IRC Log from 2009-09-08

00:06:12 *** ptmb has quit ("Bye everybody")
00:18:31 *** phil__ (i=c7484662@gateway/web/freenode/x-oqcgfmeyxuaeoibu) has joined #portableapps
00:21:51 <phil__> when i started using portabl aps it was much faster and now it is slowing down. I am using Papps on a 4gb drive that is a little over half full
00:27:40 <TimClark> sorry phil__ seems no one is around, how long have you been noticing the slowdown, and in what apps
00:28:01 <phil__> primarily in firefox
00:28:09 <phil__> but open office is slow as well
00:28:27 <TimClark> have you upgraded Firefox since you first got it
00:28:35 <phil__> it used to be that firefox, on the thing was faster than IE on the computer but now it is much slower
00:28:44 <TimClark> FF3 is slower than FF2 many have noticed
00:29:15 <TimClark> what version are you using
00:29:48 <phil__> i believe the newest
00:30:05 <TimClark> moment
00:30:29 <TimClark> have you tried this tweaks
00:31:06 <TimClark> by the way , i am about to loose my internet connection any minute, so forgive me if i disappear
00:36:18 <phil__> Thank you
00:36:47 <phil__> i havent i didnt know about it. honestly im not a true techi I just try.
00:36:48 <TimClark> you're welcome
00:36:58 <TimClark> good luck
00:44:39 *** phil__ has quit ("Page closed")
00:45:40 *** JacobMastel has quit ("Leaving.")
00:49:40 *** JoeYoung ( has joined #portableapps
00:53:14 <JoeYoung> why did i recieve a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connect? why do they care?
00:53:27 <Chazz> JoeYoung, statistical analisys
00:53:34 <Chazz> but, you could ask #freenode
00:54:02 <TimClark> the do it all the time JoeYoung , and it sucks
00:54:11 <JoeYoung> spies! :O
00:54:22 <TimClark> yup :(
00:54:26 <Chazz> TimClark, and, why does it suck?
00:54:41 <TimClark> they want to make sure you're not using mibbit :P
00:54:48 <Chazz> lol
00:54:55 <Chazz> they've been doing it long before that :P
00:55:07 <Chazz> oh my, this isn't the -ot
00:55:09 <JoeYoung> TimClark: why do they hate mibbit?
00:55:21 <TimClark> JoeYoung: -ot
00:55:25 <JoeYoung> ?
00:55:35 <Chazz> JoeYoung, join the -ot channel
00:55:38 <JoeYoung> I don't know all the irc stuff
00:55:41 <TimClark> /join #portableapps-ot
00:55:54 <TimClark> it is our off topic channel
00:56:10 <JoeYoung> ah
01:09:23 *** TimClark has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
01:17:34 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
01:43:49 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
01:44:02 *** sancas (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
01:49:19 *** sancas has quit (Remote closed the connection)
01:51:47 *** sancas (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
01:54:32 *** pa_7503 (i=44224073@gateway/web/freenode/x-jsrviidehiauijij) has joined #portableapps
01:54:44 <Chazz> Hello pa_7503
01:56:01 <pa_7503> hello. i have a question concerning getting "firefox" to move faster thro the web pages?
01:56:43 *** ChrisMorgan (i=cb2d06b9@gateway/web/freenode/x-urdsisydltlqpwqx) has joined #portableapps
01:56:43 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer (BPBible, Inkscape et al), currently involved with work on the Launcher.
01:56:43 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer (BPBible, Inkscape et al), currently involved with work on the Launcher.
01:56:48 <ChrisMorgan> pa_7503:
01:57:06 <pa_7503> thank you.
01:57:25 <ChrisMorgan> Sorry it took me so long to get here ;-)
01:57:40 <ChrisMorgan> I just happened to look at the logs just then, so here I am :P
01:58:11 <pa_7503> thats fine. i appreciate it. just load firefox for the first time and it seems slow
01:58:24 <ChrisMorgan> From a slow disk, it isn't terribly fast.
01:59:21 <pa_7503> not sure , if my disk is that slow? made the changes suggested on" pipeline" setting value to "o" and "true"
01:59:50 <pa_7503> wondering if there is anything else you would recomend
02:01:29 <ChrisMorgan> Just what's there really.
02:01:36 <ChrisMorgan> You need to restart Firefox Portable then.
02:01:50 <ChrisMorgan> You should find great performance increases :-)
02:01:59 *** JoeYoung has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
02:02:36 <pa_7503> so firefox portable is faster and better than just the regular "firefox"? its an adjunt so to speak
02:03:03 <ChrisMorgan> It is optimised slightly for slow devices.
02:03:20 <ChrisMorgan> It includes the standard build of Firefox though, so it's just in the settings.
02:03:30 <pa_7503> ok , will try that . thanks for the info.
02:03:36 <ChrisMorgan> Firefox by itself is not portable, though; the launcher is the most important thing of Firefox Portable.
02:04:10 <pa_7503> i don't have to delete firefox as is , simply add the firefox portable?
02:05:27 <ChrisMorgan> Firefox Portable as installed by default is what you need for Firefox Portable.
02:05:43 <ChrisMorgan> It's completely separate from Firefox proper.
02:05:49 <pa_7503> thanks , i will go and add.
02:09:12 *** pa_7503 has quit ("Page closed")
02:10:00 <Chazz> hey ChrisMorgan :D
02:12:07 <ChrisMorgan> Hey ho :-)
02:12:16 <ChrisMorgan> Ain't I a showoff :P
02:12:21 <ChrisMorgan> Tut tut :P
02:12:22 <Chazz> lol
02:12:42 <ChrisMorgan> Should set up some more defs for those sorts of things really
02:12:52 <Whibo> .def ChrisMorgan
02:12:53 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a Developer (BPBible, Inkscape et al), currently involved with work on the Launcher.
02:12:54 <Chazz> ya :/
02:12:58 <Chazz> .def Chazz
02:12:59 <GizmoBot> Chazz is the awesome developer of Bash Portable :D
02:12:59 <ChrisMorgan> .def pas
02:12:59 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan: Sorry, but I don't know about pas
02:13:04 <Chazz> pas?
02:13:04 <Whibo> .def Whibo
02:13:05 <ChrisMorgan> .def pasupport
02:13:05 <GizmoBot> Whibo is a member of the GE Team (#GamingExposed | GamingExposed.Com) and a french translator of
02:13:06 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan: Sorry, but I don't know about pasupport
02:13:07 <Whibo> O:
02:13:12 <ChrisMorgan> .def papsupport
02:13:12 <GizmoBot> papsupport is support for the Platform and Suite, at
02:13:42 <ChrisMorgan> .def ffsupport
02:13:42 <GizmoBot> ffsupport is support for Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition, at
02:13:54 <Chazz> .def support
02:13:55 <GizmoBot> support is also available at
02:14:06 <Whibo> .def pizza
02:14:07 <GizmoBot> pizza is my favourite meal when eaten with my best friend, Whibo
02:14:11 <Whibo> :D
02:14:15 <ChrisMorgan> Come on...
02:14:28 <Whibo> i didn't make it
02:14:32 <Whibo> O:
02:14:36 <Chazz> lol
02:14:37 <ChrisMorgan> Nor do you need to use it.
02:14:42 <Whibo> lol
02:15:12 <Whibo> :)
02:15:31 <Chazz> Whibo, -ot NAOW
02:15:35 <Whibo> ok
02:18:09 *** Octoroks has quit (Remote closed the connection)
02:33:54 *** Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
02:34:32 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
02:36:20 <ZachThibeau> no moderator online :(
02:36:27 <ZachThibeau> anyways Hi ChrisMorgan
02:37:03 <ZachThibeau> night
02:37:08 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|ZzZz
02:55:13 *** pa_7083 (i=47ba32a1@gateway/web/freenode/x-fsqaexgvfxpiajpa) has joined #portableapps
02:55:24 <pa_7083> hello?
02:56:41 <pa_7083> sooo ya...umm i just downloaded a platform for a usb flash drive and i was wondering if there was a way so that right when i plug it in the platform would come up
02:56:42 <Gizmokid2005> hello pa_7083
02:56:48 <pa_7083> hi
02:56:48 <Gizmokid2005> pa_7083: nope
02:56:53 <Gizmokid2005> there is not at this time
02:56:54 <pa_7083> darn...
02:56:59 <pa_7083> well thanks
02:57:01 <Gizmokid2005> it's a "Security" feature of windows to disable autorun
02:57:04 <Gizmokid2005> you're welcome
02:57:06 <pa_7083> o
02:57:18 <pa_7083> well im about to download linux
02:57:25 <pa_7083> will it do the same?
02:57:31 <Gizmokid2005> you will most likely run into the same issues with Wine in Linux
02:57:33 <Gizmokid2005> but I can't say for sure
02:57:45 <pa_7083> alright
02:57:46 <pa_7083> thanks
02:58:05 *** pa_7083 has quit (Client Quit)
03:02:34 *** daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
03:10:08 *** sancas has quit ("Saliendo")
03:12:22 *** gluxon (i=47c015ab@gateway/web/freenode/x-ucjxbtaixjtfytte) has joined #portableapps
03:13:34 <Chazz> hey gluxon :)
03:14:03 <gluxon> hi.
03:17:49 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
03:20:21 *** sancas (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
03:22:59 *** gluxon has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
03:31:39 *** Suiseiseki has quit ("Read error: 409 (connection not clean, using Formula 409 to clean up connection)")
03:32:08 *** Suiseiseki (i=desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
03:32:49 *** JoeYoung ( has joined #portableapps
03:33:01 *** ChrisMorgan has quit ("Page closed")
03:45:54 *** sancas has quit (Remote closed the connection)
03:58:34 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
04:23:09 *** dragonmage ( has joined #portableapps
04:41:46 *** Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
04:42:00 *** daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
04:52:53 *** gluxon (i=47c015ab@gateway/web/freenode/x-kjoyrrcfxpenkaki) has joined #portableapps
05:01:53 *** gluxon has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
05:21:58 *** Suiseiseki has quit ("Read error: 409 (connection not clean, using Formula 409 to clean up connection)")
05:27:16 *** JoeYoung has quit ("Leaving")
05:53:30 *** Chazz is now known as dabomb|not-here
05:55:19 *** dabomb|not-here is now known as Chazz
06:10:11 *** Darwin4Ever ( has joined #portableapps
06:30:50 *** excid3 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
06:31:22 *** excid3 (n=excid3@ has joined #portableapps
07:00:36 *** dragonmage is now known as drag|away
07:15:01 *** MaienM|Sleep is now known as MaienM
07:24:09 *** qwertymodo (n=Ben@ has joined #portableapps
08:03:32 *** qwertymodo1 (n=qwertymo@ has joined #portableapps
08:04:12 *** qwertymodo has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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08:22:58 *** qwertymodo has parted #portableapps ()
08:24:26 *** qwertymodo1 (n=Ben@ has joined #portableapps
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09:03:39 *** qwertymodo has quit (Nick collision from services.)
09:03:40 *** qwertymodo1 (n=Ben@ has joined #portableapps
09:03:46 *** qwertymodo1 is now known as qwertymodo
09:04:08 *** qwertymodo has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
09:12:57 *** Random_dude (i=79de8b49@gateway/web/freenode/x-hzghfcwtrpmrhcay) has joined #portableapps
09:15:24 <Random_dude> Does any one here know what to use to make a portable apps launcher?
09:17:22 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
09:19:09 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is working on KVIrc Portable: and RSSOwl Portable:
09:27:51 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|School
09:29:24 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
09:36:23 <Random_dude> good bye
09:36:26 *** Random_dude has parted #portableapps ()
09:59:07 *** ZachT|ZzZz is now known as ZachT|Work
10:46:54 *** purple (n=purple@ has joined #portableapps
10:49:26 * purple looks around
10:55:08 *** purple has quit ("Only two things are definite, Death and Format C:\")
11:15:36 *** andreasma (n=andi@ has joined #portableapps
11:24:01 *** drag|away has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
11:24:04 *** dragonmage ( has joined #portableapps
11:36:06 *** MaienM|School is now known as MaienM
11:58:24 *** Horusofoz ( has joined #portableapps
11:58:44 <Horusofoz> Hi guys - Just pasing through with a spam alert -
11:59:23 <Horusofoz> While I'm here, Chazz have you tried the new DataCrow to see if it reduces the performance issues you were having?
12:06:13 <Horusofoz> ciao
12:06:16 *** Horusofoz has parted #portableapps ()
13:06:10 *** MaienM has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
13:06:30 *** MaienM (n=MaienM-F@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
13:06:30 <GizmoBot> MaienM is MaienM. He is the developer of The Mana World Portable, and he has a website at
13:06:30 <GizmoBot> MaienM is MaienM. He is the developer of The Mana World Portable, and he has a website at
13:12:40 *** andreasma has quit ("Verlassend")
13:31:53 *** Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
14:13:44 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
14:21:33 *** sar3th (i=4e2b0594@gateway/web/freenode/x-gnzkaucnahxumpch) has joined #portableapps
14:21:33 <GizmoBot> sar3th sets mode +ohai all
14:21:33 <GizmoBot> sar3th sets mode +ohai all
14:21:52 <sar3th> fail GizmoBot D:
14:23:06 <Bensawsome> lol spam:
14:27:04 <sar3th> hi ben
14:31:08 *** excid3 has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
14:31:38 *** excid3 ( has joined #portableapps
14:31:42 <Bensawsome> lol
14:31:45 <Bensawsome> ohai sar3th :3
14:32:03 <sar3th> any news?
14:32:09 <Bensawsome> eh not really
14:32:16 <MaienM> lots op spam today :(
14:32:17 <Bensawsome> labor day weekend is over :(
14:32:19 <Bensawsome> lol
14:32:27 <Bensawsome> ya thats true unfortunately MaienM :(
14:33:11 <MaienM> lol, I tried to just pastebin the links
14:33:24 <MaienM> but ironically enough that activated THEIR spam filter xD
14:33:31 <sar3th> lol
14:33:34 <MaienM> my spam report was marked as spam
14:33:35 <sar3th> had that too
14:33:55 *** ZachT|Work is now known as ZachThibeau
14:34:10 <Bensawsome> LOL MaienM :P
14:34:13 <Bensawsome> omg...
14:34:15 <Bensawsome> failz XD
14:34:21 <Bensawsome> i love todays QC though :3
14:34:31 <Bensawsome> Why aren't you at home?
14:34:35 <Bensawsome> ITS NOT SAFE THEIR ._>
14:34:37 <Bensawsome> XD
14:34:39 <Bensawsome> err wait
14:34:40 <Bensawsome> ot tiem
14:34:48 *** sar3th has quit ("Page closed")
14:35:20 *** sar3th (i=4e2b0594@gateway/web/freenode/x-qwytqcnkajohijjz) has joined #portableapps
14:35:20 <GizmoBot> sar3th sets mode +ohai all
14:37:03 *** AppGuy (n=AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
14:41:16 *** sar3th-_- (i=4e2b0594@gateway/web/freenode/x-gvupkuqualvmcvrs) has joined #portableapps
14:41:52 *** sar3th has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
14:43:31 *** pa_6390 (i=4e2b0594@gateway/web/freenode/x-xebjyozszeejxoki) has joined #portableapps
14:43:36 *** pa_6390 is now known as sar3th
14:43:43 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
14:43:47 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is working on KVIrc Portable: and RSSOwl Portable:
14:43:58 <sar3th> -_-
14:44:04 <sar3th> webchat fails, gizmokid
14:44:24 *** sar3th-_- has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
14:44:48 <Gizmokid2005> sar3th: yes, yes it does
14:56:55 *** sar3th has quit ()
15:02:32 *** AppGuy has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
15:25:23 *** Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
16:56:11 *** ptmb (n=PTMblogg@ has joined #portableapps
16:58:36 <ptmb> If any moderator is available I'd like to inform that the comment in, made by a new user points to illegal software (that blogspot site we all have issues with) and I'd like to request somebody to censor the link when possible, thank you.
17:00:21 <MaienM> ptmb: yeah, its already in my list of spam and stuff to report :P
17:11:15 *** dragonmage has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: )")
17:29:09 *** OliverK (n=OliverK@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
17:29:09 <GizmoBot> OliverK thinks he needs a new .def
17:32:21 *** ptmb is now known as ptmb|away
17:56:22 *** abc528 ( has joined #portableapps
17:57:56 *** ptmb|away is now known as ptmb
18:01:05 *** portableapps ( has joined #portableapps
18:01:12 *** Roamer ( has joined #portableapps
18:01:12 <GizmoBot> Roamer is addicted to
18:01:48 *** pa_6536 (i=d036043a@gateway/web/freenode/x-eivtmrrkwtkjanzd) has joined #portableapps
18:02:13 <pa_6536> Hello, this looks like an excellent application to put into a thumbdrive.
18:02:55 <OliverK> what looks like an excellent application?
18:03:21 <pa_6536> The Portable Apps Free Download called "Suite"
18:03:38 <OliverK> yes it is
18:04:09 <pa_6536> I loaded it into a Kingston 64 gigabit thumbdrive, but for some reason am not able to open it.
18:04:23 <pa_6536> What am I doing wrong?
18:05:31 <OliverK> any kind of error messages
18:05:59 <pa_6536> Yep, the error message tells me it can't find the path to the app.
18:06:29 <OliverK> which app and what is the path?
18:07:19 <pa_6536> There is only one Icon to choose - a circle with an arrow swoosh in it, so I pick that and no go.
18:07:42 <OliverK> okay. . .
18:08:31 <pa_6536> Should I remove the whole download and start over?
18:08:45 <OliverK> you can . . .
18:09:00 <OliverK> what's the error message say, exactly
18:09:24 <pa_6536> There is also a folder named "Data". I'll try it again and paste the error message here.
18:10:30 <pa_6536> Access violation at address 0048828A in module 'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Read of address 00000198.
18:10:43 *** pacomlogbot ( has joined #portableapps
18:10:52 <Gizmokid2005> ....grr
18:10:56 *** pacomlogbot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
18:11:56 <pa_6536> So what needs to happen?
18:12:57 <OliverK> that needs a reinstall.
18:13:10 <OliverK> are you sure that the download is complete?
18:14:00 <pa_6536> All right sir, thanks. Nothing appears to be cranking away in the background, but am not certain whether all is complete. Sounds like I should start over and be a little more patient with the process.
18:14:21 <OliverK> perhaps, if you can, check the md5 sums
18:14:49 <pa_6536> Sorry. You're talking to an idiot. I wouldn't know how to do that!
18:15:12 <OliverK>
18:15:41 <OliverK> download that, then run it. you'll need to tell it to gos someplace, maybe the root of your drive
18:15:53 <OliverK> i.e. X:\winmd5sumportable
18:16:07 <OliverK> then, run the exe it that folder on your download
18:16:27 <OliverK> compare it to this: 4871c85e115ee14f525550331a111ae9
18:16:33 <OliverK> if you're using the standard edition
18:19:23 <pa_6536> Cannot open file "E:\PortableApps\Portable
18:19:58 <pa_6536>\App\DefaultData\Theme\button{close{hover.png". The system cannot find the path specified.
18:20:32 <pa_6536> The {s are supposed to be _s
18:20:40 <OliverK> redownload it and try again, I think
18:20:56 <pa_6536> Will do, thanks for your help
18:21:18 <OliverK> no problem
18:21:35 *** pa_6536 has quit ("Page closed")
18:24:39 *** Roamer has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
18:39:11 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
18:41:24 <ZachThibeau> Gizmokid2005: uptime for my laptop 3 days 21 hours and 30 minutes thats how long I've been streaming now xD
18:42:53 <MaienM> my uptime is only 20 hours :(
18:43:00 <MaienM> since my pc crashed D:
18:43:47 <ZachThibeau>
18:44:55 <MaienM> lol, 3 days aint that special you know :P
18:45:16 <ZachThibeau> special for a laptop :P
18:45:34 <ZachThibeau> and this is running in windows 7 rtm
18:46:33 <ZachThibeau> and I'm running 20 apps at once xD
18:47:29 <ZachThibeau> songbird, Virtualbox, filezilla, foobar2000, icecast etc
18:48:06 <OliverK> laters
18:48:07 <ZachThibeau> mind you I compile all my apps to my archetecture so it runs a little more smoothly on my system than the generic build
18:48:19 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
19:15:01 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
19:16:05 *** Roamer ( has joined #portableapps
19:16:05 <GizmoBot> Roamer is addicted to
19:25:21 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
19:41:44 *** Mike (i=53ffd754@gateway/web/freenode/x-hstqglhtvglmlfno) has joined #portableapps
19:41:50 <Mike> Hi
19:42:12 *** Mike is now known as Guest56104
19:42:48 *** Guest56104 is now known as [Mike]
19:43:04 *** markomlm ( has joined #portableapps
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19:48:00 <Gizmokid2005> no it,s not...I'll show you special
19:48:17 <Gizmokid2005>
19:48:21 <Gizmokid2005> right special
19:48:47 <MaienM> ZachThibeau: my IPOD has an uptime of like 10 times what your laptop has :P
19:49:54 *** portableapps has parted #portableapps (requested by Gizmokid2005)
19:58:39 *** Roamer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:22:03 *** abc528 has quit (Client Quit)
20:32:01 *** powerjuce (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) has joined #portableapps
20:36:01 <powerjuce> hello all
20:36:24 <powerjuce> is anyone familier with software that will make all items on a portable drive read-only
20:50:51 *** Gizmokid2005 has quit ("The Gizmo is gone!! =-O Never fear! He will return!")
20:55:28 *** Gizmokid2005 ( has joined #portableapps
20:55:32 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is working on KVIrc Portable: and RSSOwl Portable:
21:01:38 *** powerjuce is now known as powerjuce|away
21:05:27 *** ENGINE (i=8cf7edd2@gateway/web/freenode/x-ufcghevrjvyehkiq) has joined #portableapps
21:05:36 <ENGINE> hi everyone
21:05:40 <ENGINE> I have a slight problem
21:05:48 <ENGINE> was hoping you guys would be able to help
21:05:58 <ENGINE> I can't seem to run portapps on vista
21:06:12 <ENGINE> I'm on firefox now, but my bookmarks are all gone, plus I can't seem to re-import them
21:06:26 <ENGINE> same for Sunbird and Thunderbird
21:06:32 <ENGINE> anyone have any ideas?
21:17:37 <gluxon> ENGINE: Sorry, I was away, and apparently, so were a lot of people.
21:18:19 <gluxon> should run fine on Vista, does it work on other windows systems? Such was XP?
21:20:26 <ENGINE> yes, it works on XP
21:20:30 <ENGINE> oh dear
21:20:32 <ENGINE> I have to run
21:20:40 <ENGINE> I'll probably be back on again soon
21:20:50 <ENGINE> thank you for your help regardlss
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21:22:53 *** powerjuce|away has quit ("peace out all")
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21:49:31 *** daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
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21:50:10 <GizmoBot> Chazz is the awesome developer of Bash Portable :D
21:50:13 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
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22:39:35 *** TmpltnPck ( has joined #portableapps
22:39:59 <TmpltnPck> I was wondering, is there a way to add/change the icon for custom portable apps you add to the menu?
22:53:24 *** mino_ (i=45e74244@gateway/web/freenode/x-ouctnyvlajqsveuw) has joined #portableapps
22:53:49 <mino_> how would encrypting my usbdrive affect my portable apps
22:53:49 <mino_> if at all
22:53:54 <mino_> ?
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