IRC Log from 2009-07-18

00:04:40 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
00:05:38 *** powerjuce has quit (Client Quit)
00:08:48 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:19:38 *** daBomb69 (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
00:19:38 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
00:22:29 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("I QUIT D:<")
00:24:57 *** Oni-Neoxes (n=Oni-Neox@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
00:24:58 <GizmoBot> Oni-Neoxes is a Hardcore Nintendo Fan
00:56:04 *** pa_6310 (i=8ea2ab7a@gateway/web/freenode/x-089a19726f4f4452) has joined #portableapps
00:59:34 <pa_6310> hey guy's just wondering how to install other portable apps other than the one's listed on this site such as winanp portable, oprator portable. the refresh icon's under options don't seen to work and i can't find anyother help on the site.
00:59:50 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("I QUIT D:<")
01:00:07 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> pa_6310: only the apps on the site are official and conform to standards
01:00:14 <pa_6310> hope it wasn't something i said
01:00:35 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> and refresh icons in the menu is only to remove or add menus if you've added or removed programs.
01:01:06 <pa_6310> ok , thanks..i must have misunderstood...thanks
01:01:11 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> yw pa_6310
01:04:07 *** pa_6310 has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
01:04:29 *** WastePotato has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.0-rc2")
01:11:07 *** Don_Miguel (n=MichaelW@ has joined #portableapps
01:31:26 *** Random_Nick (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
01:32:20 *** daBomb69 has quit (Nick collision from services.)
01:32:31 *** Random_Nick is now known as daBomb69
02:00:40 *** daBomb69 has quit ("Seeing If Perl Works")
02:02:14 *** daBomb69 (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
02:02:14 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
02:02:14 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
02:31:47 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:32:13 *** daBomb69 (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
02:32:13 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
02:36:24 *** Espreon_ (n=espreon@wesnoth/developer/espreon) has joined #portableapps
02:37:21 *** Espreon_ has quit (Client Quit)
02:37:56 *** Espreon_ (n=espreon@wesnoth/developer/espreon) has joined #portableapps
02:38:18 *** Espreon has quit (Nick collision from services.)
02:39:03 *** Espreon_ is now known as Espreon
02:39:32 *** Espreon is now known as Cheese-Kun
02:45:09 *** sancas (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
03:18:56 *** antony (i=3e018d7a@gateway/web/freenode/x-3d782ab0af049d91) has joined #portableapps
03:19:02 <antony> hello there
03:19:09 <daBomb69> 'ello antony
03:19:45 <antony> i was browsing the site, cause i am having problem starting "Portable App Creator"
03:19:53 <antony> can anyone help me out please?
03:19:59 <daBomb69> the what?
03:20:18 <daBomb69> the portable app creator in beta?
03:20:25 <antony> yes
03:20:37 <daBomb69> ok, i think you need to have autoit installed for that
03:20:52 <antony> it downloaded all files itself
03:21:02 <antony> Portable App Creator.exe was created
03:21:28 <antony> when i click on it, nothing happens
03:21:44 <antony> um, am i missing something? :(
03:21:48 <daBomb69> well, i happen to personally have never used it, so, sorry but can't help :(
03:22:15 <antony> well, thanks anyway ;)
03:22:42 <daBomb69> although, you could leave a question at that post
03:37:05 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
03:43:27 *** antony has quit ("Page closed")
03:49:14 *** pa_4051 (i=4a80b870@gateway/web/freenode/x-490ab013dace5593) has joined #portableapps
03:49:35 <pa_4051> hello, is someone there?
03:50:28 *** pa_4051 has parted #portableapps ()
03:50:33 <Bensawsome> yes
03:50:36 <Bensawsome> or not....
03:50:54 <Bensawsome> lol..........
03:55:48 *** AppGuy (n=AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
03:56:37 <Bensawsome> .o twitter
03:56:38 <GizmoBot> <@Bensawsome> @PatrickPatience I have the MBP. 500gb 7200rpm HDD, 512mb NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, 4gb of ram, dual core 3.06 ghz processor. It be pimpin :) (
03:56:42 <Bensawsome> :B
03:56:48 * Bensawsome <3 his mbp
03:58:41 *** pa_1473 (i=5ad45e37@gateway/web/freenode/x-2ec75805788ce73d) has joined #portableapps
03:59:14 *** pa_1473 is now known as prapper
04:00:13 <prapper> good morning all :-)
04:01:25 <AppGuy> morning?, im about to go to bed
04:02:13 <prapper> lol
04:02:15 <Bensawsome> lol
04:02:16 <Bensawsome> well
04:02:20 <Bensawsome> its 12 am for me
04:02:25 <Bensawsome> so techincally it is morning :P
04:03:05 <AppGuy> oh i guess to
04:03:09 <AppGuy> *so
04:03:49 <prapper> 5am. too early
04:11:20 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
04:12:24 *** AppGuy has quit ("Good Bye")
04:12:36 <Bensawsome> i cant beleive its only 12 am and im this tired :?
04:12:53 <Bensawsome> usually i dont get this tired till around 2 or 3 on saturdays
04:12:57 <Bensawsome> err fridays
04:13:27 <Bensawsome> well techincally its saturday but whatever lol
04:16:47 *** daBomb69 (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
04:16:47 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
04:17:55 *** abc528 has quit ("Quitte")
04:47:25 *** Don_Miguel has quit ("Ex-Chat")
05:13:17 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
05:23:10 *** Cheese-Kun has quit ("WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!")
05:24:58 *** Whibo has quit ()
05:25:58 *** Suiseiseki has quit ("Read error: 409 (connection not clean, using Formula 409 to clean up connection)")
05:38:20 *** sancas has quit ("Saliendo")
05:39:37 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:42:30 *** abc528 ( has joined #portableapps
06:01:31 <prapper> PortableApps on the BBC - Starts at 01:50
06:07:41 *** daBomb69 (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
06:07:41 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
06:25:06 *** daBomb69 has quit ("Leaving")
06:25:23 *** daBomb69 (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
06:25:23 <GizmoBot> ...
06:34:43 *** daBomb69 has quit ()
06:34:59 *** daBomb69 (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
06:34:59 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
06:38:15 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
06:40:16 *** daBomb69 (n=daBomb69@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
06:46:18 *** PatrickPatience (n=Patrick@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
06:47:52 <daBomb69> 'ello PatrickPatience
06:47:56 <PatrickPatience> Allo.
06:48:11 <daBomb69> how are you this morning?
06:49:40 <PatrickPatience> Sssssplendid.
06:49:50 <daBomb69> thats good...
07:10:56 *** ChrisMorgan ( has joined #portableapps
07:10:56 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer (BPBible, Inkscape et al), currently involved with work on the Launcher.
07:11:13 <daBomb69> ello Chris
07:11:30 <ChrisMorgan> ello daBomb69 with your captial B back :-)
07:11:38 <daBomb69> yup! :D
07:11:48 * daBomb69 wonders...
07:14:08 <daBomb69> darn
07:14:14 <ChrisMorgan> ?
07:14:26 <ChrisMorgan> With what in them?
07:14:31 <ChrisMorgan> Arial doesn't have that character.
07:14:38 <daBomb69> a u w/ umlats
07:14:53 <ChrisMorgan> Wrong thing. That's unicode, only needs to be ASCII.
07:14:58 <daBomb69> oh
07:15:01 <ChrisMorgan> .wik u umlaut
07:15:02 <GizmoBot> "'Ü', or 'ü', is a character which represents either a letter from several extended Latin alphabets, or the letter U with umlaut or diaeresis." -
07:15:09 <ChrisMorgan> Try that character... if you must.
07:15:12 <daBomb69> ya, seen it
07:15:21 <ChrisMorgan> Better still, don't change nicks needlessly.
07:15:25 * daBomb69 litterally c/p'd from there
07:15:33 <daBomb69> ChrisMorgan, i did it in a new servere tab
07:15:38 <daBomb69> *server
07:15:46 <ChrisMorgan> Well something went wrong, possibly your client changed it.
07:15:53 <daBomb69> odd///
07:15:55 <daBomb69> *...
07:15:58 <daBomb69> oh well
07:16:12 <ChrisMorgan> For me, the first one I see the white ? in a black diamond.
07:16:17 <ChrisMorgan> The Wikipedia page displays fine.
07:16:20 <daBomb69> oh
07:16:22 <daBomb69> weird...
07:55:41 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
07:55:44 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is the engaged man - who'll be the married man on 3/20/10!
07:56:13 <ChrisMorgan> Hey Gizmo... two of you! :-)
08:05:55 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|Away
08:13:03 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
08:46:23 *** PatrickPatience has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
09:03:33 *** ChrisMorgan|Away is now known as ChrisMorgan
09:05:50 <daBomb69> wb ChrisMorgan
09:14:02 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
09:41:03 *** gmbudwrench (n=Ronnie@ has joined #portableapps
09:43:55 <daBomb69> hello gmbudwrench
09:44:12 <gmbudwrench> Good morning
09:49:12 *** gmbudwrench has parted #portableapps ()
09:57:06 *** WastePuree (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
10:12:55 *** WastePotato has quit (Success)
10:21:43 *** MaienM|Gone has quit (Remote closed the connection)
10:22:55 *** MaienM (n=MaienM-F@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
10:22:55 <GizmoBot> MaienM is MaienM. He is the developer of The Mana World Portable, and he has a website at
10:23:12 <ChrisMorgan> Greetings, MaienM
10:24:26 <ChrisMorgan> How goeth BPBible in Dutch?
11:13:48 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
11:13:53 <Simeon> Hi All
11:14:04 <ChrisMorgan> Hey Simeon
11:14:40 <Simeon> Hi Chris
11:15:10 <Simeon> I just read your nice comments on Software patents ;)
11:16:36 <ChrisMorgan> ;-)
11:31:49 *** daBomb69_ (n=irchon@ has joined #portableapps
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11:35:14 <prapper> ChrisMorgan: thanks for helping me out with the installer on the forums just now. Much appreciated :-)
11:43:59 <ChrisMorgan> What did I help you with?
11:44:09 <ChrisMorgan> Me? I didn't do it! ..?
11:44:32 <ChrisMorgan> oh, custom code
11:44:49 <ChrisMorgan> As always? You dare to accuse me!? ;-) Thanks :-)
11:45:47 <Simeon> ...everyone here waiting for John to show up and erlease the newq Platform? ;)
11:46:14 <ChrisMorgan> Possibly
11:46:28 <ChrisMorgan> It's 7:52 AM this morning where he is :P
11:46:53 <ChrisMorgan> ± 2 minutes ;-)
11:47:07 <Simeon> youre right! Its 1:52 pm here...
11:47:25 <ChrisMorgan> Of /course/ I'm right... ;-)
11:48:20 <Simeon> haha
12:20:04 *** Simeon has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
12:30:14 *** upnPAD ( has joined #portableapps
12:42:39 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
12:53:46 *** excid3 has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
12:56:53 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|zzz
13:02:13 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
13:02:14 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is working on a super cool media player with MaienM :D
13:03:10 <ZachThibeau> morning all
13:15:53 <ZachThibeau> what no Hi's from people D:
13:16:03 * ZachThibeau feels like nothing :(
13:16:46 *** Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
13:19:59 *** ChrisMorgan|zzz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
13:37:36 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
13:38:04 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
13:38:04 <GizmoBot> ...
13:48:57 *** upnPAD has quit ("oi na")
14:03:30 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
14:11:51 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
14:27:26 *** prapper has quit ("Page closed")
14:51:27 *** AppGuy (n=AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
14:57:12 <AppGuy> Its either no ones here or they love silence
15:06:23 <ZachThibeau> well I guess they love silence because I was waiting for a hi since I logged back in
15:06:49 <ZachThibeau> and I thought everyone would you know respect me by saying hi being an Official Dev and all :P
15:08:23 * AppGuy says Hi
15:08:57 <ZachThibeau> :D
15:09:07 * ZachThibeau returns the favour
15:09:14 <AppGuy> :D
15:10:27 <AppGuy> d you have the pre-pre-release
15:10:40 <AppGuy> *do
15:13:20 <ZachThibeau> not atm, working on ZSNESPortable Dev Test 3 atm, trying to find a way to fix the paths without doing too many changes
15:14:20 *** kaeos (n=Miranda@ has joined #portableapps
15:15:23 <AppGuy> well hope it goes well
15:16:24 <ZachThibeau> I hope so too
15:23:44 *** AppGuy has quit ("Good Bye")
15:37:12 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
15:37:57 *** Oni-Neoxes (n=Oni-Neox@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
15:37:58 <GizmoBot> Oni-Neoxes is a Hardcore Nintendo Fan
15:40:55 *** Bjorn_H ( has joined #portableapps
15:41:01 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
15:41:02 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is working on a super cool media player with MaienM :D
15:42:02 *** jnw222 ( has joined #portableapps
15:45:02 *** Bjorn_H has quit (Client Quit)
15:53:52 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
15:58:05 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
15:58:23 *** BjornH has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
16:01:02 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
16:01:03 <GizmoBot> ...
16:05:44 *** Bertrand (n=chatzill@ has joined #portableapps
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16:09:57 *** kaeos has quit ()
16:10:55 *** bgillis (n=bgillis@ has joined #portableapps
16:15:08 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("I QUIT D:<")
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16:56:53 *** rcmaehl ( has joined #portableapps
16:57:05 *** TimClark (i=8087e3c9@gateway/web/freenode/x-4f991502311414de) has joined #portableapps
16:57:11 <rcmaehl> Wb TimClark
16:59:27 <ZachThibeau> howdy TimClark
17:00:21 *** pa_0383 (i=5c136e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-97da15f2a1e2630c) has joined #portableapps
17:01:20 <pa_0383> hi. i have downloaded portable apps, and do i install it onto my usb pen drive? or onto my pc? im trying to get it so that i can run imindmap 4 directly from the pen drive without having to install it on other computers. is this possible?
17:03:45 <TimClark> pa_0383: You would install it to your pendrive, I don't know anything about iminddamp so i can't comment on that
17:03:56 <pa_0383> right thanks
17:04:01 <TimClark> You can add iminddamp to the menu, but that will not garentee it will work unless it is already portable
17:04:36 <TimClark> Do you know pa_0383 how to add an app to the menu ?
17:04:39 <pa_0383> i dont think that it is portable. its quite a simple program, it uses java runtime
17:04:57 <pa_0383> not yet
17:05:01 <TimClark> ah, the java could be a problem
17:05:04 <TimClark>
17:05:35 <TimClark> that is how you would add it to the drive and have it show on the menu, but will not garantee it will work :/
17:06:37 <pa_0383> thanks ill try that
17:06:56 <TimClark> good luck
17:09:04 <pa_0383> So i have imindmap installed on my desktop. do i have to install it on the pen drive, or does portable apps only work with special portable apps that you download?
17:10:42 <TimClark> All the Menu will do is give you a short cut to the app on your flash drive
17:11:03 <TimClark> if you can copy it over and it is really portable it should work
17:11:03 <jnw222> make an X:/Portableapps/Imindmap/ directory
17:11:10 <TimClark> yes
17:11:36 <TimClark> if it is not really portable it will not work, or may leave things behind on the host machine
17:11:45 <pa_0383> does the program have to be paf.exe? is there a way to convert a program into paf.exe?
17:11:53 <jnw222> and there should be something like a X:/Portableapps/Imindmap/imindmap.exe
17:11:56 <TimClark> but as it is not one of our apps there is not really anything we can do about that
17:12:04 <TimClark> yes
17:12:18 <jnw222> making a .paf.exe would be making it into a format
17:12:45 <jnw222> including making a nsis launcher and adding adding all the good files
17:13:05 <TimClark> jnw222: you don't know what you are saying
17:13:18 <pa_0383> ok im confused. sorry guys. basicly im trying to get imindmap4 to run off my pen drive. how can this be done
17:13:22 <TimClark> you have just done a big jump to a new user
17:13:43 <jnw222> very hard work
17:13:51 <TimClark> pa_0383: jnw222 was sugguesting a complete repacking of the app
17:13:55 <pa_0383> im pretty good with computers.. but have only just learned about portable apps. i dont understand them yet
17:14:07 <rcmaehl> pa_0383,
17:14:11 <jnw222> pretty much a lot of repackiging
17:14:21 <rcmaehl> Have you downloaded the menu?
17:14:24 <pa_0383> yep
17:15:00 <rcmaehl> Get the program you want to put on your drive
17:15:10 <rcmaehl> install it to a folder on your dektop
17:15:15 <rcmaehl> desktop*
17:15:35 <TimClark> rcmaehl: i think you are about to complicate things
17:15:46 <rcmaehl> then drag the folder into (drive letter):/portableapps
17:16:10 <pa_0383> but it's not a paf.exe program
17:16:24 <rcmaehl> It doesn't matter
17:16:30 <rcmaehl> it will still show up
17:17:03 <rcmaehl> But you may have to refresh the menu
17:17:08 <pa_0383> k. well the program (imindmap4) is allready installed in windows, into my program files dir. so can i just copy it from there?
17:17:14 <TimClark> how would that be different then copying his already installed copy as in the link i gave rcmaehl
17:17:23 <TimClark> pa_0383: yes
17:17:30 <rcmaehl> yeah
17:17:36 <pa_0383> cool
17:18:06 <TimClark> but again, we don't know if it will work till you try it on your machine and another machine that does not have the app
17:18:32 <pa_0383> but doesnt a program have to be properly installed, usually, like with all it's registry stuff and intergration. how will simply copying the programs dir over work? (the program probably isnt that complicated, so it may not matter)
17:18:40 <TimClark> and it could leave things behind on the other machine, or not recall your settings
17:18:49 <TimClark> pa_0383: yes, many do
17:18:54 <pa_0383> right i see
17:18:58 <TimClark> that is why this would be trial and error
17:19:07 <pa_0383> ok thanks for the help. and try it
17:19:15 <TimClark> the menu works best with apps that are already portable
17:19:23 <TimClark> it does not make them portable
17:19:32 <rcmaehl> It just runs them
17:19:57 <TimClark> rcmaehl: i prefer that folks do not step on my support
17:20:09 <TimClark> most folks prefer it too
17:20:26 <rcmaehl> Okay, Sorry
17:22:24 <pa_0383> ok it goes in J:\PortableApps, not J:\PortableApps\ ?
17:22:55 <TimClark> correct
17:22:56 <jnw222> J:/portableapps/ is the menu stuff
17:23:15 <pa_0383> k thanks guys
17:23:24 <TimClark> good luck
17:24:05 <TimClark> Guys, if the guy who starts the support is doing ok and doesn't ask for help, leave them be please
17:24:20 <pa_0383> whats a good transfer speed for a usb drive? mine is only doing 200kbps for some reason
17:24:21 <rcmaehl> Ok
17:24:39 <jnw222> make sure you have usb 2.0 stuff
17:24:42 <TimClark> Now, that I do not know
17:24:45 <rcmaehl> Depends on the size
17:24:52 <pa_0383> its a 1gb
17:24:56 <jnw222> normally >2 mbps is normal
17:25:06 <rcmaehl> Yeah
17:25:11 <pa_0383> do u know how to check whether its running in usb2 or not in windows vista?
17:25:29 <jnw222> vista is SLOW at copying files
17:25:30 <jnw222> idk
17:25:41 <rcmaehl> Hold on
17:25:53 *** jnw222 is now known as jnw222|afk
17:25:54 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|Work
17:27:16 <pa_0383> damn thing, its only doing 90kbps now
17:27:33 *** WastePuree has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.0-rc2")
17:27:36 <TimClark> pa_0383: is your pendrive a well known name drive
17:27:49 <pa_0383> its a kingston data traveler
17:27:58 <TimClark> and how old is your computer
17:28:07 <pa_0383> computer is very decent
17:28:22 <pa_0383> but maybe its running usb1 or something. it shouldnt be though
17:28:28 <TimClark> then you probley are doing usb 2
17:28:40 <pa_0383> hmm. i'm not sure how to check
17:28:52 <TimClark> the dirve might just might not have a fast speed
17:29:07 <TimClark> have you compare how other apps run from the pendrive
17:29:09 <pa_0383> perhaps it cant handle loads of tiny files
17:29:21 <pa_0383> 12,000 items remaining
17:29:28 <pa_0383> its only copieing 200 mb
17:29:39 <TimClark> lots of tiny files running will slow things down
17:29:44 <pa_0383> ah
17:29:54 <pa_0383> i havnt yet, this is the first atempt to run a portable app
17:30:05 <pa_0383> if things work out, id like to get one of these... ...
17:30:10 <TimClark> they run slower from pendrives then from hard drives
17:30:16 <TimClark> it's the nature of the beast
17:30:26 <pa_0383>
17:30:48 <TimClark> no comment
17:30:51 <TimClark> :P
17:30:54 <pa_0383> and i'd wear it round my neck on a gold chain like a real cool geek
17:31:05 <rcmaehl> ...
17:32:03 <pa_0383> this one also looks good:
17:32:45 <TimClark> So pa_0383 what you need to look out for is how fast the app runs from your drive after you put it there, does it save your settings and how it works on a different computer
17:33:35 <TimClark> If it does not remember you settings on another computer that means it's saving them somewhere on the hard drive and is not truely portable
17:33:54 <pa_0383> right i see
17:34:19 <TimClark> If it does not work at all on another computer that means that there are files on the first computer that it needs, and so, again, is not portable
17:35:58 <pa_0383> says its gunna take 6 hours to transfer... :(
17:36:22 <rcmaehl> Hmmm
17:36:27 <TimClark> How big is the orignal app
17:37:48 <pa_0383> 240mb
17:38:03 <pa_0383> tranfsering at 26kbps now :(
17:38:16 <rcmaehl> Can I jump in?
17:39:03 <pa_0383> ye
17:39:12 <TimClark> wow, that's big, i would have just tired copying to another hard drive first on another machine, just to see if it even works
17:39:31 <rcmaehl> How do you know the transefer speed?
17:39:53 <pa_0383> well it says on vista, theres a little arrow pulldown menu
17:40:06 <pa_0383> on the 'copying files' thing
17:40:54 <pa_0383> i dunno, usually copying 200mb would only take a minute or 2, maybe it's all the tiny thousands of files. i didnt realise that would be an issue
17:41:10 <rcmaehl> How many files?
17:41:19 <TimClark> yes, it will be it has to start and stop over and over
17:41:20 <pa_0383> 12,000
17:41:34 <pa_0383> i cant be bothered with this now. its gunna take 7 hours now.
17:41:48 <TimClark> i would abort if i were you
17:41:53 <rcmaehl> run taskmanager
17:41:53 <pa_0383> hmm. i'll have to rethink things, because like you said, it might not work anywa
17:42:26 <TimClark> try it on another hard drive first, w/o installing it , just copying it over and see what happens
17:42:36 <TimClark> another harddrive = another computer
17:42:39 <pa_0383> yeah good idea
17:42:58 <pa_0383> ok, ill try that then i guess.
17:43:06 <TimClark> ok, good luck then
17:43:15 <pa_0383> thanks... bye guys
17:43:18 <TimClark> Your are welcome
17:43:20 <rcmaehl> Bye
17:43:26 *** rcmaehl has parted #portableapps ("May the forks be with you!")
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18:03:01 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
18:03:39 <TimClark> daBomb69: and you GizmoBot greeting is ANNOYYYYYING!!!!
18:03:55 <daBomb69> But, it's good advertisement
18:04:17 <Gizmokid2005> daBomb69: if you didn't part/join every hour it'd be ok...
18:04:18 <TimClark> for what
18:04:29 <daBomb69> Sparta Project
18:04:52 <TimClark> it basically says, I'm daBomb69 , i am a child, i like to be annyoing, arn't I ?
18:05:30 <daBomb69> well, it says that too
18:05:45 <TimClark> and as Gizmokid2005 pointed out, it happens many, many times
18:06:09 <TimClark> check the logs if you will for "SPARTAAA..."
18:06:33 <daBomb69> Gizmokid2005, how big is KVIrc when it's installed locally?
18:06:46 <Gizmokid2005> daBomb69: *shrugs* I don't use it locally, and what version?
18:06:56 <daBomb69> any version
18:06:59 <Gizmokid2005> because V3 is compressed with the app compactor iirc, but I can't do it with 4
18:07:05 <daBomb69> oh
18:07:37 <Gizmokid2005> and daBomb69, it'd be just a tad smaller if you install it locally than the portable version
18:07:47 <daBomb69> ah, ok
18:07:57 <Gizmokid2005> just tell it to use a portable install settings and it'd be almost identical to pa's version, w/o the extra stuff for pa
18:08:06 <daBomb69> ah
18:09:11 *** daBomb69 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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18:09:53 <GizmoBot> daBomb69 is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
18:10:03 <Gizmokid2005> daBomb69: case in point...
18:10:09 <TimClark> daBomb69 statics show that your ipod sucks
18:10:24 <daBomb69> TimClark, not on my ipod
18:10:45 <TimClark> stop using it if you can't get it to be stable, and turn off the dam sparta or i will ask gizmokid to do it for you
18:11:08 * daBomb69 was going to, then xchat crsahed again
18:11:20 <Gizmokid2005> it's got to be one or the other daBomb69, you've gotta quit the instability or remove your def, at least to something less intrusive
18:11:21 <TimClark> you should not have a herald/def if you can't be stable
18:11:49 <daBomb69> Gizmokid2005, see #gizmokid2005
18:11:58 <Gizmokid2005> I did, thank you daBomb69
18:12:14 <TimClark> yes, ty
18:12:26 <daBomb69> now, off to figure out why xchat and firefox crash at least once per hour
18:12:32 <Gizmokid2005> haha, enjoy that daBomb69
18:13:18 <daBomb69> heh, if i'm lucky, my driveway might have some new, mettlic, ruble on it
18:13:36 <Gizmokid2005> very nice
18:17:56 <daBomb69> yup :D
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18:37:39 *** ZachT|Work is now known as ZachThibeau
18:37:44 <ZachThibeau> back y'all
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20:12:41 <daBomb69> wb Gizmokid2005
20:12:48 *** ptmb has quit ("brb")
20:13:00 <Gizmokid2005> ty daBomb69
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20:19:40 <GizmoBot> Oni-Neoxes is a Hardcore Nintendo Fan
20:19:58 *** TimClark (i=8087e3c9@gateway/web/freenode/x-4f991502311414de) has joined #portableapps
20:19:58 <GizmoBot> TimClark says "freenode, it's Not as Free as it used to be, Free as in Freedom :( "
20:19:58 <GizmoBot> TimClark says "freenode, it's Not as Free as it used to be, Free as in Freedom :( "
20:20:07 <Gizmokid2005> hello TimClark
20:20:15 <Oni-Neoxes> haha, nice
20:20:17 <Oni-Neoxes> hello TimClark
20:20:23 <Gizmokid2005> hello Oni-Neoxes
20:20:25 <TimClark> sorry, stupid webcrap keeps disonnecting
20:20:39 <TimClark> but of course not as much has dabomb :P
20:20:54 <TimClark> hello Oni-Neoxes
20:21:11 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: why did the def show up twice
20:21:20 <Gizmokid2005> it's a bug in phenny TimClark.
20:21:31 <Gizmokid2005> unfortunately it's not something that I can fix. and MaienM tried to fix it to no avail.
20:21:38 <TimClark> will it always do that, i don't like to spam :(
20:21:45 <Gizmokid2005> not always
20:21:48 <Gizmokid2005> it is random
20:21:55 <TimClark> ok, then
20:21:59 <Gizmokid2005> unfortunately there is no easy way to reproduce it either.
20:22:39 <ptmb> Hi TimClark, so you have suffered with freenode's webchat too?
20:22:55 <TimClark> it sucketh big time ptmb
20:23:05 <TimClark> that is why i am rarely here anymore
20:23:31 <ptmb> just out of curiosity, which browser are you using to access it?
20:23:39 <TimClark> FF
20:23:45 <ptmb> and which version?
20:24:00 <ptmb> 3 or 3.5?
20:24:03 <TimClark> this one is 2, but i also use it on 3
20:24:23 <TimClark> have not used 3.5 yet , cause of the bugs
20:24:42 <TimClark> and 3.5.1 has a securty bug too now i see
20:25:15 <TimClark> I never upgrade/update the first week
20:25:47 <ptmb> TimClark: today I decided to work a little on the looks of the webchat, it doesn't help on the backend bugs, but it fixes some bugs as the scrooling but and such, if you want ot try it place it on userContent.css or get stylish
20:26:11 <TimClark> i don't use stylish, but thanks
20:26:26 <ptmb> it makes it look more native, and gives it some colors
20:26:50 <TimClark> i would rather use webcrap in it's native crappiness if i have to use it
20:27:03 <ptmb> ok
20:27:20 <TimClark> really, thanks for the thought :D
20:27:38 <ptmb> you're welcome
20:27:48 <TimClark> but it's like making a silk purse out of a sows ear
20:28:12 <TimClark> and in this case i owe the sow an apology for the comparison
20:28:23 <ptmb> :P
20:28:30 <ZachThibeau> lol nice
20:28:48 <TimClark> i wish at least FF spell checker would work with it
20:29:19 <TimClark> my typos in PM are reaching an all time high, even i am embarassed by it
20:29:24 <ptmb> TimClark: I wish too, it was what saved my from spelling werrors on mibbit
20:29:48 <TimClark> ahhh, mibbit, i remember it well
20:29:52 <ZachThibeau> I wish I could get spell check in my irc client I'm developing :/
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20:30:12 <Gizmokid2005> TimClark, ptmb, just right-click on the text-input field and hit "check spelling"
20:30:14 <ZachThibeau> howdy pa_3830 how may we be of assistance
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20:31:38 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: ty, but it needs to be set each time, and i am on so rarely it doesn't really matter now :(
20:31:45 <Gizmokid2005> TimClark: ahh, that I didn't know
20:34:11 <TimClark> any word on FF 3.5.2 yet
20:34:50 <TimClark> Quick, what is the solution while we wait for an update ???? you have 10 seconds
20:35:16 <Gizmokid2005> disable JS!
20:35:17 <Gizmokid2005> lol
20:35:20 <TimClark> Disable JavaScript or use NoScript, what else :P
20:35:28 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: is smart
20:35:31 <Gizmokid2005> :D
20:35:41 <Gizmokid2005> brb, windows is whining for a restart...stupid updates.
20:35:44 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit ("The Gizmo is gone!! =-O Never fear! He will return!")
20:35:53 * ZachThibeau will have to keep that in mind
20:36:15 * ZachThibeau writes down "While waiting for an update disable JS or use noscript"
20:36:16 <ZachThibeau> :)
20:36:39 <ZachThibeau> thanks TimClark I did not know that
20:38:25 <TimClark> also, for those who use chrome : O
20:41:04 *** AppGuy has quit ("Good Bye")
20:41:05 <ZachThibeau> interesting but I'm not a chrome user firefox is they route I go with
20:41:47 * ptmb is still using firefox for now (at least untill chrome...ium final is out for linux)
20:42:10 <ZachThibeau> well I should get to work on fixing some bugs in musicplay3000
20:42:19 * ZachThibeau goes back to coding in c++
20:44:02 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
20:44:05 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is the engaged man - who'll be the married man on 3/20/10!
20:44:09 <ZachThibeau> wb Gizmokid2005
20:44:18 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: you broke my FF :(
20:44:36 <Gizmokid2005> ty ZachThibeau
20:45:09 <TimClark> after checking spell check this field, the word i tried to spell check would up in my "context" menu :O
20:45:32 <Gizmokid2005> ?
20:45:37 <TimClark> on every tab, on the whole page
20:46:04 <TimClark> webcrap sux :(
20:46:12 <Gizmokid2005> yup it does
20:46:28 <TimClark> so, how do i get rid of it SIR !!!
20:46:35 <TimClark> the context thing
20:46:51 <Gizmokid2005> if I knew what you are talking about I might be able to help
20:47:09 *** Gizmokid2010 (i=4b867080@gateway/web/freenode/x-b310e37a69699bc9) has joined #portableapps
20:47:27 <Gizmokid2010> Mr. TimClark?
20:47:33 <ptmb> TimClark: you should be able to "uncheck" the option on the context menu
20:47:41 <TimClark> i mistyped a word, right clicked on it and chose mezzo, mezzo is now in my right click context menu
20:47:49 <TimClark> phone call /brb
20:47:51 <ptmb> oh...
20:50:37 *** Gizmokid2010 has quit (Client Quit)
20:52:43 <TimClark> ptmb: spell check is now unchosen, mezzo is still at top of context menu
20:52:59 <TimClark> just above "back"
20:53:01 <ptmb> hum...
20:53:20 <ptmb> it must be a bug, it will probably go away when you restart firefox
20:53:47 <TimClark> oh, yes, i figure that, if not i'd be hunting Gizmokid2005 down right now
20:53:55 <Gizmokid2005> lol TimClark, you know I'm not scared :P
20:54:10 <TimClark> oh, but you should be ....
20:54:16 <Gizmokid2005> nayh
20:54:17 <Gizmokid2005> *nah
20:54:21 <TimClark> break my FF and die
20:55:12 <TimClark> i should test to make sure though, bbs
20:55:18 <Gizmokid2005> k
20:56:00 *** TimClark has parted #portableapps ()
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21:00:11 <GizmoBot> TimClark says "freenode, it's Not as Free as it used to be, Free as in Freedom :( "
21:00:11 <GizmoBot> TimClark says "freenode, it's Not as Free as it used to be, Free as in Freedom :( "
21:00:28 <TimClark> ok, Gizmokid2005 , it's fixed, you may live
21:00:32 <Gizmokid2005> :)
21:01:30 <TimClark> so is you pheeny similar to ryans Gizmokid2005
21:01:34 <Gizmokid2005> yes
21:01:35 <Gizmokid2005> same bot
21:01:39 <Gizmokid2005> just some different modules
21:02:10 <TimClark> the double def did not happen in -ot
21:02:17 <Gizmokid2005> like I said, only sometimes :(
21:02:21 <TimClark> but it did here, very odd
21:02:31 <TimClark> well, fix it :P
21:03:09 <TimClark> beg ryan for his help, promise him you will name your first child "Geek", after him :P
21:05:00 <ZachThibeau> ryans def module does it too and it's a different coded module too
21:06:22 <Gizmokid2005> its in phenny's core and has to do with windows.
21:06:55 <ZachThibeau> no it happened to me when I had my phenny on linux on
21:06:58 <ZachThibeau> my channel
21:07:20 <Gizmokid2005> ahh, well then it's in the core of all of phenny
21:07:27 <ZachThibeau> pretty much
21:08:08 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: strange, i never had it happen to me with pabot, and no, i am not picking on your bot at all, just noting :)
21:08:22 <Gizmokid2005> I knot
21:08:23 <Gizmokid2005> *know
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