IRC Log from 2010-03-18
00:00:34 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Quit: Quit messages are inane.)
00:01:55 *** Pyro_ (~d840befc@gateway/web/freenode/x-gxzzzyuevnvlezzv) has joined #portableapps
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00:11:42 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit (Quit: Quit... D:)
00:13:43 *** Pyromaniac_ (~d840befc@gateway/web/freenode/x-kgdchmdxaarcskku) has joined #portableapps
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00:15:06 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
00:15:07 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a developer and moderator and works on the Launcher (please test it!)
00:24:07 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
01:06:10 *** excid3|asus ( has joined #portableapps
01:08:32 *** pa_2038 (~46712193@gateway/web/freenode/x-lglbksniplajgsdv) has joined #portableapps
01:08:47 <pa_2038> hello
01:09:04 <pa_2038> help
01:09:11 <ChrisMorgan> Please ask your question
01:09:20 <ChrisMorgan> Then we may be able to answer it.
01:09:33 <pa_2038> how do i install into my usb stick
01:09:41 <ChrisMorgan> pa_2038, just run the installer
01:09:48 <pa_2038> yes i did that
01:09:58 <ChrisMorgan> Then it should be there.
01:10:04 <pa_2038> ok
01:10:07 <pa_2038> thank u
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01:16:04 *** ZachThibeau (zachthibea@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
01:16:05 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is currently working on a super cool media player called musicplay3000 aka mp3k
01:23:05 *** AppGuy (~admin@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
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01:49:33 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
02:01:06 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Quit: Quit messages are inane.)
02:09:33 *** marlop ( has joined #portableapps
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02:11:00 *** Space (libertad@unaffiliated/spaceghost) has joined #portableapps
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02:49:34 *** ZachThibeau (ZachThibea@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
02:49:36 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is awsome and is currently working on a super cool media player called musicplay3000 aka mp3k
03:10:51 *** dragonmage ( has joined #portableapps
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03:25:56 *** Res2216firestar (Sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #portableapps
03:28:16 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SrgSiler|Sleep
03:47:10 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:50:08 *** Res2216firestar has quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:57:26 *** excid3|asus has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
03:57:49 *** JohnTHaller1 ( has joined #portableapps
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04:23:04 *** Scriptdaemon (~KennyW@ has joined #portableapps
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05:00:39 *** Gizmokid2005 is now known as Gizmokid2005|AFK
05:12:10 *** dboki89 (~d5c6db41@gateway/web/freenode/x-linolnptedoxtgul) has joined #portableapps
05:12:19 <dboki89> Hi.
05:12:32 <dboki89> Is there an administrator online?
05:13:35 <dboki89> Just reporting some spam here: | |
05:16:08 <dboki89> more here: and probably a lot more to come... All by the same user:
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05:19:25 *** pa_1209 (~45aba02b@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #portableapps
05:19:47 <pa_1209> Help
05:21:47 <pa_1209> I just downloaded an update 1.6 and it took the Bundle apps away from 1.5.2, why is that???
05:23:56 <dboki89> hi pa_1209
05:24:14 <dboki89> what do you mean bu "it took the Bundle apps away"?
05:25:41 <pa_1209> Well 1.5.2 had Bundle Apps wen I dwnloaded it wich I used n the update took them away, now all I got is a Blank window??
05:27:20 <pa_1209> Do I hve 2 Add my own now cuz All the wrk I had on the Previous is Gone
05:27:29 <dboki89> try one of 2 things: (1) right click the options and choose refresh, or (2) exit and re-run the portableapps menu
05:27:37 <dboki89> sorry
05:27:43 <dboki89> left click the options
05:28:57 <dboki89> did the apps reappear?
05:29:41 <pa_1209> Nope :(
05:30:25 <dboki89> even when you re-ran the platform / menu?
05:32:11 <pa_1209> Yea, b4 I wrote u I dwnloaded Twice a Refreshed it a Bunch of times but the Apps just ain't there no more!
05:32:21 <dboki89> Ok, if it didn't appear you need to check do you still have the apps on your flash drive... Go to your flash drive using Windows Explorer and navigate to PortableApps folder (i.e: navigate to X:\PortableApps)
05:32:47 <dboki89> do you see a bunch of folders like FirefoxPortable and similar?
05:34:45 <dboki89> by Windows Explorer I mean, just double-click on My Computer, then your USB flash drive, and than double-click PortableApps folder
05:35:33 <pa_1209> Lookin Now, pls hold
05:37:26 <pa_1209> I went in there n there is None
05:37:50 <dboki89> are you sure? Not even a folder named
05:39:45 <pa_1209> Yea, I got the folder n I did look in it but it had an App, Data, Other, Portable Back Exe, Portable Back up Restore n Read me folder
05:40:06 <dboki89> Ok, I was just asking if it existed,
05:40:15 <dboki89> it is where PortableApps platform is stored
05:40:16 <pa_1209> Yep it is here
05:40:32 <pa_1209> Yea, I got that also
05:41:00 <dboki89> but there should be folders next to that one (next to with names of some_app_namePortable
05:41:04 <pa_1209> Saya its got 358K in it
05:41:25 <dboki89> it there anything besides folder?
05:41:30 <Bensawsome> pa_1209 did you install the platform update to X:\ or X:\Portableapps ?
05:41:38 <Bensawsome> where X is the letter of ur usb drive
05:41:42 <pa_1209> I clicked on that a few times n it brings the window up but no Apps in it
05:42:58 <dboki89> @Bensawsome: It seems that he doesn't even have the apps in the X:\PortableApps folder after upgrade, that is why I'm asking him this
05:43:36 <Bensawsome> hmmm that is REALLY wierd... it shouldnt of just erased everything in X:\Portableapps
05:44:15 <dboki89> @pa_1209: so just to make thing clear - you HAD some apps before in X:\PortableApps when using platform 1.5.2, but they disappeared after upgrade?
05:44:43 <pa_1209> Yep
05:45:12 <Bensawsome> pa_1209 and you downloaded the update from ?
05:45:41 <dboki89> I don't know what to say on that. I just downloaded the update from here (I happened to have an old 1.5.2 platform sitting around) and it upgraded ok
05:46:44 <Bensawsome> im saying that cause if you downloaded it from anywhere other then it could have a virus or something... and at that i must go to sleep :/
05:46:56 <pa_1209> Yea, I normally dwnload from Cnet but they seem 2 not hve it so I did a Chk Update n it told me there was a new update 1.6 n I dwnloaded it!
05:47:03 <dboki89> actually, this is funny!
05:47:13 <dboki89> It happened on my version just now!!!
05:47:17 <Bensawsome> O_O
05:47:20 <Bensawsome> really dboki89?!
05:47:29 <Bensawsome> wow... thats a major bug....
05:47:32 <dboki89> but I have the apps left in the folder
05:47:40 <dboki89> they just don't appear in the menu
05:47:49 <Bensawsome> oh... wierd
05:47:53 <dboki89> I'll try again just to make sure
05:48:10 <pa_1209> Yea, tho Mine is gone out the least u Feelin Me! :)
05:49:57 <pa_1209> I Really Like this App cuz I can take my wrk wit me in my Pocket, lucky I did Back on my Lap! But Still a Problem now!
05:50:03 <dboki89> this is really curious: I have 2 versions of 1.6 - one works the other doesn't
05:50:18 <dboki89> not running them at the same time FYI
05:50:49 <pa_1209> OK, did u get ur From
05:51:10 <dboki89> the one I updated first, didn't erase the apps, just didn't show them straight away. Then I run the platform from folder and it somehow refreshed
05:51:12 <dboki89> yap
05:51:22 <dboki89> the other one worked from the very beggining
05:51:32 <dboki89> I'll try for the 3rd time just to make sure
05:52:18 <dboki89> It works well, just as the second time
05:52:45 <dboki89> It was probably human error (mine) the first time, as I'm multi-tasking right now
05:53:12 <pa_1209> OK, Cool cuz I thougth thats where the updaye was cumin from, but I'm on the Site now!
05:53:53 <dboki89> pa_1209, you have a problem if you LOST your apps, as you said when you came on chat
05:54:15 <pa_1209> Naw, I Don't think u made a mistake Trust, I'm Pretty Good on Dwnloadin n it Really Ain't Rocket Science! :)
05:55:02 <dboki89> well, it always easy to reinstall the suite and the apps
05:55:16 <dboki89> what I'm worried about here is did you lose your settings?
05:55:23 <pa_1209> Yea, I kno, but I Backed up a lot on my lap Top so I'm Good, just Wonderin if I just got 2 manually Input them Back
05:55:26 <dboki89> from the applications you previously had
05:56:11 <pa_1209> I'm Sure I Did, but can b Fixed once I put them back!
05:56:21 <dboki89> I know it shouldn't be of much consern, but could you try (safely) removing your USB flash drive, and re-inserting it?
05:56:57 <pa_1209> Sure
05:57:43 <pa_1209> I'll even give it a Few Minutes b4 I re-insert it
05:58:35 <dboki89> ok
05:59:14 <dboki89> I'm pretty sure it was a human error on my behalf the first time, since I tried it again (yea, 4th time :) ) and it works as it should have
05:59:52 <pa_1209> The 1st 1 was so easy, put it on my USB, Update the Apps that it came wit n I was up n runnin in 15 min! :)
06:00:43 <pa_1209> OK, then I'll do wat u did, sounds like a plan, I just hope they Fix that cuz this is a Very Nice App!!
06:00:55 <dboki89> yea, that's what I like about it! As well as the backing-up
06:01:18 <dboki89> I don't think they need to fix anything, as they are working on version 2 of the platform already
06:01:37 <dboki89> current one in the wild is version 2 beta 4
06:01:40 <dboki89> I think
06:01:54 <dboki89> and they are working on releasing version 2 very soon
06:03:39 <dboki89> actually, when JTH released version 1.6, it was just supposed to be a quick preview of what new features will be in version 2
06:04:06 <pa_1209> Cool n I re-install the USB n it still Trippin so I'll dwnloadin it a couple times
06:04:33 <pa_1209> OK, thats Good 2 kno!
06:04:42 <dboki89> hey, do you know how to check MD5 checksums?
06:05:44 <dboki89> and are you installing the platform version only, light suite or standard suite?
06:06:44 <dboki89> because it's best to check MD5 of the downloaded file from the internet, as it often happens that the download get a little broken, but the file get's downloaded and it appears to be good
06:07:41 <dboki89> If you don't know how to check the MD5 checksum, first download this:
06:08:15 <pa_1209> OK, will do that 2 n I was doin the Standard Ver
06:08:43 <dboki89> for standard version, md5 checksum is: 97c04c42fef4f22578a7f714eee409ef
06:09:18 <pa_1209> OK
06:09:53 <dboki89> when you download the suite, and winMD5checksum, you will need to run winmd5checksum, copy this number in the lower field, and drag'n'drop the downloaded suite on to the top field. Then hit compare
06:11:17 <pa_1209> K
06:26:22 <pa_1209> Thanks 4 ur Help :)
06:27:41 <dboki89> you're welcome :)
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06:54:33 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
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07:14:32 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
07:14:32 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
07:25:28 *** pa_1209 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
08:36:25 *** Spaceghost has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
08:44:14 *** tsr (~d915e115@gateway/web/freenode/x-vweapatfesgiibwb) has joined #portableapps
08:45:09 <tsr> hi, I would like to install portable apps for windows from my linux-box at home to use it at a datacenter where I don't have the rights to even save files to the harddrive, how would I do that?
09:03:38 <tsr> Ok, I will read the logs later so don't hesitate to post an answer after I'm gone...
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09:38:18 *** pa_2295 (~5831f93c@gateway/web/freenode/x-ilosahwcuscsqpaj) has joined #portableapps
09:38:24 <pa_2295> HI ALL
09:39:29 <pa_2295> dear fiends, what about USB KEY infection during inserting it in a virus-hurt PC?
09:40:05 <pa_2295> i mean, the overwriting od USB KEY autorun
09:40:16 <pa_2295> by a virus on host PC
09:41:46 <pa_2295> ????
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13:04:06 *** prapper ( has joined #portableapps
13:04:52 <prapper> hi Devo
13:05:00 <Devo> hey
13:05:15 <prapper> having problems :-)
13:05:22 <Devo> so I've downloaded the installer several times and still get the same error
13:05:45 <Devo> I went and downloaded the file manually a couple times and I get a different md5
13:06:12 <prapper> I don't know what that could be. It's fine here. I'll try again to make sure.
13:06:24 <Devo> clear your cache to make sure
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13:09:39 <prapper> yep, cache cleared. 766KB md5 d8ab7191ea51ed643e1887d9dd279625. It runs. I don't know what to suggest
13:11:40 <prapper> Anyone else having a problem? I could upload it again I suppose. Just for good measure :-)
13:11:52 <Devo> I'm talking about the md5 for eac-0.99pb5.exe I get an md5 of cdcab1c5ea4463b317f8d4c00ee05762
13:12:30 <Devo> the installer runs, but when it downloads the file from the internet, it fails to install because the md5's are different
13:12:48 <prapper> oh ok :-) hang on then, it was ok a couple of hours ago
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13:14:53 <prapper> oh yeah, you're right. Don't say they're updated it! I'll check...
13:16:59 <Devo> so it sounds like you're having trouble with Soulseek?
13:19:05 <prapper> You're right, no word of an update on the site (that I can see) but it has changed since this morning! Guess it's DT5
13:19:21 <prapper> SoulSeek, yeah, what's going on there?
13:19:51 <Devo> Are you having trouble extracting the installer, or running the launcher
13:20:24 <prapper> Sorry, I misread your EAC post :-(
13:21:22 <prapper> No, I can extract it ok but slsk.exe doesn't run. I haven't tried the launcher, I just tried it by itself
13:22:28 <Devo> slsk won't run because it needs a registry entry to get paths. You have to actually run the installer to create the registry entry, slsk.exe won't create it by itself
13:24:48 <prapper> Oh ok, so I do need the launcher LOL
13:26:05 <prapper> My fault, leave it with me and I'll have a look
13:27:46 <Devo> thanks, I more just wanted you to make sure everything will update properly
13:28:42 <prapper> OK, I'll check it out. btw You might want to hang onto that EAC DT4 package because I'm leaning towards pulling the path updates out of it, especially as I'm going to have to do another one today :-(
13:31:09 <Devo> ok, I'm responding in the forums right now
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14:11:52 *** Spaceghost (libertad@unaffiliated/spaceghost) has joined #portableapps
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18:52:01 *** SteveLamerton ( has joined #portableapps
19:01:08 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
19:01:15 <JohnTHaller> ho to the la
19:03:54 <qwertymodo> hello JohnTHaller
19:06:34 <JohnTHaller> how goes it
19:08:27 <qwertymodo> I may get Monster 2 release-worthy here soon :)
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19:17:27 <qwertymodo> hmm... that's weird...
19:18:55 <qwertymodo> I've been trying to figure out what to do about a Direct3D dll in Monster 2 that I'm pretty sure isn't supposed to be redistributed (per the DirectX EULA), but it doesn't seem to match any of the Direct3D dlls that actually come in the DirectX installation...
19:19:12 <qwertymodo> so I'm not sure what it even is...
19:19:42 <benedikt93> maybe a dll the game uses to access DirectX?
19:19:56 <benedikt93> with functions to make its handling easier?
19:19:58 <qwertymodo> well yeah
19:20:16 <qwertymodo> but the thing is if it is an official DirectX DLL I can't package it
19:20:40 <qwertymodo> but I can't seem to find it in the DirectX package
19:21:02 <qwertymodo> so I'm not sure if it really is an official MS dll or not
19:21:21 <benedikt93> it could be from a redistributable package or out of the dx SDK
19:22:27 <benedikt93> you could maybe be ask the devs
19:22:30 <qwertymodo> the DirectX9 D3D DLLs are all named d3dx9_<ver>.dll and are >2MB, this is just "d3dx9.dll" and is 800k
19:22:40 <qwertymodo> I tried and never got a response
19:22:52 <MaienM> search for it on google?
19:22:53 *** koriban (koriban@ has joined #portableapps
19:22:56 <koriban> hi
19:23:00 <MaienM> maybe you can find some info in the dll
19:23:07 <MaienM> *on
19:23:13 <koriban> someone should fix the launchers
19:23:43 <qwertymodo> also, all of the official DirectX9 DLL's are digitally signed by MS
19:23:51 <qwertymodo> this one has no signature
19:24:23 <benedikt93> I'll search some of my (commercial) games if they have such dll's
19:24:36 <qwertymodo> I don't really care about anything beyond can I distribute it with the app or not
19:26:01 <koriban> anyway I wrote my own launchers :D
19:26:08 <qwertymodo> the lack of a digital signature is really making me think it's not actually part of the DirectX installation or SDK and is just a wrapper or interface of some kind, which I WOULD be able to distribute, since it's not MS, therefore not under the DX EULA
19:26:41 <koriban> what is the name of the dll?
19:27:13 <qwertymodo> d3dx9.dll
19:28:02 <benedikt93> is there sthg like this: ?
19:28:18 <qwertymodo> nope
19:28:26 <qwertymodo> no "_<ver>"
19:28:45 <qwertymodo> looking closer, there's no versioning info embedded in the .dll
19:29:16 <qwertymodo> which includes no Company field
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19:30:04 <qwertymodo> all of the real DirectX dll's I have in system32 have both a digital signature and a full embedded version info...
19:30:05 <koriban> maybe it is part of a trojan?
19:30:09 <qwertymodo> no
19:30:11 <qwertymodo> nothing like that
19:30:24 <koriban> original is called d3d9.dll
19:30:46 <qwertymodo> it's included in this game
19:31:02 <benedikt93> I found a d3d9d.dll under "Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2009)\Developer Runtime\x86\d3d9d.dll"
19:31:21 <koriban> it is debug dll
19:31:33 <koriban> release is d3d9.dll
19:31:37 <qwertymodo> I'm trying to make it portable and I'm just trying to figure out if I can distribute that dll or not (if it's an official DirectX dll I can't)
19:31:50 <qwertymodo> take a look at that link ^
19:32:31 <koriban> upload to virustotal :D
19:33:31 <koriban> probably a wrapper for dx9
19:33:42 <qwertymodo> i'm not worried about a virus, it's a legitimate component in the game, I'm just trying to figure out if distributing it violates the DirectX EULA or if it just happens to have a name similar to the official DLLs
19:39:29 <koriban> it is part of directx
19:41:48 <qwertymodo> it isn't matching anything I have installed... I'm pretty sure I have an up-to-date installation of the full DirectX9 runtime and SDK... hmm
19:42:06 <qwertymodo> plus no digital signature on the dll
19:42:21 <qwertymodo> you sure it's part of DirectX?
19:44:43 <koriban> I have a lib file that links against d3dx9d.dll
19:44:48 <koriban> probably it was
19:45:10 <qwertymodo> no, not d3dx9D.dll
19:45:22 <qwertymodo> just d3dx9.dll
19:51:45 <koriban> can you upload it to somewhere?
19:52:06 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
19:53:08 <qwertymodo>
19:54:13 <koriban> yes it is ms
19:54:53 <koriban> it has a similar to my d3dx_24.dll
19:55:12 <qwertymodo> 800k vs 2MB
19:55:41 <qwertymodo> and d3dx9_24.dll is signed
19:56:14 <koriban> your dll is upx'ed
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19:56:40 <koriban> open with filealyzer they have the same exports
19:56:50 <qwertymodo> d'oh... didn't think of that...
19:58:04 <koriban> so doesn't it run without that dll?
19:58:43 <qwertymodo> it can run in OpenGL or DirectDraw modes
19:59:16 <benedikt93> or you can do an online installer, there was even a zip file at the game's website
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20:00:00 <benedikt93> but OpenGL is installed on many less PCs than DX
20:00:32 <qwertymodo> but technically the game's website shouldn't even be distributing the dll
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20:01:31 <qwertymodo> so an "it's their problem, not mine" attitude still wouldn't solve the root problem
20:02:30 <MaienM> they might have permission to redistribute the dll, who knows (just a random suggestion)
20:02:31 <benedikt93> do you need a permission to redistribut these "redistributable" packages?
20:02:53 <qwertymodo> nope, it's against the DirectX EULA
20:03:14 <benedikt93> oh no, the dll isn't in this package anymore and UPX'ed, so no
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20:03:50 <qwertymodo> the rationale being that if I package the DLL with the app, the app will never benefit from security updates, so they don't allow it and instead require it to be installed on the host pc
20:03:58 <koriban> I wonder why they used directx...
20:05:03 <koriban> someone should do emerge desktop portable
20:05:29 <qwertymodo> well there are 3 options, DirectX/DirectDraw/OpenGL
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20:49:39 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the poor person that can't get a working server but produces the awesome PChat :D
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21:46:44 <Rapscallion> Hey all, my first time on IRC... thought I would say hello :-)
21:47:48 <koriban> Rapscallion, hi
21:48:07 <koriban> irc is probably as old as your father
21:48:39 <Rapscallion> well ive been on IRC often before.. I should have said first time on this channel...
21:49:10 <Rapscallion> where are you from?
21:51:04 <koriban> earth
21:51:20 <Rapscallion> hmm...
21:51:56 <koriban> it is popular these days
21:52:25 <Rapscallion> earth or IRC?
21:53:11 <koriban> earth
21:53:23 <koriban> thanks to google's van
21:54:56 <Rapscallion> heh yeah, did you hear what happened in Denmark (I think that the right country), anyway someput a GPS on a Google Street veiw car and people could track it online. Caused quite a commotion, as people were waiting for the car and flashing etc. as it drove by....
21:56:18 <koriban> lol good idea
21:57:43 <Rapscallion> yeah... but in the end it was hoax (i just looked it up cause i wanted to verify the country and found this out)... now i have to stop the rumor mill
21:59:17 <Rapscallion> well enjoy earth... I plan to visit sometime... maybe we could meet and you could show me around. l8r
22:00:19 <qwertymodo> well, once I figure out what to do about this Direct3D dll, Monster 2 Prerelease 2 should be ready :)
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22:19:30 <GizmoBot> SergentSiler is a Menu Themer, his theme website is
22:21:30 <koriban> SergentSiler, :D
22:23:24 <SergentSiler> >_>?
22:24:38 <koriban> appetizer
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23:12:52 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a developer and moderator and works on the Launcher (please test it!)
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23:14:52 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
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23:26:03 <ChrisMorgan> Hello JohnTHaller :-)
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23:40:10 <JohnTHaller> hi ChrisMorgan
23:41:34 <JacobMastel> Hi John how's it going?
23:41:46 <JohnTHaller> Hi JacobMastel. Long time no see. How goes it?
23:42:16 <JacobMastel> I'm doing well. Trying to get reactive.
23:43:12 <JacobMastel> Stickies seems to have been a flop :(. Working on that fasttype app, but I'm still trying to figure it out.
23:44:04 <JohnTHaller> Why is stickies a flop?
23:44:27 <JacobMastel> No one seemed interested in it :P
23:44:47 <JohnTHaller> Still prob worth a release. You got permission from the author, right?
23:45:11 <JacobMastel> Yeah he's all for it.
23:45:22 <JacobMastel> He's hosting two out of date versions of it.
23:45:31 <JacobMastel> So I'll probably ask him to remove those and host this one.
23:45:39 <JacobMastel>
23:46:00 <JohnTHaller> We'll give it a go then as soon as we switch the app directory over. We're transitioning to a more dynamic one so we can do translations easier. Just update it to the current release and we'll do it.
23:46:51 <JacobMastel> Okay, and he's got the app translated to a bazillion langages. I just haven't gotten around to including them into the installer
23:47:50 <JohnTHaller> Yeah, get it multilingual since that's a must these days.
23:48:27 <JacobMastel> Actually now that I look at the new 7b version (the one tested) it's just inserting a .dll into the app directory...That's way easier that the last 6.2 version. :D
23:48:46 <JohnTHaller> Your launcher can handle the switching based on the Platform language
23:50:02 <JacobMastel> K. I'll look into it. Spring break is next week so I'll have time for it this weekend/next week
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23:50:43 <JacobMastel> So I hear you've released some links for the upcomming release?
23:51:12 <JohnTHaller> Yeah, lemme PM you
23:51:25 <JacobMastel> Awesome thanks
23:52:52 <JohnTHaller> PMed you 6 screenshots of the new theme manager, options window, theme color mixer and updater in both add and update mode
23:53:35 <marlop> hi JohnTHaller
23:53:46 <JohnTHaller> hi
23:53:58 <marlop> the subscriptions page is crazy on opera 10.50
23:54:24 <JohnTHaller> how so?
23:54:58 <marlop> showing 4 rows instead of 1 at the begin
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23:55:34 <ChrisMorgan> I never use Subscriptions myself... nor do I ever use Opera :P
23:55:50 <ChrisMorgan> I like :-)
23:56:32 <JohnTHaller> marlop: Odd. Opera is usually pretty good at rendering
23:57:34 <marlop> probably it's because i'm using the portable version on a win 9x machine :(
23:58:10 <JohnTHaller> Ouch
23:58:20 <JohnTHaller> Yeah, we're dropping Win9x support shortly
23:59:26 <marlop> :( that's my mother's pc it can't handle xp well :(
23:59:50 <JohnTHaller> what about win2k? that's still an option for many older PCs