IRC Log from 2010-04-24
00:02:15 <rcmaehl> Does anyone speak spanish? Hablo espanol?
00:04:31 <taneth111> if google translate is a language then I'm fluent in it
00:05:01 <rcmaehl> heh no
00:06:11 <rcmaehl> I need someone who actual knows spanish (not google translate) to check that google translate translated the english words to the right spanish words in this locale file
00:06:38 <rcmaehl> Also does anyone know the 4 digit locale code for spanish>
00:09:15 *** vf2nsr has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100401080539])
00:21:37 *** dboki89 (~d5c6db41@gateway/web/freenode/x-cbrdgitlgkoaeuxp) has joined #portableapps
00:23:06 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
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00:40:51 *** vf2nsr ( has joined #portableapps
00:44:03 *** Space (irssi@unaffiliated/spaceghost) has joined #portableapps
00:45:40 *** niet ( has joined #portableapps
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00:49:01 *** OliverK|Away (~WifiWomba@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
01:01:09 *** vf2nsr has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100401080539])
01:01:10 *** rcmaehl has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
01:02:22 <dboki89> Hi. Could a moderator remove the bottom half of my post:
01:02:55 <dboki89> There has been a misunderstanding, and vf2nsr replied to my post, so I can't edit out the par about the email address...
01:04:47 <gluxon> dboki89: There aren't any mods in the channel right now :(
01:05:13 <dboki89> they'll probably read through when they come back
01:05:26 <dboki89> and I'm going to sleep, so I can't stay and ask them personally...
01:05:51 <gluxon> Okay, I'll ask a passing mod when they come in for you :)
01:06:23 <dboki89> Thank you very much gluxon :)
01:06:45 <gluxon> Anytime :)
01:06:52 <dboki89> and tell them I said "thank you" to them as well
01:07:09 <dboki89> (I would if they were here at least :D )
01:07:15 <dboki89> 'night :)
01:07:32 *** dboki89 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
01:15:09 *** taneth111 has quit (Quit: BYE.)
01:25:33 *** OliverK|Away has quit (Quit: so long and thanks for all the fish)
01:31:24 *** rouilj ( has joined #portableapps
01:36:15 *** vf2nsr ( has joined #portableapps
01:50:24 *** rouilj has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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01:52:58 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
01:52:59 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan is a developer and moderator and works on the Launcher (please test it!)
01:57:19 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
02:04:20 *** Scriptdaemon (~KennyW@ has joined #portableapps
02:07:16 <Scriptdaemon> Steve's wxWidgets patch was included in today's release.
02:07:23 <ChrisMorgan> Ooh, what was the patch?
02:07:37 <Scriptdaemon>
02:09:29 *** Res2216firestar has quit (Quit: Leaving)
02:15:49 <Scriptdaemon> It's weird they said in that thread they did it 13 months ago, but it appears in the changelog for 2.8.11.
02:19:07 <Scriptdaemon> ChrisMorgan, you said the only way to have multiple launchers is to duplicate the .exe, right? I don't suppose you've already put it on the todo list for 2.1 to generate as many launchers as there are .ini files, hmm?
02:20:07 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: well, I got a patch in with Sphinx which will come out with Sphinx 0.6.5, which makes search work with the dirhtml builder.
02:22:00 <Scriptdaemon> You use Sphinx with the launcher?
02:22:30 <gluxon> ChrisMorgan: -ot please? :)
02:22:39 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: docs
02:22:42 <ChrisMorgan> gluxon: why?
02:22:59 <gluxon> A user came by with a request for a mod.
02:23:17 <ChrisMorgan> Why don't they come in here?
02:23:22 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: of course I've got it on my feature tracker for 2.1, ;-)
02:23:54 <gluxon> ChrisMorgan: They did, an hour ago :P
02:23:56 <gluxon>
02:25:19 *** vf2nsr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
02:25:28 <ChrisMorgan> Thanks, didn't notice that in my brief look over the thread activity.
02:29:49 <Scriptdaemon> RunAsAdmin(2000|XP|Vista|7) seems to be absent from that list. =P
02:30:22 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: it was sort of implied with the OS detection stuff.
02:30:37 <Scriptdaemon> Ah, k.
02:31:13 <Scriptdaemon> Just food for thought, also try adding Windows Server 2003/2008 to that if you haven't already thought of that.
02:31:48 <ChrisMorgan> Cast them to the desktop versions.
02:31:59 <ChrisMorgan> I had another something I was going to add... you saying that has made me forget it :-(
02:32:22 <Scriptdaemon> Oh, it is implied. Duh, I don't know how I didn't already see that part.
02:32:27 <Scriptdaemon> To RunAsAdmin?
02:32:46 <ChrisMorgan> No, it was something different I think
02:32:54 <Scriptdaemon> I hate that.
02:33:03 <ChrisMorgan> Say random things and I might remember :P
02:33:20 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisM|ReadBible
02:33:37 <Scriptdaemon> Anything to do with files or directories?
02:45:30 <Scriptdaemon> Hmm. I can't bring myself to actually doing anything today.
02:57:43 *** taneth111 ( has joined #portableapps
03:03:14 *** gluxon has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
03:08:22 *** Spaceghost has quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:19:48 *** ChrisM|ReadBible is now known as ChrisMorgan
03:20:05 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: don't think it was to do with files or directories.
03:20:33 <Scriptdaemon> Was it specific to a section? I can just name all the sections until you remember. =P
03:24:04 <ChrisMorgan> Don't know.
03:24:05 *** ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisM|lunch
03:29:48 *** OliverK|Away (~WifiWomba@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
03:42:31 *** ChrisM|lunch is now known as ChrisMorgan
03:48:51 *** vf2nsr ( has joined #portableapps
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03:54:33 <taneth111> ChrisMorgan: wouldn't it be easier to change your name to ChrisM|* ? :P
03:55:25 <ChrisMorgan> taneth111: don't think * is a valid nick char.
03:55:57 <taneth111> /joke
03:56:40 <ChrisMorgan> Unknown command.
04:06:48 *** Spaceghost (irssi@unaffiliated/spaceghost) has joined #portableapps
04:13:18 <OliverK|Away> heh
04:17:44 *** alpha1beta ( has joined #portableapps
04:17:57 <alpha1beta> Hello!
04:20:59 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
04:21:46 <ChrisMorgan> Hello alpha1beta, haven't seen you for oodles of units of time.
04:21:58 <alpha1beta> I know! How ya doing Chris?
04:22:10 <ChrisMorgan> Fine, I think.
04:22:16 <alpha1beta> you think lmao
04:25:07 <alpha1beta> But yeah, I'm not a portableapps user anymore. I still love them, but I use 99% linux and bring a laptop wherever I go.
04:26:42 <ChrisMorgan> I use Linux at home too. But while it looked for a while like I might have little or no further use for them I've actually started using them extensively at Uni.
04:27:25 <alpha1beta> I use linux for home, school, work, and my server.
04:29:24 *** excid3|asus ( has joined #portableapps
04:29:38 <OliverK|Away> alpha1beta: sup :p
04:29:40 <ChrisMorgan> I could use Scientific Linux at Uni on the FIT machines but I don't think they have Wine.
04:29:55 <alpha1beta> And locked down too tight to install it?
04:30:02 <alpha1beta> Hi OliverK|Away
04:39:40 <ChrisMorgan> alpha1beta: not sure. But considering Windows, that's the really amusing thing. The FIT machines seem to be the only machines set up properly on the Uni campus (i.e. Firefox doesn't crash when you try to run it, Explorer doesn't crash when you log off, the resolution is 1680x1050 instead of 1280x1024, all of these are issues with at least the Science ones I've looked at); also on them we're power users rather than ultra-locked-down
04:40:49 <alpha1beta> they give you power users? wow, to get there here, I'd have to literally Kill an IT guy
04:41:19 <OliverK|Away> alpha1beta: we're admins at the school i take cisco classes from
04:42:02 <ChrisMorgan> The Monash FIT tech administrators are sensible. They know that people wouldn't go mucking around with anything like that, and they'd get caught if they did. Whereas in the other faculties their tech administrators seem just incompetent.
04:42:03 <alpha1beta> If I stick around, our labtec in the graphic design lab said I should try to take her job...but I don't want to be in that school much longer
04:42:26 <alpha1beta> par for the course ChrisMorgan
04:42:55 <ChrisMorgan> Pretty much. At first look it seems weird but if you think about it it makes total sense.
04:43:14 <ChrisMorgan> I didn't realise at first how lucky we in FIT were.
04:43:46 <alpha1beta> our IT just suck, plain and simple..
04:44:15 <alpha1beta> They made this.
04:44:34 <ChrisMorgan> Erk. I think I'm just about to download more than 1.1GB of full website backup for my host migration.
04:44:40 <OliverK|Away> where the hell is the e?
04:44:47 <alpha1beta> They left it out.
04:45:03 <alpha1beta> That's how smart they are. They made that for our labtec to use as a poster.
04:45:13 <alpha1beta> she left a copy on my desktop for me :D
04:45:33 <alpha1beta> Not to mention the bottom line is cut off a bit.
04:45:35 <OliverK|Away> awesome
04:51:52 *** excid3|asus has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
04:56:12 <Scriptdaemon> You ever have one of those days where you just say to yourself "I'm not doing anything today?"
04:56:17 <Scriptdaemon> Today is one of those days.
04:56:22 *** excid3|asus ( has joined #portableapps
04:56:27 <OliverK|Away> Scriptdaemon: thursday
04:57:02 <alpha1beta> Everyday.
04:57:26 <alpha1beta> actually I've been working on a stupid C++ project for like 8 hours now, so somewhat productive..for once
04:57:32 <OliverK|Away> everyday is unacceptable to me
04:57:35 <OliverK|Away> way to much to do
04:57:49 <Scriptdaemon> Like, I want to *want* to work on Maxima Portable or BGRandomize, but I just can't work up the motivation.
04:57:59 <OliverK|Away> lols
04:58:02 <OliverK|Away> laters guys
04:58:06 <alpha1beta> night
04:58:08 <Scriptdaemon> Later.
04:58:17 *** OliverK|Away has parted #portableapps ("so long and thanks . . . for all the fish")
05:06:59 *** alpha1beta has parted #portableapps (None)
05:23:50 *** excid3|asus has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
06:14:30 *** poof (~3bb6788d@gateway/web/freenode/x-jgcxyqejachrpbri) has joined #portableapps
06:14:50 <poof> Hi there just needed some help with portable apps
06:14:58 *** poof is now known as Guest86810
06:15:17 <Guest86810> Can i sync my desktop saved passwords to the portable apps's Firefox? if yes, then how?
06:15:40 <Guest86810> desktop's firefox's saved passwords.
06:15:57 <Guest86810> anyone there who could help me with this?
06:16:20 * Guest86810 loves portableapps
06:16:29 <Guest86810> why doesn't the /help shoot up!?
06:18:18 <ChrisMorgan> Guest86810: you can copy profiles back and forth but synchronising saved passwords is a bit harder.
06:18:44 <Guest86810> Okay is it possible to add plugins to portable version of firefox?
06:18:55 <ChrisMorgan> You might be able to do it with Toucan, or you could also just copy the passwords file (I think it's just one) back and forth between the portable profile and the local profile.
06:19:07 <ChrisMorgan> Which plugins in particular?
06:19:13 <ChrisMorgan> Some can be, some can't easily.
06:19:19 <Guest86810> if that is possible then i guess 'password exporter 1.2'
06:19:28 <Guest86810> if that can be done, i could get my passwords on portable version
06:19:49 <Guest86810> The profiles and everything goes as we edit right?
06:20:05 <Guest86810> i mean if i add a password or a bookmark it gets saved right? or flashes off clean?
06:20:19 <ChrisMorgan> Such things get saved in FirefoxPortable\Data\profile
06:20:26 <Guest86810> great :)
06:20:30 <Guest86810> abt Addons?
06:21:20 <ChrisMorgan> I see that you're talking about an extension, not a plug-in. Almost all extensions will work (only badly-made ones or some 3rd party integration ones won't work).
06:21:24 <ChrisMorgan> You just install them as normal.
06:21:48 <Guest86810> great . ya sorry for that i meant extension.
06:22:28 <Guest86810> Abt plugins the java n flash would work .And that would be enuf for portable verion :)
06:23:24 <Guest86810> Can we make a custom Portables Apps installer?
06:23:33 <Guest86810> Portable*
06:25:05 <Guest86810> Or for adding other portable apps i need 2 do it manually?
06:26:35 <Guest86810> can i encrypt my drive and then install the portable apps in it?
06:27:00 <ChrisMorgan> Java: sorry, you can't use Java Portable with Firefox Portable.
06:27:09 <Guest86810> Ooh k :|
06:27:23 <ChrisMorgan> Making your own portable applications: take a look at for some of the general idea
06:27:50 <ChrisMorgan> Encryption: will you have administrative privileges on every computer you will want to use it on?
06:28:02 <Guest86810> yes i would
06:28:07 <ChrisMorgan> If yes, you can use TrueCrypt or FreeOTFE.
06:28:22 <Guest86810> TrueCrypt was my choice
06:28:24 <Guest86810> sounds great :)
06:28:27 <ChrisMorgan> There are portable versions available for both, TrueCrypt by searching our website or FreeOTFE from their main website.
06:28:49 <Guest86810> Awesome!
06:28:51 <Guest86810> Thanks
06:29:02 <ChrisMorgan> If ever you don't, there's tc_explorer for TrueCrypt and FreeOTFE Explorer for FreeOTFE, but you won't be able to launch applications from it as there will be no drive letter associated with it.
06:29:14 <ChrisMorgan> You're welcome :-)
06:29:54 <Guest86810> So if i don't have Admin Priviledges i could access the encrypted drive's data but no applications would run?
06:30:20 <ChrisMorgan> Yes.
06:30:35 <Guest86810> Alright
06:30:38 *** dbdii407 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:30:40 <Guest86810> Thanks again.
06:30:53 <ChrisMorgan> Not entirely sure about tc_explorer though, I've heard something about its not being compatible with the latest format, you might want to investigate that.
06:31:09 <Guest86810> Sure thing.
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07:44:35 *** Spaceghost (irssi@unaffiliated/spaceghost) has joined #portableapps
07:45:28 *** PatrickPatience (~ae58033f@gateway/web/freenode/x-nsjxfirnhezcityq) has joined #portableapps
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09:29:42 *** Scriptdaemon has quit (Quit: Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.)
10:03:00 *** pa_3458 (~3ea34a83@gateway/web/freenode/x-wvustfeujtbtnlln) has joined #portableapps
10:04:31 <pa_3458> Help! I have java portable installed on my usb-stick. If i open an executable jar file nothing starts. When i open the same executable on a windows machine where java is installed it works.
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12:59:37 *** pa_0816 (~473e851f@gateway/web/freenode/x-lmhmdrqtwukismmf) has joined #portableapps
13:01:37 <pa_0816> Question about updating Firefox Portable-- any reason not to update via the app itself or better to get updates from ?
13:02:08 <pa_0816> I've read not to let Firefox auto-update if using FF portable.
13:05:37 *** taneth111 has quit (Quit: BYE.)
13:07:29 <pa_0816> Firefox/help
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16:53:03 *** SteveLamerton (~kvirc@ has joined #portableapps
16:53:14 <SteveLamerton> Hello all :)
16:53:48 <sar3th> hi SteveLamerton
16:53:49 <sar3th> :)
16:54:02 <SteveLamerton> All quiet here sar3th?
16:54:08 <sar3th> yep
17:01:34 <ZachThibeau> howdy SteveLamerton
17:01:50 <SteveLamerton> Hi ZachThibeau
17:01:52 <sar3th> howdy ZachThibeau
17:02:22 <ZachThibeau> hmm I'm enjoying my new pc :P
17:02:50 <SteveLamerton> Lucky you :P I am back at uni again
17:03:02 <ZachThibeau> of course I'm also enjoying programming my snes emu I just started :)
17:03:33 <ZachThibeau> already can play games, however fps is high so I need to find a way to slow it down a bit
17:03:53 <sar3th> fps is high? that's a good thing
17:04:01 <ZachThibeau> no not in this case
17:04:10 <ZachThibeau> I mean high enough that it goes too fast
17:05:02 <sar3th> o_O
17:05:08 <sar3th> then you need a frame limiter
17:05:14 <ZachThibeau> that I do
17:05:32 <ZachThibeau> I'm working on one but also one of my goals is to get my audio core working too
17:05:44 <sar3th> audio core?
17:05:54 <ZachThibeau> yeah sounds :P
17:06:00 <ZachThibeau> game music etc
17:06:18 <sar3th> =(
17:12:28 <ZachThibeau> right now I'm reading up on for the frame limiter something called sdl timer
17:22:32 *** Ashhh is now known as WholeLottaAshhh
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17:26:28 *** Ghost_spaghetti is now known as yelshA
17:27:07 <SteveLamerton> I hate the development tests page ;)
17:27:13 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
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17:31:42 <sar3th> lol who doesn't? :P
17:38:02 <SteveLamerton> Updating it is almost the definition of tedium
17:42:30 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
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17:46:00 <SteveLamerton> Right, I just made an executive decision, lainchers and freeware are going on the dev test page as no one else can decide!
17:46:42 <sar3th> good
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17:55:45 *** rcmaehl (~4a8dd374@gateway/web/freenode/x-atbgumnhxekjjmqv) has joined #portableapps
17:56:10 <rcmaehl> SteveLamerton: Have you verified the KidSafe fix with computerfreaker yet?
17:56:20 <SteveLamerton> rcmaehl: I haven't seen him about
17:56:59 <rcmaehl> Can I get you to verify it for me?
17:57:29 *** rouilj2 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
17:58:31 <SteveLamerton> rcmaehl: There haven't been any updates since I posted, unless I am missing something?
17:59:13 <rcmaehl> Computerfreaker and I edited some code an we need to make sure it works before we upload it
17:59:32 <SteveLamerton> Yep, if you send me a copy I can give it a go :)
17:59:40 <rcmaehl> k
18:00:24 <rcmaehl> ><
18:00:32 <rcmaehl> hold on
18:04:21 <SteveLamerton> Right, that is through most of the dev test log
18:05:03 <rcmaehl> ?
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18:07:58 *** Slas[h]er is now known as Shadowolf
18:08:03 *** Shadowolf is now known as Ashhh
18:09:24 *** Ashhh is now known as [S]hadowwolf
18:09:47 * rcmaehl is going to have a long talk with computerfreaker when he gets back
18:10:51 <SteveLamerton> rcmaehl: No release for me?
18:11:20 <rcmaehl> no I had to get it from my temp files
18:11:58 *** [S]hadowwolf is now known as Shad[o]wwolf
18:12:02 <rcmaehl> upload
18:12:03 <rcmaehl> ing
18:12:17 *** Shad[o]wwolf is now known as Ashhh
18:12:28 <rcmaehl>
18:14:30 <SteveLamerton> rcmaehl: Nope, still get the 'crash'
18:14:41 <rcmaehl> O
18:15:35 <rcmaehl> Can you try compatibility mode?
18:15:47 *** sar3th is now known as sar3th|away
18:19:56 <SteveLamerton> rcmaehl: That doesn't fix it either
18:20:15 <rcmaehl> ><
18:20:46 <rcmaehl> We atleast we fixed the same problem for 32-bit for sure
18:21:34 <rcmaehl> oh carp, tornado watch just issued for my county
18:24:25 <SteveLamerton> Nasty, is there anything else you would like me to test under that might help you track it down?
18:26:38 <rcmaehl> Do you have a 32-bit OS?
18:29:24 <SteveLamerton> Only XP I am afraid, as of tomorrow I will have Windows Server 2003 too if that helps ;)
18:29:45 <rcmaehl> k
18:30:01 <rcmaehl> SteveLamerton: do you know spanish?
18:30:09 <SteveLamerton> Afraid not :)
18:30:16 <rcmaehl> :(
18:30:44 <rcmaehl> I'm working on the kidsafe spanish locale
18:31:45 <SteveLamerton> Ahh, I see
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19:01:12 <Scriptdaemon> Btw SteveLamerton, did you see they added your patch to yesterday's release of wxWidgets (well, that's at least when they included it in the changelog)?
19:02:02 <SteveLamerton> Scriptdaemon: Yep :) I have been basing Toucan off the 2.9.0 development release for a while though, waiting for 2.9.1 which adds a couple more of my fixes ;)
19:02:19 <rcmaehl> ...?
19:02:32 <Scriptdaemon> I'm waiting for 3 so I don't have to have wxT() everywhere. >:(
19:03:02 <SteveLamerton> wxT() isn't so bad is it?
19:03:23 <Scriptdaemon> It's just code that I can remove.
19:04:19 <Scriptdaemon> I should go ahead and move onto 2.9.0 too.
19:04:45 <SteveLamerton> Most of my code uses _() anyway for translations
19:05:29 <Scriptdaemon> Yeah, I don't have a translation system worked out yet for my app.
19:06:14 <rcmaehl> Scriptdaemon: try google translate
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19:31:57 <ZachThibeau> lol google translate is fail :P
19:33:14 <ZachThibeau> best way to make sure your app to be translated is to check with a localization community if they can translate it for you as accurately as possible :P
19:34:26 <rcmaehl> I know
19:34:41 <rcmaehl> but it provides you with a rough translation that you can fix
19:34:55 <rcmaehl> im going afk now
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20:51:35 * rcmaehl is about to format his PA drive into CDFS
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21:00:43 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
21:01:06 <Simeon> hi Steve, Tim et al
21:02:36 <TimClark> Hello Simeon
21:05:09 <SteveLamerton> Hi Simeon, TimClark
21:05:34 <TimClark> Hello SteveLamerton
21:13:19 <Scriptdaemon> Hmm. I can't figure out how wxMaxima/XMaxima/Maxima uses its locales...
21:13:52 <Simeon> What do you mean "uses"?
21:14:19 <Scriptdaemon> There doesn't seem to be any option in the programs themselves to switch to another language, but there's a locale directory in the wxMaxima folder.
21:14:32 <Simeon> is it checking a variable?
21:14:46 <Simeon> i think process explorer can tell you.
21:15:11 <Scriptdaemon> In the .bat file in the bin directory for Maxima there's an optional MAXIMA_LANG_SUBDIR, but that didn't seem to do anything.
21:16:21 <Simeon> maybe it "listens" to your local locale variable
21:17:26 <Scriptdaemon> There's also a LANG variable that I'm not sure where it's set (but I believe it's set to local), but that variable never gets to wxMaxima. The tree looks like this: wxMaxima or XMaxima > cmd (the .bat file) > maxima
21:17:58 <Simeon> weird. and proces explorer doesnt say anything?
21:18:00 <Simeon> A little off-topic-fun for every one in europe and elsewhere who is tired of hearing the wors "ash cloud" and "volcano":
21:18:22 <Scriptdaemon> I figured all that out from Process Explorer.
21:18:29 <Simeon> ah
21:18:49 <Simeon> do you have a working package?
21:18:53 <Scriptdaemon> It's better to link to the original site. =P
21:19:02 <Scriptdaemon> <3 The Oatmeal
21:19:18 <Simeon> I know - just didnt pay attention
21:19:18 <Scriptdaemon> And yes, it works. I was contemplating putting it out without language switching for now.
21:19:50 <Simeon> do you have a place to upload it? I could try it on my german machine...
21:20:05 <Scriptdaemon> I *believe* I get all the settings. wxMaxima uses a registry key and XMaxima uses a file.
21:20:17 <Scriptdaemon> I have a PA.c testing project on sourceforge.
21:20:20 <Scriptdaemon> But thanks.
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21:32:53 <fcf_user7885> Well, I just learned that the PAP works pretty well on a Flash Drive formated in UDF
21:33:33 <Simeon> UDF? Why would someone use UDF?
21:33:44 <Simeon> but as long as it works...:)
21:34:14 <fcf_user7885> However the PAP epically fails on CDFS
21:44:05 <fcf_user7885> ><
21:44:21 * fcf_user7885 can find a file system for a 1MB parition
21:44:27 <fcf_user7885> can't*
21:47:34 <Simeon> FAT?!?
21:47:38 *** Ashhh is now known as Slas[h]er
21:47:43 <fcf_user7885> nope
21:47:51 *** Slas[h]er is now known as Ashhh
21:47:56 <fcf_user7885> had to use exFAT
21:48:30 <TimClark> rcmaehl / fcf_user7885 please assume your normal nick
21:48:40 <fcf_user7885> k
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21:59:49 <Scriptdaemon> Hmm, they *just* released an update to Maxima today, but not the Windows build. I have my package ready to go, so should I wait or just post it?
22:00:50 <Simeon> hm
22:01:19 <Simeon> posts it and maybe you have language switching ready when the new release comes out
22:01:36 <Scriptdaemon> Perhaps. I'll go ahead and do that.
22:06:39 <Scriptdaemon> Oh, I see. They use a VBScript to set the language code.
22:07:51 <Simeon> VBScript? weird
22:08:49 <Scriptdaemon> Yeah. It seems to use the registry, too. But I think I can change the environment so that it doesn't do that.
22:15:27 <Simeon> great - gnight all
22:15:46 <Scriptdaemon> Night.
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