IRC Log from 2018-03-04
13:03:57 *** makol1995 (5e109643@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
13:04:00 <makol1995> hallo
13:04:55 <makol1995> Today I have realized that the some download urls for portableapps are brocken
13:06:02 <makol1995> When I try to download the VLC app then I get: Oh snap! We can't process this request.
13:06:30 <makol1995> This is the url:
13:08:25 <makol1995> It is the same for CrystalDiskInfo Portable
13:08:48 <makol1995> URL:
13:09:38 <makol1995> Thank you for solving this...
14:11:42 *** makol1995 has quit (Quit: Page closed)