IRC Log from 2010-06-14

00:12:04 *** Pyromaniac has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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01:25:11 *** Pyromaniac (446b81bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
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02:12:38 *** vf2nsr (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
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02:16:56 *** OliverK (~WifiWomba@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
02:17:14 <OliverK> wow! Its TimClark! Howdy Tim!
02:20:08 <TimClark> Big Phail for you today OliverK , glad I caught it :P
02:20:17 <OliverK> indeed
02:20:46 <OliverK> Gizmo twittered me and I fixed it, so thanks
02:21:25 <TimClark> But did you really need to bump truthseeker [sic] :/
02:21:50 <OliverK> sorry. I wish someone would lock the topic, its rather annoying
02:21:50 <TimClark> Now he will feel the need to reply, and bump it again :(
02:22:21 <OliverK> i was going to say something awhile ago but decided against it, came back and found his new bullshit, couldn't stand it
02:22:52 <TimClark> I do not deal with truthseeker [sic] and I do not deal with the "Delay"
02:22:53 <TimClark> John made this bed himself
02:23:33 <OliverK> interesting thing to say
02:24:05 <TimClark> Hey, folks all over the place are pissed, and I don't know what to say
02:24:36 <TimClark> I know as little as everyone else, which is nothing, I have no idea what is going on at this point
02:24:52 <vf2nsr> tell them that the dam has not breached yet and to pray for rain?
02:26:06 <sar3th> i think being honest and not making false claims but instead clarifying what you know and what you do not know is the right way to deal with this situation, and i think you are right about the responsibility as well, it's john's call
02:26:07 <TimClark> truthseeker [sic] is a special case, he is just being a muckraker and he knows it
02:29:16 *** Pyromaniac (446b81bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
02:38:52 *** vf2nsr has quit (Quit: I am I was Now I gone)
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04:04:16 *** Pyromaniac has quit (Quit: Page closed)
04:16:39 <TimClark> Time to make a SRP, can't have portableapps running when that happens
04:17:42 <TimClark> Might be back, might not, so just in case, good night all
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06:10:04 *** Veixes has quit (Quit: _____----)
06:16:23 *** OliverK has quit (Quit: so long and thanks for all the fish)
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12:12:05 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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15:09:42 *** ProgMan ( has joined #portableapps
15:11:39 *** Pyromaniac_ (446b81bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
15:12:54 *** pa_6551 (b84d19d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
15:13:20 <pa_6551> help
15:13:40 <pa_6551> i have installed the apps suite to the c:\
15:14:02 <pa_6551> but when i start the pc the apps is not loaded
15:14:22 <pa_6551> do i have to modify the autrun?
15:14:46 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6551: you'd have to put a shortcut to what you want in the startup folder
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15:15:01 <Gizmokid2005> the autorun doesn't work on a startup, it's meant to work on drive insertion
15:15:09 <Gizmokid2005> but doesn't work because windows disabled autorun on USB drives
15:15:34 <pa_6551> but many article said the installing in the root will auto lauch
15:15:37 <pa_6551> launch
15:15:40 <Gizmokid2005> like what?
15:15:46 <Gizmokid2005> it won't. that's not how auto-run is designed
15:15:56 <pa_6551> hmmm..
15:16:04 <Gizmokid2005> if you put it in the startup folder, or the windows startup settings, it'll work
15:16:06 <pa_6551> never had to do that before
15:16:18 <pa_6551> i have installed it on the hard drive b4
15:16:29 <pa_6551> ok
15:16:43 <pa_6551> but never had to do that b4
15:16:58 <Gizmokid2005> the behavior hasn't changed in the platform
15:17:22 <pa_6551> well..
15:17:29 <pa_6551> ok then
15:17:46 <pa_6551> but .. never... had to do that before
15:18:02 <pa_6551> when i started the pc the icon was in the tray
15:18:05 <Gizmokid2005> *shrugs*
15:18:10 <Gizmokid2005> any number of things could've changed
15:18:11 <pa_6551> i have never installed it to the usb
15:18:16 <Gizmokid2005> and it depends on how you had it setup before
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15:19:02 <pa_6551> i don't know how to do these things.. so i know i never had to manually do anything
15:19:18 <pa_6551> also...
15:19:39 <pa_6551> i have an admin account on my xp and also a limited account
15:19:54 <Gizmokid2005> the limited account will have issues most likely
15:19:54 <pa_6551> do i have to put a shortcut for all users
15:20:06 <pa_6551> hmm
15:20:21 <Gizmokid2005> because they can't run stuff from root of the C: drive
15:20:30 <pa_6551> hmm
15:20:41 <pa_6551> well that is an issue
15:20:45 <pa_6551> :)
15:21:25 <pa_6551> can i modify the account in such a way that they can atleast launch the apps
15:21:33 <Gizmokid2005> not from the C: driv3e
15:21:39 <Gizmokid2005> unless you give the account more permissions
15:21:57 <pa_6551> you see i have a 13 gig hd and i have stripped xp to the bare bones
15:22:03 <pa_6551> and installed the pa
15:22:32 <pa_6551> can i give more permission just for PA
15:23:03 <Gizmokid2005> you can try to do it from the admin account to others, not sure if it'll be possible to override the windows permissions, but it's possible. You can try it by right-clicking on the portableapps folders and modifying the permissions from there.
15:23:17 <Gizmokid2005> I can't say for sure whether or not it will work since windows does permissions weird at times...but it's worth a shot
15:26:19 <pa_6551> trying
15:27:43 <pa_6551> if i put it in the sharing folders..
15:28:05 <pa_6551> can i just put the exe only or the whole apps has to go in the sharing folder
15:28:39 <Gizmokid2005> the entire folder has to go in there
15:28:42 <Gizmokid2005> you can't split it up
15:28:52 <pa_6551> hmm
15:28:55 <pa_6551> oh well
15:29:19 <pa_6551> ok.. trying the shortcut in the startup ..
15:36:57 <pa_6551> i have another ?
15:37:00 <pa_6551> please
15:37:39 <pa_6551> i have the startportableapps.exe and autorun in two places
15:37:53 <pa_6551> once in the root of c
15:38:36 <pa_6551> and the other in the folder "Portableapps/"
15:39:16 <Gizmokid2005> You shouldn't
15:39:37 <Gizmokid2005> startportableapps.exe should be in the root, and you should have "PortableAppsPlatform.exe" in "PortableApps\"
15:41:34 <Pyromaniac_> hey, sorry I missed everything
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15:42:13 <Pyromaniac_> *connection issues*
15:42:23 <pa_6551> ok.. let me explain again
15:42:29 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6551: no
15:42:31 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac_: use the logs
15:42:33 <pa_6551> after downloading
15:42:34 <Gizmokid2005> that's why we have them.
15:42:38 <Pyromaniac_> hey pa_6551, have you heard of Glary Utilities
15:42:45 <Pyromaniac_> I know his problem, I read it
15:43:24 <Pyromaniac_> createate a new folder in C: called
15:43:40 <pa_6551> i just double clicked the installation file
15:43:49 <Pyromaniac_> Install platform to C:\
15:44:09 <pa_6551> i created a PortableApps folder and put everthing in there
15:44:11 <pa_6551> cool
15:44:22 <pa_6551> within this folder
15:44:28 <Pyromaniac_> no, you need to call it
15:44:32 <Pyromaniac_> oh ok
15:44:38 <pa_6551> i also created a folder
15:44:45 <pa_6551> within that..
15:44:53 <Pyromaniac_> ok
15:45:06 <Gizmokid2005> No
15:45:07 <pa_6551> i have startportableapps.exe and autrun.inf
15:45:09 <Pyromaniac_> I'm doing a quick search right now for the app you need
15:45:17 <Gizmokid2005> you do NOT need to install to
15:45:19 <Pyromaniac_> Gizmokid2005: let me try this
15:45:22 <pa_6551> i also have both these files in the c:
15:45:23 <Gizmokid2005> the installer is meant to be run to the root of the drive.
15:45:30 <Pyromaniac_> Gizmokid2005: it will be easier
15:45:45 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac_: it'll be easier to just install it to the root as he's already got the setup configured that way.
15:45:50 <Pyromaniac_> this way his hardddirv doesn't look like a flash drive
15:46:32 <Pyromaniac_> no, his harddrive will look like a flash drive
15:46:53 <Gizmokid2005> right, which is how it's setup now.
15:46:57 <Pyromaniac_> pa_6551: go here
15:46:59 <Pyromaniac_>
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15:47:23 <Pyromaniac_> go here
15:47:24 <Pyromaniac_>
15:47:30 <Pyromaniac_> download it
15:47:37 <Pyromaniac_> install it
15:47:46 <Pyromaniac_> and tell me when you finish
15:48:01 <Pyromaniac_> pa_6551: those messages were for you
15:48:27 <pa_6551> thanks
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15:49:05 <pa_6551> could you please let me explain.. for just a sec.. i'm not a great typist.. :)
15:49:18 <Pyromaniac_> ok
15:49:24 <pa_6551> i came to this chat and asked before downloading and installing
15:49:36 <pa_6551> and that's exactly what i have done
15:49:38 <Pyromaniac_> I know your issue, you cannot autorun your menu when windows loads
15:49:43 <pa_6551> i dl..ed
15:49:48 <Pyromaniac_> I'm going to show you how
15:49:52 <pa_6551> and just doubleclicked
15:49:57 <Pyromaniac_> ok
15:50:14 <pa_6551> i automatically created the folder
15:50:29 <Pyromaniac_> ok
15:50:36 <pa_6551> and created all the folders that were in the suite
15:50:37 <Pyromaniac_> do you have glary utilities?
15:50:49 <pa_6551> one of the folder is..
15:50:50 <Pyromaniac_> from the link I gave you
15:51:11 <pa_6551>
15:51:19 <Pyromaniac_> yes I know
15:51:31 <pa_6551> sorry.. the parent folder is only Portableapps
15:51:34 <pa_6551> without the .com
15:51:37 <Pyromaniac_> but you said yuo were having issues starting it up with windows rihgt?
15:51:54 <pa_6551> right
15:51:55 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac_: only for AUTOMATIC start
15:52:00 <pa_6551> but .. please wait
15:52:05 <pa_6551> :)
15:52:12 <Pyromaniac_> ok
15:52:18 <pa_6551> the two files and in two places
15:52:24 <pa_6551> once in c:
15:52:36 <pa_6551> and the other in the folder
15:52:45 <pa_6551> and..
15:52:51 <Pyromaniac_> ok
15:52:55 <pa_6551> my c: now has the usb icon
15:53:09 <pa_6551> which i think it is getting from
15:53:16 <Pyromaniac_> ok
15:53:21 <pa_6551> the autorun.inf file
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15:53:41 <Pyromaniac_> sorry
15:53:58 <pa_6551> Icon=PortableApps\\App\Graphics\usb.ico
15:54:14 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6551: you can just delete the autorun file
15:54:18 <Gizmokid2005> it's not needed
15:54:22 <pa_6551> and when i boot up it won't start the apps
15:54:28 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6551: now listen
15:54:31 <Pyromaniac_> I am going to show you how
15:54:35 <pa_6551> ok
15:54:36 <pa_6551> :)
15:54:36 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac_: hang on
15:54:46 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6551: open up C:\PortableApps\\
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15:54:56 <pa_6551> ok
15:55:15 *** ProgMan has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
15:55:29 <Gizmokid2005> and create a shortcut to PortableAppsPlatform.exe (you can right-click and create shortcut).
15:56:08 <Gizmokid2005> what version of windows pa_6551, and do you want all users to autorun the menu?
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15:57:12 <pa_6551> xp
15:57:28 <pa_6551> and yes i hoping for all uses
15:57:30 <pa_6551> users
15:57:34 <Gizmokid2005> Ok
15:57:39 <Gizmokid2005> did you get the shortcut created?
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15:58:17 <pa_6551> little confused .. trying to read again
15:58:53 <pa_6551> ok created
15:59:01 <pa_6551> can't i just copy the one there
15:59:05 <Gizmokid2005> hang on
15:59:15 <Gizmokid2005> and no, because that's not a shotcut, that's the actual app launcher
15:59:23 <Gizmokid2005> now, copy that shortcut to this folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
15:59:23 <pa_6551> ok
15:59:27 <Gizmokid2005> paste it in there, and you are all set.
15:59:27 *** Veixes (~Veixes@unaffiliated/veixes) has joined #portableapps
16:00:46 *** ProgMan (~ProgMan@ has joined #portableapps
16:01:06 <pa_6551> ok trying
16:01:08 <Gizmokid2005> then the menu will autorun whenever a user logs in pa_6551
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16:06:06 <pa_6551> ok did that
16:06:23 <pa_6551> but i don't want to reboot just yet
16:06:28 <Gizmokid2005> that'sf ine
16:06:30 <Gizmokid2005> *that's fine
16:06:37 <pa_6551> ok.. now
16:06:41 <Gizmokid2005> it should be set, just swing by if it doesn't work
16:07:26 <pa_6551> do i need to delete the startportableapps.exe and autorun from the c:
16:07:32 <Gizmokid2005> you don't have to pa_6551
16:07:35 <Gizmokid2005> but feel free if you'd like
16:07:41 <pa_6551> ok
16:07:43 <pa_6551> also
16:07:55 <Gizmokid2005> if you want the icon to go back to normal, delete the "Icon" line from it, or just delete the file itself (the autorun.inf that is)
16:08:06 <pa_6551> will this remove the usb icon from my c:
16:08:18 <pa_6551> ok
16:08:20 <pa_6551> thanks
16:08:46 <pa_6551> ok.. let me reboot
16:08:48 <pa_6551> :)
16:08:51 <Gizmokid2005> k
16:08:52 <pa_6551> brb
16:08:58 *** pa_6551 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
16:09:42 <ProgMan> nice walk-thru of the setup Gk2005 - :)
16:09:56 <Gizmokid2005> ProgMan: :) i do my best
16:11:46 <ProgMan> I hope pa_6551 looks at his/her log file and keeps the info handy for future reference
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16:49:16 *** pa_3173 (b84d19d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
16:49:46 <pa_3173> Gizmokid2005, Pyromaniac_
16:49:50 <pa_3173> thanks a lot
16:49:55 <pa_3173> all that worked fine
16:50:22 <pa_3173> the limited account has some issues because it cannot write to ini etc
16:50:24 <pa_3173> but that
16:50:31 <pa_3173> is understandable
16:50:56 <Gizmokid2005> good to hear pa_3173
16:51:02 <pa_3173> pyromanic_.. i downloaded the glaryut....
16:51:10 <pa_3173> and ran it .. cool beans
16:52:02 <pa_3173> i thought ccleaner was cool.. but glary caught many things that ccleaner didn't
16:52:42 <Pyromaniac_> good!
16:52:50 <Pyromaniac_> glad you liked it
16:53:02 <pa_3173> :0
16:53:05 <pa_3173> :)
16:53:23 <Pyromaniac_> I always use it whenever I need to boost up my PC
16:53:59 <pa_3173> am i allowed to ask more ?s
16:54:02 <pa_3173> :)
16:54:05 <Pyromaniac_> oh sure!
16:54:11 <pa_3173> . i downloaded the apps installer 2.0
16:54:16 <pa_3173> and installed it
16:54:23 <pa_3173> but don't know what to do with it
16:54:25 <pa_3173> hehe
16:54:40 <pa_3173> also the format 2.0
16:54:56 <Pyromaniac_> its for developing portable application installers
16:55:17 <Pyromaniac_> do you want to see an example?
16:55:25 <pa_3173> yep
16:55:29 <pa_3173> absolutely
16:55:33 <Pyromaniac_>
16:56:05 <Pyromaniac_> notice the icons are different from the regular older versions
16:56:06 <pa_3173> going there now
16:56:10 <Pyromaniac_> ok
16:56:38 <Pyromaniac_> the installer is for Portable app developers to easily compile their programs
16:57:18 <Pyromaniac_> If you want to develop portable apps in for, you will most likely be using this
16:58:50 <Pyromaniac_> you can try your hand at it if you'd like
16:58:51 <Pyromaniac_>
16:59:15 <Pyromaniac_> I personally don't use it because I don't like it, I code everything by hand
16:59:28 <Pyromaniac_> but its great for begginers
17:00:11 <Pyromaniac_> So, in other words, you don't really the Installer 2.0.
17:11:49 <pa_3173> ok i dl..ed the transparency
17:12:04 <pa_3173> how is it diff from the one that came with the suite
17:12:49 <pa_3173> TrueTransparency
17:13:19 <benedikt93> I thin Pyromaniac might have confused you a bit:
17:13:49 <benedikt93> The installer, the format and the PAL are tools for devs to make apps portable in the PA format.
17:14:16 <benedikt93> You only need to worry about them if you want to create your own portable applications.
17:14:55 <pa_3173> so if i have a full version of an app.. i point to it and the installer will create me a portable version... right?
17:15:12 <benedikt93> TrueTransparency isn't just another version of the installer, it's an example of an own app (which was done by Pyromaniac)
17:15:30 <pa_3173> yes.. i know
17:15:44 <benedikt93> No, it will not. It's just packages an already portable app into one for easy distribution.
17:15:54 <benedikt93> *one file
17:16:06 <pa_3173> oh.. i see
17:16:08 <pa_3173> got it
17:16:20 <pa_3173> sorry for the dumbness... :)
17:16:37 <benedikt93> You're welcome ;)
17:17:42 <benedikt93> You've to analyze an app concerning files it uses, registry entries, services it need, whatever and then create a launcher that deals with this to copy it back and forth from your portable directory.
17:18:21 <benedikt93> Then you put everything in the correct folder structure, create some config file(s) and run PAc installer over it.
17:18:41 <pa_3173> ok.. so.. here's a ?
17:18:58 <benedikt93> a what?
17:19:07 <pa_3173> some apps won't run smoothly for a limited account in xp
17:19:47 <pa_3173> so can i modify those and create a seperate install for them
17:20:09 <benedikt93> it's not an issue related to the apps you need another installer for
17:20:54 <benedikt93> XP simply doesn't allow them to write files to some specific places on your drive when run from a limited account for security reasons.
17:21:26 <Pyromaniac_> Chris Morgan is working on a Wizard to make portable apps
17:21:28 <pa_3173> true
17:21:44 <benedikt93> So you might check right-clicking on your folder/app that won't run, select properties and check for some permission thing
17:22:06 <benedikt93> concerning XP, I can't really help you as I don't have a XP machine here
17:22:17 <Pyromaniac_> what app won't work?
17:22:25 <Pyromaniac_> I do
17:22:33 <Pyromaniac_> WinXP SP3
17:22:49 <Pyromaniac_> (sorry I phased out, I was taking screenshots for my website)
17:23:28 <pa_3173> firefox displays this message..
17:23:38 <pa_3173> Could not initialize the application's security component. The most likely cause is problems with files in your application's profile directory. Please check that this directory has no read/write restrictions and your hard disk is not full or close to full. It is recommended that you exit the application and fix the problem. If you continue to use this session, you might see incorrect application behaviour when accessing securi
17:23:58 <Pyromaniac_> hmm
17:24:07 <Pyromaniac_> ok...
17:24:16 <Pyromaniac_> is it on your harddrive?
17:24:21 <pa_3173> that's from the limited account
17:24:26 *** nanoguy ( has joined #portableapps
17:24:29 <pa_3173> admin has no issues
17:24:29 <nanoguy> hi
17:24:36 <pa_3173> yep
17:24:47 <pa_3173> i have installed the PA on my c:
17:24:53 <benedikt93> so, where did you exactly install FireFoxPortable
17:24:54 <Pyromaniac_> nanoguy: hi!
17:25:07 <nanoguy> hows 2.0 coming along?
17:25:17 <Pyromaniac_> go to your data folder and delete everything and try again
17:25:28 <Gizmokid2005> nanoguy: nobody knows
17:25:30 <Pyromaniac_> format or installer?
17:25:37 <pa_3173> i have put the shortcut like Gizmo.. suggested in all users startup folder
17:25:47 <nanoguy> ok
17:25:52 <benedikt93> this isn't related to the shortcut
17:25:59 <pa_3173> i know
17:26:19 <Pyromaniac_> go to your FirefoxPortable\data folder
17:26:21 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac_: benedikt93, pa_3173 - Be corrected: ChrisMorgan isn't creating a wizard to make them portable, he's creating a universal launcher so we don't have to use custom code to make an app portable, but the work to figure out what an app modifies on the host machine is still needed (registry keys, files/folders, etc).
17:26:24 <pa_3173> i have installed it in c:\ with my admin account
17:26:40 <benedikt93> Pyro meant: go to PortableApps\FireFoxPortable\Data and delete everything in there
17:26:45 <Pyromaniac_> Gizmokid2005: I talked to im about it
17:27:00 <Pyromaniac_> Gizmokid2005: said he was working on one
17:27:14 <Pyromaniac_> pa_3173: yes
17:27:41 <pa_3173> ok
17:27:45 <pa_3173> i'm there
17:28:04 <Pyromaniac_> delete everything inside
17:28:20 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac_: unless he's working on a super secret project, he'd be trying to create something like Thinstall that records what the app changes on the host system and then translates that into the launcher. Right now, you just modify an INI file for the launcher on what needs to be cleaned up/done on launch/close and the rest is done by PAL2.0
17:28:23 <Pyromaniac_> not the data folder but the stuff in it
17:28:57 <pa_3173> data folder has 3 other folders
17:29:04 <Pyromaniac_> Gizmokid2005: I'm not going to bother explaining to you what will happen... ask him yourself
17:29:16 <Pyromaniac_> delete all of them pa_3173
17:29:23 <pa_3173> ok
17:30:06 <pa_3173> but i'm still using firefox
17:30:48 <Pyromaniac_> close out of it
17:30:59 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac_: that's how he's talking to us ofc
17:31:09 <Pyromaniac_> and then delete the folders, then try firefox again
17:31:11 <pa_3173> hmm...
17:31:13 <pa_3173> ok
17:31:17 <pa_3173> will be back
17:31:26 <Pyromaniac_> oh!
17:31:38 <Pyromaniac_> ok, bye
17:31:52 *** pa_3173 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
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17:33:43 <pa_9076> Pyro.. i'm back
17:33:49 <pa_9076> deleted all folders
17:34:32 <pa_9076> now they all get created again
17:35:28 <Pyromaniac_> I know, they are supposed
17:35:30 <Pyromaniac_> to
17:35:34 <pa_9076> ok..
17:35:47 <Pyromaniac_> but do you still get the error message
17:36:03 <Pyromaniac_> the same you mentioned before?
17:36:12 <pa_9076> so you think if i now log onto the limited account i will not have this prob?
17:36:23 <pa_9076> i'm chatting fromthe admin account right now
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17:36:31 <Pyromaniac_> well...
17:36:50 <Pyromaniac_> I think you may have changed a setting and that is causing FF to act funny
17:36:58 <pa_9076> ok.. i'll switch and see.. brb
17:37:05 <Pyromaniac_> when you delete the data folder, you reset the settings
17:37:26 <Pyromaniac_> so I think that if you try to log into a limited account, it should work
17:37:32 <Pyromaniac_> ok
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17:41:28 *** stratford (b84d19d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
17:41:39 <stratford> Pyro..
17:41:46 <stratford> still the same message
17:42:24 <Pyromaniac_> huh
17:42:30 <Pyromaniac_> when does that come up?
17:42:38 <Pyromaniac_> when you start FF?
17:43:01 <stratford> yep
17:43:30 <Pyromaniac_> ok, well can you take a screenshot?
17:43:42 <stratford> hmm..
17:43:57 <Pyromaniac_> post it up in the forums. I'm sure John (the develepor of it) will be able to help
17:44:08 <stratford> is there a apps for it
17:44:13 <stratford> portable ?
17:44:35 <stratford> infra recorder won't work
17:44:38 <stratford> either
17:44:40 <Pyromaniac_> yes, Light screen portable
17:44:43 <stratford> access denied
17:44:49 <stratford> ok
17:44:55 <stratford> let me dl that
17:47:40 <stratford> brb
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17:56:24 <Stratford> ok will post it the forum with all other issues
17:56:29 <Stratford> thanks Pyrom
17:56:40 <Stratford> have another ?
17:56:57 <Gizmokid2005> Stratford: don't ask to ask, just ask ;)
17:57:07 <Stratford> since i don';t have any use for the installer 2.0
17:57:31 <Stratford> can i just delete the folder?
17:57:40 <Pyromaniac_> ask all you want to ask, as long as were here, we will try to help
17:57:54 <Stratford> thanks
17:58:22 <Gizmokid2005> you can Stratford
17:58:43 <Pyromaniac_> yes
18:00:49 <Stratford> i also dl..ed the appcompactor.. mistaking it for menu compactor
18:01:07 <Stratford> which i thought was included in the older versions
18:01:22 <Stratford> or am i wrong
18:02:04 <Pyromaniac_> appcompactor is used to compress applications
18:02:19 <Pyromaniac_> you don't need it unless your developing portable applications
18:02:32 <Stratford> thanks
18:02:35 <Pyromaniac_> you can use it to compress normal apps, but you might break them
18:02:51 * Pyromaniac_ broke a lot of apps with it :(
18:03:07 <Stratford> hehe
18:03:31 <Stratford> ok.. once i unstall something.. what happens on the hard drive
18:03:43 <Stratford> i do a regular defrag
18:04:03 <Stratford> so will that take care of the PA parent folder
18:04:14 <Pyromaniac_> yes
18:04:23 <Stratford> k
18:04:36 <Pyromaniac_> if you defrag the whole harddrive
18:04:45 <Stratford> yes
18:05:00 <Pyromaniac_> you can also choose to just defrag your portableapps folder
18:05:14 <Stratford> how do i do that
18:05:26 <Stratford> and speaking about defrag..
18:05:30 <Pyromaniac_> but word of advice: DONT defrag your flash drive
18:05:44 <Pyromaniac_> with JK Defrag Portable
18:05:48 <Stratford> what's the diff between jkdefrag and mydefrag
18:06:00 <Stratford> ok
18:06:12 <Stratford> how come?
18:06:24 <Stratford> will it mess it up?
18:06:45 <Pyromaniac_> ah, no just kidding, I guess you can't defrag individual folders with JKDefrag
18:07:00 <Stratford> :)
18:07:01 <Pyromaniac_> defragging doesnt change an app
18:07:10 <Stratford> well..
18:07:25 <Pyromaniac_> it just makes the harddrive easier to read... making the apps run faster
18:07:27 <Stratford> i have experience about some thing behaving funny
18:07:40 <Stratford> but i am a regular defragger
18:07:46 <Pyromaniac_> ok...
18:07:55 <Stratford> on this machine i only have 13 gig
18:08:05 <Stratford> hence the PA
18:08:07 <Stratford> :)
18:08:10 <Stratford> which i love
18:08:23 <Stratford> will migrate to linux soon
18:08:28 <Stratford> love it
18:08:49 <Stratford> no more doze of windoze
18:08:50 <Stratford> haha
18:08:58 <Pyromaniac_> YES! I got a reply from the developers of Trillian Astra!!! WOOO!
18:09:04 <Pyromaniac_> :P
18:09:27 <Stratford> ok now you are speaking like a martian
18:09:30 <Stratford> :)
18:09:41 <Stratford> Trillian Astra?
18:10:44 <Pyromaniac_> its an instant messanger client
18:10:53 <Stratford> oh
18:10:55 <Stratford> k
18:10:57 <Pyromaniac_> I made it portable, but I couldn't legally destribute it
18:11:09 *** TimClark (8087e3c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
18:11:13 <Pyromaniac_> so I aksed permission a little while ago
18:11:29 *** Spaceghost is now known as vuvuzuela
18:11:32 <Pyromaniac_> HA! TimClark I got a reply from the devs!
18:11:46 <TimClark> Is the support done Pyromaniac_ ?
18:11:47 <Pyromaniac_> of trillian Astra
18:11:56 *** vuvuzuela is now known as Spaceghost
18:12:24 <Pyromaniac_> uh, I answered his last question
18:12:32 *** Spaceghost is now known as vuvuzela
18:12:40 <Pyromaniac_> do you have any more questions Stratford ?
18:12:44 *** vuvuzela is now known as Spaceghost
18:12:59 <Stratford> yes
18:13:09 <Pyromaniac_> ok
18:13:29 <Gizmokid2005> Pyromaniac_: [14:11:42] <Pyromaniac_> HA! TimClark I got a reply from the devs! <-- IS NOT acceptable.
18:13:31 <Gizmokid2005> Stop with that.
18:13:36 <Stratford> does PA (or any apps) write anything to the hard drive outside of PA
18:14:13 <Pyromaniac_> yes and no... let me explain
18:14:21 <Stratford> k
18:14:22 <Pyromaniac_> Lets you Firefox Portable
18:14:28 <Pyromaniac_> *use
18:14:35 <Stratford> k
18:14:44 <Pyromaniac_> FirefoxPortable.exe is what we call a launcher
18:15:16 <Pyromaniac_> it launches an exe inside FirefoxPortable\App\firefox
18:15:25 <Pyromaniac_> called firefox.exe
18:15:54 <Pyromaniac_> firefox.exe will write its settings to the harddrive
18:16:26 <Pyromaniac_> and when you close out of it FirefoxPortable.ex will see that
18:16:49 <Pyromaniac_> it will copy the files left by firefox.exe to your Data folder
18:17:23 <Stratford> will it clean up the hard drive?
18:17:24 <Pyromaniac_> each time you run FirefoxPortable.exe, if there is information in the Data folder, it will be copied to the harddive and firefox.exe will read it
18:17:40 <Stratford> i c
18:17:40 <Pyromaniac_> yes, it deletes the files left by firefox.exe
18:17:57 <Pyromaniac_> you can watch it in action if you want
18:18:10 <Stratford> delete permanently or delete reference to it
18:18:32 <Pyromaniac_> delete permanantly
18:18:45 <Stratford> so no crums left?
18:19:07 <Pyromaniac_> nope
18:19:14 <Stratford> cool
18:19:18 <Pyromaniac_> now, if you have addons, thats a different story
18:19:34 <Pyromaniac_> some addons (not all) will leave some files behind on the host
18:19:43 <Stratford> hmmm
18:19:59 <Pyromaniac_> like CoolIris will create a shortcut to it on the dektop each time you run Firefox
18:20:16 <Stratford> but that's not stated anywhere on PA site.. :)
18:20:29 <Pyromaniac_> someone started a forum topic listing the addons that weren't portable... I'm not sure where it is though
18:20:45 <Stratford> so lets say i have PA on a flash drive
18:20:59 <Stratford> and i travel to another computer
18:21:09 <Stratford> some crums will be left
18:21:45 <Stratford> everywhere i read .. it states no trail left behind
18:22:19 <Stratford> it could even be a virus :)
18:22:33 <Pyromaniac_> all the apps as they are, are portable
18:23:00 <Pyromaniac_> now, when you add stuff to them, thats a differnet story
18:23:08 <Stratford> i c
18:23:15 <Pyromaniac_> one sec, let me find ou that topic I mentioned earlier
18:23:27 <Stratford> k
18:24:30 <Pyromaniac_> my internet is being a bit slow... sorry
18:25:12 <Stratford> no worries
18:26:00 <Stratford> ?
18:26:07 <Stratford> about antivirus
18:26:09 <Pyromaniac_> here
18:26:15 <Pyromaniac_>
18:26:24 <Pyromaniac_> ok
18:26:29 *** AGGELOS (554ad07a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
18:27:02 <Pyromaniac_> here is another site that talks about it
18:27:04 <Stratford> if i already have antivirus in my PA can it protect my computer
18:27:21 <Stratford> since i have not installed anything on the native xp
18:27:28 <AGGELOS> hi i an looking for internet explorer portable. Can you help mew?
18:27:39 <Pyromaniac_> yes, but it does not provide live protection
18:27:43 <Gizmokid2005> AGGELOS: no. IE portable is not, nor ever will be portable
18:28:02 *** TimClark has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
18:28:06 <Stratford> hence it does not activate the security center?
18:28:19 <Stratford> so i have to install an antivirus on XP
18:28:44 <Pyromaniac_> I'm not sure what you are asking...
18:28:51 <Pyromaniac_> let me explain
18:29:14 <AGGELOS> ok thanks :)
18:29:17 <Pyromaniac_> Live antivirus protection is protection that tells you immediately when a virus infects your computer
18:29:58 <Pyromaniac_> now ClamWin Portable doesn't have live antivirus protection. You need to manually tell it to scan the computer for viruses
18:30:02 <Stratford> i have clamvin in PA but still need another one for live protection on XP.. right?
18:30:34 <Pyromaniac_> yes
18:30:40 <Pyromaniac_> here is the best one
18:30:47 <Stratford> k
18:30:50 <Stratford> need that
18:30:52 <Pyromaniac_>
18:31:09 <Stratford> something that does not use too many resouces
18:31:13 <Stratford> or bloated
18:31:19 <Pyromaniac_> It provides good protection, and it is free
18:31:38 <Pyromaniac_> its a big app, but it doesn't use a lot of CPU
18:31:47 <Stratford> hmm
18:32:02 <Stratford> better than AVG, NOD32 etc..
18:32:08 <Pyromaniac_> yes
18:32:14 <Stratford> k
18:32:20 <Pyromaniac_> its the best free one
18:32:27 <Stratford> ok
18:32:44 *** AGGELOS has quit (Quit: Page closed)
18:32:44 <Pyromaniac_> now if you want the ultimate protection, and you have the money for it, I suggest Sophos Antivirus
18:32:55 <Stratford> what about spyware, malware, etc..
18:33:10 <Stratford> not really..
18:33:15 <Stratford> free is best
18:33:22 <Pyromaniac_> SpyDLLRemover Portable
18:33:43 <Pyromaniac_> it only scan open processes
18:33:53 <Pyromaniac_> and again, it doesn't provide live protection
18:33:56 <Stratford> but not live protection?
18:34:00 <Gizmokid2005> I love Avira
18:34:00 <Stratford> k
18:34:12 *** TimClark (8087e3c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
18:34:31 <Gizmokid2005> Avira works amazing, the /only/ annoyance it has, is that the free version pops up an add after update every day...which really isn't that big of a deal, it's more like a pop-under so it doesn't take focus
18:35:36 <Pyromaniac_> and it block USB auto runs
18:35:42 <Pyromaniac_> very annoying
18:35:58 <Gizmokid2005> no it doesn't
18:36:01 <Gizmokid2005> not if you disable it
18:36:32 <Pyromaniac_> eh, I haven't looked much into it
18:36:51 <Gizmokid2005> then don't give out false info.
18:36:55 <Gizmokid2005> it can be turned off in the settings
18:37:03 <Stratford> ok... for total free protection against, virus, spyware, malware, trojans, and a firewall.. is there one product (free) that will take care of it?
18:37:06 <Gizmokid2005> by default it does, yes.
18:37:34 <Pyromaniac_> yes, Avira
18:38:02 <Pyromaniac_> I'm pretty sure it has firewall, but I'm not certain
18:38:10 <Stratford> hmm
18:38:35 <Gizmokid2005> No it doesn't Pyromaniac_
18:38:40 <Gizmokid2005> the free version does not have a firewall
18:38:53 <Pyromaniac_> ok, well I know COMODO antivirus does
18:39:01 <Pyromaniac_> its free
18:39:46 <Pyromaniac_>
18:40:10 <Pyromaniac_> that provides firewall, but it needs a lot of configuring to make it work right :(
18:40:25 <Gizmokid2005> the windows firewall is pretty sufficient if you are behind a router
18:40:32 <Pyromaniac_> It also takes a lot of time to do a virus scan with it
18:41:13 <Stratford> k
18:42:46 <TimClark> At this point I think we have moved away from PA.c relevant stuff, no ?
18:43:25 <Pyromaniac_> ok, well Stratford, I'll leave you with these two guys here to help you around
18:43:33 <Pyromaniac_> I need to eat lunch
18:43:34 <Stratford> wait
18:43:37 <Stratford> .. :)
18:43:39 <Stratford> lol
18:43:43 <Stratford> me too
18:43:47 <Stratford> but.. one more
18:44:07 <Stratford> let say i have a flash drive
18:44:21 <Stratford> i install the PA on it
18:44:52 <Pyromaniac_> ok
18:44:54 <Stratford> how is my flash drive protected if i take it to a computer which is already infected and also...
18:45:07 <Pyromaniac_> its not
18:45:16 <Stratford> how is the other computer protected if I have a virus
18:45:36 <Gizmokid2005> Stratford: only by it's virus protection
18:45:43 <Gizmokid2005> the platform/menu has no built-in virus protection
18:45:45 <Stratford> basically.. how can protection be achieved both ways
18:45:49 <Pyromaniac_> There is an antivirus program not by PA but for U3 enabled flash drives that provides live USB protection
18:46:09 <Pyromaniac_> its called McAffee
18:46:32 <Pyromaniac_> I don't like it because I can't install portable apps because it thinks evrything is a virus
18:46:49 <Stratford> hehe
18:47:00 <Gizmokid2005> I wouldn't recommend it, McAfee is one of the worst offenders at False Positives in applications
18:47:06 <Stratford> so this is still an issue?
18:47:18 <Pyromaniac_> I'm coming up with an antivirus program that should provide live USB protection and scanning
18:47:29 <Pyromaniac_> yes
18:47:37 <Stratford> darn
18:48:15 <Pyromaniac_> If you want to stay on for 15 minutes while I eat my food, I can help, I just don't want to get my keyboard full of grase
18:48:25 <Stratford> ok.. i've read somewhere that there are programs that prevents writing to usb unless permission is granted
18:48:28 <Pyromaniac_> if you have more questions, that is
18:48:36 <Stratford> hehe
18:48:40 <Stratford> ok i'm hrer
18:48:50 <Stratford> i'm going to eat as well..
18:48:56 <Stratford> you must be on EST
18:49:00 <Stratford> i am
18:49:13 <Stratford> brb
18:49:19 <ProgMan> food, someone say food :-*
18:49:26 <Pyromaniac_> MST
18:49:44 <Stratford> you mean PA is not grease proof.. .hahaha
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20:12:22 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
20:13:13 *** Stratford (b84d19d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
20:13:37 <Stratford> ok.. about updates....
20:13:54 <Stratford> if an update is available for an app .. can it be automated?
20:14:25 <Gizmokid2005> Stratford: not really
20:14:34 <Gizmokid2005> you could write something to download and install it
20:14:43 <Gizmokid2005> but a built-in updater is coming when John releases 2.0
20:14:57 <Stratford> cool...
20:15:08 <Stratford> no biggie .. i can wait.. :)
20:15:09 <Stratford> thanks
20:15:16 <Stratford> about backups..
20:15:16 <Gizmokid2005> yw
20:15:30 <Stratford> what exactly happens when we back up
20:15:38 <Gizmokid2005> depends on what you select
20:15:47 <Gizmokid2005> it tells you in the backup what it'll backup based on your options
20:16:19 <Stratford> so.. it'll write everything in the PA parent?
20:16:41 <Gizmokid2005> if you choose full backup, yes
20:16:41 <Stratford> i mean..
20:16:54 <Stratford> ok.. 2 scenarios
20:16:59 <Gizmokid2005> and it'll backup the portableapps' created data folders (documents, music, video, etc)
20:17:11 <Stratford> one is when PA is installed on the HD
20:17:19 <Stratford> and 2 on a flash drive
20:17:28 <Stratford> ok
20:17:32 <Gizmokid2005> it'll only backup THAT instance of the platform
20:17:36 <Gizmokid2005> it won't go across multiple drives
20:17:58 <Stratford> i meant 2 independant
20:18:15 <Stratford> currently i have it installed on the HD
20:18:57 <Stratford> so if i back up i need to do it off site or another partition or withing PA or somewhere on the same partition
20:19:12 <Stratford> *within
20:19:28 <Gizmokid2005> you can backup wherever you please, by default it goes to the MyDocuments folder
20:20:36 <Stratford> is it platform specific
20:21:14 <Gizmokid2005> yup
20:21:23 <Stratford> ah ah
20:21:45 <Stratford> when PA installs . is it intelligent to know the OS?
20:22:09 <Gizmokid2005> I believe it checks the os, for compatibility, why?
20:22:40 <Stratford> well.. lets say i have it installed on my HD
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20:23:02 <Stratford> now when i back up and then go to another OS.. will it play
20:23:27 <Gizmokid2005> as long as the app is compatible with that OS, yes
20:23:39 <Gizmokid2005> ie - if it's XP or higher it's almost guaranteed to work
20:23:45 <Gizmokid2005> some go as far back as win98, but some don't
20:23:47 <Stratford> ok
20:23:53 <Stratford> got it
20:23:59 <Stratford> scenario
20:24:09 <Stratford> HD installation
20:24:13 <Stratford> now...
20:24:21 <Stratford> let's say i'm going on vacation
20:25:06 <Stratford> can i grab PA and copy it to a flash drive and grab the autorun.inf and be done
20:25:13 <Gizmokid2005> yup
20:25:20 <Stratford> cool
20:26:07 <Stratford> in other words i'm crating my own suite
20:26:12 <Gizmokid2005> yup
20:26:17 <Stratford> nice
20:27:12 <Stratford> on vlc.. i've noticed one feature does not work
20:27:21 <Stratford> in the limited account mode
20:27:35 <Stratford> the streaming radio
20:27:42 <Stratford> or tv listing
20:27:49 <Gizmokid2005> it's possible
20:27:55 <Gizmokid2005> some features require admin privvy's to work
20:28:04 <Stratford> ok
20:28:21 <Stratford> well i had probs with infra recorder even in admin mode
20:28:29 <Stratford> just wont copy a cd
20:34:05 <Stratford> what's the diff between jkdefrag and mydefrag
20:34:23 <Stratford> and does mydefrag now belong to MS?
20:35:34 <Stratford> I thought that jkdefrag has been mydefrag for number of years now.. but ...
20:35:45 <Stratford> PA still shows jkdefrag
20:36:04 *** benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) has joined #portableapps
20:36:21 <Gizmokid2005> We can't upgarde JKDefrag to mydefrag
20:36:30 <Gizmokid2005> I don't remember the exact reason, but there was a big fiasco about it.
20:36:55 <Stratford> so.. does it now belong to Msoft?
20:37:37 <benedikt93> it's Jeroen Kessels software
20:37:38 <ZachThibeau> no it's still developped by the original developers but there was just a name change and license change last I recalled
20:38:47 <Stratford> i c
20:40:21 <TimClark> Stratford: check this
20:42:50 <Stratford> thanks
20:43:23 <Stratford> anyone used smartdefrag?
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20:51:27 <GizmoBot> ...
20:51:48 <Stratford> ok.. i'm using the portable firefox..
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20:52:36 <Stratford> when i wanted access youtube videos.. it asked about the adobe flash player
20:52:42 <Stratford> where did it install that
20:55:08 <Stratford> i guess that it installed it on the HD .. i checked the add/remove programs
20:55:13 <Veixes> installing flash for Fx Portable
20:55:36 <Stratford> how come it installed it on the HD
20:55:47 <Stratford> some more crumbsw
20:55:53 <Stratford> *crumbs
20:56:30 <Pyromaniac> yeah, even after you install it into FirefoxPortable, it will still leave behind cookies
20:56:31 <TimClark> Veixes: that really does not work anymore
20:56:50 <Veixes> =(
20:56:51 <TimClark> Stratford: the best way to get flash is to install it to the OS and copy the files you need to your portable FF
20:57:23 <TimClark> there are other ways, but it gets complicated
20:57:54 <TimClark> You can't install it directly into FFP anymore
20:57:55 <TimClark> The installer itself installs to the OS
20:57:58 <Stratford> then when i take the flash drive elsewhere will it work if the host does not have flash installed?
20:58:30 <TimClark> Yes
20:58:58 <Stratford> hmm
20:58:58 <TimClark> But you must manually copy the files into you FFP , the installer WILL NOT do it
20:59:02 <Stratford> interesting
20:59:19 <Stratford> so then it's independant off the OS
20:59:20 <TimClark> That is just the way the installer works, it knows nothing about FFP
20:59:58 <Stratford> so it's a manual hack
21:00:00 <Stratford> :)
21:00:02 <Stratford> ok
21:00:03 <TimClark> If you have the flash files in the FFP setup it will use THEM
21:00:31 <Stratford> so what files to include
21:00:32 <TimClark> If not, it will use the files, if they exist, on the host
21:00:39 <Stratford> for a newbie like me
21:01:07 <Veixes> just providing a link to a much better Flash intaller
21:01:28 <Veixes> the getplusplus download manger they use is just nonsense
21:02:25 <TimClark> The files you want are NPSWF32.dll and flashplayer.xpt
21:02:52 <TimClark> Mine are in ...FirefoxPortable\Data\Plugins
21:03:38 <Stratford> ok
21:05:14 *** benedikt93 has quit (Quit: Bye ;))
21:09:05 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
21:09:20 <Stratford> copied them over
21:09:25 <Stratford> thanks
21:09:34 <Stratford> TimClark
21:10:06 <TimClark> You are welcome
21:11:49 <Stratford> IF I was building a suite and then decided to put it on a cd...
21:12:08 <Stratford> do i need to burn an iso or just copy the PA folder over
21:12:27 <Stratford> CD-R
21:12:41 <Stratford> or DVD-R
21:13:03 <Stratford> i know the limitation of not being able to modify the files
21:13:31 <Stratford> i read somewhere that CD-RW does not behave very well
21:14:41 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: I need to get to the dentist, you wanta take that one ?
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21:34:55 <sar3th> Stratford: TimClark had to leave, but he asked me to take over; only a very limited set of apps support a special cd-mode, but in general, you can't know whether everything works except you try it yourself
21:39:21 <Stratford> i c
21:39:51 <Stratford> i just asked as an alternate to a flash drive
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22:07:20 <TimClark> First the Good News, I did not get a root canal today :D
22:07:51 <TimClark> Now the Bad News, I have an infection so I need to be on antibiotics for 2 weeks, then get the root canal :(
22:08:24 <TimClark> Oh the joys of having a dentist right down the block :/
22:08:51 <sar3th> bad luck :(
22:09:23 <TimClark> Gizmokid2005: MaienM sar3th, in regards the other convo about Flash, I found the information here, John's installer is currently Not working, so until he can update it even he recommends the local install, copy and paste
22:09:54 <TimClark>
22:10:07 <sar3th> thank you TimClark
22:12:03 *** IEB (~Hi@ has joined #portableapps
22:13:13 <IEB> I need a kind hearted soul from the USA to help me out with something
22:13:35 <IEB> (non-PA related)
22:14:07 <TimClark> Depends on what it is I guess
22:14:28 <IEB> By need, i mean NEED. The reason im asking here is because i need someone who's trustworthy
22:15:18 <TimClark> Me thinks we are Not going to be able to help you
22:15:50 <TimClark> IEB: please leave the channel
22:16:24 <TimClark> We are NOT going to be able to help you
22:19:36 <TimClark> IEB: no one in this channel can help you, and you should not be private messaging people you don't know w/o permission, please leave and try another channel
22:19:50 *** IEB has parted #portableapps (requested by MaienM (IEB))
22:20:22 <TimClark> ty MaienM
22:20:47 <TimClark> It was some kind of money scam I think, details in -ot
22:20:47 <sar3th> if anyone is still interested in the flash thing, please read and
22:27:28 <TimClark> Ok guys, got to go get my antibiotic, MaienM keep a look out for that guy, the floor is yours
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22:53:45 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
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23:00:39 *** Stratford has quit (Quit: Page closed)
23:02:34 <Gizmokid2005> Hiccup: I do believe it's time for you to go. if you've connected from a cell phone, you need to use it to call them.
23:02:47 *** TimClark (8087e3c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
23:03:31 <TimClark> Please note, someone using the name hiccup has been in this channel before,
23:03:40 <Gizmokid2005> yep, fixing now.
23:03:49 <TimClark> I think we might want to ban his nick and his ip
23:04:05 <Gizmokid2005> IP should be enough for now. Same as it was last time.
23:04:15 <TimClark> by before I don't just mean a little while ago, btw
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