IRC Log from 2018-03-27
03:16:40 <ACfromTX> In the Platform launcher, Apps -> Check for Updates indicates that IrfanView Portable v.4.51 is available, but via the website the download link points to the v.4.50 version (and same for the Plugins link). Can someone please look into that? Thanks in advance.
13:42:48 *** twoelk ( has joined #portableapps
14:51:13 *** pa_0012 (2ea68ede@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
14:58:01 <pa_0012> In \App\AppInfo\Launcher\MyApp.ini section [RegistryKeys] MyApp=HKCU\Software\MyApp creates MyApp.reg. Is it possible to avoid certain values in registry (under HKCU\Software\MyApp) to be written to MyApp.reg?
15:12:49 <pa_0012> NVM, found already > [RegistryValueBackupDelete]
15:15:05 *** Nobo (c3197625@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #portableapps
15:15:14 <Nobo> hey everyone
15:15:54 <Nobo> I m coming here because I am seeking help on a problem with Intellij IDEA portable version
15:16:37 <Nobo> I have juste installed jPortable, jdkPortable, jdkPortable64, and a zip file of Intellij portable version.
15:17:44 <Nobo> and i have installed intellij under F:\PortableApps\Intellij and everything else under F:\PortableApps\CommonFiles (with subdirectories for Java, JDK and JDK64)
15:20:08 <Nobo> my problem is : as soon as I launch the intellij, he says me "no JVM installation found. Please reinstall the product or install a JDK". And I know intellij tries to open the right directory because if i rename JDK to JDK_bck for example, intellij gives me the error "JAVA_HOME (F:\PortableApps\CommonFiles\JDK) does not point to a valid JVM install"
15:21:24 <Nobo> JDK install seems to be wrong for intellij but i cant understand why since I executed all simple steps that install the JDK into this directory. Can anybody help me on that problem ? I am searching for hours now and cant process that ... Going to eat right now, brb in 40m
15:53:59 <Nobo> hey back
16:50:01 *** pa_0012 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
17:19:51 *** twoelk has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
17:40:12 *** twoelk ( has joined #portableapps
17:46:03 <Nobo> hello
18:43:53 *** twoelk has parted #portableapps ("und tschuess")