IRC Log from 2010-03-06

00:05:44 *** Usbtastic ( has joined #portableapps
00:37:07 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Bye)
00:42:09 *** res|away is now known as Res2216firestar
00:42:14 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
00:42:16 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a developer and moderator and works on the Launcher (please test it!)
00:47:58 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
00:51:58 *** Res2216firestar is now known as res|away
01:14:40 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
01:15:07 <gluxon> ChrisMorgan: pm?
01:15:18 <ChrisMorgan> Feel free
01:15:32 <gluxon> Thanks :)
01:29:58 *** Usbtastic has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
01:35:40 *** sar3th|away is now known as sar3th
01:36:41 <sar3th> hello everyone
01:36:48 <OliverK|Away> howdy
01:39:43 *** pa_3395 (~6d546b1d@gateway/web/freenode/x-ypizooduhxqjgyny) has joined #portableapps
01:47:38 *** pa_3395 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
01:53:21 *** SrgSiler|ZNC is now known as SergentSiler
03:10:52 *** OliverK|Away is now known as OliverK
03:23:44 *** sar3th is now known as sar3th|away
03:29:24 <ZachThibeau> howdy ChrisMorgan
03:29:32 <ChrisMorgan> Hey ZachThibeau
03:29:39 <ZachThibeau> whats new?
03:29:44 <OliverK> pussycat
03:29:47 <OliverK> muhahaha
03:29:56 <ZachThibeau> o_O
03:30:07 <ZachThibeau> you feeling alright OliverK
03:30:15 <OliverK> nope
03:30:39 <ZachThibeau> did you drink too much coffee or caffeine filled drinks?
03:30:46 <OliverK> i don't drink caffiene
03:30:47 <OliverK> at all
03:31:05 <OliverK> its probably been like last year since I had one
03:31:10 <ZachThibeau> good
03:31:20 <OliverK> except for tea. But that doesn't really count
03:31:22 <ZachThibeau> leave the caffeine to the addicts like me
03:31:32 <OliverK> heh
03:31:42 <OliverK> it took me about 6 months to get straightened
03:31:43 <OliverK> it sucks
03:31:47 <ChrisMorgan> :-/
03:31:50 <OliverK> sucked*
03:32:11 <ZachThibeau> I'm not bad any more but I used to drink about 4-5 pots of coffee a day
03:32:16 * ChrisMorgan found a fairly critical bug in the Ubuntu Menu Editor :D
03:32:47 <OliverK> heh
03:32:52 <OliverK> #ubuntu buddy
03:32:58 <ChrisMorgan> I've reported it.
03:34:33 <ChrisMorgan> Item has & in its file name (e.g. Google Chrome app shortcut with a &-separated querystring). If you edit that menu item... the & loses its XML encoding (&amp;) and so the XML file becomes malformed... so the Applications menu becomes empty, and Alacarte (the Menu Editor) crashes on start-up.
03:41:12 * ZachThibeau is getting gobolinux
03:44:05 <gluxon> ChrisMorgan: Geek :P
03:44:20 <gluxon> That is an important bug though.
03:44:23 <ChrisMorgan> gluxon: good thing I am, otherwise I would have been utterly and hopelessly stuck
03:44:34 <gluxon> lol :P
03:44:54 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: let's start a Geek Squad :D
03:45:08 <OliverK> aren't we a geek squad already?
03:45:10 <ChrisMorgan> Whereas as it was I tried running it in a terminal, then I could track down the Python file, then the actual menu file, then the issue, then fix it (adding four characters)...
03:45:22 <ChrisMorgan> If it helps, I'm compiling Inkscape at the moment :P
03:45:47 <OliverK> ChrisMorgan: bug fix for
03:45:47 <ZachThibeau> I'm patching some stuff in PChat that will hopefully get spell check to work
03:45:55 <ChrisMorgan> OliverK: no, compiling on Ubuntu
03:45:56 <OliverK> i'm watching ergo proxy
03:46:00 <OliverK> bah
03:46:38 <ChrisMorgan> It'd be harder compiling for Windows now... I'd need to get back to the old version of MinGW and devlibs
03:46:56 <ChrisMorgan> Practically the entire build environment for Inkscape has been replaced since 0.47...
03:46:59 <OliverK> heh, which old version
03:47:05 <OliverK> i have minw on my server
03:47:13 <OliverK> i could try compiling it if its not to hard
03:47:22 <ChrisMorgan> Now using TDC-MinGW (I think it was), lots of libs updated in devlibs, etc.
03:47:26 <gluxon> I'm trying to compile RainDrop, can't believe it's so hard just to get a simple chat client :P
03:47:39 <ZachThibeau> TDM-MinGW ;)
03:47:40 <ChrisMorgan> gluxon: use Linux: then it's invariably easy.
03:47:45 <ChrisMorgan> TDM is it. Close enough.
03:47:46 <ZachThibeau> and I use that for PChat
03:47:50 <OliverK> gluxon: compiling anything on windows sucks
03:47:56 <gluxon> :/
03:47:57 <ChrisMorgan> ./configure
03:47:59 <ChrisMorgan> make
03:48:01 <ChrisMorgan> Done!
03:48:08 <OliverK> ChrisMorgan: no msys
03:48:34 <OliverK> and, that's on linux. You can get it with msys
03:48:36 <ChrisMorgan> OliverK: that was general compilation instructions for Linux :D
03:48:42 <OliverK> dur
03:48:46 <OliverK> been there
03:48:55 <OliverK> I configured geany and geany plugins
03:48:58 <ZachThibeau> I randomly ported leafpad to windows
03:49:00 <OliverK> plus a few other things
03:49:06 <ChrisMorgan> Inkscape on Windows means "g++ -o btool.exe buildtool.cpp" then "btool"
03:49:17 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: how... random.
03:49:18 <OliverK> huh
03:49:56 <ZachThibeau> yes considering I believe it's the only known windows port for a notepad like gtk text editor xD
03:50:16 <OliverK> ZachThibeau: gedit
03:50:18 <ChrisMorgan> ZachThibeau: sometimes I'm pretty certain you're weird ;-)
03:50:19 <OliverK> and geany
03:50:28 <ChrisMorgan> OliverK: they're better than notepad
03:50:30 <OliverK> heh, I know he's weird
03:50:37 <OliverK> heh
03:50:39 <OliverK> i know
03:50:39 <ZachThibeau> ChrisMorgan: It's a trait :)
03:50:41 <ChrisMorgan> Naturally, serious people use [g]Vim ;-)
03:50:47 <OliverK> meh
03:50:51 <ZachThibeau> eww
03:50:54 <ZachThibeau> nano ftw
03:51:03 <OliverK> yup, nano ftw
03:51:06 <OliverK> but geany is better
03:51:08 <ChrisMorgan> What do you reckon; in [FileWriteN], I'm putting in a case sensitivity switch (default off): what should it be: CaseSensitive=true or Case=Sensitive?
03:51:28 <OliverK> CaseSensitive=true
03:51:30 <ChrisMorgan> Once I just /tried/ Nano to see what it was like... I have never touched it again, nor do I ever intend to.
03:51:52 <ChrisMorgan> Case=Sensitive is just so... something... though!
03:52:15 <ChrisMorgan> OR, should it switch to XML and become <CaseSensistive/> ;-)
03:52:45 <OliverK> yes, case=sensitive is nicer
03:52:52 <OliverK> xml sucks in nsis
03:53:43 <ChrisMorgan> CaseSensitive=true fits with the general monotony of INI files though.
03:54:55 <ChrisMorgan> Of course, I could dump INI and go for a more httpd.conf style thing... <FileWrite>\nFile %PAL:DataDir%\file.conf\nReplace foo\nWith bar\nCaseSensitive\n</FileWrite>
03:55:05 <ChrisMorgan> But at the moment we're definitely sticking with pure INI.
03:55:33 <ChrisMorgan> I kind of like its warped semi-XML, semi-INI-with-space-instead-of-equals format
03:58:42 <OliverK> don't
03:58:48 <OliverK> keep it straight ini
04:02:45 <ChrisMorgan> At least while it's NSIS.
04:02:52 <ChrisMorgan> Wow. Enormous hailstones.
04:03:22 <OliverK> oohh
04:07:09 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
04:07:40 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
04:07:41 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a developer and moderator and works on the Launcher (please test it!)
04:07:43 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit (Quit: Quit... D:)
04:08:01 <ChrisMorgan> Apparently the router did blip off for a bit...
04:08:14 <ChrisMorgan> Many of these hailstones are three or four centimetres in diameter.
04:08:23 *** dragonmage has quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:08:59 *** gluxon has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
04:09:15 <ChrisMorgan> A reasonable-sized branch or two down, large quantities of water... and just before it started hailing there was not a hint of dampness (though the sky was /very/ dark for 3pm)
04:09:57 <OliverK> heh
04:10:18 <ChrisMorgan> My brother Ben should now have left San Diego.
04:14:21 <OliverK> ChrisMorgan: radar?
04:14:31 <OliverK> router's somethign I use to shape wood
04:18:22 <ChrisMorgan> OliverK:
04:18:36 <OliverK> not enough bandwidth for it
04:18:37 <ChrisMorgan> The black area's just gone over us
04:18:58 <ChrisMorgan> Single picture:
04:19:19 <OliverK> still probably not enough
04:19:20 <OliverK> sorry
04:19:39 <OliverK> i'm watching something on youtube, relatively hi-def
04:19:50 <ChrisMorgan> 45KB
04:19:52 <OliverK> 1 mbps
04:19:54 <OliverK> meh
04:20:02 <OliverK> i've been in a hail storm before
04:20:05 <OliverK> its kinda fun :D
04:21:49 <ChrisMorgan> They were doing drain works just outside our property to put a bigger drain in... on one side the normal gutter is a 50cm wide, 30cm deep trough at the moment: it's full right up the hill (100m), pouring straight into the drain at a number of litres per second...
04:23:09 <OliverK> lets see, 2.5y cm per inch, so
04:23:19 <OliverK> just over 2 inches
04:23:29 *** dabossbv1 ( has joined #portableapps
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04:24:06 <ChrisMorgan> 2.54cm/inch
04:24:15 <OliverK> heh
04:24:26 <ChrisMorgan> Call it half a yard square.
04:24:26 <OliverK> that's what I said
04:25:12 <OliverK> heh, i've got a number of cad certificates
04:27:50 <OliverK> wow, laggy
04:37:53 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
04:40:40 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
04:50:35 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
04:50:36 <GizmoBot> ...
04:56:29 <OliverK> GizmoBot!
04:56:29 <GizmoBot> OliverK!
05:17:59 <ChrisMorgan> Added CaseSensitive=true for [FileWriteN] for when Type=ConfigWrite|Replace
05:20:55 <OliverK> you get windows partition fixed so you can test it?
05:21:34 <OliverK> hey, my lg time was down, .3 s
05:21:37 <ChrisMorgan> Not yet
05:21:39 <OliverK> la*
05:21:43 <OliverK> dang
05:21:45 <OliverK> lag*
05:24:16 <OliverK> you get windows fixed and i'll be impressed :p
05:28:36 <ChrisMorgan> Why?
05:28:45 <ChrisMorgan> Anyway, how can I fix Windows?
05:28:54 <OliverK> heh
05:28:56 <ChrisMorgan> If it were a bug tracker, I think I'd mark it "WontFix"
05:29:01 <OliverK> heh
05:29:06 <OliverK> then quit developing for it
05:29:24 <OliverK> its stupid to release software you haven't tested in the enviroment
05:29:41 <OliverK> at least install vbox and use virtual machines
05:30:07 <ChrisMorgan> Biggest problem: I can't burn the Server 2008 R2 .img file inside Ubuntu
05:30:40 <ChrisMorgan> If Microsoft had done it in the /proper/ way, i.e. ISO, then I could... but instead, they distribute in a format only understood by software on Windows.
05:30:44 <ChrisMorgan> Conspiracy.
05:30:52 <OliverK> you can mount .img files with vbox
05:30:53 <OliverK> i've done it
05:30:55 <OliverK> silly
05:31:42 <ChrisMorgan> OliverK: in Ubuntu?
05:31:49 <OliverK> no
05:31:54 <OliverK> in virtual box
05:32:33 <OliverK> i used vbox to mount img files for installing windows 4 or 4 in vbox
05:33:31 <OliverK> 3.1 and nt 4
05:36:22 <OliverK> and why does it have to be server 08?
05:38:20 <ChrisMorgan> OliverK: in VirtualBox /inside/ Ubuntu
05:38:27 <OliverK> yes . . . .
05:38:28 <ChrisMorgan> It has to be Server 2008 R2 because that's what I've got.
05:38:32 <OliverK> heh
05:38:44 <ChrisMorgan> I tried mounting it in VirtualBox and it couldn't cope with it.
05:38:55 <OliverK> really
05:39:28 <OliverK> that sucks
05:39:46 <ChrisMorgan> I'll try it again to see what the message was
05:40:24 <ChrisMorgan> I tried mounting it with a couple of bits of software and they complained that the OS didn't support UDF.
05:41:08 <OliverK> hmm . . .
05:41:22 <OliverK> got a spare hard drive?
05:41:51 <ChrisMorgan> An external 80GB one, mostly empty...
05:42:01 <OliverK> heh, install it to that :p
05:42:17 <OliverK> maybe image it into virtual box :p
05:42:22 <OliverK> muhahaha
05:42:29 <ChrisMorgan> It uses the img file (I had it attached already); running the VM: "FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted."
05:42:58 <Bensawsome> maybe it doesnt like .img files
05:43:15 <OliverK> Bensawsome: it doesn't like the setup microshaft used to do it
05:43:32 <OliverK> i'd say through it on the external, maybe build a vbox image in there
05:43:40 <OliverK> then format the hard drive and be done
05:43:57 <ChrisMorgan> Eek!
05:44:20 <ChrisMorgan> I released it and went to remove it from virtualbox... locked for reading by another task..?
05:44:46 <OliverK> que es?
05:44:54 <OliverK> the drive?
05:45:04 <ChrisMorgan> No, It uses the img file (I had it attached already)
05:45:07 <ChrisMorgan> sorry
05:45:11 <ChrisMorgan> Paste failed :-/
05:45:19 <OliverK> k
05:45:25 <ChrisMorgan> No, eng_windows_server_2008_r2_st_ent_dc_web_retail_x64_X15-50365.img
05:46:10 <OliverK> to be honest, i don't even think I could burn the image, there must be something wrong
05:46:20 <OliverK> try getting a demo from microshaft?
05:46:26 <ChrisMorgan> Demo?
05:46:40 <OliverK> 60-day trial or such fiddle faddle
05:46:51 <OliverK> i'd lone you my iso, but they'd probably be mad
05:46:56 <ChrisMorgan> This is a full version of it, downloaded from their servers.
05:47:05 <ChrisMorgan> It certainly should be fine.
05:47:14 <OliverK> well, something is wrong with it
05:47:24 <ChrisMorgan> It's big enough, at 2.8GB...
05:47:59 <ChrisMorgan> Mind you, when "CD/DVD-ROM Images" is the type selected that doesn't include .img files
05:48:29 <OliverK> no, you want to mount it as a floppy disk
05:48:36 <ChrisMorgan> Oh?
05:48:57 <OliverK> was that sarcasm or not?
05:49:04 <ChrisMorgan> Not at all
05:49:10 <OliverK> i can't really google right now, i'm watching ergo proxy
05:49:28 <OliverK> but, i did see some things about it being a cd image, but normally its a floppy image
05:49:29 <OliverK> try it
05:49:35 <OliverK> can't be any worse off
05:50:21 <ChrisMorgan> 2.8GB floppy disk drive... wouldn't that be great :P
05:50:27 <OliverK> you bet
05:50:35 <ChrisMorgan> Well... it's not giving its FATAL message
05:50:41 <ChrisMorgan> Just sitting there doing nothing...
05:50:42 <OliverK> its worth a shot :)
05:50:45 <OliverK> oh :(
05:51:00 <OliverK> how much ram did you give it?
05:51:07 <ChrisMorgan> 512MB
05:51:13 <OliverK> oh, wow
05:51:20 <OliverK> how much ram has the ssytem got?
05:51:31 <ChrisMorgan> 2GB
05:51:36 <OliverK> give it a gb
05:51:42 <ChrisMorgan> I don't have that much free
05:51:48 <OliverK> what?
05:51:58 <ChrisMorgan> And at this stage it doesn't matter... I don't have a virtual hard disk drive to give it yet
05:52:22 <OliverK> i have a 3 gb system and I can run vista and and have 2 1gb systems running
05:52:29 <OliverK> in the vm
05:52:34 <OliverK> you *should* be fine
05:54:10 <OliverK> at any rate, it will complain if it can't allocate the rm
05:54:12 <OliverK> ram*
05:54:23 <ChrisMorgan> Sure. Problem is it's just not booting in it.
05:54:47 <OliverK> and I'd be suprised if something based on 7 would boot into less then a gb
05:57:20 <ChrisMorgan> I would expect it to work with half a gigabyte OK. But I'm not getting that far...
05:57:46 <OliverK> heh
05:58:08 <ChrisMorgan> Now we get to the crazy bit... doesn't work in Chrome (Error 2 (net::ERR_FAILED): Unknown error.)
05:58:16 <OliverK> lolz
05:58:22 <OliverK> you'll almost have to use ie
05:58:36 <OliverK> always faled for me in firefox
06:00:06 <ChrisMorgan> Works fine in Namaroka, but not in Chrome
06:00:15 <ChrisMorgan> says 512MB
06:00:41 <OliverK> huh
06:00:42 <OliverK> nice
06:02:02 <ChrisMorgan> How curious. I've got it working.
06:02:08 <OliverK> ?
06:02:12 <OliverK> it boot?
06:03:17 <ChrisMorgan> Took a look at and someone suggested change the extension from img to iso...
06:03:20 <ChrisMorgan> Guess what.
06:03:26 <OliverK> nice
06:03:29 <OliverK> fired right up
06:03:40 <ChrisMorgan> Precisely.
06:05:53 <ChrisMorgan> Ha ha... interesting to see how it goes when it can't find a disk.
06:06:29 <OliverK> heh, well, now you can test.
06:06:31 <OliverK> t OliverK
06:06:36 <OliverK> .t OliverK
06:06:36 <GizmoBot> Sat, 06 Mar 2010 00:07:23 CST
06:06:40 <ChrisMorgan> Hey... in "advanced disk options" it had a "New" option... but it's greyed out! ;-)
06:06:48 <ChrisMorgan> I wanted it to create a disk for me!
06:06:48 <OliverK> heh
06:07:53 <ChrisMorgan> "To install Windows, you must run Windows installation. If you cancel the installation, your computer might restart." Shock, horror!
06:08:09 <OliverK> well . . .
06:09:21 <ChrisMorgan> Thunk... suddenly I have a gigabyte of free memory rather than half that.
06:09:35 <ChrisMorgan> Good, glad that's sorted out.
06:09:41 <ChrisMorgan> Thanks for getting me to look at it again :D
06:10:10 *** dbdii407 (~dbdii407@unaffiliated/dbdii407) has joined #portableapps
06:11:01 <ChrisMorgan> But I've got to free up 32GB of disk space... or go down to Server 2003 and only require 2.9!
06:11:07 <ChrisMorgan> Why such a difference, I wonder?
06:11:18 <ChrisMorgan> I think I'm inclined to go down to 2003...
06:11:33 <OliverK> eh, server 03 is mostly camparable to xp
06:11:52 <OliverK> although, i think server 03 runs leaner then 07
06:11:56 <OliverK> xp*
06:11:58 <OliverK> excuse me
06:12:01 <ChrisMorgan> Probably
06:12:01 <OliverK> i can't prove it though
06:12:35 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... think I might do that. Then maybe I won't need to do lots more partition work to scrounge 32GB.
06:13:09 <OliverK> eh, go for 03
06:13:18 <OliverK> it'll work just as good
06:14:01 <ChrisMorgan> Possibly not quite as good in some things.
06:14:07 <OliverK> eh
06:14:08 <ChrisMorgan> It'll probably use less memory too though
06:14:12 <OliverK> yeah
06:14:16 <OliverK> i've got it running on 256
06:14:20 <OliverK> megs
06:14:27 <OliverK> plus a 1.8 single core
06:14:31 <OliverK> runs just ducky
06:14:46 <OliverK> except for compiling the damn isntaller
06:14:51 <OliverK> takes to much ram
06:15:03 <OliverK> locked up the entire system when I tried it
06:25:15 <ChrisMorgan> :D
06:25:34 <OliverK> which really sucked as I was over remote desktop
06:25:39 <ChrisMorgan> Erk.
06:25:58 <OliverK> yeah
06:26:05 <ChrisMorgan> If I weren't so lazy I'd register for BizSpark and get 2000 and XP and Vista and 7 as well... as it is I can't be bothered reading the 32 pages of license agreement. So I'll wait till I properly start business rather than just the coding...
06:26:37 <OliverK> meh, iwas registered for bizspark, got cancelled
06:26:59 <OliverK> you are supposed to half to pay a couple hundred dollars at the end, though I couldn't find it in my terms
06:35:22 <ChrisMorgan> Dad hasn't heard of any such statement
06:36:35 <OliverK> heh, it was in some terms i read on the preview
06:36:49 <OliverK> but when I read trhough the eulas later, i couldn't find it anywhere
06:37:01 <OliverK> note the supposed to part
06:39:45 <OliverK> signing off for the night
06:39:47 <OliverK> is late
06:39:49 <OliverK> .t OliverK
06:39:50 <GizmoBot> Sat, 06 Mar 2010 00:40:36 CST
06:39:50 <ChrisMorgan> Dad went through and read all of it... it's hardly surprising that the WaterSums license agreement is fairly short.
06:39:55 <ChrisMorgan> G'nite
06:40:07 <OliverK> i sad that I read eulas
06:40:10 <OliverK> and I couldn't find it
06:40:12 <OliverK> jeesh
06:40:22 *** OliverK has quit (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish)
07:37:02 * Mir does a barrel roll into a fluffy pillow
09:23:15 *** Usbtastic ( has joined #portableapps
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10:30:31 <prapper> ChrisMorgan: hi
10:41:30 *** Usbtastic ( has joined #portableapps
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11:55:41 <ChrisMorgan> prapper: bye, sorry. Didn't intend to leave this on... some other day.
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12:21:12 *** user_detected (~3e8cf221@gateway/web/freenode/x-tistjfhlzgsnttkg) has joined #portableapps
12:21:22 <user_detected> hey
12:21:38 <user_detected> where can I download Firefox (minefield) 3.7 portable?
12:21:50 <user_detected> teh link is so broken :(
12:25:40 *** user_detected has quit (Client Quit)
12:45:31 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
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13:59:25 <pa_5416> Why does the linux under operating systems not have anything?
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16:30:43 *** pa_6465 (~56b48956@gateway/web/freenode/x-czfovnidhlakmnbf) has joined #portableapps
16:30:55 <pa_6465> hi i got a question
16:31:02 <TheSebi> ?
16:31:40 <TheSebi> yeah?
16:31:54 <pa_6465> i want put an 80GB hard drive in my pc but the pwer cabe spare 1 is conectted to the gripcs card would this be ok to connet it to the hard drive
16:32:40 <TheSebi> get a T-cable adapter
16:33:00 <pa_6465> i not heard of those
16:33:05 <TheSebi>
16:33:27 <pa_6465> let me havwe a quick lok in pc
16:34:17 <pa_6465> ah right its got one those comeing from 1 end of the card just a single 1, just un sure it wount be safe
16:34:37 <TheSebi> ?
16:35:20 <TheSebi> the adapter i meant splits the cable and provides 2
16:35:52 <pa_6465> ya i tell u whati do
16:36:21 <pa_6465> got go out but i try and get a pic of it so u can understand mroe if thats ok
16:36:38 <pa_6465> br about 2 hour
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16:38:25 <TheSebi> MaienM, is this the irc of or am i wrong here?
16:40:11 <TheSebi> ?
16:40:41 <TheSebi> guys? is this the irc of or am i wrong here?
16:43:40 <TheSebi> oh sorry my fault, the welcome message already told me^^
16:47:58 <TheSebi> So, to my question: I requestet an app and johnthaller said it is only for linux, i replied it isnt and posted the reference. But i didnt get an answer after that. What do i have to do now?
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16:49:27 <TheSebi> help!
16:49:27 <GizmoBot> TheSebi: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
16:53:07 *** Avalloc has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- \o/)
16:56:25 <TheSebi> I requestet an app and johnthaller said it is only for linux, i replied it isnt and posted the reference. But i didnt get an answer after that. What do i have to do now?
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17:49:09 *** TimClark (~8087e39f@gateway/web/freenode/x-fqbgwydvllhlqzdw) has joined #portableapps
17:49:53 <TimClark> TheSebi: are you still with us?
18:11:36 <TheSebi> yes
18:11:59 <TimClark> Could you post a link to a webpage/site that talks about the making of a windows port?
18:12:00 <TheSebi> sorry, i was afk for a few minutes
18:12:37 <TheSebi> of wired?
18:13:01 <TimClark> Yes, i believe that is what you were asking about
18:14:55 <TheSebi> yes, i don know if itś on a homepage, but in the downloadable package, theres a folder called win32 and in the readme file in there are instructions
18:16:13 <TimClark> I can't download the program just to read the README.txt file
18:16:17 <TimClark> Are you familiar with ??
18:16:38 <TimClark> Could you paste the relevant part of the README.txt there, that tells how to make it work with windows, and give us the link?
18:17:41 <TheSebi> iĺl try, one moment please
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18:20:54 <TheSebi>
18:21:13 <TimClark> checking
18:23:22 <TimClark> And these instructions will not only allow you to build / compile using windows, but it will acutally Run on windows ?
18:24:40 <TheSebi> it should be the windows version otherwise the poll on the homepage wouldńt make sense
18:26:08 <TimClark> Will the things installed required to complie the program need to remain on the system for the program to run, or are they only needed to complie?
18:26:43 <TimClark> e.g - install MINGW + GDB
18:26:43 <TimClark> - install MSYS + Developer Toolkit
18:26:57 <TimClark> install Code::Blocks IDE
18:27:09 <TimClark> install wired-libs-win32 package
18:27:41 <TheSebi> good question, sorry but i dońt know
18:27:55 <TheSebi> i have almost no knowledge in programming
18:28:10 <TimClark> If it requires them to be installed to run the program it can't be made portable
18:28:25 <TimClark> You should edit your post on our forums and include that link to, do not make a new post, and do not include the actual contents, just the link
18:28:51 <TheSebi> okay, will it be reviewed then?
18:28:54 <TimClark> then others can read it and get a better idea if this can be done
18:29:26 <TimClark> Also, I can't find a link to Release 0.7.0
18:29:57 <TimClark> version 6 seems a little old
18:31:35 <TheSebi> i dońt think 0.7.0 is out yet
18:32:10 <TheSebi> oh, sorry
18:32:24 <TimClark> Any idea what the buggyness was that was refered to in the poll?
18:32:27 <TheSebi> on the title page it says 0.7.0
18:32:41 <TimClark> We generally only work with stable programs
18:33:06 <TheSebi> hmm
18:33:44 <TheSebi> you said you couldńt find a link to 0.7.0 but on there is
18:33:57 <TheSebi> right on the top
18:35:05 <TimClark> you would think they would put it here so folks would not have to hunt for it
18:35:24 <TimClark> that is the download page linked to from the homepage
18:35:35 <TheSebi> yeah, a bit weird
18:36:10 <TimClark> anyway, post the link to the pastebin in your reply to John
18:36:41 <TheSebi> in the reply? i posted it in the original post
18:36:53 <TimClark> moment
18:38:01 <TimClark> add it as an [edit:] to your reply as well
18:38:35 <TheSebi> sorry, but i am new here, what do you mean with edit?
18:39:39 <TheSebi> should i add [edit:] like a tag before the link?
18:39:55 <TimClark> edit the reply and at the bottem put [edit:] Here is a link to the contents of the Readme.txt
18:40:20 <TimClark> that shows that you added it later and that it was not part of the origianl reply
18:40:58 <TheSebi> okay, done
18:41:07 <TimClark> moment
18:42:11 <TimClark> looks good
18:42:48 <TheSebi> and now if im correct i should wait for an answer
18:43:12 <TimClark> Now others can read it and get a better idea if this can be done
18:43:19 <TimClark> they may or may not reply
18:43:35 <TimClark> it depends on how much interest there is in the project
18:45:02 <TheSebi> itś similar to but on this project there hasńt been done anything for quite a qhile
18:45:05 <TheSebi> while
18:45:16 <TimClark> First someone need to determine if they "think" it can be done
18:45:37 <TimClark> Then someone has to have an interest in doing it
18:46:07 <TimClark> Some requests have no interest
18:46:16 <TimClark> some are just too hard to do
18:46:20 <TimClark> some just die
18:47:00 <TheSebi> oh
18:47:52 <TheSebi> but it seemed like johnthaller had interest, because he said If they do a Windows build, we'll definitely do it.
18:48:37 <TimClark> That was my read of it as well, but he would need to read your pastebin and decide from their, I can't speak for him
18:49:08 <TheSebi> yeah, i know
18:49:24 <TimClark> And he would have to determine that it was stable enough to be used
18:50:38 <TimClark> Also, he might not have the time to do it himself, so it would need some other dev to pick it up, he has a very full plate
18:51:21 <TheSebi> i hope someone does, because i think this programm looks promising, itś almost like the programm reason
18:51:55 <TimClark> "like the programm reason" ?
18:52:59 <TheSebi>
18:53:07 <TheSebi> music production software
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18:53:50 <TheSebi> the only problem for reason, itś not open source
18:53:53 *** SrgSiler|AFK has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
18:53:56 <TimClark> ah, "Reason" is a specific thing
18:54:23 <TimClark> I thought you meant "reason" in its normal sense
18:54:34 <TheSebi> yes, itś the name
18:54:50 <TimClark> yes, i see that now
18:55:04 <TimClark> Well, good luck in your request
18:55:13 <TheSebi> thanks
18:55:35 <TheSebi> well, then im off thanks for the advise and help
18:55:42 <TimClark> your welcome
18:55:55 *** TheSebi has quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:24:39 <TimClark> Any Opera users around ?
20:25:48 <TimClark> "Unpatched Opera 10.50 and below code execution vulnerability"
20:25:50 <TimClark>
20:26:13 <TimClark> "These are fairly serious and until Opera patches them, you may be well advised to stop using them for the time being"
20:32:32 <TimClark> .
20:32:35 <TimClark> marlop: john as replied to the Wired Portable request
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21:37:09 *** pa_1552 (~47af05ec@gateway/web/freenode/x-cybappsmhrkibqqb) has joined #portableapps
21:37:22 <pa_1552> Hello
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21:49:14 *** pa_9086 (~47af05ec@gateway/web/freenode/x-trrzjwppogqrhdpy) has joined #portableapps
21:49:21 <pa_9086> Anyone here?
21:50:02 <TimClark> yes, pa_9086
21:50:26 <pa_9086> Hello - I had a question about the official app listing on the left of the site.
21:50:40 <TimClark> what is your question?
21:50:47 <pa_9086> I am considering packaging a Bible software program with the support of the developer
21:50:55 <pa_9086> I noticed you already have one listed
21:51:06 <pa_9086> and that there do not appear
21:51:11 <gluxon> You're talking about BPBible right?
21:51:19 <pa_9086> to be multiple apps for the same category
21:51:20 <pa_9086> Yes.
21:51:42 <TimClark> yes, we can have multiple apps for the same category
21:51:51 <pa_9086> Cool.
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21:52:19 <pa_9086> How do you determine which ones
21:52:23 <pa_9086> can be listed there?
21:52:41 <TimClark> well, it would have to be sumitted , tested and approved
21:53:04 <TimClark> generally opensource apps are preferred
21:53:08 *** dazman_ (~56b48956@gateway/web/freenode/x-fighzyaroqizistw) has joined #portableapps
21:53:19 <dazman_> hi
21:53:24 <pa_9086> Ok, I read up on that process - but it seems some apps are listed on the support page but not the menu on the left - or am I misreading?
21:53:36 *** dazman_ is now known as Guest24006
21:53:40 <TimClark> pa_9086: checking
21:53:41 <Guest24006> i was in here eariler about 16.14
21:54:30 <Guest24006> what want to ask is
21:54:54 <TimClark> the list on the left is a demo/mock up, it is not complete
21:55:21 <TimClark> the complete list is here
21:55:24 <Guest24006> can i connet a 80GB hard drive but the pwer souce is from the gripcs card as it has a sprare cable comeing from and and would this blow the card or mother board
21:56:04 <TimClark> Guest24006: that question is not really one we can answer
21:56:04 <pa_9086> OK thanks!
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21:56:28 <TimClark> it is a hardware question related to your machine
21:56:41 <Guest24006> yeah
21:56:54 <TimClark> we really would not know off hand
21:57:24 <TimClark> i think someone earlier recommended a splitter of some sort
21:57:36 <Guest24006> well its like that from the card
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21:57:52 <Guest24006> i just doint want connet it and blow the board
21:58:10 <TimClark> I understand, but we would not really know about that
21:58:21 <Guest24006> any web sites that might
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21:59:02 <TimClark> I would suggest the site that produces your mother board or graphics card
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22:02:38 *** weatherkid (~cyb0rg@ has joined #portableapps
22:06:01 <weatherkid> hello!
22:07:00 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> hello weatherkid
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22:12:23 <weatherkid> I was wondering if someone could real quickly answer my question about Mozilla in this post
22:12:59 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> i figured that's why you'd come in weatherkid - best is what you're doing. Ask the mozilla team who you should contact to ask about it.
22:13:14 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> you need their permission, but it sounds like you're off to a good start.
22:20:37 <weatherkid> Gizmokid2005|AFK, thanks!
22:20:57 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> you're welcome weatherkid
22:22:45 <TimClark> And welcome back Gizmokid2005|AFK
22:22:57 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> not really back TimClark, hence the |AFK yet.
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22:50:51 *** sar3th (sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
22:50:52 <GizmoBot> sar3th is currently busy with KDE for Windows (Portable)
23:06:39 <TimClark> weatherkid: i see you and john have established a dialog , i'm glad
23:07:02 <weatherkid> hmm? John T. Haller?
23:07:07 <weatherkid> where?
23:07:15 <weatherkid> <.< >.>
23:07:41 <TimClark> sorry, i confused you with the OP of the Wired Portable Topic, my bad
23:07:55 <weatherkid> ah
23:08:06 <weatherkid> yah, i'm compiling it ATM anyways.'
23:08:11 <weatherkid> It looks nice.
23:16:09 <TimClark> weatherkid: Am I correct here:
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23:20:34 <weatherkid> TimClark, check reply
23:21:25 *** MaienM (~MaienM-F@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
23:21:27 <GizmoBot> MaienM is MaienM. He is the developer of The Mana World Portable, and he has a website at
23:21:39 <TimClark> Had you just replied to me here I would have just deleted my comment weatherkid :/
23:22:05 <weatherkid> TimClark, oh. . . sorry
23:37:07 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep