IRC Log from 2011-03-08
00:16:50 *** mrmcpowned has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
00:19:07 *** mrmcpowned (~meh@unaffiliated/sh-chris) has joined #portableapps
00:46:58 *** pa_5670 (1873f933@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
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00:49:30 *** pa_2880 (1873f933@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
00:49:36 <pa_2880> help
00:49:36 <GizmoBot> pa_2880: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
00:50:52 <pa_2880> my IT guy loaded potable apps on my hard drive and now my C: drive is named (C:) = how to fix?
00:51:31 <pa_2880> ooops! I meant (C:)
00:54:22 <pa_2880> is this thing on?
00:54:24 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Leaving)
00:54:53 <ChrisMorgan> pa_2880: delete the file C:\Autorun.inf
00:55:25 <pa_2880> okay, I'll try it
00:55:56 <ChrisMorgan> After restarting the computer, it will change back to its default icon and label.
00:57:05 <pa_2880> can't find that file
00:57:52 <ChrisMorgan> It's probably hidden.
00:58:02 <pa_2880> I have hidden files on
00:58:11 <mrmcpowned> Its a system file
00:58:17 <mrmcpowned> You need to enable those as well
00:58:19 <pa_2880> where?
00:58:26 <mrmcpowned> Under folder options
00:58:42 <mrmcpowned> Tools>Folder options
00:58:47 <pa_2880> hang in there, i'll look
00:59:05 <ChrisMorgan> pa_2880: or delete it via Command Prompt - del C:\autorun.inf (it may need to be del /ah C:\autorun.inf or similar)
00:59:19 <mrmcpowned> Ok, when you get there, click of the tab that says view. Forgot to mention this is to be done in an explorer window
00:59:49 <mrmcpowned> ChrisMorgan: May not delete if it's not visible via the current user, but then again i havnt tried otherwise
00:59:53 <pa_2880> yeah thats what I've been doing
01:00:28 <pa_2880> there are 3 autorun files but they are old and cannot be PA
01:00:28 <mrmcpowned> pa_2880: Did you deselect hide operating system files?
01:00:48 <ChrisMorgan> My recollection is that del doesn't delete hidden/system files unless you use the correct flag which I think is /ah (attribute hidden). I'm not on Windows at the moment though.
01:00:53 <pa_2880> there is no setting for that XP
01:01:15 <mrmcpowned> You sure youre in folder options?
01:01:42 <ChrisMorgan> pa_2880: it's "hide operating system files" or similar, directly beneath "show hidden files", I think.
01:02:06 <mrmcpowned> Yup
01:02:10 <mrmcpowned> Both in xp and 7
01:03:09 <pa_2880> hide extensions for know file types is below "show hidden files"
01:03:40 <ChrisMorgan> pa_2880: XP Home or Pro? Home could hide it for all I know, they did a couple of weird things in that panel.
01:03:45 <pa_2880> home
01:03:47 *** pa_8261 (0c4a1413@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
01:04:08 <mrmcpowned> pa_2880: Whats after hide extensions for known filetypes?
01:04:50 <pa_2880> hide protected operating system files
01:04:56 <mrmcpowned> Deselect taht one
01:04:59 <mrmcpowned> that*
01:05:14 <mrmcpowned> Then apply and click ok
01:05:46 <mrmcpowned> Should be able to see the autorun file now
01:05:57 <pa_2880> yes, and I re-did the search and still the same 3 old autorun files
01:06:10 <mrmcpowned> DOnt search, look in the root of C
01:06:44 <pa_2880> C: what?
01:06:50 <mrmcpowned> Just C:\
01:07:02 <mrmcpowned> You should see the windows folder
01:07:07 <mrmcpowned> Among others
01:07:23 <mrmcpowned> In there you should be able to spot an Autorun.inf file
01:07:32 <pa_2880> C:\ what comes next?
01:07:41 <mrmcpowned> Thats it, thats the root of teh srive
01:07:47 <mrmcpowned> the drive*
01:08:39 <pa_2880> yes but the Autorun.inf is from Jan 2010 and can't have anything to do with PA
01:08:49 <mrmcpowned> Well, have you tried opening it?
01:08:57 <pa_2880> last modified 1-10
01:09:02 <mrmcpowned> You cant jump to conclusions so easily
01:09:10 <agdurrette> open it and show us wgats in it
01:09:13 <mrmcpowned> Open it up in notepad
01:09:22 <agdurrette> whats*
01:09:25 <mrmcpowned> :)
01:09:29 <pa_2880> yes wow, you are grand master and I am dope
01:09:45 * mrmcpowned cant tell if thats sarcasm or not..
01:10:03 <pa_2880> no, truly greatful thank you
01:10:10 <mrmcpowned> oh, then no problem :D
01:10:18 <pa_2880> later
01:10:22 <mrmcpowned> See ya
01:10:25 *** pa_2880 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
01:10:35 <agdurrette> :D
01:10:38 <mrmcpowned> :D
01:10:48 <mrmcpowned> One down, millions to go.
01:10:54 <agdurrette> lol
01:11:00 <mrmcpowned> xD
01:11:18 <mrmcpowned> now to work on my own web site
01:11:57 <agdurrette> :/ i have school
01:14:27 * mrmcpowned had school
01:14:54 <agdurrette> :/ i wish i was done
01:15:14 <mrmcpowned> I'm only done for the day ;)
01:15:21 <agdurrette> oh
01:15:24 <mrmcpowned> :D
01:17:14 <agdurrette> last week of the semester tho :D
01:17:25 <mrmcpowned> nice
01:17:31 <mrmcpowned> Spring break next week :D
01:17:40 <mrmcpowned> Then FCAT -_-
01:17:46 <agdurrette> WOOT
01:17:54 <agdurrette> FCAT?
01:18:19 <mrmcpowned> Yeah
01:18:30 <mrmcpowned> STupid standardised test given out to Floridians
01:18:43 <agdurrette> :P
01:18:51 <mrmcpowned> Created by the almighty devil, Jeb Bush :|
01:19:01 <mrmcpowned> Anyways, this is my last year (if i pass it)
01:19:11 <mrmcpowned> Then its just SAT worries :)
01:24:03 *** computator has quit (Quit: computator)
01:51:57 *** pa_5730 (60316d7c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
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02:02:11 *** rcmaehl has quit (Quit: Meh)
02:26:27 <pa_8261> .
02:26:45 <ChrisMorgan> ?
02:27:09 <pa_8261> Just making sure my connection to the channel was still live
02:27:38 <ChrisMorgan> It'll tell you if it dies.
02:28:24 <pa_8261> Not always, the webclient is kinda flaky I have found, just dies with no indication
02:40:40 *** agdurrette is now known as zz_agdurrette
02:50:50 *** DannyMuniz ( has joined #portableapps
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03:04:05 *** DannyMuniz has quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:04:59 <pa_8261> I visited the "team" page and was wondering if there is a quick way to find out what apps each dev has made
03:13:31 <pa_8261> It would be a good idea to have a list of each devs apps so that if you liked one you could see what else he has made, or if you were wondering about testing you see his other works
03:16:39 <ChrisMorgan> Such a thing will be possible with the new app directory, but whether we will expose it or not will be another matter to be decided.
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04:04:18 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
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04:53:23 *** mrmcpowned (~meh@unaffiliated/sh-chris) has joined #portableapps
04:56:54 <JohnTHaller> Today's new app is up:
05:00:25 <mrmcpowned> Lol, was wondering when iron was going portable :P
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05:28:05 *** Zarggg ( has joined #portableapps
05:56:13 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps (None)
06:18:45 *** TPFC-SYSTEM ( has joined #portableapps
06:34:41 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
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09:48:09 *** CruelC (~CruelC@ has joined #portableapps
09:48:16 <CruelC> 0hai.
09:49:46 <CruelC> Which compatibility layer is better?
09:50:12 <CruelC> dmn, wrong channel
09:50:13 *** CruelC has parted #portableapps (None)
10:22:21 *** benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) has joined #portableapps
10:39:27 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
11:49:25 *** TPFC-SYSTEM ( has joined #portableapps
12:33:56 *** SergentSiler has quit (*.net *.split)
12:39:21 *** SergentSiler (~Kyle@unaffiliated/sergentsiler) has joined #portableapps
12:39:26 <GizmoBot> SergentSiler is a Menu Themer, his theme website is
12:49:54 *** zz_agdurrette is now known as agdurrette
12:59:44 *** pa_6414 (51c91112@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
13:00:06 <pa_6414> Hello!
13:01:53 <pa_6414> Just wanted to complain regarding my recent experience to try to install the game SuperTuxKart Portable.
13:04:17 <TPFC-SYSTEM> What's wrong with it?
13:05:08 <pa_6414> Tried to download a few times and install in different comps with different OS but everytime I have failure with mentioned ERROR of file record edges.png and not only this in other cases. Cannot understand what's wrong. Seems some error in archive itself. Can Someone to help with that or at least topay attention with wrong going things?
13:08:03 <TPFC-SYSTEM> Have you checked the MD5 hash of the installer?
13:08:16 <TPFC-SYSTEM>
13:08:48 <pa_6414> No. I don't know what's that...MD5 ...Control amount?
13:09:21 <pa_6414> How to check it?
13:10:41 <TPFC-SYSTEM> I use Snap MD5 to check hashes.
13:10:53 <TPFC-SYSTEM>
13:11:29 <TPFC-SYSTEM> You can use it like this:
13:11:55 <TPFC-SYSTEM> 1. Double-click the hash in the "Download details" of SuperTuxKart Portable.
13:12:02 <TPFC-SYSTEM> 2. Press Ctrl-C.
13:12:09 <TPFC-SYSTEM> 3. Launch Snap MD5.
13:12:24 <TPFC-SYSTEM> 4. Point it to the installer of SuperTuxKart Portable.
13:12:48 <pa_6414> So, seems a bit complicated for simple user. What if MD5 would be wrong? To try download again and again?
13:13:16 <TPFC-SYSTEM> Unfortunately, that's the only option if the installer is corrupted. :(
13:16:07 <pa_6414> But can I be sure it's OK on download place?
13:18:27 <TPFC-SYSTEM> I think yes.
13:18:28 <TPFC-SYSTEM>
13:18:46 <TPFC-SYSTEM> The hash in that page (if you click the "i" link is identical.
13:18:55 <TPFC-SYSTEM> +)
13:19:48 *** agdurrette is now known as zz_agdurrette
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13:36:30 <Bensawsome> TPFC-SYSTEM also has there own md5 checker also
13:36:34 <Bensawsome> i think
13:37:40 <Bensawsome> yep
13:37:41 <Bensawsome> lol
13:37:53 <TPFC-SYSTEM> So what? :)
13:37:58 <Bensawsome> idk
13:38:07 <Bensawsome> just thought i'd show you
13:39:56 <TPFC-SYSTEM> Well, I'm going to continue using Snap MD5 as an example of a hash calculator.
13:40:08 <TPFC-SYSTEM> At least I know how to use Snap MD5. :)
14:37:59 *** pa_5145 (62e7490a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
14:38:17 <pa_5145> I have a question about backing up everything. Anyone here?
14:39:14 <TPFC-SYSTEM> Yes, at least I'm online.
14:42:25 <pa_5145> Do I need to save the .paf files if I ever want to install them to my flash drive or can I backup all of the installed files and just copy them over to a flash drive when i need to
14:51:16 <TPFC-SYSTEM> You can simply backup all the installed files.
14:54:54 <pa_5145> So if I had... say firefox, installed on the flash drive, and I backed it up to an external hard drive, then deleted/uninstalled it from the flash drive. I can just copy over the files into the respective directories instead of reinstalling the .paf file?
14:55:48 <TPFC-SYSTEM> That's right.
14:56:04 <TPFC-SYSTEM> It's easier to backup the entire directory, BTW. :)
14:57:45 <pa_5145> thanks
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16:03:39 *** kaeos (~Miranda@ has joined #portableapps
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16:10:08 <agdurrette> iron portable seems to have "pre loaded history"
16:10:58 <agdurrette> it has some places i have never visited and it dates back to febuary
16:20:40 *** agdurrette is now known as D_D
16:21:46 *** DannyMuniz (~Kiriko@unaffiliated/kiriko) has joined #portableapps
16:22:19 <DannyMuniz> hi guys! :)
16:23:15 <D_D> hello
16:25:22 <DannyMuniz> How do I installe new plugins in to IronPortable, I get this everytime I try to installe it. "Could not create directory for unziping: C:2\PortableApps\IronPortable\Data\IronPortableData\Temp\scrored_dir_3722\cRX_INSTALL"
16:27:55 <D_D> i just downloaded iron let me see if i get that same error
16:28:01 <DannyMuniz> k
16:29:36 <D_D> what were you trying to install
16:29:38 <DannyMuniz> just incase i get the same error with all the plugins that are avelable SWR Iron site
16:30:47 <DannyMuniz> and even if i download the plugin with ff and try to install it manually the same error comes up
16:32:43 <D_D> i just tried one and it worked, you have a link to SWR Iron extensions?
16:33:01 <DannyMuniz> hold on i just closed iron
16:35:31 <DannyMuniz> lets use this one
16:35:57 <DannyMuniz> its one of the ones that i tried
16:36:19 <D_D> hmmmm :/
16:37:04 <D_D> it works fine for me, did you try to reinstall iron portable?
16:37:33 <DannyMuniz> hmmm... i guess i just have an isolated case
16:38:03 <DannyMuniz> let me try a other one of my drives just to if my current drive is failling
16:38:08 <D_D> is it a fress install?
16:38:17 <DannyMuniz> yes it is
16:42:35 <DannyMuniz> nope i get the same thing
16:43:03 <D_D> Hmmmm.
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16:43:33 <D_D> the only thing i can think of to do is removeit and reinstall
16:44:20 <DannyMuniz> well i installed it in a diferent drive that i have the samething happend. :/
16:44:34 <D_D> :/
16:45:14 <D_D> what os are you on?
16:45:29 <D_D> and are you an admin?
16:45:32 <DannyMuniz> windows vista sp2
16:45:42 <DannyMuniz> yes as an admin
16:52:37 <D_D> is the dreve read only?
16:52:52 <DannyMuniz> no not at all
16:54:23 <DannyMuniz> i have all my other programs in that same drive and they all work properly exept for ironportable
16:54:41 <DannyMuniz> well just the plugins part of ironportable
17:00:51 * DannyMuniz has to walk the dog before he explodes.brb
17:01:19 <D_D> i guess post on the forum or google it, i did some google searching but did not find much help
17:01:38 <DannyMuniz> yea i did the same thing
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18:26:24 *** pa_5916 (81786b56@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
18:27:25 <pa_5916> I am trying to sync gPodder with my iPod. It returns this message: "Please install python-gpod and restart gPodder."
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18:30:58 *** D_D is now known as agdurrette
18:31:37 <DannyMuniz> well so much for finding a soluttion! >_<
18:32:41 <agdurrette> :/ sorry i has not much help
18:33:15 <DannyMuniz> lol nah he or she left b4 i could ask him something
18:33:35 <agdurrette> oh that........
18:34:11 <DannyMuniz> yea i gave up on iron for now till some one ells runs in to the same problem
18:35:16 <DannyMuniz> i use seamonkeyportable mainly is is faster than ff and or ggc
18:37:47 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
18:39:26 <DannyMuniz> is there a way of intergrading Python in to gPodderPortable?
18:39:56 <Simeon> why? Isnt gpodder coded in python?
18:40:37 <DannyMuniz> yes, "<pa_5916> I am trying to sync gPodder with my iPod. It returns this message: "Please install python-gpod and restart gPodder.""
18:42:08 <DannyMuniz> i guess it needs the full install of python to perform this function
18:43:17 <Simeon> I'd have to check.
18:43:18 <DannyMuniz> we shuld make python to be used just like JavaPortable
18:43:56 <Simeon> I use gpodder under ubuntu and there it looks like IPod support is a plugin.
18:44:47 <DannyMuniz> there is a number of applications that use pythin and people include it with there builds adding more space to be taken
18:44:58 <agdurrette> gpodder has python bundled with it
18:45:34 <DannyMuniz> yea it dose, hmm
18:46:39 <DannyMuniz> so that is odd that is asking for python?...
18:47:08 <Simeon> maybe python-gpod is a special library?
18:47:28 <DannyMuniz> could be
18:48:05 <DannyMuniz> it could be missing some key components that are not included with the original build
18:48:06 <agdurrette> i caint find it
18:48:36 <DannyMuniz> X:\PortableApps\gPodderPortable\App\gPodder\bin
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19:37:52 *** pa_7749 (43a1b418@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
19:38:06 <pa_7749> does portable apps work on a mac?
19:39:37 <Simeon> No. only if you have an emulator like darWine to run windows executables.
19:40:09 <pa_7749> ok thxs
19:40:13 <Simeon>
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19:50:36 <ZachThibeau> Simeon: Wine Is Not an Emulator for the record, aka recursive acronym :P
19:50:44 <Simeon> I know
19:50:57 <Simeon> how would you describe it?
19:52:04 <TPFC-SYSTEM> It's a "compatibility layer", a least according to the package description under Kubuntu. ;)
19:54:45 <Simeon> :)
19:55:46 *** agdurrette is now known as whiteandnerdy
20:01:05 *** TPFC-SYSTEM has quit (Quit: Have a nice day!)
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20:22:34 <DannyMuniz> what do you guys know of this
20:23:46 *** agdurrette is now known as agdurrette|
20:26:53 *** D_D (~agdurrett@unaffiliated/agdurrette) has joined #portableapps
20:26:53 <GizmoBot> D_D is agdurrette, most likely he is on minecraft.
20:26:53 <gluxon> DannyMuniz: It allows you to run Windows programs on Linux and Mac. I'm pretty sure it's a fork of Wine though.
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20:27:14 *** agdurrette| is now known as agdurrette
20:27:29 <DannyMuniz> and you have to buy it
20:28:12 <gluxon> Taken from -> CodeWeavers is a company that sells a proprietary version of Wine called CrossOver, for running Windows applications on Mac OS X and Linux.
20:29:11 <DannyMuniz> ok, it sucks that you have buy it but its ok
20:29:18 <DannyMuniz> thanks Gluxon!
20:31:02 <gluxon> I think it sucks how it's proprietary. Stick with Wine :P
20:31:28 <DannyMuniz> yea there is no way that i am goig to pay for it
20:32:12 <DannyMuniz> i only use windows and linux well actually Ubuntu :P
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20:40:14 *** Simeon ( has joined #portableapps
20:42:22 <benedikt93> hmm, does anyone here know whether 'Bruce Pascoe' is still active at PA.c ? Otherwise I might take over one of his dev-tests.
20:42:35 <Simeon> did you ask in the thread?
20:44:26 <benedikt93> I indicated in the thread that the DL is down and there's been no repsonse since ~mid January. Also doesn't he seem to have posted since last february or so.
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20:44:52 <Simeon> seems pretty clear then
20:47:10 <Simeon> Sometimes after I log in on the recent posts page, it sends me to page 4 of the tacker. Does anyone else experience this?
20:48:09 <DannyMuniz> just so you know i took over InnoSetupPortable from Bruce
20:49:00 <DannyMuniz> i got the go a head from John after i posted on Bruce's page and he never responded back
20:50:24 <benedikt93> Simeon, I could just now reproduce that behaviour
20:51:54 <DannyMuniz> benedikt93: are you talking gpodder?
20:52:09 <DannyMuniz> about*
20:52:45 <benedikt93> nope, the issue Simeon spoke about 5 mins ago
20:53:11 <DannyMuniz> ah nvm
20:55:58 <Simeon> i first thought it was Firefox 4 beta 12 but it happens with the regular one too
20:58:24 <Simeon> .tell benedikt93: Hi
20:58:25 <GizmoBot> Simeon: I'll pass that on when benedikt93 is around.
20:58:40 <Simeon> ah GizmoBot works - nice
20:58:50 <Gizmokid2005> as well he should Simeon :)
20:59:52 * benedikt93 uses FF 3.6.15 or whatever is the newest 'stable' right now
21:00:02 * Gizmokid2005 is loving FF4B12.
21:00:05 <Gizmokid2005> can't wait for final
21:00:06 <Simeon> .tell JohnTHaller: Please dont release the copy of JPEGView Portable I sent you last week as there was another update yesterday. Ill post it as a prerelease or send it to you soon.
21:00:06 <GizmoBot> Simeon: I'll pass that on when JohnTHaller is around.
21:03:54 * gluxon iz using Beta 13 pre
21:03:56 <gluxon> :P
21:05:32 * benedikt93 is just happy with the old UI and hopes for the option to bring the menubar back.
21:05:45 <benedikt93> I did not really look into the betas, though
21:05:56 <Gizmokid2005> benedikt93: you can...
21:06:00 <Gizmokid2005> right-click - Menu-Bar
21:06:03 <Gizmokid2005> and voila, it's back.
21:06:07 <Gizmokid2005> I run with it all the time
21:06:11 <benedikt93> Good :D
21:06:18 <Gizmokid2005> been there for a LONG time
21:06:33 <Gizmokid2005> I mainly run with it because you can't see the full page title with the new FF button...
21:07:05 <benedikt93> then I just need my add-ons to be compatible and a quick adaption of the foxdie theme ..
21:07:26 <Gizmokid2005> yeah, lots of addons are picking up now, but there's still a lot to be updated, mainly because of new UI elements
21:07:44 <Gizmokid2005> lots of stuff can't handle the new "statusbar" which is actually the "addons bar" now
21:08:41 <benedikt93> It's actually true that I don't use big parts of the menu regularily, but I don't want to dig up the items I use each time I need them
21:09:12 <benedikt93> though it definitly has become faster...if only my connection would do so, too ...
21:11:13 <Gizmokid2005> Yes, ff4 is ridiculously fast. and I LOVE TabCandy
21:11:18 <Gizmokid2005> probably my favorite feature thus far
21:11:19 <gluxon> I really can't believe users are complaining about the removal of a useless lock icon.
21:12:20 <gluxon> Gizmokid2005: BTW, it's Tab Panorama now.
21:12:30 <Gizmokid2005> *eyeroll* whatever they want to call it.
21:12:39 <benedikt93> gluxon, which icon is this?
21:13:00 <benedikt93> hmm, tab candy looked pretty nice from the videos I saw :)
21:13:08 <Gizmokid2005> it really is.
21:14:32 <SH-Chris> Strl+Space ftw
21:14:36 <SH-Chris> Ctrl*
21:14:46 <Gizmokid2005> SH-Chris: which is...?
21:14:54 <SH-Chris> For panorama view
21:14:58 <Gizmokid2005> hm...nope
21:15:04 <Gizmokid2005> CTRL+E for Tab Candy view
21:15:05 <gluxon> benedikt93: It was one of the icons removed with the status bar.
21:15:10 <Gizmokid2005> ERM
21:15:14 <Gizmokid2005> CTRL+SHIFT+E
21:15:17 <SH-Chris> Oh
21:15:23 <SH-Chris> used t be Ctrl+Space
21:15:27 <SH-Chris> to*
21:15:27 <Simeon> seems like off-topic-hour here ;)
21:15:28 <gluxon> All it did was show your whether or not the page was running HTTPS, but you can just look at the URL to figure that out.
21:15:41 <Gizmokid2005> gluxon: that's where it SHOULD the URL
21:15:42 <SH-Chris> Simeon: Read, its off topic in here when there is no support
21:15:43 <Simeon> I dont like that they removed the feed-icon from the address bar
21:15:49 <SH-Chris> :D
21:15:53 <Simeon> :)
21:16:02 <Simeon> had to get it back manually
21:16:08 <SH-Chris> Lol
21:16:14 <SH-Chris> Just like the star..
21:16:30 <SH-Chris> How so many people complained about the bookmark star xD
21:16:36 <gluxon> SH-Chris: The start wasn't removed though?
21:16:40 <gluxon> *star
21:16:55 <SH-Chris> gluxon: It wasnt, you needed to edit teh file manually to make the arrow appear indefinitely
21:17:01 <SH-Chris> :)
21:17:01 <Simeon> the star is gone too? havnt noticed that
21:17:03 <Gizmokid2005> Bookmark star is always there
21:17:07 <Gizmokid2005> ALWAYS
21:17:11 <SH-Chris> Yeah, im talking about FF3
21:17:17 <Gizmokid2005> same with the arrow
21:17:18 <SH-Chris> And how people complained over that
21:17:20 * Gizmokid2005 is FF4b12
21:17:22 <Gizmokid2005> ahh
21:17:37 <SH-Chris> Yeah, everyone who was so accustom to FF2 got pissed
21:17:50 <gluxon> Arrow?
21:17:57 <SH-Chris> I feel the same irony in FF4 with the lock, heh
21:18:01 <gluxon> The Arrow was completely useless though.
21:18:03 <Simeon> and now everyone has gotten used to it
21:18:04 <SH-Chris> gluxon: The "Go" arrow
21:18:12 <SH-Chris> It was useless
21:18:17 <gluxon> The Go arrow is still there :-/
21:18:23 <gluxon> It's just green now :D
21:18:27 <SH-Chris> it appears, but the star dominates it's place
21:18:33 <SH-Chris> :P
21:19:23 * SH-Chris renicks
21:19:25 <gluxon> I love how Mozilla got rid of so much vertical UI, then added a last minute change that made the Tabs ridiculously tall.
21:19:27 *** SH-Chris is now known as mrmcpowned
21:19:38 <mrmcpowned> gluxon: Lol
21:19:46 <mrmcpowned> I like the tab on top feeling :P
21:19:59 <mrmcpowned> They just look stupid now on the bottom xD
21:20:07 <gluxon> :P
21:20:14 <Gizmokid2005> i agree too. It makes sense on top IMO
21:20:26 <mrmcpowned> Easy access when it's on the top
21:20:49 <mrmcpowned> anyways, i'll be out in a bit
21:20:59 <gluxon> FF RC ->
21:20:59 * mrmcpowned parts away but leaves pc on
21:22:19 <Simeon> gnight all
21:22:37 <gluxon> Simeon: Night :)
21:22:54 *** Simeon has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
21:43:56 *** benedikt93 has quit (Quit: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli)
22:13:22 *** FredM has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
22:16:24 <agdurrette> :D
22:20:15 <gluxon> agdurrette: That's been there for a while. I haven't seen any tracking bugs for it, so I doubt it's even being worked on.
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