IRC Log from 2010-07-31

00:07:12 *** BjornH has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
00:07:52 <Gizmokid2005> d-tech: thanks for the info, but as gluxon said, that site is illegal, and infringing on many copyrights. He has been reported a few times, but seems to persist. It's sad, he could make a great addition to our site. But to answer the question, no. We can't and won't help with them.
00:12:25 <gluxon> d-tech: WB?
00:12:52 <gluxon> d-tech: In that case, you should report it to the makers of WB.
00:18:06 *** kaeos (~Miranda@ has joined #portableapps
00:18:16 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
00:20:17 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
00:20:45 *** dna_ (43739b67@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
00:21:10 <dna_> ... umm hi
00:21:19 <JohnTHaller> How can we help you?
00:21:43 <dna_> i'm currently modifying my app
00:21:51 <dna_> and don't know how to do i
00:21:52 <dna_> t
00:22:18 <dna_> do you guys have a help page on environment variable substitutions?
00:22:27 <JohnTHaller> You mean your own app you developed and you're trying to make it portable?
00:22:33 <dna_> yep
00:23:25 <JohnTHaller> Ok. It's best to start with a layout of directories in Format. You can grab the PA.c Template to get started (under features on the PA.c Launcher page) or use another app as a guide.
00:23:52 <JohnTHaller> We portablize most new apps with the PA.c launcher. It's INI-configured, handles env var changes, registry keys, moving files.
00:23:54 <dna_> the "envsub.html#ref-envsub" page that came included with the portableapps launcher program isn't giving me enough help
00:24:13 <JohnTHaller> This one, right?
00:24:18 <dna_> do you guys have a list of command line arguments thing?
00:24:20 <dna_> yeah
00:24:29 <JohnTHaller> There are no command line arguments for the PA.c Launcher
00:24:35 <JohnTHaller> Everything is based on the INI
00:24:53 <JohnTHaller> What are you trying to accomplish with it? Change a standard Windows variable to point to the USB drive?
00:25:00 <dna_> what about the "--data-directory" thing?
00:25:24 <JohnTHaller> The launcher is to help the app put stuff in Data. If the app supports a --data command, the launcher can use that.
00:25:42 <dna_> umm i'm changing the way the program tries to save files into the my documents folder
00:25:43 <JohnTHaller>
00:26:31 <JohnTHaller> Ah. Does the app ever start any other apps? Do you know if it gets the doc directory from the env var or using the shell api call?
00:27:15 <dna_> i just know it saves files into the my docs folder
00:27:26 <dna_> doesn't start anything else other than an update file
00:27:54 <JohnTHaller> Well, you can try changing the env var. You can do that wuth thius section:
00:28:01 <JohnTHaller> [Environment]
00:29:24 <dna_> instead of saving and reading files from the my docs\asdf folder, how do i make the app save and read from data\asdf?
00:29:29 <JohnTHaller> Actually, there is no env var for Documents in Windows, I forgot.
00:29:53 <dna_> i read the help file and it was something like %DOCUMENTS% i think
00:29:55 <JohnTHaller> Does the app itself provide any method for pointing it to another directory?
00:30:01 <dna_> nope
00:30:12 <JohnTHaller> %DOCUMENTS% is our own internal env var for use with the PA.c launcher.
00:30:27 <JohnTHaller> The called app won't use it, since it's not a standard Windows env var
00:30:55 <dna_> the app and the dll files are all stand alone, but it needs to read and write to my docs\asdf
00:31:00 <dna_> how would i do that?
00:31:08 <JohnTHaller> It's used if you want to move something into and out of the PC's Documents folder. DirectoriesMove for example
00:31:53 <JohnTHaller> Does it ALWAYS save to ASDF in Docs?
00:32:06 <dna_> yep
00:33:00 <marlop> dna_, what program you are trying to portablize?
00:33:12 <dna_> a game
00:33:16 <dna_> why?
00:33:43 <JohnTHaller> In that case, a [DirectoriesMove] section could move it into and out of Data in the app itself. The line would be ASDF=%Documents%\ASDF. That would move the folder ASDF between the PC's my documents and the APpNamePortable\Data\ASDF directory
00:33:52 <JohnTHaller>
00:34:09 <dna_> thanks
00:34:25 <JohnTHaller> It's not the DOCs directory on the drive, but it'll at least move it on and off for ya.
00:34:36 <dna_> =)
00:34:45 <JohnTHaller> And it'll backup and restore the ASDF directory if there already is one on your PC. That's automated.
00:35:21 <JohnTHaller> While running, it'll change it to ASDF-BackupByAppNamePortable before moving your portable ASDF folder in and the change it back after exiting and moving it out.
00:35:47 <marlop> dna_, so i can try to check how is it getting the path
00:36:09 <dna_> ok
00:36:15 <dna_> thanks
00:36:36 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Bye)
00:36:50 *** computerfreaker (40c94702@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
00:36:50 <GizmoBot> computerfreaker is working on KidSafe and Iron Portable, and would very much like to have folks test them and give feedback.
00:37:00 *** dna_ has quit (Quit: library's closing)
00:37:26 <computerfreaker> JohnTHaller: did you get my tell?
00:38:13 <ChrisMorgan> JohnTHaller: well handled, I came back only two minutes ago :-)
00:38:38 <JohnTHaller> I did
00:39:11 <JohnTHaller> Let em know that they'll be listed in the PA.c directory as soon as we have a finalized PAF with Iron bundled. We can host it or they can, whichever they are more comfortable with.
00:39:26 <JohnTHaller> ChrisMorgan: I try :) I've been looking through the manual a bit more
00:39:37 <ChrisMorgan> It showed quite clearly :-)
00:40:46 <computerfreaker> JohnTHaller: thanks, I'll tell them that. Anything I should have them do?
00:41:05 <computerfreaker> Also, I'm going to try to get them to host it - Dropbox won't show download stats.
00:42:21 <computerfreaker> And is there anything I should do or can do to make the process faster & easier?
00:43:43 <JohnTHaller> Oh, if we host it, we'll do it on SF since it's open source. They may want to do that as it'll get quite a download jump. And they can see the stats publicly from the SF downloads
00:45:41 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Is it okay if I modify the installer a bit? I'd like to solve the multi-edition problem with eclipse by downloading them and presenting the user with a choice in the installer.
00:46:06 <JohnTHaller> Nope. It won't work with the updater.
00:46:27 <gluxon> Oh, I didn't think of that.
00:46:35 <computerfreaker> Great. Just a guess, they'll want to host it. Their e-mail said they'd consider hosting Iron Portable "if it's successful", and I believe they're getting ad-based revenue so even a couple thousand downloads will help them.
00:46:47 *** x_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
00:46:48 <computerfreaker> Is there anything I can do to help the process along?
00:47:10 <JohnTHaller> The problem is that updates and installs from the upcoming 2-click installer won't result in a pageview for them. Just bandwidth
00:47:38 <computerfreaker> shoot, that hadn't occurred to me. They aren't going to like that.
00:47:55 <JohnTHaller> Which is why SF hosting may be better.
00:48:13 <JohnTHaller> I'd also suggest a 'donate' link within Iron itself.
00:48:24 <JohnTHaller> And do they have a custom homepage defined? They get revenue from that.
00:48:30 <JohnTHaller> More than site ads I'd wager
00:48:49 <computerfreaker> They've got a link in help.html, but the appinfo.ini link is to
00:49:01 <computerfreaker> and they don't set a custom homepage from within Iron, if that's what you meant
00:49:28 <JohnTHaller> No no, I mean within Iron. That's the biggest revenue generator. They may want to think about that. Like we have
00:50:03 <computerfreaker> ok, I'll pass that on.
00:50:21 <computerfreaker> I'll also see if I can get them to alter their settings file a bit, to make it possible to do lang switching.
00:50:38 <JohnTHaller> Google does rev splits on it. I can assist them on it. This could give Iron a lot more exposure.
00:51:16 <computerfreaker> I'll pass that on, too. I'm sure they'll appreciate the help in getting that set up.
00:51:26 <JohnTHaller> I gotta run. We'll chat more later. Maybe in forum or via email.
00:51:37 <computerfreaker> ok
00:51:39 <computerfreaker> bye, thanks!
00:51:43 <JohnTHaller> thanks!
00:51:49 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps (None)
01:07:07 <computerfreaker> ok, reply sent to SRWare. One more step towards Iron Portable becoming official!
01:07:16 <computerfreaker> I'm going to head out now. Bye guys!
01:08:18 *** computerfreaker has parted #portableapps (None)
01:10:59 *** kaeos has quit (Quit: kaeos)
01:14:37 <M4T1A5> gluxon: portable eclipse eh?
01:14:45 *** marlop has quit (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
01:14:57 <gluxon> M4T1A5: uh.. yeah
01:15:03 <M4T1A5> cool
01:15:10 <M4T1A5> i want that :D
01:15:43 <gluxon>
01:15:50 <gluxon> You need to install Java Portable too.
01:15:59 <M4T1A5> yeah i already have that
01:16:02 <M4T1A5> for aptana
01:16:17 <M4T1A5> i see this is a dev test
01:16:32 <M4T1A5> but it's mostly bug free, yes?
01:16:37 <gluxon> Yep.
01:16:42 <M4T1A5> cool
01:17:03 <gluxon> There's one bug with MinGW, but I've fixed it. Just haven't released it yet.
01:17:31 <M4T1A5> what bug that might be?
01:17:38 <M4T1A5> i'd really like a good C++ IDE
01:17:54 <ChrisMorgan> I should review the launcher again. And try again to convince you to use PAL.
01:18:38 *** x_ (~x@ has joined #portableapps
01:19:14 <M4T1A5> now do i need JDK for java development?
01:19:47 <gluxon> Yeah.
01:20:09 <gluxon> M4T1A5: Not linking MinGW and Eclipse together.
01:20:20 <gluxon> Would you like to be my first tester for the fix? :)
01:20:24 <M4T1A5> sure
01:21:23 <gluxon> Place this file in the Eclipse Portable folder after you've finished the download and installed.
01:21:23 <gluxon>
01:21:34 <gluxon> Replace the one that's already there.
01:22:08 <M4T1A5> ok
01:22:29 <M4T1A5> should i download classic edition or c++ edition?
01:23:01 <M4T1A5> well that won't probably matter
01:23:20 <gluxon> C++
01:23:27 <M4T1A5> it has mingw with it?
01:23:30 <gluxon> No.
01:23:50 <gluxon>
01:24:15 <gluxon> You can install java in it after you launch it.
01:24:21 <gluxon> C++ will just be a quicker download.
01:24:32 <M4T1A5> well yeah
01:24:39 <M4T1A5> probably going to put pydev in too
01:25:18 <gluxon> One last thing, Java 1.6 21 has a bug in it.
01:25:30 <gluxon> Which causes Eclipse to freeze. Take a look at this to fix it.
01:25:31 <gluxon>
01:25:40 <M4T1A5> i already have a eclipse on my drive to be honest(config hacks) but a proper protable eclipse would be nice
01:25:41 <gluxon> I recommend using the 3rd method.
01:25:55 <gluxon> M4T1A5: Yeah, you should notice some improvements :)
01:26:32 <M4T1A5> well great
01:26:56 <M4T1A5> how come a java update will break eclipse? :O
01:27:51 <M4T1A5> UPDATE: The latest JDK/JRE downloads have fixed this problem <- has this been fixed in the portable java?
01:28:47 <gluxon> Oh, nevermind.
01:28:50 <gluxon> Forget about that then.
01:29:22 <M4T1A5> k
01:29:23 <gluxon> M4T1A5: It has something to do with Oracle buying Sun.
01:29:31 <M4T1A5> that figures
01:29:48 <M4T1A5> next they will ruin MySQL
01:30:29 <gluxon> Can't believe Oracle was able to buy them out though. Sun was much more popular than them.
01:31:10 <M4T1A5> yeah
01:31:18 <M4T1A5> i mean where they got all that money from
01:32:04 <gluxon> $7.4 billion for a small company is insane. More insane that Sun accepted.
01:32:35 <M4T1A5> one thing i fell really bad about is that virtualbox is now called oracle virtualbox or something like that
01:32:40 <M4T1A5> *feel
01:32:58 <gluxon> .. wow that sucks >_<
01:34:04 <M4T1A5> installing eclipse
01:34:14 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm. Finally found a real bug in PAL 2.0.
01:34:27 <M4T1A5> then go and fix it :P
01:34:35 <gluxon> ChrisMorgan: Care to share? :)
01:34:44 <M4T1A5> also this ^
01:35:07 <ChrisMorgan> The contained TEMP directory is deleted on starting secondary instances rather than just primary ones.
01:37:18 <M4T1A5> gluxon: IT WORKS!
01:37:27 <M4T1A5> builds and executes just fine
01:37:38 <gluxon> Thanks :)
01:38:05 <M4T1A5> now i think you should make it available to everyone
01:39:07 <gluxon> Yeah, I'll try to release it on Sunday.
01:39:26 <M4T1A5> and on that select the version thingy couldn't it just be a list of eclipses on the download site
01:39:30 <gluxon> BTW, thank Chris Morgan, he found the fix.
01:39:44 <M4T1A5> like for example how the firefox 4.0 languages are listed
01:40:05 <ChrisMorgan> Which was that? The environment variable thing?
01:40:23 <gluxon> M4T1A5: Help --> Install New Software --> Helios Update Site (drop down list) --> Programming Languages --> *Find Java (EE)*
01:40:36 <ChrisMorgan> Wow, after applying all my data validation improvements to PAL it still compiles!
01:40:38 <M4T1A5> yeah i know
01:41:04 <gluxon> M4T1A5: No, that's exactly what I was planing, but it breaks compatibility with the new Beta 5 updater.
01:41:29 <gluxon> Ughh.. Eclipse, you are hard to portablize.
01:41:42 <M4T1A5> hmm
01:41:58 <M4T1A5> what if the download site has just a list of all the versions
01:42:05 <M4T1A5> and every installer is named differently
01:42:09 <M4T1A5> would that work?
01:42:17 <gluxon> That's the current method.
01:42:29 <M4T1A5> yeah but that would work with the updater right?
01:42:34 <gluxon> Yeha.
01:42:36 <gluxon> *Yeah.
01:42:52 <gluxon> Only problem is it takes a long time to upload everything.
01:42:59 <M4T1A5> well yes
01:43:15 <M4T1A5> OR you could just distribute the classic version
01:43:54 <M4T1A5> because rest you can get from the install new software
01:43:57 <gluxon> I was thinking of just the platform.
01:44:10 <gluxon> And having the user install from the "Install New Software" menu.
01:44:20 <M4T1A5> that could work too
01:44:32 <gluxon> There's another issue with it that wasn't mentioned anywhere, Eclipse modifys its app directory, unlike all the other Apps.
01:44:49 <M4T1A5> modifys how?
01:44:49 <gluxon> Meaning Install New Software stuff is gone after and update.
01:45:10 <gluxon> Adds stuff to folders.
01:45:29 <gluxon> No one's been having trouble with that though.
01:45:41 <M4T1A5> but intsall new software goes to workspace?
01:45:51 <gluxon> No, it goes in App\Eclipse.
01:45:54 <M4T1A5> oh ok
01:45:57 <gluxon> And becomes part of the binaries.
01:46:04 <M4T1A5> hmm
01:46:14 <M4T1A5> what if the updater would just ignore that?
01:46:33 <M4T1A5> and just overwrite everyting it can
01:46:51 <M4T1A5> dunno if that's possible with the current installer
01:47:02 <gluxon> That'll probably corrupt Eclipse.
01:47:10 <gluxon> New files here, old files there.
01:47:40 <M4T1A5> well if it would leave the configuration files alone it shouldn't corrupt it
01:48:14 <M4T1A5> and using the build in updater is probably a bad idea?
01:48:19 <M4T1A5> *built
01:48:52 <gluxon> You'd have to reinstall the software languages, but that's it.
01:49:10 <M4T1A5> hmm
01:49:53 <M4T1A5> well it's not like eclipse updates every day
01:50:05 <M4T1A5> more like once a month
01:50:09 <M4T1A5> if even that
01:52:04 <ChrisMorgan> That's not good. Can they possibly be moved into another directory in between - App\Plugins or something like that?
01:52:06 <M4T1A5> btw is there a portable JDK?
01:52:22 <ChrisMorgan> M4T1A5: no, just install it and copy the JDK directory to CommonFiles\Java
01:52:28 <M4T1A5> oh ok
01:52:52 <ChrisMorgan> I asked John about it and he said the JDK installer was different to the JRE installer and couldn't easily be extracted, so that's why there isn't an installer like there is for Java Portable.
01:53:47 <M4T1A5> ok then
01:54:59 <M4T1A5> btw is java portable just normal java?
01:55:17 <M4T1A5> in a different installer
01:56:15 <ChrisMorgan> It's an installer which downloads the Java installer and pulls things out of it.
01:56:20 <M4T1A5> hmm i have to say this portable eclipse is alot faster than normal eclipse with config hacks
01:56:46 <M4T1A5> ChrisMorgan: so it doesn't do any fancy configurations or anything?
01:57:01 <M4T1A5> same effect would be achieved by copy and paste?
01:57:31 <ChrisMorgan> It stores a value or two for apps in an INI file, which records the version, the equivalent of appinfo in a main app, but that's all.
01:57:49 <M4T1A5> ok then
01:58:07 <M4T1A5> so if a copy JDK to the Java folder will it break JRE updates?
01:59:18 <M4T1A5> and will the portableapps updater support java updates anytime soon?
01:59:56 *** vf2nsr (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
02:02:32 <ChrisMorgan> It will.
02:03:10 <ChrisMorgan> If you edit that INI file though, can't remember what it is off the top of my head, to change "Java" or "JRE" or whatever to "JDK" I think it won't detect JRE updates for it.
02:03:25 <M4T1A5> ok
02:04:06 <M4T1A5> it just says the version there
02:06:31 *** marlop ( has joined #portableapps
02:06:53 <ChrisMorgan> Hmm. Not sure then.
02:09:01 <gluxon> I really can not believe the reason why we don't have JDK is because we can't get it >_<
02:14:51 *** vf2nsr has quit (Quit: I am I was Now I gone)
02:21:38 <M4T1A5> well im probably not going to do much javadevelopment anyways so i'll just forget about it
02:21:52 <M4T1A5> *java development
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02:33:10 *** gluxon has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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03:16:54 <> Topic for #portableapps is: Welcome to the support channel. If you need assistance, just say "help!", or ask your question, and WAIT rather than just leaving. | Please don't PM without asking first | This channel is logged: | The #PortableApps IRC rules are here: Read and abide by them
03:16:54 <> Users on #portableapps: palogbot idwebpulsa M4T1A5 marlop x_ @ChrisMorgan d-tech rouilj1 SergentSiler rainroom69 Suiseiseki Bensawsome +GizmoBot @Gizmokid2005 Mir Zarggg dbdii407 chazz sar3th|away z3uS
03:16:56 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
03:16:59 <GizmoBot> palogbot is the logging bot for #portableapps . Logs are found at . If he dies:
03:17:58 *** Alcasar (4533e7bc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
03:18:28 <Alcasar> Z:\Portable Install\paf-exe\ConvertAllPortable_0.5.0b.paf.exe/ detected: Trojan.Crypt!IK
03:18:41 <ChrisMorgan> That's a false positive.
03:18:52 <Alcasar> Z:\PortableApps\ConvertAllPortable\App\ConvertAll\lib\convertall.exe detected: Trojan.Crypt!IK Z:\PortableApps\ConvertAllPortable\App\ConvertAll\lib\convertall_dos.exe detected: Trojan.Crypt!IK
03:19:09 <ChrisMorgan> If you wish to confirm it, upload the files to
03:19:44 <Alcasar> Will i always get this false positive?
03:22:53 <Gizmokid2005> Alcasar: until the A/V updates their definition, yes
03:23:16 <Gizmokid2005> though I have a few files that Avira seems to like to find viruses in, KVIrc Portable V3.4.2, first the apps...and then the setups...
03:25:29 <Alcasar> it's a2 and unfortunately it seems to like false positives
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04:43:17 <GizmoBot> Gizmokid2005 is working on KVIrc Portable:
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10:55:22 <sar3th> good morning
11:04:59 <Gringoloco> good morning sar3th :-)
11:09:54 *** pa_3981 (b6ef83c4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
11:10:01 <pa_3981> spam -
11:10:29 <pa_3981> spammer -
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11:21:49 <sar3th> how are things going?
11:30:00 *** benedik93|AFK has quit (Quit: Bye ;))
11:32:09 <Gringoloco> Fine, just done a re-write of InfraRecorder Portable launcher, any interest of testing it? What OS are you on?
11:32:41 <sar3th> win xp sp3 (german)
11:33:29 <Gringoloco> I'm on XP sp 3 as well, maybe just for the new language switching, do you currently use InfraRecorderP?
11:33:58 <sar3th> no, but i have installed regular infra recorder
11:57:42 <Gringoloco> sar3th:
12:00:07 <sar3th> Gringoloco: installed. what should i test? saving settings?
12:00:38 <Gringoloco> Yes, especially the saving of the settings, and the language switching
12:00:54 <sar3th> language switching means using beta 5 i assume?
12:01:08 <Gringoloco> Why?
12:01:25 <sar3th> i thought it requires special env vars
12:02:21 <Gringoloco> The old menu uses the same env.vars. I think beta 5 just has one new variable to be used
12:02:38 <sar3th> ok
12:02:42 <sar3th> i noticed something wired
12:02:57 <sar3th> i changed the language in settings from english to german manually, then restarted
12:03:07 <sar3th> it was still english
12:03:14 <sar3th> after another attempt, it switched
12:03:29 <sar3th> now, i'll test it with the platform
12:04:20 <Gringoloco> hmm, that's odd
12:04:57 <sar3th> when launched from the platform, it automatically switched to german
12:05:01 <sar3th> now to change back to english..
12:05:16 <sar3th> yes, that worked
12:05:32 <sar3th> language was switched as expected :)
12:06:03 <Gringoloco> and the xml file in Data\Settings\setting.xml is still a valid xml file I suppose (just to double check)
12:06:11 <sar3th> checking
12:06:39 <Gringoloco> as expected? your first atempt was a bit doggy?
12:06:54 <sar3th> the first attempt was without using the platform
12:07:13 <sar3th> this time, i started IR through the menu and lang switching worked
12:07:41 <sar3th> settings.xml is encoded in UCS-2 LE and looks like a proper xml
12:08:03 <Gringoloco> thanx sar3th :-)
12:08:07 <sar3th> yw Gringoloco
12:08:24 <Gringoloco> sending it to JTH now
12:10:04 <sar3th> good
12:13:30 <Gringoloco> sar3th: could you leave a reply with your findings
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12:13:56 <sar3th> sure
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12:19:58 <sar3th> Gringoloco:
12:21:17 <Gringoloco> sar3th: when not from the platform, it should keep it's language setting aswell, maybe it was just for the first run it hasateded?
12:21:51 <sar3th> Gringoloco: i think so. apart from that, i tried to reinstall IRp and see if it occurs again, but it did not
12:21:51 <Gringoloco> sar3th: ah sorry, I should read properly first:-(
12:22:00 <sar3th> no problem^^
12:23:05 <Gringoloco> just forgot to add your OS
12:23:18 * Gringoloco does that all the time
12:23:18 <sar3th> oh, thanks
12:23:22 <sar3th> will add
12:23:51 <sar3th> comment edited
12:33:31 <Gringoloco> I really hope I will finally find some time to finish my custom-code for WinampPortable these days
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21:46:08 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
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22:56:39 <M4T1A5> PChat
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23:39:40 <tim2kikas> hey
23:40:04 <tim2kikas> i'm having problems with the launcher program i downloaded
23:40:27 <tim2kikas> can anyone help me?
23:44:24 <tim2kikas> the problem is that the application is being run on a read only computer (my documents, desktop, everything is read-only)
23:45:25 <tim2kikas> how do i make the app such that it doesn't write/read to the computer?
23:45:47 <tim2kikas> the usb is read/writable
23:45:56 <tim2kikas> and i'm running it off of the usb
23:47:07 <tim2kikas> i want it to read off of the data/settings directory under the appnameportable directory
23:47:23 <tim2kikas> read and write to the data/settings
23:47:52 <tim2kikas> i tried using [directoriesmove] in the appnameportable.ini
23:48:06 <tim2kikas> but the computer's not allowing me to read/write to it
23:48:21 <tim2kikas> can anyone here help me?
23:51:39 <tim2kikas> anyone?
23:52:53 <tim2kikas> ummm....
23:52:56 <tim2kikas> help!
23:52:56 <GizmoBot> tim2kikas: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
23:53:00 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Buh Bye)