exe
23:39:58 <WayneK> so I suspect it's falling back on the exe name
23:40:04 <WayneK> because it can't find the file info it wants
23:40:45 <TimClark> so the laucner is showing in the PAM as "TubecasterPortable" ?
23:40:52 <WayneK> yep
23:40:55 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
23:41:02 <TimClark> and what do you want it to say
23:41:09 <WayneK> Tubecaster Portable
23:41:41 <TimClark> can you find the place in the launcer code that says "TubecasterPortable" ?
23:42:24 <WayneK> The launcher is just a C application that launches the real executable under .\App\Tubecaster\
23:42:31 <WayneK> it doesn't have anything to do with NSIS
23:42:55 <WayneK> unless there's a better way to make a launcher?
23:42:59 <TimClark> So you are saying the launcher is not NSIS ?
23:43:08 <WayneK> no
23:43:12 <WayneK> it's just a standalone C app
23:43:27 <TimClark> I though you said it was earler when gluxon and I were discussing it
23:43:42 <WayneK> the whole app as a portableapps package is NSIS
23:43:46 <WayneK> i thought that's what you meant
23:44:15 <TimClark> no, we meant the laucher, that's why i was telling gluxon it did not have to be NSIS
23:44:40 <WayneK> so how do i get NSIS to make a launcher? is that the standard way of doing it with PortableApps?
23:44:45 <TimClark> You need someone who can tell you how to put the name value in a C app
23:45:25 <WayneK> ok so that IS the way to do it
23:45:29 <TimClark> Most launhers for portable apps use NSIS i "think"
23:45:55 <WayneK> any idea how to do it? I couldn't see any indication in the doco
23:46:20 <TimClark> And that I do not know, as I said, I am holding down the fort, I really can't tell you how to make a laucher
23:47:16 <TimClark> you might want to try back later when more folks are active, have you searched the site for the "field guide " ?
23:47:16 <WayneK> ok no worries, thanks for the help anyway
23:48:07 <WayneK> Yes, had a look through that
23:48:10 <WayneK> i'll figure it out, thanks
23:48:25 <TimClark> good luck
23:48:34 <WayneK> thanks
23:48:35 *** WayneK has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
23:49:03 <TimClark> gluxon: as i said, just because we use NSIS does not mean everyone does/will
23:50:11 <gluxon> I know.... I wasn't thinking.
23:59:17 *** daBomb69 (n=Compaq_O@ has joined #portableapps
23:59:27 <Bensawsome> why hello thar everyone ^_^
23:59:31 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away