IRC Log from 2016-06-09
01:07:53 *** Tobbi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
01:40:41 *** DADSGETNDOWN (48c0a55d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
01:42:25 <DADSGETNDOWN> Help! Thunderbird, I do not see any place to tell it to NOT download or even download messages, I looked at a few sites and the pictures they show are nothing like this version and there is no such text...Any clues ?
01:58:45 *** Guina2e690e1Guin (~Guina_32@ has joined #portableapps
02:23:35 *** DADSGETNDOWN has quit (Quit: Page closed)
02:26:16 *** Guina2e690e1Guin has parted #portableapps (None)
03:24:24 *** pa_6439 (46b5e61c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
03:25:02 <pa_6439> wondered if you knew of Firefox 47 bug preventing watching Amazon video (
03:25:34 <pa_6439> Windows 7 Pro 64bit
03:26:08 <pa_6439> couldn't find a bug report page, but I don't have an account so maybe I can't
03:29:06 *** pa_6439 has quit (Client Quit)
05:09:37 *** Tobbi (~tobbi@supertux/tobbi) has joined #portableapps
05:14:19 *** Tobbi has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
05:15:12 *** ACfromTX has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
05:25:05 *** lasconic has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
05:27:43 *** ACfromTX ( has joined #portableapps
05:29:49 *** lasconic (sid4376@gateway/web/ has joined #portableapps
06:44:25 *** Tobbi (~tobbi@supertux/tobbi) has joined #portableapps
07:40:59 *** Tobbi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:03:22 *** Tobbi (~tobbi@supertux/tobbi) has joined #portableapps
08:50:54 *** newbie64 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
08:58:51 *** newbie64 ( has joined #portableapps
09:44:19 *** Tobbi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:33:49 *** pa_7664 (c0068d44@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
11:34:15 <pa_7664> Hi, how can GOogle Chrome portable be 51.0.2704.84 while 51.0.2704.79 is most recent ?
12:39:21 *** pereba (AdiIRC@unaffiliated/pereba) has joined #portableapps
12:50:05 <pa_7664> help!
12:50:05 <GizmoBot> pa_7664: Welcome to the official chatroom. Ask your question and someone should be able to help you shortly. If you still don't get an answer, try posting on the forums:
12:50:13 <pa_7664> Hi, how can GOogle Chrome portable be 51.0.2704.84 while 51.0.2704.79 is most recent ?
12:54:42 *** pa_7664 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
17:16:10 *** ACfromTX has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
17:29:32 *** ACfromTX ( has joined #portableapps
19:29:54 *** Tobbi (~tobbi@supertux/tobbi) has joined #portableapps
22:31:20 *** Guina2e690e1Guin ( has joined #portableapps
22:48:01 *** Guina2e690e1Guin has parted #portableapps (None)
23:06:45 *** pereba has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
23:37:03 *** newbie64 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:38:02 *** BeVegan ( has joined #portableapps