IRC Log from 2012-04-18
00:47:05 *** vf2nsr is now known as vf2nsr|away
01:08:03 *** gluxon has parted #portableapps (None)
01:13:15 *** gluxon (~gluxon@unaffiliated/gluxon) has joined #portableapps
01:22:30 *** goolac (a85bff64@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
01:22:41 <goolac> good evening
01:23:15 <goolac> I need to report a suspicious file in the LibreOffice update i just downloaded
01:23:29 <goolac> E:\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\program\filterconfiglo.dll\filterconfiglo.dll
01:24:15 <goolac> McAfee Virus Scan flagged this as a virus Ransom-G.a
01:24:58 <kAlug> goolac: hold on
01:26:09 <Gizmokid2005> .def false_positive
01:26:09 <GizmoBot> false_positive
01:26:13 <Gizmokid2005> goolac: ^
01:26:52 <kAlug> goolac: To be sure, upload the file to
01:27:14 <kAlug> Gizmokid2005: Where can I get a list of def's?
01:27:29 <Gizmokid2005> there isn't one
01:27:48 <goolac> the damn scanner keeps deleting it LOL
01:28:19 <goolac> will have to do this when i get back home -school computer has the VS admin locked out
01:29:57 <goolac> i was hoping that was the issue that it was FP but then again better safe than sorry
01:30:56 <kAlug> So McAfee deleted the file? If so, I think you'll need to reinstall it.
01:32:35 <gluxon> goolac: Essentially, we're saying that the file is not a virus, but rather a miscalculation by McAfee
01:33:41 <goolac> yes mcafee deleted it and i will have to reinstall the file when i get home
01:34:35 <goolac> but untill mcafee fixes their defs, this will not be able to run at the college
01:35:39 <goolac> thank you for the assistance...I think this is the best thing for portable computing since the usb flash drive was invented
01:35:42 <kAlug> filterconfig… maybe it's not required by LibreOffice. Just stay away from filters.
01:36:14 <goolac> actually LO will not run...gets to the splash but then does nothing
01:37:20 <kAlug> Ah… bad guess then.
01:37:46 <goolac> ok that opens a new do you remove an app from the start.exe
01:38:42 <kAlug> The entire app?
01:38:49 <kAlug> Including settings?
01:39:12 <goolac> yeah but i found it....did not realize that Right-Click worked LOL
01:42:11 <gluxon> goolac: Like you just found, you can remove an app from the Menu by right clicking and searching for "Uninstall" or just deleting its entire folder un X:\PortableApps
01:44:14 <goolac> I have been a user of PA since it first hit the web...i would brag about the Platinum package and how awesome it was then one of my students came in and asked what i thought of the NEW version...I was like What new version?
01:47:56 <goolac> This new version is AMAZING I love the auto-update and the built in app-manager. I can see why S3 fell off the face of the earth
01:48:45 <goolac> I show all of my classes this software at the beginning of the semester so they can run Chrome on these old school computers
01:48:45 <kAlug> did you mean: U3?
01:48:59 <goolac> yes U3 ..
01:49:46 <goolac> i use the heck out of the portable wire-shark
01:53:16 <gluxon> goolac: Wow. Out of curiosity, what do you teach?
02:04:35 <goolac> computer troubleshooting -A+ cert
02:04:56 <goolac> C++, Java and Perl
02:06:07 <goolac> although the school is switching to M$oft for their programming core and so C# ASP will be taught next year and I will only be teaching the A+
02:08:18 <gluxon> That kind of sucks that C++, Java, and Perl are being removed.
02:08:43 <gluxon> C# and ASP aren't too portable or cross-platform.
02:09:32 *** kAlug is now known as kAlug|Away
02:11:41 <goolac> yep i agree....the local businesses are on the tech board and guess what their IT departments they have steered our program to help feed their needs
02:13:41 <goolac> they hate me as an IT instructor as I have a dim view on Microsoft and as such my students are resistive to learning .net or c# when they get internships LOL
02:14:02 <gluxon> goolac: Yeah, and I hate the thought of Microsoft restricting closed programming languages to their platform, then extending it to students to ensure that they will create Windows applications in the future.
02:14:24 <gluxon> goolac: I personally think that's great.
02:14:44 <goolac> yep but then again....the business world speaks Msoft and not OpenSource
02:16:14 <gluxon> goolac: And with the rage of iDevices, soon they'll be speaking Apple.
02:16:54 <goolac> funny you should say that...this afternoon i was asked if i wanted to teach the new iphone app class
02:17:30 <goolac> to which i said NO....i hate teaching people how to compete with me in the global market LOL
02:18:15 <gluxon> goolac: Great. Objective-C is a mess.
02:21:22 <goolac> LOL my boss told me that he was glad i said no...He now gets to go to a training camp on how to program for the iphone...I was like were you going to send me if i took the job and he said no because i was an adjunct but because i turned down the offer he now gets to go...what a dick
02:30:05 <gluxon> Let's hope they poison his mind at the training camp.
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02:38:12 *** kAlug|Away is now known as Aerok
02:39:03 <Aerok> Interesting discussion.
02:47:44 *** Aerok has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
03:01:18 *** kAlug (~kalug@2001:0:53aa:64c:e7:4996:36ff:c7e2) has joined #portableapps
03:02:55 *** vf2nsr|away is now known as vf2nsr
03:03:30 *** gluxon has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
03:06:42 *** kAlug has quit (Quit: Serve. Obey. Heed. #April20thIsTheNineteenth)
04:29:24 *** vf2nsr has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
04:53:30 *** gluxon (~gluxon@unaffiliated/gluxon) has joined #portableapps
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05:28:51 *** vf2nsr (~Aztec@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
05:28:51 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
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06:46:25 *** m3b ( has joined #portableapps
06:46:31 *** m3b is now known as meb81
06:46:36 <meb81> morning, hows it going?
06:46:40 <meb81> ne one around?
07:17:24 *** meb81 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
07:43:29 *** Darwin4Ever ( has joined #portableapps
08:54:49 *** Mouzi ( has joined #portableapps
08:56:48 <Mouzi> Heyy, I have an app that doesn't respect it's own %appdata% variable, can NSIS still handle that?
08:56:59 <Mouzi> I haven't actually used NSIS before
09:07:03 *** kAlug (c900381d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
09:07:13 <kAlug> Mouzi: are you still there?
09:07:24 <Mouzi> I am
09:07:46 <kAlug> Why are you using NSIS and not PAL?
09:08:20 <Mouzi> I'm not actually using anything yet, I'm just trying to figure out how I should proceed with this
09:08:45 <kAlug> Ah. Take a look here: and here:
09:09:24 <Mouzi> I would have just done a .bat file that does set APPDATA=%CD% etc but the application doesn't use it's own environment variables for it
09:09:45 <Mouzi> it will still put it's file in the real global %appdata% path
09:10:28 <Mouzi> Yeah, I've been gone through those for a bit
09:10:45 <kAlug> Take a look at Audacity Portable, I think it has to do something like that.
09:11:00 <kAlug> Sorry, have to go now. I'll be back in a few minutes
09:11:05 <Mouzi> alright, thanks
09:11:07 *** kAlug is now known as kAlug|Away
09:16:32 <Mouzi> so audacity portable moves the directory after it's created?
09:20:30 <Mouzi> the one I'm working on has a settings file in appdata and it will create that with default values if it doesn't exist, so to make it portable I'd have to first move a copy of the settings to appdata -> launch the app -> remove the temporary copies when it closes?
09:21:35 <Mouzi> oh and of course copy them back again if the settings changed
09:39:49 <kAlug|Away> Mouzi: I think so. PAL does that automatically:
09:40:05 <kAlug|Away> Post to the forums if you have any other question.
09:40:23 *** kAlug|Away has quit (Quit: Serve. Obey. Heed. #April20thIsTheNineteenth)
09:53:24 *** Mir_ ( has joined #portableapps
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11:24:53 *** bschauer (8dc9d8c9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
11:25:34 <bschauer> Hello there, I've one question regarding Firefox Portable
11:26:52 <bschauer> If I want to include Firefox Portable on a CD-Rom ready to be used after inserted and distribute this CD-Rom, are there any restrictions or things I have to consider?
12:02:16 *** sar3th (~sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
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17:31:04 *** Mir_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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19:59:07 *** JAWS (~JAWS@ has joined #portableapps
19:59:28 *** vf2nsr (~Aztec@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
19:59:28 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
20:00:05 <JAWS> hello, I'd like to thank all of those here for the fantastic job they have done at PA.c!
20:04:48 *** benedikt93 has quit (Quit: Bye ;))
20:05:42 <JAWS> Has anyone else found that there Google Chrome has this W32.Virut.Gen.D-148 found by ClamAV in chrome.dll? The file is too big for Jotti and Virustotal. I also scanned it with Avira and it reported nothing. False positive probably?
20:06:05 <vf2nsr> My Vipre has found no issues with it
20:06:56 <JAWS> wow, I just realized how wordy that was. Thanks for the quick response vf2nsr! :)
20:07:16 <vf2nsr> no problem I believe on forums it is discussed as well
20:07:53 <JAWS> oh, I tried searching but didn't see anything
20:08:08 <vf2nsr> maybe I worng hang in sec
20:09:51 <vf2nsr> thought I saw it recently
20:09:59 <vf2nsr> about a dll file
20:10:27 <vf2nsr> I would post it to forum then
20:10:44 <vf2nsr> also is the Clam AV up to date?
20:10:47 *** gluxon (~gluxon@unaffiliated/gluxon) has joined #portableapps
20:11:25 <JAWS> yes, just updated before I scanned
20:12:05 <JAWS> would you be able to post it, I don't have an account
20:12:22 <JAWS> I'm not allowed :p
20:12:28 <vf2nsr> As I do not have the details nor the issue would be best if you did
20:12:38 <vf2nsr> why are you not allowed to create an account
20:13:11 <JAWS> parents
20:14:30 <JAWS> they don't want me to make an email and such
20:14:41 <gluxon> JAWS: Posting an app?
20:14:45 <vf2nsr> hang on moment please
20:16:17 *** sar3th (~sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
20:16:17 <JAWS> gluxon: false positive possibly for GC
20:16:27 *** andreasma has quit (Quit: Verlassend)
20:16:40 <gluxon> JAWS: Could you upload just chrome.dll to virustotal?
20:16:54 <JAWS> gluxon: too big
20:17:03 <gluxon> Really?
20:17:11 <gluxon> Can you email it to me then?
20:17:22 <gluxon> I'm running Linux, which doesn't utilize dll's, so I'm fine.
20:18:50 <JAWS> well, I would but that's the problem. My parents won't let me get an email or I'd post it myself
20:19:04 <gluxon> Ah.
20:19:29 <JAWS> thanks, though :)
20:19:38 <gluxon> How about this? ->
20:20:12 <gluxon> 5GB max and no registration.
20:20:45 <JAWS> ok, will it ever get deleted from the site?
20:21:21 <JAWS> like pastebin does (I think that's what it's called)
20:21:57 <vf2nsr> bbiaf
20:22:11 *** vf2nsr is now known as vf2nsr|away
20:23:45 <JAWS> well, I'm submitting it. Might take a while, slow connection
20:24:25 <gluxon> JAWS: I think filedropper clears it after a while.
20:24:37 <JAWS> ccok
20:24:42 <JAWS> *ok
20:24:45 <vf2nsr|away> JAWS did it give the specific file?
20:24:53 <vf2nsr|away> that was alledgedly infected?
20:25:05 *** vf2nsr|away is now known as vf2nsr
20:25:43 <JAWS> the chrome.dll
20:26:32 <JAWS> 12% uploaded so far
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20:35:35 <vf2nsr> FWIW
20:36:10 <vf2nsr> I believe this is the issue
20:37:30 <gluxon> Okay, so this is a false positive then.
20:37:37 <gluxon> And it looks like the fix is already pushed.
20:37:38 <vf2nsr> appears to be
20:37:52 <vf2nsr> also when I ran the update on clam it would not get the daily
20:37:59 <vf2nsr> maybe because portable not sure
20:38:08 <JAWS> ok, thanks
20:38:13 <vf2nsr> I suggest he wait till tomorrow and try updating signature again
20:38:26 <JAWS> I did update sigs
20:38:32 <vf2nsr> I did too
20:38:41 <JAWS> hmm
20:38:45 <vf2nsr> BUT IT said unable to update daily signature
20:38:56 <vf2nsr> so it might be fixed but we can not get the download
20:39:08 <JAWS> ok
20:39:51 <JAWS> thanks for all the help, sorry for the trouble
20:40:00 <vf2nsr> also it is discusse dhere
20:40:11 <vf2nsr> no worries no trouble
20:40:56 <JAWS> ok, well thanks again everyone
20:41:48 *** vf2nsr is now known as vf2nsr|away
20:46:29 <JAWS> see you all, thanks everyone! ;)
20:46:31 *** JAWS has parted #portableapps (None)
21:14:01 *** gluxon has parted #portableapps (None)
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22:11:54 *** JohnTHaller ( has joined #portableapps
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22:44:42 <JohnTHaller> Thoughts on file associations:
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23:08:37 *** vf2nsr (~Aztec@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
23:08:37 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
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23:16:48 <vf2nsr> JohnTHaller: did you happen to catch this conversation from the logs?
23:17:26 <vf2nsr> if not just wanted to let you know in case it comes up again'
23:19:11 <JohnTHaller> ClamAV false positives are, unfortunately, a bit common.
23:20:10 <vf2nsr> yes I spoke with gluxon and confirmed the it on my end with Clam but also confirmed not on My Vipre just thought would let you know in case it show up in forum
23:25:16 *** Darwin4Ever has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)