IRC Log from 2009-03-17
00:00:00 * OliverK just wants a file server for the house
00:00:11 <OliverK> acually, I may do a USB/hardrive deal with it
00:01:24 <Roamer> OliverK: I'm gonna convert an old laptop to a webserver, so i know what you mean... lol thank goodness for dyndns
00:01:34 <JacobMastel-Away> Does anyone know how to create a virutal HDD?
00:01:41 <OliverK> ?
00:01:52 <JacobMastel-Away> With existing files?
00:01:53 *** JacobMastel-Away is now known as JacobMastel
00:02:31 *** sancas (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
00:02:32 <Roamer> umm there's a tool somewhere... what is if for? if i may ask?
00:02:49 <JacobMastel> VirtualBox
00:03:11 <JacobMastel> I want to clone my Laptop so I can wipe it...(but my parent's old business takes are on there so I need a backup just in case)
00:03:32 <JacobMastel> I'll put Ubuntu on the laptop cause it's processor is just to crappy for XP
00:04:37 <Roamer> hmmm. I don't know then... I say get a backup server and upload em. that's youre easiest bet
00:06:02 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@ has joined #portableapps
00:06:03 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
00:07:05 <Roamer> daBomb698!
00:07:05 <Roamer> err
00:07:05 <Roamer> daBomb69!
00:07:18 <daBomb69> Roamer!
00:08:19 *** Suiseiseki is now known as Euphonium|away
00:10:27 <JacobMastel> How do I get Ubuntu to show a resolution higher than 800x600?
00:10:39 <OliverK> JacobMastel: install drivers
00:10:41 <JacobMastel> All it shows for options is 600x400 and 800x600
00:10:46 <JacobMastel> OliverK: where would I get those from?
00:10:57 <OliverK> repositories, website
00:11:25 <OliverK> xubuntu is still loading ;(
00:13:05 <Roamer> OliverK: it takes a minute...
00:13:12 <Roamer> off cd?
00:13:16 <OliverK> yeah
00:13:20 <OliverK> 256 RAM
00:13:22 <OliverK> or so . . .
00:13:41 *** BjornH has parted #portableapps ("Leaving")
00:14:14 <Roamer> It'll be a little bit. on a 128 mb machine it took 10 minutes... lol
00:17:37 *** Scriptdaemon has quit ("Leaving")
00:20:48 *** tyshan (i=4c452c44@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:21:13 <tyshan> i need help
00:22:00 <Roamer> hello tyshan. what do you need
00:22:18 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
00:22:32 <tyshan> okay wellllll, ive downloaded the portable appsprogram
00:23:15 <Roamer> Ok.
00:23:25 <tyshan> right, i just gotta laptop with an external hard drivefor my music and i cant save my music so itll go through my little window that opens
00:23:37 <tyshan> but its still obviously on my external harddrive
00:24:03 <tyshan> i just wanna save it so everything will go through my portable apps so its more clean lookin;
00:24:18 <Roamer> hmm...
00:24:42 <tyshan> know what i mean?
00:25:00 <tyshan> sorry thesebottons are really close and im not used of it yet
00:25:11 *** AppGuy has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
00:25:42 <OliverK> i'm confused, you want to set the portable apps you've installed on the external hardrive as the defualt apps for your laptop?
00:26:08 <tyshan> bingo.
00:26:33 <OliverK> permanent or temporary?
00:26:40 *** Roamer is now known as RoamerIsGone
00:26:56 <tyshan> but it saves to it except it doesnt save through the app.
00:27:01 <tyshan> permanent
00:28:18 <tyshan> is there a certian place you gotta save it to through to get it onto the app.
00:28:22 <OliverK> there's no easy way to do that. At one point, in the forums, there was a defualt my firefoxportable apps, but that's about as far as it went
00:29:02 <OliverK> you could, of course, do a open with . . ., then just assign it to the portable version on your external hardrive
00:29:18 <OliverK> but, if you change the drive letter (which can happen) all you associations are lost
00:29:53 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> tyshan: you mean setting the app as default, as the portableapps do not show up in the "Set Program Access and Defaults" in windows XP, correct?
00:29:56 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
00:30:11 <OliverK> my suggestion would be to setup CAFEMod, then set it to autorun. Its not the most elegant of all solutions, but it would accheive the same end, and if the drive changed, you would be able to fix it with a find replace
00:30:28 <tyshan> ya i dont wanna open it through there i just wanna view it through there so its saved through it
00:30:43 <OliverK> meaning, place a shortcut to the program in the startup folcer of the computer
00:30:50 <tyshan> umm no
00:31:18 <Gizmokid2005> tyshan: you can't set them up in access defaults, because the programs aren't installed in terms of windows
00:32:08 <tyshan> ughhh, theres just not a certian file i could save it to through my portable apps that im not doing right?
00:32:47 <Gizmokid2005> tyshan: I guess OliverK and I are missing your point...what do you mean, " a certian file i could save it to through my portable apps"???
00:33:00 <Gizmokid2005> you mean to set the particular applications as default applications?
00:33:05 *** RoamerIsGone is now known as Roamer
00:33:51 <tyshan> ya so when i click music the list shows up there rather then in other random files
00:33:55 <tyshan> i want it all in 1
00:34:17 <Gizmokid2005> click music?? You mean on the portableapps menu?
00:34:55 <OliverK> you mean change the My Documents, My Videos, etc to beo n the drive?
00:35:00 <tyshan> yaaa, theres a spot for music but my music isnt there i try every which way to stick it in there except when do click on music in my portable apps it doesnt work
00:35:10 <tyshan> i just dont think im saving it to the right spot
00:35:12 <Gizmokid2005> OK.
00:35:13 <Gizmokid2005> right
00:35:32 <Gizmokid2005> you need to save your music to the "Music" folder under the "Documents" folder wherever you installed portableapps originally
00:35:55 <Gizmokid2005> ie - if you installed portableapps to the root of the ext. hdd (I:), the location to store your music would be I:\Documents\Music
00:37:03 <tyshan> oh ya hold up let me try that
00:37:24 *** eeexcid3 ( has joined #portableapps
00:42:10 *** sar3th has quit ("once again it's too late...:S")
00:42:17 *** eeexcid3 is now known as econocid3
00:43:09 <tyshan> how do i set the path to a different folder theres no option for that
00:43:49 <OliverK> tyshan: you're right, its not a supported feature at this time
00:44:24 <tyshan> so im stuck with the folder its pre set to
00:44:51 <Gizmokid2005> tyshan: exactly
00:45:04 <Gizmokid2005> the option is in development now, but it's not a released feature at this time
00:46:15 <tyshan> ok thanks
00:46:17 *** tyshan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
00:46:32 <Gizmokid2005> Floor open again.
00:47:13 <daBomb69> Thank god!
00:47:35 <OliverK> heh
00:47:59 <OliverK> lets not oick to much on him. We ourselves were on clueless, hapless users on the alter of the computer gods
00:48:00 <Gizmokid2005> daBomb69: uncalled for.
00:48:09 <daBomb69> Sorry :(
00:51:33 <Roamer> OliverK: nice comparison... lol
00:51:58 * econocid3 was born a god, so where does he stand?
00:52:20 <OliverK> econocid3 got sent to hell
00:52:23 <OliverK> econ class :D
00:52:26 <econocid3> :P
00:52:35 <econocid3> god must take required courses.
00:52:43 <econocid3> god will not cheat on earth.
00:52:46 <econocid3> :P
00:52:53 <econocid3> hahaha
00:53:09 *** TimClark (i=8087e3fa@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
00:53:10 <pabot> TimClark thinks "We are one but we are many | And from all the lands on earth we come | We share a dream and sing with one voice | I am | You are | We are PAppsian " :)
00:53:23 <daBomb69> Hello TimClark
00:53:26 <econocid3> oh no its TimClark, everybody hide.
00:53:29 <Gizmokid2005> hello TimClark
00:53:37 <Gizmokid2005> econocid3: behave now...wouldn't want to have to kick you :P
00:53:40 <econocid3> :)
00:53:47 <econocid3> o_o
00:54:04 <TimClark> econocid3: change the suffix, not the prefix :-(
00:54:17 <OliverK> yes, please, it makes its way to confusing
00:54:18 <econocid3> Gizmokid2005, you are just jealous
00:54:24 <Gizmokid2005> econocid3: of what?
00:54:29 <Gizmokid2005> you??? PSSHhh, riiiiiiight
00:54:39 <Gizmokid2005> you and your sitting in econ...riight, I'm jealous
00:54:49 <econocid3> haha, first i get in trouble because i had excid3 and excid3|eee, now i get in ttrouble for doing something different :P
00:55:04 <econocid3> Gizmokid2005, yeah but i have starbursts
00:55:34 * OliverK has a 20 oz of coke
00:55:40 <TimClark> excid you not in trouble, it just makes no sense and it makes it hard to keep track
00:55:51 * daBomb69 is jelous of OliverK
00:55:52 <Gizmokid2005> econocid3: yeah? I have a house full of cookies, chips, sweets, food, pop, juice, etc... so I think I win
00:56:03 * OliverK goes to Gizmokid2005's house
00:56:12 * OliverK spurns econocid3's straburts
00:56:25 <econocid3> Gizmokid2005, dang
00:56:33 <econocid3> i want to live at the grocery store too
00:56:35 <econocid3> :P
00:57:17 <Gizmokid2005> econocid3: :P nope, just a stocked house :D
00:57:22 <Gizmokid2005> don't like to go shopping muc
00:57:23 <Gizmokid2005> *much
00:57:42 <Roamer> I work at a grocery store... It's not a place I want to live at.
00:57:53 * Roamer shudders at the secrets of grocery stores...
00:57:57 <econocid3> Roamer, i used to too, i got paid to sit in the back and talk to the manager most of the time
00:58:11 <econocid3> we sold a pallet of 5 year old green beans once...
00:58:19 <OliverK> heh
00:58:20 <Roamer> same here!
00:58:20 <Roamer> lol
00:58:23 <daBomb69> eww
00:58:25 <OliverK> tis for the cows
00:58:58 <econocid3> hehe
00:59:06 <Roamer> no, tis for the cheapos... "23 cents for this many beans!?! Yay!!!"
00:59:15 <Roamer> we do the same thing
00:59:37 <kai_62656> :P
01:03:10 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
01:03:11 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable at and is also developing musicplay3000 the open-source media player inspired by foobar2000
01:05:21 *** Neoman (n=Neoman@ has joined #portableapps
01:05:57 <ZachThibeau> howdy everyone :)
01:06:07 <daBomb69> Hello ZachThibeau
01:07:07 *** Neoman has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
01:09:08 <OliverK> howdy ZachThibeau
01:09:15 <ZachThibeau> whats new :D
01:11:27 <Roamer> nothing, obviously...
01:11:28 <Roamer> lol
01:12:05 <ZachThibeau> I got something new :D
01:13:53 <kai_62656> What?
01:16:06 <ZachThibeau> :D I finally got a domain for my media application in development :)
01:16:13 <daBomb69> yay
01:17:13 <ZachThibeau> I'm just setting up some stuff now wordpress already done but I need to setup a bug tracker though :)
01:18:26 *** dzjepp has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:24:00 *** JacobMastel has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
01:24:01 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
01:24:01 <pabot> JacobMastel is hopping the other rt guys will start to test other apps and add them to the development status page....
01:25:52 *** JacobMastel has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
01:27:11 *** econocid3 is now known as excid3
01:30:48 *** excid3 has quit ("Leaving")
01:33:26 *** kai_62656 has quit ("Leaving.")
01:33:52 <TimClark> " Apple puts DRM on new iPod Shuffle hardware "
01:34:09 <daBomb69> That sucketh
01:34:12 <TimClark> And you have to use THEIR headphones :O
01:34:30 <TimClark> daBomb69: try reading it first
01:36:02 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers.")
01:36:31 * daBomb69 needs only see the title to know it's bad
01:38:27 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
01:40:40 *** Roamer has quit ("Sleepy sleepy...")
01:40:57 <SergentSiler> i saw that one
01:41:06 <SergentSiler> damn apple
01:41:44 <DaveDixonII> That's a nice picture! <-- Yes. I white square is a "nice picture"
01:41:45 <DaveDixonII> O_o
01:41:55 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
01:41:56 <pabot> JacobMastel is hopping the other rt guys will start to test other apps and add them to the development status page....
01:42:24 <SergentSiler> hi JacobMastel
01:42:28 <daBomb69> Hello JacovMastel
01:42:37 <JacobMastel> hello SergentSiler & daBomb69
01:42:38 <SergentSiler> daBomb69, tabcomplete phail
01:42:49 <OliverK> time for the cleanings up and goings home
01:42:52 * daBomb69 doesn't have tabcompleate
01:43:00 <SergentSiler> ya u do
01:43:04 <daBomb69> Orly?
01:43:06 <SergentSiler> yarly
01:43:21 <SergentSiler> type Ser and then hit the tab button ;D
01:43:25 <JacobMastel> Type part of a nick and hit tab
01:43:35 *** ChrisMorgan (i=cb2d06b9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:43:35 <daBomb69> Oh
01:43:35 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more
01:43:39 <SergentSiler> ser should bring up SergentSiler ;D
01:43:46 <SergentSiler> hi ChrisMorgan
01:43:48 <daBomb69> Hello ChrisMorgan
01:43:51 <daBomb69> Yay
01:44:35 <ChrisMorgan> hi SergentSiler, Hello daBomb69
01:44:57 <daBomb69> How are you today?
01:45:34 <ChrisMorgan> Fine I think. For the rest of the week I should have no cause for drowning in English homework - we're doing a SAC (in-class assignment) all this week :-)
01:45:39 <ZachThibeau> howdy ChrisMorgan :)
01:45:55 <daBomb69> Lucky
01:46:10 <JacobMastel> VirtualBox's shared folders suck
01:46:13 <JacobMastel> They just don't work :(
01:46:38 <OliverK> JacobMastel: no good for compiling :p
01:46:42 <OliverK> i've tried
01:46:50 <ChrisMorgan> JacobMastel: you installed the vm tools thing i presume?
01:46:55 <JacobMastel> Yes
01:47:05 <ChrisMorgan> Which OSes are you using?
01:47:16 <JacobMastel> Base is Vista, Virtual is XP
01:47:42 <ChrisMorgan> "Ah!" (insert knowing smile) "The problem is..."
01:47:44 <ChrisMorgan> I dunno. :P
01:48:04 <JacobMastel> 8o|
01:48:12 * ChrisMorgan was astonished when jc1 actually reordered the SwordBible SVN repository when he commented it was messy and suggested a reordering of it to the standard SVN directory layout. His brothers had both told him about it before...
01:48:40 <ChrisMorgan> And then he went and posted a DT straight to the "apps ready for official release" thread... sigh
01:50:13 <ChrisMorgan> palogbot: uri
01:50:13 <palogbot>
01:51:24 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm. Is MediaCoder audio only, or video also?
01:51:51 <ChrisMorgan> Got 31 minutes of AVI from Physics work - 7GB :/
01:52:46 *** classid3 is now known as excid3
01:55:22 <ChrisMorgan> I tried VirtualDub Portable but it could only do Animated GIFs and one other thing - worse than before. Not mpg or something like that.
01:56:37 * OliverK thinks ChrisMorgan should use FFMPEG
01:57:02 <ChrisMorgan> FFMPEG? Firefox plugin?
01:57:07 <ChrisMorgan> /add-on?
01:57:09 <OliverK> no, ffpemg.exe
01:57:14 <OliverK> .g ffmepg.exe
01:57:15 <pabot> OliverK:
01:57:26 <OliverK> there's a copy in xVST
01:57:33 <ChrisMorgan> xVST?
01:57:55 <ChrisMorgan> Well now I don't really care about it. I brought in my 80GB external hard drive and copied it onto that.
01:58:09 <OliverK>
01:58:22 <ChrisMorgan> 7GB for half an hour does seem a little... exorbitant though.
01:58:31 <OliverK> yeah . . . .
01:59:30 * ZachThibeau is almost done uploading his bug tracker :D
01:59:38 <ChrisMorgan> Oh no, I just accidentally closed that window I just created :-(
01:59:47 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: YOU SHOULD HAVE USED DRUPAL! ;-)
01:59:54 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: nope
01:59:59 <ZachThibeau> and don't yell ;)
02:00:04 <ZachThibeau> it's not polite :)
02:00:07 <ChrisMorgan> So now when next I navigate away from a page, it'll break...
02:00:13 *** Euphonium|away is now known as Suiseiseki
02:00:35 <ChrisMorgan> So don't be surprised if I drop out in a minute or two... I'll be back (worse luck)
02:01:31 <OliverK> later guys
02:01:35 <ChrisMorgan> Strange. It's not crashing.
02:01:39 <ZachThibeau> later OliverK
02:01:41 <ChrisMorgan> baioliverk
02:01:45 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
02:04:13 *** JacobMastel is now known as JacobMastel-Away
02:05:14 <DaveDixonII> New picture on twitter finally!
02:16:06 *** pa_9801 (i=4b5ea2aa@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:16:30 *** excid3 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
02:16:35 <pa_9801> help1
02:16:35 <pabot> pa_9801: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
02:16:53 <ChrisMorgan> Hello, pa_9801! How can we help you today?
02:16:59 <daBomb69> pa_9801: What do you need help with?
02:17:00 <pa_9801> How do you uninstall protable apps?
02:17:10 <daBomb69> You just deleate the files
02:17:13 <ChrisMorgan> Easy - remove the directory you installed them to!
02:17:20 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
02:17:20 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
02:17:22 <ChrisMorgan> e.g. X:\PortableApps\AppNamePortable
02:17:27 <pa_9801> ??
02:17:45 <ChrisMorgan> Just go to the X:\PortableApps directory (where X is your USB drive letter) and delete the folder
02:17:58 <ChrisMorgan> e.g. for Firefox Portable, remove X:\PortableApps\FirefoxProtable
02:18:34 <pa_9801> oh so the whole thing will go away
02:18:40 <daBomb69> Yes
02:18:47 <ChrisMorgan> Yes.
02:18:53 <pa_9801> even the the launch pad
02:19:02 <daBomb69> Yes
02:19:11 <pa_9801> Thanks
02:19:14 <ChrisMorgan> No, the Platform is in X:\PortableApps\
02:19:30 <daBomb69> Deleate X:\PortableApps
02:19:34 <pa_9801> ok
02:19:35 <ChrisMorgan> NO!
02:19:52 <ChrisMorgan> Unless you are wanting to get rid of /all/ your apps
02:19:57 <SergentSiler> daBomb69, no, completely wrong
02:19:58 <pa_9801> Yeah
02:20:03 <ChrisMorgan> If so then you can, otherwise don't.
02:20:06 <daBomb69> So, right, compleatly right
02:20:09 <pa_9801> i want it wipe clean
02:20:11 <SergentSiler> daBomb69, not now
02:20:23 <ChrisMorgan> OK then, you do want to get rid of the PortableApps directory
02:20:33 <daBomb69> Yes, deleate the X:\PortableApps directory
02:20:40 *** JacobMastel-Away is now known as JacobMastel
02:21:01 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
02:21:08 <ChrisMorgan> TimClark: He wants it wiped clean. daBomb69 is saying the right thing.
02:21:36 <ChrisMorgan> And also you'll want to get rid of Autorun.inf from the root of the drive. To do so you may need to "show hidden files or folders"
02:21:36 <pa_9801> i wish AOL was like you guys
02:21:47 <ChrisMorgan> How so?
02:22:06 <powerjuce> lol we are open source, price is not an object support is
02:22:52 <pa_9801> you guys don't have bad CS
02:23:00 <ChrisMorgan> CS?
02:23:13 <ChrisMorgan> Customer Service?
02:23:18 <powerjuce> yea
02:23:20 <pa_9801> Yeah
02:23:29 <ChrisMorgan> We're all volunteers - we're here because we like being here and helping people :-)
02:23:34 <pa_9801> ok
02:23:44 <pa_9801> should i close protable fire fox
02:23:52 <pa_9801> cus im deleting it
02:23:58 <ChrisMorgan> Yes, you'll need to close all apps before removing them
02:24:05 <pa_9801> ok brb
02:24:07 *** pa_9801 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:25:05 *** pa_5903 (i=4b5ea2aa@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:25:12 <pa_5903> ok im back
02:25:19 <ChrisMorgan> You'll also need to close the Platform if you have it running - removing a directory won't work if you've got files/programs open in it.
02:25:46 <ChrisMorgan> Out of interest, why are you removing
02:26:08 <pa_5903> i have to give my bro back his drive
02:26:24 <ChrisMorgan> ah k
02:26:32 <ChrisMorgan> So long as you don't not like us :-)
02:26:41 <pa_5903> i was just using it cus my cus put it on there
02:26:41 <ChrisMorgan> Why not leave it on and teach him? :-)
02:26:53 <pa_5903> nah he stupid!!
02:26:57 <pa_5903> hes
02:27:14 <pa_5903> he uses slax
02:27:24 <ChrisMorgan> Sorry, I've got to go now, someone else'll take over if you need anything else.
02:27:31 <pa_5903> ok
02:27:32 <ZachThibeau> nothing wrong with slax pa_5903 :)
02:27:46 <pa_5903> ok but it didn't work for me
02:28:10 <pa_5903> it broke my toshiba 16 gb drive
02:28:26 <ZachThibeau> ouch
02:29:08 <pa_5903> so it says fire fox can't be closed
02:30:02 <ZachThibeau> not even with a force quit?
02:30:17 <pa_5903> no
02:30:22 <ZachThibeau> hmm odd
02:31:09 <pa_5903> ok never mind it did it now
02:31:26 <pa_5903> Thanks for the help its wipe clean
02:31:29 <ZachThibeau> ok :) sometimes an os will take time to close a process :)
02:31:49 <pa_5903> when i get a new drive ll get this again
02:32:00 <pa_5903> ill
02:32:04 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:32:09 <ZachThibeau> awesome :)
02:32:30 *** pa_5903 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:34:50 <TimClark> Time for dinner guys, good night all
02:34:56 <Gizmokid2005> good night TimClark
02:34:56 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
02:41:40 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
02:41:41 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
02:56:56 <DaveDixonII>
02:57:02 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
02:57:21 <excid3> LOL
02:57:49 <DaveDixonII> Yep. :/
03:01:59 <daBomb69> g'night everyone
03:02:03 <DaveDixonII> g'n
03:02:08 <excid3> night
03:02:10 *** daBomb69 has quit ("Leaving")
03:04:07 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
03:21:21 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
03:28:51 <JacobMastel> yay my virtual Xp is almost done :D
03:29:30 <ZachThibeau> yay my site modification is almost done :D
03:32:18 *** JacobMastel has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
03:40:04 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
03:40:04 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and "is kind of a big deal"
03:40:08 <JohnTHaller> hola
03:41:58 <ZachThibeau> howdy JohnTHaller
03:45:10 <ZachThibeau> whats new?
03:47:24 *** DaveDixonII has quit (
03:47:24 *** JohnTHaller has quit (
03:47:25 *** DaveDixonII (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
03:47:25 <pabot> DaveDixonII is dbdii407. developer and ScrapIRC Network Founder.
03:47:57 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
03:48:00 <pabot> JacobMastel is hopping the other rt guys will start to test other apps and add them to the development status page....
03:48:00 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
03:48:01 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and "is kind of a big deal"
03:48:07 <JacobMastel> Hi JohnTHaller
03:48:11 <JacobMastel> How's it going?
03:50:16 *** alpha1beta (n=alpha1be@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
03:50:33 <alpha1beta> hey guys
03:51:17 <ZachThibeau> howdy alpha1beta :)
03:51:34 <alpha1beta> hey Zach, long time no see, how's it going
03:51:49 <alpha1beta> guess what?
03:52:06 <alpha1beta> I have a bloody bad sector in my HD, my only laptop HD...
03:52:12 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: ouch :/
03:52:15 <ZachThibeau> guess what alpha1beta :D
03:52:19 <alpha1beta> what?@
03:52:22 <alpha1beta> ?!*
03:52:30 <JacobMastel> Hey mike
03:52:33 <JacobMastel> Fixable?
03:52:34 <ZachThibeau> I has a new domain for my projecy :D
03:52:48 <alpha1beta> Omg, how many domains is that now? so what's this 1
03:53:11 <ZachThibeau> it's for my media player app :) and alpha1beta I sold most of my domains I don't use anymore
03:53:17 <ZachThibeau> I'm down to 3 now :P
03:53:30 * JohnTHaller is building the new system setup. NSIS, apps and Delphi in. Moving files.
03:53:34 <alpha1beta> hey Jacob, and nope, just 1 bugger bad sector, spent all day trying to fix it, thank god our school is a liceced HP repair center
03:53:56 <alpha1beta> John, so how's the new setup gonna work, and is that cause of windows 7?
03:54:20 <JacobMastel> JohnTHaller: Does that mean the launchers are going to be Delphi written?
03:54:27 <JohnTHaller> no no... my new PC i'm setting up
03:54:38 <JacobMastel> Oh lol
03:54:42 <JohnTHaller> i'm thinking it's a bug on Microsoft's party in the current leaked version
03:55:04 <JacobMastel> Well that's good
03:55:11 <alpha1beta> JohnTHaller Oh...( I do that at least once a week)
03:55:14 <JacobMastel> Anyways Night all I'm off for the night moms gotta get on :(
03:55:21 *** JacobMastel has quit ("Leaving.")
03:55:39 <alpha1beta> JohnTHaller, i found 7057 soo bugg, worse than 7048 or 7000
03:56:23 <JohnTHaller> yeah 7000 was petyty stable
03:57:07 <JohnTHaller> i prefer it to vista, that's for sure
03:57:21 <alpha1beta> 7000 was good, it was what vista was expected to be, so now they did what they needed to, and they're gonna fiddle with it and brake it now
03:57:30 <alpha1beta> I Hate Vista, XP FTW
03:58:52 <alpha1beta> vista is worse than WinME
03:59:18 <JohnTHaller> my xp box has a nice win7 theme on it. works pretty damn good
03:59:28 <JohnTHaller> just needed more firepower for compiling and stuff
03:59:33 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
03:59:58 <alpha1beta> Can i ask were'd you find the theme?
04:00:12 <ZachThibeau> anyways I'm off all :)
04:00:21 <alpha1beta> Night Zach
04:00:38 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|ZzZz
04:01:22 <JohnTHaller>
04:01:34 <alpha1beta> Thanks
04:01:51 <PatrickPatience> JohnTHaller: Prefer it to Vista, but do you still prefer XP than both at this point?
04:02:04 <PatrickPatience> *XP /to/ both.
04:02:11 <JohnTHaller> not sure. i've only used win7 in a virtual machine
04:02:19 *** alpha1beta1 ( has joined #portableapps
04:02:24 <alpha1beta1> Whoa, that's sweet, gotta try that out
04:04:54 <alpha1beta1> Once they iron out the bugs, i think win7 will be better than XP, but for me, there's been an update, which Bricks is. explorer.exe fails to start, desktop dies, and networking is killed off
04:06:35 <PatrickPatience> Gizmokid2005|AFK: Did you know you have the same birthday as millarp? Because you do. :-)
04:07:03 <JohnTHaller> alright... bedtime. will finish this tomorrow
04:07:06 <JohnTHaller> gnight all
04:07:09 <alpha1beta1> PatrickPatience, isn't your birthday soon
04:07:15 <alpha1beta1> Night John
04:07:32 <JohnTHaller> and RT folks, keep pluggin away :-)
04:07:34 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
04:08:16 *** sancas has quit ("Saliendo")
04:10:57 *** Suiseiseki is now known as Euphonium|away
04:17:16 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
04:20:00 *** alpha1beta has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
04:22:25 <PatrickPatience> Oops.
04:22:35 <PatrickPatience> Well then.
04:22:41 <alpha1beta1> what did you do now?
04:23:04 <PatrickPatience> Lol, nothing.
04:23:12 <alpha1beta1> yeah. right.
04:23:13 <PatrickPatience> Since when is Gizmokid on the release team?
04:23:26 <alpha1beta1> oh and Happy St. Patty's Day
04:23:54 <alpha1beta1> idk, never paid that any attention, seems like another arbitrary waste of time
04:25:54 <PatrickPatience> .g define:patty
04:25:55 <pabot> PatrickPatience: No results found for 'define:patty'.
04:26:03 <PatrickPatience> I hate you.
04:26:12 <alpha1beta1> lmao me or the bot?
04:26:24 <PatrickPatience> pabot: help
04:26:24 <pabot> PatrickPatience: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is rmccue.
04:26:25 <pabot> PatrickPatience: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is rmccue.
04:26:31 <PatrickPatience> I give up on you, pabot.
04:26:45 <alpha1beta1> pabot go to hell
04:27:33 *** alpha1beta1 is now known as alpha1beta
04:28:00 <alpha1beta> .g define: Patty
04:28:01 <pabot> alpha1beta: No results found for 'define: Patty'.
04:30:29 <PatrickPatience> Amazing:
04:31:05 <PatrickPatience> I love the text under the title.
04:31:28 <alpha1beta> lol
04:31:59 <alpha1beta> wow...
04:33:00 <alpha1beta> omg that didn't suck!
04:33:32 <PatrickPatience> I know.
04:33:37 <PatrickPatience> I wanna fly Southwest now.
04:33:51 <PatrickPatience> Speaking of which, what the hell is SXSW?
04:34:09 <alpha1beta> pretty sure it's their stock exchange sybol
04:34:56 <alpha1beta> it's their website
04:35:01 <PatrickPatience> South by Southwest.
04:35:10 <PatrickPatience> It's a music festival or something.
04:35:17 <PatrickPatience> And apparently it's going on today.
04:35:23 <alpha1beta> yea..didn't look like an airlines website lol
04:36:17 <alpha1beta> Ever see Destroyed in Seconds?
04:38:38 <alpha1beta> This Idiot, tries to knock down a brick silo, so this idiot takes a bulldozer into it, it tilts, and falls on him
04:38:43 <alpha1beta> he got pwned by a silo
04:40:50 <excid3> PatrickPatience, epic
04:43:45 <PatrickPatience> Haha, I know.
05:02:05 <PatrickPatience> pabot: help
05:02:06 <pabot> PatrickPatience: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is rmccue.
05:02:12 <PatrickPatience> pabot: help
05:02:12 <pabot> PatrickPatience: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is rmccue.
05:02:15 <PatrickPatience> pabot: help
05:02:15 <pabot> PatrickPatience: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is rmccue.
05:05:03 <alpha1beta> does it sound like one of those 1900 lines ..say ".commands" to me in private...
05:08:02 <PatrickPatience> That just sounds dirty.
05:08:17 <PatrickPatience> I want you to say commands to me, but only in private.
05:08:31 <alpha1beta> that's what i mean, 1-900 numbers are usually dirty
05:18:49 *** Suiseiseki (n=desurage@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
05:19:13 *** Euphonium|away has quit (Nick collision from services.)
05:19:23 *** Suiseiseki has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:19:52 *** upnPAD ( has joined #portableapps
05:19:53 <pabot> upnPAD wants Code::Blocks, Inkscape, XChat, X-Moto, and Chris Morgan Portable. His website is
05:36:00 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ()
05:45:28 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
05:45:34 <alpha1beta>
05:45:39 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ()
06:39:55 *** ZachThibeau_ (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
06:48:36 *** ChrisMorgan (i=724c0b4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
06:48:37 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more
06:55:20 <PatrickPatience> Hi Chris.
06:55:22 <PatrickPatience> Bye Chris.
06:55:51 <ChrisMorgan> Hi Patrick.
06:55:52 <ChrisMorgan> Bye Patrick.
06:56:09 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
06:57:52 *** ZachT|ZzZz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
07:46:36 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
07:47:19 <TaffinFoxcroft> hi all
07:47:27 <ChrisMorgan> Hey TaffinFoxcroft !
07:47:36 <ChrisMorgan> I was just about to ping you in gmail...
07:47:41 <TaffinFoxcroft> Hi ChrisMorgan !
07:47:42 <TaffinFoxcroft> :D
07:47:51 * TaffinFoxcroft likes digsby
07:49:07 <ChrisMorgan> What's digsby? Faint memory but not definite.
07:49:24 <TaffinFoxcroft> its an IM and social networking client
07:49:32 <ChrisMorgan> Well TaffinFoxcroft, how does look?
07:50:36 <TaffinFoxcroft> xample?
07:51:23 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm. Crazy wiki turnout
07:52:36 <ChrisMorgan> try again
07:54:07 <ChrisMorgan> How does that look for a plan?
07:56:45 <TaffinFoxcroft> good.
07:56:49 <ChrisMorgan> :-)
07:57:13 <ChrisMorgan> I think dependency-based package management and package updating will be the two big factors.
07:57:16 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|away
07:58:47 <TaffinFoxcroft> would there be an entry in the manifest for the upgrade file? If you compare WordPress to Drupal for example WP has an internal updater that works nicely, whereas Drupal upgrades give me nightmares
08:32:48 *** ChrisMorgan|away is now known as ChrisMorgan
08:32:51 <ChrisMorgan> What's the WP updater like?
08:33:58 <ChrisMorgan> I was thinking, all these scripts can be Python files, and so maybe the Drupal update function would do it all, and the WP one might go through something or other and then give the user the update script.
08:35:38 <ChrisMorgan> TaffinFoxcroft: what does the WordPress updater do? Does it take it from start to finish, or do you have to put somethjing in and then it does the database work or whatever?
08:38:45 <ChrisMorgan> Yeouch. App Compactor: help.html links to Splash references Neither work.
08:43:58 <ChrisMorgan> Emailed him :-)
08:44:05 <ChrisMorgan> JohnTHaller of course
08:51:59 *** MdG (i=507ee4a5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
08:54:11 <MdG> Hello there, anyone can tell me how to get the menu delay back so ye can start more than one app. It's gone since updating to version 1.5
08:55:03 <ChrisMorgan> MdG: you can make it so that it doesn't go away
08:55:05 <ChrisMorgan> ever
08:55:42 <ChrisMorgan> More useful is to just reopen it - click the tray icon, or press the Win+P key combo
08:55:56 <MdG> Yeah I know, but thata bit tooooo much of a delay
08:56:17 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm.
08:57:34 <ChrisMorgan> The config option for not hiding seems to be gone
08:58:22 <ChrisMorgan> Anyone else know if it can be done?
08:58:33 <ChrisMorgan> I'm not sure it can actually be done any more.
09:01:04 <ChrisMorgan> Sorry, MdG, but it doesn't look as though you can do it any more.
09:03:42 <MdG> ad 10.01: Not hiding can be done by RemainVisible=True
09:04:03 <MdG> But that's not what I want
09:05:26 <ChrisMorgan> OK, I just didn't see the RemainVisible option. I've only got one of the 1.5 RCs so far :-(
09:06:03 <ChrisMorgan> You just want the lag back.
09:06:12 <ChrisMorgan> Sorry, that can't be done.
09:06:46 <MdG> I'm not givin up yet, but thanks anyway sofar
09:06:52 *** MdG has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
09:11:44 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|away
09:27:28 *** ChrisMorgan|away is now known as ChrisMorgan
09:39:11 * TaffinFoxcroft goes about attempting to fix the cache problem with baaa
09:39:54 <ChrisMorgan> TaffinFoxcroft: why do you bother?
09:39:59 <ChrisMorgan> And what cache problem?
09:40:41 <TaffinFoxcroft> because I have nothing else to do, and the cache has always been glitchy for me, e.g. loading the cache and scanning, thus causing double entries
09:41:02 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm, shouldn't do that. Why do you use Baaa! though?
09:41:22 <TaffinFoxcroft> i don't use baaa, but I have nothing else to do so I may as well fix it
09:41:26 <ChrisMorgan> :/
09:41:31 <ChrisMorgan> Plan for Manta!
09:41:40 <ChrisMorgan> Do homework!
09:41:45 <ChrisMorgan> Check software for the Release Team!
09:42:17 <TaffinFoxcroft> that reminds me, i have outdoor ed homework...
10:01:03 <ChrisMorgan> TaffinFoxcroft: rejigged quite a bit again, including suggestions for packages to support
10:05:18 <TaffinFoxcroft> ChrisMorgan: are we going to do ActivePerl and ActivePython?
10:05:43 <ChrisMorgan> Why would you go with ActivePython when you can do Python Python?
10:05:54 <ChrisMorgan> Various distributions should be an option though.
10:05:57 <ChrisMorgan> Eventually.
10:06:09 <ChrisMorgan> First priorities are of course Apache, PHP, MySQL, in that order.
10:06:11 <TaffinFoxcroft> ActivePython is actually smaller
10:11:00 <TaffinFoxcroft> wait, I take that back
10:11:26 <ChrisMorgan> Really, eh?
10:11:55 <TaffinFoxcroft> yes.
10:12:02 <ChrisMorgan> ActivePython size?
10:12:07 <ChrisMorgan> Python size - which version?
10:12:17 <TaffinFoxcroft> also, a package for MiniPerl would be good
10:13:01 <TaffinFoxcroft> ActviePython 2.6 - 25MB
10:13:21 <ChrisMorgan> .g MiniPerl
10:13:22 <pabot> ChrisMorgan:
10:13:41 <ChrisMorgan> "All in good time" is what to say here. Wait a year or 6 and it may be in :P
10:13:53 <TaffinFoxcroft> Python Python 2.6 - 13MB
10:14:13 <ChrisMorgan> Yay!
10:14:38 <ChrisMorgan> \/(Python) \1/ wins!
10:14:41 <ChrisMorgan> /(Python) \1/ wins!
10:14:59 <ChrisMorgan> Had to say it the geeky way :P
10:16:22 <ChrisMorgan> TaffinFoxcroft: eventual idea is probably to support every package of every WAMP project at and possibly even do an emulation mode/preset package list for each.
10:17:44 <TaffinFoxcroft> ah k
10:17:47 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
10:18:14 *** ChrisMorgan (i=724c0b4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:18:14 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more
10:18:34 <ChrisMorgan> TaffinFoxcroft: few changes at again
10:18:55 <ChrisMorgan> TaffinFoxcroft: should we move to #manta ?
10:19:07 <ChrisMorgan> Or are we lobbying for support in here :P
10:19:37 <TaffinFoxcroft> a little from column a, a little from culumn b
10:19:57 <ChrisMorgan> :P
10:20:42 <Bensawsome> >_>
10:20:43 <Bensawsome> <_<
10:21:57 <ChrisMorgan> Bensawsome: have you read the concept document?
10:29:48 <ChrisMorgan> Well do :P
10:29:50 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" Get BPBible Portable!")
10:42:14 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
11:04:21 *** purple has quit ("Only two things are definite, Death and Format C:\")
11:18:03 <Bensawsome> ?
11:18:12 * Bensawsome went to school >_>
11:18:18 * Bensawsome is at school actually
11:21:40 *** ZachThibeau_ is now known as ZachThibeau
11:36:46 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit ("the magical leoplurodon says that way, charlie! (exit stage right)")
12:01:02 *** MaienM (i=5d7db91a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
12:01:03 <pabot> MaienM is developing The Mana World Portable, and would like people to test it:
12:01:50 <Bensawsome> hello maienM :)
12:01:58 <Bensawsome> wow you arent connected to ur bnc >_>
12:01:59 <MaienM> hello Bensawsome
12:02:03 * Bensawsome wonders what is happening
12:02:07 <Bensawsome> are you away?
12:02:08 <MaienM> mibbit doesn't like my bnc :P
12:02:12 <Bensawsome> lol ya
12:02:19 <MaienM> I'm at school
12:02:21 <Bensawsome> i figured out mibbit doesnt wo0rk with it :(
12:02:31 <Bensawsome> maienM: PORTABLE XCHAT FTW ^_^
12:03:00 <MaienM> my school blocks IRC
12:03:10 <MaienM> so thats not an option -_-
12:03:17 <Bensawsome> ...
12:03:26 <Bensawsome> maienM: no they bloc kthe PORTS
12:03:28 <Bensawsome> lol
12:03:39 <Bensawsome> or do they block all ports ._>
12:03:51 <MaienM> you know my bnc uses non-standard ports ;)
12:03:55 <Bensawsome> ya
12:03:58 <Bensawsome> exactly
12:04:08 <MaienM> they somehow detect the protocol, methinks
12:04:13 <Bensawsome> so why dont you go to download xchat portable and try it :P
12:04:17 <Bensawsome> really? wow o_0
12:04:25 * Bensawsome haxors ur school
12:04:46 <MaienM> Bensawsome: I already tried it
12:04:51 <Bensawsome> lol
12:04:56 <Bensawsome> figured :P
12:05:14 <Bensawsome> wait yet they dont block mibbit?
12:05:20 <Bensawsome> or...
12:05:22 <Bensawsome> proxy
12:05:30 <MaienM> guess so :P
12:05:43 <Bensawsome> maienM: have you tried remote desktoppiong into home compuiter? :D
12:05:44 <MaienM> might try xchat again sometime, but mibbit does the trick too (for now)
12:05:51 <Bensawsome> thats what i do to get around it ^_^
12:06:10 <Bensawsome> remote desktop FTW ^_^
12:12:33 <MaienM> brb guys
12:12:37 *** MaienM has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
12:14:40 <Bensawsome> ok wtf thunderbird portable crashed after i installed it for the first time...
12:14:47 <Bensawsome> i hope thats not a sign of things to come <_<
12:15:02 <Bensawsome> ok i think it is -_-
12:37:26 *** jballpub (i=43a67073@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
12:39:38 <jballpub> I'm looking for help in running a script with Toucan
12:40:05 <jballpub> Anyone have experience with this?
12:40:15 <Bensawsome> hmmm sry I dont :(
12:40:24 <Bensawsome> its not very active this time of day (the channel i mean)
12:40:37 <Bensawsome> so maybe hang around a bit and somone might be able to help
12:41:39 <jballpub> Thanks. I think I'll go search for forums - see what I can find.
12:42:09 <Bensawsome> ok :)
12:42:14 *** jballpub has quit (Client Quit)
13:51:16 *** matborden (n=Miranda@ has joined #portableapps
14:21:10 *** MaienM|Sleep is now known as MaienM
14:31:30 *** matborden has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
14:57:52 *** pa_9544 (i=a9f44694@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
14:58:30 <Bensawsome> hello pa_9544. Can we help you with something?
14:58:42 <pa_9544> can I add non "portable" apps to the launcher menu??
14:59:53 <Bensawsome> yes you can but they wont be portable
14:59:56 <ZachThibeau> pa_9544: read this
15:00:12 <Bensawsome> so they might leave settings/traces on the computer you use them on
15:00:22 <Bensawsome> oh read ZachThibeau's link too ^_^
15:02:03 <pa_9544> Thx- i think they are all pretty much standalone. That should do it.
15:02:21 <Bensawsome> ok good luck :)
15:02:33 *** pa_9544 has quit (Client Quit)
15:19:22 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
15:19:23 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
15:19:39 <SteveLamerton> You about Gizmokid2005|AFK?
15:20:35 <SteveLamerton> Ahh well, catch you later, and check your tells!
15:20:38 *** SteveLamerton has quit (Client Quit)
15:23:15 *** Suiseiseki (i=desurage@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
15:35:58 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> Just missed him....
15:36:05 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
15:36:09 <Gizmokid2005> lol
15:36:38 <Gizmokid2005> .tell SteveLamerton I didn't get any tells :(
15:36:39 <pabot> Gizmokid2005: I'll pass that on when I next see SteveLamerton.
15:36:57 <ZachThibeau> howdy Gizmokid2005 :D
15:37:15 <Gizmokid2005> hello ZachThibeau
15:37:16 <ZachThibeau> Gizmokid2005: this is going to my best wordpress template design ever :D
15:37:54 <Gizmokid2005> very nice ZachThibeau
15:38:07 <ZachThibeau> I'm coding the layout now :D
15:38:37 <Gizmokid2005> fun stuff
15:38:47 <Gizmokid2005> I"m still laying in bed :D
15:39:22 <ZachThibeau> I'm not -_-
15:39:25 <ZachThibeau> I wish I was though
15:39:32 <Gizmokid2005> lol
15:39:32 <ZachThibeau> I'm sooo tired
15:39:34 <Gizmokid2005> it's my b-day
15:39:44 <ZachThibeau> well happy bday you old fart :P
15:39:44 <Gizmokid2005> I told work to go away...and I'm taking my day for me :D
15:40:03 <Gizmokid2005> thanks, I know...I'm getting up there...soon I Should be able to collect my Social Security and get old fart discounts :D
15:40:04 <Gizmokid2005> lol
15:43:31 <ZachThibeau> :P
15:49:39 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
15:49:39 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and "is kind of a big deal"
15:49:43 <JohnTHaller> hola
15:49:55 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
15:50:09 <Gizmokid2005> hello JohnTHaller
15:54:12 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: another stupid dev question for you, PatrickPatience if you'd chime in too, that would be good
15:54:55 <JohnTHaller> sup
15:55:21 <Gizmokid2005> KVIrc has one single file that it looks for, so that it knows it's a portable installation, "portable" in the root of the KVIrc folder. Should I also include that file in the DefaultData folder and have the launcher check for that file on startup? If that file doesn't exist, the app will still start up, it'll just give the first run screen.
15:55:42 <Gizmokid2005> where you can tell it that it's portable and things should work like normal anyways...but I was thinking proactively
15:55:54 <JohnTHaller> The launcher should ensure that the file is there
15:55:58 <JohnTHaller> On every launch
15:56:15 <Gizmokid2005> that's what I figured, wanted some opinion.
15:56:25 <JohnTHaller> Always best to be proactive :-)
15:56:27 <Gizmokid2005> I'll have to add that later today, or is my b-day so...
15:56:29 <Gizmokid2005> that it is
15:56:34 <JohnTHaller> happy bday
15:56:40 <MaienM> happy bday Gizmokid2005
15:57:05 <Gizmokid2005> thanks guys :)
15:57:25 <Gizmokid2005> I still haven't motivated myself out of my bed, so I figured I'd drop by, catch up on email, my app, forum, irc, ya know how that gos :)
15:57:27 <Gizmokid2005> *goes
15:58:40 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
15:58:41 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
15:58:52 <Gizmokid2005> hello SteveLamerton
15:58:54 <SteveLamerton> Hello all
15:59:13 <SteveLamerton> Hello Gizmokid2005, just wanted to say Happy Birthday (assuming my post-it note is right)
15:59:24 <Gizmokid2005> haha, it is SteveLamerton, thanks :)
15:59:57 <SteveLamerton> Hope you have a good one :)
16:00:26 <Gizmokid2005> thanks, I'm going to try. Gotta do a little work on the KVIrc launcher today or tomorrow, but it should be good :D
16:01:01 <SteveLamerton> It looked pretty good when I had a poke about :)
16:01:22 <Gizmokid2005> SteveLamerton: yeah, but I just figured something else out.
16:01:25 <Gizmokid2005> palogbot: uri
16:01:25 <palogbot>
16:01:45 <Gizmokid2005> SteveLamerton:
16:03:33 <SteveLamerton> Ahhhh ok, nothing major then :)
16:03:53 <Gizmokid2005> yeah, but still a blocker imo :)
16:03:57 *** Havvy (i=a9ccd474@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:04:43 <SteveLamerton> Yeah, I guess so, definitely good to have it make certain it is going to be portable, incase someone decides to delete the file
16:05:05 *** sar3th ( has joined #portableapps
16:05:07 <pabot> sar3th is helping whenever he can
16:05:11 <Gizmokid2005> exactly
16:05:59 <sar3th> hello everyone! (is support occuring?)
16:06:50 <Gizmokid2005> sar3th: nope, just discussing a little bit of suppor though
16:07:28 <Gizmokid2005> what does StrCmp do?
16:07:45 <SteveLamerton> Comepare two string
16:07:48 <MaienM> it compares two strings
16:07:58 <ZachThibeau> what they said :P
16:08:04 <SteveLamerton> Stupid spelling ;)
16:08:25 <ZachThibeau> btw SteveLamerton your toucan Dev Test works pretty well :)
16:08:27 <Gizmokid2005>, question. If I just want to see if ONE file exists, would I use that?
16:08:49 <Gizmokid2005> ie - I want to see if $EXEDIR\App\KVIrc\portable (yes that's a file) exists...
16:09:08 <ZachThibeau> iffileexists I think is the parameter (don't have my nsis scripts in front of me atm)
16:09:24 <Gizmokid2005> that's what I figured...
16:09:45 <Gizmokid2005> but I need to tell it to run the fucntion if it doesn't exist.
16:10:26 <ZachThibeau> thats why you add something to the end of that command to act as a goto statement if it doesn't exist :)
16:10:52 <SteveLamerton> Thanks ZachThibeau, I should be getting out a dev test 2 tonight
16:10:54 <JohnTHaller> Alright... if anyone asks why open source is great: Why open source dance dance revolution software is great: farting:
16:10:56 <sar3th> quick question: can you use logiclib in launchers?
16:10:59 <Gizmokid2005> IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\App\KVIrc\portable" CopyPortable
16:11:13 <Gizmokid2005> that's what I have...but my logic sees that as it will run that fucntion if the file actually exists, right?
16:11:18 *** excid3 is now known as excid3|meeting
16:11:38 <Gizmokid2005> so I just add another function after that if it doesn't exists (ie - the function I want to run?)
16:12:08 <ZachThibeau> pretty much, let me check one of my scripts, I have something like that coded
16:12:35 <Gizmokid2005> and replace the first fuction (copysettings) to run the next function in the list :)
16:12:44 <Gizmokid2005> that makes sense to me, I hope it's right
16:13:11 <ZachThibeau> IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\${NAME}.ini" NoSettingsFound MoveSettings
16:13:29 <ZachThibeau> that's pretty much how it's supposed to look like :)
16:13:34 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
16:14:09 <Gizmokid2005> ahhh
16:14:11 <Gizmokid2005> perfect :D
16:14:14 <ZachThibeau> :P
16:14:15 * Gizmokid2005 codes and tests
16:14:45 <ZachThibeau> make sure in your new function that you get it pointed to another function after you resolve it (if that makes sense to you :P)
16:15:22 <MaienM> Gizmokid2005: most check statements in NSIS are STATEMENT PARAMS DOIFTRUE DOIFFALSE
16:16:00 <MaienM> So, for example, StrCmp "$String1" "$String2" IfMatch IfNotMatch
16:16:02 <Gizmokid2005> that's what I figured, that's how I learned in VB, but I had to make sure
16:16:59 <sar3th> is no one in here a fan of LogicLib?
16:17:55 <ZachThibeau> I'm a fan of WxWidgets library for C++ :D
16:18:20 <SteveLamerton> ZachThibeau: Seconded ;)
16:18:24 <ZachThibeau> :P
16:20:01 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: MaienM is almost done his mozilla about box class :D
16:20:24 <Bensawsome> >_>
16:20:30 <MaienM> correction, the basic is almost done :P
16:20:34 <ZachThibeau> :P
16:21:04 <MaienM> I still plan on adding all stuf the regular about box has later, like the credits part, AddTranslator, stuff like that
16:21:49 <MaienM> screenshots of how it looks atm: and the license window:
16:22:09 <Gizmokid2005> KVIrc DV test 3 compiling now :)
16:23:19 * Bensawsome eats some of the code >_>
16:28:30 * Gizmokid2005 uploaded updated paf.
16:28:36 <Gizmokid2005> editing topic now
16:29:18 <ZachThibeau> yay
16:29:25 <PatrickPatience> What is you're working on, MaienM?
16:30:00 <MaienM> atm I'm working a custom/advanced about dialog class (for wxWidgets)
16:30:02 <ZachThibeau> PatrickPatience: MusicPlay3000 :) MaienM's and I are coding this together (he's working on a mozilla style about box
16:31:12 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
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16:31:49 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
16:32:43 * JohnTHaller has just about finished getting the new dev box ready
16:33:13 <ZachThibeau> yay :)
16:33:40 <purple> hi
16:33:45 <ZachThibeau> howdy purple
16:35:42 <purple> just installed Arch linux ;)
16:35:54 <Gizmokid2005> KVIrc has been updated :)
16:37:08 <PatrickPatience> That one there doesn't look like an Mozilla-style about box though.
16:37:14 <PatrickPatience> Just a demo kinda thing?
16:37:26 <JohnTHaller> got NSIS compiling. media moved. delphi is compiling as of this am.
16:37:48 *** Havvy (i=a9ccd474@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
16:37:59 <ZachThibeau> PatrickPatience: it's a work in progress and thats on linux atm, we have yet to compile it on windows :)
16:38:00 <PatrickPatience> JohnTHaller: A new machine is the dev one, or your previous one?
16:38:13 *** Havvy has quit (Client Quit)
16:39:01 <MaienM> PatrickPatience: the biggest point was the top image. If you make a image that is somewhat smaller and has a fading image, it will look a lot more alike ;)
16:39:15 <PatrickPatience> I want scrolling credits!
16:39:30 <JohnTHaller> my new main pc. which i do my dev on
16:39:50 <PatrickPatience> Ahh, I see.
16:40:02 <ZachThibeau> PatrickPatience: that will have to come later :P
16:40:19 <ZachThibeau> PatrickPatience: since it would look stupid with only 2 names in it XD
16:40:30 *** onestoploser ( has joined #portableapps
16:40:30 <pabot> onestoploser is teh curry master and can't get enough
16:41:53 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
16:43:18 <JohnTHaller> alright... lunch... later all
16:43:25 <Gizmokid2005> see ya JohnTHaller
16:43:27 <ZachThibeau> later JohnTHaller
16:43:29 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
16:51:58 *** purple has quit ("Only two things are definite, Death and Format C:\")
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16:54:54 <PatrickPatience> iPhone OS 3.0... right now. Whoo!
16:56:40 <PatrickPatience> Dude he is cool:
16:57:05 <SteveLamerton> PatrickPatience: You watch on Ars too then?
16:57:11 <Gizmokid2005> PatrickPatience: nope, just dev stuff :P
16:58:43 <PatrickPatience> SteveLamerton: Ars is doing coverage?
16:59:05 <SteveLamerton>
16:59:29 <PatrickPatience> Oh nice.
16:59:40 <PatrickPatience> Now I'll be keeping on top of three of them. :-P
16:59:57 <PatrickPatience> Yes, Ars has chat.
17:00:00 <PatrickPatience> So much simpler.
17:00:10 <PatrickPatience> I forgot who had their chat hacked last time, fun stuff.
17:01:00 <Gizmokid2005> I'm off for now...see ya'll later
17:01:08 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
17:01:12 <SteveLamerton> Bye Gizmokid2005|AFK
17:03:01 <PatrickPatience> Those are some incredible numbers.
17:04:45 *** SteveLamerton has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
17:05:05 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
17:05:05 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
17:05:27 <SteveLamerton> Was that a netsplit?
17:06:01 <sar3th> <-- SteveLamerton has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
17:06:27 <SteveLamerton> Possibly I guess
17:08:05 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
17:11:16 *** dragonmage ( has joined #portableapps
17:11:17 <pabot> dragonmage is a skinner, who mostly just ports other's skins to different apps. Beta tester, Feature Suggester, and pretty much an idea man.
17:12:00 <dragonmage> hi all
17:12:41 <ZachThibeau> howdy dragonmage whats up?
17:13:42 <dragonmage> not much
17:16:02 <dragonmage> trying out Snarl
17:16:45 <ZachThibeau> cool
17:17:47 <dragonmage> and contemplating suggestions for PAM skinning
17:21:44 <dragonmage> like sub-styles
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17:42:31 <dragonmage> brb
17:42:35 *** dragonmage has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: )")
17:43:18 *** dragonmage ( has joined #portableapps
17:43:18 <pabot> dragonmage is a skinner, who mostly just ports other's skins to different apps. Beta tester, Feature Suggester, and pretty much an idea man.
17:43:56 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
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17:57:43 *** PatrickP|Away is now known as PatrickPatience
18:08:12 <PatrickPatience> Wow.
18:08:22 <PatrickPatience> The Comodo developer sounds like a tool.
18:09:08 <PatrickPatience> I noticed you don't have any registry cleaners listed. My company, Comodo, just recently released a file, registry and privacy cleaner: Comodo System Cleaner. We've been getting solid reviews, and I thought you might want to share this with your readers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Cheers!
18:09:20 <PatrickPatience> I don't know if he missed it, but we
18:09:31 <PatrickPatience> *we're ''/.
18:17:38 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
18:20:27 <ZachThibeau> anyways later all
18:20:30 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
18:29:47 *** dragonmage is now known as drag|away
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18:47:16 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
18:47:17 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
18:47:30 <SteveLamerton> Hello again all
18:47:35 <MaienM> hello SteveLamerton
18:48:17 <SteveLamerton> Hello MaienM
18:50:52 *** SilentWalker ( has joined #portableapps
18:57:16 *** Doctor-Dude (i=53ffd1ae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
18:58:36 <Doctor-Dude> Hi
18:58:56 <SteveLamerton> Hi Doctor-Dude
18:59:20 <Doctor-Dude> I need some support about video converter
18:59:53 <SteveLamerton> Doctor-Dude: Go for it, I cannot claim to be a video person, but I will try my best
19:02:09 <Doctor-Dude> I did finally found a legel portable version of a Video converter called XMedia Recode. But thing it that when I am gonna use it. When I make my settings to which format I wante to convert. I need to click on a button called add job. Do you know what that is?
19:02:19 <Doctor-Dude> Otherwise
19:02:24 <Doctor-Dude> it does not work
19:02:33 <Doctor-Dude> it does not wante to start
19:02:39 <Doctor-Dude> converting
19:03:50 <onestoploser> I've never used the program you're referring to, but the job you need to add is the conversion from to
19:04:32 <onestoploser> A lot of encoding progerams use jobs, that you usually can assign to separate processors if you have access to them.
19:04:37 <onestoploser> *programs
19:05:13 <onestoploser> You can set up more than one task at a time and then choose to run the jobs consecutively.
19:05:41 <onestoploser> Or at the same time with different processing power,
19:06:28 <SteveLamerton> Doctor-Dude: A quick look on the apps website shows a button with a + icon near the top in the middle, I think that is what you want
19:06:40 <Doctor-Dude> So job is a good thing. I was to believe software does not work
19:09:48 <Bensawsome> well add job just means add an item to be processed
19:09:59 <Bensawsome> or items
19:11:05 <onestoploser> Right
19:11:16 <Doctor-Dude> strange. I did not know about that. I did find a lot of freeware Video converter. But this is the first I did find i portable version
19:13:10 <SteveLamerton> If it looks like this Doctor-Dude then you need the + button I think
19:17:13 <Doctor-Dude> Alright
19:17:16 <Doctor-Dude> thanks.
19:17:31 <Doctor-Dude> You guys know your stuff
19:18:25 *** discostuee (i=d232c144@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
19:18:33 <discostuee> hi all
19:18:43 <onestoploser> hi discostuee
19:19:25 <discostuee> could someone dig into there skills and share some information with me please re my smartdrive?
19:21:44 <discostuee> i have a U3 scan disk, It has the useless lanucher one it. How would i remove that and use this software
19:22:07 <Doctor-Dude> I know
19:22:20 <Doctor-Dude> I did do the some thing
19:22:29 <Doctor-Dude> long time ago
19:22:38 <discostuee> i did yesterday. i removed the U3 launcher but it removed the bootable part of the memory key and turned it into a simple memory key
19:22:53 <onestoploser> Right
19:23:07 <discostuee> then installed this software onto that. is that correct because it seems extremely slow and wont autorun
19:23:11 <onestoploser> Did you use the U3 uninstaller?
19:23:17 <discostuee> yes
19:23:34 <onestoploser> What happens when you plug in your drive?
19:24:00 <discostuee> windows finds it as a normal memory key and asks what want to do..
19:24:30 <onestoploser> Is "Start" on there?
19:25:05 <discostuee> yes
19:25:10 <discostuee> and the autorun inf
19:26:18 <onestoploser> Does it start when you choose to start it?
19:27:11 *** SilentWalker has quit ("Leaving.")
19:27:32 <onestoploser> The menu I mean?
19:28:17 <Doctor-Dude> PortableApps PortableApps will rock you
19:28:35 <discostuee> yes, when you manaully goto the key and double click it, it does. but not like the launcher that auto starts and sets up
19:29:10 <onestoploser> Does it start from the Windows menu when it asks you what you want to do?
19:29:23 <onestoploser> The menu does not autostart like U3.
19:31:25 <discostuee> ok, thats what im thinking. i thougt it was a replacement to U3 launcher and acted the same upon key insertion. So this is designed to just run from any memory key
19:31:52 <onestoploser> Yes
19:32:39 <Doctor-Dude> U3 sucks.
19:33:08 <onestoploser> I agree Doctor-Dude
19:33:10 <discostuee> ahhh. That makes more sense now. thanks for your help
19:33:16 <onestoploser> Your welcome.
19:33:18 <onestoploser> :)
19:33:39 <Doctor-Dude> Thanks so freakin much for creating PortableApps.
19:34:02 <discostuee> actually. one more thing. im going to reformat the key, what would be the best way to format. I also want to set it up with hirens amd make bootable., any suggestions?
19:36:58 *** dzjepp has quit (Client Quit)
19:39:10 <onestoploser> Do you mean the best filesystem to format to?
19:39:44 <discostuee> yes
19:40:40 <onestoploser> I use fat32, and I think that is the general consensus, but everyone has their own opinion on that.
19:41:35 <Doctor-Dude> I wante to ask. Well it be a feature to hide the PortableApps name on the menu. So people can create there own skin when there own name. t.ex David's Menu
19:43:03 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
19:43:32 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> Doctor-Dude: can't say for sure.
19:43:47 <onestoploser> Doctor-Dude: You would have to ask JohnTHaller about that as he is the one who develops the Menu. If this is important to you you may want to post it in the forums.
19:44:01 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> RELEASE: KVIrc Portable DT4:
19:44:01 <discostuee> ok thanks
19:44:09 <onestoploser> yw discostuee
19:44:40 *** discostuee has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
19:45:00 <Doctor-Dude> No need. I can ask him next time. When he is online
19:45:10 <SteveLamerton> RELEASE: Toucan 2.1.0 DT2:
19:48:12 <onestoploser> Gizmokid2005|AFK: brb :D
19:48:16 *** onestoploser has quit ("KVIrc Portable Dev. Test 3:")
19:49:19 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> Nooo!!!!!!!
19:49:20 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> :(
19:49:21 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> crap
19:49:29 <SteveLamerton> ?
19:49:47 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> I don't remember if the installer by default overwrites Data or not...
19:49:49 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> I sure hope not...
19:50:00 <sar3th> aw
19:50:22 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> I'm almost certain it doesn't
19:50:57 *** onestoploser ( has joined #portableapps
19:50:57 <pabot> onestoploser is teh curry master and can't get enough
19:51:09 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> onestoploser: wb. Setting were retained?
19:51:39 <onestoploser> Yes. And multiple instances are blocked.
19:51:44 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> whew
19:51:44 <onestoploser> Good job man!
19:51:45 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> awesome :)
19:51:48 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> thanks
19:52:01 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> I forgot to kill the dummy data and was hoping it wouldn't overwrite
19:52:01 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> lol
19:52:14 <onestoploser> lol
19:53:44 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> ugh...I hate my computer...back in a bit
19:54:07 <onestoploser> k
19:54:25 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> gotta restart and check my drive for errors...I think it may be dying :(
19:55:28 <Doctor-Dude> Hi is it safe to use CamStudio Portable from Softpedia. Or should I wante when it is released on
19:56:18 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
19:56:19 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and "is kind of a big deal"
19:56:26 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK has quit ("The Gizmo is gone!! =-O Never fear! He will return!")
19:56:57 <JohnTHaller> hola again
19:56:57 <SteveLamerton> Hello JohnTHaller :)
19:57:07 <drag|away> hey JohnTHaller
19:57:24 *** drag|away is now known as dragonmage
19:58:50 <Doctor-Dude> Hi John
19:59:01 <Doctor-Dude> Can I ask somthing
20:00:28 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
20:00:30 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
20:00:30 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and "is kind of a big deal"
20:00:36 <JohnTHaller> yeah, what's up
20:01:04 <SergentSiler> hey there
20:02:03 <Doctor-Dude> I wante to ask. Well it be a feature to hide the PortableApps name on the menu. So people can create there own skin when there own name. t.ex David's Menu
20:03:59 <JohnTHaller> there are actuall 3 options. well, more if you count simple vs advanced themes (in simple themes, it stays where it is in all themes). 1) You can use the standard logo and move it around. 2) You can use a small logo - about 1/3 the size and move it around 3) you can hide the main logo
20:05:44 <Doctor-Dude> So basicley I did new themes
20:06:39 <JohnTHaller> You mean like personalize the top within the menu itself without having to create a theme?
20:07:01 <Doctor-Dude> Yes
20:07:36 <JohnTHaller> Hmm... dunno. No one's after asked. I think it might look a bit weird. Like sticking your name on the top of the Windows start menu would.
20:08:19 <Doctor-Dude> Alrigt
20:08:23 <Doctor-Dude> Alright
20:08:34 <JohnTHaller> Is there some reason to do it? Like to tell drives apart or something?
20:08:43 <JohnTHaller> Or did it just strike you as a neat idea?
20:09:11 <Doctor-Dude> Yes as a neat idea
20:10:06 <JohnTHaller> Hmm... well, since the drive name shows within the menu, I guess someone could create and advanced theme that would have the drive name be big and at the top (and when you click on it, you can change it). So, like David's Drive or something. Would that be what you wanted?
20:10:29 <Doctor-Dude> I have ever said something stupid about the name. Just as a neat idea?
20:11:28 <dragonmage> JohnTHaller, idea for themes:
20:11:31 <JohnTHaller> No, I'm saying that's one way it could be accomplished. An advanced theme that showed the name of the drive in big letters at the top and anybody could change it to what they wanted. Would that meet your need?
20:11:48 <Doctor-Dude> No my name is now David. I just used the name
20:12:02 <Doctor-Dude> wante
20:12:10 <Doctor-Dude> waite
20:12:15 <Doctor-Dude> misspelled
20:12:16 <JohnTHaller> I know. I was just using it as an example, too.
20:12:33 <dragonmage> Have multiple .ini's in same folder so one theme can have multiple "sub-styles"
20:12:37 <JohnTHaller> The name wouldn't permanently be David's Drive. It would be whatever you renamed your device to.
20:13:02 <JohnTHaller> And it would show in big letters across the top that you could click on and change as you wanted.
20:13:03 <Doctor-Dude> Yes.
20:13:24 <JohnTHaller> Is that about what you're looking for/
20:14:07 <Doctor-Dude> Yes. But if it is to hard. You dont have to make it
20:14:41 <JohnTHaller> No, it'd actually be pretty easy for a themer to do.
20:14:52 <Doctor-Dude> Just being helpfull
20:15:13 <Doctor-Dude> Is it a good idea?
20:15:15 <JohnTHaller> But on the main menu, we could think about adding something like that up top... like a title. Some people might use it for their name. Or for a quote of the day or something. Not a bad idea.
20:15:34 <sar3th> JohnTHaller: actually the windows xp startmenu does display the username on top:
20:15:40 <JohnTHaller> Lemme mull it over in terms of the main theme. But even if not, it's possible with themers
20:16:16 <dragonmage> quote of the day? like a plugin that would dl a quote from the net?
20:16:45 <JohnTHaller> No, I meant they typed in themselves. Like a personal motto more they wanted to keep in front of em.
20:16:58 <dragonmage> ahh
20:17:19 <Doctor-Dude> So I am basicley the first user that did say that
20:17:24 <JohnTHaller> dragonmage: on the sub-styles... what kinds of things were you thinking of as sub-styles... like different fonts and font colors?
20:17:31 <JohnTHaller> Doctor-Dude: Yeah, actually
20:17:32 <dragonmage> would be cool if a plugin like that could be made though
20:17:34 <JohnTHaller> that I can recall
20:17:40 <JohnTHaller> dragonmage: Yeah. We'
20:17:58 <JohnTHaller> dragonmage: We're gonna do simple extensions in 2.0 (no menu addition stuff) but we'll be adding to it.
20:18:01 <Doctor-Dude> actually I got that a lot
20:18:09 <dragonmage> yes, as well as having "simple" and advanced themes in same file
20:18:31 <JohnTHaller> well, a simple one and an advanced theme would really be two different themes, wouldn't they?
20:18:37 <Doctor-Dude> I think always outside the box.
20:18:39 <dragonmage> or multiple advanced themes in the same file
20:19:07 <JohnTHaller> heh
20:19:21 <dragonmage> yes, but the might share some of the same graphics
20:19:22 <JohnTHaller> dragonmage: That sounds more like a theme pack than options on a given theme
20:20:14 <Doctor-Dude> I did had the idea for some time
20:20:18 <dragonmage> no, it would be the same theme, but maybe different size versions...
20:20:36 <JohnTHaller> Doctor-Dude: cool
20:20:57 <JohnTHaller> dragonmage: Ah, I see what you mean. Like when we support 10 vs 20 vs 30 app icons?
20:21:26 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
20:21:27 <pabot> Gizmokid2005 is the in-house pidgin expert (usually), and is working on KVIrc Portable:
20:21:43 <onestoploser> wb Gizmokid2005
20:21:43 <dragonmage> right, or maybe, wide and narrow
20:22:00 <Gizmokid2005> thanks onestoploser
20:22:23 <Doctor-Dude> So the idea maybe would be in the 2.0?
20:23:04 <dragonmage> like how windowblinds can have a "standard" start menu and then one where the folders on the right are just icons, no labels
20:23:10 <JohnTHaller> Doctor-Dude: Possibly. At the very least it'll work with a custom theme
20:23:33 <JohnTHaller> dragonmage: Ah, I see what you mean. That's not a bad idea. And it would be possible to work it in.
20:23:50 <JohnTHaller> dragonmage: Would mean multiple screenshots which would increase the theme size, though.
20:24:18 <dragonmage> how big are the screenshots?
20:24:54 <Doctor-Dude> I am so happy. That you guys like the idea.
20:25:00 <Doctor-Dude> Thanks
20:25:34 <JohnTHaller> Sure thing
20:25:37 <JohnTHaller> dragonmage: lemme check
20:27:02 <dragonmage> I was thinking the main theme would be the .ini with the same name as the theme directory, and the other .ini's would be listed below it.
20:27:32 <JohnTHaller> about 20k at the moment. debating on them, though
20:28:01 <JohnTHaller> What do you think about calling the sub-themes.. "Variations"
20:28:15 <dragonmage> theme.ini, theme_short.ini, theme_tall.ini,
20:28:41 <MaienM> what about the main ini having entries for each of its variations?
20:28:49 <dragonmage> Variations, Variants, Alternates...
20:28:55 <JohnTHaller> MaienM: It might get complicated.
20:29:18 <MaienM> mhm....
20:29:36 <MaienM> or just make it find and use any .ini it finds in the theme directory
20:30:42 <JohnTHaller> Yeah, also gotta figure out how we'd display them since it's currently a selector similar to Firefox's
20:30:52 <dragonmage> is the theme selection in a dialog JohnTHaller?
20:30:52 <JohnTHaller> not a logical place to drop sub-themes in
20:30:56 <JohnTHaller> yes
20:31:31 <JohnTHaller> kinda like firefox but less on the left and the screenshot and details on the right
20:31:39 <dragonmage> one dropbox to select theme, then a second to select the sub
20:31:49 <JohnTHaller> it's not a drop box. it
20:31:55 <JohnTHaller> s a list of all themes installed
20:31:59 <JohnTHaller> like firefox
20:32:03 <dragonmage> ahh
20:32:26 <JohnTHaller> sub-themes may be harder for some users to discover
20:32:28 <dragonmage> can you nest the subs below each main?
20:32:38 <JohnTHaller> (with windowblinds it's not an issue since you'
20:32:44 <JohnTHaller> re only dealing with advanced users)
20:33:03 <JohnTHaller> I'd rather not complicate it with a tree
20:33:09 <JohnTHaller> maybe with a dropdown list in the right
20:33:46 <JohnTHaller> select the main... you see the main screenshot and theme details. and you get a dropdown box with the variants listed and when you pick one the screenshot changes
20:33:48 <dragonmage> defaults to main theme, only if they get curious they discover the subs?
20:34:21 <dragonmage> that would probably work
20:34:51 <JohnTHaller> lemme play with it a bit. you'll get a look at it this week and then we can tweak as needed
20:35:20 <JohnTHaller> was supposed to be friday but obviously i got stuck doing *2* platform/suite updates after the original 1.5 :-(
20:35:46 <dragonmage> as far as tall, middle, short menu...
20:36:36 <dragonmage> can we have an advanced option to tile a section of the bg?
20:37:06 <JohnTHaller> probably not. it's gonna be sep bg images
20:37:21 <JohnTHaller> and we'll prob just do 10, 20, 30 to keep it easier to theme
20:37:40 <JohnTHaller> stretching limits a theme quite a bit
20:37:58 <dragonmage> that way we could basically use a shorter bg graphic and use the same one for each size just change the ini
20:38:13 <dragonmage> ahh
20:39:02 <JohnTHaller> I think theming and coding would be a lot easier with 3 set sizes.
20:39:34 <dragonmage> true
20:39:35 <JohnTHaller> Wouldn't that simplify theming a lot? I mean you could do a stretched image yourself and render out all 3 if you want. Or you could make use of the space for each size.
20:40:21 <JohnTHaller> I think it may be something we figure out as we start playing with it and letting people start do themes with it. Maybe we're both wrong and there's something else we should be looking at.
20:40:53 <dragonmage> yeah, we'll have to see how themers try to use it
20:41:29 <dragonmage> I always push what a skin engine will do though
20:41:58 <dragonmage> The Stickies engine has several changes due to me :D
20:42:14 <JohnTHaller> I was thinking of exposing more font stuff. Like underlinining and stuff. Make a theme that looks like a web page. Even the PA.c site or something.
20:42:40 <dragonmage> but I figure out how to adapt if I can't get the engine changed
20:43:09 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
20:43:09 <pabot> ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programmer that uses Linux. He is an OpenSource fanatic too. You can see more about him at
20:43:10 <dragonmage> cool!
20:43:30 <dragonmage> shadow still too resource intensive?
20:43:42 <JohnTHaller> Do me a favor and type up your thoughts on what would be cool theme-wise and drop it to me via email
20:43:44 <JohnTHaller> :-)
20:43:47 <JohnTHaller> shadow on what?
20:43:52 <dragonmage> text
20:44:32 <dragonmage> you can make text look "etched" or "raised" with shadow colors
20:46:10 *** Doctor-Dude has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
20:46:31 <JohnTHaller> It's not built in, anyway. The shadowing on the sizebar is accomplished by one label above another. (1px up, 1px left... white over gray)
20:46:47 <dragonmage>
20:47:08 <dragonmage> r34 with custom images for folder buttons...
20:48:02 <dragonmage> well I gotta be heading to work
20:48:42 <JohnTHaller> yeah, that's with images, not with text right?
20:49:13 <dragonmage> yeah but you can do the same with text
20:49:24 <dragonmage> I've used it in other apps
20:49:31 <dragonmage> Sysmetrix for one
20:49:45 <dragonmage> i'd show you but I gotta run
20:49:55 *** onestoploser has parted #portableapps ()
20:50:11 <dragonmage> later all
20:50:11 <JohnTHaller> ok. i know what you mean. look at the sizebar in the current release. it's shadowed. but you need two labels to do it
20:50:22 <dragonmage> ok
20:50:33 <JohnTHaller> Clicka de image of the menu:
20:50:43 *** dragonmage is now known as drag|away
20:55:44 <SergentSiler> damn your server DaveDixonII
21:03:33 <Bensawsome> ya it keeps disconnecting :(
21:08:45 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: up to KVIrc DT4 now. lol
21:12:24 *** SteveLamerton has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
21:25:30 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
21:26:56 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
21:28:22 *** pa_0837 (i=4e92afa1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:28:41 <pa_0837> wow irc on firefox woohoo
21:29:45 <sar3th> hello pa_0837, how can the portableapps community help you?
21:29:51 <pa_0837> hi
21:30:05 <pa_0837> i am here actually wondering how to customise the portableapps menu 1.5
21:30:08 <pa_0837> put a new theme on
21:31:27 <pa_0837> i was just wondering if this was possible
21:31:53 *** pa_0837 is now known as cloggedkarl
21:32:24 <sar3th> cloggedkarl: it is, but i don't know much about it..theming will be simplified in version 2.0
21:33:09 *** Havvy (i=47ecb648@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:33:17 <cloggedkarl> oh right. i remember in the older version i used to be able to just replace two files in one of the folders ( i tried this on 1.5 and it cashed) :(
21:35:53 <cloggedkarl> sar3th: have u any idea when the new menu is coming out.
21:36:30 <sar3th> not really...JohnTHaller is currently working on it, but we cannot really say when it will be finished
21:37:25 <cloggedkarl> oh right. :(. i have found a realy good way to use portableapps and i know it sounds stupid but an ipod nano 3g runs them really well tehe
21:37:36 *** AppGuy ( has joined #portableapps
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21:44:31 *** sancas (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
22:02:03 *** AppGuy has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
22:08:26 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
22:08:26 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
22:08:45 * Bensawsome messes with his small head >_>
22:08:46 <gluxon> Bensawsome: pm?
22:08:53 <Bensawsome> ?
22:08:55 <Bensawsome> ok >_>
22:08:59 <gluxon> ... daBomb69 got you to do that didn't he?
22:09:08 <Bensawsome> oh no
22:09:11 <sar3th> <_<
22:09:14 <Bensawsome> i did it on my own :P
22:20:31 *** Guest20999 ( has joined #portableapps
22:22:23 *** Guest20999 is now known as Roamer
22:26:57 *** AppGuy ( has joined #portableapps
22:30:15 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
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22:58:17 *** ptmb has quit ("Leaving.")
23:04:32 *** kai_62656 ( has joined #portableapps
23:04:36 <pabot> kai_62656 is here. He's developing LMarbles, Lincity-NG, WinHTTrack Website Copier, Gourmet, and NVDA Portable.
23:05:06 <kai_62656> hello
23:06:50 *** OliverK ( has joined #portableapps
23:06:51 <pabot> OliverK is liking his days off
23:07:13 <kai_62656> hi OliverK
23:17:26 *** kai_62656 is now known as kai_62656|brb
23:28:42 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
23:28:51 *** kai_62656|brb is now known as kai_62656
23:29:09 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello Everyone :D
23:29:28 <Roamer> hi Oni-Neoxes!
23:29:53 <Oni-Neoxes> guess what :3
23:30:12 <Oni-Neoxes> I got the New Ubuntu 8.10 CD in the mail today :DDDD
23:30:43 <Oni-Neoxes> came with 4 ubuntu Stickers :P
23:30:55 <Roamer> Yay! I got mine a couple months ago. And installed :P
23:30:59 <OliverK> Oni-Neoxes: cool :D
23:31:04 * OliverK wants sticker
23:31:09 <OliverK> and Mepis stickers :D
23:31:13 <Roamer> stickers are fun...
23:31:27 <Oni-Neoxes> I want a skin for his Nintendo DS/Wii
23:31:28 <Oni-Neoxes> XP
23:31:29 <OliverK> i got a spot left over on the laptop it could go on
23:32:11 <Oni-Neoxes> I also got World of Goo from a friend :D
23:32:14 <Roamer> lol
23:32:31 <Oni-Neoxes> It's Legal Roamer...
23:32:41 <Roamer> :P
23:33:03 <OliverK> everone should go download
23:33:28 <Roamer> I'm going to get a skinit skin (custom) with on it if I can... and ubuntu logos... and Tux... lol
23:33:44 <Oni-Neoxes> Everyone should download the internet!
23:34:16 <Roamer> lol that reminds me... brb
23:34:22 <Roamer> getting link
23:39:34 <Roamer>
23:40:04 <sar3th> old :D
23:40:13 <Roamer> I know :P
23:40:19 <Roamer> but funny
23:41:50 <sar3th> true =)
23:44:06 *** Roamer has quit ("Look! A distraction! Wait, where? *runs off to find it*")
23:48:33 *** purple has quit ("Only two things are definite, Death and Format C:\")
23:49:29 <Oni-Neoxes> nrr nrrr nrrr
23:52:10 *** AppGuy has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
23:52:49 <Oni-Neoxes>
23:53:15 <OliverK> Oni-Neoxes: pooh. They didn't include BT3
23:53:19 <OliverK> or the beta, for that matter
23:53:23 <Oni-Neoxes> BT3?
23:54:15 <MaienM> BlackTrack 3
23:54:41 <MaienM> its focused on security/exploit testing
23:54:55 <Oni-Neoxes> nice
23:56:28 *** pa_0273 (i=805f7568@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:56:34 <OliverK> Hello, pa_0273. Is there something that the community can help you with today?
23:56:48 <Oni-Neoxes> wow. what an intro :P
23:58:02 <pa_0273> Hi. I want to work on some confidential documents in OpenOffice portable which I have installed on a USB drive. If I use openoffice and open a document that is on the USB drive, will any bit of the document, keystrokes, image, etc. be on the host computer?
23:58:29 <OliverK> keystrokes will be sent through the host computer, yes
23:59:07 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
23:59:17 <alpha1beta> howdy gents
23:59:31 <pa_0273> so a keylogging application would have to be in place? otherwise, the document is only on the USB drive?
23:59:57 <MaienM> pa_0273: if you save the document to the USB drive, and there are no keyloggers active, that should be the case, yes