IRC Log from 2009-04-25

00:00:24 *** Horusofoz1 ( has joined #portableapps
00:00:42 <Roamer> Horusofoz1: connection fail?
00:00:50 <Horusofoz1> yeah :'(
00:01:05 <Horusofoz1> My net screws right up when it gets shaped down
00:01:07 <DaveDixonII> Usually mine takes it's daily shert by now
00:01:08 <Roamer> That means... Ghost!!! Ak!!!
00:01:19 <Roamer> shirt? :P
00:01:34 <DaveDixonII> Replacement for my mouth. :P
00:01:39 <Horusofoz1> tomorrow I'll have it back up to ADSL2+ speeds :)
00:03:58 * Roamer is at 45.2kbs! That's flying for me... on dialup... :P
00:05:38 <Horusofoz1> Now don't think me slow in the head but I think government should supply free broadband to the population
00:05:54 <Horusofoz1> have a limit that you can use and have to pay for after
00:06:03 <Horusofoz1> but a free stipend for all
00:06:48 <Havvy> horusofoz1: Bad idea!
00:06:56 <Roamer> agreed. but it'll never happen.
00:06:57 <Horusofoz1> A means to help people further share information and improve their selves and in turn their countries
00:07:09 <Horusofoz1> Havvy: bad idea?
00:07:11 <Roamer> It's a good idea. Just bad deployment.
00:07:18 <Horusofoz1> how so?
00:07:39 <Roamer> Not 100% of the population has or can use a computer
00:07:42 <Havvy> It would ultimately cost more than in a market system.
00:07:54 <Havvy> The average price we would pay would be higher.
00:08:00 <Roamer> That too.
00:08:01 <Havvy> There is no such thing as "free"
00:08:23 <Horusofoz1> yes an increase of costs but for a benefit that would make it worth it imo
00:08:33 <Roamer> ... Havvy: well... kinda... there is a thing as free. just not in this case
00:09:04 <Horusofoz1> yeah OSS :)
00:09:08 <Havvy> Roamer: Everything has a cost.
00:09:16 <Havvy> Even OSS...
00:09:30 <daBomb69> Havvy, does free beer have a cost to the drinker?
00:09:53 <Roamer> Havvy: not true. Free means the end user/consumer has no cost to pay
00:10:23 <Roamer> Therefor OSS is free. Seeing how the end user has no cost to pay.
00:12:53 <Horusofoz1> air is free... for now at least :)
00:13:04 <Roamer> lol
00:13:26 <Horusofoz1> You can have my opinion for free:)
00:13:27 * daBomb69 waits for the gov. to start chargeing us for air usage
00:14:07 <Horusofoz1> rain is free... Just not always there when you want it
00:14:36 <Havvy> Horusofoz1: Your opinion costs me time.
00:14:49 <Havvy> Air & Rain aren't free. They are forced on me!
00:15:03 <Horusofoz1> for free:p
00:15:06 <Roamer> Forced... freely.
00:15:12 <Roamer> :P
00:16:14 <Horusofoz1> Well life was originally forced on you freely. Don't see you complaining about that though I'm sure your mother did during labour:D
00:16:44 <Havvy> Yeah...she had no right to create me!
00:16:45 <Havvy> :P
00:16:51 <Horusofoz1> :D
00:17:15 <Horusofoz1> be happy she never charged you for rent in the womb
00:17:23 <Horusofoz1> Appears you got that free too!!
00:17:45 <daBomb69> Best of all
00:17:51 <daBomb69> PortableApps are free :DD
00:18:16 <Horusofoz1> daBomb69: Amen to that
00:18:18 <Horusofoz1> :)
00:18:40 <Horusofoz1> Havvy: Cancer is free. At least I never anyone who paid to get it:)
00:19:16 *** Horusofoz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
00:20:10 <Havvy> That's the opposite of costs time of total life and money.
00:20:24 <daBomb69> Havvy, ur IRC nick is free
00:20:54 <Horusofoz1> Well you get the time for free :)
00:21:09 <Horusofoz1> you just exchanging one free item for another
00:21:26 <daBomb69> So, technically, it's not free
00:21:39 <Horusofoz1> K your right there
00:21:41 <Roamer> Havvy: If you want to pay for everything send a check made out to Ryan Wells to 5555 blaa drive, anytown usa. :P
00:22:10 <Havvy> Roamer: USD and other exchange currencies aren't the only prices in this world.
00:22:22 <daBomb69> Havvy, if you want to have to pay for everything, go work at MS.
00:22:25 <Havvy> Time, happiness, freedom, ethics, ect. all can be sold.
00:22:28 <Roamer> I know.
00:22:45 <daBomb69> They'll make u pay everything u said, and then some more
00:22:50 <Horusofoz1> and all those things can be attaned for free as well
00:23:19 <Roamer> Havvy: Just learn now, there is a thing as free. There is. Believe it.
00:23:36 <Horusofoz1> this lecture is free:)
00:23:43 <daBomb69> It is???
00:23:48 <Havvy> I used to believe. Then I thought about it. (This lecture costs time, and thinking power)
00:24:02 <daBomb69> I paid $237.99 to come to this lecture :O
00:24:13 <Horusofoz1> Though I will take donations to the "Help Horusofoz buy a Ferrari Foundation" :)
00:24:14 <Havvy> daBomb69: You paid too much for this.
00:24:51 <Roamer> Havvy: i "paid" nothing for this. no money exchanged hands/accounts.
00:25:01 <Horusofoz1> It's a worthy and is garunteed to make someone smile ear to ear
00:25:04 <Roamer> that is free then
00:25:16 <Horusofoz1> **worthy cause
00:25:47 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
00:25:50 <Havvy> You are exchanging time.
00:26:05 <Horusofoz1> I'm pretty sure no countries are charging for the right to use the loo, right?
00:26:13 <Horusofoz1> Well time is free:)
00:26:25 <Roamer> but not money. money is what defines free in this global economy.
00:26:59 <Horusofoz1> How wondrous the world would be without those little pieces of paper or coins.
00:27:03 <Horusofoz1> :p
00:27:08 <daBomb69> Horusofoz1, countries arn't charging for the loo, but SubWay is
00:27:15 <Havvy> Your definition of economy is too constricted Roamer.
00:27:15 <Horusofoz1> WHAT!
00:27:21 <Horusofoz1> Are you serious?
00:27:31 <daBomb69> Ya
00:27:33 <Havvy> SubWay can''s illegal to (at least in the US)
00:27:47 <Roamer> not really.
00:28:03 <daBomb69> No, it's not. It's not illegal to prevent one from using the restroom w/o obtaining a purchase from said store
00:28:11 <Roamer> Most places say you have to purchase something first.
00:28:17 <daBomb69> Exactly
00:28:29 <Horusofoz1> samples are free
00:28:40 <daBomb69> Thus Free Samples :P
00:28:44 *** Espreon has quit (Remote closed the connection)
00:29:01 <Horusofoz1> Just the sample people get a big fussy if you go up with a backpack:p
00:29:14 * DaveDixonII finally got his IRC server back up. :)
00:29:23 * Roamer is on it.
00:29:27 <Havvy> Umm, no, it has a cost that is added into the finished product.
00:30:54 *** ve4jhj (n=ve4jhj@ has joined #portableapps
00:32:45 <Horusofoz1> What about samples at food stores, you know like donuts or sandwiches. That's where the backpack reference applies
00:33:12 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
00:33:44 <daBomb69> Hi ZachThibeau
00:33:55 <Horusofoz1> Ello
00:37:02 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
00:44:33 *** Whibo has quit ()
00:47:44 *** Don_Miguel (n=MichaelW@ has joined #portableapps
00:51:40 *** ve4jhj is now known as ve4jhj|AFK
00:56:04 *** Roamer has quit ("loging back in soon.")
00:58:57 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
00:58:58 *** Roamer ( has joined #portableapps
01:05:30 *** alpha1beta (n=michael@unaffiliated/alpha1beta) has joined #portableapps
01:05:35 <alpha1beta> hello
01:05:50 <daBomb69> Hi alpha1beta
01:06:14 <alpha1beta> Hi dabomb69, see thee new win7 RC yet?
01:06:25 <daBomb69> New one?
01:06:27 <ZachThibeau> howdy alpha1beta
01:06:33 <ZachThibeau> alpha1beta: new RC :O
01:06:39 <alpha1beta> Yep build 7100
01:06:50 <daBomb69> How good is it?
01:06:53 * ZachThibeau updates
01:06:55 <alpha1beta> hey zach, yeah good coverage of the best new features
01:08:51 <ZachThibeau> it's probably for technet subscribers :/
01:10:07 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
01:10:09 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is teh engaged man - who'll be teh married man on 3/20/10
01:11:50 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
01:12:17 <ZachThibeau> Gizmokid2005: can you check technet if the windows 7 rc is available there for real?
01:14:39 <ZachThibeau> howdy rmccue
01:14:45 <rmccue> Soup.
01:14:52 <ZachThibeau> soup is good :D
01:15:03 <ZachThibeau> it's real unlike the caek
01:15:13 <Roamer> ...mmm... soup... beef i hope?
01:15:25 <rmccue> Always look on the bright side of death.
01:15:36 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
01:15:50 <rmccue> Just before you draw your terminal breath.
01:16:10 <Roamer> What a time for Gizmokid2005|AFK to time out. lol
01:16:19 <daBomb69> lol
01:17:19 <rmccue> Heh.
01:18:46 <Roamer> rmccue: use the power of time out for good... not evil...
01:18:58 <ZachThibeau> anyways I'm breaking ground and I'm finally building an audio core for musicplay3000 :D
01:19:02 <rmccue> ^-_-^
01:19:10 <Roamer> W00t.
01:19:13 <Bensawsome> -^_^-
01:21:08 <TaffinFoxcroft> .def ZachThibeau
01:21:08 <GizmoBot> TaffinFoxcroft: Sorry, but I don't know about ZachThibeau
01:21:15 <TaffinFoxcroft> =P
01:21:37 <Roamer> i wonder...
01:22:13 <TaffinFoxcroft> .def pabot
01:22:13 <GizmoBot> TaffinFoxcroft: Sorry, but I don't know about pabot
01:22:41 <Roamer> .def GizmoBot
01:22:41 <GizmoBot> Roamer: Sorry, but I don't know about GizmoBot
01:22:54 <Roamer> :P it dont know itself. lol
01:23:42 <DaveDixonII> Today's misticle adventures.....
01:24:05 * Roamer clicks
01:24:48 * TaffinFoxcroft is conficially offused
01:25:04 <ZachThibeau> doesn't take much :P
01:25:41 * DaveDixonII is dieing cause mibbit is talking about bathroom doors and peeing. xD
01:27:34 <Roamer> lol nice
01:30:18 <rmccue> I tremble.
01:30:23 <rmccue> They're gonna eat me alive.
01:30:26 <rmccue> If I stumble.
01:30:37 <rmccue> They're gonna eat me alive.
01:30:40 *** KevinPorter (n=KevinPor@unaffiliated/KevinPorter) has joined #portableapps
01:30:46 <DaveDixonII> STOP SINGING rmccue!
01:30:49 <rmccue> Can you hear my heart, beating like a hammer?
01:30:53 *** The_Cre8r (i=45866714@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:30:54 * Roamer thinks rmccue is listening so music...
01:30:55 <rmccue> Help! I'm alive!
01:31:00 <The_Cre8r> hi ppl
01:31:05 <rmccue> Hey The_Cre8r
01:31:30 <Roamer> *to
01:31:37 <daBomb69> HHi The_Cre8r
01:31:56 <The_Cre8r> who has not tried Platform 1.6 Pre-Release 0
01:32:03 <The_Cre8r> bc it rocks!!!
01:32:27 <Bensawsome> heh
01:32:33 <The_Cre8r> :)
01:33:37 <Roamer> hello The_Cre8r.
01:33:47 <Roamer> rmccue: nice timing. :P
01:33:48 <The_Cre8r> hi :)
01:33:48 <Horusofoz1> rmccue: How you doin? Any chance of a status update on Songbird Portable?
01:34:04 <Roamer> ?_? plz?
01:34:17 <rmccue> Horusofoz1: Haven't been keeping up-to-date with PA lately, need to at some point.
01:34:34 <The_Cre8r> what r the stars next to ppls names?
01:34:41 <alpha1beta> they're op
01:34:44 <The_Cre8r> op?
01:34:49 <The_Cre8r> what ius that?
01:34:49 <rmccue> Operators.
01:34:51 <Bensawsome> admins
01:34:51 <The_Cre8r> is*
01:34:52 <alpha1beta> channel operator
01:34:55 <rmccue> We run the channel.
01:34:56 <The_Cre8r> ho
01:34:58 <The_Cre8r> oh*
01:35:02 <The_Cre8r> jeez
01:35:03 <alpha1beta> Scary thought Rmccue
01:35:12 <daBomb69> They control almost everything about the channel.
01:35:17 <rmccue> O_O'
01:35:19 * Roamer backs away from rmccue preemptivly...
01:36:12 * The_Cre8r thought about thinking about thinking of thoughts about thinking about the time i thought before i started to think.
01:36:12 <rmccue> Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night...
01:36:26 <rmccue> I can see paradise by the dashboard light!
01:36:28 <The_Cre8r> ,,,:)
01:37:12 <The_Cre8r> you may see the light at the end of the tunnel however you missed the sign at the beggining that said: BEWARE OF TRAIN!
01:37:21 <Roamer> lol nice
01:37:21 <The_Cre8r> :)
01:37:24 <rmccue> Heh
01:37:38 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
01:37:49 *** Don_Miguel has quit (Connection timed out)
01:38:20 <The_Cre8r> my psu fried on my other computer...
01:38:25 <The_Cre8r> it pissed me off
01:38:37 <alpha1beta> language please.
01:38:41 <The_Cre8r> sry
01:39:02 <alpha1beta> idc personally, but some people do :/ (crazy peeps)
01:39:12 <The_Cre8r> lol
01:39:12 <Bensawsome> lol
01:39:25 <The_Cre8r> ^^
01:39:49 <daBomb69> lol
01:40:01 <alpha1beta> back in a bit, gonna try Lose7 RC1 build 7100
01:40:14 <The_Cre8r> what is that?
01:40:16 <Bensawsome> lol
01:40:22 <Bensawsome> windows 7 right alpha1beta?
01:40:27 <alpha1beta> Win7...Lose7...yep
01:40:32 <Bensawsome> XD
01:40:32 <The_Cre8r> ahh
01:40:34 <Bensawsome> fail
01:40:36 <daBomb69> <cough>Windows 7 new rc</cough>
01:40:37 *** alpha1beta1 ( has joined #portableapps
01:40:37 <The_Cre8r> why lose?
01:40:45 <alpha1beta1> hey look here I am
01:40:50 <Bensawsome> lol
01:40:53 <alpha1beta> Cause it's windows!
01:40:55 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r spelling mistake
01:41:04 <Bensawsome> actually that rteason is betta :D
01:41:06 <daBomb69> Windows+Anything=Lose
01:41:09 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps ()
01:41:24 <The_Cre8r> ahh
01:41:37 <Bensawsome> daBomb69 no
01:41:42 <Bensawsome> windows = lose
01:41:52 <alpha1beta1> Yep.
01:41:53 <DaveDixonII> xUbuntu 9.04 = WIN! :D
01:41:56 <The_Cre8r> apple < poop
01:42:06 <alpha1beta1> opensuse FTW
01:42:07 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r have you ever used one? :P
01:42:11 *** Jeremified has quit ("Bye.")
01:42:15 <The_Cre8r> apple
01:42:17 <The_Cre8r> yea
01:42:21 <Bensawsome> lol internet
01:42:26 <The_Cre8r> olny thing i like is garage band
01:42:30 <daBomb69> Apple > The_Cre8r
01:42:32 <Bensawsome> lol
01:42:35 <Bensawsome> daBomb69 win
01:42:44 <daBomb69> Chuck Norris > Everything else
01:42:50 <Bensawsome> yarly!
01:42:51 * daBomb69 <3 Apple :P
01:43:01 * Bensawsome <3 Apple too :P
01:43:05 <KevinPorter> I don't like Apple, I only like their products.
01:43:06 <KevinPorter> :P
01:43:08 <The_Cre8r> daBomb69=junk+sewer stuff
01:43:19 <Bensawsome> KevinPorter win XD
01:43:21 <The_Cre8r> i like Zune...
01:43:24 <DaveDixonII> KevinPorter, Server up
01:43:25 <Bensawsome> .....................
01:43:31 <Bensawsome> zune.... seriously?
01:43:37 <daBomb69>
01:43:38 <The_Cre8r> sometimes
01:43:39 <Bensawsome> that thing is crap
01:43:41 <KevinPorter> Zune is pretty cool.
01:43:48 <The_Cre8r> unless it is hacked...:)
01:43:55 * DaveDixonII wispers to KevinPorter. No bot. :D
01:43:59 <Roamer> The_Cre8r: When did you get your zune?
01:44:06 <The_Cre8r> 2 years ago
01:44:09 <Bensawsome> lol
01:44:16 <The_Cre8r> why?
01:44:20 <The_Cre8r> xmas
01:44:25 <Bensawsome> they have gotten worse. although they were bad from the begining xP
01:44:38 <The_Cre8r> unless u hack them
01:44:40 * daBomb69 haz seen worse brands of mp3 players
01:44:42 <KevinPorter> I would say the opposite Bensawsome. :P
01:44:47 <Bensawsome> lol
01:44:57 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r what do you add to them by hacking?
01:44:59 <The_Cre8r> i dont buy what i cannot hack
01:45:10 <daBomb69> So, u don't buy pizza :O
01:45:14 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r what do you add to them by hacking?
01:45:20 <The_Cre8r> the syncronization process
01:45:37 <Bensawsome> anything else....
01:45:38 <The_Cre8r> you can do more with them if you change how they sync
01:45:51 <Bensawsome> what can you add?
01:46:00 <The_Cre8r> basically i am working on an internet browser...
01:46:13 <Bensawsome> can you add Rockbox?
01:46:19 <Bensawsome> no you cant. so it fails :P
01:46:35 <The_Cre8r> more wt_ is Rockbox?
01:46:39 <daBomb69> Course, no rockbox=not having to use rockbox tech support, so
01:46:45 <Bensawsome> WHAT IS ROCKBOX?
01:46:48 <Bensawsome> OMG
01:46:52 <Bensawsome>
01:46:55 <Bensawsome> GO NOW lol
01:46:56 <alpha1beta1> n00b alert!
01:47:03 <Bensawsome> alpha1beta1 YES VERY MUCH SO!
01:47:07 <Bensawsome> lol
01:47:21 <Bensawsome> i cant beleive you hack devices and have never heard of rockbox!
01:47:29 * daBomb69 points gient sign at The_Cre8r
01:47:39 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r:
01:47:40 <daBomb69> Sign says "Epic n00b here!"
01:47:41 <Bensawsome> ;)
01:47:43 <Bensawsome> lol
01:47:58 <The_Cre8r> lol
01:48:05 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r:
01:48:07 <Bensawsome> LOL
01:48:18 <Bensawsome> guys look at that pic!~
01:48:31 <daBomb69> Bensawsome, omg, wtf
01:48:35 <The_Cre8r> lol.i cant help i dont wear my helmet
01:48:39 <Bensawsome> XD
01:48:47 <The_Cre8r> it is too tight
01:49:03 <rmccue> Bensawsome: That picture looks like you.
01:49:17 <Bensawsome> lol no it dont. no where near me :P
01:49:23 <Horusofoz1> WTF!! LOLOL
01:49:24 <Bensawsome> if you would look on my facebook :P
01:49:44 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
01:49:51 <The_Cre8r> g2g
01:50:00 *** The_Cre8r has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
01:51:18 * Bensawsome goes to game
01:55:03 <rmccue> Bensawsome: What game?
01:56:04 <Bensawsome> i want to play a need for speed game rmccue but none of the 5 of them i BOUGHT WORK!!!!! GAH
01:56:44 *** Horusofoz1 has parted #portableapps ()
01:56:55 <rmccue> Heh.
01:58:07 <Bensawsome> IM GOING TO KILL EA!!!!!!!!!
01:58:26 <Bensawsome> screw this im off to play gta -_-
02:03:04 <DaveDixonII> OMG!
02:03:14 <DaveDixonII> Someone that lives 2 hrs from me just came into mibbit
02:03:23 <daBomb69> lol
02:03:26 <DaveDixonII> I dont even know who they are. O.o
02:03:33 <daBomb69> He lives THAT close :O
02:03:38 <DaveDixonII> 2 hrs.
02:03:39 <DaveDixonII> :/
02:03:50 * DaveDixonII points at ZachThibeau and PatrickP|Away
02:03:51 <daBomb69> wow
02:03:52 <DaveDixonII> :P
02:04:26 <daBomb69> ?
02:07:38 *** Jeremified ( has joined #portableapps
02:11:02 *** Roamer has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
02:18:43 *** The_Cre8r (i=45866714@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:18:51 <The_Cre8r> hello?
02:19:07 <KevinPorter> The_Cre8r: Need something?
02:19:11 <The_Cre8r> i need info about making a theme
02:19:20 <The_Cre8r> bc
02:19:25 <The_Cre8r> 1 sec i explain
02:19:44 <The_Cre8r> i quote
02:19:46 <The_Cre8r> Portions of this theme are registsred trademarks, trademarks or trade dress of and may not be duplicated or reused without permission.
02:19:59 <The_Cre8r> i need permission
02:21:02 <The_Cre8r> ...?
02:21:11 <KevinPorter> If you're using them for your theme, you should be fine as long as the theme is under a sort of open source license.
02:21:15 <The_Cre8r> who would i speek with
02:21:17 <KevinPorter> Though I'm not the person to ask about this.
02:22:05 <The_Cre8r> so gnu is ok?
02:22:09 <daBomb69> ya
02:22:14 <daBomb69> wait
02:22:17 <daBomb69> umm...
02:22:18 <daBomb69> ya
02:22:22 <alpha1beta1> GNU GPL
02:22:29 <The_Cre8r> do u have pam downloaded?
02:22:47 <alpha1beta1> any version, is OS, MIT licence is ok, now the mozilla PL is a bit tricky
02:22:53 <The_Cre8r> G:\PortableApps\\App\DefaultData\Theme
02:22:59 <The_Cre8r> read the readme
02:23:03 <daBomb69> alpha1beta1, we can use MIT licenses?
02:23:13 <alpha1beta1> they're open source
02:23:23 <daBomb69> oh
02:23:30 <The_Cre8r> ok so i can edit and leave some things?
02:23:34 <alpha1beta1> apache licence is, now a BSD licence can be a bit tricky too
02:23:47 <The_Cre8r> and say it is mine in association with portable pps?
02:23:53 <The_Cre8r> apps?
02:24:12 <The_Cre8r> how would i word it/?
02:24:17 <The_Cre8r> it?
02:24:20 <daBomb69> umm...
02:24:49 <daBomb69> [your name] & <--maybe
02:25:10 <The_Cre8r> read the readme
02:25:12 <The_Cre8r> ok?
02:25:16 <The_Cre8r> plz
02:25:58 <daBomb69> Oh, u know what
02:26:06 <The_Cre8r> what?
02:26:39 <The_Cre8r> basically i want to keep the icons but change everything else...
02:26:51 <daBomb69> is a trademark, so it's trademarked
02:27:16 <The_Cre8r> ...?
02:27:21 <daBomb69> The theme itself isn't just the name, PortableApps (I think for that one) and the little Arrow icon thing
02:27:23 <The_Cre8r> what should i do?
02:27:37 <daBomb69> Take out the word from the menu
02:28:37 <The_Cre8r> how?
02:28:50 <daBomb69> Gimp?
02:29:06 <The_Cre8r> not part of the immage look at the images
02:29:33 <The_Cre8r> u c?
02:29:42 <daBomb69> ur right...
02:31:04 * daBomb69 goes off to find where it is
02:31:08 <The_Cre8r> what should i do?
02:31:24 *** Jeremified has quit ("Bye.")
02:31:50 <daBomb69> Excellant question
02:32:40 *** dzjepp ( has joined #portableapps
02:33:54 <daBomb69> Well, guess i was wrong
02:34:23 <daBomb69> I think it might be in the menu itself, not the theme.
02:34:34 <daBomb69> So, that does't matter
02:35:08 <The_Cre8r> that what i thought but what abt the icons that i want to keep in the theme?
02:35:23 <daBomb69> Good question
02:35:47 <The_Cre8r> u r no help...
02:35:54 <daBomb69> Nope :D
02:36:08 <The_Cre8r> where is john?
02:36:16 <The_Cre8r> ...
02:36:18 <daBomb69> Not online right now
02:36:28 <The_Cre8r> curse him
02:36:30 <The_Cre8r> ...
02:36:33 <The_Cre8r> jk
02:36:53 <The_Cre8r> does he have aim, yahoo, or other?
02:37:37 <daBomb69> idk
02:38:32 <The_Cre8r> u really r no help...whaaa
02:38:43 *** ve4jhj|AFK is now known as ve4jhj
02:38:51 <daBomb69> Course, I'm still better help that MS's tech support
02:39:00 <The_Cre8r> damn u
02:39:13 <daBomb69> U could just memoserv John
02:39:24 <The_Cre8r> what is that?
02:39:32 <daBomb69> /memoserv help
02:39:37 <daBomb69> type that
02:39:41 <daBomb69> w/o the space
02:39:53 <daBomb69> in front of the /
02:40:29 <The_Cre8r> oh like"/memoserv help"
02:40:42 <daBomb69> yup, exactly
02:40:46 <The_Cre8r> ok
02:40:51 <The_Cre8r> what that do
02:41:09 <daBomb69> did u read what it said?
02:41:18 <daBomb69> Or have u not done the command yet?
02:41:27 <The_Cre8r> nothing came up
02:42:18 <The_Cre8r> what does it do?
02:42:31 <daBomb69> It sends a "memo" to someone
02:42:36 <The_Cre8r> oh
02:42:45 <The_Cre8r> send it for me
02:42:46 <DaveDixonII> Oh scratch that..
02:42:51 <DaveDixonII> He's 45 minutes from me.
02:43:08 <daBomb69> DaveDixonII, how'd u lose the other 1hr 15min?
02:43:09 <The_Cre8r> what do u mean?
02:43:15 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r its /msg memoserv help
02:43:21 <DaveDixonII> daBomb69, I took a guess at the time.
02:43:26 <DaveDixonII> My dad told me how far it is
02:43:36 <daBomb69> DaveDixonII, oh, nice :P
02:43:49 <The_Cre8r> still nothin
02:43:58 <Bensawsome> is there another tab their?
02:44:04 <The_Cre8r> no
02:44:05 <Bensawsome> on ur mibbit screen
02:44:08 <The_Cre8r> no
02:44:13 <Bensawsome> well then i dunno
02:44:17 <Bensawsome> that works for me
02:44:19 <Bensawsome> oh
02:44:21 <The_Cre8r> just one #portableapps
02:44:26 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r did you register ur nick?
02:44:31 <The_Cre8r> no
02:44:37 <The_Cre8r> how do i do?
02:44:39 <Bensawsome> if not type: /msg nickserv help register
02:44:43 <daBomb69> did some brownish text popup in #portableapps
02:44:44 <daBomb69> ?
02:44:45 <Bensawsome> OH
02:44:47 <Bensawsome> lol
02:44:51 <Bensawsome> daBomb69 it wouldnt
02:44:53 <daBomb69> when u did the memoserv thing?
02:44:54 <The_Cre8r> no
02:44:56 <Bensawsome> it would be in the freenode tab
02:45:04 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r look in the tab labeled Freenode
02:45:05 <Bensawsome> err wiat
02:45:15 <Bensawsome> the portableapps support thing hides that...
02:45:27 <The_Cre8r> no Freenode tab
02:45:38 <Bensawsome> yep it hides it then
02:45:41 <Bensawsome> umm
02:45:48 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r type /query NickServ
02:45:57 <Bensawsome> and it should open a nickserv tab
02:46:10 <The_Cre8r> yea
02:46:21 <The_Cre8r> what next?
02:46:29 *** daBomb69|Testmib (i=422bf22a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:46:48 <Bensawsome> ok
02:46:48 <Bensawsome> now
02:46:49 <The_Cre8r> it did
02:46:53 <Bensawsome> in the NickServ tab
02:46:58 <The_Cre8r> ...
02:47:02 <Bensawsome> type
02:47:06 <Bensawsome> Help Register
02:47:14 <Bensawsome> and read what it says
02:51:32 <The_Cre8r> ok
02:51:41 <The_Cre8r> now what
02:51:44 <daBomb69> Are you registered?
02:51:47 <The_Cre8r> yea
02:51:56 <daBomb69> Ok, do u still have the nickserv tab open?
02:52:00 <The_Cre8r> yea
02:52:18 <daBomb69> in it, type "/msg memoserv help" w/o the quotes
02:52:40 <The_Cre8r> kk
02:52:56 <Bensawsome> no dabomb69 that wont work
02:53:04 <daBomb69> Yes Bensawsome it will
02:53:09 <Bensawsome> >_>
02:53:10 <Bensawsome> fine -_-
02:53:14 * daBomb69 tried it
02:53:23 <Bensawsome> i thought the message show up in the freenode tab which is hidden xP
02:53:52 <The_Cre8r> what now?
02:54:00 <daBomb69> Are you seeing what it says?
02:54:07 <The_Cre8r> yea
02:55:25 <The_Cre8r> what now?
02:55:38 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r do what it says....
02:55:42 <Bensawsome> lol
02:55:43 <daBomb69> Ya
02:55:48 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r what are you trying to do?
02:56:19 <The_Cre8r> tell john about what i am trying to do about making a theme
02:56:29 <Bensawsome> why...
02:56:38 <Bensawsome> and also
02:56:38 *** daBomb69|Testmib has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:56:43 <Bensawsome> john doesnt use memoserv
02:56:45 <Bensawsome> or pabot
02:56:49 <Bensawsome> he only uses email
02:56:55 <daBomb69> wut?
02:57:18 <The_Cre8r> Portions of this theme are registsred trademarks, trademarks or trade dress of and may not be duplicated or reused without permission
02:57:18 <Bensawsome> daBomb69 john was tired of the bots and such so he one day stated that he is only gonna use email
02:57:26 <daBomb69> oh
02:57:36 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r email him about it. he doesnt check memoserv or anything like that
02:57:48 <The_Cre8r> kk
02:58:30 <The_Cre8r> what his email?
02:59:13 <Bensawsome> its on the contact page on the site
02:59:21 <Bensawsome> dont type it here
02:59:29 <Bensawsome> people will spam him =_=
02:59:59 <The_Cre8r> There is no support offered via email at this time.
03:00:09 <Bensawsome> .......
03:00:12 <Bensawsome> dude
03:00:15 <Bensawsome> its not support
03:00:20 <Bensawsome> its asking if you can use his logos
03:00:39 <The_Cre8r> private message me
03:01:21 <Bensawsome> The_Cre8r: use the business one
03:01:48 <The_Cre8r> ok
03:05:38 <The_Cre8r> sent
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03:27:13 <Whibo> Topic:Bienvenue au canal de support
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03:39:00 <ve4jhj> poll: when it comes to a portable file manager, what do you use? i've been using both xenon and xplorer2_lite, and i'm preferring xplorer2_lite, except for the whole "trial" functionality. How about you guys?
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04:08:50 <Gizmokid2005> rmccue|afk: FAIL.
04:09:09 <Bensawsome> lol intertubez
04:09:28 * Gizmokid2005 haz fail too :(*
04:09:42 <alpha1beta1> ve4jhj sorry, no one answered you, I use the normal windows exploer, but someday I'll be packages explorer++
04:09:54 <Bensawsome> wow the internet is going haywire D:
04:09:56 <Gizmokid2005> charter better pray that my internet issues aren't them...
04:10:05 <Bensawsome> lol
04:10:12 <ve4jhj> ty alpha1beta1 just curious
04:10:42 <alpha1beta1> Gizmo, what ISP do you work for, charter? or someone else
04:10:51 <Gizmokid2005> I work for soemone else
04:10:55 <Gizmokid2005> *someone
04:10:58 <alpha1beta1> ok, I thought to
04:11:01 *** GizmoBot ( has joined #portableapps
04:11:11 <Gizmokid2005> yeah
04:11:29 <alpha1beta1> oh god, he's cloning himself!
04:11:44 <Bensawsome> heh
04:12:47 <Gizmokid2005> well I think I've narrowed down my internet issues lately to my router, it's either that or my internet...and I really don't think it's charter, they've been rock solid the entire time I've used them.
04:13:04 <Gizmokid2005> and dd-wrt says there are issues with V24sp1 that will cause my problems too
04:13:21 <Gizmokid2005> but I'm not really up for the task of completely reconfiguring my router after doing a complete firmware upgrade.
04:13:41 <alpha1beta1> save the settings and then mess with it
04:16:04 *** ve4jhj is now known as ve4jhj|reading
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04:16:53 <Gizmokid2005> ugh
04:17:07 <Bensawsome> lol interwebz
04:17:18 <Gizmokid2005> i guess that's another thing to add to my list tomorrow...reflash my router :(
04:17:57 <Bensawsome> you know i actually had to redo my router a few months ago... i thought it would take like 5 hours... but it actually only took a half hour :/
04:19:19 <Gizmokid2005> Bensawsome: yes, but i have a LOT setup in my router, a lot of static DHCP leases, a lot of port forwarding...
04:19:20 <Gizmokid2005> it's not pretty
04:19:37 <Bensawsome> ya i did too....
04:19:47 <Bensawsome> and alot more...
04:19:56 <Bensawsome> anywho im to bed >_>
04:20:18 <Gizmokid2005> lol fail
04:20:20 <Gizmokid2005> off to bed?
04:20:44 <alpha1beta1> ne
04:20:45 <alpha1beta1> please
04:20:46 <alpha1beta1> type
04:20:47 <alpha1beta1> in one
04:20:49 <alpha1beta1> line
04:21:04 <Gizmokid2005> alpha1beta1: nah, that's not any fun
04:21:11 <alpha1beta1> yes
04:21:12 <alpha1beta1> it
04:21:13 <alpha1beta1> is
04:22:05 <Gizmokid2005> nah it's not
04:22:22 <Gizmokid2005> I really hope my router makes it until next week...I have a new Linksys wireless N on the way..
04:24:16 <Gizmokid2005> alpha1beta1: <-- on its way :D
04:25:02 <alpha1beta1> sweet
04:25:04 <alpha1beta1> N FTW
04:25:15 <Gizmokid2005> oh yeah
04:25:17 <Gizmokid2005> look at the price :D
04:25:21 <alpha1beta1> I got a netgear N, kick butt, my friend can connect to it at the end of the street'
04:25:29 <alpha1beta1> I'm going to kill you for it.
04:25:34 <Gizmokid2005> lol
04:25:41 <Gizmokid2005> alpha1beta1: it's be more expensive to get here and do it than to buy one yourself
04:26:08 <alpha1beta1> yeah my N was 70
04:26:34 <Gizmokid2005> idc that it's a refurb, $38 is awesome
04:26:53 <alpha1beta1> oh, mine's new :P
04:27:08 <Gizmokid2005> yeah, but you know how easily they are sold as refurb
04:27:17 <Gizmokid2005> someone use it for a week, return it, BOOM, refurb!
04:27:24 <alpha1beta1> yeah, sometimes
04:27:34 <alpha1beta1> othertimes they're beaten for a year by users like me
04:27:41 <Gizmokid2005> lol
04:27:42 <Gizmokid2005> oh well
04:27:45 <Gizmokid2005> I'll take that chance
04:27:50 <alpha1beta1> if it works, who cares
04:27:53 <Gizmokid2005> exactly
04:30:19 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
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04:36:46 <The_Cre8r> hi
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08:35:14 <purple> can we use SSL with freenode?
08:39:18 <TaffinFoxcroft> methinks so.
08:41:53 <TaffinFoxcroft> wait, nvm.
08:57:31 <purple> well, no SSL for now, i asked at #freenode, they say new ircd is preparing to be launched soon and it'll have SSL support
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12:26:28 <The_Cre8r> hi?
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14:54:32 <ve4jhj> good morning all
14:57:59 <powerjuce> hey ve4jhj
14:58:12 <powerjuce> how can we help u today?
14:58:29 <ve4jhj> just hanging out powerjuce, as usual
14:59:30 <powerjuce> sounds god
14:59:32 <powerjuce> good*
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17:09:13 <excid3> Gizmokid2005|AFK, there is a netgear WNDR3300 which is dd-wrt compat for $30 on newegg today
17:11:11 <Oni-Neoxes> excid3: lolwut?
17:11:33 <excid3> Oni-Neoxes,
17:11:49 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
17:12:08 <Oni-Neoxes> looks fast o-o
17:12:23 <excid3> yeah, its a wireless draft-n
17:12:29 <excid3> should be pretty fast
17:12:35 <excid3> provided you are using wireless n
17:12:43 <Oni-Neoxes> I see
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18:21:01 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> excid3: yeah, but I don't like netgear, and that's recertified too, plus it'
18:21:11 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> s 20 off today.
18:21:29 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> already ordered the linksys anyways :D
18:24:53 <ve4jhj> before i make a post in the request apps forum, anyone have thoughts on if the Qt SDK can be portablized?
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18:30:09 <Gizmokid2005> ve4jhj: KVirc is based on the Qt toolkit
18:30:19 <Gizmokid2005> so I'm sure it can be
18:30:38 <Gizmokid2005> but the actual Dev toolkit? I'm not sure
18:31:57 <ve4jhj> k - i'll make a post then, and we'll see if anyone picks it up :)
18:32:20 <Gizmokid2005> ve4jhj: k
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18:34:00 <excid3> Qt is designed for some pretty good portablility
18:34:05 <excid3> <3 qt
18:34:22 <Gizmokid2005> excid3: only Qt4 ;0
18:34:25 <Gizmokid2005> *;)
18:34:30 <excid3> yeah only qt4 for sure
18:34:43 <excid3> i still think gtk is better functionality wise
18:34:58 <excid3> qt has a great build to it, i dont like how it actually works for the end user though
18:35:01 <excid3> something about it feels weird
18:42:12 <Gizmokid2005> yeah...I ordered my books yesterday, so they should be here by the end of this coming week, or the net week.
18:42:34 <Gizmokid2005> and my router had the transit info t'fered to UPS now :D
18:47:59 *** Fireweb has quit ("Later!")
18:49:54 *** Res2216firestar is now known as res|around
18:50:59 <daBomb69> MS's updater is a jerk
18:51:40 <TimClark> Which updater might that be daBomb69 ?
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18:51:54 <daBomb69> The entire Windows Update system
18:52:31 <TimClark> Well, I don't know what to say, My system updates as it is supposed to, what problem are you having
18:53:14 <daBomb69> Go to in a non-IE browser
18:53:31 <TimClark> Why would you do that?
18:54:05 <daBomb69> Updates
18:54:09 <TimClark> The only thing I use IE for on my home machine IS to go to WU :O
18:54:44 * daBomb69 now also thinks he's broke his IE
18:54:48 <TimClark> It is how it was designed to work, those I think there are some plugins you can use for FF, I would never do it
18:55:02 <TimClark> though I think*
18:55:21 <daBomb69> Well, it still would be nice if MS would allow us to use a good browser to do it
18:55:35 <res|around> I use IE tab to get to WU
18:55:47 <daBomb69> res|around, IE tab?
18:56:03 <TimClark> And of cousre you could always us AU and have it do it in the background
18:56:09 <TimClark> use*
18:56:13 <gluxon> dabomb69: ... Let me fetch a link.
18:56:21 <res|around> daBomb69: Firefox add on, puts the IE rendering engine in a firefox tab
18:56:59 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit ("Gizmo has left the room! :)")
18:57:02 <gluxon> dabomb69: I remember telling you that once... the reason why I wanted an IE Portable.
18:57:10 <daBomb69> res|around, so, it works for everything that needs ie
18:57:18 <res|around> daBomb69: Yep
18:57:25 <daBomb69> awesome
18:57:33 <daBomb69> gluxon, u wanted ie portable :O
18:57:47 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
18:57:50 <gluxon> daBom69: FOR IE TAB!!! :D
18:58:01 <daBomb69> lol
18:58:02 <TimClark> Greetings JohnTHaller
18:58:08 <daBomb69> Hello JohnTHaller
18:58:08 <Bensawsome> JohnTHaller hey :)
18:58:13 <JohnTHaller> hola
18:58:19 <Zarggg> Windows Updates uses certain features built into the IE system, like ActiveX
18:58:28 <Zarggg> Of course it won't work in a dfferent browser.
18:58:43 <daBomb69> Is there a way to replicate ActiveX in FF?
18:58:54 <Zarggg> (and technically, IE is an integrated part of windows, not a seperate browser)
18:58:59 <JohnTHaller> use ietab
18:59:04 <Zarggg> ^
18:59:05 <TimClark> daBomb69: yes, but it is not reommended
18:59:06 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Are You Busy?
18:59:17 <Zarggg> I usually just launch it from IE
18:59:21 <JohnTHaller> activex is hardly used anywhere online. it never really caught on in terms of in-browser stuff as it was a mess
18:59:42 <daBomb69> TimClark, i'm sorta stuck on using a non-ie browser cause ie 8 won't work right on my comp.
18:59:42 <Zarggg> but IETab works, since all it does it switch to the IE rendering system with the Firefox application as a container
18:59:50 <Zarggg> eww
18:59:54 <Zarggg> IE8 :(
19:00:08 * Zarggg still doesn't believe that's ready for consumption yet.
19:00:11 <gluxon> IE8 is better than IE7...
19:00:22 <Zarggg> Not really
19:00:27 <gluxon> Yes.
19:00:29 * res|around liked IE5
19:00:32 <Zarggg> on about 80% of the web, IE8 will use the IE7 rendering engine :P
19:00:41 <gluxon> I think MicroSoft is actually getting somewhere with IE8
19:00:43 <TimClark> daBomb69: Firefox does not officially support ActiveX.
19:00:51 <daBomb69> Darn
19:00:51 <JohnTHaller> gluxon: why waddya need?
19:00:57 <Zarggg> daBomb69: You really HAVE to use IE for Windows Updates.
19:01:04 <gluxon> It's about Eclipse Portable and Java.
19:01:05 <Zarggg> If IE is hosed on your computer, you need to fix that first.
19:01:24 <daBomb69> Anyone know if MS still has IE 6 dl?
19:01:33 <JohnTHaller> what about it, gluxon. just ask
19:01:33 <TimClark> daBomb69: so there is one out there [a plugin] but they don't recommend it
19:01:40 <daBomb69> oh
19:01:44 <Zarggg> daBomb69: Is there a reason you can't revert back to IE7?
19:01:56 <daBomb69> It doesn't work right on my comp either
19:02:07 * daBomb69 has srsly screwed up comp
19:02:16 <Zarggg> Sounds like it.
19:02:17 <JohnTHaller> reinstall daBomb69.
19:02:23 *** ve4jhj has quit ("later!")
19:02:25 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Read this post:
19:02:38 <daBomb69> That would send me back to Win XP w/o sp1
19:02:51 <Zarggg> (Honestly, this shoudl move to #portableapps-ot
19:02:52 <Zarggg> )
19:02:55 <TimClark> daBomb69: what did you do to mess up IE ?
19:02:57 <JohnTHaller> gluxon: Chris is right. It will be in CommonFiles\Java
19:03:05 <daBomb69> TimClark, i wish i knew
19:03:19 <gluxon> So what should I do?
19:03:42 <TimClark> first go to -ot
19:04:54 *** res|around is now known as Res2216firestar
19:04:59 *** Res2216firestar has quit ("Are you a Geometry Wars fan? Check out the Geometry Wars wiki at")
19:05:49 <JohnTHaller> gluxon: what do you mean what should you do? that's where java is, so you have to work with it
19:06:39 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Okay, thank you. Chris was thinking something else.
19:07:59 <JohnTHaller> what was he thinking/
19:10:21 <gluxon> Uh... I don't know... all I know is that he thought I should talk to you....
19:11:28 <JohnTHaller> And you did, and I just answered and said he's right. So what's the issue?
19:11:44 <JohnTHaller> He just wanted you to double check with me. You did. Now you're good to go :-)
19:11:56 <gluxon> Okay. Thanks John :D
19:13:26 <JohnTHaller> Sure thing
19:14:09 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
19:15:47 <gluxon> Hi ptmb! :D
19:15:59 <ptmb> Hi gluxon!
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19:55:38 <Gizmokid2005> hello JohnTHaller
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19:57:20 <chrisroby> pabot!?
19:57:33 <JohnTHaller> hi
19:57:44 <chrisroby> hello
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20:17:18 <gluxon> chrisroby!!!
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20:57:11 <rcmaehl> i`m on a dsi!
20:57:50 <rcmaehl> :)
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21:00:24 <chrisroby> ...
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21:10:17 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is the engaged man - who'll be the married man on 3/20/10!
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21:11:57 <pa_8670> i`m on a dsi
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21:13:20 <TimClark> we understood that the first time rcmaehl
21:13:22 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
21:14:08 <pa_8670> i didn't know b/c my web mem ran out
21:15:03 *** pa_8670 is now known as rcmaehl
21:16:28 <rcmaehl> where`s my nick on the list?
21:16:54 <rcmaehl> b/c i dont see it
21:17:08 <ptmb> 8th from the bottom
21:17:16 <TimClark> you would know better than we rcmaehl differnt clients sort differntly
21:18:10 <TimClark> You are 7th from the top on mine as I sort by actively talking
21:18:17 <rcmaehl> i just got this dsi today, so i barely know anything about it
21:18:42 <TimClark> explain dsi ?
21:19:19 <ptmb> Nintendo DSi
21:19:26 <rcmaehl> i`m on the PA site but my name doesn`t show
21:19:31 <ptmb> the 2 screen console
21:19:44 <TimClark> You are using mibbit and it will be mibbits sort order, it has nothing to do with dsi i think
21:19:51 <rcmaehl> the dsi has a web browser
21:19:53 <TimClark> but not sure
21:20:26 <rcmaehl> yep
21:20:26 <ptmb> rcmaehl: you're using mibbit trough your web browser, so your IRC client is mibbit, so, it will be mibbit's sorting
21:21:02 <TimClark> so just scroll down the user list till you find yourself
21:21:30 <rcmaehl> plz do not put long posts itt uses up a lot of my web mem
21:21:45 <TimClark> not gonna happen rcmaehl
21:21:51 <Gizmokid2005> rcmaehl: if you don't have enough memory, that is NOT our problem. The next time you complain about it, i'm kicking you.
21:22:08 <Gizmokid2005> rcmaehl: nobody is forcing you to use your DSi and/or mibbit.
21:22:15 <Gizmokid2005> if you can't handle it...leave.
21:22:48 <TimClark> i ask folks not to flood with multilines as it makes a giant schroll back for everyone, and they do it anyway
21:23:49 <rcmaehl> ...
21:27:41 <Gizmokid2005> rcmaehl: have a problem?
21:28:35 *** rcmaehl has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
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23:11:26 <gluxon> DaveDixonII: Are you availible?
23:11:34 <DaveDixonII> Maybe
23:11:35 <DaveDixonII> O.o
23:14:40 <gluxon> ...
23:15:09 <gluxon> You know your friend? Rob or something? He showed us a php file that converted text to images. Do you remember the link?
23:16:34 <TimClark> Gluxon, may I suggest you remove your link to the logs in this post: and just say what happened, it just looks like a mess with all the other stuff that was happening at the same time
23:17:18 <gluxon> TimClark: Okay, I'll do that.
23:17:36 <gluxon> BTW, gluxon, not Gluxon (it looks weird that way :P)
23:18:13 <TimClark> it was typed in note pad before you got here so i did not notice it
23:19:05 <gluxon> ? okay....
23:20:00 <DaveDixonII> Sorry guys but i g2g
23:20:05 <TimClark> I was waiting for you to come in so i could make the suggestion, so I just typed it out, I did not use tab compleate and i usually start all sentences with a capital, make sense now ?
23:20:05 <DaveDixonII> Tornado Warning
23:20:58 <Gizmokid2005> see ya DaveDixonII
23:21:38 *** DaveDixonII has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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23:23:33 <pa_2094> idk if im alowed to say this here but are there any similar programs to this suite?
23:23:41 *** pa_2094 has quit (Client Quit)
23:23:59 <TimClark> a few
23:24:08 <Gizmokid2005> or not stick around...
23:24:46 <TimClark> Actually , i should have asked if he meant the PAM/PAP, not the suite
23:25:07 <TimClark> It's really the apps that count
23:25:10 *** powerjuce has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
23:27:49 <TimClark> ty gluxon for the edit
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