IRC Log from 2010-07-15

00:00:47 *** AppGuy (~App@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
00:04:52 *** pa_8152 (4ce96703@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
00:06:04 *** iHavezMyBirdo ( has joined #portableapps
00:06:16 <pa_8152> hi
00:06:21 <iHavezMyBirdo> Hello.
00:11:52 *** pa_8152 has parted #portableapps (None)
00:12:14 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Bye)
00:16:58 *** zachthibeau has quit (Quit: Leaving)
00:27:06 *** gluxon (47ea6968@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
00:39:03 *** rouilj has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
00:41:51 *** AppGuy has quit (Quit: Leaving)
00:42:16 *** MaienM is now known as MaienM|Sleep
00:59:45 *** gluxon has quit (Quit: Page closed)
01:00:30 *** pa_0233 (40881be6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
01:01:56 <pa_0233> Help!
01:02:07 <sar3th> hi pa_0233, how can we assist you?
01:03:00 <pa_0233> Hello. Currently feeling unintelligent. Updated Firefox to 3.6.6 but flash is not working. All images are poor quality. Tried helps I could find but nothing is working
01:03:49 <Gizmokid2005> pa_0233: flash isn't working...but it's giving you poor quality?
01:03:53 <Gizmokid2005> contracdiction?
01:04:15 <pa_0233> yeah, guess so. Not working properly??? better assesment?
01:04:36 <pa_0233> Again, not feeling smart with this one
01:04:56 <Gizmokid2005> pa_0233: it's hard to flash not working /at all/ or is it working, but not well?
01:05:27 <iHavezMyBirdo> Seems to be working fine.
01:05:47 <pa_0233> when pages load . . . all images are very basic graphics rather than viewable. So, not sure what that means I guss.
01:06:02 <Gizmokid2005> do you have some type of proxy that pages are loading through pa_0233
01:06:12 <Gizmokid2005> because firefox itself won't change the quality of a website/graphics/etc
01:06:32 <Gizmokid2005> a lot of slower internet providers will use an "accelerator" to compress images, etc to make pages load faster
01:06:38 <pa_0233> Not sure. It all worked perfect prior to the upgrade. All i did was install uograde. Changed nothing
01:06:51 <pa_0233> When I go to older versions of Firefox, all is well again
01:07:03 <Gizmokid2005> how did you upgrade?
01:07:27 <pa_0233> Auto updated
01:07:45 <Gizmokid2005> pa_0233: try downloading our version and installing again
01:07:50 <iHavezMyBirdo> You're not supposed to auto update.
01:07:52 <Gizmokid2005> (just allow it to install over the current copy)
01:08:05 <Gizmokid2005> iHavezMyBirdo: it actually works for a while now...but it still not the "preferred" way of updating
01:08:26 <iHavezMyBirdo> Oh?
01:08:46 <Gizmokid2005> Yup, since 3.0 iirc...maybe 3.5...but auto-updating hasn't caused issues normally
01:08:51 <Gizmokid2005> pa_0233: try what I said and see if it works
01:08:58 <Gizmokid2005> if it doesn't, install it to a different folder and try it again
01:09:10 <pa_0233> Tried the install from Portable apps you jusr linked me to before. After original auto update. Did same thing
01:09:36 <iHavezMyBirdo> I've always updated with the installer.
01:09:53 <pa_0233> i will try again
01:10:30 <pa_0233> gotcha. thanks.
01:10:55 <pa_0233> Installer 2.0?
01:11:51 <pa_0233> if this download does not work, could there be a setting I need to change>
01:13:00 <pa_0233> I'm not a whiz on computers but I don't usually have much trouble with these types of things. This one is baffling me
01:14:34 <pa_0233> Another question . . . is there a way to "Auto-Start" portable apps on start up?
01:16:55 <sar3th> i don't know about your ff problem, but i can tell you that there is no way to make the menu open when you plug your thumbdrive into a computer
01:19:28 <iHavezMyBirdo> On start up?
01:19:54 <ChrisMorgan> .g autorun/autoplay test
01:19:55 <GizmoBot> ChrisMorgan:
01:20:15 <ChrisMorgan> pa_0233: you can install that onto a computer and then it'll start automatically. But that is just for one compuer.
01:20:42 <ChrisMorgan> pa_0233: and with Firefox, is this all images, or Flash things? Say for example does the header bar in look wonky?
01:21:32 <pa_0233> yeah. . . any kind of images, graphic headers, etc are "wonky".
01:22:58 *** pa_5740 ( has joined #portableapps
01:24:43 <pa_0233> I am probably just missing something due to my frustration
01:25:39 <pa_0233> Does Firefox utilize a feature that dumbs down graphics for faster page loads? i didn't think that it did.
01:25:56 <pa_5740> I haven't heard of such.
01:26:58 <pa_0233> I just don't get why it all resets to 'perfect' when I restore to an older version
01:27:52 <pa_0233> Alright, Gizmo. Guess I need to restart Firefox now to complete installation?
01:28:45 *** iHavezMyBirdo has parted #portableapps (None)
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01:30:05 *** pa_0233 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
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01:36:19 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
01:52:52 *** Everest (84441228@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
01:53:28 <Everest> ChrisMorgan: any news about beta5 ?
01:53:40 <ChrisMorgan> Not from me. Nothin' to do with me.
01:54:10 <Everest> I know, but do you know anything about the progress ?
01:54:49 <Everest> ChrisMorgan: ^
01:54:52 <Bensawsome> Everest its out when its out
01:55:06 <Everest> really ?
01:55:10 <Bensawsome> thats pretty much how it works
01:55:13 <Bensawsome> yes.
01:55:22 <Everest> that's some news !
01:55:27 <Bensawsome> lol
01:55:33 <Bensawsome> thats how its always been
01:55:46 <Everest> I know there was a bug in the progress bar
01:56:10 <Everest> did you guys managed to fix it ?
01:56:18 <Bensawsome> we dont do anything
01:56:23 <Bensawsome> john works on it by himself
01:56:36 <Everest> all by himself ?
01:56:42 <Bensawsome> so really i dunno and i doubt anyone else knows either
01:56:43 <Everest> no help ?
01:56:51 <sar3th> basically yes
01:56:54 <sar3th> no help
01:57:00 <Bensawsome> well he works on the menu by himself. he probably gets coding help if he needs it but...
01:57:24 <Everest> shouldn't he have at least another programmer/tester to help him ?
01:57:47 <Bensawsome> thats just how he does it.
01:58:05 <Bensawsome> people ask if he wants help but he always refuses
01:58:11 <Bensawsome> its just how it is
01:59:00 <Everest> and he does a great job, but things will move faster if he gets some people around.
01:59:17 <Bensawsome> Everest we've been telling him that for years :P
01:59:32 <Bensawsome> but he just insists on keeping it all secretive
01:59:37 <Bensawsome> he's almost like apple....
01:59:39 <Bensawsome> lol
01:59:55 <Bensawsome> he would probably kill me for saying thaty cause im pretty sure he hates apple products
01:59:59 <sar3th> that's kind of true :/
02:00:09 <Everest> :D isn't the menu open source ?
02:00:35 <Bensawsome> Everest yes but....
02:01:14 <sar3th> but?
02:01:27 <Bensawsome> doesnt mean he has to have a github
02:01:28 <Bensawsome> :P
02:01:29 <Bensawsome> err
02:01:32 <Bensawsome> you know what i mean
02:01:33 <Gizmokid2005> he keeps the current "development" source under wraps
02:01:34 <sar3th> svn
02:01:36 <Gizmokid2005> he has no repo for it.
02:01:39 <sar3th> yes
02:01:42 <Bensawsome> wut sar3th sed
02:01:46 <Bensawsome> couldnt remember the name
02:02:06 <Everest> aha
02:02:28 <sar3th> Everest: usually, sourcecode is stored in so-called repositories, so developers can access and maintain it
02:02:40 <Everest> Bensawsome: why does you name turn red at times ? is that when you get Angry ? :p
02:02:42 <sar3th> makes things easier for everyone, with version management, etc
02:02:50 <Bensawsome> Everest YES HULK ANGRY!
02:02:51 <Bensawsome> lol no
02:03:01 <Bensawsome> its only when i highlight you (say your full nick)
02:03:05 <Gizmokid2005> Everest: probably because he's mentioning your nick
02:03:32 <Everest> interesting.. useful :)
02:03:56 <Bensawsome> yep. many desktop clients also like to beep at you and bounce up and down xD
02:04:04 <SergentSiler> and flash
02:04:06 <SergentSiler> lol
02:04:10 <Bensawsome> that too
02:04:27 <SergentSiler> and bubble notices... and lots of other good stuff :)
02:05:16 <Bensawsome> lol ya
02:05:29 <Everest> pleasure talking to you guys, *gonna catch some sleep*
02:05:44 <Gizmokid2005> see ya Everest
02:05:54 <Bensawsome> cya
02:06:14 *** Everest has quit (Quit: Page closed)
02:09:42 *** Usbtastic has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
02:11:00 *** Usbtastic (~Usbtastic@ has joined #portableapps
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02:14:54 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
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02:25:52 *** OliverK (~WifiWomba@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
02:29:25 *** Zarggg has quit (Quit: Zarggg)
02:39:00 *** mtthw92 (47141601@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
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02:43:55 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
02:46:14 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
02:49:02 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
02:49:03 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
02:51:26 *** qwertymodo (d8730882@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
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03:09:56 *** mtthw92 ( has joined #portableapps
03:16:14 *** Usbtastic has parted #portableapps (None)
03:17:08 *** AppGuy (~App@unaffiliated/appguy) has joined #portableapps
03:25:45 *** Zarggg ( has joined #portableapps
03:30:50 *** gluxon has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
03:33:36 *** OliverK is now known as OliverK|Away
03:38:24 *** OliverK|Away is now known as OliverK
04:14:09 *** newbie|2 ( has joined #portableapps
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04:19:34 *** AppGuy has quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:22:07 <shanet> hey
04:22:25 <shanet> does any1 know when the platform is being released?
04:22:49 <sar3th> when it's done :(
04:22:58 <OliverK> in the square of root of pi days over the numbers in john's birthday added together
04:23:09 <OliverK> plus some magic that only he knows
04:23:39 <Gizmokid2005> shanet: the correct answer is the SqRt of -2
04:24:03 <sar3th> Gizmokid2005: i * sqrt(2)?
04:24:15 *** shanet has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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04:25:18 <shanet> 4?
04:25:34 <shanet> no sorry 1.677777777777777777777777777777
04:25:44 <OliverK> nope
04:25:52 <OliverK> can't take the sqrt root of a negative
04:25:56 <OliverK> .wiki i
04:26:06 <OliverK> .wik i
04:26:07 <GizmoBot> "‹I› is the ninth letter and a vowel in the basic modern Latin alphabet." -
04:26:10 <OliverK> nope
04:26:14 <OliverK> .wik i math
04:26:15 <GizmoBot> "Start the I math article, using the Article Wizard if you wish, or add a request for it." -
04:26:21 <OliverK> lol
04:26:38 <Gizmokid2005> shanet: OliverK:
04:27:08 <OliverK>
04:27:19 *** shanet has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:27:32 <OliverK> that damn peer
04:27:46 *** shanet ( has joined #portableapps
04:28:39 <shanet> computer keeps freezing :P
04:28:40 <shanet> grrrrr
04:29:30 <shanet> ok but the square root of 2 is 1.66666666667
04:29:35 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
04:29:40 <OliverK> yeah, but you've got the -2
04:29:44 <OliverK> its not equal
04:30:05 <shanet> wtf
04:30:27 <OliverK> the square root of negative involves a imaginary concept
04:30:32 <shanet> no the square root of 2
04:30:36 <shanet> not -2
04:30:46 <Gizmokid2005> right shanet, but I said -2 :)
04:30:56 <OliverK> [23:23] Gizmokid2005: shanet: the correct answer is the SqRt of -2
04:31:14 <shanet> but then didn't u say "sorruy 2" or sumthing like that?
04:31:26 <Gizmokid2005> nope
04:31:34 <shanet> ok sorry
04:32:07 <shanet> lol windows calc says invalis input :)
04:32:20 <Gizmokid2005> because it is shanet
04:32:25 <Gizmokid2005> it's imaginary and irrational
04:32:35 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm... I'd almost think I just stepped into #portableapps-ot by mistake.
04:32:47 <Gizmokid2005> Ahh well, welcome ChrisMorgan
04:33:01 <Gizmokid2005> we got a bit sidetracked discussing the release of B5
04:33:19 <shanet>
04:33:37 <ChrisMorgan> Don't know quite how discussion of B5 can end up with multiples of i
04:33:40 <shanet> haha yeah
04:33:58 <shanet> thats when B5 is being released
04:33:59 <Gizmokid2005> just values that are irrational and imaginary ChrisMorgan
04:34:10 <ChrisMorgan> Now I see the connection.
04:34:14 <shanet> that relate to when B5 will be released
04:34:15 <OliverK> they're fun :)
04:34:18 <shanet> thats good
04:37:20 <Gizmokid2005> ChrisMorgan: good you're here, maybe you can answer this question...
04:37:49 <Gizmokid2005> What are the EnvStr's that the platform assigns?
04:38:01 *** OliverK has quit (Quit: so long and thanks for all the fish)
04:38:04 <Gizmokid2005> I know there's PortableApps.comMusic
04:38:10 <Gizmokid2005> but is there one for Videos?
04:38:31 <ChrisMorgan> Yes, PortableApps.comVideos
04:38:45 <Gizmokid2005> ok. And Pictures and Documents, correct?
04:38:48 <ChrisMorgan> Yep
04:38:53 <Gizmokid2005> cool, thanks
04:38:55 <Gizmokid2005> wasn't sure
04:39:05 <Gizmokid2005> and I'm not sure where they are listed/doc'd...if they are anywhere
04:39:25 <ChrisMorgan> Not documented anywhere, really. Except in the Launcher manual.
04:39:53 *** shanet has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:40:18 <Gizmokid2005> ChrisMorgan: this would be the proper way to set them based on what the Platform is giving out, correct? "ReadEnvStr $VIDEODIR "PortableApps.comVideos""
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04:41:04 *** OliverK (~WifiWomba@unaffiliated/oliverk) has joined #portableapps
04:41:08 <ChrisMorgan> Should do fine. Or use PAL and then you can just use the text %PortableApps.comVideos% ;-)
04:41:26 <Gizmokid2005> seems to not be picking it up
04:41:39 <ChrisMorgan> Handy ways of working out what's there: in Process Explorer, the Environment tab of a process's properties; Command Prompt Portable, 'set Portable' will show all starting with that
04:41:51 <Gizmokid2005> I thought that was the correct way to pull it, but it keeps using my failsafe.
04:42:03 <Gizmokid2005> never thought about using that ChrisMorgan, thx for the idea
04:43:22 <Gizmokid2005> well that's weird.....PortableAppsPlatform.exe has no "set" variables and PortableAppsVideos(Music/Pictures/Documents) aren't there either
04:43:57 <sar3th> yes
04:44:09 <sar3th> why should it have these env vars set?
04:44:13 <sar3th> usually they are blank
04:44:20 <sar3th> to it sets them for launched processes
04:44:39 <Gizmokid2005> from what I heard from JTH they are there for use in launchers...when I was working on SB...
04:45:05 <OliverK> i'm not seeing any env vars other then the local codes here
04:45:18 <iHavezMyBirdo> Why does beta 5 keep moving? Dx
04:45:27 <Gizmokid2005> the only thing it has are PortableApps.comLanguageCode and the PortableApps.comLocale* ones...
04:45:30 <Gizmokid2005> ChrisMorgan: can you check?
04:45:47 <OliverK> iHavezMyBirdo: because he hasn't finished coding it yet
04:46:55 <Gizmokid2005> because if I'm right, that explains why it doesn't work like it
04:47:02 <OliverK> indeed
04:47:03 <Gizmokid2005> but it DOESN'T explain why my next failsafe doesn't work
04:49:35 <Gizmokid2005> ahh, fixed the that's a plus :)
04:49:47 <OliverK> need pastebin, I lost my link, sorry
04:50:17 <ChrisMorgan> Yes, I'd forgotten about that. Those environment variables were not in yet, they were due to be added in 2.0
04:51:15 <sar3th> .twitter portableapps
04:51:15 <GizmoBot> portableapps: We're nearly there on Platform 2.0 Beta 5. The updater is ready and the last issues are being worked on for release: --
04:51:47 <Gizmokid2005> so ChrisMorgan, they'll be there....they just aren't yet?
04:51:47 <OliverK> oh, wow, fail
04:51:57 <OliverK> that's useless
04:52:07 <ChrisMorgan> Yep
04:52:19 <Gizmokid2005> wonder why he doesn't have them in the beta yet...
04:52:29 <Gizmokid2005> ahh least if that's correct, I'll be prepared
04:52:31 <Gizmokid2005> thanks again ChrisMorgan
04:52:42 <ChrisMorgan> You're welcome.
04:52:54 <ChrisMorgan> Of course, the easiest way is to use PAL. They're all set in it ;-)
04:53:51 <Gizmokid2005> hopefully not hardcoded and actually pulling from the platform...which makes the issue the same
04:54:59 <ChrisMorgan> It tries to use what's there already, then \Documents et al
04:55:25 <Gizmokid2005> my point is, how does it know what to use? if it's supposed to be pulling from EnvStr's that aren't there yet...
04:57:43 <ChrisMorgan> That's what it does - if it's set, it uses that. Otherwise it tries what it should otherwise be.
04:58:04 <Gizmokid2005> that's what I was saying. That's how my launcher works now
05:02:33 <shanet> hey has any1 got a drupal error when trying to reply?
05:03:57 <ChrisMorgan> shanet: it happens from time to time. Try again.
05:04:06 *** shanet has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
05:09:42 *** Horusofoz (b6ef8f8f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
05:09:58 <Horusofoz> ChrisMorgan: Hey
05:10:31 <ChrisMorgan> Hey Horusofoz
05:10:54 <Horusofoz> ChrisMorgan: Wanted to let you know the launcher manual is linking to an outdated Unicode NSIS Development Test
05:11:57 <ChrisMorgan> Thanks, I fixed that in the development version. Problem was they came out at the same time but when I submitted the final version we hadn't decided entirely how the split should be done between the ANSI and Unicode builds.
05:29:50 *** Gringoloco (~Gringoloc@unaffiliated/gringoloco) has joined #portableapps
05:37:47 * ChrisMorgan thinks "well-meaning" people are causing more trouble than the complainers in the preview thread
05:38:52 <Gizmokid2005> define "well-meaning" ChrisMorgan
05:39:00 <ChrisMorgan> Hard.
05:39:12 <ChrisMorgan> OK, people who I think are trying to be encouraging.
05:39:27 <Gizmokid2005> I was going to say, those who are "on JTH's Side"?
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06:06:37 *** Horusofoz1 (~Jeffrey_S@unaffiliated/horusofoz) has joined #portableapps
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06:46:05 <Horusofoz1> Spam -
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06:54:52 <GizmoBot> dbdii407 is Dave, Owner of the ScrapIRC Network.
07:02:44 *** pa_4259 (c9e7d1bc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
07:04:16 <pa_4259> Hi everybody
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07:07:51 <ChrisMorgan> Thanks Horusofoz1
07:21:15 *** shanet ( has joined #portableapps
07:37:57 <shanet> ChrisMorgan: Is it possible to make an app that needs python portable? (Can you get python and make that portable then run that?)
07:38:36 <shanet> sorry let me re-phrase
07:38:49 <ChrisMorgan> shanet: the normal procedure is py2exe. Most apps already have a py2exe distribution for Windows.
07:39:12 <shanet> Beautiful. Thankyou.
07:44:18 <ChrisMorgan> If an app doesn't have a py2exe build script, I'd recommend that in creating one you base it heavily on in BPBible's SVN repository. It's by far the most polished I've seen. And it's got a --portable switch which I put in which applies optimisations for making a portable version.
07:48:52 <shanet> OK. Thanks for that
07:51:14 *** iHavezMyBirdo has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
08:03:25 <shanet> ChrisMorgan: I can not find it.
08:06:56 <ChrisMorgan> shanet:, browse, in the root of trunk, sorry, tea time now
08:08:13 <shanet> thats fine. Thanks for that
09:06:52 *** Kyle__ (~Kyle@ has joined #portableapps
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09:18:43 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
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10:38:38 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
10:38:38 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the support channel. If you need assistance, just say "help!", or ask your question, and WAIT rather than just leaving. | Please don't PM without asking first | This channel is logged: | The #PortableApps IRC rules are here: Read and abide by them
10:38:38 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Twinkletoes Bensawsome +ZachThibeau_ Kyle__ shanet dbdii407 Horusofoz1 Gringoloco @ChrisMorgan newbie|2 Zarggg mtthw92 rouilj1 rouilj Suiseiseki MaienM|Sleep marlop|away z3uS @Gizmokid2005|AFK sar3th|away +GizmoBot
10:38:38 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
10:38:39 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
10:38:40 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
10:38:43 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
10:40:23 *** palogbot ( has joined #portableapps
10:40:23 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the support channel. If you need assistance, just say "help!", or ask your question, and WAIT rather than just leaving. | Please don't PM without asking first | This channel is logged: | The #PortableApps IRC rules are here: Read and abide by them
10:40:23 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot Twinkletoes Bensawsome +ZachThibeau_ Kyle__ shanet dbdii407 Horusofoz1 Gringoloco @ChrisMorgan newbie|2 Zarggg mtthw92 rouilj1 rouilj Suiseiseki MaienM|Sleep marlop|away z3uS @Gizmokid2005|AFK sar3th|away +GizmoBot
10:40:23 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
10:40:23 <MaienM|Sleep> Auto-Message: palogbot has been restarted.
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10:40:28 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
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11:51:18 <Horusofoz1> ChrisMorgan: Any clues as to when documentation for creating a PA using the launcher might become available? Also if/how dunces like myself might assist in bringing it about?
11:51:45 <ChrisMorgan> It's steadily getting there. It's just at the moment that's not top of my list with it.
11:52:08 <Horusofoz1> ChrisMorgan: Thanks
11:52:13 <ChrisMorgan> If you want to write documentation for it, great. Play around, try making an app, write out a full example with all the steps you did, etc.
11:53:51 <Horusofoz1> ChrisMorgan: I ask as I've just tried (again) to go through the documentation and can't work my way through it. Not sure if there's something really basic that I'm missing but a simple outline of what to do I can't find. eg. (1) Analyse what differences the application makes to host pc. (2)... (I have only got as far as step 1 :p )
11:54:08 <ChrisMorgan> Regshot. Surely you know that one ;-)
11:56:27 <Horusofoz1> Yeah I've created a regshot for an easy peasy app but can't tell where to go next. I guess create the launcher.ini. I've had a look at the "Dealing with the registry" in the launcher manual but I guess I need the for Dummies guide.
12:01:06 <ChrisMorgan> It gets a bit better in 2.1.
12:02:27 <ChrisMorgan> Which I'm planning to release in a couple of weeks, or possibly another week or two if I ever get in a /really/ good writing-documentation mood.
12:03:09 <Horusofoz1> Swwet :)
12:04:03 <Horusofoz1> lol *sweet*
12:07:47 <ChrisMorgan> Any requests for 2.1 other than lots of improvements in the manual?
12:09:55 <Horusofoz1> Wrist watch with laser :p
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12:11:04 <Horusofoz1> At this point all I'd like is to know how to use it.
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12:13:33 <ChrisMorgan> Basically: get the app template from the PAL page, run the Generator over it, then all you need to do is provide the App folder: AppInfo, AppInfo\Launcher\AppNamePortable.ini, AppName. For the launcher.ini file, read the things in the ref/launcher.ini part of the manual. topics/* (e.g. registry) can also be useful.
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12:21:10 <Horusofoz1> Thanks. I think I'll wait for the next edition
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14:01:58 <pa_3184> Does anyone know how much it cost to customize the portable apps
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14:08:29 <Bensawsome> lol....
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16:30:16 <GizmoBot> GizmoBot is the official bot of #Gizmokid2005 and #PortableApps.
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17:27:14 * Horusofoz can't sleep and finds himself looking up just how Free is Java and wondering why Oracle hasn't got back at John regarding
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17:50:39 <Simeon> hi all
17:52:42 <Gringoloco> hi simon
17:52:50 <Gringoloco> Simeon: sorry
17:53:16 <Simeon> no need - I'v had worse :)
17:53:21 <Simeon> hi Gringoloco
17:53:50 <Gringoloco> How are you doing?
17:55:27 <Simeon> one sec
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19:34:07 <Gringoloco> Sorry guys, electricity is blacking-out for the second time this evening, if it happens again I will close PChat
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20:23:54 <GizmoBot> ve4jhj is the developer of Scribus Portable and Armagetron Advanced Portable
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20:59:47 <GizmoBot> SergentSiler is a Menu Themer, his theme website is
21:16:44 <SergentSiler> portableapps mentioned in lifehacker
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22:04:02 <GizmoBot> ve4jhj is the developer of Scribus Portable and Armagetron Advanced Portable
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22:49:52 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
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