IRC Log from 2011-05-15

00:12:09 *** pa_9672 (47beabe6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
00:12:10 <pa_9672> hello
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00:14:44 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
00:14:47 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
00:17:06 *** kAlug has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
00:18:06 *** techfreak243 ( has joined #portableapps
00:22:18 *** OliverK|Away is now known as OliverK
00:35:08 *** ptmb has quit (Quit: Bye)
00:36:00 *** rcmaehl (~rcmaehl@unaffiliated/rcmaehl) has joined #portableapps
01:04:28 *** techfreak243 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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02:52:56 *** rcmaehl has quit (Quit: BBL Cleaning my battle station.)
03:09:48 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: OH NOES, I'VE FALLEN ASLEEP.)
03:16:45 *** gluxon ( has joined #portableapps
03:30:26 *** gluxon has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
03:42:31 *** Zarggg ( has joined #portableapps
04:34:16 *** pa_5687 (1812db88@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
04:34:24 <pa_5687> Help
04:35:03 <OliverK> lol
04:35:05 <OliverK> wassup?
04:35:23 <pa_5687> Hi...I have a question about installing portable apps on a CD
04:35:40 <OliverK> meh, not a good idea
04:35:57 <pa_5687> why not a good idea?
04:36:02 <pa_5687> cds are portable...
04:36:07 <OliverK> In my opinion . . . you have to check to see if each app supports it and in some cases they don't
04:36:14 <pa_5687> ah
04:36:19 <OliverK> they won't be able to save back your data either
04:36:28 <OliverK> unless you use CD-Rs
04:36:46 <OliverK> is there a reason you need it to run from a CD?
04:36:51 <pa_5687> I was trying to install PeaZip portable on a CD with some zipped files so that the recipient would have an easy way to open when receiving the cd in case they didn't have a native program.
04:37:30 <OliverK> might just bundle the actual Peazip Portable installer, or peazip itself
04:38:06 <pa_5687> yes, can do that, but that requires that the user install peazip on their system, and i was hoping to keep the delivery as clean as possible...hence the appeal of a portable app.
04:38:36 <OliverK> well, you could always try it and see if it works, blanks cd's are dirt cheap now
04:39:24 <pa_5687> i tried, and the paf.exe simply says that the CD is full. but the CD is not full (and i retried with new blank cds)...i think it doesn't know how to burn files during an install...
04:39:42 <OliverK> k
04:40:08 <OliverK> install it to the desktop, but don't run it. Then move that folder over to the CD and then burn the CD with those files
04:40:51 <pa_5687> good idea. actually, i tried that, also, but the PeaZip portable app seems to be coded to look for the specific folder it was installed to.
04:41:03 <pa_5687> so, moving the folder(s) to the CD ends up not working.
04:41:12 <OliverK> odd . . .
04:41:23 <pa_5687> seems like it should...though.
04:41:25 <OliverK> you didn't run PeazipPortable before you did that?
04:42:11 <pa_5687> no, i installed to the hard drive, then (without running peazip) just burned those folders onto a cd. then tried to run peazip from the cd, and it gave a file location error message.
04:42:25 <OliverK> huh
04:42:58 <pa_5687> seems odd that the folders set up by the paf.exe would code PeaZip to require specific root folder location.
04:43:30 <pa_5687> kind of defeats the purpose of portability, but maybe it's something specific to peazip itself.
04:43:34 <OliverK> can you do me a favor? there's a file in PeazipPortable\Other\Source\ that should be called something like Installer custom
04:43:51 <pa_5687> so, it's nice of you the chat online about this on a saturday night...
04:43:56 <OliverK> can you open that up with notepad and paste the contents on a pastebin site, like slexy?
04:44:00 <pa_5687> i appreciate it, even though we haven't figured it out.
04:44:38 <pa_5687> not sure i understand...what's pastebin/slexy etc., and what would that do?
04:45:04 <pa_5687> ah...sorry, i didn't see what you wrote farther up...
04:45:27 <pa_5687> i'll look forthat file and try to open with textpad...
04:45:49 <OliverK> i'm not sure exactly what it will be called and it may not even be there
04:46:15 <OliverK> but if it is, then I might spy something in their that can tell me what's going on
04:47:19 <pa_5687> [PeaZipPortableSettings] LastDrive=C: LastDirectory=\Downloads\Folder Password Tools\PeaZip Portable\PeaZipPortable
04:47:30 <pa_5687> the above is in a settings.ini file...
04:47:53 <OliverK> if that's being set without you even running it . . .
04:47:54 <pa_5687> so, that shows the location where i installed on my C drive.
04:48:20 <pa_5687> well, on the installation to the hard drive, it asks to navigate to the folder where you want to install peazip portable.
04:48:40 <OliverK> yeah
04:49:12 <OliverK> here, the file I need is PeazipPortable\Other\Source\PortableApps.comInstallerCustom.nsh
04:49:56 <pa_5687> i also found a conf.txt file (configuration?) that has many lines of text...
04:50:07 <OliverK> you're in data . .
04:50:17 <pa_5687> ah...okay, i'll look for that...
04:50:27 <OliverK> go up a folder or to and navigate to that address I pasted above
04:51:33 <pa_5687> my Other/Source folder there is not a file with the above name.
04:51:43 <OliverK> huh
04:51:58 <OliverK> stranger still
04:52:10 <pa_5687> there is an AppNamePortable.ini file, but the text in there says it's just an example ini file and can be altered per the readme.txt file, if one wants, etc.
04:52:17 <OliverK> yeah
04:52:32 * OliverK doesn't know how he will do this in linux
04:53:22 <pa_5687> well, you seem to know your way around peazip portable a lot bette rthan i do so far.
04:53:31 <pa_5687> i'm running on windows 7...not linux.
04:53:42 <OliverK> yeah, you're fine there
04:54:06 <OliverK> no, I just know my way around the format really well. I am the developer of Geany Portable and PNotes Portable
04:54:46 <pa_5687> ah...excellent!
04:55:08 <OliverK> give me a bit, it looks like I will have to do this the long way around :/
04:55:24 <pa_5687> will installed versions of Geany and PNotes burn from C drive to CD and still work?
04:55:33 <OliverK> I don't know
04:55:38 <OliverK> PNotes definately will not
04:55:48 <OliverK> Geany might, but I haven't tried
04:59:35 <OliverK> installing wine, it will take a moment
05:01:04 <pa_5687> absolutely...i'm very curious what you discover.
05:03:03 <OliverK> what exactly was your complaint against Peazip Portable?
05:03:27 <pa_5687> well, i want to burn it onto CD and have it run from the CD
05:04:00 <pa_5687> but the directory structure seems hardwired into the program when you install it on the C drive, so when you burn to CD, it doesn't know how to run.
05:04:25 <pa_5687> and i don't know how to "burn on the fly" when installing from the paf.exe.
05:04:51 <OliverK> yeah, you must have some how run Peazip Portable :/
05:05:15 <OliverK> because I just installed it and I'm not seeing anything that should make it error out
05:05:43 <pa_5687> maybe i need to try reinstalling the paf.exe (and make sure not to open peazip), then burn those installed files to the CD...
05:05:55 <OliverK> yes, that is what I would suggest
05:06:10 <pa_5687> did you burn to a CD or move to another directory...and it worked?
05:06:13 <OliverK> unfortunately that's the onyl thing I can think of
05:06:18 <OliverK> no :/
05:06:33 <OliverK> you can't move directories, only drive letters
05:07:08 <OliverK> that's why you can't burn a copy you've run once, its going to screw up and that's a common thing with just about every portableapp
05:07:37 <pa_5687> if i just install to the C drive (with no other directory levels), then i should be able to copy that new installation to CD and it should run...
05:07:46 <OliverK> yes
05:08:01 <pa_5687> ok...i'll try that. thanks very much for your time and ideas.
05:08:13 <OliverK> no problem
05:08:16 <OliverK> have a good night
05:08:41 <pa_5687> thanks. you too.
05:09:03 *** pa_5687 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
05:17:01 *** OliverK is now known as OliverK|Away
07:55:31 *** Nkembi (~nkembi@unaffiliated/superboyian) has joined #portableapps
08:20:05 *** benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) has joined #portableapps
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11:03:30 *** pa_2532 (c2188a05@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
11:04:42 <pa_2532> hey there! just visited and browsed portableapps a few hours, and I'm totally confused...
11:05:07 <pa_2532> its the same old story/question.... :) :
11:05:53 <pa_2532> how do i make standalone software portable?!
11:06:45 <pa_2532> i found the guerilla field method, the launcher, the application template (2 versions), the portable app creator, and so on and so on.
11:07:46 <pa_2532> most of the threats are 2 or more years old! whats THE way to do it? and spacially the EASIEST! way! - now, in the year 2011?
11:22:15 *** pa_4697 (4c1bdbce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
11:22:35 <pa_4697> does anyone else have a problem with portable skype not remembering your password?
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13:57:12 <spgSCOTT> interesting:
13:57:27 <spgSCOTT> any reason for the sie difference? I thought it was a direct repackage?
13:59:12 <spgSCOTT> or would that be a result of compression?
13:59:25 <benedikt93> I guess that it has been compressed via the AppCompacter, which AFAIK uses UPX on executables. That may be detected as "unusual runtime packer" (or so)
14:06:24 <spgSCOTT> Thought as much...
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18:16:53 <GizmoBot> ptmb knows a lot about HTML+CSS, besides that, he is just a lunatic...
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20:05:43 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
20:05:50 <GizmoBot> ...
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