IRC Log from 2011-04-05

00:18:47 *** awircser (~awircser@ has joined #portableapps
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00:38:31 *** AlleyKat is now known as Alley^Away
01:16:44 *** sar3th|troble ( has joined #portableapps
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02:09:56 *** sar3th has quit (Quit: "Our culture doesn't get smarter, it just finds new ways of being retarded.")
02:48:50 *** amdzero ( has joined #portableapps
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03:48:51 *** rcmaehl (~rcmaehl@unaffiliated/rcmaehl) has joined #portableapps
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04:51:57 *** rcmaehl (~rcmaehl@unaffiliated/rcmaehl) has joined #portableapps
05:18:47 *** rcmaehl has quit (Quit: Meh)
05:19:40 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
05:26:56 *** Alley^Away has quit (Quit: Work- or sleeptime. Damn how that stuff interferes with my free time. *Miranda-IM rules*)
05:27:29 *** AlleyKat ( has joined #portableapps
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07:13:02 *** pa_8195 (dce1fc04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
07:14:58 <pa_8195> Hi, does anyone know whether Flash player is a) bundled into chrome portable, and b) if so, whether it invokes the locally installed version of it or if it is truly portable as well, ie. the flash cookies only get written to the GoogleChromePortable/ directory? Thanks.
07:18:56 <pa_8195> help!
07:18:56 <GizmoBot> pa_8195: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
07:46:01 *** pa_8195 is now known as jrasa
07:46:18 *** ChrisMorgan (~ChrisMorg@unaffiliated/chrismorgan) has joined #portableapps
07:55:28 <jrasa> ChrisMorgan: I asked this earlier, before you signed on, but noone had an answer. I'm just reasking it in the hope that you might...
07:55:32 <jrasa> Hi, does anyone know whether Flash player is a) bundled into chrome portable, and b) if so, whether it invokes the locally installed version of it or if it is truly portable as well, ie. the flash cookies only get written to the GoogleChromePortable/ directory? Thanks.
07:56:17 <ChrisMorgan> jrasa: it's not. You'll need to put it in manually, and the LSOs etc. will still get put on the host machine.
07:58:05 <jrasa> Is there any way to make it truly portable?
07:58:12 <jrasa> And thanks, btw.
08:03:56 <jrasa> ChrisMorgan: ?
08:04:28 <jrasa> And how would one go about putting it in manually?
08:04:55 <ChrisMorgan> Not really. The best that you can manage without a hooking DLL is backing up local, and copying back and forth.
08:05:11 <ChrisMorgan> Search the site, there are instructions in one or two places.
08:07:23 <jrasa> Ok, thanks. Although, do you mean that there are instructions to put in FLahs manually, or to make it truly portable?
08:07:59 <ChrisMorgan> Put it in manually. It's NPsomething.dll or something like that that you need
08:13:49 *** pa_5139 (55e5b787@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
08:13:51 <pa_5139> hello?
08:14:13 <pa_5139> how do i recommend new apps to be added to portableapps?
08:14:41 <jrasa> ChrisMorgan: any thanks, :)
08:14:45 *** jrasa has quit (Quit: Page closed)
08:15:00 <ChrisMorgan> pa_5139: (a) search the site; (b) the Request Apps forum
08:15:03 <ChrisMorgan> Sorry, I need to go now
08:23:08 *** pa_5139 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
08:50:50 *** amdzero ( has joined #portableapps
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09:11:16 *** SrgSiler|AFK has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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09:55:44 *** magpies_69 (d23857cc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
09:56:21 <magpies_69> hello to all from melbourne Australia
10:02:22 <magpies_69> i have a request and dont know where to start...please help!!!!! i have aprogram that i want to make it in portable ...what software do i need to convert it to portable...the program is AUTODESK Revit Architecture 2011 please send advice to my email
10:04:38 <magpies_69> i guess not its ok thank you in advance...will be back in 30 minutes but the chatbox will remain open ...thanks again
10:12:48 *** Jedrzej_s ( has joined #portableapps
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10:20:31 *** magpies_69 (d23857cc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
10:21:53 <magpies_69> i have a request and dont know where to start...PLEASE HELP
10:22:55 <magpies_69> i have aprogram that i want to make it in portable ...what software do i need to convert it to portable...the program is AUTODESK Revit Architecture 2011
10:25:20 <magpies_69> or if anyone has a link to finding this app will be appreciated thanks in advance PS Email instructions to magpies_69
10:26:30 *** Jedrzej_s has parted #portableapps ("Leaving")
10:29:03 <ChrisMorgan> magpies_69: we won't be making AutoDesk software portable. Commercial stuff, and to prevent launcher-only operation, its licensing stuff ties in too closely to the host and media.
10:41:58 <magpies_69> but i have the DVD'S FOR THE SOFTWARE
10:42:19 <magpies_69> I want to create it for my self not publicly
10:44:06 <magpies_69> plus lots of the portable apps are (Commercial stuff)
10:44:18 <magpies_69> back in 5
10:46:42 <ChrisMorgan> magpies_69: it's just as much a technical limitation as a legal limitation.
10:55:42 <magpies_69> ok lets just say i went and bought a program on a cd how do i make it portable,,,sorry but im only new to this and would like to know how to do this
10:56:56 <magpies_69> I apologise to the rest of the groop if im beig a pain SORY ALL
11:10:35 *** pa_3052 (3ef30948@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
11:11:04 <pa_3052> Hey. Question: Anyone familiar with QuteCom?
11:14:37 <magpies_69> its like filezilla with video calls
11:14:45 <magpies_69> CRAP
11:16:57 <magpies_69> your web cam does better job if you have VP EYE INSTALLED
11:32:55 *** CodyMartin ( has joined #portableapps
11:47:58 <pa_3052> I was wondering if there is a way to connect to Skype through QuteCom. I haven't been able to find any information about it.
11:52:33 *** magpies_69 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
12:03:10 *** Twinkletoes ( has joined #portableapps
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13:07:23 *** DannyMuniz ( has joined #portableapps
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13:07:23 *** DannyMuniz (~Kiriko@unaffiliated/kiriko) has joined #portableapps
13:08:45 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
13:09:01 <DannyMuniz> Hi John hi Chris! :")
13:09:04 <JohnTHaller> hola
13:11:46 <DannyMuniz> hey yesterday i tryide to download ZSoft Uninstaller with my PSP and i kept being sent to this link blocked
13:12:42 <DannyMuniz> There is only one computer with internet access so i use my psp to download the apps when my roomte is using her computer
13:13:05 <JohnTHaller> You need to 'clicl
13:13:32 <JohnTHaller> 'click' the link to download from the page itself. If you emailed yourself the link, it'll fail. It watches HTTP referrers to keep out leeches.
13:13:51 <DannyMuniz> and that was the first time that it happend
13:14:14 <JohnTHaller> Everything on will reject you unless you are clicking directly from the download button on the app page
13:14:28 <JohnTHaller> (all freeware basically)
13:15:56 <DannyMuniz> yea i know but that is the first time that it happend i am able to download all the other apps exept for "ZSoft Uninstaller" so it made no sence
13:16:23 <JohnTHaller> Did you click the download button on the page on your PSP to download?
13:16:48 <DannyMuniz> yeap and it just sends me to hat page
13:17:07 <JohnTHaller> Could already be cached. Or the PSP browser could be messing up the referrer.
13:17:40 <DannyMuniz> ill delete all the cash and ill try again
13:18:30 <JohnTHaller> There's nothing at all different about that than the other freeware apps that we host (anifx, aquasnap, canabalt, cdrtfe, etc)
13:19:36 <DannyMuniz> it still dose the same thing but thats ok
13:19:49 <JohnTHaller> try those other apps I mentioned
13:19:54 <DannyMuniz> ok
13:20:06 <JohnTHaller> Remember, lots of freeware is hosted elsewhere by the publisher and doesn't have the same check
13:20:19 <DannyMuniz> ah ok
13:23:57 <DannyMuniz> ok i was only able to download cdrtf
13:24:10 <JohnTHaller> others fail with the same message?
13:24:34 <DannyMuniz> i can only download the ones that are hosted in sourceforge
13:24:39 <DannyMuniz> yea
13:24:59 <JohnTHaller> Right. As I figured. PSP browser is doing something dumb in the process because we allow in blank referrers as well.
13:25:17 <JohnTHaller> If you copy and paste the download URL directly, that may work
13:25:56 <DannyMuniz> ill give that a try
13:27:53 <DannyMuniz> ok i found that i can download them if i open them in seperet tab
13:28:40 <DannyMuniz> if you click the download link it just give me that message but not when it is open in deferent tab
13:28:55 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
13:33:01 <DannyMuniz> is PALOGBOT login twoce
13:33:10 <JohnTHaller> no
13:40:11 <DannyMuniz> hey i wondering if web browser Flock will ever make it in PA.c?
13:42:49 <JohnTHaller> We have permission from a while back.
13:46:07 <DannyMuniz> well i have to go now, ill be in later tonight. Later Guys! :")
13:46:19 <JohnTHaller> later DannyMuniz
13:46:27 *** DannyMuniz has quit (Quit: Leaving)
13:51:40 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps (None)
14:08:03 *** Jedrzej_s ( has joined #portableapps
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14:22:49 *** Zarggg has quit (Quit: Zarggg)
14:33:29 *** veddandekar (~user@ has joined #portableapps
14:34:02 <veddandekar> help!
14:34:02 <GizmoBot> veddandekar: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
14:35:02 <veddandekar> I want to know how to uninstall portable apps suit completely without losing me data cause I want to reinstall
14:36:39 <veddandekar> nvm I just found out how thank anyway
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14:58:01 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
14:58:01 <GizmoBot> ptmb knows a lot about HTML+CSS, besides that, he is just a lunatic...
15:29:48 *** TPFC-SYSTEM ( has joined #portableapps
15:32:48 *** DannyMuniz (~Kiriko@unaffiliated/kiriko) has joined #portableapps
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18:52:35 <GizmoBot> sar3th hopes he will have more time for pa soon :/
19:02:12 *** kiriko_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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19:06:50 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
19:06:54 <JohnTHaller> In theory
19:07:47 *** Twinkletoes has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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19:43:33 *** Chris_ (8a1a4084@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
19:43:40 <Chris_> hey anybody there
19:43:55 <gluxon> Chris_: Yeah, need help?
19:43:59 *** Chris_ is now known as Guest3987
19:44:20 <Guest3987> I accidentally screwed up my flash drive
19:44:34 <Guest3987> P.S. it changed my name. This is still Chris
19:44:56 <Guest3987> Well anyway I was just trying to downlad PortableApps
19:45:41 <Guest3987> hello?
19:45:47 <mrmcpowned> Guest3987: it changed your name becasuse teh name chris_ belongs to another person
19:45:53 <Guest3987> ohhhhhh
19:45:55 <mrmcpowned> Anyways, what going on?
19:46:23 <Guest3987> well, I was in the middle of downloading the deluxe portableapps
19:46:32 <Guest3987> wondering why it was taking sooo long
19:46:49 <Guest3987> when my friend said "dude you dont need all that stuff"
19:46:57 <mrmcpowned> Yeah, its a large package
19:47:04 <mrmcpowned> You need at least a 2gb drive
19:47:05 <Guest3987> "cancel and download the other one"
19:47:44 <JohnTHaller> It's best to download the base version and build your own at the moment. It'll be even easier next week with the 2.0 release.
19:47:46 <Guest3987> Long Story Short: I tried to delete the old one to replace with the FASTdownload version, and I can't!
19:48:05 <mrmcpowned> Whats it saying?
19:48:20 <mrmcpowned> And hey JohnTHaller :)
19:48:46 <Guest3987> It says: "Cannot Delete: The disk is write-protected."
19:48:58 <mrmcpowned> hmm
19:49:08 <mrmcpowned> Is teh drive empty besides that file?
19:49:10 <mrmcpowned> the*
19:49:14 <Guest3987> Its a 4gig by the way.
19:49:24 <Guest3987> I backed up all my files
19:49:37 <mrmcpowned> Well, you could try simple reformatting the drive
19:49:42 <mrmcpowned> simply*
19:49:45 <Guest3987> I can't do anything to PortableApps folders.
19:50:01 <Guest3987> And I've tried formatting my drive....
19:50:04 <Guest3987> Cant do it
19:50:18 <mrmcpowned> Odd, what error did it output?
19:51:11 <Guest3987> Very simple error, word for word: "!" "The Disk is write-protected."
19:51:37 <mrmcpowned> Hmm, what type of drive is it by teh way? As in brand
19:51:42 <mrmcpowned> the*
19:52:21 <Guest3987> Not a clue, it's UAB CiS Dept-issue
19:52:40 <mrmcpowned> You sure the drive doesnt have a tiny lock switch?
19:52:57 <mrmcpowned> Ive seen some drives that have that to write protect the drive
19:53:10 <Guest3987> All it says on it is UAB: CIS Department. The only thing on it is a blinking green light.
19:53:16 <Guest3987> And yeah I know
19:53:32 <mrmcpowned> Have you checked the drive properties?
19:53:42 <Guest3987> .....checking.....
19:54:35 <Guest3987> It has (Standard disk drives) listed as the manufacturer
19:55:08 <mrmcpowned> ANd the attributes?
19:55:16 <Guest3987> location 0 as its location, and Disk drives as device type....
19:55:22 <Guest3987> ...checking attributes....
19:55:50 <Guest3987> how do i get attributes
19:55:59 <gluxon> Have you tried ejecting it and inserting it back in?
19:56:13 <Guest3987> yes, multiple people suggested that
19:56:31 <Guest3987> i had hoped that trying to download a different copy of it would write over it
19:56:44 <mrmcpowned> Guest3987: at the bottom of the properties window
19:57:15 <Guest3987> looking for it
19:58:12 <Guest3987> Okay the four tabs i have at the top of "properties" are General, Autoplay, and Hardware. Which one should it be in?
19:58:20 <mrmcpowned> Hmm, lemme look at my drive properties
20:01:09 <Guest3987> it refuses every effort of troubleshooting, deletion, ANYTHING :/
20:01:21 <mrmcpowned> Guest3987: Are you completely sure there is NO switch on the drive at ALL?
20:01:30 <mrmcpowned> Something with a padlick
20:01:34 <mrmcpowned> padlock*
20:01:38 <Guest3987> ..checking..
20:02:24 <Guest3987> nothing. nada. zilch. zero.
20:02:31 <mrmcpowned> hmm
20:03:23 <Guest3987> I've tried formatting it in Windows XP, Windows 7, Ubuntu, and MacOS
20:03:25 <mrmcpowned> Guest3987: You understand how to use the registry editor?
20:03:54 <Guest3987> oh that would be very convenient and sweet but here in the lab I don't have admin
20:04:01 <mrmcpowned> A possibility could be to edit a registry key
20:04:23 <mrmcpowned> Ah, youre gonna have to wait till you get on a pc with admin capabilities
20:04:32 <Guest3987> I wanna just attack it with a magnet T.T
20:04:42 <mrmcpowned> lol
20:04:52 <sar3th> that won't help, it's a flash drive, not a hard disk
20:04:53 <mrmcpowned> Have you tried "Safe Removing" ?
20:05:06 <mrmcpowned> Yeah. flash memory :P
20:05:21 <Guest3987> This morning PortableApps seemed like an awesome idea, now all my files are in danger :(
20:05:23 <mrmcpowned> Yould need something to disrupt the chip itself
20:05:43 <mrmcpowned> Guest3987: as long as you backed them up youre ok :)
20:05:49 <Guest3987> Aaaaannnndddd would a magnet screw the drive, or just make it blank?
20:05:59 <mrmcpowned> If anything, id suggest getter a better name brand drive
20:06:06 <mrmcpowned> It wouldnt, its not a disk drive
20:06:07 <sar3th> Guest3987: it wouldn't do anything.
20:06:18 <mrmcpowned> It saves its memory of a cuircuit chip
20:06:22 <mrmcpowned> circuit*
20:06:49 <Guest3987> psssshhhh the flash drive is awesome, just this little bit of wizardry has it in a dire state..
20:06:58 <mrmcpowned> heh
20:07:19 <mrmcpowned> Shame PA.c doesnt sell branded drives anymore
20:07:24 <Guest3987> I cancelled downloading the deluxe version WHILE OpenOffice was installing....
20:07:30 <mrmcpowned> but there would be no profit margin in doing so
20:07:48 <Guest3987> canelling was a bad idea right...
20:07:58 <mrmcpowned> Guest3987: that shouldnt have any effect :\
20:08:20 <mrmcpowned> Even if they were both writing information on the drive, each other wouldnt be affected
20:08:35 <Guest3987> maybe theres a virus or something that would absolutely destroy all the data on the drive?
20:08:58 <Guest3987> It's a really nice drive, I hate to part with it
20:09:56 <mrmcpowned> Naw youre ust thinking at the extremes
20:09:59 <mrmcpowned> just*
20:10:05 <JohnTHaller> It wouldn't format under Linux? That's odd and usually indicative of an actual hardware issue.
20:10:14 <mrmcpowned> Yup
20:10:21 <mrmcpowned> Linux should be able to do it fine
20:10:38 <mrmcpowned> cli doesnt tend to give you hassling prompts :P
20:11:26 <Guest3987> Well like. I dunno, it just refused everything. My bud said, "Well this is weird. Lets go over to this Apple machine... WHAT?!?"
20:11:42 <Gizmokid2005> reading up, unless there's some read-only setting, switch or otherwise that is being overlooked, the drive is toast.
20:11:53 <sar3th> "UAB: CIS Department" leads me to which is computer and information science at the university of alaba,a at birmingham
20:12:02 <Guest3987> yepp
20:12:04 <sar3th> meaning i persume your drive has been given to you by university?
20:12:08 <Guest3987> yesh
20:12:13 <Guest3987> very nice drive
20:12:14 <sar3th> problably it has a hardware switch somewhere, mine has
20:12:34 <Guest3987> theres nothing on it at all. i wish there was
20:13:03 <Guest3987> ---taken it out multiple times to check---
20:13:05 <mrmcpowned> Guest3987: Make sure you havnt over looked small pieces
20:13:20 <Gizmokid2005> Guest3987: there has to be somewhere.
20:14:38 <Guest3987> i just asked one of our grad students. He said "Unfortunately there isn't a write-protection switch on our latest drive, but if you want I could probably show you how to crack it open and make one."
20:14:40 <Guest3987> lol
20:15:24 <JohnTHaller> Macs aren't so good at formatting drives with messed up formats already on them. PCs are better. Linux seems to be best.
20:15:43 <sar3th> if it really has none, it shouldn't matter. dd should be able to handle it. have you tried to look at the kernel's output with dmesg or checked if it were automatically mounted?
20:15:47 <Gizmokid2005> if that's true, then the drive is toast. If you can't format/do anything with the drive and you're certain there's no switch, it's toast
20:16:31 <Guest3987> Well someone tell this: Is there a way to flash a write-protected disk? P.S. Unable to unmount.
20:16:36 <mrmcpowned> It never hurt to try formatting on linux yet though
20:17:26 <Guest3987> List of OS's ive tried(today): Windows XP, Windows 7, Ubuntu, and iOS
20:17:28 <mrmcpowned> Im not sure, never really trued
20:17:41 <sar3th> you mean OSX ;)
20:17:49 <Guest3987> idk lol
20:17:50 <Guest3987> hate mac
20:18:01 <Guest3987> no offense sorry!!!!
20:18:03 <mrmcpowned> Sure ubuntu wasnt able to reformat drive?
20:18:10 <Gizmokid2005> iOS = iPhone OS, or if you are a true geek, it's IOS as in Cisco OS
20:18:17 <mrmcpowned> Lol
20:18:28 <mrmcpowned> But noone speaks of Cisco OS at all lately
20:18:36 <Guest3987> yah ubuntu basically said "Meh"
20:18:52 <mrmcpowned> Hardware failure then
20:19:02 <mrmcpowned> thats the last resord of obtions left
20:19:08 <mrmcpowned> resort*
20:19:12 <mrmcpowned> option*
20:19:14 <Gizmokid2005> mrmcpowned: only those that don't use it. Cisco is still very relevant ;)
20:19:23 <mrmcpowned> Heh
20:19:25 <sar3th> i suggest retrying with ubuntu again
20:19:47 <mrmcpowned> Guest3987: Did you uses terminal to reformat?
20:19:50 <sar3th> if the drive isn't fried yet, linux should be able to do it
20:20:32 <mrmcpowned> And macs have this stupid tendancy to encrypt files
20:20:43 <mrmcpowned> Dunno why
20:21:07 <sar3th> macs have the tendancy not to write to NTFS drives
20:21:16 <Gizmokid2005> they can't by default.
20:21:30 <mrmcpowned> Yeah
20:21:30 <Guest3987> well i have CS201 in like 9 min so i should go
20:21:31 <Gizmokid2005> they can only read NTFS drives unless you install 3rd party apps to write NTFS.
20:21:35 <mrmcpowned> Theyre a Unix Framework
20:21:39 <Guest3987> but ill try linux . . . . .
20:21:58 <mrmcpowned> sar3th: Macs are *nix software
20:22:08 <mrmcpowned> Tehy give a bad name to the *nix community tho
20:22:17 <Guest3987> P3AC3
20:22:27 <Guest3987> thanks for advice
20:22:40 <sar3th> mrmcpowned: doesn't matter, linux usually comes with decent ntfs support
20:22:54 <mrmcpowned> You forgot one key element though, it's Apple.
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20:23:17 <mrmcpowned> Knowing apple, they will lockdown their software to only allow apple devices
20:23:23 <mrmcpowned> :)
20:23:37 <mrmcpowned> Least tahts how i feel with OSX
20:23:40 <mrmcpowned> thats*
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20:35:25 <mrmcpowned> Playin around with my gamercard generator is fun :)
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23:06:20 <GizmoBot> agdurrette Dont mind him he is a nobody.
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