IRC Log from 2011-01-01
00:20:41 *** utdol (~utdol@ has joined #portableapps
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01:00:46 *** gluxon is now known as gluxon|gone
01:41:33 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
01:41:46 <JohnTHaller> Today's new app is up:
01:42:22 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps (None)
01:42:44 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
01:55:53 *** Thasmo ( has joined #portableapps
02:01:33 *** Thasmo has quit ()
02:22:29 *** abm12 ( has joined #portableapps
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02:23:57 *** ptmb|away is now known as ptmb
03:34:15 *** gluxon|gone is now known as gluxon
03:43:21 *** Thasmo ( has joined #portableapps
03:49:41 *** Thasmo has quit ()
03:53:47 *** BeckySanderlin`x has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
03:56:05 *** BeckySanderlin`x ( has joined #portableapps
03:56:06 *** Thasmo ( has joined #portableapps
04:06:47 *** Thasmo has quit ()
04:38:29 *** CzRzOzBzYz ( has joined #portableapps
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05:11:30 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Bye, Happy New Year!)
05:28:06 *** gluxon has parted #portableapps (None)
08:40:03 *** ronjn ( has joined #portableapps
11:35:56 *** Guest2036 has quit (Quit: ZNC -
11:56:10 *** Guest63485 ( has joined #portableapps
12:39:38 *** Thasmo ( has joined #portableapps
13:41:47 *** BeckySanderlin`x has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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14:21:30 *** spgSCOTT ( has joined #portableapps
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14:42:10 *** BeckySanderlin`x has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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14:58:21 *** MaienM has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
14:58:32 *** MaienM_ (~MaienM-F@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
16:44:47 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
17:14:35 *** amdzero has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:21:52 *** Spellbreaker ( has joined #portableapps
19:05:29 *** kaeos (~Miranda@ has joined #portableapps
19:28:33 *** andreasma ( has joined #portableapps
20:11:31 *** kaeos has quit (Quit: kaeos)
21:11:15 *** Online-Guy (d5412928@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
21:11:21 <Online-Guy> Hi
21:16:06 <Online-Guy> I was thinking is there any USB Flash Drive Recycling. Like envirofone but for old drives or old malfunctioning drives I otherwise destroy them in peaces and recycle the peaces
21:19:31 <Spellbreaker> I dunno if any of the cheap usb drives containing gold, since thats the main reason for recycling old phones
21:20:39 <Online-Guy> Gold?
21:20:51 <Online-Guy> What are you talking about?
21:21:11 <Spellbreaker> You were talking about recycling
21:21:12 <Online-Guy> They are tech stuff
21:21:31 <Online-Guy> what not were
21:21:56 <Online-Guy> What are you talking about recycling
21:22:05 <Online-Guy> not wrong
21:22:13 <Online-Guy> What are you talking about?
21:22:27 <Spellbreaker> "I was thinking is there any USB Flash Drive Recycling."
21:22:49 <Online-Guy> I mean gold in tech stuff
21:22:56 <Online-Guy> What gold
21:23:35 <Spellbreaker> There's gold and other valuable Metals in your Mobile Phone, thats why companies recycle them. USB Drives are simply too small / too cheap to make recycling valuable for such companies.
21:23:37 <Online-Guy> I have ever found any gold
21:24:24 <Spellbreaker> The electronic contacts in your Phone are usually gold alloyed.
21:24:31 <Spellbreaker> ( for example )
21:25:08 <Online-Guy> That is nuts
21:25:29 <Spellbreaker> No thats normal. You can also buy HDMI Cables for example with gold-coated connectors.
21:25:37 <Spellbreaker> It's simply to avoid oxidation
21:27:29 <Spellbreaker> Gold has a good conductivity also. Not as good as Copper for example, but better than Aluminium.
21:27:54 <Spellbreaker> Your mobile phone contains about 2$ of Gold.
21:27:55 <Online-Guy> What is *´Keep an eye out for your gift later this week* I was to believe it would come before 31 december ended
21:28:59 <Spellbreaker>
21:29:12 <Online-Guy> I was to believe is was cheap golden colour
21:30:04 <Spellbreaker> No it's actually real gold
21:30:14 <Spellbreaker> Its not much of course :)
21:30:31 <Spellbreaker> just a very very very very thin coat
21:31:29 <Online-Guy> So it is not * I am rich gold* But just *don't push it gold*
21:32:59 <Spellbreaker> the thing is simply it does not make any sense to extract the metals and other stuff from a single phone, because it's simply too much work. The phones get shredded alltogether, thousands of them, then they recycle the materials.
21:34:19 <Spellbreaker> Like :Gold, Silver, tantalum, platinum, paladium, lead, tin, copper, plastic, glass, steel, aluminium, silicon
21:34:19 <Spellbreaker> ...
21:35:25 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
21:36:09 <Spellbreaker> If you got THIS phone.... .... then you're lucky with recycling ;)
21:39:33 *** Blint (~michelle@ has joined #portableapps
21:39:33 *** Blint has quit (Changing host)
21:39:33 *** Blint (~michelle@unaffiliated/blint) has joined #portableapps
21:39:54 <Online-Guy> You are very wise Master Appoda (Master Yoda)
21:40:00 *** amdzero ( has joined #portableapps
21:40:33 <Spellbreaker> Not really. I just watch Discovery Channel from time to time ;)
21:40:47 <Online-Guy> Me to
21:41:01 <Online-Guy> It is so Awesome channel
21:42:53 <Online-Guy> They really should make a show about softwares like I hope you did not take it personal about Master Appoda thing
21:43:00 <Spellbreaker> But I'm electronics engineer master for living, so...:)
21:43:11 <Spellbreaker> No. But I have nothing to do with portable apps, I'm just an user too
21:43:55 <Online-Guy> Me too
21:44:06 <Online-Guy> But you know waht I mean
21:44:24 <Spellbreaker> (master is just a title in germany which is used for professional craftsman here in Germany )
21:44:30 <Spellbreaker> Yeah I know what you mean
21:45:17 <Online-Guy> I live in Sweden but I was born in Bosna
21:46:13 <Online-Guy> U3 Launchpad is really bad
21:46:18 <Online-Guy> So bad
21:46:35 <Online-Guy> And I don't mean bad as bad boys
21:46:56 <Spellbreaker> U3 is not just bad, U3 is dead.
21:47:08 *** amdzero has quit (Read error: No route to host)
21:47:31 <Online-Guy> It should not have been made in first place
21:48:00 <Spellbreaker> It's been officially unsupported since june 2010
21:49:20 <Online-Guy> When I told my friends and co worker about Platform that day many U3 Launchpad were deleted
21:50:39 <Online-Guy> For me Platform is the only one that really works and does what it says
21:51:24 <Spellbreaker> Yeah it's really cool. But I'm just using it for pchat and pidgin....Thunderbird is too slow on my usb stick
21:52:14 <Online-Guy> I have tried so many other Platforms. And they say it is easy to use but I don't thinks so
21:52:46 <Online-Guy> My is Kingstone (4 GB)
21:53:45 <Online-Guy> Do you have a solar charger?
21:55:30 <Online-Guy> To me Kingstone Flash Drives are really fast
21:55:46 <Online-Guy> Dude really fast
21:55:54 <gluxon> The drives that come with U3 aren't bad.
21:56:49 <Online-Guy> Sandisk?
21:57:35 <gluxon> Yeah.
21:57:39 <Online-Guy> I have used Sandisk and Transcent. and AFA But I am staying with Kingstone
21:58:31 <Spellbreaker> Right now I have a transcend driver here, 2GB.
21:59:06 <Online-Guy> It took about 4 minutes to install OpenOffice. Who knows maybe in the future you can try a Kingstone flash drive
22:00:10 <Spellbreaker> I'll get a cheap SSD USB Drive in the future, so I can install nearly all apps I need on office, browser, chat, banking, and other stuff
22:01:00 <Online-Guy> I am gonna go now. South Park is gonna start soom. It is so funny it never gets old to see Kenny gets killed
22:01:19 <Spellbreaker> :|
22:01:41 <Spellbreaker> I dunno, there are just some special Episodes I like from the newer the World of Warcraft episode...
22:01:47 <Online-Guy> OMG They killed Kenney you bastards
22:02:51 <Online-Guy> Have a nice day or night
22:02:57 *** Online-Guy has quit (Quit: Page closed)
22:15:24 *** StatBot has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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22:29:13 *** Blint has quit (Quit: Leaving)
22:40:31 *** threethirty ( has joined #portableapps
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23:03:47 *** andreasma has quit (Quit: Verlassend)
23:06:55 *** Oni-Neoxes ( has joined #portableapps
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23:06:55 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
23:10:47 *** gluxon has quit (Excess Flood)
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