IRC Log from 2011-03-05

00:02:55 *** JohnTHaller1 ( has joined #portableapps
00:03:02 *** JohnTHaller1 is now known as JohnTHaller
00:03:10 <JohnTHaller> Today's new release is up:
00:08:23 <ZachThibeau> ohh :O
00:11:10 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
00:12:00 <OliverK> neat
00:20:45 *** pa_6389 (630ae944@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
00:22:21 <pa_6389> alyx
00:22:36 <alyx> what
00:22:53 <pa_6389> can you please help me I am 60
00:23:33 <alyx> You might wanna ask someone else. I'm not particularly experienced in PA.c
00:24:21 <pa_6389> is easy for you
00:24:28 <pa_6389> is not complicated
00:24:41 <Gizmokid2005> JohnTHaller: got your post on the forum, you can delete them
00:24:43 <Gizmokid2005> I just wasn't sure.
00:24:50 <Gizmokid2005> alpha seemed a bit early for at least TBird
00:24:57 <pa_6389> I installed but want to transfer to my flash drive
00:25:17 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6389: what did you install?
00:25:36 <pa_6389> portable appt
00:25:48 <pa_6389> Apps
00:25:52 <Gizmokid2005> the suite, a certain app...?
00:25:58 <pa_6389> suite yes
00:25:59 <Gizmokid2005> to be simple
00:26:04 <Gizmokid2005> just copy the whole folder to your flash drive
00:26:12 <pa_6389> which?
00:26:29 <pa_6389> folder
00:26:30 <Gizmokid2005> if you installed the suite, copy the "PortableApps" folder to the root of your flash drive
00:26:39 <pa_6389> ah
00:26:49 <Gizmokid2005> you can also install directly to your flash drive if you'd like
00:26:58 <Gizmokid2005> it's not a requirement to install it to the local computer's drive first.
00:27:04 <pa_6389> where should I find the folder
00:27:14 <Gizmokid2005> wherever you chose to install it to when you ran the installer
00:27:19 <gluxon> pa_6389: Next time, install to the flash drive ;)
00:27:25 <Gizmokid2005> gluxon: uncalled for.
00:27:34 <pa_6389> you mean the installer?
00:27:37 <pa_6389> sorry
00:27:51 <pa_6389> I see
00:27:57 <Gizmokid2005> pa_6389: yes. Wherever you told the installer to put the PortableApps' suite
00:28:00 <Gizmokid2005> is where you'll find it.
00:28:08 <pa_6389> install to the drive that I can do
00:28:56 <pa_6389> thank you I will reinstal and d/l to my drive, is that ok?
00:29:21 <Gizmokid2005> that's fine
00:29:29 <Gizmokid2005> you can just run the installer again
00:29:34 <Gizmokid2005> and tell it to install to the flash drive
00:29:35 <Gizmokid2005> but
00:29:44 <Gizmokid2005> chances are, you installed the suite to C:\PortableApps
00:29:49 <pa_6389> thank , I started to use pc at 50
00:30:06 <pa_6389> have a good night
00:30:16 <pa_6389> or day
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00:44:34 *** agdurrette (~agdurrett@unaffiliated/agdurrette) has joined #portableapps
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01:06:40 *** D_D is now known as agdurrette
01:09:53 <agdurrette> ello
01:10:03 *** gluxon has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
01:10:49 <JohnTHaller> hola
01:14:03 <agdurrette> JohnTHaller: when gPodder 2.13 for windows is done should I just make a new post with an updated gpudder portable?
01:14:53 <JohnTHaller> I'm thinking we should pre-release it. Just to ensure you have the build process down.
01:15:08 <agdurrette> k,
01:17:51 <agdurrette> the maind part in is , right?
01:17:56 <agdurrette> main*
01:19:14 <JohnTHaller> Yeah, that's the bit I wrote
01:32:40 *** agdurrette is now known as D_D
01:53:54 *** Jedrzej_s_ ( has joined #portableapps
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01:58:43 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
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02:23:27 <JohnTHaller> New Status Update is up:
02:24:21 <JohnTHaller> Also posted FF 3.6.15, TB 3.1.9, jPortable, Google Chrome beta and deb and Miramar (TB test) 3.3a2 if you haven't been watching the feed.
02:24:51 <OliverK> JohnTHaller: how am I going to use the HD tool in linux?
02:24:58 <JohnTHaller> You're not
02:25:27 <OliverK> i guess i'm picking fights tonight. Not trying to :(
02:25:39 <JohnTHaller> How are you picking fights?
02:25:40 <OliverK> HDHacker can be used, for example, to save and restore a particular boot manager (such as LILO, for example) before a new Windows setup (which, obviously, overwrites it).
02:25:43 <OliverK> just am
02:26:04 <OliverK> mvrmind I guess
02:26:22 <JohnTHaller> Right. If you have Linux installed and then upgrade Windows, it may wipe out LILO. This would help you save it in theory
02:26:44 <OliverK> right, I guess in upgrades it would help
02:26:51 <OliverK> if you had wondows preinstalled
02:26:55 <OliverK> IDK
02:27:00 <JohnTHaller> Or if you multi-boot multiple versions of windows. I used to
02:27:01 <OliverK> someone will have the forthought
02:27:08 <OliverK> eh, true
02:27:17 <JohnTHaller> Like if you have XP and Linux installed and are gonna add 7 after resizing your partitions.
02:27:24 <OliverK> yeah
02:27:38 <OliverK> but, boot a disk and grub install /dev/sda (I think)
02:27:42 <JohnTHaller> Spose that description doesn't make it super-clear (I just took it from the publisher site)
02:27:45 <OliverK> whatever
02:27:55 <gluxon> Linux doesn't even come with LILO anymore, GRUB is a lot more common now.
02:27:58 <OliverK> if I think of something better, I'll let you know :)
02:28:00 <OliverK> yeah.
02:28:05 <gluxon> Okay, well, depends on distribution.
02:28:07 <JohnTHaller> Ok, that'd be helpful, actually
02:28:10 <OliverK> Grub, or GRUB2 in the case of ubuntu
02:28:24 <JohnTHaller> Personally, I have no need for the tool as I only run Linux in VMs
02:28:26 <OliverK> JohnTHaller: If I'm going to pick at it I should at least make an effort to fix it, right?
02:28:31 <OliverK> yeah
02:28:51 <JohnTHaller> hehe. sometimes things need picking at
02:28:54 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Just a favor to ask, can Eclipse Portable be released on the 8th?
02:29:01 <JohnTHaller> why the 8th?
02:29:06 <OliverK> birthday
02:29:07 <gluxon> Special day :)
02:29:08 <OliverK> :D
02:29:19 <OliverK> IDK if that's true ;)
02:29:41 <OliverK> my netbook has windows, but I don't screw around with the MBR much anymore. I might try installing BURG tonight though, but I have to build it from source so I'm not sure if I want to go through the effort
02:29:46 <JohnTHaller> How re we gona handle the multiple editions and updates?
02:30:23 <gluxon> Well, updates happen 3 times a year, so I don't think that'll be a problem.
02:30:49 <OliverK> well, but if you have 3.5.5 installed
02:30:57 <OliverK> 3.6.1 would seem like an update
02:31:23 <OliverK> JohnTHaller: include the "edition" in the app name?
02:31:59 <gluxon> Well, there's 11 different editions.
02:32:05 <OliverK> :/
02:32:09 <gluxon> Meaning only 33 uploads per year.
02:32:17 <OliverK> are they plugins or roled specifically for that version
02:32:21 <JohnTHaller> I mean with the updater? WIll it work? Won't it mess with add-ons?
02:32:22 <OliverK> edition*
02:32:35 <gluxon> The Eclipse Update works beautifully :)
02:32:41 <gluxon> *Updater
02:32:53 <OliverK> gluxon: but people will use the updater
02:33:03 <gluxon> .. oh yeah..
02:33:04 <OliverK> i would probably hold off in favor of the PA edition myself
02:33:30 <OliverK> the only thing I can think of is doing "Eclipse Portable, Classic Edition"
02:33:46 <OliverK> and having seperate update entried for each, but that's a ton of extra work
02:33:56 <JohnTHaller> Anything has to support the PA.c Updater to be released.
02:34:00 <gluxon> The extra editions are just different versions bundled with different plug-ins though.
02:34:04 <JohnTHaller> So, how can we make it work with it?
02:34:18 <OliverK> are the plugins in Data\ or in App\ ?
02:34:34 <gluxon> OliverK: App\Eclipse unfortunetly.
02:34:42 <gluxon> The plugins become apart of Eclipse.
02:34:44 <OliverK> ^^ problem
02:34:56 <OliverK> label them seperately then I guess
02:35:40 <gluxon> Hm.. but adding plugins will be reset on upgrade.. this is tough..
02:36:00 <OliverK> you'd have to very carefully code and extra update file
02:36:03 <OliverK> an*
02:36:16 <OliverK> like with Geany, and even that doesn't work properly everytime
02:36:19 <OliverK> and I did test
02:36:41 <OliverK> should be fixed when they release Geany Portable 0.21 though
02:37:41 <gluxon> Well, Eclipse plug-ins scramble themselves all over the place.
02:37:50 <gluxon> FilePreserve would not work.
02:37:53 <gluxon> :'(
02:38:04 <OliverK> them seems like you will have to do "Eclipse Portable, Whatever Edition"
02:38:15 <gluxon> Yeah, seems like that's the best bet.
02:38:31 <OliverK> messy
02:38:44 <OliverK> this would be a good place for the in app updater :?
02:38:50 <OliverK> now, there's an idea . . .
02:38:59 <JohnTHaller> Can we just stick with the base (or is it classic?) and let users go from there? And have it only update Eclipse proper and then let Eclipse handle plugin updates?
02:40:22 <OliverK> JohnTHaller: I can't actually think of a good use for hdhacker :( I'd just use the installer disc repair console and do bootmgr /repairwhatever (I don't remember the proper CLI)
02:40:27 <OliverK> but I will keep thinking
02:40:29 <gluxon> That still wipes out installed plugins. I think replacing the files with the newer version's files should work, don't see why not.
02:41:23 <JohnTHaller> We could try that. And do a diff on the two versions and remove anything that needs removing.
02:42:24 <gluxon> Wouldn't the diff pick up plugin installs?
02:43:25 <JohnTHaller> No no. I mean we do that ourselves -- just on the base app -- in case, say, 3.6.1 has some file that was deprecated in 3.6.2.
02:43:37 <gluxon> Ah, okay. :)
02:43:42 *** D_D is now known as agdurrette|away
02:43:46 <JohnTHaller> WinMerge to the rescue
02:45:17 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Know of any app using Environment Variables and compiled with NSIS Unicode?
02:45:23 <gluxon> I still can't figure out that last problem.
02:45:48 <JohnTHaller> Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, etc
02:46:22 <JohnTHaller> And PAL of course
02:54:09 <gluxon> Hm.. I copied this traditionally from Firefox Portable, changing only the variables.
02:54:09 <gluxon>
03:06:28 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Just tested the same code again in NSIS ANSI, the Environment Variables work as expected.
03:09:26 *** Jedrzej_s_ ( has joined #portableapps
03:12:23 <JohnTHaller> Don't use R0. R0 is your return var.
03:12:33 <JohnTHaller> (that lil r0 at the end)
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03:13:08 <JohnTHaller> Generally R0-R9 are used for return vars anyway. $0-$9 are used for your own temp stuff.
03:13:28 <JohnTHaller> I prefer using named vars mostly, though, so they don't get messed up.
03:18:27 <gluxon> Hm.. I just use $0-$9 for temp stuff.
03:18:53 <gluxon> Got any idea what the problem is?
03:19:12 <gluxon> It's the exact same code taken from FFP, yet it doesn't work? :-/
03:19:39 <JohnTHaller> No, it's not. Don't use R0 when feeding it.
03:21:16 *** agdurrette|away has quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:23:06 <gluxon> Alright, change made, but the problem is still there ->
03:23:21 <JohnTHaller> Try a named var
03:23:27 <gluxon> I'm really confused..
03:23:35 <JohnTHaller> $MINGPATJ
03:23:55 <JohnTHaller> I don't use $0 or $R0 in any SetEnvVar statements. SO please try not using them and see if it works.
03:26:43 <gluxon> Grr.. still nothing ->
03:26:57 <JohnTHaller> Love happy comments:
03:27:11 <gluxon> :D
03:28:01 <JohnTHaller> You try Messageboxing the var just before passing it to ensure it is there?
03:29:40 <gluxon> Yeah, tried that.
03:29:40 <gluxon> I was trying a lot of things a couple months ago, before I figured out the switch to Unicode caused it to stop working.
03:29:54 <gluxon> Not sure how or why Unicode would have an effect on it though.
03:33:40 <gluxon> Here's the entire code if you want to see it ->
03:34:16 <JohnTHaller> hmm, maybe it is wrong.... I can't check now, though. Be back in a bit...
03:38:50 <gluxon> brb for a minute or two
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04:24:21 *** ZachThibeau is now known as ZachT|ZzZz
04:43:10 <JohnTHaller> gluxon: I just did this in code and it worked fine: System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariable(t, t) i("HAPPYTIMES", "WOOHOO").r0'
04:43:54 <JohnTHaller> As did this: System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariable(t, t) i("PATH", "WOOHOO").r0'
04:44:29 <gluxon> Let me try that O_o
04:44:42 <JohnTHaller> How are you 'checking' to ensure it is set anyway?
04:45:28 <gluxon> ReadEnvStr $0 "PATH"
04:45:33 <gluxon> MessageBox MB_OK "$0"
04:46:48 <JohnTHaller> Also works fine here
04:50:08 <gluxon> Still not working.. I think something's wrong with my copy of System.dll :'(
04:50:48 <JohnTHaller> What version of Windows and have you done anything odd with it or noticed issues with other apps?
04:52:38 <gluxon> Fresh copy of Windows 7.
04:52:51 <gluxon> Tested with both my laptop and desktkop.
04:53:13 <JohnTHaller> You using NSIS Portable to compile?
04:54:09 <gluxon> Yeah.
04:54:32 <JohnTHaller> What antivirus / antimalware are you using?
04:54:41 <gluxon> Wait, I think I just got it.
04:54:49 *** shearerc (b852eebc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
04:55:02 <gluxon> I downloaded a fresh copy of NSIS Portable and managed to get WOOHOO to show up!
04:55:20 <gluxon> Not sure what's wrong with my previous copy of NSIS Portable though..
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04:56:01 <gluxon> JohnTHaller: Thanks so much for helping me out with this. :)
04:57:28 <JohnTHaller> Sure thing, gluxon
04:57:35 <JohnTHaller> Just glad it
04:57:37 <JohnTHaller> s working again
04:59:57 *** shearerc (~audio@ has joined #portableapps
05:02:08 <shearerc> Hi, I'm curious about something. Since Notepad2 is already portable itself, why does PortableApps team come up with a portable version of their own?
05:03:07 <JohnTHaller> Here is a more detailed explanation of the PA.c Format and its advantages:
05:04:39 <JohnTHaller> In Notepad2's specific case, it's to update the most recently used files list (which would normally break as you move PCs and your drive letter changes) and to keep the settings in the proper directory for better backups and upgrades with our format and platform.
05:08:18 <shearerc> Thanks John. Appreciate your explanation
05:08:48 <JohnTHaller> Sure thing, shearerc. Anything else we can do for you?
05:10:19 <shearerc> nope that's all. I'm actually surprised at the quick response, considering it's midnight in the US :)
05:10:31 <Gizmokid2005> only on the east coast shearerc :)
05:10:44 <JohnTHaller> I'm on the east coast :) Just finishing a couple things before bed.
05:11:00 <Gizmokid2005> I know JohnTHaller :) I am too
05:11:59 <shearerc> haha after all the Internet is 24/7
05:12:06 <Gizmokid2005> lies!
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06:33:57 *** OliverK has quit (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish)
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08:44:45 *** pa_0634 (43fd74bd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
08:44:58 <pa_0634> how do i install an app?
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11:40:43 <Dude> Hi I want to ask does jPortable 6 Update 24 installs funny or is it just me
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17:07:48 *** CruelC (~CruelC@ has joined #portableapps
17:07:56 <CruelC> 0hai.
17:08:43 <CruelC> What's better: ASuite, pStart or PAM? (aside from that PAM comes with backup tools and updater)
17:12:17 <TPFC-SYSTEM> ASuite IMO.
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18:27:43 *** pa_8417 (475a51bb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
18:28:10 <pa_8417> help
18:28:10 <GizmoBot> pa_8417: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
18:28:59 <pa_8417> Is there a way to check for updates for all my apps without going through each one separately?
18:30:25 <benedikt93> pa_8417, yep, get the 2.0b5 version of the menu, it includes an updater. IIRC, it's linked from the main page.
18:30:42 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
18:31:22 <pa_8417> Linked from main page of
18:32:13 <gluxon> .def palogbot
18:32:13 <GizmoBot> gluxon: Sorry, but I don't know about palogbot
18:34:52 <benedikt93> pa_8417, exactly. direct link:
18:37:53 <pa_8417> Ok..Thanks much!
18:39:12 <benedikt93> You're welcome :)
18:46:00 <pa_8417> I have another question..what is the easiest way to transfer and backup my settings, emails, bookmarks, etc..from my Mozilla Firefox and thunderbird to my portable equivalents on my flash drive?
18:48:58 <gluxon> pa_8417: You have to copy the profile folder from your local copy ->
18:49:34 <gluxon> Same thing with Mozilla Thunderbird ->
18:53:09 <pa_8417> Ok..thanks much again :-)
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19:13:54 <GizmoBot> agdurrette Is super duper
19:13:55 <GizmoBot> agdurrette Is super duper
19:15:28 *** DannyMuniz (~Kiriko@unaffiliated/kiriko) has joined #portableapps
19:15:51 <DannyMuniz> hi guys! :D
19:16:05 <agdurrette> hi
19:16:26 <DannyMuniz> did i miss much?
19:16:53 <agdurrette> not that i know of.
19:17:05 <DannyMuniz> im checking the log
19:17:32 *** xBlaze ( has joined #portableapps
19:17:52 <DannyMuniz> nope did not miss much at all :D
19:18:06 <xBlaze> Is is aginst the rules to advertize on this channel
19:18:09 <xBlaze> ???
19:18:38 <xBlaze> Hello?
19:19:22 <xBlaze> Is there anyone that has a pulse on this channel?
19:19:30 <xBlaze> or are you all dead?
19:20:12 <TPFC-SYSTEM> I think advertising isn't allowed here.
19:20:23 <DannyMuniz> no it is not sorry
19:20:28 <TPFC-SYSTEM> And plesase don't expect immediate responses. :)
19:20:32 <TPFC-SYSTEM> *please
19:21:03 <DannyMuniz> just as it is not allowd in the forum it is not allowd in here
19:21:09 *** agdurrette has quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:22:32 <Gizmokid2005> xBlaze: refer to the rules in the topic it'll help.
19:22:57 <DannyMuniz>
19:24:31 <DannyMuniz> hey ain't there a link to the forum rules some where i can't find it
19:25:26 <Gizmokid2005> DannyMuniz:
19:26:23 <DannyMuniz> ah there we go, thank you! they should be added to the IRC chat just in case
19:26:36 <DannyMuniz> i mean the link to them anyway
19:30:03 <TPFC-SYSTEM> I think the channel topic is long enough already.
19:31:18 <DannyMuniz> yea that is true, but a link can be put in the main rules of the PA.c chat
19:32:24 <TPFC-SYSTEM> OK, I see.
19:32:55 <benedikt93> xBlaze, although, in case you are developer of a (commercial) application who wants to push it to PA.c, there's the possibility to get in touch with the people leading this project.
19:33:47 <benedikt93> see
19:35:08 <DannyMuniz> or if its a request that you are making, check here
19:36:54 <gluxon> No, he's trying tell people to go on his TeamSpeak server.
19:37:15 <DannyMuniz> oh
19:42:35 <DannyMuniz> that is something that will have to talk to John about, but everyone is free to try it aslong as it is free :)
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20:52:18 <KalenStone> Greetings. I am wondering if there is a way to group the apps according to what they are. (games, office, etc.)
20:52:47 <agdurrette> Not yet, i think
20:53:01 <DannyMuniz> not yet but soon it will be avelable, see here
20:54:15 <KalenStone> Ok, thank you both.
20:54:29 <DannyMuniz> no problem :D
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20:56:26 <DannyMuniz> man i hate mygrain head aechs :(
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22:09:59 <DannyMuniz> WB gluxon!
22:10:09 <DannyMuniz> i hate laggg!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:13:49 <gluxon> SL
22:13:52 <gluxon> :P
22:13:54 <gluxon> Whoops.
22:14:18 <gluxon> Forgot I had the keyboard set in Dvorak :P
22:14:19 <DannyMuniz> lol
22:20:37 <mrmcpowned> lol
22:20:45 * mrmcpowned wants portal 2
22:21:12 <mrmcpowned> And I wonder if chatzilla will be being updated soon
22:21:25 <mrmcpowned> Been two years since the last update
22:21:34 <DannyMuniz> ah
22:26:33 <DannyMuniz> man who knew that a coffee mug handle can be used as a razor lade
22:26:36 <DannyMuniz> blade*
22:34:09 <benedikt93> mrmcpowned, if only it would be as cheap as Portal itself :P
22:35:05 <mrmcpowned> benedikt93: For the extra stuff, i dont mind the casue
22:35:12 <mrmcpowned> lol
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22:35:20 <mrmcpowned> why did i think of cause when i wanted to say price?
22:35:49 <benedikt93> yeah, it's just that when I add up all the games I'd like to buy this year....
22:36:45 <mrmcpowned> Ah, lol
22:36:53 <mrmcpowned> Im on a tight budget
22:37:08 <mrmcpowned> But if i had a game to choose to buy this gear, it would be portal 2
22:39:11 <benedikt93> there's also Crysis 2, TES V, Assassins Creed: Brotherhood; just to name a few
22:39:50 <mrmcpowned> Lol
22:40:01 <mrmcpowned> Bet portal 2 is gonna win game of the year
22:40:33 <mrmcpowned> Just like the first :P
22:40:47 <benedikt93> true thing :)
22:40:53 *** benedikt93 has quit (Quit: Bye ;))
22:47:09 <DannyMuniz> i have never playid that game at all i must find it now
22:47:11 <DannyMuniz> lol
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