IRC Log from 2010-03-28

00:00:00 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> rcmaehl: minimize as in...disappear from the tray?
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00:00:12 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> not tray, I mean taskbar
00:00:13 <vf2nsr> directions say it allows ro extract ot the apps root
00:00:21 <rcmaehl> Gizmokid2005|AFK: hold on
00:00:25 <vf2nsr> as in Extract1To=<ROOT>
00:01:29 <OliverK|Away> $INSTDIR
00:01:41 <OliverK|Away> i think that might work
00:02:05 <vf2nsr> ok will try
00:02:19 <vf2nsr> ty
00:02:27 <OliverK|Away> no prob
00:02:37 <rcmaehl> Gizmokid2005|AFK: to add the: "System Tray Icon Fix - The system tray icon will now properly hide the menu, fixing an issue introduced in 1.6" to 1.6
00:03:00 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> where is that from rcmaehl?
00:03:17 <rcmaehl> the PAP 2.0 beta 4 page
00:03:34 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> rcmaehl: that only refers to win7.
00:03:34 <rcmaehl>
00:03:43 <rcmaehl> oh
00:09:03 <vf2nsr> Nope did not work OliverK
00:09:04 <vf2nsr> :(
00:09:15 <sar3th> still, it should be in 1.6.1 which is still not out :/
00:14:10 *** pa_0798 (~aa418006@gateway/web/freenode/x-tauknqllzcnalued) has joined #portableapps
00:14:42 <pa_0798> hello anyone... help I have a question....
00:15:30 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: go ahead
00:16:51 <pa_0798> Ok here is my question.... I created a batch file that runs from the autoexec.inf file... this file copies some files to the desktop. is there a way to run a proram or better yet a batch file when I eject or end the portableapp application?
00:17:21 <pa_0798> I want to clean up the files I copied so that I leave nothing on the host computer
00:18:14 <pa_0798> here is the batch file I run on insertion
00:18:34 <pa_0798> copy \Work\Work_%CD:~0,1%.lnk "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\Work.lnk" startPortableApps.exe
00:21:11 *** vf2nsr has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.2/20100316074819])
00:21:26 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: pa_0798 you could add a pause after that then use "del "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\Work.Ink"" so before you close the menu you just click on the command prompt and press any key
00:22:42 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: also I recommend that you use %systemdrive% instead of C: because not all computers have the documents and settings on C:, although most do\
00:22:57 <pa_0798> Yes, but the way it is... I don't leave anything running... it just starts the portable app.exe... is there any hooks in the startportableapps.exe that I can use?
00:23:47 <pa_0798> ok thanks for the %systemdrive%.... I will do that since my home coputer in fact doesn't use C drive for that
00:24:26 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: you'll have to ask some of the portableapps' menu developers, because I haven't decompiled it yet
00:24:45 <rcmaehl> for the hooks
00:25:26 <pa_0798> I think that would be a nice add on.... to allow others to clean up after themselves
00:26:04 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: you could replace the eject program that the menu uses with a batch file coverted to exe
00:26:42 <pa_0798> where is the eject program? i thought it was part of the main exe
00:26:43 <sar3th> i know of no such functionality in the menu, you could use which isn't portable
00:26:59 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: hold on
00:28:10 <Gizmokid2005|AFK> the menu is supposed to get the "run on exit/eject" functionality soon
00:28:52 <pa_0798> great.... thats exactly what I need.... who do i ask about timeing in the developers?
00:28:56 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: X:\PortableApps\\App\Bin
00:30:00 <pa_0798> hey look at that.... thanks.... I see some possabilities here....
00:30:42 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: your welcom
00:30:44 <rcmaehl> e
00:31:21 <pa_0798> I also see the web site for the eject program..... maybe there is an update
00:31:36 <pa_0798>
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00:41:57 <pa_0798> can anyone tell me how soon the run on Exit/Eject functionality will be added? or where else I would ask?
00:42:56 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: I could make an exe that replaces the current eject exe for you
00:44:32 <sar3th> is there an eject exe at all?
00:44:41 <rcmaehl> sar3th: yes
00:45:00 <sar3th> but it will only be used when you click eject in the plattform
00:45:36 *** vf2nsr ( has joined #portableapps
00:45:48 <pa_0798> I would love a exe that calls a eject.bat..... I could then clean up aftermyself and then just run the eject.exe
00:46:22 <pa_0798> it also can be used command line.... I found the eject.exe developers site
00:46:27 <sar3th> you can hack that functionality in yourself, just create an autoit script
00:46:40 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: batch to exe converter
00:47:04 <pa_0798> Ok that would work... thanks
00:47:16 <sar3th> pa_0798: a word of warning though:
00:47:29 <sar3th> these bat2exe solutions usually are buggy and don't work properly
00:48:03 <rcmaehl> I've had no problems
00:48:23 <sar3th> rcmaehl: did you use more advanced commands then calling other apps and bats?
00:48:44 <pa_0798> ok.... but a one or two line bat file may not cause a big probelm... I hope... I can at least try it...
00:49:04 <rcmaehl> sar3th: yeah
00:49:10 <pa_0798> here would be the two lines:
00:49:54 <pa_0798> Del "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\Work.lnk" eject1.exe
00:50:05 <rcmaehl> that would work
00:52:55 *** kerim (~kerim@ has joined #portableapps
00:53:45 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: pa_0798 when you put eject1.exe did you mean to run it or to delete it
00:55:44 <pa_0798> run it.... I had it on seperate lines.... the correct line should be eject1.exe /REMOVETHIS /NOSAVE
00:56:24 <pa_0798> ok now the big test
00:56:24 <rcmaehl> ah
00:57:11 <pa_0798> problem is I am running this IRC on the portable firefox.... so I will most likely loose it... :))
00:57:47 <rcmaehl> rofl
00:58:02 *** Res2216firestar has quit (Quit: Leaving)
00:58:20 <pa_0798> well here goes....
00:58:43 <pa_0798> it worked..... all nice and clean
00:59:01 <rcmaehl> :D
01:00:24 <pa_0798> and reinsert the USB ... boom everything is back again..... Yea!!!
01:01:58 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: did %systemdrive% work?
01:03:00 <pa_0798> Yes it did.....
01:03:19 <pa_0798> want to see what all I did?
01:04:10 <rcmaehl> sure
01:04:13 <pa_0798> I create a short cut on the desktop(from the USB) but it needs to know what drive the USB is (must be dynamic
01:05:23 <pa_0798> since short cuts are not very easy to edit on the fly I created some precreated ones from E to J and maned them work_X
01:06:10 <pa_0798> I then run a batch file from autoexec.inf.... calling portable app's exe at the end.
01:06:14 <pa_0798> copy \Work\Work_%CD:~0,1%.lnk "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\Work.lnk"
01:06:37 *** marlop is now known as marlop|away
01:06:55 <pa_0798> the %CD:~0,1% gives me the USB drive number dymanicly
01:07:45 <pa_0798> the %username% gives me the correct desktop....
01:08:28 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: I have an idea
01:08:37 <sar3th> pa_0798: %userprofile%\Desktop is better
01:08:59 <pa_0798> Ok let me look at that one....
01:09:06 <sar3th> cos on my system, your method would fail
01:10:03 <rcmaehl> sar3th: win 7?
01:10:20 <sar3th> rcmaehl: no, windows xp
01:10:22 <pa_0798> why? and that might work ok, but would it point to the correct drive if my system disk isn't the C drive?
01:10:53 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: open command prompt and type echo %userprofile%
01:11:10 <sar3th> pa_0798: %userprofile% will always point to the right directory (except when the user changed his desktop folder)
01:11:51 <pa_0798> I did thats how I checked it...
01:12:23 <rcmaehl> bb
01:13:22 <rcmaehl> back
01:13:34 <pa_0798> still need to double quote that sucker....
01:13:42 <pa_0798> but it works nice...
01:14:34 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: also you could make a batch file that selects the correct shortcut for you if you put the batch file on the usb dirve
01:16:36 <pa_0798> I did thats what the %CD:~0,1% is all about
01:16:47 <rcmaehl> oh
01:16:52 <rcmaehl> headdesk
01:16:58 <pa_0798> Ouch
01:17:26 <pa_0798> All is good not... and fast
01:17:27 <rcmaehl> it means i should have noticed that or that was stupid
01:17:34 <pa_0798> not
01:17:55 <pa_0798> Understood
01:18:48 <pa_0798> I now have a way of creating shortcuts to all my icons and work folders....
01:19:37 <rcmaehl> pa_0798: Glad we could help
01:21:15 <pa_0798> glad I asked.... but it will be nice when they add the run on exit/eject...
01:21:34 <rcmaehl> yeah
01:27:25 <pa_0798> well bye all again thanks....
01:27:31 *** pa_0798 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
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01:48:33 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
01:48:34 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
02:02:35 *** AppGuy (~AppGuy@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
02:07:47 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
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02:19:59 <vf2nsr> Anyone good with the PA Installer ini file?
02:21:05 <rcmaehl> kinda
02:22:02 <vf2nsr> OK In th einstaller ini there is an option to download a file as in DownloadURL= What syntaxt can I use to point it to a local file and not a url?
02:22:21 <vf2nsr> I have also posted this into the forum
02:23:41 <rcmaehl> vf2nsr: hold on
02:23:55 <vf2nsr> ok tyvm
02:25:18 *** AppGuy has quit (Quit: Goodbye, My Friends!)
02:25:54 <rcmaehl> file:///(file location here, i.e. C:/Documents and Settings/pi.txt)
02:26:47 <rcmaehl> also replace spaces with %20
02:27:53 <vf2nsr> what if it resides in the PA Drive?
02:28:37 <vf2nsr> this is what I have that does not work
02:28:46 <vf2nsr> DownloadURL=///"%PAL%":/CasinoBlackJackPortable/App/Data/
02:29:01 <rcmaehl> try removing the :
02:29:14 <vf2nsr> ok let me try
02:29:41 <vf2nsr> hang on
02:30:08 <rcmaehl> also
02:30:27 <rcmaehl> you'll probably need File: infront of the ///
02:31:02 <vf2nsr> ok should I leave in the qoutes?
02:31:46 <rcmaehl> no
02:31:56 <vf2nsr> ok let me try that
02:32:31 <rcmaehl> Wait
02:32:49 <vf2nsr> ??
02:32:57 <rcmaehl> nvr mind
02:33:37 <vf2nsr> I get a url parts error
02:33:47 <vf2nsr> maybe without the file?
02:34:17 <rcmaehl> hmm
02:34:38 *** kai_62656 (~A@unaffiliated/kai-62656/x-7765177) has joined #portableapps
02:35:05 <rcmaehl> vf2nsr: right now this is a mix of html and batch, so I'm not sure. File:/// is html for opening a file
02:35:50 <vf2nsr> hmmm the removal of file gave me connection error
02:36:19 <vf2nsr> it is looking for an www,address,com string I need it to point locally
02:38:54 <rcmaehl> we need to make a static/dynamic html address that
02:39:39 <rcmaehl> points to the local directory
02:40:21 * rcmaehl is brain storming
02:40:41 <vf2nsr> my brain has been storming for a day and half on this lol
02:41:08 <vf2nsr> problem is is that the directory is on a PA drive so it could change from user to user
02:41:31 <rcmaehl> yeah
02:41:43 <rcmaehl> we're doing what few have done before
02:43:07 <rcmaehl> we basically need to go from batch to html to batch without any problems
02:43:16 <vf2nsr> yup
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02:48:36 *** OliverK|Away is now known as OliverK
02:48:54 <rcmaehl> vf2nsr: do you have a website so something that you upload a batch file and make a html page that redirects to it
02:49:09 <OliverK> rcmaehl: bothersome
02:49:18 <OliverK> vf2nsr: what exactly are you trying to do?
02:50:09 <vf2nsr> I have portabalized a program that requires multiple files in the root directory. PA Installer does not allow that when you create the paf file
02:50:23 <OliverK> what is to root directory
02:50:37 <vf2nsr> so If I can install the exe file then the zip file then have it unzip the zip
02:50:47 <vf2nsr> it will work properly
02:50:52 <OliverK> didn't answer the question
02:50:55 <OliverK> X:\
02:51:03 <vf2nsr> would be the appdir in PA
02:51:12 <OliverK> X:\PortableApps\CasinPortable\app\casino?
02:51:14 <OliverK> okay
02:51:25 <vf2nsr> that is because I can not type and read at same time
02:51:36 <vf2nsr> yes that would be it
02:51:49 <OliverK> and it doesn't do this right now already?
02:52:29 <OliverK> what's the finle?
02:52:38 <vf2nsr> no as it only iinstalls the exe file and moves the other files to app\data file
02:52:53 <OliverK> file*
02:52:59 <vf2nsr> yes
02:53:05 <vf2nsr> sorry I am not a typist
02:53:10 <OliverK> no worries
02:53:13 <OliverK> you'll catch on
02:54:03 <rcmaehl> brb
02:54:09 <vf2nsr> but I have an idea
02:54:19 <vf2nsr> let me try something
02:55:18 <OliverK> Extract1To=App\Casino
02:55:23 <OliverK> that should be what you need
02:55:48 <vf2nsr> correct however my issue is with the download url=
02:56:02 <vf2nsr> I need it to point to a file not a url
02:56:29 <vf2nsr> I posted the ini file in the forum
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02:56:55 <vf2nsr>
02:58:30 <OliverK> it isn't supported
02:58:35 *** kai_62656 (~A@unaffiliated/kai-62656/x-7765177) has joined #portableapps
02:58:35 <rcmaehl> ...
02:58:39 <rcmaehl> File:///
02:58:46 <OliverK> what are you trying to do? i can't figure it out
02:58:54 <OliverK> is this the data or what?
02:59:14 <OliverK> there's a way to put in custom code
02:59:33 <vf2nsr> no they are other files and folders
02:59:40 <OliverK> for what?
02:59:47 <vf2nsr> a game
02:59:54 <OliverK> but what is in the zip?
03:00:05 <vf2nsr> the other files
03:00:14 <OliverK> and what are these files?!
03:00:24 <vf2nsr> that need to reside in the main directory
03:00:27 <rcmaehl> OliverK: I believe he's trying to unpack a file using the downloadurl= which is what very complacated process from going to batch/ini to html to batch\
03:00:40 <OliverK> rcmaehl: that's a stupid way to do it
03:00:44 <OliverK> there's a better way
03:00:52 <OliverK> if I could understand what he was trying to do
03:00:57 <OliverK> i might be able to help
03:01:20 <vf2nsr> ok I have a game
03:01:30 <OliverK> he should a) have the file already unpacked or b) properly downlaod and extract it from the file he downloaded from the server
03:01:37 <vf2nsr> it works great as long as all associated files remain in same directory
03:01:54 <OliverK> why can't you just leave them there?
03:02:08 <vf2nsr> however when I try to put it in paf.exe form
03:02:16 <vf2nsr> it moves all but the exe file
03:02:33 <OliverK> which exe file?
03:02:33 <vf2nsr> into a different folder
03:02:40 <vf2nsr> the game exe
03:02:47 <OliverK> okay
03:02:55 <OliverK> this belongs in app\casin\casino.exe
03:02:58 <OliverK> correct?
03:03:08 <OliverK> put the ini file you have on pastebin for me
03:03:15 <OliverK>
03:05:13 <vf2nsr>
03:05:42 <OliverK> oaky
03:05:44 <vf2nsr> that what you need?
03:05:47 <OliverK> if you install it
03:05:54 <OliverK> is eerything right?
03:06:12 <vf2nsr> the zip file does not get extracted
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03:06:19 <OliverK> no, it won't
03:06:31 <OliverK> why can't you just have the zip file extracted already?
03:06:34 <vf2nsr> but it should according to the PA installer
03:06:43 <OliverK> no, it shouldn't
03:06:50 <vf2nsr> yes it should
03:06:56 <OliverK> because it isn't downloading it because it doesn't understand the location!
03:07:07 <OliverK> either grab it from the server, or extract it before hand
03:08:03 <vf2nsr> but if it is extracted it will not install where it needs to
03:08:13 <OliverK> you install it there yourself!
03:08:27 <vf2nsr> ok I guess I am not making sense so will try a different way thanks
03:08:51 <vf2nsr> but I am trying to put it out to public
03:09:09 <vf2nsr> I appreciate your help
03:09:18 <OliverK> no prob
03:09:55 <rcmaehl> vf2nsr: sorry if I was over complicated things.
03:10:08 <vf2nsr> np
03:10:57 <vf2nsr> remaehl what yuou mean earlier?
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03:12:48 <GizmoBot> ...
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03:40:35 *** Whibo (~Whibo@unaffiliated/whibo) has joined #portableapps
03:48:32 <ZachThibeau> howdy Whibo
03:48:52 <Whibo> fine
03:48:54 <Whibo> :D
03:49:02 <Whibo> and you?
03:49:08 <ZachThibeau> fine O_o I didn't ask how you were yet
03:49:18 <Whibo> lol
03:49:20 <ZachThibeau> all I said was hi :P
03:49:25 <Whibo> :P
03:49:26 <sar3th> heya Whibo, wb
03:49:28 <ZachThibeau> anyways I'm doing pretty well :P
03:49:46 <ZachThibeau> just compiling openssh on windows using the latest source
03:49:53 <Whibo> :
03:49:55 <Whibo> )
03:50:50 <ZachThibeau> not having much luck with mine though >_<
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05:13:45 *** ACWL (~7a6aeadb@gateway/web/freenode/x-hlnecvpmqpfxzzlx) has joined #portableapps
05:13:52 <ACWL> hiya
05:14:56 <ACWL> I have recently portableised Google Sketchup7 using Xenocode, I was wondering if it would be OK to post It up here?
05:15:39 <OliverK|Away> xenocode? is that akin to thinapp?
05:15:45 <ACWL> yeas
05:15:49 <ACWL> *yes
05:15:58 <OliverK|Away> nope, sorry
05:16:00 <ACWL> similar, but IMO more powerful
05:16:05 <ACWL> OK
05:16:08 <OliverK|Away> there's a licensing issue
05:16:11 <OliverK|Away> :)
05:16:16 <ACWL> thanks for the advice =)
05:16:37 <ACWL> off to TPB it is then (j/k)
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07:36:54 *** pa_4674 (~721e6a8c@gateway/web/freenode/x-ymjbsrmeiusxodjk) has joined #portableapps
07:37:37 <pa_4674> Does Weave for Firefox affect Firefox Portable's portability?
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11:50:55 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
11:50:57 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
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12:30:39 <sar3th> good morning
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14:20:44 <pa_5090> hey guys, I have a problem with the platform
14:21:29 <pa_5090> Mir can you help?
14:21:46 <pa_5090> marlop|away: Do you know what's wrong?
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14:25:18 <sar3th> >_>
14:25:27 <sar3th> WAIT rather than just leaving
14:26:43 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
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15:30:22 <GizmoBot> ...
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15:59:09 <ZachThibeau> well hello folks
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16:45:07 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
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16:58:01 <GizmoBot> SergentSiler is a Menu Themer, his theme website is
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17:21:09 <GizmoBot> SergentSiler is a Menu Themer, his theme website is
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17:25:44 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
17:25:45 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
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17:41:20 <SteveLamerton> Hello all
17:41:43 <marlop> hi
17:42:06 <ZachThibeau> howdy SteveLamerton
17:42:26 <SteveLamerton> Hi marlop, ZachThibeau
17:43:43 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: mind removing this it's a duplicate topic
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17:45:53 <ZachThibeau> |SteveLamerton|: having issues?
17:46:06 <|SteveLamerton|> Crappy wireless :(
17:46:18 <ZachThibeau> did you get my list message?
17:46:31 <|SteveLamerton|> Nope
17:46:44 <ZachThibeau> SteveLamerton: mind removing this it's a duplicate topic
17:47:12 <ZachThibeau> well the message in it isn't duplicate but it's the same request by the same user for the same piece of software
17:47:31 <|SteveLamerton|> Done
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17:47:47 <|SteveLamerton|> Gizmokid2005: Can you kick the old me please
17:47:54 <|SteveLamerton|> Too late ;)
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17:48:56 <ZachThibeau> thanks
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18:10:20 <gluxon> Anybody else having trouble running the latest Portable?
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19:44:46 <JohnTHaller> Yargh.
19:44:51 <OliverK|School> YARGH
19:44:57 <JohnTHaller> How goes it in here?
19:44:59 <OliverK|School> wait, today isn't talk like a pirate day
19:45:13 <JohnTHaller> It's talk like a pirate 15 minutes at the moment. Enjoy it, matey
19:45:15 <OliverK|School> don't know, got here about 4 minutes before you :)
19:45:22 <OliverK|School> AVAST!
19:45:35 <JohnTHaller> I be busy working on menu 2.0 theming.
19:46:00 <JohnTHaller> Would ye like to see what be possible with this here aero glass?
19:46:12 <OliverK|School> aye, ye scurvy scallywag
19:46:22 <JohnTHaller> PMed!
19:46:50 <OliverK|School> interesting
19:47:33 <JohnTHaller> Just a quick proof of concept (that's just a hard-edges screenshot of the actual menu in the middle). We're going to do a custom app list and right side for it. Just wanted to be sure the tech and API calls were working properly first.
19:47:44 <OliverK|School> looks nice
19:47:52 <OliverK|School> quick checking makes life easier as well :)
19:48:07 <JohnTHaller> It won't be the default (since it doesn't work on XP, of course), but it will probably be an option
19:48:24 <OliverK|School> i just put win7 64bit on my laptop
19:48:26 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: does it use aero's color scheme then?
19:48:48 <JohnTHaller> Yeah. It uses whatever the OS is set to glass-wise.
19:48:52 <Gizmokid2005> awesome :)
19:49:01 <OliverK|School> ooh
19:49:03 <Gizmokid2005> mine is a nice green (custom from what they have) so I was curious
19:49:04 <JohnTHaller> We're doing a fake glass fallback for XP so you don't have to switch your theme back and forth.
19:49:07 <OliverK|School> black glass :)
19:49:09 <Gizmokid2005> w00t!
19:50:02 <JohnTHaller> Glass is an option for custom themes. It starts with a full glass window. Then on that you add an alpha-PNG. And then the app icons and folders and options are put on top of it. So themers can build custom glass themes, too. :-)
19:50:17 <JohnTHaller> We'll be including one patterned after our new menu look in the default install.
19:51:37 <JohnTHaller> I think some people will dig it. Personally, I like the color mixing on our new default themes, though :-)
19:52:26 <JohnTHaller> That took me like 3 hours to get it working properly with glass, no titlebar, explicit inclusion of the DLL (so it doesn't crash on XP/2000) and getting the form layouts working properly.
19:53:37 <Gizmokid2005> sounds good JohnTHaller
20:10:09 <marlop> :D
20:10:53 <marlop> hi JohnTHaller, progress with the updater ?
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20:11:49 <vf2nsr> HI All I finally got my app to work appropriately so I just updated it in the forum
20:12:06 <vf2nsr> Was definitely a learning expiriance
20:21:12 <OliverK|School> vf2nsr: congratulations!
20:21:59 <vf2nsr> Thanks OliverK now I just need people to test it so I can see if it works as I have planneed it to, especially since I only have XP
20:22:14 <vf2nsr> Need people to check if it works in Vista nd 7
20:22:45 <vf2nsr> So now I can work on another idea I have
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21:29:37 <marlop> hi JohnTHaller, progress with the updater ?
21:30:00 <JohnTHaller> Nothing to show publicly yet. But yes. Making it unicode today in fact
21:30:18 <marlop> :D
21:30:58 <marlop> thanks for the news :D
21:31:50 <OliverK|School> awww
21:31:58 * OliverK|School likes beta testing
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21:33:51 <JohnTHaller> Soon, OliverK|School, soon. Working with the designer today on the final versions of the menu themes for the next beta. Not sure if glass will make it into the next beta or the one after
21:34:03 <OliverK|School> aww
21:43:14 *** probono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:49:44 *** wopy (~538577d5@gateway/web/freenode/x-vrpywviijfjvnsbn) has joined #portableapps
21:49:51 <wopy> hello
21:50:05 <JohnTHaller> Hi wopy, how can we help you?
21:50:10 <wopy> is there a way to install aspell to the portable pidgin?
21:50:46 <JohnTHaller> There is, hang on...
21:51:38 <JohnTHaller> There is a directory called PidginPortable\App\aspell. If you check out the text file in there, it has the information. "Place Aspell binaries here to use spellcheck. Usually, just copy in the contents of the C:\Program Files\Aspell directory"
21:52:08 <wopy> yes I did
21:52:11 <JohnTHaller> So you need to install it locally first with your selected language at the moment. And then copy that into Pidgin Portable. Then you can uninstall the local copu.
21:52:14 <wopy> and it does not work
21:52:38 <JohnTHaller> It should sho up as a plugin at that point in Tools - Plugins, where you can enable it. Does it not?
21:53:35 <wopy> what do u mean by installing with my selected language.
21:53:41 <JohnTHaller> Within PidginPortable\App\aspell, do you see a bin directory with the files in it?
21:53:48 <wopy> yes
21:54:07 <JohnTHaller> It should just work, then. The code to tell Pidgin it's there is in the launcher still.
21:54:22 <JohnTHaller> Aspell only comes with English by default, you have to select to install additional languages.
21:54:35 <OliverK|School> restart?
21:54:45 <wopy> I see.yes.No change
21:54:58 <JohnTHaller> Did you install Aspell and a dictionary?
21:55:43 <wopy> i even installed aspel and the dictionary into this dir \PidginPortable\App\aspell
21:55:52 <wopy> still does not work
21:56:35 <wopy> I tried first to copy the dirs and files from c:\program\files\aspel to this dir \PidginPortable\App\aspell
21:56:35 <JohnTHaller> So, the PidginPortable\App\aspell directory has a bin directory in it. Inside that bin directory is aspell-15.dll. And then the aspell directory also has a data and dict folder in it?
21:56:38 <wopy> did not work
21:57:10 <wopy> they uninstalled aspell and tried to install in in the same dir \PidginPortable\App\aspell
21:57:15 <wopy> no it does not work
21:57:46 <wopy> maybe this file is important libgtkspell.dll
21:57:56 <JohnTHaller> According to Pidgin's support page, it should.
21:58:03 <JohnTHaller> It is. And should be in Pidgin itself.
21:58:54 <wopy> yes i have this dll
21:59:05 <JohnTHaller> The full details are on here:
21:59:32 <wopy> aspel uses shared i thought it is impossible to run in portable.
21:59:36 <JohnTHaller> Our Pidgin Portable release is basically an encapsulated version of that. We also set the environment variables for it just to be sure.
21:59:51 <wopy> so decided to install it.and still does not work
21:59:56 <JohnTHaller> Last I checked it worked fine, but aspell is annoying to setup and would required 55 different installers if we did it per-language.
22:00:12 <JohnTHaller> When used as indicated it is portable and requires no local install. At least it always did.
22:00:44 <JohnTHaller> If it is failing now, I'd suggest double-checking what you have installed and creating a bug report in the forums so we can investgiate it more fully later. I can't now as I'm in the middle of coding the platform 2.0.
22:02:41 <wopy> ok.
22:02:52 <JohnTHaller> Do you have a forum acct already?
22:03:16 <wopy> I'll try to rename aspell to Aspell
22:03:19 <wopy> no i do not
22:03:38 <JohnTHaller> Include as much info as you can (install location, what operating system you're on, etc). We have installs of Win2k, xp, vista and 7 to test on, so hopefully we can duplicate the issue and figure out what's going on.
22:04:04 <wopy> xp sp3 is the os
22:04:22 <wopy> portable instaled in root of c
22:04:54 <JohnTHaller> Include it all the in bug report in the forum. We should be able to get it sorted within a couple days. Something like this is more than a simple config issue (that we normally handle in live chat).
22:04:56 <OliverK|School> wopy: on the forums please :)
22:05:53 <vf2nsr> Hi John just wanted to say many thanks for your responses on the forum, especially with the stuppid questions I have been asking. Finally resolved my issues and got the beta of my game posted ;)
22:06:14 <JohnTHaller> vf2nsr: You're welcome. Good to hear.
22:06:37 <JohnTHaller> wopy: Drop a note in here if you have any issues setting up your acct
22:06:40 <vf2nsr> Now that I have learned SO much I am workingon a nother project :)
22:07:08 <wopy> JohnTHaller: may I ask you to make an portable thunderbird 3 and 2 version that can use yahoo free imap?
22:07:24 <JohnTHaller> Both TB3 and TB2 can support any IMAP server you'd like
22:07:30 <OliverK|School> wopy: yup :)
22:07:33 <wopy> no
22:07:36 <OliverK|School> i didn't know yahoo had imap
22:07:42 <wopy> the free imap yahoo server
22:08:13 <JohnTHaller> If it is a standard IMAP server, ANY mail client can work with it.,
22:08:27 <wopy> here is the info about it.this guy has made a trick and change the source and compiled pidgin to do the trick
22:08:41 <wopy> it is not a standart imap .
22:08:53 <wopy> yahoo free imap server requires special command
22:08:58 <wopy> i'll give u a link
22:09:03 <JohnTHaller> There's no point even having an IMAP server if it's not standard IMAP. That'
22:09:07 <JohnTHaller> s kinda silly
22:09:51 <JohnTHaller> Oh, they don't really make an IMAP server available publicly. So you have to hack a client to do it, violating Yahoo's EULA.
22:10:52 <OliverK|School> yeah . . . you have to buy pop3 access
22:12:19 <wopy> well yes it is kind of hack
22:12:21 <JohnTHaller> Ah found it. I don't think it requires a hack... at least from this video... :
22:12:39 <JohnTHaller> They are actually using the TB portable client.
22:12:56 <wopy> I tried to copied the thunderbird exe and replace it into portable thunderbird but it does not work this way
22:13:10 <JohnTHaller> Bottom line, if it isn't baked into TB itself, we're not going to add it.
22:13:37 <JohnTHaller> It would violate our license with Mozilla.
22:14:15 <wopy> how can i make thunderbird intallation portable ?
22:14:31 <JohnTHaller> TB is TB. If you're using a hacked version, we can't really support it.
22:14:49 <wopy> no it is not a hacked version.
22:14:53 <JohnTHaller> A modded version can probably be dropped into TBPortable\App\TB
22:15:05 <JohnTHaller> Then I don't understand what you are asking.
22:15:46 <wopy> I ask how can i make thunderbird portable if I have it intalled and the intaller from the mozila
22:16:08 <JohnTHaller> The installer from mozilla is not portable. You have to download and install ours.
22:16:29 <wopy> last question , very simple.
22:16:47 <JohnTHaller> Or did you want to copy your settings from local TB into TB portable?
22:17:04 <wopy> would you give me some instructions for free how to make a portable thunderbird ?
22:17:43 <JohnTHaller> We provide all our code to make TB portable freely under a GPL license. Others are free to play with it. You just can't resdistribute it without a license from Mozilla.
22:18:01 <wopy> I guess not.
22:18:02 <wopy> ok
22:18:13 *** wopy has quit (Quit: Page closed)
22:18:13 <JohnTHaller> There's no reason to remake another TB portable anyway, is there?
22:18:46 *** Res2216firestar has quit (Quit: Leaving)
22:18:49 <vf2nsr> guess he didnt like no for an answer?
22:19:07 <JohnTHaller> No idea what he needed. We have all the code public. That's about as instructive as you can get.
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22:33:22 <OliverK|School> JohnTHaller: other things to do, imho
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23:10:44 <madlabs>
23:12:11 <OliverK|School> madlabs: any reason?
23:12:13 <OliverK|School> .title
23:12:13 <GizmoBot> OliverK|School: YouTube - Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea - Opening
23:12:27 <OliverK|School> smells like spham to me
23:12:55 <madlabs> ...
23:13:18 <madlabs> yeah I own youtube and promoting my site
23:13:31 <OliverK|School> you don't own youtube :p
23:13:46 <OliverK|School> and why promote it here?
23:13:57 <OliverK|School> what does it have to do with portable applications?
23:14:32 <madlabs> I need a portable youtube video downloader
23:14:39 <OliverK|School> lol
23:15:04 <OliverK|School> .g xVideoServiceThief
23:15:04 <GizmoBot> OliverK|School:
23:15:10 <OliverK|School> .title
23:15:11 <GizmoBot> OliverK|School: xVST Portable (aka xVideoServiceThief Portable) Development Test 1 | - Portable software for USB drives
23:15:14 <OliverK|School> :)
23:15:16 <OliverK|School> there you go
23:15:25 <OliverK|School> or you could use a plugin for portable firefox
23:15:50 <OliverK|School> extension I mean
23:16:41 *** OliverK|School is now known as OliverK
23:17:14 <madlabs> thanks
23:17:19 <OliverK> yup
23:19:54 <OliverK> .url
23:20:00 <OliverK> .uri
23:20:27 <madlabs> .ohai
23:20:46 <OliverK> nope, trying to get the logging bot to geve me a point of reference, but it seems I forgot
23:21:13 <Chazz> palogbot, uri
23:21:13 <palogbot>
23:21:20 <OliverK> Chazz: thanks
23:21:23 <Chazz> np OliverK
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23:35:44 <madlabs> netsplit?
23:35:51 <OliverK> nope
23:35:55 <OliverK> netsplits are worse
23:35:59 <OliverK> i've been in enough
23:36:03 <madlabs> there were more ppl here
23:36:11 <OliverK> he went to have dinner or something
23:41:26 *** JohnTHaller is now known as JohnTHaller|food
23:49:28 *** madlabs has quit (Quit: Page closed)