IRC Log from 2012-02-28

00:17:46 *** PatrickPowell (~PatrickPo@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
00:51:26 *** agdurrette|AFK is now known as agdurrette
00:55:53 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
01:00:16 *** agdurrette is now known as agdurrette|AFK
01:03:30 <PatrickPowell> hola JohnTHaller
01:05:39 <JohnTHaller> hola
01:06:32 <PatrickPowell> lots of New releases seems you been busy
01:07:18 *** kAlug (~kalug@ has joined #portableapps
01:08:15 <kAlug> hey folks
01:08:40 <JohnTHaller> indeed. wanted to be all caught up
01:09:00 <PatrickPowell> Hi kAlug
01:09:17 <PatrickPowell> Looks like you made your goal then JohnTHaller
01:09:19 <kAlug> hi vf2nsr
01:12:44 <PatrickPowell> kAlug: did you see my scripting post
01:12:51 <kAlug> Hmm... no.
01:13:49 <PatrickPowell> well looks like I might have figured out how to get things done in Rednotebook
01:21:57 <PatrickPowell> JohnTHaller: did you get a chance to review the latest revision I emailed you about?
01:22:04 <kAlug> Does anyone here follows @sourceforge or @sfnet_ops on Twitter?
01:23:01 <PatrickPowell> I do
01:23:12 <PatrickPowell> ?
01:24:46 <PatrickPowell> which particular tweet?
01:25:12 <kAlug> One mentioning Chromium Portable, or why their site is (was?) hald-down.
01:25:26 <JohnTHaller> just the blog seems to be having issues at the moment
01:26:16 <kAlug> Last hour, download stats were down too.
01:26:33 <PatrickPowell> yup I reported it to them
01:26:49 <PatrickPowell> I had issues downloading from PA through them
01:26:51 <PatrickPowell> as well
01:34:22 *** techfreak243 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
01:35:05 <PatrickPowell> JohnTHaller: did you see my earlier question?
01:35:54 <JohnTHaller> coding atm, can't really get into anything deep
01:36:09 <PatrickPowell> ok np
01:36:10 <JohnTHaller> PatrickPowell: Would you say your last build of RedNotebook is done done?
01:36:55 <PatrickPowell> JohnTHaller: Complete until 1.4 gets released
01:37:09 <JohnTHaller> what did you change within RN itself?
01:37:36 <PatrickPowell> Nothing I had it all changed in the launcher as noted in the last 2 emails
01:37:52 <PatrickPowell> RN itself won't change till 1.4
01:37:56 <JohnTHaller> Ok. and this won't interfere with a local install or leave anything behind right?
01:38:36 <PatrickPowell> As stated in email local install it will not bother as any file it may write is same for loacl as for Portable
01:38:47 <PatrickPowell> And if no local install nothing is left behind
01:38:55 <JohnTHaller> what is portable is a different version than local
01:38:57 <JohnTHaller> if
01:39:03 <PatrickPowell> Last revision I sent early this am also cleasn clutter
01:39:44 <PatrickPowell> Makes no difference onlt hing it changes are recently used xbel and a few other minor files
01:39:55 <JohnTHaller> ok
01:39:56 <PatrickPowell> I tested thouroughly and it did not affect local
01:40:33 <PatrickPowell> the latest one I sent out today to you has custom launcher code to keep portable data floder clutter free
01:40:51 <PatrickPowell> portable will now l aunch in <2 sec
01:40:51 <JohnTHaller> Ok. I'll push that out tonight then
01:41:11 <PatrickPowell> ok you di did get the file today?
01:41:25 <JohnTHaller> 2am
01:41:50 <PatrickPowell> ok let me double check th etime
01:42:34 <PatrickPowell> We are on NY time?
01:42:47 <PatrickPowell> then yes that was it
01:42:48 <JohnTHaller> yea
01:43:00 <PatrickPowell> ok well we a little slower in Maine lol
01:43:19 <PatrickPowell> Awesome and tyvm
01:43:33 <kAlug> .time GMT
01:43:51 <kAlug> .now GMT
01:43:59 <kAlug> .t GMT
01:43:59 <GizmoBot> Tue, 28 Feb 2012 01:43:59 GMT
01:44:47 <PatrickPowell> .t GMT -4
01:44:47 <GizmoBot> PatrickPowell: Sorry, I don't know about the 'GMT -4' timezone.
01:44:58 <PatrickPowell> I tried lol
01:45:37 <kAlug> .t GMT-4
01:45:37 <GizmoBot> kAlug: Sorry, I don't know about the 'GMT-4' timezone.
01:45:45 <PatrickPowell> .t gmt -5
01:45:45 <GizmoBot> PatrickPowell: Sorry, I don't know about the 'gmt -5' timezone.
01:45:54 <kAlug> .wa GMT-4
01:45:58 <GizmoBot> Couldn't grab results from json stringified precioussss.
01:46:02 <PatrickPowell> .t gmt (-5)
01:46:02 <GizmoBot> PatrickPowell: Sorry, I don't know about the 'gmt (-5)' timezone.
01:46:15 <kAlug> .t UTC-4
01:46:15 <GizmoBot> kAlug: Sorry, I don't know about the 'UTC-4' timezone.
01:46:34 <PatrickPowell> .t edt
01:46:34 <GizmoBot> Mon, 27 Feb 2012 21:46:34 EDT
01:46:45 <PatrickPowell> .t est
01:46:45 <GizmoBot> Mon, 27 Feb 2012 20:46:45 EST
01:46:54 <PatrickPowell> that the one lol
01:48:30 <PatrickPowell> kAlug: I knew I could figure it out
01:48:57 <kAlug> I knew of that.
01:48:59 <kAlug> .t BRST
01:48:59 <GizmoBot> Mon, 27 Feb 2012 23:48:59 BRST
01:49:28 <kAlug> But I wanted to see if it supported UTF-relative timezones.
01:49:40 <kAlug> .t America/Sao_Paulo
01:49:40 <GizmoBot> Mon, 27 Feb 2012 22:49:40 BRT
01:49:58 <PatrickPowell> GizmoBot: you have a list of all your commands?
01:50:23 <kAlug> GizmoBot: .commands
01:50:45 <kAlug> .t UTC-04
01:50:45 <GizmoBot> kAlug: Sorry, I don't know about the 'UTC-04' timezone.
01:52:37 <kAlug> GizmoBot: help?
01:52:37 <GizmoBot> kAlug: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see for more general details. My owner is Gizmokid2005.
01:52:54 <kAlug> PatrickPowell: ^
01:53:46 <PatrickPowell> yup just asked him lol
01:57:06 *** PatrickPowell is now known as PatPowell|Away
01:58:03 *** PatPowell|Away has parted #portableapps (None)
01:58:09 *** PatPowell|Away (~PatrickPo@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
01:58:09 <GizmoBot> PatPowell|Away is a developer. The apps he is working on can be found here:
03:00:47 *** GordCaswell (~GordCaswe@unaffiliated/ve4jhj) has joined #portableapps
03:00:53 <GizmoBot> GordCaswell is a developer. The apps he is working on can be found here:
03:02:37 <kAlug> hi GordCaswell
03:02:47 <GordCaswell> hi kAlug.
03:03:05 <GordCaswell> i'm badgering gizmobot...i've often wodered what all it had for commands
03:03:17 <GordCaswell> and by wodered, i mean wondered
03:04:49 <kAlug> How you doing Gord?
03:05:56 <GordCaswell> not too bad. trying to figure out why MichaelDW is having issues with the xnview upgrade, can't see where the issue would be
03:09:13 *** AlleyKat has quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
03:10:02 *** AlleyKat ( has joined #portableapps
03:11:09 <GordCaswell> kAlug: you?
03:12:24 *** JohnTHaller has parted #portableapps (None)
03:19:03 <kAlug> I'm fine. Pluzzed to see 4x more downloads than usual from Chromium Portable yesterday. Where came all those people from?
03:20:20 <GordCaswell> maybe from people subscribed to your topic? they may have seen your update...
03:21:32 <kAlug> Possibly. The official RSS feed has only 21 subscribers.
03:21:57 <kAlug> Or maybe because I finally decided to write a release notes post.
03:22:15 <GordCaswell> yeah, maybe
03:22:31 <kAlug> Anyway, they haven't visited the site. They downloaded it directly.
03:24:29 <GordCaswell> so maybe people watching the tracker? your new post would've shown up there
03:24:53 *** agdurrette|AFK is now known as agdurrette
03:26:07 <kAlug> Yeah... what makes me think: what if SourceForge sent John a bill for bandwidth and storage costs?
03:27:09 <GordCaswell> Geez, if they started doing that, we'd be in trouble...need some MAJOR fundraising then to keep the site going
03:28:11 <kAlug> Maybe if we ask the folks which donated to CyanogenMod... ;)
03:31:02 <kAlug> They needed two new servers, then they asked for donations... they got enough money to buy them in <24hrs.
03:32:08 <GordCaswell> nice...hopefully, once John's ready to do a fundraising drive, we're able to get one together, and most users are willing to put funds forward
03:34:22 <kAlug> Wow... that was fast.
03:34:38 <GordCaswell> ?
03:35:08 <kAlug> *Possible* spam attack. Removed after 1 post.
03:39:14 <kAlug> I'm now becoming scared of Chromium's dev team...
03:39:34 <kAlug> (see last phrase in the page)
03:40:54 <GordCaswell> and yet again, we users are too stupid to do anything for has to be done for us.
03:48:40 <kAlug> You didn't got it, Gord. For them to change your passwords, they need to know the current one...
03:48:47 <kAlug> s/got/get/
03:49:04 <GordCaswell> ah...good point..that's disturbing
03:52:04 <kAlug> For some reason, I don't have the same trust problem with LastPass. Specially after their last security issue and audit.
03:54:52 <GordCaswell> The point that's being made is that you won't know your own password...Google will store them for you.
03:58:18 <kAlug> I don't know most of mine either (not even the one for the forums or my emails). They're all 16-byte alphanumeric+special passwords (to the extent allowed by the site) protected by one of 5 mnemonic passwords of same security level.
03:59:02 <kAlug> And I only remember those 5 because of my keyboard. My online life will ruin if I need to switch to a Dvorak keyboard.
04:00:41 <kAlug> Well, I think I spoke too much here...
04:00:48 <GordCaswell> Personally, i store everything in keepass...some are really google one, for example, is alphanumeric/special, 84bit. I have an sd card that I use as the key to get into keepass.
04:01:11 <GordCaswell> heh. not really, just normal security measures
04:06:07 <kAlug> Well, at least no one of uses has a SD card used as key to another SD card which contains the key for the database... stored in yet another SD card. #ParanoiaUpToEleven
04:06:26 *** agdurrette is now known as agdurrette|AFK
04:06:41 <GordCaswell> haha...that is indeed paranoid
04:12:11 <kAlug> AHH!!! Wikipedia error!
04:12:27 <kAlug> The world is going to end!
04:13:29 <kAlug> Alright, being serious...
04:14:12 <kAlug> "The Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit organisation which hosts some of the most popular sites on the Internet, including Wikipedia. It has a constant need to purchase new hardware. If you would like to help, please donate."
04:14:38 <kAlug> These guys don't miss a chance, uh?
04:19:52 *** kAlug has quit (Quit: NOW I spoke too much. Time to 'shutdown -h now' myself.)
04:29:18 *** PatPowell|Away is now known as PatrickPowell
04:30:06 *** PatrickPowell has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
04:30:36 *** PatrickPowell (~PatrickPo@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
04:30:36 <GizmoBot> PatrickPowell is a developer. The apps he is working on can be found here:
04:40:42 <PatrickPowell> GordCaswell: Still trying to figure out what is up with XNview?
04:41:40 <GordCaswell> yup. I can't duplicate the problem the user is indicating, and neither the installer nor the launcher re-write the ini file, so i'm not sure what's going on
04:44:43 <PatrickPowell> so th eporgram itself is creating the ini
04:45:37 <GordCaswell> quite possibly, although it shouldn't - the file already exists. I'm trying to get more information to find out what's going on
04:52:10 <PatrickPowell> So I see
04:53:34 <PatrickPowell> looks like spammers on loose on forum
04:54:12 <GordCaswell> indeed...yet again, i wish i could take care of it, but alas.
04:55:14 <PatrickPowell> I see one thing maybe?
04:55:19 <GordCaswell> ?
04:56:37 <PatrickPowell> maybe no tlet me look some more Unfortuantely I can not get at my old driv eright now so can not view the old version
04:57:08 <PatrickPowell> Why is settings in default folder....Doesnt new launcher make it automatically?
04:58:26 <GordCaswell> it does, but there's default LastDrive and LastPackagePartialDir within the xnview.ini, so they need to be dealt with. It's normal, and neccessary
05:00:33 <PatrickPowell> ah ok
05:03:45 <PatrickPowell> can I ask one more stupid question?
05:03:53 <GordCaswell> giv'r
05:04:42 <PatrickPowell> ok I see files move from appdir for the xnview ini but appdur does not have it the data does?
05:06:25 <PatrickPowell> if it was there in old version and no tmoved to data properly then it would have been erased on new build
05:06:40 <PatrickPowell> any link to old build?
05:06:45 <GordCaswell> You've got it backwards. It moves from DataDir to PAL:AppDir\XnView
05:07:33 <PatrickPowell> right but if the old one was not actually saving it in data then it got replaced by the new one?
05:07:37 <PatrickPowell> just a thought?
05:08:17 <PatrickPowell> follow what I mean?
05:08:25 <GordCaswell> It was saving it in started by copying the file to appdir, and on closing, copied it back. it didn't rename, which is a mistake of the original developer.
05:08:56 <PatrickPowell> ok so you can confirm that was actually occuring on old build?
05:09:12 <GordCaswell> indeed i can. i checked on my copy of it
05:09:20 <PatrickPowell> ok
05:09:23 <PatrickPowell> hmmmm
05:10:01 <PatrickPowell> in thtat case I weould love to see his whole program wonde rif it was "customized?"
05:10:31 <GordCaswell> yeah, that's the only thing i can think of at this time. Waiting for a reply from him, though
05:11:30 <PatrickPowell> also curious where he installs it to?
05:12:00 <GordCaswell> shouldn't matter, but by looking at his pastebins, it looks like to a default location
05:12:41 <PatrickPowell> perusing those now
05:14:26 <PatrickPowell> I see one in the old ini that looks odd? Given that the rest are in accepatable places
05:14:55 <PatrickPowell> line 198 of old ini
05:16:24 <GordCaswell> That's on line 191 of the new one
05:17:10 <PatrickPowell> ok?
05:17:52 <GordCaswell> it's a directory listing, i don't see why it would be an issue
05:18:18 <PatrickPowell> I just mean that ws an odd directory on the PA format drive desktop?
05:18:48 <PatrickPowell> IDK guess best th ing is to leave it between you two and wait till you mor einfo
05:19:43 <GordCaswell> Yeah, odd setup, but all that would have happened is the drive letter would have been updated...there's nothing that would change entries
05:25:19 <PatrickPowell> I should learn not to step in on topics I know little about
05:25:39 <GordCaswell> heh. It never hurts to ask questions
05:25:51 *** PatrickPowell has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
05:26:22 *** PatrickPowell (~PatrickPo@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
05:26:22 <GizmoBot> PatrickPowell is a developer. The apps he is working on can be found here:
05:26:52 *** PatrickPowell is now known as PatPowell|Away
05:36:36 *** PatPowell|Away has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
05:41:49 *** GordCaswell has quit (Quit: GordCaswell)
07:14:35 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
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12:11:11 *** ZachThibeau (~Dad@unaffiliated/zachthibeau) has joined #portableapps
12:11:11 <GizmoBot> ZachThibeau is the main developer of PChat and is a developer with
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13:32:54 *** OliverK is now known as beerK
13:46:14 *** pa_7187 (4241bdfe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
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18:31:36 *** vf2nsr (~PatrickPo@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
18:31:36 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
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19:32:26 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
19:35:29 *** agdurrette is now known as agdurrette|AFK
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19:49:45 *** vf2nsr has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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20:10:30 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
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21:18:24 <GizmoBot> Bensawsome is from the forums, likes waffles VERY MUCH, and has a site at . He also maintains StatBot and the IRCStats pages @
21:22:22 *** vf2nsr (~PatrickPo@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
21:22:22 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
21:22:42 <vf2nsr> JohnTHaller: I want to appologize
21:24:27 <vf2nsr> JohnTHaller: I apparently gave you th ewrong link to the final update to TNB
21:24:31 <vf2nsr> RNB
21:28:56 <vf2nsr> will get the right link to you directly
21:29:43 *** kAlug (~kalug@ has joined #portableapps
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22:00:07 <vf2nsr|away> JohnTHaller: you got mail
22:03:06 *** agdurrette|AFK is now known as agdurrette
22:06:40 *** vf2nsr|away is now known as PatPowell|Away
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23:04:50 *** PatrickPowell has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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