IRC Log from 2010-03-20
00:00:01 <pa_1481> I've tried that ... it works .. But when I completely Close it I cant bring it up on any comp.
00:04:45 <pa_1481> ChrisMorgan: Did you get my last?
00:05:43 <ChrisMorgan> If you've closed it (i.e. pressed the X button or used Exit in its tray menu) then you'll need to restart it. To do so, go to the directory or drive you installed it to and run StartPortableApps.exe
00:06:44 <pa_1481> I did but that didn't help.
00:07:07 <ChrisMorgan> The menu should start up.
00:07:15 <pa_1481> no
00:07:38 <ChrisMorgan> If it doesn't seem to be, take a look in the system tray (bottom right hand corner). Click on the arrow there, and see what the icons are inside there.
00:12:42 <pa_1481> When I quit it all the icons assoc with it goes away.. When i take the flash grive to another comp. and try to start it the way you sug. I get the busy icon for a few sec. but it never comes up.
00:13:56 *** dbdii407 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
00:15:57 <ChrisMorgan> This is very strange; I've never heard of this sort of issue from anyone or experienced it myself.
00:16:13 <ChrisMorgan> Go to the directory you installed it to, and look in PortableApps\
00:16:36 <ChrisMorgan> There should be an executable there "PortableApps.comMenu.exe" (I think that's what it's called, don't have it handy just now)
00:16:51 <ChrisMorgan> Try running that directly (StartPortableApps.exe just launches it)
00:17:03 <pa_1481> I seem to be able to install it on the flash drive and it will work as long as I don't quit it. Whe I quit it I can Never get back up on any comp. Ivi'vbe tried two diff flash d>
00:17:47 *** Res2216firestar is now known as res|away
00:18:17 <ChrisMorgan> When you start it at the end of the installer, it just runs PortableApps.comMenu.exe, the same as you do if you start it manually.
00:18:52 <ChrisMorgan> Just to make sure, have you tried selecting StartPortableApps.exe and pressing Enter?
00:19:27 <pa_1481> I installed it to the root of the flash d. and tried to get it to restart with ever .Exe file on it.
00:19:47 <ChrisMorgan> So there's a file D:\StartPortableApps.exe?
00:19:57 <pa_1481> yes
00:20:16 <ChrisMorgan> Have you tried selecting it and pressing Enter?
00:20:32 <pa_1481> no
00:20:33 <ChrisMorgan> (I presume you know enough to manage to double click properly, I'm just trying to try every possibility)
00:20:49 <pa_1481> yes
00:21:04 <ChrisMorgan> You could also try starting Task Manager with Ctrl+Shift+Esc; see if PortableApps.comMenu.exe or anything like that appears in its list in the Processes tab
00:21:35 <pa_1481> the busy icon will come up for a few sec but the menu never comes yp.
00:21:50 <ChrisMorgan> Which version of the Platform are you using? 1.6?
00:22:06 <pa_1481> yes
00:23:17 <ChrisMorgan> Has anything shown up in Task Manager?
00:23:40 <pa_1481> no
00:24:25 <ChrisMorgan> How about when you launch the menu - does at appear in Task Manager briefly?
00:25:12 <pa_1481> Once I quit it I can never get back I go to it's loc on the flash d and double cleck the start exe but it dosen't come up
00:25:54 <pa_1481> Notr that I have ever noticed
00:26:21 <ChrisMorgan> Does anyone else in this channel have any ideas?
00:26:26 <ChrisMorgan> I'm stuck.
00:26:41 <pa_1481> Me tt
00:26:50 <pa_1481> Me too
00:27:03 *** vf2nsr ( has joined #portableapps
00:27:08 <ChrisMorgan> It's possible that someone else in the channel could try screen sharing with TeamViewer to see if they could work out and solve the problem.
00:27:37 <ChrisMorgan> I would except that I'm in Linux at the moment and I'm not confident that TeamViewer would work properly in Wine.
00:27:44 <ChrisMorgan> And also I'm working on a Uni assignment at the moment :P
00:28:36 <pa_1481> K Thanks very much for your help
00:29:25 <ChrisMorgan> If you wait around someone might be able to help you
00:29:34 <pa_1481> k
00:29:54 <sar3th> hello, i just read everything; it seems startportableapps.exe is not working, right?
00:30:15 <ChrisMorgan> sar3th: seems more PortableApps.comMenu.exe
00:31:02 <sar3th> pa_1481: please stand by a second, i need to locate my portableapps menu
00:31:26 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: Leaving)
00:31:34 <pa_1481> I think so. I've re installed it several times on diff fkash d and tried it on diff comp. but no joy
00:32:21 <vf2nsr> who wanted to test teamviewr?
00:32:28 <sar3th> pa_1481: please open this folder: X:\PortableApps\ where X is your flash drive's drive letter
00:32:36 <sar3th> tell me when you're ready pa_1481
00:33:45 *** AppGuy has quit (Quit: I'm Busy, Your Stupid, Have a Nice Day!)
00:33:51 <ChrisMorgan> sar3th: "D:" (see 14 minutes ago)
00:34:07 *** AppGuy (~admin@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
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00:35:13 <pa_1481> Sorry. I did a dumb thing last night and formated the fd getting ready to try again tonight. I'm dumb... I wont hold you until I getr it done. I'm Very Slrry.
00:37:10 <pa_1481> I'll go try to install it again and come back Maybe some else will be around Again sorry for wasting everyones time
00:37:18 <ChrisMorgan> pa_1481: you can feel free to stay in, when you want help again just mention our nicks (sar3th and ChrisMorgan) and we'll pick up again.
00:37:42 <pa_1481> k
00:37:46 <pa_1481> will do
00:38:14 <sar3th> pa_1481: we are here to help people who have problems with their PortableApps ;) it's not a big deal if you need to do something else in between or anything, and you're not wasting our time! :)
00:38:18 *** ZachThibeau (zachthibea@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
00:38:18 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the poor person that can't get a working server but produces the awesome PChat :D
00:38:21 <ChrisMorgan> Don't worry, we tend to be around for quite a long time. In general whoever is in at the time when someone asks for help tries to help them (or sometimes they don't wait around long enough for someone to notice them). We're here to help, it doesn't need to be considered a waste of time :-)
00:38:34 <Spaceghost> I have a problem with google chrome portable
00:39:04 <Spaceghost> I am using a keyboard (in spanish) and on chrome, changes, in random oportunities
00:39:12 <Spaceghost> is very strange, and bad
00:39:12 <Spaceghost> :S
00:39:20 <ChrisMorgan> Spaceghost: is the system locale set to Spanish?
00:39:31 <vf2nsr> chris did you have someone who needed to test teamviewer?
00:39:33 <ChrisMorgan> What about the keyboard, is it set as a Spanish keyboard?
00:39:39 <sar3th> sounds more like a windows-related problem to me Spaceghost, it tends to change keyboard layouts for no reason
00:39:44 <Spaceghost> the system locale? to what refer?
00:39:45 <ChrisMorgan> vf2nsr: no
00:39:50 <vf2nsr> ojh ok
00:39:53 <vf2nsr> sorry
00:39:59 <ChrisMorgan> Considering using it for support, that's all
00:40:16 <Spaceghost> but, only happened in Chrome, when I do Alt + Tab to another program (like PChat)
00:40:28 <ChrisMorgan> We'll see how pa_1481 goes after doing his formatting; we may still want to look at the problem with TeamViewer at some point
00:40:35 <Spaceghost> I return to my keyboard (selected on windows)
00:40:43 <ChrisMorgan> Spaceghost: is the keyboard layout set to Spanish though or English (US) or something else?
00:41:41 <ChrisMorgan> Spaceghost: also be aware that pressing Left Alt+Shift (I think that's it) changes the keyboard locale; and also keyboard locale management is to a certain degree application specific.
00:41:48 <Spaceghost> spanish, I will remove from the language bar (on windows) the other keyboards
00:41:50 <ChrisMorgan> If you have the Language Bar closed, open it up again
00:42:00 <Spaceghost> and see if this don't happeness any more
00:42:02 <ChrisMorgan> Look at what it shows in Chrome - ES or EN?
00:42:13 <Spaceghost> the language, I choice -es
00:42:18 *** pa_1481 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
00:42:27 <sar3th> Spaceghost: removing all other keyboard layout will probably solve your problem :)
00:43:00 <ChrisMorgan> Windows is so-so at handling other languages. (Linux tends to do a better job ;-))
00:43:07 *** Scriptdaemon (~KennyW@ has joined #portableapps
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00:43:40 <Scriptdaemon> ChrisMorgan, email sent.
00:44:03 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: thanks, I'll take a look at it once I've finished this FIT1029 assignment of mine.
00:44:17 <ChrisMorgan> How big is the attachment?
00:44:47 <ChrisMorgan> Good, got it, thanks
00:45:37 <ChrisMorgan> FYI, App\AppInfo\RevoUninstallerPortable.jpg is not used
00:46:07 <Scriptdaemon> Yeah, I didn't look at what files I could remove since the last time.
00:46:46 <Scriptdaemon> Deleted.
00:47:27 <ChrisMorgan> I'll need to analyse the behaviour in my VM though and I don't have time to do that now. I'll get back to you in the PAL thread when I get to it.
00:48:30 <Scriptdaemon> That's fine. After this is all done, I should be able to use the same launcher.ini (or very similar) for Speccy. Nathan did all the other Piriform apps, but I guess I'll take a whack at that one.
00:49:14 <Scriptdaemon> (Obviously adjusted for executable names)
00:49:18 <ChrisMorgan> Naturally
00:50:12 <ChrisMorgan> How about languages, how is the language setting stored? Windows locale or in settings.ini?
00:50:58 <ChrisMorgan> You might find the discussion taking place just above in the thread concerning custom language interpretation interesting - you could use it with RevoUninstaller.
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00:54:31 <ChrisMorgan> I see also you haven't updated Other\Source
00:54:38 <Spaceghost> I did
00:54:39 <ChrisMorgan> It matters but little.
00:55:02 <ChrisMorgan> It's still got CPALT5 stuff in there
00:55:35 <ChrisMorgan> And none of the stuff is the Application Template stuff.
00:55:45 <ChrisMorgan> (EULA is something which didn't occur to me with it)
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01:02:52 <Scriptdaemon> I'll change that out with the stuff in the template. I just updated the two things as noted in the email.
01:03:37 <Scriptdaemon> And as for languages, I haven't gotten there yet. >.>
01:05:31 <ChrisMorgan> So what happens if you run without admin? Limited functionality or view-only?
01:05:59 *** pa_6080 (~63c42512@gateway/web/freenode/x-amuivikvqldxusqg) has joined #portableapps
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01:06:55 *** AppGuy (~AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
01:06:56 <Scriptdaemon> It launches, I do know that. I believe some of the tools still work without admin (I'd have to look into it again).
01:07:17 <pa_1481> sar3th: I'm back.
01:07:32 <sar3th> welcome back pa_1481
01:08:24 <pa_1481> I set the FD up on another. Reinstalled the menu on it. Same prob.
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01:09:07 <sar3th> okay
01:09:21 <sar3th> now open X:\PortableApps\ where X is your flash drive's drive letter
01:09:35 <pa_1481> I still can't the menu to come up
01:10:15 <pa_1481> u mean the folder
01:10:18 *** chid ( has joined #portableapps
01:10:36 <pa_1481> I in stalled the menu in the root dir
01:10:46 <sar3th> yes, i mean the folder
01:11:09 <pa_1481> Have it open
01:11:47 <sar3th> is there a PortableAppsPlatform.exe ?
01:11:57 <pa_1481> yes
01:12:17 <sar3th> try starting it
01:13:01 <sar3th> does anythign happen?
01:13:09 <pa_1481> no joy the busy icon came up for a couple of sec but no menue
01:13:36 <sar3th> that is very strange then :(
01:14:14 <pa_1481> do I have to be on the internet for the menu to start
01:14:26 <sar3th> no, it should work withouth internet access
01:15:06 <pa_1481> thats what I thought but just checking
01:15:13 <sar3th> can you bring up the task manager and look for portableappsplatform.exe?
01:15:24 <sar3th> maybe it is still running
01:15:26 <pa_1481> k
01:15:56 <pa_1481> Says its runing
01:16:23 <sar3th> okay
01:16:37 <sar3th> then it's hidden in the systray i guess
01:16:41 <pa_1481> I'll stop it and start over ??
01:16:52 <sar3th> no, let's try to find it first
01:17:05 *** rouilj has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
01:17:11 <pa_1481> k
01:17:39 <sar3th> click on the arrow in the lower right corner of your screen; a list of icons should appear, and the portableapps icon should be in there
01:17:51 <sar3th> if it's there, click it once
01:18:33 <pa_1481> its not there
01:18:53 <sar3th> okay
01:19:01 <sar3th> then kill the process in taskmanager please
01:19:23 <pa_1481> Wait
01:19:54 <pa_1481> If I click the coust it shows in the window
01:20:22 <Scriptdaemon> ChrisMorgan, just for the record, when I tested it before it was on my work computer with Windows Vista Business without admin. I also tested it now with Windows 7 Home Premium with admin and it also doesn't work.
01:21:12 <sar3th> pa_1481: please specify what you mean by coust?
01:21:19 <pa_1481> i couldn't make it work with admin either
01:21:37 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
01:21:42 <pa_1481> customise
01:21:44 <ChrisMorgan> pa_1481: Scriptdaemon was talking about something else
01:22:43 <sar3th> okay pa_1481, that means the menu was in the icon list once but it's gone now
01:22:57 <sar3th> please stop the process in taskmanager now
01:23:25 <pa_1481> k its in there several times i'll kill with task m ??
01:23:47 <ChrisMorgan> Kill all instances of it.
01:25:06 <pa_1481> k done
01:26:54 <sar3th> now try restarting the menu again
01:27:32 <pa_1481> no joy ...
01:27:59 <pa_1481> But i noticed something
01:28:42 <pa_1481> When I open the FD the Task M shows port App Runing
01:29:46 <pa_1481> Am I trying to open it from the wrong place ??
01:30:26 <sar3th> i don't think so, which file are you opening?
01:30:41 <sar3th> StartPortableApps.exe or PortableAppsPlatform.exe?
01:30:46 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
01:31:42 <pa_1481> Just the FD when I do There is a file called StartPortable Apps.exe .
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01:32:47 <pa_1481> There is a Autorun ?
01:33:55 *** res|away is now known as Res2216firestar
01:34:56 <sar3th> yrs, there is a file called autorun.inf by default pa_1481
01:36:19 <pa_1481> what does it auto run ??
01:38:58 <sar3th> the platform
01:39:46 <pa_1481> k
01:39:53 <sar3th> but normally, the autorun is not triggered but adds to window's action menu which appears when you plug in the device
01:40:42 <pa_1481> k
01:44:30 *** pa_1253 (~738224ee@gateway/web/freenode/x-xwubczdrigzrbvwq) has joined #portableapps
01:45:26 <pa_1253> What IRC server is this?
01:45:34 <OliverK|School> freenode
01:45:37 <OliverK|School> ircd7
01:45:43 *** OliverK|School is now known as OliverK|Away
01:45:53 <pa_1253> anybody know a good replacement for what sony microvault does?
01:46:02 <OliverK|Away> toucan?
01:46:19 <pa_1253> ok on freenode
01:46:24 <OliverK|Away> maybe true crypt
01:46:55 <pa_1253> micro valut compresses every thing windows can dish out
01:47:21 <pa_1253> even if I do a echo somelongstringgggggggggggggg > E:\file.txt
01:47:31 <pa_1253> it gets compressed
01:47:44 <OliverK|Away> try toucan
01:47:48 <OliverK|Away> .pa toucan
01:47:49 <GizmoBot> OliverK|Away: Toucan:
01:47:54 <OliverK|Away> :)
01:47:54 <pa_1253> can toucan work on a low leavel like that
01:48:29 <pa_1253> ok cool will check out
01:48:37 <pa_1253> what compression format will it use?
01:48:45 <OliverK|Away> whatever you pick
01:48:52 <pa_1253> oo aah
01:49:09 <ChrisMorgan> pa_1253: encryption, that is, not compression
01:49:10 <pa_1253> does true crypt work well on flash drives?
01:49:19 <ChrisMorgan> pa_1253: it requires admin rights
01:49:29 <pa_1253> ChrisMorgan: oh is tucan encryption?
01:49:31 <OliverK|Away> ChrisMorgan: it has multiple compression and encryption, iirc
01:49:31 <ChrisMorgan> To be able to mount the image anyway.
01:49:33 <sar3th> i have to go to bed now, see you
01:49:39 <OliverK|Away> later sar3th
01:49:43 <ChrisMorgan> Toucan is encryption.
01:49:52 <pa_1253> I want something free that is like microvault
01:49:54 <ChrisMorgan> Don't muddle Toucan with Tucan though... completely different products
01:49:57 <OliverK|Away> ChrisMorgan: toucan does encrypton
01:50:07 <pa_1253> microvault is not encryption
01:50:13 <pa_1253> its compression
01:50:22 *** sar3th is now known as sar3th|away
01:50:27 <ChrisMorgan> 7-Zip does compression.
01:50:37 <OliverK|Away> ChrisMorgan: # Backup and restore in industry standard zip and 7-zip files, with support for complete backups, updating existing backups and differential backups, as well as restoring files from an archive.
01:50:38 <OliverK|Away> # AES-256 encryption using ccrypt
01:50:43 <OliverK|Away> okay
01:50:47 <OliverK|Away> encryption
01:50:51 <OliverK|Away> comrpession
01:50:55 <ChrisMorgan> Yeah, sorry
01:51:20 <ChrisMorgan> pa_1481: be aware that on Windows 7 auto-running a program on USB disks has been completely disabled.
01:52:24 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Leaving)
01:52:27 *** Scriptdaemon has quit (Quit: Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.)
01:53:04 <pa_1253> 7-zip on porta apps don't work any diffrent to normal 7zip as far as i can see
01:53:34 <pa_1253> sony microvault compresses any way you copy
01:53:45 <pa_1253> drag and drop or even on the command line
01:54:34 <pa_1253> well tucan looks cool
01:54:42 <pa_1253> not that it is what I'm after right now
01:55:00 <OliverK|Away> check the docs, it might do what you're looking for
01:55:09 <OliverK|Away> another option would be the commandline version of 7zup
01:55:13 <OliverK|Away> 7zip*
01:55:21 <ChrisMorgan> pa_1253: toucan, not tucan?
01:55:24 <OliverK|Away> most poeple avoid the commandline though
01:55:48 <pa_1253> yeah what oliver said I mean
01:56:30 <pa_1253> I'm just saying it works deeply within in windows so you don't have to open an app
01:56:43 <OliverK|Away> heh, it installed to the computer
01:56:47 <OliverK|Away> and added itself to the path
01:57:04 <pa_1253> oliverk: does toucan do that?
01:57:10 <pa_1253> with encryption
01:57:21 <OliverK|Away> toucan doesn't install antything
01:57:25 <OliverK|Away> anything*
01:57:32 <OliverK|Away> we do no installs of apps
01:57:43 <pa_1253> do you need to use an interface for everything
01:57:52 <OliverK|Away> well . . .
01:57:58 <pa_1253> or can u drag and drop stuff to the drive
01:58:01 <pa_1253> and it gets encrypted
01:58:06 <OliverK|Away> nope
01:58:12 *** pa_1481 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
01:58:18 <pa_1253> you can't drag and drop?
01:58:22 <OliverK|Away> you'll have to fire up toucan and run a job with encryption
01:58:37 <OliverK|Away> you could probably drag and drop to the toucan file
01:58:52 <OliverK|Away> i can't think of anything that would do exactly what you want
01:58:55 <pa_1253> ok so you can just fire it up then drag and drop with the browser
01:58:59 <pa_1253> can't **
01:59:09 <OliverK|Away> you might be able to
01:59:16 <OliverK|Away> i haven't really used toucan
01:59:26 <pa_1253> ok then I doubt it
01:59:37 <OliverK|Away> can i suggest trying it?
01:59:43 <OliverK|Away> i think its a rather samll download
01:59:50 <OliverK|Away> if nothign else you can delete it
02:00:01 <pa_1253> +oliverk|Away: there is something that does exactly that its called sony microvault
02:00:10 <OliverK|Away> otherwise, leave a note in the request apps forums
02:00:14 <OliverK|Away> .pa request apps
02:00:14 <GizmoBot> OliverK|Away: Request Apps:
02:00:19 <pa_1253> yeah ok I'll give it a whirl
02:00:23 <OliverK|Away> thanks
02:00:27 <pa_1253> :D
02:00:27 <OliverK|Away> sorry i can't do more
02:00:42 <pa_1253> sony microvalut is cool but I don't think you can buy it
02:00:50 <pa_1253> sepreately
02:00:51 <OliverK|Away> yeah
02:00:56 *** SrgSiler|Sleep is now known as SergentSiler
02:01:04 <pa_1253> you can only use it with there stinking drivers
02:01:18 <pa_1253> they should sell it seperate
02:01:46 <pa_1253> I spose there would be know way to regulate it
02:02:00 <pa_1253> and it would get piriated to fast
02:02:03 <OliverK|Away> yeah, pretty much
02:02:08 <OliverK|Away> everything gets pirated
02:02:20 <OliverK|Away> its like machine shops have said about tools
02:02:26 <OliverK|Away> and locked toolboxes
02:02:31 <OliverK|Away> the lock only stop honest people
02:02:53 <OliverK|Away> DRM doesn't work, but they keep shouting it does, it'll never end . .
02:03:44 <pa_1253> Yes well I'm a big linux user and all that but I want to be liegit
02:04:00 <OliverK|Away> agreed, I like being legit myself
02:04:04 *** AppGuy has quit (Quit: Goodbye, My Friends!)
02:04:15 <OliverK|Away> i'd check out toucan, then go from there
02:04:22 <pa_1253> well thanks and I'll try the product
02:04:23 <pa_1253> :D
02:04:31 *** pa_1253 has quit (Quit: bye ;D)
02:04:31 <OliverK|Away> if nothing else, the forums are pretty friendly
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02:15:51 <GizmoBot> ...
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02:19:14 *** Scriptdaemon (~KennyW@ has joined #portableapps
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02:19:29 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the poor person that can't get a working server but produces the awesome PChat :D
02:23:24 <Scriptdaemon> Hmm. Firefox is downloading an update, but their site still lists 3.6.
02:23:51 <OliverK|Away> Scriptdaemon: mine says no updates
02:23:51 *** excid3|asus1 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
02:24:03 <Scriptdaemon> Mine is downloading 3.6.2.
02:24:14 <OliverK|Away> i'm on 3.6
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02:24:34 <Scriptdaemon> How odd.
02:25:15 <Scriptdaemon> Oh, apparently it's a beta build.
02:25:22 <OliverK|Away> huh
02:25:27 <OliverK|Away> i have to wonder how you got that
02:25:49 <Scriptdaemon> I guess 3.6.1 was a beta and I downloaded that at some point for it to have made me download it now?
02:26:09 <Scriptdaemon>
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02:35:31 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
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02:36:26 <OliverK|Away> oh no!
02:36:32 <OliverK|Away> howdy niet
02:38:00 <niet> oh, I am Spaceghost, (Spaceghost with problems of connection)
02:38:30 *** Spaceghost has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
02:38:32 <OliverK|Away> okay then
02:38:36 *** niet is now known as Spaceghost
02:38:40 <OliverK|Away> you know about the ghost command right?
02:38:42 *** Spaceghost has quit (Changing host)
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02:39:47 <Spaceghost> yes, but I have 2 disconecctions in less that 1 minute
02:40:32 <OliverK|Away> k
02:40:35 <OliverK|Away> just checking :)
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03:12:57 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the poor person that can't get a working server but produces the awesome PChat :D
03:20:49 *** OliverK|Away is now known as OliverK
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03:39:55 *** excid3|asus ( has joined #portableapps
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04:03:40 *** portiapper (~4bde2704@gateway/web/freenode/x-ycswekigjxuwqooe) has joined #portableapps
04:03:51 <portiapper> hello
04:04:27 <portiapper> help
04:04:27 <GizmoBot> portiapper: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
04:05:08 <portiapper> how do i instill file SoFType
04:07:28 <Bensawsome> portiapper what do you mean?
04:07:33 <Bensawsome> SoFType?
04:13:06 <Bensawsome> portiapper you would have to turn it into a portableapp yourself... cause it doesnt seem to have a portable version right now. Just by putting it on our menu doesnt make it portable automatically\
04:20:41 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:22:56 <portiapper> mac on a stick
04:24:24 <portiapper> i cant figure out how to instiall a component of mac on a stick how do i do it
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04:35:22 *** OliverK|Away is now known as OliverK|Away|Awa
04:35:38 *** OliverK|Away|Awa is now known as OliverK
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05:38:03 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
05:38:05 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a developer and moderator and works on the Launcher (please test it!)
05:41:25 *** OliverK has quit (Quit: so long and thanks for all the fish)
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11:01:53 <ChrisMorgan> Wow. I just got a serious opportunity to censor a comment.
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12:36:40 <Simeon> hi All
12:36:46 <Simeon> hi Chris :)
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14:33:30 <Simeon> hi sar3th :)
14:33:43 <sar3th> hello Simeon :)
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17:22:37 *** Jwyanze (~be3afff1@gateway/web/freenode/x-ueozwbmjznhdodyu) has joined #portableapps
17:22:37 <GizmoBot> Jwyanze is an amateur app developer a Tester and theme Maker for PA (
17:23:45 <Jwyanze> Hi GizmoBot
17:23:45 <GizmoBot> Hi Jwyanze!
17:24:22 <Jwyanze> .seen PatrickPatience
17:24:22 <GizmoBot> Sorry, I haven't seen patrickpatience around.
17:24:35 <Jwyanze> any one here
17:25:03 <Jwyanze> hey Bensawsome
17:25:38 *** Jwyanze has quit (Client Quit)
17:26:07 *** Jwyanze (~be3afff1@gateway/web/freenode/x-hewucdfgtblnhlnk) has joined #portableapps
17:26:07 <GizmoBot> Jwyanze is an amateur app developer a Tester and theme Maker for PA (
17:26:45 <Jwyanze> hey dbdii407
17:27:38 <Jwyanze> whats the developers channel again?
17:27:42 <Jwyanze> anyone
17:30:59 <OliverK|Away> -dev
17:31:04 <OliverK|Away> #portablapps-cev
17:31:08 <OliverK|Away> dev*
17:31:10 <OliverK|Away> jeesh
17:31:14 <OliverK|Away> hey Jwyanze
17:31:20 <OliverK|Away> haven't seen you in awhile
17:38:59 <Jwyanze> yea
17:39:04 <Jwyanze> been very bussy
17:39:16 <Jwyanze> in work right now ...
17:39:37 <Jwyanze> when last u see PatrickPaitence
17:41:03 <MaienM|Sleep> he sort of retired, so we haven't seen him that much lately
17:41:14 *** rouilj has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
17:41:24 <Jwyanze> oh
17:42:10 *** vf2nsr has parted #portableapps (None)
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17:43:47 <GizmoBot> Jwyanze is an amateur app developer a Tester and theme Maker for PA (
17:58:35 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
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18:45:34 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the poor person that can't get a working server but produces the awesome PChat :D
18:46:33 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
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19:24:55 *** AppGuy (~AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
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19:34:51 <AppGuy> has anyone used Winamp Portable?
19:48:20 *** AppGuy has quit (Quit: Goodbye, My Friends!)
19:56:25 *** ve4jhj has quit (Quit: Off to try to portablize a new app...stay tuned!!!)
20:01:54 *** res|away is now known as Res2216firestar
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20:49:10 *** pa_9099 (~94c577be@gateway/web/freenode/x-aflzebwnrqvrrszi) has joined #portableapps
20:49:46 <pa_9099> hi, i have a sandisk cruzer mine 4gb, i was wondering if it is possible to secure this with password protection?
20:50:13 <pa_9099> help!
20:50:13 <GizmoBot> pa_9099: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
20:50:22 <pa_9099> hi, i have a sandisk cruzer mine 4gb, i was wondering if it is possible to secure this with password protection?
20:50:28 <Rapscallion> hello
20:50:32 <pa_9099> hi
20:50:39 <pa_9099> sorry sandisk cruzer mini
20:50:42 *** sar3th|away has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20:50:57 <pa_9099> anyone know how to password protect usbs?
20:51:13 <Rapscallion> I am not sure the answer ro your question, but there are a few threads discussing this on the forum. I'll track a few down for you if you like.
20:51:25 <pa_9099> yes please
20:51:40 <Rapscallion> sure give me a minute.. or two.. :-)
20:55:10 *** pa_9099 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
20:55:16 <Rapscallion> hmm apparently it cannot be done through software. You need to have the hardware (ie U3 USB device) that will do this.
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20:56:20 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
20:56:21 <GizmoBot> ...
21:03:30 *** Oni-Neoxes has quit (Quit: Quit... D:)
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21:19:43 *** Dude2 (~d5404df5@gateway/web/freenode/x-bveqoswnvhywpchi) has joined #portableapps
21:19:48 <Dude2> Hi
21:21:49 *** ptmb is now known as ptmb|away
21:22:26 <ZachThibeau> howdy Dude2 welcome to the chan
21:25:15 <Dude2> Are yo to busy
21:25:23 <Dude2> Should I come back later
21:25:29 <Dude2> you
21:27:37 <OliverK|Away> nah
21:27:41 <OliverK|Away> what you got?
21:28:58 <OliverK|Away> Dude2: what do you need?
21:29:11 <Dude2> waite
21:29:25 *** ve4jhj (~ve4jhj@ has joined #portableapps
21:30:23 <Dude2> I was thinking of a idea maybe it is already in the Development. I was thinking that it would be cool to add to Platform. Like on The Application Directory on Applications link.
21:31:29 <Dude2> Like Accessibility, Development
21:31:37 <Dude2> and so on
21:31:48 <OliverK|Away> catagories?
21:31:55 <Dude2> Bingo
21:32:05 <OliverK|Away> they're coming sometime next year
21:32:08 <OliverK|Away> i guess
21:32:19 <OliverK|Away> thy're planned, but we don't know when they will come
21:32:20 <OliverK|Away> sorry
21:32:22 <Dude2> Why so late
21:32:31 <OliverK|Away> its the developer of the menu
21:32:40 <OliverK|Away> he's taking his time and we don't have a timeline
21:32:47 <Dude2> John T Haller?
21:32:51 <OliverK|Away> so, next year is probably not true
21:32:52 <OliverK|Away> yeah
21:33:01 <OliverK|Away> but, its a very safe guess :)
21:34:20 *** dbdii407 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
21:34:40 <Dude2> Any new features in the next beta?
21:35:48 <Dude2> I do tell many people about Platform. And many are saying that they lives have been easier with Platform
21:36:08 <OliverK|Away> sorry man, there's really nothing anyone can do to speed up the progress
21:36:22 <OliverK|Away> from 1.6?
21:36:34 <Dude2> Dont worry I am cool
21:36:35 <OliverK|Away> i think it has beta windows 7 integration
21:36:38 <OliverK|Away> few other things
21:37:18 <Dude2> I am happy as it is
21:37:31 <OliverK|Away> k
21:38:17 <Dude2> Good Night or Good day or what ever (Because here it is night time)
21:38:34 *** Rapscallion has parted #portableapps (None)
21:38:40 <OliverK|Away> laters
21:38:51 *** Dude2 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
21:39:12 *** sar3th (~sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
21:39:12 <GizmoBot> sar3th is credit to team!
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22:10:56 <rouilj> ooh didn't know stickies was available as portable app. cool.
22:11:35 <OliverK|Away> yup, right there in the forums
22:11:42 <OliverK|Away> lots of good things get lost in there
22:13:08 *** ve4jhj has quit (Quit: back in an hour or so)
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23:30:40 <GizmoBot> sar3th is credit to team!
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23:44:54 <vf2nsr> seems quiet this evening?
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