IRC Log from 2015-03-27

03:39:06 *** badon (~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon) has joined #portableapps
04:48:17 *** rbrt13 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
04:57:08 *** AlleyKat has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:00:38 *** AndyJ (a4270de2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
11:00:44 <AndyJ> hi
11:01:07 <AndyJ> does anyone know where i can get hold of version 7u51 of jportable
11:07:25 *** AndyJ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
12:51:16 *** cnobile ( has joined #portableapps
13:21:28 *** AlleyKat ( has joined #portableapps
18:06:23 *** badon has quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:18:19 *** badon (~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon) has joined #portableapps
21:03:22 *** cnobile has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:03:39 *** cnobile ( has joined #portableapps
21:05:57 *** cnobile has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:51:50 *** AlleyKat has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)