IRC Log from 2009-05-25
00:14:05 *** Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
00:14:06 <pabot> Suiseiseki is desu
00:19:36 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
00:33:48 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:34:31 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
00:34:32 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
00:44:23 *** Jeremified has quit ("X-Chat 2.8.4-1 => 2.8.6-2")
00:47:13 *** Jeremified ( has joined #portableapps
00:50:54 *** Jeremified has quit (Client Quit)
00:51:23 *** Jeremified ( has joined #portableapps
00:55:04 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
00:55:04 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
00:59:15 *** excid3 has quit ("Leaving.")
01:16:28 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:17:01 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
01:17:03 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
01:26:27 *** sancas_ (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
01:26:58 *** sancas_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:41:16 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|AFK
01:47:17 *** TimClark has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
01:57:32 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:58:30 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
01:58:30 <pabot> ...
02:01:33 *** KevinPorter has quit ("Cheers")
02:29:23 *** Suiseiseki has quit ()
02:30:40 *** Random_Nick (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
02:31:39 *** daBomb69 has quit (Nick collision from services.)
02:32:02 *** Random_Nick is now known as daBomb69
02:49:19 *** daBomb69 is now known as KeryxBot
02:59:51 *** dougdunc (i=ad5821bc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
03:00:52 <dougdunc> is anyone here
03:01:03 *** KeryxBot is now known as daBomb69
03:01:06 <daBomb69> yup
03:03:49 <dougdunc> my portable pidgin chat app keeps nagging me to upgrade. Does anyone have a rough idea when the current portable version will be updated to match the regular version's 2.5.6?
03:04:10 <daBomb69> Probally soon, but not sure
03:07:33 <dougdunc> I know John is a busy individual. I'm just wondering if anyone else might be privvy to when john or an assistant might get around to deploying Pidgin Portable v2.5.5. like a year, or month or a few weeks. That's my only question this evening.
03:07:50 <daBomb69> Probally only a few days
03:09:38 <dougdunc> there are currently 19 folks in this chat window. why isn't anyone typing anythin???
03:10:46 <daBomb69> Most of them are asleep
03:11:58 <dougdunc> this is pretty weird in here. 19 people and not a single one can see me???
03:12:18 <daBomb69> Well, they all 'could' see you
03:12:43 <daBomb69> But i think all of them live in USA, where it's 9-11 PM on a sunday nigfht
03:12:45 <daBomb69> *night
03:12:55 <dougdunc> good bye if anyone is seeing me.
03:13:06 <daBomb69> Bye, have a nice night
03:14:08 <dougdunc> Gizmokid, are you there
03:15:25 <daBomb69> Nope, he's AFK
03:15:43 *** daBomb69 has quit ("Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)")
03:18:12 *** dougdunc has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
03:24:35 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
03:24:35 <pabot> Whibo is a user
03:29:26 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
03:29:27 <pabot> gluxon is not dumb. SO don't mess with the Bighead!!!
03:35:23 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
03:39:49 *** Whibo has quit ()
03:54:02 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
04:16:53 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
04:20:08 *** Don_Miguel (n=MichaelW@ has joined #portableapps
04:26:50 *** BjornH has quit ("Leaving")
05:01:13 *** rmccue|mibbit (i=cb0f87fe@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
05:01:27 <rmccue|mibbit> Moo.
05:01:51 <Bensawsome> hey rmccue|mibbit ^_^
05:02:07 <rmccue|mibbit> IT + HTML assignment = wasting time
05:02:16 <Bensawsome> lol
05:02:28 <Bensawsome> what be happenin with you
05:02:32 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
05:03:02 <rmccue|mibbit> I'm chillin'.
05:03:06 <rmccue|mibbit> Yerself?
05:03:27 <rmccue|mibbit> (Everyone else is learning about forms. HTML noobs. :P)
05:03:30 <Bensawsome> eh me too
05:03:32 <Bensawsome> lol nice
05:04:21 <Bensawsome> trying also to get my 3 freakin routers + wifi extender to work/work together
05:04:29 <Bensawsome> i have 3
05:04:33 <Bensawsome> and only one works right
05:04:37 <rmccue|mibbit> Anyway, I'm off.
05:04:41 <Bensawsome> lol cya
05:04:47 <rmccue|mibbit> Enjoy your router problem :D
05:04:55 *** rmccue|mibbit has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
05:05:10 *** Bensawsome is now known as iPwn
05:06:01 *** iPwn is now known as Bensawsome
05:06:16 <Bensawsome> lol
05:06:56 *** WastePotato has quit (Connection timed out)
05:36:10 *** Jeremified has quit ("Good night.")
06:04:23 *** sancas has quit ("Saliendo")
06:19:49 *** Don_Miguel has quit ("Ex-Chat")
06:35:38 *** LOGAN (n=LOGAN@unaffiliated/logan) has joined #portableapps
06:35:38 <pabot> LOGAN is a person that's crazy over fun portable stuff.
06:36:14 <LOGAN> any forum mod here might consider removing the lawyer's other spam post about forum based RPG
06:40:40 *** TimClark (i=0c49f151@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
06:40:41 <pabot> TimClark thinks "We are one but we are many - And from all the lands on earth we come - We share a dream and sing with one voice - I am - You are - We are PAppsian " :)
06:41:19 <TimClark> LOGAN: more information would be useful
06:42:43 <TimClark> "the lawyer's other spam post about forum based RPG" ???
06:49:20 *** pa_0761 (i=d424f8bd@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
06:49:32 <pa_0761> Hello
06:49:44 <TimClark> hello pa_0761
06:50:41 <TimClark> I am about to leave and the room is pretty much asleep at the moment, do you have a quick question ?
06:50:48 <pa_0761> Is there any way I could turn off Portableapps logo when I run portable software?
06:51:34 <TimClark> you would need to recompile the portableapps suite, not an easy task for most folks
06:51:48 <pa_0761> Thanks for your answer!
06:51:56 <TimClark> you are welcome
06:51:57 <pa_0761> Good luck
06:52:06 <TimClark> and to you
06:52:12 *** pa_0761 has quit (Client Quit)
06:52:50 <TimClark> LOGAN: i need to go, any more information for me ???
06:59:46 <TimClark> ok then, time to go, i will check the logs tomorrow
07:30:11 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
08:04:24 <LOGAN> sorry tim,i was afk. i thought you would have checked the poster's history..
08:55:07 *** n0b0dy (i=4a4d405f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
08:58:50 *** n0b0dy has quit (Client Quit)
09:11:39 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
09:20:42 *** Horusofoz ( has joined #portableapps
09:20:42 <pabot> Horusofoz is a long-term user who can offer some low-level app support. But be nice and don't make him make you turn the other cheek!
09:20:53 <Horusofoz> Hi guys
09:34:08 *** riZkiT ( has joined #portableapps
09:45:47 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
09:45:47 <pabot> SteveLamerton is the developer of Toucan and a Moderator, any questions please ask!
09:46:03 <SteveLamerton> Hello all
09:52:43 <riZkiT> is there a possibility to create folders in the portable apps menu ... or in the next major update?
09:53:49 <SteveLamerton> riZkiT: I believe it is planned for the next major update
09:59:09 <riZkiT> ah ... well ... i'm afraid to ask when its ready ;-)
10:02:11 *** ChrisMorgan (i=724c2e1c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
10:02:11 <pabot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer, and does BPBible, Inkscape, gVim, subcommander, and more
10:02:45 <ChrisMorgan> riZkiT: folders are due in PAP 2.0. 1.6 is due shortly, 2.0 will likely be quite some time away.
10:03:12 <SteveLamerton> Us mere mortals have no idea on the real schedule :)
10:03:27 <ChrisMorgan> Mere mortals? Us? You maybe... ;-)
10:04:01 <SteveLamerton> :P
10:04:31 <ChrisMorgan> To put it realistically, not even the PAP developers have a very accurate idea of when 1.6 Pre-Release 1 will be, let alone the haziest of 2.0.
10:05:41 <ChrisMorgan> Oh yeah, I should announce the release of Chris's Launcher Test 5, GanttProject Portable 2.0.9 Development Test 3 and Sweet Home 3D Portable 1.8 Development Test 1 now that I'm here :-)
10:07:39 <SteveLamerton> Busy busy busy ChrisMorgan!
10:07:55 <ChrisMorgan> Yes yes yes :-)
10:08:02 <ChrisMorgan> Any other apps you'd like me to do?
10:08:08 <ChrisMorgan> I'm in a developing mood :-)
10:08:54 <SteveLamerton> Nah, I am ok, just finishing up the first pre-release of Toucan 2.1.1 at the moment :)
10:16:58 <riZkiT> i request pidgin 2.5.6 as portable app =)
10:17:27 <ChrisMorgan> Sorry, I'm not the pidgin portable developer... John is.
10:18:30 <riZkiT> alright
10:18:46 <riZkiT> didnt checked it before asking
10:19:13 <SteveLamerton> riZkiT: It is coming shortly I believe, just waiting for the next version of the installer to be finished off
10:19:18 <ChrisMorgan> I don't think that me bundling up the latest version would really help matters.
10:19:21 <ChrisMorgan> Probably.
10:59:30 *** Horusofoz has parted #portableapps ()
11:22:55 *** sar3th (n=sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
11:22:55 <pabot> sar3th is here now..
11:23:09 <ChrisMorgan> Hola sar3th!
11:23:41 <sar3th> hello ChrisMorgan :)
11:32:30 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (" Get BPBible Portable!")
11:33:09 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving.")
11:46:19 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
12:28:16 *** Horusofoz ( has joined #portableapps
12:28:16 <pabot> Horusofoz is a long-term user who can offer some low-level app support. But be nice and don't make him make you turn the other cheek!
12:28:35 <Horusofoz> Spam Report:
12:30:07 *** Horusofoz has parted #portableapps ()
12:41:55 *** sar3th has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
13:09:07 *** WastePotato has quit ()
13:11:35 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
13:23:59 *** pa_0020 (i=c12cd478@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
13:24:21 <pa_0020> Hi
13:25:31 <pa_0020> I did read on a forum that it would be a portable JRE. But JRE is not a open source
13:25:56 <pa_0020> It is legel and where can I download it
13:33:34 *** pa_0020 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
13:41:54 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
13:50:59 *** WastePotato has quit ()
13:51:37 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
13:52:36 *** pa_3767 (i=5614b94f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
13:52:55 <pa_3767> help
13:54:07 *** pa_3767 has quit (Client Quit)
14:00:11 *** Oni-Neoxes (i=kvirc@ has joined #portableapps
14:14:13 *** ZerFEr ( has joined #portableapps
14:32:32 <WastePotato> ...
14:37:15 <dbdii407> ...
14:37:56 <SergentSiler> ...
15:11:10 *** excid3 (n=Marj_Oli@ has joined #portableapps
15:11:10 <pabot> excid3 is sorry but your princess is in another castle
15:21:32 *** ZachT|AFK has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
15:21:59 *** MaienM|Sleep has quit ("Bye!!!!")
15:22:28 *** MaienM (n=MaienM-F@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
15:22:28 <pabot> MaienM is developing The Mana World Portable, and would like people to test it:
15:23:06 *** Suiseiseki (i=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
15:23:07 <pabot> Suiseiseki is desu
15:23:53 *** excid3 has parted #portableapps ()
15:25:54 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> .tell rmccue "help!" is broken again...
15:25:55 <pabot> Gizmokid2005|AFK: I'll pass that on when I next see rmccue.
15:26:42 <SergentSiler> lol
15:30:06 *** ZerFEr has quit ()
15:39:19 *** ZerFEr ( has joined #portableapps
15:50:48 <dbdii407> Anyone want to see my iPod in a Video?
15:51:52 * dbdii407 pokes SergentSiler
15:52:04 <SergentSiler> lol
15:52:16 <dbdii407> It's actually kinda cool. :)
15:52:17 <SergentSiler> NTY, im abusing my bandwith right now :P
15:54:49 <dbdii407> Worry wort. :P
15:54:55 <SergentSiler> lol
15:55:03 <SergentSiler> streaming radio is pushing it :P
15:55:11 <dbdii407> Worry wort. :P
15:56:00 <SergentSiler> lol
15:56:36 * dbdii407 is uploading it to youtube
15:56:57 <dbdii407> My parents think it's funny.
15:58:15 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
16:02:28 <riZkiT> seeing your ipod!?
16:02:39 <riZkiT> why?
16:08:10 <dbdii407> my iPod ->
16:09:30 <riZkiT> looks like u crashed ur display
16:09:48 <Gizmokid2005> nice category dbdii407
16:09:53 * Gizmokid2005 flags for bad category :P
16:10:41 <riZkiT> similar: IPOD Vibrator ... i dont think so
16:10:48 <Gizmokid2005> lol ya
16:11:05 <dbdii407> Youtube's fault...
16:11:06 <dbdii407> :/
16:11:13 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
16:11:15 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
16:11:26 <Gizmokid2005> dbdii407: ID 10 T error imo
16:11:40 <dbdii407> Wha?
16:15:15 *** andreasma ( has joined #portableapps
16:15:30 <andreasma> hi
16:17:38 <Gizmokid2005> .wik ID 10 T error
16:17:47 <pabot> "ID-Ten-T Error (also seen as ID10T and ID107) is a term often used by tech support operators and computer experts to describe a problem that is due to the user's ignorance instead of a software or hardware malfunction." -
16:26:06 <dbdii407> Lol!
16:26:13 <dbdii407> Thanks Mr. OP. :P
16:30:37 <Gizmokid2005> anytime dbdii407 anytime.
16:43:33 <Bensawsome> lol
16:43:41 * Bensawsome is detecting ID10T
16:45:14 <SergentSiler> lol
16:49:23 *** Jeremified ( has joined #portableapps
16:49:58 *** riZkiT has parted #portableapps ()
16:51:10 *** abc528 ( has joined #portableapps
17:00:26 *** AppGuy (i=4a2c5edb@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:00:35 *** AppGuy has quit (Client Quit)
17:02:36 *** AppGuy (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
17:03:02 *** Havvy (i=473be61f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:05:49 *** AppGuy has quit (Client Quit)
17:33:32 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
17:33:54 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
17:33:54 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
17:38:35 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit (Client Quit)
17:39:12 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
17:47:07 *** TimClark (i=0c49f10a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
17:47:07 <pabot> TimClark thinks "We are one but we are many - And from all the lands on earth we come - We share a dream and sing with one voice - I am - You are - We are PAppsian " :)
17:47:12 <daBomb69> hi tarbo
17:47:15 <daBomb69> Hi TimClark
17:48:00 <TimClark> slow down daBomb69
17:48:11 <daBomb69> Sorry
17:50:20 *** andreasma has quit ("Verlassend")
17:53:47 *** AppGuy (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
17:55:12 *** Havvy has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
18:09:47 *** Havvy (i=473be61f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
18:20:04 *** AppGuy has quit ("Good Bye")
18:24:16 *** SergentSiler is now known as _50u|r34P3r_
18:25:54 *** Bensawsome is now known as RickAstley
18:27:19 *** RickAstley is now known as Bensawsome
18:37:09 *** abc528 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
18:37:38 *** abc528 ( has joined #portableapps
18:42:02 *** andreasma ( has joined #portableapps
18:47:07 *** _50u|r34P3r_ is now known as SergentSiler
19:00:07 *** Havvy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
20:10:41 *** Scriptdaemon ( has joined #portableapps
20:16:21 *** Dave_3711 (i=4f4f1ab6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
20:16:51 <daBomb69> Hi Dave_3711
20:17:57 <Dave_3711> HI, umm is their anyway to reinstall the backup software
20:18:14 <daBomb69> Yes
20:18:18 <Dave_3711> like, so I can access it from the menue
20:18:18 *** Scriptdaemon has quit ("Leaving")
20:18:22 <daBomb69> ya
20:18:37 <MaienM> Dave_3711: reinstalling the menu should work
20:18:51 <MaienM> it won't overwrite any of your settings
20:19:16 <Dave_3711> hmm . . well I did that, but then after restoreing my backup . .
20:19:21 *** abc528 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:20:58 <Dave_3711> I mean, I click on the icon, but it does'nt do anything
20:21:18 <daBomb69> So, the menu's broke
20:21:19 <MaienM> you mean, it stopped working after restoring a backup?
20:21:31 <Dave_3711> yes
20:21:50 <MaienM> hmm...
20:22:03 <MaienM> well then the backup might be corrupt or something
20:22:11 <Dave_3711> is their someway just to umm 'throw' the file back in
20:22:18 <MaienM> yeah
20:22:27 <MaienM> you can use 7zip to open the backup
20:22:39 <Dave_3711> ok
20:22:56 <Dave_3711> and then like throw it in
20:23:24 <Dave_3711> I mean the files
20:23:42 <MaienM> probably..... I've never did it that way so I'm not sure how the files are organized within the backup
20:23:44 <Dave_3711> ty
20:23:52 <Dave_3711> oh . .
20:24:16 <Dave_3711> I will try
20:24:39 *** Dave_3711 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
20:29:59 *** ZerFEr has quit ()
20:33:46 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
20:33:47 <pabot> ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programmer that uses Linux. He is an OpenSource fanatic too. You can see more about him at
20:33:58 <daBomb69> ptmb!
20:34:15 <ptmb> Hi everybody!, hi daBomb69!
20:34:54 <SergentSiler> ohai pabot
20:34:57 <SergentSiler> DAMN
20:35:01 <SergentSiler> ptmb*
20:35:07 * SergentSiler headdesks
20:35:34 <daBomb69> Ohaithar pabot
20:35:43 <daBomb69> ptmb, ur not cool enought to get an Ohai
20:35:50 <ptmb> :P
20:35:56 <SergentSiler> lol
20:41:03 *** daBomb69 is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
20:41:04 *** WastePotato has quit ()
20:42:31 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
20:45:34 *** WastePotato has quit (Client Quit)
20:46:10 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
20:54:48 *** Jeremified is now known as Jfied|lunch
20:55:29 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
20:55:30 <pabot> powerjuce knows all
20:57:09 *** powerjuce is now known as powerjuce|away
21:00:52 *** AppGuy (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
21:02:55 *** andreasma has quit ("Verlassend")
21:05:13 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
21:06:14 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: you have the floor
21:06:15 *** abc528 ( has joined #portableapps
21:06:21 <Gizmokid2005> thanks TimClark
21:19:04 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
21:20:22 *** dbdii407 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
21:20:39 *** daBomb|Not-Here has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:21:23 *** daBomb69 (i=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
21:21:24 <pabot> daBomb69 is the awesome person responsible for: Gnumeric Portable
21:22:44 <Mir> anyone use FCEU in linux?
21:23:38 *** ZachT|AFK ( has joined #portableapps
21:24:01 *** ZachT|AFK is now known as Guest29060
21:32:57 *** ptmb is now known as ptmb|busy
21:34:23 *** TimClark (i=8087e37a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #portableapps
21:39:04 *** Jfied|lunch is now known as Jeremified
21:50:14 *** ZachThibeau (n=ubuntu@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
21:50:14 <pabot> ZachThibeau is a developer of DVDStylerPortable at and is also developing musicplay3000 the open-source media player inspired by foobar2000
21:50:35 <ZachThibeau> howdy guys
21:50:54 <TimClark> Hello Guest29060 :P
21:51:38 <ZachThibeau> sorry MaienM's bnc won't let me log in :(
21:51:49 <ZachThibeau> if it would I would be using that :P
21:58:21 *** AppGuy has quit ("Good Bye")
21:59:59 *** rbrt13 ( has joined #portableapps
22:00:03 <rbrt13> hello
22:00:18 *** ptmb|busy has quit ("Leaving")
22:01:20 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
22:02:16 <rbrt13> ha, line 13 of the MOTD: - a success, indivdual donors, hardware and bandwith sponsors and
22:02:26 <JacobMastel> Hi all how goes it?
22:03:02 <rbrt13> hello, good except that i cannot connect to dbdii407's server
22:03:17 <rbrt13> line 12*
22:17:22 <Bensawsome> btw rbrt13 that happens alot :/
22:23:34 <JacobMastel> Anyone here played with EyeOS before?
22:23:43 <ZachThibeau> a little
22:23:45 <ZachThibeau> not much
22:23:54 <daBomb69> Ya
22:24:01 <JacobMastel> Is it worth anything?
22:24:19 <daBomb69> Ya, i think so... as long as you have high-speed internet
22:26:30 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
22:28:37 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
22:28:40 <pabot> ptmb is a blogger and wannabe programmer that uses Linux. He is an OpenSource fanatic too. You can see more about him at
22:30:25 *** ZachThibeau has parted #portableapps ()
22:30:42 *** Guest29060 is now known as ZachThibeau
22:31:39 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
22:35:12 *** ve4jhj (n=ve4jhj@ has joined #portableapps
22:39:10 *** abc528 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
22:40:21 *** LOGAN has parted #portableapps ()
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22:48:05 *** BjornH has quit (Client Quit)
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22:49:50 <daBomb69> Hi abc528
22:57:41 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
23:05:43 *** chrisroby ( has joined #portableapps
23:05:43 <pabot> chrisroby is blah, is blah, developer of blah blah, he likes blah, and blah, but not pink blah, or blah waffles, so blah :p
23:07:24 <ZachThibeau> howdy chrisroby
23:07:30 <ZachThibeau> long time since I seen you
23:16:28 <chrisroby> hey zachthibeau
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23:16:38 <chrisroby> ive been out and about
23:17:58 *** JacobMastel is now known as JacobMastel-Away
23:20:24 *** powerjuce|away has quit ("peace out all")
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23:27:38 <pabot> Whibo is a user
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23:33:40 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
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