IRC Log from 2009-11-07
00:21:05 *** Suiseiseki has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:21:24 *** Suiseiseki (i=DesuLove@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #portableapps
00:40:25 *** AppGuy has quit (Remote closed the connection)
00:40:46 *** Gizmokid2005|AFK is now known as Gizmokid2005
00:44:25 *** ChrisMorgan (n=ChrisMor@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
00:44:25 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a developer and moderator
00:49:33 <Chazz> ChrisMorgan, :D
00:58:18 *** xangua (n=xangua@unaffiliated/xangua) has joined #portableapps
01:09:00 *** Res2216firestar has quit ("Leaving")
01:22:17 *** MaienM|Away is now known as MaienM|Sleep
01:23:58 *** OliverK (n=OliverK@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
01:23:58 <GizmoBot> OliverK will get to this later
01:24:02 <OliverK> #oliverk
01:24:55 *** computerfreaker (i=aca28d84@gateway/web/freenode/x-nqhrgywcpngwbjcj) has joined #portableapps
01:25:04 <computerfreaker> Hi guys! :)
01:25:17 <ChrisMorgan> Hello computerfreaker
01:25:45 <computerfreaker> Chris, just want to say "thanks" for suggesting TaskCoach Portable as a bug tracker - I've got it almost totally set up right now, and it works like a charm :)
01:25:55 <ChrisMorgan> Good :-)
01:26:03 <computerfreaker> My bugs/RFE's are more organized than they've been...... well, ever
01:26:06 <ChrisMorgan> I've only used it in one project so far, and that was just for time tracking
01:26:39 <computerfreaker> I've already got half-a-dozen projects set up in there... wow, what a refreshing thing to delete half-a-dozen "TO-DO.txt" files
01:26:40 <computerfreaker> lol
01:27:41 <computerfreaker> Just wondering, does anybody know what some possible "Security" values are for a bug?
01:27:52 <computerfreaker> I tried to find some BugZilla documentation on it, but no dice
01:28:12 <ChrisMorgan> computerfreaker: now just make sure that you back up your tasks file.
01:28:30 <computerfreaker> yes, I've got TC creating automatic backups of the bug tracker file - got about 3 dozen backups so far
01:28:59 <ChrisMorgan> Good idea. But also make sure that you backup externally (to a different device in a different location)
01:29:29 <computerfreaker> good idea, I'll have to press that 2 GB Cruzer of mine into service
01:30:58 *** Niv[AFK] is now known as NiveusLuna
01:32:15 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|Away
01:32:37 <computerfreaker> Couple of quick IRC questions (keep in mind I'm using the Live Chat in Browser thing, I don't have an IRC client)
01:32:51 <computerfreaker> Why do some things show up in red (like your name on some messages, Chris)?
01:32:57 <ChrisMorgan|Away> I recommend KVIrc [Portable if you want it] :-)
01:33:05 <ChrisMorgan|Away> It'll be to do with if I mention your nick
01:33:12 <computerfreaker> oh, I see :)
01:33:13 <ChrisMorgan|Away> Now I'm really away.
01:33:53 <xangua> you can also use pidgin :)
01:33:57 <computerfreaker> Anybody mind if I try out a few of IRC's features? (like the name highlighting thing, the little "emote" thingies, etc.)
01:33:59 <xangua> or mirando in
01:34:04 <xangua> miranda*
01:34:21 <computerfreaker> I would like to get a "dedicated" IRC client, but I don't use IRC very often - this is only my 2nd time
01:35:17 <computerfreaker> brb, got to walk the dog
01:46:56 <computerfreaker> just wondering, if I ever do get a full-fledged IRC client... which one is best? (Most features, easiest to use, etc...) (Here I go, starting a version of the browser wars or OS wars... wait and see... lol)
01:47:20 * xangua likes pidgin
01:48:08 <computerfreaker> xangua, how did you do that (* xangua likes pidgin)?? Did you use the / me command?
01:48:19 <xangua> yes
01:48:23 <computerfreaker> *tries it*
01:48:29 * computerfreaker likes
01:48:33 <computerfreaker> :D
01:48:40 <computerfreaker> thanks, xangua! :)
01:49:17 <xangua> jum...
01:50:34 * OliverK wonders what else there is to tell computerfreaker
01:50:37 <OliverK> um, tab complete
01:50:46 <OliverK> type a bit of the name and press tab
01:50:53 <computerfreaker> cool, mind if I try it?
01:50:57 <OliverK> i don't know if it works in the live chat
01:51:01 <OliverK> computerfreaker: go for it
01:51:13 <computerfreaker> OliverK: I think it works!!
01:51:24 <OliverK> there's /join #portableapps-dev
01:51:32 <OliverK> /part for leaving a room
01:51:38 <OliverK> i think those are the important ones
01:51:53 <OliverK> if you get something like xchat or KVIrc you can script other things
01:52:05 <computerfreaker> join pa-dev (deliberately malformed command, don't want to execute it) takes me to the dev channel?
01:52:17 <OliverK> yes
01:52:27 <computerfreaker> wow, great! :)
01:52:28 <OliverK> actaully, if you put in another room, like #ubuntu
01:52:35 <OliverK> it'll take you to toher IRC chat rooms
01:52:40 <OliverK> to other*
01:52:44 <computerfreaker> wow :O
01:52:56 <computerfreaker> thanks for the IRC tips, pretty impressive stuff!
01:53:06 <OliverK> no problem
01:53:21 <OliverK> do you know about /nick?
01:53:26 *** OliverK is now known as OliverK|School
01:53:31 <computerfreaker> doesn't that change your nickname?
01:53:33 <computerfreaker> *tries it*
01:53:36 <OliverK|School> yup :D
01:53:43 *** computerfreaker is now known as computerfreaker|
01:53:57 <computerfreaker|> well, that partly worked
01:54:12 <OliverK|School> yeah, if you have a long nick, it'll cut it off
01:54:39 <computerfreaker|> oh, I see
01:54:43 *** computerfreaker| is now known as cf
01:54:56 <OliverK|School> yup
01:55:10 *** cf is now known as computerfreaker
01:55:11 *** kai_62656|away has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
01:55:30 <computerfreaker> very neat.... I assume you can't take an existing name?
01:55:41 * computerfreaker read about IRC attacks recently
01:55:42 <OliverK|School> no, and some nicks, like mine are protected
01:55:58 <OliverK|School> if I don't login in within a certain amount of time, it changes it to another nick
01:56:09 <computerfreaker> I assume the protected nicks belong to mods?
01:56:15 <OliverK|School> oh, guess I should tell you about nickserv and chanserv if you hang out more
01:56:17 <OliverK|School> no
01:56:20 <OliverK|School> all you do is, umm
01:56:35 <OliverK|School> /msg nickserv help
01:56:41 <OliverK|School> well, that doesn't protect it
01:56:47 <OliverK|School> but it gets you the help
01:56:59 <OliverK|School> /ns register allows you to register a particular nick
01:57:06 <OliverK|School> i think you need some other stuff
01:57:18 <OliverK|School> if you do /ns help register it should tell you
01:58:04 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
01:58:11 <computerfreaker> ok
01:58:18 <computerfreaker> going to try it
01:59:03 <OliverK|School> /ns set enforce on I think protects the nick
01:59:18 <OliverK|School> if you do, you need to know /ns identify password :D
01:59:59 <computerfreaker> I'm learning about ns right now... a little complex, IMHO, but very workable
02:00:13 <computerfreaker> much like the command-line shell - somewhat complex, but potent
02:00:49 <OliverK|School> yesh
02:00:58 <OliverK|School> i love guis
02:00:59 <computerfreaker> !
02:01:05 <computerfreaker> yes, I like GUI's too
02:01:08 <OliverK|School> but there's something refreshing about commandline
02:01:14 <computerfreaker> but command-line stuff, INI-editing, etc. is really nice too
02:01:18 <OliverK|School> yesh
02:01:24 * OliverK|School uses commandline on routers :D
02:01:32 <computerfreaker> wow
02:01:52 <computerfreaker> And speaking of nickserv, that's why it told me "this nickname is registered" when I changed my nick to cf
02:02:01 <computerfreaker> somebody had registered it already
02:02:36 *** Ben|Adium (n=Adium@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
02:02:48 <computerfreaker> OliverK|School: you mentioned chanserv, what does that do?
02:03:23 <OliverK|School> chanserv is the equivilant of nickserv for the channels
02:03:37 <OliverK|School> its how you can register channels, set topics, etc
02:03:52 <computerfreaker> so... you can essentially register an entire new channel using chanserv?
02:04:35 <Chazz> yup
02:04:54 <computerfreaker> neat stuff! Don't think I'll be using chanserv, not for several years anyway
02:04:59 <OliverK|School> heh
02:05:03 <OliverK|School> maybe, maybe not
02:05:19 <computerfreaker> maybe if I can ever get my own server... other than that, I don't foresee a need for it
02:05:21 <OliverK|School> i'd almost suggest registering yourself a channel that has your favorite nick so you can goof off in it
02:05:37 <OliverK|School> mess with scripts and things :D
02:05:44 <computerfreaker> not a bad idea...
02:05:55 <computerfreaker> I wouldn't be using anybody else's bandwidth though?
02:05:58 <OliverK|School> nah
02:05:59 <computerfreaker> (Don't like the thought of draining somebody's bandwidth)
02:06:05 <OliverK|School> i wouldn't worry about it
02:06:27 <OliverK|School> text based. I've done IRC on my connection when half the lines where cut
02:06:30 <OliverK|School> it doesn't need much to work
02:06:38 <OliverK|School> i guess not really cut, more disconnected :D
02:06:42 <computerfreaker> ok, maybe I'll try something like that over a weekend with nothing else to do (ha, who has one of those)
02:07:27 <OliverK|School> i did
02:07:30 <OliverK|School> not anymore :(
02:07:42 <computerfreaker> not anymore for me either, not during the school year anyway
02:07:48 <OliverK|School> hehe
02:07:52 <OliverK|School> i know what you're saying
02:07:57 <computerfreaker> over the summer I program, over the fall/winter/spring I do school work
02:08:07 <computerfreaker> and AP Calc really kills a guy... lol
02:09:07 <computerfreaker> I'm still setting up TaskCoach as a bug tracker, just found sub-categories. yay! :D
02:10:02 * OliverK|School is maybe taking calc next year
02:10:11 * Ben|Adium kills calc =_=
02:10:12 <Ben|Adium> lol
02:10:13 <OliverK|School> i await the holcoust :D
02:10:15 <computerfreaker> lol
02:10:17 <Ben|Adium> O_O
02:10:20 <Ben|Adium> wha...?
02:10:21 <OliverK|School> hey Ben|Adium
02:10:26 <OliverK|School> holocoust*
02:10:29 <Chazz> lol
02:10:30 <Ben|Adium> holocaust?
02:10:34 <OliverK|School> yeah
02:10:35 * Ben|Adium is jewish D:
02:10:36 <computerfreaker> I'm only in high-school level AP Calc, and what a riot
02:10:43 <computerfreaker> :(
02:10:44 <Ben|Adium> lol
02:10:51 <Ben|Adium> nah i know what ya mean though ;)
02:10:54 <OliverK|School> yeah, computerfreaker its a established fact that I can't spell :D
02:10:59 <Ben|Adium> lol
02:11:14 *** Res2216firestar (i=Sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #portableapps
02:11:14 <computerfreaker> I generally spell fairly well, but not wehn I get excited (deliberate tpyo, rofl)
02:11:21 <OliverK|School> hehe
02:11:28 <Ben|Adium> deliberate typreotiopsihroj?
02:11:29 <Ben|Adium> :P
02:11:31 *** xangua has parted #portableapps (" no se si reírme o sentir lástima")
02:14:23 <computerfreaker> I should probably go, Mom wants me locked back in the bathroom again... lol
02:14:44 <computerfreaker> (spent most of the day in the bathroom with the humidifier on, due to a sinus infection)
02:15:02 <Ben|Adium> :P
02:15:22 <Ben|Adium> i read the first comment and i lol'd but then i D:
02:15:35 <Ben|Adium> hope you feel better
02:15:41 <computerfreaker> thanks, hope so too
02:15:45 <OliverK|School> bye computerfreaker
02:15:51 <computerfreaker> bye guys! :)
02:16:11 *** computerfreaker has quit ("Page closed")
02:16:11 <Chazz> See ya computerfreaker :)
02:16:16 <Chazz> timing. :P
02:16:33 <OliverK|School> its everything
02:22:14 *** xangua (n=xangua@unaffiliated/xangua) has joined #portableapps
02:24:38 *** SnickleFritz ( has joined #portableapps
02:26:44 *** SnickleFritz has parted #portableapps ("I'm a happy Miranda IM user! Get it here:")
02:27:56 *** LucheLibre ( has joined #portableapps
02:28:41 <OliverK|School> LucheLibre: sup?
02:29:43 <LucheLibre> hello
02:30:24 <LucheLibre> how goes it?
02:31:55 <OliverK|School> pretty good
02:35:06 <LucheLibre> looks like you got to be irc teacher today
02:36:38 <OliverK|School> thanks
02:38:41 <LucheLibre> dang, and it looks like I missed it by only about 10 mins or so
02:38:50 <OliverK|School> lol
02:39:02 <OliverK|School> well, you could look in the logs
02:39:25 <OliverK|School> (or maybe you are)
02:39:52 <LucheLibre> yeah, I am
02:43:11 <LucheLibre> With this being a support channel, what would be its appropriate use as compared to the forums?
02:43:34 <LucheLibre> or rather, as opposed to the forums
02:43:42 <OliverK|School> um
02:43:47 <OliverK|School> generally we cjust hangout in here
02:44:04 <OliverK|School> we try not to get to wild. If we want to, we go to #portableapps-ot
02:44:20 <OliverK|School> our our own 'private' channels (private being a relative term)
02:44:32 <OliverK|School> if someone needs support then we all need to keep mum
02:44:48 <LucheLibre> of course
02:45:09 <OliverK|School> basically, respect others, play nice
02:45:25 <OliverK|School> think of how you would want to be treated and act accordingly
02:45:58 <OliverK|School> if you don't, oppers (gizmokid, chris, maienm or I ) will react accordling ;)
02:46:07 <OliverK|School> but usually, we have no problems :D
02:46:17 <LucheLibre> yes, the etiquette I understand. but I'm wondering what kind of support questions would be appropriate here that would not otherwise be asked in the forums
02:46:36 <LucheLibre> or does the community not care much which of either is used
02:47:47 *** OliverK (n=WifiWomb@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
02:47:47 <GizmoBot> OliverK will get to this later
02:48:17 <OliverK> LucheLibre: me again, xchat is farting for some reason, maybe it will clear up
02:48:33 <LucheLibre> I know, the smell is epic
02:48:38 <OliverK> could yoou repeat the question, it got blocked out and i can't see
02:49:10 *** OliverK|School has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:49:19 <OliverK> wonder what happened
02:49:30 <OliverK> meh, ou can usually ask whatever kind of questions you wish here
02:49:30 *** Ben|Adium has quit ("Leaving.")
02:49:30 <LucheLibre> I'm wondering what kinds of support questions would be appropriate here that would not otherwise be asked in the forums
02:49:43 <OliverK> we don't gaurentee that you'll get an answer, but you cna ask
02:49:51 *** ChrisMorgan|Away is now known as ChrisMorgan
02:50:52 <LucheLibre> basically, I wanted to avoid an embarrasing moment of, "Your questions are why we made our pretty forums. Use 'em."
02:51:20 <OliverK> nah, i doubt you'll get that
02:51:25 <ChrisMorgan> LucheLibre: generally it's a good idea to ask it in here first; only take it to the forum if it's too complex or something
02:51:28 <OliverK> you might, hmm, we don't know
02:51:36 <ChrisMorgan> We don't mind. The worst you'll get here is silence.
02:51:38 <OliverK> try posting in the forums, but we have a pretty good base here
02:52:02 <LucheLibre> really Chris? well that is good to know. Usually it's the other way around.
02:52:10 <ChrisMorgan> Really?
02:53:43 <LucheLibre> sure. going through the trouble of a live conversation with a 'noob' is much less preferable to having a "distilled" conversation at your leisure on a forum
02:54:15 <ChrisMorgan> Well, we cope :P
02:54:29 <ChrisMorgan> Anyway, I'm about to go defrost a freezer :D
02:54:31 <LucheLibre> sort of why most teenagers prefer texting to actally calling the person
02:54:32 <Chazz> lol
02:54:38 <Chazz> Have fun ChrisMorgan :)
02:54:40 <LucheLibre> *chuckle* have fun
02:55:00 * OliverK fries power supply
02:55:07 <OliverK> be defrosted tommorrow morning ;)
02:55:19 <Chazz> lol
02:55:22 <ChrisMorgan> OliverK: but without the fun part of pulling all the ice off :-)
02:55:29 <ChrisMorgan> Defrosting freezers is /fun/
02:55:33 <OliverK> why would you pull the ice off?
02:55:37 <ChrisMorgan> LucheLibre: quite so... and that's not a good thing.
02:55:42 <ChrisMorgan> OliverK: it's FUN!
02:55:44 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|Away
02:55:50 * OliverK just opens the door and sticks the dehumifier in from of it
02:56:05 *** xangua has quit (" no se si reírme o sentir lástima")
02:57:32 <LucheLibre> If Chris electrocutes himself on that PSU, or accidentally stabs himself with ice, I'm not doing the CPR. That's all I'm saying.
02:57:49 <ChrisMorgan|Away> :O
02:58:01 <LucheLibre> no, close your mouth
02:58:04 <LucheLibre> I'm not doing it
02:58:38 <LucheLibre> Oliver, you've known him longer.
02:58:48 <OliverK> i'm not doing it
02:59:01 <LucheLibre> just don't make eye contact. you'll be fine
02:59:01 <OliverK> i got a bike pumpo somewhere
02:59:05 <ChrisMorgan|Away> e-CPR :/
02:59:15 <OliverK> why can glue his mouth and a nostril sut
02:59:17 <OliverK> shut*
02:59:24 <OliverK> stick the pump in the other :D
02:59:33 <LucheLibre> makes sense.
02:59:38 <ChrisMorgan|Away> I feel like an innovative nick...
02:59:39 *** ChrisMorgan|Away is now known as DefrostFreezer
02:59:46 *** OliverK is now known as WifiWombat
02:59:49 <LucheLibre> I could use my tire inflator on his other nostril
02:59:54 *** WifiWombat is now known as McNinja
02:59:57 <McNinja> sweet
02:59:57 <DefrostFreezer> Shush guys :P
03:00:05 <McNinja> then we could ductape his mouth shut :p
03:00:14 <McNinja> save my superglue for something else
03:00:17 <DefrostFreezer> Uh oh OliverK...
03:00:33 <LucheLibre> and then put him in a plexiglas box
03:00:41 <McNinja> eh
03:00:43 <LucheLibre> you know...for observation
03:00:46 <McNinja> lol
03:01:56 *** LucheLibre is now known as XKCD
03:02:08 <McNinja> sudo make me a sandwich
03:02:10 <McNinja> POOF
03:02:22 *** McNinja is now known as sandwich
03:02:30 *** XKCD is now known as LucheLibre
03:02:33 *** sandwich is now known as McNinja
03:02:35 <Chazz> lol
03:03:07 <Chazz> McNinja, are you a ninja on a bun?
03:03:16 <LucheLibre> who was McNinja's first nemesis?
03:03:24 <McNinja> shut
03:03:27 <McNinja> paul bunyon
03:03:30 <McNinja> shoot*
03:03:43 <LucheLibre> Ronald McDonald
03:03:49 <LucheLibre> therefore...
03:03:55 <McNinja> Chazz: hmm, i'm sitting on my buns :D
03:04:01 *** LucheLibre is now known as Ronald_McDonald
03:04:17 <McNinja> LucheLibre: you're right, i cam in with the lumberjackitus or whatever
03:04:20 <Chazz> lol
03:04:24 <McNinja> chronologically, i'm mess up
03:04:30 <McNinja> messed*
03:04:45 * Chazz adds ketchup and pickles to McNinja
03:04:47 * Chazz nosm
03:04:50 <Chazz> *noms
03:05:05 <Ronald_McDonald> *laugh*
03:05:11 <McNinja> Chazz: i wouldn't if I were you
03:05:14 <McNinja> i'll give you gas
03:05:18 <McNinja> and indigestions
03:05:18 <Chazz> McNinja, lol
03:05:20 <McNinja> and the runs
03:05:24 <Ronald_McDonald> and I'll give you the creeps
03:05:28 * McNinja ops
03:05:31 <Chazz> Take Beano and there'll be no gas!
03:05:34 <McNinja> watch him run boys!
03:05:36 * Chazz noms beano first
03:05:56 <McNinja> Ronald_McDonald: we're headed for -ot territory, btw
03:06:22 <Chazz> McNinja, if this entire conversation isn't -ot worthy, I'd collapse in amazement. :P
03:06:31 <McNinja> it is
03:06:33 <Ronald_McDonald> *chuckle* yes, I suppose we are. *dramatic sigh* I will restrain my self
03:06:37 <McNinja> lol
03:06:45 *** Ronald_McDonald is now known as LucheLibre
03:07:07 <LucheLibre> I'm not here for 10 minutes and you guys are eating each other
03:07:15 <LucheLibre> it's like Lord of the Flies in here
03:07:18 <McNinja> i'm hungry!
03:07:30 *** Ambur (n=splappy@unaffiliated/splappy) has joined #portableapps
03:07:42 <Chazz> McNinja, eat yourself? :P
03:07:56 <McNinja> nah, i'll start with your hat
03:08:01 <McNinja> Ambur: need anything?
03:09:28 <Ambur> no. :P
03:09:36 <McNinja> okie dokie
03:09:43 <McNinja> <randomness> :D
03:09:47 <Chazz> McNinja, you wouldn't want to eat my hat...
03:09:58 * Chazz is wearing a plastic viking helmat...
03:09:59 <LucheLibre> You just missed some great cannibalism.
03:10:03 <Chazz> lol
03:10:13 <McNinja> guys, i think its time we travel to -ot
03:10:29 <LucheLibre> aw, but I feel so official in here!
03:10:33 <Chazz> McNinja, I beleave you are right! :P
03:10:41 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
03:11:05 <LucheLibre> actually, I do have to go for a bit. Great to meet you guys.
03:11:12 <McNinja> yup
03:11:15 <McNinja> same here
03:11:16 <McNinja> laters
03:11:28 <LucheLibre> take care
03:11:33 *** Ambur has parted #portableapps ()
03:11:36 *** LucheLibre has parted #portableapps ("I'm a happy Miranda IM user! Get it here:")
03:15:01 *** LucheLibre ( has joined #portableapps
03:15:43 *** LucheLibre is now known as LucheLibre--comi
03:16:08 *** LucheLibre--comi is now known as Luche--away
03:42:06 *** DefrostFreezer is now known as ChrisMorgan
03:42:09 <ChrisMorgan> That was fun :D
03:42:26 <Chazz> lol
03:42:46 <ChrisMorgan> Luche--away: you saw the dark side of this channel...
03:43:01 <ChrisMorgan> Fortunately it was all OliverK's fault ;-)
03:46:28 <McNinja> ChrisMorgan: we have cookies
03:46:32 <McNinja> and timing fails
03:46:39 <McNinja> but, we have awesome cookies :D
03:46:44 <ChrisMorgan> :/
03:47:38 <McNinja> chocalate chip
03:47:42 <McNinja> oatmeal raisin
03:47:56 <ChrisMorgan> McNinja: #portableapps-ot for that.
03:48:01 <McNinja> meh
03:48:15 <Chazz> lol
03:48:42 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|ZzZz
03:49:31 <McNinja> that is the most sensible statement i have seen all night
03:50:04 <ChrisMorgan> You're still in last night are you?
03:50:25 <ChrisMorgan> Hi. Tomorrow afternoon will be good for you. You may even get to defrost a freezer ;-)
03:50:40 <McNinja> its 10 till ten here
03:51:12 <Chazz> McNinja, cst ftw!
03:51:48 <McNinja> doesn't matter what time it is, i still won't get up until the sun is about half way throught the sky
03:51:55 <McNinja> well, that's when I'd want to get up
03:53:35 <Chazz> lol
03:56:57 <McNinja> its still friday
03:57:08 <McNinja> .t
03:57:08 <GizmoBot> Sat, 07 Nov 2009 03:56:59 GMT
03:57:08 <McNinja> .t new york
03:57:08 <GizmoBot> McNinja: Sorry, I don't know about the 'new york' timezone.
03:57:08 <McNinja> lol
03:57:11 <McNinja> .t ny
03:57:11 <GizmoBot> McNinja: Sorry, I don't know about the 'ny' timezone.
03:57:15 <ChrisMorgan> .t aedt
03:57:16 <GizmoBot> Sat, 07 Nov 2009 14:57:15 AEDT
03:57:20 <McNinja> .t JohnTHaller
03:57:20 <GizmoBot> McNinja: Sorry, I don't know about the 'JohnTHaller' timezone.
03:57:53 <McNinja> that what time it is at his house, or that yours
03:57:53 <ChrisMorgan> McNinja: pabot supported custom user timezones but GizmoBot doesn't
03:57:53 <ChrisMorgan> It's been today for almost 15 hours :D
03:57:54 <ChrisMorgan> .t -0400
03:57:54 <GizmoBot> Fri, 06 Nov 2009 23:57:54 -0400
03:58:16 <ChrisMorgan> Can't remember what time zone it is called but that's New York time as I recall it.
03:58:18 <McNinja> well, i'm just trying to figure out how much time is left for john to release the menu :p
03:58:22 <McNinja> yeah
03:58:28 <McNinja> .g new york time zone
03:58:29 <GizmoBot> McNinja:
03:58:35 <McNinja> .title
03:58:36 <GizmoBot> McNinja: Current local time in U.S.A. – New York – New York
03:58:37 <ChrisMorgan> It's GMT-0400
03:58:41 <McNinja> k
03:58:45 *** Ben|Adium ( has joined #portableapps
03:58:49 <McNinja> so, about 1 minute :p
03:59:09 <ChrisMorgan> I'm GMT+1000 half the year and +1100 the other half, +1100 at the moment
03:59:13 *** Raleigh034 (n=kvirc@ has joined #portableapps
04:00:18 *** Ben|Adium has quit (Client Quit)
04:02:38 <Gizmokid2005> ChrisMorgan: yes, he does
04:02:41 <Gizmokid2005> they just need to be set.
04:03:24 <ChrisMorgan> Gizmokid2005: oh, OK, didn't know that
04:03:28 <ChrisMorgan> I stand corrected :-)
04:03:34 <Gizmokid2005> it's a standard phenny feature
04:03:47 <ChrisMorgan> Thought it was a customisation
04:03:53 <Gizmokid2005> nope.
04:03:57 *** McNinja is now known as OliverK
04:04:37 *** Horusofoz ( has joined #portableapps
04:04:50 <Horusofoz> Hey All :)
04:05:36 <Chazz> 'ello Horusofoz :)
04:05:48 <ChrisMorgan> hey Horusofoz
04:05:59 <Horusofoz> Hay Chazz and ChrisMorgan
04:06:05 <Horusofoz> **Hey
04:06:18 <Chazz> lol
04:06:31 <ChrisMorgan> hay is more useful than hey
04:07:03 <Horusofoz> What's on your necks of the woods?
04:07:14 <ChrisMorgan> ... huh?
04:07:24 <ChrisMorgan> These Adelaiders are crazy ;-)
04:08:37 <Horusofoz> What's going on where you (ChrisMorgan) and you (Chazz) are at?
04:08:52 <Chazz> Not much at all here.
04:09:02 <ChrisMorgan> I'm working on something
04:09:08 <ChrisMorgan> Not related
04:11:02 <Horusofoz> ChrisMorgan: Care to elaborate?
04:11:24 <ChrisMorgan> Well, I'm planning on becoming a millionaire, right, so I thought I'd better get busy... :P
04:13:35 <Horusofoz> First step is learn to count cards. Do it smartly and not greedily to just build the financial base required to provide the investment funds for whatever venture your going to make your millions from ;)
04:14:00 <Horusofoz> Actually on second read of that though it seems viable I am only kidding :)
04:14:30 <ChrisMorgan> Nothing like that...
04:15:00 <ChrisMorgan> The base I'm using for it is Django... not playing with cards
04:16:39 <Horusofoz> Ok goes over my head
04:16:48 <ChrisMorgan> :D
04:17:07 <ChrisMorgan> But no, I don't really care to elaborate at the moment... someone else might steal my idea ;-)
04:17:15 <ChrisMorgan> Come back within a year and there might be something to see.
04:18:15 *** dabossbv has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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04:23:32 <Horusofoz> Don't forget the little people when you get there. Oh and I'm sure no one will complain if you throw some digits at Well maybe your accountant will :p
04:23:46 <ChrisMorgan> You mock me?
04:23:47 <ChrisMorgan> :P
04:24:07 * Chazz mocks ChrisMorgan
04:24:20 <ChrisMorgan> oooh :O
04:26:17 * Horusofoz mocks jokingly but actually does want you to make it and chuck John a buck
04:26:39 *** Raleigh034 has parted #portableapps ("Its a shallow life that doesn't leave a few scars.")
04:26:50 <Chazz> ChrisMorgan, you're gonna chuck a few bucks my way, right? ;P
04:27:03 <ChrisMorgan> I be heading off now in a huff :-)
04:27:16 <Chazz> lol
04:27:19 <ChrisMorgan> Bye, g2g nwo
04:27:24 <Horusofoz> Ciao
04:27:29 <Chazz> Bai ChrisMorgan :)
04:27:36 <Horusofoz> Chazz: lol
04:30:07 <Horusofoz> what does now stand for?
04:30:20 <Horusofoz> n.w.o.
04:30:34 <Horusofoz> Pidgin auto spellchange n-w-o to now
04:32:44 <Chazz> lol O-o
04:33:24 *** newbee_ (i=1840f8d8@gateway/web/freenode/x-zqxhioauwscoryek) has joined #portableapps
04:33:55 <Horusofoz> so what does n-w-o stand for?
04:33:58 <newbee_> Can PortableApps run off an SD card? Advantages/Disadvantages to this?
04:34:53 <OliverK> newbee_: any disk drive
04:35:01 <OliverK> i've heard that they're slower, but I don't believe it
04:35:07 <OliverK> i think it would work just inf
04:35:08 <OliverK> fine*
04:35:45 *** Whibo (n=Whibo@unaffiliated/whibo) has joined #portableapps
04:35:46 <GizmoBot> Whibo needs an appropriate def.
04:36:09 <newbee_> Just seems to make sense to run it off an SD card that fits in a slot on the netbook rather than off a USB Drive sticking out the side of the netbook.
04:36:13 *** Luche--away is now known as LucheLibre
04:36:20 <OliverK> newbee_: go for it
04:36:26 <OliverK> if you've got the slot, use it :D
04:36:34 <newbee_> thanx
04:36:49 <Horusofoz> Another disadvantage is that not all computers come with built in card readers. However if the computers you plan on using have card readers then you can ignore this point.
04:37:14 <OliverK> yeah, he wants to run it on the netbook
04:37:50 <newbee_> My netbook, laptop and desktop all have built in card readers
04:38:17 <LucheLibre> class 6 sd cards run at a minimum of 6MB/s
04:38:25 <LucheLibre> my best usb stick runs at 7MB
04:38:30 <LucheLibre> max
04:38:40 <LucheLibre> so an SD card may actually boost speed
04:40:22 *** OliverK has quit ("so long and thanks for all the fish")
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05:07:48 *** LucheLibre has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
05:08:14 *** WastePotato has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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05:51:10 *** Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
05:57:16 *** Ben|Adium has quit ("Leaving.")
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06:01:20 <Horusofoz> Is PA down for anyone else here?
06:02:08 <Horusofoz> Don't worry working now.
06:02:44 *** NiveusLuna is now known as Niv[AFK]
06:05:30 *** Whibo has quit (Connection reset by peer)
06:27:57 <Horusofoz> Gizmokid2005|AFK: Are you there? I'm having some issues with Songbird Portable and could really do with your help
06:32:17 *** Res2216firestar (i=Sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #portableapps
06:45:41 <Horusofoz> Gizmokid2005|AFK: Problem sovlered :)
06:47:08 *** Horusofoz has parted #portableapps ()
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07:57:55 *** WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato) has joined #portableapps
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09:35:10 *** pa_7614 (i=58b04609@gateway/web/freenode/x-hcwxuxdmvqolptox) has joined #portableapps
09:35:21 <pa_7614> hello
09:35:53 <pa_7614> I have some question
09:36:04 <pa_7614> :)
09:48:00 <pa_7614> hrelp
09:48:03 <pa_7614> help
09:48:03 <GizmoBot> pa_7614: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
09:49:25 <pa_7614> I deleted accidently & definitely StartPortableApps.exe from my USB key... Where do I download it ?
09:59:51 *** taneth111 ( has joined #portableapps
10:00:30 <taneth111> hi all.
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11:18:07 *** pa_1593 (i=5d2d74d1@gateway/web/freenode/x-ecphoqxvednxjqrk) has joined #portableapps
11:18:16 <pa_1593> hello
11:18:32 <pa_1593> i am italian
11:19:31 <pa_1593> i will like to know if is possible to create a new botton of the category in portableapps
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12:56:46 *** taneth111 has quit ("BYE.")
13:05:48 *** Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
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14:18:21 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
14:21:51 *** xangua has quit (" no se si reírme o sentir lástima")
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14:38:27 <GizmoBot> MaienM is MaienM. He is the developer of The Mana World Portable, and he has a website at
14:38:39 *** MaienM is now known as Guest96051
15:12:48 *** Darwin4Ever has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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15:28:16 <GizmoBot> digitxp knows that 1+1=3
15:28:57 <digitxp> .def digitxp has his old launchers at
15:28:57 <GizmoBot> digitxp: Def manipulation is only allowed in #gizmokid2005, #gizmokid2005-def
15:28:58 *** pa_8160 (i=c7e3f476@gateway/web/freenode/x-ktrnvxpbcvnhjbbt) has joined #portableapps
15:31:09 <pa_8160> I just have one simple question.... when installing a newer version of an app do i have uninstall the previous version?
15:34:14 <digitxp> .No
15:34:46 <digitxp> The app is set up so that all the settings are in the data dir, so when it upgrades, it deletes the App dir and replaces it
15:35:22 <pa_8160> oh alright... thats all i needed to know... thanks
15:35:30 <digitxp> anytime
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17:21:22 *** siva (i=7aae5253@gateway/web/freenode/x-ywwnzyxfuxmvgoab) has joined #portableapps
17:21:42 <siva> Hello everyone
17:22:07 <Chazz> 'ello siva
17:22:13 <siva> I downloaded portable apps and some other programs today
17:22:22 <siva> It is useful...
17:22:31 <siva> I have a query
17:23:06 <siva> I have another protable application which is not a part of portable apps
17:23:12 <Chazz> mmhm
17:23:42 <siva> I would like to a have a link to the exe file of that program in the portable apps platform
17:23:55 <siva> Is there are way to add it?
17:24:00 <Chazz> Yeah
17:24:06 <Chazz> One second, let me find you a link.
17:24:33 <xangua> just put it on your apps directory
17:24:51 <Chazz> siva,
17:25:44 <siva> Thank you chazz
17:25:56 <Chazz> Your welcome siva, have a good day. :)
17:30:25 *** ZachT|ZzZz is now known as ZachThibeau
17:31:23 *** xangua has parted #portableapps (" no se si reírme o sentir lástima")
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19:51:45 <GizmoBot> digitxp has his old launchers available at
19:51:45 *** digitxp has parted #portableapps ()
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21:02:00 *** AGGELOS (i=554ae00f@gateway/web/freenode/x-qloqrynajzbudcoq) has joined #portableapps
21:04:20 <AGGELOS> hi i have setup seeMonkey does anyone know mey i have add-ons ( like mozila) in this program??
21:05:02 <Ben|Adium> AGGELOS: you are asking where you can get extensions?
21:05:52 <AGGELOS> yes and if i can put them
21:05:57 <Ben|Adium> yep
21:06:07 <Ben|Adium> it's actually on the same site i firefox's i think
21:06:09 <AGGELOS> in this programe
21:06:25 <Ben|Adium> here ya go:
21:07:08 <AGGELOS> you mean that extension's of mozila can ad heare??
21:07:20 <AGGELOS> add
21:07:30 <Ben|Adium> no only seamonkey extensions can be added to seamonkey
21:07:37 <Ben|Adium> seamonkey is made by mozilla
21:07:52 <Ben|Adium> but firefox addons can not be installed to seamonkey
21:09:00 <AGGELOS> i see .. seemonkey is faster than mozila i think you agree?
21:09:16 <Ben|Adium> i dont know i;ve never used it :?
21:09:21 <Ben|Adium> err :/
21:10:17 <AGGELOS> do you use firefos inorder seemonkey?
21:11:23 <Ben|Adium> yep i use firefox
21:11:31 <Ben|Adium> and i gtg. car needs fixing
21:11:49 <AGGELOS> gtg?
21:11:50 *** Zarggg has quit ()
21:12:37 <Ben|Adium> oh ya i got to go sorry ;)
21:13:11 <AGGELOS> bye good night
21:15:04 <AGGELOS> i am using 3.5.5 firefox. firefos is my best brawser. for me internet explorer is dead
21:17:37 <AGGELOS> han a nise wikend bye to all and thank you
21:20:17 *** Res2216firestar (i=Sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #portableapps
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22:28:43 *** ChrisMorgan (n=ChrisMor@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
22:28:43 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a developer and moderator
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22:54:36 *** BatWing (i=44228e44@gateway/web/freenode/x-ohacgikzttjyvtrd) has joined #portableapps
22:54:44 <BatWing> is there a portable eclipse PACKAGE anywhere?
22:54:55 <BatWing> i found an old discussion thread but no package so far
22:55:47 <BatWing> oh wait nvm i found it
22:56:04 <BatWing> oops, i meant
23:03:41 *** BatWing has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
23:04:08 *** Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) has joined #portableapps
23:04:09 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
23:05:08 *** xangua has quit (" no se si reírme o sentir lástima")
23:17:14 *** OliverK (n=WifiWomb@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
23:17:14 <GizmoBot> OliverK will get to this later
23:22:13 *** Guest96051 is now known as MaienM
23:28:17 *** ZachT|AFK is now known as ZachThibeau
23:29:13 <Gizmokid2005> ATTN EVERYONE (Even you reading logs)!
23:29:39 <OliverK> yeah
23:30:03 <Gizmokid2005> .defs that are set and are useless (ie - they spam, say nothing useful, or say something about getting to their def) are from this point forward disallowed. This goes for anyone and everyone. You will be warned once and it will be removed. After that, .def priveleges will be removed. This is NOT up for debate.
23:30:03 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is working on KVIrc Portable: and RSSOwl Portable:
23:30:22 <Gizmokid2005> That is all.
23:30:36 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
23:37:35 *** Res2216firestar (i=Sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #portableapps
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23:49:33 <GizmoBot> digitxp has his old launchers available at
23:51:30 *** digitxp has parted #portableapps ()
23:52:23 *** Ben|Adium has quit ("Leaving.")