IRC Log from 2009-10-23

00:12:43 *** Oni-Neoxes (n=Oni-Neox@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
00:16:37 *** WastePotato has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.0")
00:20:45 *** ZachThibeau (i=8ea73703@gateway/web/freenode/x-bjribflxzmujlyge) has joined #portableapps
00:20:45 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is currently working on a super cool media player called musicplay3000 aka mp3k
00:20:56 <ZachThibeau> howdy yàll
00:21:13 *** ZachThibeau is now known as Guest92698
00:21:21 <Guest92698> :é
00:21:33 <Oni-Neoxes> Hello Guest92698 >_.
00:21:47 <Guest92698> *sigh* webchat is ruining my keys D:
00:21:58 <Guest92698> I can`t do a slash D:
00:22:11 <Guest92698> brb
00:22:17 *** Guest92698 has quit (Client Quit)
01:10:46 *** kai_62656_ is now known as kai_62656
01:26:00 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("Quit... D:")
01:26:27 *** Oni-Neoxes (n=Oni-Neox@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
01:40:33 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SrgSilerS
01:40:38 *** SrgSilerS is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
01:49:44 *** kai_62656 has quit ("*poof*")
01:57:35 *** solanus (i=cfacefcf@gateway/web/freenode/x-tdghpxtkbumffaez) has joined #portableapps
01:58:36 <solanus> So I followed that link to lifehacker, and I saw that John stated that the new 2.0 PAP is coming out Wednesday. How real is that?
02:03:45 <solanus> I mean, I understand the whole "it's done when it's done" thing. And it's great, the freeware, and all these apps being released...
02:06:31 <solanus> But I get so disappointed when release dates are predicted by those actually in the know, and they are never even close. I'd rather not hear any release dates than get my hopes up!
02:10:34 <solanus> I guess everyone's asleep.
02:10:49 <solanus> bye
02:11:00 *** solanus has quit ("Page closed")
02:19:01 *** pa_9568 (i=bd12d073@gateway/web/freenode/x-qpqewsvcetvxwygy) has joined #portableapps
02:19:59 <pa_9568> hello, I already have my instalation complete (pc) but I cant find a way to install in my pendrive
02:21:32 <Gizmokid2005> pa_9568: just run the installers to your thumb drive
02:21:36 <Gizmokid2005> instead of the local hard drive
02:26:28 *** pa_9568 has quit ("Page closed")
02:26:29 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit ("Quit... D:")
02:29:45 *** OliverK (n=WifiWomb@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
02:29:45 <GizmoBot> OliverK will get to this later
02:30:26 <Chazz> OliverK, o/
02:30:49 <OliverK> yeah
02:30:49 <GizmoBot> OliverK: On Oct 22, 2009 @ 18:51 GMT <sar3th> tell OliverK much better, thanks very much :D
02:31:35 <OliverK> Chazz: thanks
02:31:57 <Chazz> lol, how goes it OliverK :)
02:32:03 <OliverK> slowly
02:32:19 <OliverK> i'm gonna head into bed but decided to make a quick stop while the computer was on
02:32:30 <Chazz> Night OliverK :P
02:32:34 * OliverK <3 miranda
02:33:15 <Chazz> lol
02:33:26 <OliverK> i got it skinned and its pretty
02:33:28 <OliverK> :D
02:33:33 <Chazz> Cool! :o
02:33:36 <Chazz> Btw, OliverK
02:33:52 <Chazz> I finally got around to trying Geany Portable, and OMG that is awesome!
02:34:09 <OliverK> cool
02:34:10 <OliverK> yeah
02:34:17 <OliverK> i like it better then np++
02:34:24 <Chazz> Ya, I agree.
02:34:26 <OliverK> there releases are always so crappy
02:34:37 <OliverK> well, the initial releases anyway
02:34:37 <Chazz> yar =/
02:34:44 <OliverK> that's the way I feel about pidgin
02:34:57 <OliverK> i love miranda now that I got it skinned, its incredible
02:35:16 <Chazz> awesome... :o
02:35:29 * Chazz was never able to quite get the hang of miranda...
02:37:32 <OliverK>
02:37:39 <OliverK> :D
02:37:58 <OliverK> the intial setup is a pain in the hind quareters, but I think its gotten better
02:38:32 <Chazz> WOW
02:38:35 <Chazz> Nice OliverK :o
02:38:41 <OliverK> thanks
02:42:13 <OliverK> umm, tabssrmm and clearlist or something
02:44:59 <Chazz> ah, nice
02:46:43 <OliverK> plus i've got xfire protocol
02:46:46 <OliverK> and twittah
02:47:11 <OliverK> i'm about ready to start playing with another plugin as well :D
02:48:24 <OliverK> yeah, I found tabsrmm and was sold
02:48:46 <OliverK> that was the only thing i liked more about pidign then miranda, and when I got that plugin, i was done
02:51:02 <OliverK> yeah, inkscape was in the corner there as well :D
02:52:03 <Chazz> Nice :o
02:52:43 <OliverK> i got geany, gimp wireshark, um . . . . well, yeah, pretty much every gtk i use regularly skinned that way
02:52:52 <OliverK> and I got the geany drak filetypes for geany as well
02:53:09 <Chazz> Nice :o
02:53:21 <OliverK> firefox
02:53:22 <Chazz> How do you skin GTK?
02:53:34 <Chazz> And, what theme did you use for FF?
02:53:49 <OliverK> redshift v3
02:53:58 <Chazz> Nice :o
02:54:02 <OliverK> i got xchat skinned blakc to
02:54:11 <Chazz> :o cool! :o
02:54:12 <OliverK> i have pretty much everything I skin skin that way, skinned
02:54:27 <OliverK> for some reason its easier on my eyes and i can keep track of everything better
02:54:52 <OliverK> its porbably mostly mental, but eh, i like it :D And nobody else uses my flash drive so it don't matter
02:55:21 <Chazz> lol, nice
03:05:30 <OliverK> alright
03:05:34 <OliverK> bed time
03:05:39 *** OliverK has quit ("so long and thanks for all the fish")
03:09:29 *** Res2216firestar (i=Sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #portableapps
03:40:41 *** sancas (n=sancas@ has joined #portableapps
03:55:14 *** Res2216firestar has quit ("Leaving")
04:01:19 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
04:05:15 *** bubazoo (n=bubazoo@ has joined #portableapps
04:06:07 <bubazoo> is there a way to remove menu items from the portableapps start menu, without removing them from the portable device?
04:06:58 <bubazoo> I have a portableapp where the directory has multiple .exe files in it, so more then one icon shows up, so I want to remove the unneeded ones from the menu
04:07:57 <Chazz> bubazoo,
04:08:13 <bubazoo> there's like TYB Manager, installshield, wpproxea, and a couple others
04:10:44 <bubazoo> cool thanks Chzz
04:13:14 *** bubazoo has parted #portableapps ()
04:16:17 *** Scriptdaemon (n=KennyW@ has joined #portableapps
04:29:36 *** Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
04:30:54 *** daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
04:56:56 *** sancas has quit (Remote closed the connection)
05:01:35 *** qwertymodo (n=Ben@ has joined #portableapps
05:01:42 *** qwertymodo has parted #portableapps ("Leaving.")
05:04:40 *** Scriptdaemon has quit ("Leaving")
05:09:27 *** pa_5256 (i=46302daf@gateway/web/freenode/x-oihxefryaxkuicxv) has joined #portableapps
05:09:29 *** Suiseiseki has quit ("...")
05:10:32 *** pa_5256 has quit (Client Quit)
05:11:00 *** pa_1783 (i=46302daf@gateway/web/freenode/x-nregjtzxrmvvzoab) has joined #portableapps
05:11:47 <pa_1783> Hello
05:11:56 <Chazz> Hellp pa_1783
05:12:51 *** JoeYoung_ has quit ("Leaving")
05:13:11 <pa_1783> I am not too techy .....i am 64 years old female....I need to take my e-mails with me and use it with any computer.....which program should I download
05:13:37 <pa_1783> are you there
05:14:06 <pa_1783> hello
05:14:06 <Chazz> Thunderbird
05:14:27 <Chazz> Thunderbird Portable would be best.
05:14:52 <pa_1783> i just only download thunderbird....nothing else
05:15:00 <pa_1783> i have vista
05:15:19 <Chazz> That's all you'll need.
05:15:46 <pa_1783> ok thanks i will do that right now
05:16:37 *** pa_1783 has quit ("Page closed")
06:11:47 *** Horusofoz (n=Jeffrey_@ has joined #portableapps
06:12:12 <Horusofoz> Hey peeps
06:12:26 <Horusofoz> What's the buzz?
06:13:49 <Horusofoz> Woah that's deep. You guys talk about some pretty profound things stuff
06:18:28 <Horusofoz> Ok this symposium on the sound of silence is a little too deep for me. Laters
06:18:52 *** Horusofoz has parted #portableapps ()
10:20:47 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
10:31:19 *** farfar ( has joined #portableapps
10:31:51 *** BjornH has quit (Nick collision from services.)
11:09:11 *** farfar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
11:30:18 *** Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
11:52:38 *** daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
11:52:43 *** Chris___ (i=770c7557@gateway/web/freenode/x-rrxruvamblerzcaq) has joined #portableapps
11:53:16 <Chris___> how do we use app compacter
11:54:42 <Chris___> help
11:54:57 <Chris___> help!
11:54:57 <GizmoBot> Chris___: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
11:55:16 <Chris___> how do i use app compacter
11:55:34 *** Chris___ has quit (Client Quit)
11:58:46 *** Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
12:24:00 *** JoeYoung ( has joined #portableapps
12:57:00 *** pa_3735 (i=5ac58e59@gateway/web/freenode/x-prpvfipjhffxfflq) has joined #portableapps
12:58:20 *** pa_3735 is now known as prapper
13:14:57 *** OliverK (n=OliverK@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
13:14:58 <GizmoBot> OliverK will get to this later
14:11:02 *** pa_6242 (i=d8bf929a@gateway/web/freenode/x-fuxgksygbmbipfee) has joined #portableapps
14:12:26 <pa_6242> How do I delete an installed PortableApp from my USB stick?
14:15:07 <OliverK> just delete the folder of the portable app
14:15:10 <OliverK> which app is it?
14:15:54 *** GizmoBot has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
14:16:49 <pa_6242> I want to get rid of AbiWord and simply install OpenOffice instead
14:19:02 <pa_6242> deleting the folder seemed to have worked - thanks
14:20:51 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
14:21:55 <OliverK> yup
14:22:03 <OliverK> anything else?
14:22:15 <OliverK> feel free to h ang around if you'd like
14:22:37 <OliverK> and if you'd like a nick, just typ /nick "thenickname"
14:22:57 <pa_6242> Thanks - I am new to this PortableApps thing but I can't live w/o it now
14:23:56 <pa_6242> I thought Chrome portable was great until I discover there is a whole other world of PortableApps out there
14:24:21 <OliverK> yeah, it is pretty awesome
14:24:22 <OliverK> it changed my life at least
14:25:16 <pa_6242> As an on-the-road Sales guy, this makes my life so much easier; I now take my Apps with me, do my work at client's office, then leave without a trace
14:25:42 <pa_6242> ok, I am out. Thanks again.
14:26:03 *** pa_6242 has quit ()
14:26:23 *** MaienM|Sleep is now known as MaienM
14:35:52 *** Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
14:36:04 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
14:37:57 *** GizmoBot ( has joined #portableapps
14:38:08 <GizmoBot> GizmoBot is the official bot of #Gizmokid2005 and #PortableApps.
15:20:28 *** WastePotato ( has joined #portableapps
15:20:43 *** BjornH has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
16:20:17 *** prapper has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
16:22:50 *** pa_0238 (i=5ac081dd@gateway/web/freenode/x-ccmbsqalpjmofwee) has joined #portableapps
16:23:32 *** pa_0238 is now known as prapper
16:31:24 *** ZachThibeau (n=ZachThib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
16:31:24 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is currently working on a super cool media player called musicplay3000 aka mp3k
16:32:31 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
16:35:06 *** ZachThibeau (i=zachthib@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
16:35:06 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is currently working on a super cool media player called musicplay3000 aka mp3k
16:37:40 *** Twinkletoes|W has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85-rdmsoft [XULRunner]")
16:50:29 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
16:51:53 <SteveLamerton> Hello all
16:52:47 <ZachThibeau> howdt SteveLamerton
16:52:53 <SteveLamerton> Hi ZachThibeau
16:53:08 *** sar3th (n=sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
16:53:10 <GizmoBot> sar3th is developing LyXPortable together with OliverK
16:56:31 *** Darwin4Ever ( has joined #portableapps
16:58:55 *** sar3th|away (i=sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
16:59:14 *** sar3th has quit ("brb")
16:59:14 *** sar3th|away is now known as sar3th
17:02:21 *** OliverK is now known as OliverK|Chowing
17:02:52 *** xangua (n=xangua@unaffiliated/xangua) has joined #portableapps
17:03:06 *** JoeYoung has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
17:06:35 * OliverK|Chowing downloads the new icofx
17:11:53 * OliverK|Chowing likes it when freeware authors allow unmodified redistrobution
17:15:50 <sar3th> of what? of their installer?
17:16:02 <OliverK|Chowing> no, binaries
17:16:05 <OliverK|Chowing> ICOFx
17:16:11 <sar3th> ah k
17:16:19 <OliverK|Chowing> i don't know how to handle the ico stuff in the gimp, and icofx works really really really nice
17:16:24 <OliverK|Chowing> so, that's what i use :D
17:18:01 <ZachThibeau> I prefer GIMP over icofx for making my icons
17:18:14 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
17:18:33 <ZachThibeau> and making icons in GIMP is dead simple my 2 year old cousin can do it (and trust me he did)
17:19:22 <gluxon> 2 year old?
17:19:26 <gluxon> Yeah right :P
17:20:59 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: ok he's 4 but thats beside the point
17:21:24 <gluxon> okay, that makes more sense :D
17:21:30 <gluxon> 2 is when you learn to talk :D
17:21:55 <OliverK|Chowing> for making the icons, yes
17:21:58 <Gizmokid2005> gluxon: no...1 is when you learn to talk
17:22:06 <Gizmokid2005> I was reading all kinds of books at 3
17:22:20 <sar3th> and now is when you learn to move to ot with that kind of stuff, isn't it >_>
17:22:23 <OliverK|Chowing> for checking to see what size the icons are, and exporting them, i use icofx
17:22:32 <OliverK|Chowing> a tree could do it, and sometimes i'm that stupid
17:22:33 <ZachThibeau> for me it was in less than 7 months before I was talking and I was reading books around the age of 3 :P
17:22:46 <OliverK|Chowing> meh
17:22:47 <ZachThibeau> by grade 6 I was reading college level books
17:22:57 * OliverK|Chowing didn't talk until my brother came along
17:23:06 <OliverK|Chowing> on the other hand, i did nail the door shut at three
17:23:13 <ZachThibeau> made me an awesome speller (then I got hooked into computers and the darn spell check)
17:23:39 <ZachThibeau> everything was then flung out the windoww (litterally :P)
17:23:44 <ZachThibeau> **windows
17:23:52 <ZachThibeau> aka Windows 98SE :P
17:49:02 *** xangua has parted #portableapps (" no se si reírme o sentir lástima")
18:08:07 *** OliverK|Chowing is now known as OliverK
18:40:22 *** prapper has quit ("Page closed")
18:52:01 *** Zarggg has quit ()
19:00:02 *** OliverK has quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish")
19:05:00 *** daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
19:05:43 * SteveLamerton notes that he sent Toucan 2.2.0 off for release earlier
19:07:03 <Gizmokid2005> YAY SteveLamerton! :D
19:07:16 <SteveLamerton> Finally got everything organised :D
19:07:35 *** markomlm ( has joined #portableapps
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19:08:54 <SteveLamerton> I was hoping to speak to marko...
19:12:34 *** ptmb (n=PTMblogg@ has joined #portableapps
19:17:43 *** Zarggg ( has joined #portableapps
19:23:27 *** andreasma ( has joined #portableapps
19:32:03 <gluxon> ptmb!
19:32:10 <ptmb> gluxon!
19:34:15 <Chazz> Chazz!
19:34:36 <Zarggg> IRC!
19:36:38 <MaienM> -ot!
19:37:32 <Chazz> lol
19:38:11 <ZachThibeau> if there was a tone of seriousness I think MaienM would be showing it
19:38:20 <ZachThibeau> meaning do as he says
19:38:21 <ZachThibeau> :P
19:40:17 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
19:40:21 <JohnTHaller> hola
19:40:31 <MaienM> hello JohnTHaller
19:40:58 <JohnTHaller> how goes it
19:41:04 <Chazz> Hello JohnTHaller
19:41:12 <ZachThibeau> howdy JohnTHaller
19:41:25 <ZachThibeau> I think you can vote for our project on lifehacker :P
19:42:39 <SteveLamerton> Hello JohnTHaller
19:43:14 <JohnTHaller> so i saw. annoying that liberkey is getting any votes at all
19:43:49 <sar3th> can you please post the url ZachThibeau ?
19:44:00 <ZachThibeau>
19:47:25 <sar3th> thank you
19:47:33 <ZachThibeau> np
19:48:39 *** ptmb is now known as ptmb|away
19:56:41 *** pa_8637 (i=3e9eca36@gateway/web/freenode/x-zkgldeuniympldlf) has joined #portableapps
19:56:58 *** andreasma has quit ("Verlassend")
19:57:05 <pa_8637> Guten Abend
19:57:47 <pa_8637> ist hier jemand der Deutsch spricht?
19:59:13 <sar3th> ja pa_8637 ;)
20:00:03 <pa_8637> Das ist Gut sar3th. Mein Englisch ist nicht sehr gut! Ich habe da ein Pron
20:00:15 <pa_8637> Ich habe da ein problem mit blender
20:00:28 <pa_8637> McAfee findet einen Trojaner
20:02:02 <sar3th> ich schicke dir schnell einen online-virusscan, dann siehst du was ich meine
20:02:18 <SteveLamerton> sar3th, and are good links
20:02:58 *** markomlm ( has joined #portableapps
20:03:04 <pa_8637> das ist schon mal beruhigend! Wie bringe ich Mcafee dazu mir die Datei nicht wegzuputzen?
20:03:29 <sar3th> hm..gute frage..moment
20:07:17 <sar3th> bist du an deinem eigenen pc?
20:07:52 <pa_8637> ja, aber das ding habe ich erst seit gestern und kenne mich mit win7 und McAfee nicht aus
20:10:51 <sar3th> Welche McAfee Version hast du denn, weist du das? sollte irigendwo im sicherheitscenter stehen
20:13:35 <pa_8637> kann ich nicht finden wo das steht
20:15:45 <pa_8637> Ich denke ich starte mal neu, trenne den rechner vomm Internet, versuche McAfee irgendwie auszuschalten. Mal sehen, ob Blender dann läuft
20:17:05 <sar3th> ja, ich denke das ist einen versuch wert, du kannst auch noch einen moment warten bis der scanbericht fertig ist, dann siehst du nochmal, dass das kein trojaner oder virus sein sollte
20:18:10 <pa_8637> Danke für die sehr gute Hilfe! Ich wünsche noch einen schönen Abend
20:18:24 <sar3th> ja danke
20:18:39 *** pa_8637 has quit ("Page closed")
20:20:56 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Avalible?
20:23:03 <gluxon> brb
20:23:24 <JohnTHaller> ya
20:23:40 <JohnTHaller> uTorrent Portable has been released:
20:27:53 *** markomlm has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.14/2009082707]")
20:28:23 <Chazz> WOO!
20:47:10 *** WastePotato has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.0")
20:47:32 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
20:47:46 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Okay... um... could you examine Eclipse Portable?
20:47:59 <JohnTHaller> you think it's ready. as in ready to go ready?
20:48:27 <gluxon> Yes.
20:48:52 <gluxon> Oliver has examined it and he also thinks this :)
20:50:10 <JohnTHaller> Ok
20:50:21 <JohnTHaller> Is there any way around having all those different builds?
20:51:15 <gluxon> Don't know.
20:51:51 <JohnTHaller> You up for supporting 4 different big builds like that?
20:51:56 <gluxon> Yeah.
20:52:06 <gluxon> Is that fine with you?
20:53:00 <JohnTHaller> As long as you're up for supporting them
20:53:16 <gluxon> :)
20:53:44 <JohnTHaller> can you pull down the full source via CVS and package it up in a 7z for the release, too?
20:54:10 <gluxon> Yeah.
20:56:55 <gluxon> So, package it in a .7z now?
20:59:53 <JohnTHaller> Yeah, the full source so we can include it.
21:01:25 *** gluxon has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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21:02:13 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
21:02:37 <gluxon> sorry, did I miss anythig?
21:02:42 <Gizmokid2005> gluxon1: no
21:02:53 <gluxon> :)
21:10:28 *** WastePotato has quit ("WeeChat 0.3.0")
21:11:21 *** gluxon has parted #portableapps ()
21:12:54 *** Ben|WC (i=4c13ff5d@gateway/web/freenode/x-zumnroaacuoxupzg) has joined #portableapps
21:17:06 *** gluxon1 is now known as gluxon
21:20:58 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Okay, done. How should I send them to you? Upload somewhere?
21:21:18 <JohnTHaller> yeah, do it up somewhere and then i'll get it on SF
21:23:44 <gluxon> :)
21:28:25 *** Ben|WC has quit ("Page closed")
21:33:31 <ZachThibeau> I should try and make emesene portable
21:33:43 <ZachThibeau> it's a pretty cool python powered msn client :)
21:35:13 <gluxon> :)
21:35:35 <gluxon> We have 3 MSN clients though :P
21:36:09 <ZachThibeau> big whoop :P 2 of them are multimessengers, some people may just like a simple client that looks like msn :P
21:37:05 <ZachThibeau> in fact I use emesene on all my computers :)
21:39:09 <JohnTHaller> what should we release next?
21:39:22 <ZachThibeau> in fact new plugins in emesene allows you to set your facebook status and profile pic :P
21:39:41 <SteveLamerton> JohnTHaller, Toucan ;)
21:39:59 <ZachThibeau> JohnTHaller: vba-m portable is a pretty good candidate
21:40:00 <ZachThibeau>
21:40:58 <JohnTHaller> yes, SteveLamerton :-)
21:41:19 <SteveLamerton> :) I am just glad to get that release finished off :)
21:41:42 <JohnTHaller> I'm sure. I can post it now if you want... or wait til Monday when more people will see it.
21:42:24 <SteveLamerton> I don't really have a preference, just whenever is easiest for you
21:45:03 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
21:46:23 *** AppGuy (n=AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
21:48:11 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Source Only -->
21:48:11 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Full -->
21:48:16 <gluxon> whoops.
21:48:19 <gluxon> dumb FTP :P
21:48:31 <JohnTHaller> what do you mean source only and full?
21:48:44 <gluxon> Um... you want the Source for Eclipse Portable, right?
21:49:14 <JohnTHaller> I want the Eclipse full source. Eclipse Portable is in Other\Source with it all.
21:50:02 <gluxon> Okay... Well, I wasn't really sure what you wanted, so I just posted both.
21:50:09 <gluxon> I'll remove the SourceOnly file then :)
21:53:17 <gluxon> Um... ping me when you're done, please :)
21:57:01 <Bensawsome> oh sweet im connected :D
21:57:41 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
21:57:42 <Chazz> Yes Bensawsome... you are. :P
21:58:07 <Bensawsome> lol. well im trying out the adium beta which has irc capability
21:58:16 <Bensawsome> no where near as bad as pidgin or miranda
21:58:27 <Chazz> lol, rly?
21:58:40 <Bensawsome> only annoying thing for me is the channels are all in tabs on the bottom. although i can configure it differently i think
21:59:42 <Chazz> ooh
22:02:37 <gluxon> If one more person mocks pidgin, I swear, I will eat their waffles :K
22:03:18 <Chazz> Pidgin? That... IRC failing stuff...?
22:03:36 <Bensawsome> lol
22:03:40 <Bensawsome> pwnt gluxon
22:03:57 <Bensawsome> you mess with his waffles, you mess with waffle lovers and have to mess with me =_=
22:04:03 * Bensawsome growls
22:04:06 <Chazz> lol
22:04:21 * Chazz hands Bensawsome some waffles
22:04:24 * gluxon noms Chazz's Waffles along with Bensawsome's head.
22:04:35 * Chazz noms you both into -ot
22:04:37 <gluxon> Chazz: Uh... what waffles? I ate them :D
22:04:41 * Bensawsome 's head explodes and his body grows a new one
22:04:47 <Chazz> o.o
22:04:53 <ZachThibeau> -ot guys
22:10:35 *** gluxon is now known as PortableApps
22:10:45 *** PortableApps is now known as gluxon
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22:12:24 *** PortableApps is now known as gluxon
22:12:52 *** Darwin4Ever has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
22:13:00 <ZachThibeau> gluxon: please enough of the nickname changes while in #portableapps
22:13:59 *** plenty ( has joined #portableapps
22:14:11 <Chazz> Hellp plenty
22:14:15 <plenty> greetings
22:14:15 *** ptmb|away is now known as ptmb
22:14:24 <plenty> how do i create portable app of my own?
22:14:52 *** SteveLamerton has quit ("Leaving")
22:15:20 <gluxon> plenty: wait :)
22:15:31 <plenty> kk
22:15:34 <gluxon> okay, do you want me to go step by step?
22:15:51 <plenty> is there a url you can direct me to?
22:15:59 <gluxon> Um.. yeah :P
22:16:06 <plenty> if you dont mind explaining it, you can...
22:16:10 <gluxon> But you can't get it from me.. :(
22:16:10 <plenty> :)
22:16:19 <plenty> lets chat then
22:16:29 <plenty> tell me how the magic works
22:16:32 <gluxon> I've sort of broke my OS right now, you'll have to have somebody else post links ;)
22:16:33 <gluxon> okay.
22:16:42 <gluxon> I can tell you that though. :)
22:16:48 <gluxon> Alright.
22:17:05 <gluxon> A PortableApps launcher works by redirecting data.
22:17:17 <gluxon> Should I explain how this is done?
22:17:25 <plenty> please
22:17:44 <gluxon> okay.
22:17:47 <gluxon> There are 2 ways.
22:17:51 <plenty> k
22:18:02 <gluxon> One is more efficient and much better. But only works on some Applications.
22:18:27 <plenty> roger #1
22:19:00 <gluxon> It's done by modifying environment variables. Which will make the Application write data to a special, chosen folder.
22:19:16 *** sar3th is now known as sar3th|away
22:19:23 <gluxon> But it only works some apps.
22:20:26 <plenty> k
22:20:29 <gluxon> The other way to do this is...
22:20:50 <gluxon> 1. Backup up Local App's Data (AppData\AppNameData)
22:21:36 <gluxon> Note: I'm using AppData\AppNameData as a example. So your apps' data could be someplace else
22:21:51 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
22:22:00 <gluxon> 2. Restore and Copy Data from \Data in the PortableApps's folder to AppData\AppNameData
22:22:19 <gluxon> So once the Application runs, it uses the backed up data from before.
22:23:00 <gluxon> Once the app quits/closes it copies the data back into the \Data folder on the PortableApp Launcher's Folder.
22:23:40 <gluxon> Then restores the local data, so nothing is messed up :)
22:23:54 <gluxon> ping me (just say "gluxon") when you're ready to continue.
22:24:35 <plenty> gluxon !
22:24:41 <gluxon> :)
22:24:59 <gluxon> that's what launchers do, so let's get into how to make it do that :)
22:25:12 <plenty> k
22:25:15 <gluxon> Do you understand PortableApps folder structure?
22:25:28 <plenty> it looks basic, 2 folder atm
22:25:37 <gluxon> 3 folder actually.
22:25:53 <gluxon> Got a Zip archiver?
22:25:58 <plenty> i do
22:26:03 <gluxon> okay.
22:26:24 <gluxon> I'll send you a zip file of a PortableApps Launcher template.
22:26:31 <gluxon> Just a PAF stuff.
22:26:37 <gluxon> The launcher is empty though.
22:26:58 <gluxon> So, what app are you doing anyway? :)
22:27:18 <plenty> heh, i was gonna try lightroom by adobe :)
22:27:59 <plenty> then i wanted to see if i could get it to run under wine on linux.... !!!
22:28:18 <plenty> im nuts, its apparent
22:28:22 <gluxon> :P
22:28:49 <gluxon> You're going to have to use this app for personal use.
22:29:02 <plenty> but its a prog i use alot, would be nice to have it around
22:29:10 <plenty> amatuer photographer and all
22:29:18 <gluxon> Which means once you make this launcher, you can only give out the launcher, so if you include LightRoom in it, it'll be illegal :)
22:29:33 <plenty> roger, its for me
22:29:37 <gluxon> :)
22:29:47 <gluxon> Alright, how much do you know already?
22:29:59 <plenty> pretty much what you've told me
22:30:04 <plenty> heh
22:30:13 <gluxon> :)
22:30:40 <gluxon> Okay, here at, we use a Programming Language called NSIS to make our PortableApp Launchers.
22:31:01 <plenty> never heard of it
22:31:13 <plenty> is it like pascal? :)
22:31:27 <ZachThibeau> uhmm no sorry
22:31:43 <gluxon> I don't know pascal, so I can't tell you that :(
22:31:50 <gluxon> But it's really simple.
22:32:09 <gluxon> Probably at the same level as HTML.
22:32:14 <plenty> roger
22:32:30 <gluxon> Let's get you with the tools you need :)
22:32:38 <plenty> thanks
22:33:00 <gluxon> Do you want the Portable versions of these tools or just regular?
22:33:11 <plenty> lets start with regular
22:33:14 *** GizmoBot has quit ()
22:33:34 <gluxon> okay :(
22:33:50 <gluxon> I mean portable as in NSIS Portable instead of just NSIS.
22:33:52 <gluxon> :)
22:34:36 <gluxon> Alright, nevermind.
22:34:39 <plenty> roger
22:34:56 <plenty> lets do portable then, even though im not sure how to use a portable app yet :)
22:35:13 <gluxon> I'll give you NSIS Portable since it's bundled with all the needed utilities to develop a Launcher :)
22:36:54 <gluxon>
22:37:00 <gluxon>
22:37:05 <gluxon>
22:37:11 <gluxon>
22:37:47 <gluxon>
22:37:51 <gluxon> k, that's it ;)
22:38:09 *** GizmoBot ( has joined #portableapps
22:38:20 <GizmoBot> GizmoBot is the official bot of #Gizmokid2005 and #PortableApps.
22:38:51 <plenty> k, got it
22:38:59 <plenty> hi gizmobot
22:39:00 <GizmoBot> Hey plenty
22:39:14 <plenty> gizmobot, are you AI?
22:39:23 <Gizmokid2005> plenty: yes.
22:39:24 <plenty> hes dumb
22:39:31 <Gizmokid2005> just a phenny bot
22:39:33 <gluxon> :)
22:39:33 <plenty> :)
22:39:36 <Gizmokid2005> no need for real AI in here.
22:39:44 <plenty> AI is pretty cool though
22:39:48 <Gizmokid2005> .def field_guide
22:39:48 <GizmoBot> field_guide is here:
22:39:54 <Gizmokid2005> that's another helpful link for you plenty
22:40:07 <plenty> thanks gkid
22:40:21 *** JacobMastel ( has joined #portableapps
22:40:22 <gluxon> Yeah, after this, you'll need to finish your training with that page :)
22:40:37 <JacobMastel> hola
22:43:53 <gluxon> plenty: Okay, brb. I need to do a computer restart.
22:43:56 <Gizmokid2005> you're welcome plenty
22:43:56 *** gluxon has quit ("Leaving.")
22:44:21 *** GizmoBot has quit (Remote closed the connection)
22:44:26 <plenty> leme get these apps all up going, can we continue another time... ? i was not prepared today :)
22:44:27 <Gizmokid2005> grrr
22:44:33 <Gizmokid2005> plenty: anytime
22:44:43 <Gizmokid2005> if someone isn't around to answer your question right away, just hang out
22:44:47 <Gizmokid2005> or come back another time
22:44:50 <plenty> thanks for the help thus far, i got an idea how it works now
22:45:57 *** GizmoBot ( has joined #portableapps
22:46:09 <GizmoBot> GizmoBot is the official bot of #Gizmokid2005 and #PortableApps.
22:54:23 *** AppGuy has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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23:07:44 <GizmoBot> kai_62656 is...
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23:19:11 <GizmoBot> SergentSiler is the awsomest and is... OMG!!! PIE!!! <3
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23:28:36 *** JohnTHaller has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
23:29:44 <SergentSiler> D:
23:29:56 <Chazz> D:
23:29:58 <SergentSiler> oh wait his double lives on :D
23:30:00 <Chazz> lol
23:32:37 *** JohnTHaller1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
23:33:24 <SergentSiler> D::
23:33:39 <SergentSiler> and nao his double is dead :(
23:33:39 <Chazz> DD:::
23:33:48 *** ptmb_ (n=PTMblogg@ has joined #portableapps
23:33:48 <Chazz> JTH went *poof* T_T
23:33:56 <SergentSiler> and nao ptmb is dying too D:
23:34:00 *** ptmb has quit (Nick collision from services.)
23:34:07 <Chazz> D:
23:34:11 *** powerjuce has quit ("Leaving")
23:34:14 *** ptmb_ is now known as ptmb
23:34:19 <SergentSiler> the internet is failing T_T
23:34:25 <Chazz> NOES! t_t
23:44:42 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
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23:52:28 *** ptmb has quit ("Bye everybody")
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