IRC Log from 2012-04-21
00:08:22 *** sar3th has quit (Quit: "Our culture doesn't get smarter, it just finds new ways of being retarded.")
00:15:24 *** AlleyKat has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:49:25 *** Ray039 ( has joined #portableapps
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02:01:36 *** vf2nsr|afk is now known as vf2nsr
02:12:37 *** JWHough ( has joined #portableapps
02:12:37 <GizmoBot> JWHough JW Hough (aka Pyromaniac) is a developer at and has been a member for over 3 years. You can find his apps at
02:20:03 *** Marlus (~marlop@ has joined #portableapps
02:20:39 *** Marlus has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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02:25:54 *** pa_5061 (ada746d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
02:32:51 <pa_5061> Hello i am having some trouible with the platform (10.0,1) and Google Chrome. does anyone have a moment?
02:33:59 <gluxon> pa_5061: Yes, what's the issue?
02:34:49 <pa_5061> well I downloaded the platformk anjd installed a few apps they all work except chrome. more
02:35:41 <pa_5061> I can run chrome directl6y from the apps folder but in the platform menu when I click on iot it just dies, no launch
02:36:34 <gluxon> So when you run GoogleChromePortable.exe it runs, but not in the Menu?
02:36:43 <pa_5061> yes
02:37:14 <gluxon> Okay, can you try a reinstall of Google Chrome Portable?
02:37:34 <pa_5061> uninstalled then reinstalled same result
02:38:23 <gluxon> Can you post the contents of X:\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini
02:38:42 <gluxon> To a service such as
02:38:55 <pa_5061> ill see
02:39:14 <gluxon> That section is what define the entries in the Menu
02:41:34 <gluxon> GoogleChromePortable.exe hasn't been renamed, correct?
02:45:54 <pa_5061>
02:46:08 <pa_5061> not remaned
02:46:21 <pa_5061> not RENAMED
02:46:56 <pa_5061> sorry for the delay had to set up account
02:47:01 <gluxon> The contents of that file are as they should be, and the file isn't renamed.
02:47:03 <gluxon> ..
02:47:13 <gluxon> To note, doesn't *require* registration.
02:47:24 <gluxon> But that's fine if you did :)
02:47:25 <pa_5061> oh well..
02:48:06 <gluxon> There's really no reason why Chrome shouldn't be launching from the Menu.
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02:48:39 <gluxon> GoogleChromePortable.exe and appinfo.ini are intact.
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02:48:55 <gluxon> pa_5061: Can you refresh the menu through a right-click and launch it again?
02:50:38 <pa_5061> i quil portable apps and relaunched it and it seems to be working now.
02:50:51 <pa_5061> thank you
02:51:14 <gluxon> Good. Glad to be of service :)
02:51:42 <pa_5061> strange it was only chrome with an issue but hey, whatever works.
02:51:43 <gluxon> Also, a refresh can be done by right clicking on any application and selecting the refresh option.
02:51:45 <gluxon> That will reload the apps.
02:52:10 <pa_5061> thanks again and bye
02:52:15 <gluxon> Bye.
02:52:22 *** pa_5061 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
03:11:54 <vf2nsr> btw nice work gluxon am busy in another chat venue so was not of much help
03:12:12 <gluxon> vf2nsr: Yep no probme.
03:12:14 <gluxon> *probmel
03:12:15 <gluxon> ..
03:12:18 <gluxon> *problem
03:12:30 <vf2nsr> I majored in typoneese lol
03:12:36 <gluxon> Asking users to refresh their menus is kind of easy.
03:13:17 <vf2nsr> beat me I am on a chat program user want to know why his mic doesn't work I aske dhim what type of mic he replied OH I have to have mic to talk?
03:13:20 <vf2nsr> go figure
03:15:13 <gluxon> ..
03:15:15 <gluxon> Wow.
03:15:37 <vf2nsr> yup sometimes I think there is a full moon every night
03:38:59 *** vf2nsr has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
03:51:21 *** JWHough ( has joined #portableapps
03:51:21 <GizmoBot> JWHough JW Hough (aka Pyromaniac) is a developer at and has been a member for over 3 years. You can find his apps at
04:58:49 *** Mouzi ( has joined #portableapps
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05:15:34 *** kAlug (~kalug@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c09:28d6:44f4:9910) has joined #portableapps
05:15:51 <Kiriko> kAlug: Hey
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05:21:11 <Kiriko> .seen JohnTHaller
05:21:11 <GizmoBot> Kiriko: I last saw johnthaller at 2012-04-19 22:27:41 UTC on #portableapps
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05:44:33 *** JWHough ( has joined #portableapps
05:44:33 <GizmoBot> JWHough JW Hough (aka Pyromaniac) is a developer at and has been a member for over 3 years. You can find his apps at
06:03:42 *** kAlug (~kalug@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c09:28d6:44f4:9910) has joined #portableapps
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06:24:41 <GizmoBot> JWHough JW Hough (aka Pyromaniac) is a developer at and has been a member for over 3 years. You can find his apps at
06:29:02 *** kAlug (~kalug@ has joined #portableapps
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07:09:06 *** Marlus (~marlop@ has joined #portableapps
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07:18:30 *** Oni-Neoxes (~Oni-Neoxe@unaffiliated/oni-neoxes) has joined #portableapps
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08:00:34 *** Darwin4Ever ( has joined #portableapps
08:19:32 *** sar3th (~sar3th@unaffiliated/sar3th) has joined #portableapps
08:52:52 *** Mir has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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10:41:55 <GizmoBot> GizmoBot is the official bot of #Gizmokid2005 and #PortableApps.
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13:57:10 *** JWHough ( has joined #portableapps
13:57:10 <GizmoBot> JWHough JW Hough (aka Pyromaniac) is a developer at and has been a member for over 3 years. You can find his apps at
14:06:40 *** JWHough has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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17:39:26 *** vf2nsr (~Aztec@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
17:39:27 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
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18:12:05 *** GordCaswell (~GordCaswe@unaffiliated/ve4jhj) has joined #portableapps
18:12:11 <GizmoBot> GordCaswell is a developer. The apps he is working on can be found here:
18:13:07 <vf2nsr> Hi GordCaswell
18:13:28 <GordCaswell> hi patrick
18:15:24 <vf2nsr> got everything updated finally?
18:16:03 <GordCaswell> more or less. figured out the issue with fre:ac, updating my build now, and then uploading rev 2
18:16:14 <vf2nsr> sweet
18:16:28 <vf2nsr> you know much about kde?
18:16:42 <GordCaswell> not much. what're you wondering?
18:17:18 <vf2nsr> well in amarok the windows developer said language switching not there since he not include files Yet I see them so not sure how to wook them
18:17:31 <vf2nsr> or how KDE hooks them
18:18:58 <GordCaswell> they may be left overs from the linux to windows port
18:19:09 <GordCaswell> are you able to change the language within the app?
18:19:34 <vf2nsr> to be honest never checked Stupid me guess I should do that first
18:19:45 <vf2nsr> But seem to remember in an ini file somewhere
18:19:52 <vf2nsr> guess I neeed to look
18:21:31 <vf2nsr> wow can not believe I was so numb to not check :)
18:21:41 <GordCaswell> it happens
18:22:13 <GordCaswell> just because there's no option doesn't mean it's not possible, just a matter usually of setting LANG or something in that case
18:23:06 <vf2nsr> I remember checking Help which does not function because was never ported over
18:23:15 <vf2nsr> but not the languages....checking now
18:31:00 <vf2nsr> Looking on web I think you are right looks like it requires full blown KDE to do so since it is thru the h elp area
18:33:19 <vf2nsr> Thanks GordCaswell for opening my eyes lol
18:36:02 *** vf2nsr is now known as PatPowell|away
18:43:49 <OliverK|Away> PatPowell|away: goodluck with amarok . . . . . kde is so bloated even on linux. And this from a KDE user
18:44:51 <PatPowell|away> OliverK|Away: Thanks got it finally wqorking but languages may never work in fact found out that the portable version was never meant to be portable but rather a way to get around windows uac
18:45:53 <OliverK|Away> lol
18:45:58 <OliverK|Away> typical linux
18:46:05 <OliverK|Away> and typical linux port to windows BS
18:46:17 <OliverK|Away> so, other then me being a downer, how's everything going?
18:46:59 <PatPowell|away> so far so good since I fixed all the screw ups it was causing
18:47:19 <PatPowell|away> and figured out how to shut down the processes after the main program closed
18:47:48 *** PatPowell|away is now known as PatrickPowell
18:48:41 *** AlleyKat ( has joined #portableapps
18:56:16 <PatrickPowell> OliverK|Away: how is Geany still issues with installer?
18:56:45 <OliverK|Away> i don't know
18:56:51 <OliverK|Away> i think its a windows 7 issue
18:57:15 <PatrickPowell> Oh Ok
18:57:34 <OliverK|Away> its not writing things as it should - and its NOT the way my installer configured
18:57:42 <OliverK|Away> its just barfing on things
18:57:55 <OliverK|Away> check github, or the blog, I wrote them there . . . . lemme look
18:58:58 <OliverK|Away> hahahaha
18:59:35 <PatrickPowell> I do not understand your IM ??
19:00:06 <OliverK|Away>
19:00:16 <OliverK|Away> PatrickPowell: which operating system are you using?
19:00:22 <PatrickPowell> 7
19:00:25 <OliverK|Away> d,am
19:00:28 <OliverK|Away> damn*
19:00:35 <OliverK|Away> okay, that's the github repo for geanyportable
19:00:36 <PatrickPowell> got xp as well though
19:00:50 <OliverK|Away> try geany portable (latest release) on xp
19:00:54 <OliverK|Away> then install it on 7
19:01:19 <PatrickPowell> ok cause I took the none portable version and just imported it into program seemed to run ok
19:01:23 <OliverK|Away> its permissions issues I can't figure out. Granted, I haven't take the tim to
19:01:30 <PatrickPowell> let me grab it from there
19:01:47 <OliverK|Away> do a multiple instance launch
19:02:15 <PatrickPowell> oh ok did not do that figured that was something not normally done
19:02:27 <OliverK|Away> from towo different locations. Its should say no, but it doesn't. And that WORKED in the previous release. But I never tested on windows 7 because I never had computers running it
19:02:42 <OliverK|Away> also the gtkrc isn't being passwed around like it should
19:02:49 <OliverK|Away> just lots of little things
19:02:50 <PatrickPowell> ah ok
19:02:58 <PatrickPowell> np Was just curious
19:03:10 <PatrickPowell> ok not familiar with how to grab it from GitHub
19:03:20 <OliverK|Away> gee, my issue on github is super helpful
19:03:25 <OliverK|Away> okie dokie - short version
19:03:53 <OliverK|Away> okie dokie - git is a version control system so you can track revisions within your code
19:04:11 <OliverK|Away> github is basically an online interface for it
19:04:22 <PatrickPowell> OK Looks like above me lol
19:04:39 <OliverK|Away> okay, look fo rth elittle zip button
19:04:40 <PatrickPowell> sorry
19:04:43 <OliverK|Away> left hand side
19:04:49 <PatrickPowell> ok let me look
19:04:53 <OliverK|Away> about a 1/4 of the way down the page
19:05:07 <OliverK|Away> right under th elink to
19:05:25 <OliverK|Away> no biggie - its not like we teach people about version control systems on portableapps
19:05:44 <PatrickPowell> ok got it getting I t will look
19:06:35 <OliverK|Away> cool
19:06:57 <PatrickPowell> not sure what if anything I can do
19:07:22 <OliverK|Away> PatrickPowell: if you wanna checkout git\github their docs are pretty good:
19:07:32 <OliverK|Away> PatrickPowell: try it and see if you get the same issues
19:07:46 <OliverK|Away> i just recently put windows 7 back on my desktop and I haven't trued it their yet
19:07:47 <PatrickPowell> ok
19:07:52 <OliverK|Away> its still a pretty much vanilla install
19:09:49 <PatrickPowell> ok installin ggit now
19:14:08 <PatrickPowell> OK I got the portable package and appears to be working well so what I need to do to break it?
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19:17:34 *** PatrickPowell has parted #portableapps (None)
19:19:24 *** JWHough ( has joined #portableapps
19:19:24 <GizmoBot> JWHough JW Hough (aka Pyromaniac) is a developer at and has been a member for over 3 years. You can find his apps at
19:22:05 *** vf2nsr (~Aztec@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
19:22:05 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
19:22:40 *** vf2nsr is now known as PatrickPowell
19:26:34 <OliverK|Away> PatrickPowell: install it to two seperate locations
19:26:46 <OliverK|Away> then start one
19:26:49 <OliverK|Away> then start the other
19:26:58 <OliverK|Away> it shoudl error the second time but ti doesn't
19:27:15 <PatrickPowell> ok let me try
19:28:19 <PatrickPowell> when I try I get windows saying running somewhere else please close other instance
19:28:50 <PatrickPowell> that is when I launch from desktop then from PA Drive
19:29:30 <PatrickPowell> However I can launch it multiple times from same place
19:29:47 <OliverK|Away> from the git package?!
19:30:04 <PatrickPowell> from the one I zipped from the git
19:30:17 <PatrickPowell> yes I ran it then put it on PA Drive
19:30:25 <OliverK|Away> good lord
19:30:29 <OliverK|Away> UAC disabled?
19:30:33 <OliverK|Away> anything like that?!
19:30:34 <PatrickPowell> Yes
19:30:40 <OliverK|Away> AHA!
19:30:43 <PatrickPowell> My UAC is wide open
19:30:44 <OliverK|Away> i think :(
19:30:50 <PatrickPowell> I use god mode
19:31:29 <PatrickPowell> want me to test it in restriction
19:31:31 <OliverK|Away> well that would be it then
19:31:48 <OliverK|Away> yesh, needs restrictions - vanilla install like
19:32:04 <PatrickPowell> the only thing is that on second launch from same location I need to k it from my firewall
19:32:20 <OliverK|Away> what?
19:32:47 <PatrickPowell> My AV program when I launch it twice from same location it asks me if I want to allow it
19:33:06 <OliverK|Away> huh
19:33:09 <OliverK|Away> funny av program
19:33:19 <PatrickPowell> Nope secure one lol
19:33:45 <PatrickPowell> Vipre
19:34:11 <PatrickPowell> ok so you want me on a limitted account to try this thing out?
19:34:18 <OliverK|Away> if you would please
19:34:31 <PatrickPowell> ok bbiaf need to create on efor self
19:34:38 <OliverK|Away> okay
19:34:38 <PatrickPowell> how restrictive you want it?
19:34:56 <OliverK|Away> just defaults
19:34:59 <PatrickPowell> ok
19:34:59 <OliverK|Away> actually, you know
19:35:01 <PatrickPowell> bbiaf
19:35:07 <OliverK|Away> let me get off my ass and do it
19:35:32 *** PatrickPowell is now known as PatPowell|away
19:41:08 <PatPowell|away> OK Limitted account launched once ok secondary launch says can not do please close other instance
19:41:15 <OliverK|Away> wow . . .
19:41:38 <OliverK|Away> so, like, the windows 7 setup I was using is completely and totally screwed up somehow
19:41:40 <OliverK|Away> what
19:41:43 <PatPowell|away> let me double check something though please
19:42:37 <PatPowell|away> Hang On I May be skewing this
19:45:47 <PatPowell|away> OK I think I see my problem
19:46:00 *** GordCaswell has quit (Quit: GordCaswell)
19:49:47 <sar3th> git<3
19:50:31 <OliverK|Away> it gets the job done
19:50:33 <OliverK|Away> .t
19:50:33 <GizmoBot> Sat, 21 Apr 2012 19:50:33 GMT
19:50:39 <OliverK|Away> .t cdt
19:50:39 <GizmoBot> Sat, 21 Apr 2012 14:50:39 CDT
19:50:47 <OliverK|Away> man, I need to go to bed
19:51:01 <OliverK|Away> and there is still stuff to do
19:51:16 <OliverK|Away> laters guys - I am in need of some rifle therapy
19:51:28 <OliverK|Away> and i have to move laundry
19:51:36 <OliverK|Away> and do dishes before I cna pass out
19:54:42 *** PatPowell|away has parted #portableapps (None)
20:05:27 <sar3th> lolwat
20:05:34 *** PatPowell|away (~Aztec@unaffiliated/vf2nsr) has joined #portableapps
20:05:34 <GizmoBot> PatPowell|away is a developer. The apps he is working on can be found here:
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20:11:15 <PatrickPowell> OliverK|Away: you still here
20:11:45 <PatrickPowell> check you remail OliverK|Away
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22:13:43 <GizmoBot> vf2nsr Developer for PortableApps Current apps list is at
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