IRC Log from 2011-06-20
00:23:46 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: OH NOES, I'VE FALLEN ASLEEP.)
00:27:06 *** Srgsiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
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01:19:11 *** kAlug__ is now known as kAlug_|_Away
01:36:10 *** SergentSiler is now known as SrgSiler|AFK
01:45:07 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@ has joined #portableapps
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02:30:12 *** OliverK|Away is now known as OliverK
02:30:33 *** SrgSiler|AFK is now known as SergentSiler
02:30:45 <kAlug_|_Away> ChrisMorgan: did you and John have reached an agreement regarding the bundling of NSIS with the Installer and the Launcher?
02:31:33 <ChrisMorgan> kAlug_|_Away: no, haven't spoken to him about it.
02:47:25 <kAlug_|_Away> ChrisMorgan: well, whatever the decision is, I already have working implementations of both the Launcher + bundled NSIS and Installer + external NSIS.
03:03:27 *** pa_1532 (48174409@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
03:03:30 <pa_1532> HI.
03:03:44 <pa_1532> I have a freeware application I made to submit to you guys.
03:04:03 <pa_1532> It's entirely portable, it leaves no registry, uses relative paths
03:04:22 <pa_1532> It;s my own app, so no external liscence
03:04:30 <pa_1532> But theres a hitch
03:04:53 <pa_1532> It requires a certain vbWebDownload.DLL to be REGISTERED on the users computer.
03:05:11 <pa_1532> Do you guys have a work around for that, or is my app unable to be portabilized?
03:07:57 <kAlug_|_Away> I remember there was some work in progress regarding DLL registration.
03:09:52 <kAlug_|_Away> pa_1532: Anyway, just publish it as a Dev Test and we'll try to help you with that.
03:11:56 <pa_1532> Umm. See, I'm not all that sure how that works :)
03:13:17 <pa_1532>
03:20:29 <kAlug_|_Away> Well, calling RegSvr32 should be easy with custom code.
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03:30:29 <pa_1532> Will that work without administrative permissions? Admins perms is also a thing around here....
03:36:03 <kAlug_|_Away> From what I can see, it will depend on the DLL. Some of them will work without admin rights, some won't.
03:41:37 <pa_1532> its a visual basic dll, vbWebDownload.dll. I didnt make the updater program that requires it, but it is called Z-Updater and can be found on the Sourceforge site.
03:42:10 <pa_1532> Considering it is open there anyone here skilled in Visual Basic that could possibly remove the registration rerquirement?
03:49:20 <pa_1532> and just make it look in the working directory, like it does for zlib.dll?
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04:35:34 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: OH NOES, I'VE FALLEN ASLEEP.)
04:44:05 *** mrmcpowned (~meh@unaffiliated/sh-chris) has joined #portableapps
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06:41:42 *** Dj (d80ec63c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
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06:45:30 *** The_Dj (d80ec63c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
06:45:48 * The_Dj greets teh members of this channel
06:46:26 <The_Dj> help! - I've done somethign silly, and I'm wondering if there is a better fix.
06:46:26 <GizmoBot> The_Dj: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
06:47:05 <The_Dj> I downloaded and installed a whole lot of portable apps onto my USB stick and wondered why they didn't appear in the portable apps menu
06:47:51 <The_Dj> I ran each installer individually, rhater than using the "Install new app" option.
06:48:03 <The_Dj> is there some solution other than re-installign all of the apps?
06:48:14 <The_Dj> Thanks.
06:51:23 <The_Dj> Ah! I found it... Just move them from \protableapps\<app> to :\PortableApps\PortableApps\<app>
06:51:26 <The_Dj> quick fix!
06:51:28 <The_Dj> Thanks
06:51:32 * The_Dj bows out
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08:09:47 *** superboyian (~superboyi@unaffiliated/superboyian) has joined #portableapps
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08:16:28 *** OliverK is now known as OliverK|Away
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11:32:29 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
11:32:30 <GizmoBot> ...
11:33:35 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:50:38 *** rainroom69 (~RainrooM@ has joined #portableapps
12:05:39 *** MaienM (~MaienM-F@unaffiliated/maienm) has joined #portableapps
12:33:56 *** rainroom69 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
12:37:59 *** benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) has joined #portableapps
13:00:57 *** kAlug (~kalug@2001:0:53aa:64c:2015:3247:449a:c6d3) has joined #portableapps
13:03:51 *** Tritonio has quit (Quit: Leaving)
13:11:18 *** MaienM has quit (Quit: Bye!!!!)
13:26:25 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@ has joined #portableapps
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13:26:25 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
13:26:25 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
13:55:56 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: Leaving)
14:15:07 *** Viti (5edcd873@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
14:15:15 <Viti> hallo
14:15:23 <Viti> anyone speak german here?
14:16:58 <Viti> is anyone here?
14:20:12 <TPFC-SYSTEM> At least I am online.
14:20:19 <TPFC-SYSTEM> I don't speak german.
14:20:27 <TPFC-SYSTEM> Do you want to ask a question?
14:22:56 * benedikt93 does, but if possible, you should keep the discussion here in english
14:46:33 *** ChrisMorgan has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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15:18:45 *** ZeeK (6d5c4b09@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
15:19:13 <ZeeK> I need Internet Explorer 8 portable
15:19:22 <ZeeK> can somebody help me?
15:19:50 *** ZeeK has parted #portableapps (None)
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15:20:33 <ZeeK> hellllo
15:20:37 <ZeeK> somebody?
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15:44:05 *** ZachThibeau (~ZachThibe@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
15:52:07 *** Spellbreaker ( has joined #portableapps
15:59:55 <agdurrette> why does every one want internet explorer portable?
16:09:58 <ZachThibeau> they could just use maxthon since it makes use of both webkit and trident (trident being the engine behind IE)
17:06:21 *** spgSCOTT1 ( has joined #portableapps
17:08:07 *** Nkembi (~nkembi@unaffiliated/superboyian) has joined #portableapps
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17:49:38 *** benedikt93 has quit (Quit: Read the fucking binary.)
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18:40:30 *** kAlug (~kalug@2001:0:53aa:64c:98:3247:44c6:fd12) has joined #portableapps
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21:00:24 *** spgSCOTT ( has joined #portableapps
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21:24:21 <DannyMuniz> this looks like something usefull
21:29:44 *** ptmb ( has joined #portableapps
21:29:44 <GizmoBot> ptmb knows a lot about HTML+CSS, besides that, he is just a lunatic...
21:31:11 <Viti> oh im sorry i must go away to my daughter but now i have a question,
21:32:56 <DannyMuniz> ask we will answer as best as we can ^_^
21:33:20 <Viti> o portable maker, he packed a software but where is the space where the data are stored
21:33:35 <Viti> a place
21:34:23 <DannyMuniz> Do you mean the Portable App Creator here?
21:34:36 <Viti> yes from the site
21:34:59 <DannyMuniz> ok we realy don't recomend using that for making portable apps
21:35:13 <Viti> oh
21:35:19 <Viti> fine and now?
21:35:26 <DannyMuniz> we recomend that you use PAL
21:35:32 <Viti> <-- woman
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21:35:39 <Viti> please for womans
21:35:41 <Viti> ^^
21:35:59 <DannyMuniz>
21:36:38 <Viti> and why is the another soft not good?
21:36:53 <DannyMuniz> Viti: hey are you the maker of FRD?
21:37:22 <Viti> please what?
21:37:37 <DannyMuniz> nevermind that question
21:38:12 <DannyMuniz> well that orther program uses Autoit script and it is not consisten with what is needed for making a portable app
21:39:12 <DannyMuniz> Gizmokid2005: you wanna explain this one better?
21:41:21 <Viti> no danny im not the maker of everything. i have by my software (audiobooksreader) from www, but i cant find my key and i want to take this to work at usb stick
21:41:35 <Viti> can i use this PAL for this?
21:42:08 *** DannyMuniz_ ( has joined #portableapps
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21:42:30 <Viti> [23:41] <Viti> no danny im not the maker of everything. i have by my software (audiobooksreader) from www, but i cant find my key and i want to take this to work at usb stick [23:41] <Viti> can i use this PAL for this?
21:43:04 <DannyMuniz_> yes you can
21:43:28 <DannyMuniz_> Viti: FRD stand for Free Rapid Downloader
21:44:33 <DannyMuniz_> ok as for the program that you want to make portable you have to find the registration key in windows registry if it dose stor it there or some other place
21:44:54 <DannyMuniz_> no keep in mind that we don't make pay ware portable
21:45:04 <Viti> no frd i read for first. sorry my english is very bad, cause i sepak it last for 20 years and now i live in german and had to learn german.
21:45:32 <DannyMuniz_> ^_^ no problem
21:46:00 <Viti> in win registry i can find it. it from and regedit find no entry for this
21:47:24 <DannyMuniz_> then it most be stored in a .ini file or some other format in the same location of the main program or in APPLICATION DATA folder
21:47:50 <Viti> oh appdata is possible too. mom i look
21:49:42 <DannyMuniz_> Lokk here C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Program name
21:49:47 <DannyMuniz_> look*
21:50:22 *** DannyMuniz has quit (*.net *.split)
21:50:25 *** kAlug (~kalug@2001:0:53aa:64c:34e6:3247:42ed:d5da) has joined #portableapps
21:51:06 <Viti> hm nope, in appdate is nothing and in same order is only some dll files and exe and odt textfile
21:51:12 <Viti> hm... very suspect
21:51:48 *** DannyMuniz_ is now known as DannyMuniz
21:54:04 <Viti> i find it i find it *dance on table* u have right its a ini file on roaming but it was hidden
21:54:35 <DannyMuniz> ah good you found it :")
21:55:59 <Viti> and I thought I'm actually that stupid women like you here estimates
21:56:20 <Viti> here = germany
21:56:33 <DannyMuniz> no we don't think that women are stupid
21:56:50 <Viti> here in germany sometimes
21:57:37 <Viti> sometimes i think it too (cause i be a one) ^^
21:58:24 <Viti> u was a very big help for me :D thank u very much
21:58:26 <DannyMuniz> we have many developers here and we dont ask if they are women or men, all we care is to help all users as much as we can, sex, age, location dose not matter to us.
21:58:58 <DannyMuniz> you are very welcome! We are glad to help any that needs it XD
21:59:20 <Viti> thx
21:59:40 <Viti> are u all developers?
21:59:58 <DannyMuniz> most of are
22:00:04 <DannyMuniz> us*
22:01:10 <Viti> a had learn it also programming, but i am very weak in it. only a little bit für c++ for long time ago
22:02:04 <Viti> and now i am a teacher for young mother for use office and so
22:02:05 <DannyMuniz> i don't know any programing language at all but i follow the instruction for using PAL and I was able to make some apps
22:02:13 <DannyMuniz> not bad
22:04:01 <Viti> oh my daughter is awaking, she is ill, i have to go. I would like to again thank you for the help
22:04:11 <Viti> good night
22:04:21 <DannyMuniz> good night
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