IRC Log from 2011-11-12
00:23:39 *** Thasmo has quit ()
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00:43:10 *** Rocketknight (4a48cc4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
00:43:29 <Rocketknight> Can someone help me with a few problems im having with portableapps
00:43:30 <Rocketknight> ?
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00:43:46 *** GordCaswell|AFK is now known as GordCaswell
00:43:56 <GordCaswell> Rocketknight: What's the problem?
00:44:47 <Rocketknight> Hey thx for replying ! =)
00:45:08 <Rocketknight> When i try to put my own apps to show the whole thing no longer works
00:45:37 <Rocketknight> Like when I try to put my own apps the thing wont even boot up after i x out the first time i used it
00:45:49 <GordCaswell> Where exactly are you putting your apps?
00:46:02 <Rocketknight> Gimmie a momnet to check plz
00:46:10 <GordCaswell> No problem
00:47:01 <Rocketknight> In the root Portableapps folder, and i dont know if this mattters but im use a 1tb external hard drive and my os is win7
00:47:52 <GordCaswell> does the folder X:\PortableApps\ still exist?
00:48:18 <Rocketknight> yes
00:48:56 <GordCaswell> What happens when you click on Start.exe?
00:49:23 <Rocketknight> oh wait its working now, i just noticed i put in the folder
00:49:49 <Rocketknight> But how do i add different folders to the right side on the top of the portableapps menu?
00:50:15 <GordCaswell> that's not possible at the moment. It is planned, but there's no timeline for when it will be implemented yet.
00:51:19 *** kAlug_ (~kalug@ has joined #portableapps
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00:51:54 <GizmoBot> SergentSiler is a pony
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00:52:46 <Rocketknight> How do I make folders visiable in the white part of the menu?
00:54:09 <GordCaswell> First off, please do this so I can answer correctly: What version is listed when you go to Help>About Platform?
00:55:21 <Rocketknight> brb
00:55:55 <Rocketknight> its pr 4.2
00:57:02 <GordCaswell> Ok, so there's two ways to show the categories: In the options menu, select either "Smart with Categories" or "Show all with categories"
01:01:50 <Rocketknight> I just installed 4.2 accutly and it doesnt work
01:01:53 <Rocketknight> Reinstall?
01:02:42 <Rocketknight> ?
01:04:28 <Rocketknight> Hello, are u there +GordCaswell
01:06:15 <kAlug_> Rocketknight: do you mean folders like at ?
01:06:36 <kAlug_> And at ?
01:07:34 <GordCaswell> Sorry, had to go put my son to bed
01:07:57 <Rocketknight> Its ok, the 4.2. I just installed like 5 min ago, it stopped working, so reinstall?
01:10:03 <Rocketknight> ?
01:10:23 <GordCaswell> At this point, I don't know what's causing your issues. Try deleting the X:\PortableApps\ directory, and reinstall from here:
01:10:29 *** SrgSiler (~Kyle@ has joined #portableapps
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01:13:02 <Rocketknight> I just noticed something, theyy actual external hard drives name wqas changed to ans has the icon, does this mean anything
01:13:36 <Rocketknight> Oh and what format is it supposed to be in
01:13:50 <GordCaswell> That's normal behaviour. You can change the name by clicking on the drive space meter at the bottom of the Platform
01:14:14 <GordCaswell> that doesn't really matter, Fat16, Fat32, or NTFS it's your choice
01:14:29 *** GordCaswell is now known as GordCaswell|AFK
01:15:47 <Rocketknight> is exFAT good?
01:17:38 <kAlug_> Do you need to support Windows XP and Vista pre-SP1?
01:18:54 <Rocketknight> Its just the star exe doesnt work
01:19:22 <kAlug_> Does running the Platform directly works?
01:19:38 <kAlug_> PortableApps\\PortableApps.comPlatform.exe
01:19:50 *** GordCaswell|AFK is now known as GordCaswell
01:20:48 <GordCaswell> sorry, had to go again.
01:22:28 <Rocketknight> so the start.exe just doesnt work after installation what now
01:23:05 <GordCaswell> As kAlug said: <kAlug_> Does running the Platform directly works?
01:23:05 <GordCaswell> <kAlug_> PortableApps\\PortableApps.comPlatform.exe
01:24:14 <Rocketknight> where can i find that?
01:24:18 <Rocketknight> oh kk lol
01:32:01 *** PlauSocks is now known as PlauSocks|AFK
01:34:28 <Rocketknight> not working
01:34:46 <Rocketknight> Now what, can anyone help?
01:35:07 <kAlug_> Try redownloading and reinstalling the Platform.
01:36:22 <Rocketknight> i did if it doesnt working this time ill tell u, appreciate it
01:37:35 <kAlug_> Try deleting the PortableApps\ folder before reinstalling.
01:38:00 <Rocketknight> i just deleted everyting, does it make a different
01:38:59 <kAlug_> I don't know, you need yo try it.
01:39:06 <Rocketknight> SHould i use NTFS or exFAt
01:41:01 <Rocketknight> ? Plz answer
01:41:39 <kAlug_> Do you need to support Windows XP and Vista pre-SP1?
01:42:02 <kAlug_> support -> be able to use your drive on
01:44:18 <Rocketknight> on?
01:44:59 <kAlug_> Do you need to use that drive on other computers running Windows XP or Vista pre-SP1?
01:47:29 <kAlug_> Also, is it an external hard drive or a flash drive?
02:00:45 <Rocketknight> external hard drive
02:01:08 <Rocketknight> The computer im using it on are usually win7
02:01:29 <kAlug_> You can go with NTFS.
02:01:38 <Rocketknight> kk
02:01:54 *** winterblood (dce91b52@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
02:02:12 <winterblood> Hey folks
02:02:14 <ZachThibeau> howdy winterblood
02:03:13 <Rocketknight> still not working
02:03:20 <winterblood> Haven't got much time to chat, off to lunch shortly, but just wanted to put forth an application for the release team.
02:03:47 <Rocketknight> What do i do ive been trying to make this crap work all morning
02:04:30 <GordCaswell> winterblood: Which app?
02:05:00 <winterblood> Not an app for testing. As in me applying to be on the team.
02:05:38 <winterblood> Kinda worded my first comment badly, didn't I?
02:05:40 <GordCaswell> Ah, gotcha. I'll add you to the list, but John/Chris will need to give you the permissions
02:06:10 <winterblood> Cool thanks for that.
02:07:06 <GordCaswell> winterblood, can you join portableapps-ot?
02:07:11 <Rocketknight> Its still not working
02:08:15 <winterblood> How would I go about that? Never used IRC before, so don't really know the commands.
02:08:38 <GordCaswell> nevermind, how do you want to be listed on the page?
02:08:44 <kAlug_> Rocketknight: We don't have any idea on what else can be wrong.
02:09:18 <Rocketknight> man maybe i should format to NTFS and try all over again?
02:09:54 <kAlug_> What's the current filesystem?
02:10:13 <winterblood> Depends. If the standard is using real names I am happy to have my account name changed, otherwise my current nick is fine.
02:10:16 <Rocketknight> its NTFS but ima format as NTFS all over again just to see if it freaking works
02:10:31 <GordCaswell> k, I'll use your current nick. It's whatever you choose.
02:10:34 <kAlug_> hold on.
02:10:45 <kAlug_> hold on, Rocketknight
02:11:05 <Rocketknight> k
02:11:51 *** GordCaswell has quit (Quit: gotta go, back tomorrow)
02:12:14 <kAlug_> Try this:
02:13:04 <winterblood> Ah thanks, Zach. Anyways, have to go now, lunch calls.
02:13:15 <ZachThibeau> later
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02:15:45 *** Rocketknight has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
02:16:15 <gluxon> Aww.. I missed a whole support session :-/
02:17:08 <kAlug_> Yep. The entire day.
02:20:21 <gluxon> Hey kAlug_, do you mind providing feedback for my support on the forums?
02:20:23 <gluxon>
02:20:30 <gluxon>
02:20:56 <gluxon> Just did the fastest typing ever... but I'm not sure about the quality of those posts.
02:23:31 <kAlug_> Both seems correct, even though I don't use Firefox anymore. Additionally, LastPass does have an option to shutdown its session when the browser closes.
02:25:08 <kAlug_> nvm, I've mistaken it for another option.
02:25:32 <kAlug_> gluxon: what OS are you using?
02:25:38 <gluxon> Ubuntu 11.10
02:25:44 <gluxon> Thanks :)
02:26:16 <kAlug_> Do you have WINE installed? And .NET?
02:26:48 <gluxon> Yep.
02:26:54 <gluxon> I don't think I have .NET installed..
02:26:59 <gluxon> Since this is a Linux system..
02:27:10 <gluxon> And .NET is a myth on Linux :P
02:27:21 <gluxon> Plus, mono doesn't work that well...
02:27:26 <kAlug_> .NET for WINE?
02:31:14 <gluxon> There is no .NET for WINE.. or I don't think there is..
02:31:57 <kAlug_> OK. Thanks anyway.
02:32:15 <kAlug_> Do you have any Windows VMs?
02:34:34 <ZachThibeau> mono is .net for linux
02:34:35 <kAlug_> Just for curiosity. I wonder if I should keep my testing VMs updated or just keep them as when they were installed.
02:34:45 <ZachThibeau> for the most part
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03:46:10 *** kAlug_ has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
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06:00:57 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: TheCyberShocker, ZNC
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08:28:31 *** AlleyKat has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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13:29:53 *** ZachThibeau (Zach@ has joined #portableapps
13:29:56 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
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20:24:54 *** GordCaswell (~GordCaswe@unaffiliated/ve4jhj) has joined #portableapps
20:24:59 <GizmoBot> GordCaswell is the developer of Armagetron Advanced Portable, Evince Portable & ZSoft Uninstaller Portable
20:27:50 <GordCaswell> .tell kAlug SuperTuxKart is an official app, so won't be dealt with by the release team. If it needs updating, Simeon will take care of it, and pass it on to John directly for release.
20:27:50 <GizmoBot> GordCaswell: I'll pass that on when kAlug is around.
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21:35:45 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
21:35:52 <GizmoBot> ...
21:45:50 *** kAlug ( has joined #portableapps
21:46:13 <kAlug> GordCaswell: SuperTux like in "SuperTux".
21:47:58 <kAlug>
21:48:01 <GordCaswell> Ah, ok, I see it now.
21:48:30 <kAlug> Anyway, I'm going to prioritize Pingus. I just need to re-setup my VMs.
21:48:53 <GordCaswell> It's in the list, so I don't have a problem with having it worked on.
21:49:05 <GordCaswell> Pingus is sweet. I enjoy it
21:50:03 <kAlug> Hey, is there any drawback on using wrappers to do software portablization?
21:50:29 <GordCaswell> you mean, how we do it?
21:50:32 <kAlug> I'm comparing it with application virtualization (e.g. ThinApp) and direct source code modification.
21:50:54 <kAlug> Using wrappers in general (IIRC, WinPenPack do it this way too).
21:51:10 <GordCaswell> Ah. I don't have experience with the other ways of doing it, so I can't say
21:51:54 <kAlug> Nor me. But does it have any problems e.g. things we can't do?
21:52:14 <ZachThibeau> hey GordCaswell
21:52:27 <GordCaswell> Hey ZachThibeau
21:53:16 <GordCaswell> kAlug: not that I've found so far, although moving directories/files may impact load speed, depending on the size of directories/files
21:53:16 <ZachThibeau> I finally have some freetime sort of
21:53:25 <ZachThibeau> more than yesterday lol
21:54:20 <GordCaswell> lol. me too. I chose not to go to the local Sanat Claus parade, so I've got at least a few hours.
21:55:10 <GordCaswell> Should we (Release team) hold off on working on .NET apps for now? Since they're not up for inclusion officially yet?
21:55:14 <GordCaswell> *Santa
21:55:35 <ZachThibeau> yeah let's leave them for now
21:56:09 <GordCaswell> K, so I'm skipping Screamer then. I'll add a note to that effect in the "Ready for Release" thread.
21:56:19 <kAlug> I'm going to include .NET support in PAL soon. In fact, I don't know why I haven't done it yet.
21:56:48 <ZachThibeau> well it's not quite official yet, when john gives the ok then we'll consider testing it
21:57:02 <GordCaswell> Yeah, that's my way of thinking, too
21:59:23 <ZachThibeau> GordCaswell: I'm going to setup a small bug tracker on something that can be easily moved say when drupal get's upgraded
21:59:35 <GordCaswell> sounds good
21:59:47 <kAlug> GordCaswell: "This is **not** planned to be released officially"
21:59:49 <ZachThibeau> ohhh eyeos :O I didn't know I had that script installer in my cpanel
21:59:59 <ZachThibeau> yet
22:00:30 <GordCaswell> oops, thanks. I'll fix it now
22:03:54 <ZachThibeau>
22:05:17 <ZachThibeau> we start by importing the list from the dev test page and add them and see what can be done from there
22:09:15 <GordCaswell> can you upgrade my account?
22:09:41 <kAlug> Mantis?
22:09:49 <GordCaswell> yep
22:13:03 <ZachThibeau> sure Gord
22:13:10 <GordCaswell> thnx
22:13:32 <ZachThibeau> done and you should get notified too
22:14:04 <GordCaswell> Yep, worked properly
22:14:13 <ZachThibeau> awesome
22:14:35 <GordCaswell> Now to find out if the Mantis iphone app works looks cool
22:14:41 <ZachThibeau> let's start by adding stuff from the dev/test page and then what was done in the old release team page
22:15:48 *** kAlug is now known as kAlug|Away
22:16:39 <GordCaswell> sounds good. I'll add the ClickyGone and HTTPhotos, then start from the bottom of the dev/test page, so you can start from the top and we don't duplicate
22:16:48 <ZachThibeau> sure
22:18:06 <ZachThibeau> I just added an app just tell me what you think should go in the description other than category, developer and dev test forum url
22:19:20 <ZachThibeau> and report issue is the link we want to use
22:19:42 <GordCaswell> Yeah, i was about to add one, too, gimme a sec to check yours
22:20:01 <ZachThibeau> technically I added the wrong one xD
22:20:18 <ZachThibeau> I added a category lol
22:21:17 <GordCaswell> You added it as a project, right, not an issue?
22:22:10 <ZachThibeau> mantis is kind of new to me
22:22:16 <GordCaswell> me too
22:23:30 <ZachThibeau> just click on the link Report issue use the development test category and I'll sort it as I can, let's just get the data into it
22:24:22 <GordCaswell> sounds good. The information you have in right now looks good to me, we can information like base app version in the sub-issue for PAF. i think it's possible to do sub-issues. we'll see.
22:24:40 <ZachThibeau> platform just say Platform Specs, OS Windows and os version xp,7 and 8 and yeah sounds good to me
22:25:21 <GordCaswell> Yeah, that works
22:25:27 <GordCaswell> don't forget Vista
22:25:52 <ZachThibeau> lol I try to forget vista all the time ;)
22:25:59 <GordCaswell> lol
22:26:00 <ZachThibeau> lol you're right though
22:26:45 <ZachThibeau> anyways some stuff you'll notice like some apps not having a forum topic anymore like Adress- und Geburtstags-Manager
22:26:51 <ZachThibeau> just skip those
22:27:09 <GordCaswell> k
22:27:37 <GordCaswell> I added a global profile to save us keystrokes
22:27:50 <ZachThibeau> awesome
22:28:08 <ZachThibeau> steps to reproduce can skip
22:28:35 <GordCaswell> yep
22:29:00 <ZachThibeau> additional information eh we can use or leave out, I'll leave out and just comment on issues as we find issues when we test
22:29:17 <GordCaswell> yeah, i'd say leave out for now
22:29:48 <ZachThibeau>
22:35:20 <ZachThibeau> hmm I'm torn with not adding this
22:35:53 <ZachThibeau> it's in the dev test page but... by the looks like it's a homemade app that hasn't been updated in a little while
22:36:27 <ZachThibeau> what do you think GordCaswell?
22:36:58 <GordCaswell> I'd say leave it. The last comment on this app by Nathan922 was in June 2009
22:37:12 <ZachThibeau> alright
22:37:27 <ZachThibeau> maybe make a note on the forum about it see if nathan is coming back to it
22:37:41 <GordCaswell> yup
22:38:47 <ZachThibeau> wow qt's git repo is huge
22:39:14 <GordCaswell> Yeah, massive. The download for the app is ridiculous
22:41:11 <ZachThibeau> I'm downloading the in development release of qt, supposed to be better with compiling with mingw-w64 runtimes
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23:04:15 <GordCaswell> FYI, all the comments at dev/test can be deleted. I just did a quick verification, and all either are added or downloads don't exist, so shouldn't be added anyway
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23:04:40 <ZachThibeau> brb I need to reboot, I'll remove the comments when I get back
23:04:44 *** ZachThibeau has quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:07:58 <GordCaswell> K
23:08:26 *** ZachThibeau (Zach@ has joined #portableapps
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23:08:28 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
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23:08:36 <ZachThibeau> back
23:24:55 <ZachThibeau> and deleting the comments on the dev test page
23:26:03 <GordCaswell> ZachThibeau: Can you add this plugin: It looks like it'll be perfect for us to be able to deal with the specific tasks needed to be completed in each project.
23:26:16 <ZachThibeau> I'll add it asap
23:26:34 <GordCaswell> No worries, not immediatley needed. Got a lot of apps to add first lol
23:26:44 <ZachThibeau> lol a lot of comments to remove too
23:27:11 <GordCaswell> lol, that too. At least once they're gone, it'll be easier to keep up with them
23:27:22 <ZachThibeau> for sure
23:27:42 <kAlug|Away> Hmm... where am I supposed to add the tests' results?
23:28:08 <ZachThibeau> for testing apps?
23:29:36 <kAlug|Away> Yep
23:30:02 <ZachThibeau> as a comment in the bug tracker
23:30:18 <ZachThibeau> like pass, fail etc
23:30:33 <GordCaswell> there will shortly be a way to create sub-tasks, and they'll get added there. But for now, comments will do
23:30:41 <ZachThibeau> indeed
23:32:53 <ZachThibeau> I'm sure the drupal bug tracker addon will be better than this but this will allow us to play with a tracker to get a general idea of how things should be done etc
23:33:13 <kAlug|Away> argh... more passwords
23:33:14 <ZachThibeau> heck, I should of just installed drupal with the tracker plugin now that I thought of it
23:33:17 *** kAlug|Away is now known as kAlug
23:33:25 * ZachThibeau facepalms
23:34:00 <ZachThibeau> GordCaswell: slap me for not thinking of drupal and the issue tracker plugin xD
23:34:01 <GordCaswell> it's all good. Since we're moving to Drupal 7, the tracker won't be ready for a little while yet, anyway.
23:34:12 <ZachThibeau> still
23:34:19 * GordCaswell slaps ZachThibeau with a trout
23:34:21 <ZachThibeau> drupal 6 is still available
23:34:27 <GordCaswell> this is true
23:34:33 <ZachThibeau> and we can still try with that
23:34:59 <ZachThibeau> I'll keep what we have as backup until drupal things are setup
23:35:27 <GordCaswell> sounds good
23:36:11 <GordCaswell> interesting, firefox crashed on me. Haven't had that happen for a long time
23:36:44 <ZachThibeau> GordCaswell: do you remember what name the issue tracker plugin went under if any?
23:36:55 <GordCaswell> for drupal?
23:36:58 <ZachThibeau> yeah
23:37:04 <GordCaswell> project_issues
23:37:24 <ZachThibeau> kk
23:37:31 <GordCaswell>
23:40:51 <ZachThibeau> I like drupal just not their forums lol
23:41:50 <GordCaswell> Yeah, that's the only thing so far I don't like about drupal. I'm using it for my own site, and probably for my emloyer's as well. I like how flexible it is.
23:45:20 <ZachThibeau> hmm that tracker has some deps needed, installing them now
23:48:54 <ZachThibeau> it's not letting me enable the plugin and I installed the dependencies
23:49:13 <ZachThibeau> I'll try again later, I got to head out for an hour
23:52:32 <GordCaswell> Ok. Make sure you've installed the right versions of everything. It's very specific.