IRC Log from 2010-05-25
00:00:03 *** JohnTHaller is now known as JohnTHaller|food
00:03:19 <ChrisMorgan> I'll be at Uni by that time. (Should be able to be back here in about two hours.)
00:04:48 *** StatBot_ has quit (Quit: leaving)
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00:19:01 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
00:19:01 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the support channel. If you need assistance, just say "help!", or ask your question, and WAIT rather than just leaving. | Please don't PM without asking first | This channel is logged: | The #PortableApps IRC rules are here: Read and abide by them
00:19:01 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot StatBot @ChrisMorgan Kafkarudo FireFox @JohnTHaller|food MaienM|Sleep Suiseiseki @Gizmokid2005 Bensawsome SergentSiler sar3th marlop|away rouilj2 +GizmoBot Mir Orbixx BjornH z3uS
00:19:01 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
00:19:01 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
00:19:03 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
00:19:06 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
00:28:04 <ChrisMorgan> After I've finished with this assignment I've got to do today, I'll try playing around with the NSIS menu and see what I end up with. Not sure about the size though, that might require recompilation to change the size it, or maybe just resource editing.
00:31:17 <ChrisMorgan> I've almost finished it currently, just a bit of proof for bonus marks to do.
00:32:48 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
00:33:37 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
00:40:54 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
01:04:35 *** Zarggg ( has joined #portableapps
01:11:49 *** JohnTHaller|food is now known as JohnTHaller
01:18:46 *** Kafkarudo is now known as Spaceghost
01:21:10 *** Spaceghost has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:21:30 *** Spaceghost (irssi@unaffiliated/spaceghost) has joined #portableapps
01:22:39 <JohnTHaller> I just updated the announcement sitewide about the rollout this week
02:00:47 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
02:02:15 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
02:02:17 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
02:02:47 *** Zarggg has quit (Quit: Leaving)
02:04:39 <ChrisMorgan> JohnTHaller: what do you reckon; is it worth while putting in another menu for PAL or not?
02:05:17 <ZachThibeau> howdy everyone
02:05:23 <JohnTHaller> Dunno. We don't need the PA.c Launcher EXE in the root of it, since no one will use it.
02:05:46 <JohnTHaller> We could just have links for the generator and help. Maybe samples, too (create a stub launcher for it). They're easy to hide if people don't want them, right?
02:05:51 <ChrisMorgan> I think I'd be inclined to say no, but rather just use the help access from the menu. It'd add 700KB as well, and wouldn't look right at the size it is as well (not sure if resource hacking could resize it or not).
02:05:53 <JohnTHaller> Or are samples linked to in help?
02:06:04 <ChrisMorgan> No, they're not. They should be integrated into the help.
02:07:28 *** Raleigh34 (~Raleigh@ has joined #portableapps
02:08:08 <JohnTHaller> Ok
02:08:14 *** Zarggg (~zarggg@2001:0:4137:9e74:0:fbf4:beb1:ba3d) has joined #portableapps
02:08:28 <Raleigh34> Evening.
02:08:43 <ChrisMorgan> I think I'll do that now. It's only Scribus and Audacity examples (I should throw away the Audacity one and get your latest test version, plus language switching?)
02:08:53 <ChrisMorgan> Good afternoon Raleigh34 :-)
02:14:58 *** Zarggg has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
02:15:30 *** Zarggg ( has joined #portableapps
02:17:01 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
02:18:23 *** Raleigh34 has quit (Quit: KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 4337, sources date: 20100125, built on: 2010-05-18 12:46:07 UTC
02:25:08 *** OliverK (~WifiWomba@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
02:36:46 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
02:36:46 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the support channel. If you need assistance, just say "help!", or ask your question, and WAIT rather than just leaving. | Please don't PM without asking first | This channel is logged: | The #PortableApps IRC rules are here: Read and abide by them
02:36:46 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot +OliverK Zarggg +ZachThibeau @ChrisMorgan Spaceghost StatBot FireFox @JohnTHaller MaienM|Sleep Suiseiseki @Gizmokid2005 Bensawsome SrgSiler|AFK sar3th marlop|away rouilj2 +GizmoBot Mir Orbixx BjornH z3uS
02:36:46 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
02:36:46 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
02:36:46 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
02:36:48 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
02:38:10 <ChrisMorgan> JohnTHaller: you're quite right about not needing PortableApps.comLauncher.exe built. That's a remnant from the days when you copied the file rather than generating a new launcher every time. I've just pushed a change to ammend that.
02:40:01 <JohnTHaller> You could have one pre-made in App if you wanted, if someone just wants to copy it in.
02:40:18 <ChrisMorgan> Nah, I think we want everyone to build it for each app.
02:40:34 <ChrisMorgan> And it's easy enough. Install (Unicode) NSIS Portable, run the Generator.
02:41:03 <JohnTHaller> Maybe we should keep a minimalized version of NSISu within the PA.c Launcher. Same as with PA.c Installer.
02:41:13 <ChrisMorgan> I wondered about that.
02:41:44 <JohnTHaller> I got it down under 4mb (no compression) with PA.cI
02:42:38 <ChrisMorgan> I wonder though whether it's more useful to just make them all dependent on NSIS Portable. If the app manager (updater) could handle dependencies that'd be quite reasonable for all of them.
02:42:53 *** OliverK has parted #portableapps ("so long and thanks . . . for all the fish")
02:43:46 <JohnTHaller> Nah, no dependency support atm. Only planned for CommonFiles but not til later.
02:44:56 <ChrisMorgan> Then I'd just make nsis an abstract package in CommonFiles, and make NSIS Portable, PAI etc. depend on it. NSIS Portable would become a skeleton package.
02:45:03 <ChrisMorgan> But as you say we're not doing things like that yet.
02:46:11 <JohnTHaller> A lot of people will be using these things sans platform.
02:46:17 <JohnTHaller> And incorporating them into build environments.
02:46:54 <ChrisMorgan> That's the only problem with all of these great ideas and superior ways of doing them... they require people to be using the package manager part of it.
02:48:01 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
02:48:01 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the support channel. If you need assistance, just say "help!", or ask your question, and WAIT rather than just leaving. | Please don't PM without asking first | This channel is logged: | The #PortableApps IRC rules are here: Read and abide by them
02:48:01 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Zarggg +ZachThibeau @ChrisMorgan Spaceghost StatBot FireFox @JohnTHaller MaienM|Sleep Suiseiseki @Gizmokid2005 Bensawsome SrgSiler|AFK sar3th marlop|away rouilj2 +GizmoBot Mir Orbixx BjornH z3uS
02:48:01 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
02:48:01 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
02:48:01 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
02:48:06 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
02:48:18 <ChrisMorgan> palogbot has been dying a lot yesterday and today.
02:53:50 <ChrisMorgan> JohnTHaller: what do you reckon? Should I put together a minimal build of Unicode NSIS to put in PAL?
02:54:07 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
02:54:17 <JohnTHaller> I could go either way on it to be honest.
02:54:33 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
02:54:35 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
02:54:43 <JohnTHaller> It would probably make more sense so we don't have people building PA.c Launcher with outdated NSIS because they updated one but not the other.
02:55:17 <JohnTHaller> Or you could lock it to a specific version (or greater) perhaps.
02:55:36 <ChrisMorgan> I could lock it to Unicode NSIS 2.46 or greater.
02:59:33 <JohnTHaller> That could work
02:59:48 <JohnTHaller> Ugh... I'm stuck working on 2.0 website stuff tonight with my designer. Going later than planned.
03:00:13 <ChrisMorgan> Nasty. When updating the version number in PortableApps.comLauncher.nsi as part of the release script I've broken the EOL sequence - \r\n has become \n where the match was at the end of the line.
03:00:45 <ChrisMorgan> So then Vim detects it as Unix rather than DOS, and I get ^M showing at the end of every other line in the file.
03:01:21 <JohnTHaller> eek
03:01:30 <ChrisMorgan> And appinfo.ini too.
03:01:46 <ChrisMorgan> Methinks I must check my sed commands to see if I can avoid that at all.
03:02:48 <ChrisMorgan> OK, tutorial now, back in an hour (for working on my ASSIGNMENT, not PAL :P)
03:03:27 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Quit: Quit messages are inane.)
03:38:02 *** Scriptdaemon (~KennyW@ has joined #portableapps
03:42:27 <Scriptdaemon> JohnTHaller, were the final registry plugin issues resolved?
03:42:27 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:42:44 <JohnTHaller> Yup. It works on all platforms for both ANSI and Unicode without needing additional code in any launchers.
03:43:12 <Scriptdaemon> Awesome.
03:43:21 <JohnTHaller> The registry plugin bundled with Chris' last RC of the launcher hasn't been updated though
03:44:17 <Scriptdaemon> Ah. So if Chris comes on tonight to fix it, will there be any (pre-)releases done tonight?
03:44:48 <Scriptdaemon> (Or we can just use the tip?)
03:45:37 <JohnTHaller> Grab the current launcher release and replace the plugin with the one in Grincoloco's Unicode topic. That should basically be launcher 2.0 final barring any issues.
03:46:40 <Scriptdaemon> Can do. Decided yet which will be the first apps to get out the door?
03:47:12 <JohnTHaller> 161suite, installer20, clamwin and then the rest.
03:48:46 *** dboki89 (~dboki89@unaffiliated/dboki) has joined #portableapps
03:49:56 *** leftyfb (leftyfb@ubuntu/member/leftyfb) has joined #portableapps
03:50:10 <Scriptdaemon> I hope to have a ST of Spybot before the end of next weekend, btw. That'll be a big one.
03:50:12 <Scriptdaemon> DT*
04:07:47 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
04:10:37 <ChrisMorgan> Scriptdaemon: there are no apps in the current update release queue which are using PAL.
04:11:13 <ChrisMorgan> Only new ones (including Audacity 1.3.11 in that category)
04:13:02 <dboki89> John, regarding what you said about 12 hours ago... Is it legal to run unregistered versions of Vista and/or Windows 7 inside a VM?
04:13:32 <JohnTHaller> Nope
04:13:40 <JohnTHaller> Well, it is for 30 days
04:13:50 <JohnTHaller> Then you need the product code. I finally found mine.
04:13:56 <JohnTHaller> I had 12 days left
04:13:59 <leftyfb> JohnTHaller: hi there
04:14:08 <JohnTHaller> hi
04:14:31 <leftyfb> would you still be interested in
04:14:49 <dboki89> oh; ok John, I was just asking, 'cause I could run several Win OSes inside VM if it was allowed..
04:15:54 <JohnTHaller> Didn't wind up doing anything with it yourself?
04:16:13 <JohnTHaller> dboki89: No, you need to register them just like usual inside a VM.
04:16:29 <leftyfb> JohnTHaller: I had Zach running it for a bit, but he really didn't do much and hasn't touched in it a year now and doesn't respond to me anymore.
04:16:49 <ChrisMorgan> He's regularly available in here.
04:16:53 <dboki89> I understand now John, thank you
04:17:12 <JohnTHaller> sure thing dboki89
04:17:29 <JohnTHaller> zach got busy with school if I recall correctly. may have changed emails/
04:17:57 <leftyfb> and IM?
04:18:06 <leftyfb> but he also hasn't done anything with it in a year
04:18:08 <JohnTHaller> I don't know his IM
04:18:20 <leftyfb> i've seen him sign on here and there but never responds
04:18:26 <ChrisMorgan> You could contact him on here, like this: .tell ZachThibeau ...
04:18:29 <JohnTHaller> I only chat with him over IRC regularly. So I can't speak to IM.
04:18:46 <JohnTHaller> leftyfb: Do you still want to do anything with it? Does it still get any traffic?
04:19:22 <leftyfb> JohnTHaller: i'd love to see it get articles and effort put back into it
04:19:44 <leftyfb> Unfortunately, I don't have the time and don't even run windows anymore
04:20:00 <leftyfb> Either way it's really tough for me to give it up, I put in a lot of time and money into it back then and it was doing pretty good.
04:20:06 <JohnTHaller> Yeah. I think due to lack of updates, traffic is now dead. No forum posts in nearly a year.
04:20:42 <leftyfb> so you don't think it's worth anything? I remember getting an appraisal a couple years ago and it was pretty decent.
04:21:03 <JohnTHaller> I understand about putting a lot of money and time into something (trust me). But it needs to be maintained and grown consistently.
04:22:04 <leftyfb> I still get IM's from a few of the members here and there asking when it'll be updated and about apps sometimes.
04:22:22 <leftyfb> I tell them i'm looking for someone to take it over and bring it back
04:22:37 <ChrisMorgan> I haven't heard of; what's different about its vision from's?
04:23:05 <leftyfb> ChrisMorgan: it's mainly about news about portable software, hardware and the industry
04:23:27 <leftyfb> I started to build a collection of links to downloads but there's too many and I got behind
04:23:33 <leftyfb> but never had any downloads myself
04:23:52 <ChrisMorgan> Ah
04:23:59 *** Spaceghost has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
04:24:00 <leftyfb> think of it as the Engadget of the portable software industry
04:24:23 <leftyfb> I was posting a good 5-10 articles a day at one point
04:24:31 <ChrisMorgan> 'fraid I don't really know anything about Engadget either :P
04:25:47 <JohnTHaller> It's pretty low traffic, though. So the value has dropped quite a bit from when you had it appraised.
04:26:04 <leftyfb> Guess i'll just sit it on then. maybe put it up for godaddy domain parking to maybe make some money back on it ... maybe after some years i'll get something
04:26:49 <JohnTHaller> leftyfb: Want to PM for a minute?
04:26:57 <leftyfb> sure
04:48:18 *** Scriptdaemon has quit (Quit: Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.)
04:59:55 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
05:02:45 *** qwertymodo (~Ben@oit-140-222.OIT.EDU) has joined #portableapps
05:04:46 *** FireFox is now known as AwayFox
05:07:50 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
05:50:30 *** Scriptdaemon (~KennyW@ has joined #portableapps
06:03:09 *** JohnTHaller1 ( has joined #portableapps
06:03:46 *** JohnTHaller has quit (Disconnected by services)
06:03:49 *** JohnTHaller1 is now known as JohnTHaller
06:27:37 *** qwertymodo1 (~Ben@oit-140-222.OIT.EDU) has joined #portableapps
06:29:00 *** qwertymodo has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
06:38:35 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Quit: Quit messages are inane.)
06:48:50 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps (None)
06:51:16 *** Scriptdaemon has quit (Quit: Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.)
07:57:57 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
08:34:27 *** pa_4846 (~4fb6151e@gateway/web/freenode/x-jthqdbqzszmnpltt) has joined #portableapps
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08:45:25 *** Usbtastic ( has joined #portableapps
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10:12:04 *** Twinkletoes|W ( has joined #portableapps
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10:37:58 *** BjornH has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:45:03 *** BjornH ( has joined #portableapps
10:50:08 *** pa_1291 (~55b631c5@gateway/web/freenode/x-qrhucufhojwmfsxh) has joined #portableapps
10:50:08 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:51:25 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:51:44 <pa_1291> Please help me
10:52:08 <pa_1291> help
10:55:02 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
10:55:51 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:56:03 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:56:10 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:56:13 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:56:14 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:56:16 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:56:18 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:56:59 <pa_1291> mode/#portableapps
10:57:30 <pa_1291> i hav the problem that i dont can uninstall vlc player because an error with APPNAME comes in the display
10:57:55 <ChrisMorgan> pa_1291: don't just say it over and over again. All it'll do is get you kicked.
10:58:32 <pa_1291> [FORM_UNINSTALL_DIALOG] TITLE=%APPNAME% deinstallieren? MESSAGE=Warnung: Die Deinstallation wird die portable Anwendung mit allen Einstellungen entfernen. Dokumente oder Dateien, die Sie in anderen Verzeichnissen gespeichert haben, sind nicht betroffen. Beachten Sie aber, dass alle Dateien innerhalb des folgenden Verzeichnisses gelöscht werden: QUESTION=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %APPNAME% deinstallieren wollen? FAILMESSAGE
10:58:56 <ChrisMorgan> Which version of the Platform are you using, and how are you trying to uninstall it?
10:59:07 <pa_1291> 1.6
10:59:21 <pa_1291> right click and unisntall
10:59:40 <ChrisMorgan> Try again?
10:59:40 <pa_1291> FAILMESSAGE=Deinstallation von %APPNAME% nicht möglich.
10:59:56 <pa_1291> i do it
10:59:57 <ChrisMorgan> You can also just open the directory in Explorer and delete the "VLCPortable" directory.
11:00:25 <pa_1291> i have tried but its doesnt work
11:00:54 <ChrisMorgan> What error message do you get from Explorer?
11:02:12 <pa_1291> the files are read only ...
11:02:31 <pa_1291> are you germn
11:02:37 <pa_1291> GERMAN
11:03:38 <pa_1291> Schreib geschützt
11:04:12 <ChrisMorgan> No.
11:04:21 <pa_1291> ohh
11:04:37 <ChrisMorgan> If your disk has a read-only switch, is it on my accident?
11:04:38 <pa_1291> the files are protected or so...
11:05:31 <ChrisMorgan> You can also try right clicking on the VLCPortable directory, and seeing if you can untick the "Read only" box. I think you probably won't be able to, it sounds more like a hardware or permissions problem.
11:06:06 <pa_1291> yes thats so
11:07:12 <pa_1291> if i untick read only the files it tick at on if I click on the files gain
11:07:31 <ChrisMorgan> How is the disk formatted - FAT or FAT32, or NTFS, or do you not know?
11:07:50 <pa_1291> I think FAT 32
11:08:23 <pa_1291> I copy the files on my computer and it was the problem again
11:08:38 <pa_1291> i dont can delete the files
11:08:54 <pa_1291> my computer has NTfs
11:09:47 <ChrisMorgan> This is on a USB disk, right?
11:11:13 <pa_1291> yes
11:11:51 <pa_1291> and i copy them on my computer and i have the problem again
11:11:59 <ChrisMorgan> Does it fail to copy them?
11:12:07 <pa_1291> on my stick and on my computer
11:12:19 <ChrisMorgan> Or does it succeed and then fail to delete from the main computer's disk (shouldn't be that)?
11:13:04 <ChrisMorgan> Sounds like there could be corruption on the disk. Try checking the disk for errors - in the Platform, Options -> Check disk for errors or the equivalent in German (I think that was in 1.6, if not say and I'll give you alternative instructions)
11:16:50 <pa_1291> i dont can delete it from main computer and the check for errors hasnt found problems
11:18:34 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm.
11:19:14 <ChrisMorgan> Would you like to try using TeamViewer (screen sharing) to see if I can spot and fix the problem?
11:19:56 <pa_1291> i think no
11:20:26 <ChrisMorgan> OK. I can't think of anything else without seeing it at the moment, sorry.
11:21:22 <pa_1291> thanks
11:21:27 <pa_1291> :)
11:21:46 *** pa_3252 (~dcff07ea@gateway/web/freenode/x-ravydskyuzhykclk) has joined #portableapps
11:21:59 <pa_3252> hi guys
11:22:56 <pa_3252> i have question for utorrent portable, why the torrent gone after i shutdown? I thought it supposed to save with utorrentportable directory it self isn't?
11:23:17 <pa_3252> help!
11:23:17 <GizmoBot> pa_3252: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
11:23:31 <ChrisMorgan> They should be saved.
11:23:53 <pa_3252> it not happen to me
11:24:15 <ChrisMorgan> I'm not familiar with uTorrent (or uTorrent Portable) myself, but I believe they are meant to be stored in uTorrentPortable\Data or somewhere in Documents.
11:24:31 <ChrisMorgan> You should be specifying where to save the .torrent files yourself, though, shouldn't you?
11:26:05 *** pa_1291 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
11:28:06 <pa_3252> hm..
11:29:12 <ChrisMorgan> Sorry I can't help you more, I don't use any torrents. But it does work.
11:29:25 <pa_3252> strange... i try to shutdown the app, then it load.. and shutdown and run it again.. not load..
11:29:34 <ChrisMorgan> One possibility is that you didn't close it properly or pulled out your USB disk while it was still working.
11:29:40 <pa_3252> and shutdown and load again it load..
11:31:12 <pa_3252> nop, i dont use usb stick.. it on my D drive..
11:33:08 <pa_3252> thanks anyway
11:33:22 <pa_3252> sigh, long time i not using irc...
11:33:49 <pa_3252> very long..
11:34:00 <ChrisMorgan> Shutting down the computer without closing the program can also cause the launcher to lose settings. Did you do that at all?
11:35:03 <pa_3252> yeah.. u correct
11:35:39 <pa_3252> is it important that i need to use luncher rather then excuted directly to the program?
11:37:26 <pa_3252> sdf
11:38:25 *** pa_3252 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
11:42:17 *** AwayFox is now known as FireFox
11:44:35 *** rcmaehl (~aab9e96b@gateway/web/freenode/x-xvrpkiapuzsedixd) has joined #portableapps
12:04:51 *** Spaceghost (irssi@unaffiliated/spaceghost) has joined #portableapps
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12:31:05 *** pa_9871 (~4f706ea8@gateway/web/freenode/x-pcdrhyrhkkaepyhy) has joined #portableapps
12:32:58 <pa_9871> Hi!
12:33:04 <pa_9871> how to make reapear a hidden icon?
12:33:32 <pa_9871> ..on this platform...
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12:34:56 *** Hiccup (~Hi@ has joined #portableapps
12:35:38 <Hiccup> Why hasnt anything new been released? Its been so long
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13:03:57 <pa_6649> does anyone know how I can make portableapps platform launch automaticly when I plun in my USB drive?
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13:38:49 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is working on KVIrc Portable:
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15:15:45 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
15:18:29 <new2irc> Bensawsome: If I had just waited another 2 days ... Now I found a banner on the home-page, still this week the roll-out starts. I'm excited :-) Thank you again :-))
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18:03:43 <pa_8135> JohnTHaller: So how is the release coming along?
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18:14:35 <pa_4785> I am trying out the portable apps on an 8gb cruzer flash drive. I have tried 2 different pc's & everything is so slow on both. Any way to test the speed of my drive? Would a newer drive be faster(this 1 is about 3 yrs old)?
18:14:55 <Gizmokid2005> pa_4785: it's the drive.
18:15:04 <Gizmokid2005> most run of the mill drives are slow
18:15:21 <Gizmokid2005> you'll need to step up the brand/price to get a decent performing stick that won't be slow.
18:15:47 <pa_4785> what should i get? i am not very patient (ha,ha).
18:16:34 <Gizmokid2005> Corsair Flash Voyager GTs are REALLY fast drives
18:16:57 <Gizmokid2005> if you're really not too picky on the size, I'd suggest a 2.5" external hard drive..but that's not usually that realistic of a solution
18:16:57 <pa_4785> thanx-i'll try 1.
18:17:00 <Gizmokid2005> though it's whats I use it.
18:17:06 <Gizmokid2005> *-it
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20:23:41 <Pyromaniac> hello?
20:23:44 <Pyromaniac> I need help
20:24:10 <Pyromaniac> I was looking for Chris but he aint here
20:24:11 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac: don't ask to ask, just ask.
20:24:17 <Pyromaniac> ok
20:24:31 <Gizmokid2005> he's not usually around Pyromaniac
20:24:38 <Gizmokid2005> typically later in the day (EST)
20:24:45 <Pyromaniac> oh
20:24:46 <Pyromaniac> ok
20:24:46 <Gizmokid2005> .seen ChrisMorgan
20:24:46 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005: I last saw chrismorgan at 2010-05-25 11:35:57 UTC on #portableapps
20:24:52 <Pyromaniac> take a look at this
20:24:55 <gluxon> Pyromaniac: Watcha need? :)
20:24:58 <Gizmokid2005> he was on early this morning as well
20:25:12 <gluxon> He's on a completely different time zone than us.
20:25:20 <gluxon> Think it's about 7 hours off mine.
20:25:25 <gluxon> Maybe more :(
20:25:29 <Pyromaniac> aww pastebin aint working
20:25:35 <Pyromaniac> well this is massive
20:26:03 <Pyromaniac> I was working on a launcher for Trillian Astra and I'm almost done
20:26:14 <Pyromaniac> just need some help with errors and registry
20:26:46 <Pyromaniac> shoot
20:26:53 <Pyromaniac> one sec
20:26:59 <Gizmokid2005> .t ChrisMorgan
20:26:59 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005: Sorry, I don't know about the 'ChrisMorgan' timezone.
20:27:51 <Pyromaniac> ok look
20:27:52 <Pyromaniac>
20:28:48 <Pyromaniac> HM NIS Edit is telling me "NoProgramEXE" and "ProgramIsAlreadyRunning" are not used
20:29:12 <Pyromaniac> and "PROGRAMEXECUTABLE" is not used or never set
20:29:46 <Pyromaniac> and I got no clue where to put the registry code in
20:30:18 <Pyromaniac> any ideas? or am I talking to nobody
20:31:28 <Pyromaniac> I feel like its an empty cave... cave... cave with the echo... echo... echo...
20:33:05 <kai_kracker> :|
20:33:11 *** kai_kracker is now known as kai_62656
20:33:17 <Pyromaniac> hello?
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20:33:28 <kai_62656> I'm here, I dont know about the people who...
20:34:41 <Pyromaniac> maybe they're just busy
20:35:32 <gluxon> kai! :)
20:35:56 <gluxon> Pyronmaniac: I'm looking at it now ;)
20:36:16 <Pyromaniac> thanks!
20:36:20 <gluxon> Uncomment the Icon command.
20:36:32 <Pyromaniac> yeah, I was working from the desktop
20:36:48 <gluxon> Okay, you're getting that error because you haven't set any conditions for it.
20:37:11 <gluxon> Add this to the top.
20:37:23 <Pyromaniac> ok
20:38:05 <gluxon> Wait...
20:38:13 <Pyromaniac> ok
20:38:20 <gluxon> Is this a launcher template?
20:38:28 <gluxon> Or something scratched out of another portable app?
20:38:50 <Pyromaniac> nope
20:38:51 <Pyromaniac> all me
20:38:56 <gluxon> Oh :)
20:38:59 <Pyromaniac> except for the beginning
20:39:03 <Pyromaniac> with the lisence
20:39:26 <Pyromaniac> but I copied and pasted from other failed projects
20:39:30 <Pyromaniac> of mine
20:39:51 <gluxon> IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\App\Trillian\Trilian.exe" "NextAction" "ProgramEXE"
20:40:19 <gluxon> Wait... the whole thing doens't have conditions set :/
20:40:22 <gluxon> That won't work.
20:40:27 <Pyromaniac> ok
20:40:59 <gluxon> Pyromaniac: You don't know any LogicLib, do you?
20:41:07 <Pyromaniac> nope
20:41:26 <Pyromaniac> the only language I can code off the top of my head is batch
20:41:33 <gluxon> Oh.
20:41:40 <Pyromaniac> and NSIS with some research
20:41:58 <gluxon> So you don't know the If.. Else statement yet? :(
20:42:46 <Pyromaniac> I could find out what it is if I needed to...?
20:43:02 <gluxon> Well, it should be understanded.
20:43:24 <gluxon> BTW, could we do this in a pm?
20:43:42 <Pyromaniac> yeah
20:43:47 <Pyromaniac> I don't know how though
20:43:52 <Pyromaniac> from my end
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21:24:35 <Pyromaniac> ok
21:25:43 <Pyromaniac> gluxon: hello?
21:28:49 <Pyromaniac> ah well, I'm on my own then...
21:31:24 *** gluxon has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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21:33:33 <Pyromaniac> gluxon: hello?
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21:37:48 <GizmoBot> SergentSiler is a Menu Themer, his theme website is
21:40:02 <Pyromaniac> WOT doesn't say its very safe
21:41:56 <Pyromaniac> Anyone: is the following line of code written correctly:
21:42:00 <Pyromaniac> ${registry::MoveValue} "HKU\S-1-5-21-3825228898-995690780-1513017234-1005\Software\Classes\Trillian.SkinZip" "copied_Trillian.SkinZip" "$TEMP" "moved_Trillian.SkinZip" $R0
21:42:30 <Pyromaniac> I want to move a key out of the registry
21:42:39 <Pyromaniac> to make way for a new key with the same name
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22:01:34 <Pyromaniac> hey gizmokid!
22:01:43 <Pyromaniac> are you there?
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22:53:31 <Gringoloco> ChrisMorgan: Do you agree with me on the language problem?
22:53:39 <ChrisMorgan> Not at all, sorry.
22:54:22 <ChrisMorgan> John and I have discussed all that stuff, and we've decided we want language switching whenever possible. In the next release of the Platform, users will be able to disable language switching on an app-by-app basis, which will fill in the last gap with it.
22:55:13 <Gringoloco> Lets say that I am a Bulgarian
22:56:20 <Pyromaniac> WOOOOOOO!!!!
22:56:24 <Gringoloco> So I have PAM set to Bulgarian, but a certain app doesn't have that language ! What will happen?
22:56:34 <Pyromaniac> I got Trillian Astra portable TO WORK!!!
22:56:42 <Pyromaniac> IT took me 5 HOURS
22:56:46 <Pyromaniac> but it works!!!
22:56:48 <Pyromaniac> WOOOOO!
22:57:05 <Pyromaniac> sorry for interupting your conversation
22:57:09 <Gringoloco> I would probably want to set it to Russian
22:57:17 <ChrisMorgan> It will go to English (unless in the next version of the Platform you select for example Russian as the language for that app, or disable language switching in which case it will keep the last value in the app)
22:57:20 <Gringoloco> Pyromaniac: congratulations
22:57:26 <Pyromaniac> THANK YOU!
22:57:44 <Pyromaniac> you will see it in the next 10 minutes (depending on how fast my internet goes)
22:57:57 <ChrisMorgan> Bear in mind also that many (in my experience, I think, most) apps use an environment variable (normally LANG) to set the language, and so none of this is then any use as there's no saved value in the app.
22:59:05 <Gringoloco> Would it be an idea to save the value to MP3GainPortableSettings.ini
23:00:45 <ChrisMorgan> Perhaps I should add such support. Current launchers have it, but it's never been documented (what the section/key is or what values to put in).
23:02:29 <Gringoloco> Have a thought about it, I think it would probably be more user friendly if the launcher handles the language, instead of the user having to set it within the platform
23:03:56 <ChrisMorgan> I don't really see how. Setting it in the launcher will mean investigating what the filename is, what the section/key is, and what values can be set, whereas in the Platform it'll just be a matter of right clicking on the application. Users are far more likely to do it in the Platform than the launcher.
23:05:37 <Gringoloco> I meant the with the launcher handling it, the user setting the language in the app it self, but OK I see what you mean
23:06:50 <Pyromaniac> sorry to but in again but when you do "additional install size" is it the size or the "size on disk"?
23:09:06 <ChrisMorgan> Pyromaniac: I just use the figure in the directory selection page of the installer.
23:09:25 <Pyromaniac> what?
23:09:34 <Pyromaniac> I mean in the INI file
23:09:39 <Pyromaniac> installer.ini
23:09:41 *** Gringoloco has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:10:05 <Pyromaniac> I did "size on disk" since I think thats how much you would be using after its installed
23:10:44 <ChrisMorgan> Ah
23:10:58 <Pyromaniac> I'm testing the installer right now
23:11:38 <ChrisMorgan> I think I'd be more inclined to use size. And you should probably be rounding it somewhat too.
23:11:44 <ChrisMorgan> Doesn't really matter though.
23:12:19 <Pyromaniac> GRRR!!!
23:12:28 <Pyromaniac> when I extract the installer
23:12:39 <Pyromaniac> it doesn't make the app
23:12:52 <Pyromaniac> it extracts .data files
23:12:55 <Pyromaniac> why?
23:13:01 <Pyromaniac> and its freeware
23:13:07 <Pyromaniac> so I can't redistribute it
23:13:12 <Pyromaniac> why???
23:13:49 <ChrisMorgan> If you can't extract it successfully... you can't extract it successfully.
23:14:00 *** marlop|away is now known as marlop
23:14:24 <Pyromaniac> nooooooooo!!!!
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23:14:44 <Pyromaniac> Do you think if I contact the publisher, he will let me destribute it?
23:15:24 <ChrisMorgan> I'd say try contacting them (business development, I think,
23:16:03 <ChrisMorgan> The may or may not say yes (they may or may not even respond), but it's worth trying. Say you can provide them with the package if they'd like to test/distribute it themselves.
23:16:13 <Pyromaniac> awww...
23:16:14 <Pyromaniac> ok
23:16:27 <Pyromaniac> I googled trillian astra zip
23:16:36 <Pyromaniac> and I found an illegal full version
23:16:40 <Pyromaniac> they one you pay for
23:16:55 <Pyromaniac> (technically) I wouldn't be destributing it
23:17:13 <Pyromaniac> *Big Smile*
23:17:21 <Pyromaniac> but I got to play it legal
23:17:23 <Pyromaniac> ok
23:17:38 <ChrisMorgan> :-/
23:17:56 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:18:13 <Pyromaniac> what do I do with installer.ini?
23:18:25 <Pyromaniac> if they run the installer, they will encounter the same problem
23:18:34 <Pyromaniac> should I delete the website in the file?
23:18:42 <Pyromaniac> or the whole file alltogether
23:20:19 <Pyromaniac> Ok, I'm gonna ask them
23:20:41 <Pyromaniac> do you know how to make a letter that sounds really proffessional and persuasive?
23:20:53 <Pyromaniac> I could use your help if you could...
23:21:07 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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23:48:19 <Pyromaniac> look!
23:48:20 <Pyromaniac>
23:48:49 <Pyromaniac> 5 hours of hard work!
23:48:53 <Pyromaniac> completed!
23:48:57 <Pyromaniac> yes!
23:50:55 *** Pyromaniac has quit (Client Quit)