IRC Log from 2009-08-04
00:04:40 <gluxon> Wow, making a CMS is easier than I thought.
00:04:49 <ZachThibeau> hmmm?
00:06:57 <gluxon> But not that easy :D
00:08:16 <ZachThibeau> lol
00:12:00 *** Whibo|AFK is now known as Whibo
00:24:12 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
00:39:58 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
00:45:30 <gluxon> We start new threads when we update a new version of our PortableApps, right?
00:45:47 <gluxon> ex: Should I start a new thread for Eclipse 3.5 Portable?
00:53:21 *** Whibo is now known as Whibo|AFK
01:01:12 *** jwyanze ( has joined #portableapps
01:01:15 <GizmoBot> jwyanze is an amateur app developer a Tester and theme Maker for PA (
01:11:33 *** AppGuy (n=AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
01:13:18 <ZachThibeau> howdy AppGuy :)
01:13:34 <AppGuy> Hey ZachThibeau
01:13:38 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
01:13:47 <ZachThibeau> howdy powerjuce :)
01:14:03 <powerjuce> hello ZachThibeau
01:14:16 <powerjuce> by the way, vi and vim are the best text editors
01:14:26 <AppGuy> brb
01:14:29 *** AppGuy has quit (Client Quit)
01:14:38 <ZachThibeau> btw Notepad2 and Notepad++ are the best text editors ;)
01:14:43 <ZachThibeau> everyone has their opinion :P
01:14:49 <SergentSiler> +1
01:15:02 *** AppGuy (n=AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
01:15:48 <powerjuce> nope have u use vi?
01:16:13 <ZachThibeau> yup
01:16:25 <ZachThibeau> and I prefer Notepad2 and Notepad++
01:16:51 <powerjuce> lol notepad2 is better than ++ though rite?
01:17:06 <ZachThibeau> and I also prefer AthenaPad which is an application I'm developing that has the best features of Notepad2 and Notepad++ :)
01:17:21 *** Chazz (n=Chazz@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
01:17:21 <ZachThibeau> or will have the best features soon enough :P
01:18:47 <powerjuce> HAHA
01:18:53 *** jwyanze has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:18:53 *** jwyanze1 ( has joined #portableapps
01:19:01 <powerjuce> Chazz: whats with the new name
01:19:09 <powerjuce> ZachThibeau: i am relearning C using vi
01:19:19 <Chazz> powerjuce, idk, felt like a change :P
01:19:36 <powerjuce> its harder cause its all text based
01:19:45 <ZachThibeau> I've been learning c++ :)
01:20:38 *** Espreon (n=espreon@wesnoth/developer/espreon) has joined #portableapps
01:20:39 <powerjuce> lol i dont like C++ for some reason
01:20:59 <powerjuce> but its better than C#
01:21:16 <Chazz> Perl! FTW!
01:22:06 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
01:22:07 <powerjuce> Chazz: haha
01:22:18 <ZachThibeau> WxWidgets FTW :P
01:22:23 <Chazz> Perl doesn't win, Perl IS Win.
01:23:05 <ZachThibeau> code note in perl, control you it will
01:23:09 <ZachThibeau> **not
01:23:50 <ZachThibeau> "Perl leads to hashes, hashes lead to hate, hate leads to suffering"
01:25:27 <Chazz> ZachThibeau, can you code something in the shape of bottles that when ran will print the 99 bottles of beer song in any other languagfe?
01:26:17 <ZachThibeau> no not like bottles but I can code an application in c/c++ that will print the song just as easily
01:26:19 <ZachThibeau> :P
01:26:33 <ZachThibeau> and so can this comic ;)
01:26:59 <Gizmokid2005> you have to give the kid kudos though
01:27:02 <Gizmokid2005> he looks young to know that :)
01:27:10 <ZachThibeau> lol
01:27:25 <Chazz> heh
01:27:33 <Chazz> ZachThibeau, it's not as awesome and artistic tho
01:27:47 <ZachThibeau> it can be ;)
01:27:53 <ZachThibeau> python is better imho than perl
01:27:53 <ZachThibeau> :P
01:28:07 <ZachThibeau> right excid3 ;)
01:28:24 * ZachThibeau waits for a response
01:28:54 <Chazz> Perl!
01:28:55 * ZachThibeau waits for a response
01:29:31 <ZachThibeau> excid3: ...
01:29:42 <ZachThibeau> excid3: you are making python bad by not responding :/
01:29:47 <Chazz> excid3, chubacka?
01:30:24 <excid3> Python is better than anything that isn't python
01:31:01 <Chazz> excid3, what about brain****
01:31:10 <excid3> better
01:31:24 <Chazz> Chuck Norris
01:31:32 <excid3> better
01:31:38 <excid3> way better
01:31:39 <excid3> :P
01:32:29 *** AppGuy has quit ("Leaving")
01:41:32 *** Res2216firestar (n=chatzill@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #portableapps
01:42:17 *** excid3 has quit ("Leaving.")
01:43:20 *** powerjuce has quit ("peace out all")
01:47:12 <Gizmokid2005> anyone know of a good hex editor?
02:01:43 *** Res2216firestar has quit ("Gotta go - See everyone tomorrow")
02:24:34 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
02:29:48 *** qwertymodo (n=Ben@ has joined #portableapps
02:32:52 *** PatrickPatience has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
02:33:41 *** PatrickPatience (n=PatrickP@unaffiliated/patrickpatience) has joined #portableapps
02:35:07 *** ZachThibeau has quit ("Leaving")
02:46:18 *** PatrickPatience1 ( has joined #portableapps
02:47:14 *** PatrickPatience1 has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
02:51:53 *** Chazz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
02:58:23 *** PatrickPatience has quit ("Leaving...")
03:02:37 *** Don_Miguel (n=MichaelW@ has joined #portableapps
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03:05:22 *** sancas (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
03:11:02 *** Whibo|AFK is now known as Whibo
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03:17:15 *** PatrickPatience ( has joined #portableapps
03:17:42 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
03:17:46 <JohnTHaller> ho - la
03:23:51 <JohnTHaller> anybody wanna see a new green theme?
03:24:32 <PatrickPatience> YES!
03:24:41 <JohnTHaller>
03:24:46 <JohnTHaller> no more teal
03:24:56 <PatrickPatience> Nice.
03:25:31 <PatrickPatience> JohnTHaller: What email client are you using as your default?
03:26:03 *** dbdii407 (n=dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
03:26:25 <JohnTHaller> tb, why
03:27:48 <PatrickPatience> Just curious if you'd switched to Postbox.
03:27:52 <PatrickPatience> I'm quite enjoying it.
03:29:05 <JohnTHaller> Nope. Postbox is closed source. Is a beta. And will cost US$30 when it hits 1.0.
03:29:31 <Gizmokid2005> must better JohnTHaller :)
03:29:35 <Gizmokid2005> OHHH
03:29:39 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: are you going to be around for a bit?
03:29:43 <JohnTHaller> yeah
03:29:54 <JohnTHaller> but I'm coding so probably can't do any involved questions
03:30:02 <JohnTHaller> working on platform beta 4
03:30:06 <Gizmokid2005> alright, I have another question to ask, the one I forgot earlier. Nope, not involved, I'll ask when I get back
03:30:06 <Gizmokid2005> thanks
03:30:11 <JohnTHaller> (hence the new greemn theme)
03:30:34 <JohnTHaller> PatrickPatience: You should try TB 3 Beta 3. Some os Postbox's features are derived from that
03:30:58 <PatrickPatience> I have. I'm still using Thunderbird on Windows, it's just on my Mac that I switched.
03:32:38 <JohnTHaller> I'm not really big on closed source built on top of open source. That's also why I don't have a Mac.
03:51:07 <Gizmokid2005> I've been thinking about going to TB3Beta but the last one I tried, B1, just kinda failed...
03:51:39 <Gizmokid2005> and JohnTHaller, my question, it looks like at some point someone thought there was an ENVVAR set by the menu for the Music there really one?
03:51:57 <Gizmokid2005> ReadEnvStr $MUSICDIR "PortableApps.comMusic"
03:51:59 <Gizmokid2005> like so
03:52:25 <Gizmokid2005> or is there another way that I can specify the X:\Documents\Music folder?
03:52:51 <JohnTHaller> Yes. But it may not exist. So you check it first. Then look for X:\Documents\Music. Then give up and use root.
03:53:21 <Gizmokid2005> so that's how I'd read the EnvStr like it's read there?
03:57:53 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
03:57:55 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is working on a super cool media player with MaienM :D
03:58:03 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
04:02:31 *** pa_7660 (i=4b14b181@gateway/web/freenode/x-lttsocpdktnxwzgo) has joined #portableapps
04:03:05 <pa_7660> help
04:03:26 <Gizmokid2005> what can we do for you pa_7660?
04:03:50 <pa_7660> i was wondering if you could put portable open office onto a cd instead of a usb
04:04:17 <Gizmokid2005> pa_7660: yes.
04:04:28 <pa_7660> ok thanks for the info
04:04:32 <Gizmokid2005> pa_7660:
04:05:25 <pa_7660> got the link, thank you and bye for now :)
04:06:34 *** pa_7660 has quit (Client Quit)
04:10:20 <JohnTHaller> alright, i'm off to bed. will continue coding early am
04:10:26 <Gizmokid2005> night JohnTHaller
04:10:30 <Gizmokid2005> hoping to have SBP tomorrow :D
04:10:37 <JohnTHaller> kewl :-)
04:10:39 <Gizmokid2005> and can't wait for Beta4 of the menu
04:10:42 <PatrickPatience> Lata G.
04:10:49 <Gizmokid2005> yep, just uncharted territory to go through
04:10:53 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps ()
04:11:03 <Gizmokid2005> heya PatrickPatience, you are actually alive
04:11:03 <Gizmokid2005> lol
04:20:26 <PatrickPatience> Kinda.
04:20:34 <Gizmokid2005> lol
04:20:38 <Gizmokid2005> what's this kinda crap?
04:21:08 <PatrickPatience> Physically, yes. Mentally, no.
04:21:19 <Gizmokid2005> ahh, haha, I know how that goes..
04:21:22 <Gizmokid2005>
04:21:25 <Gizmokid2005> it's been a busy day ^^
04:22:38 <PatrickPatience> My Dog > Your Dog.
04:22:42 <PatrickPatience> There, that's settled.
04:22:50 <Gizmokid2005> LOL.
04:23:00 <Gizmokid2005> to you, yes, and I won't argue it
04:23:08 <Gizmokid2005> she's a Mastiff/Husky mix, only 9 months old
04:23:58 <PatrickPatience> Your dog looks like Scooby Doo.
04:24:37 <Gizmokid2005> lol
04:24:45 <Gizmokid2005> she's VERY lovable, she's a good dog so far
04:24:56 <PatrickPatience> SPONGEBOB SHEET FTW.
04:24:59 <Gizmokid2005> potty trained already (for the most part), she can sit, and lay.
04:24:59 <Gizmokid2005> LOL
04:25:05 <Gizmokid2005> yeah, my Fiancee is a SpongeBob FREAK
04:25:06 *** Whibo has parted #portableapps ()
04:25:14 <Gizmokid2005> you will NOT find someone whos more into spongebob
04:25:47 <PatrickPatience> I had a good hunk of Spongebob stuff a few years back.
04:26:01 <PatrickPatience> I remember I had a big chocolate Spongebob.
04:26:16 <PatrickPatience> Not wanting to eat him, I left him on my desktop in the box.
04:26:16 <Gizmokid2005> Lol
04:26:27 <PatrickPatience> Came back a few days later and the sun ate a whole through his stomach.
04:26:34 <Gizmokid2005> She has sheets, comforters, clothes, pajamas, posters, clocks, keychains, 25 DVDs, miscellaneous other stuff
04:26:39 <Gizmokid2005> ouch :(
04:26:49 <Gizmokid2005> not too mention she HAS to have SBSP on to go to sleep
04:26:50 <Gizmokid2005> it's a MUST.
04:28:44 *** excid31 ( has joined #portableapps
04:28:53 *** Whibo ( has joined #portableapps
04:28:55 <GizmoBot> Whibo is a member of the GE Team (#GamingExposed | GamingExposed.Com) and a french translator of
04:31:18 *** Whibo is now known as WhiboKilla
04:34:12 *** qwertymodo has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
04:40:42 *** Suiseiseki has quit ("Read error: 409 (connection not clean, using Formula 409 to clean up connection)")
04:49:11 *** excid3 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
05:02:32 *** Don_Miguel has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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05:03:51 *** PatrickPatience has quit ("Leaving...")
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05:11:08 *** daBomb69 (n=Chazz@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
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05:24:57 *** dragonmage ( has joined #portableapps
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06:05:27 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
06:05:57 *** Scriptdaemon ( has joined #portableapps
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06:11:27 *** dragonmage is now known as drag|away
06:57:40 *** Don_Miguel has quit ("Ex-Chat")
07:13:39 *** PatrickPatience ( has joined #portableapps
07:15:54 <PatrickPatience> Did we seriously ban God from this channel?
07:16:04 <daBomb69> lol
07:16:11 <daBomb69> wow...
07:16:14 <daBomb69> Tim banned God
07:16:23 <daBomb69> this is soo going to bash
07:17:21 <PatrickPatience> How does Chris feel about all of this?
07:17:56 <daBomb69> eh?
07:18:23 <PatrickPatience> Chris Morgan? Anywho, I sleep.
07:18:32 *** PatrickPatience has quit (Client Quit)
07:18:34 <daBomb69> lol, nbight
07:58:28 *** Oni-Neoxes (i=Oni-Neox@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
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08:04:58 <daBomb69> Oni-Neoxes, did u know Tim banned God?
08:05:23 <Oni-Neoxes> uuuhhhh, That was very off topic.....
08:05:32 <Oni-Neoxes> But entertaining none the less
08:05:47 <daBomb69> lol, patrick started it like 1/2 an hr ago, then left
08:06:03 <daBomb69> apperently long time ago, Tim banned God.
08:06:09 *** Bjorn_H ( has joined #portableapps
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08:10:53 *** pa_1039 (i=4fd1e224@gateway/web/freenode/x-qcrrlwcxcefvlrak) has joined #portableapps
08:11:35 <daBomb69> Hello pa_1039
08:11:49 <pa_1039> hi everybody
08:12:11 <daBomb69> how can we help you today?
08:12:41 <pa_1039> Do you know how I configure an U3-Stick not to start the u3 software but the portableapps menu?
08:13:17 <daBomb69> sorry, but i don't :(
08:13:39 <pa_1039> don't worry I'll ask Dr. Google ;)
08:13:59 <daBomb69> lol, google knows all :)
08:13:59 <pa_1039> Just tried to take the short way ....
08:14:03 <pa_1039> bye
08:14:06 <daBomb69> bye
08:14:09 *** pa_1039 has quit (Client Quit)
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08:44:24 *** Espreon has quit ("WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!")
09:01:35 *** MaienM (n=MaienM@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
09:01:36 <GizmoBot> MaienM is MaienM. He is the developer of The Mana World Portable, and he has a website at
09:01:43 <daBomb69> morning MaienM
09:02:08 <MaienM> gmornin daBomb69
09:02:19 <daBomb69> sup?
09:03:40 <MaienM> not much
09:03:50 <daBomb69> cool
09:24:50 *** matborden has quit ("i ish gone")
09:44:24 *** Horusofoz ( has joined #portableapps
09:44:39 <Horusofoz> Spam -
09:45:10 <Oni-Neoxes> sweet! I can finally find a doctor!
09:45:11 <Oni-Neoxes> xD
09:46:09 <Horusofoz> :D
09:46:42 <daBomb69> lol
10:16:10 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("I QUIT D:<")
10:27:50 *** ChuckNorris (n=Chazz@unaffiliated/dabomb69) has joined #portableapps
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10:41:01 *** ChuckNorris is now known as Chazz
10:41:17 <Chazz> Hello pa_8042
10:42:40 *** pa_8042 has quit ("Page closed")
10:42:53 <Horusofoz> Catch ya'll
10:43:02 *** Horusofoz has parted #portableapps ()
10:44:03 *** Caemyr (n=wez@reactos/tester/Caemyr) has joined #portableapps
10:44:08 <Caemyr> lol
10:44:25 <Caemyr> what a miracle... winning 1,5 votes on the last day....
10:44:28 <Caemyr> pathetic
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11:00:29 <GizmoBot> WhiboKilla is CKilla's bro.
11:00:29 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is working on a super cool media player with MaienM :D
11:00:29 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
11:00:29 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
11:05:37 *** Zarggg has quit (
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11:16:33 <GizmoBot> WhiboKilla is CKilla's bro.
11:16:33 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is working on a super cool media player with MaienM :D
11:16:35 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
11:16:37 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
11:16:46 *** tarbo has quit (SendQ exceeded)
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11:58:16 <Stefan100> yo
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12:06:28 <GizmoBot> MaienM is MaienM. He is the developer of The Mana World Portable, and he has a website at
12:33:14 *** jnw222 ( has joined #portableapps
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12:53:51 *** Horusofoz ( has joined #portableapps
12:53:57 <Horusofoz> help!
12:54:25 <Horusofoz> Does anyone know where the contacts are located in a Thunderbird profile?
12:58:05 <jnw222> i would suppose somewhere in the DATA directory,. but where?
12:59:08 *** Chazz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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13:02:20 <Horusofoz> Anyone? :'(
13:03:12 <jnw222> im looking into it
13:03:21 <Horusofoz> jnw222: Thanks
13:05:47 <jnw222> though you can use the import/export contacts function
13:06:53 <Horusofoz> Just thought of that about 60 seconds ago and trying now
13:09:36 <Horusofoz> IT WORKED!!:) :) :) :) Thanks :)
13:10:02 *** MaienM (n=MaienM@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
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13:10:08 <jnw222> found where it is stored
13:10:22 <jnw222> X:/PortableApps/ThunderbirdPortable/Data/profile/abook.mab
13:11:16 <Horusofoz> Thanks. The Import/Export method worked but. Thank god for backups :)
13:11:43 <jnw222> yep lol
13:12:42 *** GizmoBot ( has joined #portableapps
13:13:03 <GizmoBot> MaienM is MaienM. He is the developer of The Mana World Portable, and he has a website at
13:13:03 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is working on a super cool media player with MaienM :D
13:13:03 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
13:13:04 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
13:16:41 *** drag|away ( has joined #portableapps
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13:22:38 <Horusofoz> Ciao :)
13:22:40 *** Horusofoz has parted #portableapps ()
13:36:36 <jnw222> i am getting error 500 on sourceforge a lot today
13:48:09 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
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15:00:10 <GizmoBot> Whibo is a member of the GE Team (#GamingExposed | GamingExposed.Com) and a french translator of
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16:16:13 <ZachThibeau> MaienM: :D
16:18:15 <excid3> morning
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16:23:12 <Gizmokid2005> morning excid3
16:23:39 <excid3> hows things?
16:24:13 <Gizmokid2005> pretty good
16:24:20 <Gizmokid2005> I'm finally making MAJOR progress on SBP :)
16:24:43 <excid3> yay :D
16:24:47 <Gizmokid2005> yep
16:24:52 <Gizmokid2005> it's a lot of NSIS crap, but it's working
16:24:54 <Gizmokid2005> HOLY CRAP
16:24:55 <Gizmokid2005> MaienM: !?!?!?
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16:37:21 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
16:37:21 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the support channel. Visit us at | If you need assistance, just say "help!", or ask your question, and WAIT rather than just leaving. | Please keep things polite and avoid any discussions of illegal software | This channel is logged: | Please do not PM anyone without prior permission. | SF CCA Wins:
16:37:21 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot dzjepp sancas excid3 SergentSiler_ Suiseiseki Whibo|AFK qwertymodo ZerFEr Zarggg_ Quincy BjornH +GizmoBot StatBot +MaienM jnw222 tarbo abc528 +ZachThibeau dbdii407 Twinkletoes|W Bensawsome @Gizmokid2005
16:37:21 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
16:37:21 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
16:37:22 <MaienM> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
16:41:49 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|AFK
16:51:47 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
16:51:52 <purple> hi guys
16:51:55 <purple> anyone been using Win7?
16:52:28 <Gizmokid2005> purple: very minimally
16:52:29 <Gizmokid2005> why?
16:53:05 <purple> i need to know is there any chance of using something similar like XP's *.msstyles but for Win7, i hate aero and its interface in geenral ;)
16:53:12 <purple> msstyles rules ;)
16:53:30 <Gizmokid2005> ahh...can't help you there unfortunately :(
16:53:41 <Gizmokid2005> I've had a style problem myself.
16:54:10 <Gizmokid2005> I need to find some new themes for XP...but I heard everything was SP2, not SP3...and I was there at the time, so I'm on SP2 again, just haven't had time to look for themes.
16:54:24 <purple> i saw somewhere on Deviantart that Vista supports msstyles, so i wondered if 7 does it to
16:54:32 <Gizmokid2005> they might
16:54:42 <Gizmokid2005> but I don't know...It wouldn't make sense to change it, but then again, it's Microsoft.
16:57:11 <purple> have you tried gaming on Win7?
16:58:15 <Gizmokid2005> nope
16:58:21 <Gizmokid2005> I only have it running in a virtual machine
16:58:33 <Gizmokid2005> but from what I've seen, I might actually upgrade to it after SP1 is released
16:58:48 *** excid3 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
17:11:38 <purple> i heard such tactics few times therse days so i thought it might be actualy a good one
17:22:59 <qwertymodo> runs faster than vista for me
17:34:02 <purple> here too
17:34:35 <purple>
17:34:39 <BjornH> Undrar hur det kommer att gå? - Zennström och Friis slåss för sina Skype-patent
17:36:30 <BjornH> Sorry, wrong channel :-(
17:39:55 <purple> is anyone's name Bernat here?
17:40:45 *** ZachT|AFK is now known as ZachThibeau
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18:37:13 <ZachThibeau> qwertymodo: :D
18:40:47 <qwertymodo> hello ZachThibeau
18:42:17 <qwertymodo> how goes vba-m?
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19:06:09 <andreasma> hi
19:06:21 <ZachThibeau> howdy andreasma
19:06:41 <andreasma> howdy ZachThibeau
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19:10:08 <rcmaehl> Pa is supposedt work on linux right?
19:10:23 <jnw222> under wine
19:10:29 <jnw222> though not all apps work
19:10:58 <rcmaehl> oh... so it doesn't work on ubuntu (b/c i thought ubuntu was linux)
19:11:00 <jnw222> apps requiring direct fs or device acess (formatting, checking umounting) will not work
19:11:10 <jnw222> ubuntu+wine
19:11:14 <ZachThibeau> rcmaehl: ubuntu "IS" linux
19:11:15 <jnw222> apt-get install wine
19:11:25 <rcmaehl> jnw222: ?
19:11:39 <jnw222> the command for installing wine from ubuntu
19:11:39 <ZachThibeau> rcmaehl: he's telling you how to install wine
19:11:52 <rcmaehl> were do i insert the command
19:12:42 <ZachThibeau> may I suggest you to go to, you may actually learn something there
19:12:43 <jnw222> open terminal Applications>terminal
19:13:01 <rcmaehl> there's no termainal
19:13:32 <jnw222>
19:13:35 <jnw222> read it
19:13:42 <rcmaehl> nvr mind
19:13:51 <rcmaehl> I found wne in add/remove in applications
19:14:00 <rcmaehl> i hve to install it
19:14:04 <jnw222> that works
19:14:24 <ZachThibeau> for future reference we are not really a linux support group on how to install linux applications
19:14:26 <rcmaehl> uSbuntu is confusing
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19:14:48 <ZachThibeau> please go to and ask your questions there
19:15:02 <rcmaehl> i'll ask in #ubuntu
19:15:13 <jnw222> ok
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19:43:29 <ZachThibeau> qwertymodo: :D
19:44:01 <jnw222> :)
19:44:25 <qwertymodo> hey ZachThibeau
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19:57:44 <rcmaehl> Does PA.c work on Cd-roms
19:58:18 * ZachThibeau headdesk
19:58:18 <Gizmokid2005> rcmaehl: please, PLEASE for the love of god, SEARCH.
19:58:25 <Gizmokid2005> read the support for the app
19:58:25 <Gizmokid2005> MOST can
19:58:30 <Gizmokid2005> but your data won't be saved...
19:58:44 <rcmaehl> unless it is cd-rw
19:59:02 <rcmaehl> my browser is messed up
19:59:03 <Gizmokid2005> rcmaehl: no...
19:59:08 * ZachThibeau headdesk
19:59:12 <jnw222> cd-rw's, dont they have to be completely erased and re-written?
19:59:17 <rcmaehl> no
19:59:18 <Gizmokid2005> because you'd have to reburn the CD, which means the ENTIRE contents of the cd are re-written
19:59:28 <Gizmokid2005> unless you use a DirectCD application, which then needs to also be on any host computer you use.
19:59:38 <rcmaehl> I not reburn it. I put in on live cd mode
19:59:48 <Gizmokid2005> unless you use a DirectCD application, which then needs to also be on any host computer you use.
19:59:53 <Gizmokid2005> rcmaehl: READ.
19:59:56 <rcmaehl> ok
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20:34:03 <Chazz> Hello pa_ how can we help you?
20:34:05 <Chazz> crap
20:34:09 <Chazz> sorry
20:34:44 <Chazz> on the other hand, wewt! my AHK script worked! Just at the wrong time!
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20:59:17 *** pa_5208 (i=575b030a@gateway/web/freenode/x-umuuxlkqdeqwnkis) has joined #portableapps
20:59:36 <pa_5208> hello!
20:59:45 <jnw222|> hi
20:59:48 <Chazz> Hello pa_5208
20:59:55 *** jnw222| is now known as jnw222|AfK
21:01:06 <pa_5208> What happens if I click on firefox.exe instead of portablefirefox.exe ? Does it pollute registry ?
21:01:31 <Chazz> yes
21:01:43 <jnw222|AfK> going into App/Firefox and using that firefox.exe pretty much undoes portable-izing
21:01:49 <ZachThibeau> your profile will stay on the host computer if you did that, the firefoxportable.exe file will make sure your profile is kept on your flash drive
21:02:19 <jnw222|AfK> like if you ran a non-portable copy
21:02:30 <pa_5208> i did that by mistake, is it possible to clean registry ?
21:03:52 <ZachThibeau> not really :/ not unless you want to risk playing in the registry and possibly messing your computer
21:04:16 <pa_5208> oh sh*t !!!
21:04:29 <Suiseiseki> it doesn't matter if regular fire fox is running
21:04:41 <Suiseiseki> juI mean if it's installed
21:05:43 <jnw222|AfK> i would clean C:\Documents And Settings\[user]\Application Data\Mozilla\
21:06:19 <qwertymodo> pa_5208 is this your own computer?
21:07:11 <pa_5208> yes, in fact I've a regulerFF3.5.2 with many add-ons and a portable FF
21:07:22 <qwertymodo> an easy way to fix everything is to just reinstall firefox on the computer
21:07:31 <qwertymodo> don't uninstall
21:07:35 <qwertymodo> just reinstall over the top
21:09:03 <pa_5208> ok, thanks for your answers ! :o)
21:09:46 <pa_5208> bye!
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21:53:27 *** ptmb has quit ("Bye everybody")
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22:33:42 *** Duzao (i=bd127885@gateway/web/freenode/x-pqpttiovmspwdcyu) has joined #portableapps
22:34:51 <Duzao> Hello i have a question
22:35:37 <Duzao> I dont download the firefox 3.5.2
22:36:41 <Duzao> I can not download firefox 3.5.2 first: the site never directly download, i always use the mirror, and second: when I try to run the file, the error in the integrity of the NSIS installer
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23:03:09 *** pa_6874 (i=41c7bd06@gateway/web/freenode/x-ceewgaystfshvsxj) has joined #portableapps
23:03:37 <pa_6874> I tried running the installer but keep getting this error: Windows cannot access the specified device,path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item"
23:06:31 <pa_6874> 1.5.2
23:09:18 <qwertymodo> right-click on the file and choose properties, then go to the security tab and see if your current user has Read&Execute privileges on the file
23:09:55 <pa_6874> Yes, it says I have the privileges
23:10:13 *** jnw222|AfK is now known as jnw222
23:12:51 <qwertymodo> right click the file and see if there's an option to unblock the file
23:13:24 <pa_6874> No, no option to unblock file
23:14:21 <qwertymodo> hm... all that i can think of is to search the web for that exact error message. it's a windows thing. you might have better luck from another computer.
23:14:48 <pa_6874> Yeah, I guess I'll try it when I get home.
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23:20:31 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is working on a super cool media player with MaienM :D
23:22:33 <ZachThibeau> ohai guyses :D
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