IRC Log from 2009-05-17
00:00:03 <MaienM> to see if that works
00:00:13 <JohnTHaller> And installerwise, nothing much is really changed. Some of the language files are updated.
00:00:24 <JohnTHaller> But they compile correctly on my box.
00:00:33 <JohnTHaller> Yeah, it seems like one of the RTL languages is causing the error on yours
00:00:45 <MaienM> well even without the languages part it fails
00:00:49 <MaienM> guess its my install then
00:00:55 <MaienM> I'll fix myself a new one then ;)
00:01:26 <JohnTHaller> Try going into the standard NSIS examples and try compiling one of their multilingual examples.
00:01:27 <JohnTHaller> That'
00:01:34 <JohnTHaller> ;ll let you know definitively
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00:02:33 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Suggestion: Can you make a optional MakeNSIS.exe cmd window appear? Something like the Backup?
00:02:33 <MaienM> which one of the examples would that be?
00:03:08 <JohnTHaller> C:\Program Files\NSIS\Examples\Modern UI\MultiLanguage.nsi
00:03:23 *** gluxon is now known as gluxon|gone
00:03:54 <JohnTHaller> gluxon|gone: The problem with that is then it doesn't generate the log file. I may include that as an option, though, if people want it.
00:04:11 <gluxon|gone> ?
00:04:16 <MaienM> that fails too, same error :(
00:04:19 <gluxon|gone> There's a silent switch.
00:04:36 <gluxon|gone> You have that one in the parameter.
00:04:43 <gluxon|gone> *on (one)
00:05:03 <JohnTHaller> Ok, yeah, it's your install
00:05:36 <MaienM> alright then, I'll get myself a new one ;)
00:05:37 <JohnTHaller> gluxon|gone: If you set it to output to a log file, it won't show the log as it is generated within the interface. So, either you get a log file, or you get to see it life in the MakeNSISW window.
00:05:59 <JohnTHaller> alright... I need to get some food
00:06:15 <gluxon|gone> And I need to go eat dinner.
00:06:16 <MaienM> yay for a fast internet connection :P
00:06:25 <MaienM> and I should go to sleep
00:06:48 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
00:07:14 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
00:19:56 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
00:20:00 <pabot> Gizmokid2005 is the in-house pidgin expert (usually), and is working on KVIrc Portable: AND RSSOwl Portable:
00:27:25 *** gluxon|gone has quit ("Leaving.")
00:36:19 *** rmccue (n=rmccue@unaffiliated/rmccue) has joined #portableapps
00:36:46 <SergentSiler> ello rmccue
00:37:57 <Bensawsome> ohai rmccue
00:39:28 <rmccue> '_'
00:39:33 <SergentSiler> Lol
00:55:30 *** TimClark (i=0c49f1cf@unaffiliated/timclark) has joined #portableapps
00:55:30 <pabot> TimClark thinks "We are one but we are many - And from all the lands on earth we come - We share a dream and sing with one voice - I am - You are - We are PAppsian " :)
00:58:05 <TimClark> Thought for today, there is need when arriving during support to comment on the fact that you will not be chatting during support because there is support going on :(
00:58:37 <SergentSiler> ...
01:25:46 *** Guest2287 is now known as ZachThibeau
01:29:40 *** AppGuy (i=4a4d3ba5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:29:57 <AppGuy> Hi all :)
01:30:23 <SergentSiler> ello
01:30:47 <AppGuy> all = SergentSiler ???
01:30:54 <SergentSiler> ^_^
01:32:06 <AppGuy> ;););););););)
01:32:15 <SergentSiler> lol
01:32:31 * AppGuy is having eye spazims
01:32:36 *** TimClark has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
01:32:58 <AppGuy> no, why
01:33:07 *** AppGuy has quit (Client Quit)
01:33:12 <SergentSiler> ...
01:35:45 *** TimClark (i=0c49f1cf@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
01:37:14 *** Aerobender ( has joined #portableapps
01:37:18 *** Aerobender has parted #portableapps ()
01:41:47 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
01:46:37 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
02:01:54 *** powerjuce ( has joined #portableapps
02:01:54 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
02:02:49 *** powerjuce is now known as powerjuce|away
02:10:26 *** AppGuy (i=4a4d3ba5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
02:19:02 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
02:25:32 *** dragonmage ( has joined #portableapps
02:25:33 <pabot> dragonmage is a skinner, who mostly just ports other's skins to different apps. Beta tester, Feature Suggester, and pretty much an idea man.
02:26:44 *** AppGuy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
02:36:02 *** powerjuce|away has quit ("peace out all")
02:57:12 *** Espreon (n=espreon@wesnoth/developer/espreon) has joined #portableapps
02:57:13 <pabot> Espreon is a lazy person who is awesome... If you give him a bottle of quality white tea good things will happen to you!
03:00:07 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|AFK
03:03:37 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
03:03:37 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
03:03:50 <excid3> I truly am sorry.
03:08:03 <rmccue> i am truely sorry for your lots
03:11:15 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
03:12:00 *** dragonmage is now known as drag|away
03:12:42 *** Don_Miguel (n=MichaelW@ has joined #portableapps
03:22:26 *** excid3 has parted #portableapps ()
03:24:27 *** drag|away is now known as dragonmage
03:35:16 *** WastePotato has quit ()
03:35:40 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
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04:05:09 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
04:23:15 *** WastePotato has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
04:41:25 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
04:41:26 <pabot> Whibo is a user
04:48:51 *** PatrickPatience (i=patrickp@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
04:48:52 <pabot> PatrickPatience is a moderator and developer (
04:52:27 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
04:58:51 *** Whibo has quit ()
05:04:42 *** Espreon has quit ("Tengo que ir... Yeahzorz...")
05:10:25 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
05:36:14 *** Suiseiseki has quit ("screw google, use oxysearch, the concentrated formula (TM)")
05:46:07 *** dragonmage is now known as drag|away
07:01:23 *** Aaron12 (i=56a91b65@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
07:02:35 *** PatrickPatience is now known as PatrickP|Away
07:02:41 <Aaron12> do you think for some new software we could have adobe flash on there for computers that dot have flash when you need it
07:03:36 *** Aaron12 has quit (Client Quit)
07:55:38 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
09:04:43 <purple> what exactly the PortableApps Installer 0.90 is actualy?
09:08:15 *** purple has quit ("Only two things are definite, Death and Format C:\")
09:09:08 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
09:42:56 *** BjornH has quit ("Leaving")
10:04:18 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
10:26:03 *** purple_ (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
10:26:03 *** purple has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
10:27:34 * TaffinFoxcroft wonders if anyone else plays discworld...
10:29:22 *** purple__ (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
10:44:50 *** purple_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
10:45:48 *** Don_Miguel has quit ("Ex-Chat")
10:47:27 *** ChrisMorgan (i=724c27fd@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:47:27 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more
10:48:45 <MaienM|Sleep> hello ChrisMorgan :)
10:48:55 <ChrisMorgan> Hey MaienM|..Sleep?
10:49:08 <MaienM|Sleep> oh, forgot to change my name again I see :P
10:49:10 *** MaienM|Sleep is now known as MaienM
10:49:27 <MaienM> I'm pretty sure I'm awake now ;)
10:49:42 <ChrisMorgan> Well then, how's BPBible Dutch goin'?
10:49:52 <MaienM> bout 50% now
10:50:01 <MaienM> so making progress again :D
10:50:23 <TaffinFoxcroft> aha, its ChrisMorgan!
10:51:23 <ChrisMorgan> purple__: the installer automates the process of building releases. It uses stuff in appinfo.ini and installer.ini and builds the installer from those, automatically, rather than needing you to maintain multiple copies of the installer code, and coding NSIS to get it to work, etc. And it makes it more user-friendly :-)
10:52:03 <ChrisMorgan> aha, it*'*s TaffinFoxcroft! ;-)
10:52:11 *** rmccue has quit ("The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"")
10:52:32 * TaffinFoxcroft goes back to being drunk on discworld whilst setting up a debian server
10:52:37 <ChrisMorgan> :s
10:53:05 <TaffinFoxcroft> .wik Discworld MUD
10:53:09 * ChrisMorgan goes back to updating BPBible SVN with the new installer and format stuff :-)
10:53:10 <pabot> "Discworld MUD is a free Multi-User Dungeon set in the Discworld as depicted in the Discworld series of books by Terry Pratchett." -
10:53:55 <ChrisMorgan> Simplifying the launcher significantly, using DefaultData for SwordBible and BibleCS support, then just updating drive letters.
10:58:15 *** sar3th (n=sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
10:59:35 <ChrisMorgan> Hey sar3th :-)
10:59:51 <sar3th> hello ChrisMorgan! :D
11:02:13 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
11:30:08 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit ("the magical leoplurodon says that way, charlie! (exit stage right)")
11:31:10 *** TaffinFoxcroft (n=TaffinFo@ has joined #portableapps
11:36:33 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
11:42:09 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... I don't know how I should handle BPBible with my PAL test.
11:43:10 <ChrisMorgan> You see, I need to replace DataPath= with AugmentPath=, and then AugmentPath=$LASTRESOURCESDIRECTORY with DataPath=$LASTRESOURCESDIRECTORY, and then write the INI string DataPath to $EXEDIR\Data\resources. Hmm.
11:58:29 *** TaffinFoxcroft has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
12:02:27 <MaienM> ChrisMorgan: what does "Transliterated" mean?
12:03:10 <ChrisMorgan> Just put in without translating it.
12:03:21 <ChrisMorgan> So for something in the same script, you leave it.
12:04:16 <ChrisMorgan> For a Hebrew or Greek word, you take the sound of the word, and put it into English.
12:04:27 <ChrisMorgan> (Take that last line of mine, not the earlier two)
12:04:34 <MaienM> ah, I see ;)
12:04:37 *** purple__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
12:04:43 <ChrisMorgan> s/English/whatever language you are using/
12:05:21 <MaienM> would "Converted" (or well, the dutch word for it) be a acceptable alternative?
12:06:26 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... probably not, that could mean translated /or/ transliterated...
12:07:08 <MaienM> well, I wouldn't know how to translate it otherwise
12:07:11 <ChrisMorgan> How's "transliteratie"?
12:07:26 <ChrisMorgan> That's what Google Translate says for "transliterate" :P
12:07:32 <MaienM> never heard of that word
12:07:46 <ChrisMorgan> It's probably just taking a mask operation to guess.
12:07:51 <MaienM> yeah
12:08:00 <MaienM> it gave me "trans lite rate" as result :P
12:08:18 <ChrisMorgan> Nice!
12:08:30 <ChrisMorgan> It's just that you're not using vertalen, it does need to be taking the sound of the word and writing it as its sounded.
12:08:33 <ChrisMorgan> *as it sounds
12:08:51 <MaienM> I guess I'l just use "Converted" for now, and mark it as fuzzy
12:09:05 <MaienM> maybe some other dutchie knows the word for it
12:09:12 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... fuzzy isn't meant to be used for that, but that's what it gets used as most often :P
12:09:17 <MaienM> could try to ask my parents about it when they get home, maybe they know
12:09:45 <MaienM> fuzzy is meant for incorrect/incomplete/lacking translations right?
12:10:23 <ChrisMorgan> No, there's some othre use, I just can't remember exactly what it's meant to be... some special Gettext thing.
12:10:54 <ChrisMorgan> Uncertain translation was what I just took it as at first, then my brother Ben told me otherwise.
12:10:57 <ChrisMorgan> Just mark it fuzzy :P
12:11:35 <MaienM> hmm...
12:11:49 <MaienM> well, according to the dutch wikipedia, "Transliteratie" is in fact correct
12:11:54 <MaienM> so I'll use that ;)
12:11:56 <ChrisMorgan> :o
12:12:02 <ChrisMorgan> OK, sounds good :-)
12:12:12 <ChrisMorgan> If people'll understand it, of course.
12:12:20 <MaienM> dunno about that :P
12:12:27 <MaienM> I mean, I never heard of it myself
12:30:06 <ChrisMorgan> BTW MaienM, transliterate = translitereren
12:33:29 <MaienM> hmm.. right :P
12:35:09 <MaienM> and "Transliterated" = "Getranslitereerd"
12:35:20 <ChrisMorgan> If you say so ;-)
12:35:37 <MaienM> I do :P
12:35:42 <MaienM> lets hope I'm right about it ;)
12:49:10 <MaienM> only 160 more strings to go -_- :P
12:49:42 <ChrisMorgan> Good :-)
12:49:51 <ChrisMorgan> Well, I'm going to bed now, so goodnight-o :-)
12:49:57 <MaienM> night ChrisMorgan
12:50:16 <ChrisMorgan> Just finishing off my last change to the BPBible Portable launcher...
12:50:19 <sar3th> bye ChrisMorgan
12:52:25 *** sar3th has quit (""Our culture doesn't get smarter, it just finds new ways of being retarded."")
12:56:30 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" Get BPBible Portable!")
13:33:00 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
13:33:01 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and "is kind of a big deal"
13:34:38 <MaienM> hello JohnTHaller
13:34:53 <JohnTHaller> hola
13:34:59 <JohnTHaller> build a new XP VM?
13:35:01 <MaienM> oh, btw, got myself a new install of windows in my VM, and it works now ;)
13:35:07 <MaienM> yep :)
13:37:06 <JohnTHaller> cool
13:43:18 <MaienM> For some reason the custom build I have does not have the icon embed in correctly. As a result, it will not have the TMW icon when running.... I don't seem to be able to fix this, XN resource editor seems to be failing to open the exe. I'm kinda thinking of going back to for now, since it seems that 0.0.29 has introduced quite a lot of bugs, and not having the icon would be bad for win 7 users right? I think that, with the amount of
13:43:18 <MaienM> bugs 0.0.29 has introduced, will come pretty soon anyway. What do you think, keep or dump 0.0.29? The disadvantages do not seem to outweight the advantages in my eyes.....
13:44:57 <JohnTHaller> devs mention how long it'll be?
13:45:04 <JohnTHaller> i think we're ok going with the previous release for now
13:45:24 <MaienM> nope, no official mention of it for now
13:45:28 <MaienM> alright :)
13:50:52 <MaienM> btw, JohnTHaller, if the installer fails the files it creates in the Other/Source directory will remain, is that supposed to happen?
13:51:01 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
13:51:11 <JohnTHaller> Yeah. To help analyze the issue.
13:56:00 <MaienM> should I release this as another PR, or are we going official with it already?
13:56:57 <JohnTHaller> is it done done?
13:57:16 <MaienM> everything I can think of doing, is done
13:57:31 <MaienM> it hasn't had any bugs from the beginning, so thats nothing to worry about
13:57:53 <JohnTHaller> let's do it as a PR just for this one... just to be sure we have all the bases covered. and since I won't be able to release it til later this week anyway
13:58:06 <JohnTHaller> you can do PR today and we'll go final end of this week or beginning of next
13:58:17 <JohnTHaller> you're using my NSIS win7 patch right?
14:01:46 <MaienM> what patch?
14:02:26 <JohnTHaller> in the forums
14:02:37 <JohnTHaller> NSIS launchers and installers don't work right on win7 without it
14:04:33 <MaienM> nope, not yet
14:04:38 <MaienM> I'll do that first then
14:09:27 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
14:14:44 <MaienM> JohnTHaller: the newest installer seems to fail on wine (just accidentally clicked twice :P)
14:15:14 <MaienM> hmm, nvm, it works now that I try it again :/
14:15:17 <JohnTHaller> i hadn't tested it on wine yet
14:15:22 <JohnTHaller> heh
14:15:27 <JohnTHaller> make sure the header bmp looks ok
14:18:14 <MaienM>|
14:18:25 <MaienM> looks good enough I'd say ;)
14:23:24 <JohnTHaller> no the header... on the next pages. the app icon :-)
14:25:29 <MaienM> yeah, that shows up correctly too, I think
14:26:36 <MaienM> JohnTHaller: same location as previois screenshow
14:26:38 <MaienM> *t
14:27:11 <JohnTHaller> app icon shows up in the upper right on the components page and while installer
14:27:13 <JohnTHaller> installing
14:27:47 <MaienM> yep :D
14:32:46 <JohnTHaller> RELEASE: FileZilla Portable
14:35:13 *** excid3|eee ( has joined #portableapps
14:48:45 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
14:54:11 *** aaron12 (i=56a91b65@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
14:54:26 <aaron12> whos online
14:55:42 <MaienM> I am
14:56:48 <aaron12> do you think they should have a adobe flash player
14:57:04 <aaron12> portable
14:58:23 <MaienM> you mean for firefox portable?
14:59:12 <aaron12> no a program called adobe flash that you can install on firefox
14:59:38 <MaienM> aaron12:
15:01:42 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
15:01:42 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
15:01:55 *** Suiseiseki (n=desulove@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
15:01:56 <pabot> Suiseiseki is desu
15:02:15 <MaienM> hello SteveLamerton, Suiseiseki
15:02:23 <SteveLamerton> Hello MaienM, all
15:02:25 <Suiseiseki> hi
15:04:46 *** Suiseiseki has quit (Client Quit)
15:09:41 *** aaron12 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
15:17:07 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> hello JohnTHaller, MaienM, SteveLamerton
15:17:09 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
15:18:11 <SteveLamerton> Hello Gizmokid2005
15:18:31 <Gizmokid2005> how are things today?
15:18:55 <SteveLamerton> Okish I guess, go my second of 12 exams tomorrow
15:19:06 <Gizmokid2005> SteveLamerton: good luck with that
15:20:00 <SteveLamerton> Thanks Gizmokid2005, after that three free months until I start university though, I am focusing on that ;)
15:20:15 <Gizmokid2005> ahh, yes. THe time between HS and college, I remember those days lol
15:20:31 *** ZachT|AFK is now known as ZachThibeau
15:20:54 <ZachThibeau> morning everyone
15:21:00 <ZachThibeau> ermm afternoon I guess
15:21:00 <Gizmokid2005> morning ZachThibeau
15:21:05 <Gizmokid2005> morning for me still :)
15:21:13 <SteveLamerton> Hi ZachThibeau, afternoon for me :)
15:21:15 <ZachThibeau> 12:25pm for me :P
15:22:01 <Gizmokid2005> .t edt
15:22:01 <pabot> Sun, 17 May 2009 11:26:36 EDT
15:22:06 <SteveLamerton> 16:26 here :P The day is basically over!
15:22:12 <ZachThibeau> .t ADT
15:22:13 <pabot> Sun, 17 May 2009 12:26:47 ADT
15:23:03 <MaienM> .t MaienM
15:23:03 <pabot> Sun, 17 May 2009 16:27:37 CET
15:23:11 <MaienM> lies!!!
15:23:17 <MaienM> .t CEST
15:23:18 <pabot> Sun, 17 May 2009 17:27:52 CEST
15:23:24 <MaienM> summer time -_-
15:24:17 *** sar3th (n=sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
15:24:22 <JohnTHaller> ok back
15:25:11 <JohnTHaller> hi SteveLamerton
15:25:23 <ZachThibeau> howdy JohnTHaller
15:25:31 <JohnTHaller> oh hi ZachThibeau
15:25:44 <JohnTHaller> didn't see yuo there
15:25:49 <ZachThibeau> just arrived
15:25:49 *** Simeon1 ( has joined #portableapps
15:26:06 <ZachThibeau> got back from church :)
15:26:13 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
15:26:14 <pabot> Whibo is a user
15:26:15 <Simeon1> Hi All And Congrats to John T Haller for the latest Paf-specs and the installer!!!
15:26:46 <JohnTHaller> ah ok
15:26:58 <JohnTHaller> thanks, Simeon1. you get to check them out or try the installer yet?
15:27:07 <Simeon1> nope
15:27:14 <SteveLamerton> Hi JohnTHaller, and I see the release train has started :)
15:27:16 <SteveLamerton> Hi Simeon1
15:27:22 *** Simeon1 is now known as Simeon
15:27:36 <Simeon> brb
15:27:41 *** Simeon has quit (Client Quit)
15:27:50 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
15:27:51 <pabot> Simeon is a Developer at
15:28:04 <Simeon> now IM back and I got my voice :)
15:28:28 <sar3th> JohnTHaller: can i ask you a quick question concerning the migration of installers to the new format?
15:28:55 <Simeon> unfortunately I am rather busy right now with other stuff and cant invest a lot of time into
15:32:06 <JohnTHaller> SteveLamerton: yup. toucan will go out soon
15:32:16 <JohnTHaller> sar3th: sure, what's up
15:32:55 <sar3th> i used the following line in my previous launcher to include the language strings: !include PortableApps.comLauncherLANG_${LAUNCHERLANGUAGE}.nsh
15:33:16 <JohnTHaller> yeah, that'll stay the same. launchers are sep from installers
15:33:26 <sar3th> so no changes there? :)
15:33:31 <JohnTHaller> nope
15:33:43 <sar3th> good, thanks, that's all i wanted to know
15:33:44 <JohnTHaller> just be sure to recompile your launcher with the NSIS Win7 patch I posted in the forums
15:33:52 <sar3th> okay
15:35:06 <Simeon> John: Any news on the Drupal translation module yet?
15:35:19 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: when do you want to start on the toucan port to linux?
15:35:29 <SteveLamerton> JohnTHaller: Woooo :D
15:35:55 <SteveLamerton> ZachThibeau: I have a big mercurial merge to do of my 2.1.1 branch then I will probably start after that :)
15:35:58 <JohnTHaller> Simeon: Not yet. I'm working on implementing a new app directory first so that we don't have to update all the different translated pages.
15:36:16 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: cool I'll assist you in any asset you need :D
15:36:27 <Simeon> ok. I am just asking cause Im about to translate some pages...
15:37:23 <JohnTHaller> yeah, do it the same way as usual for now
15:37:31 <Simeon> i will.
15:38:45 <Simeon> Oh and could you set up the installer and format pages for me?
15:39:25 <SteveLamerton> ZachThibeau: Awesome, do you use Ubuntu?
15:39:33 <ZachThibeau> yup
15:39:39 <ZachThibeau> Juanty Juan FTW
15:39:56 <SteveLamerton> Ok, I might grab a copy of the latest Fedora so we have a bit of a range
15:40:06 *** Whibo has quit ()
15:40:09 <ZachThibeau> sounds excellent
15:40:26 <Simeon> I have Kubuntu if thats any help :)
15:40:38 <SteveLamerton> Simeon: That will be handy :)
15:40:47 <Simeon> I figured...;)
15:40:49 <ZachThibeau> well simeon we could be the ubuntu team :D
15:40:59 <ZachThibeau> for toucan :P
15:41:11 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: upgrading drupal?
15:41:29 <Simeon> :) only problem is that I hardly use the programm and Im a bit out of spare time...
15:41:40 <ZachThibeau> :P
15:41:53 * SergentSiler can test on mandriva if needed
15:42:18 <Simeon> I think its time for a forum thread on this... :)
15:42:45 <JohnTHaller> Sure, here's the PA.c installer page for DE:
15:42:46 <ZachThibeau> I think it should be private at first until an alpha is working enough :P
15:42:57 <Simeon> agreed :)
15:43:21 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|sAFK
15:43:27 * SteveLamerton nods
15:43:27 <Simeon> THX John! May take a while till I get to it though.
15:44:08 <sar3th> JohnTHaller: i have reciewed an error as i compiled the new installer: File: "PortableApps.comInstallerHeaderRTL.bmp" -> no files found.
15:44:16 <sar3th> *recieved
15:44:53 <JohnTHaller> as for the format, I think we may keep it EN only for now... since it'll be changing frequently
15:45:05 <JohnTHaller> sar3th: what are you compiling on? what OS, etc?
15:45:06 *** drag|away has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: )")
15:45:06 <Simeon> ok
15:45:13 <sar3th> windows xp sp3
15:45:40 <JohnTHaller> Simeon: Or maybe do the translation, but point it back to the main page for the most up to date version... like a note at the top that the EN page is the official spec.
15:46:02 <sar3th> using NSIS portable by ZachThibeau with your windows 7 patch 1 applied
15:46:19 <Simeon> As I dont have that much time, I'd rather wait a bit that doing unneeded work, ok?
15:46:40 <JohnTHaller> sar3th: you doing an installer? you have to use the pa.c installer to do it
15:46:47 <JohnTHaller> Simeon: ok
15:47:14 <sar3th> ah okay thank you
15:47:20 <JohnTHaller> sar3th: the pa.c installer generates those files for you now.
15:47:36 <JohnTHaller> everything in an installer is now configged in appinfo.ini and (optionally) installer.ini
15:47:36 <sar3th> it shows an error message, but i thought it was a normal "success" message ~.~
15:47:41 <sar3th> my bad, sorry
15:48:47 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: how can I check the AdditionalParameters field in the .ini for a specific string? I tried the following to no avail.
15:48:50 <Gizmokid2005> StrCmp $ADDITIONALPARAMETERS "*-vm*" MsgBox MesgBox
15:53:05 <JohnTHaller> RELEASE: WinMerge Portable 2.12.2:
15:53:14 <JohnTHaller> RELEASE: Miranda IM Portable 0.7.19:
15:53:23 <JohnTHaller> Gizmokid2005: You can't use * in StrCmp
15:53:43 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: is there a wildcard I can use?
15:53:51 <SteveLamerton> Is there not a string find function?
15:54:20 <JohnTHaller> Gizmokid2005: Nope. You need to use something to check in the string for something
15:55:50 <SteveLamerton> Be back later guys
15:55:53 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving.")
15:55:55 <Gizmokid2005> I guess i don't understand...I just want to see if "-vm" exists in the additionalparameters in the ini
15:56:10 <JohnTHaller> right. strcmp is only for comparing EXACT strings
15:56:14 <Gizmokid2005> ahh
15:56:19 <JohnTHaller> you need to find a function that'll search inside a string
15:56:22 <Gizmokid2005> is there a function for finding strings?
15:56:31 <JohnTHaller> think so... can't remember offhand
15:56:34 <JohnTHaller> i've used it
15:56:48 <MaienM> can't seem to find it in the reference :(
15:57:00 <JohnTHaller> it's an addon. check the NSIS site
15:57:09 *** SrgSiler|sAFK is now known as SergentSiler
15:57:20 <Gizmokid2005> checking
15:58:04 <Gizmokid2005>
15:58:08 <Gizmokid2005> look right JohnTHaller?
15:58:12 <MaienM>
15:58:24 <JohnTHaller> that should work
15:58:33 <MaienM> hmm, that could work too ;)
15:58:36 <JohnTHaller> ah use wordfind
15:58:38 * Gizmokid2005 gives it a shot.
15:58:48 <JohnTHaller> always choose something within NSIS rather than an addon if possible
15:58:58 <Gizmokid2005> strcontains looks like it was in NSIS
15:59:20 <MaienM> wordfind has a example on how to do exactly what you want, too ;)
16:00:14 <Gizmokid2005> hmmm...this could be interesting.
16:02:11 <Gizmokid2005> WordFind it is then
16:02:15 <Gizmokid2005> thanks MaienM, JohnTHaller
16:02:50 <MaienM> yw
16:03:05 <Gizmokid2005> but then again, strcontain looks easier...
16:03:41 <JohnTHaller> stick with wordfind
16:03:45 <JohnTHaller> you'll thank me later
16:03:47 <Gizmokid2005> haha
16:03:48 <Gizmokid2005> ok
16:04:00 <JohnTHaller> then you don't have to worry about it when we switch to NSIS Unicode
16:04:06 <Gizmokid2005> Oohh
16:04:10 <Gizmokid2005> sounds like a plan to me
16:04:16 <Gizmokid2005> all this for stupid java *sigh*
16:04:20 <MaienM> look at the examples Gizmokid2005, ctrl + f "Example (If found):" should give you one that explains what you want :P
16:04:41 <JohnTHaller> Well, you could just use either the official location and fall back on local install. That would be easier. Most of our apps won't support a custom java location.
16:05:26 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: I know, but the problem is, if I don't check to see if the -vm switch in the .ini exists, and ignore it, I'm pretty much deprecating that feature of the app...I don't really want to do that.
16:05:54 *** excid3|eee has quit (Remote closed the connection)
16:06:23 <JohnTHaller> if someone is pointing to a specific VM, though, then why would they be using our launcher?
16:06:38 <JohnTHaller> same way we don't support specific profiles or the profile manager in the FF command line.
16:06:44 <Gizmokid2005> true.
16:06:46 <JohnTHaller> though we support it via an INI option
16:07:00 <JohnTHaller> if you want to go the INI option route to preserve the functionality... that'd prob be easier
16:10:35 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: I don't want to add something else into the ini just for the vm...if I can get this Word Find to work, i'll just use it for now.
16:10:47 <JohnTHaller> ok
16:11:33 <Gizmokid2005> wow JohnTHaller, cranking out the releases today
16:12:05 <Simeon> Yep. There are still some left though :)
16:17:10 <JohnTHaller> I'm working on it :-P
16:17:40 <Simeon> iS PokerTH coming too? cause the old version isnt working for online games anymore cause it needs tha latest one :(
16:17:43 <Gizmokid2005> Hey, I wasn't critcizing, just saying you are releasing a lot :)
16:21:08 <sar3th> updated release: MinGW Portable Development Test 5 -
16:21:56 <JohnTHaller> RELEASE: Toucan 2.1.0:
16:22:53 <Gizmokid2005> installed :)
16:29:57 <Simeon> Is there anyone here who speaks german?
16:30:21 <sar3th> Simeon: yes
16:30:41 <Simeon> how would you translate "wallpaper swapper"?
16:31:36 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
16:31:36 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a moderator on as well as one of its longest serving members, so show some respect ;)
16:31:43 <sar3th> "Automatischer Hintergrund-Wechsler" i's pretty difficult imo
16:31:48 <SteveLamerton> Hello again all, thanks JohnTHaller :)
16:32:27 <Simeon> Yes. Could you take a look at my translation of the Platform support page in a few minutes? Id like some feedback.
16:32:41 <sar3th> Simeon: sure:)
16:33:01 <SergentSiler> ello SteveLamerton
16:33:42 <SteveLamerton> Hi SergentSiler
16:34:00 <JohnTHaller> SteveLamerton: you're welcome :-)
16:34:15 <JohnTHaller> Simeon: And yes, I'm gonna do PokerTH today, too
16:34:25 <Simeon> Cool!!
16:34:27 <JohnTHaller> alright... I'm gonna get a bite. be back with the updates in a bit.
16:34:33 <SteveLamerton> Bye JohnTHaller
16:34:33 <Simeon> Seeya
16:34:42 <Gizmokid2005> have fun JohnTHaller, I should have RSSOwl done by the time you get back :D
16:35:46 *** sar3th has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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16:39:36 <sar3th> pabot: uri?
16:40:27 <SergentSiler> LOL
16:40:37 <SergentSiler> palogbot, uri
16:40:37 <palogbot>
16:40:40 <SergentSiler> :P
16:40:46 <SergentSiler> that or StatBot, uri
16:40:57 <sar3th> ty
16:52:04 <purple> RELEASE:
16:53:49 <MaienM> lol @ the comment :P
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17:05:20 <ZachThibeau> lol my compiled binary of firefox is 400kb smaller than the official one xD
17:10:04 <Simeon> haha :)
17:15:13 <SteveLamerton> ZachThibeau: Clearly you have too much free time ;)
17:16:22 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("ganna go play with mah pokemanz")
17:26:37 <Simeon> Are you still here sar3th?
17:27:11 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: well that happens when I don't have a job at this time and I'm bored :P
17:27:20 <ZachThibeau> after a long days work in trying to fnd a job
17:33:21 <SteveLamerton> Fair enough :)
17:34:08 <ZachThibeau> do I have a job yet? nope not yet :( stupid economy and job cuts are making it harder for me to find a job of any kind
17:34:29 <SteveLamerton> Yeah, I can imagine :( Still I wish you luck for the future
17:34:40 <ZachThibeau> thanks
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17:39:30 <sar3th> Simeon: yes
17:41:06 <Simeon> sar3th: cool! could you take a look here : and tell me what you thinkof my translation?
17:42:01 <sar3th> okay, will do as soon as i have some time :)
17:44:29 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
17:44:29 <pabot> JohnTHaller is the founder and lead developer of and "is kind of a big deal"
17:44:37 <JohnTHaller> hola again
17:44:40 <SergentSiler> wb jth
17:45:04 <SteveLamerton> Hello again JohnTHaller
17:45:55 <Simeon> Hi John!
17:46:45 <JohnTHaller> Ok... more apps to release
17:46:56 <SergentSiler> O_O wow, nice
17:48:39 <SteveLamerton> :-D
17:48:59 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: can I pick your brain a minute? I'm not following this for some reason
17:49:04 <JohnTHaller> sure
17:49:21 <JohnTHaller> I may do a quick PA.c installer/spec update. let more files be included in the Optional section
17:49:48 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: which line in there is the one that actually appends the additional parameters to the launcher string?
17:50:10 <JohnTHaller> 144
17:50:53 <Gizmokid2005> ok, and what does 138 do?
17:51:57 <JohnTHaller> copies paramters passed on the command line
17:52:45 <Gizmokid2005> k thanks JohnTHaller
17:53:00 <Gizmokid2005> I'm off now to get food, I'll finish up the launcher when I get back, hopefully not having to pick your mind again too :)
17:53:12 <JohnTHaller> k
17:53:24 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
17:56:44 <AppGuy> Hey John I have a question
17:57:45 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
17:57:46 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
17:57:48 <JohnTHaller> shoot
17:59:19 <AppGuy> For the PA.c Installer, Why is all the language files used even though English is all that is choosen?
17:59:51 <JohnTHaller> it copies em all there and then ditches em. don't include the source for the installer in your releases (it's not necessary)
18:00:06 <AppGuy> ok
18:00:29 <JohnTHaller> we're not with any of ours. it just takes up space. and you don't need it to compile it now... you just need the pa.c installer.
18:00:46 <AppGuy> thanks
18:00:55 <gluxon> #SilerSpot
18:00:59 <gluxon> whoops.
18:01:11 <gluxon> Forgot /join :P
18:01:42 <AppGuy> is it possible for the menu prerelease that you could put a progress bar in the uninstall gui?
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18:07:06 *** Espreon (n=espreon@wesnoth/developer/espreon) has joined #portableapps
18:07:08 <pabot> Espreon is a lazy person who is awesome... If you give him a bottle of quality white tea good things will happen to you!
18:09:11 <Simeon> gotta go - see you guys
18:09:46 *** Simeon has quit ("Leaving.")
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18:18:04 <pabot> Suiseiseki is desu
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18:46:19 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
18:46:19 <pabot> ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programmer that uses Linux. He is an OpenSource fanatic too. You can see more about him at
18:53:35 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
18:53:36 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
18:57:18 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: IfFileExists "$DRIVELETTER\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Java\bin\" UsePortableVM NoVMFound <-- is that right? or is there another way to check for the java in the platform?
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19:07:29 <pabot> Whibo is a user
19:07:41 <JohnTHaller> thatr work giz
19:08:08 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: awesome. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't another better way to do it.
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19:38:43 *** ZachT|AFK is now known as ZachThibeau
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19:51:37 <SteveLamerton> JohnTHaller: We have a spammer I just deleted one of his posts
19:51:44 <SergentSiler> D:
19:53:57 <SteveLamerton> Actually he has done a few in the past
19:54:47 <JohnTHaller> banned, posts deleted
19:55:02 <SteveLamerton> Cheers :)
19:57:22 <MaienM> *sigh* stupid spammers
20:08:47 <SteveLamerton> Bye now all :)
20:09:01 <sar3th> bye SteveLamerton
20:09:20 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving.")
20:12:31 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: ${GetParameters} $0 <-- parameters from?
20:12:47 *** BjornH has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:13:00 <Gizmokid2005> the ini?
20:15:10 <Gizmokid2005> line 130
20:15:23 <Gizmokid2005> no...that must be command line
20:15:30 *** daBomb69-Fails has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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20:15:56 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
20:31:03 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
20:31:25 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
20:31:25 <pabot> Simeon is a Developer at
20:31:35 <Simeon> Hi all
20:32:05 <daBomb69> hi Simeon
20:32:15 <Simeon> Is JohnTHaller here?
20:32:53 <JohnTHaller> sup
20:33:48 <Simeon> did you see the error in the latest ClamWinPortable package?
20:34:05 <JohnTHaller> what error
20:34:24 <Simeon> a config file in the Apps folder
20:34:44 <JohnTHaller> yea
20:34:58 <JohnTHaller> i'm gonna fix it with the revision that adds win7 support and the new installer
20:35:29 <Simeon> ok. I just installed it and remembered seeing a forum post about it and thought I'd ask if you saw it too.
20:35:30 *** daBomb69 has parted #portableapps ()
20:36:23 <Simeon> Oh and btw I tried the new installer on a personal App and it worked ok. I also had the grey rectangle but havent yet checked if its related to the icon.
20:37:05 <JohnTHaller> pelase check
20:37:11 <JohnTHaller> i've only reproduced it with bad icons
20:37:28 <Simeon> I will
20:38:11 <Gizmokid2005> StrCpy $EXECSTRING `"$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE" -vm $DRIVELETTER\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Java\bin\`
20:38:17 <Gizmokid2005> does that look right JohnTHaller?
20:39:51 *** andreasma has quit ("Verlassend")
20:40:25 <Simeon> gotta go - brb
20:40:28 *** Simeon has quit ("Leaving.")
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20:42:30 <pabot> Whibo is a user
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20:50:47 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
20:50:47 <pabot> Simeon is a Developer at
20:51:00 <Simeon> I am back
20:51:52 <Simeon> JohnTHaller: I just checked the icon and it is a valid Icon with only the parts specified in the spec. I extracted it from the programm's exe using IcoFX.
20:52:44 *** JacobMastel (i=4b5fbab7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
20:52:59 <JacobMastel> Hi all
20:53:32 <Simeon> hi jacob
20:54:36 <JacobMastel> Dead in the room?
20:54:58 <Simeon> john was here minutes ago but now silence spread...
20:55:07 <JacobMastel> Bummer
20:55:21 <Gizmokid2005> JacobMastel: it's been on/off
20:55:31 * JacobMastel is playing with a new FF extention...Split Browser
20:55:32 <Gizmokid2005> john is working on a lot of releases today
20:55:37 <Gizmokid2005> JacobMastel: I love that extension :)
20:55:40 <JacobMastel> Yeah I noticed
20:55:43 <Gizmokid2005> use it a lot when watching youtube and doing other thigs :D
20:55:45 <Gizmokid2005> *things
20:55:52 <JohnTHaller> Simeon: send me the icon please
20:55:56 <JacobMastel> Yeah the mibbit window fits in there nicely
20:56:34 <Simeon> John: ok
20:56:40 <Gizmokid2005> JacobMastel: yep :D
20:56:43 <Gizmokid2005> and you can resize z:d
20:56:44 <Gizmokid2005> *:D
20:57:15 <JacobMastel> JohnTHaller: what icon?
20:57:40 <Simeon> I try doing it via IRC
20:58:18 *** JacobMastel has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
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20:58:25 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
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20:58:43 *** Jacobm001 (i=4b5fbab7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
20:58:54 <Jacobm001> Oops sorry
20:59:03 <Jacobm001> Mibbit doesn't like the split thing moving :P
20:59:08 <Simeon> I have an icon that causes the new installer to draw a grey rectangle around it.
20:59:37 <Jacobm001> How would that happen?
20:59:50 <Simeon> dunno
20:59:58 <Simeon> that why john wants it...
21:00:37 * Jacobm001 was wondering if there were any existing guesses
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21:03:49 <JohnTHaller> Simeon: send it to me again please
21:04:06 *** JacobMastel has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
21:04:09 <Simeon> I uploaded it:
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21:07:21 <JohnTHaller> Simeon: It works for me unchanged from what you sent me. What OS are you on?
21:07:39 <Simeon> I am on kubuntu but i tried on Win XP SP3
21:07:56 <JohnTHaller> Not sure how it works under Wine at the moment.
21:08:15 <Simeon> I'll try it again tomorrow - maybe it'll work then or I can figure somethng out...
21:08:29 <JohnTHaller> What color depth is your display at?
21:08:38 <Simeon> dunno
21:09:04 <Simeon> have to reboot to check - but I'll keep it in mind
21:09:20 <JohnTHaller> not sure that would affect it. just right click on your desktop and go into display properties
21:09:53 <Simeon> Im on Linux now - and i tried it on Windows
21:12:14 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: is this string right?:
21:12:14 <Gizmokid2005> StrCpy $EXECSTRING `"$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE" -vm $DRIVELETTER\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Java\bin\`
21:12:29 <JohnTHaller> prob need quotes around the thing after -vm
21:12:41 <Gizmokid2005> ok, figured I'd check with you first.
21:12:42 <Gizmokid2005> thanks
21:12:46 <Gizmokid2005> I think I have it finalized
21:13:42 <JohnTHaller> Simeon: I just checked it on XP and it works fine with that icon
21:13:43 *** sar3th has quit ("let's see if it still crashes...")
21:13:55 <Simeon> ok - maybe its my display or something
21:14:54 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: there's the finalized launcher, look at the highlighted lines (141-154), thats what I did for the VM.
21:14:56 <Gizmokid2005>
21:15:39 <JohnTHaller> scratch that... it's color display. if you have it set to less than 32bit, it'll mess it up
21:16:24 <Simeon> ok. thanks for the info
21:17:17 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
21:17:18 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
21:20:16 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
21:21:43 <JohnTHaller> I added a note to the spec
21:23:05 <Simeon> ok. gotta go - bye everyone
21:25:23 *** Simeon has quit ("Leaving.")
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21:38:59 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
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21:50:59 <daBomb69> Guess not
21:55:31 <WastePotato> daBomb69: ?
21:55:45 <daBomb69> wrong window
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22:11:58 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
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22:19:22 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
22:20:46 *** Espreon has quit ("Tengo que ir... Yeahzorz...")
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22:50:21 <pabot> Suiseiseki is desu
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23:23:38 *** pa_7182 (i=453b71b6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
23:24:12 <pa_7182> hello, I am trying to get portable apps to always be in the system tray when I plug my USB flash drive in
23:24:27 <daBomb69> Like auto-start it?
23:26:04 <pa_7182> how do I do that
23:26:37 <daBomb69> Well, if the computer has autorun enabled, hit the start PortableApps thing that pops-up in the auto-run chices box
23:26:54 <daBomb69> if the computer doesn't have autostart/autorun enabled, u can't
23:27:16 <pa_7182> how do I get my computer to have autorun enabled, or do this, or find out if I have it
23:27:52 <daBomb69> If it does have Autorun enabled, the autorun box and stuff will pop up
23:28:33 <daBomb69> If it doesn't <-- Try that
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23:39:34 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
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23:47:41 <pa_0886> again lost the link, whats the link to get the portable apps application, to start up in the system tray, when the flash drive, is plugged into the flash drive
23:51:54 <pa_0886> help
23:51:55 <pabot> pa_0886: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
23:52:11 <pa_0886> again lost the link, whats the link to get the portable apps application, to start up in the system tray, when the flash drive, is plugged into the flash drive
23:59:24 <JacobMastel> Is this the one you wanted?
23:59:25 <JacobMastel>
23:59:43 <JacobMastel> Or did you want the installer for the suite?